Tuesdays with Stories! - #365 Eerie Mcqueery
Episode Date: September 1, 2020New piping hot ep for ya as the guys talk farting and break each other down mentally before Joe has an episode at the dentist while Mark gets boozed up at a comedy club in Salt Lake City. Check it out...! Sponsored by: My Bookie (mybookie.ag code: tuesdays), Manscaped (manscaped.com code: tuesdays) & Blue Chew (bluechew.com code: tuesdays) Subscribe to our Patreon for full video of the show A WEEK EARLY, bonus eps, and more! www.patreon.com/tuesdays Get our new T-Shirts right here baby! remember2behappy.com/twsshop
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hey mark fake banter for the intro that's all I know how to do great good
to be here welcome to Tuesdays with stories hit her in the face with a
surfboard and then the duck fell out of his bag
surfs up and she didn't even flush knock knock who's there Mark Norman and
Joe less Tuesdays with stories everybody that's terrible this is supposed
to be cheesy
spitting at me
hey everybody you're welcome to Tuesdays with stories it's a new month it's
September 1st mark what do you think about that
I rent is due folks everybody hates that rent and you could be menstruating I
don't know what your calendar is or ladies keep like a period calendar
well I used to have one just based on you know if you gotta know what cuz some
ladies don't want to fuck with their period some ladies don't mind and some
guys are gay so who knows that's true that's true gay guys have never had to
concern themselves with menstruation good point that's interesting what a life
but I gotta say I no longer concern myself my wife doesn't mind fucking on her
period I mean you gotta put a towel down you gotta be sure gotta be mindful and
go hey wait a second yes metal period sometimes it sneaks up on you to you
just start fucking you look down and it looks like you busted into the Hershey
syrup you know yeah when you pound it it starts to get brown I know it's like a
like a mr. Stubbs or whatever that barbecue sauce is it's got a chunk in it
it's a doozy but I don't mind either I I'll eat out a period I come up I got like
a period mustache I'm not against it it's a little zinky it's irony period piece
there's been times where I fuck I looked down and I missed I thought maybe I was
in the ass because that blood I don't know if it coagulates or what the hell
happened but a triangular fire it gets brown and thick and I'm like did I put
this in your stinker and you pretended you didn't notice right right and well my
gal is on the old IUD oh yeah hashtag me too yeah oh nice yeah that's I love it
I mean she loves it I love it everybody's winning but every now and then we'll get
a little I guess it's a is that spotting yes yeah so we'll get a little that every
now and then it's always a fun surprise because the comfort is ruined yeah I
don't mind blood in the comforter by the way I'm like we're married no one's
staying over no one's coming over a little warshack test on the blankets that
doesn't bother me yeah same here and she'll get weird about it but you know
what the hell do I care I think I think that's a sign of a nice guy is just a
you know those guys like oh get out of here you fucking sicko bleedy weirdo
you're like oh come on what are you doing be nice I'm a good person I like a
big old bush I don't mind a little BO Harry hoof you know a little calf hair
I'm not into it I prefer not but I'm not like a get out of the fucking bed and
shave you cunt what's funny though cuz I think a lot of ladies maybe it's
beaten in by their mom or their stepdad or somebody but they're like oh god if
I have one one hair coming out of my shit he's gonna he's gonna cheat on me or
he's gonna dump me or divorce me and you're like yeah we rather you just not
cry exactly yeah just pretend to enjoy the godfather that's what I'm concerned
you could just be like oh look oh bratsy he seems like a handful you know that
would be nice some movie references every now and then would be a treat you
know I'm doing something about Mary and she's like who who's Mary does she have
a does she have a hair on her legs I'm like ah it's a fucking movie yeah that
wouldn't be bad and oh fuck I had a thought it was something ah son of a
bitch oh I'm talking to a friend of mine friend of ours and I'm not gonna name
names but he's a married fella and he asked if my wife this is years ago if
my girlfriend maybe the time farts in front of me and I'm like a couple times
not a big I don't know maybe maybe a few times how about you and he was like she
never has in 20 years and if she did would it be the last time we ever she
ever saw me wow like Jesus I'm like you get divorced over a fart he's like I
won't have it I don't tolerate it and fuck her wow well some people have a
thing with farts I don't know if it's lady or man or just whatever trans but
remember that time I'm not gonna say his name but we open for a huge name comic
and we're all having a good time we're hanging out in the hotel room watching
bullshit on TV drinking smoking fucking and I cut a nice toot on the bed and he
was like what the fuck was that and I was like hey we're comics we're having fun
we're joshing around he was like I don't care for that yeah I remember that it
was slow mo and I just remember being like oh no because you know I was I was
in pretty good with the guy and I was like you got to get this guy oh yeah
that guy he's he's fun this is gonna be a different kind of trip and then you
open with it just ripping it on the bed and in a four thousand dollar room I
might add while he's buying us a nine hundred dollar meal and I just remember
being like that's not his humor at all and I see his his act half his act is
you know bodily fluids and death and anal and queefs and I thought that would
be right on par with the with the rest of it well you should have asked first
who has about a part well it's a joke about the other thing but I missed that
you quaved it up but good job I've had it even myself years later where we you
know with thickest thieves and I'm staying in his home thinking you know
we're living together here for 24 hours a day yeah and I'll lift a cheek fire one
off and it's the same reaction it's like Jesus what are you crazy so there's no
getting in right arts are out and that's it yeah that's I don't know that's a
similar wire just certain things like I don't like the you know you can jizz in
my face you can put a pinky up the pooper you can fuck my mom but if you do
this one around me that you know the Hawking I'm a big hawker because I got
the reflux you don't know about the reflux you're Tony Hawk I get it but
that's that's you got a reason how about just these redneck cunts who just kind
of do it you know every meal every every time they get outside they light up a
smoke and they take a wig big hawk on a on a bush and then it just dangles ah
come on well I gotta say I'm pro farting but there was one time in Vegas I got a
little perturbed with you young man oh you were you were farting I don't know
every eight seconds and they were stinkers like you had some beer farts or
something yeah well that finally I just reached a point where I was like you
gotta you gotta knock it off I'm snacking over here we're in a small room
to six people the sound is funny the smell is bad right I get it shit works
yeah and you're upset with me for Hawking but you smell like a bag of
skunks well hey you know everybody's got their their their jizz their their their
their pet queefs whatever it is but yeah and look if you let me slide with four
farts and they smell like ass and you tell me to stop I get it but if it's an
SBD or or not an SBD if it's a if it's a loud but but non stinker L&S I say let
it ride it's just a funny noise no question about it I last night I had
what I like to call cartoon farts and it suck as I was by myself Sarah was doing
spots and I was alone and just had those the classic oh yeah and you just wish
anybody was there to see it because they weren't stinking it up too bad they
smelled you know whatever a little ice cream ish and the sound was just the
old-school raspberry sound and I would have loved to have shared it with you
yeah I would have liked next time to a Matt Wayne and put it on the iPhone and
send it right on over not a bad idea hey speaking of great ideas do you have a
big hairy bush we just talked about it a big hairy bush that needs trimming if
you're on me don't need to trim it but some people like we said they don't like
the big bush and you might want to trim it maybe your girlfriend hates you to
your wife whatever it is what you need is to get man scaped there are the they
are the only men's brand dedicated exclusively to blow that belt grooming
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way we have some man scaping underwear and t-shirts they sent us that I loved
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you guys know about man scape they're killer the engineers at man scape are
so obsessed with keeping your package clean they've created optimal ball hair
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bathroom yes I love it the lady uses it that's how you know it's all quality
products the lawnmower I take it on the road it's so portable and the battery
lasts forever I just keep that puppy I shave my balls I'll shave my face
I'll shave my asshole you can do anything with the lawnmower
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like your balls for 20% off your first order and always use the right tools for
the job yes that stuff is good my dad I don't know about a Steve list but my dad
is a real hairy gook and he is just his shoulder hair back hair the whole thing
chest hair and he would cut his pubes and armpit hair just to shorten it up
with scissors wow yeah yeah I mean I remember early speaking of Steve list
nobody taught me about shaving or how to shave I've never to this day I don't
know how to shave with a razor I guess you put what come on your face and then
swipe it I guess I could teach you we could do a father something
that feels weird you're younger than me I need to get you know
uh like Quinn or somebody to teach me right but you do a whole day tie a tie
tie your shoe wipe your ass shave ride a bike I can do it I can do a handful of
those bike I got I mean I got most of the stuff from now I could change a tire I
can ride a bike I can tie a tie I still can't do but I kind of want to go my
whole life not knowing how to tie a tie sure I get that I've gotten this far
and I'm going no tying what do you do fun what do you do with the wedding or
the funeral or the letterman or whatever I asked somebody to tie my tie I think
Ari tied my tie at uh my wedding and then I tied the knot and tighter tubes
and then uh I don't know how to wear a tie very often late nights I didn't wear them
I think tonight's show I wore a tie somebody tied it I'm sure Jimmy maybe who knows
by the way is there a more intimate moment for a man than another man nose to nose
breathe it in your face tie in that tie he's got his hands around your neck and flip it
and flop in and you're making jokes it's eye contact you're about to kiss it's too much
it's all very strange I was thinking about this the other day it's sad and weird my wedding
before the wedding there was no family members it was me Ari Bobby and Derek I mean Derek's
like family no uncle no dad no go get him son no cheek pinch here's my advice don't let your
knees buckle be kind to her yeah just uh just you know Bobby and Ari and Derek calling me a fag
and in a way uh you know me included we're not that close with the fam you can't I can't call
my dad a cum guzzler or he would he would shit his pants if I said that in front of him so like
maybe we're all more family than that like you know you see I've noticed black people
and minorities and young Mexicans yeah they love their family they have with their cousins
they go out drinking they they talk about fucking chicks and doing this and that and I'm like
I could never do that with my family my family's like co-workers that I hate the gig I hate the job
it's an office gig we work in a cubicle my dad's the boss my mom's fucking the boss and my cousin's
the guy by the copy machine I was listening just earlier to Sam Harris talking about mental bullshit
and not bullshit stuff that's great but it was talking about when you go see your family they
no matter how much you've changed they fit you back into this box of the way you grew up and then
you start to feel that way because they're making you feel that way so it doesn't matter how many
you know girls you fuck and shows you do and applause breaks you get and specials you have
and views in your ass and herpes they just bring you back to you know fifth grade crying because
you got a splinter and you don't know how to tie your shoes and your teeth are weird yep which is
still the case but and then you start to be like oh I'm sorry guys I'll just be quiet and
you want to knock their heads together and be like you know who I am you sons of bitches
I just bought a used Sentra you fucking assholes yeah how about that uh what is it certified pre-owned
dickless cpo yeah I feel the same way and and my that's the thing our parents aren't bad people
your parents are nice my parents are nice but they know how to get you they know how to do that
jujitsu vulcan neck pinch like one time I was talking to my mom and I go well I mean I had a
weird upbringing I had a tranny nanny I had a I lived in a mansion with no running water and she's
like oh so did we raise you wrong and I was like no I'm so sorry no I wasn't saying that mom please
now before you know what I mean your ass yeah same thing and some lady listened to me on marron
she's like you got to read this book and I don't want to get too detailed because they might hear
about this book and never allow me back in the house but I'll send you a photo of it
it's quite a quite a book I'm in there crying I'm ripping out pages and hanging them on my
wall and shit as reminders you got the book oh immediately this woman was like I listened
to you on WTF you got to get this book you were molested you don't know what's going on read this
it'll help and so I am a zoned it I send her a photo I was like thanks lady and she's like good luck
out there you're relatively young the world's fucked and uh wow I think she was like some like
she was like Bert Lancaster in field of dreams I think she disappeared back into a ghost or whatever
wow she sounds kind of hot I mean she listened to an hour podcast with mark marron was like you
are gonna get a book and see this therapist and and say the Lord's player twice well give me the
give me the the goods what's the book fatty it's called running on empty and it's about emotional
neglect ah and it's all about you know parents that that love you and tried their best but
they just didn't give you the proper they weren't whatever they bought you burger king but they didn't
say hey it's all right you're gonna be fine interesting well it's funny you bring that up
because years ago back in my wilder days this is like seven eight years ago I would you know me I
would go to LA and not set up a place to stay and try to figure it out you know sure which I look back
on and go Jesus I would never do that's a lot of work what was I thinking but I ended up sleeping
at this girls house and she's like sleep on the couch and I laid on the couch for 10 minutes and
she goes all right get in the bed we ended up fucking it was pretty cool but she she was like
this smart educated PhD in psychology Jewish chick and she broke me down I guess after the fucking
after I cried and you know vomiting and everything she was like are you Irish and I'm like no I don't
have a stitch of Irish in me and she was like you got so much Catholic guilt you got so much low
self-esteem you got this you got that your family's fucked and she broke me down and it's everything
this book is saying even though I never read the book oh stick this book in your ass I mean I don't
even I stopped reading and I threw it it was like the whatever you call it the neck to gone from
army of darkness whatever you say it I mean I read the back cover started crying I mean it's
it's under my bed and in the safe right now because it was triggering me it's like the
in Indiana Jones it's it's it's crazy and now I want to watch Indiana Jones and army of darkness
back to back but that's neither here nor there well tell your girlfriend to get a reference
it's it's quite a quite a book and it's all about like it's not something you you got that
happened when you were a kid it's something that didn't happen you didn't get the proper like hey
what are you why do you crying for that's big that's big like I could have used you know the
debt I mean this is a whole other bag of tomatoes but you know I'd go to the dentist I'd be freaking
out and crying and they were like it's fine it's like 10 minutes it'll be over in no time
but I could have used a why are you so upset what are you gonna have well you're gonna be okay
or even like a yeah that sucks I get it it's the worst yes and so now I'm still at the dentist I
was there the other day I got a story about the dentist by the way hmm but I was there and I'm
like actually shaking and crying I'm not even joking I'm like just violently shaking and crying
and I was like in tears I was like do you hate me and my dentist is like what he's like I love you
what are you talking about he's like you're my one of my favorite guys and I was like it feels
like you hate me I think everyone hates me and I broke down in the dental chair whoa sucking thing
was in they were using it to pick up my tears oh my god wow he was holding my hand and squeezing
me he's like nobody hates you you're one of my favorite guys I think you're hilarious and I'm
like I just have abnormal anxiety here this is nuts and you know he threw listerine in my eyes
and jerked me off so I could get this crown in yeah oh that was viewer what 29 this is this is
yesterday two days ago I'm not even kidding I thought you were you know seven no this is like
literally two days ago I was crying and asking if he hated me wow that's crazy see I got a similar
thing because I was so scared of the dentist the doctor orthodont anything like medical was freaking
me out because it always hurt or was always uncomfortable and my dad the way he bonded
with me we never played catch he never hugged me never blew me it was just always you know
oh you got a mole on your head we're gonna get that puppy lanced and that was his idea of bonding
so my only hang time with my dad I got a doctor with his knee on my face going all right we're
gonna cut it right here he's got a big machete out he cut a mole off my head my dad's going get
him get him and I'm going ah and that was a fucking Friday right yeah it's all it's all in there
and you can tap into all of it and really go back in there and it's a it's a dark strange place yes
but let me throw this at you because I don't want to get too serious here but let me throw
some jizz in your ass and then see if someone eats it out please please I might get pregnant
so this is similar you have your thing and maybe I'm going to give away the story by
the way I'm setting this up the prologue is the past or whatever Shakespeare sucks yeah
you know you had the guy that was like come by for free lunch you don't get the free lunch
and then you got the story about you go to the club and he's like get the lobster and
afterwards he's like it's 28 bucks yeah so obviously the story has been given away already
I'm telling it wrong but I go to the dentist I love my dentist he's my favorite guy I hate
I hate the dentist but I love my dentist you know what I mean I feel the same way with uh his panics
I go I go there and uh I have it's a too long of a story to get into but I had this
crown that I think I already talked about it a little bit I got a temporary crown in I went to
get the permanent one the permanent one doesn't fit so we got a re-measure or whatever the fuck for
the third time he's anesthetizes me puts all this fucking novocaine in and I'm such a big
bitch at the dentist that he puts like crazy novocaine in uh-huh because any kind of discomfort I go
it's embarrassing so he loads me up he's putting shot after shot of fucking novocaine in my in my
face yeah and I'm completely fucking numb and he goes we gotta give it a good 10 15 minutes to
really let it numb up because I know what a pussy you are yeah and I go great so we're just sitting
there and he goes when's the last time Christy when's the last time Joe had a cleaning and she
goes October he goes let's he goes how about this why don't we give you a cleaning that's how much
I love you I'm gonna give you a cleaning while your face numbs up and uh he's like that way
you know you're worried I don't love you I love you I'm gonna clean you up how's that sound and
I'll even give you a fluoride that's how much I love you whoa so in my mind you're getting a free
cleaning that's what I'm thinking right I mean the way he worded he didn't give me a choice he said
would you like a clean he said I'll give you a cleaning and there was no like do you want one
because here it is he didn't say yada yada and so this whole time I'm thinking boy he really does
love me which I think he does and he gives me the cleaning now a cleaning some people again
some people are they don't mind the dentist they like a cleaning you leave feeling fresh it's nice
they like the attention whatever it is a cleaning to me is a nightmare they take the scraper and
they're pulling and scratching my gums are bleeding I mean I hate it hate it and I had a good
prank this is a side note this is a good thing that happened classic therapy bullshit that came
from running on empty the book I was freaking out and shaking and crying literally and I started
saying to myself this is not my fault that really helped me huh because I'm like you're such a piece
of shit you're such a bitch you're 38 years old you're shaking and crying in the dental chair
like a fucking piece of shit bitch and I just went this isn't my fault I was created this way I was
raised this way my mother's got anxiety my dad whatever and I'm like this is who I so
it can be unpleasurable and I can be anxious and crazy but I'm not there's nothing wrong with me
that's just the way I was raised right and that was strangely helpful but that's a side that's uh
the robin williams uh jizz and uh goodwill it's not your fault you know you're a good egg
Sean or whatever the hell apples whatever it was you know it's uh it's the same thing it's true
but it's so hard to go that way because you go add an easy out not my fault it's such a cliche you
know but it's true you got fucked yes by the way the apples thing I know I'm gonna get shot because
I'm from Boston I'm supposed to love everything Boston but that's one of the dumbest scenes in
any movie I know like why does the guy play a lot like he's like well I do like apples I gotta say
it yeah feels like this is a setup but I don't know yeah yes I do like apple well
how do you like these whoa yeah it's a little cheese balls yeah he would have gone like what
blow me fuck you you know I know I know why wouldn't he be like yeah no I don't know yeah anyways
no I agree I agree that really worked out for the blue collar protagonist really silly but
great movie I still like the movie don't fucking at me um but it's not any fault
any just so it's not my fault I get the cleaning and it's miserable and it sucks and then he
fluorides and I had some build-up so he really got in there and fucking hacked away and then
I'm leaving and I'm like I'm fucking numb I hope it's like a stroke I feel like Keith Robinson
I'm like whoa and then she goes there is a charge for the cleaning it's $300
300 unexpected wow notified 300 wow ouch you got cleaned out I mean and it's pandemic no one's
working the job the bullshit that's fucked up isn't it to just give someone a $300 charge without
asking them if they want to spend $300 that day well especially with the pouring on the I love you
this is how much I love you I love you buddy like that that implies I'm gonna give you this because
I love you it's free it's on me crazy and I'm happy I'm grateful he did it because I got it out of
the way and I was already numb so I it wasn't as painful whatever but still I think you gotta be
like hey are you cool with parting ways with $300 today because these are crazy times a lot of
people 300 bucks would break them right now totally no that's cuckoo but I guess it's a weirdly
flattering thing that he thinks you can just throw out 300 clams but also he's a dentist so he's
probably loaded so to him 300 is like ah but how much can I ask how much is the whatever the hell
you got the other thing well that I've already paid for this is it just hasn't fit yet so I think
that was like thousands of dollars but I paid it way back in December or January whatever the fuck
but I do think these dentists they're struggling more than you think like they make a lot of money
but there's so many dentists in New York that there is quite a bit of competition because I remember
them being like please leave a nice review like it feels like podcast they'll like tell your friends
will give you a if you give us a referral will give you money whatever the fuck yeah he's in your
mouth he's going to you know feels feels dot com he's got to tell you the ads
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it's funny you bring up the bendy straw I hadn't thought about that in a long time I remember
being young maybe it's because it was pre phones or we were just young but
that was a big deal oh yeah bendy straw oh yeah is it a bendy and then being like mad if it wasn't
a bendy you're like it's not a fucking bendy right that little bit of satisfaction when you get the
when you when you yank it you know and it stretches I love that feeling love the yank and I like the
noise that yeah a little that oh yeah game changer it's the same with the the ketchup bottle
that then when they figured out to flip it and have the cap be the bottom and the cap was
fat flat and wide that was big big I I loved it they got some good inventions and there's more
to come yes aside aside from the covid and the science denial and everyone hates each other
and the climate change this is a pretty great time to be alive oh yeah I mean I mean the zoom is
amazing cars don't break really you know cars would break when I was younger like ah shit you
got to let it warm up ah your Johnson rod although the oil is low or what a the fluids it was all
but the fluids you know and now it's like they just start right up in the middle of winter
yeah it's pretty good every car has a c automatic windows you know serious radio whatever serious
girlfriend whatever it's got a lot of a lot of good stuff happening and the mattresses are better
the air conditionings are better the TVs are better like a flat screen big screen TVs like 40 bucks
now I know it's insane remember those came out those plasmas it was like ah that thing's
two thousand two hundred thousand dollars and now they're like eighty eight bucks
and and high definition is the best thing that ever happened to sports ever
uh-huh like when I was a kid I mean I'm gonna wear a big hockey family I mean
you'd watch and you're just looking at you couldn't see the jersey numbers and the puck was
you had to kind of guess and just watch for reactions now it's so crisp right crispy it's
beautiful not bad for porn either if you really want to get to the nitty gritty and see every
blemish is it cut pimple and and pockmark right on that labia I like some blemishes sure
little imperfection so so let me did I tell you about I told you about the kid in the tree
yes so the thing of like we've always been doing wacky gigs but the wacky gigs have it's just the
norm now it's the norm McDonald it's just there is no normal gig now really it's in
Royersford big J got ripped off stage it's in a sandpit or it's in a ball pit or it's in your
armpit it's all these pits and I did one in Long Beach Long Island which I love Long Beach I keep
talking about it but it's this little haven in the middle Long Island's got a bad rep you know it's
that's really Alabama it's nothing but uh racist and coke heads and bald ones you know but I love
Long Beach the beach is beautiful it looks like Venice it's this tiny little town this oasis it's
all run by cops and firefighters so it's not like super swanky and nice it's kind of blue collar
and middle of the road everybody's nice and they got thick accents and they surf and I did a show at
a taco joint like a Mexican restaurant in the parking lot and it feels very Boston because
they're all firemen they're all salt of the earth you know nice guys thick fingers with the rough
hands where you shake it you're like god damn you know who is this guy and they're all tougher than
you and uh so when we get there and it's this big fat guy and he's like hey I'm Gus I own the place
and you're like hey Gus and he's like we got a problem I just got off the phone with the DEA
and comedy's illegal now so we gotta lose the stage there was a stage that was this tall
he's like we gotta get rid of that and we gotta have the show be one hour and all there's like 39
comics we have to go on because they all live in Long Beach they don't get up and he's like
y'all gotta squeeze it into one hour we will you get paid the same and I'll feed you and you can
drink as much as you want but it's gotta be one hour and no stage so we have to stand in a parking
lot and just tell jokes to people at picnic tables and I love it because I go oh great
I have to do less time I get paid the same but it was kooky but it's just so weird because it's
half children nobody knows it's a comedy show and I'm bombing but before my set 37 comics went on
and I said let me walk to the beach I walk to the beach there's hula hoop there's a volleyball
there's people surfing it's just weird culture shock coming out of Manhattan which is just hobo
heaven and crime rates through the roof and it was just it was a great time and I'm walking off
I'm walking down the pier and this is fat lady and I go hey this is beautiful out here aren't
she goes yeah we just start talking for 20 minutes just nice wow it's like a little community out
there she's like oh yeah I lived in Manhattan I had to get out this is nice I've been here 20 years
that house right there 600k you could buy that tomorrow I'm like maybe I will and it's just a nice
little nice little community compared to the city wow talking to a fat lady's fun you know yes
because they're cocktail yeah they're gross they don't deserve to be talked to but you're doing it
you know yeah it's nice good for you yes she was nice and she had an accent she had a c-section
scar and you know too many kids but it was just you know it was just a pleasant trip and it's
it's a 50 minute ride on the LIRR wow well I'm a big Jones Beach douche as you know and that's
right next door it's all the same beach essentially sure but it's pretty though is it clean out there
with Jones yeah I mean Jones is one beach down so it's all the same that's what's so interesting
about all these beaches because you're like I'm at Jones Beach I'm at Long Beach I'm at your mother's
beach right but it's the same thing it's the same with LA it's just like I mean there's some
different people obviously but like the beach itself like if you're a shark it's not like you're
like oh I'm over here at the law I don't go to Jones right it's just a mile down the the shore
that's a good point yeah it's all the same dirt and water yeah but it's it's fantastic over there
and I love there's all these places that have these bad wraps obviously there's bad people
of bad things about it like Jersey Shore of course is like trash right oh the tv show and
yada yada it's like one of the most spectacular places in the world really and same with Long
Island I mean I'm sure there's a bunch of racists and whatever and whatever else they say about
Long Island but there's also like spectacular beaches beautiful nice people great comics
and yeah Donnelly and sure I mean the alumni comedically out of Long Island is is bananas
ridiculous there's a whole wall of fame at go at governors oh that's right I mean we could we could
do I bet we could rattle off seven right now oh sure I mean we go every other what we do
let's tit for tat all right I'll say Amy Schumer so you don't have to I'll say David tell
okay how about Rodney Dangerfield now that's Queens what I thought he was Long Island now
Queens but you know Queens is close but uh Queens is part of Long Island technically I think it was
back then actually I mean it's it is on Long Island it's part of the island all right Brooklyn
and Queens are but then if we had Queens we could do 30 more but let's try to keep it to the island
here I'll say sorry and I say Howard Stern sure all right
um sorry I said Eddie Murphy out of order oh that works okay Eddie Murphy's a great one how
about DeSinefield County was born in Brooklyn now he's Long Island he's all right but God's
six uh Kevin James oh good one Rosie O'Donnell wow how about James his cousin Gary Valentine
oh boy all right one more here can I I could can I do opiate Anthony or I could also do Bob Nelson
you're busting out Bob Nelson oh yeah Bob Nelson counts uh who else is over there
what's that guy's name Vic Deepa Dippa Dippity DePetto what's that guy's name I don't know he's an
island somewhere uh he's an island of himself whatever that means yeah I never know what that
means either yeah and Roseanne is it Long Island is she Roseanne no she's from Denver what Roseanne
Barr I didn't see that coming yeah she's like a Denver douche huh how about that a mountain
wait this other this other Long Islands that we're missing here what about Pete Correali
I think he's Long Island maybe unless he's sitting I'm pretty sure he's a Long Island guy he sounds
like he's from Long Island yeah he's definitely a big wop I don't know that's that's uh that's
interesting pretty for sure Pete Correali Sean Donnelly uh oh that counts who else is out there
there's some other big guys you know like Richard Belzer maybe maybe maybe he might be Brooklyn
I'm not sure I don't really fell apart all right well we got seven this feels more like a bonus by
the way uh sorry the people are going to hate us but we got another ad here oh this show is this
show is famous and this is uh this is a new new thing here and I'm excited about it Tuesdays
with stories is brought to you by my bookie and uh now you know me y'all know me I'm a sports nut
in fact my comedy career has just ended because I'm watching the entire hockey tournament I'm
loving it the Bruins are moved on to the second round here I'm watching every minute of hockey
last Saturday I watched 10 hours straight hockey and I gotta say I'd like to do some betting I
have an app that only works in Vegas and so I'm into this my bookie the winning season returns
at my bookie that means doubling your first deposit this is wild you can play survivor
contest super contest all kinds of crazy contest at my bookie winning season means hitting all
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I'm not a sport guy really but that seems high I don't know what's what but this is my bookie and
they love us so go help it out wow that is very generous it's simple make your picks win big and
collect your cash visit my bookie dot ag and use promo code Tuesdays to double your first deposit
that's promo code Tuesdays at my bookie your winning season starts today only at my bookie
don't think I didn't notice the because he's my butler deliver
I love my bookie too because bookies are always terrifying like oh the bookie is going to get
you in my bookie sounds you know cute and fun my bookie and me my buddy remember that thing
I do yeah my buddy was big my buddy um you ever get embarrassed permission you ever get embarrassed
when uh I think back to me as a kid going mom I want that and it would be like a box of
laundry detergent but I had batman on it and I'm like mom we got to get that she was like it's
just a bat picture batman on a box a lot I'm like but I like batman she's and I'm like we
got to get it she's like shut up you're half retarded you know I'm so embarrassed by that now
I was thinking about this the other day I'm so embarrassed about all the times we lied to our
parents and there's no way they didn't know especially when you're really young like I feel
like if I had a six-year-old kid or an eight-year-old kid uh and they were like lying you'd be like
okay buddy like there's just no way a six or seven-year-old kid could fool me right right it's
true it's so embarrassed like at one time this this was a big running joke in our house because
I was such a loser but I got invited to a party and my parents didn't want me to go because it was
like a boozy kind of New Orleans wild party and I was like well it's not really a party it's more
of a gathering and my dad was like what the fuck is that it's a gathering so every every 10 minutes
he'd be like it's a gathering we're going to a gathering you know but uh I thought that would
work I was so stupid that's pretty funny that a dad shit on you for it oh we'd be going to my
my sister's wedding I thought I went it's a gathering and I'm like all right we got it
oh he really really gave it to you but oh yeah funny guy yeah he was quick I mean don't get me
start on the time I shaved lines in my head to fit in and my uh black public school he really
hey it's like I watch out MC hammers coming through you know oh that's shit it's so brutal when you're
11 that's hilarious sounds like a funny guy I'd like to meet him sometime yeah me too
how about this one what do you think of this so the other day I leave the dentist my face is you
know numb and whatever I'm drooling and I go into Central Park my dentist is on the Upper West so
the whole time I'm getting just tortured on the dental chair I'm thinking I can't wait to get to
in Central Park it's all I all I have today is the dentist so once I'm through this hell I got a
free day it's beautiful it's 75 it's sunny nice I got a book with me so I go into Central Park
and I'm sitting on a nice bench perfect amount of sun shade you know when you have like half sun
half shade yes it's the the sun coming through the shade but you're cool but you got a little
vitamin diesel and it's a breeze oh yeah so I'm reading and the pigeons are flying by and there's
beautiful women walking by I'm there for about 40 minutes and I read for about five and then I just
stare at the trees and gratitude bullshit then I go back and read and this guy walks by me and goes
pardon me sir and I go yes and I'm nervous because everything's getting kooky in the city
COVID and crime like you said it's it's it's strange times here tense it's tense and he goes
excuse me sir and I go yes hi and he looks a little rag and he goes are you aware of where
you're sitting and so immediately I'm like what the fuck I'm like I'm on a bench I'm looking
around and like you know when like you have that rush of thought anxiety answers what's about to
happen to me and I'm like is it wet paint is there is this someone's you know tombstone right
fuck and so I look around I go yeah I don't know and he was like there's rats all over the place
just gnawing right in here he's I don't know if you see him but there's an overflow of rats in the
city and they are right behind you you better be aware of that wow weird and I love it sitting here
for a half hour I'm like I've seen a couple squirrels some birds it's quite pleasant yeah
and I know we talked about before I think there's four to one rats in the city and the rats are
they're starving or they're eating each other supposedly now yes so it's not nothing but I'm
like is this guy crazy or is he like a sage wisdom fella yeah yeah because that's pretty par for the
anal with the rats in New York oh there's a bunch of rats in that bush like yeah yeah I know I know
the city that's how it works yeah so he just kept walking he's like I just want you to be aware
there's rats all over the place and they're gnawing around and I was like okay and I didn't want to
move because I don't want to give him the satisfaction because I'm like get out of here
so he left and I was like what a nut it's two o'clock in the afternoon I've been sitting here
but then I did have a moment where I was like all right I'll get out of here because maybe he knows
I don't know it was it was spooky and strange did you give a look back like man let me check
this rat's nest he spoke of and see what the word is I look back I didn't see anything but wood
because you know it's very thick in the park like I was sitting on a bench with trees right behind me
but yeah I did recently see a rat just walking through like sheep meadow like in the ground like
a big lawn so they're going to weird places yet because there's less food because nobody is out
and about it it's not as many people are out and about right right well when I was uh we led I remember
before I did comedy I visited New York with my girlfriend and we stayed in an airbnb no we stayed
in a hostel in the upper west side like 101st street and the trees had so many rats in them
that you had to run from the corner to the building because they would fall randomly
out of the trees that's how many rats were in these trees and it was so terrible he'd run in
the street because he didn't want to run in the sidewalk for some reason but yeah those rats they're
no joke yeah I mean they're scary but I mean then I had the image of one just walking up to my ankle
and just gnawing it off or whatever oh god but uh yeah that was strange that was just something
I don't know worth mentioning it was very bizarre and who knows but that's such a weird approach
that's what's eerie about that whole encounter is the are you aware of where you're saying like he
could have gone hey man there's a lot of rats here just just letting you know that would have been
way more normal well the other thing is strange I'm like there's gotta be the park is quiet
comparative to normal times but I'm like there's gotta be 15,000 people in this park right now
are you just telling everybody this or just people that are sitting on the benches I don't
know I mean there's other people on the benches so I don't know I guess because I had a backpack
maybe I look like a nerd douche tourist asshole I don't know that's that's definitely kooky
yeah I had a I had a weird thing on the uh I mean I'm in Salt Lake City right now
and I was uh went to JFK got on the try did it the old fashioned way I got on the A and rode it
all the way out and got on the air train rode that all the way to terminal four the whole thing
and airport is this dead ghost town and I finally get on the plan I got bumped up to first class
because there's four people on a giant flight and I watched two movies two count them and these
movies you ever seen the lighthouse yes you have yeah I saw it in the theater wow man that is
fucking wild with that movie was a bit much it's crazy and it's one of those movies that I'm like
I'm not sure if I love this or dislike it or just like it it's a little strange and it's one of
those movies where I'm like this I feel like a smart guy I know movies I watch movies but I'm like
I'm not quite sure I know what the fuck's going on here it's got all the accoutrements of a brilliant
black and white the two actors are you know prominent big stars you know Willem Dafoe's an
amazing actor it's interesting it's weird it's different there's a lot of like symbolism and
innuendo and uh foreshadow so when you mix all that and you're like of course it's good but then
when you watch it you're like is this good or am I stupid do I am I just saying it's good because
of the black and white you know the ending with the I don't want to give it away but
that ending was dark it's strange it's kooky and I start in the theater by myself so I had no one
to be like what do you think of this is that crazy what's going on here and it's one of those ones
where afterwards I'm reading the plot summary on Wikipedia to be like what was going on there I
think I know and I don't know and then sometimes you're like I feel like the Seinfeld bit where I'm
like oh he was with them okay right so that one my my jury my personal movie jury is still out I have
to see it a second time but I enjoyed it I just was like I don't know if I love this or if I'm like
that's good right right yeah and I well the thing is they say you get more emotional on a plane
because you're up in the air you dehydrated you're gay whatever it is and I was just watching that
and he'd like hit me in a weird but you got the mask on there's no one else on the plane
the stewardess doesn't go by as much so you're just kind of like in this little tube going like
ah what is this how it was too eerie and then after that I watched the linda ronstadt documentary
just to like cleanse my palate the cnn one was it cnn I think it was cnn films that debuted on cnn
it was pretty good she's got a some pipes on her yeah she's a she's a hell of a hell of an artist
there yeah so I watch eerie Mcmick query and I watched ronstadt it's like oh blue by you and I'm
like oh god it was too much she's got that voice that she's so sad and you know her husband dies
and cancer and all this and whoo that was a hell of a four hour uh excursion I'm looking forward
to it myself I think I'm there in October that's what that's what you said so I don't know what the
fuck a lot of Tuesdays out here uh we we did I did the thing where I got drunk in the green room
with Caleb sign in my opener this guy's hilarious check out Caleb sign and he's got a couple clips
out there but uh we just got drunk in the green room and the waitress kept coming in like yeah
there's a couple of Tuesdayers out there they're waiting for you and I'm like ah you know they're
like they want a photo they say they're not leaving out a photo they handed me a Chipotle card that he
gave her and I'm like oh thanks I'll just keep drinking and she's like they're still out there
it's like two in the morning so eventually I had to I made a run for it oh you never met him
nah I was too drunk ah geez well maybe tonight I would yeah I would have fucked him both or you
know went home with him something would have happened I was I was in the bag well what can you do
yeah nice I'll send him a photo when I go out there in a few weeks there you go um well speaking
of movies and watching movies last night I had quite an experience haven't had it in a while
Sarah and I were sitting here she did a couple shows I'm watching the hockey she came home and
I said hey let's look through it look through iTunes because all the movies are coming out on
iTunes now yeah and there's this movie called The Rental which is uh I don't care for the title
myself but it's a thriller and it's got 74% rotten tomatoes so I'm like that's not bad not bad
that's the that's a percentage that if I was still out on the road I'd be like I'll go see this
that seems like fun I like a thriller horror type of thing sure and it's a 2020 it's a new movie
and I miss going to the movies so much that's the thing I miss the most yeah about all this
I love going to the movies I'm a movie guy so I'm like let's rent this and watch a new new movie
because we've been watching a lot of foreign films that we've never watched or re-watching great
movies whatever but I'm like we haven't watched a movie that's been made and premiering or whatever
yes that's exciting we killed all the lights pretended to go to the movie theater but even
better you can pause because all the horror movies have this shit dialogue you can pause
it be like that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard in my life right so we had a ball this is a
pretty good picture I have to say oh really the rental it's got Allison Brie and uh I don't know
some other person that's the only name I remember she got nice cans okay and it's a thriller and
there's a lot of that cheesy dialogue it's like it's a lot of that cheesy dialogue that you're
like oh my god it's Iroly but it's a really clever well done fun thriller it was really fun we had
the lights off and the window open and it's a little spooky and creepy and um yeah it's a good
picture I think I think the folks will enjoy it if you like a popcorn you're on a date you know you
want to suck on a nipple and get a hand job yeah enjoy a film it's it's 90 minutes long it ends
with a good spook there's a couple of good whoo what the hell happens I mean what is the
rent a movie in the movie what's the rental are you renting a car are you getting a centra
so here it is it's uh they it's two couples they get an Airbnb a super nice Airbnb on the coast
a big coaster like they they spend some money they're like fuck it let's just do it like a crazy big
beautiful house yeah and uh the guy the renter he's a little spooky got it and uh he's like okay
whatever and then they do this little red herring thing where he's racist because the chick is Muslim
and he didn't rent to her but he rents to the other guy the white guy and so there's a little bit
of tension there and that's a little whatever and I thought it was gonna be some bullshit but
that's just to get your dick hole stinging uh-huh and uh you know hygiene ensues I don't want to
I don't want to give too much away but it's it's fun that's so funny now that like
racist is is is scary now like that's so funny that that's a part of a horror movie like and
it's a haunted house but the guy's racist that's the real fear you're like well that's so silly
that's it was silly in the silliness but I thought that was gonna be I was ready to be like oh
geez here we go it's gonna be about how we're all secretly whatever but that was just a whatever
thing and uh it's a it's a fun it's a fun film nice it's a fun fun romp all right all right I
haven't heard you speak this highly since Palm Springs well that that's that's a that's a better
film but that's two 2020s that are pretty good yeah I think movies are so bad now that if something's
pretty good it's it's shocking yeah you get like maybe lucky best case scenario you get six a year
that I like hey I know which is so sad it used to be it used to be like 15 a year felt like or 10 at
least yeah it's uh it's weird times hard to get something done but uh yeah it was fun but I think
big part of it was just the fun of being at night and we pause so many times to be like now don't
you think that's insane couldn't he and then we're like all right we'll continue it's pretty fun to
watch a movie that way in a in a couple a pairing that is fun that's half the fun with the lady because
my gal's you know 11 years old so she's got a phone out she's got a dildo going she's got a
Cuisinart I mean I'm like put the phone down you fat whore we're trying to get that you got to get
into it because they don't realize it's like a comedy show when they're like talking and then you
go hey hey they go we're listening shut up and then they go this isn't funny like you got to hear
the setup you cus you eat like that's that's how it is with the girlfriend she's like I'm listening
I'm listening and I'm like you missed half of it then I have to like tell her what happened later
she's like wait why is he there I'm like if you weren't on fucking Pinterest we'd have this done
but it's a you thing I think no it's not I got the same problem and mine's 78 and uh it's the same
same situation and I run to one time I remember watching a midnight in Paris with uh Cantor's
girlfriend at the time and she was literally 14 years old I think yeah she was on drugs and the
phone and like two hours into the movie or whatever it is 80 percent of the way in the movie she's
like this movie is dumb like half the time the set doesn't even make sense it looks like it's 1930s
and the other half is like modern and I'm like that's the whole movie you fucking knit with exactly
yeah you you skipped out on half the premise and now you're bitchin it's like watching Wizard of Oz
and being like something happened to the film all of a sudden it's black and white you know it's
right that's the point is my point exactly you know I'm with you just annoys the dick out of me
because I'm like you're making it worse and now blaming the movie but you want to you want to get
into some uh fun every now and then Netflix will come out with just a banger just lunch programming
so there's a lot of shit there's a lot of Adam Sandler horse shit and David Spade queeps but
captive check out captive it's all about it's just little vignettes or like an hour long episode
of a season and each episode is about somebody who got kidnapped and what they went through and they
got the real guy or gal telling you what the hell happened they go to the place they shoot the place
they shoot where it was where it happened it's amazing oh that sounds right up my asshole I love
any kind of real violent horrifying crime yeah the first one is a prison in Ohio they built a brand
new prison state of the art yada yada yada the guards fuck up the inmates take over I'm not
going to say anything else but it is wild and that's the first step oh wow all right I'm on it
I'm gonna go check that out that sounds good I'll put it put it my ass see if I come and I mean we
gotta wrap up here in a second I think I had one other thing to say oh maybe not I think I got it
all but all right what's the dates you said I'm in Salt Lake City October 16 and 17 I think
I believe I'm doing it 16th yeah maybe it's uh yeah 16 17 I think I'm supposed to be there I
completely forgot I was supposed to be there in May they moved it and I just assumed it wouldn't
happen but things are happening now so oh yeah maybe I'll be there I think I'm not sure and
check out the special the specials is doing well we're at 700,000 views but now I have that pain of
like it's tapering off when I got 500,000 in a week and then 200,000 the next week and you're
like that's it it's all over it's no point I had the same thing that's that's normal it'll it'll
click over before you know you're gonna forget about it then you're gonna check it and you go
oh about 99999k one more view and I'll be at a million yeah it's been nice and uh Burr tweeted
it that was nice and whoever else whatever the fuck so thanks for everybody tweeting pushing
Instagram all the shit it's very kind it's very nice it makes me feel like a million bucks
and the comments have been nice the emails the tweets the instagrams and it's just been
overwhelmingly positive I'm grateful and thank you all yeah it's so funny I don't know if you had
this but we've done so much especially you you've been doing comedy like 44 years but people see
this YouTube and they go I never heard of this guy I'm a fan now and you're like wow it's so funny
that I did all this to lead up to a YouTube special and that's what got you it's strange and then
when people they give it to us a credit to like I'll mention the special and they're like he's
got a YouTube special and you're like can you just say a few other credits also like he's been on
the tonight show Netflix yes and recently he put a special on YouTube and maybe and it's doing well
whatever because it just sounds like I'm a jerk off that fucking shot of a video of my parents
and put it on YouTube like I'm like no no it's a real show it's a special right right no I'm with you
all right all right I'm watch my special as well out to lunch both on YouTube I'm hoping mine leads
into yours ears leads into mine that'd be nice I think it does this weekend I'm in helium and
what is that Indianapolis so if you live in Indy come on out I had some Rochester date that might
have gotten clipped because I think the guy got popped for doing some illegal COVID shit that I'm
in San Antonio uh Stress Factory New Jersey uh Draft House in Arlington where you were just were
and some other stuff comics in Connecticut Tacoma Washington so stuff is still in the books we'll
see what sticks and I'm doing shows around the city I think you are too every now and then I'll post
that in my stories in in New York hey don't forget to go to two brothers in San Antonio the barbecue
joint I will I love that place oh the best place I've ever been it's in the woods it smells good
they got crushed ice mac and cheese my mother's cunt father's cock all right um sweep it up hug
your dad blow your mom and praise all up folks we'll see in hell yeah uh George is saying cut it