Tuesdays with Stories! - #369 Laugh Dance
Episode Date: September 29, 2020Holy moly we've got a hot ep this week as Mark has all kinds of vehicle trouble before doing a nightmare comedy/variety show while Joe spends some time in Jersey before a show in Brooklyn goes awry Sp...onsored by: Raycon (buyraycon.com/tuesdays code: tuesdays) & Feals CBD (feals.com/tuesdays) Subscribe to our Patreon for full video of the show A WEEK EARLY, bonus eps, and more! www.patreon.com/tuesdays Get our new T-Shirts right here baby! remember2behappy.com/twsshop
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hey mark fake banter for the intro that's all I know how to do great good
to be here welcome to Tuesdays with stories hit her in the face with a
surfboard and then the duck fell out of his bag
surfs up and she didn't even flush knock knock who's there Mark Norman and
Joe less Tuesdays with stories everybody that's terrible this is supposed
to be cheesy
here we are folks we're back it's Tuesday I'm Tuesday and your twos J L yeah
coven hell of a Trump impression maybe one of the best out there he's got a
great one and he's a Tuesday I believe I don't know if he still listens or not but
he was for years but he's got a great Trump impression and not just here's the
thing he's a great Trump writer yes impressions whatever but he's hilarious
he adds a lot of really good funny stuff he's really good at it and good stuff
he knows Trump's voice so well he can write for Trump but he's still a
comedian so he can write it funny it's it's it's it's a good mix like we've all
seen some comics out there who do voices and they're great at voices but they're
not funny comics so they're just like I'm Peter Griffin like I know but it
still has to have a turn cunt yeah how about the guys that do the impression of
the guy and they just do that guy's jokes oh that's even worse yeah the guy
that's just like so I got that going for me when he just does Murray doing the
fucking character I'm like what right just do the jokes that he does yeah yeah
you didn't write it or and you got no jokes of your own yeah that's brutal now
you're now you're a hack and you're stealing yes but yeah JL's great and
that's it that's the end of the show yeah he's also I think six five and a big
beautiful man he looks like a like if Adam Sandler played football I think he's
bigger than six five I think he's seven oh yeah he's big he towers over me you're
telling you Clark Duncan I'm telling you he's huge he's he's he's taller than me
and I'm six two and some change I mean he's a he's a big daddy and he's half
black so he's got to have got a huge cock I think yeah huge dog yeah I think
he's a lawyer yes smart as a whip well he got the pass the bar exam I don't know
that he's a lawyer that's enough for me I mean that bar had you passed the bar in
Louisiana what's that from catch you again yes I didn't cheat I studied for
three days or six days and I passed you're gonna eat your Claire alright the
Claire was hovering there like an angel adjacent to refuse is refuse that's
riding that's good stuff well it's good to see a fatty because I've been having a
shit come guzzling taint of a week really I mean just started I mean it's
Monday but I get the past week you mean because it has to be fresh start fresh
start well you know the American week starts on Sunday which I never got I'm
familiar yes technically technically technically but come on it's Monday we
all know it's Monday it's Monday it's like it's like Ellen you're like she's
nice she dances like we all know it's a cunt we all know it's Sunday or Monday yeah
it's like it's like the people that are like I'll see you tomorrow and then you
like you mean today because it's 1206 that's people that are like Sunday is the
first day of the week and you're like no it's not fuck off hate that guy that guy
stinks Ellen stinks or her box smells the whole thing's a bitch but you're ready
for this nugget yeah stick it in my ass all right well you're not gonna come
because this is bad news bears oh boy that a fun weekend on the road in
Arlington Fat Criss Al Umar couple of Jews popping around just being fun
drinking doing great shows new material get back to New York City check on the
hog gone what gone the lock is gone the the the the cover is gone the stain on
the cemented the oil leak is gone the whole thing's gone what is it they
cleaned the leak that's nice I think they clean the leak
leak soup I I think I think I got towed oh towed so this just happened like
today or yesterday today I came outside today I said I'm gonna go do some pull
ups on the scaffolding like a Guido douche and the bike was not a gone it's
saying I mean where was it parked so you it was parked somewhat illegally that you
think it got towed or could have been stolen or or what well here's the here's
the clinker the neighbors hate it I got a bunch of geezers and old bags living in
this building and I think they hate it the Supers like you know the neighbors
they're all squawking about the hog and I'm like God he's fucking cocoon loving
cunts and yeah so I think enough calls came in here's why I think it was towed
because it was too clean of a job I inspected I got a magnifying glass I
went elementary Watson up your ass I got down on my hands and knees I'm sniffing
pebbles and do it you know feeling the railroad track like a native American and
it's too clean of a job I mean if they cut the lock to be some dust or metal
shavings it's too good boy this is a bummer that thing is has been nothing but
trouble since the day you were born I mean it's like the time machine you got
to destroy this thing because you know you got it to see where we've been where
we're going to figure out you know humanity but you know you're traveling
back in time to rape your mom so you know your dad doesn't die I mean this is
getting strange it's a biff it's up my ass I'm wearing 3d glasses it's the
power of love I'm screwed here I've had a couple of nice moments on it you know
what if my bike is like it's like a retarded son you get a couple of moments
he's eating jelly he's hands are sticky you know he's cute he can lift a car he's
got a huge dong but it's still sad every night I gotta check on it I gotta make
sure it's still there I gotta make sure the Puerto Rican kids aren't gonna kill
him or he doesn't fuck a toaster or whatever it is but you get a couple
joy joyful moments but the rest is misery and worry well you got to do what
you do with the retarded son I mean it's you know it's no one around it but
you gotta you gotta put some weights on it throw it in the river or sell it I
mean sell it for parts and and buy a non-retard vehicle but also by the way
the thing is beautiful but I did see you riding it for the first time that's a
noisy son of a bitch I mean I can see why all the neighbors would hate you drove
by I was walking down the street and I said if I was in an apartment that you
were driving by I'd call up the fuzz and say hey listen we got a we got a
troublemaker out here that things louder than my my my sister's asshole on a
Wednesday night it's got a quiff like a like a John Deere I get you it's 80s
it's from the 80s everything was louder in the 80s you know share the other guy
bono 80s baby so yeah it's old it's a two stroke much like Louis but yeah it's
brutal so I don't know what to do maybe I'll put it in hawk or whatever put in
the garage I'll put in the Smithsonian with the puffy shirt I don't know but
you're right it's it's brought me a lot of hassle I mean this is getting crazy so
what do you do you got to call the city or you call 911 you call your parents
what what happens what what's the next step the parents won't answer so I'm
just gonna go down to the the DM anal and then let them put a big uncle Sam dick
up my asshole and you know I gotta pay for the the shipping cost then you got
to get the the thing out of there and yeah it's a whole thing I don't have to
go I'm sorry I don't have to go to the DMB I've got the impound right so let me
ask you this what how do you take care of that vehicle legally like if you were
like I'm tired of this what do I do what do you do with the vehicle what are you
supposed to do put it in your apartment put it on get a parking garage where
where and how can you park this vehicle because it sounds like you can't park it
anywhere I know it's weird I parked on the sidewalk every day of my life and it
got towed once you remember the big saga a year ago because I didn't have a plate
on it I didn't have it registered I didn't even sure it okay I'll give you
that I get it but now I got a plate on it's registered it's got a spit shine I
got by got new tires on there and I think this is just they call in enough and
you know you get a lot changed you know no more chokeholds or by the police or
whatever the hell so I think that's what happened so you think your hypothesis
is the neighbors kept calling the police saying hey you got to get rid of this
bike it's killing us I think so and they probably said hey it's a hazard I'm
900 years old I could trip on the kickstand and follow my hip and you know
die in the shower I fall and I can't get up so I think that's what it is but I
hope it's at the impound that's the sad part of life it's the impound would be
hell just to get it out there's a whole thing you got to wait there with a bunch
of construction workers going fucking to Blasio I'll eat his ass out with a
fucking spoon you know and so I hope it's at the impound but if it's not it's
stolen boy yeah I'm hoping for impound too but they I mean stolen in some ways
sounds better I mean don't you have insurance if it's stolen you can say
this is stolen then you get some money back we got a good accountant maybe I
don't know no insurance never did it oh boy oh wait no I do have insurance but I
got collision in case some fat kid sits on it and breaks a spoke but no what was
that I heard a haunted house yeah we got all squeaky doors so Sarah came in she
was here for five seconds only put her stuff down picked up a thing but you
know it's New York everything sucks in New York tell me about it ten million
dollars yet we have a nice apartment every single door I thought Betty White
opened her legs over there now it's it's horrible there's no way to live every
floor you put a marble on it and it fucking rolls out your asshole it's
just nonsense the windows don't close the heat's too hot there there's no
air conditioning the city sucks dick my floor too it's got more slants than
World War two oh boy oh geez sorry I couldn't help it but yeah it's brutal
over here it's like that game where you twist the sides and that the thing goes
like that with the marbles remember I hate I hate those games everybody hated
that was for Amish kids because it was no electronics by the way I speaking of
Asians I knew an Asian kid he was like a master at all those games any little
bullshit that you hand to it like Rubik's Cube and that thing and then the thing
with the shavings we have paint a beard on the face the show sorry operation
this guy could really dominate any kind of piece of shit game we need little
hands sounds like you had a little last burger pal there he might have is that
burgers is that burgers good sometimes it sounds like it's positive like he's
good at this and you're like maybe he's autistic so I'm like his ass burgers and
autism good or bad I can't figure it out it's a little bit like a superpower you
know kind of like how deaf people see really wait no what is it blind people
here well I think other shit gets heightened so if you're if you got
as burgers I think you can think well you can do mechanics and games but you
can't get a boner you can't you know eat without getting food on your face up
there's something some bad to the good it's it's like Cosby it's got to even
out you know he's America's dad but he's also a rapist I see that makes more
sense that's a good way to describe as burgers thank you you should crack into
the Wikipedia put that in there if there's a fan listening go into the
Asperger's Wikipedia and try to put that quote in there and then screenshot it
to see how long it lasts because as I understand you could just Wikipedia shit
can't you yeah you can type in anything my my thing says I'm 41 years old I got a
black belt you know I'm from Tahiti it's all over the place that sounds pretty
good yeah that's a fun guy to hang out with all right so I got so much shit to
throw at you I don't know where to begin yeah I know what you that was one already
you teased a 20 minute crazy epic insane fuck your mother's story I mean the
people must want it I mean they've been waiting for a week well so we get into
that or what happens I'll give it a quick cuz it's a 20 minute story but I'll
give it I've had enough time to cool down that I feel like I'm not gonna just
rail about every little fact that grinds my gears okay so I'll give but I if you
want to go with your thing let it let it rip because I don't want to do two in a
row here and well I got a few things I mean some of it I touched on in a in a
queef which by the way I gotta plug the patreon for God's sakes we just did a
Sopranos commentary we got the stranger by the lake commentary we did an extra
bonus yesterday last week just a random bonus so there's two 20 30 minute
bonuses up there's you know the two movie things all the live episode there's a
ton of shit on there and more coming in our assholes so so get on there we're
trying to put up some some better numbers and we got some guests on there
too we got Tim Dillon's got an episode and Soder Stavros yes a lot of good eggs
and then the live ones there the the the guest list like Michelle Wolf are she
fear Nikki Glazer Yana's pop is you name it Christy
Ron Bennington yes go all Berger oh yeah Nick Vaterot yes
cute a lot of good ones so so please go sign up for the patreon do it now there's
a ton of bonus shit but so last week yes we talked about it a little bit on the
quefer but I went down to New Jersey because I was supposed to go to this
see here now music festival that I go to every year and I booked the hotel way
in advance because if you remember last year I didn't I waited to book the hotel
and end up being fucking nine thousand dollars for some shit hotel so I booked
way in advance completely forgot about it because everything got canceled then I
get the text saying hey are you all set to come to the Mayfair hotel I said fuck
I completely forgot about it but why not go down to the Jersey Shore for a few
days so we we got a centra I got a centra to a 2018 CPO suck my dick see
we got a baby sitter we put on leather pants we drove down to New Jersey and
what a time we stayed in Belmar which I could see my whole future so clearly
and don't write to me everybody don't messes and say Jersey Shore sucks this
beach is better if you want to write great choice fuck you that's great
terrific I'm proud of you your father loves you terrific lay it on me but this
is my life we're moving to Belmar New Jersey I mean you know me I fall in love
with everywhere but this is the one you know what I mean I'm one of these guys
that wants to fuck every stripper he gets a laugh dance from cheer laugh dance
that was like a Freudian slip I think I said laugh hi that's not a bad club
strippers and comics laugh dance we call it joke off instead of jerk oh maybe
something like that I like it that sounds like a contest but I bet I'll
win I'm quick does it's true I don't come quick anymore it takes me about three
weeks I don't know last night was pretty quick so anyways I'm moving to
Belmar not today not tomorrow but next week at least that sounds like an old
people place like the Bel Boca Vista Belmar it sounds oldie like it sounds
you're retiring I'm gonna be all over that shuffleboard court but we go down
there I mean the the Jersey Shore is pristine I mean miles of ocean they did
quite a disservice this TV show because they found eight fucking retards and they
put them on TV so everyone goes oh Jersey and then the turnpike of course
runs right through a gas fire or a rubber fire whatever so everyone's like it
smells like shit and fucking the mob and whatever but that's a spectacular place
the Garden State Parkway you know my mother's bush whatever it's it's lovely
so we go down there we get this hotel the hotel's shit by the way it's this
location location shit 250 bucks a night I handle 8750 and I realized I realized
afterwards if I had just canceled my reservation and made a new one it would
have been cheap because they would have been paying us to stay there COVID deal
exactly that sucks that shit really kills me it didn't occur to me until I
checked in and paid them I was like that this was we thought there was gonna be a
music festival prices right I should have gotten there's a huge fucking disease
and everybody hates themselves prices yeah I mean they must have been rolling
off the red carpet like whoa we got a we got a live one here look at the city
it's he's still on the bill exactly I think they're like this two city hipsters
that don't realize that we would have sold them a hotel room for 12 bucks in a
pair of shoes but whatever the money's gone forget it I already spent it in my
head blah blah blah all that bullshit gone so we check in now here's the thing
and I mentioned this on the quefer but there's nothing really to do there's no
music festival bowling alleys are closed that it's too cold for the beach we
can't swim yeah and so we're like I don't know the room sucked by the way it's a
piece of shit hotel so we're like I don't even know what to do so you know
I'm springsteen obsessed and I'm like oh last one time I took a pilgrimage down
there years ago by myself I went to his childhood home I went to the Stone Pony
I went to all these places and Sarah's like that sounds fun so I was like what
are you kidding you you'd be interested in this and she's like sure I don't care
so we great why we packed a lunch I put on you know greatest hits live from 75
darkness on the edge of town all and I've got a slamming cranked we're gonna run
we drove to freehold went to his childhood home it's all it's all Mexican the
whole neighborhood's all Latino and Native Americans so we fucked a couple of
them and had a taco just stared at his house for a half hour then we went to his
church I'm just standing outside his church you know Sarah's on tiktok she
doesn't give a fuck but I'm like I'm kneeling on those steps and posing
does he I must have a ton of people because you go to Elvis's house and it's
seven old ladies with blue hair fingering themselves there must be a
couple of Jews outside of Springs I think every once in a while but this is a
not this is somebody's home like Elvis's house is like a museum and that like
Elvis used to live here whatever Graceland yeah this is like a Mexican
family's house I'm just staring they're having like a yard sale next door
literally and so I'm picturing adobe I don't know why probably thought I was ice
pulling up I mean it's just like a white guy you know blasting born in the USA
they thought it was gonna be a hate crime so that was cool and we went and then
we he lives now he lives in Colts neck and you can't really find that address
because he's on like a 400 acres or something but we drove around there
looking for him and a little stalkery a fatty it was quite a day we couldn't find
them then we went to Asbury Park and walked around there and bought a $50
cheeseburger which was insane but great day and then it comes to nightfall and
we're like well what are we gonna do now and movie theaters just opened in New
Jersey so we said what do you think and there was not really even discussion it
was like I don't give a shit you give a shit I don't give a shit so we went and
watched fat Russell Crowe in a truck and it was us two and two other people we
had a great time and when we laughed we pushed each other in the bushes had some
candy I had M&Ms for the first time in 20 years nice it was a great great time
and we went back the next night and watched Tenet which was the most
confusing movie I mean if someone asked me to explain life I'd have an easier
time than explaining that film I don't get it I need a tenant for my apartment
I'll tell you that still no tenant no tenant I got no bike I got no tenant
I'm eight rents I'm swimming in it fatty I'm dying here I'm in quicksand
lieutenant Dan I'm legless I got nothing good good luck with that I don't know
what to say about that that's tricky maybe get it dad you're like the Belmar
hotel you got to go down to 900 bucks a month and just I think you're right I
think you're right I'm screwed here screwed the pooch but anyways we went and
saw a tenant and if it helps you get a tenant they were moving forwards and
backwards in time at the same time or some bullshit love to go backwards I can
charge five grand for that shoebox yeah well whatever it's it's a cookie movie
but we had a great time and I just saw it so clearly I'm like we got to get a
house we can walk to the beach we can swim in the ocean it's an hour and a
half drive to the city but hey Astoria on the train on a bad night can be an hour
plus so good point I'm moving to Belmar I'll see you another time and that's
that that's my story I'm sticking to it well that's the thing about nobody talks
about the Jersey Shore they go I will go there for vacation we'll fuck a wop and a
dago or we'll move to Florida and go down to the Boca Raton or you know Miami but
Jersey Shore is right there it's a great beach sure it gets cold but you still
want some seasons in your life you grew up in the in the in the New England area
you know you're used to that yeah I like seasons the only problem is you're
about 45 minutes to Newark that's like your closest airport that's a hall yeah
that far yeah and I'm used to being 15 minutes from the airport so that's gonna
be tricky but I don't know you're halfway to Philly and there's no down there
there's no getting out of the city you know how it is to leave the city you
got for me I got two river crossings the fucking tunnel the Lincoln tunnel the
Holland tunnel your mother's gun tunnel it's brutal brutality getting in out of
the city so you start from down there you're DC Philly all just you're halfway
there here here there there I hear you I like Jersey I'm I'm with you I'm in the
in the camp of Jersey's underrated it gets a bad anal I think it's I think it's
top-notch lunch yeah so that's that's that was my weekend two weekends ago but
I know you got a lot of I'm dying to hear it my my assholes why open I need a cock
well cocks are coming bend over and dilate so kid hits me up goes hey weird
times I'm a fan I live in Long Island like an hour in not far in will you come
to a show in my backyard for a good amount of money and I said I'm free that
night it's a weekday doesn't affect my my road gigs let's do it but you got to
provide me with a ride I'm sick of this finding a Long Island trains I'm on the
New Jersey transit on the LIRR I'm going to Dachau and Auschwitz I don't know
where I'm going so he said I'll get a kid to pick you up and I said you got
yourself a deal dickless so he hooks me up with this kid this kid's an open
miker he's 19 and I just said make sure you don't set me up with a weirdo because
it's an hour and a change right I don't be sitting there talking to some you know
come staying for half an hour about you know Biden so he goes I got their
perfect kid he's great he's 19 you're gonna love him so the kid I said give my
number kid text me goes I'm on my way I'll be there at this time the show is at
eight he said I'll be at your house at five okay I said what are you crazy
it's an hour drive what is that he goes well I'll be a little traffic and we can
hang out and I'm like a hang out I don't like the sound of this and then he
texts me do you mind if I pick your brain about comedy and I was like this is
exactly what you're not supposed to do what are you crazy like let the comedy
convo I love talking comedy I'm a nerd but let it come up naturally don't just
plan it and I was like yeah we'll see what happens and then here's the clinker
he writes maybe we could shoot some videos together in the car okay all right
okay that we got to be on in the car I just want to get there well I think what
does he mean by that is he talking like a tiktok where he goes you say you know
you do a wink and a gun or is he talking like a film I mean what are you
shooting is it you know mark of Arabia or is it just a quick hello we'll be at
the show tonight mark of Arabia wouldn't be a bad picture but I think he just
wanted to do like some tiktok he Instagram stuff me and him whoo here we
go and I said I will see what happens I hate I hate you already I'll sit in the
backseat so he shows up we we I sit in the backseat he's got another fat kid in
the car thank God they're chatting I stick the I stick to the back I love the
backseat people always fight for shotgun give me the backseat any day yeah the
view sucks because you can't see in the true yeah much less pressure yes it
depends on the front seat it depends who's in the car true because the one
thing what situation give me a back absolutely the one thing with the back
seat is the other two people up front are projecting forward so you can't hear
shit so that's tough but if you're with a couple of stinkers the backseat is
glorious you can even doze off and you're like they're like oh he fell asleep we
better exactly not to mention like I feel bad if I'm on my phone in the front
seat I feel like I'm supposed to kind of keep be on keep this guy up he's put
poor guys driving so I gotta you know I gotta entertain a little bit you want to
fix the radio or any of that shit a lot of pressure put a CD in eight track
whatever whatever year it is so I love the backseat we get there now here's what
sucks now I hope they don't that these were nice kids I don't want to shit on
these kids they were nice but they're gonna be devastated either way but go
nice kids whatever so the whole the whole ride there you know you're you're
sussing up the show you go all right so it starts at eight how many comics they
go I think it's about like six comics doing ten I was like Jesus that's never
good you want to hear it's a host one guy's doing ten than you and I said
all right all right that's that's kind of a lot and he goes hey you never know
maybe somebody will drop out and I was like all right he goes oh and a couple
musical acts are going on I go yeah one or two and I was like oh shit all right
this show is running now two hours and change here but whatever I'm not there
yet maybe I'll feel it out when I'm there so we finally get there at like 740 the
shows at eight which is already like eh whatever it's 20 minutes to wait I'll
I'll dick around and you know you're just sitting there everybody's coming up to
you one guy said will you do my podcast I said sure maybe I don't know we'll see
what happens that's always brutal then it's a backyard it's packed there's a
DJ it's on it's like under a basketball hoop it looks like leave it to beaver
house you know it's a garage with a basketball hoop and you perform under
the hoop DJ right here lawn chairs backyard loud as hell and they go we're
gonna start at 8805 DJ goes up does a whole thing then a musical act does
like 15 minutes just like a weirdo with a guitar then a lady goes up and sings
15 minutes so at this point I'm just walking around the neighborhood with
headphones in because I'm just like this is taking so long I'm bored sitting here
whoo this is what you realize what green rooms are invented for yeah this I
mean this sounds horrendous and I'm trying not to exaggerate I'm trying to
keep this serious so now we're 30 minutes in it's 830 first comedian goes up the
host funny guy they're like oh he's at governors all the time you gotta see this
guy funny guy probably does 1512 whatever then and I'm just walking around
the neighborhood I'll check in every now and then first comic goes up second
comic and then I meet one guy and he's he's super cocky and I think he's
coked up and I heard him go I'm standing in the back and he goes uh who's that
guy and they go that's Mark Norman he's the headliner he goes oh all right cool
and he goes up he goes big fan big fan like get into who I was he tries to pull
that shit he's all fucked up and he's just talking a mile a minute like yeah
you know if you ever need a guy if you ever need a guy I'm your guy I'm the
dude I'm like all right all right cool and I can't even get a word in and he goes
I think he's trying to look cool tell me if you've seen this one he goes up to the
host he goes how much time I do and host goes 10 he goes I'm letting you know
now I'm running that light and he was like why he's like oh I got I got a lot
to get off my chest I'm run I'm gonna ramble and I was like ramble so I pull
the host way I was like light that guy at 10 or light him at 8 like let's get
him off and he's like ah he's funny he's funny he's a cool guy but hey I don't
know he's he's on one tonight I'm like light him early I don't want nobody's
running the light like why would he tell you he's gonna be an asshole I hated
this guy that's insane I mean that's I don't even know begin where I don't know
where to begin I mean I'm gonna run the light that's horrible it's like the
people that are like I'm gonna apologize in advance and you're like well just
don't do the thing that you're about to do exactly that's ridiculous a cocky guy
I don't know I think he was coked up whatever and you know he's like man man
I'm I'm I'm gonna kill her I open for her for this guy open for that guy and I'm
like just the whole time like I hate you already but whatever and I got to say
the guy who put this on did a great job like the place was packed they're selling
beer over here the selling weed over here he's got a professional DJ it's he's
got lights his good sound but he just they booked too many people because they
all all these young people in Long Island go I can get up put me up you're my
friend so I get it it's a tough situation so I'm just walking around the
neighborhood this guy who goes up he says the n-word so many times that I'm
standing in like I'm standing on the sidewalk just kind of waiting and three
black guys walk out and I go hey as a joker where you guys going they go
and we're this and we're that I can't handle it I'm out of here I was like
geez he said the n-word so much that three black guys were like this is too
much was he white or black black guy all right all right that's still still yes
but I mean that's so that story is different which depending of course of
course but it's one of those things were like now it's 905 910 920 and I'm like
man I still haven't gone on how am I gonna get home and I start doing the
thing where I'm going up to the host and I'm you try to be nice and you just
start thinking like man if I was this comic I would have snapped if I was this
comic I would have snapped I got it but it's my fault I said yes I got to start
being more selective with gigs but I didn't I guess I got to get more info in
the beginning yes because I got there and it's just a shit show and we got
there like 730 so now I'm here two hours we're getting on the two and a half
hours and I still haven't gone on and I still got to do a half hour so also the
crowd is just shit-faced now at this point they've been there all night and
he does a long set there the coked up guy people are walking out whatever it
finally gets off then a couple more comics go on couple more comics go on
I'm getting like the can you watch me can you watch my set and all that shit and
finally now it's like I don't know 920 whatever it is 930 at 10 o'clock I
finally go on and it was good I like trashed it a little bit I had to get it
out and it went well I did like a half hour but here's the clinker I go who's
driving me back they go oh we never thought about that what now everybody's
trashed all the comics are trashed everybody's been boozing up and they're
like I don't want to leave it's a party now so I go what's the deal with the
train and they go oh there's an 11 oh no what was it it was there's an 1158 but
if you missed that no it wasn't it was like 1128 but if you missed that there's
a midnight so I look at my watch and I go all right it's 1118 how far is the
train station the guys like it's about 12 minutes and I go get the kid get in
there so we jump in this kid's car he's hauling ass we missed the train we watch
it go by oh god I mean I we ran out of there to I feel like can I get a photo
can I get a pic you want to do my podcast you want to fuck my sister I'm
just like it was enough I had too much and I ran out of there we missed the
train so now it's like a cold night and the guy and there's no indoors it's just
a train stop platform outdoors and so me and this guy talked for half an hour
or whatever the hell it was 20 minutes waiting for the next train then I wrote
an hour back to Penn Station then I got off at Penn Station and then waited for
the a and went home is brutal I mean that's my 130 to my worst nightmare in
the world is being stuck someplace yes I can remember being at a house party
was one of those ones where they just pile all the cars into the yard you know
and then my car was like double triple parked and I just wanted to leave and I
couldn't get it out everyone's drunk and fucked up and you're like I need you
to move your car that's his car I don't know where my keys are that feeling of
being stranded somewhere is just a nightmare I mean that sounds brutal you
gotta get your agent involved in these things tell them hey this is the deal
this this and this and he can't have this well I'm a queef because they you
know it's a couple hundred bucks and I'm like well if the agent comes in you
lose this much I don't know I also the agent would just go no this is crazy I'm
not doing that but I'd rather make 500 bucks on a Wednesday than not make 500
bucks on a Wednesday you would have given 50 bucks for 50 bucks you wouldn't
have to deal with all these fucking idiots true but he would have turned it
all down he would like oh this is a horrible deal what's a backyard what
does people filming what no way there's no security fuck that which is a good
agent but I'd rather make the cash and get in get in get out but I just didn't
think everything was falling apart and I felt bad the poor host was a good guy
and he felt bad but nobody thinks about the ride home nobody think they go you're
gonna do a show you're gonna tell jokes everybody's gonna love it and it'll be
great but what about me what about me getting back yeah they don't worry about
that cuz your work is done they don't give a shit about you anymore exactly and
then they're like oh you want us to drive you an hour and change back I've been
I've had 10 beers I'm high I'm gay and you're like what about me but I learned
my lesson you know got home at 115 whatever it was and I was steaming like
the whole the whole ride I was like god damn it you know but yeah learn my
lesson I don't do some ads I'd say this I got food in my tits your agent works
for you you make this decisions god damn it and also Ray Khan yes they make a
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time feels.com slash Tuesdays and feel better that sounds nice boy I had a I
got to take you through this is I know you got a lot more I had a I texted you a
little bit about it I had a crazy Friday night here in New York City oh yeah
well it was my first time at tiny cupboard a tiny cupboard which if you're
listening at home you maybe you don't know maybe you're not a New Yorker tiny
cupboard somehow this is out in Bushwick Brooklyn which is far out there and it's
become like the center of comedy everyone's like this is the new comedy
venue everyone has a show there there's three shows a night it's really
something else those two owners it's like a cute couple they're cleaning up
well we we met them and they get involved in this one I don't know how
many details I can really get into here but it's my first time out there I got
two shows at tiny cupboard and this is a little strange I'm on the 7 o'clock show
at tiny cupboard and I'm on the 10 o'clock show at tiny cupboard and then
Sarah has like an 8 o'clock or 9 o'clock show at tiny cupboard so I'm going
what do they do they do three shows and in three hours what is it where the
shows an hour long and everyone keeps going oh they do a ton of shows first of
all everyone keeps saying you're gonna love it the place is amazing and so I'm
all built up like okay I can't I've seen pictures it's on a roof it's beautiful
so I drive out there I got my my sentra I leave very early because I'm paranoid
about time drive out there through the traffic Friday evening commuter traffic
find some parking in this this neighborhood's a little spicy oh spicy and
dicey yeah I mean it's not politically correct or whatever but it's there's a
lot going on there oh yeah it looks like a third world country out there at the
above ground train the litter the graffiti it's wild yeah it's uh it's it's not
Kansas no no no it there's cans but I think Kansas so yeah I parked and um there's a
lot of just you know unfortunate street people walking around kind of like
you know really people kind of tuned up over there yeah and so you're bumping into them
then just a lot of you know party people whatever so I go over and I can't even find the club
it's like in it's above like a it's just in a building it's just above a bodega I guess
finally find it and you got to walk up five flights of stairs I think and then you get
there's a little sign that says tiny cupboard outside and it's a fire escape you got to walk
up a fire escape it's those kind of stairs with nothing underneath it's like a great
right and there's no there's nothing there you're just looking straight down five floors
and then the railing the building's from 1922 so the railing everyone was a veeter back then
everyone's three and a half feet tall so the railings at like your thigh and I'm holding on
with two hands it's terrifying like I had my hands on the steps like a child and I'm not even afraid
of heights but it's just it's that rickety yeah it's rickety and you got to think hundreds of
people go up and down every day fatties little guys you know they bring equipment up there they
bring instruments they bring amps and it's got to be illegal it's the whole thing is wacky so
I get up there I bump into Richie Redding my old pal which is nice to bump into someone
you know no not someone that you're like I don't know who this is fuck me who am I talking to
yes but everyone has masks on so we're chatting and I'm just standing in the back I'm like okay
I'm probably on in about 20 minutes because I was I showed up almost towards the end of the show
and the guy on stage I know him and he wasn't promoted on the show but I was like I probably
threw him up so I'm just standing there for about 10 minutes and then I go you ever get that feeling
we're like something feels weird right now and so I asked Richie oh yeah summer he's like I go who's
who runs the show he introduced me to a woman and I was like hey nice to meet you and then a couple
minutes passed and I go who runs the show he's like the woman I just introduced you to and I was
like no no I'm looking for someone named Noah and he's like I don't know who that is and just in that
moment I went this feels strange let me just double check where I'm supposed to be uh-oh not a tiny
cupboard at all I'm at a different venue 280 messa roll street oh so I know that one I'm like
what am I doing for some reason I'm at the later the whole time for months I thought I got two
shows at tiny cupboard I don't know why I thought that I don't know what happened and I never making
I never make fuck ups like that I never do that so I'm like what is what this is insane so I look
it up I type it into the address and part of me wishes I could just go dude I fucked up I fucked
him sorry I can't come yep I type it in I told him he's like your spots at 815 try to be here by
eight I said I'll be there well before eight I try to be a real pro I got to tiny cupboard at 730
time has passed I'm just lingering hanging out at a venue that I'm not on so I type it into
Google Maps it says 18 minutes Friday night traffic it's all red and yellow so I'm like I gotta
make a decision I'm like I gotta go for it because I think I can make it good for you I run down the
stairs I'm crying with my eyes closed just trying to make it down those fucking stairs run all the
way down the stairs I get back to my car I jogged to my car now I feel like it looks bad I'm just
like jogging through this neighborhood I'm the only white guy it looks like I'm scared but and then
I slid across the hood like Marty McFly get in the car I'm texting what I thought was a guy it turned
out to be a woman I thought it's NOA Noah I thought it was a dude so I kept being like thanks man you
got it bro and then I meet it's like this beautiful woman so I'm like sorry I don't know no no hard
feelings I get to the other venue and they're like all right you're on in five minutes that venue is
beautiful that 280 mess roll beautiful back door patio a brick wall lights tent fantastic it was
packed and they were so nice they were understanding I had a good set there really fun so then I run
back to the car now I gotta drive back to tiny cupboard fine parking again walk back to the
club get a couple slices of pizza now I'm going up the fire escape with two slices of pizza I
couldn't even hold on that was horrifying yep I get up there and now Sarah is on this show my
show is the next show she's on this show now the lineup features Aaron Berg and Gino Boscanti
wow not a Brooklyn crew not a Brooklyn crew and these guys are edgy yes let's just say the least
let's just say that uh not pc and Gino's a guy he's from the 90s he's say things you're not supposed
to say that's his brand yeah fun guy you know good hang bit of a he likes the sauce but I haven't
seen him go up since you know Reagan so he's uh he's on the lineup and so right away I'm like uh
I feel like Kramer with the hawk and the the pigeon or whatever the fuck it was
or the squirrel the hawk and the squirrel oh yeah yeah I'm like these are enemies so
there she's like I'm like you let me know I told the whole like let me know when Gino's going on
because I want to you know yes pull the cotton out of my ears and get involved in this so sure I mean
this is hip hipster tiny cupboard top of the ceiling top of the roof bushwick and so she's
getting ready to bring on Gino and I put my mask on pulled my hood over my head and I took a seat
fourth row center I'm like this has got to be spicy I don't blame you right away I mean Gino
goes into his act and he's saying words that I'm not even comfortable saying on this podcast
and you can feel it right away I mean a lot of people are laughing I do not want to make
it sound like he just ate shit but you slowly hear from a woman over here not cool bro not cool
and then over before she's done yelling this woman over here goes this sucks racist and then a guy
over here goes I cosine and it just starts getting and you know and and he just goes harder and he
starts going into holocaust jokes and people are going get off the stage and some people are yelling
shut up at them and wow fuck you fuck this and he's loving it the comics start heckling the
hecklers I mean it was it was Jerry Springer I mean this turned into a wild show at one
you don't know me at one point a woman yelled you're retarded and then Aaron Berg from the
south of the stage he goes hey my wife is retarded and the woman took it quite like Ernest she was
like shit all right whoa so she kind of pulled back you can't fight pc with on pc you know it
doesn't work oh it's hilarious I mean to yell you're retarded at someone who's offending you
by language is really funny it's a clan member yelling at a Nazi here now and now we're doubling
down it was quite spicy and and Gino just he got in it through he seemed to enjoy it and
again he was getting last but he was getting a lot of people hot under the collar I mean it was
it was it was a show I'll just say that did they throw him off the roof what happened
how's the closer so he came off and then Aaron Berg was up and Berg is is similarly edgy and he
he killed yeah and then at one point I overheard the woman that he said hey my wife is retarded
because he's saying retired now on stage and she goes oh so he could say retire but I can't
she never got the irony right right they really do so she was upset and then they were talking it was
a whole thing I mean it was really quite a show it was something yeah and then afterwards we were
talking to those owners they were really sweet and the woman the heckler woman she was sending
these long messages and these people they're not in comedy they just have a space and they wanted
to do something positive for the community and so they're like what do we do what is this uh
should we ban him should we ban our set should we give her free tickets this whole thing and it was
kind of funny to watch them try to deal with it but we were like you're you're good just tell
it you know you didn't book them and just apologize to the lady and I was like don't forget that the
lady could also be completely psychotic like this could be a crazy woman so don't worry too much
about her you're fine they were like are we gonna get canceled so that was a whole situation but
wow it was it was quite a thing to see Gino in bushwick yeah boy oh boy I mean you almost want to
you hope he gets booked more just to see it oh I loved it I mean I I loved the hell it was it was
a spectacle that's exactly what it was and I loved it and then people started to get drunk and then
they kind of stuck around for the next show I did Shafi show which was fun and we got the hell out
of there but that car ride it was one of those ones you're like you can't tell who's around because
it's dark and you're up there oh yeah so we drove Katie Hannigan back me Sarah and Katie were like
just I was like just wait till we're in the car when we're in the car we're gonna dissect this
whole thing and so it was a great ride home and uh quite a night I mean it was really something
to have those worlds collide yes it was like it was like Twitter live oh that's good and you got
to you got a front row seat there fatty boy that's exciting and maybe it'll help him get booked more
and uh I don't know maybe we need a little of that you know I mean when a guy says it and you go
shut up read talk I mean maybe you realize hey this is not such a big deal you know like
that's crazy like you you did it right you sat back you're like I don't have a dog in this
Gweef I'm just gonna enjoy this yeah I thought uh you know it was it was fun I was liking every
tweet I was like all right that's great this is great you know exactly but it's not gonna help
him get booked there I can tell you that that was his first and last tiny cupboard performance
so that's hilarious to get banned from a roof like hey you're so crazy we can't have you on this roof
that's insane it was it was really something and uh he he went he leaned right in there he did not
give a shit because if one person's like get off the stage I'm like all right you're probably right
see you later I would have dove off that roof but totally but I saw those I did the show there last
night and and it's that that show is the talk of the town I mean there's a buzz yeah I mean I was
saying oh I'm like that is not a great not a thoughtful booking yes I mean or unless that's
what you want I mean you have to know though this is gonna this is not gonna go this is not gonna
be uneventful right right you know performing in bushwick also kudos to Aaron because he
says a lot of horrible things and he kills which is like somehow maybe because you're five one you
get away with it I don't know but it's good for him oh yeah he went up there and he was like that
was my best friend I mean if you got booed and heckled I would go up there and be like I never
met that guy I don't know what his problem is what a piece of shit sorry ladies he should ban him
um that's a joke people will take that serious and be like he's a funny wood fucking whatever
yeah yeah yeah but anyways all right I gotta yield my time because I know you got a lot more and
we're uh we're running low here well I got a confession to make and this might be a little
Tuesday's history in the making right here oh boy I really screwed up I did something horrible and
I gotta talk about it on the pod oh boy yeah well remember that text I sent you I don't know a couple
weeks ago like uh should I buy this thing and you said I love mine I highly recommend it I think
you should do it I heard a little I gotta be honest I have a little birdie oh that told me a little
bit about this where I think we're headed here wait who's the birdie I got a little info about this
oh is he is it a black bird no black bird it's not a crow huh no crow all right all right we'll
cut that out he's more of a uh well I don't want to say I'll say after I don't want to pick a bird
for him though because we might get shut oh oh oh big beak I get it I get it you can
you can so all right I don't know who took cans so so hit me with it because I'm a little nervous
aware this is headed here it it's not headed in anywhere good there's nothing good will come
of this it's a huge mistake I've I've made my life worse by doing this oh geez so you've seen the
bike you see how much strife I go through with the hog a lot of bike strife if I can amplify that
divide it by 10 and multiply it by a thousand because uh you know me I like an old vehicle
and I like to dabble on this bring a trailer which is like an ebay for cars you you can bid and you
know you know it goes so every now and then I'll bid on a Porsche or a cool old Volkswagen just to
be a skank and uh I start bidding on this one car it's a 1973 BMW it's super cool it's sexy it's
old it's in good shape and now I didn't realize this I'm an idiot I'm going back and forth with
some guy in uh Milwaukee some piece of shit dad who ran out on his kids and he's got car money
and we just keep going and now the ego is kicking in oh he's going here's another hundred and I go
fuck you I've been unfallen here's another one and he's going hey how about this and I'm going
huh and he's got his kids are in college and his wife's overweight so he doesn't give a shit and
we just kept going I didn't realize you know you're watching like okay the clock is ticking
like when it hits zero if you're the last guy you win but when you make a bid huh it's a timer
it's a timer like ebay but if you make a bid it adds two minutes
ah which I didn't know about so I'm like all right two seconds left push it and then it would click
on the two more minutes I'm like what the hell is this so now he would bid I didn't know that
so I was like maybe my computer's not refreshing maybe uh my wi-fi's slow I have special needs I
don't know what's going on and we just kept going and going and it just kept ticking up
so I got the car I won oh my god so wait hold on so first of all my your ego is not your amigo I
just want to say that to you and all the listeners but so what do you mean you want so what does it
do it just says jackpot he quits he emails you what happens he gave up it was we kept going
it was too much I spent way more than I wanted to spend and I blew it and I don't know now now like
it's like when you jizz it all comes clear I get the email you won the bid you won the auction
congratulations and I'm like oh it's all coming in now and I'm like where am I going to put this
thing it's old it's like a collector's item it's gonna rust it's a lot of money I gotta put new parts
in it I screwed so how does this work so what do you do do you have it have you gotten it do they
deliver it where is it what what the fuck it's coming from California on a trailer
mm California so is that all part of the bid they drive it no I gotta pay for that now I'm in
contact with the guy who sold it at some dude who's like yeah my wife hates the car so I had to get
rid of it and I have a surgery I need so I don't have any money and oh I mean I'm in a world of
hell here I'm like I'm like send me all the parts it needs he's like that's up to you now you're on
your own dickless he's sending me the keys in an envelope I'm swimming Jerry I'm freaking out
all right here's the thing don't push the panic button it is what it is first of all
where's the joy you need some joy you gotta you got a sweet ride baby what is it it's a 73
BMW yes it's it's sexy it's cute it's it's it's worth a lot of money if I fix it up but it's just
like I don't have a garage I can't just put this thing on the sidewalk like the hog I gotta I gotta
figure this out I gotta but you're right you're right get some joy get a little perspective all
I got a pretty good deal on it for what it is and uh I'm gonna just step by step like an alcoholic
one day at a time I'll find the garage then I'll buy the right carburetor then I'll get this thing
then I'll get the whatever and all that and then I'll just do it slowly I'll find the right mechanic
I'll talk to other people now I'm in the BMW uh forum now I'm in all right so that's good I mean
this is all good you could call Jerry in the meantime borrow one of his garage spots and say
hey I got this that's something I'm sure that was on your mind when you were a bit in there but
that's exciting you get the car there once the car's there I mean what's happened has happened
you have the car you bought the car you like the car it's over so you got you like Susan don't you
maybe I'll start smoking you got the car so then for then you could there's some street parking
you might be able to find some street parking in the meantime I would start looking at garages
but you can also go on Facebook market to find uh someone with a driveway or whatever there's also
a place that I know of I can't say it on the air because it's a secret
spot that I don't want anyone to know about hit me because it'll ruin it after there's a place
near me you can put your car no street cleaning no nothing you can I left my car there for 10 days
can't or leave this car for months I don't want to tell you where all right so that's an option
because this isn't this isn't a commuter car it's not like you're gonna be taking this thing every
day no no it's a special car this is to come visit me in Belmar so yes there is a place it could live
for free in the meantime and you know and also if you're not driving it all the time you might be
able to find a cheap-ish garage somewhere who knows Brooklyn or something exactly so I like this
attitude this is good because it almost feels like I nutted in a woman and she was like what the
hell are you thinking and I was like oh and I have a kid on the way like but I'm dealing with it
I'm freaking out but I'm dealing with it you'll deal with it and but yeah this this mutual friend
said oh he got a car and I said oh that's great and then he told me what kind and I was like
what I thought you're gonna have a you know a Camry to go to to Philly in this is like this is
for cruising and picking up dames you gotta ditch your girlfriend now that you have this thing I'd
kill for a Camry I can put a Camry out in the jungle it'll be fine this thing's gonna rust this
thing is gonna it's gonna get scratched stolen breathed on wrong I I'm ruined I mean this is a
full-time job I just set myself up with I've ruined my whole life a pigeon could shit on it but it's
gonna be cool you're gonna like you know Max Katie or something driving around with a cigar and
laughing it up with a Hawaiian shirt I mean yeah but Max Katie got out of prison he's got no gig he's
got all the time in the world and a couple dollars in the bank I'm gonna I'm gonna go broke on this
thing I got no apartment I got no tenant I'm living in a palace here I got a fucking you know
priceless work of art behind me I have no finances for this we're in a pandemic the road is clearing
up the the checks aren't as big this is a this is a big fuck up the ego I kept clicking you
want to you want to beat me Milwaukee let's go don't tap on the glass but I think it'll be okay
and we got to go for a ride I mean we got to make a video here I don't want to sound like that kid
but no no I'd love to I'll get a selfie stick we'll do a yes BMW we'll make it you know bonus
microphone vagina or whatever the fuck we'll come up with a BMW and what is it oh I get it no
Mercedes Benz DMV what's it called again a Mercedes BMW BMW fuck I couldn't do it I don't
know why I got V I think VW came into my head right let's uh it's a boner uh
uh boner boner monkey wigger I don't know but we'll figure something out I don't think we can
say that anymore but uh either way we'll make some videos and uh we'll make some patreon stuff and
the patreon will help pay for this thing yeah so join that patreon and uh I'm excited about it I
think it's good news I love this attitude thank you I uh it helps me I appreciate because I'm
freaking out yeah and you got the wind to come in there I mean you gotta just get a garage I'm gonna
have to do it yeah what is this is this possible if I get the hog out of out of the hell hell pound
can I take the bike to the garage put the bike in the spot and then take the car
or they probably wouldn't they got a rapy on everything you know I think it's one car I think
you gotta register the car with the spot I believe right I think you just get a parking spot because
if that was the case you could rent out your own parking spot for more money good point you could
pay the garage 300 bucks and then sell it to someone else for 400 maybe or something right so I don't
but we gotta wrap this up but I highly recommend the patreon like we said yes Tim Dillon uh
fucking Krista Stefano all those guys Ari Shafia they're all on there oh yeah so they're
live ones there's a Sopranos commentary that's stranger by the late commentary we're gonna
do more commentary so now's a great time to get in there and all these shows are about to shut
down again so we're gonna be you think out of luck I think a lot all the outdoor shows are gonna
shut down we're surging we have the autumn surge half the states have a a surge going right now so
you know surgeon general Sergio Chacon I don't know right right okay well yeah get on as a ton of
extra content and uh I think we get a little wilder and looser on the on the patreon on the
queefs we're more ourselves so if you want to get down this is this is network you want to
see some HBO get on the patreon we queef it up uh we got a ton of great guests ton of great content
so uh tell a friend buy a shirt the merch is still out there and uh you know go fund me well
yeah I'm I'm I got a bucket of bolts over here on on fucking six avenue that I really hate ruin
myself yeah do it up and uh this weekend you can still see us we're performing this weekend I'm in
southern tin Connecticut it's craft beer comedy dot com go check that out and then Bloomington
or Bloomfield or blew my dad on Halloween Connecticut on Saturday go check that out next
week uh the 10th I'm in the rogue island festival I think those are both sold out that's uh
I love that island and then that wins that sunday the 11th is that not sold out you and I together
in Fairfield I gotta imagine that's gonna sell out it's getting close uh maybe I should promote it
more yeah Fairfield it's a festival go to you know Fairfield comedy give that a goog and uh check
us out there uh yeah we got some fun fun gigs coming up so that'll a lot of Connecticut
I'm doing Mohegan's son I'm doing soul Joel's again on October 21st get tickets for that that's
selling pretty good and I'm at bananas this weekend in Jersey you want to come give me some car advice
if you got a garage help me out you know give me a a tip on a good carburetor or manifold or person
a fold whatever it is and uh yeah please help help a guy out I'm freaking out Paul manifold
yeah come up from Belmar to bananas my future hometown um if it can make it that far I'll do it
and uh also I gotta plug mindful metal jacket someone messes me like why don't you ever plug it I
gotta plug it I do this other podcast it comes out Thursdays and this Thursday I got this chick
this chick this 75 year old woman Sharon Salzburg who just wrote a book I just took a swing and
emailed some of these Buddhist instructors and said hey you want to do my podcast and this one
woman responded and did it she's like a legend she helped bring Buddhism and meditation to the
west all right go check it out nobody listens to the fucking thing please go subscribe and and
listen and give a nice review and check it out there's some good stuff in there so gotta do that
and how about speaking of plugs this is just within reach calling Quinn's new book overstated
which Phil Hanley came up with a name for evidently is that right that's what it says in the back
and uh it's hilarious and great so go check out calling Quinn's book and check out mindful
metal jacket and I'm out of things to say yeah check it all out and uh we love you it's a weird
time but we're sticking together good luck with the uh the president I don't know who you got your
money on but uh hopefully you win who you want to win and uh you know the debates are tonight
that'll be insane so uh hopefully we don't all die and uh yeah praise Allah blow your mom and
we'll uh we'll see you in hell George is saying cut it