Trillbilly Worker's Party - **UNLOCKED** Eldritch Horrors For Harris

Episode Date: August 1, 2024

We got some requests to unlock this week's premium ep and realized we haven't done that in a while so here ya go. Covering the latest election news, analysis on the family as social institution, cover...age of recent events in Israel, etc More episodes like this over on our Patreon:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Well boys is weird the n-word for independent thinkers You know what I think I think I think they're cooking with that one man I would agree that I guess though that I've called people weird ass niggas So that'd be like a nigga ass nigga like I don't know you know what I'm saying redundant So it's redundant exactly um I would say that it is the new n-word You know, how did the n-word become the like sort of rhetorical? Framework for like the Hitler of you know, everybody the first of bad people is the Hitler Yeah, if there's something that's just you can't you just can't say it anymore. It's always the n-word of
Starting point is 00:00:40 but I feel like Feel like it's kind of a catch-22 though I don't know if I'm using that term right but it's like when you say the n-word people already thinking of their head the word nigga you know I'm saying it pops up like a cartoon bubble like a thought bubble yeah you know to me so you can't but I think to answer your question Tom I think it's because like I mean I don't know like niggas have got like not the worst of it I'm not playing a pressure Olympics here but it's something so egregious
Starting point is 00:01:05 You know what I mean that it just serves as a base example, you know Well, that's it's about time free thinkers get their own slurred though They've had it too. They've had it too good for too long. We need to start boxing them in again, you know marginalizing them Although I do think that we need to start. Um, I mentioned this I think we need to start expanding on weird You know because I already feel like there's over saturation like when I saw Hillary Clinton posted something I was like it was like the Walter White meme with him screaming in the car No, Hank like she she she at this point. I think she is the kiss of death So I think it's pretty much I think it'll be spent. Or will they, I don't know, will Kamala make that Waltz guy who came up with the VP?
Starting point is 00:01:52 But what I'm saying is I think we need new synonyms, some terms instead of weird, you know? Hillary Clinton single-handedly killed a lot of things that were in the zeitgeist. She killed hot sauce in my bag swag. She killed dabbing. She killed Bratz summer. She killed Broad City. She killed Broad City. sauce in my bag swag she killed dabbing she killed Brett summer she killed Broad City she killed broad she killed Broad City that's so true and now she's gonna kill everybody squeezed about 48 hours of joy out of the only rhetorical
Starting point is 00:02:16 thing the Democrats have done worth a fuck in many years is rightly call out these fucking slovenly wet fucking pitot weirdos as what they are. And now, here comes Hillary Clinton ready to throw a wet blanket on all of it. You know what, I think, I think, I almost think that's all purpose because I think she's salty because deplorables backfired on her so hard, you know?
Starting point is 00:02:38 And now she's like, oh, like, that's basically what I was saying. It's like, uh, kind of sure, I guess, but. Or, or she knows she's the kiss of death and she's purposely trying to tank it So Kamala won't be the first woman vice president or the first woman president What was it what Hillary Clinton has thought was hers for the last 25 years, you know? Thinking like of Hillary Clinton as a character who because she feels like she's been disgraced, you know Throughout her political career. She makes a career out of ruining other people's cover a little career careers
Starting point is 00:03:12 You know what I'm saying? Oh, it's a Machiavellian shit professional killjoy, but Machiavellian style, you know a Political assassin in the other way. Yeah, that's right. Well, it gets us something that I've not really understood for a while Which is that like why? Obviously these people don't believe in anything like why are they still beholden to some ideological? Commitments you know I'm saying like okay like in the chat the other day I Speculated that maybe what's really going on here is Sort of like how the situation at and this is like totally sued shit but how everybody compares everything to ancient Rome, but
Starting point is 00:03:57 How like at the end of the Roman Republic things had kind of gotten untenable and the elite needed like a new social compact? and like I speculated that maybe that's what was going on here like maybe They convinced Trump to throw the election because backing out of the debate is not something you're doing if you're trying to win, right? Getting Vance on your ticket and you're not trying to win So it's like what what is he doing? Is he intentionally trying to throw it? And if so, I want to see the vaguest odds on Kamala winning and pardoning Trump.
Starting point is 00:04:34 Like if that's, that'll probably never happen, but I guess the point is, is like, if this were really like, if this were really like Roman times, and it was just power for power's sake sake like what's stopping Joe Biden from like Teaming up with his former enemy sort of like a Mark Antony Pompeii like, you know, Augustus Octavian thing like right what's stopping them from teaming up with their former enemies to like defeat or conquer You know what I mean to like win
Starting point is 00:05:03 My enemy is a friend Yeah, right well I mean I mean like I do It is it is an interesting thing to kind of wonder about if Kamala would pardon him You know because there's always this talk of unity I mean even after Trump almost got like his dome. You know his block knocked off He was talking about unity you, Biden's talking about unity. So it'd be interesting if like,
Starting point is 00:05:27 well I guess this was the same party, but I guess Gerald Ford had part in Nixon, correct? Yeah. Right, but it's within the same party, right? But it was, I guess it was sort of the salve after this years long sort of turmoil, political turmoil. But yeah man, I think, yeah you're right, that instability is bad for business, you know what I mean? termal but uh yeah man I think I think I think yeah you're right that that the
Starting point is 00:05:45 that instability is bad for business you know what I mean so maybe even the weird thing is part of that right just kind of say like okay we don't actually care about any of these families you know what I mean but these guys are insane you know and they're disrupting business as usual you know what I mean I can't make heads or tails if the Trump skip in the debates thing it like shows like an Uncomfortable amount of weakness for him which makes me think that maybe Terrence is onto something that there is some sort of backroom Parlor deal being made here that we're all getting kind of being snowed as part of that could be completely conspiratorial because the other thing is It's like
Starting point is 00:06:22 Maybe he is just a jock who has memorized all his lines, you know what I mean? And he memorized all those lines in preparation for Joe Biden, because it's not hard to see Trump as like sort of a TV news anchor, you know, like a Ron Burgundy esque, I just read off the teleprompter, anything off the teleprompter type guy. And so maybe what it is, is he's just trying to like buy time to like recapitulate to what what his strategy would be taking on Kamala versus versus Biden but but still that doesn't account for the weight like Trump It's just a weird amount of weakness for him to show to have like, you know
Starting point is 00:07:03 Nothing on the other end seemingly. All right you know what you got me thinking about, like how when the slap had happened, when Will Smith had slapped Chris Rock, and people were saying that this was like, this was a sigh off, you know what I mean? Like so that people would continue to watch this award show that's like, the viewership has been going down for a while now.
Starting point is 00:07:19 And that would be funny if it was staged like that, but I think, I think okay, we're like realistically I just think that You know him as an as a sector generic a septa generic in right him is like basically an octogenarian his oldest Joe Biden pretty much a few years younger, I guess but going up against Kamala Harris, you know Like I mean, I don't know dog like that would that know it's no longer two old guys in the race, right? Yeah, you're right. It's a middle-aged black woman and you and you're gonna look much worse compared to her Especially if she runs with this weird shit and I love that. I just have to keep bringing that up because they're both weird
Starting point is 00:07:53 They're fucking all weird, right? I mean like I'm saying in the chat that the libs are clapping like seals for fucking Hitler last week You know and but it's just like I think it would her just saying it It's like it's like it's like just saying it out loud, you know and manifesting it and him having to respond to it I think it wouldn't just be an online thing I think people would be like yeah, that guy's kind of fucking weird, you know, you know But who didn't think he was weird already, so it doesn't fucking matter. I think you're right. It's like the Nixon Kennedy thing It's like what you put them up next to each other. It's like Trump immediately becomes like less
Starting point is 00:08:27 Kennedy thing it's like what you put them up next to each other it's like Trump immediately becomes like less attractive and kind of I mean like all come all Kamala has to do is just pick like Roy Cooper or fucking Andy Beshear or even a Shapiro guy and Immediately overnight you've got like the good-looking ticket versus the you know what I mean like the Ugo's like You got you got female Obama, and you got white Obama versus like yeah It's like you know, which I have to say man you you said that to me the chat dude And I it's so I said to you. It's so Not disturbing distressing is the better word I mean they're both synonyms, but it's just I get this really almost uncanny valley like feeling
Starting point is 00:09:01 You know like what the fuck am I looking at when all of these white guys are talking like Obama? They have the same cadence, and I don't know I've never heard Josh same nonverbals Shapiro, I swear he does that little mouth thing Obama does where it's like a little bird beak thing he is He purses his lips and looks into the crowd after you know after he just like knows that he just served cunt He does that little bird beak thing he does kind of that he just served cunt he does that little birdbeak thing Kind of that stare off like he called a shot, you know Yeah, like this tight lip kind of staring off into the sunset I love him do that though remember like when booty just was running everybody was like Why do all these people tried to sound identical to Obama?
Starting point is 00:09:37 It's because there's a stasis there like in the lib imagination like the Obama era was like the hot of like decadence political great, especially in like, you know, the era where they've made, like what Nancy Pelosi said, it's all about identity on our side now or whatever, you know. But they view that as sort of Camelot now, whereas the Kennedys were that, you know, in the 60s, 70s, 80s, probably even into the Clinton era, you know. The Clintons had it for a second, but then the Obamas came and put that out, you know. And so it's weird to see all these people just copying him rhetorically, non-verbally, trying to match his cadence, his mannerisms, his walk. You're a white person copying a black man
Starting point is 00:10:23 pretending to be a white person, bro. Like, what is, it's like, it's like Tropic Thunder, you know what I'm saying? Where Robert Downey Jr., his character, thought that he was black. So when the black guy was like, he's like, wait, wait, Robert Downey Jr. is like, what do you mean you people? You know? And for a minute, I for watching the movie, I forgot a real nigga was in the movie, dog. I forgot a black guy was in the fucking movie, yo.
Starting point is 00:10:44 It is strange. I forgot a black guy was in the fucking movie It is strange yeah another thing that could be a foot with the Trump thing is like Trump ultimately like this is the scare in the hose ticket and Trump doesn't want to be a part of the scare in the hose Ticket like Trump is a cool guy. You know what I mean? So he might but you know that meme from Summer Jam Oh one Where it's like Jay-Z and like the whole Rockefeller teams like around them all these guys that like everybody's like long since forgot about except for a couple of them you know I mean, and they're all like on his shoulder and Jay just has this look on his face like And then like the meme is like the minute Jay decided he was done with these guys Maybe Trump is having his like Jay Z at summer jam 2001 mama where he's like wait
Starting point is 00:11:30 I'm a grotesque reanna laughing because I've I've cast my lot with these fucking weird asses You know what I mean, so he's trying to throw the thing well I saw that there so like I had asked on Twitter like Are we ever gonna get any like deeper explanation as to why Trump chose JD? Other than just he has beautiful blue eyes, but that's that might be a sufficient answer because Trump is Trump, right? It's like he's very clean. He's low fruity, bro. He a little fruity
Starting point is 00:12:05 Getting hypnotized Trump is Trump, right? He's very queeny. He's a little fruity, bro. He's a little fruity, sir. Yeah, he's fruity. He's a lot in the ass. I can see him getting hypnotized. But some people pointed this out to me. I think it was Matthew Ellis pointed this out to me. It seems that what had happened was after Trump almost got his top blown off, he had one of those Roger Sterling after the heart attack
Starting point is 00:12:25 moments where he's like, bring my family close to me, I need them all near me. And like, felt this kind of like, you know, fake sense of, you know, familial devotion and vulnerability. And in that moment, that's when Eric and Don Jr. were basically able to talk him into getting Vance and so now like Three weeks later now that that has worn off and he's gone. He's back to just being you know, his normal Trump self
Starting point is 00:12:54 He's like got buyer's remorse and he's like mad because he wanted burr burr Zim or burgam or whatever that guy's name He wanted barbic or knees. Yeah or Burgum or whatever that guy's name is. He wanted barg bickernes. Yeah, and so if that's true, and who knows, we may never know if that's true or not. If that's true, that means the assassin did actually have, or the would-be assassin did have an impact on history. Oh, he was the fulcrum upon which history turns, brother.
Starting point is 00:13:20 Thomas Matthew Crooks. Stood a fort in history, it change it. It's two things It's the assassin plus Joe Biden shitting his pants on television at the debate Dude and those two things happening coinciding it. I just want to say man I I was thinking about um Trump spires remorse and um after clips had come out of JD on that the Amy Teresio, basically, I mean, I guess instead of saying like a normal person that we should expand the child tax credit, like he's like he tied it to like this patriarchal sort of good versus good versus bad sort of, you know,
Starting point is 00:13:59 dichotomy or whatever, right? Very paternalistic, actually, rather. And Trump was asked about it, I think by Laura Ingram or whatever her name is on Fox News. And dude, he was like kind of speechless, not speechless, but he sounded like Joe Biden. You know what I mean? He was just kind of fumbling, stumbling over his words. And he's never like that, dude. So you could even see the gears turning in his head where he's like, like, I don't know, man, you buy a new pair of shoes, you know what I'm saying? And they're like discounted and you can't return them and the minute you start walking out the store you
Starting point is 00:14:26 Wear them for a few days. You're like, yo, these are pinching my toes. Yeah, but I can't return them I guess I can sell them on eBay. I guess you just sell van. He could sell Vance on eBay You can see his insecurity about the all of a sudden becoming the grand old man in this race Too cuz he was like Kamala. She's 60. I didn't know she was 60. I thought she was younger race too because he was like Kamala she's 60 I didn't know she was 60 I thought she was younger that's weird because Trump's usually like he's a nasty guy you know like he like really goes in but like he's just like I don't know maybe she's just I thought she was younger you're right I think that's the explanation for why he
Starting point is 00:14:59 pulled out of the bay I think that's that I think it's that simple I think he just doesn't want to have to like because like Hillary Is almost his age right there on the right age? Like I can see that for sure. I mean it's just also just too. It's just it couldn't be the the the contrast or juxtaposition Could it be more striking? It's an old white guy a racist old white guy versus a racist old white guy uh-huh versus the chicken I tell you well yeah yeah yeah like for reals right come on dude the weird thing about that JD Vance
Starting point is 00:15:31 quote by the way though on Amy Therese with that um was that the same thing where he was talking about like people who don't have kids need to be taxed yeah yeah yeah which people were like oh that's kind of how it works having dependence and the child tax credit But not in the way that he was saying it, right?
Starting point is 00:15:49 It's not now he was coming from the other end. But yeah, that was that was the same clip Well, I went I was like I read this book a few years ago, but then the Nazis called behemoth The theory and practice I think it's called like the theory and practice of the Third Reich or something but it's like this fascinating section about like the things that the Nazis did as soon as they got to power to like Encourage family making like they obviously did away with any kind of like birth control and like reproductive control And then they gave like tax credits to people having kids and gave like tax credits to people having kids and ostracized people who weren't having kids. And then, but then I was like, well, actually,
Starting point is 00:16:30 and it gets tempting to be like, oh, these JD Vance, they're weird people, because they want the same thing, but then like if you look at welfare reform in the 90s, that they just literally did the same thing. And in fact, if you read the text of the welfare reform bill it literally says this is in that Melinda Cooper book it literally says that they're encouraging family making and that they're punishing people for not being in families and so it's like it's a classic example of like how the libs are just as weird as the conservatives
Starting point is 00:17:02 because like they they actually do these policies but they just don weird as the conservatives, because they actually do these policies, but they just don't say the quiet part out loud. Which is, the conservatives can kind of get above their raise in a little bit, and kind of go really hard on Amy Tereshia's show, or something about how we need white family. Because their base are like family people, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:17:20 But the Democrats have their brand to consider. But ultimately in the end, both parties are capital, and both want to replenish the human capital stock when that's not happening it throws the whole project in and also just the family as a externalizing institution for like neoliberalism's externalities Like that's why they did that in the first place because like they weren't gonna have a welfare state so it's like
Starting point is 00:17:47 Oh, it's just gonna read down to families and they can do little mutual aid groups with each other so they can share money and resources and Since we're not gonna like provide for them through the welfare state They can just like hit each other up for $20 here in there and that'll be like good enough You know now I just want to say you know what it's like It's like they both they both express like in their ideology in some varying ways like the 14 words You know what I'm saying? We have to score a future for our white children But the conservatives do it where they like chisel it onto like a stone tablet like Hammurabi's code or some shit
Starting point is 00:18:21 Uh-huh. Yeah, like the Democrats they just have it in like an Instagram filter that has hearts around it, you know what I'm saying? And ribbons and rainbows and shit like that, you know what I mean? But it's the same fucking thing, you know? It's just more palatable, I guess, to some people. Well, and then you see kind of what the Clintons did with welfare to work in the 90s.
Starting point is 00:18:39 Like I saw like, I saw my mother like try to raise, well, at times, four kids, as many as four children by herself. And the messaging around that about how, if you were just going to stay on welfare, you were just gonna be in this stasis and you would just never amount to anything. And I'm not saying there's anything wrong with taking pride in what you produce in the world
Starting point is 00:19:04 or anything like that, but I saw my mom paralyzed by that sort of stigmatizing of that to like, oh, well at times when we needed the assistance or anything like that, she refused. She would take extra shifts, she was cleaning offices after working eight hours a day. She was working at the diner in Weisberg when she wasn't doing that.
Starting point is 00:19:24 All because of the stigmatizing of Single mothers like just being sucks on the system or whatever You know and she would say to me like you know I want it better for us I want it better for us and like that always made me really incredibly sad that like Like she had some some symbols of her self-worth tied up in you know What these assholes had made her feel you know they were so Committed to the patriarchal family form that instead of just giving single mothers Money and resources they expended that same money and resources to literally track down deadbeat dads
Starting point is 00:19:59 Which is like yeah, fuck deadbeat dads, but like you're not it's like squeezing blood from a stone Why not just give single mothers money instead of like trying to like enforce this? Nuclear family form where people aren't gonna be happy anyways. You know what I mean? Yeah, you're gonna increase likelihood of domestic violence You know what I'm saying? It's just the Democrats did all that that was baked into policy that was not like Then that's basically what Vance and That was not like, and that's basically what Vance and them are saying now, but it's just like, I don't know. Well, the entire undercurrent, I guess,
Starting point is 00:20:31 of the policies are punitive, right? It's about punishing people. It's just about the conservatives doing it openly against people that they detest, and I guess the liberals just, I don't know, seeing it as something that's just sort of, I don't know, logical, irrational to do, you know, to keep the money pumping, you know what I mean? And to keep people kind of just, you know,
Starting point is 00:20:54 just kind of fracture any sense of community, right, and to alienate people further, you know. Well, what is it, Terrence, you had read that book. It was really kind of getting into the sort of the What is it, Terrence, you had read that book, it was really kind of getting into the sort of the, the way that like the student loan scam was engineered and like what that meant for families. I can't remember what it was called, but I remember you talking about like the sort of Fordist, you know?
Starting point is 00:21:15 Family values, it's Melinda Cooper. Is it the same book? Yeah, it's the same book. You're talking about, yeah. Like what is it about the family unit that becomes sort of the like the framework to like do all these sort of experiments on I guess is it just the fact that You produce children in this context like it why is there so much emphasis put on family in such a way that it's like
Starting point is 00:21:39 you know because capitalism tends to it has a tendency towards disrupting the family. And, but there's a counter tendency where you have to maintain the family in order to have social reproduction. And the state doesn't want to take on the responsibility of maintaining the family. So what it will do is they'll engineer these punitive measures to basically coerce people into having families that are not good like they're not good couplings You'll be you'll be married to someone you don't want to be married to All kinds of things come out of that substance abuse domestic violence and stuff
Starting point is 00:22:19 And then that tends to then unravel the family. So it's like in their attempts to both control for the main then unravel the family. So it's like in their attempts to both control for the maintenance of the family due to capitalism's tendency to unravel the family, they wind up also unraveling the family, but then becoming more and more punitive towards keeping it together. And that's the thing, is the Democrats have always sort of put, at least since the 90s they've pushed this
Starting point is 00:22:46 policy but they don't say it in the same way in the same weird off-putting way this is the weird thing about like the the Democrats current position about like Republicans being weird it's like and this has always been the case especially since Clinton like if you can just find like a charming handsome smooth enough talker you can like present all the same weird off-putting policies as the Republicans But just do it in a way that's like charming and you know, whatever it's like right. It's it's why it's weird It's like it's on one hand. It is true. Like that. These Republicans are weirdos Like they're talking about all this stuff
Starting point is 00:23:20 But on the other hand the Democrats also believe more or less the same things but they they have to like what did you say earlier Tom Nancy Pelosi saying after the election it's all identity on our side now that's all where she said that yeah that's their way of sort of like mystifying and in that way that's neoliberalism to a tee it's like I was trying to I was talking about this with somebody the other day that the like neoliberal turn from Considering like these identity markers like race and hetero normativity and everything in like loan making in Banks the turn from doing that to credit scores It is it was kind of like billed as this like progressive
Starting point is 00:24:04 Thing passed like yeah these these older ideas like racist hierarchy and everything But it didn't actually do away with any of those things That's why it's neoliberal it like mystifies the fact that like all of those things still exists in society like racism and hierarchy And sexism and all that stuff But it like tries to paper over it with these kind of like wonky technocratic reforms and make everything the Democrats have done really since the like 80s has been basically that But they don't but they don't like explicitly say any of it. And so that's why it's it's like
Starting point is 00:24:40 It's they they're they're right when they again they're right when they call the Republicans weird because these people are weird but like the Republicans are like kind of the The unrepressed like id or whatever of the Democrats ego or whatever like they're the manifestation of all the weird things that Democrats do Think and then and but it's like this weird like Identity crisis playing out in front of our eyes. It's like you've got the two parts of the same person It's like the weird ugly off-putting part that you kind of try to repress and don't want to show in society and then outward You're the handsome like it's a Jacqueline Hodge situation. It is It's really embodied in Bill Clinton who is outwardly was like this area that very smooth talking like charming
Starting point is 00:25:25 Howdy Doody Southerner, but like you know it was like you know you kind of a smooth talking playboy but a complete grotesquerie like behind the thing even down to his Peyronie's disease. You know what I was thinking. Calcified plaque in his cock that makes us. You know what I was thinking two turns, you were talking about as soon as you get someone who's a smooth talker and who seems relatable to people. I keep seeing these videos of Kamala,
Starting point is 00:25:52 and especially videos where she talks about cooking or food, right? And it's very personable. Like there was one where she was talking to this 10 year old about what their favorite tacos are. And she was like, Karnita's, do you like onions in them? And just talking to, not even the way you people normally talk to children like babies but talking to this kid like the way you should talk to children and i was thinking about like how personable she seems
Starting point is 00:26:15 when she talks about like these like um these sort of banal or mundane bits of minutia about everyday life you know and how trump kind of has the same affectation when he talks about the water pressure of toilets, you know, and how all of this is just basically whether they're both pursuing identity, right, whether it's white identity politics sure on the right, but it is also this identity that that aims to kind of, I don't know, be more down to earth, you know, more again mundane, you know. I wouldn't even say proletarian, but just sort of like just talking to the common man Where the Democrats manifest that in like, you know, they're liberal brand of identity politics, you know
Starting point is 00:26:52 But I mean, they're both they're both doing the same fucking things, you know, it's just again It's about how they express themselves, you know, but for a moment the doctor are the We're just saying this mr. Hyde was the monster. Dr. Jekyll was the doctor Frankenstein was the doctor and that's so weird Oh the monster. That's so maybe that's on purpose though. Maybe it's they did that because you would think Jekyll would be the monster right? It was the monster but for a moment the the mask almost did slip. That was the thing about Biden It's like that grotesque repressed id Was like manifesting like and they could not suppress it like they were trying so hard to like It really was like watching like Tony Soprano or like Don Draper or something try to repress this like ugly
Starting point is 00:27:38 grotesque part of themselves and like just failing miserably but then like You know, right, but then but then they finally pulled it out in the end like you know what I mean they finally they were snapped to they were like oh shit like I really need to get my shit together that's because his brains were leaking out like this is a Pruder film and like that coming like just have a cork like a cork and pop it what is theirs but yo dude you're so right because even the way it was manifesting physically whether he was doing Botox It looked like his face was like you've said it was pulled It was stretched taught over the bone as if something was emerging from beneath
Starting point is 00:28:15 Yeah, they're trying to make fun of Matt Gaetz for you know Maybe this weird because he's like, you know 40 and not a hundred He looked he looked like a yassified Max Payne bro, like a PS What that's the thing that's why That's what like their refusal the whole thing is kind of more psychoanalytic than it is structural like there if they're long-term Refusal to make Biden step down and replace it with Kamala Was in the classic like psychoanalytic sense like a mirror image or a metaphor for like their Increasing inability to keep that part of themselves tamped down and repressed and says like
Starting point is 00:29:03 But and and like I said like they almost for a minute like they almost managed not to it seems like um And I don't know if this is true, but me and Tom are talking about this other night like Seymour Hersh had this story. Did y'all see this that like? Biden actually had like a medical emergency, but they called it kovat, but, but did y'all see that? Do we have a heart attack or some shit, bro? Like, what'd you... Like, I just hate that... They don't really say, right?
Starting point is 00:29:31 He said like some sort of White House source of Hershes said that, like, he actually had a serious medical event and they called it COVID just to like stall for time. Yeah. That's kind of dark that we live in a time where a covert is just the ambient background noise in a way That you could just be like yeah This guy has coping like he just has this disease that people of millions of people have died from younger than him. But yeah I don't know Yeah, it seems like they're they pulled it off though
Starting point is 00:29:59 And I mean who knows if it'll work but has kamala gotten in on the couch fucking memes? She's gotten in. I mean obviously or no, no, not kamala. I know kamala has has hillary Kamala gotten in on the couch fucking memes? She's gotten in I mean obviously or no no not Kamala I know Kamala has has Hillary Clinton got in on the couch fucking memes Well now but she did like I said she did come out with this tweet where she said if Republicans don't want to be called Like weird off-putting or creepy maybe or controlling maybe they shouldn't be which immediately people I mean I responded with like with a picture of her in 1990 something at Donald Trump's wedding when he got married to Melania Her fucking yucking it up with him. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:30:28 Cuz like you said like we just said they're just as fucking weird, but um yeah, man Do y'all let me ask you guys a question do you clinton's had slaves? The 1980s that slaves of the goddamn Arkansas Capitol house Let me let me ask you guys a question though. Do you feel like? like sometimes I feel like these arguments, these rhetorical arguments are like, I mean, if you don't already think that they're weird, then who is this going to convince, you know? But it does feel like an air of inevitability almost that Kamala will win. But do you see, like, do you see this, like this weird shit actually working and having long-term ramifications for the way that people see the conservative the Republican Party, you know, or I guess voter engagement or participation I
Starting point is 00:31:13 I've kind of started recently looking at it more like 2008 It feels very much like 2008 and I was like a baby in 2008 like I but I still remember it and I still remember all through that like I but I still remember it and I still remember all through that like I mean I was just kind of a bog standard lib like I wanted Obama to win but I also was still living in Hobbs New Mexico so I was like surrounded by Republicans and I was like still though like pretty much correct me if I'm wrong Tom was that your first election that was yeah she voted in yeah yeah yeah I mean correct me if I'm wrong it felt all year that like yeah but Obama's got this like sewed up like as soon as Palin entered
Starting point is 00:31:52 the race and it's kind of the same thing with Vance like as soon as Palin entered the race it was kind of like yeah McCain's fucked like there's no chance here and I kind of feel like that's kind of what's going on with this election and the irony here is that the like more bun like long-term disaffected Politics that people are rejecting like in 2008 They were rejecting like eight years of Bush and like Iraq war and Patriot Act and all this stuff now what they're rejecting is eight years of This kind of like weird Trump heavy inflation Bidenomic thing, but the irony is that like
Starting point is 00:32:31 one of the main players of that is literally Obama's vice president who was ostensibly the most progressive president of our time. So it's a weird deal. Yeah, we forget about that. It was just a week ago. The most progressive, two weeks ago, yeah. Most progressive president of all time,
Starting point is 00:32:51 now they want this man fucking in a cave somewhere. You're so right, Terrence. It's just like after like eight years of like Trump and then Biden, right, and then Kamala, it feels like it really does feel like a return to these Obama era politics, you know? Especially obviously in the liberal identity politics sense, but also just like, I don't
Starting point is 00:33:12 know, just making people feel, it's like, oh, it's more even just psychic, right? Yeah. Just psychoanalytical, like you said, it's just making people feel, even as we're swirling down the sink, down the drain, making people feel as if there's some stability, right? Even as things begin to fray and crumble around us, you know what I mean? I think with that 08, I think that's a good comparison to it. I think the 08 election, what I can recollect of it, it seemed like going into it that,
Starting point is 00:33:42 you know, we had eight years of Bush, the Rock World, this kind of stuff, but it seemed like at first Hillary Clinton was the heir apparent. Right. And then people thought, well, do you mean to tell me that since 88, we will only have had a Bush or a Clinton in the fucking White House? And so Obama was kind of a correction to all that. Like who was the other? And the other guy was John, what's his name?
Starting point is 00:34:09 Pretty boy with the cheated on. The one that said, aw. John Edwards. John Edwards. John Edwards, yeah. So it was basically like a three dog race between Hillary Clinton, who was first, John Edwards and Barack Obama. And then Obama, after that star turning speech
Starting point is 00:34:24 that he gave, I think it was at the DNC or something or whatever it was when he was you know a little known senator from Illinois then his star started rising and he kind of yeah but then like but at a certain point I was like yeah this there's just too much daylight between Obama and like he's yeah he's like the presumptive guy and then they tarred McCain with John McSame, you know Well, they derailed the straight talk Express and that's that's what I mean. Like I Think that McCain's biggest thing in that well there he had two things going against them One of which was like he was Bush's party, but like the Palin thing I think that's what I was getting at a minute ago like Palin and Vance are very similar very similar and it's like why I
Starting point is 00:35:08 Don't know But I that's why I kind of feel like Kamala's a sort of shoe in because I remember in 2008 as soon as they added Palin to the ticket I was like well fucking McCain's fucks like there's no way he's You know to me, but it's like it's like a stone like tied around your foot You know what wasn't taught I think Tom weren't you telling me this the other night you and Chris were telling me that like Generally like in all elections like when you announce your VP pick doesn't it usually net you like a 10-point 15% like most most VPs are pulling at 15% favorite like the average half of all of them at 15 JD was at minus 6 Like the average half of all of them at 15 JD was at minus six
Starting point is 00:35:47 At the announcement You know what I mean? So like if they could have put any of us in there on that ticket and we would have been 15% favorability Brother, I just want to know like I mean I know like, you know, the Trump campaign is you know They're not very people aren't really good at what they do. None of these people are I guess but I mean they went election Sure, but did nobody vet this. But I mean, they went election, sure. But did nobody vet this guy? I mean, did he really get talked into this? They went election.
Starting point is 00:36:10 Election. Went election, exactly. But like, yeah, I guess you're right, Terrence. That like, you know, Eric and his other son, Trump Jr., they just really cajoled him into this when he was having a fever dream and seeing the tunnel You know, he just heard their voices like disembodied like God And Madam C JD Vance's head up here within the tunnel
Starting point is 00:36:34 He was like, okay, that's the guy but like why would you like if for JD himself? You have political ambitions dog and you're gonna to go on shit like this weird fucking podcast, yo, you know what I mean? And say this insane shit and not think that it's going to come back to bite you. But I guess this is how, I mean, Trump, Trump who hates people who are incredibly online, even though he himself, you know, Twitter, but he just hates people like this. He hates people like JD Vans. And he got tricked into like, you know, fucking having meds as his running mate, dude. I think what they did, they made a similar error to what John
Starting point is 00:37:06 McCain made with Sarah Palin. He put Sarah Palin on that ticket to shore up some of his weaknesses with like women voters and to like sort of deflect some of the criticisms. But she was also, Sarah Palin was also, you know, a fumbling at the mouth, fucking insane person. And that was apparent from day one. Also too bombed and ate shit during their first night like JD like to me JD's like I love you guys that yeah
Starting point is 00:37:30 doctor that Mountain Dew gaff was similar to the pit bull with lipstick on thing that Palin dropped remember they just like everybody's like that's not very funny. Same thing they reminded me of when Claude Bouchard was like we have a saying where I come from all foam and no beer. Like they just make up these weird things that aren't even things, you know, like nobody says that. And then the thing that JD, I think that I think why he probably made the ticket and why they probably didn't vet him too tightly is because I think in some way
Starting point is 00:38:00 he provides the image of some substance and some like intellectual substance on that ticket. But it's kinda like what we were talking about. Like if, it'll say even somebody like Bashir would have been the VP nominee. Bashir is a guy that appears like droopy dog, but is probably more shrewd and sharper than he, like his affect would suggest. JD's the opposite.
Starting point is 00:38:21 JD is like brown nose or smarty britches, but he's actually like has an inflated sense of his own intellect and abilities. He's a sued basically. That like gets some points because he's made up this weird hodgepodge ideology from a bunch of different places and people think only a smart person could do that.
Starting point is 00:38:38 But really he's not meaningfully different from a guy that's just too smart for all of it or like a libertarian. Definitely like, I mean, just Reddit energy too, man. It's just like, you don't pick somebody who's more extreme and off putting, but different like, like in a different way, I guess, than you even are. You know what I mean? Like, sure. Trump is a weird fucking guy, right?
Starting point is 00:38:59 But you're putting this guy up next to you and standing side by side. I feel like it only augments the fact that yes, you are a weird fucking dude, you know Yeah, I I know someone who is like interviewed JD a few times and Like JD is very much According to him very much in the dime square orbit like he knows Dasha he like knows like all those people. And so it's like, and so it's this weird thing where like
Starting point is 00:39:29 I kind of wonder if like they just kind of had their own echo chamber where they were like, yeah, this is like what real Americans think. Like I think that's kind of what the accusation of weird, like where it hits the most with the conservatives, like with Rod Dreher or any of these people like I think in their minds They do think there's a silent majority of people who think like them. That's what they think and They really don't like being faced with the fact that like
Starting point is 00:39:59 They not only do most people not think like them, but like most people don't even really think Not only do most people not think like them, but most people don't even really think through politics in the same way. Right, right, right. And so maybe that's why, I mean, obviously they're getting- It reminds, I think it just reminds them that their policies are deeply unpopular, right? You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:40:17 Yeah, that's the weird thing. It's like, because Democrats then do those policies. But I guess Democrats are able to either obscure their own culpability behind it or hang it on the Republicans or hang it on that gross, deformed, grotesque face that the Republicans present every two to four years. But I don't know, it's weird.
Starting point is 00:40:39 The liberals, they do several different things. They do present a defense to some of the more reactionary things that these weirdos want to do, but only insofar as it actually suits them. It's this weird thing where I've been reading Black Re it's just it's a very bizarre thing like where they're talking about Like suffrage after the war and giving like freed slaves Suffrage and how like people managed to do all these little which war was that? Wait, we're Yankee aggression. Yeah The war of northern aggression. Yeah, That's just wanted some clarification on that.
Starting point is 00:41:25 Yeah, I'm sorry. And how like- The lost cause? The lost cause war. And how like, they had all these weird little half measures and rationalities for only giving some of the freed slaves votes and like, and these were liberals doing this. These weren't like, I mean, these,
Starting point is 00:41:43 what we would consider liberals by today's standards, they were the ones who wrote like the 14th amendment and stuff. And then if you look at the, and like, that's what Du Bois does in his book, he's like looking at the several different drafts of the 14th amendment and how like the first draft was basically like, well, if a state decides that like, let's say one race of people is degenerate, then like that state has the right to you know Basically exclude those people from society and like liberals were writing this stuff Well, cuz it's like it's like that this idea of like you don't really want these people to have rights, right? So instead of like just having a blanket like it's just like oh well, you can make up your mind, right?
Starting point is 00:42:20 You know, I mean, it's about the individual right and what you should be able to do right and believe, right? You know what I mean? It's about the individual, right? And what you should be able to do, right? And believe in, right? Let me also say this too, just on that thing, lest we forget this, okay? When we were just comparing like this election to the 2008 election, Democrats couldn't even support gay marriage publicly during that election. It wasn't. Right. That wasn't even like, there wasn't even a referendum on that until the 2012 election. So let's just keep that in mind when we think of like,
Starting point is 00:42:49 you know, like these people taking a moral high road on that, you know, that hasn't been that long ago. And that's the thing, it's like there were these debates over like, you know, like Andrew Johnson was like president at the time and he was like, no we can't do this. This guy was obsessed with race war by the way It's like that number of times like me brother. Hell. Yeah
Starting point is 00:43:10 John Bercher just like Aaron Number of times Andrew Johnson invokes race war it's like if you played a drinking game you would be shit-faced But like you know his whole thing was like But it's but like you know his whole thing was like Yeah, if you give Certain people these rights like there's gonna be a race war He was trying to like water it down and everything But like um his whole thing was like you can't just make like a universal declaration over the whole country and like Thaddeus Stevens is like why not like literally why not like yeah, we're in control of the country
Starting point is 00:43:44 We're in control of the country exactly and it's kind of the same thing with the liberals now It's like why not just enshrine abortion act, you know Abortion in in law why not in trying to raise gender right? Why you making why was Biden making campaign promises about shit that he could do right now when he's still in office dog I have something to run on next time Exactly, right exactly exactly and that gets back to my whole thing about earlier Which is that like do they believe in anything like why are they even still doing this? Why not just go for if it was power for power sake like why not just start making
Starting point is 00:44:18 alliances with like your your enemies across the aisle like so it's not really quite power for power's sake. It's like I Guess it does show that they do need each other in this You know sort of like dialectical way otherwise they wouldn't exist Batman and the Joker brother, you know, even though I can't even say Batman and the Joker that would be more like I don't know Like, you know like like another mad villain in the Joker I can't think of one but I, because at the end of the day, it is a mutually, it's a reinforcing kind of relationship that they have, you know?
Starting point is 00:44:49 I mean, when I was working for the Dems knocking on doors, we would, as a fundraiser, you know, we were instructed to talk about Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump, right, as these boogeymen, right? It's basic to instill fear into these people. Not like hope, not like the promise of something, like what this party can do for you, but just like we're not the other guys.
Starting point is 00:45:13 And I mean, how much of democratic politics is, it's really this weird contradiction because it definitely is rooted in fear of power and exercising power and fear of people or hatred of people But it's also there they pathologically are they they need the Republicans and conservatives to like them, right? It's on is this weird pathological relationship that they have with conservatives where they want to be them. They want them to like them, you know Yeah, I think it's there. Maybe that's the thing I guess. Because ideologically they're not going to
Starting point is 00:45:46 revert back to any kind of social democratic politic. And so they do see the family form as something they can displace the externalities of capitalism onto. They do see the cynical deployment of abortion rights, reproductive rights, transgender rights and stuff. Like they do see like it's a piecemeal thing across the nation and if you can just kind of
Starting point is 00:46:14 like dangle it in front of people's faces, people get really like defensive. And I mean it's like, I mean I don't know how many DMs and other, I mean like I don't even have to point to my own DMs. It's just like every time you log in to Twitter, there's a different tweet about how you're privileged if you don't vote for the Democrats.
Starting point is 00:46:32 And it's like- They make fools out of all of us, honestly. I guess what I just wanna say about that is that, I really wish people understood that like voting is a tactic it doesn't just because you don't want to vote or you do want to vote doesn't mean that you Don't see another person as human that you know what I mean like that or that you're throwing their rights under the bus It is purely a disagreement in tactics and strategy It has nothing to do with the like value of the underlying ideology or your value
Starting point is 00:47:06 for human rights or anything like that. It's just a disagreement over how you achieve those things. So it's like, I just- I would also argue that it's an individualized, atomized disagreement, right? At the end of the day, right? It's just a tactic, right? It's something that is sold to you as you as an individual,
Starting point is 00:47:22 which you're collectively, right? You can contribute in this individual way. And I mean, again, you know, whatever, we said it before, do what you wanna do, right? Just do what you wanna do. But I just, I mean, you said this Terrence, it's just like, and we were talking about it, just the fact that like, I mean, yes,
Starting point is 00:47:38 the Democrats like have the same policies, but just even the image, right? The visceral image of watching them clap for Hitler last week, I'm sorry, dog. even the image, right? The visceral image of watching them clap for Hitler last week. I'm sorry, dog. You know what I mean? I mean, I just, I just, I can't do it, man. I can't do it.
Starting point is 00:47:51 But do you know what I mean? The one thing they do is the capitalization on our short memory too. You know what I mean? For all the rightly calling out how fucking grotesque and weird and slimy these people are. Like to me, there's a few things weirder than like, okay fine, do that, but you have to have an Achilles like warrior come and slay John Fetterman first. Okay?
Starting point is 00:48:15 Like okay, he's bringing like as long as he's around and vocal like he's really bringing down the whole claim you have to like we're cooler and not as weird as them, you know The guy the guy who can't even wear like a suit to like a family member's funeral or something or a wedding But he comes he comes like dressed to the T's dressed to the nines. Yo, I won't go ahead tell you I'm a diplomat I try to make peace and like I will try to exhaust every Avenue with my enemies before Trying to go into vanquish mode. Okay. If I were John Federman, I would literally cut my own throat. That's just speaking for me. Speaking for me. If I woke up this morning, John Federman's body,
Starting point is 00:48:58 I would take four steps to my shaving mirror. I would get my straight razor out and I would look at myself and just. 13 going on 30 feet. I guess that's that movie. You wake up as John Fetterman and he wakes up as you. Oh God. Jesus dude. I was thinking about this too with like
Starting point is 00:49:24 Lewis Laffam passing away this week. There was some discourse about the old WASPy preppy order. I think politics, at least aesthetically, if you look at it as a production, is a cosplay of that, you know, like I think most people in politics are like, or like they're because they have like some affinity for like Ronald Reagan or the Kennedys or whatever. And they kind of want to dress the part and embody them and like, you know, what, you know, all that kind of thing. And I think that's like that animating factor is also a foot when we get into like sort
Starting point is 00:50:05 of the they're weird, they're not. I think it's a matter of branding, you know? It's literally like when I think of it, it's like the Democrats are McDonald's and the Republicans are Dairy Queen. You know what I mean? It's like one is sort of the hegemony in that industry. The other is like, you know, a beloved local chain that went nationwide or whatever but it still lags behind in terms of name recognition and brand
Starting point is 00:50:30 recognition and cool factor and and whatever you know they take turns on being counter systemic like one of them will claim to be railing against the establishment and then you know what I mean it I don't know, it's weird. I also want to point out though that John Federman wore a suit to applaud the speech from a man presiding over a country where they're about to have a civil war between sex criminals and war criminals. I mean it's like that yesterday
Starting point is 00:51:06 there's nothing weirder than that just let me say that. Truly that what what what it what it happened right like I think that like all these reports came out that Israel was torturing prisoners one of them I think 90 IDF soldiers, sodomized a senior Hamas official, and Israel said, okay, we'll look into it. Of course they're not going to, nothing's gonna happen. But as a result, there were these right wing protests, where these people stormed the barricades. As Kedrick said, freaky ass niggas
Starting point is 00:51:44 who do just stay they asked inside? It's like can you imagine showing up for our right to rape? Literally what it is when the whole thing that you've been lobbing at these people is they're like These barbarians from a past gone time that like need to be eliminated Uh-huh, and then the whole fucking thing is you're you're claiming this land based on like biblical Precepts from thousands of years ago and then sitting up here fucking protesting for your right to rape like Dude, dude, I mean isn't that I think I think somebody brought up a Twitter. Isn't that why God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, bro?
Starting point is 00:52:23 Weird that's weird weird gets you destroyed I destroyed sodomy good boy bro weird I think they were just doing I think they were just being freaky yeah I think they turn themselves over to it to inhumane lusts well I think what it was was they were um correct me if I'm wrong Tom but wasn't it they were like fucking angels yeah they were like that's what the thing like conservatives will tell you that like Sodom and Gomorrah was over homosexuality but it was really over like raping angels I think they were literally like yeah lassoing them out of the sky sexually assaulting them yeah I think it was something like it was something weird like that
Starting point is 00:53:05 I think that's why God was like, alright, these are my boys. My angels are my boys. Like we can't have that We can't have that going on. I hope God talks like Donald Trump at least It's my boys. We can't have you doing that We're gonna turn you to salt for doing this to my beautiful my beautiful blonde blue-haired boys with their wings Tell her not to look beautiful, my beautiful blonde blue-haired boys with their wings. Tell her not to look back, but she looked back. My hands were tied. You know what I saw, Ben?
Starting point is 00:53:33 You know what I saw that just like completely underscores, like just this settler colonial mentality is that like these, these, uh, these soldiers are saying that they committed rape in self-defensedefense dude, you know Like so if Israel has the right to defend itself, what the fuck does that mean? You know what I'm saying? You know what I mean? Like people say Israel has the right to defend stuff So you mean it has the right to launch attacks upon people and then claim self-defense When people are outraged or fighting back get the fuck out of here, dude well, yeah, like I hate to keep harping on the weird thing, but like you
Starting point is 00:54:06 see and you see people giving full-throated defenses this and then granted this is online, so who the fuck knows? But you see like these little weird Israeli bots and like pro-Israel people with the with the Star of David flag and their bio and stuff saying stuff like, oh, well, they they're they're trying to make it a legal issue. You know, like slavery, like slavery is like, okay, we can all recognize this is morally abhorrent, but you know, some people want to do it, what are you going to do? You know what I mean? They're doing the same thing with like raping Palestinians where it's like, listen, this
Starting point is 00:54:37 is a state's issue. Like do you think that Israel has a right to, you know, sovereignty and and to autonomy and making up there like then butt out. Yeah. Yeah, it's like you don't understand like But there are some things we should just agree upon that right right it should be reflected in the law, you know, right? But I mean at the end of the day to I mean I haven't I mean this just goes back to kind of like especially we talked about domestic policy and you know, the the lives in the You know the Republicans being essentially like there's no daylight between them Just just in the way that they express these policies and the way they brand themselves as you had mentioned Tom But when it comes to foreign policy, dude, I'm sorry. They're always going to have the same stances, right?
Starting point is 00:55:20 They're always going to have that hypocrisy where people can talk about this mass rape hoax, this mass rape committed by Hamas, the New York Times can have a fucking expose about it. But when something like this happens, I mean to be fair, you know, I saw the New York Times had reported on it, but this is just something that just doesn't have any salience, right, within the political elite, you know, especially when it comes to foreign policy. So I'm just saying to people, man, I think that's just a red line for me, you know what I mean? I think that the fact that some people will say,
Starting point is 00:55:50 well, why do you care what happens in other countries? Or even with more audacity, they'd say, why do other people in other countries, why do they have a say on what happens in America? And it's like, what do you mean? Look at the fucking chaos that we've wrought all over the fucking world dog if Anyone has a right to say anything about how Americans should vote it should be people whose lives we've systematically destroyed right for fucking a hundred
Starting point is 00:56:12 It's so over fucking hundred years dog, you know What and I think it's really wild that you anybody could make the accusation then um Like you said a second ago like why would you care about what happens in other countries? It's I guess you yeah, okay You can make that you could probably make that case somewhat if you're talking about like the Sudan Or something granted of course America medals in politics in even fucking Sudan right but like um medals in politics in even fucking Sudan right but like um but with Israel especially it's like their guy literally just came and gave a speech to our Congress and
Starting point is 00:56:57 Everybody applauded it and like the whole thing like I said on the main episode this past week The whole thing was like literally a rally. It was like we baby was like like I I said it was like calling in like your Roman Fucking Imperator or whatever and like having them give a report on how the quelling of the natives is going in the provinces It's like this is our country. I mean like Israel truly Then yahoo coming and giving that speech just kind of like lays it bare that this is this is our country and like they are they I mean, granted, I don't guess I've ever seen a right to rape protest in America, but I think if conditions were a little bit different, geographically more confined,
Starting point is 00:57:40 and politics was a little more, even more intense, I think that you probably would start seeing that. I mean, then again, I feel like you already are seeing. I mean, I would say that, I would say that rape culture. I feel like every Trump rally is basically. Yeah, that's right, right. Even within prisons, rape culture, in the way that it's like systemically just ignored,
Starting point is 00:57:59 you know what I'm saying? And even encouraged and promoted, you know, by fucking people who work within the prison system, right? That's part of the punitive piece in it. I mean, it's even reflected in pop culture, is that the thing that people fear about prison, if it was just three hots and a cot, and you pulled your time, that wouldn't be nearly as scary,
Starting point is 00:58:13 but it's all the horrible things that can happen to you inside that plays a part in that, all that thing. Yeah, that's, oh man, that's so fucking, and the thing that fucking gets me about that shit so much is like, you know, if your project is really to end anti-Semitism and to like, if you're being earnest about that and that's not like just like part of the marketing to continue to let Israel do what they want to do, then like, you know, maybe it's a prudent
Starting point is 00:58:42 thing to do is not to like, uh, stoke the fucked up imaginations of anti-Semites and let Netanyahu have an audience with your Congress. Right, right, right. It's placed straight into like protocols of elders design style tropes. And like that's the fuel that runs that fucking place. Right, right, right. And not, and not link, not link all Jewish people to those heinous fucking, like ungodless
Starting point is 00:59:03 acts, you know what I'm saying and And lust for blood you know but obviously like stopping anti-semitism is not their goal right you know no no They need it both real and imagine to keep the keep the gears turning exactly Well we're at an hour was there anything else we didn't cover this week? Well, we talked a lot about the weird thing. We talked about, we just talked about that last story. What else? I feel like something else had happened this week.
Starting point is 00:59:34 Yeah, I know, something too. I'm forgetting something. But I got maybe a memory hold. There was something else that happened this week, man. Oh, I did see this. did want to talk about this briefly There was a story in the Financial Times about Kamala Harris her campaign Opening up conversations with several top tech and crypto executives
Starting point is 01:00:02 because because they because they're really self-conscious and aware that the Democrats, especially Biden under quote unquote Bidenomics has isolated themselves from a lot or alienated themselves from a lot of the crypto people. And so they're trying to reopen. I think what was the term? They said they're trying to recapture a lost asset class or something like that like I feel like that's a
Starting point is 01:00:27 Phrase that should be hung around their necks if they do win or lose one of it doesn't matter regardless, but Yeah, not not a good sign really did you you know what it just kind of reminds it reminds me of mom I Don't know. I'm sort of sort of could imagine under like It reminds me of, I don't know, I sort of could imagine under, what do you call it, harrassonianism or whatever? The relationship with tech. It's the same way I'm thinking about Eric Adams, who just like, oh god, what was it in New York, man?
Starting point is 01:00:56 What initiative is it? Like opening up discussions or allowing discussions of having 3D printed buildings and stuff like that? discussions of having 3D printed buildings and stuff like that. Just some sort of fucking cyberpunk science fiction relying on technology and emerging technologies instead of just building fucking houses, right? Instead of other economic initiatives that would help keep people out of poverty, right? And give people jobs and shit. And I can just imagine her, and I don't know, maybe the Democrats increasingly took hosing up to these people You know now that the old white guy is out the guy who like looks at a quantum
Starting point is 01:01:29 You know computer the same way like I look at hot dogs at the quick trip You know like 2am or something like that, so it's just like I could like yeah, I could just um Yeah, I mean again. These are these are these things where you know I don't know man the money pump has to keep flowing right that the especially the future hustling scam now that we have a young younger black woman As president, you know, we have a we got to lean face first into the future You know, what's the thing we memory hold white dudes for? Harris white dude for Harris fucking the most annoying crack is alive the fucking white devil is for Harris. Yeah, Coop. Yo dog I just don't that shit is just so
Starting point is 01:02:09 Sorry, dude, it's fucking weird and they have the weirdest most annoying people Mark Hamilton was on there Bradley Cooper was fucking on there Like all of these other motherfuckers. It's just you people are fucking weird. Okay, you're fucking just as weird All right, you really fucking hard, dude. Yeah, this article, people advising the Harris campaign on business matters said the decision to reconnect with the crypto industry had little to do with attracting new electoral contributions. They said the objective was instead
Starting point is 01:02:38 to build a constructive relationship that would ultimately set a smart regulatory framework that would help the growth of the entire asset class. The outside advisors to the campaign said Harris wanted to change the perception among many top executives in America that the Democrats were anti-business. One person said her campaign was using the change of leadership on the DIMM ticket as an opportunity to reset relations
Starting point is 01:03:01 with the tech industry, which had felt targeted by the Biden administration, particularly on anti-itrust matters. It's really weird that like, people called like the Biden thing like a post-neoliberalism. Everyone from, you know, people in the Financial Times to like Robert Brenner and stuff,
Starting point is 01:03:20 they said it was kind of like post-neoliberalism. I think there is some truth to that. I think they were trying to do some things that were trying to like break them out of this like trap with the antitrust stuff you mean Antitrust being one of them. I think that there's several things that they were doing But I think it's ultimately like a I don't think it's substantively different from anything Trump was doing But B I was also as a result of the contingency of the COVID pandemic. And then C, I also think that like, I want to give credit where it's due. I think
Starting point is 01:03:54 I heard Felix say this on a recent episode of Choppa is that like the Biden people, weirdly seem to be very not good at the manipulative like scolding and empty like identity politics that like the Kamala and Obama people and Hillary people are like so good at yeah yeah like these people like and and it's it's a real thing like these Kamala people people probably all worked in nonprofits and they cut their teeth in a lot of these same sort of social and institutional worlds that even I have brushed up against and been experienced in.
Starting point is 01:04:36 And I think that was also another thing probably motivating the Biden thing. Also the Biden people were just singularly strange and outside of their whatever. So I think the Kamala people will kind of will kind of I think the Kamala people will kind of They're gonna double down on that sort of like neoliberal stuff. I think probably like
Starting point is 01:05:01 You know we pointed it out earlier But yeah like 17% of people with a student loan who had a flat tire in like 2014 get a 8% discount on their taxes or something. Right, and I mean closing up and partnering with Big Tech to kind of facilitate these things, right? Uh-huh. Me, myself, I'm gearing up to save seven cents a year on my July 4th hot dog bill while being called a mediocre white man at every turn for the next four days
Starting point is 01:05:29 You're wrong. I'm not even a man. I'm not even a mediocre one You are not you're being too generous He's been too generous brother I could also I could say to that you know if we got white dudes for Harris white Women for Harris, maybe we need like eldritch horrors for Harris Cosmic horror for Harris you know the mean like eldritch horrors for Harris Cosmic horror for Harris, you know what I mean? Fantasmagoric nightmares for Harris Fantasmagoric that's I need them to recognize the demonically possessed community those that have at various times been under the influence of demonic powers I need them to recognize the community. We vote.
Starting point is 01:06:07 We vote. They need to recognize the community of nameless evil. That dark thing that bubbles at the infinity of everything, the hideous radiance, you know what I'm saying? Like, they need to summon Cthulhu, is what I'm saying. That's what they need. Yeah. Well, you know, I heard, last thing I'll say, I heard Megan, Megan Thee Stallion, she's gonna do a rally with Kamala and Atlanta.
Starting point is 01:06:34 We'll see, I'll be there in the crowd. I'm gonna write my number. Oh damn, you gonna go? I'm gonna go and write, I'm gonna carry like, I'm gonna carry like a paper plane and write my number on it. And I'm gonna toss it, no, Secret Service is gonna shoot. I'm gonna toss it a paper plane and write my number on it and I'm gonna toss it Delicat Nah, Secret Service gonna toss it Deliculay just as the Secret Service puts a bullet between my eyes
Starting point is 01:07:06 That was another thing that this week I was gonna mention that like, apparently the Secret Service was aware of that shooter for up to 90 minutes, an hour and a half before the... Bro, that's a Marvel movie, dog. Like what had happened, and maybe this is just full on like ineptitude or whatever But like one of the snipers left early like clocked out was like yo
Starting point is 01:07:30 I'm going home to like jack off and like fucking watch whatever Love Island in the fucking as he was leaving he saw the Thomas Crooks dude sitting next to like sitting kind of aloof but like he clocks that Thomas Crooks clocked that there were snipers up on that roof So he texted his other snipers and was like, you know There's this guy down here that like knows you're up here and they were like, alright 10-4, buddy But they didn't like do anything about it So, I don't know weird stuff oh my god man
Starting point is 01:08:06 yeah I know that I know it's just bizarre dude it's just I knew about this guy this fucking they're just like it should be fine it's just bizarre how like again like all this has just been I know you just we just you just talked about it Terrence as a new development but like yo we just had a presidential candidate a former president dude not just a guy running for president a guy who was president wow you know I mean almost getting his top blowed off and like now it's just about how it's just also funny that after that the Democrats were like oh god we're not gonna go hard on Trump you know because of all this of reverency and decorum and civility and now they're just like no, he's a weird-ass nigga
Starting point is 01:08:49 Hey, that's funny. That is true. I forgot you're right. Like after the assassination attempt. They were like, are you okay, baby? Like let's be civil let's be nice, but now you're right, now they've gone back again and they're like, no, he's really weird. No, he's a really weird guy. Well, he's not a weird guy who should die though. He's not a weird guy who should die though, Terrence. If Trump dropped out of the race today and said I'm a Democrat again, they would, after painting him as the boogie man of the 21st century,
Starting point is 01:09:19 they would welcome him back in the fold with open arms. They really would. The prodigal son has returned home, man. He's returned his single eye that people can challenge. Did you say with the single eyes or did you say? Nah, I said people can, I said, I don't know what I said. He would have been so much more badass if he got hit in the eye, man, had to wear an eye patch. I think he would have done FDR numbers. I don't think it would have mattered who they put up, to be honest with you.
Starting point is 01:09:42 Yeah, I agree. Yeah, that'd probably have necessitated him losing half his head too, but. But what if it didn't kill him? What if he was kind of like Two-Face from Batman, but like, you know, severely addled because he's missing half a brain now? That's like, it'll be like, that's why he's leaning into the Hannibal Lecter thing,
Starting point is 01:10:03 you know what I'm saying? Because he would have become like his own kind of super villain, you know Alright well, let's call it there. Thanks for listening this week friends. Sorry the episode was late But go tell your friends about patreon But go tell your friends about Patreon. Anything else to add before we get the F out of here? Nah, just everybody be safe, be well, and yeah. That's about it. Don't take any paper planes to any come on.
Starting point is 01:10:38 Don't take any paper planes to any rallies before you get them. But you know what? they let crooks go so Maybe maybe it would touch down lightly at Megan's feet and she would bend down like what's this? And then open it up and see my number in my face, you know You've been a national hero. They've been like oh man Aaron just wanted to go on a date with Megan and they killed it and they killed this beautiful boy They killed this beautiful man for trying to get some pussy. Well, you'd be like the Vesuvius guy who got like immortalized as jacking off.
Starting point is 01:11:12 Your body would be like, like rigor mortis. Just hold him by dick. I'll join the pantheon of men that lost their lives because of horniness. All of us die spiritual death because of it, but you will have died a physical one Right don't forget my name know y'all I live a die live again All right, thanks for listening this week. We'll see you next time at peace

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