Trillbilly Worker's Party - Episode 75: The DSA Dead Pimps Caucus

Episode Date: October 25, 2018

We're a little rusty coming off a bye week but we still managed to get some good content out of that dumbass paper the White House released about socialism. We also issue a send off to our dear friend... Jim Webb aka Wiley E. Quixote, who passed earlier this week and who taught us the ways of Speaking Your Piece. Rest in peace, commodore. Link to our Patreon:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Okay, alright, welcome. Bienvenidos a la... Bienvenidos! Bienvenidos a la trabajo fiesta del Trio Billy. I'd totally botch the grammar on that, but I think I got the words right. Oh, that sounds pretty right. Welcome, everybody. This is your Trio Billy episode for the week of October the 24th.
Starting point is 00:00:27 Or at least that's what today is anyways. Yeah. I posted the episode that we recorded about the seance. I didn't see you plug it, my man. I'll do it right now. You're not plugging it? I'll do it right now. No, I didn't see it. I don't think I... I'm just kidding, dude yeah welcome everybody we haven't dude we haven't recorded this feels kind of weird
Starting point is 00:00:50 it feels kind of like being on the court uh after having a little bit of um a bye week we had a bye week last week yeah and that can um that can lead to an upset oh yeah yeah you can get yeah you can get too comfortable. See Kentucky, what we did off of bi-week? Barely beat the worst team in the fucking world,
Starting point is 00:01:09 Vanderbilt Commodores. But that was an upset or no? No, I mean, we were supposed to win, but we barely beat them. So you're saying
Starting point is 00:01:16 a bi-week could be bad for you because... You can just get... Comfortable. Yeah, it's like... My knees, my ankles and knees are a little weak right now a little creaky yeah yeah yeah i feel that way too i feel creaky well but i've gotten a lot of
Starting point is 00:01:35 great content out of that white house paper that the the paper on socialism that the white house briefed me because i i tweeted about without even reading the damn thing and then i was like that's a stupid joke and i took it down immediately i've been getting a lot of good content out of it right before you came over here i was laughing about they uh uh you know first of all i tweeted something about like how the first sentence seems to be oh yeah you had you had one go viral with uh yeah i did i did put that shit on mute everybody in my mentions was like coincide that's not what coincide it means motherfucker i was like i said that to you
Starting point is 00:02:16 yeah i was like it's a joke it's a fucking joke i was paid for the worst man you can't even fucking you can't it's already good anyways um but dude the the its conception of socialism is hilarious because the white house genuinely thinks and i'm not i obviously trump had nothing to do with this this is probably people you know like they went to the university of chicago's like economics department and you know found some undergrad there or something to write this here's why it won't work yeah well that's that's really well i'll say fair speaking of that that that was a funny idea like when high school teachers try to teach you the concept of life the funniest thing about getting older especially um you know the more the older
Starting point is 00:03:15 i get and the more sort of radical i get or political or whatever it's like man those people that were trusted with teaching us these really serious heady topics back when we were like 16 years old should not have been allowed anywhere near a textbook but also also more than that it's like um besides not being qualified they're also trying to teach some concepts that are just not real like economics for example yeah that's totally true while trying to sound like they know what they're talking about yeah yeah yeah just it's what paul krugman or any of them do like there are people with degrees from very prestigious universities that mean nothing in my eyes because it's just a fucking oh it's pseudoscience it's a stupid pseudoscience
Starting point is 00:04:06 yeah economics the the practice in the doc we've said it on the show before i think but as a field of discipline as a field of study it literally is it's a pseudoscience yeah i mean I mean, like, obviously there are economic – so, I mean, obviously – because we had an episode a few weeks ago where we talked about Rosa Luxemburg's reformer revolution. And she gets into a lot of economics in that paper. And, you know what I mean? So it's like, it's not that we're saying like the concept of looking at economic drivers and... Trends and patterns. Trends and patterns and stuff is dumb. It's that like the current conception. It's that derivatives are fairy dust.
Starting point is 00:05:00 Exactly. The idea of compounding interest everybody have you ever tried have you ever listened to a personal finance person try to explain to you the art of compounding interest yeah it's like they're trying to they're trying to trying to think how to put this they're like they're like they have no idea how it works right first of all they have no idea how it works. Right. First of all, they have no idea how it works. Right, right.
Starting point is 00:05:27 But they're selling it to you like it is, like, they're so certain. But then when you get into the particulars, they go, it's just the magic of compounding interest. What is a compound interest used for? Basically, what it means is we loan rich people our money. the compound interest is used for basically what it means is we loan rich people our money and if and if we're and if early and if we're lucky by the time we retire we might make eight percent on it right totally well i think it's in one episode um i think it's in one episode that like look i know i know you know i just putting it all out there my dad runs a business all right we petty bourgeois you know what i mean like the man right she's just straight up bourgeois
Starting point is 00:06:11 these uh he is a small business owner i know what it means to run a business the what you gotta do if you want to run a successful business is not pay your workers shit mass exploitation he gets so mad it's the only way though i i know he gets so mad because they can't get any work right now because the oil industry is booming and hobs right now just fucking blowing up really so he's not got any cheap flavor to turn to look the story of um my origins in the bourgeoisie is complicated it's not like i grew up that way but here you are here i am now wearing 250 red wing boots and uh i like those pants where'd you get those pants at these are levi's um i got them off just a garment dyed. Yeah, they're just green.
Starting point is 00:07:07 511s, 514s. It's 511s. You know, I'm not really used to wearing jeans that are of a different color. They look good. Thanks. You know, I texted you yesterday. Does this match? 511, you said?
Starting point is 00:07:24 Yeah. Slim fit. Yeah. Well, 511, they got a slim fit through your thighs yeah and they kind of get a little baggy i'll go ahead and tell you my my trick i wear 501s uh-huh but the trick is is you have to this is the the tom sexton way you have to hem them to i hem them to about 27 and a half inches. Interesting. And then I taper the leg to about a seven and a half inch opening. So I get that good room in the thighs.
Starting point is 00:07:55 Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know what I mean? But it's, you know, not too baggy on the. Interesting. Well, see, the way that I usually just disguise that is I wear these fucking ankle high boots and it just bunches it all up right here. You can't tell anyway. Yeah, that's a good call.
Starting point is 00:08:07 I've never been a boot guy. I can't dress myself as a colorblind person. That's why I have to send you. Does this match? Does this match, Tom? Every morning when I was in middle school, I used to have to do that to my mom. Mom, does this match? Basically, you know, anything matches anything except black and brown.
Starting point is 00:08:33 And even sometimes that'll work. Totally. Totally. Well, so back to running a business. Yeah, okay. Back to business. This is Market Watch. With Kai Rizdahl. to business yeah okay back to business this is this is uh market watch with kairi stall um so economics is a pseudoscience for sure um but basically well i guess i wait maybe we flesh
Starting point is 00:09:00 that out a little bit this is the conversation i have had with my dad and other people before too like there's i mean like look like the idea of capitalism like there's really nothing inherently new about running an organization uh bartering resources for other resources or whatever using exploiting labor to do that like that has been around for quite a long time. It just didn't become institutionalized into an international, you know, global system until about, like, the 17th century or so. Yeah. That was based off of speculation. That was based off of, well, it's like, they've mentioned it in this thing, but it's like Castro said, like, the capitalists have turned the world into a casino
Starting point is 00:09:45 and that's pretty much castro said that yeah that's good it is pretty good um but the funny thing about this paper uh i i should a lot of people are gonna disagree with me about everything i just said so i mean i mean i don't know let him let him let him bring it bring it matt bruning um i really have no idea what i have a bachelor's in history having the fucking slightest clue what i'm talking about the funny the funny thing about this thing though is that um look at this the socialist narrative names the oppressors of the vulnerable such as the bourgeoisie attributed to marx marx named the bourgeoisie as an oppressor of the vulnerable the kulaks that was linen linen said the kulaks suppressed the vulnerable
Starting point is 00:10:37 the landlords that was mal it was uh you know that big, one of Mal's biggest insights. The giant corporations. That was Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. Yeah, you know that, like, the little red thing's got Mal. It goes on down the line to Marx. Yeah. And then just now it's just, we just have Bernie and Elizabeth Warren. Elizabeth Warren, who is a capitalist. She just thinks that the banks need to be a little nicer. That's so funny to me that they, in the White House, you know, a lot of these right-wingers these days,
Starting point is 00:11:15 they're so scared of even the slightest degree of taxation on their capital. Ill-got capital gain. Yeah, yeah. That they immediately see Sanders and Warren as like revolutionaries on par with Castro. Ready to take up arms and overthrow. Jesus. That's fucking ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:11:39 Yeah, it's not. One of my favorite Castro stories talking about casinos and revolution is when Meyer Lansky ran the the Hotel Cuba Libre in Havana. Right. And Che and the boys showed up and stuck a gun to his forehead. Right. Meyer Lansky was kind of a G about he just shut the door in their face.
Starting point is 00:12:05 But they ended up taking it anyway. They just reopened the door. Yeah. Kicked the back of his legs out. I don't know if that's what happened. I think that maybe they just came back later and just took it. Well, I guess Meyer Lansky was a gangster and not necessarily a capitalist, but they're both the same.
Starting point is 00:12:29 You know what I'm saying, man? It's a shame that they're so cool. Capitalists are just really nerdy gangsters that just pawn their blood and blood spilling off on other people. They're just gangsters that have to pay for their girlfriends.
Starting point is 00:12:46 But not even that. They're just gangsters that have to pay for their girlfriends. But not even that. They don't even do that. Right? What do you mean by pay for their girlfriends? Like, take them out to... I'm just saying if they didn't have money, they wouldn't have girls. Whereas gangsters are cool, you know. Even if they were broke, they probably could get girls.
Starting point is 00:13:07 Maybe I should reword that. Pay for their ass. That didn't sound right. I see what you're saying. You can't be, if you're trying to get into a gang, you have to be cool. Elon Musk's not getting any play unless he's a billionaire. Look, I could probably get into a gang. I'm pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:13:24 You know what I'm saying what gang lit babe the mayans mc yes i could get into the mayans mc look at me look at the way i wear these boots couldn't you see some couldn't you see me like stomping somebody's head in like um i could see you being a minor capo in an aryan prison gang possibly really no um speaking of uh speaking of kicking somebody's head in um we saw halloween earlier this week we did very good that scene wholly unrealistic here's somebody made a good point i forgot who it was on twitter uh they said that um you know the first scene hopefully there's a couple spoilers turn it off if you've not
Starting point is 00:14:22 you know um a few bars here if you want to see it and have it. But see, for me, like a first scene isn't a spoiler. Because you're going to see it immediately. Yeah, a spoiler would be like something that happens in the last like 20% of the movie or something. Okay, okay. So the first scene, you know, when they're in the courtyard and they've got the huge big block that's holding Michael Myers down there. Right, right. Somebody pointed out and they said, you know, when the crazy doctor's walking them in.
Starting point is 00:14:52 Right. Podcasters. Oh, yeah. There is a funny subplot of that film about podcasters. But the guy says. About how spineless they are. But the guy says, the doctor says, good God, whatever you do, don't go inside the yellow lines.
Starting point is 00:15:08 Right. And then it pans over to Michael Myers, who has short hair. So somebody had to cut his hair. True. It's just a little hole. It's just a little hole there, Danny McBride. He's telling my parents. Every time I try to watch a movie with him, they like this couldn't happen they didn't have atms in 1980 they this would this isn't realistic well there's that and then there's the whole thing like
Starting point is 00:15:35 well somebody's also got to like shackle him and like lead him to the shower and true there's a reason they don't show you like the intricacies of the whole thing you're right tom you're very correct so um i thought it was funny sitting there watching it i was like i was thinking about like um well so we went into it i was like i gotta come away with some sort of profound you know something to say about this movie you know like a good like something a good critic what would do and i got to thinking about it and, you know, like a good, like something a good critic would do. And I got to thinking about it and I was like, really, if you want to sound smart, anytime you want to be a, you want to sound like a smart film critic, all you have to say is
Starting point is 00:16:13 like, uh, Jason, that's the character, right? Or no, it's Freddie. No, it's Michael Myers. God damn, dude. I haven't been there before you say michael myers represents capitalism you know if you want to sound smart yes if you want to sound smart and the analogy cut kind of hold up because go on well i don't know i guess the whole so like there is this like tension right between like jamie lee curtis's character and her daughter and her granddaughter
Starting point is 00:16:56 it's like this generational thing right and um jamie lee curtis's daughter is like, you raised me to be paranoid. You raised me to, and whatever. Jamie Lee Curtis is like, I raised you to survive. I raised you to, you know, to be able to survive when the shit hits the fan. And so I was thinking about it. I mean, like, the analogy could ring true. But the message is pretty reactionary i think that like only a small gang of people could actually stop capital
Starting point is 00:17:31 basically the whole only only jamie lee curtis playing a doomsday prepper could stop capital right like if they really wanted to go with a communistic message they would have to go with like the entire town bands together to stop Michael Myers. They all circle around him and just open fire. And then when the smoke clears, he just hops back up. Yeah. That's the other thing is like Michael Myers is notoriously like he's died like a million
Starting point is 00:18:00 times. Right. Right. And yet he never dies. Well, that is the weird thing right it's like the that film franchise is it's not like freddy krueger who is a monster right yeah it's like michael myers is uh just a dude and some coveralls and a weird mask yeah but it's kind of problematic it kind of insinuates that he's like handicapped and as a result has some sort of like supernatural strength you know
Starting point is 00:18:28 what i'm saying no you know now i've now i've i really thought of it that way no no i know what you yeah i know what you mean there's um yeah oh fuck uh let's see let's see there was a really funny um back to this opportunity cost of socialism which is a funny word for um if i mean a funny title for a paper that the that the white house would read right what do they mean by opportunity costs? Like if we have socialism, it's going to take away a lot of opportunity? Yeah. Is that what they're hitting at?
Starting point is 00:19:08 That's what they're hitting at. They're talking about like it'll shrink the economy. I don't know if they know this or not, but there's not exactly opportunity busting at the seams right now. They would disagree with you, man. Trump would say, the economy, it's soaring. We've never seen it like this before.
Starting point is 00:19:26 Those folks at Carrier, folks. Folks making those air conditioners, we had to lay them off, folks. That's the only blemish. Look, they write about Medicare for All. They say, we find that if this policy were financed out of current federal spending without borrowing or tax increases, then more than half the entire existing federal budget would need to be cut. Yeah, no shit.
Starting point is 00:19:50 Like, I think we can do without a couple trillion dollars spent in defense. We can hum a few bars there. I can see a few places where we could save, guys. You know, it's funny. There's, like, whole businesses dedicated to, like, saving, like, logistics like whole businesses dedicated to like saving like logistics companies that just try to save like company corporations like money on toilet paper.
Starting point is 00:20:11 Like, you know what I'm saying? Like a company's like, we spent like $2 million on toilet paper at all of our chains last year. And then they go to these companies and they say, okay, we can get you down to about 900,000 on that. Right. And then they do that right right right like you know maybe we could do that with defense
Starting point is 00:20:30 um send it over to us we can make some yeah a couple no i'm a couple edits here that could definitely be a um like a governmental agency a governmental agency that just tries to cut costs. I don't know. If it were financed through higher taxes, GDP would fall by 9% or about $7,000 per person in 2022. Evidence on the productivity and effectiveness of single-payer systems suggests that Medicare for all would reduce longevity and health,
Starting point is 00:21:02 particularly among the elderly, even though it would only slightly increase the fraction of the population with health insurance that's a really fucking confounding slightly increase like well yeah every american would theoretically have health insurance i think it'd be a little bit more i mean like how many people you think in this country right now don't have health insurance It's gotta be quite a few Yeah I would say probably I would say probably 30% of the country
Starting point is 00:21:32 Yeah That's probably being conservative Right I mean I went several years Between when I Was kicked off my mom's Till now Same here same here
Starting point is 00:21:41 I was paying the $70 Fine you have to pay yeah couldn't fucking swing it yeah i don't know man um yeah there's some really funny shit in here though um there's they are excess obsessed with they think socialists are obsessed with economies of scale they think that socialists, they love, it's the whole like, Margaret Thatcher, you always run out of someone else's money.
Starting point is 00:22:11 Like they harp on that for like a good dozen pages. They're saying that about Venezuela in there. They do. How many, how many appearances does Venezuela make? Let's see. Here I can type in control or command.
Starting point is 00:22:24 Yeah. Venezuela. 52 references to Venezuela. Oh, my God. That's embarrassing. Let's see. Let's see. Replacing U.S. policies with highly socialist policies, such as Venezuela's, would reduce real GDP at least 40% in the long run, or about $24,000 per year for the average
Starting point is 00:22:45 person. Every time they tried out one of these fucking statistics it's like average fucking people don't participate in that anyways. Average people have nothing to do with the growth of GDP. They have nothing to do with what this says about $24,000 per year for the average person.
Starting point is 00:23:03 Like GDP the growth in GDP only benefits a very small segment of the population yeah well economics in general does right i mean anytime people talk about the economy they're not talking about you chances are right right and it's the same thing with anytime trump is like tats like the the stock market doing great nobody gives a fuck about the stock market nobody gives a fuck about the stock market dude nobody i guess earlier what i was saying is that all right just what i'm saying you know what i'm saying like i got i got buddies that like fucking um beat off to like you know like what ray dalio's stock picks are and like shit like that and all this stuff and it's just like they think
Starting point is 00:23:46 that these grifters have convinced them that they can make money day trading yeah like with their like 38 to 42 000 a year jobs right it's just like yeah you can't yeah yeah yeah i guess the point i was trying to make earlier is that the whole – this notion of using a literal casino to allocate resources in an economy is – we're talking about two very different things when we're talking about like opportunities for small business owners and stuff like that. Look, small businesses are tyrannies. Like, the world that we live in now... Is that a tyrant? Is that what you're trying to circumvent here through this discussion?
Starting point is 00:24:34 Well, I will say that I did work for them and, you know, saw some pretty fucked up shit. There is some evidence for that. Well, look, the... Have you heard of this movie called Unsane? It's by Steven Soderbergh. It's a horror movie. In my opinion, it's the most horrifying movie I've ever seen.
Starting point is 00:25:00 Probably in the last, like, ten years or something like that. It is the uh monster slash ghost slash killer representative of capitalism actually no however the story the larger story that this film is telling is about like feudalistic small tyrannies it's about a woman who gets i mean there's a lot of like gender analysis in this film too but it's at its heart it's about a woman who goes to her therapist and tells her therapist that she has had suicidal thoughts before and her therapist like calls the state or whatever and then they have to admit her into this health care corporation that like that like basically built that basically builds people's insurances
Starting point is 00:25:48 and holds them against their will, even when they're not truly insane. And to me, it was the perfect, the reason why it's so terrifying is because the world that we live in now, especially in this country, it is built on top of these small tyrannies like tyranny isn't what we used to consider it's not like a massive dictator like hitler or something running a country i think that's what people are waiting for yeah people are waiting for like people i guess the reason why why donald trump kind of, a guy like Donald Trump sort of passes muster with his electorate is really because this is not a guy that's, like, fucking gassing people by the hundreds of thousands. You know what I'm saying? Like, that's just not the way shit's working anymore.
Starting point is 00:26:42 It's because he speaks their authoritarian language. They're all authoritarians. They all run their own small private little tyrannies, whether they're small businesses or whatever, and he speaks their language, and they love that shit. Let me tell you something. I'm going to just say this right now. I'll beat the fuck out of any boomer shorter than 6'1",
Starting point is 00:27:04 less than 230 pounds. Any one of you fucking pussies want to go. beat the fuck out of any boomer shorter than six foot one, less than 230 pounds, any one of you fucking pussies want to go, and assuming you've never played pro sports before, and assuming you've had at least one hip replacement, I will beat the shit out of you. There's nothing I hate worse in the world than like the fucking tough guy bitch you know what i'm saying i know what you're saying and i guess i'm kind of being that right now
Starting point is 00:27:33 because because you got a podcast you got a microphone i got a microphone makes me look badass but you know the guy that just writes mouth rocks checks with his mouth that his ass can't cash. Right, right, right. Well, dude, our system is built on that. Our system is built on 100,000 of these motherfuckers. That's probably all they are. I mean, there's probably no more than that. There can't be.
Starting point is 00:28:07 Of just small business tyrants who get to, because of the system, they get to treat their workers like shit. I mean, like, I guess we're talking about two separate things, but I guess we're not, actually, now that I think about it. Like, we're talking about a system itself that allocates resources unjustly, but that also allows people to own small businesses without any sort of oversight or regulation and basically squeeze as much fucking capital and labor exploitation out of them as possible it's it's it's built in exploitation is built in and it's and it's allowed it's permitted because like we
Starting point is 00:28:39 valorize work well we valorize like we act like there's something sort of inherently like noble in it you know we valorize work but work that's only done for profit you know i mean because like in a socialist system like people are gonna have to work you know what i'm saying like regardless it's just that like i don't know this is i'm out there fuck man i was on board till you told me that that's the only reason i got in this because i didn't want to work well theoretically you know you get to a point where a society can turn over the state and its apparatus and its resource allocation to the workers in the form of a worker state the workers
Starting point is 00:29:25 already know how to run shit like that's just a truism for any place right like right we have the the tools to run society are in all of us right now yeah very very rarely will you come across a company where the ceo or president or whatever knows what the fuck is actually going on on the shop floor. Very rarely. It's usually mediated through middle management, but then the workers are the ones that are actually making shit happen and know how to run it. And so therefore,
Starting point is 00:29:53 transferring that into the form of a state apparatus, doing away with speculative gambling as a form of resource allocation and all this other shit, it's more, I don't know, it's like you're killing several birds with one stone, dude. Hell yeah, baby. Or as I like to say, we're getting two birds stoned. Yeah, there you go.
Starting point is 00:30:20 I don't have the mental capacity. I didn't mean to get this fucking wonky. I don't have the mental capacity for it this week, I don't have the mental capacity I didn't mean to get this fucking wonky I don't have the mental capacity for it this week I don't think I didn't mean to get this like into the weeds on economics I should have thought of that before I brought up opportunity cost of socialism I know keep going let's see what we got
Starting point is 00:30:38 with this we're talking about Venezuela present day socialists do not want the dictatorship or state brutality that often coincided with the most extreme cases of socialism. Well, I mean, I look if if a socialist cult of personality comes along and instead Donald Trump's going to be on the business end of that. Jeff Bezos is going to be on the end end of that jeff bezos is gonna be on
Starting point is 00:31:06 the end of that hey i can live under that tyranny i can live on that kind of tyranny yeah if it means getting to watch paul wolfowitz and every person in the bush administration humbled on a national scale by like i don't know getting stripped of all their clothes and marched around a fucking prison yard tarred and feathered I can live with that I can live with that yeah um yeah if it means
Starting point is 00:31:36 I get to like go into people's houses kick them down the front stairs of their houses it's for the people laughing if I the front stairs of their houses that's for the people if i get to be the tyrant i can live with that i could be a benevolent tyrant who can expropriate the the the shit look look people i just want to go knock on doors and announce to rich people you have fattened yourself for the day of the slaughter and then whistle for the boys to go in and rough them up a little bit oh dude yeah like there's
Starting point is 00:32:12 nothing that fills me with more joy than like shooting cannons through mcmansion doors oh you know what i'm saying like blasting them fire and then the hour dang yeah like could you imagine me standing in front of a cannon barricade of like 50 of them and i'm just dressed i've got like a che hat on and the fire and the cannons fire all around me like we just go to westwood and like hook up dynamite and then just you know like when they implode those stadiums to build new ones and all the all the rich people's houses just crumble maybe with them inside just me maniacally in a fucking oh man fatigues i'm wearing camo fatigue that's all i want to do man is drive around white's work atucky wearing fatigues in one of these vintage army jeeps yeah going into people's houses
Starting point is 00:33:06 i i am the captain i have the captain two people on the back each had a gun look first thing i would do let's just talk expropriate weitzberg first thing i would do i go up to mcdonald's I'd have one of the workers call the manager and act like there's this big crisis. Oh my God, you got to get here. You got to get here. You got to get here. He shows up and we're just standing there in fatigues with our arms crossed.
Starting point is 00:33:38 No. What are you doing? Yeah, this is an outrage. I'll call the cops. I'll call the police. Call them. Call them, sure. Call them.
Starting point is 00:33:45 I'm the the cops. I'll call the police. Call them. Call them, sure. Call them. I'm the cops now. So what we do is we tie this guy to one of those little swirly chairs. And then we feed him Chicken McNuggets until he pops. I'm talking like several thousand. And then he just disembowels himself on Chicken McNuggets. And then we say some witty line at the end like, you really fattened yourself for the day of the slaughter. A lot of MSG for you, motherfucker.
Starting point is 00:34:13 And then I'd turn to the workers and say, it's your store now. It's yours. That's my clean this up though. I ain't touching that shit. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, that would be a good start, Tom. I'd go to...
Starting point is 00:34:33 Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. I'm backing up. No, I'd save the best for last. I'd go to Don Childers last. Yeah, that's what I thought you were going to say earlier. And then I'd make him drink benzene-laced river water, raw, untreated. And then he'd probably take care of himself quick. At 86, Giardi would take you out pretty quick.
Starting point is 00:34:52 No, the thing is, is he would probably have a heart attack just hearing our trucks coming up his drive. Oh, no! You just see him wearing those same blue fucking khakis he wears and a big piss stain. Yeah, I walk up to the house and he's just laying in his yard and I'm like, fuck. All right, next one.
Starting point is 00:35:15 So, yeah, present-day socialists do not want the dictatorship or state brutality. Wait, I just want to meditate on that for a second because, like, every now and then you hear of motherfuckers who had to flee Cuba and come to this and they're always conservatives and they're like, socialism doesn't work. Whatever. And it's literally because they're- Let me tell you, those people are my family and they're terrible. And they're mad because they couldn't have their six houses on their fucking goddamn mango farm anymore. Exactly. They're estancia or whatever the fuck.
Starting point is 00:35:47 Yeah. Is that the right word? Estancia. Nailed it, pal. The encomienda system. No. It's like, dude, it's like me and you were talking the other day. Like, I don't know why we were talking about this. it's like me and you were talking the other day. Like...
Starting point is 00:36:05 I don't know why we were talking about this. It's like me and you were talking the other day. Like, Castro and those guys were the real fucking deal. Like, they... Oh, yeah. They... They... They weren't fucking around.
Starting point is 00:36:19 No, no, no, no, no, no, no. They weren't fucking around there. Not even slightly fucking around. No, dude. That's what I was telling. We were talking about our buddy that's going to Cuba. And we were kind of having a little piss at his expense because, you know, hoping he comes to a revolutionary consciousness while he's there.
Starting point is 00:36:39 And I wonder just how liberals would react when they walk through the doors of the Museum of the Revolution. And to their right, they see three murals painted of the two Bushes and Ronald Reagan. I thought it was Barack Obama. Oh, Barack's on there, too. Oh. Yeah, he's on there, too. I forget who it is. I think it's George H.W., George W., Ronald Reagan, and Barack Obama, maybe. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:37:05 Anyway. Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama, maybe. Anyway, and right above it in Spanish it says, thanks, cretins, for making our socialism irrevocable. Gracias, cretinos. Yeah, no, they weren't fucking around. No, no, no, no, no, no. However, peaceful democratic implementation of socialist policies does not eliminate the fundamental incentive and information problems created by high tax rates large state organizations and the centralized control of resources
Starting point is 00:37:38 venezuela is a modern industrialized country that elected hugo chavez as its leader to implement socialist policies and the result here it comes here it comes and the result was less output in oil and other industries that were nationalized another well no fucking shit no fucking shit because if you're not pumping oil out of the ground for profit it turns out that you don't have to pump it limitlessly. Yes. Then you can do it rationally. I want to know who the fucking brain genius that wrote this is. In other words, the lessons from socialized agriculture carry over to government takeovers of oil, health insurance, and other modern industries. They produce less rather than more, even in today's information age where central planning is possibly easier.
Starting point is 00:38:24 rather than more, even in today's information age where central planning is possibly easier. No, you're, it's like, yeah, it's like if you're talking about socialism from it's, they can't talk about it the right way. It's kind of like, well, it's kind of the Khrushchev Nixon debate. It's like, they're just, they're just coming from two completely different frameworks. Totally. They have nothing in common. Exactly. And each is persuaded that theirs is the best.
Starting point is 00:38:47 Yeah. And you just can't talk. Well, there's no... Like, they literally cannot conceive of a system of limit... They literally can't conceive of any system that's not limitless growth. Right. And this is something that... And this is fascinating that Marx pointed this out in the middle of the 19th century that
Starting point is 00:39:09 capitalists will chase the globe the world over a hundred times trying to squeeze as many resources and as much capital out of it as possible yeah limitlessly yeah and and they it's like it's like you're saying like they they they can't they don't have that part of their brain. They can't even get... These are just craven psychopaths. Right. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. I know what you mean, man.
Starting point is 00:39:32 You know what I'm saying, man? Does that make sense? Proponents of socialism acknowledge that the experiences of the USSR and other highly socialist countries are not worth repeating, but they continue to advocate for increased taxation and state control in order to help low-income people. Such policies would also have negative output effects, albeit of a lesser magnitude, as is seen in cross-country studies of the effect on real GDP
Starting point is 00:39:55 of greater economic freedom. What the fuck is economic freedom? A broad body... Okay, economic freedom is just the freedom to start a small business and be a tyrant. Well, also it's like another thing that they think. Capitalists have no, they have no answer for how people from the poor and working classes are supposed to make their matriculation up. They have no answer. They think, I mean, they'll put out some,
Starting point is 00:40:29 they'll point out the three people that started out working at McDonald's and then fucking parlayed that somehow into millions or whatever. Well, they have to dress it up in ideology. Well, I mean, but like I'm saying, they'll point out the outliers right right they make no mention of the countless millions of people that are fucking well stepped on by this right well and that's another thing about capitalism that upended previous social systems uh we talked a little bit about this on that
Starting point is 00:41:01 episode about rosalind lexen, but this is the thing. Capitalism turned individuals into competitors. It turned people individually competitive, which is not something that existed 600, 700 years ago. I mean, there were systems, obviously, that were oppressive. I mean, feudalism was abhorrent. We're talking about slave conditions. Feudalism was abhorrent. I mean, we're talking about slave conditions. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:30 But one of the weird, fascinating things about capitalism is it turns all of your relations into economic relations, and it makes you individually competitive with every other person. Transactive, yeah. That's why unions are the answer. Well, that's also, too, if you think about socialization, if you've ever spent any time in D.C., D.C. is a town that's overran by social climbing dipshits that think because they fetch uh goddamn uh nancy pelosi's fucking coffee that they're like you know that there's somebody you know it gives them some like i mean i swear i
Starting point is 00:41:59 mean it's like yeah you're right you know they'll name drop, you know, the senator or congressperson that they work for. Right. All this kind of shit. And that's like the basis of all their social reactions are kind of like why you would have gotten married in the like 15th century. It's like you're only friends with people to improve your station. Correct. Not because you see anything in them or in their character that you like or enjoy being around. Right.
Starting point is 00:42:24 Right. It's just what they can do for you right that wouldn't that i don't think that would exist in what would happen to those types with those people just in social under socialism well we would um look a lot of people are going to be well a lot of them would be discarded no it's just that they're they'd have to get an attitude adjustment or be or let or be discarded well the thing about socialism or i guess theoretically what we want it to be is a system where people aren't surplus every person has a value not in the sort of capitalistic individualistic way but um in the sense that your value as a human being is released to do whatever the fuck you want.
Starting point is 00:43:11 As long as it's not oppressing people or dominating them or hurting them or anything like that. I'm going to run on the Herman Cain-esque platform. The great founder of Godfather's Pizza. And here's how it's going to be. Here's the new tax bracket. Billionaires, you get your head cut off. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. Millionaires, you get gulagged.
Starting point is 00:43:34 All right? If after a certain period of time you don't get an attitude adjustment, head cut off, do not pass go, do not collect $200. If you make $999 999 or less uh we'll take it on case by case basis most likely you're getting gulagged uh okay we'll work our way down well the thing is is if here's the here's the thing tom if you have assets that will that can be deployed towards
Starting point is 00:44:03 the betterment of humanity in the state we're taking that shit we're taking it and your resistance and how you respond to that will determine your face exactly your resistance to that will determine your face if you look at me and say oh hell yeah man yeah if you want to be like no well then we'll we'll make we'll give you an attitude adjustment we might knock your kneecaps out or something. Send it to the Google. All right. Now, here's where it gets really tricky, though.
Starting point is 00:44:33 Because people in this income bracket oftentimes are the worst people. These are the worst. That's the... These are the small business owners. I would say the people that make $100,000 to... To $999,000. To up to a million.
Starting point is 00:44:47 Not quite millionaires, but like have hundreds of thousands of dollars. Yeah. These people think that they're just a, you know, stones throw away from that millionaires club. And they will do anything. They will step on anybody in the lower classes like in some ways i think and this is not exactly this is a marxist idea obviously but in some ways i think that a revolution really kind of lies with the petty bourgeois because nowadays Which would be what people in the 70s to... Well, I mean, it's hard to quantify, but you know when you say it's like the Supreme Court definition of pornography.
Starting point is 00:45:32 You know petty bourgeois, you say it. Look, me and you are petty bourgeois. There's all there is to it. I'm the lower... Okay, look. Far lower. Income-wise, we're probably lower class. But in terms of cultural affectation,
Starting point is 00:45:48 in terms of, especially here in Whitesburg, we are of the managerial professional class. We are the petty bourgeois. We are the level right beneath actual bourgeois. Anyway, here's the deal. When you're of that class when the gun is to your head who you siding with yeah are you gonna take your chances joining them over there at the guillotine at the gulag or are you going to cast you a lot with the poor and working people
Starting point is 00:46:18 and that's that's where it well yeah that's the Well, and what's truly scary about this is the people in that 100,000 to 900,000 that you were talking about who want to be millionaires, that is the class of individuals in this country that is running the country. Yeah. Whether they want to admit it or not, which they don't because they think they're the most victimized class of individuals in human history. most victimized class of individuals in human history well and the reason it is is because their overlords the people the club they want to join make are the ones making it harder for them to join that but they really think it's the people in that next tier well and legislation is made for them you know what i'm saying economic policy is made for them these tax cuts that the gop just did last year that's strictly for that class of people
Starting point is 00:47:06 yeah you know what i'm saying yeah yeah or is it not no well i mean i mean obviously it benefits the super wealthy it's it's kind of like build reagan bait and switch thing if you give those people like an eight percent ten percent tax cut they think oh man this guy's for us meanwhile the warren buffets of the world are getting like a 17,000% tax cut. For sure, absolutely. What's dangerous about it, though, and what leads to fascism, is that those people in that bracket,
Starting point is 00:47:34 they're extremely susceptible to reactionary ideology. The people at the very top are, I mean, you know. They're too far gone. Well, and also, they're just weird and they're like alien they're not even real humans anymore like obscene wealth has like warped them past like humanity the people in the 100 to 900 000 income range or whatever like these people are still humans they're incredibly racist they're incredibly susceptible to reactionary ideology. And when the shit hits the fan, in whatever form, they are the ones going to be pulling the weight.
Starting point is 00:48:14 I don't think that they're actually going to do shit because they're incredibly lazy. And these people are boomers, basically, for the most part. Yeah, none of us have enough wind at our back to fall into that category, really. Right. And if you do, fuck you. Next tier, next tier, and this is the same as this tier. They're just stupider. And that's the 99,999 to about 40 grand people.
Starting point is 00:48:44 Right. Right. Right. Say that again? About the $100,000 to $40,000 range, those people. $100,000 to $40,000? No, $40,000. Okay. $240,000 to $100,000.
Starting point is 00:48:58 To $99,999 a year. Okay, I'm sorry. That tax bracket, that group. Basically the same as the aforementioned group, just dumber. Like they have a much bigger hurdle to, you know, to improve their station, but are convinced by the Tim Ferriss's and like the fucking, who else, like the Seth Godin's and the J.D. Vance's of the world that they're just like. Right.
Starting point is 00:49:23 But they are also incredible. They are very susceptible to. Reactionary. But also more susceptible to more Marxist ways of thinking. I agree. I agree. So they're,
Starting point is 00:49:38 they could be redeemable. I mean, we're talking about ourselves here, so. Yeah. Well, that's why I said stupid, ref. Yeah. I wouldn't call anybody else. We're definitely dumber.
Starting point is 00:49:53 We offer nothing to the revolution except propaganda. We're talking about the millennials. Right. I'm joking. Yeah. Yeah yeah for sure um yeah proponents of socialism acknowledge that the experiences of the ussr and other highly socialist countries are not worth repeating a broad body of academic literature quantifies the extent of economic freedom in several dimensions including taxation and spending the extent of state-owned enterprises, economic regulation, and other factors.
Starting point is 00:50:26 The whole concept of economic freedom is hilarious to me. It's like people literally think that, like, if you don't have the freedom to go out and start your own business, that you're in shackles or you're oppressed somehow. Like, what the fuck is, like, liberating about that? Running a business fucking blows, first of all. It's like there's nothing, like, there's nothing liberating about that running a business fucking blows first of all it's like there's nothing like there's nothing liberating about like it you're not tapping into i mean i guess it's challenging it could be challenging but you know what else is challenging writing a fucking book um it's interesting it's going to garden it's interesting when i was a kid when i was in
Starting point is 00:51:02 school we would talk about communism one common refrain that my teachers always said is that well in communism under communism they pick out what you're gonna do when you're born the second you come out of the womb they say you're gonna be a gymnast they think it's like that book the giver yeah and the second you come out the womb oh you look like you might be a good banana picker. And over here, hey, you look like you might be a teacher or something, whatever it is. And then that's just your station. That's just your cast, and you have to stay and do that and whatever. And it's just like the other end is capitalism says,
Starting point is 00:51:40 let's assume that you're just an average person no inheritance no whatever right no sort of uh access to any you know money or wealth inheritance anything you're just starting you know whatever and you gotta go and you gotta you know work these service jobs that these people shit on and all this kind of stuff, even though it's insanely hard work. And then you have to like, you know, somehow, you know, you know, you know, keep your apartment up and your car and your insurance and, you know, whatever entertainment stuff, internet, whatever that you want, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Electricity, pay all your bills.
Starting point is 00:52:23 All right. And then what you're supposed to do is keep a little bit for that business you want to start i always wanted to open i always wanted to open that coffee shop did you did you jeff put a little bit back for it and then after 30 years when jeff's uh 51 years old then maybe he's got enough money to start his coffee shop if he doesn't't, if he doesn't, then he can ask Maysid for a loan. A little East Kentucky humor for you? Yeah, I'm sorry. That's not for everybody.
Starting point is 00:52:56 And, you know, then what happens is Jeff starts this in the post-coal economy, and then he loses everything he ever saved at his service job. And now he owes Maysett his money. And if he doesn't want to cut him, yeah, listen. Hey, had a tough month, John? Fuck you. Pay me. Pay Maysett.
Starting point is 00:53:22 That is the fascinating thing about this whole notion of other people's money what the fuck do they think banking is what are loans it's just it's just institutionalized normalized fucking loan sharking yeah it's just that's it like i i don't people people people that still bank with brick and mortar banks which i mean any bank is fucking vampiric but particularly brick and mortars they nickel and dime you so much in ways you don't even fucking see yeah you know totally totally fees fees are for rats yeah well the the thing is the the situation that you just outlined what the fuck is free about any of that where's the freedom there where's the freedom about i mean what i'm saying compared to that to their conception of what a communist oh oh yeah
Starting point is 00:54:12 i just i just mean that like what like what is i'd tend to one rather stay in the gymnast lane and become a and win gold for the soviets than fucking same here start my goddamn coffee shop in harlan that's gonna fail that's gonna fail because the vast majority of small businesses fail particularly in places where there's no population and no money circulating totally but like this is dark shit man and, again, the situation that you just described, there's not going to be an economy in 30 or 40 fucking years. I mean, that's actually hyperbolic. That's a little irresponsible for me to say.
Starting point is 00:54:55 No, the money is going to be in somehow saving our sorry asses from the boiling seawater. If you want to get in on the ground floor, start thinking about that right now. You're right. You're right. That will be the big. There will be a big. Well, what's going to happen is.
Starting point is 00:55:15 This had never occurred to me before. But what's going to happen is there's going to be a huge economic bubble on people trying to solve these climate issues and all these other things. And then the bubble is going to bust once everybody realizes that it's not possible. That we're already past the point of no return. Actually, actually, that's the thing, man. It's the hubris of people like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos and all these people that think they can out-engineer any climate catastrophe, anything, just because somehow they managed to keep new orleans above water as
Starting point is 00:55:47 we run as we run more out of resources as we put more constraints on the environment we're literally just chasing it down the drain so it's like every every economic shock and and expanse and collapse expanse and collapse expanse and collapse it just it just, like I said, it's just chasing it down the fucking train. And let me just say this, friends. If you're putting your hope in the Elon Musks of the world, just remember this. Elon Musk couldn't even save those 12 Thai boys. Those soccer players from that cave. Okay?
Starting point is 00:56:22 Just like in the 80s when Steve steve jobs couldn't save that chilean rugby team that crashed in the andes and they had to eat eat themselves that's that didn't happen that's well no that happened but steve jobs had nothing to do with i was just trying to think of trying to think on the spot of a rich guy that was around in the 80s. Oh, fuck.
Starting point is 00:56:49 On the scene, you know. I'm laughing so hard I can't fucking focus. I can't help focus. You remember that movie with the Chilean rugby team? The only Chilean anything that I remember
Starting point is 00:57:03 of people getting trapped is the minors the 55 minors or whatever maybe i'm mixing two things up i mean you're probably right dude i don't know i'm gonna put that out to the people if there's a uh was it chilean minors chilean rugby team or both in any case not good i've been peeking out this episode the entire time. That's a drug term. I've been peeking out. My levels are hot, man.
Starting point is 00:57:31 I got hot levels. This literature finds a strong association between greater economic freedom and greater economic performance, suggesting that replacing U.S. policies with highly socialist policies such as Venezuela's would reduce... That's just a dog whistle at this point, isn't it? Yeah, it is. Would reduce real GDP more than 40% in the long run or about $24,000 per person per year for the average person. Oh my God, Tom. That's so fucking dumb.
Starting point is 00:58:00 There's really nothing else to say about this shit. Other than Comandante Warren and Sanders are going to lead us to the... Well, I guess that's a... That's probably another point to make from this, though. I'm gonna say. The Democrats won't.
Starting point is 00:58:18 No Democrat has anything even remotely anti-capitalist to offer you at this point. even i don't care what you say about bernie's whatever bernard sanders isn't gonna save us guys the only thing is the only thing that can save us is would i vote for bernie i would but mostly at this point it's just to shut up the people that, you know. The electoralists.
Starting point is 00:58:47 The people who. The electoralists. The people who want to know who's going to play him in the biopic. All right. Yeah. Who's going to play Bernie in the biopic? Oh, my God. The world's in flames.
Starting point is 00:59:00 God damn, there's not. You can't have a movie in this tree if we're all engulfed in boiling seawater. You're right. Well, damn, you can't have a movie industry if we're all engulfed in boiling seawater. You're right. Well, damn, man. That's the White House's opportunity cost. I could keep going if you want, Tom, but Jesus Christ. What else is there to really say about this? It's a dog whistle.
Starting point is 00:59:26 It is, I don't know, I think it's a little, it could be dangerous. Because, God damn, I mean, look what they're doing to people they think are communists. Sending bombs to the Obamas, the Clintons. Damn, we didn't even talk about that. Sit in. So today, there were bombs sent out. Or to the Clintons, Obama, and CNN. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:49 Which I, I don't know. Have you been reading about it? I don't know anything about it. No, it's, what's crazy is this. It's like, do you remember when the bombings were happening in Austin? Like, they were targeting the black community in Austin, all that stuff? Yeah. Like, they just act like oh my god this is the
Starting point is 01:00:06 first time since since the unabomber this has happened like this no it's the first time this has happened to important right people since or quote unquote important people elites elites yeah since the unabomber did what he did it is interesting it is um you know i feel like there has been something sort of unleashed or let out of the box by the trump administration and by this trump stuff and um and i guess you know granted assuming that this is all real and it's not like some fucking deep state Democrat conspiracy. I mean, it wouldn't be surprising. You know what? Here's the thing.
Starting point is 01:00:47 Here's the thing, though. Here's the thing, though. Let me tell you something. I would actually applaud that at this point, because at least it shows some political imagination. John Podesta's building bombs in his garage like the weather underground. Oh, man, wasn't Obama a good friend with one of the bill ayers yeah bill ayers have we have we investigated that connection hey where's bill ayers at these days yeah
Starting point is 01:01:14 uh bill um our numbers are in the tank we're gonna need you to help us device some kind of point here's the thing we. We're broke. The kids aren't going to vote anymore. They must have like, here's the weird thing. I don't, obviously I'm not taking, I think our show deserves any credit for this, even though we were at the forefront of the anti-electoral movement on the podcast left. Highly doubt that. But, but, but, don't you think it's interesting that people, like the discussion of not voting or sitting out, really terrifies the Democrats. Totally.
Starting point is 01:01:55 In a way that like. Oh, yeah. That's a good thing, I think. It totally does. Yeah. Obama earlier this week, what did he say? He was like, you you gotta stop being cynical you gotta get out there and he said he was like what is what was he saying a couple weeks ago
Starting point is 01:02:12 when he was just like sounding like fucking clean eastwood and what's that movie uh get off my lawn no get off uh el camino gran torino el camino gran torino what about what about gran torino no you're right um obama was quoting gran torino no no no he was he was acting like toward the young people we used to pile them high uh in south kore, we stack bodies 30, 40 feet high. That's Obama with Lyme disease. I mean, no. Yeah, voting's stupid. No, you're right.
Starting point is 01:02:58 You're right. It terrifies them. It freaks them the fuck out. Yeah. It's not, yeah. Well, dude, the thing is is they they um voting is interesting and i wish we could talk about this in a way that's more nuanced and uh voting isn't what it used to be you know i mean like
Starting point is 01:03:15 the democrats somewhere along the line once they expanded the franchise in the middle of the 20th century, they started depending on it. Did some interesting things. Yeah. A funny thing happened. Yeah. They started, well, the thing is, is they wedded that to a sort of mass individualism and mass consumption. And so.
Starting point is 01:03:40 That's what voting became. Yes. Instead of. Instead of. Mass movement type of thing. Instead of a mass movement type of thing. Instead of a mass movement type of thing, exactly. Right. So it's like they, you know, that's why every time anybody tells me to vote or anytime anybody talks about voting, it's like we're talking about some, we're talking about, when you talk about voting today, you are not talking about voting in the way that suffragettes meant it.
Starting point is 01:04:05 You're not talking about it in the way that they meant it in the 60s. Absolutely not. When the civil rights movement was getting it. Absolutely not. And what I would say to those fucking electoral jerk-offs, the Obamas, whoever, is like, we'll start taking voting seriously when you all start taking uh repealing citizens united seriously when you start addressing gerrymandering when you actually make it fucking a democratic process which would behoove them the thing is is it's not gonna um you watch enough adam curtis and you really will just get totally hopeless because like we we don't live in a world anymore where especially in america
Starting point is 01:04:44 maybe in other countries maybe even then it's tenuous right we don't live in a world anymore where, especially in America, maybe in other countries, maybe, even then it's tenuous. We don't live in a world anymore where politics is considered a coalitional movement of shared interest fighting for control over resources. No, that's true. We live in a wasteland of individuals. You know what it is? You know what it is, dude? It's like one big Royal Rumble. Remember the Royal Rumble?
Starting point is 01:05:15 Yeah. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Wrestling, you know. Yeah, didn't it? No, that's the Hell in a Cell. Never mind. Hell in a Cell's good, too. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:21 But the Royal Rumble's where, you know, whoever wins is the number one contender for it's kind of awesome where you know you whoever wins is the number one contender for the wwe title and you know sometimes you need some chicanery and all this kind of stuff and then yeah people the people who talk about voting and electoralism they've got they've put the cart ahead of the horse if you want to really get my if you really want to start talking about voting and if you really want to start talking about voting and if you really want to start talking about electoral strategy you have to build a mass movement we have not done that yet we've run a few isolated candidates here and there and i get fucking emails from dsa
Starting point is 01:05:56 calling them dsa candidates or whatever these candidates don't even give a fuck about dsa whatever no it's it's so funny because yes for as much time and energy as dsa puts in like i would say at least a quarter of those candidates disown them after they win or or they lose and they just get banished to the dustbin of history totally totally yeah no so like we're not like i said by like honestly, and Katie has pointed this out too, by pushing people to engage with the electoral system in the way that it exists now, you're actually rehabilitating that system. Yeah, you're rehabilitating it.
Starting point is 01:06:35 I agree, yeah. I mean, I don't know. I mean, vote. Vote. For sure. Vote. Do that. So that you can't fucking come back to me later and be like you piece of
Starting point is 01:06:45 shit you told me not to vote and blah blah blah i listen to you you goddamn idiot did you see that that tweet going around where uh the guy the dead pimp in nevada is still gonna be on the ballot you know the guy that like ran the brothel brothel in Nevada that was running as a Republican? I forget what it was. Maybe a state house or something like that. But he died of a heart attack. It sounds like a coke-induced heart attack.
Starting point is 01:07:18 It was the night after his 70th birthday or some shit. And he's still on the ballot. The tweet was like, he's uh he's still on the ballot the tweet was like he's still gonna remain on the ballot so that's what's basically coming to me like that's our nevada listeners i'll listen to you now we have a dead pimp as our representative the dead pimp caucus the dsa dead pimp caucus. Oh, fuck. Well, all right. Well, I had planned to do an entire Speak Your Peace segment today in honor of our recently deceased good buddy, Jim Webb. May he rest in peace.
Starting point is 01:08:02 But let's just put that off until our Patreon episode this weekend. How's that sound? What do you mean? Why? Because we're at an hour and ten minutes. Oh, okay. I mean, we can sit here if you want. We can just do it.
Starting point is 01:08:14 I want to do it for the free one. I don't want to do it for the Patreon. Yeah, you're right, Tom. Good point. More people need to know about it. Well, I have two. James Watson, William. I have two.
Starting point is 01:08:26 We have last week's because we didn't read last week's if you want go ahead and pick your sheet let's take a quick break though okay is that right go for it I had this idea for Halloween. אַנַּרְיִו איז גבל געטה ביישבן guitar solo Гроеус Гром ел усыщен в отзор, И на винтарь наел. Клумка замзаклах, А клахун шпор, Твой такой язычина. ПЕСНЯ Wolfgang's Yoga That was a pleasant show I tell you about how maybe a few months ago, every now and then I like to go back and listen to some of our episodes because I'm the arch narcissist of our times.
Starting point is 01:12:08 I found this episode. I don't remember what it was tom it was like it was in the 60s i don't remember when but um it was an episode where me and you just like got up to go do something and we left like a three minute block of just silence in the middle of this episode i just took it out i didn't take it out or anything i just left it in there like i didn't even know it was in there i guess we like got up to go pee or something like that that's how professional we are we're on it baby oh gosh oh so yeah I circled some... Speak Your Pieces this week. This is going out to...
Starting point is 01:12:50 I don't know what to say. I mean, we recently lost a good friend of ours, and he actually came up with the Speak Your Pieces segment. We basically stole this. Actually, you know our our interpretation of the speaker pieces is a little different than jim's um wiley's speaker pieces were totally they were it was it was a masterpiece it was brilliant um mostly because of the way he delivered them you know what i'm saying it's a lot different than what me and you do me and you take them
Starting point is 01:13:21 and we just basically sort of pry them apart and dissect them or whatever. Jim presented them almost sort of like poems. Yeah. Which is what they are. I mean, you know, you can do all kinds of things with them. And they really are poems in many ways.
Starting point is 01:13:40 It's for you, Jim. Really racist ones sometimes. Really racist poems this is for you jim for wiley kiyota yeah what makes me sick is ssi drawers all these ssi families keep right on having children while they're being paid by us good hard-working americans who go out to work every single day we are pays for the ssi checks not the government i think it's high time someone goes to snipping and clipping and doing away with some of these drug dealers oh dude that's the i was why as you're reading it i was like why did i circle this one this one seems like boilerplate
Starting point is 01:14:22 but as soon as you said drug dealers there's just the the least smooth transition to talk about one thing to another here's the thing tom globally the term drug dealers has come to signify it's it's it's taken on this like whole new signifier status you see it with bolsonaro in brazil duterte in the philippines the drug dealer has become a stand-in for someone sowing mass discord among the populace. You know what I mean? Not only that, but it's interesting that this particular speaker piece ties them to people taking in the SSI system. Yeah, that's not by accident.
Starting point is 01:15:00 Yeah, it's very dangerous. Yeah, it's very dangerous, and after really sort of taking a deep dive into the whole Brazil situation earlier this week, I was not in a good place. cousin who'd spent time in brazil and he was talking about how like the cartels there had like rebuilt these like the barrios uh-huh i don't actually don't know if that's how you say that in portuguese but like you know like the slums and had like basically like redid all the housing and set up their own power grids and stuff. Interesting. I wonder why. I don't know. It sounded like a... I don't know anything about the history of Brazil, man. I went to a bookstore on Monday because I was in Lexington.
Starting point is 01:15:53 That was a whole other... I meant to tell you about that. I went to Joseph Beth because I had just listened to that dig episode about Bolsonaro in Brazil. I was like, oh, fuck, dude. The world is bad like bad things are happening i was like i'm gonna get a book on brazil yeah they didn't have anything there what they did have there was a debate in chapel god revolution what they did have there yeah me and you were just hawking travel books no man there was
Starting point is 01:16:23 they were they were in a mayoral debate in the middle of that motherfucker. Between the mayoral candidates. It was dark. One of them is an ex-prison guard. And they were passing out... Was this in Lexington? In Lexington, yeah. The mayoral candidate, like the right wing one, is an ex-prison guard.
Starting point is 01:16:41 And he was passing out literature on crime stoppers. And I was like, they did this. They held this right in the middle of the fiction section. I have no fucking clue why. He's an ex-prison guard, and he was passing out literature on Crimestoppers. And I was like, they did this. They held this right in the middle of the fiction section. I have no fucking clue why. But I was standing there. I was reading through the book jacket, and they were like, this event is sponsored by Crimestoppers.
Starting point is 01:16:59 If you see someone in your neighborhood doing something shifty, call the police, and we'll come arrest them. And I go, fash. And everybody just looked at me. But I was not expecting to walk in in the middle of that. I was incredibly annoyed. Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a second. There was a mayoral debate going on in the bookstore? In the bookstore.
Starting point is 01:17:17 At Joseph Beth, man. And they were broadcasting it on the radio. That's the only reason I yelled. That's hilarious. I was lucky that no employees that's interesting actually escorted me out um did the crime stopper we probably hated to be in such a dude you know what's weird is that we talk about how the patriot act in 9-11 or whatever has totally destroyed this country but it's like um, fuck, man. It's interesting how Homeland Security policies have now trickled down to the municipal level
Starting point is 01:17:50 where it's just like, suspect everybody. Be paranoid at all times. Everybody's doing a crime. Everybody's a drug dealer. Anyways, that took me down that road. Continue, my bad. Y'all can't even get a Ouija board together after the patronage I've given you. I hope God forgives you, but I can't imagine you're in his good graces.
Starting point is 01:18:14 Thanks and have a nice day, Andy. Whoa, that's a rare break from etiquette. There are more than one. Dude, I think there are at least two or three specific call-outs and speaker pieces this week. Let's see what we got here. I think we ought to have zoning laws in Letcher County. That way these sorry people couldn't just throw their junk out in their front yards
Starting point is 01:18:36 with their 25 to 30 dogs they already have in their front yards. It's a nuisance. I was talking about that because I was like like is that what a zoning law actually does you know what's sad it's when all your loved ones are in heaven but you know you could you could never get there to see them because you're so full of hate for those people who have messed you over so bad i love this one i'm sorry but i cannot forgive these people they took my money they messed me, and I can't forgive them. That is fascinating.
Starting point is 01:19:12 I like it because several reasons. That's been an ongoing series in the past few weeks. There has been perpetual mention to someone getting fucked over and their money stolen. That person. And then the second part is that they've already conceded that they're not going to heaven. They'll never let go of that hatred and anger.
Starting point is 01:19:28 And I respect that because I will see you in hell, my friend. Let's parlay that into something, though, pal. Here we go. If you need any drugs, you can go to a certain
Starting point is 01:19:38 single wide trailer, but you can't get them on Wednesday evenings or on Sundays because that's when they go to church. Mr. President, you're making the right decision to pull out of the treaty agreement with Russia.
Starting point is 01:19:55 I love how these people are like just foreign policy experts. Oh, trust me, this one gets good. China and any other foreign country that wants to present its communism to the United States. These countries have never honored anything, but they've taken and taken. It's a pitiful shame that people would believe such countries would really honor a treaty. Like, what the fuck is China taking? They make all of our shit. China is actually giving,
Starting point is 01:20:29 giving, giving, and giving more than Russia. Totally. Let's see. As for the asylum seekers who are marching toward our border, we don't know who these people are. Send the National Guard down there to stop them, by God, or send the Army.
Starting point is 01:20:49 Don't let them into the United States, Mr. President. A lot of them would do anything. Mr. President, you are making the right decisions for America. God bless. Jesus Christ, man. On to last week's. There were a few decent ones in last week's, too. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:21:16 To the guys or gals at Apple Shop. We do not now, nor have we ever, spelled Sandlick as Sand-lick. not now nor have we ever spelled sand lick as sand lick as a sand lick native i am very insulted by you referring to my community as sand lick on your radio promotion about fire departments did you ever think to let some of the older people there look over your work before posting it? I don't know, Tom. I have no idea. I have no idea.
Starting point is 01:21:58 Well, well, well, Mr. Red Ford Extended Cab. You know what? People are in the woods digging ginseng and everything else. Would you like for someone to know what you were doing out on Sand Lake? I saw what you were doing out on Sand Lake, and I've got some good video of what you were doing out on Sand Lake. Do you want me to tell you what you were really doing out on Sand Lake? That's what you need to ask yourself the rhetorical uh impact of repeating the repetition is uh should be noted it should be noted what also should be noted is it's probably
Starting point is 01:22:34 illegal to videotape i think it's called voyeurism right well there's that if i were accused of a crime and were to go on trial there are are thousands, thousands of people out there who I wouldn't want to be on my jury. They would have me guilty before the trial started without one shred of evidence. Is that a little Kavanaugh hangover? Some weird? It might be. Actually, you know what? I didn't think about that, but it might be.
Starting point is 01:23:03 Oh, God. might be actually you know what i didn't think about that but it might be oh god between hillary and bill clinton nancy pelosi elizabeth warren diane feinstein and that kamala out there california they're our best assets as republicans if they'll just keep talking and the republicans keep quiet that's all they need to do they're cutting their own throats and hanging themselves. Thank you very much. I love that Kamala out there in California. That Kamala. Not to be confused with another Kamala somewhere else. Right. To the woman who commented on the picture of her ex-husband.
Starting point is 01:23:39 You still got a thing for him? still got thang for him i like you know it's like um you see someone interacting online that comes from a very human place it's like you know maybe you got a crush on somebody and you see yeah maybe you got a crush on somebody who just broke up with their significant other and you're like oh okay but then but then you see that the ex comments on their photo and you're like fuck what's going on are they getting back together are they broken up man i'm with it man i just want to know if i won that big lottery it was 654 million going into tuesday night i would i'm taught this is the one i said that you wrote. I'd spend every penny of it to expose those lying bunch of faith healers, faith healing preachers on TV. They are frauds, people. They are frauds, people.
Starting point is 01:24:35 This is about two places in the Bible where the word again is used. I loved this one, man, because. Oh, this is about two places in the bible okay i thought i thought they would point out that the word again only appears twice in the bible is that not what it says no this is about two places in the bible where the word again is used well still it's pretty funny if something happens again and again it can mean it continues as with Cain and Abel, Genesis 4, 1 and 2. Even touch is a sexual term in Genesis 3, 3.
Starting point is 01:25:15 Ab and Eve covered their private parts with an apron. I don't... After their encounter with the serpent, also called Satan, dragon and devil. Okay, well, it's not an apron. Definitely not an apron. Definitely not an apron. Not an apron. In Revelations, this is one of the funniest things, I think,
Starting point is 01:25:34 is when people present themselves as biblical scholars and call it Revelation, Revelations. Revelations. Yeah. 12 and 9. Cain was Satan's son, and he killed Adam and Eve's son Abel and became the first murderer
Starting point is 01:25:47 Eve told God in Genesis 3 13 the serpent beguiled me and I did eat which means seduced the other place again is used is in John 3 3 5 Jesus tells us three things we have to do to see god we have
Starting point is 01:26:06 to be born from above and of water which is the water of the mother's womb which is just two things point taken pal wait wait is that the end of it that's it what what's the fucking connection between cain and abel there's not not, dude. There's not, dude. This person was fucking dabbing and just decided to come in and swing their dick around about their Bible knowledge. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:26:33 My wife says, all of us women, all us women want is for you men to be gentle. Listen, I could jump out of an airplane from 30,000 feet and land on a soap bubble and not even bust it
Starting point is 01:26:44 and still, even that's not gentle enough. I didn't understand. I don't understand any of that at all. Okay, let's see. Here we go. Yep, that's it. That's it. I think I would give the one of the week to the person that kicked it off with, well,
Starting point is 01:27:04 well, well, Mr. Redford extended cab. I like that one. And I like referring to people as Mr. Redford extended cab. I'm trying to work the serpent did beguile me and I did eat into a bit.
Starting point is 01:27:23 Anyway, that's for our man Wiley who's gone on to another world. Yeah. Yeah. Thanks for the good times, man. We had good times. Literally the very first weekend
Starting point is 01:27:40 I was in Whitesburg, I went up to Flamingo Fest. Isn't that what he called it? Pink Flamingo Soiree the Soiree god damn dude I don't know the Soiree um and that's that's where I met all my friends that I'm mostly still friends with that's what I was put up my little Facebook tribute to Wiley and that was from that same night. And I just remember captaining that little pontoon of his, the little boat of his. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:15 And who's the folks, you know, Anna, the folk singer? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. What's her band?
Starting point is 01:28:22 Or it's her and another. I don't know their band's name. It's her and another, but it's like Anna and somebody. Like, they're kind of a big deal in that world. Yeah, they're, like, rated on Pitchfork and shit. Yeah. Well, they were on that boat with me when it flipped over and dumped everybody into the pond.
Starting point is 01:28:41 Yeah. Yeah. Anyway. No, a lot of the jokes on this show they're not jim was a huge influence on us comedically um whether he whether he knew it or not and whether it was intentional or not um and uh and we we wouldn't even be sitting here if it wasn't for him for a lot of reasons. But he was a good dude. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:12 And, I mean, like anybody, he's complicated. I have bad memories with him as well. I don't know, but that's the point. I mean, like, you know, he just would shoot you straight, you know. He would just tell you whatever was on his mind. And I know he's appreciated that about him. Yeah. So, shout out, man, wherever you are.
Starting point is 01:29:37 See you in the next W-H-R-L-E-D. That's right. World. And for all of our listeners, it was brought to my attention that I don't think if you search for us on Patreon that you can find us for whatever reason. I think it's because we're listed as adult podcast. I don't know. I guess we're not safe for work or whatever.
Starting point is 01:30:01 So the easiest way to find us is to literally go to slash just spell it out Trillbilly Workers Party T-R-I-L-L-B-I-L-L-Y W-O-R-K-E-R-S P-A-R-T-Y P-A-R-T-Y
Starting point is 01:30:17 that's the easiest way to find it like I said I don't think you can find it by searching for us Patreon is stealing our money, goddammit. My god, my wages. My wages. They've garnished my wages. We were talking the other day, like, what if it meant when you got your wages garnished,
Starting point is 01:30:38 they put, like, just a little bit of mint. A little parsley in your paycheck. Yeah, just a little mint. That's a very Wiley-esque joke. Yes, yes it is. So please go and support us on there. Yesterday, or today, I just released part one of our seance special. There is a part two, and it's got some good-ass shit in it.
Starting point is 01:31:03 Honestly, it might be better than part one uh part one was definitely more editing but did you listen to it i'm not listening yet i had a listen to part one i had a little bit of fun by myself anyways i was like walking around out here recording in my british accent and after part two there there's a little Easter egg where I tried to impersonate Jad Eberrod. Like, this has been brought to you by the Alfred Peaslove Foundation. So anyways, that's the kind of shit on our Patreon you can get.
Starting point is 01:31:43 So go support us, please. And yeah, I guess that's it for this week. Thanks for joining us. We should have a Halloween episode for you next week, which means that what day is Halloween on? Wednesday. Wednesday, yeah. So next week's public free episode will be probably on Wednesday.
Starting point is 01:32:05 Right. We'll put it out early Wednesday so you can enjoy the. Right. Maybe even Tuesday. Tuesday. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:09 All Hallows Eve maybe. Yeah. We try to turn out for October. Yeah. And we like to get spooky. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:17 So anyways we'll see you some other time.

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