Trillbilly Worker's Party - *UNLOCKED*: Narcan and Bernie Posters

Episode Date: March 15, 2020

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Loud and clear. So you guys will like this. So you know on the walking trail, there's those houses that are off to the side of the trail? Yeah. There's a house down there that just put up a massive Trump flag. Oh, good. Like a, you know, Trump, let's stop the bullshit 2020 type flag. Oh, it says bullshit?
Starting point is 00:00:19 I don't know if it does or not, but it's just so ostentatious it might as well say bullshit. No more bullshit. That's what the one on Pine Creek said yeah no more bullshit 2020 well it it's huge and um and i was walking by there yesterday and there's a bunch of people standing out front maybe they had just hung this flag i don't know but they were all talking there's about six or seven of them and um they were talking about how basheer is trying to cancel this was before they announced the canceling of the ncaa and all this they were talking about how basheer is trying to cancel uk basketball and so they were saying it
Starting point is 00:00:59 like a conspiratorial thing like this was a conspiracy by the democrats to cancel uk basketball covid 19 is a conspiracy to end uk basketball yes amazing amazing the child went to those links for that my sister and mom are posting conspiracy memes on facebook and i was texting them i've been texting them like updates. I mean, yeah, I'm that one. I'm the one in the family group chat that's sending updates about 100,000 cases in Ohio. And my sister responded,
Starting point is 00:01:35 you're freaking me out, man. I'm going to block you. Really? Yeah, and I said, you're going to block us? Because me and my other sister were both going back and forth about it. And she said, y'all are freaking me out. I'm about to block y'all. I said, going to block us? Because me and my other sister were both going back and forth about it. And she said, y'all are freaking me out. I'm about to block you all.
Starting point is 00:01:46 I said, you would block us in the middle of a global health pandemic? She said, yes. Absolutely. Well, some people don't want to really grapple with the implications of the whole thing. And I think that's why the trump people think it's a conspiracy that's why they think that it's a conspiracy to tank the economy and make trump look bad well i mean did you see not even the damn the dams are idiots they're completely they could never come up with a plan this good oh i know they're complete fools and losers did you see though that like tom cotton and tucker carlson both like their
Starting point is 00:02:28 messaging is that this is like a weapon from china like oh yeah it's all it's just been it's so bizarre like like they i think tom cotton had a statement yesterday that was like we will avenge or we will get back at the people who did this to us or something like that okay tom yeah go ahead march on the million person red army let's see how that treats you 99 red balloons it's yeah i mean it goes without saying that this has all been so racist but even uh even i got you know we're all getting emails now from every single person we've ever bought anything from telling us how they're dealing with coronavirus and i got mine from dollywood yesterday my dollywood email saying how what's dolly doing
Starting point is 00:03:19 to address covid 19 well in the first fucking sentence it's just so xenophobic in the first sentence it says coronavirus has made it to the united states which automatically it's just like that is just said even though they didn't say from china uh-huh it's setting up the this language is just setting up the like this has penetrated our borders this is an you know it's like an infiltration language and i was just like god damn it dolly which obviously dolly didn't write this email i'm not gonna hold her totally accountable here but who some dumb ass signed it i don't know some person over dollywood parks but even people even just even theme parks have are using this rhetoric. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:08 Yeah, there's something I was going to say. They feel like they have been infiltrated. Like, this is, like, coming for us. This is a war tactic. That's the next conspiracy. Right, right. You know what's so hilarious about it is China fucking owns us. And it's like...
Starting point is 00:04:23 Truly. We can sit here and squirm and piss and moan and say all this racist or xenophobic shit that we want to but it's like uh you know they didn't stick a gun to our head and told us to offshore our manufacturing for the last four decades and all that kind of shit so that was that was that was made by the most craving rich people in the world. Right. Yeah. Well, China, as we're recording this, has mostly got it under control. And so it's, you know, it's back to the races for them.
Starting point is 00:05:00 Back to the races. Yeah, they get to get back and start trading again and producing. And meanwhile, we're about to go into it. And our economy just crashed. Our economy's crashing, yeah. It's not even strong enough to withstand two days of it. No, no. Like, that's how fragile all these free markets are.
Starting point is 00:05:23 And also, credit President Xi for doing the ultimate devil's milkshake and just going right into Wuhan. Like, what did he do? What did he do? I think he just toured some of the facilities in Wuhan and stuff. I'm being facetious, obviously, about the devil's milkshake. I mean, it's what your leader should do. Oh, he went straight. Oh, I got you. Well, the situation is really pretty grim,
Starting point is 00:05:45 not just because the markets are crashing and not just because many people are dying, but because, I mean, you know, now in hindsight, doesn't it just kind of seem like a bad idea that we have the same type of leader replicated in just about every developed country around the world? Like Trump and Borisis johnson and
Starting point is 00:06:07 putin and modi and victor orban victor you're a favorite victor orban duterte bolsonaro like the australian wacko like we we like the same type of leader is running pretty much every developed nation at the moment of systemic crisis did y'all watch trump's address no i didn't watch it i watched the hot mic moment afterwards though did you see that oh yeah just where he was like okay okay it's like he just talked he just picked up his cowboy hat tossed it into the wind fucking maniac and he let someone come get his mic off of him uh no it was pretty weird i mean he you know he can't he can't read so and he's trying to read a teleprompter so all of it's just it's just it's it's physical comedy really is what it is are we are we prepared for
Starting point is 00:07:09 the very distinct possibility trump does have coronavirus i mean my here's the conspiracy mike pence is over he's our health czar right now or whatever and he's been over the like he's mike pence has been the one who's been getting all the information for the past month about coronavirus or two months i mean it's been how long now yeah about two months two months he's been getting all the information and deciding how to proceed so the buck stops at him so maybe maybe the real conspiracy here is that he was like, oh, this is going to take Trump out. And I'm going to get to run this 2020 election. This is my time.
Starting point is 00:07:51 He's trying to do like an LBJ to JFK. He's trying to take out the boss. Wow. That's a good one, Tanya. Thank you. That's a very good one. I hadn't considered that angle but i like it there's always a good conspiracy there's always a better conspiracy yeah lurking in the wind
Starting point is 00:08:10 well you know what what's not conspiratorial is the fact that the trump administration has purposely stifled all this testing and everything else to like keep the numbers low yeah so as to suggest that the situation's way more under control than it actually is uh that's like uh that was you know i try to hold these thoughts back on twitter but like that's the kind of shit that like should make us you know try to form some sort of guerrilla army to drag this motherfucker out of the white house and decapitate him on national tv just one man's opinion we're bringing we're bringing mountain news with us baby just just one man's opinion hey this is a parody account nsa this is a parody account oh fuck well maybe the virus will take him
Starting point is 00:08:59 out first we won't have to bother i don't know if that would even make a hill of beans difference i don't know i mean i think it's pretty correct like you know i was telling michelle i was like michelle there's almost definitely coronavirus at wattsburg arh right now oh yeah but we will never have a test kit absolutely we will never have a test here in whitesburg hills rural places will never have tests not ever we will have coronavirus here until 2027 and it will never be known because we'll never have a test everybody just called that that's that thing it's going around i really do know about six people in the last two weeks that have had flu b and same here it probably
Starting point is 00:09:45 was coronavirus they've probably had coronavirus surely yeah because it is awful late in the season for the flu i mean i know it's still possible but like mid-march is not like peak flu time you know what i mean no no yeah i mean they say flu season runs till may but yeah it's a pretty weird time to get the flu like january february is like kind of like the peak season you know oh man something that i've been really thinking about lately is how so one of the things that um just kind of fucks my mind up about sports is the fact that it's just this never-ending always churning cycle that like there's never any resolution to it it's you know there's differences year after year but it's just kind of like um it's the bread and circuses thing it's just entertainment but like
Starting point is 00:10:39 it's interesting that this is the very first time in my life that I've seen the sports continuity actually interrupted. Me too. Has this ever happened? Not that I know of. How about you, Tom? Have you ever known them to just cancel the NBA? No, I'm sorry. I was on mute.
Starting point is 00:10:59 No, no. We've also not had a global pandemic that was like, nobody knew anything about, you know, in the modern era. Right. Well, this is, this is like some of the conspiracy memes my sister has been sharing on Facebook. And every time I'm like, please take this down. This is so irresponsible. Where it's like 2008 year there's some you know they could say that there was some like random
Starting point is 00:11:27 H1N1 you know so is the thinking that it's like a media driven conspiracy or that it's like a biological weapon type conspiracy no the she's been sharing memes that at the bottom it literally says uh
Starting point is 00:11:43 Corona's not the problem the media's the problem disconnect or something i mean it is like info wars level shit i'm just like sis please take this down why why why are you doing this which she could disinfects more than anybody i know i've begged i've begged her to quit using bleach she bleaches her children she bleaches the whole fucking trailer park and i've begged her to stop she's probably gonna give herself cancer already so i'm not worried about her not like being clean enough to take it seriously but i checked out of the dollar store the other day with a few supplies a thermometer i was like maybe we should have a thermometer just in case if someone feels bad we should be able to take our temperature and i was getting a few other things from L.A.
Starting point is 00:12:26 Dollar Store is the best place to get L.A. It's the cheapest. It's $3.50 for a case. Anyway, and I was asking the girl that works there, which I've talked to many times before. They only have about four employees. I said, have you had people stocking up on stuff? Because I didn't notice anything looking. Like, nothing was really out.
Starting point is 00:12:41 Yeah. Or out of place. And she said, oh, yeah, we can't keep hand sanitizer. But I hadn't noticed, probably because there there was none i hadn't even noticed that it wasn't there right um she said we can't keep hand sanitizer or alcohol or aloe because they make it and all this stuff and i was like man it's wild la la la said i they just canceled school it's gonna be hard for people she said i know she said but if god was meant for us to have it, then we'll get it. And I just stood there for a second.
Starting point is 00:13:11 I was just like, but I hope you'll still wash your hands. She said, yeah. If we're meant to get it, we'll just get it. Oh, that's the number one fatalist attitude of Christians in the mountains. And, you know, it's not unfounded why they think that, but it's still incredibly selfish. I had to get on to my mom last night because she still insists on going to church. And I was like, you know, to sit out church for two months, you know, a couple months till we get a better rain on this is like a drop in the bucket. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:13:43 God will let that slide, I think. She's like, you know, god will take care of us and it's just like yeah but maybe just like y'all like facebook really good these days maybe do something on facebook start a prayer study on facebook yeah start a good prayer chain yeah another friend who has elderly parents and she's really worried about because they both had lung issues in the past so they're like in very in particularly or particularly vulnerable because they've had lung issues they are out riding the four-wheeler they can go and shopping she went to visit her sister in a nursing home just like what are you doing maybe stay home yeah i cannot i mean it really is boomers who are the most like no it's fine i was thinking about this last night because i saw that there was a headline
Starting point is 00:14:33 going around that was like uh this reporter had gone and talked to a bunch of boomers in a retirement community in florida i think it was the villages oh the floridians they're the best and these and these people were like i just love to shake i'm a handshaker or something like that they were basically like yeah they were like i'm just gonna keep living my life i'm gonna go on this cruise and they're like fuck it and so like princess is picking me up this afternoon baby unbothered so i could see how they could so on one hand that's incredibly reckless and almost like suicidal in a ways because they're the ones that will be affected by this the most but on the other hand i could see it to where if i was like 80 years old i was like on my way out
Starting point is 00:15:18 like fuck it i'm just gonna live my life and be damned whatever happens but then i was thinking about it and like that too is a form of nihilism because we live in a society where you don't get to enjoy life until you retire really you know you don't really get to go experience the world or or try to channel your creative energies and anything until you stop working it's like that in and of itself is a feature of how fucked up the system is i mean so yeah yeah go ahead yeah no i just say imagine you work your whole lifetime and you've got a nest egg for retirement and then you a global pandemic fucks you out of all that i get it it's still selfish it's still nihilistic but i get it and it's just part and parcel of this insane system that we have where uh you know we don't get to enjoy shit till we're 65 and in the meantime we get to loan an in a not insignificant portion of our money to the most craving jackals
Starting point is 00:16:17 in the world to play with for decades hoping to get a four to eight percent return on that so we can live dignified in that retirement right right right yeah no it's pretty um it's pretty crazy the um so i guess like mortality rates are on par with the spanish the famous spanish flu of like 1918 and 19 which killed millions of people um the difference is that that flu killed people like our age and the reason is that their immune systems would overreact to the virus um whereas this one is killing people you know over the age of 65 or so um yeah but no they were doing like triage in italy they were like having to prioritize which patients to treat and which ones to let go because they didn't have enough beds pretty much
Starting point is 00:17:17 yeah there's the icus or whatever we're at over capacity and this is why like when people think that we're overreacting it's like like look what happened in Italy like there's no reason to believe it won't be any less crazy here and I tried I tried to explain this to my sister because I mean I think this is another reminder I mean we shouldn't need these reminders but it was definitely a big reminder for me that like we people really are comfortable thinking that we live in the greatest country people think that like we i mean our president's on tv saying we have the strongest military the strongest economy anyone's ever known you know like nothing bad can happen to us it's literally that's that scene in the sopranos where the russian woman is telling sony soprano like like the problem with you Americans is you expect nothing
Starting point is 00:18:06 bad to ever happen to you. Yeah. And I'll shine at my sisters. I mean one sister is like posting crazy stuff on the internet and the conspiratorial stuff and another is planning a trip to the beach. I mean I just
Starting point is 00:18:21 talked her out of a cruise. She was planning a cruise and I talked her out of a cruise she was planning a cruise and i talked her out of that and she's like well i'm gonna drive to the beach okay well um i text thomas like do y'all think i should go to the beach with my sister and tom texts back in all caps pandemic that means it's literally there's not a place on earth it's not at right and so i was trying to explain to my sister i was like this already happened in italy we already saw it and they have a better health care system than we do like they were more prepared than us to handle this
Starting point is 00:18:57 and it went really bad really quick yeah and my sister was like huh yeah i guess that's true yeah yeah well you get to see in real time what we've been struggling with in the environmental movement for years which is that people don't think it affects them or if it's not if it's not literally drowning their backyard and sometimes in some cases even if it is they'll still like sort of disconnect from that and be like well no that's just a media hoax or whatever it's just like it mirrors the whole climate catastrophe thing you know right it's also it's always it's going to happen to somebody else too it's like the hiv crisis was only going to happen to gay people you know what i mean exactly and we don't know any of those right i mean so again like another so that's one thing that like i think it's very probably disorienting and jarring for a lot of people that the sports continuity is interrupted
Starting point is 00:20:00 that's fucked me up honestly yeah and it's selfish i feel selfish i feel like a brat but no march madness has really destroyed me and took the wind from beneath my wing well the reason why i was thinking about that because it's like if it's fucking you up i mean imagine what it's doing to a lot of other people you know like imagine so this is what i was really thinking about last night because i was talking to my buddy evan who lives in colorado and works in the natural gas industry we were talking about like he's telling me that like natural gas is mostly safe right now but like oil is crashing catastrophically um oh you mean safe like financially i thought you were about to tell us it was clean it's natural it's natural natural totally safe completely legal you can breathe it
Starting point is 00:20:56 strap a bag on your face your friend is really really but i mean so imagine imagine if this was your life imagine if you just got laid off from your oil job literally months after it was announced that we discovered the largest oil reserve in north america in north american history in the permian basin i didn't know that happened yeah it was uh you know this trump announced in december that we are now energy independent because they discovered this new oil play in the permian basin where i live where i'm from we have another area to colonize so so imagine if you just heard that news and then three months later you're laid off and imagine if that's happening at the same time that this global pandemic is spreading and that the sports continuity is interrupted because i guarantee you 98 of those oil workers
Starting point is 00:21:52 watch sports and that's a part of their daily routine you've lost 25 of your uh retirement exactly and now they've taken march motherfucking madness away and everybody's getting sick around you so like i just you know just something to think about like what kind of conclusions would you draw from that there's all kinds of conclusions you know again and this is something that i think is a challenge for the left it's like how do you explain overproduction to a worker again like if you had just heard that we found the largest oil reserve and then you got laid off a few months later it's like how do you what's the connection you draw there you would think that like oh there should be jobs everywhere we have
Starting point is 00:22:35 enough oil everybody should be employed we should be and have enough jobs everywhere but like because we live in capitalism you can have overproduction. Yeah. I don't know. I feel like a lot of like mineral industry workers, I feel like a lot of miners understand that better than I do. It's like because they know. Oh, yeah. They've lived through the boom and bust. They know exactly what it means to be booming and how a bust has to come. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:23:02 Like they've lived those up and downs and they know as well as anyone right oh god yeah it's pretty crazy to think about because they literally follow the cost like the daily cost of barrels or of coal or whatever yeah yeah and know that the change is based on right totally arbitrary demands well well i guess what i'm saying is it's like a really good opportunity for propaganda spreading propaganda because it's like i mean for the left and the fucking infrawars right like nutbags like because again all these things are happening at the same time you'd start to draw some conclusions you know it's like we were talking about this yesterday i mean tom is like the crises always illuminate how artificial everything is yeah and i mean it's a pretty big radicalizing moment when the sports continuity is disrupted i don't know i think that i i think that that can't be
Starting point is 00:24:06 overlooked because if it's fucking you up i'm i'm fully fucked up well curiously it's not fucking tom up tom is our because tom is glued to cdc right now that's his march madness yeah his march madness is the cdc he's got coronavirus in one bracket who do you have going to the final four tom coronavirus dengue hemorrhagic fever non-hodgkin's lymphoma is my dark horse to make it god damn it well you know it's what's interesting about like i obviously i hate it i love march madness about as much as anything but an interesting feature of my particular neuroses is that
Starting point is 00:24:54 in a crisis i am on cruise control it's it's when everything's going great that i fall apart i don't understand it i'm the same way yeah like i like i am i feel pretty damn good right now free do you feel finally liberated i i don't know i feel like um i don't know if it's liberated necessarily i just feel like that like you know all the hours of preparation baby worrying about nothing is pay nothing is paying off right now. I feel like I've been in training like a boxer for this moment, a global pandemic. God damn. I do, you know, there have been kind of like funny takes about how climate change needs to hire a coronavirus publicist.
Starting point is 00:25:42 But there is something to that, that it's like, this should be the new normal. It's like, we should be on high alert because of climate chaos. Like, we should not be comfortable right now. There's literally no reason for anyone to feel comfortable right now, especially rich people.
Starting point is 00:25:58 We need to take all their money, all their comforts away from them, for sure, priority number one, and use that to make people who've never been comfortable a little bit comfortable in their last days but like the climate chaos should like we should be thinking completely different all the time about how we interact on a daily basis how commerce has moved all this bullshit i've been you know what it is? Go ahead Tom I'm gonna tell y'all What it is I don't know if anybody's
Starting point is 00:26:25 Floated this shit This is a head fake This This is just a trial balloon For climate chaos From what side? Who Who floated the trial balloon?
Starting point is 00:26:39 The left or the right? That's a good question I mean I Ever since I went canvassing earlier this week i've been obsessed with this idea that most americans see their lives as just this like static dynamic they don't see it as something moving towards any point of resolution or or change or anything they just see it as something that it just exists and we're all part of this amer it's like a closed experiment a closed feedback loop it's just like we all it's all part of the american dream like we have politicians
Starting point is 00:27:18 and they do their things and then the military does its thing and then the churches do their thing and then the hospitals and schools do their thing and then the churches do their thing, and then the hospitals and schools do their thing. And then the sports do their thing. So you know what I mean? Like everything runs constantly, whether it's the stock market or sports or whatever. It's just this continual loop that never reaches any kind of resolution. But I think that it's very important to think about what starts happening when some of those loops get disrupted. No, yeah. I think the basketball, the sports stuff is like the biggest red flag for everybody yeah because it's just i don't know if you notice this but from wednesday to thursday tom and i recorded an episode on
Starting point is 00:27:56 wednesday and by the time it came out on thursday it almost seemed callous and um like dated because irresponsible yeah because something happened between Wednesday and Thursday that made everybody start panicking. And the thing that happened was that the NBA suspended its season. NCAA canceled the tournament. At that time, I don't think they'd canceled it,
Starting point is 00:28:18 but they had said... Yeah, that was yesterday. They were going to play without fans. They were going to play without fans. And so, I mean, that's the thing that kind of set everybody off and so that's what that's what i mean like did y'all have to re-record no we just put it out i wasn't serious enough no no take backsies yeah in it i told everybody
Starting point is 00:28:38 to go canvas so i should probably say probably don't do that you can do the texter and the phone dialer thing those are safe yeah don't don't be canvassing right now did you share your canvassing stories on the last episode i did well i'll have to listen in not all of them but i had some really good ones i had some really good uh interactions and some really bleak ones too i had some very bleak ones i've been honking those bernie posters out of the back of my car at the grocery store and at Pound Lake. I love canvassing. I want to do it all the time. Fish pond.
Starting point is 00:29:09 As long as there's a campaign, I want to canvass. You're a reluctant people person. You really are a people person once you get into it, but you don't want to. You think you're not. It's so true. I've noticed this about you. Once I start talking to people, I'm like, man, I love shit. You love it.
Starting point is 00:29:22 Yeah, you love it. Try to get them out of the cabin to do goddamn anything. It's very true. It's very true. about you once i start talking to people i'm like man you love it yeah you love it but try try to get him out of the cabin to do goddamn anything it's very true it's very true but once you make that's probably actually it for most people like when we canvassed on campus until we started talking to people the the other two people with me were terrified right i was like these are college students what's gonna happen what are they gonna do college students are a knockout of the park i was canvassing fucking housing projects well we went there and they wouldn't get out of the car nobody would get out of the car i was like all right well
Starting point is 00:29:49 we're leaving if nobody's getting out of the car they're like i don't they were like i don't think these people are home okay trust me i'm from the housing projects most people are home during the yeah because there were no cars i was like well i got news for you these people don't own cars but but so yeah so you know when those sort of like loops start getting disrupted whether it's the stock market or sports or whatever it's a i don't know it's it's a potentially radicalizing time it's not preferable trust me i don't think that this is good like people are dying and the economy is contracting we are actually in recession i don't care what trump or anybody says the economy is shrinking i really do need y'all to explain to me this 1.5 trillion dollars one i don't i can't even conceptualize how much money that is well i don't think that was 1.5 trillion dollars i thought
Starting point is 00:30:40 was the bell out in 2008 right they didn't do a new one they did do a new one it's 500 billion they they injected 500 billion dollars into so they call it like a liquidity injection where they basically start paying banks to invest 500 billion 500 billion yeah so this caused the market to rebound for 15 minutes. Literally. So there's a few things. So it just disappeared. It just disappeared, yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:11 So there's a... An amount of money that could have gotten us all health care could have unshackled everybody that's in debt, disappeared in 15 minutes. Yeah, so the way our economy works is that... Is that... So there's a few things you can do in situations like this. You can pay banks to start investing, which is what they did with the liquidity injection. You can also cut interest rates, which is also what they did.
Starting point is 00:31:36 They were talking yesterday about cutting it to 0%, which is hilarious. So what, they want people to go buy cars? Basically, it's not really at that level, but yes, essentially yes. What they're saying to banks is that credit is very cheap. If you make it 0%, I mean, it's basically free.
Starting point is 00:31:58 And they're essentially trying to boost faith in the market. But you still have to pay it back and people are losing out their jobs left and right. Can't they pass a bill that tells banks to freeze and not do any fucking thing? Freeze all fees? If you go get... Well, they've done that.
Starting point is 00:32:13 Well, nobody knew this, but the hidden hand of the free market also has an off switch. When things get too hairy, they just quit trading and act like nothing's going on. They did that? Yeah, little pussy babies little pussy babies it's like don't be don't be scared get everything you want to keep them motherfuckers open let's see what happens crash it all well um so there's a few other things. So $1.5 trillion did not get moved from the Federal Reserve. I think it was $5 billion.
Starting point is 00:32:49 I think it was half a trillion. $1.5 trillion is the number that they used to bail out. I could be wrong. This is the headline I saw yesterday that was $500 billion. I thought $1.5 trillion was the number they used to bail out the banks in 2008. Like after, you know, layman brothers fucking ate shit even 500 billion still really can't consider a massive amount of money they are pumping 1 trillion and i think they just put 500 billion of that in yesterday
Starting point is 00:33:20 but here's my question like i i mean this is all very confusing and um maybe we're not gonna figure this out on this podcast fine and i should probably just research this on my own i don't know i feel like a dumbass because i know when people see the word fed they think that means the federal government right obviously that means the federal reserve right and the federal reserve is like oddly disconnected from our governance right it's a it's our central bank exactly but it's not like do we even have direct oversight of it isn't the oversight pretty weird so there's a there's a panel of governors is what they call them oh it's all the all the governors are over the federal reserve no not literal governors there's like people are appointed to essentially run it like i think for
Starting point is 00:34:03 a while it was ben bernanke yeah no definitely uh i don't even know who the current chairman of the federal reserve is or chairwoman but like they act independently of congress right they didn't need to pass anything they didn't need to get any approval from any elected official to pump 500 billion dollars also where's that money been they just pulled that out from under a couch i I mean, I know it's all digital. They weren't in there printing it. Tanya, this is going to blow your mind, but all this is is numbers on paper. It's literally created out of thin air.
Starting point is 00:34:32 I know. And so this is partially why we're going into recession again, because they did this in 2008. It's called quantitative easing. And they just create money. I feel like I fully understand. Nobody knows what a derivative is i feel like i'm like floating into libertarianism and i'm about to start asking where the gold is i literally don't know what i just cannot grasp i cannot grasp any of this and i'm like feel
Starting point is 00:35:01 overwhelmed every time i see my balance on my new car that i owe twenty thousand dollars on you know like it makes me sick and they're just throwing around a trillion dollars i can't i can't fathom this and not to even mention the medical bills that i'm default on right now oh and i'm a healthy i'm a mostly healthy bitch oh yeah um no part part of what's going on right now is the chickens coming home to roost from 2008 i mean the economy should have gone into recession about two years ago or so that's what they're saying they've we've just been propping it up with popsicle sticks for about two years to protect trump pretty much yeah i mean i've been propping this up yeah to protect trump but also to protect yeah growth in the economy yeah to
Starting point is 00:35:53 protect capitalism to protect capitalism capitalism in the american project right tom um but uh yeah um so are there some there's a thread in the middle of that that i was gonna pull out and i But, yeah. So, there's a thread in the middle of that that I was going to pull out, and I can't remember what it was. You're the thread man. Well, so, in the midst of all this, one thing we haven't really talked about is how the rich are responding to this. I hope they start jumping out windows they're doing the opposite they're going on vacation they're literally going on vacation they're locking
Starting point is 00:36:35 themselves in underground lairs so they're at resorts this yeah this article in the guardian it's written by rupert neat who's a wealth correspondent which is a great imagine if that was your beat that's i wish that was terrence's baby i'm covering the wealth beat if i was a wealth correspondent that would be my dream job do you think that's in his uh email like in his email footer probably wealth. Wealth correspondent. Yeah. And so when rich people get it, they're like, oh. Oh. Makes them feel good
Starting point is 00:37:07 to hear from the wealth correspondent. They invite him for dinner. So it's kind of ironic and funny now that the deeply diseased are now trying to escape the deep disease. They are, according to The Guardian, super rich jet off to disaster bunkers amid coronavirus
Starting point is 00:37:27 outbreak um like hundreds of thousands of people across the world the super rich are preparing to self-isolate in the face of an escalation in the coronavirus crisis but their plans extend far beyond stocking up on hand sanitizer and tv box sets. The world's richest people are chartering private jets to set off for holiday homes or specially prepared disaster bunkers in countries that, so far, appear to have avoided the worst of the COVID-19 outbreak. Honestly, I was like, TV box sets? Did Joe Biden write this? Yeah, literally.
Starting point is 00:38:01 It's like... Listen, Jack, put it in the microwave for three minutes. Put on. Put on cheers. Put on gun smoke. Let's sit down for a while. Many are understood to be taking personal doctors or nurses on their flights to treat them. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:38:24 And their families in the event that they become infected they have kidnapped health care workers yes oh my god in a global pandemic they have taken health care workers out of off the front lines of a global health pandemic yep to tow them away when they're not even unhealthy. To put them up in a mother-in-law suite just in case someone gets a temp.
Starting point is 00:38:54 Yep. That's correct. What? That is correct. The wealthy are also besieging doctors in private clinics in Harley Street,on and across the world demanding private coronavirus tests to avoid overwhelming limited testing facilities
Starting point is 00:39:12 the nhs said it would test only people with a high chance of having the illness meaning people who had had close contact with a confirmed case or who had recently gone to a high risk country um however an employee at another harley street practice who does that kind to be named said their clinic had arranged for concerned clients to be tested in other countries or for samples to be sent abroad for testing um let's see kin langone co-founder of the home depot chain knew where to turn when seeking medical advice on the outbreak the 84 year old billionaire called an executive and top scientist at nyu langone health the in the new york hospital
Starting point is 00:39:51 named after him in which he chairs that must be nice fucking a not only do they have their own doctors they have entire hospitals named for them yeah them. He has his own hospital. Yeah, he just called. He said, yeah, boss here. My cough is from smoking weed. Trust me. I'm coughing up a lot of resin right now. That's a good 420 meme. Coronavirus to the chronic. Just coughing because I hit the bong, man.
Starting point is 00:40:21 What I've been told by people who are smarter than me in disease is, as of right now, it's a bad flu, he told Bloomberg, the billionaire. Adam Twiddle, chief executive of the private jet booking service PrivateFly, said his firm was continuing to see a jump in bookings as wealthy people arrange evacuation flights home from high-risk countries. high-risk countries. He said many are from groups which include elderly passengers or those with health conditions that make them particularly concerned about exposure to crowds on airline flights. We've just flown a group back to London from the south of France with an immunocompromised passenger on board. Twiddle said other rich clients were arranging flights out of the UK and other European countries in advance of the possible introduction of nationwide quarantine measures following Italy's lead.
Starting point is 00:41:10 Quintessentially, the concierge company for millionaires, oh, that's the name of the concierge company, quintessentially, said members who could not afford private jets had requested access to private airport lounges to avoid the risk of interacting with large numbers of the traveling public. So there's levels to this. If you can't afford a private jet, you can at least get a private room in an airport. This is so sick. Here's the interesting thing about all this. They're overcorrecting on this. Honestly, this is very bad But if you just stayed in your house
Starting point is 00:41:47 And disinfected And hunkered down for a while You'd probably be fine in Home Depot But which house? On which continent? How do they decide? That's true And it's just like pulling back the layer
Starting point is 00:42:02 That they all have Survival bunkers They've all set up houses which house and it's just like pulling back the layer that they're like they all have survival bunkers they've all set up houses like wherever off some island somewhere where they've got a you know months worth of supplies and food ready to go i'll read read this um robert vicino founder and chief executive of vivos Group, a California-based company constructing underground shelters designed to withstand a range of natural disasters and catastrophes, said his firm had seen a surge in inquiries and sales since the crisis took hold.
Starting point is 00:42:38 Oh, my God. Vivos has converted a Cold War bunker in Indiana into a combination for 80 people. 80. That's it. And is offering space in 575 concrete bunkers in an abandoned Second World War ordinance depot in South Dakota. Yeah. No, it's quite literally
Starting point is 00:42:55 if you can afford it, you can go underground. But if you can't... You can stave off the apocalypse. What we need to do is expropriate the underground bunkers first that way when it hits the fan and they show up sorry boys the bus is plumb full i was about to say yeah we we need to take over the greenbrier hotel right now oh yeah we got we need to go we need to go get the greenbrier that's that's gonna be our headquarters yes and then barricade barricade the entrance with jim justice's corpse
Starting point is 00:43:27 just rotting stinking bugs the longer he lies there the worse it is you can block a lot of entrance with that corpse shit um yeah no uh the rich are i mean it's it's all the things that we saw in katrina and that we see every day it's it's crisis capitalism disaster capitalism here's a question you know that i mean they i don't know what it is now but they paid the greenbrier for decades for that to be the official fallout shelter for congress wherever it is now do you think we would even know would they even tell us that they had sent congress into a bunker no you think bernie would tell us or you think they wouldn't tell bernie they wouldn't tell everyone but bernie
Starting point is 00:44:17 get to the email no you're i guarantee you there is a secret underground place for politicians and we will never know where it's at. I know we won't know. We know. No, no. You're fucking stupid. It's the Denver airport. Have you not watched Conspiracy Theory with Governor Jesse Ventura? Yeah, Denver airport. Regardless of where it is, I don't even
Starting point is 00:44:39 think we would know if they hit the switch to send everyone there. They wouldn't even tell us. Yeah. I think that you're right. Yee-haw. I think a central thesis of this episode is something that we need to come to grips with,
Starting point is 00:44:56 is that we've always just sort of assumed our whole life that these virtuous rich people are at the wheel and that they're going to do what's more or less fine for all of us and in reality there is nobody at the wheel and also they all have the parachute button that we don't have so if that doesn't give you the kind of vigor you need to go you know break something steal something loot pillage you know basically make their day a little bit harder than uh i don't know what to tell you. And make no mistake, that parachute button is to rescue them from us.
Starting point is 00:45:30 Oh, yeah. This is to get them away from us. Well, I mean, if we all spend the next month in our houses going slowly crazy, like just stir crazy, there's no telling what... That doesn't bode well for them. That doesn't bode well for them it doesn't bode
Starting point is 00:45:45 well for them once it actually finally lifts and things start to clear up a little bit dude i already look like fucking shit and my mind ain't much to begin with yeah we're not well. Yep. Even if we don't have coronavirus. Well, you know, I don't know if we've seen a pandemic on this scale in a long time. Even AIDS, HIV was geographically pretty, well, maybe not. No, I don't know. I guess it was a global pandemic too. Yeah. It was, and I think it's one that, like, to me, anyway,
Starting point is 00:46:34 like just speaking for the sports, and when we were talking about canceling the NCAA tournament, I was wondering because when Magic Johnson announced he was HIV positive, I think in 93, 93 or 94, I can't remember. I remember that was like, that was like one of those things that people were freaking out about. Like, oh, is that going to spread? Can it spread through sweat? Can it spread through saliva?
Starting point is 00:46:59 What if somebody elbows him and he bleeds and all this stuff and it's interesting perhaps the only heartwarming case of the devil's milkshake that's ever been done was magic's uh the l the la lakers team doctor when magic came back worked on his cuts with no gloves on oh my god and he did that he did that to sort of break the stigma to sort of say that like hey this is not you you can't contract it like by just you know just free hand touching some blood or something like that like the risk is extremely low and of course magic ended up retiring anyway but i remember after that like you know tim hardaway and carl malone and all these players were talking about like you know questioning magic sexuality and like you know, Tim Hardaway and Karl Malone and all these players were talking about, like, you know, questioning. And so it was like, you know, I think it's important to, once you know the science and the facts of how this stuff is, to, you know, do little gestures like that, you know.
Starting point is 00:48:15 Yeah. Sort of, you know, but I think, I think right now the responsible thing is to, you know, distance and hunker down and try to get this thing out of circulation. Anyway, those two things are apples and oranges. And of course, maybe that's easy to say now because we know how HIV spreads, but not a ton about this, even though we suspect it's like a respiratory thing like the flu or anything else. But, yeah. Yeah, I mean, it is kind of apples and oranges um
Starting point is 00:48:47 i mean there's no there's treatment but no cure for hiv very different but even then they didn't cancel the nba right um well i i a lot of this is um you know it's funny that like uh you know we talk about sort of like uh dialectics and like how the same forces that can bring a country to prominence or bring a society to prominence can also be the ones that like become its downfall. And it's interesting that, um, all of our sort of individualism and,
Starting point is 00:49:34 uh, obsessions about Liberty and all this, like, I mean, I don't know if you guys have seen this, but on Twitter and Facebook, you know, you can see these tweets about the coronavirus and then go read the comments.
Starting point is 00:49:46 And it's just a bunch of MAGA people like you'll never control me. You know, it's just like don't tread on me. People just be like the same people who were, you know, concerned posting about China's response to this and how it was infringing on civil liberties and all this. It's just like never occurs to them that maybe other societies conceive of themselves as a collective you know what i mean whereas in america it's every person for the fucking selves yeah and uh and that might have been great um for the early 20th century in terms of capitalism and bringing us to world dominance but um it will become our undoing it's now it's now just suicidal it's just look at look at look at how asian countries handle even much more minor things like if you're feeling a fever or sick at all and you have to travel they all wear the mask you know
Starting point is 00:50:37 what i mean and that's just to protect one another it's not you know you get on an american flight and somebody looks like they've got one foot in the grave and they're just like hacking their shit all over you. Yeah. The last time I was at my doctor's office, they have I mean, this has been a month ago, but they have mask out. And I asked them if people were using them and they because it was flu season. And they said that they had a man in there with the flu in their in the office like the other day. And he was like coughing and hacking and acting awful. And they said yeah please please grab one of these masks and put it on and he said hell i done got it now
Starting point is 00:51:10 and they were just looking at him like it's not about you it ain't about you motherfucker that's the thing that's been driving me crazy people who are like oh i've already accepted i'm gonna get it and it's like that's not the point the point is you don't want to be the vector that spreads it to other people jesus i i mean it's so selfish how we think of this shit did you got it now did you guys see this um graphic that vox posted um the united states is currently testing the smallest percentage of its population of any developed nation um so do we really not have the tests what's the fucking act what's actually happening is the cdc just scared to send them out i think it's a few things they're not releasing the tests um i think that we're dragging our feet um but i also think that in a in a medical
Starting point is 00:52:00 system that is entirely centered around profit that like several boxes have to be checked before any of that can occur you know what i mean like we have to make sure that money can be made off of it first it's truly so by comparison if you look at this graphic it's fascinating um because so like it's on the left hand side is test per million people, and on the right-hand side is population. So South Korea, at the very bottom of the list, has a population of 51.3 million people, but it has tested 3,692 people per million people. Does that make sense?
Starting point is 00:52:38 Very small population bubble. Very large testing bubble. But the United States has a population of 320 million people and has tested one or has tested 23 in a million people in every million people massive population bubble tiny tiny testing they don't even have a test bubble 23 out of a million people because the south korea is 3 000 some out of a million out of a million for every million people they've tested 3 000 in america we've tested 23 out of absurd gotta keep the numbers low baby it's an election year. Well, Michelle's sister-in-law or stepsister works at ARH and her stepmom was over
Starting point is 00:53:28 last night, yesterday. And they were saying what the procedure is. She was telling us how like crazy the procedure is. If they find out there's like, if, if, if someone shows up with Corona virus,
Starting point is 00:53:39 that's how she said it at the hospital. And I was like, there's our, they already have Corona. Their Corona virus is in that hospital. Cause she said, no, honey. I said, they don't have't have any tests i was like do you know if they've tested anyone she said no i don't think anyone said they have it of course no one who is like knocking on the door hey i got corona i heard somebody say i heard somebody say man it's crazy only only only famous people are getting this because they're the only one with tests they're the only one with access to test so yeah
Starting point is 00:54:11 definitely coronavirus they she so she said if if someone shows up if there's a coronavirus everyone in the hospital has to lock down and the the people on staff like the the whatever nurses are on staff at that time they can't go home they have to stay in the hospital they're locking it down the thing is there's probably at least in cities in most cities in america these people have probably been coming there and they've been diagnosing this bronchitis or the flu or something for months now yeah that's what i said i said there's definitely coronavirus in that hospital one million percent my mom had an ultrasound scheduled for this week and i was like i just i don't think it's a good time to go to the hospital mom i think you should probably just reschedule your that unless you think it's really important i mean if you've not just in case you're listening
Starting point is 00:54:55 to the show and you just like it for the comedy and the yucks the jokes and everything and you're not really on board with the politics yeah i just need to stress reiterate that it could not be more clear of what the choices are it is literally socialism or barbarism like we are at the crisis point where all the things we have said about capitalism and about the specifically the individualism and selfishness of this country and its economic system. The skin is melting off. Yeah. And the skeleton is showing.
Starting point is 00:55:29 Exactly. And it just, again, shows you how absolutely artificial and absurd everything is. And so just to reiterate one more time, you owe nothing to the Democratic Party. You should not temper your political demands especially medicare for all we should absolutely not be even remotely considering giving up and voting for joe fucking voting for joe biden we have the leverage use it don't fucking blink because again we you know we are in a situation where we have presented before us uh an opportunity to show just how heinous the system is and how artificial
Starting point is 00:56:15 and preposterous it is even if god forbid bernie drops out and supports biden let that let us remember bernie god love him is still a bag of bones a human and he is not all of this exactly he is not even the fucking center point of this he is yet a vessel he's just our vessel he is a vessel and if that vessel goes off to biden fuck him fuck it fuck it yeah we stay on track because like we stay on track because fuck the fucking dams. If anything, you should run as an independent. Yeah, yeah. Because again, because the crisis should show you that like we don't have the luxury or the privilege to connect our movement to a person or a personality.
Starting point is 00:56:55 It is quite literally fight or die every day. Every day that we go further into this and we go further into economic collapse and etc. Should show you that it is quite literally the case especially now that e-wars dropped out we're more united just like you want it just like you want it just like you want it the plan has come together we were we're done with the war we probably just need to be done with bernie too and keep this fucking shit moving even though we in, at the end of the day, probably only netted about 11 histrionic online activists
Starting point is 00:57:30 from the EWAR coalition. We gained a bunch of bots. That regardless. Oh my God. I muted any mention of Elizabeth Warren. Did you? You're getting paid to talk about this woman and you muted her. I don't even
Starting point is 00:57:47 want to think about it. I've even gone so far as to mute just about every single person who was advocating for unity with her for the last six months. I don't even want to think about any of that bullshit ever again. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:58:04 Anyways, well... You heard Terrence say, he forgives you all. He's erased it all. I've erased it all. It's completely erased. All his grievances. So, anything else
Starting point is 00:58:16 we need to cover? Tom, Tanya, before we leave for this week? Are you still on mute, Tom? No, I'm here. My TV inexplicably kicked on in the other room and I'm worried that it's
Starting point is 00:58:32 picking up on this audio, but anyway. No, I would just say go with God and don't vote for Joe Biden. Pretty solid advice. During this time, even though social distancing is being advised,
Starting point is 00:58:49 and we advise that too, even though I came all the way to Terrence's fucking cabin. If I get coronavirus, it's on you, buddy. After he shook every hand in Ohio on Monday. We're the cause. When I last went and walked around the lake where we parked when I was leaving, this young couple pulled up and they were like getting their stroller out of the trunk to push their baby around the lake. And I whipped out one of those Bernie posters. I was like, hey, you guys want a Bernie poster? That's my canvas.
Starting point is 00:59:16 What did they say? No, thanks. No. They just looked at me and they were like, no, thanks. uh no they were so they just looked at me and they were like no thanks so along that veil maybe carry other things in your car for when you do happen to be out i also have narcan could have offered on narcan but that seems a little little forward you want a narcan and a bernie i also keep in my car narcan and condoms and plan b um but this is could you imagine giving all of those things to them hey you want bernie poster buddy i got a condom some narcan and a bernie poster you want it plenty of it honestly um even
Starting point is 00:59:53 more stockpiled at the house but this is a good this is there there are there will be opportunities for mutual aid um here in the next few weeks especially here here in Kentucky. We have close to zero childcare infrastructure, and now all the schools are closed. So I came here from babysitting three kids. That's another thing. I'm returning to that. That's another thing that the continuity of which has been interrupted. School.
Starting point is 01:00:18 Yeah. School's been canceled. School, sports. People are going to be on edge in the next few weeks. And how we respond to this determines everything. Balking in the face of dumbasses trying to convince you to fall back into the Democratic Party would be a massive error. Mistake. Of world historical proportions.
Starting point is 01:00:38 Of historical proportions. It would be. Consider how you'll be remembered. Exactly. Everything about how we respond to this will determine the near term in the long-term future it can't be understated this might be our last best chance it really might be um yeah and even if it's not why not why not consider it that you know what i mean exactly what do we have to lose? I mean, we say this all the time.
Starting point is 01:01:05 We have less and less to lose. Yeah, that was my point. I was trying to end on a nice crescendo. Sorry, Tom. I didn't mean to take that from you. God damn it. Well, thanks for listening. You know, I don't know how this is going to affect us.
Starting point is 01:01:21 Let's say, for example, the economy does go into deep recession and our Patreon number starts to affect us. Let's say, for example, the economy does go into deep recession and our Patreon number starts to go down. We're going to keep doing this show as long as we can and as long as we're alive and can afford it. So maybe we'll
Starting point is 01:01:35 make this episode free. It's a pretty good one. I'm winging a prayer. But yeah, offer child care if you can. Offer to cook a meal for somebody. Yeah. And support one another. Yeah, because that's the thing.
Starting point is 01:01:55 I was thinking about this last night. I was pretty stoned on my couch, and I was thinking about how unprepared I am. Not necessarily about getting sick. That does suck. But more about the economic and systemic impacts, the inhumanity of it all, the fascism. Because fascism is coming.
Starting point is 01:02:16 You know what I mean? I don't know if you guys saw these headlines about how they're restricting SNAP benefits and stuff now in light of all this. And they're hardening borders even more and so it's just like we can respond in our own ways because the right is responding in their way and the only way we get through this is with each other like literally yeah literally it's the only way and it's also the only way to not be completely fucking terrified you know what i mean
Starting point is 01:02:43 yeah if you can if you can imagine that you'll be uh facing this with a lot of other people it will help you get through it um and so yeah because you are indeed facing this with a lot of other people social distance stay home for sure but take solace so that everyone else is in the same fucking boat. No, this thing should be illuminating to you exactly what the class lines are and how stark they are and how you do not matter to them at the top at all, even a little bit. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:15 But you matter to us. But you matter to us. So anyways, thanks for listening, and stay safe out there, everybody. Wash your hands. Yeehaw. Tom, any last, stay safe out there, everybody. Wash your hands. Yeehaw. Tom, any last words? Don't touch your face.
Starting point is 01:03:29 Don't touch your face. Don't pick your nose. Okay. All right. Well, we'll see you later.

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