Trillbilly Worker's Party - Episode 82: BARBARIC!

Episode Date: February 1, 2019

The gang breaks down frank conversations, beekeeping, what not to tell a rural person, and of course, Senator Robert C. Byrd Sign up for our Patreon!!!!!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What book? Oh, a region responds to J.D. Vance. Appalachian Reckoning. I reckon. I've reckoned enough with that motherfucker. Yeah, our only mention is to drag us in that book. Oh, really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Oh, that's funny. I sent y'all the pic. Finally. I sent you the receipt. Some of the right kind of press. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's what you want. You want...
Starting point is 00:00:27 How did we get dragged? It's from that fucking piece. Oh, okay. You know who wrote a long time ago. It quotes me sounding like an asshole. You don't got to get up too early in the morning to do that, sis. I'll tell you. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 00:00:45 Yeah, that's the thing about last week's episode about the environmentalism and how it's like the more I'm around, the more I just see all the interweavings of like, it was not wholly unrealistic for like the traditionalist workers part. You think they might be able to get a foothold here. I used to think, oh, that's crazy. People aren't going to buy that shit. But honestly?
Starting point is 00:01:08 They were able to find housing for dozens of white supremacists like that. Wait, wait. So are you saying they would have a footing here or no? No, I mean, I still don't think they would have had a footing, but it wasn't wholly unrealistic of them to think that they could find a footing here. Especially based on national media about us. I mean, that's the whole point. National media, but also, I've been
Starting point is 00:01:31 taking a deep dive over the last couple days about just how cozy the environmental movement is with the eugenics movement. And you know how they came here with the whole eco-socialist thing that they were trying to sell coal miners and shit on? Who?
Starting point is 00:01:46 The traditionalist workers? TWP, yeah. Really? Yeah. Like an eco-socialist. What were they saying? It was like an eco-socialist fascist program. It was like eco-socialism, but for whites only.
Starting point is 00:01:58 I mean, I listened to this episode that y'all are talking about. You know I so rarely tune in. I so rarely tune in. Yeah, Tanya finally listened to an episode she y'all are talking about you know i so rarely tune in yeah tanya listened to it finally listened to an episode she's not on and i only listen to the ones i'm on to make sure you didn't cut me to sound like a fucking idiot it's only for actually sis it's usually the other way it's usually we have to cut you to make you so that so that i sound better okay then i'm just tuning in to make sure you cut me to sound good yeah well that's literally why i don't although i let tons of terrible stuff fly that you don't cut out and i listen to it later and i'm like why do you leave that in there
Starting point is 00:02:36 i hardly cut anything out anymore sometimes i'll be walking on the walking trail and i'll be like oh that thing i said was kind of problematic maybe i should everything everything we say at this point everything that proceeds out of our mouth yeah but i'd almost wished i was on the episode y'all but we can talk about today but i mean the stories i could tell you just from my my tween years in mountain justice them motherfuckers were half of them were eugenicists really yes okay the very first meeting of minds of like a mountain justice die hard and an apple shop was at an asa conference buddy i'd have to be about 2008 or something 2007 to 2008 oh yeah over a decade ago first time i was still in college the first time that they met was at a asa um session appalachian studies conference session that ami was running so
Starting point is 00:03:39 it's like literally kids showing media they had made and this son of a bitch named matt it's always oh georgia maz what they called him georgia matt yeah he was a eugenicist for a while apparently he finally come around uh but yeah essentially yeah hey everybody had a eugenics phase in college basically the women in his life had to beat it out of him and just be like, dude, you can never say this out loud again and you shouldn't be thinking it in your mind either.
Starting point is 00:04:10 So what was he saying? Was he saying like, poor women should get sterilized? Yes, yes. He said the key, he said the biggest problem in the Q&A, here he goes in the Q&A,
Starting point is 00:04:18 the good old, this ain't a question, this is my thesis I'd like you to react to, was the true problem here is overpopulation. That's here? Overpopulation here, yes. Yes, here, overpopulation.
Starting point is 00:04:32 The true problem in a place where people move away by the tens of thousands every year is overpopulation. I don't know how many times I've had liberal environmentalists tell me that the problem here isn't that we need to get more people to move here. We need more people to get out of here. And that, like, I don't know. Like, there really is a Venn diagram sort of convergence. A lot of liberal environmentalists hate the poor. That's the bottom line. They hate the poor.
Starting point is 00:05:01 They think they're a scourge. And that's why. And the deep the deep of that is before hate it's scared they're scared if you ever i mean i literally i don't even want to get into my kfdc days get into get into i'm not doing that get in there but you can literally like we would if we just get in there if it was just an initial call, like someone's like, my waters, my wells fell out. I know it's Tico. Somebody come up here and do something.
Starting point is 00:05:32 You know, it's like that's usually the calls we'd get. It wasn't like, they've poisoned my well, which is what the KFTC newsletter would say. And anyway, it was just always like that. That actually sounds like the name of a newsletter poisoning the whale yeah that sounds like an environmental it's like they'd call me like hey they've dropped the whale out down here please come fix it you know it's like we're not trying to sue nobody or create no waves just fix our fucking water but anyway there were just multiple times that i would go out there with people from wherever the fuck and they would be terrified if it wasn't like a dog barking that
Starting point is 00:06:11 they were scared of and then later on when they would like report you know they wouldn't say much they'd just be quiet and yeah tiptoe around when we were like walking on the property and then later in like a meeting like a staff meeting report back it'd be like i'll never forget this is verbatim what this one guy said and i was just sitting in my chair like what is wrong with this dude he said it's rare that you see this level of poverty and i was like come home with me one christmas bitch i was just in bell county literally what are you talking about like in general it was like they had trash it's like oh the issue here is that
Starting point is 00:06:45 they live out in Pike County and they don't have trash pickup. You know, it's like, come on, what the fuck? We didn't have trash pickup
Starting point is 00:06:53 anywhere here until the 90s. They don't have trash pickup. They don't have sewer or water run to their homes. Like, this is a structural issue,
Starting point is 00:07:01 you idiot. This is not something they did. Yeah, it was like, they think poor people, the level of. It's like they think poor people. The level of poverty. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:08 They think poor people are so mobile that they choose to live in shabby conditions. And they never put the city and state governments and the federal government on the hook and the coal operators. Yeah. It's always the poor people who notoriously dictate their own future. It's always the poor people who notoriously dictate their own future. Well, there's something about rural areas that makes that convergence of environmentalism and hatred for the poor just blend so perfectly. Because I think liberals really literally do think that rural poverty is just a choice.
Starting point is 00:07:43 It's just like, well, you could just move and go to the city. You could move. Why choose to stay here that is a really or even even when i mean god i just don't even get into it it's too depressing it's fucking still january we gotta well january's been the longest year of my life the funny thing about this though is these motherfuckers who are i was just talking yesterday um or might have been two days ago i don't remember i was talking the other day to this guy who uh lives in central virginia is involved with like organizing target workers and all this and we were talking about anthony flacavino's campaign and um big flag you know who i'm talking about Anthony Flaccoveno's campaign. Big flag. You know who I'm talking about?
Starting point is 00:08:26 Yeah. He ran against Morgan Griffith. Yeah, he's run like four times now. He's the Harlan Tootie Seals of Virginia. Well, it's funny because a lot of these same liberals who do have a supreme detestation for mass movements, and by i mean like mass movements of poor
Starting point is 00:08:48 working people uncontrollable movements what that they don't have a yes they don't have a rope on if they ain't got the leash on the bitch it ain't it yeah they hate it they detest it and so like it's funny how it's like on one one hand, these people will be like, I don't understand. You know, he's got all the perfect branding. You know, he was there at Pittston. He organized farmers. You know, he wants a just transition and all this. It's like, I'm going to tell y'all something.
Starting point is 00:09:17 Hey, Bernie was out there, and we still shit on Bernie. What makes you think we're going let big flags slip through them? Well, but also, at the same time, it's like, he has no base. Because he probably, like I said, deeply mistrusts poor and working people. Most of whom don't vote anyways. But no one's made any actual effort to organize these people into a base. Now, here's what they do. Because they hate people. Here's what they do.
Starting point is 00:09:42 They're incredibly misanthropic, I guess is the point. No doubt about it. Here's what they do. They, incredibly misanthropic, I guess is the point. No doubt about it. Here's what they do. They on a whim. It's just kind of like this Starbucks dude, Howard Schultz. What did I say? Howard Schultz guy. It's just like they take a whim, and then they think we should all just,
Starting point is 00:09:58 yeah, hell yeah, he's the man for the job. You know what I'm saying? Just by virtue of who they are. And it's a really thing. It's like the hubris of the rich to think that they should be in positions of power is a pretty amazing phenomenon. Like Michael Bloomberg,
Starting point is 00:10:14 this Howard Schultz guy, like they have no clue how deeply unpopular they really are. Right. Because they're surrounded by their fucking focus group fucking yes people. Yeah. They fucking, you know, fan their balls all day. Well, look, if there's anything I've learned, it's that the poor and working masses
Starting point is 00:10:32 see straight through branding. Like, they have no illusions about what they have to gain or lose or whatever in sort of electoral politics. And so they see right through the fucking branding every time. Yeah. And I guess the point to tie that back to our sort of, you know, because a lot of these people don't have a politics that's based in
Starting point is 00:10:57 sort of like poor and working people, like invested in their sort of development of class consciousness, the only logical leap that you can then make is that, well, let's just kill them all. Let's just sterilize them all so they can't reproduce anymore, because that would solve the issue of poverty. Well, this Mountain Justice motherfucker, he was fresh off the cutting table himself. He had just been snipped himself and so he was really riding a high about it. Oh, he just got a vasectomy?
Starting point is 00:11:27 Yeah, and that's when he come in there rambling about his own dick. Was he like, I'm pouring wine, it ends now. He was in there at this youth media presentation talking about his own dick and how the real
Starting point is 00:11:43 problems here are going back to his own dick and how the real problems here are... Going back to his own dick. Yes! And he railed on it so many times that Alandria Williams had to drag him out of the room. People like this fucking kill me. He wouldn't shut the fuck up. They couldn't even continue the Q&A. You could picture it now. I shoot blanks!
Starting point is 00:12:00 God damn it! I sterilized myself for you! And you! And you. And you. I saved humanity. And Alandria escorted him. She was like, well, you got to come with me. Come with me.
Starting point is 00:12:12 And she had to go out in the hall and fucking talk to him so they could just finish the fucking Q&A. Stop talking about your dick. Yeah. Reel it in, buddy. And even, anyway anyway god damn it even when he finally come around he was like yeah i'll get it now that like you know generational traditions are really important and like young people have to care for older people like that's that that's the only way i don't know who explained it to him this way that that that helped him but i was just like
Starting point is 00:12:40 that's actually not the point in fact at all i mean he never it never clicked but you know he came around on it but for the wrong reasons so wait wait wait wait wait it was about it he circled back to white supremacy essentially i don't even know so basically his whole justification for reproduction was just so you young people could take care of old people just just to maintain the white race dude there are so many sociopaths out there that's what i'm saying it's like it's like these people in the community that that like agree with us about stopping the prison but the reason they want to stop us because they're afraid ms-13 is gonna get loose yeah they're nimbies yeah yeah they're like not in my backyard but no yeah i mean most of the mountain
Starting point is 00:13:26 justice people probably weren't that like that but he that that one interaction caused mistrust of mountain justice for years and that's why people at apple shop wouldn't fuck with them for literal years because they and my kids came home and were like this bitch ruined our fucking presentation fuck this guy he literally said we shouldn't be allowed to have kids it's like that's that's enough to turn you against the whole fucking asa well that's the that's um there's several things to unpack here the the most salient of which is that mountain justice was mostly comprised of upper middle class, trust fund suburban kids.
Starting point is 00:14:07 Crushing it out. Who had a moral opposition to mountaintop removal and thought that the way to do it was chaining yourself to a bulldozer. It's even bigger than that, honestly. I mean, some of these people I work with now are wonderful humans. But as we like to do here on True Abilities, we're painting with a big brush here yeah yeah and uh it's even more it's even more well i'm not complicated
Starting point is 00:14:32 than that yeah we're condemning ourselves in that yeah is that oh many of them in the beginning were people who had fled from katrina they had rushed to Katrina. And you remember, we have an episode where we talk about the hordes of movement of media attention on the white working class. And we talk about how the
Starting point is 00:14:57 We're just quoting ourselves now. God help us. I saw the calculation in your eyes.'re like do i want am i gonna go here anyway the point is when the mountaintop removal um you know anti-mtr movement when they even you know crafted the term mountaintop removal no one here really ever used that but whatever when they finally crafted this term and like had this whole national campaign pick up it was in the wake of katrina and it was a way it was like a way for the media mass media to like redirect these like images of poverty because it was like dry like the katrina images of poverty were drying right right yeah um and it was like a but look these white people are in trouble too
Starting point is 00:15:42 amazing yeah but they had no... And a lot of them were like active, you know, just activist crews who had been in Katrina for years, met there, and then were like, yeah, this is important. Let's migrate on up the coast here. Another thing about that set that they do, and I think it ties back into, like, every progression or every growth we've had
Starting point is 00:16:04 about racing class on this show is coming to the mountains to slum it for them is sort of like the entry level easy to claim to put their card in the oppression Olympics. You know what I mean? I had a guy live in my chicken coop for a while. All these motherfuckers say, my granny's from over in South Lake.
Starting point is 00:16:26 That's true. They basically talk like the people that say that Pocahontas was their great-great-great-granddad. Dude, it's the thing. There's three types of person who does that. There's the former coal miner whose great-great-great-great-great-granddaddy was a coal miner there is the 164th native american 150th native american you know what i mean who has great great great great great great grandpa grandma was pocahontas and then there is the trust fund mountaintop removal activist whose great great great great great great great great mother was from like grayson county kentucky like on the
Starting point is 00:17:01 periphery and it's like it's like of course that's easy to claim that because this was like the like the like as far as you could go in terms of western expansion kentucky was like california until the peak of ellis island this was it it was like yeah i don't even like this is the only place to come just like i want to meet a guy it would be really funny because you know a lot of people who worked in the coal mines around the turn of the 20th century were from Europe, from Italy and also Syria and Middle East and stuff. It would be funny if you were traveling, backpacking through Europe and Italy and you met some guy and he's like, Yes, my great-grand, great-great-great-great-great-great-grandmother's father was a coal miner. In eastern Kentucky, you're like, fuck, I can't escape it anywhere.
Starting point is 00:17:55 It's a coal miner. It's a coal miner. I cannot mine the coal. A mini-generation. A mini-generation. Can I kiss you? This is my heritage. Wait, wait, wait, wait.
Starting point is 00:18:09 So wait, there was a point I wanted to make though. The whole point of this is we were talking about y'all's last episode. Oh, well, okay. So actually the best example of this, and Tom brought it up on that episode, is Harry Cottle. A eugenic and the and the reason why
Starting point is 00:18:28 and the reason why a lot of these liberals come to the conclusion that eugenics is the only answer is because they have zero world like I said they deeply hate people they're misanthropic they hate mass movements they hate politics that aligns with the poor and working people.
Starting point is 00:18:47 Communism. That's what communism is. They don't have a politics. So for them, you could just stamp them out. You could just eradicate them all. Just be like, well, we solved poverty. Y'all, I saw a ghost. I the ghost of harry caudle this weekend interesting he lives on i we had an apple shop screening at the speed in louisville and i was gonna ask you
Starting point is 00:19:17 about this is it it went great before you go into the store i gotta say is it true y'all have his dick in the under glass over there at apple shop yes and in fact it's missing but you found it in louisville found it in louisville um this is all you know much older man was sitting in front of me and i just went out for the q and a because i've seen the film plenty of times but um they were doing the q and a a lot and this guy raised his hand and before the curator knows who he is, the speed cinema curator. And he says, oh, yes, and we're so happy to have Harry Caudill's children here with us. And I was like, oh. And sitting right behind him.
Starting point is 00:19:57 I got a picture, a sneaked one, of the back of his bald head. But when he opened his mouth, I swear to to god he sounded exactly like harry coddle that deep deep rasp right right you know the scotch irish i mean he's yeah the scotch irish where he was like and i could not believe it it was like harry coddle was sitting in front of me talking i could not believe it i was gonna ask Cottle was sitting in front of me talking I could not believe it I was going to ask you about that Because the y'all stars love those Apple shop screamings don't they
Starting point is 00:20:31 I didn't see anybody Y'all didn't want 21C Didn't want Speed All the bougie I didn't see No y'all stars that I knew In Louisville They were there It was a packed theater we packed it out I didn't see no y'all stars that I knew in Louisville.
Starting point is 00:20:46 They were there. They might have been there. It was a packed theater. We packed it out. It was a free screening but we are having monthly screenings at the Speed Art Museum, Kentucky's largest art museum, every month this year.
Starting point is 00:20:56 Go find Tanya. Every month. Come and see me. If you're in Louisville, go find Tanya. Check me out. Tell her that she's your favorite like you tell me in turns in the DMs.
Starting point is 00:21:07 Sons of bitches. Like every one of you tell us every single time we meet you. That I'm the favorite? Every time. Oh, yeah, we're fucking... Oh, it's cool to meet you guys. How in the fuck was she at?
Starting point is 00:21:20 Anyway. I love it. Please come tell me in person But yeah No the 21C event Is this weekend Or next Thursday The 7th
Starting point is 00:21:30 What are you screening? Actually I met with Caroline today And we're thinking Of pulling out Some archival deep cuts Oh really? Gary Stewart
Starting point is 00:21:37 God damn it Oh that is good We should pull out Gary Okay I'll tell her tomorrow Because we got a few A little bit of wiggle room But it's like a few We're going to show Nimrod.
Starting point is 00:21:46 Okay. Well, you should. I'm pulling out some deep cuts. I'll tell you another deep cut that would blow people's minds, the Hazel Adkins one. That the guy that did Wild and Wonderful Wives did
Starting point is 00:21:57 when he was at Apple Shop. Yeah, I should pull that out because it's... That's a good one. Is it long? It's not an hour long. It's short. You should...
Starting point is 00:22:04 What you need to do... What you need to do... What you need to do is... That would go over well there. Screen the entire speech that Robert Byrd made denouncing dogfighting. Insert that here. I'm going to make a note for you to insert that footage there. All right, I'll insert it. Have you seen it, Tonya?
Starting point is 00:22:22 I've never seen that, no. It's so funny. It's Apple Shop footage? No, it was on... C-SPAN footage's so funny he's it's apple shop footage no it's he's like barbaric he's like 98 when he's doing it he's so old he's out of he's shaking he's shaking dog fighting i told tom tom sent it to me last night and so i watched it and i watched like a minute and a half of it and i was like surely this is about war or something and i go down to the caption and it's like senator robert bird denounces the uh denounces dog fighting with in support of his dog fighting bill that was the last hill he died on yeah i swear here's the funniest part there's the funniest
Starting point is 00:23:00 part though there's this like long pause 30 seconds at least then he goes barbaric he's got a he's got a paper in his hand and he's like barbaric barbaric well and you know you can tell because robert towards the end of his life robert birds here's where you here's here's the thing about robert robert bird was a former klansman like horrible horrible fucking racist and then towards the end of his life he was so brain diseased he got woke why did that happen to the maverick i i don't know he like that's the thing because i knew he opposed. He was like the only senator opposed to the Iraq war, and I knew that. So I thought that was maybe what he was.
Starting point is 00:23:49 He gave a very eloquent anti-war speech. It takes 90 years for the human mind to fully evolve. And by that time, you die. But the body has fully eroded by then. Well, but you could tell by the end of his life, he fancied himself like a Roman senator. He would give these oratoric, barbaric. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:13 Barbaric. He thought he was fucking Cassius. I would give anything to see the origins of Robert Byrd's interactions with dog fighting. Like, where did he see a dog fight? You know, this is a man who's fed. Grew up in Beckley. I'm sure he saw plenty. Totally.
Starting point is 00:24:30 And you think it took him until he was 90? I feel like in his last 40 years, he did not come into contact with dog fights. With dog fighting, no. People were feeding him his meals. You know what I mean? Wiping him. Yeah. Like, he was not involved in dog fighting.
Starting point is 00:24:44 He wasn't in the streets where you typically would run and so yeah so what sent him over the edge at 90 about dog fight you sure wasn't cock fighting it was dog it was 100 dog fighting cock fighting he wouldn't call barbaric he would have just been like yeah this is some good old boys it could have been now that i think about it i need to check the the date but it could have been. Now that I think about it, I need to check the date, but it could have been the Michael Vick thing. Maybe. Could have been, yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:09 I feel like that injected dogfighting in the National Conference. That could have been racist. That's the last time I remember dogfighting being in the National Conference. This was rooted in racism then. So we've come from so brain diseased you won't to old habits die hard. What's the consensus on Mike on mike vick um i have none i barely remembered what you just said i don't know i ain't touching this you're not touching that one i mean it's uh you know it's like fucking chicken fight right here everybody fucking chicken fights and i don't chicken it's
Starting point is 00:25:44 just that we love dogs so much that we share our lives with them that it just seems more barbaric. I know. The training of these poor creatures to turn themselves into fighting machines is simply barbaric. Barbaric. Barbaric. Barbaric. barbaric let that word resound from hill to hill
Starting point is 00:26:31 and from mountain to mountain from valley to valley across this broad land barbaric barbaric may God Barbaric. Barbaric. May God help those poor souls. Well, I'm just in love with Louie so much, and he looks like the kind of dogs that get fought.
Starting point is 00:27:04 Oh, yeah. and he is the sweetest tamest like buster i could see bucking up on somebody buster's got a fucking attitude who's buster you know buster the dog the buster dude yeah in our canon literally buster he is he's gonna get so many angry tweets about Buster. Oh yeah, at this motherfucker. He don't give a fuck about Buster. He's fighting Buster out back right now. I don't have a lot of regard for any life
Starting point is 00:27:35 really. But I'm pretty sure that this past week Buster brought a girl dog over to play date with Louie so that they could fuck her together. I can't swear by it because i didn't let him in the yard because i thought it was hey bro you trying to do this with the devil's three literally i think so i was like yeah the devil's trying he always tries to fuck louie how would that work how would dogs do double penetration you think that uh one of them
Starting point is 00:28:00 would have to get on its back god i immediately regret bringing this could you imagine a dog being on its back and trying to get it underneath my god and then what's wrong just stop stop him just do something just deeply deeply diseased it is god anyway i literally have no idea how we got here. Okay, let's backtrack to Robert C. Barrett. Oh, we were talking about the deep cuts that I was choosing. So we got Hazel Atkins, Gary Stewart. Those are good ones. Well, right now I'm showing Hazel Dickens because Alice Gerard is playing at the Lexington
Starting point is 00:28:40 All-Time Gathering. Oh, is that what it's there for? Yeah, it's the kickoff party at 21c it's benefiting apple shop and i actually have pulled together quite the silent auction of uh unique and rare apple shop fine you're so good at that kind of shit i'm just like oh fuck yeah i've been digging i've been digging in the depths tanya's good at shit you're just good at like doing shit like whereas Whereas I just get paralyzed by... I get overwhelmed. And so anytime I gotta organize anything,
Starting point is 00:29:11 I'm not an organizer. You're just a natural born organizer. Delegator. Full of good ideas. Fine delegator. I'm the brains. You're the... I think the issue here is that I have no problem hearing no.
Starting point is 00:29:24 So I ask people things all the time. And if they say no, I'm like, okay. Let's move it on. That hurt my feelings a bit. You can keep it all in your mind. That's why you're a good leader, Tanya. You can keep multiple things in your mind at once. Whereas I didn't get like three or four.
Starting point is 00:29:39 And then I start getting freaked out. I think I can remember a lot at once. Yeah, you can juggle a lot of things. What'd you say? That's right, Tom. She juggles multiple things. My brain's just Snoopy riding a mini pony on a surfboard. Constant.
Starting point is 00:29:55 I'm of low intelligence. Oh, God. Anyway, some silent auction items I'm proud of. You will like this. I convinced Herbie Smith to offer a one-on-one guided tour of Ledger County. That's good. I've had one of those. Don't you think they'll eat it up?
Starting point is 00:30:13 Oh, they'll eat it up, and it's well worth it. Well fucking worth it. So you're selling this to the all-stars? I don't know. Whoever's at 21C, hopefully people with a lot of money. That's worth a grand, right? Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:25 Yeah, definitely. Yeah. I got a Wattsburg Airbnb to donate two nights in Wattsburg. Which one? Blue Roof Cottage? No, my landlord. He's put my house for sale. I literally responded to a text. That went from a ringing bid on this to, that son of a bitch, I wouldn't stay with him.
Starting point is 00:30:42 It's a great house, but he's a prick. Your house is the Airbnb.bnb no not my fucking house he's a you get two nights at tanya's nay nay no he has a you know he has a bunch of houses and shit anyway he put my fucking house on the market and in response he said he literally wrote don't freak out i sent y'all that didn't yeah the weird thing that I didn't understand about it. Not a big deal, but I'm selling your house out from under you. What I thought was interesting about the price he asked for was that it was $69,900. It's just 100 short of...
Starting point is 00:31:16 Deeply, deeply diseased. What he should have done was put it up for $69,420. That would be much better. That would be much better. That would be much better. They would also still be deeply diseased because he's kicking out his tenants. Still deeply diseased. But you could have had a life ad. He's doing this to pressure me to buy the fucking house.
Starting point is 00:31:35 Man, landlords are... People think that if you have a job in this town, you have money. It's really kind of true because it's the only... Yeah, it's like, oh, you got a job. You got a house. You can afford any damn thing. Right. As opposed to me.
Starting point is 00:31:50 Before we get too far away from 69, I was washing my hands in the bathroom last night and had a funny thought coming up. Or brushing my teeth. Brushing my teeth. And I was thinking, what if you were in a situation With a sex partner And you just leaned over
Starting point is 00:32:08 And whispered To the rear and said Let's do 69 And you phrased it exactly like Not that you did it But like you just said Hey you want 69 I feel like I've done that
Starting point is 00:32:21 I've done it too I'm pretty sure Yeah what else do you do But it's more I'm more enthusiastic I'm like let's do 69 Cause we're already doing it Yeah yeah I've done that. I've done it too. I'm pretty sure. Yeah, what else do you do? But I'm more enthusiastic. I'm like, let's see done. Because we're already done. Yeah, yeah, I've done that too. No, but the thing is you get up in the rear of the waist,
Starting point is 00:32:32 you try to be sexy about it. Oh, yeah. It's not funny that would sound if you're trying to be sexy. How you want to say it? Oh, my God, yeah. Maybe that would be creepy. I don't know. I feel like I've said the exact thing.
Starting point is 00:32:43 But maybe louder. Here's how you got said it. Maybe I didn't whisper it. You want to do 69? You want to do didn't whisper it. You want to do 69. You want to do a 69. You want to do a 69. A 69. That's what those dogs did.
Starting point is 00:32:50 What's funny is that yesterday I saw a tweet that said, it was like someone had Googled, this might be, maybe someone just made this image, whatever. It was a Google of days since Januaryuary january 1st 2001 it was like it's been 6969 days 69 960 or 69 696 it was 6969 6900 and whatever anyway fuck it but i screenshot it and i sent to michelle and i like, we missed our chance to 69 this morning. Sharing that on the pod, huh? It was a text message. It was a text message.
Starting point is 00:33:35 I thought your tweet this morning was very funny, but my internet, I didn't have internet, so I couldn't like it. Whatever. You two constantly reference my internet presence say that oh yeah i saw that but you didn't like it whenever i never like anything but you you mentioned it to me later and i couldn't like it i couldn't like it i was had no internet i just saw it there's wi-fi coming out your ass you're on the internet all day long i don't believe that community well i uh i don't clear-forked community. Well, I don't really know what my excuse is. I think the last time we had this conversation, my excuse was, I don't like anything.
Starting point is 00:34:11 And Tom goes, it's right. He doesn't like anything. Anyway, it's not- I'm going to fall back on that one. I literally wouldn't notice it until you all literally mentioned fucking pictures and shit to me or tweets. And I'm like-
Starting point is 00:34:24 Okay, Mental note. We can't see everything. We're just going to like everything you put out there. Mental note. Stop telling Tanya about all the tweets of hers I read, but don't like. Yeah. Yeah, that'd be great. It hurts my feelings.
Starting point is 00:34:38 I have a lot of hurt feelings that are not about tweets. Yeah, same here. Luckily, my hurt feelings aren are not about tweets yeah same here luckily luckily my hurt feelings are about same um you had to pick our own adventure set up for us terrence i did but i think we'll have time to do them all i think we'll have time to do them all but actually i'll save one of them okay well fuck it i'll do i'll a... Give us some prompts, baby. I'll do the pick your own adventure, and you can decide which one you want to do. Honestly, I think we should probably do the ones...
Starting point is 00:35:13 I'll tell you which ones I think we should do. I think we should do... I have two articles here. Are these prompts? Oh, okay. I was like, are you going back to somewhere we've already been? I have no idea. This was the most...
Starting point is 00:35:23 These are reads. ...spun out. This was the most spun out. This was the Wikipedia game where we just went six steps. Well, there were two hilarious coal miner stories in the last couple days. One was demonizing regulations actually hurts coal miners. A new study finds that being honest about the decline of coal can increase support for the training and relocation of miners. You're looking at me like you want to kill me. We could dine out on that, but let's try something more challenging.
Starting point is 00:35:52 And then the tandem, you would have to do these two together. Out of work Appalachian coal miners train as beekeepers to earn extra cash. Oh my god. I'd be happy to tackle that one. You want to tag up, Bernie? It's been a while. That one's pretty good. Here, my God. I'd be happy to tackle that one. You want to tag up, Bernie? It's been a while. That one's pretty good. Here's a question.
Starting point is 00:36:08 It's been since 2014. But then I have a whole other direction we could go in, too. Okay. Well, I think I already choose the other direction. But I wonder. It's sight unseen. I wonder. Because, you know, I just feel like at this point,
Starting point is 00:36:21 everything that, every piece of media that comes out has been run through a equation. Right. And I wonder how many more views or blocks or whatever, how many more taps you get if the beginning of the headline is out of work. I wonder like what that what that is in the equation. What that does for you. Yeah. Well, people love out of work coal miners.
Starting point is 00:36:44 I know that's what I'm saying. Out of work anybody really. It's like. They love out of work. What that does for you. Yeah. Well, people love out-of-work coal miners. I know. That's what I'm saying. Out-of-work anybody, really. It's like. They love out-of-work. They do love an out-of-work. I mean, I told you all. First responders. Right after the election.
Starting point is 00:36:52 Out-of-work coal miners. Yeah, yeah, yeah. For the entirety of 2017, I would say one out of five calls to Apple Shop with someone saying, yeah, I'd like to speak to an out-of-work coal miner. Like y'all at the unemployment office for out-of-work coal miner like y'all y'all are the unemployment office i literally was like call the unemployment office like i don't know what like what the fuck i mean if it was like a big if it was like well now they're training as beekeepers which the story itself is pretty funny uh i don't mean that to sound like callous or insensitive to the
Starting point is 00:37:22 plight of out-of-work coal miners but um just to give you a sort of rundown of that story um the way that they're doing this so you remember a few years ago there's that huge settlement without financial resources because of their violating the clean water act and sierra club got them to put all the money from that settlement into a non-profit called appalachian headwaters and so part of the thing that that entity does, and this is part of what my essay was trying to get at, was that they funneled all this money into, that's my boom, my speaker.
Starting point is 00:37:56 I was gonna play the Robert Byrd thing. They funneled all this money into these nonprofits that then, I guess because they feel guilty and bad about killing coal jobs, and so they funneled all this money into these nonprofits to then, I guess because they feel guilty and bad about killing coal jobs, and so they funneled all this money into these nonprofits to retrain coal miners. So first there was coding, then there was Silicon Holler.
Starting point is 00:38:12 How did we get to beekeeping? Now we're at beekeeping. What was, I just wonder, my question is, what in the calculation was like, let's give beekeeping a whirl? I don't know, but the funniest thing about this story is that it is like for, if you have 20 hives
Starting point is 00:38:30 that might get you $15,000 a year, maybe, maybe. I think it's a big reach, too. Here's why. It's seen as dangerous. These are already people who love dangerous work. You're right, you're right. It's cultural. It'd be particularly dangerous for me if I were at work. Cultural dangerous work. It's cultural. It'd be particularly dangerous for me if I were at work.
Starting point is 00:38:47 Cultural. You're right, cultural. It's connected to an identity. They might be able to cling on to that identity since they've lost their identity as the coal miner. They have lots of land. You're right. It hits all the boxes that the's the just transition people and you get to wear a weird hat they love weird hats they do kkk coal miners beekeepers all of them same hat
Starting point is 00:39:14 same hat for everyone knows you mind you mind coal with hard kkk hats God damn it And they're producing They are ultimately producing He's gonna edit that out Let's hope Could you imagine a bunch of coal miners Wearing KKK outfits And they come out of the mines They're just covered in
Starting point is 00:39:40 This is not funny This is not funny I think it's pretty funny It's not funny. This is not funny. I think that's pretty funny. It's not funny in the... It's not funny funny, but it's kind of funny. Oh, my God. I was just going to say, in both occupations, they're producing a precious resource.
Starting point is 00:40:00 You're right. Honey and coal. Here's their miscalculation. It's been said that coal miners are kind of like chimney sweeps. Mm-hmm. Beekeepers are also like chimney sweeps. Bro, in the 60s, my grandpa was doing beekeeping just as a side job. It's never been.
Starting point is 00:40:21 So if you didn't inherit the family trade. I mean, it was just like he probably had like maybe 10 hives or something. It's never been. So if you didn't inherit the family trade. I mean, it was just like, he probably had like maybe 10 hives or something. It's never been something that's profitable. People do it like on their farms and stuff. It's kind of like putting together model ships more than like making money. You know what I mean? It's just kind of like something you do. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:40 Yeah, so I don't know that. I guess they're running out of ideas. That was clear a while ago. We're going to see how far they can go. We're going to see the craziest, most remote idea. Also, journalists are running out of ideas. Is this a notable story? I mean, really, is it like five people?
Starting point is 00:40:59 Five coal miners decide to be beekeepers? Literally, one, two, three, four, five. There we go. There we go. Five people. And the first sentence of this, just like his grandfather and father before him. They love that, too.
Starting point is 00:41:13 James Cyphers. They love generational shit. Yeah, it's been almost two decades, my Nicole in West Virginia. Blah, blah, blah. It is what, it's when Terrence goes off about nostalgia and authenticity and shit. Well, the thing is...
Starting point is 00:41:27 Because everybody tees up these fucking articles like that. Well, I think, and this is not the place to sort of get into this, but I think that... What is the place? I think that I've spent a lot of time thinking about this in the past couple weeks, but I think that a large reason for this is because in rural communities you have to uphold a sort of conservative social order of things. Which is a gross
Starting point is 00:41:53 error in judgment. Well, I think the way that they do it is by elevating these masculine jobs, these skilled masculine noble jobs over the sort of service industry. Women's work. Yes, exactly.
Starting point is 00:42:07 That's like unskilled but requires 15 fucking hours a day, just grinds them into just nothing. You know what I'm saying? Like for the conservative sort of social order to work in rural places, they have to make sure that there's a divide between coal miners, the noble professions, and the un-noble, ignoble professions, like service industry workers and even nurses and teachers. You know what I'm saying? That's essential, and that's why these just transition people, as they try to keep chasing this out-of-work coal miner thing, they're just reproducing the same sort of social dynamics and relations and shit
Starting point is 00:42:44 that just sort of bol dynamics and relations and shit that just sort of bolster that conservative worldview. I saw Willie Dotson say something like that. He said, I believe in entrepreneurialism's ability to change the world about like I can spell it. And I thought,
Starting point is 00:42:59 and I just say that to say you're seeing that more and more people in this world we come out of are rebuking that idea. It's almost, it's irresponsible. Which is what got me walked at lunch the other day. That's exactly what the fuck I said. At lunch. You don't remember me?
Starting point is 00:43:18 No, I do. This is something I don't remember. It was literally just like, this is why I'm so fucking irritated whenever entrepreneurs are touted as some goddamn solution like the free market's gonna save us you can dump 50 g's on everybody around here and it ain't gonna flip this wouldn't matter no would not matter it gets you through maybe a year i'll tell you this i'll take 50 g's to get me out from under medical and education debt bitch like i owe that i'd. I'd still be in the red. Like, what is your deal? I'm just going to come clean.
Starting point is 00:43:50 And I ain't proud of this at all, but I was in management once. I have the word director in my title. You were also a politician one time. Am I the only goddamn pure one here? You are. You're the only one. You take the moral high ground.
Starting point is 00:44:04 I was never elected. You're the only one that's take the moral high ground. I was never a leader. You're the only one that's been consistent with your views like Bernie Sanders. No, please. No, please. And I will say this. Like, when everybody starts this entrepreneurial stuff, I ran, like, a venerated business in this region, right? Like, you know. The ultimate.
Starting point is 00:44:22 What is venerated? The mecca of the'all star culture respected um you know what i mean like worshiped it's sacred like like the temple kind of like the rub arena of bars the rub arena of bars my god you know what when i describe that establishment usually what i say is if if it were a horse we would have shot it that is my catch line about this well i'm saying i'm saying in the day in the day and so let me tell you this here's the reality it's like when you're out there and you're working in this appalachian just transition stuff and you're encouraging people that don't have capital to get into
Starting point is 00:45:03 entrepreneurialism, you, my friend, doing the encouraging, need to be drug out and shot because you're setting that person up for failure. And it's embarrassing. And it's embarrassing that we're putting all of our eggs in that and selling that bullshit. Well, the funny thing is there's institutional forms to actually bring that into existence, my friend.
Starting point is 00:45:21 There are microloans. There are nonprofits that exist to function as banks that just prey on poor people and give them loans and then exert the exact same kind of institutional pressure on them when they can't fucking pay those loans back. Yeah, you're right.
Starting point is 00:45:36 That's bullshit, man. You're right. Anyway, point being is... I just can't stop envisioning all the weird shit that happened to you when you were trying to manage. Oh, there's a lot. You could fill a whole episode about it, really.
Starting point is 00:45:50 It's not the place for it. Well, I was chewed up and spit out and booed off stage. Every night. Every night of my life for three goddamn years, almost. Most of the coal miners are hard working people i'm sorry i cut you off you're gonna say something else well anyway the thing is it's like one thing i'll say about management is you're just a foot soldier for a rich guy and
Starting point is 00:46:18 that's something i had to learn the hard way that i was a bootlicker yeah yeah yeah yeah and then the other thing too is that like even if you disagree with my position on that i was running a venerated business that was like well capitalized i mean i had to fucking browbeat you know the owners give me money every month but like if something like that can't be successful and you're running ship shape, and the best I ever did, the best year I ever had there was losing $30,000. And that was the best year they had since the first year they opened. Well, there's a contradiction here because a lot of these people who tout these same things are also beating their head against the wall, wondering why Democrats and progressives can't win in these areas. And it's because the sort of institutions and economies that they've set up, they preclude any kind of a base for people that would theoretically vote for left-leaning politicians. Well, it's true.
Starting point is 00:47:21 And then the other thing, too, is I threw out an earnest tweet, which I always get embarrassed when I throw out earnest tweets. It takes me two days. When I throw out an earnest tweet, it takes me two days to shake the shame off. Give me an example. Well, anyway, I said something about Brett Stevens was talking about, like, Venezuela being a socialist catastrophe. He writes for the New York Times.
Starting point is 00:47:41 Yeah, this conservative guy writes for the New York Times, whose dad is a fucking petro garth that in mexico um anyway uh and so like he's just talking you know extolling the virtues of capitalism and saying this about venezuela it's just like here is the capitalist version of that like venez. And I know, we said last week, I know squad douche about Venezuela, really. But I'm saying, like, if indeed it is the catastrophe that these fuckers would have you believe that it is, like, if you come here and you can see
Starting point is 00:48:16 that capitalism is just an abject failure, it's just, it should be shot in the head if it was a horse. Yeah, we'd have shot it years years ago yeah put it right on out of its misery that's why i'm going through communications director uh interviews right now and they are fucking painful but i can't help but remember the last round of these we did a fucking year ago where we couldn't find nobody and we we interviewed a girl in California who said, she literally kept mentioning, she said that she just is so attracted to the agrarian
Starting point is 00:48:50 lifestyle. What agrarian lifestyle? I could name you a goddamn farm in eastern Kentucky. Well, I could name a couple farms, but they've never used the word agrarian. No, they're not farms. They're big gardens. Yeah, that's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:49:05 Whatever, whatever. Anyway, and so that pissed me off. But then, this is what this bitch brought. God, I wish I could track her down. She literally said, I just would love to live where, like, a place where capitalism really hasn't taken a hold. Like, less impacted by capitalism. And she was meaning, like, a like a small town like not a big city and i was just like it was a sky but i looked at my boss i said hang up okay just hang up on her just hang up on her do you hiss at her as you hang up yeah that's my usual when i see dudes in town that i hate and i don't even want to talk to anymore i just hiss at them
Starting point is 00:49:41 at least three of them might have got a hiss out of me. Yeah, it's... That's absolutely insane. That is insane. It's wild. So, yeah. You had to shake off your earnest twink.
Starting point is 00:50:01 That being said, I'd still like to drown Brett Stephens in a bathtub. The national bathtub? The national one. We're going to build a national bathtub to Republican baptize everybody. I guess that's probably about everything
Starting point is 00:50:17 we could say on the out of work coal miners. Out of work coal miners. Okay, give us our next adventure The next adventure It actually ties in with the story you just told So it works There's a game show I feel like we're on You're hot today
Starting point is 00:50:36 You're on one? You're on fire You're having a good cast It's my new boots Those are tight They're waterproof They're a good cast. Am I doing good? You're having a good cast. It's my new boots. I'm not doing so good. I was going to comment on those. Yeah, they're good. Those are tight. They're waterproof.
Starting point is 00:50:47 I'm not wearing them. They're like a good brand, too. And they're cute and good. I'm unemployed, so it's funny. Like, I've got the... No new boots for Terrence. Although Patreon Day is tomorrow, so... Yeah, Patreon Day is tomorrow, praise God.
Starting point is 00:51:01 I literally borrowed money to get me to Patreon Day. I was like, I'll hit you back on the first Patreon drops. Speaking of, go to our Patreon. slash trailbillyworks. But before we stop talking about my outfit, which I just started talking about, it really wasn't you. But this morning, Michelle said, she was like, oh, you look so good. And she was like This is your outfit
Starting point is 00:51:26 That says I'm at work But I could be at your funeral later That is true Yeah it's very dark I got dark tones too though I could be at your funeral later So it's like I felt so powerful today
Starting point is 00:51:38 Now everyone I talked to I was thinking I could just stand over Your dead body later Oh yeah What does my outfit say Fuck with me Fuck with me
Starting point is 00:51:44 Fuck with me Fuck with me Fuck with me Fuck with me Fuck with me Fuck with me Fuck with me Fuck with me Fuck with me Fuck with me Fuck with me Fuck with me Fuck with me Fuck yeah. What does my outfit say? Fuck with me. Schlubby middle. Middle-aged dad. Cowboy. Goddamn cowboy. Buddy, I play guard and tackle. I guard the water bucket. Tackle him back.
Starting point is 00:51:58 Come near it. That's good. Did you hear that at Dairy Queen? That's it. A little Eastern Kentucky humor for you There you go The best one, the best one I ever heard ever was This guy came to sit down The old timers are good at setting a joke up
Starting point is 00:52:17 They'll sit down, they'll just go Because they don't have anywhere to be No They get theatrical with it This guy came, he sat down Bob Barrett He goes So what is it Paul He said
Starting point is 00:52:32 Boy of mine He came in The other day And Paul's wife You know He's one of them Old men That just you know
Starting point is 00:52:40 Brings them young women Around and just Sugar daddies And you know Keeps buying them Margaritas and stuff And they're never gonna have sex with it blizzards go get you a dilly bar go get you him dilly hell you play your cards right i'll buy you a box there you go a box of dilly bars he said
Starting point is 00:53:01 he said that boy of mine came in here and he said dad he said you've been getting any strange he said i looked him and i said he'll be strange if i got any but he set that up for the you know i mean he made it a big thing barbaric barbaric maybe that's what robert burb is trying to do He was old so he's setting up a He's setting up a bit Bob Barrett His long game was to land himself On the trail Billy workers party
Starting point is 00:53:34 Let's go dig his grave Let's go dig up his remains We'll do like on how high We'll just grind his remains up and smoke it Oh my god You ever think about this? You ever think about, like, just think of a random dead person and wonder at what stage of decomposition they're currently in?
Starting point is 00:53:52 No. Robert Byrd died in 2008. Like, I wonder what he looks like right now. This is a good point. Was it that long ago? It was a long... Yeah, it was right... He died before Obama was inaugurated.
Starting point is 00:54:01 Oh, wow. Maybe 2007. That's an interesting point, though. We could talk, dude. The Trillbillies need to do a stoner movie because the plots of stoner movies are so half-assed. It's awesome. Like, the whole plot of How High
Starting point is 00:54:15 was they dig up Benjamin Franklin's remains and smoke them, and they get smart, and they pass their tests. I have the perfect set for this episode. It's that fucking clown place in West Virginia. Oh, the Gesundheit. Drag a
Starting point is 00:54:34 bat deep cut. Stoner buddy comedy. At Patch Adams Hospital. Of all of our horrible misinformation, lies, drags. Half-truths. Yeah, just all of our horrible misinformation, lies, drags. Half-truths. Yeah, just all of our...
Starting point is 00:54:47 That's the only episode we ever deleted. No, actually, I deleted one, and that one's not deleted anymore. None of them are deleted anymore. No, one of them is still deleted. Oh, which one? It's the one that was cited against me when I was fired. Oh, did you delete it? Along with my essay. Well, I didn't delete it, but I just made it. Your essay's deleted? I was fired. Oh, did you delete it? Along with my essay.
Starting point is 00:55:05 Well, I didn't delete it, but I just made it. Your essay's deleted? I was so, no. I was just so ashamed, I just wanted it to go away. Anyway, Gesundheit Institute. That's where we're going to get really stoned. All right. And go do live interviews.
Starting point is 00:55:19 Yeah, okay. All right. Here's your. I didn't mean to make that sound so. That was weird. Yo, go. make that sound so... That was... Like that's so... Like that could never be done. I have another question about our Patreon.
Starting point is 00:55:32 Suddenly I have all the premium episodes. Did you like unlock me or something? No, I gave you the link so you didn't have to pay for it because you didn't want to pay for the Patreon. So I gave you... I thought it was just for that one. Now I have them all. You have them all. You have them all.
Starting point is 00:55:45 You have the RSS feed. That would be hilarious if Don gives a $5. Your money just goes right back in. I refuse. All right, so wait. We didn't actually get to go down the road of the one. I saw someone post this earlier this week, and the headline alone was like, oh this is fucking great.
Starting point is 00:56:07 This is great content. This is going to be excellent. And it goes perfectly with your California girl who wants to move somewhere where capitalism has never touched. The title of this piece originally appeared in
Starting point is 00:56:22 Everyday Feminism, so you know it's going to be good. The title of this piece is Six Things Everyday Feminism, so you know it's going to be good. The title of this piece is Six Things Urban Feminists Should Never Say to Rural People. Ooh. Oh, yes. This son of a bitch sandbagged on us. He gave us the gold mine last. I was like, man, fucking beekeeping, coal miner,
Starting point is 00:56:42 that's fucking so 2017. Get that out of here. This is season four content, right? That's next level. Bring it up. Can you bring it up? I could bring it up. You want me to bring it up on here?
Starting point is 00:56:55 You want to read it along with me or something? Well, I liked the visual aid because I saw, I mean, I got immediately what I needed out of this article. I saw that they had wrote in quotes, boots on the ground. It was a 10 point. I knew immediately everything to know. I needed to know about this. All right.
Starting point is 00:57:11 All right. All right. So the title is Six Things Urban Feminists. I love a list anyway. Yeah. I love a good list. The funny thing about this list, before I get started, I just want to point out, the funny thing about this list is that there is nothing in the
Starting point is 00:57:25 list that denotes any it has nothing to do with feminism per se it's just things that like people in the city might say but it's not something that like urban feminists would say as opposed to just like urban anybody else yeah and um and so it's you know for that reason it should be uh all right so let me speaking of i've got this motherfucker calling in every week to my show asking me to talk about feminism like i'm obligated to because i have a show called feminism i was like buddy g-o-o-g l-e um there's the classic guy That like That wants to prove That he's a feminist ally And so he just like wants to badger you to talk more
Starting point is 00:58:10 Yeah Because he's been hogging the space up You know I never get phone calls In my show on Monday mornings But I always get phone calls on Martin Luther King Day And it's always Some older guy who's like Well uh And mind you I play Fucking weird indie music King Day, and it's always some older guy who's like, well, are y'all not playing?
Starting point is 00:58:26 And mind you, I play fucking weird indie music most of the time, or 80s synth pop, but every time on Martin Luther King Day, if I'm playing like old soul songs and stuff about Martin Luther King, I always get calls with guys that are like, what happened to the
Starting point is 00:58:41 normal format? What happened to the normal? There is no normal. What normal? Yeah, they've made the sin of playing black people music before noon. That's what it is. That just pisses people the fuck off. Okay, two hilarious
Starting point is 00:58:57 things happened at WMT today. This morning was Michelle's show, and so I got to work while she was on the radio, so I went there and stayed with her for a while. And I was sitting like close to her. I can't remember what was happening. But she had her hand on my leg and Red walked in. And she was like.
Starting point is 00:59:14 Oh, yeah. Like I give a fucking. Not gay. And he goes, what are you ladies doing in here? 69 being gay. Being gay, Red. Anyway like fast forward two hours i'm upstairs working and all of a sudden i hear him singing like he's yodeling downstairs loud as fuck and i know immediately what it is and i just didn't even miss it i mean it's like this is common but three people walked by and stopped and said what is that what? What's that noise? I was like, and I just stopped typing.
Starting point is 00:59:45 I was like, it's Red. Red's on the radio. I was like. That is a mistake of the Viet Cong. That is a failure of the Viet Cong strategy. Should have left his ass. There's a gap in their strategy. Yeah, a gap.
Starting point is 01:00:14 There you go. Because they were successful, but they should have left his ass in a fucking foxhole. My God. If your experience has been anything like mine, I know you've probably had to walk a long and bumpy dirty dirt road and for those of you without the citizenship cisgendered and white skin privileges i have bumpy is undoubtedly an understatement well not all of us moved to big city this is the article this is the article you took? This is the article. You find yourself agreeing with it. I'm like, what?
Starting point is 01:00:47 It just seems off from what you said we were going to read. I thought this was a fucking list. It is. It is. She sets it up. The reason why I have to notice this. Oh, I see the word folks. The reason why I have to note this is because right here.
Starting point is 01:01:02 I moved from my small rural hometown in northern california to the bay area because of this many artists activists and culture makers here that i look up to i moved from napa valley hero worship is what made me go and join that rapidly gentrifying piece of land napa valley just wasn't for me. Those vineyards. Never felt at home there. That's the funniest thing about this. Stink like home. Northern California.
Starting point is 01:01:32 Not East Kentucky. Not the Mississippi Delta. I'm not trying to do like an oppression Olympics thing here, but like. I mean, I'm sure there's rural California, but. Yeah, no, I know there is. There's plenty of like redneck-y like. California's enormous. Poverty, trailer poverty, like, redneck-y, like... California's enormous. Poverty, trailer poverty, like, all the kind of Eastern Kentucky shit.
Starting point is 01:01:49 In Cali. But, anyway, carry on. Mm-hmm. Upon arrival, we tend to be greeted with a simultaneous disgust and awe of character from the movie Deliverance. Oh, my God. Skip ahead. Blah, blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 01:02:02 Okay, number one. Oh, my God, that didn't happen. They literally brought up Deliverance Yeah Are you joking God damn I open my mouth
Starting point is 01:02:10 And I smell the racism That ain't no fucking Have you all Watched the Hillbilly movie No we need to Check it out And see what kind of content Good bad
Starting point is 01:02:18 Probably bad huh It's petty I don't even care If the people who made it are listening to this If you made it Get some new ideas It's fine I'm not going to get into it It was fine Probably the best
Starting point is 01:02:36 Story arc they had was about deliverance I'm interested to check it out You should watch it It's been told a million times already. Anyways. It followed a story about deliverance. I didn't know. Anyway.
Starting point is 01:02:50 Number one. This is the number one thing. The moral to the hillbilly story was that all of our, everything we, all the faith and grit and hope we have is in Berea and Hillary Clinton. Are you serious? Yeah, that's the old nation yeah oh boy you know the older i get the better i am at judging things by their covers it's like you probably maybe could have called it as anyway they had a really they they find the dude who plays the kid that does the dueling banjos. Oh, God. And he's, of course, he's corralling. You've got to watch it.
Starting point is 01:03:31 He's corralling carts at Walmart. He's like the buggy guy at Walmart. That'll be my job here shortly. And he tells the story of how they come into his class. He got top cast. Yeah. Yeah. And then they used him for that and then spit him out exactly i had not heard this story i didn't know this
Starting point is 01:03:49 and wow that is good story it was a good story arc this is what this is why this was the best thing they had that might be worth that worth watching they interviewed the two of the act the main two actors who was it like uh burt reynolds and uh warren bailey that's who it was they interviewed him and the director. And they get them talking about how great that movie was. And they talk about how it's always listed on top 50 films of all time. Who was John Voight? They have him. John Voight.
Starting point is 01:04:15 I don't know whoever the fuck it was. Some old white dude. And behind him, he points out all his Grammys and shit, all the awards he's won in the movie. It launched his career. They got him saying all this, like his interview. Then it cuts to old boy in his classroom, which is now an abandoned building. And he's like, well, they all came in here and they looked around.
Starting point is 01:04:38 They picked me out and they put a bunch of weird makeup on me. So they made him look like that. up on me so they made him look like that and and he and in the interview with the guy with the actor he says that he thinks the reason the film was so successful god i wish we could pull this clip for the movie is because of the connection the organic connection that happened between him and the young boy the young mountain boy it just happened they didn't know they didn't know when they were filming that that would end up being one of the best parts of the movie and that it would even shake out to anything. I've never actually.
Starting point is 01:05:10 Let's review this movie for an episode. Cut to old boy. Cut to old boy. And he's literally like, I mean, he's like, yeah, they came and picked me out, put that makeup on me, la, la, la. And, you know, I always wanted to go to Hollywood. I kind of didn't want to be an actor, but I guess maybe my time's now i'm probably not gonna make it he's like should be retired but he's still pushing buggies at walmart and then finally the last thing is she says the woman making the film she says how much money did you make he says five hundred dollars for that movie for that movie
Starting point is 01:05:39 the fucking movie for deliverance jesus christ. And this is after they just interviewed them smug sons of bitches. I bet when they saw that finished product, they were pissed. We gotta go to Florida and take the Reynolds estate and give it to that boy. I've never actually seen that movie. Bert don't need it no more. That was a story arc where I was like,
Starting point is 01:05:59 oh, fuck, this was good. That was smart. The rest of it, I got it. All right, so the six things that urban feminists should never tell a rural person. Okay. Let's get to the list. Does it start with six and go to one? No, but we can do that if you want, because the sixth one is the fucking most.
Starting point is 01:06:15 Okay. Let's go one to six. Yeah. One to six. All right. All right. Number one. So you grew up in White Trash Central?
Starting point is 01:06:22 Would someone say that? No. And that's why this thing is never this is no one's ever said that 100 fabricated and the funny thing about it is that they go on to make woke point after woke point this is infuriating on so many levels you've never been told further people of color and white folks live together rurally in communities all over the country. She even mentions the Delta. She does. Central Appalachia.
Starting point is 01:06:50 I wonder what the link is to. That's fucking hilarious. She linked Wikipedia. Just look at the Mississippi Delta. No one does this. Number two. Didn't you grow up with like no electricity? I actually think I have heard that. And barefoot. Fair fair enough people have been like
Starting point is 01:07:07 oh do they wear shoes and this is people from ohio these are people from ohio i'm at an eastern kentucky university yeah yeah like fucking ripley ohio so goddamn cosmopolitan oh you're dating looking ass is down here throwing stones uh number three but you look so normal and i can kind of understand that one no i never got that indeed tom and i do not look normal it sure don't sound it um number four uh this one's kind of makes sense did you actually come out as queer when you lived there um complicated uh number five growing up around all the rural misogyny must have really impacted your when you lived there. Complicated. Number five, growing up around all the rural misogyny
Starting point is 01:07:47 must have really impacted your love life. That classic thing urban feminists love to say to people from the rural area. This is so weird. That line, heard it a million times.
Starting point is 01:08:02 Oh my God. One of these might be something you might have heard Well the number four People do assume like oh I guess your parents don't know you're gay Right right right I'm not really sure Number six though this one was the kicker Your family shopped at Walmart
Starting point is 01:08:18 What about the boycott of unfair labor practices Oh my god Do you think this is things people would say No fucking way labor practices. Oh my god. Do you think this is things people would say? No fucking way. Nobody would ever say that.
Starting point is 01:08:30 Nobody would ever say. Who wrote this? I don't know. She's a pseudonym. Anna Antipalandrum. And not a very good one at that. That came straight
Starting point is 01:08:43 off a content farm. Yeah, it did. Yeah. Nobody nobody ever that didn't happen to anybody no you're and the writers probably is not from northern california they're like do you think maybe a bot created that is that are we are bots that advanced no um don't you feel like you read something sometimes and this was obviously just like generated in a machine well i feel like if okay if the just transition people really wanted to give coal miners new jobs they could that that would be a pretty good because they should turn to urban feminist actually this makes a lot of sense because then you check off all the boxes of the just transition people give them a job
Starting point is 01:09:21 writing content at with articles like, what urban feminists should never say to an out-of-work coal miner. See? And it would be things like, oh my god, you don't actually mine with your KKK outfit on, do you? Oh my god. I've heard that the uniform's the same. Oh my god. Do you not, the uniforms are the same. Oh my God. Do you know, have you heard of the trail bailings? And in the process, the coal miners get woke.
Starting point is 01:09:52 As they write these articles about what rural feminists, urban feminists shouldn't say to out of work coal miners, they get woke because they learn about misogyny. Intersectionality. Intersectionality, baby. Privilege. Yeah. Number two thing that urban feminists should never say to an out-of-work coal miner. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:10:13 You've never heard of intersectionality? Number three. Oh, I'm sorry. I should have checked my lung privilege at the door. White lung privilege This brings us back to our Episode with oh what's her name Katie Halper Oh man
Starting point is 01:10:32 Black lung white privilege That's a good one Some of my best friends are Some of my best lungs are black So that about probably That's a good note to end on Why are y'all doing an hour and a half episodes? We're at an hour ten
Starting point is 01:11:00 We're still twenty minutes from it You're right A little bit late today Tanya As usual If you leave now You can still make it Before the sun goes down I know y'all know
Starting point is 01:11:10 I'm on a timer We better leave Before Povo 19 hits When the sun goes down It's supposed to be 60 degrees Sunday The polar vortex The polar vortex
Starting point is 01:11:19 William's doing For the Super Bowl I got no plans Nick Offerman's Coming back to town Oh fuck That was the last super bowl yeah wow um nick offerman wait we really did there's one more thing i wanted to talk about before we close the show today on a little bit of a serious note great he's gonna he has to move in with one of us. On a little bit of a somber note. He's losing his house.
Starting point is 01:11:45 I'm converting, yes, back to Catholicism. So there was a... There's an actually interesting thing going on right now in West Virginia. Have you guys read much about it or heard much about it? I don't know. What is it?
Starting point is 01:12:01 Great question. Glad you asked. Glad you asked. Glad you asked. The state senate is trying to basically ram through a bill, an education reform bill, based off of the teacher strikes that happened last spring. And in this bill, it's basically a gun. To me, the best metaphor is they're just holding a gun to these
Starting point is 01:12:26 teachers heads because in the bill there's a five percent pay raise and it and it puts money into the you know peia the public what was it or pia pia the public employees insurance agency you know the two reasons that they strike went on strike but at the same time it contains provisions that increase funding to charter schools increases maximum classroom size and also has a uh and if there's another work stoppage teachers won't get paid and there's also a provision that says that if any of those provisions get challenged, successfully challenged, the entire bill just becomes null and void. What? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:08 How can you, is there any precedent for that? I have no idea, but they're- In a bill? They're using- To say if any, like of any topic, to say if any of these other things don't happen, this is- There probably is, but the point is,
Starting point is 01:13:22 like I said, it's like a gun to their head. It's just like, if they challenge any of it, if they go on of it if they go on strike or anything go teachers already vote to i saw that i saw that and so i don't know who knows what's going to wind up happening as a result of that um but what i thought was pretty you know and some of some people were sort of messaging about this and they were saying that the teachers are, like, really sort of panicked right now because they're just not sure what they can do about it. And I think the most interesting thing about this,
Starting point is 01:13:54 and this kind of sounds like I'm grinding my axe or something like that, but it's interesting how when the teacher strikes sort of popped off, as you like to say. Hey, hold on a second. Hold on a second. Is that what I said? We owe a great debt to Richard Ojeda for that. Carry on, Tate.
Starting point is 01:14:11 Ironically, if he was still in the Senate, he could do something about this. But that dumb motherfucker quit the Senate. To run for president. And then quit that two weeks later. Stupid motherfucker. He's just the dumbest. No, he's not. I take that back. You don't think he's dumb?est. No, he's not. I take that back.
Starting point is 01:14:26 You don't think he's dumb? Richard. You think he's smart? Richard Kralt's a wicked wall. Well, so it's interesting. Not even entertaining. Not even entertaining. I don't know who you're talking about.
Starting point is 01:14:41 Richard Ojeda. No, the leader of the 55. The striking 55, goddammit. I meant the second Richard you said. No, Richard Ojeda. Okay. Well, I guess what I was going to say about that is, isn't it fascinating how all the fucking New York media people
Starting point is 01:15:01 were obsessed, fascinated, enthralled, I would almost say tantalated by the strike when it first happened. And now it's just like, oh, nowhere to be fucking found. I haven't heard a single fucking word from them now that they're actually getting their shit kicked in. It's just, it's so... This is pretty typical.
Starting point is 01:15:23 It's typical, but it shows you how obsessed they are with symbols. Yeah. They're upset, like they just love the symbol of the strike. They can only relate to politics in that way. And this is what's fascinating, Tom, and this is the point I want to make, is that these are the same fucking people who tell us that the only way that every American relates to politics is through symbols, and then they do the same thing, but they don't understand that the vast majority of working people
Starting point is 01:15:46 don't see politics that way at all. They see through symbols and through brands. Through brands, symbols, messaging, slogans, all the shit. And this ties back to what I was saying earlier, what we started the episode off with. Yeah! Yeah! Exactly.
Starting point is 01:16:07 No, anyways. What were you saying? exactly no anyways what were you saying well tying it back is that until a lot of the people on the left
Starting point is 01:16:18 understand that like the only way that electoral politics is going to be successful in these rural areas is through a entire rethinking the only way that electoral politics is going to be successful in these rural areas is through an entire rethinking of how we actually organize people.
Starting point is 01:16:32 And the point is that to actually exert pressure on the political system, they need a base. And they need to fuse the working class of the teachers and nurses and stuff, the sort of skilled but, you know, derided workers, and the other working class, the unskilled service industry workers. And, you know what I mean, like a program of sort of uniting the margins.
Starting point is 01:16:59 Until you actually accomplish that, electoral politics is off the table, material gains is off the table material gains is off the table and but you know this doesn't matter to any of the sort of new york media people they they want you know powerful symbols they want state you know what i mean they want flashy sort of out dash of dash work out of work they want bernie's rock hard cock on fire they want bernie's fucking rock hard cock fucking i even saw a woman who was in cali covering the oakland teacher strikes like a week or two ago um i'd like to know how that shook out that's interesting because i i didn't say anything about this but i because on twitter because there's no way to quantify this but i do genuinely feel like there was way more sort of enthrallment
Starting point is 01:17:46 and fascination with the striking rural red state people last year than there have been with these urban LA workers. LA and Oakland. Yeah, which is crazy because there's probably a fuck ton more people, I'm sure. Don't you think? The school system. Absolutely. Even though it was
Starting point is 01:18:02 the whole state of West Virginia, I mean, that ain't no crime. It was like 35,000 and there's about 35 or 40 000 la teachers on track right now it's about the same but yeah well the a woman who was covering oakland she literally wrote something about how this isn't a she was like you know i'm gonna slaughter what she said i'm sure but it was basically like this ain't about west virginia and if you're only uh understanding of striking teachers and whatever hashtag she was using it's about west virginia you're getting it wrong who said that this some some woman that i follow on twitter who was covering that like she was doing tons of coverage of the oakland strikes oh okay anyway elizabeth katt tried to go after, but I didn't follow to see how far she took
Starting point is 01:18:46 her. See how far the dragon went. Yeah, I don't know what happened, but, because I just saw it and I was like, oh, God. That's how I followed most things. Okay. On there. I mean, what are you even supposed to say to that? I don't even know.
Starting point is 01:18:59 I guess the point I guess I'm trying to make is that people need to seriously reassess why they find certain things so sort of symbolic and fascinating to them. It's just boredom. You're right. I'm putting way too much thought into this. That's interesting. I'm getting neurotic about it.
Starting point is 01:19:20 You expect LA teachers to strike the West Virginia team. That's interesting. When our whole history is based in fucking labor strikes. It's a weird thing. Whatever. I mean, I can't. I know so. I have so little historical reference for essentially everything that I can't throw stones here.
Starting point is 01:19:43 It's all right. You lived it. you lived it You've lived it god damn it You've been there My education greatly failed me My public school education Yeah but you lived the education of life The school of PhD
Starting point is 01:19:55 Hard knocks As a bartender In rural America That was our come up That was our That's why we are who we are that's why we are who we are slinging drinks i was literally bartending the day that the first the day after the uh 2008 election and uh the first thing i heard was well do you hear
Starting point is 01:20:19 what obama declared this morning i mean he wasn't even fucking sworn in yet. He wasn't even sworn in yet. Had to get out in front of him. Yeah, and I was like, well, I'd say he didn't clear anything because he's not been inaugurated. All the white people are to report to the cotton fields. That's what he said. That is a deep fear they have. It really is. Oh, me and Tom talked about this over the weekend.
Starting point is 01:20:46 In the back of every white person's mind, the slightest impingement on their liberty or comfort is literally slavery. They compare it to slavery. This has been going back literally since the American Revolution. They literally use the word slavery in reference to their own potential situation. When they had literal slaves.
Starting point is 01:21:10 In Haiti. We were talking about that. There's been a lot of revolutions that are usually about some fucking statin-popping fucking middle-aged white guy with six dents in bitching about a tax hike that he's calling slavery
Starting point is 01:21:23 when the Haitian Revolution was actually literal slaves overthrowing one of the world's powers superpowers it was awesome what were you gonna say a second ago you know i teased a new segment i wanted to do on the show we might close out with this one about go do it i put out a call for examples anecdotes about rich people being deeply, deeply. Well, that's what I was about to say. What about our billionaires? Like, I feel like speaking of symbols, there is a lot of clinging to the symbol of a billionaire right now.
Starting point is 01:21:57 And it being this, I mean, it is a good symbol of like all that's wrong with the world. All that's wrong. Chad Vickers But what happened The only thing rich people should run for is their lives What happened in the media for everybody to pop off about billionaires Howard Schultz CEO of Starbucks
Starting point is 01:22:14 Starbucks bitch So that's what prompted me To put up this column Plus Terrence coined the phrase Deeply diseased Which I had to remind him of because I heard it
Starting point is 01:22:26 on the radio I had totally forgotten I even said that yeah I did not I did not forget so the one I picked
Starting point is 01:22:36 and they were all good and it was hard but the one I picked was from on Twitter at be my comrade
Starting point is 01:22:44 tells this story was from, on Twitter, at BeMyComrade. Tells this story. Just kidding. Ari, the rich people are diseased thing. I used to be an apprentice to a plumber who worked for some of the richest people in our state. Like 80% of our jobs were for like like 0.1 are in their rental properties there was one giant house we were in there for two days replacing a water heater and redoing half the piping in the basement so they could finish it out the dude wouldn't let us shit in any of his bathrooms
Starting point is 01:23:19 holy shit he would ask us if we had to take a dump when we walked to the bathroom and my boss immediately gave in so we had to drive the van through the security gate down to the nearest walgreens to take a shit oh my god dude they weren't even nice bathrooms a fucker had cheap ass toilets in them there was one house that had to be that that had been built below the local water table where they used were where there used to be a pond and there had to be a bunch of pumps continually pumping groundwater into the backyard otherwise the basement and ground floor would flood the lady had decided to retile the basement and despite being worth hundreds of millions she cheaped out and put limestone tile in the basement.
Starting point is 01:24:06 Would have been fine, except she fucked with the pumps one weekend and flooded the basement and stained all the limestone, because limestone is just a rock sponge. Right, right, right. And blamed me, and made my boss fire me. What? Because she had heard me talking with the maid about student debt and trying to pay it off. Holy fuck! And said that she, quote, wanted to teach me a lesson about respecting money.
Starting point is 01:24:34 Holy shit. The plus side is I got to shit on a lot of real nice thousand dollar toilets, I guess. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. You have to really, really, really, really, like, I know, look, I didn't realize the examples would be that detailed.
Starting point is 01:24:53 I love that. It reminded me of a good example. This is a great segment. Please, submit shit to Tom. This is a great segment. Should I hold mine until next time or do it now? If you got one, go for it. It's just so good. Is it long? We have seven minutes. It's not long.
Starting point is 01:25:09 Till our hour and a half tip off. I'm just kidding. Okay, speaking of us not getting media coverage. Before we move on, I just want to say I'm sorry to be a comrade. That is awful and I hope that one day It's so that one day i hope that one day if some sort of
Starting point is 01:25:30 cataclysmic rupture happens in society called a revolution i hope you get to bury that rich person up to her fucking neck and all the shit and then put it on her face teach him a lesson to respect money that's one yes Teach him a lesson to respect money. That's one fucker. Teach her a lesson to respect some fucking money. Anyways. Oh, damn. And the fact that it all is revolving around sewage systems
Starting point is 01:25:58 is even more. She went a little... Oh, my God. No, that's one of the things they did in the Haitian Revolution to get back at the masters. Bury them up to their neck and then smear their face in sugar so they would just get eaten alive by bugs. Oh my god. That's amazing.
Starting point is 01:26:12 This would be another retribution. I had no idea. This would be the American form of retribution. Smear their face in shit while they're buried up to their neck. You know what I'd like to do to a billionaire? I'd like to take the heavy top part of a toilet that you get into the little water closet with. I'd like to take one out to a strip job
Starting point is 01:26:30 where there's a hot wall. Yeah. Or where there's a mine shaft. Not a hot wall. I've always wanted to dump a body in a shaft. Here's what I want to do. And trust me, there's plenty of them. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:40 So if you're a billionaire, don't go in the woods with me and Tanya. Here's what I would do. Or do. I would break their fucking legs and arms with that top to the water closet. And then I would drop them in the mine shaft so they could never crawl out. And let them starve to death. Mine some coal, bitch.
Starting point is 01:26:59 Yeah. Yeah. Hey. Hey. It keeps the lights on. Keep some bees down there while you're at it do some coding while you're down there let the bastards freeze in the dark god this reminds me of something harvey said one time when he was talking about the french revolution he brought up the french
Starting point is 01:27:18 revolution in a staff meeting and i got so excited i was like okay oh this is great but then what he said was you know it's not i wasn't you know you know, it's not disturbing that they lost their heads. It's that the people lost their way by taking their heads. He would say you'd lost your way, Tom. Those are the people that just don't understand how deeply diseased these people are. Send your deeply, deeply diseased new segment on True Abilities.
Starting point is 01:27:51 You can just DM it to us. Yeah, take this one. This is a good one. This is a good format. Good. Tell the whole story so I can just read it off. A good segment. Here's another example.
Starting point is 01:28:04 I think it might have been 2011 2012 there was a horrific derecho am i saying that right no one storm a derecho a derecho oh you mean a derecho a derecho oh a derecho anyway it flooded and took out multiple communities in West Virginia. They had to beg FEMA for months to come. And literally there are communities that no longer exist in West Virginia because of this storm. And several community centers. It was in a few different counties, but including Pocahontas County and Greenbrier County, where the Greenbrier Resort is.
Starting point is 01:28:45 The height of American opulence, according to Robert Carrow. Well, yeah, and you know who owns the Greenbrier Resort? Jim Justice. Jim Justice. Coincidentally, we couldn't Republican baptize him because he is a flotation divine. Carry on, I'm sorry. Two things here.
Starting point is 01:29:03 One about Jim Justice is were tons of people were homeless immediately displaced no electricity for like 11 days or something and a friend of mine was from there who was was working in food lines they had turned a bunch of like schools and community centers into shelters and they were serving food daily. Like they were trying to have everyone bring their stuff from their freezer so they could cook it quickly and eat it because everything was going bad. It was like a whole thing. But the first thing is that Jim, you know, it trashed the resort, but they were about to have some kind of PGA tour thing there.
Starting point is 01:29:40 Yeah, the Greenbrier every year. And so he puts out a call for volunteers. there yeah the greenbrier every year yeah and so he puts out a call for volunteers while people are living in shelters and anyone able is feeding people for volunteers to come help clean up clean the garbage off the golf course so lest you thought we were fat shaming jim justice there's your justification volunteers well the thing about jim justice's size is that it's probably a result of the fact that his father was also one of the richest motherfuckers in this country and this motherfucker grew up on the literal silver spoon that's obscene this is this is this is corpulence of the on the kind that only generational millions can bring you.
Starting point is 01:30:27 But this is the real story. This is the deeply, deeply diseased example. Oh, we're not even there? No, we're not there. That's disease enough. While all this is happening, one of the women who was working in the food line with my friend, One of the women who was working in the food line with my friend, her phone was ringing incessantly because she cleaned houses for rich people in Greenbrier County with second homes there that lived somewhere else but had a second home near the resort. Yeah. She was, that was most of her work was she cleaned rich people's houses.
Starting point is 01:31:17 One of the owners of the house called her all day one day trying to get her to go out to cross floodwaters to get to their house to see if the electricity was off to get all of their wine out of their wine cellar. Their temperature controlled wine cellar because it was in the summer, the heat of the summer, and all that wine was going to go bad. Oh, my fucking God, dude. You ready? Deeply, deeply... Deeply diseased. Can you imagine? These motherfuckers are so soft.
Starting point is 01:31:42 Like, this is the thing. Once the earth starts really i mean you know granted they're gonna be able to make their own sort of like mini environments to sort of isolate themselves from the sort of warming world you can only do so much man like surely they think they can engineer their way out of coming climate crisis but i hate to tell you this when it hits the fan we're all gonna be tugging on on tea trying to stay afloat jimmy or we might be literally eating you yeah in which case we'll be good through next winter well i wonder if it's the kicking his ass is the same price for kicking Rand Paul's ass.
Starting point is 01:32:26 Well, the people listening to this are like, you know, the people in West Virginia, you know, the story you just told about the teachers. Well, they're getting what they deserve. They voted for them. No. Look, this ties in. People still think that? Oh, absolutely.
Starting point is 01:32:43 Absolutely. First of all. Rich people voted. First of all. First of all. Rich people voted. First of all, listen, we're also taking calls from liberal, I mean, like liberal disease people too. Who are rich. Who are rich, yes.
Starting point is 01:32:56 Let's be frank. There aren't fucking liberal poor people. No. Actually, I'll go ahead and tell you, you actually can't, you actually, if you're rich, you are conservative. You cannot be left, and if you actually, if you're rich, you are conservative. You cannot be left,
Starting point is 01:33:07 and if any, strap if you're rich, because hoarding wealth is a conservative position. And that's the hallmark of who you are. What was I saying? Already our governor election.
Starting point is 01:33:20 What was I saying? No, it was about Jim Justice, it was about people voting against their interests. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. For all you stupid fucks about people voting against their interests. Oh, yeah, yeah, for all you stupid fucks talking about voting against your interests. They voted him as a Democrat.
Starting point is 01:33:29 Even then. He swooped and swapped, first of all. Even then, if you actually think that people vote in this country, like elections even mean anything, especially in rural areas, 80% of poor and working people don't even fucking vote. So who does that mean, vote? Upper middle class people who identify with people like Jim Justice. 20% of us can't even vote legally.
Starting point is 01:33:51 Oh my God. Well, anyways, thank you for bringing that up because it ties it right back to the fucking teacher story. Concentric circles. Wine. Wine. All right, we got to end this. We've been going
Starting point is 01:34:05 way too long. Thank you for listening. If you've made it this far, visit our Patreon. Patreon. You own the prize of getting the pitch. If everyone listened
Starting point is 01:34:15 this long to see if we would pull their deeply diseased story. We'll get to them. We'll get to them. We got a couple. They're all good. That one, I think,
Starting point is 01:34:24 was the... Yeah. Well, you can them. We got a couple. Yeah, they're all good. That one, I think, was the... Yeah. Well, you can find us on Patreon,, P-A-T-R-E-O-N dot com slash Trill Billy Workers Party. Motherfucker. Except there's no motherfucker.
Starting point is 01:34:37 Except there's no motherfucker. Maybe that'll be a tier. Motherfucker tier So donate $5 a month That'll get you all access To all the goddamn episodes You want to hear Because I know you want to hear more
Starting point is 01:34:51 On your Friday night When you're sitting at home By yourself You don't have any friends You're like me You're unemployed All your friends are ignoring you Because they're on their phones
Starting point is 01:34:57 All the time They have significant others So anyways Wow You're like me You have one conversation a week two conversations a week so go to Patreon
Starting point is 01:35:11 they play disease alright go to Patreon bye we'll see you next week

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