Tuesdays with Stories! - #375 Bag Hands
Episode Date: November 10, 2020We're back baby as Mark has a rainy end to his moped issues before having some hillbilly train troubles while Joe takes an accolade free cold water swim in Seattle. Check it out! Sponsored by: Native ...Deodorant (nativedeo.com/tuesdays.com or use code: tuesdays), Sheath Underwear (sheathunderwear.com code: tuesgays), & Away (awaytravel.com/tuesdays20) Subscribe to our Patreon for full video of the show A WEEK EARLY, bonus eps, and more! www.patreon.com/tuesdays Get our new T-Shirts right here baby! remember2behappy.com/twsshop
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hey mark fake banter for the intro that's all I know how to do great good
to be here welcome to Tuesdays with stories hit her in the face with a
surfboard and then the duck fell out of his bag
surfs up and she didn't even flush knock knock who's there Mark Norman and
Joe less Tuesdays with stories everybody that's terrible this is supposed
to be cheesy rolling rolling rolling keep them puppies going raw dog hey folks
that was the start I guess we're here we're we're back it's Tuesday Tuesday and
it's a beautiful day beautiful day 72 degrees it was 70 yes I went to the
park yesterday I was sweating my fucking tits off I was laying out there it's
November same sweating what the hell's going on Biden he changed the the
climate yeah well this climate issues obviously but I'm enjoying them right
now you know it's like what could I do we had a great day yesterday we missed you
in the park yesterday a hell of a hang I saw the photos you had a good crew and
but I boy I got I got a real real doozy of a reason why I wasn't there oh boy well
you want to just jump into it or what do you want to do here well haven't talked
in seven months and a day so I got I got to go way back same here I mean we
recorded last time we recorded I was in Seattle I mean it's a whole it's a whole
new world it's a new fantastic point of view whatever the fucking words to that
song is was that when I children take your clothes off remember that there was
always that hidden message for the pedos or some shit all good teenagers take off
their clothes that was it that was it I think yeah pull up that clip stick it in
there put it in my ass and it's it's as true today as it was then okay have you
have you gone back and looked cuz maybe it's a one of those mental fill in the
blank things but I hear it clear as clear as gay yeah I mean the Disney movies
all have those there's sex in Lion King he pops down and it says it in the dust
I mean that's clear I used to pause it and you can just see it and then there's
the boner in Little Mermaid and you know the fist in Ariel or whatever I had bad
improv skills there I couldn't think of another movie well it's hard to fist a
mermaid it's a lot of Finn that's true and they never fin-ish hey I'm a
boy oh I'm gonna fucking kill myself but anyways I feel great it was a great day
in the in the city yesterday I mean packed in sheep meadow we've never had it
more packed well I mean great group were playing can jam he and finances there he
was getting recognized we had what quite a crew I mean packed in the park and
people were all it was it was it was quite a scene there it was it was a
beautiful day beautiful moment and it was really something lovely day who was
Ian getting recognized by the trannies out there under the overpass or with
these fans these were fans and we're playing can jam so I was a few feet away
and I was going hey Joe list over here what are you crazy
finance come on and by the way I'm with Louie Louie was there I'm like you gotta
be shitting me finance and no love for for me I mean Louie I get he's a pedophile
whatever he is but I mean come on are we getting we're getting top by finance
this is brutal that's that's cuckoo bananas I don't like that one bit this
town's gone topsy-turvy comedy wise where were my priorities are out of whack
and off I mean I was yelling my credits Adam I was throwing Tuesdays with
stories t-shirts with a cannon and nothing we stink so by the way what the
hell's a can jam that sounds like what happens in a prison shower oh can jam is
the best I mean first of all I just want to say I mean Ian is one of my
favorite comics favorite guys of course he's getting recognized yada yada but
you get real little he looks like a cartoon to be honest you know like you
could spot that guy I think he's in the game guess who you want to you want to
get some love yourself but can jam is fun it's it's kind of like horseshoes or
cornhole or all this shit you got a frisbee and there's like a little it
looks like a trash barrel in fact someone threw trash in our can jam but it's a
little you know bucket with a hole in it there's a little sliver out of the
front of it and you throw the frisbee and your teammates smacks the frisbee into
the can that's fun he jams it in the can and if you get in the slot you win but
no one ever does that if you hit the thing and it's quite a game we had some
epic battles and people were getting competitive and some people suck at it
and Ian and I were a team and we were like we were like Facebook they wanted
to break us up because we were too good yeah those Jews they don't like a frisbee
run on and all them that they didn't grow up with it they got a yarmulke which is
close but no frisbee in their childhood well some of these guys you have to
protect them because you know like I don't want to name names but certain
people are throwing it and I'm like let me stand over here in front of this
family because one guy hit a family in the face like four times in a row a
rosebud baker's dog check one to the snout and it was a bad scene well can jam
sounds like a hell of a time I wish I was there I would have done that reference
and nobody would have gotten it but you yeah would have been fun I would have
said Keanu day or something I don't know I got I'm off cuz I'm too happy I gotta
be miserable to do the pod well you got you got a president now the sun is
shining silent re is gone death things are looking up I got silent re up my
ass my throat is burning like my asshole on a Wednesday night but but still I
mean you know it's sunny it's blue skies I mean I had a great hang yesterday and
good hang yet the day before Saturday was a great hang Sunday we had great
hangs I had some great shows I worked all weekend and I'm dying to hear about
Cleveland you're all over the fucking road here I mean I got I got a thousand
things to shove in your pee hole well let's just let's just get cooking cuz
we got ads we got aids we got a lot of stuff here so first off I'm getting a
lot of hog questions everybody's like what's the hog saga what's going on with
the hog what's the conclusion we need what's the what do you do what is that
uh what is that thing they always say women need not confirmation closure
closure nailed it always be closure so hog was getting towed left and right it
was getting diddled it was getting molested people are stealing five bike
covers in 2020 five count them why do people say that why don't them you can
count it I said five already why do you to count it I guess you go through you
go there was the one in May that was crazy you were you were in May there's
the one in July remember the October one there was the Thanksgiving what you know
so that they gotta count them that way I think I think that's what they mean maybe
that's it well they should have done that in Nevada but either way lost five bike
covers I'm getting up at the crack of jizz I got a sleep cap on and a boner
I'm out on Sullivan Street moving the thing you know it's me and the hobos
he's collecting cans I'm moving a hog so I said I put out some feelers a twos gay
out in Astoria and your neck of the jizz he said bring it on over I got a gay
Raj we'll put a cover on it we'll close the the fuel valve and leave that thing
for the winter so I said you got it but then as you know I broke the break off
some other things and you were mentioning how loud it was yes so I brought it in
and they go holy shit your baffles broken the battle I'm baffled what the hell
you're talking about you know and he goes yeah you're you're basically your
mufflers hanging off it was about to fall off it was shaking like so that's why
was so loud oh it's probably cuz you're at the bath house yes so I was like I had
no ideas like I re-welded it I put a new baffle on I got that puppy I picked it up
it was like this sound like a quiff on wheels I could barely hear it it was a
whisper in the night this thing is so quiet it's like an Asian woman doesn't
speak and so I said okay it's it now it's raining and the the guy in Queens the
gay he goes I can only do it today I have a job I don't you know my life
doesn't revolve around you and your dumb bicycle I said I understand sir so I
pick it up at the the shop second stroke in Bushwick and I go all right
boop boop boop boop boop Queens 44 minute ride cuz I have to avoid highways as you
know this thing goes 40 on the you know on a good day so it's raining I throw on
the earbuds I put on a little talking heads I hunkered down I got a jacket I
zip up and I just whizz it on up there now this is a freezing cold day it must
been like 33 degrees out and you know when you see the the delivery guys with
those big plastic mitts on their hands on the bikes oh yeah the bag hands the bag
hands yes she had bag hands so I was like what's up with that well boy did I
learn my lesson I just said fuck it I'm going all the way about 10 minutes into
my 44 minute ride the rain's coming down the droplets the freezing wind my
hands are beat red and they're throbbing they're going like whoa whoa whoa whoa
I almost had hypothermia but I said I gotta press through cuz it's too cold I
don't want to stop I just want to get it done finally get there after like 50
minutes of hauling ass me my hands were hurting so bad I first like it was that
weird thing when you can't feel them but they still hurt so I had to unzip my
jacket and it's that weird thing your hands are numb and I'm grabbing the
zipper on the jacket and you can see it happening but you don't feel it is that
weird numb yeah that's brutal I mean it sounds like my relationship with my dad
you can't feel it but it still hurts and I mean your hands are going whoa whoa
whoa your boat I mean it sounds you know not a dream but yeah you know you know
me I think I've mentioned it before I have rain ads I don't say it rainards
rain ads or Ray Ray I got real I got I got some kind of Ray Ray Tard where your
hands they go numb fast my my hands and toes my extremities they turn white and
like bony and freezing immediately it's like 50 degrees I can't feel my hands so
I feel your pain stinging stinging like needles so I open the jacket I put them
in the armpits I put them in my pants I had to like walk around the block because
the pain was so bad so all these old ladies you know it's a story they're
like you know some old Greek cunts like what's up with this fucking weirdo I've
never seen him in the neighborhood before it's very residential and I'm just
going yeah got it hurt so bad I did that for 10 minutes then I could finally
get my phone out of my pocket I call the guy he goes shit we're at lunch he comes
by with his beautiful wife they let me in the garage it's so quaint you know
these Queens people you guys live well you're happy over there everybody over
here is hobo up their ass and a rat in their dick you guys are you guys you
know you got garbage cans and a front door oh it's fantastic if we got a
homeless guy in Queens it's rare but we just beat the shit out of him and throw
him in the river here I mean nobody wants him around I don't want you
short Jerry doesn't want to see you why don't you just drop dead that's the move
that's the way to live it's beautiful over there you know you walk by a pre-
school and you walk by an elementary kids are throwing a ball around and you know
there's a bully he yelled at me called me a homo so I get back to Manhattan the
island and Doug keys on his way over to drop us off he's gonna pick us up to go
to Atlantic City monopoly what's that that's a Bruce Springsteen stong that
someone else covered and the cover was bigger was it bigger that's the one you
know is the cover it's a what is it as ago I don't put your red dress on do you
hair up pretty and meet me tonight in Atlantic City not only is the cover not
bigger I don't even know who you're talking about I don't even know what
you're talking about it's the band the band the bandery did it really oh yeah give
it a go good this this one's way bigger are you sure the band I thought the last
waltz was like 78 that song came out in 82 Springsteen wrote it it sounded fun
but it was too he couldn't pull it off it wasn't for him and so the band covered
it and they they made it they improved it this is sacrilege I mean I don't want
to get into it you're insane I mean the Springsteen version is the version and
you're insane it's on his greatest hits it's on Nebraska 82 I don't know what's
wrong with you but we'll settle this another time keep moving look at it
moving all right they play it on the boardwalk you know on repeat it's a
little monotonous if you ask me but they keep playing on repeat and it's the band
version not the Bruce and you think hey Jersey hey your guy boss band version I
don't know who's DJ in this city but they should be shot dead and thrown into
the ocean like the homeless and oh geez what am I saying I'm not saying you're
wrong I'm just saying this this is the one that caught fire bleep that Shelby go
back and bleep I gotta bleep we can't say that anymore it's a whole situation
all right all right new president new rules throw a bleep in there so anyways
you go to Atlantic City with Doug Key hit me with it sticking my bottom horny over
here have you been there I've never set foot in Atlantic City don't do it don't
go it's Vegas with AIDS it's run down it's a shithole there's nothing going on
I mean look I get it's a pandemic and it was Halloween weekend but it is just
bummer town like there's no frills the half the lights are like they're buzzing
they're out you know and the people are all fat and ugly and yeah just the water
sucks the beach sucks you know it's it's like a Asbury Park if it if it was like
a Down syndrome it's just got nothing going on the casinos are all spread apart
and then in between it if you want to walk to one you got it you got to dodge a
crossbow and a meth pipe and crack heads it's brutal that's one of those places
Atlantic City is like smoking I've never heard anything positive about it since
I was a kid in school they were like whatever you do don't go to Atlantic
City it'll turn your fingers yellow you won't be able to breathe you'll have
birth defects so I just never went I mean it's very similar it's just nobody's
ever said anything pleasant about Atlantic City ever other than you know in
1975 or whatever yeah yeah it's rough I mean and that all those smoking symptoms
they all have that they're limping they're in the rascal you know you know
Vegas when you go to like circus circus they're like this is the run-down one
circus circus would be a paradise a utopia in Atlantic City yeah and I can't
imagine it's gotten any better during COVID I mean it's gotta be god now rough
so but hey we got we got one show Friday two show Saturday it'll be fun we'll get
drunk we'll we'll go to the buffet we'll go to the beach like we'll make it work
I got Doug Key I got the lady out there so Friday rolls around nine o'clock show
one show you got to love that brutal Doug goes up he's getting heckled
immediately I go up I got heckled from minute one to minute 39 then they got
kicked out then they got brought back in and then re-heckled they got heck they
got kicked out and brought back in this girl is shithouse in the front row
wearing like a dental floss top and she's just yelling woo three some three
some with with her and her boyfriend they throw her out she starts crying in
the lobby then they go okay okay you psycho we'll let you back in back to the
heckle but they're like well you got eight minutes left so what's the
difference we're not gonna kick her out again and and you know disturb the show
so it was brutal now here's the clinker she's a psycho she's going to town on me
yelling all kinds of crazy whatnot and hoopla so I go into my racial chunk
there's a table of black black guy in a black lady front row this guy's dying
he's like my one beacon this guy loves everything there's a table of three fat
black women behind him and they start leaving and I go what's going on ladies
you guys you got two minutes left where you going they go you're a racist go
back and get your clan hood I see your ass and Philly you need to get your ass
kick you come to Philly we're gonna kick your ass and there they're walking on
saying this I'm like what are you talking about these guys are dying they're
like fuck you you're racist you're racist and I'm like no I want you to stay if I
was racist I'd want you to I'd be like yeah get out of here you know yeah you're
black people but she was just on one and I go to the black guy in the front
which I guess is kind of racist to be like do you understand this you're the
same color as them and he was like I don't put don't bring me into this shit
but they were pissed and they walked out and you know they're like get your
clan hood come to Philly we'll kick your ass all this shit that it was pretty
pretty defeating I was like what what it's jokes what are you talking about but
that's that I guess people are very quick to the clan hood I don't I don't get the
clan the clan I'm in the clan I mean I can see if your jokes are insensitive I
saw I don't want to get too into it and too inside baseball but or critical of a
comic but Chappelle said that he's like if you could if you could put on your
clan or you could put on a mask I'm like so if you don't wear a mask you're in
the clan yeah it's a leak I mean that's a tough equivalency I mean what's how
many people are in the clan by the way 300 I know I know we're talking here well
I get it in comedy you have to use extremes like how many ISIS jokes have
we made about a you know a Middle Eastern guy so I get it but if I was right I
would go yeah yeah and words I would just be letting it go like you're already
leaving but I'm like no please stay I don't want to hurt your feelings but yeah
it was there was no turning that one around and they were pissed and they
were really like you you you you pissed me off so much that I had to leave with my
other ladies and we hate you now and thank God they were like 60 because they
don't blog and shit because you know you get a couple of bloggers go and then you
get a you start a fire online but these gals you know they're they like go to
church on Sunday and you know have a cookout oh gee I gotta hear these jokes
I want to be the I want to I want to get a little sense of what we're talking here
I mean get your clan hood that sounds like they're not so you're crazy I don't
know someone someone's missing something here well the other the other two black
folk were loving it but I talked to fat Chris L our in-house black and he was
like I get the joke obviously but I get why people could be upset it's got like
some slave connotation I am the whole joke I don't want to give away the
material but it's all about how we all if we all hung out with each other like
different races we'd get along better the fact that we were so separate is what's
hurting us ironically and I said you know you got a seeing eye dog how about
like a service brother where we just give you a black guy if you don't have
any black people in your life and she I think was just like wait what slavery
I'm like no no no the point is to make us mingle and co-exist so I think that
might have been it right also I just want to add this you're not an elected
official you're not presenting this as like what if we did this you're a comic
of course of course but also I had a joke about a virus called h1n word and
that might have done it but again if I'm a race I would just say the word I'm
saying n-word to make it fun and yeah it's word play right well what can you
do yeah they'll I'm sure they're fine now and but here's the here's the the the
the kook part is the the bouncer was a black guy and he was like fuck them that
jokes good I love it I thought you were great and when you get yelled at by a
black person called racist it's pretty devastating I had that thing in the
green room where I'm like ah man I gotta make some changes what am I do with my
life and then when he says yeah fuck him you're like that's all I need it thank you
other black guys into it we're fine and I was right back right well you can't
please all the people all the time you got that right and all those people were
at my show Mitch speaking of speaking of pleasing people Tuesdays with stories is
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rid of that duffel Chris Allen just texted how about that he must have
heard the the black signal was in the air he's like candy man yeah yeah well
diabetes all right you you go you go I got I had to get out that that racial
rant and I appreciate the the help yeah that's that's a bummer it's not a good
feeling but you know you're not for everybody that's the way it goes yeah
break eggs to make an omelette or whatever they say yes yes and just great
trip when we were rented bikes we got oysters it was Halloween we made the
most of it we got shit faced we we did a queef in the hotel room that I had to
delete because we got drunk into the queef and it was me the lady and Doug and
it was so edgy we had to delete it oh Jesus yeah get on the patreon folks is
some there's some great stuff on there speaking of the patreon hardcore stuff
and if we ever get to 3,500 I think yes patrons we're gonna do something
special we're gonna do a little live stream for the patrons only yeah you do
a live show you can be in there yeah YouTube live you can ask questions we
can go gay we can make out we can blow blow each other it's gonna be a hot one
so tell a friend tell a partner tell a neighbor and tell it on the mountain yeah
it's gonna be something so last time we spoke I was in Seattle having a great
time I was in the hotel cuz the Wi-Fi and I just gotta I'll get right through it
but I gotta say it was the happiest time of my entire life seven days in Seattle
with my best pal Derek his wife his kids and just an amazing time and early in
the week we had some Wi-Fi issues I had to do my podcast I had to do you know
Sarah had to do her podcast I had a zoom show which was fun and I think
everyone was muted though I mean I ate shit it was brutal but anyways I got
the message afterwards being like we liked it I mean I don't I don't know if
it was muted or my headphones broke or what but I mean I was talking to myself
and just looking at blank faces ah but that's that's neither here nor there I've
been there fatty it's brutal so we had a great time so then we're walking around
Alchi Beach which is one of my favorite places in the wide world and I got this
wild you know come staying up my ass and I said to Derek why don't we go swim
tomorrow morning we just go in the ocean let's go out there and swim and he goes
ah maybe we'll see yeah maybe I don't know that's a no where I come from
so I Google that night I'm going I'm going with or without him I don't give a
shit and I Google swimming and cold water benefits all kinds of benefits you
get you know cardiovascular and blood flow and I don't know some other shit
yeah friends with friends with benefits it's good for the organs it's a lot of
good stuff so I wake up in the morning and I'm waking up super early because I'm
on East Coast time plus I've been waking up early anyway so I'm waking up at
615 plus the kid it's a very farty house everyone just rips ass which is fun yeah
the kids I love kids that think farts are funny because you do like a you do
like a parry or you stretch your foot out because they don't know any of the fart
gags right you can do pull my finger you know you take your glasses off and fire
I show him my dick and fire it's all it all kills well you're the fart Richard
prior you get to you get to break out the mold and break wind exactly I mean it
was amazing so we're all fart and I wake up I go in the bedroom and I go hey
what's going on he goes I'll tell you what's going on we're swimming in the
ocean I'm like yeah we cheer and we get the kids going we get his wife going we
put on our shorts and I'm nervous because I got rain adds and a small dick
already so you know you go in the water and you it's freezing yeah it's like
48 degrees that day and we go fuck it we'll just we got a bunch of blankets
and towels and the whole thing we drive down to the beach and I'm getting
nervous my heart's pounding because my anxiety starts going I'm like what if I
have you know what's what's it called when your fingers fall off
hypothermia right what is it hypothermia hypothermia and frostbite yes
hypothermia is the one I was actually looking for frostbite hypothermia and
then you always have that moment like on roller coasters they're like don't ride
if you have a heart condition you're like what if I have a heart condition I
don't know about like fucking John Ritter died on set at you know who's the boss
to or whatever the fuck show it was oh god it's terrifying
because you hear all these stories about people that die when they're 48 and
they're like he had a heart valve nobody knew it was a whole thing
come and knock on our door that was the MT hey we're trying to get in
so I go down there and it's like a beautiful day but it's it's cold
and we go down there we're all excited and and he's done the polar plunge on
New Year's Day and stuff so he's like you gotta have flip flops because your feet
will feel like you know knives or all this shit whatever
and then I start doing it on like I'll do it on insta story we all need content
he didn't want to be in the video he's got a job and everything I get it I'm like
all right so we go down there and the kids are there and they're like you're
crazy you know it's fun because you have little kids that are like
this is not Uncle Joe's crazy he's gonna swim in the ocean
we go out there I'm funkel I'm funkel Joe yes
and then so we go out there and right as we're about to step in
we look over and there's like 75 elderly people just swimming laps
they're just they got like the little fucking rubber hats on
like like you know harry from jaws and they're just swimming back and forth
then you look on the beach there's like 40 more people in bathing suit they're
just talking and we're like I feel like an asshole
because I'm over here going we're gonna do it and I got the ego I want people to
like gather around being like you're crazy right and so we literally run in
we just jump in the water get wet we come running back and we're like
like little girls and I come like I got the flip flops on I'm trying to hold
them on because I got city feet right and we run back and his wife's not impressed
the kids they're not even watching us they're building a sandcastle over here
and you just see all these like a whole group of polar bears whatever the
fuck they're called there's like 60 of them and they're just looking at us like
ah you're fucking losers ah that all these kids by the way sorry
eight and four okay okay so they weren't impressed they didn't give a
shit we put our towels on and it took the it was fun and exciting but it took a
lot of the excitement out because I thought we're gonna be nuts we're gonna
be these crazy people down on the beach totally and nobody gives a shit there's
a whole gang of them over there and you just kind of go
bar and like his wife is like okay you all set can we go to get some breakfast
and you're like all right fine but it was still a thrill still exciting
and then we got some photos and some video or whatever but
it's a good way to start the day because it's quite a whoosh they say that all
these smart people these you know motivational
cum guzzlers whatever it is they always say take a cold shower because your day
you've had the hardest thing about your day out of the way and you're invigorated
it feels nice I was doing that at the beginning of quarantine but I remember
when I was a kid I had this memory of my mother would give me a bath when I'm
like you know 13 or 14 nothing crazy but
my mother would should should bathe me and you know my dad would be in the tub
with me and my sister my uncle and would all fuck at the end when we were
clean but it's a big job my mother taffed my mother would take
the fucking whatever like your mouth some kind of kitchen uh what's the
kitchen thing it's like a big jug with measurements on it
oh a knife a kitchen knife wait oh a measuring cup
no it's like a measuring cup but it's huge it's like a big bowl
she had a lot of jugs my mother yeah big jugs but anyways it was a big
kitschy jug and I at the end she would do my hair and
dump the water on my head to spritz it out or whatever sure
and I would say surprise me with a cold one
and so she would without me noticing get the water ice cold and I'd be
anticipating at some point I'm gonna get hit it was like um I won the super bowl
like I you know I got a Gatorade bath wow what a fun kid you were and what a
fun mom my mom if I said surprise me with a cold one she'd go uh
all right here's a beer you fag you know she wouldn't she wouldn't hit me with
cold water that's too much work well I mean
she's sitting in the tub I'm in the tub she's naked I'm naked and it was fun so
I'd be waiting and all of a sudden I'd go get hit with the cold water it was
exciting I was like all right we'll hit you with a warm one you gotta warm me up
it was quite thrilling it was like a special memory you know that's touching
that's touching that's special needs and boy your dong must have been in your
asshole by then that's the cold water it will really shrink the turtle
well awesome I'm like I'm four years old at the time so my my dick was already
you know teeny an acorn yeah yeah I get it
wow boy what a fun little memory that was a fun memory and uh Alchi Beach was
great we went out to breakfast and when you have like
wet hair and the salt on yet it just feels good it's exciting
yes the wet air and the wet skin with the salt yeah there's nothing better and you
feel awake but I really did you got I got no love I wanted people to be like you
went swimming that's crazy you must be insane I'm like that's not it I was on
the tonight show too and they were like oh my god but nobody gave a shit yeah it's tough
these I mean those old people out there they're probably like 104 I think if you
do that every day you're uh immortal yeah and I was thinking about I guess when you
actually swim laps your body adjusts to the temperature and then you're just
working out so I think they're like they're like you know sweaty or whatever
afterwards ah damn yeah those polar bears we're just bipolar no fun
waste dick but anyways that was fun these kids are hard to impress these days you
know you almost gotta have like a million tiktok followers or something I could
suck my own dick and they'd go ah what have you done for me lately
well the young kids are fine because they're not quite at the tiktoky thing yet and
it's amazing how many of the things that they'll be like you ever heard of a
itsy little spider and I'm like it's the little spider of course I know it's the little spider
get out of here show me something new you fucking loser yeah when are they gonna make
up some stuff you know these one kids like are you Robin Hood Batman smells Robin
I'm like yeah let's hack that's like 1840
they're hacks I mean the kid all she wanted to do is watch Adams family and I thought
there was like a new Adams family it was the 1993 fucking Angelica Houston Adams family
which by the way fucking stinks out loud that would be blows come on steaks steaks holds up
holds up it didn't held up then it held down then it's holding my life down wow I think I saw it
in the theater I would my jaw was on the floor plus uh Mortish I don't think Angelica Houston's
attracted but in that in that vibe I was into it and then Wednesday turned out to be a smoke show
big forehead on that whore what's her name Christy Yamaguchi reachy reachy yes yes I'm reaching
oh we got another ad here let's let's knock that puppy out speaking of uh boners
this is the best in the biz Tuesday's stores brought to you by sheath underwear we love old
sheathy yes sheath leisure uh I love sheath it's got that sexy pouch it's got the sexy feel the
sexy fabric it's got a great elastic waist and it just cradles the twiggin berries the junk the
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that you can get your hand into to urinate or get a beach but the flap doesn't open I have those
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it's brutal you don't want dong on metal teeth no you don't especially braces that'll get in
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twitter when I throw on the sheath underwear uh it's just made by an army soldier named Robert
Patton during his second tour in Iraq so it's all Americana support the veteran owned indie company
whose founder is a twos gay himself and a big comedy fan this guy gets it now you can get it
tell him what to do there fat man go to sheath underwear dot com and order with promo code
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that's sheath underwear dot com promo code twos gays with a g support this show by supporting
them get sheath underwear and let's support I fucked up the last part he'll forgive me you
get sheath underwear and let them support your balls and support the troops this guy's a troop
for god's sakes you got that right who knows we could be attacking uh china soon
who Han all right now I gotta tell you about a real excursion hit me with it I'm excited I love
an excursion I just I've been good spirits just throw everything you got at me I'll put it right on
your face and this this is an old twos gays throwback here this story this has got layers and
travel and and uh layovers and lay away here we go all right just gotta give a shout out to fat
chrysal and we had a great weekend in Cleveland at hilarities Cleveland's underrated town I love
Cleveland I think I turned you around on the big Klee and uh just one of the one of the great clubs
Sam and Nick they take care of you uh they give you a baseball if you sell out the shows they
give you a baseball bat with your name on it engraved it's so weird remember I they gave me
one earlier in the year and I lost it because I couldn't take it through customs yes that was
frustrating so they heard about that and now they showed me the bat and they put it in a big fat
envelope and sent it to the house yeah you changed the policy because that's how they did it for me
they jotted it had a sock on it which was cute yeah by the way I play with the bat every day
all day I have it in my hands during meetings people feel threatened because I'm like on zoom
meetings holding a baseball bat I've never don't have it it's it's trusty it's my guitar it's my
baseball bat it's my dildo I love this thing it's gold but yeah the same deal they showed it to me
like we're not gonna have another Norman on our hands and then they mailed it so you change the
you're you're like you're Rosa Parks oh yes there you go the bat of the bus so just a great weekend
one of those weekends where you do the shows you sell some merch sold out of merch Chris Al sold
like a he probably made five grand in merch he's got those shirts that everybody loves he killed
I had a hot one new material and one of those weekends where after every show there's smoke it
was smoking butts and weed and drinking in the green room till 3am just talking comedy who do
you hate who do you love who's a piece of shit who comes here and you look forward to who's good
who sucks all that just just the the old days a little touch of normalcy sure the new normalcy
so uh great weekend took us out to eat had some pierogies we went to Hofbrow had some day drinking
the whole thing so then I look on my calendar go what's what's going on on sunday I gotta get back
to New York got some shows on sunday uh-oh I gotta show at 3 p.m. on sunday in New Jersey
oh you think I had New Jersey I'll land at noon throw my bags in bang the lady
take a path train out to Jersey how far gonna be Hoboken Jersey City what are we talking here
swedesboro swedesboro you ever heard of it maybe but I not it doesn't click in my my brain
no one's heard of it I give it a goog I map it it's about 38 hours into Jersey it's it's basically
in Pennsylvania so I go what the hell is this so I hit the guy up and I go hey what what's the deal
with this swedesboro because it's at 3 p.m. it's on a farm it's a farm gig farmers only.com so he goes
oh yeah yeah yeah you gotta take an Amtrak to Philly because he goes you don't have a car I got a car
I got a Bieber but that thing won't make it outside of Hoboken and he goes yeah yeah you gotta take
an Amtrak to Philly and I'll pick you up like Amtrak to see you want me to fly into New Jersey
into Newark go home say hello get on Amtrak go back to Philly he's like I guess that's the only
way if you don't have a car and I was like so the gig's at three this ain't no eight o'clock or like
a normal gig so I go ah so I had to change my flight into Philly okay now you think hey Cleveland
to Philly that's what 20 minutes in the air it is but it's last minute so all the good
options are gone so I have to fly into Chicago four hour layover then fly into Philly and I get
into Philly at 2.15 the show's at 3 so I was like Jesus and also the flight's at 6 a.m. or whatever it
is so that's a kick in the pants because you know you know after a weekend you just want to go home
and put your feet up for sure yes so I just suck it up I go all right I'll get up early I'll get
up at fucking 430 get to the airport for five get the flight at six but of course we we end up
drinking all night on Saturday night and I got 10 seconds of sleep just I close whoop whoop whoop
whoop whoop your car's here what are you doing hurry up everybody hates you your parents don't love
you like come downstairs all right so half an hour of sleep hungover get on the flight go to
Chicago try to take a nap by the way I watched the Chappelle monologue in the airport in Chicago
just moving just that whole thing like sorry Lauren I thought there was a comedy show plus I was all
traveling and hungover and no sleep it was moving was touching okay you hated it maybe we'll do a
patreon we'll talk about it now we're talking 35 short short answers yes
uh what about that that woman joke with what we'll save it we'll save it
about the the the wage gap or whatever that was a great joke yeah I if we can digress I just think
there's a lot of like well I thought this was a comedy show we got a woke crowd I'm like is it
possible the joke wasn't great sure sure because I'm like I think there's a lot of go to that whoa
I thought this was must be uh too hot under the collar for you folks and I'm like ah I didn't laugh
I'm not woke all right all right well we definitely gotta do a a queef about this but we'll do a whole
queef another day another dollar so long if you ask me too sorry so you prefer the bill burwin
I prefer the burr okay okay well now I'm I'm intrigued you're tickling my my taint here all
right so I'm in Chicago layover you know you try to sleep you can't sleep you get a smoothie you
go cry in the bathroom and then boom Landon Philly he picks me up every I'm loopy everything's all
wacky I haven't showered uh he picks me up in his truck Eddie great guy we drive out to a farm we
are in the middle of nowhere it's a sunflower farm they sell sunflower seeds in the middle of uh
who knows where we show up there's 300 people in lawn chairs staring at a stage it's literally on
the bed of a tractor so he goes hey have a couple beers have a Philly cheesesteak and I go okay I
drink some beers eat eat a cheesesteak guy goes on he's funny the opener's funny then I go on and
you're just so out of it that there's a bee flying here this guy's toothless he's got a camo hat that's
a cornfield and you're just trying to get through it he's like how much I was like how much time he
goes do a full hour I go all right and half of it's bombing half it's working I commented on a
bunch of kids so they still have hymens it got weird but so I get out of there I tell the host Jake
Philly guy very funny I should know his last name he goes I looked up your Amtrak you can only
make this a six o'clock because I still have two shows in New York at eight oh my god in Brooklyn
so your scheduling is appalling the who your scheduling is appalling it's a three shows in
different states on the day you fly home horrible and once at 3 p.m. in in another country basically
I gotta I just see an open calendar and I just gotta fill it up but I don't think about sleeping
in food and and lifestyle and you know anything so get off the tractor I jump in this guy's car
we go to the Amtrak and Philly the 30th Street station I go up to the Amtrak guy I go what's the
next train in New York he goes you got a 615 and I look at my watch it's like 604 I'm like all right
let's do it how much is he goes 200 bucks I go 200 bucks for an amp I could have flown there and he
goes supplying to man but there is a seven o'clock for 50 what is that it's a hundred miles 200 bucks
to go a hundred miles you gotta be shitting me exactly a hundred miles but the but I thought I
heard your your your uh small mouth in my head of just like ah treat yourself you know otherwise
you gotta wait at the Amtrak another 45 minutes and you get in at 8 30 and your show's at eight
yeah I mean 200 bucks and the grand scheme of things is not much but I mean 200 bucks to go 100
miles is absurd absurd I mean the gas money for that would be six bucks ah I should have taken the
bolt yeah this is this is this is goofballs I think you need to buy another vehicle get a nice
civic or a Chevy spark or some bullshit to beat on you know you got your beamer for chicks you
take a pleasure cruising you got your motorcycle for spots and then you get a nice nice nice what
they call it when it's called uh something uh ah what's that word reasonable or reliable or
daily driver no daily driver that sounds like a dating site no like a some kind of uh casual
it's like they say with shoe walk around shoe uh tennis shoe uh slipper flip-flop
something sensible sensible get a nice sensible vehicle there you go all right yeah that's up there
I like I like a good beater I want to park that thing half on a curb you know kick it shut with
my hip spray paint a swastika on it whatever it is exactly a beater can be sensible you have
a beamer and a beater whoa egg beaters all right so land in New York 200 bucks up my asshole
now here's the clinker we're on the Amtrak you know you do the thing everybody does it it's late
we're cranky everybody gets on everybody thinks maybe we'll go left everybody's going right we'll
go left oh there's the coach car there's the quiet car there's the snack car whatever it everybody's
got their little system get on the Amtrak we're all walking down and you know everybody wants the
two seat they want the seat they want the seat for the shit right that's how it goes that's the
American way we've all agreed on it so you know you you just keep walking till you find your
twofer find my twofer sit down I get a moment here I'm on the Amtrak I got an hour and a half I'm
going to take a little snooze still got two shows to go we're almost home baby throw my bag up in
there sit down but I'm so dehydrated because I've had no sleep and I drank a couple IPAs on the farm
so I go all right let me get settled plug my little charger in get my phone some juice
you know get my ticket beeped from the guy finally once we've been on the train 10 minutes
I put my ticket in the little back uh slit there from the chair you know and I get up and I go get
a bottle of water get up go get a bottle of water come back
seats taken oh now what do you do here what's the etiquette because it's his fat hillbilly
chuch he's on the phone by the way and I go ah I got the tray you know the little paper the uh the
little cardboard tray with my drink in it my M&M's and I'm like ah I was sitting there and he's like
huh I want the phone and so now he's just sitting there doing this shit yeah man I gotta tell you
what I think Biden's gonna we still gotta get that recount we gotta recount it that's gonna change
everything it ain't over yet he's still in the house you know and I'm like yeah so I go I was
sitting here and he's like I you know I don't know that and I go here's my ticket and he goes yeah
you know what do you want me to do you weren't here and he's got his dumb you know those weird
bags that that guys carry that have their strings and it's just like a pouch and he can oh you know
that thing those I hate the string pouch it's a feminine it is a feminine but tough guys have
these for some reason I don't know what it is but he had one of those on the seat so I go I gotta
sit down here and he goes uh so he moves it a little and I'm just sitting there now I got his
dumb bag jammed in my ass and I'm eating my M&M's and drinking my water like a little rat and I see
this girl on the other end across the aisle look at me like what a pussy and it pissed me off I don't
know if she was actually thinking that but it that's how I registered it so I go move the fucking bag
I was pissed and he goes and he puts the bag on his lap I didn't say fucking I said can you move the
bag Jesus I'm a human being puts the bag on his lap and he's talking on the phone so I can't really
yell at him and eventually I just I kept thinking what is the deal here what do you do here because
he's right there was nobody in the seat so he took the seat yeah sure my ticket was there but
is that a is that a holder yeah you gotta do a leave behind a hoodie a shoe something I know I mean
I gotta say I gotta say with no leave behind I kind of get it you go hey it's an open seat I sat down
I get it too I that's what I figured so I just sucked it up and I I got up I gave him a dirty look
and then I walked uh walked down and found another one but it was pretty uh crushing and then when
the train landed in New York I had to run back through three cars to get my bag I left it up
there uh well first of all I hate this guy I hate anyone talking on the phone I hate a string bag I
hate a fat guy I hate it everything he's got going on I'm hating it was all bad news and it doesn't
help the anger you know because if it was a nice guy going like ah sorry man there was no one here
I don't know what you want me to do I get it but he's on the phone he's uh he's a douche it was all
bad I think it was a DJ I don't know something was up but I got my bag I go straight to Brooklyn
shows are great Tuesdays are at the show took some photos come home ah we're good to go good to be
back good to be home if you can believe it mark and audience we have another sponsor on this show
you got that right and it is native native deodorant who just sent us another uh thing did you get
your stick I got nothing no she got a stick coming I'll share mine with you I'll bring it over
next time I see you this they sent me candy cane candy cane deodorant come on just in time for the
holidays I am loving this deodorant I'm putting it right on all my crevices the holiday season is
right around the corner we're all getting into the spirit by indulging in the sights and sounds
and sense of season that makes sense one thing I made sure to do is update my native collection
with their candy cane holiday scent I think you're gonna love this I'm using it it doesn't it sound
you're making a face it sounds weird when I first opened it I thought candy cane deodorant
I took a whiff I love it I put it on I surprised my wife she came home and I go give me a whiff
see what you think and she's like oh my god I mean she was soaking wet her tits fell out she
couldn't have been more excited because you know what people want to do with candy canes they want
to suck on them and eat them you got that right and so that's what this is going on native deodorant
is an all-natural deodorant it's safe and effective the perfect addition to your daily routine this
holiday season it makes a great gift native deodorants don't just block odor better they're made
better native as ingredients you've heard of like coconut oil and shea butter it's also vegan and
never tested on animals perfect stocking stuff for Mark tell them how to get this stuff love the native
my lady loves it now that you told me about this candy cane stuff I am on board give the gift of
native by going to nativedo.com that's nativedeo.com slash Tuesdays or use promo code Tuesdays a
checkout and get a whole 20% off your first order pretty good make sure you order before December
7th to get your products in time for Xmas that's nativedo.com slash Tuesdays or use promo code
Tuesdays at the checkout native deodorant take care of your body Merry Christmas happy holidays
can't believe it's the holiday season already Thanksgiving's like two weeks away oh my god I
know I'm going to I'm going to NOLA for that that'll be fun just a little change of race yeah crazy
time so I gotta just touch on Halloween a little bit I was out there so that we went swimming in
Alchi the morning Halloween morning which is fun and then you know everyone they got the kids and
that's the reason I went to Seattle to experience a little Halloween because when you don't drink
you're older Halloween there's not much going on for you yeah booze in or you're single you're
trying to you know fuck a nurse or whatever sure but care but uh you know it's not eventful for me
I watch movies or whatever the hell so I decided they will go to Seattle and experience Halloween
with the kids because they're right in the thick of it oh yeah four oh yeah did they dress up
they dressed up my niece was Wednesday Adams she looked amazing she's obsessed with the Adams family
she had the wig the thing everything although like seven people were like are you RBG I love RBG
you're like RBG get out of here because it's Seattle they're all like it's super woke the whole
thing she's got a black wig down to her ass and she's like looking spooky she has black and white
striped leggings oh yeah I'm on the Senate or whatever I'm a judge that's my thing I'm I'm
four I'm eight what are you talking about yeah next week I'm going as uh you know Harriet Tubman
what are we doing if I start eight year old dressed up as RBG and throw my hot day of coffee in her
face you gotta be shitting me I mean hey I love RBG fantastic good for you lady you know thanks for
holding it down or whatever you do I mean I'm not I don't do a lot of judge following yeah
who's dressing as a judge yes I mean judge Judy okay at least she's fun I get that Judge Reinhold
would be better than I mean RBG judge get out of here get out of here what is this new thing we
got to pretend to give a shit about these uh old super old people RBG on Halloween get the
fuck out of here she's Wednesday Adams and uh she looked great but that was only a couple people
I exaggerated a little bit but again it's Seattle so who knows she was Wednesday Adams and then uh
my nephew Joey same name he was Chase from uh what's it called Meridian blues clues it's it's a
it's a paw patrol paw dog dog cops they're like little dogs that are police paw patrol it's it's
adorable they're really fun is it like a McGruff I think it's like McGruff I gotta tell you I
didn't watch an episode I just saw him dressed and he's got a little hat with ears and he's got a
brown tail that looks like a shit coming out of his putt I had a lot of laughs about that I don't
know if I'd want to go as a cop in Seattle that doesn't seem very popular well I think it was
it's paw peeler it's it's paw patrol so I think a kid can like a cop that's what's interesting
yes kids are dumb you're allowed to be dumb if you're thirty and you're like I love the cops I'm
a cop baby people like fuck you you piece of shit but if you're six they're like that's great good
for you it's true kids can can say all lives matter and everybody's like oh he doesn't get it
a totally a three-year-old is like don't all lives matter you'd be like my kids got wisdom
but if the dad says it you're like you're a piece of shit I have a bit about that I don't want I don't
want you to see me doing that and think I took it from you oh sorry yeah but anyways they can do no
wrong these children I mean I guess they could I mean he could say he could point and say the n-word
but you know he's got good parents yeah yeah but you know he's he likes to listen and regurgitate
what he listens to you know so he was sweet as pie so we went there and and it's COVID so everyone's
worried is it gonna be a Halloween what are we gonna do like kids and so they had a little parade
in the neighborhood this is an pigeon point which is like a cool little hill area it's like it's a
great little neighborhood and so we go over the parade I had a mask on I bought little like the axe
that goes through the head you know it's on either side love that classic the the kids loved it they
were like it was mind-blowing to them they loved it so we're all walking around we got axes through
our heads I got a Jason mask an old man mask and and by the way when you go to a kids Halloween
parade you gotta stick close to the kids you're with because if you if you wander off I'm just an
old middle-aged guy with like a an old lady mask on you know yeah that's creepy you don't want to be
that guy I had to keep being like I had to keep me like Joey this is my nephew right here yeah yeah
exactly but it was a great time the neighborhood all came together the kids were adorable some of
the parents were hot and then we went back to Derek's house we sat in his driveway we had these
huge pumpkins we bought we carved them all up good he used a saw to carve them we designed them up
there's we had a spooky one a silly one a fun one a shitty one and there's a table we had he bought
full-sized candy bars he's that guy wow fun dad full milky ways full nutjobs or whatever the
fuck they're called and had like a wooden tray yes wooden tray filled and so then we sat there all
day I had my Jason mask he had an axe through his head we played the Ramon super loud and the kids
would come up and I'd be like full candy bar best house on the block we had a great time I love it
wow that's amazing talk about fun size those little minis that ain't fun the big one that's fun
that's what I say about my cock all the time to the kids but and it was a full moon it was a blood
moon or it was a blue moon a blue moon once in a blue moon this was a blue moon there was orange
slices on it and it was huge and we had the whole view of the city we sat there all night
it was the best Halloween I've ever had in my whole life wow and there was a mode this is a fun
moment I'm sitting there talking to him and he's drinking beers he's got a buzz on we're being
goofs I gotta tell you about one guy you're gonna hate two guys you're gonna hate one guy you're
gonna really hate all right so we order pizzas we got a stack of pizzas we're eating those we're
eating like shit it's so fun I had candy before pizza I felt like a kid we're sitting there and I
go boy this doesn't happen often but times like this is when I'd like to have a beer I wouldn't
mind having a nice beer here here not beer beer not two minutes later some drunk lunatic walks up
bald fat guy he goes whoa this is the rock and roll house no kids he's like motherfuckers this is a
party right here he's just screaming motherfucker he's got no kids he's an adult he's like who's got
the shots you guys got shots of oh where this guy is he the dumb neighbor I don't know who he is
he's a neighbor but it was perfect timing because that would have been me that would be me I would
been jumping through the table and stealing the kids and fucking the candy silent relapse
it was perfect timing I was like I wouldn't mind a beer and then this asshole shows up and I couldn't
even hate him because I was like that's me that would be me yeah that's true 40 and bald it's funny
how that works because uh you know Chris Al is sober and our opener Mary Santora was sober
so it makes me mind my peas and Jews because I'm like I don't want to be that guy I don't you know
I start slurring and I'm like oh these guys are sober as a judge Judy so I kept it in line
yeah I love Mary she's funny I like her a lot and then Chris says I'm off and on with but
fair what can you do but anyways so that guy leaves then this guy shows up some fucking douche
comes with two kids and just seems like a regular old guy and he's like oh wow you guys got big candy
burgers I go and it's late in the night so we're going to take as many as you want and then Derek
goes there's pizza too we finished the pizza if you want to slice just assuming no one's going to
take a slice of pizza from people and he goes hey what kind of pizza you got and right away I'm like
he's going to take the pizza hate this guy hate him he opens the box he takes three slices
one for him and one for each of his two daughters pepperoni slices they're the last slices what
we go over there this guy's box is empty this guy's a nightmare he should be arrested he took
the last of our pizza can you believe that I can't I mean I'm in shock I'm blown I mean it's
like a curb episode we want to go dude we're kidding you don't take pizza and three take one
and you guys eat it like lady in the tramp with your kids don't take three major slices what are you
a fucking loon asinine so then Derek's wife comes home and we're chat we're telling him like some
fucking asshole took the pizza and she and you know moms are they're serious you don't want to
fuck with a mom no milf maybe she's like are you fucking kidding me he took three slices
yeah three slices we're doing a triangle of like three slices and the kids are like they took our
pizza we have no pizza left as we're saying it he walks up you just you just hear this honey
this is the house that gave us the pizza she's like oh thank you they came back around they're
listening to us we're all trashing them wow they need to hear it maybe that you know this guy is
he's the noid remember him he took your pizza who's the noise man he was an out of the pizza hut guy
who would come in or maybe dominoes he would come in and steal pizza that was like his thing
oh well they took my ad noids when I had my tonsillitis but this guy came and he kind of I
think he overheard it I'm not sure but he walked by and he goes hey thanks again for the pizza
and as he's leaving Derek's got a little buzz on he had the lighter like the fault you know those
long lighters the blue thing yeah we gotta click it and click as they left he just threw it at them
I mean purposely short but it hit the sidewalk and skidded and they kind of look back and looked at
us and I'm like I had to like put my head down and walk in I'm like what are you doing you know
he's a funny guy he's being kooky but we tried to do the thing of like afterwards you're like
shit did he know about the lighter did I throw that I'm like man maybe he thinks you dropped it
I'm like I don't know why you would have somehow dropped it but Derek didn't seem to care he's like
ah fuck him he shouldn't have taken the pizza but yeah it's the hardest I've laughed in a while to
just see a guy throw a lighter at a guy for taking his pizza but memorable night I mean the kids
loved it and then we went back inside and I said I don't care what either your parents says no
asking permission for candy just tonight if you want candy you eat that son of a bitch we're eating
candy yes Joe and we went nuts and then it was 11 p.m the bedtime's like eight because they're
fucking four years old and I go we're staying up to live we're having candy at 11 when the clock
strikes 11 we're all having candy now you're taking over the house these are these are their
children here you can't make the rules I'm making the rules I'm fungal Joe so I stuffed candy up all
their asses we had a great time the next day they slept till like two in the afternoon they were hung
over and shit sure black but we on their mouth like they eat ass it was fun we had music rocking
all night I mean we had a little dance party we're all candid out and uh best time of my life I
didn't want to leave I wanted to move there I want to move to Seattle and just be with these uh
these whippersnappers well it is such a culture shock because you get to have like a residential
area with a yard and and neighbors and shit it's it's kind of nice it's that suburban life with
the family and the candy and the wife and the pizza guy it's it's fun it was a good time great time
and uh I mean happy to be back don't get me wrong but uh wonderful wonderful time out there I hope
everybody had a safe and happy Halloween and uh all that shit yep we got Thanksgiving and turkey on
the way my brother just texted me we're having a vegan Thanksgiving which feels like an oxymoron but
it's like having a Jewish Christmas it doesn't work but yeah well we'll keep you posted on that one
Brian vegan I am not thankful for that no sorry Bob I'd rather uh you know go the way the Native
American and just you know shoot me in the face with a musket when was that gun you ever see like
in the Bugs Bunny cartoons and pilgrims they had the gun with a barrel opens up at the end
oh yeah what was that Elmer Fudd had when I think was that like a spray gun or something I think
that was like a what are you a civil war gun or it yeah I think it was like a buck shot went went
spray yeah had like a cup at the end of it yes yes and then he would plug it with his two fingers
and then the whole thing would blow up sometimes they tie it in a knot that would be fun yes big
knot well what's up with sawed off uh why do they saw it off I think it makes it uh louder or more
impactful or something I'm not sure about I remember um you know red dawn there's that great line where
he's he's burning he's cutting it off and he's carving and then the guy says all that hate's
gonna burn you up kid and he says it keeps me warm that was like a big that was a big moment
and that what we all like we're like oh yeah it's kind of like a circumcision for a shotgun
yeah I think so Jews all right we gotta wrap this thing up here yeah what a what a what a week what a
day what a night what a life I don't know I got I got some stuff tomorrow night I'm back in
Royersford Pennsylvania I'm bringing Renan Hirschberg and Steve Rogers maybe another guy I'm not sure
funny guys good guys funny guys excuse me and then Friday night I'm in Millersville Pennsylvania
and that's with uh Shafi Hossain nice guy he set it up for me and uh good guy January 27th
January November is that cat power what is that called love power what do you mean QAnon
what's that show called the one in PA oh power phantom phantom power phantom power phantom power
yes cat power uh hooked up with a friend of ours yeah you got that right you got some pus
November 27th only concert by the way I've ever seen front row I saw cat power up against the
railing it was pretty exciting I didn't know you were depressed November 20 it was a festival
don't get it wrong I didn't buy a ticket to see cat power uh Friday November 27th I'm supposed to be
at Gillette I forget the name of it Gillette stadiums comedy club there um supposed to be there
they're changing the rules it's going to be a 430 show now because COVID comes out at night I guess
so we have to be done by 10 o'clock all right doesn't make sense but I'll take it and then January 8th
through the 10th it's a ways away I'm at Helium in Philadelphia God bless Philadelphia I'll be at
Helium my my favorite city of all time January 8th through the 10th with Sarah and so come out to that
oh that'll be great oh man I'm excited I'm uh I'm right behind you there fatty I'm at the comedy
zone in Greenville South Carolina this Thursday through Saturday not bragging come on out SC
what the hell else are you doing uh then I'll be in New Orleans for Thanksgiving doing a show at
Zoni burger mash bar on the 24th two shows one's already sold out so jump on that second show
that's on the 24th of November stress factory in Bridgeport Connecticut this will be my last time
I bother you about Connecticut because I've been there 800 times this year Spokane in Washington
come on out Derek but that's if it opens it's uh it's teetering it's on the on the Mike Pence
and then uh Helium might open we'll see um but and then Seifler's in Tampa for new years but yeah
all over all over New York and Jersey and whatnot so uh we'll figure it out but say hello tell a
friend we're trying to get to 35 hundo on the Patreon and then we'll do a live uh Tuesday what
do you call it YouTube stream nonsense questions AMA HPV and uh I think that'll do it yeah hell
yeah thanks for listening we love you we appreciate you and especially the patrons and uh thanks so
much thank you just so you cut it praise i'll uh blow your dad