Tuesdays with Stories! - #377 Seat Problem
Episode Date: November 24, 2020We've got a great ep this week as Mark finally shows Joe his new ride before having some plane seat drama and half the comic have COVID. Check it out! Check out our new merch here! Shirts, stickers, p...hone cases, mugs, you name it! https://www.teepublic.com/user/tuesday-s-with-stories Sponsored by: Feals CBD (feals.com/tuesdays), Raycon (buyraycon.com/tuesdays), & Manscaped (manscaped.com code: tuesdays) Subscribe to our Patreon for full video of the show A WEEK EARLY, bonus eps, and more! www.patreon.com/tuesdays
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hey mark fake banter for the intro that's all I know how to do great good
to be here welcome to Tuesdays with stories hit her in the face with a
surfboard and then the duck fell out of his bag
surfs up and she didn't even flush knock knock who's there Mark Norman and
Joe less Tuesdays with stories everybody that's terrible this is supposed
to be cheesy good to be here good to be back good to be gay what's shaking fat
man not too much I feel like I just saw you and we did the bonus a couple days
ago that was a fun hot bonus get on the patreon by the way we hit the 35
hundred oh we got a 69 on camera that's right that was that was my idea and I'm
into it I'm up for it yet Shelby keeps saying no to us fucking each other on a
live stream but I don't know I think it's a little homophobic I think we should
fuck hard in the ass coming each other's hair yes that's right give me a
something about about Mary and Shelby doesn't know what's what I think that's
what the people are into oh they love it so what are we gonna do we're gonna do a
live not gotta we get to we get to do a live streaming show for the patrons yes
and you don't have to be a patron as of today you can get on there before then
so if you want a live show the chat room and the whole thing it's gonna be really
something or it'll be a great big nightmare we'll just ruin it not know
how to do it and that'll be fun too yeah yeah I don't know I think I think you
can't lose even if it's a nightmare it'll be a shit show it'll be a train wreck
where you have to pull over and go hey look at that it's it's horrifying but I
can't turn away do you pull over on a train wreck all the cars pull over you're
saying yeah yeah yeah ain't off the train is next to the highway you can pull over
take a break I love that that train crash in the
fugitive which they actually made it was real shot that oh really I always thought
when I watch that movie I know about the train crash is real in the truck and so I
think they really put some extended screen time on there yeah they show a
helicopter they show it four different ways they stay there and I think it was
like hey we did all this work let's just really really show it let's enjoy it yeah
let's soak it in I told you about the famous streetcar epidemic of Benjamin
Button no I don't think so I love Benjamin Button do you really nobody likes
I'm a Benjamin Button guy I'm a sucker for I like I'm a softy anything with like
a piano and a filter and a guy crying I mean there's a lot of stuff that doesn't
make sense in the movie to me sure it's flawed don't get me wrong oh yeah you
know gleaming the cube but it's pretty good gleaming the cube that's a
skateboard classic but so I was fancy myself a moviequeef back in the those
days and I went to film school and you know blew my ant but Benjamin Button was
coming to town I was back when back when remember other cities were dabbling in
the movie but like Atlanta New Orleans and Toronto was like hey Hollywood's gone
jizzy let's go let's go out out west and see what's or out north or east and
south and see what's out there and make me cut some some deals on a on a tax
exempt with the movie biz so New Orleans was flooded with movies and Benjamin
Button shot a big chunk there and I got to be a PA production assistant and I
know you know did you ever do that no never did it but I've walked by people
with headsets that said hey you can't walk through here so I know a little bit
about it that was me I was that douche everybody hated me we all did get over
the the walk it says walk up up and then you have to go up up sorry sir and the
guy goes I lived I've lived here for 40 years you come guzzling douche and I'm
like I know but we're shooting Brad Pitt's in there he's like oh but we were
shooting and it was right after Katrina so the city needed money the city was in
Hock and the streetcars weren't running because it was all electrical and all out
of whack and they put together a streetcar the first time in months it was a
big deal they paid all this money hundreds and hundreds of thousand dollars
getting the streetcar and they're like it was like classic out of a movie they go
we've got one take with this thing this is our whole budget on this streetcar
going from this block to this block we got one take and everybody's like oh my
god the streetcars running again movie magic Hollywood's in town streetcar goes
down I can see David Fincher in the director's chair with a clipboard and
a headset and you know the AD does all the work and he goes action streetcar goes
the whole crew's going oh geez we're all high five with each other streetcar goes
down Brad Pitt jumps on the little weird midget troll mutant thing whatever the
little guy is he jumps off they high five they got it they nailed it they go
champagne pops that's a wrap one guy goes ah shit there wasn't any film in the
camera Fincher takes his hat off he throws it on the ground he steps on it
because he'll never working this down again he threw his coffee in his face
and they ship the guy back to Hollywood oh my god so did they they is the scene
not in the movie or would they have to spend oh go over budget or what happened
and they went over budget they had an extension on the shoot shot three weeks
later I never saw anything of it because I had moved on by then but I was fired by
that point but yeah they redid it but it took a whole another you know they had a
mortgage a house and all this well it's a hell of a picture and I mean my god I
mean it's fun to get the you'll never work in this town again and I picture
myself being that guy and being like you mean Hollywood or New Orleans and then
he's like get out of here like okay okay and then he skirts away you know
because yeah so the whole thing you know comment I'm 22 years old like oh my
god this is crazy you know because you're I'm always the fuck up so I can see
another guy fuck up and and the idea of not putting film on a camera is so funny
it's so old-fashioned great times wow I love I watched a thing about Batman
dark night the second the second no fucking fourth Batman yeah the whatever
Batman the Nolan you know Heath Ledger Batman they flip the truck the 18
wheeler yes and there was an Instagram thing I'll find it and I don't know
tweet it or something they did a whole Instagram like mini film about that
because they really flipped the truck again no CGI and they had like a big
dick in the middle of the truck that just went like and they shout out like a
fucking like like that cattle prod they are not the cattle prod but the thing
that from no country with it no country yeah what is yeah so is that a prod
that's how you kill the cattle it's I know a broadcast it's it it shoots into the
brain and comes back before the thing knows what hit him or whatever but I
think a cattle prod is electric yeah that's the prod that's the prod this is a
I think it's a gun bolt bolt cutter it's something bolty yeah Michael Bolton
bolt bolt bus bang bus I don't know either way I know you're talking about it
shoots it in the brain it ends it quick yeah Thunderbolt and Lightfoot but that's
what they had and so the truck is moving they had nine cameras on it they ended up
using two shots it's fascinating though they got Nolan out there and the whole
thing and these big filmmakers are so fascinating the idea of shooting a 300
million dollar movie is and you're in charge of the whole thing and you have a
water tank coming and a fight the whole thing it's it's wild to think but they
pulled it off the truck looks awesome and then they just take out the the pipe
thing to make it look real it's a hell of a hell of a stunt film movie magic they
go all out they do all this shit you would never do in real life and just for
one scene it's kind of it's kind of cool how how important movies are to people
were like I know we're gonna blow up half a city block here but it's for a movie
and you go okay it's for a movie yeah I always like how much goes into entertaining
people I mean even way back seven thousand years ago that they build the
theater and the auditorium they're like well people got to enjoy themselves you
can't as Seinfeld said on comedian cards like you can't just stare at a wall
that's no kind of life it's true yeah I remember they in an article 38 years ago
they said Larry David you got eight zillion dollars you got the best sitcom
of all time you're on your fifth season of curve why would you do another one he
goes hey you got to get out of the house and I remember like oh that's a great
answer yeah I always think that too with athletes well they'll say you've won three
MVPs you've won four championships what do you have to prove and I always just
think on behalf of the athlete you're like I like playing yes what are you
talking about like I mean you think about it with comedy I mean obviously we
need money still I'm not exactly retired here but sure the idea of like you've
done a bunch of late nights you have a special the whole thing you're like I
like telling jokes yeah just the way I did before I mean that's why LeBron was
playing hoops when he was in fucking second grade or whatever exactly I never
got that and people always I don't know if you get we both do a bunch of late
nights and everybody's like why do you do that nobody sees them and it's so much
pressure it's so much work it's so much prep that's fun you put a suit on you go
to 30 rock you tap dance it up yeah you high five some people and you get a you
get a drink yeah I can't stand we talked about it a long time ago I think it was
Rogan somebody was on Rogan yeah who was that I remember sending it to you and be
like fuck these guys yeah who was it it was like Russell Peters or Louie or
Chappelle maybe it was Chappelle I don't think he did it I think you just did it
for the first time who was that rock no I remember sending it and being like fuck
these guys yes oh I know it was Carmichael yes that's right I think we
talked about it on the show it was Carmichael yeah because I was just
realizing it was somebody new or they're like it's a waste of time they make you
be somebody else they cut your act the whole thing and you're like first of all
I don't have a sitcom and a fucking a deal exactly second one it's fun I like
it I tried maybe I think maybe my dad'll love me if he sees it you know it's fun
to go shopping it's classic and as Leno said so well you're the only thing on
the network for that five minutes that's amazing that's true think about NBC I
mean before if you turned on NBC in September of 95 you're watching the K
man come through and make TV magic and now for this five minutes it's all
a little dick list out there going hell I'm nervous or whatever I mean it's
amazing amazing it's incredible and and not to push the point even further and
be a douche but that second tonight show I did Seinfeld saw it and goes who's this
guy so how do you like that if I'd never done it he would have never seen me
it unless it was on like you know to catch a predator or something that's a
I mean that that that alone you're like someone might see me in a suit watching
the thing exactly and and look we do this all day where we go hey you know
Andrew Schultz's podcast gets more views than Colbert or whatever but maybe it
does but if you tell people I was on the tonight show it still has a little
twinkle in your asshole and you turn your head and cough and you go how about
that guy's been on tonight show even though nobody watches it nobody gives a
fuck it still has a little bit of weight that and also how about this so this
show is done very well we've done we've been on the air for on whatever the air
whatever the fuck it's called the airwaves the computer whatever bullshit
in your phone for nine years here we've done 5,000 episodes and it's nice and
there's 80,000 people listening which is crazy yeah but I got my I have no pants
on I just shaved my pubes eight minutes I'm talking to you on a screen I'm
sitting on the couch on a Sunday this doesn't feel like anything right I'm
grateful for the fans and we're giving it our all and whatever the fuck I love
you and I hope you're you know you live till a hundred and your tits grow or
whatever the fuck sure but this doesn't this doesn't feel like a thing yeah
the tonight show I'm at Bloomingdale's I got a guy measuring my leg for some
reason and I I fly to LA or whatever and you're nervous I'm not nervous I'm just
sitting here chatting with you yeah exactly but there's a beauty to both
worlds and why can't we do both why can't we dabbling here and dabbling there
we're by by dabbles I love dabbling and speaking of dabbling this is my ad
transition oh yes I figure well well it will do one here because I want to talk
about feels CBD a little dabble do you of feels CBD do you experience stress or
anxiety if you've done a late night you have you're human by the way it's very
human to have anxiety we all have it at some point maybe you have chronic pain
by the way I'm 38 I got pains shooting up my ass all the time no pain or maybe
you have maybe you have trouble sleeping at least once a week I have trouble
sleeping every night I think you do too oh we got we got news for you you're not
alone every one of us do we love CBD you're a big CBD guy I used it for like
two weeks they sent us a sample feels did and I was putting it in my camomile
tea Sarah was sticking it right up her twat and I've never slept better I mean
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and feel better but just real quick to wrap up what we were talking about there
yeah even doing the specials we do ours we did our specials on our own and it
felt rock and roll and and we just shot it on our own and did it but even that
you still kind of miss the truck and the suits and the state that they have this
they shoot the smoke or the state whatever the fuck it is and point and
there's an audience person Samantha's seat and everybody and yelling at everyone
and it there's fun to have the truck with the big wires going into the venue and
and not having that it does feel rock and roll and do it yourself and all that
shit which was amazing and I'm grateful by the way check it out I hate myself on
YouTube yeah and but still it doesn't quite have that feeling of like when you
get the email with the date and like here's the deal here's the numbers all
that stuff it does take away I like shooting a special in a with with the
network that's true I mean I hate to hate to you know jizz on our own brigade
but there's something fun about industry industry is the ultimate
compliment because you go do your shoot and there's eight guys in cargo shorts
with a with bad facial hair and a bandana you know lugging in wires and moving
scaffolding and you go those guys have a job because I'm telling jokes isn't that
weird and that's a huge compliment that all this infrastructure is because of
me and my yucks so that's why the tonight show feels so good and that's why
we get so bitter when these come guzzling dweebs won't book us on you know
Hulu or whatever the hell because the tonight show feels good because you were
chosen and they trust you to tell quality enough shit that they can put it on
their channel that's kind of nice it's pretty amazing we were just talking about
Sarah and I read before these some of these bookers and industry type people
some of them suck some of them are great but I was just talking about that with
JP who books Conan we're at rest in peace Conan by the way so weird I know we
could talk about that another another another day but JP I remember that it
was the booker of that show he'd just be like I'd be like I want to add this
joke he's like yeah whatever you think it's your set I don't know to earn that
trust early on you don't have that but when they go yeah yeah put together a
set and shoot it up my ass and see if I come and and they usually come and let
you you know fuck them in the ass that really kind of fell off there that
analogy but well it's funny when we get to the point where fucking someone in the
ass is falling off like oh boy we really got bland at the end there just the
anal but yeah that that feels good it's almost like the like a specials like the
Olympics and we're setting a record on our own with our YouTube or whatever it
is but it's gotta be nice to be part of the Olympics you know it's the it's the
fucking the torch and the their special needs and you know the Asians the whole
thing yeah the Olympics are fun they got the big flame they carry around and Ali
shakes and all that stuff and you know yeah you don't want him with a match
that'll let a flag on fire next thing you know Beijing's a fucking ashtray I
feel bad though by the way that that the 96 Olympics with Ali the whole time I
was like get him out of here it's fucking me up I feel terrible for the guy
he's just up there like I know what's next you have Michael J. Fox a fucking
chainsaw this is risky I'm like I'm not inspired I feel terrible I'm glad he's
enjoying himself but he just looks like a kook out there and everyone's like this
is the greatest moment in history and I'm like all right put him away and send
out you know I don't know who's another Olympian Lou Gaines like Owens
Lou Gaines he had the other hiv I believe oh yeah he hit his head Mario Lopez
played him and made for TV movie yeah I can't imagine was good big gay big
diver big big AIDS by the way spike Owens was the shortstop on the 86 red
spike oh where'd you get that was he an Olympian maybe I don't think so he was
traded from the Mariners early in the 86 season this is for eight people that are
like at home shitting them he's like he's talking about spike oh it's crazy I'll
get three tweets the people that came by the way who's got the best names in the
world by the way group wise jazz musicians you know it's like bleeding
gums asshole and you know bloody cadaver dot Johnson then you got blue
singers then you got a baseball players you know it's like buzzy jizz and a
Queen Queen Malaney or whatever and then you got who's another golfers too
golfers of great names it's like you know dickless bill and shula's anal and all
this shit I think you're thinking of cowboys mmm dickless bill sounds like an
old West character well this Billy the fag or what is one of those I can't think
of a buffalo bill shit I get the jerk off Don I don't know but I feel like
golfers blues and baseball have the best names I was listening to a jazz I'm over
here I don't want to be a big queef over here oh god Shelby's texting oh catfish
hunter that's a fun baseball player with the most there you go all right show
boys I had no idea Shelby's even heard of baseball but or us good Paul good
Shelby I can't believe he's listening I know um Joker wait what was I just gonna
say oh last night I'm gonna sound like such a douche but I had the night off
last night Sarah was out you know fucking somebody I don't know what she
does but I'm here watching TV you know that feeling where you're like I've just
watched too much TV I'm clicking yes and so I killed the TV and I sat in I'm
reading on the road the Karowak book that I always pretended to have read and
they're talking about jazz music so I put on some jazz and he mentions this guy
by name you ever hear this this cunt George Sebring I have her a sebring good
car shearing shearing George shearing I know Harry shearer oh he's fantastic
oh yeah handsome Dan well anyways this guy George shear I threw him on he's a
piano player and he's boop boop boop boopin wait and I not Ed Sheeran no no
no he's a new guy I saw him at a club remember that story that was in Dublin
invite only it was me and a bunch of teenagers oh that's right he's a pasty
chunky ginger yeah he's like Nate Macintosh he looks a little bit like
Nate Macintosh I think yeah maybe Nate was hungover and floating in a river for
a week yeah he's not it's not good shearing no wrong you know Nate's not
exactly a sex symbol himself but that's true as well he's more of a he's kind of
a muppet he's better looking than shearing by the way way better Nate
Macintosh had a bit that bird did on his monologue that's right way before it
it's it's a great bit and I felt for him because no one's gonna go a bird
obviously neither one of them took it I know and they're both pale redheads who
do comedy so they're gonna give it to Burr but Nate it's a funny guy great
comic and yeah he was doing that bit before but but also I don't I don't
watch all burrs sets he might have been doing it at the you know the funny bone
in whatever but my point is I feel for Macintosh great bit yeah but so last
night I'm sitting here I got my feet up I'm listening to some jazz I'm reading
on the road I feel like a real douche I wanted a pipe and Sarah came home and
she's like what are you doing with your life I had a candle going it was quite
delightful all right well don't you feel like I don't know what it is I'm
watching TV and I have the same thing I'm like I got to do something with my
life you're such a lazy douche but I start reading and I'm like well this is
pointless too I have exactly that that's my whole life is questioning every
decision I'm like I'm watching I'm watching Goodfellas again right and then
I'm like I should watch something new and I start watching that I'm like this
movie sucks and I'm like I'll read and then I'm reading I'm like well I should
just be watching Goodfellas you just why not I was enjoying watching the thing
but do you have this I always picture this maybe we already talked about this
fuck me hard I picture a whole stadium of people watching me in my living room
going now what an idiot look at him same thing I have the same thing I just
pictured five thousand every person I've ever met in my life being like good
fellas again what a piece of shit I mean I've said this before I'll queef it
again I every time I'm in a dressing room at Macy's I'm putting some leather
pants on and high heels and all my friends from high school go you think
you can pull that off you come guzzling chuch what are you crazy you dumb fat
queer you can't pull that off where'd you get that leather jacket nice zippers
that's why I gotta wear a leather jacket on a podcast with you just so I can get
it get it over with I've by the way I've never we've talked about this too I'm
sorry I'm sorry everybody I hate myself but I've never changed style you pull up
a photo of me in 1988 I'm wearing a fucking red socks t-shirt a pair of
jeans that are too short and a pair of Reeboks and I switched to new balance
because they're better for my plan of fascinitis but other than that I'm
wearing the same pants I wore when I was nine the only you had the same haircut
it might have been a little longer when I met you but that was the 90s and
things were different there was no internet and and God hated fags but I
will say you change your frames that's the only thing I've noticed got new
frames and by the way my career took off my manager I remember is resenting her
but at the time she was like you need new glasses and I was like what kind of
cut tells a guy needs new glasses these were hand-wired and bent in the factory
and that you know they had all the crust on them the yellow and the snot and the
shit I changed them three days later I was on Letterman so I gotta I gotta eat
her out next time I see her she was right those frames look like something out
of a out of a serial killer's twat I don't know where you got them I don't know
what you did with them I hope they're in a ditch in Biloxi but you know what I've
never seen you do you've had glasses for 48 years I've never seen you take them
off and do this number you know that move are you clean I've never seen you
clean those once now let me tell you let me ask you this where do you stand on
this because one time I was on a plane with a private of the private variety
yes with the group of comics and one of them was a female and she was
sitting across from me and she goes can I do something and she took my glasses
off and cleaned them and I wanted to kick her right in the twat and throw her
out of the fucking airplane I don't like it the other guy I was with was like
that's sexy that's hot that would turn me on if someone did that and I'm like to
me it was like hey I don't like your face I'm gonna change it yeah so but
sounds like you're on my team here I don't well first of all I don't these
are on your on your mug there that's a that's a private area and so just to
lift that off is a bit of a reach and then to clean them and then put them
back without asking I don't care for it you know that's that's like somebody
putting their finger in your nose and going hold on you got a little bug there
I don't care for that and I think she overstepped and I think she should be
killed I feel the same way it's like it's like if she was wearing a dress and
I saw her little panty triangle and said hey you got a little stain there I
pulled him out ringed him out drank him which is a fantasy of mine and then put
him back on you know that would be hot but inappropriate yeah I agree I don't
care for it it's I had a friend he would go up to this is in high school he
would go up to girls at a bar and he was he could undo a bra strap with one
hand and all the girls would like yell at him and throw drinks on him but he was
really good at it and it to me it's very similar like he didn't ask she didn't
ask I know she's trying to help you but I don't know I don't care for that and I
feel like glasses get a bad rap people do the whole like hey can I try them on
whoa you're blind as it do showly hell what are you gay you know and that's a
little insulting I agree and it's not it's not easy you know wearing glasses but
those old glasses were shit and it's just like we talk about with the cargo
shorts nobody tells you that wire frames are gay until it's too late when they
go what are you doing with those glasses your piece of shit nobody emailed me to
say hey we switched to these fucking things I know I guess but you got to go
just by sight like I don't see anybody wearing jeans shorts anymore so I go
alright I guess those are out but in Europe they're huge they got tight
jeans shorts but then you that's how you identify the Europe's I don't know what
the fuck's going on but I'm sticking with the hoodie the jeans and the new
balance and these filthy glasses yeah Europe's all over the place I play a
game of foreign or gay I can't tell if that guy's got capri pants or if he's a
if he's in a you know a gay band or I don't know what's going on the same
with same with southern you go down to South Carolina some guys wearing a
seersucker suit with the tidy daisy dukes on and a pencil then mustache and
I'm like is he the mayor is he a homosexual I don't know I agree I mean
Lindsey Graham if that guy's not gay then I'm I'm African American I don't know
what's going on with that fella well that's the gayest man I've ever seen
that his name's Lindsay yeah they're sucking on a mint jewel up with a tiny
straw and they their names are Lindsay Shelley Sandy Ashley these are Ben's
names in the south yeah Sam yeah there you go Sambo well I gotta I gotta get
this off my panties here if I don't if I don't mind so you talk about sitting
watching TV and hating yourself so I was sitting at home and I'm leaving for
New Orleans on Wednesday it's Tuesday night the lady went down to Beantown so
I had the place to myself and I'm just like oh I got the place myself I'll
watch some TV and it's you know five got a show at eight with you or a show maybe
you'll pop in at canner's at the 13th step beautiful night in New York the
chilly 60 degrees and I go alright I got three hours to kill before my show and
I was watching TV and I was fat and I had a beer in my hand and I go what am I
doing and I put on I like a little self-help Jew every now and then so I'll
throw on a self-help but one guy was like what are you doing it was like the
movies where the TV's talking to you he's like what are you doing you loser you're
sitting down you should be out living go live your life what do all these people
sit at home and I'm like oh my god he's right so I said well you know what I own
a car I'm gonna go down to the garage get my car out my 1973 beamer and drive
around the city for three full hours and then go to my show in it hell yeah I
just went to the garage and I said I'll take the beamer please and the guy goes
oh old smoky huh he was this old black guy I go yeah yeah it's smoky shut up I
hate you and he's like no I love that car is like I would take that car for any
car in here and this is the village and it's other but Jags and Benzes and
Maserati's and whatnot so he pulls it out it's smoking it's barely running you
know and we pulled out I pulled out I had to learn stick all over again I
drove it all over town with the windows down at the best out of my life wow it's
that's fine you're Costanza you're Costanza and little barren cruise it
around I love it I got John Voigt's car I got a pencil in my mouth and I'm driving
around now this is where I'm gonna really get get a little little clammy and
it's gonna make you uncomfortable oh boy I'm always uncomfortable anyways I've
been day drinking but that's neither here nor there so I pulled up to 13 step
it's my first show of the night I got a parking spot right on second Avenue and
you know I'm rolling the window up it takes 20 minutes because it's the old
fashioned one and you know a couple people go by hey nice car oh 2002 what is
that a 74 73 all right you know lock the door you're riding a girls bike I walk
over to 13 step and I see you and you go hey you got the car here and I got the
car here like what let's go see the car which I'm not used to that you know
nobody has done that to me in my whole life anything I've gotten into nobody
gave a fuck my parents you know you know when you tell for your friends you
doing comedy like why would you do comedy does it pay like now I'm doing an
open mic they're like why when do you get out of it I'm like I don't know it's I
try I'm trying it I don't know so then you got to move to New York but so you
were into the car so I couldn't believe you wanted to see it and I was ecstatic
showing it to you and I couldn't even get words out you're like well how does
this is this the original rate I'm like it is it is the original radio and look
at this and look at that and I was like let me start it up I was so excited I
was like a kid with a red rider gun I couldn't even I couldn't even take that
you were interested in it I'm very interested first of all you just froze
which is a nightmare right in the good right in the good right when the dick
was throbbing and the load was about to hit the back of my throat you froze I
hit my shoe Eric put it out with his big shoe yeah no well it was exciting what
the best part was they were like you had to leave and then canner's like you're
next and I was like well I got to go see this car and then we got to jog down the
street like when Harry met Sally which was really fun yes I'll have what I was
having it was a little annoying because I came back and I had been bumped by by
Louie and I could have just spent more time I could have gone for a cruise
around but I'm dying to see more I want to get in that thing and I'm happy to
play that role but these these poor parents they they stink they stink I got
more on that later but yeah they're the worst and and but look you get used to
it you just go why it's my car I like the car why would they care about the car
it's not their car but you think you can fake it a little bit for your pride and
joy every now and then but hey I get it but you know they don't give a shit but
you cared and you seem genuinely interested you know some people will
feign a little interesting oh that's cool what is that a blue you go that's red
they go I look blue to me and you all right I'll see you later but you you
actually seem to be interested I couldn't believe it well it was fun I'm
very interested I can't wait to ride the thing I mean I love I like cars I'm not
a big car guy but I like history I like that that car came off the the plant or
out of the plant or whatever the fuck Robert plant yes but and somebody was
in there it was their hopes and dreams that whole thing someone was sitting in
there the sting one best picture you know what I mean I mean it's just
exciting that that car has been around for years and somebody drove it to go
see the you know Godfather part two and cuckoo's nest or whatever it is yes and
it's around plus it's like it's just fun I'm like let's get in this let's cruise
around and I just got a car and the feeling of having a car is like I get
what springsteen has been talking about it is this this beacon of hope and love
I get in my car I got just a whatever center but the feeling of getting in
there and you got your tunes going and you're in this little cocoon yes and
you could take you anywhere it's so exciting and that car particularly got
that steel bumper on there and the back seats are a joke you couldn't even fit
anyone in there and the old seatbelt the radio it's it's very exciting and it
maybe want to get a classic car I'm like maybe I'll get an old Camino and we'll
fucking it will you know we'll raise up the west side highway and fuck yes I mean
that that back seat is a joke you couldn't get a Vita in there a dead
hooker a Brad a Brad Williams wouldn't fit back there but the beauty it's like
you said with the the metal bumper cars used to be kind of works of art back in
the day like you designed like some guy designed a car in Germany some guy named
Wolf dickless and he designed it and they never worried about safety or
regulations or airbags or whatever crumple zones you know it was just this
is a cool looking machine and we're gonna make it efficient and fast and fun and
now it's like hey you got to get a Honda with the with a baby seat and a fender
bender and all this you know rear view mirrors and stuff but back then it was
just like this art thing and it's almost like comedy you could do what you wanted
you know and it was just like this is this cool piece that you like this you
buy it this is your art thing you get the whiz down the street in this it's
almost like buying a piece of furniture that looks cool you know and now it's
all about hey this gets you from A to B and it's it's maroon and it looks like
ass but no offense but hey just describe my car why don't I don't mean maroon I
mean it just it just like here's some tan thing with four wheels and and an 8
track player and it'll get you home but this thing it's that's why I like the
old cars because it's got a little zest it's got some life in it it's like an
old movie now a movie's like oh here's the Avengers part 38 we're trying to
sell some tickets here you know but this thing is like here's mean streets on
wheels it's a hell of a ride and that's the same year mean streets came out and
great great car very exciting I was excited to see it and I wish I had more
time that was the only regret I had to jog back and like I said I had 15 more
minutes that I realized which was annoying but that's the way it goes in
comedy but no it was exciting and I wanted to get in that thing and go for a
spin around the block and it's all very exciting and that was a fun night because
I was getting this real quick and I know we got to get to some of our other
sponsors here but yeah that was a fun night because I went to the I was supposed
to be at the stand they'd have that outdoor show on the sidewalk and then
the seller has been doing you can have dinner it's a restaurant and every once
in a while a comic will get up there and tell a couple jokes there sure and so I
was like I'm gonna go to the seller have dinner do a set there and then go
across town to the stand yeah so I drove in my piece of shit maroon bullshit
and just kidding so I drove I drove in on once I parked it I parked far away
because I just take the first spot I don't mind walking so I see a spot I
park and I had a fun exchange by the way just real quick I'm parking and there's
a red light so all these car everything's one way in New York and all the
cars are backed up and so I'm trying to park but there's like a big UPS truck
here so I can't parallel because I'm gonna hit the UPS so I'm waiting for
those cars to leave so I could start parallel parking yeah and this bicycle
list I'm in the bike lane I'm blocking the bike lane and this bicyclist comes
up next to me goes really and so I rolled down the window and I said I'm sorry
I'm gonna take the spot I got a parallel park but I can't move until this guy
moves and I apologize and I'm blocking the bike lane and he went to fair enough
and then I rolled the window back up and it felt good it felt like one step in
the direction that our humanity needs to go yeah you don't see that anymore
that's rare that the I understand and I I'm okay with it well my instinct is to
be like fuck you fuck your mother you can see I'm parking it's hard to park get
off your bike you fucking loser who rides a bike you piece of shit and his
his instinct was to do the really yeah and I just explained the situation I'm
like I feel bad I'm blocking the bike lane that sucks for you I'm sure you were
cruising you wish you were going if you follow the rules properly you'll be at
a red light and 14 feet anyways right these cyclists don't stop at red lights
that's true and it's also kind of like when people comment something mean on
your Twitter on your YouTube and you go geez man I really hurt my feelings and
then they write back like I'm so sorry I live with my mom I'm a virgin I can't
get it up but I can't throw a football I hate myself and you go all right it's
cool I get it yeah it's a good feeling we got we got we got to try to take baby
steps in the right direction so that was a nice exchange anyways I parked the car
as I'm walking to the the cellar or the olive tree I get a text saying hey stand
as cancel tonight no reservations it's a cold night whatever chilly night and I
go oh well whatever I get to the cellar and it reminded me the old days the
early days of comedy because it was a bunch of comics Eric Newman Louis met me
over there Ryan Reese Nick Griffin no women no minorities and we're all just
there at the table because it's show up and see if it was a show kind of thing
it's not booked anymore it's not a lineup right there's no booker by the way
when there's no booker it's all just white dudes that show up I don't want to
say it but yes love of the game it's just five straight white guys with nowhere
else to be but so we're sitting there and there's literally zero people because
we're locking down again it's a cold night so we all sat there we talk comedy
we talk movies and everyone's going that movie sucks that movie is great
whatever and finally everyone just go all right well there's no show here
stands canceled and everyone goes I'm gonna go to tiny cupboard I'm gonna go
to the peach fuzz I'm gonna go to your mother's twat yeah and I go hey 13th
step the show we did last I had done it the week before which I think I talked
about last week I said hey they got a show I said let's go over there so we
finished eating Louis and I walked to my car jumped in the car drove over to
second I got a spot right behind your car and that's where I bumped into you but
it reminded me of the early days of comedy where you all show up at the
creek or an open mic or a bar show and we go nobody showed up and everyone goes
I'm gonna try this place everyone kind of dispersed to a different place to go
we got to get up somewhere I have the mindset of going on so we all dispersed
went to the 13th step I ate shit and that was it did you really they weren't
good while I went after really die up there I went after Louis and he did well
so that was a thing and I was fine I was doing all new and I kind of self
sabotage Louis told me all about how I ruined my own set for a while I'd like
to hear that another day but yeah that that show is all right that was a great
night I did three sets that night with the car and you're right it felt like
old times and they're all indoor and everybody was into it and full the full
full crowds so I don't know what what to believe you read Twitter at the walls are
bleeding and then you go outside and the birds are chirping well I'll just say
this real quick got the call today one of the guys I was with at the cellar that
night has COVID now and I heard of two other people and they're in the scene
that also have it so be careful out there because it is starting to it's
starting to you know take a dump on our chest so yeah it's a little careful be
easy yeah and I think the guy that got it he got it later and I didn't say his
name purposefully here but somebody over there had it but we're all fine I don't
know but anyways take a walk outside alone and put your headphones in it because
that's all you can do about now if you're trying to avoid the vid to the stories
brought to you by Ray Khan and I've gone full into Ray Khan I always dabbled with
them and I enjoyed them but I'm listening to Ray Khan every night I use them I go
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Tuesdays with stories is also brought to you by manscaped you guys know about
manscape I mean we've all had a couple of unfortunate incidents is trying to
clean up our pubic hair and I'm married so I go full bush for like months and
she doesn't say anything but then when I use my manscape razor and trimmer to
clean it up you can see the delight on her face she's like a kid at a birthday
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Tuesdays plural like your balls for 20% off your first order and always use the
right tools for the job thank you thank all our sponsors support the people
that support the show and this is not a sponsor but it's exciting news we have a
new merch situation and my god I mean Shelby did some some research and he
really dug deep in there and we found a hell of a new merch store all new
merch is up at T public the link is in the description of this episode we got
two classic designs and four new ones designed by Tuesdays artist designers
more designs coming in the future by the way this is no one-trick pony and they
got mugs fucking shot glasses maybe masks everything with stickers so go in
there and get some yeah magnets I love them we have a collection on the fridge
ah magnet school yeah I love them all shirt designs can be all it could be put
on anything and the designs and shipping methods are 100% better than the ones we
had before we were all over the road we were going through Target and Apple and
Amazon and Grindr you name it so we got our ducks in a row our you know stuff is
all in order check it out and I believe a lot of these are designed by gays
themselves so yeah all gay design made for the people by the gay people and you're
gonna love it and if they don't sell we'll get rid of it and what if you got a
new one send that in if that one's hot we'll throw it on there and the whole
thing is lunch so get on board folks yeah we got some cleaner ones because we got
some complaints about people didn't want a rainbow shirt and a queef shirt and you
know a bag of jizz shirts so we cleaned it up we tightened it we used the
landscape to clean our bushes and it's a hell of a hell of a situation so get
yourself some t-shirts good gift to give your you know your aunt or whatever yeah
these gays are creative and artistic I'm very impressed I didn't know that the
gays were so so good with a pencil or a or a paint or a what do you call it
Photoshop you name it I don't know but we got the best fans in the biz I mean we
really do it yeah good eggs big big gays out there high five to you you're all a
bunch of chuches and I got to tell you about this interaction I had you
mentioned the weirdo with the bike lane what about this I got on a flight last
week back home you know the planes are empty it's the best time to travel in a
pandemic I know I'm a super spreader but hey you got to pay the bills keep the
lights on I got 14 apartments two vehicles and a and a to pay but I get on a
flight I got the whole row I'm sitting on the aisle seat I'm feeling good I'm
pretending to read my book Karowak it's a Hasidic Jew lady comes down the aisle and
she looks at me and she goes huh is this your seat and I look at my ticket I look
up at the doohickey on the on the overhead I go 11f and she goes I was told
I had the full row and I go well this is my seat and she goes well they said I
have the full row and I go well they lied dear and she angrily brushed past me
sat in the window seat and said I don't understand why they would tell me I have
the full row and she was giving me attitude and I'm like I don't know what
to tell you take it up with him and I was I was already in a mood it's 4 a.m. I'm
hungover I'm gay but we had a miserable flight a lot of tension and it just shows
it we had the seat in the middle free that's that should be enough that you're
like content you know that's that should be some gratefulness right there but she
still hated me well hey I gotta say this I don't know anybody that has more seat
issues with you I mean this is you got a lot of seat problems you got like a
target on your back I don't know what's going on 11 I 11 fuckheads trying to take
your spot your seat your row I mean so did she take it up with them or what I
mean I hate that they told me this yeah and you're like well you know my mother
told me I could play for the socks but it didn't pan out you fucking cunt
exactly my mother told me I was adopted I did some 23 and me's turns out I'm hers
which hurt even worse but yeah it I don't know what to tell you and I get she
was venting and she was upset because she wanted the whole row cuz of COVID or
whatever she had the full yamaka face mask then she had that that blowtorch
mask you know like the the welder the yeah yeah she had that one with the mask
with the Jew curls with the the dreidel and man she was not having it but I'm
like yeah take it up with them but she was just like well you're in front of me
so I'm gonna tell you my problems so I get it but after the third the third
lap I was like yeah I don't know to tell you sister
Mazel tov and I'm hitting the shut eye maybe she was supposed to be across the
aisle in the same row is that possible that's what they meant by the whole road
now we check the tickets and I thought maybe I'll just pop over there but that
row had a middle seat dweeb so I said I'm not sitting next to kind of lingus
over there I'm staying here yeah that's that's not that's on her but it's good
that you didn't tell her fuck off or everything because we got to take the
steps the baby steps say hey I'm sorry I don't know what they told you but it
sounds like these flight attendants they're giving out bad info at the front
of the plane which is interesting because at some point they're gonna come back to
the plane and have to face the person again but the beauty of their system on
the airlines is they do this whole 9-11 rigama roll thing where they they got
the desk coups and then they give you a ticket and then you get on the plane and
I got the aisle coups and they're two different coups you see what I'm saying
so they don't they they go hey she told me this they go well that ain't me fatty
I don't know what to tell you dickless and pipe down we're about to take off yeah
it's one of those hard things where there's just no give we all the
information has been said so you just kind of have to go all right I guess it's
your decision you can get off the plane or sit here right no there's no in
between well what do you call that not compatibility when you when you when
you when you're you're reliable no you're responsible I think it's a C like a
C word where they go I don't have a bowl no capability no culpability I don't
know what culp is culpable fish culpable guppy I think that's something
culpable what is culpable I don't know culpable that's something CULP I believe
yeah it's I think it's able to be culp I think culprit oh I like I like no
culp in my OJ I don't know huh what is that I'm looking for a bowl means
deserving blame that's not bad that's not bad not the one I was except the one I'm
thinking is it's yeah you don't take responsibility for your friend's flaws
no that's culpable I think culpable right okay deserving blame I think it's not
hitting my G spot I don't know what it is but it could be it cultivate cult cult
of personality how many syllables are you thinking it's one of those it's a
it's a double it's a culpable compatible comprehensible no use it in the
sentence so give me like the blank say this blah blah blah I might be able to
shove it up your ass you gotta have some blank to to get the credit ah shit I
can't even use in a sense I'll call you later the culpability you need help
ability maybe that's it maybe that's it I just heard that somebody said it got
like it was like a racial thing and somebody's like well you guys aren't
oh taking a coercion oh that could be taking taking might be the beginning
taking things didn't pay for taking back tonight taking care of business taking
your virginity I well we'll talk about it later but either way I had a show last
night my brother showed up and I bombed at the end and it really killed me by the
way I had one of these where I couldn't think of the word for like days the other
day and I had to text it was with Ron on but oh quick quick thing by the way I
talked about Ron on her shot Ron on comedy at our a and a and comedy people
keep asking me about him yeah he did how about this we're Seinfeld fans obviously
he did a leave behind in Louis Carr on purpose not on purpose he claims but I
get a call from Louis going hey the the chubby Jew kid that I hated he left his
hat in the car and I go I call run I go you didn't leave behind in Louis vehicle
first of all they're called Yamakas I believe but what would he what did he
have like a hat with a propeller on it what's he doing with a hat on it was like
a New York comedy club hat I don't know if he's trying to get Louis past or what
but he left the hat and then you know Louis like yeah if you bump into him or
and Ron on's like well maybe if we see him again I can get it back and I'm like
this isn't gonna fly there pal yeah nice try dickless but anyways I was hanging
out with him and I couldn't think of the word maybe I'll maybe I'll give it to
you and see if you could think of it put it in my ass I'll see if I diarrhea so I
the subject it was some other guy I don't know either that looks like Ron on
it was the three of us talking I ran and and I go I went to the Viking Museum in
Norway and I was like it's so mind-blowing to see these old Viking ships that
are 10,000 years old or 50,000 or 300 I don't know how old they are but I was
like they're all still together complete there yeah what's the word oh wait a
minute not refurbished it took me days fermented did you get it I eventually I
got it I even said this to them I was like in something they're all in no
they're all in blank act yeah that was it I couldn't think of it they couldn't
think of it it was torture well tacked is it a whole another word in itself you
know he's that guy's got tacked or you have no tack people tell me that a lot
and then tacked is something you do when you're sailing to you're you're
tacked a thing and tactics and yep tacky tic-tac-toe you froze I don't know what
you said there I'm sure it was good tacky and then there's a thumbtack oh yeah
uh-huh intact but anyways I had to text him like four days later and he was like
what and I was like intact remember and I was like text that other kid and he's
like I don't know what you're talking about he was too busy you know leaving
behind clothes at Seinfeld's apartment
oh complacent no that's not it ah damn I'm gonna think of it later and text you
somebody some Tuesday right now is in Omaha going yeah I got it but if you
call it if you know it by the way you know it's weird about the Vikings their
whole thing is the the horns on the head on the helmet they're blonde they got
moustaches and a big boat with a lady on the front with tits and they all that
all they're known for is raping that's the whole thing with Viking they went
here they raped everybody that's why these people are still six eight in you
know Scandinavia and in the weirded there's the Minnesota Vikings like they're
all just they're all holding is raping and pillaging is it not this is exactly
the conversation we had this is why we're we're kindred spirits or gay
lovers or you know appearance of so synced up this is exactly the conversation I
said how long before these people come after the Vikings as a team because the
Redskins are done and the Braves and the Seminoles and all this shit and it's
just a matter of time before they say hey what is this where we got a team named
after the Vikings and the Vikings raped so the his thing run on point I think his
point was you know the Native Americans are still around I think and then the
emblems or the logos are like whatever right but no one's claiming to be a
Viking maybe or something I think he had a good point but I do think eventually
they're gonna say hey get rid of the Vikings Vikings did bad things now I
think he got something there and that's true and the Vikings were a couple of
honky-cracker white devils so I think that makes it fine like we get no one
stick it up for them right but but they're villains they're they're villains
yeah so I don't know I mean I feel like eventually things will get to that place
but maybe things will ease up and get a little better and no one will care about
this shit anymore at some point hopefully hopefully you hope but here
here's one that I guarantee you will go the way of the dodo I'm saying in the
next decade within 2020 to 2029 this will go away the golf tournament masters
that's going call it right now well that's possible I mean it is Georgia I
know master bedroom is gone but I think masters is in reference to a master at
this sport because master bedroom was directly in reference to like the guy
that is the masturbator or whatever I see so that what I'm like I can see the
case I think it's goofballs I mean but but it's also like yeah the big bedroom
then I mean it's easy to easy enough to change true but I you could be right I
mean they it never ceases to surprise me what is offensive well it's almost like
a chuchu like a PC chuchu you got to keep putting the wood in the fire and I
feel like you know after even if everything's perfect because we talk about
how we have to live in this utopia and this is offensive to this person this
and but after everything's perfect they find something hey this cartoon with the
kid getting thrown bluebird blueberries Adam is offensive to people with dietary
restrictions and you go okay so now you're just you just you're just trying
to throw more train tracks down yeah those people I hope they die because you
know you think I don't want to go off on a whole thing but you'd hope that side
would fucking ease off of this completely innocuous horseshit yeah about this one
this one's going away maybe you got a point with the masters this one's going
away first class it's elitist it's a class system in in and of itself well
I'll tell you that one you're on because you're on to something because it's
already Delta one oh they already say hey they say jet blue what's it called
mint blue plus mint mint yes exactly it's mint it's it's number one it's it's
whatever first class is already getting out you're right that's a good one all
right well geez we're gonna come in I see some squirrely eyes there something
happened my dad's my dad's picking me up to go to high school and you know we tie
the clock's ticking I gotta have dinner with my parents and kill them oh yeah
that sounds horrible I saw a little eye twitch I could tell something's up let's
wrap her up hit up hit up the the store the new store what's the link the
website it's in the bio of the episode it's in the bio there you go check that
out Shelby said it's a public T link is in the script okay T public TEE public
yeah TEE public Tee publicans of go party check that go check that out and get
on the patreon now we're looking to get 4,000 we'll do the live one soon probably
after Thanksgiving break I assume and have a safe Thanksgiving check out I got
the new web series going Connor's ultimate movies it's a lot of fun it's real
silly appreciate all the kind words subscribe to my YouTube for the love of
fuck cuz the industry is gonna hate us after this episode you got there and I'm
in oh I'm in Foxboro this Saturday I thought it was Friday I've been plugging
Friday for like six months this Saturday I'm at the comedy thing Gillette
Stadium I gotta wrap up your dad let's take his belt off it's not in the
stadium it's called comedy farts I don't know what the fuck it's called Google
Foxboro Mass Joe list I'll put the link in my Instagram two shows we're probably
all gonna die but come to the show Erica Rhodes is in town she's doing guest
spots Sarah will be there so it's gonna be a hell of a show I'm done don't get
hit by your dad all right yeah yeah he's taking off the belt he's wearing a
robe it's weird I'm all over the place who knows I think I'm gonna be out in
Spokane if you live out there not the club Bridgeport Stress Factory Bridgeport
Connecticut and maybe Tipatina's in New Orleans so yeah all kinds of fun stuff
come on out say hello get some merch get on the patreon we'll do a live stream
soon praise Allah kill yourself hug your mom and blow your brother we'll see
you next week