Tuesdays with Stories! - #380 Big Swivel
Episode Date: December 15, 2020Mazel tov gays, hot new ep for ya as Mark has a COVID scare before he tries to get into a disease free party before Joe takes a scenic hike and see's a big fight in the park. Check it out! Check out o...ur new merch here! Shirts, stickers, phone cases, mugs, you name it! https://www.teepublic.com/user/tuesday-s-with-stories Sponsored by: Lucy Nicotine Gum (lucy.co code: tuesdays), Sheath (sheathunderwear.com code: tuesgays), & Manscaped (manscaped.com code: tuesdays) Subscribe to our Patreon for full video of the show A WEEK EARLY, bonus eps, and more! www.patreon.com/tuesdays
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hey mark fake banter for the intro that's all I know how to do great good
to be here welcome to Tuesdays with stories hit her in the face with a
surfboard and then the duck fell out of his bag
surfs up and she didn't even flush knock knock who's there Mark Norman and
Joe less Tuesdays with stories everybody that's terrible this is supposed
be cheesy my radio is spinning at me is the season Jews this season it's
Christmas time I'm gay I got a candy cane up my ass I got my tree lit having a
blood I love Christmas sorry Jews I love Chris I think the Jews love Christmas
right I mean I think they're right they I think they just full-on have Christmas
now yeah yeah I mean you got to do it it's it's we shove it down their assholes
I mean it's it's so American the commercials the music but less than it
used to be now everything's the holiday in the business and I want to be one of
these guys that's like whatever but Christmas rules fuck you take Christmas
and stick it in your ass it's great I mean I'm sorry Jews with your beards and
your reading from left to right get get a right to left get get a grip I mean we
got a frosty the snow we got a Santa we got a tree we got gifts you can't beat
it we got carols they got they got you know Ezekiel or Mortimer so I've been
learning a lot about a Christmas Carol my friend Sean Sullivan you know Sean
great comic funny funny guy very funny he's got a podcast where it's all about
a Christmas Carol it's like a seasonal thing and he talks to people about their
favorite version of a Christmas Carol I never got into a Christmas Carol I'm not
a Christmas Carol guy is it a Scrooge McDuck Beelzebub what is it what does he
say by humbug bug humbug yes which I think is a Middle Eastern dish yeah
but it's by humbug and it's it's a Charles Dickens novella yes it
eroded in 1848 or something and a lot of the Christmas spirit in the business I
was just reading the Wikipedia page a couple days ago a lot of the Christmas
stuff comes from that version the giving spirit the idea of charity and and
blowing a guy on Christmas Eve that whole thing comes from Charles Dickens
and because they didn't really do that before and Christmas I guess was fading
out a little bit or they only did it in the country but not the cities or
something right Dickens really stuck it up everyone's ass I didn't know that I
had never really watched much of the Dickens so the episode of the podcast I
just know it from SNL not SNL saved by the bell both NBC bullshit shows saved by
the bell did a Christmas Carol so we talked about that episode but then I
do I watched the 1938 black and white suck my dick citizen Kane style yeah
Christmas Carol and it was quite touching it's beautiful it still holds up I
mean a good story is a good story and it's poignant with the with the past and
the future and the transitioning it's good yeah and the humbug comes from that
and Scrooge the term Scrooge is now just part of it you're a real Scrooge you
scrooge me Scroogey whatever isn't that interesting it's almost like Seinfeldian
where like yada yada yada not there's anything wrong with that manhands like
art can can just bleed into a regular everyday life yeah it really really
bled all over the panties in Rwanda but it's pretty excited but here's the thing
I'm embarrassed about you know me it's a wonderful life my favorite movie I want
to be George Bailey I want to blow Clarence but I didn't realize that it's
a wonderful life is so similar to Christmas Carol like it's ghosts and
they watch themselves like they ripped it off for Christ's sake completely I
mean I thought that was a known thing that it was an updated version much like
West Side Story is Romeo and Juliet I think it's knownish but it's a little
bit different I think it's because he's he's watching the future past and
present blah blah blah and it's like this is what happens if you keep acting
the way you're acting yep whereas George is like this is what would have
happened if you weren't around right so there's differences but they both have
ghosts they're both I don't know Christmas family Christmas you become a
better person all that you know be a nice Christmas story would be like famous
people you know like the guy who's came from nothing became the biggest star on
the planet and then you know started beating women and whatever then he died
of a drug overdose based on talking about Elvis but like it'd be cool to do a
Christmas story that way we were like fat Elvis would come down and go hey man
you're doing these karate kicks and you're a young hot piece of a but you
better cool it with the pills wait so all Elvis comes and talks to young Elvis
no Christmas you're saying yeah yeah just no get the Christmas shit out but I
like the idea of the old guy old you coming down to tell you like I mean how
many people get famous and then just lose their shit and then go off the rails
and become a drug addict or spend all their money and then they they die
alone without a penny I mean aren't there some comedians you'd like to say
that to go hey just so you know you're you're tweeting about you know a charity
every day I mean you got nine tweets about an election it's time to throw a
joke in there maybe get a little silly I mean that wouldn't hurt by the way did
Elvis beat women is that something well I don't want to cast dispersions on the
king here I don't know that he beat anybody he probably was married he was
married to a 15 year old he loved the pain pills he liked to eat peanut butter
and banana sandwiches he died on the can can die on the can is good but I mean
hey I used to eat pills and shake my hips but I never hit no games and I fucked
a few 15 year olds in the you know morning well I think he was I'm sure he
slapped abroad every now and then I mean grew up in the 1910s or whatever
you ever see I posted on my Instagram a dog's age ago but you ever see his
mother that documentary his mother is identical to Rosie O'Donnell I have seen
that it's wild it's up on my Instagram you can scroll and find it or you can
just watch the movie which is great I mean it couldn't look more like Rosie
O'Donnell so they got a they should read make an Elvis but maybe the movie you're
talking about and get Rosie in there she comes back and she's all fat and
whatever there you go and by the way she was a ghoul the husband looked like a
fucking gargoyle and that they they together they made this specimen he's
like six to beautiful black hair gorgeous face like women love him he's got
moves he's like a wigger I mean it was it was like a perfect man yeah that is
wild because similarly you know there's a lot of people out there hot people with
ugly parents but other hot people that have ugly kids I think so yeah that would
be a fun little Google dive Google image dive like hot people making ugly kids
and ugly people making hot kids yeah that's interesting I mean mother nature
is a mad scientist as we know but I mean I feel like I look pretty much like my
dad similar you know things going on yeah I feel like I'm the exact like half
of my mom and dad I got a clip I got tits I got it balls but I'm exactly both
of them well it's all interesting stuff but yeah it is the season happy holidays
and just a reminder an update a what's that called when they say a program alert
who I wouldn't have gotten that here's a program alert as we always do we're
taking next week off we take Christmas off to go be the family but if you're a
patreon if you're a patron there will be a live Tuesday December 22nd the eve of
Eddie Vedder's birthday there will be a live stream whatever you call it the
thing we did a couple weeks ago we're gonna take your questions at 5 p.m.
Eastern so get on the patreon if you're not already give the gift of patreon
and at 5 Eastern you know to Pacific 4 central mountain time we're gonna be
gonna be 69ing on camera here so get on the patreon join that patreon for the
holidays and you'll get your episode that way yeah yeah so the real the real
queef so I'll get the the pay dirt the jackpot the the pot of gold at the end
so become a member and we're gonna do an AMA ask me anything it'll be live
streaming on YouTube yeah we're gonna do some American music awards and American
Medical Association yeah a lot of AMAs anal men's awareness that was a great
pull anal men's awareness who do you do you learn do you become aware when they
fuck in the ass or do you all you're aware before that yeah I think there's
like a whiteboard and they kind of draw you know some dicks in your butt and
what now it's a brownboard but either way brown brown education
what was brown versus the board that's black kids could go to school with the
whites or just any school what exactly is that one no I think brown just the
guy's name I don't even think we was talking about the skin color well
certainly that's his name I understand that I'm joking but I think that was
something with education and I don't think that was segregation I think it
was brown versus the board of education I think the board was like I think it
just happened to be that the kids name was brown okay I think that worked out and
then the board of education was like hey get get Mr. Brown out of here I think
right Shelby can we get a ruling on that I think that's brown versus the board of
education give it a good show about because there's some of these cases they
just mentioned Roe v Wade is an abortion abortion but some of these they throw out
there and you're like oh yeah certainly but I never looked this shit up no who
would it's all context also very intimidating when they say you know the
city of Los Angeles versus Mike Johnson you're like geez I gotta I gotta take
the whole city shouldn't it just be a few people yeah six million people for God
six right that's the Holocaust and then sometimes it's the people of the United
States right right that's a little intimidating it's like norms bit it's me
versus the world right I never liked that my parents were lawyers so I'd
always hear about that shit I was always like geez you're fighting the whole
city of New Orleans here it is ruled segregation in schools was on
unconstitutional all right you called it yeah well done board of education or
brown no brown one oh right well he beat the whole board yeah well the board
back then bad board what can brown do for you I'm bored all right I'm joking but
man so much to get into I've been up down left right sick healthy gay straight
man woman brown honky you name it I'm all over it all right well we'll get it
started I'm gonna throw the ball right into your court and shoot a three if you
want or do a layup or you know deflate it well let me let me do that thing that
the cool NBA guys do or I'm dribbling down the court and I just
hawk it towards the goal and then you jump up catch it and then dunk it I
believe that's known as an alley-oop all right well did the the the the globe
charters come up with that I don't know who invented the alley-oop I think that's
a fun it's a fun name it seems like they would come up with a good name alley-oop
I don't know who chick her and came up with slam dunk he was the Lakers guy and his
name was chick which is fun yeah and he was the first one to say slam dunk he's
like the Alan freed of basketball but alley-oop probably I don't know I gotta
think that's like 70s ish feels all 70s ish because it's kind of playful and fun
now everything's like you know n-word coffee dunk sister it's it's kicked up a
the way I don't think I'm not sure all thedit tip for sponsor
it was from ìžˆê³ now a nudge
an item centered on Kazunesta
sit ready please
know you already
know we're waiting for time
ravaged by aids and anal it's it's it's part of the AMA
and uh...
whatever it's a great club it's a viny brand club so I go there me and Ian
he drives down
we have a great ride down he's one of those guys you get in the car and he's
zinging and zanging he's just a great agony knows comedy is a funny cook
and uh... we we do the show we've check in the hotel
right when we get to the hotel i'm feeling
little nippy
i got the feeling fine all day but now i feel like it cold on the inside
who inside cold
yes my mother has that
yes so i'm like that's weird so let me go up to the hot shower i figure hey
we've been out the the the freezing
you know northeast air you know with the windows down drive and maybe i'm just
we go upstairs
and i'm just getting colder and colder i'm like god damn i got my jacket on
i got a hoodie on
so i go let me take a hot shower take a hot shower all the way up all the way to
still not getting guy it's like kramer i couldn't my core i need my core to warm
that's war
island of the covers i i'd shivering you know and then
i go i got a show tonight
so i go downstairs i try to fake it and i go downstairs i meet in we go to the
and you know you get to the green room you meet everybody hey you doing is your
opener here's your manager here's your waitress whatever
do the show show goes great
and you know me and even when i have a few we've want to tilt a few
so we start drinking
and i'm just freezing the whole time we were indoors the heat is on
the heat is on
and i'm freezing but i'm trying to hide it
and we're all hanging out busting balls we go back to the hotel
and i just
get under the covers again
and i'm trembling up my teeth are chattering i'm like well
i got something this is bad
i don't know what's going on i might have covered i'm freaking out
i find i just lay there for hours my brain is like mushy and hot time i'm
my body is hot but i feel cold
never a good sign
no that's uh... that's a bad sign
some googling covid symptoms and i gay am i dead what do i got here is it's
and you know you can't google it's it's all it's all shit it's like we might have
this you might have that you know you coughed once that means your uh...
dad's effect or whatever it is so
i'm just freaking out so i'm like do i tell the manager do i tell the club
owner what do i do here
and i go let me just see how i feel in the morning i finally fall asleep at five
thirty in the morning
wake up at ten a.m. pool of sweat
uh... boy
but i feel better but i'm in a pool of sweat
oh okay
but i try to do the right thing and i go all right this is this is probably
covid it's gotta be something so i call the club manager
and i go i think i should get tested i feel like hell and he's like can you do
the shows and i'm like i don't know let's see
so he picks me up
and by the way when people think you have covid
they treat is like getting the back keep the mask on don't look at me you know
uh... windows down
i don't want to talk to you i don't hear from you i don't want to know you and
you feel like an idiot back i got my head hanging out the window like a
fucking cocker spaniel
we finally get to the test hundred fifty bucks do the rapid
i mean first of all i agree people can be so prickly when you have a horrible
fever during a massive pandemic that's killed a quarter of a million people
they get so standoffish
i don't blame the guy i'm just saying it's a it's a it's a shift
it's certainly
how you get treated
it's shifty but so you got the rapid that now are you standing there you're
trying to make it look like you need that you're not in the pool of sweat you
don't have chill i guess is it a
thing you nervous the people that start
throwing rocks and eggs at you
well i mean it was
it was you know eleven a.m. so i got his car went straight to the clinic
got the test
went back to the hotel and i just waited
so i wasn't like around people
and then uh... you know an hour and a half later
i get your negative and i was like oh well it's one of the things i got the
call i was like you sure really
and then i just took it easy all day and like just laid down again and
you know he ends like let's get lunch let's go to this and i'm like i'm out
i don't want to tell anybody but i got to the club and i
i came clean but we did two shows that night got drunk to two shows the next
and uh...
all's well that ends well
so what do you think you got a little bug a little something crawled in your
i think i had a twelve hour flu
jizz bug up my dick hole uh... and it just came and went that that breaking of
the sweat
was was the game changer
well that is
fast because you don't hear much about the twenty four hour bug these days the
twelve hour bug but i guess there has to be regular
bugs out there i mean the bugs are
they're alive i mean we still have bugs
yeah it's a bug's life you know so i was
i think my body was just trying to fight something
in me for ten hours and it finally did it and then it was like alright we can
take a breather
well you're probably a healthy guy you get some vitamin diesel well you know
about covid
melatonin i looked at when they showed trumps cocktail i snapped a photo and
it's melatonin vitamin d
and famotody which i take every day for reflux
and melatonin you take all the time and uh... all the time
yes so
you know maybe maybe you got some uh... you know a good defense system in there
because melatonin if it beats covid or fights covid it must fight other shit i
i guess yeah and
i mean we're relatively young we're thin
uh... we're podcasting zoom wise we're douchey we've
i wear a mask i follow the most of the protocol so
but hey you never know it can happen
uh... i mean we just had seventeen friends of ours get covid so i figured
oh well they they all just got it that news is broke so i'm like i must have it
yeah well it's good to know that you didn't and you don't and uh... how are
the shows
uh... shows are great i mean
but here's the problem though is there's a ten o'clock curfew in town
so usually the show starts at eight and ten now the show started six and eight
so a six o'clock show in
a shit town
is uh... no bueno i mean it was rough we had twelve people on the saturday early
so then the saturday late was like
i love those times though with people that's the same thing i had when i was in
foxborough we had you know
eight people at the first one and sold out the second one but
i love the time in that i like being done at nine thirty is like beautiful
that was i mean we drove back i was in my bed by twelve oh one thanks to
fatty and lara cuz he'd be fucking hauled ass back by the way shout out to
he missed an exit on the highway
pulled off of the shoulder waited and just
reverse that puppy right back into the the main highway we took off
it sounds like the most reckless gig i've ever heard of in my life you're
back up on the highway you're doing shows with the fever during a pandemic i
mean this is
this is your out out cat what do you call it outlaws
outlaw yeah we're pushing it baby no holds anal and uh... we had a we had a great
weekend we did it up and
all man we went to this uh...
i guess it's caribbean or jamaican restaurant and it was brunch on saturday
we go in we just want to get a fucking burger
and it's like a default dj you can't even hear each other speaking i'm the only
white guy there i walk in it goes
you know and then
we sat out we have chicken and waffles and uh...
it was the weirdest brunch ever but
i had it with me so i was cool
nice what what kind of what's jamaican food all about
that doesn't sound pleasant to me
it was uh... i don't know if it was jamaican but it was definitely
some black
owned thing with like collard greens and you know black eyed peas and all that
so it's like southern comfort food
mixed with brunch
mixed with creole
cuckolding i don't know
they got a mac and cheese situation
i got the mac and cheese okay alright now we're talking i like mac and cheese i
like cuckolding i like black so that sounds okay i could get through that
it was great we had a great great time
then hightail it back but i got so much here i did you please jump in because i
don't want to hog the mic too much here now go i got a couple things i'll
sprinkle them in i'll spritz and sprinkle
all right so the next night i'm back in the the big apple and this kid shon malia
i don't know if you saw he did it uh... shoot for me in jersey where he posted
me trying new jokes called joke tweaking in jerseys a twenty one year old
piece of nothing
and this kid is so motivated and he said you want to do my podcast
i said sure i go meet up on sixtieth and first right by blooming dales
he's got his own studio
it's all jacked out with cameras and lights and
it's like there's like ten kids they're smoking weed they're all twenty one
years old these youngsters man they they got it figured out
well i mean that sounds
amazing to me i i don't know how all these whippersnappers have all these
setups i
uh... i'd lament the fact i remember
back in two thousand nine
uh... nick de paul was opening for him he had this web guy mike baker who was
like the super web guy he's like you can't afford me but i think you're the
future of comedy and i want to help you
and he was telling me about twitter and instagram he got me all signed up and he
connected all of them he's like the youtube is the future
yet i connected my youtube and my gmail the thing
and i was drinking of course the time
and i remember just being like what the fuck are you talking about i just
ignored all of it and it's like the ghost of christmas Elvis or whatever we
were talking about right blue christmas
i wish i could go back i had i had a guy telling me giving me the secrets giving
me the passwords
i did nothing with any of it
and now i'm over here just going can somebody subscribe to my youtube i got
forty eight youtube followers
and then twitter i didn't use for five years i'd literally just i had one
tweet that said trying to figure this out
yeah and i feel like such a fucking dummy but all these kids
they have the podcast see we didn't have
bill burr and jim gaffigan going here's what you gotta do these whippersnappers
not to mention
they're fucking slipping into my dm's i had a kid hiding in the bushes the other
day asking me to punch up his script i'm like
that they're bold these young assholes they're bold they're entitled they're
country but they're
they're clever i mean these kids again they're twenty one twenty two i mean do
you remember we were doing it twenty one or twenty two no because we were the
i was scaling some building that had scaffolding with my pants down while i
so i could
strategically shit in my friend's cup from two floors up you know that's what i
was doing when i was twenty one
you know we're spray-pain we're skateboarding where we're finger-popping
whatever it is
but these kids like i'm gonna work this up and i'm gonna sell it to gary v then
he's gonna buy it we already got three sponsors uh... mountain dew is is one of
them and
and we were on spotify were on this all these kids did was work for spotify
listen to rap shitty mumble wrap and then be like this this they're like this
guy's the next beaver right here i'm like who who's this like some kid florida
i mean they're so advanced
i think they're beaver
the other something to like obviously with the internet and all these new apps
and and technology but there's something to the fact that like
we didn't have a phone
growing up we were just left to our own devices we were like stray cats
and these kids are so tuned up and dialed into the to society that they can
just accomplish way more
and that's funny we were left
without our own devices
uh... but i was thinking about that the other day because i was my niece and nephew
i was hanging with them and they were like okay you go text me when you come
here call this time
isn't it so funny to think about
when we were kids we left and nobody knew where we were
for hours like you know the age of like ten
yeah you're just gone for for a day and then just like be back at eight and i was
in the woods nobody knew
anyway nobody knew
that was totally normal
and you could have been with a cub scout masker who was diddling your your nips
you could have been you know in the ocean drowning you could have been driving
you know with a beer between your legs they didn't know and that was part of it
this perks to that
you know i think you grow up quicker major
ballsy or bolder but uh... yeah i had perks all the time i loved them
yeah exactly so
that this this pros and cons
to this but like
these kids that they're gonna start their lives so much sooner
you know i didn't start my life till twenty six or whatever i moved in new york
and got things going but
these kids started seventeen and they already got like a production company
they got a podcast they got a porno channel they got an app
pretty amazing
but that's the ones that use it right because some of the kids right all the
numbers are going down of sex people having sex later getting a license later
they're doing less because they're all
fucked up and suicide is like through the roof through the roof autism is
through the roof anxiety and pill addiction is through the roof so yeah
there's this
with every good thing comes uh... bill cosby also through the roofies
uh... hey speaking of which some of these kids are probably out there
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yeah i think i think we're fine but it sucks to have a pussy because those
pussies there's just like legos and bottle caps falling out of them this
puss this toothpaste it's very bizarre it's tough it's like a a runny nose all
the all day you know it's and
you know there's eggs and placenta all kinds of weird shit
paper clips
but yeah
alright so
back to the program uh... when did the hyenas
hyenas where the hyenas
oh history hyena the careful doing that pod
i know that's a covid den over there but uh...
weirdly chris d never got it so it's just weird little
covid's like a weird little picky and choosy mom choose jiff and they pick who
gets it
he never got it i never got it so we i took yonah's place and uh...
it was fun i mean they got a big studio bay ever in a bay ridge
never in my life oh maybe i drove around there on the way to stony brook
college uh... but no not really
i mean it's a little it's like an i always say it's a nineteen ninety eight
museum down there it's like old new york the deli guy the butcher guy with the
blood all over him
and i'll tell you this it feels like a place you say uh... merry christmas not
happy holidays if you know what i mean
live region loud and clear
yeah but just beautiful brown stones and every lawn is manicured though the
oceans right there are the bay whatever you call it
you should check it out do a do a day trip with the gal
it's funny you say that because i was just watching news one the that little
city news that's yeah great great news by the way
love it
it is to be on it comes on new york one and they were in bay ridge and you know i
love saturday night fever and uh... and they showed the bridge of the
background i said hey i should pop down there sometime and be a bay ridge
but uh... i'll have to go check it out but
never been
yeah it's cool that i mean
we did a whole super chat we made some money but just a great great hang and
things like feels like things are kind of turning
for are not in our favor for the comedy world
yeah i think so i hope so i don't know i mean uh... we're doing great they're
doing great this i've been saying this for quite a while by the way is that
you know all of the stuff we hate the sjw pc cancel culture
it allows shows like us in our friends to people go thank god is a place we can
go for this stuff
right and so we're actually benefiting quite a quite a bit from it as as
terrifying as it is
it is terrifying and scary but yeah i mean we just funny first i hate to be
that come guzzling nazi who says that dumb phrase but you know you
you say a horrible thing about a guy in a wheelchair falls down some stairs we
just try to get a laugh i don't actually hate wheel chaired men
tumbling down a case of stairs it's just go for a yuck here
yeah if you're in a wheelchair you deserve to die
exactly that's why i put a broomstick between your spokes
fun times in the big apple but
we got a gig on friday down in austin
i love austin
i mean we've always loved austin you got a special place in your anal cavity
for it it's it but it's it's kicked it up a notch i mean austin it feels like l.a.
now it's like hot people celebrities elon musk is doing heroin in an alleyway
with a cowboy hat on
rogan's there chappell is there ron white all these people and you're like
i gotta move here you you land you got the plane
not to mention new york is like a fucking limp dick you know everything
closes at two that's cold as hobos the barrel fires
austin is just popping it is on it's on fire in a good way
yeah i went the last time i was there this summer i was there in
july and sarah's sister lives there she's got a great big apartment like
she lived in estoria moved to austin during the whole business
we go to her place i mean it's like spectacular she's got a balcony you can
see the capital i'm out there meditating and you know smoking a cigar and
she's got an island in her kitchen don't you want an island in your kitchen
she's got a kitchen island epstein's island love that island
there's nothing like an eye you feel like an adult and it's warm in the
neighborhood and magnolia and all that shit you love
and i said the same thing i was like we should just fucking move here
fucking yeah because it i mean now's the time it's
about to blow up real estate wise i'd imagine
uh and yeah we went we were there all weekend it's fucking two weeks till
christmas the sun is out at 65 degrees we're on bikes we're kayaking
it just has a better vibe i mean you you know we live in new york it's a
shooting every day and uh most of that's me with jizz on my
lady's back but still it's just so uh i feel like new york's like a big
dick everybody wants a big dick but right now it can't get hard
the energy is gone all right i'm gonna push back a little bit on that
but uh well i love it of course but
well the problem is you know we got a big pandemic here the whole situation i
mean if all things being equal no no pan
i'm still taking new york over austin is great i'd rather live in new york and
visit austin than live in austin and visit new york i think personally but
i could be persuaded but i like the new york diner scene
anytime of day in normal times but i'll get into this a little bit later
because i want to hear about austin but yesterday it was 58 degrees here in
in new york in december no problems and i got a nice group of people together
in central park we all went to shake shack we all fucked in the ass and it was
fantastic that central park with the skyline on a nice day and
it was great people throwing frisbees again i'll get into it a little more
later but new york has still got the goods when it's good
we have when it's good there's nothing better it's the best city in the world i
think and uh look you're talking to a guy who's
got two places here so i ain't leaving i'm just saying that austin really
tickles your taint a little bit you go uh and you know i got the lady on my arm
and she's like this is fucking great the sun is shining she's got a
one of those big hats on and uh it was it was a magical couple days
just wanted to throw that out all right you like the big hat
not really but a lady can pull it off she got the sunglasses on the sun is
shining hey you know she was uh she was
vacation mode yeah it's fun if you're being i think the hat is
fun if you're being silly you go i'm wearing a hat it's sunny it's goofy it's
the kandaki derby but these people you see with just a regular hat they got
like like they're in a band you know that hat that like the patrice
o'neill hat and like a hipster lady i'm like what are you doing now it's so
forced that you can tell they were in their mirror for 20 minutes going
can i do this can i pull this off and you're like you kind of think no but
you're a lady so i'm not gonna you know i'm not gonna shit in your hat
right all right so tell me more about austin you're there you're doing what are
you at what what are you working so this guy hit me i shouldn't say this
because my agent's gonna rape me but this guy hit me up he goes hey we're open
for business if you want to come down i feel like we could sell some tickets
i got a restaurant blah blah blah i said the money was amazing i said i'm in
this guy took care of me they usually do shows in la but once again they took
their whole business to to keep austin weird and
it was phenomenal it was great and i did i did the rogan show so you get that
whole thing so now you're getting paid to go down there and do rogan which is a
huge huge honor and all that crap and
it was great the only problem was right when we announced
tickets hey chappelle's coming to town with
co-headlining with rogan and michelle wolf and mo hammer and you know
wilsel vince and all that shit so we kind of got screwed there big j was there
bill burr was there i mean it was like it was a moon tower
jesus that's what i was gonna say it sounds like moon tower down there
my god it's comedy disneyland down there and the sunshine i had
barbecue with big j i did rogan's pot i got drunk with michelle wolf
i mean it was just it was magic wow that sounds amazing i mean i haven't seen
wolf since february i missed the wolf wolf's doing great i mean she's she's
putting them back as usual and uh i got tickets to my lady to go to see
chappelle she was blown away well she said wolf killed
and uh you know just great time got tested she got tested
and we just we just lived it up we day drank all day on saturday i did two shows
sold some merch and here i gotta give a shout out to a guy named
bailey huge twos gay huge fan look what he got me
kind of a callback to last week whoa the gerry playboy yes
mint that's the beauty wow where did he find that these people just have playboys
laying around i know i he said something moved in a
new house and there was a stack of them and he saw this one and he said i'm going
to the norman show i'm bringing it i mean i give it to him we got a photo we
hugged we we we were gonna reach around and the rest is history
now that's amazing see i'm jealous of that because you can frame that and
put it on the thing you got a seinfeld i can't be framing
el mcpherson i can't just put up an el mcpherson in the house i mean first of
all you know my wife's gonna shit onions but
if people are just like why do you have el mcpherson who's el mcpherson why is
she up there great pantyhose but the seinfeld one that's an actual
you know hey i like gerry that's why i have a bunch of tits on my wall
exactly exactly yeah that's tough by the way that's from 1993 isn't that wild
wow yeah this is wild the show is in full swing
i mean uh yeah just uh now i gotta tell you this little tidbit that i'm gonna
turn it over so every night i'm there friday
and saturday flew home sunday so friday night big after party
chappels in town he's gonna rent a hotel roof blah blah blah
so the lady lands i do my shows she visits some friends in town we link up
and i say let's go to the chappel after party wolf is there wilsel vinces there
rogan's there the whole whole kitten caboo so she goes great
i get the scoop cypher sounds let's me know where it is we show up
it's on the penthouse of this beautiful hotel and you know right downtown
and the guy goes whoop whoop whoop whoop who do you know here
and you can see the whole party in the back i'm like oh geez that's a celebrity
there's that guy and i go hey uh michelle wolf told me to come and he's like
have you been tested i said i did rogan today
he tests you he goes all right all right what about her
and i go she got tested last week and he goes that that's that's bullshit get out
so she the lady was a trooper and she was like just go i'll hang out you want to
see your friends i was like i can't i can't leave you so
i went with her and so you know we had a drink at a bar alone
sadly but we still got saturday night okay so saturday night she goes to the
chappelle show at stubs 400 people bananas the
whole thing rappers and djs and everything she gets a rapid test negative
so i do my shows we link up we go tonight's the night
we show up they go who do you know here i go i know michelle wolf i know
sypha and they're all waving at me and he goes all right has she been tested now
and i go she got tested at the chappelle show tonight and he goes great what
about you i got tested yesterday with rogan they go
ah you're killing me man and i go come on i've been hanging out with her all day
she got tested so therefore i'm probably clean they go
wish i could help you so i chatted with michelle wolf six feet away for 10
minutes and i had to go so you have to get tested every single
person that's in there got tested that day that day
which and they all had rapid tests yeah i guess it kind of makes sense because
if you're really gonna play with uh with jizz like that you want to be safe
i just can't believe this place that's having a big party is that you think
they'd be like lift the rope get in here fuck it covid's fake who gives a
shit they do not fuck around they're not taking
any chances because they could get sued or you know they're already pushing it
with these parties and these shows and the traveling and all that so like
they and they're not taking any they're taking every precaution
wow a one day later no ten that's tough i mean that's tough
sledding but uh i guess good for them good for them i mean they're they're
doing it up they're doing it right i guess but i was like come on i know
wolf i know will so then i went down to the lobby and had a
couple drinks and then will came and hang out with me
could you be like hey what if i put a pair of panties on my head and and you
can blindfold me so i can't spit on anybody or whatever i really
try to plead with the guys like dude look i'm not some schmo off the street i
know all these idiots and uh he was like uh no can do fatty
so see that's interesting because we talk about new york is tough and the
laws and the rules but in new york you could walk up until
this week you could walk into a restaurant no test at all
they didn't ask you there you're gonna get tested every day so it all
swivels out it's a big swivel i i suppose he can swivel but
yeah yeah they they they are strict damn so no party for me
oh well parties are overrated anyways i hate parties
i just wanted the photo op i wanted to get rogan a headlock and dug him but i
did the pot i went to his cool uh cool studio that
looks like the inside of an asshole and a fucking
proctology exam but uh it looks like a spaceship how was it was it uh
like does it feel like i picture that place i've seen photos it feels like
you say give me a pepsi and it comes up from the table and
it does it's like that he's got a vending machine
because i flew there at like seven a.m landed he's like where the hell are you
because he's you know he's got 18 million things on a schedule and i go
i'm in the uber and the guy was listening to him in the uber
wow and i go i'm in the uber right now i'll be there in 10 minutes the guy's
listening to you he goes don't tell him who i am you fucking i was like oh
shit you're right you're right sorry because i'm going to his place you know
right so i was like oh shit you're right sorry sorry so then
i get there and it's very standoffish and then i got tested
we had to wait 15 minutes we chatted about quomo made fun of him
and then i got a negative so then we're in but he's got a vending machine
full of all this like protein bars beef jerky
on it pills coffee and it's all free so i was just i sat by the vending machine
for 30 minutes why don't we have the these 15 minute tests they
should be mass making them the l president they
should use the whatever that's called the presidential power to be
like hey Nike Reebok fucking you know Gibson guitars you're all
making the 15 minute test you're made everybody just get these 15 minute
tests at the Rose Bowl so we can have a fucking Rose Bowl for god's sakes
well i think they're like 200 bucks each or that's what SNL does
they're paying out the wahoo for these tests
thank you they should pay some riders for the show too but i mean that sounds
amazing i mean we could have all these events with these 15 minute tests not
to mention this remdesivir shit that they're sticking up
Chris Christie's ass that he's better in two days
they should be mass making this oh we all like the trump cocktail whatever they
gave that psycho give it to us the cocktail i'm over here snorting
melatonin like an amateur give me that remdesivir
you know put it on a cock and let me swallow it so we can all get back to
business here here i mean i'm down for the vaccine shoot that
vaccine into my ball bag and i'll jizz and every kid's mouth in the city and
we'll all be clear i can't wait for the vaccine hey
speaking of things that are great we also have one more sponsor here don't
let's not forget these guys oh man scaped i love man scaped i literally
used it yesterday the little razor thing i forget what it's called the ball saver
it's probably in here so the lawn mower the lawn mower yes
ball saver lawn mower i used it the other day i was playing with my balls and i
was ripping out pubes left and right because they're all too lengthy i went
in there zipped it right off i'm clean as a whistle
right now i look like my nephew and it's just beautiful it works great it's got
a little light on it which is nice it helps you see everything
it's really great get man scape they are the only men's brand dedicated
exclusively to below the belt grooming and hygiene
the best gift around for all the men in your life
get the performance package featuring the new and improved lawn mower 3.0
that's what i used it's waterproof includes an led light and is made with
advanced skin safe technology there's so much good stuff
and when you order the performer package from man scape you not only get the
lawn mower you also get the crop preserver
an anti-chafing ball deodorant and moisturizer
it's getting hot outside and this will keep your balls from sticking
and the crop reviver which the crop reviver excuse me which will keep your
balls smelling fresh just like spring flowers tell them how to get it
here here big fan of the man scape i keep that lawn mower in my bag and i just
use it all all day on the road the battery is amazing i love the light
big fan of these guys and they throw in all the anti-chafing ball deodorant and
moisturizer they they keep you smelling fresh
uh when you order the performance package get 20 off and free shipping when
you use the code Tuesdays at manscape.com that's
manscape.com and use the promo code Tuesdays
plural like your balls for 20 off your first order and always use the right
tools for the job um boy good stuff i mean that sounds
amazing i got it's funny because sarah with my wife was in austin while you
were there i was supposed to be there originally yeah
but uh we got divorced so i didn't go it's about time
but she's been gone all week this is crazy she's gonna walk in any minute
here as we're recording she's on her way back from the airport but i'm living a
strange life over here because she went from monday to monday or tuesday to
monday she's been gone and i just had the place to myself and
i gotta say a lot of things first and foremost such a treat by the way
i feel i mean i feel like kistan's over here after susan died i'm playing guitar
i'm i got her panties on my head i'm like the the shit everywhere i had to do a
deep clean this morning i had three girls over here and two guys
and one cup and yeah it's so strange and i gotta say i feel so much
gratitude to all the tuesdays out there and there must be a million
solo single tuesdays because we got a strange bunch out there
sure live in this covid life by yourself i mean i would have fucking
shot myself right in the face already yeah because it is lonely and i'm fine
all day i'm choosing the movies i'm doing whatever i'm getting takeout
but at night that deciding to go to bed by yourself you're like all right i
guess i'll walk into the bedroom now it's very strange
it is well you get accustomed to the the the other human body around and it
makes such a difference even if sarah doesn't talk i know what she talks
she hit her but even when she's quiet it still is a still a human body there
and it's warm and it's something to bounce off of and hug and hold
and when that's gone it's it's a cold breeze coming through that
bourgeois well you know me i i i get anxiety
when i try to go to sleep i get sleep anxiety and then the morning so
what helps me is i'm trying to go to bed and i know she's tiktok until 5 a.m so
to know there's an awake breathing body next to you when you're trying to sleep
to that at any moment i can be like hey babe i'm i'm trying to sleep i'm
thinking about my dad fucking my mom over here it's keep me up
sure and she'll say you know i am too but
so it's just hard staring at that ceiling alone so i felt very alone
grateful to have this uh this game and my my thoughts and prayers go out to all
the the single gays out there yeah i mean thank god for porn and
only fans i think that's keeping a lot of people from uh
you know pulling the trigger to the temple but
it's basically the plot of home alone in the beginning you're like
woo let's get a pizza let's you know put on an old movie
and fuck with the pizza guy and chug some coke and you know
build some little uh silhouettes to dance on a chuchu train and all that
rocking around the christmas tree and then 20 minutes in you're like
oh god i miss my fucking mom that's what i did i slept with the frame photo of
her naked under my pillow and i looked at it every night before bed so
it was strange but uh so yesterday as mentioned as teased they said hey it's
going to be 60 degrees well first i hit up
jason canter our pal thursday was going to be warm warm ish was like 48 and
sunny and i i called him and i said hey i'm going to harem and state park i'm
going hiking this is how i like to do it i guess i'm a control freak it's bad
i like to make the full plan and then you invite a person to come along
oh that's evil this is what i'm doing well it is it is what i'm doing
you're welcome along i've already made the thing i'm going to harem and
i've done these with you and you try to throw a detour in and your whole world
crumbles well here's what happens a lot and people
it sounds like i'm the asshole but it's these other people you go
hey i'm gonna go hiking and you come along if you'd like which is nice to
extend an invite these people go instead of hiking
why don't we go to the beach why don't you come to my house why don't we go to
movies and you're like because this is the activity right
you're welcome to come along now if we were sharing a house for a month in a
week i'd go hey what are we doing today what do you
guys think right i'm a democratic guy but in this
situation this is what i want to do so it's what i'm doing
and if you'd like you can you're welcome to come
so i go hey we're going to harem and then we're going to chick filet
and then we're 69 and he goes hey i'm in great you know
so yeah i get in the car i pick him up and it's so exciting now because with
all the covid there's this limited socializing
i scoop them up we pretend to wear our masks in the car for 30 seconds then we
share drive up to harem and beautiful day
there's zero people on the trail we hike i mean literally we didn't see one
single person you know we're screaming the n-word it was just
so much fun yeah that's a beautiful park up there 50
minutes north of the city what's it called harem and
harem it sounds uh he brew i'm not sure what it is but uh we didn't see any men
or women go up there beautiful day great height good to get
out there you know and uh just spectacular they will look at the
weather we're like not gonna be many more like these we realize sunday
55 and sunny put together one of my famous central park hangs and once
again it's december so there's nobody there we go to
sheep meadow you know we were there in the summer it's just packed it's like a
concert in there yesterday nobody in the park except for like maybe 10 people
and we had a great group killer group we sat and ended up being
strangely muddy so we sat in the mud we all had dirty asses we talked
movies comedy we busted balls shit on each other
and then right as the conversation is getting good we just hear
you mother fucking faggot piece of shit
how do i know you're not looking at her phone right now
you fucking cocksucker you're a fucking bitch
we look over and we got a first-class new york
cuckoo head oh it was um woman it was a bobby slating set sorry
you know the frisbee people they have that that frisbee with the hole in it and
they throw it like 400 yards across the thing there's a whole group of these
people every time they're there so they evidently
some of them are on draw i don't know what they are but this lady
must have thought her man was cheating or texting
and it was manager in an umpire she's punching him in the face like winding up
and punching she kept telegraphing all her punches because the guy was like
perfectly blocking it every time yeah and then he gave her like a face
mush what do you call that when you palm the face oh yeah
it was like a brief face mush and i mean it went on for 25 minutes we're all
laughing doing play by play having a great time
and then she would leave and come back and she's like everyone thinks i'm crazy
y'all think i'm crazy i'm not crazy it was hilarious amazing and then she
kept throwing the frisbee every once in a while she'd just like whip the frisbee
to some guy like 300 feet away and wait so he was cheating she found out then
he she attacked him i'm not sure she said
she kept saying give me your phone and then she said both phones and then it
was like a classic argument thing where she's like give me your phone and then
when he gave her the phone she was like i bet you already erased it so she was
already setting up to not find right and at one point she kind of
settled down a little bit and we had two women in our group and i was like i'll
give a hundred dollars to one of you to walk up to that guy and say
hey you texted me too much i don't know who this bitch you texted me about and i
was like it would be so amazing but then she would go crazy
yeah and then she's going crazy again the whole park's looking at her and some
psycho whisperer came up to her and he was like in the group i guess he had
like a he was dressed like marnie mcfly he put his arm around her walked away and
they sat down indian style and just kind of chatted quietly so he's got the goods
on her whatever it is wow he's the coups whisperer he knows how to
calm her down exactly so whatever it was it was it was a fun event we sit there
for two hours we really missed you we had a good time and we had two frisbees
ourselves there was about eight of us so we all spread out because there was so
much room we're throwing two frisbees at once hey who it was shooting it across
and some people suck at frisbee some are good yeah and great time and then we
say hey i'm starving i'm hungry i'm hungry i go let's go to shakeshack everybody
goes yeah shakeshack everyone's jumping up and down we're high fiving
we walk across the park we go to shakeshack the seven of us
and they go we could seat seven of you inside downstairs if you want there's
nobody down there so we all look we're like is everybody
game to everyone goes yeah what the fuck fuck it
so we got the hole downstairs it was like a private birthday party
at shakeshack it was like me louie donnelly fiori uh canter isabel canter's new
squeeze we all go down there we get double cheeseburgers louis gets three
cheeseburgers i get two big piles of fries we're all
sharing spittin orgy great time and it was the eve of restaurant shutting down
so we got in whether getting was good the last indoor dining good group of seven
lot of laughs and then we we were the only ones down there so we were just
zinging and zanging down that sounds amazing it was great and then we all
walked all the way from the upper west over to 59th and fifth avenue and it was
like Seinfeld when they get off the train they each go their individual way
it was like great hang wake up today it's 30 degrees and pouring rain just a
miserable overcast day but we we got it while the getting was good
so we got a hope for a couple more climate changey 55 degree days and we can
all run out in the park and have a nice time
it'd be nice yeah wow that sounds incredible and yeah it's all shut down
now so you you got that last orgy in before the the cult drank the koolaid
oh and it's so fun when everybody it reminds me of drinking when you're like
what about shake shack and everybody just fully agrees
that's what we're doing and louis and donnelly have been dining but they're
like oh fuck it yeah like they just they relapse and they're probably both dead
now but sure oh it was great that the grease the catch up the whole thing and
uh all that stuff you love i love it man now how good do you feel
when you throw out the shake shack idea and it works out
it's a great feel i mean like at first of all it wasn't just like okay i could do
shake shack everybody was like yeah and we got you know we got shakes and burgers
the whole thing great yes great fun great day
boy that's a beauty and yeah the new new york uh
new york weather is like a like a fluctuating crazy broad with mood swings i
don't know what's it's good one day it's freezing and the next day it's sunny and
nice yeah it's it's bizarre so you gotta just
hope for a couple more i'm sure we'll get a couple more 50 degrees because
you know you're um it's like late at night when you're
trying to fuck your uh standards go down you're like 48
let's go on a picnic yes exactly exactly yeah like last call you really
dropped that bar you know and you'll take anything
so yeah that was that and uh also just want to tell everyone again about the
patreon we are rocking and rolling we just did a
live patreon which so many people came to and had great questions i would say
tuesdays have the best questions of any podcast fans
thoughtful interesting questions and uh we got we got smart
fans i think they're they're interesting and uh thinkers you know
yeah they're wise and they're thoughtful good people
and also uh i started doing this show with ronon we're just talking movies
bullshitting and it's on the patreon it's on my youtube too but if you don't want
to look at our fat dumb faces it's on the patreon you can listen
to it as a podcast on the patreon if you're not familiar
or go to my youtube i'm trying to get back those years i lost on the youtube
situation yeah so uh go subscribe because most of you
are not subscribed the numbers are not pretty so get over there
get on the patreon get on the youtube and uh i don't know blow your father i
guess yeah yeah blow everybody and i gotta give a
shout out to my pal ron he opened a burger pop up in new
orleans called uh bubs burgers and uh he hooked me up when i went to new
orleans with a bunch of uh free burgers and the food was great the fries were
great so just use me i mentioned shake shack i got to throw that to big ronnie
ronnie rechart love a good cheeseburger nothing like
and when i say good cheeseburger we talked about this at shake shack i like
like a good fast food in and out shake shack all the burgers that they're like
you got to go to this restaurant and get the burger it's always too much meat
it's not fun i don't get it like they're like manetta
lane this thing i'm like shake shack is better than manetta lane or
whatever iron burger whatever the fuck it's called black iron lung
yes i feel the same way they build that with everything you gotta go to this
place i'm like i just want a bud light and a
fucking hand job i don't need this uh artisanal
pilsner and a reach around just give me the basics
yeah love a basic basic bitch basic broad i also want to plug our friend eric
newman has an album and uh he said hey can you plug my album i said sure
he's got coven so for god's sakes get the guy's album i forget the name of the
i think it's called super spreader it's uh it's filmed with the seller he gave it
to everybody for free no no i'm sure it's fun
uh oh oh i got a big a big announcement apropos of nothing whatever that means
i got somebody to rent the apartment hey that's great news huge monkey off my
tits and uh she's a nice asian lady she draws for comic books she's a big nerd
and she she went in hook line and sinker i mean i lowered the price down to 11.99
a month but still it's off my back don't let her hear any episodes in the
archives for god's sakes oh yeah you got that right
uh she's from uhan i mean she's a super nice lady she won't wear a mask but
yeah she's uh thank you sister i forgot her name but
yeah you're saving my ass here oh my god this is a miracle
so it's a co-op though right i mean do you have to fix a sink if the sink breaks what
happens with that i go in there with a tool bag and i cut the sleeves off my shirt i grow a
mustache i show my ass crack i'm gonna be under there with google like uh figuring it out like
i'm gonna be watching a tutorial while i'm fucking fixing the sink like a bad porno
oh god that's terrifying to me but you know what can you do you'll do it you'll do fine
you'll be a great landowner or homeowner whatever the hell it's called
homo but i i it's so scary because i will wrap this up but
she when you when you i'm showing her the place i'm giving her the keys and you realize how much of
a shit box it is when someone new is moving in right she's like uh does that window is you
gonna fix that i was like oh shit i didn't know the window is broken yeah yeah we'll get on that
she's like what about the dead raccoon in the tub you're like oh yeah yeah we'll get on that and
she's like does this light work i'm like that lights never worked so everything's fucked but
you you realize it when someone new moves in yeah that's tough it's funny too because you've like
graduated from there so yeah like yeah it's you gotta watch them whatever it's like if you dump
an ugly chick for a hot chick and then you hook your friend up with the ugly chick and then you
watch them fuck for a couple bucks perfect analogy i'll watch you fuck for free or whatever you want
and uh she's a nice lady and i feel like i'm jipping her but hey it's new york
dog eat dog and she loves to eat dog so uh it's all working out uh all right what a what an app
i think we really did something there oh yeah sorry but i feel like i hogged this one but
you gotta get that rogan out no so when does rogan the episode come out i'm assuming i did it on
friday and it's still not out so i'm assuming either tomorrow or the next day it's gotta be out by
tuesday or today i should say uh but he you know he stockpiles he's got like 17 people going in and
out there it's like a conveyor belt of rock climbers scientists racist uh jews and and comedians
and that's just you uh classic all right keep an eye out for that go subscribe to the youtube and
subscribe to our youtube the tuesdays with stories youtube the videos up there and you get it a week
early if you get on the patreon so do all the fun stuff and the the fucking t public we got t
shirts yes the shirts are killing it buy a shirt give us a gift also our our specials you're you're
you're just licking the taint of a of a tube mill and let's get that puppy over before oh uh 2021
i'm doing my special your special yeah check it out mindful metal jacket i got a thing with
sam i'm doing where we get drunk on on the on the zoom and uh yeah let's go one more drink
sam's new special sorry sam's new special on the roof up on the roof up on the roof yeah go watch
that subscribe comment go fill the comments with tuesday go hey sam maril's the best comic ever
love tuesdays and really get that algorithm cooking yes all right i think that'll do it so uh george
saying cut your tip of your dick off brazella