Trillbilly Worker's Party - Episode 350: Fearful Supersymmetry

Episode Date: July 4, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's going on with Terrence Howard these days? Yeah, I don't want to play no criminal games. I got enough taxes. Like this is a thing where, like, if I'm watching an MMA fight and someone's doing commentary and they call a kick wrong, I'm like, why are you doing this? You don't even know what that is. Wow, Joe Rogan, man, really went in on Terrence Howard there. Is Joe Rogan calling out Terrence Howard for his completely wrong, erroneous comments on Euclidean geometry or something like that, or mathematics. Is that what's going on?
Starting point is 00:00:29 I'm with Terrence Howard because we have the same name. But it's not spelled the same though. It's not spelled the same, but it was satisfying hearing Joe Rogan saying, Terrence explains supersymmetry and I felt like I was in the room. I felt like he was asking me to explain supersymmetry Well brother take a swell Joe and open up your ears. That's that's good stuff. Learn you something what what happened there?
Starting point is 00:00:53 Do you think you think that he just like did acid one time and was like genuinely like what happened? Why did he go? Super like why did he? Suddenly, you know he found new math? You know what, I'm not even hating though man, because I often wish that I could, or pretend that I could talk about a subject at length. I mean I feel like I do it often on the show probably, that I know nothing about, you know what I mean? So I'm kind of, I'm not hating because I appreciate his, I appreciate his intent, you know what I mean? So I'm kind of, I'm not hating because I appreciate,
Starting point is 00:01:26 I appreciate his, I appreciate his intent, you know, to say I'm not just a dumb actor, you know what I mean? I know things about supersymmetry. He came to that interview with like five visual representations of what he was calling like supersymmetry. And like- He had exhibits. He had exhibits exhibits he had like
Starting point is 00:01:45 He had these like 3d models in his hand because he was talking like about bosons and like fucking fermions But then he but then he had like then he had these like visual Representations of what he was talking about and he like presented them all and like what happened was like Joe Rogan had a mathematician on the episode of what he was talking about and he presented them all. And what happened was Joe Rogan had a mathematician on the episode. So it's like every- On the same episode? On the same episode, so every time Terrence Howard
Starting point is 00:02:10 would start going in on his shit, this guy would be like, I don't think that means what you think it means. Yes. You have no idea what you're talking about. Respectfully, sir. I also want to say something though too. It seems like a clear-cut case of the pot,
Starting point is 00:02:24 cod, and the kettle black when you're talking about Joe Rogan though, because Joe Rogan is also a man that frequently talks out of his ass. This is true. I mean, this is why it's so much more shameful, because it's Joe Rogan calling you out for being wrong. Right. Man. Yeah, it's like, okay, yeah, sure, Joe, you understand what a rear naked choke looks like
Starting point is 00:02:43 in a UFC match, but you also opine on things you have no business opining on and I say that as a man that also to Opines on things he has no business opining on what you don't see me out here casting dispersions We're all in this together man. We are all talking out of our asses at the end of the day Like we're all Terrence Howard you know what would be funny though if if this episode is Joe Rogan episode gained traction and he felt so humiliated that like Donald Trump being made fun of at that one White House Correspondents Dinner if Terrence Howard said you know what I'm gonna fucking I'm gonna
Starting point is 00:03:18 re-register in school and go to college for mathematics and he comes back in like four to six years you know he's like working at like the large Hadrian and collider is some shit like that you know what I'm saying he's like he's like talking about fucking quantum physics and shit you know all to just prove Joe Rogan wrong exactly well on this you know in this interview though he's wearing like a stoner sweatshirt like he's wearing or a hoodie he's literally wearing a hoodie with like some stoner like tie-dye shit on the front like he's just literally like his thing is that he's literally wearing a hoodie with like some stoner like tie-dye shit on the front Like he's just literally like his thing is that he's just gone
Starting point is 00:03:49 Like Bonnaroo Camp hippie, that's it That's that's a that's an aesthetic choice many are taking this days though. Yeah, is it? What's in now? Yeah, it's in fashion. Bussin haircuts and drug rugs Does he have a bussing haircut on top of it? No, he's got cornrows these days. Okay. Well I hope he does drugs and smokes weed because you have no excuse to be talking like that if you don't take mine altering drugs. Exactly. That man has licked some sort of South American toad it seems like. He's pulling out of his pocket like occasionally to lick it or camera. Yeah, I know the guys that talk like that. I also have to ask the question. What is supersymmetry?
Starting point is 00:04:30 Brother you're asking the Okay, I'll say that one for Terrence Howard when it comes According to Terrence Howard, let's see if I can paraphrase his answer because Joe Rogan asked him his answer was supersymmetry is when things become fractal and then they become whole again or something like that it was like something like that and then the mathematician was like that's not what it means at all according according to Wikipedia because everybody knows that's a reputable source supersymmetry is a theoretical framework in physics
Starting point is 00:05:02 that suggests the existence of symmetry between particles with in inter Integerspins Bosons and particles with half integer spins integer spins fermions. I have no idea what any of that means But yeah, it's some it's some quantum physics shit This is just how science worked in the 13th century, but you get a degraded version of a degraded version of a degraded Version of something and then you and your boys try to piece together The most get high some stuff stuff since to try to piece it all together. Yeah. Yeah, we're doing st. Amos fire today We're gonna take some fungus that'll make us see God and then we're gonna reinvent man
Starting point is 00:05:42 Oh Shit What more proud to a man, you know, yeah, it's the only thing giving me any Entertainment or joy this week Happy Independence Day. You should you should That should give you some joy you you live in the freest country in the world What country on God's green earth brother brother. According to the Heritage Foundation, we are in the actual process of a second
Starting point is 00:06:07 American Revolution, so it's like, we're going, we're redoing the American Revolution, but we're doing it again. We're doing it right this time. These things are holding our hands, they're muskets. Yeah, that's right. These hurt, instead of mics, they're muskets. Every time I say something, yeah, I gotta stop and take 15 minutes to reload reload it with bullshit. I'm reloading
Starting point is 00:06:31 Yeah, we didn't be a stuff and supersymmetry down in this thing That's what he was referring to was the Supreme Court decision on presidential immunity from all crimes He said we're in the midst of a second American Revolution, brother. So let me ask you a question. So basically the Supreme Court decision says that if you win an arbitrary undemocratic election, because our elections are probably deemed undemocratic in most parts of the world. Uh-huh. I then can do anything I want with impunity.
Starting point is 00:07:08 Yes. Like, I mean, that's the way it is quietly, I know. But they're just saying it now that, like, the president of the United States is the only man on Earth above reproach. Yeah. I mean, it just gives a different, it just gives a different meaning or new meaning to when Trump was like, I could shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue. Well, he said that before he became president, but like people were saying online, it's like
Starting point is 00:07:33 the president, I mean, but then again, like you said, Tom, the president or the leader of this country has facilitated, carried out assassinations on American citizens before, you know what I mean So this is just I guess codifying into law saying that it's okay, you know kind of wild that we are Being goaded into supporting a cadaver Just so that a guy that said I could shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue and nobody would do anything to me won't be able to
Starting point is 00:08:04 shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue and nobody would do anything to me, won't be able to lead under these new Supreme Court things. That is, I will tell you friends, that is, I think that's a textbook between a rock and a hard place. Not that it matters either way because both are very bad outcomes, but for us. But what will that even make us do to go there? This guy said that, the leader of the Heritage Foundation, he said, in spite of all this nonsense from the left, we're going to win. We're in the process of taking this country back.
Starting point is 00:08:43 Blah, blah, blah. I would go to Federalist number 70. If you're looking for something to read over Independence Day weekend, in addition to re-reading the Declaration of Independence, read Hamilton's number 70, because there, along with some other essays, in some other essays, he talks about the importance
Starting point is 00:08:59 of vigorous executive. We love a vigorous executive. So what these people basically want is that they want to complete or undo the, I don't want to say undo the American Revolution, right? Because that was like a revolution for bourgeois, landed gentry, all that shit, right? But it sounds like they just want a king. Well, it's actually the opposite of the American Revolution because it's I don't see unless unless your View of this going back from day one is that we have just been moving back towards a
Starting point is 00:09:36 kind of monarchist Form of government. Let me tell you something. These these chodes were saying we're gonna take back our country in 1777. They've been saying that since the founding of the whole goddamn thing. Yeah, the day after they were like, you know what? We're taking our country back. Yeah, y'all have had it for far too long, 24 hours. It is interesting, I asked the question
Starting point is 00:10:02 and hastily deleted it because I hate looking like a moron Even though it's not you hate you hate look like Eric Alford Yeah, looking like a moron holding the bike in head exactly But like if any of the founding fathers ever Conceptualized so it's like obviously they were like very conceptualized. So it's like obviously they were like very intent, they were very like hyper fixated on the possibility of a strong executive because of the whole experience with monarchy. Like that was kind of the whole reason we fought a war of independence. But like did any of them ever foresee
Starting point is 00:10:39 like the judiciary arising as this like totally sort of like omnipotent all-powerful Branch of government that everyone would apparently just be powerless to do anything about like that's a current That's kind of a crazy concept right like I guess the concept would be And and I guess some of the answers I got was that like some people Thought about it, but like maybe the wasn't even existent at the time. Basically at the time the courts were just seen as an interpretive body. They just interpreted law. The idea that they would actually ever be making law was kind of completely alien to
Starting point is 00:11:18 them. Right. Right. But I mean, I guess if you look at it just sort of like in this general context of I guess this concept called Like democratic backsliding, you know that slowly Even built within the American system are these sort of loopholes to make it undemocratic, right? I mean, so I guess the logical step for these people would be like well if we can interpret the law Then why don't we just start you know what I mean like soft creating these?
Starting point is 00:11:46 Yeah, you know what I mean? That's true. Honestly. What's kind of funny about it is What's kind of funny about it is that the lid kind of got ripped off that with the Warren Court Which was a liberal court so like really like liberals kind of were the first ones to use the courts as this sort of like activist Really, liberals were the first ones to use the courts as this sort of activist. Which, you know, we got Brown v. Board, we got all the civil rights things of the 60s, and search and seizure, all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:12:16 But it's interesting now that it's being used in the opposite direction to essentially just dismantle the entire government. You know what I thought was very interesting and I mean only a Democrat could do this because they're like allergic to power or governance you know what I mean? I mean in collusion with the right all of the shit but Biden's response being like well you know when I'm elected I won't use my power to do anything.
Starting point is 00:12:45 You know what I'm saying? It's just like, only a Democrat could say something like that. They pretty much just gave you free reign to do whatever the fuck you want. And your first reaction is, ew, power, ew, I don't wanna touch it. Didn't he say, I dissent?
Starting point is 00:12:57 Wasn't that his mic drop? Oh, god, dude. Jesus, man. Yes, you are dissenting. You are descending into dimension. I descend. I descend. I descend. Oh, God, dude. The white in the eyes. And descend. Oh, man. Well, what a week. I mean, truly, what a fucking week. We come back full circle one week later
Starting point is 00:13:28 And quite a bit of things have happened. I gotta ask y'all a question though before we start Are any of you guys coconut pill yet? Is anybody here coconut pill? Anybody diving into the K hole brother I Look I received in fact several people Asking me my position on this and my position on this I was gonna see if I could go through that this whole episode without even Addressing it at all. We literally if we could just see if we could just like find a way to go through at this whole thing without addressing it.
Starting point is 00:14:05 But my thoughts on this is everything is cope. Everything. So that goes from the K-Hive, that goes from like unreconstructed Bernie bros adopting the K-Hive thing, all the way to we have to build power in the streets and dual power and get a guns, all the way to we have to build power in the streets and dual power and get a guns all the way to what I Do which is sit around and think about the post-apocalyptic?
Starting point is 00:14:31 Warring animal kingdoms Animal wars the race wars like that like that race Let me tell you something perhaps a harbinger. Maybe I don't know maybe a what is a good sign what is a good harbinger is a good bad side yeah harbinger is a bad yeah I saw a corvid I saw big Raven sitting on top of a they had pulled my neighbor's tree out they pulled the stump out and let the big pile of shavings I saw a Raven just sitting on there just looking at me and I approached him and I thought he'd fly away and he just looked at me I
Starting point is 00:15:11 Think I'm coming over to Corvid world team Corvid Corvid brother you need to make friends with them so he could like do like little mischievous pranks and acts on your neighbors You know I'm saying I know yeah, I can show that he can trust me Maybe look we have a relationship if We get in on the ground floor We could be like We could be like some of the early doctrinal founders of Corvid ideology like these three guys be Jeremy Corvid Jeremy Corvid
Starting point is 00:15:47 Jeremy Corvid. We could be seen as like the founding, you know, fathers of Corvid civilization. So I'm just saying, I mean, I'm not doing nothing to piss them off. I mean, I just don't, you know, like falconry is a thing, you know what I mean? We need Corvidry, you know what I'm saying? Like we could get in on the ground floor of that shit. You gotta become revolutionaries in our own right, you know? That's exactly right. Can I just add, can I just add to the Coke thing, man? I thought that when I saw the coconut pill shit
Starting point is 00:16:20 and I saw people posting clips of her and stuff, like I thought people were joking, you know, but then like the more I started scrolling I saw that people were trying to make a case for it So I I tweeted something that immediately muted because people were answering me in earnest and I'm like, I don't care I'm just I'm just telling you my opinion. I just think it's stupid. But um, I don't think it's coke but I also think it's like it's sort of Ridiculous that during the primaries, all right, I guess what it is is that people say
Starting point is 00:16:48 that Kamala has a better chance of beating Trump, but. Kamala couldn't beat anybody in the Democratic primary. Exactly, first of all. First of all, exactly. Let's just start there. Exactly. Like, okay, it's a cutesy thing, and like, have fun. I don't give a shit, I'm not gonna be a killjoy
Starting point is 00:17:05 But like don't contort that in trying to make a serious argument that she could beat Trump She couldn't be fucking Amy Klobuchar and Pete Buttigieg. She was out before they were Exactly, right? Yeah, Elizabeth Warren, right? But like it's also like secondly It's also like like what is she what has she done in four years besides stay zanned out that would suggest? Maybe that is to her credit that seems to be the argument that I'm seeing that like by just going out there and being good goofy and wacky she could capture the The American, you know heart and mind and the American psyche the American sense of humor fucking those men Look, go ahead. No. No, it's just it's just again, man
Starting point is 00:17:41 It's also just like dude like everybody everybody forget when she was attorney general of California like just people that are talking about it Seriously is that it doesn't fucking matter. No one president We are way far beyond the point where any one president will have to do anything material like change anything Materially improve things materially in my opinion people will now say oh well look at all these things that he that he or she could do And it's like that she could do it. I'm like, why would she do that? Why do you think that because we he or she could do and it's like that she could do it. I'm like, why would she do that? Why do you think that? Because we heard that she was, I guess, dissatisfied with the with Biden's response to Gaza. If you're really dissatisfied, just fucking resign as vice president.
Starting point is 00:18:16 You know what I mean? Like like people are making it sound as if she's not colluding with the entire Democratic Party to carry out their right wing program. And it's just like we're done, brother. It's just animal kingdoms from now on dog. It's over with. Stop trying to make it seem as if a president is going to fix anything. Yo, you people are just asinine. Get over it man. Grow up. It's the only way we can relate to politics, just like winners and losers, because again, I mean to borrow that sports metaphor from last episode, that's the only way we could conceive of victory and success is points on scoreboard at the end of regulation. I think that's why people do that.
Starting point is 00:18:52 But like also, another thing I will say to that point that I'm put off by are like the serious socialists that are like, no, this is like scolding the disaffected Bernie contention or whatever that are like ironically having fun with it. I got shit's lame, too It's like bro. Just let people have have fun. Okay. Yeah, it doesn't matter It doesn't matter so I guess people might as well laugh and joke about it now, you know I'm in no way spiral the train look. It's two of my favorite things. I love context and I love coconuts So it's like I it's good a hard sale for you yeah I'd like that's a good riffing ingredients good riffing material that you can use
Starting point is 00:19:30 but my thoughts on it is that it doesn't matter because what's gonna happen is gonna happen like they don't we don't do not have any say over who they pick over how they pick them over what their platform is, what their policies are gonna be. It will literally depend on a smoky back room decision that they come out, you know, like when they choose the pope and the white smoke comes out and if it's Kamala, dude, if it's Kamala, I mean, who the fuck knows? If I'm within voting, if I'm within 50 feet of a voting booth on voting day, I'll probably go plug one in, fuck it. Like it's low demand, low risk, whatever.
Starting point is 00:20:18 Low stakes, like I don't care. It's funny to think of like who runs the United States as low stakes, but it is. In this situation, it has become so farcical that it is it is because the stakes have effectively been lowered I saw one tweet that was like truly perplexing that just kind of made me like scratch my head and granted These are just nobody's so like you have to take it with a grain of salt But someone said it is legitimately funny there's a number of leftist orgs
Starting point is 00:20:46 entering their third presidential cycle over two decades talking about, quote, we need to plan how to organize under Trump's oppression without really thinking at all about how to just avoid having a Trump presidency, lol. And it's like, dude, I, at least for the last two presidential elections, I'm pretty sure large parts of the left have you know Spent a lot of fucking time thinking about how to avoid that and what I'm seeing today is the vast majority the vast majority of
Starting point is 00:21:16 Left people I know the vast majority are saying even Kamala would be better than this even anybody who could conceivably beat Trump would be better than this and so like I I don't really know like why they're so what I guess what I'm getting Is like why is there so much in fighting like why is everybody at each other's throats right now like everybody's so fucking pissed off Oh, you're an anti-electoral this like you're a pro this that it's just like Thinking what the infighting is over right? Well, it's like it's kind of like what you said it's like what you said Terrence that I think like we're so powerless you know that I think in the absence of any sort of Stringent political program that can actually affect this electoralism or whatever, so to speak.
Starting point is 00:22:06 I think we're so powerless that the only thing you can end up doing is just fighting with each other. You know what I mean? That's the only thing you have energy left for. You know what I mean? We have some fight in us and it's just funny that we choose to turn it on our friends and neighbors. Right, right, exactly.
Starting point is 00:22:20 Well, obviously I do that all the time. It's part of being on the left. Literally your neighbor Yeah, but I think that the point is is like I just a lot of people are like arguing against like strawman and a lot of people are just kind of like creating people to be mad at and it's I See from you know in the again, this is just fucking online too so who knows but it definitely seems to me that like the majority of people are like we'll take anybody who's not Joe and
Starting point is 00:22:54 Can I get a copy out to that actually because I Have seen at least one tweet from an elected official a Democratic Congress person Who when people were bringing up the K-Hive and Bernie contingent, you know, coming together, this guy was like, I wouldn't vote for Bernie Sanders to lead like, I don't know, like the bingo club or something like that, right? So it's like- Something, Jared Moskovitz, I think, is the one that said that. Well, it's like, I don't think that, I do think that-
Starting point is 00:23:23 Kind of anti-Semitic, frankly. Yeah, a little bit, yeah, a little bit. Y'all was like, eh, eh, eh. think that kind of like a medic frankly. Yeah I was kind of like doing it like the emoji like chin rope But like it's just like these people claim they care about democracy But any challenges to Biden's run right? It's just out of the question, right? You know what I mean? Like even somebody like I mean again just someone like sure of Sanders You know, I mean like what I'm saying I guess is that it seems like these liberals, at least right, elected officials and sure, I know it's Twitter, but even some of the constituency, like they would
Starting point is 00:23:52 rather support like a mob, like a conservative Democrat, you know what I'm saying? Or even like even even just, I don't even say even a conservative, because I know that these people are terrified about project 25. But what I'm saying is that they have bigger beef with progressives right and the left right then they do with Conservatives even conservatives within their own party. Yeah. Yeah. I know what you mean I guess I guess I could say if anybody wants to be mad if you want to be mad at anybody Be mad at me. I can take it bro. I can fucking take it bro. Come at me like genuinely I like over the course of the past four days, I kind of worked myself into like a an accelerationist position where I was like
Starting point is 00:24:33 Joe needs to be the nominee and the reason he needs to be the nominee is because he will lose against Trump and that'll finally Disillusion enough people against this fucking cursed god damn Democratic party that needs to die if the world is going to survive. See, Terrence, I had the same thing, but not for accelerationist reasons. I've actually became a true believer when I saw this email from Joe this morning. The subject line read, I'm running... He said, Thomas, I know the past few days have been tough for us. I'm sure you're getting a lot of questions and I'm sure many of you have questions of
Starting point is 00:25:11 me as well. I do, Joe. I ain't gonna say I don't. So let me say this as clearly and simply as I can. I'm running. To the grave, brother. I'm the Democratic Party's nominee and no one is pushing me out. I'm not leaving and I'm in this race to the end and we are going to win this election.
Starting point is 00:25:32 If that's all you need to hear, pitch in a few bucks to help Kamala and me defeat Donald Trump in November. If not, please keep reading. I've been knocked down and counted out my whole life. I'm sure the same is true for many of you, but my father had an expression, Thomas. I keep reading. I've been knocked down and counted out my whole life. I'm sure the same is true for many of you, but my father had an expression, Thomas. He said, champ, it's not how many times you get knocked down, it's how quickly you get up.
Starting point is 00:25:55 As a country, when we get knocked down, we get back up. When we get counted out, we just work harder. No, we don't. We just wallow in the filth, in the pit, in the fucking pit, in the ditch. Hey, now, wait, hold your comments till till the end boys. This is what swayed me That is exactly what I'm going to do and it's exactly what I need you to do as well Just as we beat Donald Trump in 2020
Starting point is 00:26:16 We're gonna beat him again in 2024 But it won't be easy and I need you to get behind me to get it done each and every one of you This campaign is bigger than me or you and everything we believe in, everything we stand for and everything we are fighting for is at risk in this election. Thank you, God bless. This literally might as well be a speech of peace. It is, what if Joe Biden wrote in the speech of piece to make his case for president. Now I need Wattsburg!
Starting point is 00:26:47 Basically, I think it's interesting, I mean, this is just one of those dumb fundraising emails you can't, obviously you can't unsubscribe from no matter how many times you tell them to fuck off. But it's funny, he's saying Kamala and me, Kamala and me, Kamala and me, like he's putting her first. Right. So they're trying to have their cake and eat it too now, where it's like, Kamala and me Kamala and me Kamala and me like he's putting her first right so he they're trying to have their cake and eat it too now where it's like
Starting point is 00:27:07 Kamala's Basically, it's almost like you said I'm gonna die so if you really are into this coconut shit then It's still chip in here because you'll probably get her I also feel like it might be because I've heard that uh you know who knows what's really happening behind doors But I can believe this though that she's been upset because in the media they're passing over her as if she doesn't exist So I kind of feel like that adding her is also for her as well and her supporters like oh, yeah Yeah, like she's included as well, you know, it's gonna be me and her Also, can I just say that this motherfucker saying that he's been counted out his whole life you talking about the guy that became
Starting point is 00:27:43 What fucking what was it? Well senator? Yeah, he lied about his age to run for Senate in Delaware younger than I am was actually in politics before he was actually legally able to Wow, he's been counted out short man. It's like come on, dude Jesus Christ man, I mean Jesus Christ man, I mean It's it is wild. Okay, cuz like it is it has been just this like whipsaw man like Literally
Starting point is 00:28:14 Two days ago. It was like he's definitely not dropping out and then yesterday it was Or I'm sorry three days ago. It was he's definitely not dropping out. And then two days ago it was like, all right, we're getting coconut-pilled. And then yesterday it was like, they dropped that interview where he basically said what you just said, Tom, but I guess they most have taken that and put it into a newsletter, but this was in Politico.
Starting point is 00:28:40 Yeah, no one's pushing me out. Defiance on a call with campaign staff and phoning other top Democrats The president vowed to stay in the race and and I get I think like at this time They're also surfaced an image of him looking very very crispy looking very much like Trump like they obviously gave my man the spray tan They were like they were like in order to make people think this guy is not a cadaver, what we have to do is just, you know, make him look orange, yo. You know, make him look like a tangerine, not quite Trumpy. He probably does look a little base tan, I have to say, even cadavers.
Starting point is 00:29:20 It's just astonishing, and like, I guess the thing is, is he... The thing is, is that I can easily see a situation, and I know we speculated about this on the Patreon this past weekend, but like, I'm genuinely starting to see the makings of a situation where everything they said about Trump will just become true of Biden he will He will hold on to the nomination for dear fucking life Turn the fucking executive like using these powers that have been granted to him and and all the other like vague ephemera like floating around an American democracy That's always been there that it allows it to be
Starting point is 00:30:04 Like floating around an American democracy that's always been there that it allows it to be Completely authoritarian if it needs to be just turn the office into just this authoritarian like bunker Basically and like after January 6 even after he loses like he'll be like yeah He'll summon blue MAGA and they probably will be successful they probably will actually succeed in doing January 6th, and then we'll just have like Biden for life. Like a military junta would buy it. He's the one who said I will never die. That is Eastern European dictatorship.
Starting point is 00:30:34 I will never die. Did you see though his uh- Right, usually right before you drop dead giving a speech, like remember that video that was going around, that guy just... I will never... That's an amazing line. I won't die. You got to point though, Terrence, about him kind of adopting these Trumpian, not even just policies, but the way he even conducts these briefings.
Starting point is 00:31:02 I saw this report that said he gets very testy and touchy and he gets very offended. So in the briefings, you can't put in things that will make him like upset. And I'm like, dog, I could look at an article from like, you know, like fucking over four years ago, you know what I'm saying? During the Trump administration and find reporting
Starting point is 00:31:18 that says something word for word, the same exact thing about what you can and cannot put in these briefings. So again, it's just like, you know what we're're dealing with man. It truly is. I know we said this I know it's obvious, but I think people got internalized this you're dealing with an old man. No grumpy stubborn man This is another tweet I deleted but like seriously like the reason I'll be shocked if he's not the nominee Do you realize how hard it is to get a stubborn old senile man to do anything? Dude, it is. Take his medication to not to take away the keys.
Starting point is 00:31:52 You're like, brother, I'm taking away the keys because that's what it is, son. People are like, we're trying to take away the keys. And people are like, no, what do you mean? What do you mean my grandfather can't drive across the country? You know what I'm saying? It's like, what are you talking about? It's like, I thought you cared about democracy. I thought you cared about all this bullshit
Starting point is 00:32:09 you say you believe in, you don't. I say put him on Joe Rogan with Terrence Howard and the mathematician. Let's get him to judge his mental acuity. Let's see if he can chop it up with my boy Terrence. Nah, to be fair, to be fair, I probably wouldn't be that mentally fit to have a conversation with Joe Rogan or Terence Howard about super symmetry. But, but I mean this is... The thing, I just...
Starting point is 00:32:31 You are fundamentally correct, and we laugh about it, but what is so truly depressing and tragic about it, is that like 60,000 Palestinians had to die because we had to put a racist, infirm old man. We had to install one so that they could beat off Bernie and like Black Lives Matter and all the like social movement of 2020. That's it. There's nothing to it beyond that. This motherfucker was like in last place before South Carolina, before they landed on him as like the fucking July Monarchists, you know what I mean? Like the July of our Narki installed installed leader. It's that's I
Starting point is 00:33:13 Mean, it's it's it's tragic and it's fucked up. But as I said on the patreon like It just it's so fitting for the trajectory of America like this seems like the algorithm that's been written for America Like this is the logic of the system and I just can't imagine any other Inputs like and so that I could be wrong. I mean multiple times of the past few days. I've been like, oh shit I was definitely wrong. They're definitely gonna put in Kamala, but then I'm just like looking at it I'm like goddamn like well, maybe they maybe they really won't maybe they really are just like helpless to this In the same way they're helpless to every other thing like you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:33:51 Like it's just this helplessness that you widespread helplessness you see among liberals everywhere I guess is what I'm trying to do. What is kind of crazy though is that like they can't I mean whether anybody wants to acknowledge or not the campaign is imploding just because I I mean, whether anybody wants to acknowledge or not, the campaign is imploding just because, I mean, if you polled 10 randos, you don't know if they're gonna put Kamel in there, if the person doesn't care, or if they think Joe's staying in the race.
Starting point is 00:34:12 Like, nobody knows what's happening with that, and every day that ticks by is like, I mean, it's a bad thing for their chances against Trump, because at least for all Trump's insanity, which is something we don't talk about enough anymore like we're talking about Biden's senility, but like That's four years ago. Trump was saying let's inject yourselves with bleach and we're looking at that. You know what I mean? Right, and he started the Space Force Uh-huh
Starting point is 00:34:39 No, I mean the guy's insane too, but just like a little more cogent, you know, I'm cogent insanity. Yeah. Yeah but I just I just one thing I just go back to is is I know for like all of America's warts and everything but like Is this the best we can do dude? This is the best we can write a game show host casino magnet and a fucking Senile career politician that were criminal, you know what they're treating it like dog. They're treating it like the other night I was really hungry and it was super late man. So it was like past midnight
Starting point is 00:35:19 So everything was closed and the only thing that was open was a crystals which I fucking hate crystals, man That shit that shit makes my belly run. And some other, like, I forget what other, I forget what it was, like a cookout or something like that. And I know people from the South, people are probably gonna hate on me, like, I like cookout. But it's like these two bottom of the barrel choices,
Starting point is 00:35:37 like top of the bottom shelf, you know what I'm saying? Because everything else is closed, and I can't get nothing else. And it's like people are treating it like, again, man, it's this idea, it's like this sports analogy. It's not really about, well, who or what would be a better option for to materially improve people's lives, right?
Starting point is 00:35:55 It's just about winning to make sure that guy doesn't win, you know? Well, the Waffle House is your answer to that. That's the winner. Right, right, right. Yeah, I didn't even think of the Waffle House, True. True, we need a Waffle House candidate, brother I didn't even think of the Waffle House true we need a Waffle House candidate brother I could always well Joe tried to give us that and everybody was like no that dapp was staged the play there's no pleasing y'all what what I keep coming back to dude
Starting point is 00:36:17 it's like I just keep I just kept coming back to this over the past few days what is so goddamn funny to me is that at the end of the day this literally comes down to a very simple decision for one man to either be selfless or selfish. And like that's it. There is, carve everything else away. Pair everything else away. It is that, at the end of the day,
Starting point is 00:36:39 that's the only decision here. And like I saw this guy, his name is, I don't know. I don't know if this is real or not He's got a huge following so it must be real, but his name is Aaron black He's a senior political advisor for Nancy Pelosi But he was just sharing name with like the worst people on earth Aaron group are Aaron black like fuck out here dog I'm about to change my fucking name. Go ahead She's my a rock and Rodriguez though though dude. He was cool, right? I think you fucked at least
Starting point is 00:37:09 Is he canceled is a rod? One a rod is Alex Rodriguez You're thinking of Aaron Hernandez, and he committed a string of CTE inspired murders Killed himself in prison Bad a bad that we were both like Man you won't get me to blush often on this show, but my face is red right now Still stands again True this guy Aaron black he was fucking killing me. He was just going ham on everybody yesterday He was like he was like Team Biden Harris is all about unity. We're all about unity. We're gonna reelect them
Starting point is 00:37:51 It's about inclusive compassionate and for thinking and Trump at the end of the day only thinks about himself And it's like yeah once again every accusation is a confession here, isn't it? It's just it's you know to say it's just like it's it's isn't it? It's just like, you know what I'm saying? It's just like, it's... You know what's kind of, this is kind of bait and switch to, I mean, really and truly what it is. Do you remember like part of the selling, like they were so desperate to beat Trump at 2020. They emotionally blackmailed us with kids in cages at border, right? We've talked about that at length. Okay. Don't you want a president you just don't have to think about anymore? And do y'all forget what the third selling point was? Like Joe gestured that he was going to be a one-term president and basically turn
Starting point is 00:38:33 the reins over to Kamala or whoever was next waiting in the wings. And then he's like, yeah, I think I'll hang on. You know? was part of the sale of like that He was just gonna be a bridge to like just get us through the like, you know The detritus of the Trump era and then we would have a fresh start here, but he's but hubris ma'am They're gonna update his paw. They're gonna update his position from don't you want a president? You don't have to think about anymore to don't you want a president who doesn't think? Can't think? Don't you want a president who can't think? Don't you want a president who's asleep between hours of like five and like you know what I'm saying like midnight or some shit like that or like the next day? You know?
Starting point is 00:39:15 I mean I'm still... Don't you want a president you have to think about constantly again? Don't you want a president who you have to tell them yo you can't drive you gotta take away the keys? There was this man in Witesboro named S.T. Wright, I'll never forget him. He drove until he was 98 years old and he was all the time getting in little fender benders and everybody knew when you'd get behind him because he was going about 28 miles an hour in the 55. You know what I mean? And he was like well, that's just ST in his Cadillac That's what this is like. It's like if ST right was the president of the United States
Starting point is 00:39:50 But in fairness ST sudden was on the Kentucky Supreme Court. So I guess there is some Proximity power in that family Dude good lord, I mean, it's, I guess, once again, it's just been a very fascinating like look into, because like you see these, it's almost like they're sort of like stutter stepping, like they'll take one step forward and then kind of like get scared and get like nervous
Starting point is 00:40:23 and then take a step back and then, you know what I'm saying? Like there's no I Just keep going back to this question of like agency and like what you do and don't have control over And it's just like I just have to remind people that at the end of the day like We do not ultimately have any control over this like we don't have any control over making him step down I mean granted we could if you wanted to if you wanted to like do some our own January 6 crimes like I guess that's an option Parody for the FBI people listening
Starting point is 00:40:52 But like I mean we we do theoretically live in America where one of the founding fathers Said some dumb shit about having to water the tree of Liberty Thomas Jefferson blood of tyrants Like that's like this whole fucking dumb shit was you know we're recording this on July 4th this whole dumb shit was like we the people man we like will rise up more take them out ourselves if we have to and fuck the king one of the things about rhetoric it's like giving a pep rally or speech if you're coach like it's it's it's largely theater and that's something that the Republicans never internalized and all these bloodthirsty patriots never internalized is that like, all that, it's like if you think
Starting point is 00:41:33 that we should actually be watering the soil of liberty with the blood of tyrants and everything, then like you might have a hard time with the concept of like object permanence and like movies ain't real, you know? I guess just some shit they said to rile people up back in the day when they really needed, you know, the rednecks with muskets to get up there and to like, slave uprising or something. Right. The people who believe that unironically, you know, like I think are the same people that think like an actor in a movie is the character that they're playing you don't say They like get mad at the actor that played a character because of their character
Starting point is 00:42:11 I thought they can't differentiate between that like you see that all the time like in their comments like Dude it's what speaking of that that reminded me What was that thing? sent you yesterday, Tom? Or I sent the group chat yesterday. Uh... Lead to a store... Oh, this is in the Wall Street Journal. Some of President Biden's top donors have latched on to a quote, Star Wars analogy aimed
Starting point is 00:42:38 at keeping nervous supporters from defecting. President Biden is like Yoda, old and frail yet wise and influential, whereas Donald Trump is Jabba the Hutt a gluttonous and powerful gangster nah nah you know what it is you know what exactly it is is is is Joe Biden is Captain Kirk right all right and Donald Trump is Khan you know what I'm saying for the wrath of the wrath of Khan you know what I mean it's like you said yesterday like they cannot conceive what have you said this yesterday? They cannot conceive of reality as anything other than like some pop culture Like it's whether it's the West Wing or Star Wars or Marvel or whatever Potter. It's just every
Starting point is 00:43:18 Fucking thing is like it's not real to them It's just every fucking message we receive from them is that they do not take this seriously they do not take Trump seriously they don't take the threat of Trump seriously but they don't take any of it fucking seriously not the Supreme Court decisions they don't take losing serious they don't take losing well you saw that because like one of the things that I that I've read, and I don't know if this is true or not,
Starting point is 00:43:48 but it seems like the reason Gavin Newsom doesn't wanna step up is he doesn't wanna like ruin his chances for 2028. Jesus fucking Christ. And so it's just, it's a fucking, it's another example of how we have received this messaging for eight fucking years that if they get to do whatever they want to do like the Trump people in the Heritage Foundation and people which I do I do take that seriously like if you read stuff about like the Heritage Foundation guy the problem is the gear in the spanner the spanner in the gear whatever is always Trump obviously who's like torn between his own laziness and in effect Like not wanting to do anything and like his insane rabid, you know
Starting point is 00:44:32 Right, right But like they don't take any of that They don't see it as any kind of threat like they've been telling us for four to eight years that like once Trump gets in There we'll get a thousand-year, right? But if Gavin Newsom is planning a 2028 run that seems that says to me that like they're still planning for elections to be on the table so I would say to brother Newsom that this might actually be your best chance because you're about as inspiring as a goddamn fucking piece of cardboard. It's like even if all things being equal, it just.
Starting point is 00:45:08 Dude, you should take this like special set of circumstances if your ambitions be the president of the United States, because you will not get there. Twenty eight. Well, just think about what that what that what they did then, man. It means that these people like Newsome probably talk to their aides. They gamed it out and decided that for his personal benefit it would be better for him to wait. So dude, it's just a party of simultaneously opportunists but also sycophants, you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:45:34 You know? Yeah. Well, and again, like I just, I don't know how many alarmist things I've said about, that I've seen about like, elections will be gone, elections will be off won't even have elections It's honestly it doesn't it doesn't really matter There's even countries in the like fucking anglosphere in the Western world or whatever like consider our elections like undemocratic and illegitimate
Starting point is 00:46:09 It's only just all you're doing by getting rid of elections is just taking away a little window dressing, you know, right? I mean clearly it doesn't seem to matter that much because I mean I it's just this is coinciding with I It's just this is coinciding with I don't know it's weird people see this in a vacuum like it's just this specific issue of Biden like it's just this problem with Biden to me like Biden being there is a manifestation an express and clear manifestation of how moribund and Decayed Everything is the same way the same way Trump was right not just for the Republican Party But for the entire system, so it's the same thing with fucking Joe Biden, dude Exactly so like in there's so many different ways to read that in one reading that's extremely bleak and
Starting point is 00:46:55 Lends itself to just like helplessness and being like alright. Well. Let's let's just start preparing for the Corvid Empire but there is another way to read that which is that like I Mean the vast majority of people are not happy about this We do technically live in some sort of representative democracy Couldn't there be some sort of adjudication among the quote-unquote? Subjects who are represented some sort of convention Constitutional convention. I don't I don't I don't actually think in any of these like hardline definitions I'm not like trying to advocate for any one thing. It's just that like
Starting point is 00:47:33 There are the thing is when societies Decide to do a revolution or like revolt a lot of the times like in the Mexican Revolution or like revolt a lot of the times like in the Mexican Revolution or it war of independence Anyways, a lot of this starts with like the libs or the French Revolution a lot of it starts with like the liberals who are like fed up with The current way of running things and they want to preserve Central aspects of it and in doing so they call to arms all these like disparate They call to arms all these like disparate
Starting point is 00:48:12 separate constituencies and demographic blocks of a nation or society and that's what usually erupts into some sort of social conflict that is Possible but at the same time Lee I don't at the same time I don't know if the pot save America boys have that juice in them. I don't know Well, it's the liberals who like because like they're cowards and they're sycophants, they're not even capable of even approaching that transformative role, you know what I'm saying? Because now it just feels like... Look at the way they treat the left, man. And it's weird because I saw a tweet that said that it's like interesting to see like the quote center I guess,
Starting point is 00:48:46 and the left kind of coalesce around this, he needs to back out. But which one of those people, which one of those groups is actually like rhetorically sure but actually fine with things staying the same, right? It's the centrist dude. They're not going to make the moves necessary, they're historical,
Starting point is 00:49:03 they're not gonna fill that historical role that's necessary to do that because they don't fucking believe in it. They actually don't believe in it. They're just, what they are is that they're upset. Yo, I'll give you exactly what it is. I think it was Jill Gott, I can't fucking remember her name, but one of these journalists, right,
Starting point is 00:49:18 I think for the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Times, I'm not sure, right, Washington Post, sorry. But she said that basically her sentiment was that journalists feel had, right? Because they've been told, right, that Biden was mentally fit for the past four years, which is like, you just didn't do your fucking job, right? Because I was seeing tweets, not tweets,
Starting point is 00:49:35 I was seeing videos of Biden walking in opposite directions, saying ridiculous things, you know what I mean? In 2020 in South Carolina, he mistook his sister for Jill Biden. Yeah, yeah. So there's not there's no new information we've got. No. But what it is, though, is that they feel like they've been got right. They feel they feel embarrassed. You know what I'm saying? So I think that's part of their impetus, right.
Starting point is 00:49:57 To ask him to push out. But I don't think it's because they actually really want to save democracy, dude. You know, I don't think they fucking care about that shit, man. No, and that's that's the kind of danger here and it's like why I pause about the coconut pill stuff is because I Know that these interests at the end of the day like whatever is expedient to them Even if it means liquidating the entire left block that supported You know either Bernie or Kamala cynically, like they'll fucking do it. Like they'll do whatever they fucking have to do
Starting point is 00:50:28 to make sure that the left and the working class stays as far away from any levers of power as possible. That's why like a united front gives me pause. It really does genuinely give me pause. And that's why I'm torn. Cause I really do see Trump as a kind of like threat. I also see Biden as a unique threat. I see both as unique threats,
Starting point is 00:50:47 but I'm not sure one is any better or worse than the other. The liberals are gonna shoot you in the back of the head and throw you in the fucking river like they did Rosa, you know what I'm saying? You can't trust these fucking people, dude. I don't, it's a complicated thing, man, and like, it's more complicated than just getting on Twitter
Starting point is 00:51:03 and just like firing off some like universal or like bold Generalizing statement about it because there are some nuances to this situation That you have to like be honest with yourself and you have to be like honest with the conditions in front of you to deal With you can't just like get on there and be like we definitely need to do this or leftist or are you know? Doing they're trying to like they don't take Trump seriously enough or they you know what I'm saying like that kind of stuff doesn't there is there is like a nicer on surface level more understanding red scare kind of happening right now and and like I've noticed that how people
Starting point is 00:51:41 like they don't want to alienate the Bernie block, but they're like kind of chatting Bernie people as like kind of immature, like it's an immature ideas and like unrealistic, blah, blah, blah, that kind of stuff. And then when I was in the bookstore yesterday, I came across this book kind of solidified that idea for me.
Starting point is 00:52:01 It's called Reds, the tragedy of American communism by this person named Maurice Isserman I don't know who that is oh yeah that guy they just I just read an article in the Atlantic about that that person wrote and it was like anyways go ahead well I just was reading the blurbs like kind of on the back of it yeah and ones from Michael Kazin, author of What It Took to Win. How could blind disciples of Joseph Stalin also have been among the most dedicated fighters for unions and against racism in their nation? Maurice Isherman has not just produced the wisest, most eloquent history of the Communist Party that has ever been written. Reds is also vital
Starting point is 00:52:43 reading for anyone who wants to understand the promise and agony of the American left in the 20th century And they you know the blurbs get better though In Reds Iserman recognizes the fundamental contradiction at the heart of American communism a movement that recruited idealist and professed a commitment to democratic ideals but also provided several hundred unwitting recruits for the Soviet espionage and voluntarily tied itself to a totalitarian regime hostile to democracy.
Starting point is 00:53:15 Isterman's brisk account of the party's history from 1919 to the early 1990s is the best one-volume book on the most important radical organization of 20th century America? So I guess it's more focused on the the CP USA maybe yeah it is He was like a new left guy I think I read this article in the New York the the Atlantic that he wrote a few weeks ago That was just about like how did Basically, it was just a kind of like it was an article length version of that of that entire cursed book Listen, man. I'm not a historian, but I just think it's very rich for somebody to ask like how could American communists?
Starting point is 00:53:53 You know support the Soviet Union, but also advocate for things like you know civil rights like black liberation and unions It's like you know like there's a reason why Paul Robeson, you know what I'm saying, went to the Soviet Union. He was warmly received and welcomed. You know what I mean? Right. There's a reason why the Soviet Union was fucking like using propaganda, right, about America's racial tension, right?
Starting point is 00:54:17 And just racism, you know, some fascistic racist violence. Like what, like what do these people have such a such a boogeyman idea of what communism is in the Soviet Union and dude I'm not a historian but like come the fuck on dude America's problem is that it starts with the conception of itself as like the ideal and like why would you want anything different from this? Like the city on the hill where the lights always on thing even though like does that like as you just demonstrated Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Like, so, any argument starts with the presumption that America is, it's like the debate is,
Starting point is 00:54:52 that debate is always gonna be on America's terms. Right. So that's why it feels maddening, because you can't like, even in all of us, like we tend to have this sort of American supremacy thing that's kind of lurking in the back of our minds, like white supremacy in a way in The same way it's cellular, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:55:07 Can I can I can I can I interject real quick with something? I'm not gonna read the whole email, but I just got an email from Biden himself right he said and I think as You were saying Tom sort of like like this people have this idea of America like literally This is the first line today on July 4th We celebrate America and in bold the only nation built on an idea What the fuck does that even mean? I guess the idea is this right our nation wage all Nations built on a fucking idea
Starting point is 00:55:34 But this is what it is right our nation waged a war based on the revolutionary idea that everyday people ought to govern themselves And I love this fucking it's an italics I love this line that we will swear fealty to no king, that each of us is equal under the law. Okay, that second one is definitely not true, right? Because the president, right, so what we saw with the Supreme Court case is not equal under the law, right? Which I guess is what he mentions later, right? But also that we will swear fealty to no king, that is exactly what everyone is supposed to do to your campaign, right? Right? It's to swear fealty to it to not criticize you you can't even look at things that upset you in briefings right you know I'm saying come on
Starting point is 00:56:12 Even the left has adopted a term wrecker for anybody that does stuff like that you'd like you ever see that like pro-electoral us leftists that like scold you as a wrecker if you say that like yeah like, AOC voting for the Iron Dome is a bad thing. Whatever. As recently as a few months ago, I think I got into an argument with some guy at like Labor Notes about how Biden is the most pro-labor president we've ever had, and that's why we have to like plug one in for him
Starting point is 00:56:40 for the next thing. And it's like, dude, this is also the same guy that like enabled the rise of Clarence Thomas who's now talking about taking aim at OSHA so I don't think he's the most pro-labor president we've ever had. Yo again it's just pure cope because the alternative is so scary to these people that they don't even understand that what you're advocating for has already been subs has already subsumed right? Right some of that rightist language, right? Like i'm i'm just like what I really want people to tell me and I know somebody it's always somebody's gonna be like
Starting point is 00:57:10 Well bullet point one. He did this. How is he the most pro-labor president? Why because he's not sending fucking he's not sending like a pinkertons to beat the shit out of unions and stuff Because he went to a picket he went to a picket line because he has a bust of severed chavez in his fucking like office What are you talking about? Because he got the UAW guy to do some TikToks with him or something like that. Yeah, it's just like one of those canards that kind of gets out there and you repeat it so much that everybody starts to,
Starting point is 00:57:34 well, you know, he's the most pro. But that bar is so unconscionably low, even if there's a kernel of truth to it, it's like that bar is so low that it's not anything to write home about. Right, right. Well, the whole thing is like Paul Kirkman, for example, in the New York Times saying,
Starting point is 00:57:49 the best president of my adult life has to step down. My best president of my adult life. Really, like how? It's just, yeah, like how? Because in your mind, you gave him the avatar of LBJ and FDR. That doesn't mean that it's real. As the most progressive, remember everybody was calling him the most progressive Progressive president of our lifetime, you know why they say that
Starting point is 00:58:11 All these motherfuckers have stocks and we don't have stocks We go spend $12 on a fucking box of oatmeal they make tons of money off Motherfucker we didn't get the chance. Fuck you, crew. When you can't get healthcare because you can't afford to pay your fucking previews, like you don't have to say these motherfuckers are making money off of that. Even a dumb dick like Carvel the other night said that. It's like, well, of course he's the best president for me because like my stocks are going through the roof right now.
Starting point is 00:58:42 Because everybody's out here paying $20 extra for something they're paying You know what I mean? Of course gonna vote for the guy giving me fat stacks. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, like that's what when those guys say that's what they say like what they mean is that like I can't like oh I look at my stocks every morning, and it's plus whatever and I don't know why y'all can't get on board with this right man like And I don't know why y'all can't get on board with this right Dude we're gonna have to we're gonna have to like theorize a new approach to this like the Russian Communists of like the 19th century like Theorizing that you have to like go through a or that 20 yeah the 19th century like you have to go through a bourgeois
Starting point is 00:59:23 Revolution first before you can get to the proletarian revolution It's like I like are we gonna have to go through like a bourgeois are we gonna have to go through a bourgeois revolution first before you can get to the proletarian revolution It's like I it's like are we gonna have to go through like a bourgeois? Are we gonna have to go through another bourgeois revolution first in America or that sounds like go ahead? Go, or is it like the opposite? We're gonna have to go through like a bourgeois like D Evolution where they start arming the homeless maybe they abdicate But maybe that's the thing maybe the bourgeois just like abdicate Because I've just been thinking about this because of how many times I've seen people say this and it is true on On Twitter over the past few days about how like how our rights are being eroded in front of our eyes And it is true. You can't even fucking see can sleep in public anymore. Apparently that's unconstitutional
Starting point is 00:59:57 You can't get a fucking abortion now the fucking president has been granted immunity to what to do whatever so it's like The thing is is that once you start on a slide towards stripping away rights, there is just further momentum towards that, and there's no way to just like, you know, fucking stick your goddamn shovel in the sand and say like, actually we're gonna turn this around, and we're gonna expand it and build more rights.
Starting point is 01:00:20 Something has to happen, you have to have some sort of like social rupture for that to happen. And I thought that COVID would be that. I genuinely thought like, oh, we have been on this declinist, like we've been on this decline for so long that like this would be the social rupture that would then reinvigorate a lot of like proletarian energy, like social political activist energy that would like start, you
Starting point is 01:00:47 know, spinning things the other way, building momentum in the other direction, expanding rights, organizing more workplaces, building out like more mutual aid institutions and other political cells that you can learn like wage against the state. It's not been that at all. It has been more and more fragmentation more decline more You know people pissed off at each other alienated and so and so that I'm just genuinely wondering like Maybe maybe we're gonna have to like reassess the whole goddamn thing Rethier eyes what it even means to be an American I guess because right
Starting point is 01:01:22 The cold point such a good point man Because instead of like, you know, and I guess this is a bit hyperbolic but truly instead of some kind of generalized idea of dual power you know what I'm saying? Like creating institutions right that are outside right of like the state right what it did is that it's almost like the state used an excuse to clamp down right on these social movements right? Yeah. It also used it as an excuse to curb any of that radical energy You know it did 100% yeah, and I I you know I I Don't know I obviously you can't go back and run it over again
Starting point is 01:01:55 You can't go back in time and like fucking kill baby Hitler or whatever, but it's just killed kill baby Joe Biden I don't know man. She got popcorn in the boys to rough him up a little little bit harder. Yeah. Oh, yeah I'll go to the swimming pool like yo whoop his ass, bro Break his kneecaps brother. Well, um, we're like at an hour, but like before we sign off I just wanted to give lip service to like what I thought it'd be the most innovative solution so far To be the to be the best idea for our for helping out our boy Joe This was in the Huffington Post from a guy named Kavan Shroff
Starting point is 01:02:31 Kivan Shroff Okay, I'm not gonna make fun of his name, but eyebrow race. I looked at it. I looked up his bio He's a progressive voice and strategist with experience working for Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign. Okay, fuck this guy and strategist with experience working for Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign. Okay, fuck this guy. He is a frequently sourced voice on social media and holds a JD from Harvard Law and an MPP from Kennedy School of Government, an MBA from Yale, and a BA in political science from Brown. More acronyms, more acronyms, more acronyms!
Starting point is 01:03:02 Just a fucking murderer's robe. I do have to say, I mean, just since you mentioned this guy's a former Hillary staffer I think the strongest coconut peeled argument is just that it would make Hillary Clinton Yes, that would be that would be fun that would be pretty fucking funny. Yeah, it would be That would be fine. That would be pretty fucking funny. It would be. So this, oh yeah, I forgot to read the name of the article. It's time for the Biden campaign to embrace AI.
Starting point is 01:03:34 The stakes of the 2024 presidential election cannot be overstated. With Trump promising to act as a dictator on day one, it is not hyperbolic to say the future of American democracy hangs in the balance. Against this backdrop, the Biden campaign faces a critical challenge, conveying a strong and effective image of President Joe Biden to a population and media ecosystem increasingly focused on optics over substance.
Starting point is 01:03:58 Given the president's concerning performance last week, it's time for the Biden campaign to consider leveraging AI to effectively reach the voting public Okay, it's time to lie to you Is little more than a cadaver and what we have to do is use this technology That's boiling the fucking planet to make him seem fucking more more just like a palatable to you right what while of course there are reasonable hesitations to break this damn on the use of modern technology in presidential campaigning the consequences of not taking this approach could be dire moreover in the currently under regulated electoral landscape refusing to use modern tools like ai is akin to entering the boxing ring with one hand tied behind your back you You've been doing that, you've been doing that for the past fucking 60 years anyway, dog.
Starting point is 01:04:46 What does it matter? Also, can I just say that, like, just real quick, wasn't it, weren't people worried about, with the emergence of deep fakes, they were worried about disinformation, right? About it being used for this, and now we have a guy tell us that actually, we can do it better.
Starting point is 01:05:03 That was the whole rallying cry of the Hillary campaign that this guy worked on was disinformation. And now it's like, well, now what we need to do is use it to shore up some of the fucking syphilitic king's fucking cognitive difficulties. But it's okay in that application. That's not disinformation if he just gets a little robotic help.
Starting point is 01:05:26 Dude, it's like they just take all the wrong lessons from the right. You know, instead of being principled, you know what I'm saying? Instead of being ideologically committed to a long-term goal, you know? They're like, yeah, we should just make shit up, right? Fucking hate these fuckers. It's almost like the geoengineering thing. It's like you could just do this other thing that would be way easier. But like, but we're gonna go this route, okay.
Starting point is 01:05:50 Joe Biden is old and has had a lifelong stutter. He acknowledged in a fiery rally following his debate performance. I might not walk as easily or talk as smoothly as I used to. It's like me after, like I hit the bog or some shit. Like I hate that. I got a me after, like I hit the bog or some shit like that. I got a good brain. I got a good brain.
Starting point is 01:06:09 This has impeded his ability to communicate with mass audiences with consistent success. AI augmentations in video renderings could serve to smooth out these bumps while allowing the Biden campaign to effectively disseminate true information about the state of our democracy and the Biden administration's accomplishments. The Biden has limited time to campaign as he also focuses on running the country and AI would be a cost-effective and efficient way to communicate.
Starting point is 01:06:35 Okay, like, all right. You could also just make the argument that like with AI, you could reanimate, you could animate the currently inanimate body of the NBA player make your own character Undecided person You could just make undecided into an actual person using AI and run that You could do this. I mean, I think I think I was looking something up yesterday about the first AI pop star
Starting point is 01:07:03 I think in Japan. Oh, yeah, you know I'm saying this just completely. I mean it's AI. I mean you could just do that The gorillas were there way before they were over there, okay, this is true. This is true. This is true actually this That is true Despite an ambitious and widely praised first term in office I um Despite an ambitious and widely praised first term in office I would not say widely praised But um he is currently trailing in polls to a man who incited an insurrection and was recently convicted on 34 felony counts
Starting point is 01:07:33 Well, that just makes him sound cool. But anyways By the way, I just forgot. I just remembered this. I just I saw this in the New York Times today Ross Duthats Ross Duthats that's suggestion for who should run instead of Joe Joe Manchin Joe Manchin I would just I think I think I Think he would be slightly to the right of Trump on several AI can be used to polish how the president comes across allowing voters to focus on his substance How many times have we heard voters in pundits alike gripe that Biden would be the perfect candidate if he were just 10 years younger with modern technology? This exact thing.
Starting point is 01:08:28 They gonna de-age him like they did in the fucking, what movie is that bro? The Irishman. The Irishman? He's gonna be like Robert De Niro in the Irishman. He's gonna be smooth. He's gonna be the prettiest blue eyes you've ever seen. It's smooth as hell, yo. That is one of the funniest sentences I've ever read.
Starting point is 01:08:50 How many times have we heard voters and pundits alike gripe that Biden would be the perfect candidate if he were just 10 years younger? With modern technology, this is dag deliverable. Maybe he would still be 77 years old, which I mean like, he's just still pretty fucking old. Right. Here's the thing, here's what's so wild about this. 70 something years old which I mean like So wild about this I really wanted a study to the Democratic psyche why this is That's a lot of goddamn hoops to jump through to accommodate this old man
Starting point is 01:09:21 Exactly right at that point. Why don't you just run somebody ten years younger at that point? You might as well engineer an assassination and they just have kamala run us some shit I think you know it's like I said, you know how hard it is to get an old man to do something he doesn't want to do? This is the thing, you're right, like why haven't they just hit him with the heart attack gun or like Kamala just jumped out from behind a curtain or something, you know? You win twice, you win twice. A nation mourns for a fallen president, so you Biden goes away but like you also benefit from The sort of warm feelings have like the country coming together to mourn the president
Starting point is 01:09:54 Let's get out there get behind Kamala for Joe you're right dude, you are 100% right Tom I'd like that asked the president is worth more dead than alive today I mean it really honestly if you want to beat Trump Dude, you're right. They literally could solve this whole thing Listen, dude, it was a heart attack gun. Okay Let Kamala give her zanned out version of a win one for the gipper speech. She becomes the first female president So there you've got that a history on your side now I'm saying winning results brother
Starting point is 01:10:34 Dude, that's someone had someone had pointed this out actually that there was a change Like the DNC made a change two years ago that like sort of reflected this whole situation and that kind of just like indicated that they've been planning for this. This is an NPR. What happens if Mr. Biden were to withdraw after the convention? The DNC's official procedures for the convention adopted in 2022, give the committee the authority to choose a new candidate if either member of the ticket presidential or VP withdraws or dies so it's like they it's almost like they
Starting point is 01:11:12 Intimidating like yeah, we have to have some sort of control over this That's not democratic like we have to be able to still pick at the end of the day, right? Oh, also, it's indicative of like this It flies in the face of this bullshit that nobody knew that he was senile and possibly couldn't serve a second term They were thinking about this shit two years ago. Get the fuck out of here. If only Ted Kennedy were alive to see this day You know the Kennedy's are like the only fake friends of Democratic politics like if they see if they see any weakness Uh-huh, they're gonna swoop right in there and try to try to primary It is true man. It is funny that you would expect like the sort of like paragon of democratic politics to be
Starting point is 01:11:55 Anyways reasonably some may challenge the use of AI as dishonest and deceptive but the current information ecosystem is arguably no better It may be even worse media outlets like the New York Post have engaged in sharing deceptively cropped viral clips of the president to make him appear confused or weak. Though no excuse- Honestly, I kind of agree with that to some degree. With doing that, you mean? No, no, no, I just kind of agreed to him
Starting point is 01:12:19 that like it's sort of a lateral move to do AI Joe Biden compared to what like the mainstream news outlets have been putting out true Right, right, right Though no excuse for Biden's weak debate performance CNN allowed elected to allow Trump to lie for the full 90-minute debate with zero fact check By the way, have either of you guys seen this? There's this fucking thing going around Twitter where these people are alleging that CNN intentionally distorted Biden's mic and turned it down. Have you seen this?
Starting point is 01:12:52 They're calling it like an audio game? Literally liberal QAnon shit is what I've been seeing. Also, can I just say that I'm a sound engineer for many years. Something was fishy about Biden's mic. Sound engineer here. Sound engineer here, yeah. I just have to say too, I don't know, man. Something was fishy about the If you weren't like a see now man right with the memory of a goldfish, you know what I'm saying? Right, maybe your job would be to refute his lies and not leave it up to the moderators, right?
Starting point is 01:13:31 I don't know why people keep fucking saying this. That's not a debate dude. What the fuck? That what kind of debate does third-person third party come like well, that's not true. No, that's true You're right. So for example when Biden said we beat Medicare and Trump said you're right we did That was the way for that we're going to give that claim six Pinocchio's Pinocchio's in that case True fact state Pinocchio free They offered fact-checking over an hour after the debate, which realistically, a mere fraction of the debate audience stayed
Starting point is 01:14:09 tuned for social media outlets like Instagram and TikTok have cracked down on political content while Elon Musk has used Twitter to amplify false information. We must ask the question, are augmented videos that present Biden in his best form while sharing honest and accurate information really more socially damaging than our information ecosystem's current realities? I think not. I mean, again, you're kind of right, Tom.
Starting point is 01:14:32 It's like not really that much different than what we've already got. We already have. But what it poor Tens makes it slightly worse. But also to... Go ahead, go ahead, Terrence. No, I was just going to just gonna say well you're right I mean it's just a surrender though to doing anything to change anything it's just a it's a surrender to make things worse basically. Yeah look brother if people got upset right because you do see there's
Starting point is 01:14:59 this AI backlash right like I think it makes when people look at AI art especially it makes them feel weird, right? It makes them feel just uncanny like this uh, this uh, uh, uh, uncanny valley sort of feeling of just ill but Okay, if you use AI right and people like are you gonna come out and admit that you're using AI? because most of the time I guess unless it's like a project like a film that someone is proud of or an art piece this was made with AI I don't think you'd want to tell people that you used AI to make him feel better so if you don't tell people and they find out that you've been using AI to lie to you wouldn't you think people would be fucking upset?
Starting point is 01:15:41 Yeah. You know what I'm saying? It's this whole thing it reminds me kind of of like, it reminds me kind of of like how there's this technology starting to develop where you can edit people out of photos and like you can basically like re- You do the styling shit. You can retcon your entire life basically. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:00 You had a horrible childhood growing up. Here's me at my ninth birthday party. Here's me riding a tricycle It's weird and you can do the same thing now with the people around you It's like you can just deny what state they're in mentally or physically and just like cast the virtual Version of them and they let that just be good enough It's and in the I want to bring this technology in my sex life So that everybody is a much more handsome slimmer, man
Starting point is 01:16:26 Yeah, who's with a bigger dick? full head hair yeah Yep, dude. It's like this app that I have on my Because I've got a Google pixel phone and it's I didn't really have a choice like this They're putting AI in all these fucking phones now So it comes like AI like a quick or whatever or whatever, the phone I have, the pixel, and they have this feature in the Google cameras or photos app where you can pick the best frame
Starting point is 01:16:53 in a picture. So I guess it takes a series of pictures, right, in one go, and you can pick from frame to frame which one has you smiling or maybe where your eyes aren't closed. Like, it seems like that's, yeah, that's what you wanna to do with Biden. You know, maybe it's a live thing too.
Starting point is 01:17:07 And just forget about the fact that this would take immense amounts of electricity and power. You know what I'm saying? So the pro climate president is using a thing that's contributing to the inhabitability of this planet to make yourself seem better. But also I guess you'd have to do it in real time. So you'd be watching the debate
Starting point is 01:17:26 and when Biden's staring at the space like that Lisa Simpson meme, you know what I'm saying? Actually, there's like a quick candle just drippin' off. But there's a quick flash over his face, like this almost like, you can't even notice it where suddenly he's looking back up at the camera. You know what I mean? Right, and he's just as strong and astute and young as he was
Starting point is 01:17:45 Just ten years ago when he was 72 Just I mean it's it's like in the future. They'll be able to be like oh there was the great leap forward in carbon emissions It's like the 2024 Election it's like oh, that's when they admitted more metric tons in a single six-month period than we have in like 20 20 years just to get Biden Help this guy AI Avatar to get past the finish line that still wouldn't even work though like he still would literally would literally lose Like that's the funny thing about arguing this now. It's like what you think. We're all just gonna
Starting point is 01:18:23 Get It's like what you think we're all just gonna like what? Forget the debate. Yeah, you think we're just gonna forget? You think that like the whole like fucking again the AI backlash that people aren't just gonna be like like you should have done this shit like in 2019 bro. This has to be parody. This surely isn't real. Come on. Of course it's real because it's written by a motherfucker who works for Hilary bro. Who worked on her campaign rather I should say dawg.
Starting point is 01:18:42 Like what the fuck man. These people have no sense of self-awareness, bro I'll just skip to the end here equivocating over the use of AI will do nothing to stop its abuse and misuse should Republicans regain Power this November is incumbent upon the Biden campaign to use every tool available to make sure the president's reelection bid is successful Instead of a new candidate AI allows Democrats to address the main vulnerabilities of our current standard-bearer While embracing an inevitability of modern politics. See, you know what, like we said last time, man, I keep thinking about this discounting the future and this idea of maximizing profit in the present, you know?
Starting point is 01:19:18 Instead of thinking about the future as, like you said, Tom, I love that you said this, as a place where we all live. So for them, again, like Goldfish or a dog analogy in terms of memory, they really think we're that, like, not even stupid. You know what I mean? They just think that we're like, we just like flashy things, you know? And as soon as we see something new and flashy, we'll just forget about it. Like they truly do hate people that much.
Starting point is 01:19:37 They think you're that fucking dumb. That's true. It's an extremely cynical view of humanity and of like what people would do to make their lives better and That's just another thing that I just find so remarkable Like the fact that it's even gotten to this point in the first place Already says so much about what the Democrats think of you like no matter what they do no matter who they pull out of their Hat no matter who they put in at the last minute The message is clear they fucking hate you they hate everything you ask for everything you stand for
Starting point is 01:20:11 every little aspect of your life Any part of you that wants a better world they fucking despise that they need to crush that under their heel They need to strangle it. You know what I'm saying exactly. They don't want you to have hope That's why they call you bedw wetters. They call you whiners You just need to shut the fuck up and vote shut the fuck up pay $14 for your oatmeal So Paul Krugman could continue to get rich off Measury old man Yoda versus Jabba the Hutt that's the that's a fucking hilarious concept I do wish they would start if you're gonna use you like
Starting point is 01:20:49 Media references like at least use Star Trek references Star Trek is cool, you know, I don't like Harry Potter I'm like Star Wars, but like yeah, you're right. These are Picard board. You can't fuck. Yeah, you can't fucking fuck with the board, bro Yeah, if they called if if if biden went out there and called uh, and called donald trump like a borg You know what i'm saying? And he recounted like first contact or some shit like that or any of the borg episodes He would do fdr numbers brother It'd be crazy brother they can't because biden is the borg they are all the Borg resistance is futile. It really is futile truly. Oh Man, all right. Well, they're right about coverage it. I mean that's you know, fourth of July man, like truly like what a What a great what a great time. We're the great country a great country with a great time
Starting point is 01:21:41 Can I mention one last thing? I know this is all open to can of worms But you know how sad it is for these people. I saw a Jamie Harris. That's his name. Whatever who lost Lindsey Graham He was chair of the DNC Yeah He was getting into it with somebody with 88 followers And also it was weird because he said you and your 88 followers and then he mentioned the 14 million people. So people were like, yo, that's an odd combination of numerals, 14, 88, brother, what are you cooking?
Starting point is 01:22:16 But that's how bad it is. So I just want you to think about on the 4th of July that not only do we have these two decrepit genocidal racist men But that the sycophants around them right are hastening your demise. You don't say And I also I love yeah, go read Hamilton's federalist number 70 I love that the Heritage Foundation is just like quoting a Hamilton pamphlet But like wasn't Hamilton like this symbol or you know totem for fucking liberal politics the last liberalism and liberal identity politics. I just it's Everything is so everything is so muddled everything is just everything everything becomes everything else like Biden has a spray tan
Starting point is 01:23:01 It starts looking Super symmetry dog to go back to a circle. Super symmetry. I mean like if Biden somehow survives all this and like wins the second term like late in the second term he's gonna be like Jack I want a casino in Atlantic City. Have my own TV game show. Yes he will start thinking he's literally Trump. He's gonna start, have my own TV game show. He's called the Pranks. Yeah, see we'll start thinking he's literally Trump.
Starting point is 01:23:28 Well, didn't that happen in the debate? Didn't he say like when you were pregnant with my baby or something like that? Like he got mixed up at some point and he was like, you were pregnant with my baby when you cheated on me with the porn star. And you were Pinch House Boy. When you cheated on Melania with my baby when you cheated on me with Melania with my baby pregnant In his mind he's like transgressing like even human physical form like he's starting to inhabit Other like Joe is AI basically he already is AI like he's he is inhabiting other
Starting point is 01:24:02 Human blood and flesh and so he Just want to wish everybody Merry Christmas from the White House I had a sandwich ill Yeah, they just switch places it invited the one-on-trial go to jail. It's actually let's let's still wife swap here Trump would hate that Trump would hate that he Would hate that dude. Oh my god, dude Fuck all right well happy holiday weekend. Hope you're all safe out there If you'll yeah be safe don't don't
Starting point is 01:24:38 Don't risk it all just to explode some fireworks. Yeah, don't risk it all don't uh eat some good barbecue, man I think that's the only good thing about this holiday is that a barbecue and Wherever you can let off fireworks because I heard Chicago apparently there's no fireworks this year Which to me honestly just seems un-american, but uh Damn, I fucking hate fireworks if I was president out band them shit You know damn I fucking hate fireworks if I was president I would ban them shit
Starting point is 01:25:09 I hate them so bad. I not to be a killjoy or anything, but like The dogs may want to dust the dogs cats. That's true. I don't want a dog. Well. I'll tell you uh Well people probably already know this but like you know if you're if your dog freaks out about a fireworks put them in the bathtub You know somewhere nice and somewhere nice in like Where it feels like they're safe in a closet or something like that or get them? Uh my uh my home girl used to have these doggy treats Well, I mean I guess it's too late now because it is July 4th But my home girl had these doggy treats that used to calm her dog down, you know And I don't know what was in it. I don't know if it was like the lot of the CBD or some a lot Yeah, more things more feed
Starting point is 01:25:44 heroin Oycontin Oxycontin Genetics boys was that fucking little white song yeah All right all right Well, let's talk to you all on the patreon in a few days also go listen to the last patreon I feel like this episode doesn't make sense unless you go listen to the last one So go listen to the people like the last patreon. Yeah, so go check that shit out Links in the show notes. We'll see you next time. Adios

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