Trillbilly Worker's Party - Episode 73: Tomorrow's People

Episode Date: October 12, 2018

A long episode for a long week. Tanya joins us about 1/4 of the way through to tell us about the parallels between hobnobbing with Hollywood bigshots and jury duty. Music by Chalkboards, please chec...k them out here!!!: Also please sign up for our Patreon here: And today's episode art was made by the one and only Matthew Carter

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Oh, man. Well, let's get the bugs out, why don't we? Okay. Why don't we get the... Oh, okay. Okay. Oh, okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:00:13 Okay. Man. Joining us today is OJ the Juice Man. Yeah, joining us today is the poet laureate of the South himself, Mr. OJ the Juice Man. How are you doing today, OJ? Oh, Mr. O.J. DeJuice, man. How are you doing today, O.J.? Oh, okay. Okay. I'm doing okay.
Starting point is 00:00:32 That's all O.J. says. That's really all he needs to say. It's all anybody needs to say, in my opinion. Man, when I was a little kid, it didn't rain very often in Hobbs, New Mexico. But when it did rain, you would get these goalie washers just torrential downpours. And one day, I was going to go with my dad somewhere. I don't remember where we were going to this day. I don't
Starting point is 00:01:06 remember. I don't even remember how old I was. I was probably around four. And it was just raining. I just thought of this just now when I was laying on the couch and you walked in the door. I don't know why this memory came to mind. It's because
Starting point is 00:01:22 I was sitting there reading. I was on my phone. I was reading that New York Magazine thing about the IPCC report that just came out about climate change. I don't know why this memory popped in my head. But the memory was my dad was taking me somewhere, and it was just torrential rain, man. Like, we're talking. you couldn't see anything like one of those crazy thunderstorms you get out west and um we were gonna be gone like it was raining so bad that it was a possibility that we might not be able to like come home or something like that fuck for good yeah maybe maybe my parents had been fighting
Starting point is 00:02:05 and my dad was like bouncing for a few days just so things cooled off or something. I really don't remember. But I just remember my mom running out to the car. We were in the car together. Me and my dad were. And my mom ran out to the car and rolled the window down and shoved a pair of jeans into my
Starting point is 00:02:27 chest like if you need these here you go and i just started bawling i was like i don't want to go i don't want to do it no well i don't i guess what it was was i guess the reason i thought of that was because yeah i was reading that article about climate change and i was just like i don't want to do it i don't want to i don't want to go man i know man i know that feeling we're talking 1.5 degree Celsius increase by 2040. 7 degree increase by 2100. That's Fahrenheit. But yeah, Celsius. We're talking about a 4 degree increase by the end of this century.
Starting point is 00:03:21 Dude. It's, it's it's there aren't really words to describe that we uh we fucked up made some mistakes yeah we made some as you say as you say we let it get away from us we do we let it get away from us say we let it get away from us we do we let it get away from us uh yeah there's a good chance we might die from climate related that stuff um yeah yeah yeah yeah well the article was um i didn't even get all the way through it that's so bad dude you think about it it that's uh what 22 years from here from now it's yeah we'll be middle age we'll be just 55 we'll be just old enough to not really be
Starting point is 00:04:15 that able anymore you know what i mean unless we're entering our worst years when the shit's really hitting the fan so we'll go quick i mean we're not gonna make years when the shit's really hitting the fan. So we'll go quick. I mean, we're not going to make it. Technically, it's not our worst years, but it's like our second worst years. But I mean, like, it's not going to get better. Oh, yeah, you're right. But I don't know what I'm thinking. It's just going to get progressively worse.
Starting point is 00:04:40 Yeah, good point. This article is, At two degrees, the melting of arctic ice sheets will pass a tipping point of collapse flooding dozens of the world's major cities this century and threatening over many centuries to elevate sea level as much as 200 feet no big deal at that amount of warning it is estimated global gdp per capita will be cut by 13 percent 400 million more people will suffer from water scarcity, and even in the northern latitudes, heat waves will kill thousands each summer.
Starting point is 00:05:12 It will be worse in the planet's equatorial band. In India, where many cities now numbering in the many millions would become unlivably hot, there would be 32 times as many extreme heat waves, each lasting five times as long and exposing in total 93 times more people. This is two degrees. This is the best case scenario that the IPCC laid out. Wait, what's the best case scenario? That's the best case scenario.
Starting point is 00:05:43 The best case scenario is the melting of the Arctic ice sheets past a tipping point of collapse flooding dozens of the world's major cities this century. That's the best case scenario.
Starting point is 00:05:53 That's the best case. Oh, boy. That's the best case, Tom. I will tell you, it did get away from us laughing laughing laughing
Starting point is 00:06:08 imagine imagine when I don't want to go laughing I just you know for all the talk about like oh gosh
Starting point is 00:06:19 uh just I pray for the sweet release of death and all like the angsty posturing we do on twitter and stuff i mean death still kind of looks like it hurts a little bit this is one of the paradox about being a depressive person it's like i want to die but i don't actually want to go through the process of it yeah no no that's why if if this climate change thing is like
Starting point is 00:06:48 the worst possible scenario because it's like protracted doomsday uh-huh it's not like a cataclysmic event that's going to just all knock us out at the same time that's not scary at all to me for whatever reason if we just wake up one day and get hit by an asteroid and then we're all just blow up it'll be great whatever let's take an asteroid and then we're all just blow up. That'd be great. Whatever. Let's take an asteroid. Can we like steer the Earth into the path of an asteroid or something? Well, you know there's that skull-shaped asteroid now that's floating around or whatever. I've been hearing about that thing for years.
Starting point is 00:07:18 We can just kind of push it toward us. No, I've been hearing about that for years. Why is it... I don't know if it's a real thing or not damn this mic sounds really not good yours sounds all right yo maybe it's the uh maybe it's the the cover huh maybe it's the screen okay okay okay take the screen off. Okay. Oh. Yeah, it's...
Starting point is 00:07:59 Yeah, the prospect of dying is muted by the idea of all of us just kind of walking into the void together. Yeah. But... It's easier to accept when you think about like well the rest everybody else is gonna have to go through it as well yeah yeah that's how i used to comfort myself paradoxically as a teenager i used to think of heaven as hell that's how i used to comfort myself with the idea of heaven well the the idea of eternal life was terrifying to me as a teenager. Eternal life sucks. It's no good, folks. And so.
Starting point is 00:08:29 I just can't wrap my head around it. I like it in theory. I don't. But then when I think, oh, God. Then we just never, ever, ever, ever die. I used to get panic attacks thinking about this i'm panicking right now thinking about it man we never ever ever die i see the look on your face i know that look that is the ultimate trick of a vengeful god isn't it yeah well that's how i used to comfort myself as
Starting point is 00:09:00 a teenager i'd be like man well at least all the all these other motherfuckers gotta go through it with me that's true man that's like our our options are um either spend uh eternity where the worm doth not and you're you know eternal agony and torment or spend it at trump tower with a bunch of fucking nerds. Yeah, exactly. Are you saying hell is Trump Tower? No, I'm saying hell is like Trump Tower. It's kind of tacky, like the walls of Jasper, streets of gold. That is how they build it to you back in the day.
Starting point is 00:09:39 I mean, I'm sure they're still building it that way now. Just give me a nice, tasteful bungalow. That is funny. They're like, you can't take below right they're like you can't take your riches with you to heaven but then they act like heaven is this totally gold-plated like gaudy um place sounds very tacky it's very weird why why why are we gonna give a shit about gold in heaven i know that is a good point. That should be the first thing that sets off our mind is to think of it. Where did the gold come from?
Starting point is 00:10:10 They got gold mines in heaven? Somebody's got to refine that stuff. So, no, God just waves his hand and makes it himself. Right, right. Damn. I don't know. So, that's your best case scenario tom three degrees this is the medium case scenario okay three degrees southern europe will be in permanent drought the average drought
Starting point is 00:10:36 in central america would last 19 months and in the caribbean 21 months in northern africa the figure is 60 months five years the area is burned each year by wildfires with double in the Mediterranean and sextuple in the United States. Oh, boy. Beyond the sea level rise, which will already be swallowing cities from Miami Beach to Jakarta. Fortunately, the flooding cities have put out the fires. There you go. My man's already looking at a glass half full. Everybody just needs to adopt Tom Sexton.
Starting point is 00:11:08 You're right. That's what... What's the over and under on seeing that exact take in the speaker piece? Be like, all these people freaking out about wildfires. Do they not realize the sea levels are rising? They'll just put out the fires yeah i mean it's i'm sure it's out there already damages just from river flooding will grow 30 fold in bangladesh 20 fold in india and as much as 60 fold in the uk this is three degrees better than we do
Starting point is 00:11:40 if all the nations of the world honored their Paris commitments, which none of them are. Practically speaking, barring those dramatic tech do-ex-machinas, this seems to me about as positive a realistic outcome as it is rational to expect. Okay, that's the three degrees. Here's four degrees, Tom. Hey, hold on a second, hold on, Tom. Hold on a second.
Starting point is 00:12:06 Okay, yeah, go ahead. Which is what we're on course for. There's nothing to suggest other ones. Keep going. Wait, so, wait, is this the last stage? Yeah, this is just as bad as it gets. This is probably about as bad as it's going to get. I mean, theoretically, it could always get worse. No, if this is by
Starting point is 00:12:21 20, this is by the end of the century. By 2040, we're looking at a guaranteed one and a half degree Celsius rise. Nothing we can do to curb that now. No. That's happening. That's happening. We're beyond. We're past the point of
Starting point is 00:12:36 there's no bargaining with the planet. None of that. No engineering feats that are going to get us out of this. No, there's people who say, oh, we'll get carbon sequestration technology and take it out of the atmosphere. But they're nowhere even close to being ready to scale anything like that up. Some of these people that are – it's like that person that was going to do the blood test without taking the blood. Yeah, Theranos. Elizabeth Holmes.
Starting point is 00:13:06 Yeah. Yeah. It's just like some of the stuff is just so – it's just hubris. It's like, oh, we can do this. You know what I'm saying? Like, that's what I always – that's what everybody always says, like, about New Orleans. No, it's not going to be – it'll be fine. There's, you know, there's amazing engineering feats that'll save the city all
Starting point is 00:13:26 this kind of stuff right right at a certain point just there's no bargaining with the ocean no there's no bargaining with the atmosphere there's no bargaining with natural systems did you see uh speaking of bargaining with the oceans you see that see that video of the family in the boat that ran over the whales, that ran up on the back of the house? Oh, I did. They called the cops. Yeah. I did.
Starting point is 00:13:53 Somebody told me it's like your shitty kids are trying to call the oceans manager. I did see that. And the dad's just trying to have a great moment with his kids, his kids just being such little dumbasses. Okay, worst case scenario. At four degrees, there would be eight million cases of dengue fever each year in Latin America alone. Global grain yields could fall by as much as 50%, producing annual or close to annual food crises. The global economy would be more than 30% smaller than it would be without climate change,
Starting point is 00:14:31 and we would see at least half again as much conflict and warfare as we do today. At least half again. I don't know what that means. Possibly more. I guess it means we'll see more. Fuck it, whatever. Our current trajectory, remember, takes us higher still. And while there are many reasons to think we will bend that curve soon,
Starting point is 00:14:55 the plummeting cost of renewable energy, the growing global consensus about phasing out coal, etc., it is worth remembering that whatever you may have heard about the green revolution and the price of solar, at present, global carbon emissions are still growing. So, we're going to overshoot the worst case scenario.
Starting point is 00:15:16 I think is the point. So we're going beyond that. Maybe we are. So basically, here's what it sounds like we're gonna be we're gonna be looking at sounds like there's gonna be um what the bible calls wars and rumors of wars yeah there you go sounds like much of the world inhabitable world is going to be underwater or on fire uh-huh um isn't it funny how like the apocalypse that the bible predicted actually will happen but just not for the reasons they think capitalism is the great satan they don't
Starting point is 00:15:54 understand this you're gonna take it's right under your nose you fucking morons it's like that's that's what will drive the earth to ruin has got nothing to do with immorality or sin or any of this other shit it's got everything to do with you great head you great you sorry sorry great head oh it was so goddamn funny today you know know, all the responses to this. Dan Rather had this hilarious fucking tweet. Here's a guy who is more out of touch than anybody. This is hilarious.
Starting point is 00:16:36 Can you do a Dan Rather impression? The United States president tonight. That's about as close as I can get. Coal miners are proud people, and they should be. The United States president tonight. That's about as close as I can get. Coal miners are proud people, and they should be. Their hard work and sacrifice won wars and powered American industry. Won wars. Now climate change demands we move to new forms of energy. Demagogues see an opportunity.
Starting point is 00:17:00 But all of us should recognize with empathy the pain of change. I got an idea. What? Let's train up coal miners to be evening newsmen. Dan will lead the charge. Yeah. And then we'll just place them all over the country. Reporting on climate disasters.
Starting point is 00:17:24 Among other topics. It'd be funny to see a coal miner in stripes, like, trying not to get blown away by a hurricane. But, like, a category 5 hurricane. God. But it's just really funny to me that you have these tweets. Like, Dan Rather Man, like, did nobody tell dan that coal miners don't exist anymore coal miners really are the original woke straw man you know what i'm saying they're basically like leprechauns at this point yeah they're proud people and they should well i guess in the
Starting point is 00:17:59 calculation of climate change it's really hilarious that that's the first sort of demographic they always go to and i can't tell if it's because they're so absolutely terrified of the sort of uh oh my god what the fuck was that i can't tell if it's because they i mean why are they always pandering to the coal miners every time climate change comes out? It's like you're pandering to like 10,000 people. Ish.
Starting point is 00:18:30 Ish. Ish. I mean, I don't understand. You know, I mean, five, 10 years ago,
Starting point is 00:18:40 yeah, it would have made a little more sense, but today, I don't get it. I really don't get it. Damn. Well,
Starting point is 00:18:51 fuck, is Tanya not coming? We're at 18 minutes. Where is she? She's a little on the tardy side. Tanya, Tanya Turner. Tanya Turner. Bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum. Tanya Tanya Turner Well here's the thing Tom And I wanted to save this for Tanya but
Starting point is 00:19:12 Fuck it we might as well just head on into it Let's just head on into this tunnel why don't we You want to? Let's just drive right through the tunnel Here's the thing It's like we were saying earlier Oh fuck it we need to wait for Tanya Yeah let's wait for Tanya
Starting point is 00:19:30 Alright let's take a breather Let's get our attitude Let's get an attitude adjustment Not literally but let's try and drive I don't know. Thank you. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. Thank you. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, We're raiding around for Tanya Turner When she's gonna get here, nobody knows
Starting point is 00:21:50 It's the spooky month, that's right It's the month where we get really spooked out It's gonna be really crazy Who shouts, I'm gonna exercise these demons in my butt in my butt i'm gonna exercise these demons in my butt in my butt i said in my butt in my butt i said in my butt in my butt. It's my butt. I said it's my butt. It's my butt. I said it's my butt. It's my butt. Butt. Butt, baby.
Starting point is 00:22:30 Yeah, baby. Yeah, we've got a hurricane coming down on this country. And you know, you know what that means. The MAGA Trump president is going to turn it around. Is that Scott Staff? You're doing that means. The MAGA Trump president is gonna turn it around. Is that Scott Stapp you're doing? Yeah, Scott Stapp is a country singer. Oh, okay. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:54 With arms wide open. With arms wide open. The economy is soaring. Stocks are really good jobs are coming back with our arms wide open we're gonna
Starting point is 00:23:17 build that wall and get this country on track with our arms wide open. Hey. Exactly what I hoped was happening. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm singing step-by-step songs like country songs.
Starting point is 00:23:39 Tanya, we're depressed. I'm after walking those fucking stairs. Oh, wow. I like how you're holding your mic there, Tom. Did you pick that up from somebody? Sorry. I even went to the gym this morning. Still can't get up those steps.
Starting point is 00:23:59 The rec center? Yeah. Did you do Bodies by Brandy? No, but I love to watch them. Mostly just how they mostly just socialize. I'm not sure how their bodies are impacted by socialization. Yeah, no, that's a good ab workout. Laughing with your friends.
Starting point is 00:24:22 Kiki. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, I'm not getting enough of that. So I have to go to the gym twice a week. What kind of workout do you do at the gym? Twice a week? That's not very much.
Starting point is 00:24:34 Well, I didn't go get home occasionally. You got to go like every day. And I mowed my own grass this week, so. Everybody runs their own rice, Terry, you know. Yeah, come on. I'm sorry. i'm just like um i go before work do i get any points for that jesus come on tanya come on
Starting point is 00:24:57 god damn wow well the good news. Is there any? It's kind of a matter of perspective. The good news is we're all going to be dead in 22 years. Well, yes. I do not feel like I'm guaranteed 22 years, personally. I don't stop eating like a 14-year-old. If I thought I was going to live another 22 years
Starting point is 00:25:26 I'd get like sick eye surgery honestly you know they're finding out that that like that that's really not good
Starting point is 00:25:35 it causes all kinds of complications later on down the line and it's not permanent either yeah so um don't get it folks
Starting point is 00:25:42 it's a scam just go blind folks just go go with the trust. Just go blind, folks. Just go blind gracefully. Yeah, blind or just the eyeglasses. I know. You know, just go with the eyeglasses. I scared the fuck out of Leon when I whipped into the driveway.
Starting point is 00:25:58 He jumped straight up vertical. My God. All fours. Hell yeah. Well, you know, it's a spooky month, you know? It's a spooky month, yeah. What else can you expect, honey? Leon's a spooky cat. He really is.
Starting point is 00:26:13 He really is. I just got my little bitch fixed. I saw that, and I was wondering, you went to the same guy that I went to over at Oven Fork. Yeah. Partridge. Kelly Bradford. Yeah, really? That's him.
Starting point is 00:26:26 Kind of a creepy guy, but... They're here on missionary, right? Work? They're missionaries? I think that's why they were. Yeah. Now they're just normal local veterinarians or something? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:38 Is that a thing? Right. I guess so. I went to him for Arrow, and then Arrow had some complications with her incision. She got fixed, and her guts were coming out of her incision. She just kind of like sat in the corner and meowed. I was like, what is wrong with this cat? And I said, oh, shit, that looks infecting.
Starting point is 00:26:59 And then I took her, and he goes, well, he glued her back up. And he said, I want to tell you this can go one of two ways either her guts will spill out and she'll i mean say fucking but and she'll die or she'll be fine and that was enough for me i never went back to him it's like he took his sick pleasure in like laying out this hypothetical that my cat might just die by disembowelment yeah he's a real they are strange like i mean i can't say a bad thing about her because she because blue ivy shit in the carrier on the way there and that woman cleaned it out thank god i didn't have to damn wasn't looking forward to that but you know they're really they're really religious very
Starting point is 00:27:46 strict christian people over there it's the place is called all god's creatures which is kind of a paradox because it's like i thought you were pro-life you know you're out you're out here wow interesting yeah yeah anyway anywho they told me, you know, before I left, they said, well, you'll have a nice day. And I was like, yeah, you all too, just as a, you know, rebound. Yeah. And he was like, oh, we're going to Johnson City to eat at Chick-fil-A. We're going to have a great day. This is a phenomenon that's interesting to me.
Starting point is 00:28:20 It is, really. Because as soon as he said that, you know, I thought, oh, yeah, it's fun to go to Johnson City. But then I thought about why he emphasized the Chick-fil-A. Also, it's a long damn way to go for Chick-fil-A. There's one in Wise now. Is that right? UVA's campus. Well, there's also one in Pikeville.
Starting point is 00:28:37 I thought there was one in Pikeville. I'm getting that confused with Jimmy John's. Damn, this show is just becoming a plug for various well all the christian companies my fact well what i've really been trying to do is because you know i was recommended to this vet by my girlfriend who takes her dog there her boxer yeah so i keep we keep both and then michelle ended up having to take um blue ivy for her first shots because i was out of town when it happened it's like all the shit and so they that we, like our friends and our animals, know each other because now my cat has fleas because Louie had fleas.
Starting point is 00:29:13 So when they tell me that she had fleas, I was like, oh, I guess I better get Louie a treatment, too. How much is that going to cost? So I keep trying to let them know we're gay. Say, hey. See how it goes. See how it shakes out. You know that other one that comes in with the dog?
Starting point is 00:29:29 Yeah, we have gay sex. We, you should say we, what do Christians call homosexuality? Sodomy or something. Yeah. All gay sex is sodomy. All gay sex is sodomy. Nothing has you're right that is so right they just generally just blanket statement yeah with one just sodom everybody livesom. Yeah. Does sodomy. That's why like sodomy is still illegal in a lot of states.
Starting point is 00:30:10 That's the truth. Yeah, it is. I mean, it's not enforced, I'm sure, in most places. But wait till they want to. Well, they do use it to like, I think they use it for like men cheating on their spouses or something like that. They, uh, I think i've seen it enforced that way maybe maybe change the name to something else though yeah it's kind of weird very weird anyway i think they're catching on because i mean they love her like they love machilla because the last
Starting point is 00:30:37 time i was in there by myself she you know she teaches music and they were saying that they know some kids she teaches blah blah blah and they're like they're great they love her she's such a great teacher and i was like i know she's so great and then this time when they were like yeah blue ivy has fleas and i was like she must have got them from louis i guess how do they how do they um address your trans cat well i call her she and they call her he and we don't discuss it okay i guess michella explained it to him when she took her the first time and so like the next time the next time that i come in they were like yeah she told us that you just like like the name and haha i thought she was a girl and i was like or i just you weren't really pushing it yeah i was like whatever so i was like, whatever. So I just kept saying, she this, she that, la la.
Starting point is 00:31:27 Yeah. But yeah, she has been acting so terrible recently. I was really kind of hoping that she would see this surgery as a punishment because she has been so fucking terrible. She's like terrorizing my life. All I do is clean shit anymore. I'm going to cut your fucking stomach open. These are hostile shits. Clean litter box, shitting all over the house.
Starting point is 00:31:49 Anytime I do something she don't like. What? She is a bitch. Because I was gone for 10 days. And I like had people come and clean her litter box while I was gone. And I came home to a clean litter box and five piles of shit right in front of the front door. Oh, yeah. She was hoping I would step in them.
Starting point is 00:32:04 She was sending you a message. Oh, yeah then sunday i moved a couch and so we locked her in the bathroom while we had the doors open to move the couch in 10 minutes tops she took a shit right in the floor right beside her key litter box because she was locked in the in the bathroom oh then yeah they they hate that shit and now that she has fleas i ain't letting her in my bed so i have to lock her out of my room at night pissed the fuck off well this is gonna make me sound like a total um trashy individual but i i let my cats in my bed when they're fleas i can't stand it i'm manic anyway i change my sheets like every three days i just can't so i've checked the reason why you don't have a flea treatment from you can buy one of those flea bombs.
Starting point is 00:32:45 You put it in your house and like... He told me that the flea treatment I gave her, which was strong, would take care of it, knock it out,
Starting point is 00:32:52 as long as I got it for her in lieu. Yeah. You didn't use the... Yeah, then they would go away because fleas would die outside. He said they're like,
Starting point is 00:32:58 at any given time, there's like two months worth of flea life cycle, like hatch, blah, blah, blah. But two months out, they're gone and this is a three-month
Starting point is 00:33:04 treatment, so it should... fix handle it yeah um that's what i hope anyway this seems so boring you just cut all this out that's all right look we're what a cat talk we're depressed we're eating prunes we're depressed and we're eating prunes god damn it well today i ate my fourth burrito for lunch because i did all the meal prep on sunday and i ate it today in pure misery i hated it four days in a row it's just too much me and tom just uh sat here for 20 minutes before you got here and ran down all of the worst potential scenarios for the climate and the environment for the next uh 80 years or so um i'm not sure our imaginations have the capacity to imagine how bad no no they really i'm not sure we know
Starting point is 00:33:52 they really they really don't well the best case scenarios several major cities end up underwater best case best case but i just i mean call me paranoid but uh every time i imagine this scenario as best case i realize that all those millions of people who've been living literally on top and below each other are gonna have to flee to somewhere and it's probably gonna be to the mountains you mean you mean people in like indochina are coming to Appalachia? Oh, you meant China? No, I was just thinking about U.S. Because as our borders shrink with sea level rise, people are just going to be moving inward, you know?
Starting point is 00:34:40 Here they come. So we're all going to end up in Nebraska. No, I think because we have the elevation. I don't know know if we do you don't think we have enough elevation here in whitesburg it's weird our elevation is like 800 feet and then at the top of the mountain we have to move to the top of the mountain you gotta work you gotta move to the high ground i bet my elevation on pine creek is pretty high yeah it's probably like 1,500 feet, something like that. Pretty far up the holler. So maybe we're all heading to the Rockies then?
Starting point is 00:35:11 I don't know. Yeah. Nah, I'd say we're all going to die. Because we have no money to move. How do you podcast when you're depressed? I don't really know how to do this. I feel like I'm flying a plane with the the engines blown off i'm trying to like land a i wish you're solid bicycle yes this is supposed to be our therapy we're supposed to use this as our therapy
Starting point is 00:35:36 well since we don't have good health care or uh mental health options locally i can't tell the people in the audience what i'm actually dealing with you know what i mean so because like then they'll know too much can't be honest can't be honest and then the fans will be at our door so well i guess i could tell you about something dark that happened to me this week to me and tom both we went to martin county um on wednesday night nothing good happening over there right now or thursday t Tuesday night. It was Tuesday night. And we saw what the future of society is soon to be. God. It was very dark.
Starting point is 00:36:17 It was incredibly dark. It was one of the darkest things I've ever experienced. In fact. A cloud just moved and the lights just lowered in this room. Yes. Here's an interesting thing that I think could end up happening. Okay.
Starting point is 00:36:34 If you're a person that sees something happening like the situation in Martin County, complete just sort of destruction of what society is left over there yeah i don't probably overstate that a little bit but it's bad folks and then you read the report the climate change report that that's what's fucking me okay there's
Starting point is 00:37:01 a there's like a there's like a several things coming concentrating on me like a fucking microscope like a uh magnifying glass we're in an anvil right now what's it called a we're in like a vice is that what it is where you just crank it's cranking yeah we're getting we're getting cranked the fuck in And unfortunately not my waist It's my head We're getting cranked the fuck in Well what I was Getting at Before the cranking
Starting point is 00:37:32 We're just cranking it in Cranking it in Cranking it out That's what cranking it in is Yeah Do you think there's going to be sort of a future where liberals start becoming climate deniers because you know after like they've beat this drum for you know and rightfully so i'm not picking on them because no please do i'm i'm
Starting point is 00:38:02 i'm a little i want to lash out right now i want everyone to feel pain but like but like uh you know like how they've sort of um called for like these sort of tech utopians and all this kind of stuff who have sort of hastened well and have hastened it but at the same time have assured us like oh look technology yeah we've got this technology will take care of it yeah do you think they just what i'm saying is you think they just might pivot and like start just denying climate science i think in the is that a possible to keep an upbeat slogan yeah just to so they're so they're like sort of grift won't be upended you know what i'm saying i think they'll if they're trying to continue being grifters they'll just put all their money
Starting point is 00:38:51 into like what we were saying earlier like the theranos elizabeth holmes type thing i don't think they're gonna you know they're just doubling down on solar panels and shit don't you think they really are they're just gonna double down on green energy voting and solar panels yeah i was i went to get my haircut last week um at captivate um and um the woman cutting my hair she was like so like what was the deal with uh the property brother guy coming here why'd she think you would know um well we were listening to you, it's like the radio was on. And this ad came on that was like, or this news bulletin came on that was like, Ron Howard was spotted in East Kentucky this week. Scoping new sites for his upcoming film Hillbilly Elegy or whatever.
Starting point is 00:39:38 Fuck, is that true? Oh, yeah. Oh, God. Yeah. That's even better. Well, first of all, like, how the fuck are they going to make a movie about that, by the way? Is it like J.D. Vance jerking off onto an Oreo with his boy? This happens and it cuts to him being like,
Starting point is 00:39:57 I was flabbergasted. How are they going to work in those? I'm very excited about it Frankly Number one fan Gonna keep us in a job for a little while longer That's true Anyways that came on She was like Ron Howard huh She was like yeah that's
Starting point is 00:40:16 She was like well speaking of like why Why was Why was the property brother Guy here And I was like well I think he was making a movie about solar power, about the solar energy or whatever. She goes, oh,
Starting point is 00:40:31 so basically it's just gonna make us look bad. And I was like, yeah, probably. You pretty much set your watch on it. Yeah. So tell me your dark experience experience i had a pretty dark experience in harlem county this weekend too i saw you i saw you had a tweet earlier this week that was like and i'm just uh sitting here on my porch regret thinking about every mistake i ever made in my life that's mostly because i'm so broke regretting every decision i've ever made you've been there yeah yeah yeah one let don't know
Starting point is 00:41:09 here we are but that had nothing to do with the harlem county experience no not really well kind of i guess you know how things uh yeah ripple yeah oh. I'm familiar with the rippling. So what happened in Martin County was they had a hearing, you know, Martin County Concerned Citizens, as they do, and they invited the, I don't know, Tom. Who's Greg Scott? He's like a. The guy, the general manager of the water department and also the treasurer of the
Starting point is 00:41:46 water board yeah guy named jimmy don yeah and greg scott was the manager of the water the martin county one yeah well it was weird it was like you know i mean i've been to a lot of those several of those meetings and um they're generally pretty heated and intense, obviously. Are the water guys not, like, I mean, are they not on the team? Are they defensive? What's this team you speak of? I mean, aren't they drinking the water, too? Are they not, like, why in the fuck?
Starting point is 00:42:23 Hold on. You better buckle up, sister. Aren't these dummies, aren't they, like, why in the fuck are the that. Why in the fuck... Hold on. You better buckle up, sister. Aren't these dummies... Aren't they like, why in the fuck are the feds coming in here and fixing our fucking water? Oh, well. Well, so what happened?
Starting point is 00:42:32 It's funny you bring that up. Yeah, it was like... So what happened was they tried to get Greg Scott, the manager of the water district, to actually say something. He just had utter contempt for everybody in the room. Oh, my God. Sat there with his back to everybody and didn't... Yeah, him they said could you uh stand up or face us and he goes i've had prior
Starting point is 00:42:51 injuries no and then and then he finally did he finally like he went over he went over to have he went over to have a sidebar with somebody over here in the corner. And when he came back, they had moved his chair up front to face the crowd. And when he sat back down, he just goes. And he sat up there and just looked at the ground the whole time. Oh, my God. Let me tell you the telltale sign of a man that's guilty as fuck. When they ask a question first and then answer it themselves.
Starting point is 00:43:29 Yeah. Were there mistakes made? Absolutely. Absolutely. That's the telltale sign of guilt. That is spot on. That is spot on. Then he pulled the, then he pulled he reminded me so much of
Starting point is 00:43:46 george bush when he was like i'm not an economist i'm an optimist because i'm not here to talk about the past i'm here to point us in a direction going forward who said that he said that who said in their debates that they weren't here to talk about the past i thought it was obama or maybe no maybe it was um it should have been hillary that would have been a line for her i forget who it was now they reminded me of that too oh it was bush would have had good reason to say that too though yeah i'm not here to talk about my family's history of fucking this country that's not that's not what i'm here for but so he's not like with everyone trying to and then they tried to like get a little sympathy they're like you know what we have this
Starting point is 00:44:34 ag commission money to fix this problem but they won't let us touch it because nobody in this room trusts us to do it and i was thinking to myself wow i mean it's for good reason yeah it was kind of like the cavanaugh thing in the sense that like it was not it was not it was inconceivable that it was their fault it was your fault it was it was all your fault it was total contempt for any like uh degree of accountability or or any expression of genuine rage or injury, just total contempt for that. And so, like, this process would play out wherein people would say, I haven't had water at my house for three days. You know, like, there's literal debris coming out of my water etc and then greg scott would get defensive and his his guy would jump to his defense and then try to diffuse
Starting point is 00:45:32 everything but try to be the you know he was the good cop yeah yeah it was a good cop bad cop thing for sure but um at one point this woman in the back got just i think her rage just kind of like boiled over and she was just like imagine that well you drink the fucking water and so and he said he said listen now mind you this is the head of the water department which they had to turn off all of the whole water system that that day the eastern half of the county didn't have water all weekend. All weekend. Didn't even have it. So boil water advisory going on right where we're at. He goes, get it? Get it? I'll drink it.
Starting point is 00:46:13 I'll drink it. That woman filled up two big of the check cashing joint cups, plastic cups. Probably like this big, maybe. Yeah, about that big. Took him a cup of water? Took him two. plastic cups yeah about that big took him a cup of water took him too and he said and then nina mccoy had to step in and say there's a boiled water advisory y'all calm down nobody's drinking this water one way or the other and some guy that was like had been berating that guy says yeah we
Starting point is 00:46:37 don't drink and we don't expect you to either nina had to step in say you fucking idiots are still boiled water this is a street theater at this point oh it was because it was like it was basically like um someone stepping in and being like get a hold of yourselves you know what i mean like everybody look just let's have some reason but you know when people haven't had water for a few days like they're not gonna have reason i mean like you you don't really expect them to like look at things that way i mean i i totally sympathize with it and and i mean obviously but but the thing that was so dark about it i guess was the you know like i said you go through these
Starting point is 00:47:19 cycles people get pissed off that become diffused people get pissed off it'd become diffused people would be pissed off it'd be diffused um and so the but like the only sort of solution that anybody had to offer was just like you just got to keep writing hal rogers you got to keep writing mitch mcconnell etc and this woman said this woman in the back just she goes i'm on a first name basis with his office and then they just said well call them every day just keep calling she goes i do i talk to him every day they don't care they don't care and it's and it's it's fascinating because this isn't even like a flint thing where they at least got the governor you know he obviously denied it and they went through this whole process in flint where you know the governor was just throwing his underlings under the bus this isn't
Starting point is 00:48:10 even like that what's going on here is that bevin and mcconnell and several other people are just ignoring him they just don't give a fuck bevin hasn't spoke of it at all. They don't care at all. And I guess what was so dark about it was the fact like that seems new. I'm not entirely sure that you could have gotten away with that 30 years ago, 40 years ago,
Starting point is 00:48:38 50 years ago. I really I don't know. I mean like even back then there were sort of norms and institutions in place that, like, if you leveraged press or something to put pressure on elected officials, you would at least get some sort of response or something. It was on NPR.
Starting point is 00:48:57 But the thing about it, me and Tom were talking about, is that it's gone immediately. There's... No one gives a fuck. I mean, like, you could put it on a story. It's just, that's like the sort of hyper reality that we live in. I wonder how this has impacted Roger's precious prison.
Starting point is 00:49:15 Well, they just get their money. No, they just get their water from Prestonsburg now. They just switched off completely? Yeah. So they figured that out? Oh, yeah. In a hurry? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:24 I mean, that's um they yeah they just switched their contract to pressensburg which is like a weirdly predatory uh water district apparently they're like trying to like swallow up other water districts in the region as much as they can look everything is becoming privatized everything is becoming more privatized politicians don't give a fuck about anybody i mean it's the news cycle moves too fast the move cycle moves too fast i mean it's it's hyper reality and it's it's like what i don't know afterwards tom turned to me and he goes, this is the future, man. Like, this is the future. And I think what you meant by that is that sort of like with climate change
Starting point is 00:50:10 we were talking about earlier, there is no cataclysmic event or grand single event of apocalypse. It's just a gradual deterioration of living conditions over time. And nobody to care or respond to. Yes, and there's nobody to care or respond to and there's yes and there's no yes nobody to care respond to it and people with money will show up to use it as a good storyline in a movie which brings me to my dark experience in harlan nice segue nice segue and i will just say before i tell this that um nutty as he was what was a stupid stupid lawyer eugenics motherfucker harry coddle harry coddle harry coddle according to mickey mccoy nina's husband who was a student under harry coddle at uk he said that uh harry coddle used to say
Starting point is 00:51:06 when east kentucky becomes an amusement park for people with wealth will you be on the ferris wheel or will you be running the fish tank or will you be where are you gonna draw your fucking line when we're at amusement park anyway maybe this was a prediction even a blind squirrel finds a night every once in a while even a broke clock right twice a day uh so on saturday night i went to a what well what i kept calling a hollywood party turns out they were all from new york though but there's a new movie being filmed in harlan county oh matt was at this yeah yeah called the movie is a book adaptation called he told me and i can't i heard about this is what lindsey was talking to us about the fuck remember that day lindsey terrace when we were at lunch time out and grew
Starting point is 00:52:12 carter sickle is the author somehow remember that not the oh no the ending hour okay or the i saw this i saw this i didn't see it but i saw like people talking about it's not a rom-com i have not read the book but i read the synopsis what's it about you're gonna love it you're gonna love it and then i'll tell this then i'll tell you about the party they had they had a kickoff event i think it's the ending hour somebody google it it while I'm telling this. Carter Sickle. Here's the synopsis. The lead character's name is, drumroll please, Cole. C-O-L-E.
Starting point is 00:53:02 To throw the scent off. Hell yeah, baby. The evening hour that's it the evening hour so cole which uh you know i haven't read it so i don't want to you know i'm shitting on the book but here's what i read on the whatever okay is that cole was a wait for it coal miner okay and he gave that gave that life up to become a nurse's aide at the nursing home but at the nursing home to make up for his lost wages or whatever he starts selling he starts stealing and selling pills out of the nursing home a man after my own heart yeah and uh okay you know chaos ensues from there i guess uh that's all that's all i know from the yeah i'll give you a product description just real quick okay from amazon most of the wood most of the wealth in
Starting point is 00:53:58 dove creek west virginia is in the earth is in the earth and the coal seams that have provided generations with a way of life born and raised here 27 year old cole freeman call free man free man has sidestepped work tom's trying to hang himself with an XLR cord. Has sidestepped work as a miner to become an aide in a nursing home. He's got a shock of bleached blonde hair and a gentle touch well suited to the job. He's also a drug dealer reselling
Starting point is 00:54:35 prescription drugs his older patients give him to a younger crowd looking for different kinds of escape. I like how they absolve him of any kind of moral gray area here. He's a good guy here. He takes it from the older patients who give it to him. Here you go, Johnny. Here's my Oxycontin.
Starting point is 00:54:53 Cole's just moving supply and demand. Nothing to see here. You want some Perkins, boy? In this economically depressed, shifting landscape, Cole is floundering. The mining corporation is angling to buy the Freeman family's property, and coal's protests only feel like stalling.
Starting point is 00:55:09 Although he has often dreamed of leaving, he has a sense of duty to his land, especially after the death of his grandfather. Let me just go ahead and poke a hole in Mr. Sickles' thing here. Most coal miners aren't landowners. Yeah. Fucking idiot. Good point, Tom. I work in my family's land, and while I'm doing that, I'm dealing drugs and mining coal.
Starting point is 00:55:32 That's not something that could ever happen. If you were a landowner, you wouldn't be dealing drugs or mining coal. The coal companies own the land. Well, it's fiction. This is a work of fiction. That's how you know. All right, I'll allow it. I'll allow the drug-dealing landowner coal miner.
Starting point is 00:55:50 All right, his grandfather is not the only loss. Cole's one close friend, Terry Rose, kind of like Terry Rex, has also slipped away from him. First to marriage, then to drugs. That common trajectory we all know and love marriage and then drugs are we sure this is a fiction now i'm not so sure that was funny it's like uh you know your voice hey buddy uh set a date for your funeral yet you're gonna have an open cas, I mean open barn. Oh, my God. While Cole alternately attempts romance
Starting point is 00:56:28 with two troubled women, he spends most of his time with the elderly patients at the home, desperately trying to ignore the decay of everything and everyone around him. This is a story about my life, apparently. Only when a disaster befalls these mountains is Cole forced to confront his fears end
Starting point is 00:56:46 and finally take decisive action, if not to save his world, to at least save himself. The Evening Hour marks the powerful debut of a writer who brings originality, nuance, and an incredible talent for character to an iconic American landscape in the throes of change. Well, there you go. So, was Cole Freeman there? Did you get to see how he was? Yep. He was playing him who's playing him i didn't he looked real nondescript to me he was there and his dad was there his dad is the guy who played will's dad in stranger things interesting i've never seen it and then there were like some other like you know i didn't recognize anyone not even the will's dad from stranger things guy um but supposedly they were like the next day they
Starting point is 00:57:30 were flying in holy shit cynthia nixon's gonna be in it let me see her let's see if i saw her you know cynthia nixon ran for governor in new york in sex in the city sex in the city did you ever watch sex in the city damn t, Tanya might be the only. Of course I watched Sex and the City, but which one was she? She was Charlotte. Is there a Charlotte on that show? Yeah, Redhead? No.
Starting point is 00:57:55 Wait, Charlotte's the one around here? Flash it up here. Show me a picture. Tell me the names of the characters and I'll be able to tell you. I don't know. I don't know their fucking names. God damn it. I thought you watched it.
Starting point is 00:58:04 I guess Cynthia Nixon's off. Oh, watch oh sex in the city it's samantha charlotte um sarah jessica parker's uh character is uh i could look this up but uh i like the um I could look this up, but I like the suspense. Anyway, so what was so dark about the situation? Okay. So, you know, and I was with people who knew the author and they like him. So they were, you know, talking to him.
Starting point is 00:58:39 And, you know, apparently he, they asked, like, do you like what they've done with the film or whatever? And he said, I like the screenplay, the woman who wrote the screenplay, but the rest of it's out of my hands they i have no say in what's happening so you know let's not hold poor carter here responsible yeah that poor turd um but he seemed fine and dandy um the crew i just kept calling them all hollywood but they were really all from new york i guess there was one cool woman from vegas of course everyone from vegas is awesome tom lived there for a little bit i love vegas um allison king who was in this was also in baby driver and 12 strong two okay what 12 Strong is good?
Starting point is 00:59:25 Do you like it? Well, apparently... What is the hell of 12 Strong? Supposedly, the talk of the event was like they hadn't flew in the big names yet and they aren't releasing them yet. It's top secret or some bullshit. So it's not on IMDb or whatever. Cynthia Nixon is one of them.
Starting point is 00:59:38 But I have no fucking idea. This was in 2016. Maybe she's been scrapped. Yeah, who knows? But I did see the guy that's the stranger things dude dad yeah but let me paint this picture for you kind of looks like paint you a birmingham so this was held at the harlan county vfw right right holy shit which they have rented for the duration of their shooting because it's going to be a main
Starting point is 01:00:05 scene that's where that's that's their dive bar yeah we were we were we were in nashville on sunday um and we were we walked by this club and there was what eight couples standing out front in a line and a closed door and we were like what is that and we were with tyler co and he was like he's like i don't know man it's like this hipster thing where like you have to like go and say a password through the door, whatever, just to get in.
Starting point is 01:00:29 And Matt goes, yeah, I was just doing that last night. It's called a VFW. Basically. The cities have taken the VFW model. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:41 So, but they had a split off in a different room and we even had a little window to the bar and there was like a dry erase board that said movie people order here because it was an open bar and they wanted to keep it separate and then like the vfw guys were down here and uh the saving grace was there was a pool table so i shot pool beat mad at the game of pool felt good but from the pool table you could see just a jar a door a jar just into a room where the card playing was happening really wanted to figure out what was
Starting point is 01:01:13 going on in there but the card playing yeah some old men were playing cards back in a back in a corner dusty room you can see tom in there that's where i'm best that's where i'm best yeah that's where tom flexes you say cute baby you're a cute baby yeah but uh this woman with a weird name i can't remember and a lot of like i don't know appropriative jewelry or something was had like appropriate but she was wearing like an indian head basically yeah essentially she had booked all the music and she started off with having the mount sinai spirituals come there and perform which is a all men's gospel choir that i've worked with quite a bit and they got into a huge fight because they did not know some of them didn't care and the others were pissed that they were in a bar literal bar scene where this god they wanted this gospel band to play so that's how it all got
Starting point is 01:02:10 started but at that time there was no one there so the spirit half the spirituals left in a tizzy and half of them performed for about five people drinking whiskey yeah that happened then people started flowing in uh and food was supposed to be early it's like everything was late all these people were late finally they start flowing in and you can just tell who's not from around here right so we're just like skimming the crab uh and it's not like a vfw it's pretty sad You know, just everybody in there. Well, anywhere where veterans hang out is probably not the happiest place. Nah, not great.
Starting point is 01:02:58 Well, you know, there's like a new hipster thing where all the hipsters go drink at the American Legion and VFWs, which is what we've been well ahead of that curve for. Yeah, I was about to say, like, yeah, the Legion. been well ahead of that curve yeah i was about to say like yeah the legion but you can pretty much guarantee that structurally culturally anything that's going to happen with this country has already happened here we all started this is what i was well this is the martin county point it's like look it's dark here but that shit is about to be pretty much everywhere yeah that mark twain quote about us being in the past afraid not it's actually opposite yeah well there's a there's actually a an apple shop film about this where this guy says they they say we're yesterday's people but i think we're tomorrow's people and then there's like a whole tomorrow's people movie made after that anyway
Starting point is 01:03:41 that's a good title for it is good yeah it's good uh it's a 70s heyday you know so uh people are starting to fall into this sad dark room and um they you can tell they're just like talking to each other and they look real hollywood even though they're really from new york and i'm in the booze line at the bar wait and there's like's like a couple people. Imagine that. A couple people line up behind me. And I'm like, you know, I'm going to work. At this point, I've only talked to people I already knew. So I was like, you know what? I can do this.
Starting point is 01:04:10 I'm in the, I'm at a bar. I'm in line for a drink. I could just say something to somebody. I don't know. See how it goes. So they had like sent an email to Apple Shop. And we're like, please send Apple Shop people over. And so I turned around and I was like, hey, I'm Tanya.
Starting point is 01:04:23 How are y'all? I'm an Apple Shop people. I was like, I was like, OK. You know, I rode over from Apple Shop and this woman looks at me dead now. She said, I just got here. Who did? One of the actresses? Yeah. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:04:38 Yeah. That's how she acted. It was like an actress. She said, I just got here. What's that even mean in response to you telling her I'm from Apple Shop? I think the way it felt is like she didn't know what Apple Shop was.
Starting point is 01:04:51 She just arrived. She was kind of freaking out. She just immediately freaked out that I had one spoke to her, two said something she didn't understand, three expected a response. I don't know. And I was like, well, welcome. Well, come over here and let me show you who the cast is. I just got here.
Starting point is 01:05:08 Got here. Come here. Then I noticed later she had a Dolly Parton bag, so I complimented her. I was like, I like your Dolly bag. She's like, oh, wow, no one knows it. No one knows that's Dolly. And I was like, well, you're in Dolly country now, bitch. Hey, come here.
Starting point is 01:05:19 Everyone fucking knows that's Dolly on your fucking bag. What the fuck? Oh, my God. Was this her? No. that's dolly on your fucking bag what the fuck oh my god uh no so no that's not her so yeah uh and then the guy that's standing with her he's like i've only been here a week man i was just like okay forget it no one really was nice to me until gap introduced me to the producer and told them I was a Trillbilly.
Starting point is 01:05:47 And he knew about us? No. I was just standing there. Gap was like Gap was like oh yeah she's on this popular podcast and he was like oh cool I'll listen. I was like don't bother. Is this her?
Starting point is 01:06:06 That might be her, yeah. Yeah, as soon as you have some, just a little bit of name or social capital. No, I think she's younger than that. They're immediately like. She just could not be bothered. I mean, she was waiting in line for booze just like me. Jesus Christ. Hey, I'm just making small talk here. We can sit here awkwardly. Okay, mean, she was waiting in line for booze, just like me. Jesus Christ. Hey, I'm just making small talk here.
Starting point is 01:06:27 We can sit here awkwardly. Okay, well, that was my own personal, like, hump in the road. Right. But then comes the director's speech. Hell yeah. I'm buckled in. Yeah, give it to us. God, I wish I could just do it verbatim.
Starting point is 01:06:44 Here it was basically verbatim we are here to serve this film that's the baby we're here to take care of this baby not to serve me not to take care of me so i just want to make sure everybody knows up front first thing that you are not here to serve me or to take care of me he repeated this multiple times. Like, he knew that's what everyone assumed or something. And we were all just like. We weren't planning on it, buddy.
Starting point is 01:07:12 I don't even fucking know you, dude. Don't serve me. Yeah, we are here to serve the film. Whatever you do, if my pants are somehow off and you feel like. Hey, I'm a normal guy. I'm a normal guy. Do not service me. Whatever you do, i'm a normal guy i'm a normal guy do not service me whatever you do i'm a normal guy fight your urge to come over here and service me but you fight your urge to come over here and service me fuck my brains out then he says
Starting point is 01:07:41 and i just need you all to really remind yourselves and me, let's remind each other to really just take a break and take a long breath to take in these mountains. Really remember where we are. Take them in. Take them in. If you have to imagine yourself as some high test dynam dynamite. Blowing them up. Sucking it all in. Do that. If that's what you got to do, do that.
Starting point is 01:08:11 A coal miner on all fours just eating out your ass. If that's what you got to do, fucking do it. We're here. We're here to serve. To serve. Me. I mean, the film. The film.
Starting point is 01:08:22 I mean, the mountains. I don't see who the producer was. The director is. Go into every coal mine. The director. Yeah, this was the film. I mean the mountains. I'll say who the producer was. The director. Going to every coal mine. It's the director. This was the director's speech. Going to every coal mine and coat all the walls of the coal mine with cum because that's the best way to make sure the coal dust doesn't get kicked up.
Starting point is 01:08:40 Man, this guy. I mean, and this is like the whole thing is just filled with this guy kind of looks like uh this is what it's all about we're here all this has led to here all the all everything you've done has led you to here you know it's like a fucking t-ball coach does this guy look kind of like a uh hybrid of derrick mullins and bill hater yes yeah that's that's him i like both of those individuals. I don't know who Bill Hader is. I just, Derek Mullins is close enough.
Starting point is 01:09:13 Okay, so he's like, he must like Will Oldham. Yeah, I heard, I had heard Will might be there. He wasn't though. Okay. Take these mountains in. Fucking take them into your mouth. Here's the grand finale though of his speech. The end, the grand finale, though, of his speech. The end. The grand finale.
Starting point is 01:09:34 And really, what we have to do, what I have to do as your director, is find, be on a constant search, and we all need to be accountable to this, a constant search for the soul of this project. If that's a Bathurst coal miner. So be it. So be it. We're on a quest for the soul. That's weird. It was so weird.
Starting point is 01:09:55 Maybe he was high. No, I think people just talk like that in the movie industry. He's from Western North Carolina at least. He's somewhat of a regional boy jesus fucking christ tanya well maybe it'll shake out nice but i left there with so many weird feelings i've had i've been in a weird feeling all week and i can't even fucking articulate it like i can't explain why i can't put a name or a feeling to it it's just a general sense of unease you know what i'm saying yeah i think i feel like i know why but yeah i feel the same way
Starting point is 01:10:30 um it's i think you know it's not that i didn't know things were this shitty and blah blah it's like right i guess i thought i guess i was just like still hanging on I just have still been hanging on to this like sad liberal mindset that if people just know, you know, it's like if people just see that base, like all men with power have abused people to get there. Like, you know what I mean? It's just like, I don't know mean it's just like i don't know it's just like if people just realized but i think now they just know no you're right it doesn't matter it is it's kind of like back yeah we're full circle here it's just like people know and they just don't give a fuck just don't give a fuck and so it's like i and then and then there's
Starting point is 01:11:19 part of me where it's like i don't even know you know it's like we complain a lot about the actions of dms and just dummies everywhere but it's like i don't even know you know it's like we complain a lot about the actions of dems and just dummies everywhere but it's like i don't even know what i want them to do do i do the dems all just need to i mean that's like i'm not gonna be happy unless the dems burn down the fucking white house or something you know like i don't even know it's like i don't even know what i want these stupid idiots to do at this point i guess i want them to go away, personally. But it's hard to, like, without any sort of, like, leadership or anything in place, it's like, what even replaces that? I'm with you because I feel the exact same way.
Starting point is 01:11:55 It's not like I didn't know things were this bad. It's just that, like, several things happened in a small time frame that totally disabused me of some of the yeah residual liberal beliefs i had you know and i think core among them was uh yeah people just need if they just had the right news sources if they just had the right sort of education and the right uh you were talking about this on the way back from martin county actually that like everybody's like get out the vote get out the vote america is best whenever everybody's voice is heard but what they actually mean is vote the way i say to to do or fuck off yeah that is like when you're getting out the vote you're really saying just go vote for the for democrats well
Starting point is 01:12:41 it's funny that like or whatever candidate i want you to yeah it's it seems like um the biggest sort of organized response i saw to what happened with the kavanaugh stuff was go vote right you know i mean like that seems like that's the predominant i mean i'm just saying uh even though i surround myself mostly by leftists, still in the sort of like national sort of movement discourse, I mostly just see people talking like, oh, just go get out the boat. I mean, like, there are obviously like other things you can be doing, like building a mass movement or whatever. That's just so vague. I don't even know what I'm talking about. It just feels like, it feels like even if we're not in a simulation, we're kind of in a simulation. Because two people can watch the exact same thing and see different things.
Starting point is 01:13:38 Oh, yeah. Well, what it is. It's so different. I think that's a good point. I mean, when all that Kavanaugh stuff happened, I sent out this little sort of boilerplate tweet. It was like, I forget now, but like something like, what did it say, Terrence? Liberals now have to, or, you know, liberal politics. Basically what I'm saying is liberal politics has been rendered ineffective
Starting point is 01:14:02 and they're going to have to decide to adopt a more radical point of view or become conservatives. And to me, it was just like, you know, the circles we traffic in on Twitter or whatever, that's like the most slept boilerplate. Right. It wasn't even a radical thing to say. To say at all. But it really hit a nerve. Those are painful.
Starting point is 01:14:29 People don't give a fuck about your ultimatums. It's a problem. People don't want your fucking ultimatums, Tom. Keep it to your goddamn self. Yeah, Tom. Keep those ultimatums in your pocket. I wasn't making ultimatums. I was pointing at a tree.
Starting point is 01:14:40 Ultimatums in your pocket. I wasn't making ultimatums. I was pointing at a tree. I mean, women we know and have had a good time with. Like Kay Fisher. She just wrote on Facebook. I saw that. I believe him.
Starting point is 01:14:56 I believe him. But I was like, nothing that this guy, nothing he did made him seem trustworthy in any way. In any way. In any way. In any way. And also. way and also hire him to bartend she i know she would not have hired this motherfucker to bartend at summit city yeah yeah you know what i'm acting that way what are you fucking talking about well you damn sure shouldn't hire him to bartend and they drink up all your profits getting high off your own product yeah i think it's high on your own supply you can never stick the landing on those can you never getting high off of your own product
Starting point is 01:15:37 oh my god that's the cops here's our here's gonna be our reoccurring segment parents the white boy let's hear what he has to say let's hear it let's hear me out everybody let's hear hear me out all right okay okay okay um shit um that's why yeah that's i mean that's why i sent tom a text message this morning was like dude speak your pieces unfathomably dark this week really i can't even there was nothing good it was literally nothing to read and speak your piece i mean there was a few there was really no funny ones there was a few kind of quirky ones but mostly it's all about how men are under attack that's it i mean there's that there's definitely one in there that's like from now on men should bring this is the funny part i mean i have it right here
Starting point is 01:16:37 the uh this is i see that i've been seeing this one all the time um which is like it's really funny that like conservatives are just now like reckoning with the idea of consent but they're doing it literally fast like backwards by employing the pence rule yeah what uh maybe some of the root of this is that humanity has become totally incapable of self-reflection and any like self-accountability. We're all three. I mean, yeah. All of us and everyone who writes into Speak Your Peace and everyone in power, completely unable to self-reflect. No, here's the thing. Here's the thing. Here's the thing.
Starting point is 01:17:25 Okay, we've all known men. Some of us have. We're trying to become one of those. I don't know why, but here's the thing. Anytime that I have been falsely, or anytime I've been accused of something, even if it wasn't like something heinous, like there was at least shades of truth to it.
Starting point is 01:17:50 Do you know what I'm saying? Mm-hmm. Anyway, there it is. There were shades of truth to any false accusation. Okay, I'll just break it down for you. There's two times I was falsely accused in my life. One was I was falsely accused of drawing dicks in pizza sauce on the elevator of Manon Tower,
Starting point is 01:18:10 Morehead State University. Was it on brand? Sure. Was it something that looked like I did? Okay. Okay. But did I do it? Not that time.
Starting point is 01:18:27 And then the other thing was stealing money off the church. Was it on brand? Sure it was. Would I have done it? Probably, had I not been living in Arkansas. So you literally, logistically could not. I mean, I could not. There was no way I could have done that.
Starting point is 01:18:47 So what's the larger point you're making here? Which is that you should own up to things that you did do and shouldn't own up to things you didn't do? I don't know. I think I was trying to tell a funny joke. It ended up sounding really fucking weird. That's what you get for interrupting me. Sorry. Go ahead.
Starting point is 01:19:04 I hope you'll print this. I think that all the young men out there need to carry around in their pocket a contract and get their girlfriend to sign it before they get into the sex act. That way they can go on about their business. If she says okay, have sex. If she doesn't sign it, you better not have sex. Exactly! That's the whole fucking point.
Starting point is 01:19:22 Like, no shit. But they're talking about that like it's a bad thing it just calls all their bullshit for what it really is that they don't actually give a shit about consent that they all only want domination it's also just like they clearly don't this man doesn't understand anything about communication you don't really need it on paper there cowboy and it's just so okay, let's say I sign a contract. So fucking what? You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:19:51 Okay. You know, it's just like, what the fuck? Yeah, it's like, oh, just because I sign a contract doesn't, it's also like, if you go on to assault me, what the fuck does that mean? Like, that I signed a piece of paper before in a bedroom before the actor she said the act occurred it was in it was on paper well what what has been the darkest for me like you said you just don't even can't even put your finger on what's drugged you into this place this is bringing me flashbacks to jury duty, honestly. This has drug me back into a very dark jury duty place in my life. Letcher County jury duty, which I would go to jail to avoid the next time.
Starting point is 01:20:31 Take me to jail, lock me away, I don't give a goddamn. I will never. And I went up to Judge Wright, who is on the Kentucky Supreme Court now. Judge Wright and I was like, I believe everyone is innocent. I don't believe in the judicial system at all. I hate hate cops i don't need to sit on any jury duty and he was like ma'am i don't have enough innocent people in this county to let you off this jury duty i you're gonna have sit through it and i was like i'm not doing it i told you i'm and i didn't i like had a miserable time the first case all right put me on there but i'm
Starting point is 01:21:02 not guilty right now i'm telling you everyone is not guilty on there, but I'm not guilty right now. I'm telling you, everyone is not guilty. And that's how I went. Not guilty. And I had to sit there and listen to these stupid people deliberate and then tell me that I was causing them to not go home to their kids and not do all this because I was the contrary when la la la. I'd say, take that over there to that judge. And we just sat in there for hours until they finally
Starting point is 01:21:26 wore me down and i was like fine guilty that's what i had to do for days it was horrible the first one was was just like it was these two old dudes were in a fucking bicker and it wasn't a big deal like uh the old man was uh had hit the young guy on with his car on a motorcycle on cram creek which i lived on cram creek at the time and i was like i live on cram creek and he's like well do you know these men i was like no but i could i have cram creek pride i have solidarity i just wanted to point that out i would never convict somebody from cram creek because i ride hard for cram creek but for the first one it was like the like the whole prosecution was that this guy was pumped full of Suboxone, but he had a prescription to the shit.
Starting point is 01:22:10 What are you, a doctor fucking prescribed the dumb motherfucker? He's on, but they said he had a toxic level. Of course he did. They're over-prescribing people, you dumb fuck. Look, a toxicologist come in, just drug, all this crazy shit. My man's got a toxic level. I'm going to start saying that. Yeah, toxic level of Suboxone. We're getting the levels when we start podcasting and of course some little toxic over there to the
Starting point is 01:22:30 course this this guy is like uh he's like my liver don't work like yours does i can't break stuff you know he's like there's just it's just pitiful the whole thing was just pitiful and finally to find this guy guilty and he went to jail. And I fucking lost a month's worth of sleep over it. But that turned out to be nothing compared to the next case I was on. Which maybe I shouldn't even go down this road because it'll just get darker. Okay, let me ask you a question. How in the same fuck have you done jury duty three times and have not done it the first time? This is the same just once.
Starting point is 01:23:02 I've just been on it once. I was just called once and I had to sit on two. Oh, you're on the grand jury so you're doing all the cases. I ended up, I had to sit through the courtroom and I ended up being the lottery twice.
Starting point is 01:23:13 Speaking on the same, that reminds me of another dark thing I saw this week while we were on the topic. I was walking by the courthouse yesterday and there was a woman out front literally begging, pleading with the judge in front of the courthouse for him to sign off on this paper so she could get hired somewhere she's like i just got sober i have kids i can't even get a job at
Starting point is 01:23:39 dairy queen i just need you to sign this paper please please please like was begging him and i was i texted tom i was like i just saw something out of this paper, please, please, please. Like was begging him. And I was texting Tom. I was like, I just saw something out of this straight up medieval times. Like he wouldn't do it. No, the sheriff was the lady sheriff was right next to him. And she was just had her arms crossed and just smiled at me. Like, look at this drug addict. Like, oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:24:00 Just say it. Look like on this podcast. I feel like it's kind of our duty to like rally the troops to like try to provide some sort of inspiration or be like you know what i mean like look this is the way things are you have to have hope you're trying to make the world a better place or whatever but i'm deep i'm dipping into that well and i'm not coming up with anything it's the bucket is empty this week i don't even have a semblance of hope to offer you yeah the world is a cesspit it is um it was just a reminder of like who i mean if this fucking
Starting point is 01:24:33 woman who's got a fucking phd this beautiful white woman with a phd is not believable and she's you know kept her story straight i could not be questioned about what i had for breakfast yesterday with a straight face and keep my story straight i could you know what i mean i'm not a fucking authority on anything that's ever happened to me at this point i'm not authority on anything it's like there's no there's no fucking anyway it just took me back to this fucking that second case i had to be on which was a fucking child rape case in letcher county it was so dark it was a 12 year old and she testified and they still didn't believe her they did not believe a 12 year old because she like remembered a detail wrong or something well you know actually i say that like i can't even bring anything up in the
Starting point is 01:25:21 bucket but i can bring this voting will not get you out of this seriously uh you know like whether it's who it doesn't matter who the fuck it is it can be the most ostensibly less left-wing candidate and they say they're going to do this and that 2008 should have disabused you of the notion that anything wrong with this society can be fixed with, what did Bill Clinton say? With what is right with this society. What's wrong with it can't, it's not too great that it can't be fixed with what's right with it. No, none of that shit works and you're just kicking a can further down the road. Damn, I mean, it's not a profound thing.
Starting point is 01:26:02 I mean, like maybe it's irresponsible to, put something out there that's just, like, so bleak and absolutely just... I think we have to go on early hiatus. Like, we just have to end season one. Last episode is the end of season one. And that's the... Season two, you mean. That's season two.
Starting point is 01:26:21 Sorry, yeah. Here we are. Season two. I know the other day when someone asked something about what episodes to offer to someone and you gave a fucking list uh uh a fucking what they call it at the beginning of a semester a syllabus you gave her a fucking a little a literal trail billy's by themes too by theme a theme trail's syllabus. Trill had four themes. I was like, Jesus fucking Christ. Terrence has got to get a life.
Starting point is 01:26:49 I just saw it. I was like, oh my God. You don't understand, Tony. This is all I have. I don't have a girlfriend. I don't have a life. I have a fucking podcast. You got two cats, buddy.
Starting point is 01:26:59 Anyway, I was like, he left out the first ten episodes. Those were gold. Oh my God. Those are some of our worst. You think? I don't know. What do you think, Tom? I don't listen to any of them.
Starting point is 01:27:11 Show's trash. All right, the show's goddamn truck garbage. All right. Go listen to Somebody Knows What They're Doing. No, I have purged the first 10 episodes from the canon. In fact, actually maybe the first six. Wait, they're not on there at all. No, they're there.
Starting point is 01:27:29 I'm just saying like the canon, the Trillbillies canon. Do we have a canon? We do. I'd say it's episodes 10. Canon. Canon. Yeah. Anyways.
Starting point is 01:27:41 Anyhow. Syllabus stands. Syllabus stands. anyways anyhow syllabus stands syllabus stands um speaking of climate change
Starting point is 01:27:48 though and sea levels rising by the way I had a funny thought blood pressure is rising and blood pressure I had a funny thought um
Starting point is 01:27:55 if they find if they ever like somehow found like the lost city of Atlantis how long do you think it would take before people would start claiming ancestry there sort of a la pocahontas
Starting point is 01:28:12 you know what i mean oh yeah you know what i mean like was atlantis a real place that exists or is that just great mythology real place that existed i or is that just Greek mythology? It was a real place that existed, I thought. Just kind of got washed away? Or maybe it was based sort of on a real place. Okay. Damn, I thought y'all would like that. I thought that y'all would think that was funny.
Starting point is 01:28:33 No, I mean, no. Fuck y'all. Fuck this goddamn podcast. This is where he fucking unravels. I'm going to start berating y'all for thinking nothing is funny. He kills me and Tom on air and then he publishes it. Like a maniac.
Starting point is 01:28:54 I wouldn't do that. Oh god. I wouldn't do that. Now people would definitely claim Atlantic ancestry. Damn. It'll start showing up on 23andMe. That's what I'm talking about. I saw, though, this is so dark,
Starting point is 01:29:14 or one of you all maybe sent me this or shared it, was that 23andMe or Ancestry or one of them motherfuckers teamed up with Spotify and now you can get ethnic ethnicity what do they do they suggest songs that they that you think they think you would like based on supposedly from your roots well i'm i have to say I'm a proud member of what the great historian, or excuse me, the president, Teddy Roosevelt, called the hardiest race, the Scots-Irish people.
Starting point is 01:29:58 The hardiest race. Yeah, the hardiest race. You know I just made it racist if they say scott's irish yeah that's a dog whistle that is very true it is very true well that's about a full episode huh um i had something else and i forgot it already yeah uh i think i had multiple things but um i had two back-to-back very good days yesterday and the day before and today two very good dates why didn't you share of you honestly yesterday i turned a corner and i saw you walking the dog and your head was held so low and then i just noticed the little um plastic bag in your hand did you have poop in it no he was on his way to the poop and i was just like walking
Starting point is 01:30:46 like a man like the baton death march yeah it's a long way down he's just on a walk to pick up poop right yeah on a little poop walk that's okay that's okay i feel like everything just smells like shit now because my cat just keeps hostile shitting and my sister's trying to potty train my nephews and she won't put a diaper on them so there's shit and fucking everywhere it's madness fucking pandemonium sounds awesome i love that yeah why'd you have two good days and i i've been in the fucking goddamn hell for like three weeks. It is starting to feel like fall. That feels good. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:31:27 It was just weird. Man, I gotta get out of this. I had a briefer spot from my normal pit. The thing about it is I haven't been in a good place for a few weeks, but it's just like something, the rug was pulled out from under me or something. I walked around Fish Pond the other day. It felt pretty good. Try that maybe.
Starting point is 01:31:44 Damn, I need to do that. Walking around Fish Pond'sonds a good time i always used to like doing take leon i don't know if i can do that well it was more fun with louis we went and walked around fish pond you walk your cat no i said louis no i was saying like you said take leon i didn't know if you'd try well i mean leon's an outdoor cat I won't let my cat out of the house Now that she's fixed though About to cut her stupid ass loose And if she shows back up for food okay She's just pissed me off so much with all the shit
Starting point is 01:32:14 And it's like she don't want to be in the house You know I'm not going to keep her fucking trapped Yeah But you know I couldn't with good conscience Release a fucking tomcat into the neighborhood Bad idea Yeah so now that she's Officially clipped You know, I couldn't, with good conscience, release a fucking tomcat into the neighborhood. Bad idea. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:29 So now that she's officially clipped. You got one right here. And I had them clip her nails while she was asleep because she's so violent. Wouldn't have let you do it otherwise. It just took forever. She'd bite me and shit. She's a little bitch. But so once her nails grow out, I feel like she can defend herself. I might just start letting her out. Right.
Starting point is 01:32:48 See how it goes. Although, I know, since you all told me, she won't stay in the fence. Well, no, that's not the concern. The concern is the toll it takes on the wildlife. Bird populations. Really? Shrews. Vols. Shrews. Vols. Birds. Fall cells. I live at the head of a
Starting point is 01:33:04 hauler. There's like 30 feral cats and dogs up there you don't live that you live on a mountain what's the difference i don't know a holler is like you know a valley almost we're not a valley but it's just it's the hollers goes up by the end of it maybe it's not a holler but it starts out that way i mean runs uphill all right well whatever anyways i live at the end of a one-lane road that's what i should say there's fucking feral dogs and cats everywhere um all right so i got nothing else but uh let's go ahead and call this one and What are you going to call this? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:33:48 I have no idea. We had a title earlier. What the pity party. I thought it was pretty funny. Yeah. Oh, did I come drag y'all down? No, I'm... No, no, we're just not doing well.
Starting point is 01:34:01 No one's doing well. No one? Who? I don't see if you're doing well right now fuck you if you are if you're in a good mood you think things are running pretty good eat 10 dicks fuck you literally last night i like made some you know just quick off oh someone said well what happened to you know we were like down in the dumps talking about someone had mentioned the climate rapport we were like there's a crew of us to get
Starting point is 01:34:29 together on wednesday nights and watch american horror story is it good the apocalypse oh it's good yeah i love it last night stevie nicks that's what i was gonna say it's not stevie was supposed to be on there yeah she was on last night it was really good um yeah it's getting good they're back to murder house the coven's back anyway um neither here nor there it's like the only joy i get in the week but someone's like oh just see the climate report and i was like i don't want to talk about it and then someone else said well what happened to them sending people to mars what happened to about what happened to the commercial trips to mars and i was like well fucking elon musk and so he's already picked somebody he's sending you know that's all space SpaceX they they haven't actually you know they've just trajectory
Starting point is 01:35:10 said they're gonna be able to do this by then they ain't done nothing yet I was like Elon's a piece of dog shit and the guy was like ain't he fixing Flint I think I heard that. I was like, what? If we're talking about percentages of income, I've given more money to Flint than Elon Musk has. Seriously? I was like, what? Yeah, good point. Is that a...
Starting point is 01:35:34 I think he tweeted about it one time, like, I will take care of it. He said, I'll take care of Flint? Something like that, yeah. Every fucking white South African guy Is a fucking lunatic And I say this Being friends with a few South African guys
Starting point is 01:35:49 But they're fucking nuts And weird And it wouldn't surprise me If Elon Musk Goes all Oscar Pistorius On somebody at some point I hope it's not Grimes Because I actually do
Starting point is 01:35:58 Like her music No I'm not Is he dating Grimes? Yeah You didn't know that? It's all news to me I didn't know you said it I think I did.
Starting point is 01:36:05 Fuck. Oh, man. All right. Well, this is the end of the episode. Go buy a bunch of weapons. Start a protracted people's war. No, just buy Halloween decorations. Go to your local pumpkin patch.
Starting point is 01:36:18 But on November, start the protracted people's war. That's the only thing I got left. I've bought pumpkins. I've invested heavily in pumpkins the last couple weeks. Enjoy your last Halloween. And black candles. I ordered black candles to ward off negativity. You want me to bring you one? Please.
Starting point is 01:36:37 I will. I was just writing about that today, Tanya. What'd you write? Writing about witches a little bit. About how like, you know, maybe 10 or 15 years ago more slightly more stable times um i'll let you read it well i've got a few good books on this topic if you want to borrow any of them uh that's what i was gonna say i heard that the coming to like the kentucky thing yeah no pressure for old tomo what what kentucky thing they're like kentucky gathering or whatever and slade so that's gonna be in eastern kentucky shouldn't we kidnap him or something i want to
Starting point is 01:37:20 say listen here i appreciate the income sure i guess in a way uh as much as a wage slave could but fuck michael bloomberg and i just watch them all fucking melt oh yeah no yeah let's march in there with the fucking golf club and just knock his fucking kneecaps out yeah all right motherfucker you want to get real about this climate shit we've got to do away with your ass because you're taking up too many resources please cut this out so i don't get did you fly here on a plane bitch you better have unicycled here motherfucker you better have levitated where's your broom I can't cut this out
Starting point is 01:38:10 sir can I see your papers yeah yes exactly you're you are you're now you've now entered the Appalachian the free independent states of Appalachia I'm General Ray
Starting point is 01:38:23 we've shut down all commerce fuck no i won't be a major um no we can't cut this out this is the only good laugh we've had all episodes let me out of here i gotta pee all right i don't want to get fired for a good laugh um i'll just cut out i don't want to get fired for a good laugh. I'll just cut out. I don't know, man. All right.
Starting point is 01:38:49 I'll see you later. Bye.

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