Trillbilly Worker's Party - Episode 349: The Last Goat

Episode Date: June 28, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I found a new hobby for us. I figured out a new hobby for us Bear with me here. It's one that I hadn't thought about in a really long time But I was walking through the park the other day and there was a guy out there with a metal detector And I stopped and I was like, what are you doing? And he was like and he was like I'm looking for or no I said what are you looking for and he was like I'm looking for jewelry coins and I was like have you found anything? He was like he's I found a weenie I guess he found a hot dog
Starting point is 00:00:41 It was the hot dog was the hot dog like did it have like metals embedded in it I probably did if I just like covered with ants and shit just lay on the ground It's probably like a hot dog from like the 1950s when they still made them with like lead and asbestos and stuff Probably like a hot dog that still has like radioactive material You know I mean like Chernobyl to some shit like that did we need to get into metal detecting? Why is it never occurred? I forgot all about it. It's a hobby you don't see much anymore.
Starting point is 00:01:10 So let me ask you a question about that. So, you know, one man's trash is another man's treasure, right? But like, if I was to use a metal detector on someone's like private property, you know? Like, would I be able then to like come in with bulldozers and just tear that shit up, you know what I mean? Tens if they signed a broad form deed.
Starting point is 00:01:29 Aaron, sit down while we tell you about something called the broad form deed. Mineral rights. Yeah. Oh boy, that's a little coal mining humor to kick us off to the... I have a couple questions about the weenie one. Was it buried or did he just come across the land on the ground?
Starting point is 00:01:46 And did he eat it? He didn't clear I didn't I didn't press him seems like he was making a joke He wanted to do a bit he wanted to do a routine and I I was his audience I got myself into it by asking him in the first place. I mean, I mean dude, I'm so bored with life That I will talk to literally anybody like I'm I'm serious if I just see someone doing something they can be like raking fucking gravel I'll be like what are you doing I want let me let me get in on that oh also to have to say a usually like an eight-year-old Some people have a good mister
Starting point is 00:02:27 Can I try? Fucking idiot was it? Can I try can I hold it? While we're on the topic, I know two guys that should have got into metal detecting instead of you know, geopolitics but You know, it didn't shake out that way for us, unfortunately. Stan- Dude, I... We ended Medicare.
Starting point is 00:02:51 Marshall- We have... We have... We have... We have... What did you say? We killed it! Marshall- We have a thousand trillionaires. Stan- We finally beat Medicare.
Starting point is 00:03:01 Marshall- We finally beat Medicare. Oh my god, what a Freudian slip. We beat Medicare. We have a thousand millionaires. We've been battling it for years. We finally beat it. That that'll go there. I mean, I was just laughing, cackling to myself all night and all morning.
Starting point is 00:03:22 Does we beat that? I like that rushes in there and says, thank you, Mr. President, and he said that they can stare on this place like. Oh, yes. I will go ahead. Go down. I just say Trump is probably a little light on content last night, you know, but I think he was trying to appear more dialed in and like a competent debater or whatever that's worth, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:03:53 But he was sharp on the uptake of that one where he was like, yeah, you beat it to death. That was good. Also just he had some really great one ladders words. Because at least that was what I was hoping for was that this debate was going to be incredibly depressing. But like at least it'd be like, you know, like sound bites, you know, like these little quippy sound bites. And when he said that Biden was talking about Biden's allegiance to China and he called him the Manchurian candidate, that was that was that was that was gold.
Starting point is 00:04:24 That was that was pretty fucking good man Yeah, I guess I'm kind of speechless. I don't even know really where to begin I guess the night before the night before I guess I saw the hat man and I took I took a harbinger of things to come I took some Benadryl in it like and I went to bed and I woke up with this feeling that someone was in the room but it was the loneliest I've ever felt in my life. That I would be forever alone, cast away, marooned on this island of pure abjection and despair and that's how I felt all day yesterday and then And I'm not trying to like play this up because like it's a fucking
Starting point is 00:05:17 Presidential debate at a certain point like we probably shouldn't even care about it that much but like as a marker, as a data point for various things, like I think we should care about it very much, precisely because World War III was invoked multiple times. And look, there's a lot of ways, I've contemplated my death for many years. Going out in a nuclear conflagration is not a way that I would like to go for many different reasons.
Starting point is 00:05:54 All right? I'll tell you, chief among them is just knowing how your luck runs, you would be the guy that just died slowly of radiation poison Right right you wouldn't be caught in the you'd be caught in the grounds or the vicinity of the blast like right once later Right your skin would slowly melt off for nine months. Yeah the inside out Yeah, I commit like the Chernobyl miniseries like right and the fucking little Larry a tent looking thing I'm shooting myself to end up like Walton Goggins is the ghoul character in the fallout you know just
Starting point is 00:06:30 Wondering the wastelands for hundreds of years trying to avenge my daughter vaguely, but also causing a little trouble here So it would be bad enough if like these other things hadn't occurred today or this week There's two Supreme Court decisions today that came down. One of them upheld the ban on sleeping outdoors. Um, we talked about that with Tracy Rosenthal. Right. Right. Um, the other one was this case that Essentially curbed federal agency power overturning the Chevron USA v. Natural Resources Defense Council
Starting point is 00:07:12 Which directs judges to defer to the reasonable interpretations of federal agency officials? It basically it does away with like the administrative state altogether So So not good pretty suboptimal. There was also a All together. Yeah So So not good pretty suboptimal. There was also a I mean, there's also a Jamal Bowman's race right in New York Which years ago? Yeah, I know that felt like a week ago and I brought it up in the chat man and I think like I was able to kind of
Starting point is 00:07:44 synthesize why the debate and Bowman's loss were sort of interconnected, right? It's because my mom, like I was talking to my mom last night, she called me from Ethiopia like past 3 a.m. because she stood up to watch the debate, right? And like I've told you guys and I'll talk about on the show, my mom is a barometer for like, I don't want to say normies in a pejorative Way, but she's like she's a Democrat, right? She's a committed Democrat and She called me and like for a minute. She was speechless
Starting point is 00:08:12 It just listened to me and when my mom doesn't call me and immediately like launches into a tirade I'm like, oh shit, like shit is real and she said to me she was like, you know why don't the Democrats have anyone that's younger or more progressive and Going back to Bowman's race, it's like, all right, man, however you feel about his sort of flip, like flip floppiness on on Israel, like voting for the Iron Dome and then coming back and saying, Oh, no, this is bad. I'm not gonna do it again. It's like the Democrats don't have anybody in the benches, man. You know, like for every we we knew this right as the left. Right. And I don't mean to say that we're like these great prognosticators, but it's like the sentiment I said last episode on Patreon, it's like we are
Starting point is 00:08:57 always like to write a little too early, you know. And for the past four years, they've been gaslighting us, you know. And now that for some reason, I guess because it's a national debate on like national TV, a televised debate, like they're realizing what we've realized. And yeah, they don't have anyone else, right? They pushed out all these progressives, they put them in the timeout corner permanently. They're committed to this right wing sort of death spiral. So I don't know, last night was just sort of the culmination of a lot of things, you know and I think one of it most to most of the chiefly being a
Starting point is 00:09:33 Dying empire but a dying party that has no focus no vision of the future No, even discipline really right? You know what I mean? No ideological discipline at least, you know You know you you mentioned the thing about us being too right too early and a funny thing I'm seeing on Twitter this morning is like everybody like saying Man, we owe Ezra Klein a huge apology He he called this back in February and it's like what the the fucking left's been screaming this since 2019 But like everybody's like, oh man, Ezra Klein saw this back in February.
Starting point is 00:10:08 Man, the great oracle, Ezra Klein. Well, remember not to give any props to Julian Castro, right? Yeah. He had said, people had brought this up in the debates, the Democratic primary debates, he had pointed out that Biden was pretty much demented. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:10:25 Not those words, but as much as you can say about a dying king, you know? And like even blacklisted from the Democratic Party, you know what I mean? So he had a tweet that said something like, tonight was entirely predictable. And it's like, okay, dude, like, fuck you. We've all been saying that.
Starting point is 00:10:40 I think collectively, everybody, even when people were polled in 2020, they did not want Biden to run and become president. But again, it's sort of like this fatalism and determinism that I talked about last time. There's nobody else. There's nobody else. And we saw it on display last night. We already knew, but every, not everybody, the media class and the political class, right? Especially the media class, right? For for them this was some sort of revelation you know yeah I mean people people do forget that like the only reason we were in this pickle to begin with is because everybody that was running his campaign talked fucking
Starting point is 00:11:19 Buttigieg all these other ancillary candidates out of dropping out in South Carolina on Super Tuesday. That's the only reason we're in this hole. If Bernie would have been allowed to be ascendant, you know what I mean? And I'm not saying Bernie's turned out to be a huge disappointment in so many different ways. But it's going to be a much different result. Well, people were saying that I think some donors had said that the only way to get Biden, because now there's talk this morning, right, about
Starting point is 00:11:51 switching Biden outright with another candidate. And people were like, well, the only way is that if if all the former democratic presidents like Obama gets involved, and it's like, to your point, Tom, what the fuck are you talking about? Obama was the one that that, you know, I'm saying like, like all these motherfuckers engineered, right? The dropping out of all these candidates before Super Tuesday. And I don't need to go back and, you know, like play, you know, like go back and relitigate the shit. But like, this is why, this is part of the reason why, where we are today, you know, because we've been gaslit.
Starting point is 00:12:20 The weird part about it is, I mean, they knew that going in. I mean, back in 2019, Obama literally said, Joe, you don't have to do this. But they were trying to talk him out of it. And while he had like some semblance of like grasp on reality, they're like, well, I guess this is coronation, whatever. I guess I'm looking for evidence for my thesis that I've been just spouting for months now that like no one
Starting point is 00:12:47 That like history has Slotted into these grooves that like no one can control like a hot wheels track It's like like a hot wheels track or something. It really does feel like Even the people at the highest levels of the Democratic Party They don't actually want this deep down, but it's almost like they feel sort of, they almost feel sort of beholden to it, or they have no control over it, or this is just the natural course of things.
Starting point is 00:13:18 And I mean, one of the things that was killing me last night was in the post- postgame debate they were like Who's gonna break the news to Joe that this didn't go well? And it's like what do you mean? No one's gonna break the news to him to for this to register for him He has to have some someone's of an idea of like good and bad that he did good or did bad The guy is so far gone. There is no way that it would register for him that he did bad. That's why everyone's treating him like a kid.
Starting point is 00:13:48 That's why like Jake Tapper, in that one question where Biden like sputtered out, Jake goes, You still have 82 seconds left, Mr. Biden. Are you sure there's nothing else you want to say? Everyone treats him like he's a kid. His wife afterwards was like, You answered all the questions, Joe Understand she's a kindergarten teacher or whatever and it shows but but god damn dude when she was like you answered all the questions Joe you're a good boy and and Just like we're gonna beat this guy to a rollicking crowd of about 40 people She is going she is going to hell like if you don't pull your husband out of something like that, you're going your soul is.
Starting point is 00:14:30 I mean, people be less like her. It's like, you know, like, oh, yeah, Joe, you didn't fall asleep on stage. You know what I mean? You're breathing. You stayed alive. And I mean, like what I think what I found funny is that you saw two kind of reactions, right? Like this sort of schism, because it wasn't just people that were that were having like a panic moment, right? It would come to Jesus moment where they're panicking.
Starting point is 00:14:53 But and maybe this is just because it's online. But I saw a lot of people defending it still. Right. Like, and so people were like, hey, dude, that to me, it didn't break me, right? Because I'm beyond that, right? But it was sort of like, yo, I don't know how else to describe it, man, except like, you know, sometimes like, I think like, like, on a philosophical level, like, I know, like, I think therefore I am type of shit, right? How do I know anyone else exists right outside of me?
Starting point is 00:15:24 How do I know the same color blue that you see is the same color blue that I see? All these questions about reality. And dude, it was so solidified. And people that were saying, well, Trump, Trump is a convicted felon and a rapist and a liar. All he did was lie. And I'm like, dog, not see your guy.
Starting point is 00:15:43 That was the funny thing. Even in the ones that criticized them like there was there was two and fucking the New York Times that killed Me Tom Friedman Joe Biden is a good man and a good president He must bow out of the race and it like opens with him weeping in a Lisbon hotel room over over how bad it went and then Krugman said, the best president of my adult life needs to withdraw. And it's like in there, he's like, sure, Trump lied a lot.
Starting point is 00:16:13 And like, you keep seeing this a lot, like everyone's like, well, okay, we have to talk about how much Trump lied. And it's like, okay. They were pissed about him not fact that about Dana Bash and Jake Tapper, not fact checking Trump, but it's like well Okay, what do you call what Biden just did? It's like not quite lying, but it's also because it's not even in this realm He's not even he's not even he's not even doing it on purpose where he's doing the crafty thing of like You know what I'm saying? Like not lying, but he's lying wink wink. He's just senile, dude Not have a normal human's conversational cadence.
Starting point is 00:16:53 What he had was just he was like it. It was clear he had memorized a lot of things to say, and he was spouting them out in a way. Dude, I've been around people that are like close to death and like cognitive processes that happen. And I'm not even like being facetious when I say this. I don't think the man is long for this world, much less like four more years. It would not surprise me if President Biden died in the next year. I mean, the next couple of months.
Starting point is 00:17:22 This is the thing you you you saw like the skeletal Outline of how a debate should go right? I was telling Tom this afterwards like in today's day and age you have to try to lose a debate It's impossible basically because all you have to do is basically just say like this guy sucks That's basically the whole thing like you don't even have to like spout off facts You don't have to win in debates All you have to do is just attack your candidate and that's how the whole spectacle works But like he somehow managed to fail even doing that but you could see how he had they had taught him
Starting point is 00:17:56 To try to still do that. For example, there was like one Instance in particular where he was like doing the whole thing like there's an immigrant coming and it's mom 82 not this is like if you think that Medicare we ended Medicare Jack and then and you can see that he notices Jake Tapper and Dana bash looking at him and he goes but my candidate here or my opponent I think he even said candidate my My candidate. My running mate. Yeah, like he, you could tell like he had been taught, like Joe, when the fuzzy brain thing starts happening, redirect it back to your opponent. You could see how he was trying to do that at multiple times. But you know what he's like, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:18:39 When he would get confused, he would say, look. And then he would have like that brief pause. And then like Trump exercised a lot of restraint even like I mean he had some batshit moments to be sure but like but like when he would have those moments like it was he sees done you know what I mean? He I just like two things one like to your point Tom is like it kept kind of like I mean he was I would say he was restrained right there was that one time where he did say,
Starting point is 00:19:06 I don't understand anything he just said. I don't even think he knows what he's saying. But just the looks that he was giving Biden, like he would look at him and raise his eyebrow when he was like a stutterer or whatnot, or even just like completely lost. But like one thing I noticed, man, is that, all right, so when they were talking about,
Starting point is 00:19:24 how did it go, man? I think they were talking about abortion, right? is that, all right, so when they were talking about, how did it go, man? I think they were talking about abortion, right? And Biden, of course, right? You stick to these liberal talking points about protecting abortion, right? I mean, even immigration, right? Which of course, they've slid to the right even more so on that. But like, was it, correct me if I'm wrong, was it when they were talking about abortion or and then he tried to link it with immigration and brought up like and brought up like like like migrants that are coming to like like rape women and
Starting point is 00:19:53 shit like that? Like Biden said this, his argument for abortion was that we have to have it because migrants are coming over. So it's so check it. This is this is this is what I'm saying. When he loses those liberal, like, like, like, like, oh, oh, like everyone matters, you know, let's be progressive talking points. As an old racist white dude,
Starting point is 00:20:14 he dives back into like, like the primitive- He can't help it. Yeah, the reptilian part of his brain, dog. It just, it just goes, it slides right back into that, you know? It's just oriented toward like, it just goes back to the central part five shit You know what I mean? Or was it you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:20:29 Like he defaults back like when he when he you know, like when Biden can't get his thought together He just like starts to do the sundowning thing Trump just when he can't get his thoughts together just goes to racism I mean he I mean like jobs Okay, well stick a pin in black jobs but I have to address this because Trump said probably the darkest thing I've ever heard or seen in a debate which was that he called Joe Biden a Palestinian derogatorily. I mean. And then a weak one. That, I don't even know, I mean,
Starting point is 00:21:12 okay, first of all, that's absolutely obviously insane. But second of all, like when I was watching the debate, the post debate recap on MSNBC, not a single person brought that up. In all the fucking like, discussion, revulsion about this liar, not a single fucking person brought that up, him saying that. It's like they had all been coached to just like,
Starting point is 00:21:37 not talk about that part of the fucking program, or that topic at all. I mean, ah. It was, it was not, I mean, like it was Nazi shit, man. It was truly fascistic. And I think that like the fact that like, you know, that people will say, like, well, imagine how Palestinians would fare under a Trump presidency. Well, like clearly, like, you know, he uses Palestinian as a derogatory term.
Starting point is 00:22:04 But Biden not only didn't push back at all about it, but just glosses over the deaths of tens of thousands of people. I think he said thousands, right? It was just so sort of just, I mean, I don't even know what to say, man. You're right, Terrence. As if they were not even coached or train not to talk about it, but in their minds, because Palestinians aren't people, right, this is not even an issue to discuss, you know?
Starting point is 00:22:31 Exactly. I mean, it's just like accepted too. I mean, like I said, it's like accepted at MSNBC that these are not people, these are not human beings. They're people that are put on this earth to just be killed for Israel's expansionist project I Don't know man that that really fucked me up and I mean There's just so many different things though, I mean the thing about like black jobs
Starting point is 00:23:02 I mean, the thing about like black jobs was he said it twice. They're taking black jobs. They're taking black jobs. It was like, yo, what the fuck is a black job? They would even be talking about the funniest tweet I saw. I thought was some guy posted that the migrants taking black jobs. And it was Luca Donchich and Nicole. Now, the funny what I saw was like me showing up to the black job and I think it was um God
Starting point is 00:23:27 man I cannot remember the name of this fucking movie dude dog I know what you're talking about Soul Brothers yes all brothers bro the black the black exploitation movie the comedy the satire and it was the black it was the black head where instead of like getting your eye scan or your fingerprint scan to go to the. It was like an arm and you had to dab it up. You had to dab it like pound it, fist pound. Yeah, and if you mess it up, you're not gonna make it. You're not gonna make it. Black jobs. We're partnering, US is partnering with Jacob.
Starting point is 00:24:00 We got new white people coming off the assembly line. We're gonna partner with Jacob. And it's like new white people coming off the assembly line. We're going to partner with Jacob. And it's like all of his stats were so wild. He was like, we created 15000 new jobs. We have a thousand trillionaires, dude. That's the truth. There's 15000 jobs, dude. Also, too, I have to say, like, again, just as just an example, like of a Biden sliding into racism, right?
Starting point is 00:24:26 Like, well, first of all, two things. Trump's Trump said something about about rapists and murderers. And Dana Bass said, we'll get to immigration in a minute, right? Which was just it's an acknowledgment that like, yeah, you know, you know, another kind of like it was kind of a funny nugget in there. But it was like this when Trump nugget in there, but it was like when Trump said that like people are crossing the border and they're coming here to take black jobs and Hispanic jobs.
Starting point is 00:24:52 Right. That's like, wait, so people are coming from Mexico to take Hispanic jobs. It's like they're giving the game away a little bit and there's like little slips. Totally. Well, Biden did something similar, man, where where he started talking about, like, like, of course, black issues and he brings up policing, right. Which again, man, I'm telling you, it's just like, like, like, more police than any other or something like that. Like, like, again, man, it's just like it was really funny. Even even Trump at times, right.
Starting point is 00:25:22 man, it's just like it was really funny. Even even Trump at times, right. He tried to say that that that Biden had called had called black teens super predators. Right. And I mean, forget, of course, the hypocrisy of Trump coming out that we should we should give the Central Park five the death penalty. But it was really funny to see these guys try not to come off as incredibly racist while being racist, while employing racist
Starting point is 00:25:45 tropes man. I don't know man it was very entertaining. Honestly I mean okay afterwards like Joyanne Reid was like she pointed something out that was pretty funny like their decision to put Biden on the right I think what she said I wrote it down she said something along the lines of like every decision that his aides and campaign made just made the problem worse it exacerbated it and So like what she was talking about was like their decision to put him on the right It made it look like every time he was looking at Trump It made it look like he was looking off screen like he was staring off like he was getting lost. Like getting off right and she was like her point was that like even if you were trying to like paper over how bad this
Starting point is 00:26:33 is it's almost like they went out of their way she wasn't implying this I think she was just saying that they're inept and they don't know what they're doing but like I read that as almost like, are they trying to throw it? You know what I'm saying? Like are they intentionally trying to spike the ball? Like what are they doing? Dude, I mean, I saw a CNN reporter that his, one of his aides came out, like it was like,
Starting point is 00:26:57 no, he's not gonna drop out, right? I saw that too. And he's ready for the second debate in September. And I was just like dude like I know I not be alive and I'm not I'm not lying to you. The man may be dead by September. Tom. I'm maybe a cold corpse of the ground I'm serious. I've called it Terrence. You called it I've had recent experience with advanced dementia
Starting point is 00:27:25 and like when it starts to go man, like you don't have that much time left. I mean, it's like, it starts cascading. You know what I'm saying? Like it'll be kind of troubling at first and then it'll be bad. We were at bad around like this time last year. Yeah, we're at advanced now. just if you did if you did it back if you did a side-by-side of the state of the union
Starting point is 00:27:49 Just in three months how how bad he's deteriorated Right. Well, somebody saw somebody say that a one of the one of the slavish acolytes right these delusional people they were like, well, you know presidents on the first of sitting presence during the first presidential debate, they always do poorly, right? They don't have enough time to prep and X, Y and Z. He's like, it's only June. Wait till September. And I had to steal this tweet from Felix, but Felix was like, yeah, dimension. But the thing that gets better with time, you know, it's just famously gets better with time. Right. Well, that's the thing.
Starting point is 00:28:23 That's what was killing me afterwards. Like them said, like some of I think it was like Lawrence O'Donnell, who was like trying to kind of trying to like give Biden an out still that they were talking about like, oh, but Obama's first debate wasn't great either in 2008. It was a disaster. And it's like, I think you're you're even 100 years old. Obama didn't have to miss.
Starting point is 00:28:45 Dude, again, again, man, I just have to say it's like, like to your point, man, like, I don't don't really think that they want to win, man, because like at every single juncture where they could like change course, they just double down, you know, as if as if like as if no one else has eyes and ears and no one who saw that last night You know saw it for what it really was man. Like this this dying guy For whatever reason clinging on to power man Who has no idea where he is or what he's saying and I'm not saying this is not giving any kudos to Trump But it's like you can't say that like why is nobody talking about Trump? This is the guy this guy sitting in office defending his position giving any kudos to Trump, but it's like you can't say that like, why is nobody talking about Trump?
Starting point is 00:29:25 This is the guy, this guy's sitting in office defending his position. You know what I mean? Of course he's the one that people are going to look at and criticize. Right? Right. Like we all know that Trump is a fucking liar, dude. How? His own bad.
Starting point is 00:29:37 Right. The onus on Biden. Exactly. Exactly. Tom. Exactly. Go ahead. I was just going to say, listen, I don't care.
Starting point is 00:29:47 Honestly, I don't care. But if I were like, you know, some sort of bloodless ghoul, like a democratic operative, I would say to them, either you yank him now or you're going to be forced to yank him in October when Terrence's prophecy comes to fruition The man will die in October this year. I'm calling it right now The man the man is not and the man is not surviving Scorpio season. I'll go ahead and tell you Know the signs I've seen it There were things in that debate that made me feel things
Starting point is 00:30:25 I've never felt in a presidential debate. Like his final closing statement like made my skin crawl not like not because of what he was saying, but just because It's like you're getting you remember when that interview was released a few weeks ago where with I think it was with CNN and I mean you know he was saying all kinds of stuff that people were like screen grabbing and putting out there and they were like people his aides were like oh he has a cold that was like a month ago he's had a cold for like three months that's what they say but like it's like the fact that allergies
Starting point is 00:31:08 The fact that like we have to have discourse about What is very clearly? Like advanced neuro Neurocognitive degenerative, you know Degeneration like it's it's it kind of does make you feel a little bit Insane and it just again begs the question of like who is that the wheel here like I've Wondered this because I like I think it was like Alex Wagner. It's earthrider. It's earth, right He saw her writer a few times last night First her was on Dana Bash's shoulder.
Starting point is 00:31:47 I've wondered this a few times, because Alex Wagner, who works for MSNBC, I think she was the one that was most like, yeah, this is bad. She was like, it was like afterwards. She was shook last night. She was shook. As soon as it went to MSNBC afterwards,
Starting point is 00:32:03 I don't know, maybe I'm getting this wrong but and maybe I misheard but I could have sworn that Rachel Maddow said that his Performance got better as the night went on. Yes. Yes Yo, you know what? That's such a good point dude. It's weird because I was watching see I watched I was watching this on CNN So I watched like the which, which came on CNN, I was watching the post game analysis or whatever, and I think it was John King, who was the first one to speak, and I was shocked because he just came out, I was like, this is awful. The first 15, the second zit, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:32:35 It was just going downhill. And then I saw that people were saying MSNBC, you know, was completely kind of, was more rosy about it, you know what I mean? Like, of course, at the end of the day, man, I think we have, I just think we have completely kind of was more rosy about it. You know what I mean? Like, of course, you had at the end of the day, man, I think we have I just think we have this kind of schism going on where there doesn't really need to be one where some Democrats, donors, I guess, you know, them strategists
Starting point is 00:32:57 are or voters are like this is bad, even though we all knew this and then there's the other half of them who are like, no, we all knew this. And then there's the other half of them who are like, no, we have to push ahead. No, we have to push through the slop. You just, basically what you just outlined is that there is a schism in the Democratic party. There's now two competing political factions
Starting point is 00:33:14 in the Democratic party. One is anti-dementia and one is pro-dementia. One is you're ableist if you point out the man with the nuclear codes is not Not dealing with a full deck these days And I would just want to I just want to mention out I just want to mention that a beloved progressives like AOC and Sanders are in the pro-dementia Oh, no, I the answer what I guess the pro-dementia camp is that you are for dimension Well, yes, you're for you basically what it is is
Starting point is 00:33:44 Or maybe that's not even it it's an epistemological debate over whether he has it or not. Or whether, there's an easy way to find out, okay? There is an easy way to find out. You could book him an appointment at any neurologist in the country and they could tell you that if there's anything wrong with his noodle and just a small bad That doesn't even take a lot just a small battery of cognitive tests, but it's almost like You know If I never take the test I never have to get diagnosed with it. You know right we beat we beat Medicare I Mean dude actually turrets. I would add an addendum to what you said
Starting point is 00:34:23 I don't even think it's about whether or not he has like an epistemological thing whether or not he has dementia I think maybe there's a third part of that too whether or not his dementia makes him incapable of being president Right because there are people who kind of recognize that something's wrong, but they're like, oh, this is just ableism You know, that's that's what's funny about it or ageism rather ableism ageism I guess it's like the age old debate in like Monty Python about how like the left constantly splits into like all these like little Microsex but like it's like within the Democratic Party. I'm not saying the Democratic Party is the left I'm just saying that like it seems like there's like a factional dispute now and it's not over like policy or like theory or any Kind of like analysis. It's like purely whether One it's purely over like whether one faction sees him as mentally
Starting point is 00:35:13 fit To do the job. It's kind of like how like linen wrote that thing about left comms about like an infantile Disposition or whatever it's like the same thing. It's like oh, but they're saying like, oh, but the president has the brain, I'm an infant. Here's what I don't understand, is like, why they can't say, there is nothing wrong with having a problem and just addressing it, be like, listen, it's just become abundantly clear that what we initially thought were some like,
Starting point is 00:35:41 little cognitive blips, you know, that every person dealing with aging has Is actually something like a little more concerning and like because of that We're gonna have to pivot and pick a different direction with this I don't understand like everybody can see it Like I don't understand like what's like it's weirder to try to jam that down our throat or keep making excuses like a cold Or anything for it like like why not just acknowledge it? It's right there and say, hey, we're going to pivot.
Starting point is 00:36:07 A hallmark of the democratic personality is like a pathologic incapability of admitting when they've been wrong. You know what I mean? That would almost be refreshing just to be like, yeah, yeah, the president's a, well, he thinks he's a waffle most days. Okay, so we're going Well, dude, it's like what I was saying earlier man. I I don't really think they have any shooters on the bench And I know people brought up Gretchen Whitmer or people brought up Gavin Newsom, but I don't think these people would fare Well, maybe Gretchen with my I don't think these people to fare well in a national election, right?
Starting point is 00:36:44 But besides that they don't have I mean I just I just don't, it's just like, I think that they're kind of pathologically committed to losing and blaming other people, you know what I mean? You know, like not just recognizing the rot that exists within their own party, but attributing it to the left or whatever. To me it seems like, and again, I'm just putting on my democratic hat. This would not be good for anybody or the country or anything like that. But I just, I don't understand why,
Starting point is 00:37:11 like Trump is still plenty vulnerable. You know what I mean? I mean, he's still coming off this trial and all this kind of stuff. Like he's still plenty vulnerable. Like if Trump is allowed to be the president now, that's almost a greater upset than like him beating Hillary. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:26 You know what I mean? Right. Like the move would be to just take like Gavin Newsom, like a big state, like and just like run him and like Gavin Newsom might could beat Trump. You know what I mean? Like, but I don't know that they're going to do something like that. And I'm not saying that is like, I think Gavin Newsom would be a good president or like I support that. No, I think Gavin Newsom would be a good president or like I support that.
Starting point is 00:37:45 No, I know what you're saying. I'm saying, if I were just like some fucking Robbie Mook motherfucker, that's what I would be thinking. You're just, yeah, saying common sense would tell you just to fucking do that because they've already rammed the Biden thing down our throat in this undemocratic way. Like you could just as easily ram another candidate down the American people's throat.
Starting point is 00:38:04 Here's the thing though, and I think here's the reason why they haven't done it. I Don't think any of these people want to run against Trump. I don't think I think I genuinely think here's the fucking hilarious thing I've noticed this since 2016 but something about Donald Trump just puts the Democrats on tilt man They cannot fuck something about him just fries their brains, bro. They cannot they don't want to run against him There's only really one guy that really actively wants to run against him And he's the guy who has like running at like 20% brain functioning capacity on a good day And so it says there's something about him that just puts them like-
Starting point is 00:38:45 Maybe it takes that. Maybe it takes a significant degree of cognitive decline to want to take off Trump. Or maybe it's like, maybe running against Trump's like getting in a rap battle with Eminem before like 2009 or something. You know, like it's just something you didn't want to do because you were gonna, it was gonna leave you too open, you know? But you're right though, like you watched it last night and he is vulnerable like he comes across as loathsome. He's not even like funny It's loathsome because you've heard it all before
Starting point is 00:39:12 these are all the same hits you've heard over and over and over again for the past eight years and also it's we've already had one administration of it, so we know pretty much how it would go and I administration of it so we know pretty much how it would go and I mean I was genuinely shocked by the amount of times that Trump himself brought up like if you're a if you're a campaign operative I feel like one of the one of the like truisms is like don't bring up any images that people can connotate as like negative connected to your presidency and multiple times Trump would bring up like Portland and like rioting in the streets in the pandemic and it's like that doesn't help his cause I think I genuinely think people see that
Starting point is 00:39:58 and they're like okay I don't want to bring that back it's almost weird because he attributed some of those things that happened under his administration to Biden right? It was very weird man, but people but people know like they they have this like bone-deep innate sense that like oh wait That was under Trump and I don't want to return to that You know what I'm saying? So they're not I'm saying that like by invoking that that he's bringing up a negative aspect of himself that people don't want again Yeah, that's the other I mean the other, I mean you said it Terrence, it's like to put that Robbie Mook shoe on the other foot and if I were like a Trump strategist, I would be the guy in his ear saying like listen, you have to appear like more moderate, like you need to quit
Starting point is 00:40:36 with like all the border racists, all that kind of shit and just basically convey the message that like, oh if I'm elected, I will be like more moderate this time. Or even just, not even that, not even that. Or even just don't even point out the past at all. Don't bring up the past because the past eight years. Never happened, you'd be surprised how much it didn't happen. Yeah, just bring up the future and what's gonna happen.
Starting point is 00:41:00 And then, you know, fucking make fun of Biden in the process and stuff. I'm just saying that like on both counts And this is why this is why I think they won't just yank Biden and throw someone else in there It's either one of two things You know Whitmer Newsome Bashir whatever none of them want to run against Trump. It's either that or the second possibility
Starting point is 00:41:22 Actually, there's three the second possibility is there's no will to power. Nobody actually wants the job I think that's a big part of it Nobody wants the job But the third thing is going back to what we were talking about earlier I kind of feel like there's just this thing in the air where we all feel Like there's nothing we can really do and we're all being pulled by something You know what I'm saying? Like in Donnie Darko had those like fucking tubes come out of your stomach and like it
Starting point is 00:41:49 It takes you off on that trajectory and course and that I feel like we all kind of feel that and like And maybe there's something to be said for like maybe that's how history works Maybe people do operate on vibes, and maybe the vibe is just that like well This is just who it's got gotta be and we're all, it's fatalistic, like there's nothing we can do about it. We're tied to it. Has the American presidency reached the Kentucky head men's basketball coach level of like,
Starting point is 00:42:13 nobody really wants that shit and what comes with it? I wondered this because if you were like a CEO or a lobbyist, I was thinking about this last night watching this. If you're a CEO or like a lobbyist, I was thinking about this last night, watching this, if you're a CEO or a lobbyist for American business or even a government attache and you're fucking in some foreign country trying to convince your counterpart that your counterpart in that foreign government that American business is still worth investing in
Starting point is 00:42:42 and America is still worth investing in, how do you square that? Do you just say that like, oh, it doesn't matter who's president? Is that, because is still worth investing in and America is still worth investing in, how do you square that? Do you just say that like, oh, it doesn't matter who's president? Is that true? Am I? I guess, yeah, I guess. But also too, I just wanted to kind of go back to like,
Starting point is 00:42:55 this no one wants to run against him. I keep hearing this, I think one of the justifications for not running someone else is that only Biden can beat Trump, you know? Which again, kind of just goes against the fact that what Trump is very vulnerable right now, but it's like one result That's that's what I'm saying That's beat Trump is bad. No, it's because you only tried two things Hillary who's imminently unlikable?
Starting point is 00:43:20 Okay, and a guy who benefited from shit being so crazy and he got a very slim victory against it right, right like like like and like saying that after like and I Again, I hate to just like go back and just be like swaddled and fucking Bernie nostalgia But every goddamn poll says Bernie's beating this guy by double-digit points And they're like, but my man can's the only man that can do it. I mean, they almost treat, like to your point, Terrence, it's like they almost treat Trump as if he's like the final boss, you know,
Starting point is 00:43:54 of this really, really difficult video game. And if only, you know, only, there are only a few chosen people that are good with the sticks, you know, where you pass them the sticks and they can beat him. You know what I mean? It's very weird. They give him this this larger than life and I get it right, but they do You're right. They get paralyzed man. They don't know what to do all of them, dude You can see it in lockstep. They get paralyzed by this guy
Starting point is 00:44:17 He puts them on tilt in a way that I've never seen before like, you know what I'm saying? Like never really obviously never seen it in politics before. But even just in my regular life, it's like if you and all your boys were hanging out and there was this one guy who was new to school, and then suddenly all your boys were like, oh man, I can't even look at him. Maybe he freaks me out, man.
Starting point is 00:44:39 It's like, you'd be like, what is it about? I don't get it. What is it about this guy that freaks you out so much? It's almost like, I don't know't know Tom if this is a good example because you're the sports man But it's like I don't know I could imagine Like during that that Bulls three Pete, you know in the 90s Like being any other team going up against them and just being in the locker room But just being like yo, we're gonna fucking lose man
Starting point is 00:45:03 We gotta go like MJ's on his highness his flight is on the court said but I gotta go out there anyway You know what to be a game plan all you can for Michael Jordan. He still drops 52 on you The thing is though is that like we're not even like up against like Trump in 2016 was three Pete era Michael. Yeah, right like Trump now is like Michael Jordan trying to play baseball and like This is like it's and even then even in 2016 he wasn't really like three Pete era Michael Jordan he was still beatable I don't it's just I have never understood what it is about him that throws the Democrats into panic.
Starting point is 00:45:45 It freaked the fuck out about him. Well, I think it's kind of what I was kind of implying earlier is that what you were saying, we always say is that they're so locked into this ideological groove that their politics are, I mean, their politics are pretty much useless against someone like Trump. And I don't mean to make Trump sound like this, again, larger than the life figure, but especially considering that here, listening to that debate last night, I think I mentioned the chat, it really just felt like watching two Republicans, conservatives debate each other.
Starting point is 00:46:17 That's exactly what it was. It was the Dairy Queen. It was a Dairy Queen debate where like two guys are arguing about the same thing and that's why it devolves into the golf swing Argument because essentially at the end of the day that argue that was amazing They have the same positions on everything and that's why they got that's why they were arguing about golf swings and golf handicaps Because they knew that was the only thing that they had left to argue about that's what they got the most fired up to That was they're talking about the livelihoods of black families with like, uh, all the gravity of like us
Starting point is 00:46:48 making dick jokes, but when it came to golf handicap, they really dug in. You know what I mean? Dude, the, the driving contest comment is what really got me met. And then it's amazing that Trump was the one to be like, okay, let's stop being children, like, come on, dude. You know, it's just like, I don't know. I will say though, Biden's crazy as hell if he thinks he beat Trump at golf. That was so funny that Biden, once again, in another extremely bizarre, uncanny moment,
Starting point is 00:47:16 Biden was like, actually my golf handicap's an eight. And Trump was like, yeah, like you could tell it was, like Trump wasn't even having fun with it, man, because like Biden wasn't even landing because Biden was Punching himself in the face half the time. He said his handicap wasn't eight It's like it's like Trump almost felt a little sorry for him at turns because there were times I'm like, okay, this is the kind of thing Trump dines out on like but and he just didn't even take it there Maybe that's just cuz he was trying to appear more like in between the lines
Starting point is 00:47:44 But dude, I don't it's like it's like being it's like going being was trying to appear more like in between the lines, but. Dude, it's like being, it's like going, being at the bar and not really being that drunk and getting in a fight with a really, really wasted guy. And he throws a punch and it like, it's Liz Bushy and then he slips and falls under his own, like his own momentum. And you're just looking at what he's on the ground.
Starting point is 00:48:01 Just like, dude, I can't even fight you, man. Like this is sad, yo. Yeah. I mean, like, what are we to even make this? I mean because it's like I Granted I wasn't gonna vote in this. I'm still not going to I don't give a fuck. I mean ultimately I Wasn't to begin with but I I mean I may take it a step further in like actually actively like shoo people away from polling locations. Like go be with your family. I may be like you know like the one man equivalent of like just putting up one voting machine and like a you know an impoverished neighbor hun.
Starting point is 00:48:40 Like I'm gonna obstruct the vote this year. You know how you're not supposed to election here within how many is like a hundred yards of a polling site what about like I'm telling people not to vote I'm doing the election here I've had a hundred and one yards and I've said okay listen turn away there's nothing good over there for you right like the long-term nuclear waste messages there's nothing honorable here Nothing of honor is here turn back Painted green What does that quote put a plaque over in cursive that says all you enter here? Yeah, you know I'm saying like
Starting point is 00:49:19 Abandon all hope May with the Maghorn children. I implore you rip out your mercury feelings. Don't vote Just fucking Thomas Friedman in a Lisbon hotel room weeping man, like what what are what are we doing guys like it's Goddamn dude. I don't mean to sound like a bit, you know, like like bombastic or just likebolic, I guess. But it kind of felt like looking at, I know the Democratic Party will always reinvent itself. They're less of a party and more of like, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:49:56 like an LLC or some shit like that, you know what I mean? But it was sort of like, it really felt like the death of a certain kind of liberalism, you know? Like a kind of death rattle, you know what I mean? And it felt like it death of a certain kind of liberalism, like a kind of death rattle, you know what I mean? And it felt like there was really truly personified in Biden's just inability to really articulate a vision for the future, and an ability to even inspire people.
Starting point is 00:50:19 Because the fact that, again, my mom called me, she said she was disappointed before, but she called me and didn't say anything for the first couple of minutes, like she was just speechless. It's like what we said, man, that, you know, I don't know if this is gonna be one of the lowest voter turnout elections, I don't know if Trump or Biden will come around.
Starting point is 00:50:37 Spoiler, I think it will be. I think it will be, but if people do go and vote, they're gonna be trudging their feet with their heads down. They're not gonna do it with any sort of, like, any hope for the future, any sort of, like, uh, confidence in this guy, and I think that was just on full display last night, you know? Just a dying man presiding over a dying party over a, you know, I don't wanna say dying empire yet, but uh, you know, maybe the beginning of something, you know? I will tell you this, I will tell tell you this if you can't draw a clock
Starting point is 00:51:07 It's probably hard to articulate a vision in the future those two things go hand-in-hand I don't think they're gonna I don't think they're gonna replace him I mean they've been taught they've been panicking and talking about it for the last fucking 16 hours now freaking out But like no I genuinely think it's gonna go to a brokered convention and they'll still wind up electing him at the convention like I I just in the reason why I'd love to be wrong then again I don't think it matters anyway yeah I mean if you were wrong it would have mattered they go throw up there fucking Gretchen Whitmer should go get washed by Trump yeah yeah or Yeah, yeah. Or Gavin Newsom. I mean who are we gonna put up with? Even Gavin Newsom, even Gavin Newsom was asked.
Starting point is 00:51:51 He was like, oh, somebody, a reporter asked him like, um, are you prepared to be the next nominee or some shit? And he was like, no, Biden is still gonna be, you know what I mean? So he doesn't even wanna do it. What, I guess my point is, is it doesn't even matter even if they did do Whitmer and she won. I guess my point is is it doesn't even matter even if they did do Whitmer and she won Newsome got in and he won it doesn't matter man these two fucking Supreme Court cases that came down today I mean, it's these things are locked in on long-term trajectories and A lot of this stuff was like laid down in the foundation 20-30 years ago, and it like, I read this Thomas Friedman article
Starting point is 00:52:27 and he's like, you know this mother's freak, motherfucker's freaking out, because he's using all caps at parts, in parts of his op-ed. He says, this is no ordinary hinge of history we are at. We are at the start of the biggest technological disruptions, we are at the start, what is that, that doesn't even make sense. We are at the start of the biggest technological disruptions, we are at the start, what is that? That doesn't even make sense.
Starting point is 00:52:46 We are at the start of the biggest technological disruptions and the biggest climate. So is it happening or is it not happening? What do you mean? Why don't you just lose the start, brother? We're starting to show spurts of consistency. And the biggest climate disruption in human history, we're at the dawn of an artificial intelligence revolution
Starting point is 00:53:02 that is going to change caps. Everything for everyone, how we work, how we learn, how we teach, how we trade, how we invent, collaborate, fight wars, how we commit crimes. Dude, it's like, it's just, it's like, they have placed, they have placed so much hope and faith
Starting point is 00:53:21 in technological innovation and disruption. For them, they have to have a leader that mirrors that. They don't understand that the technological innovation and disruption they have placed their faith in, that whole paradigm is just as withered and senile and demented as the man who was supposed to be leading it into the next century. I want to point out too, the most refined version of that was still like telling people to like drink bleach on Google like a month ago. Right.
Starting point is 00:53:55 Okay. I just want to point that out. Right. Right. And then of course we got AI drive-throughs McDonald's giving people unlimited chicken nuggets and shit like that, you know. Yeah. The whole premise here, the whole, the reason it freaks out Thomas Friedman and Krugman is that This is not a leader for the 21st century. I mean, I think that Friedman even says that in the first he says yes
Starting point is 00:54:17 He is the same fire. Okay, Trump is the same fire hose of lies. He always was obsessed with his grievances Nowhere close to what it will take for America to lead in the 21st century and it's the same thing with Biden and it's just like there this is why I don't really think they'll replace him because for them to actually For them to actually put in place someone who is a leader for the 21st century would be an acknowledgement of what the 21st century even is and promises and I think deep down they probably know that is just as withered and fucking decayed as All these you know AI Ponzi schemes and MFTs and crypto scams and everything. It's all bullshit So how can they have it mirrored in their political leadership?
Starting point is 00:55:02 That's Sorry, go ahead. No, no, I just to say, dude, why would they replace him? Just two examples. One, just Dianne Feinstein. Literally, everyone, I think I saw someone who had worked in the Senate had said, it was kind of a known secret that she didn't know where she was and that she was deteriorating. But secondly, I don't know, man, presiding and forging ahead with an unmitigated disaster just seems to be their MO you know like like like even just thinking about like Gaza you know what
Starting point is 00:55:35 I mean and sort of you saying Terrence that these things are sort of like predetermined almost you know it's like they seem slotted into this track. So why would they change course now? What reason do they have to change course? Because we have eyes and ears and saw what happened last night. No, they can just tell us that's not what happened and shove them down our throats anyway. Exactly, they could just lie about it.
Starting point is 00:55:56 I mean, it's what they've been doing for the last nine months about the last year, about the last four years. Why suddenly are they just freaking out now? I mean, I guess I guess because it has reached a point where like you can't even really Pass that went over off on people like I I But I feel like for me personally that was abundantly clear four years ago, right? I Don't know man. I guess I guess what it is is what one of you said earlier They just benefited from the fact that things were so
Starting point is 00:56:28 Abysmal and bleak in 2020 and they were like we really cannot forget how fucking grim things were in 2020 and that again that's why it's like That's why like Trump doesn't have much to offer either because he kept invoking all those images from like one of the worst years Of all of our lives. And it's like, that's not gonna help you, man. Trump is fundamentally a president for the 80s and Biden's fundamentally a president for the 1920s. And that's what you're dealing with here.
Starting point is 00:56:56 You know what I mean? Trump is aesthetically inclined toward big disaster movies and in a world. That was the time he was a king, you know what I mean? The time Biden was a king was the time time he was a king, you know what I mean? The time Biden was a king was the time before he was even born, you know what I mean? Before electricity was in most people's homes and shit, you know. Yeah, maybe the 1940s. I don't know. He would have been more suited to that. I guess you've got Friedman and these people turning on Biden, and Friedman and Biden apparently
Starting point is 00:57:24 are pretty tight Like I don't know if that's gonna matter though. I really don't know how you're gonna convince Because like ultimately what is that kind of the irony here is that it ultimately comes down to convincing one stubborn old man And it's like good luck, brother Brother, you know how hard that is, man? You know how difficult it was, man? Like, I mean, and that's, I think, man, when you put it like that, it really just boils down to convincing one stubborn old man, you know? Like, to just like step aside.
Starting point is 00:57:59 And I mean, like, you know, again, I know I brought this up, but like, people saying that, oh, once the heavy hitters have to come out and convince Them otherwise, why would they do that? What would they get out of that? You know I'm saying yeah, like what is Obama gonna get out of Obama's gonna be the guy that was remembered as telling Biden to step Aside he's chilling right now off making Netflix money. You know what I'm saying? Yeah good, dude a Kamala Harris presidency or Whitmer or
Starting point is 00:58:25 Gavin Newsom presidency like all threaten his own legacy It's like why the fuck as long as Biden can preserve in this like Withered for like mummified form like Obama's platform like it still makes Obama look good So it's right what fucking incentive does he have I mean? That motherfucker would let us all die if it fucking made him look good in history books I mean I just walk over your corpse in the street your frozen corpse in this tree brother right now I I don't know I I don't know man I just it's just an end it's a it's an indicator and a marker because if you're trying to
Starting point is 00:59:04 convince one stubborn old man, that old man happens to be the embodiment of American Empire. And how do you convince one stubborn old empire that it has to step aside? Like it's not going to. It's going to lash out. It's going to, I don't know, man. That's why I'm even more convinced than ever that I will be dying in a nuclear war It's so wild to just it's just like so For all this bluster America has about itself and all these like myths and stories
Starting point is 00:59:33 It tells about itself that like we're this hamstrung by the hubris of like one decrepit old, dude like it doesn't seem like like you know, I mean like other places would just just murky man throw somebody else in there you know it would look this is what this is what I keep coming back to it wouldn't it make us look weak if we did that you know what I'm saying like wouldn't make the Democrats look weak like Dave and chaotic and chaotic right like it's I think that that's why they would rather just go forward with it and just lose, rather than like...
Starting point is 01:00:09 You know, it's like, man, I don't know if I brought this example up before, I probably have, but I've been thinking about that glass delusion, you know? I think it was during the late Middle Ages, people thought they were made of glass, and they thought that they would shatter. And I think it was probably like an effect of like melancholy, depression, you know, maybe people changing world or I don't know, I don't know what it was, right?
Starting point is 01:00:33 But- Magnesium deficiency will do crazy things too. Magnesium deficiency. But I feel like this is a mass glass delusion, you know, you know what I mean? Like everybody could see that Biden is made out of glass, you know, but refuses to acknowledge that he could possibly break, you know, and crack, you know what I mean? Like literally, if he falls, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:00:54 I mean, this guy is one slip and fall away from like, not being able to run, you know what I'm saying? And it's like, even that, to point that out to these these people is like, I mean, again, man, I don't know, I've seen people say that, oh, so you want Trump to win? Oh, but Trump is the convicted felon here. And just the convicted felon line, man, that speaks a lot to me because that means that these people care more about decorum and aesthetics, right? And the office of the presidency as a symbol rather than they care about anything substantive,
Starting point is 01:01:22 you know? Also speaks to how much that we've just like demonized people with criminal records and like right that To prop up to carceral state and everything else like you mean to tell me Biden's never did I've done anything illegal? Yeah, he's killed 50,000 people 20,000 Yeah, like, come on, like I, I, I, it's just, that's just, it's insane to stand up there with war crimes under your belt and just be like, there's only one convicted felon up here. Like, who gives a shit, dude? I don't know, it is, it does, there was something that Trump said last night that did kind of
Starting point is 01:01:59 take me down a few dark rabbit holes, which is that like, they've been talking for a long time about like, if they win, like what they're gonna do. And I mean, a lot of it's probably hot air. The Project 2025 shit? Yeah, right. But I think that Project 2025 shit is like, a lot of it is motivated personally by Trump's trials and tribulations, both metaphorical and liberal, or literal, also liberal. So
Starting point is 01:02:29 I do think that might actually have a chance of being implemented because you heard it in something he said last night, which is that like we had a terrible judge, he was a Democrat, all the prosecutors are all Democrats. And that like project 2025 thing is basically like purging the entirely judicial and administrative apparatus and Replacing it all with like conservatives And so I do think that like since he has a personal motivation there it like stings him personally that he's been like gone after by You know Democrats in the judicial in the judiciary and everything. I think he probably will go through with that I don't know if it really, it will have absolutely horrendous consequences at the local level.
Starting point is 01:03:09 At the national level, I think it's pretty much going to be the same, because we've already, like I said, we've already got these Supreme Court cases where they're peeling back the administrative state, they've made it illegal and unconstitutional to sleep outside. I mean, it's, and one of the, the oh we didn't even mention this the craziest fucking thing I saw last night was like a tweet by the way like an hour into the fucking debate All Biden's aides were like oh, he's got he's got the flu He's called he's got cold, but like an hour into the bay to the debate the Biden Twitter account tweeted something like,
Starting point is 01:03:46 When I'm elected, we will reinstate Roe v. Wade. And people were pointing out, bro, you already are elected! You're the fucking president! You can do that tomorrow! Bro, when he said to Trump, he was trying to place the repeal of Roe v. Wade on Trump, right? Biden was, because he said he elected all of these right-wing judges. It's like, dog, y'all could have codified this shit into law how many fucking years ago, man? You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:04:18 But also, you still have the pen, too. Right, exactly, exactly. Like you could do this right now. Right fucking now, dude. Man, They have just for eight fucking years. They've just let this guy Live rent-free in their head I mean granted it's not like they would have done anything anyways probably because like so much of this goes back to like Clinton years Third way, you know welfare quote-unquote reform War, all things that Biden has had a hand in. But like, it really is astonishing the degree
Starting point is 01:04:51 to which they have degraded in just eight years. Like, I don't know what it is. I don't know what it is about Trump as an avatar, as a human being, as a mythic figure, as a symbol, as a totem, whateveraur as a as a shit whatever it is something about him has taken them in eight years from Well, we still have some plans for the future to Well, but the jack the thing is that the rape the draping the people and this is like just this fog of delusion and
Starting point is 01:05:23 This is like just this fog of delusion and incoherence That is I mean and fear too and fear. It's just like they're going to let They are going to let the conservatives do any anything and everything they want and this includes on Gaza, too This is why it doesn't there is no argument here that one is better or worse than the other Yeah, it's stupid to engage in that because they are both doing the same things They both want the same things they think the same things one of them is gonna put up a feeble like Symbolic defiance against it, but it's gonna be red is completely weak and ineffectual while the other one Just goes ahead and slanders people as Palestinians and etc and just kills as many people people as they want. It's the same thing, and again, I just can't stress this enough,
Starting point is 01:06:08 that's why it devolves into arguing over golf swings. Right, right, right. I mean, because that's the, I mean, again, man, like that, you saw how animated they both got when that discussion came up, you know. They both got so excited. Well, now I know that, yeah, Biden plays with a bigger handicap than Trump and he admitted it
Starting point is 01:06:27 I mean Trump what Trump said with trust it obviously do a swing like it's like an underhanded comment I was right Biden probably doesn't even play golf at all, which is the funniest thing It's just like he is that on tilt by this guy He has to like it's like it would be like if me and you were arguing and like you're like fucking some insane Like jujitsu black belt or whatever not that Trump is an insane amazing golf player But like and I had maybe done like one or two classes in karate, but I'm like I'll fucking kick your ass, bro You got a lot of you just got to start like lie, you know, it's right, right He's just like he's just like to make himself seem cooler than the guy kicking his ass right now
Starting point is 01:07:06 There's this long story short there is no Spot for intervention here for the left. I just there's not even even if you go to the convention even if you try to like force some Opening through let's get new some in there or let's do committed uncommitted or whatever Let's do the random character generator from Mortal Kombat. There's no intervention here from the left. It's a losers game. We have- Can I just add to that, man?
Starting point is 01:07:33 I saw this tweet, man. That really pissed me off. Somebody said, if you're, you know, you need to do better. After last night's debate, you need to do better than just tweeting we're cooked, right? I beg you to do something else. I'm like, what the fuck? All right, dog. What do you want people to do?
Starting point is 01:07:49 What do you want people to do? We are cooked. You want people to go to the fucking DNC and get beat the fuck up by cops and shit like that and get harassed and shit, and at the end of the day, get ignored by these fucking people? I mean, go process the DNC, sure, right? I'm not telling people they shouldn't protest, but I mean, as if we can actually do something
Starting point is 01:08:09 about this election, you know, the left, I mean, I just think it's, I don't know, man. Maybe that's doomerish to say, but to me it's just fucking- Well, it's not doomerish to point out when you've got some significant disadvantages, okay? And then compiled on top of that is the Supreme Court decisions handed down which further complicate that issue you
Starting point is 01:08:30 know what I mean like like yeah I understand like for morale purposes but like part of like you know you know part of being a man is even when you're like you know even when you're fucked you keep going and I understand that part of it you know I mean but like Acknowledging that you you have a significant set of disadvantages is not do more that is just stating like this is what we're I think it just all it does is it requires a reassessment of what you do with that fact You can't like it deny it you can't say like oh everything's gonna be fine And we'll just don't mourn organize are we out of this it's like that right't mean anything. That's just like you're basically just saying things to make yourself feel better
Starting point is 01:09:10 Exactly, basically you have to because here's the thing and here's this has been a big problem for the left for a long long time Is that like we've pointed out before what the left is is a large It's a large demographic group, but it's made up of several different constellations of institutions, like NGOs, nonprofits, the Democratic Party, unions, things like DSA, and then the far left, people like us, probably revolutionaries or whatever in general. But there is social webbing there.
Starting point is 01:09:41 There's connective tissue that keeps us plugged in to still a lot of those Mainstream institutional forms and that's why like every two to four years We get sucked into that cycle where you feel like we have to respond to it and either ignore it and defend ourselves For ignoring it or like engage in it cynically or even engage in it like enthusiastically But like regardless the cycle is still there and I think that like the only way to like the only way to like really look at the statement we're boned, we're cooked, but then actually be able to plot a way
Starting point is 01:10:14 forward is you have to snap that cycle. You have to break out of that cycle that every two to four years says like oh we got to put all these things aside we got to put our tools down we have to put them focus on all this stuff. There's no more argument anymore for putting the tools down and like you know trying to engage in it this way or intervene in it That way we we are cooked in the sense that like we have finally broken out of that cycle And it is a very fucking traumatic and violent break, but it's it is a fact What are we gonna? We can do with it? You gotta fuckin' go forward with that in mind. All right, all right. Anyways.
Starting point is 01:10:48 Oh man. Sorry. No man, it's just, I don't know man. Just, like again, it was just, I think last night was just this, I mean I guess for a lot of people, this realization, this settling in of futurelessness, like what the fuck is gonna happen,
Starting point is 01:11:03 but I don't know, for me it was just an affirmation, man. It was a reaffirmation of, and a kind of perfect, not a perfect, a dismal culmination of everything that, you know. Yeah, I got to see my death again, which was like Sarah Connor in Terminator 2, like my fucking body getting like, thrown back from a changing fence
Starting point is 01:11:22 while I get vaporized in a nuclear war. Yeah, I mean, that's gonna be fun. So Anyways seems like we're winding down here Phyllis Yeah, well the future is unwritten boys Let's keep always keep that in mind man Yeah, I just don't even I don't even have the, man. I mean, I guess I had the words, but like even this morning when I got up, man, I had this feeling of like anxiety, you know?
Starting point is 01:11:51 And I meant to bring this up, man, earlier. This is kind of dark, but I went to this family reunion. And you can take this out of time if it's too dark for people, but I went to this family reunion, man, a couple years ago in Jamaica. And they had goats there right and we were gonna make curry goat right so they're slaughtering the goats right in front of us right like cutting their necks and the last goat like the last one started shitting itself right after seeing right all these
Starting point is 01:12:19 goats about to be slow like getting slaughtered and brother I felt like the last goat you know when I woke up this morning you know what I mean? I was like I I I like literally you know um so yeah man uh it was it was that's that's that's the sentiment you know yeah man just seeing seeing seeing my evident death heading towards me you know with the machete you know at least we beat Medicare nothing else if nothing else we mean we mean Medicare but you don't need but you don't need Medicare in World War three brother in the nuclear dilation nuclear apocalypse you don't I can't stop saying that but they don't they don't they don't have Medicare at Gastown you know Medicare at Gastown you know we made it we made Medicare and he said it proudly yeah it's kind of like they kind of like shouted him down a little bit Jake
Starting point is 01:13:14 Taffy got shouted down a little bit he just kind of looked like he didn't even know he said anything amiss like he had no idea he was like in his mind we did fully beat Medicare no he didn't even idea he was like in his mind. We did fully beat Medicare No, he didn't even try to correct himself in his mind He was a soldier in the trench with a big syringe for a gun and they're like shooting Medicines at each other across front trench lines like we're in the health care war brother We're beating Medicare. It's like they're dropping they're dropping napalm on villages, but it's not napalm It's just antibiotics like I hate a biotic
Starting point is 01:13:53 This man's mind is like when you know when mr. Burns has you know he has the period of the day where he's not sentient anymore And he's like riding around on a brontosaurus in like the little old Vaudevillian little clip. That's how uh, that's how Biden's we we Medicare we have black jobs I can't get a little more. I'm trying to get one of the black jobs by the way My name on paper you would think that I'm black Taryn Threy. I'm trying to get I'm trying to get a black job, bro I'll put it a good word for you, brother, man. But what I was gonna say, but like, what just, I know it closed it out,
Starting point is 01:14:28 but one little thing that Trump had said, man, that I can't stop thinking about, I don't know what he was talking about, but he said knock on wood, and then he added wherever we may find wood, or have, wherever we may find wood. Wherever we may find wood, just knock on wood. Dude, I don't know, man. It just sounds so funny. We may find whatever we may find what just I
Starting point is 01:14:47 Don't know man I looked at Tom. I lost I lost that wherever we may find it Maybe think like okay, is it like they're not made out of wood? Maybe it's not made out of wood You know, maybe he looked looked around for a minute and was like, okay, there's no wood anywhere around here, but wherever it may exist. I've said this before, this man for eight years has talked like he's trying to make the word count on a term paper, you know what I mean? Yes.
Starting point is 01:15:15 Just double spacing nonsensical sentences that just don't belong, just trying to pad it out. Oh, god. Wherever we may have, wherever we may have. We gotta get these black jobs man. We gotta beat Medicare. Get these black jobs. We've been too focused on green jobs for the last several years. We gotta get these black jobs.
Starting point is 01:15:37 Do you get in trouble if you cite having some of my best friends are black? If you cite that on your application to the black jobs? Some of best friends are black. If you cite that on your application to the black jobs. Yeah, some of my friends are black. I've had black jobs before. It's a, you know, you do Appalachian revitalization, say some of my best lungs are black. Oh God, bro. I don't want to sign off because I know as soon as we do I'm gonna think of something else
Starting point is 01:16:07 That was extremely funny, and then I forgot to mention But yeah, we probably gotta go Let's go Joe if we gotta go. Let's go Joe you answered all the questions Definitely got him an ice cream with all the sprinkles She definitely got him an ice cream with all the sprinkles Yeah after this we get to go get you're right like she took him through the Baskin Robbins line You know one last thing I do and say man is uh You know I think I think people are so stressed out about this for many reasons but it's this expectation that America has to be number one
Starting point is 01:16:46 I don't think we need to be man. I think we can take a seat I think we can take a seat back and be a lesser nation. I think that would be a good move for us I don't even think it's in our hands at this point I think if people stop trying to think about America try to regain some prestige and just just Accept the fact that we're cooked and we should just take a seat back Chill I think it would think I don't know I think it would it would a lot of people would feel a little bit better, you know They are current Simpsons, you know
Starting point is 01:17:14 We didn't even talk about the jabal Bowman thing about all the discourse around that Whether it was a anti submitted to talk about a peg putting the most money they've ever put into an election against them And they submitted to talk about APEC putting the most money they've ever put into an election against them. But anyways. That, nah, I mean, yeah. Yeah, we didn't really talk about it. But that whole thing was, that's just... I mean, another omen, man. I think that was another omen, man. If people want to talk about democracy, right? Yeah, being cooked.
Starting point is 01:17:37 Yeah, being cooked in Project 2025. Well, I think it's pretty fucked up when a foreign country can influence American elections to the point where they push out a black man You know what I mean? What a black man's being compared to a by an as a Nazi by people like Liz Smith if that doesn't trouble you If the if the debate if the debate last night didn't trouble you what should trouble you're not troubled because you're a Democrat Probably a liberal but the fact that they think of black people as Nazis Right. Yeah, that's good. That should worry you the fact that they think of black people as nazis Right. Yeah, that's good. That should worry you the fact that apac can spend that much fucking money
Starting point is 01:18:08 In an election and just toss it and the fact that the democrats redistrict read read Redrew his district, you know to make it more white all these things are equally as troubling as like, you know The guy with the tapioca for brains, you know what I mean? Yeah 100 dude I think that's the best way to put it. Fucking A. Alright. Well, let's call it there. Any other outstanding thoughts I guess we'll save for the group chat.
Starting point is 01:18:36 Or we'll throw it up on the Patreon. Throw it up on the Patreon. Go over to Patreon. The link is in the show notes. You can find our bonus episodes over there. We'll probably be talking about this On this coming weekends episode as well So we encourage you all to go look at that Any final thoughts before we sign off?
Starting point is 01:18:56 I'm just I'm happy that it seems like the heat has broken a little bit. It's a little bit cooler. It's nice here Yeah, so I mean, you know, even though last night was pretty apocalyptic, you know, it's a nice day today. Go with God, and I'd mean that. It's our only hope is to find a higher college. Well, you know, I texted y'all in the group chat, like I'm thinking about converting to Islam, you know, so whatever your piece pieces, you know to be go find your piece You know, yeah, whatever's working for you. It was working for you
Starting point is 01:19:33 All right game thanks for listening this week we'll see you over at the patreon in a few days peace bye

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