Tuesdays with Stories! - #401 Babble On
Episode Date: May 18, 2021Folks, it's a dramatic ep as Mark plays a golf course on Long Island before a rough parking job in Philly while Joe confronts the dregs of society while in Austin. Check it out! Check out our new merc...h here! Shirts, stickers, phone cases, mugs, you name it! https://www.teepublic.com/user/tuesday-s-with-stories Sponsored by: ExpressVPN (expressvpn.com/tuesdays), Feals CBD (feals.com/tuesdays), & Sunday Custom Lawns (getsunday.com/tuesdays) Subscribe to our Patreon for full video of the show A WEEK EARLY, bonus eps, and more! www.patreon.com/tuesdays
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hey mark fake banter for the intro that's all I know how to do great good
to be here welcome to Tuesdays with stories hit her in the face with a
surfboard and then the duck fell out of his bag
surfs up and she didn't even flush knock knock who's there Mark Norman and
Joe less Tuesdays with stories everybody that's terrible this is supposed
to be cheesy
you're spitting at me
here we are while this is a big up right here I this is why you gotta get on the
YouTube the patreon because we are in a whole new
scenario a whole new world kids take off your clothes a new all good
what is it women or girls all good teenagers teenagers all good teenagers take
off their clothes this is too bright we got a what's it called a ring light yeah
an uber ring and it is just blasting I can't you can probably see it in my
glasses which are all scratched I have no idea how this happened well this oh
yeah you're getting too wild on the streets there's fights and car chases
hang on I mean I don't know what's going on baby it's fine cuz you have a beer in
a bag and I'm dressed like a guy that has a beer in a bag I got a Bruins tea and
a sweatpants that don't fit I gotta tell you just so fun being at your place you
know it's usually I feel like I'm having the party I'm entertaining the
dinners at my house now but your house I'm cutting loose I'm in Queens I'm drinking
a beer I love it and yeah it's switched because I want you out of here it's a
bummer I'm not happy you're here my neighbors are gonna know that I'm racist
I mean real issue yeah the slurs are flying tonight baby I mean I'm not
accustomed to having a friend over here usually it's me and Sarah we're talking
about you know flower petals and bridges of Madison County but you come over
here and it's you know F a G this and I tee that and it's just crazy and I tee is
that a new one that's a basketball tournament ah yes god I thought it was
the non ignorant token ah that's something fungible I don't know we're gonna
cut all that I can't see anything I can't see Peter Peter you gotta look at
after hours and strangers by the lake over there on the wall like who knew do
luck yes yes that means my cunt is wet it certainly is I got my spring steam that
uh Salacuse gave me the guy's so generous giving giving too much he's just
giving I'm like I don't even know you son of an onion I know I feel horrible with
the cues I never give him anything and then I try to pay for some he won't let
me I try to kiss him he won't let me he's the accused Salacuse I felt that way
I don't know jump ahead because we'll come back to it I felt that way with
Rogan because he's all into this Austin thing oh yeah he's deep in and he's like
you gotta move here you gotta move yeah you can go here we have this we have that
and I wanted to go you don't even know me what if you hate me he likes you he
likes me he's very sweet he's nice we're friends of friends he's a fan of my
comedy yes we've talked for six hours total I'm like if I move here you're
gonna be like what is going on you're always worried about something
hypochondria who gives a shit about the Red Sox your father's gay I don't care
about your parents well I listen to the first four minutes of the app I gotta
tell you and I could tell he was very like comfortable friendship it felt like
you guys had slept over in the same sleeping bag well we have had a previous
three-hour talk and by the way it's the fans are so nice but also hurtful
everyone's like it's about time finally what a day list is in and I'm like I've
done the show I did the show a long time ago I did this I did the goddamn show
before nobody heard it and I don't think anyone heard this one either cuz I've
gotten 50 messages but all there are all starts with huge Tuesday lifelong fan
nobody's reached out and said never heard of you you fucking loser but now I
like you right yeah that's tough it's tough with the rogue well I will say
yours I think got scrubbed from the Spotify there for talking about some you
know gray matter well I'm too hot to handle I mean that's the way I am you
know I come at it hard and loose and soft and hard all at the same time so
they kick me off I mean Spotify can't handle the list you got that right the
herpes were flaring up that day and they had to pull you right out of there but
hey great week for the twos I'm on Marin you're on Rogan pretty hot what are you
doing they doing the bunny ears well it looks like I'm scratching your head I'm
scratching your head but I'm not right there right there that's good it's pretty
fun I like this look this is nice and you can see our dicks yes stick I don't
know how my glasses got all dinged up it's like I fell down a flight of stairs
and all I see is the reflection of the scratches oh that sucks well yeah you
were in Austin for 13 days it feels like and a lot happened you did your theater
I was in Houston so as a stone's throw away what you were in Houston I just got
back what we got a lot to talk about fatty what you sneak in there across the
board I had no idea you were in Houston that's a long cup of jizz but we'll get
in all of it I mean I've been sitting in six months so we got I've been up down
around town and Chinatown I'm blown away I mean I could have come out there
yesterday I had nothing I can't wait to talk about all this stuff I don't have
my notes because we're shooting it on my phone because we're idiots and I don't
have any notes I don't have any ads so yeah you're gonna have to do all of it
maybe I'll just look at your notes to see if it sparks anything because I had
some good stuff hopefully I'll remember all I don't know but it's I'm fresh I'm
fresh up Austin I took two flights today just got back and I appreciate you
coming over cuz I mean I'm on four hours sleep to 5 a.m. pick up brutal brutal I
hate the four hours that's something about that four hour if you got one more
you'd be alright and if you got one less you'd kind of be alright cuz you're
just in crazy land well that's what I am I'm crazy I'm getting a win cuz I
haven't seen you you rejuvenate it's like you just shot a hot load in the
ass what do you think that feels like I hate to always go so blue and goo but do
you feel the jizz was good do you do you feel the jizz of course fill up as it
get hot I mean you're even a woman even vaginal like can they feel that load
shooting is at all in size at all pipes I've wonder the same I think the the
anal you can feel everything because your ass is the most sensitive part of the
I mean sometimes I'll wipe for two hours just because I'm like whoa and I clean
it out with a with a zest bar and I really go to town but I think a lady it's
it varies cuz I my ex-girlfriend I would shoot a hot load of gasoline in there and
she was like all right we done here and my gal I do I do an eyedropper full of
visey and she's like everybody's different everybody poops everybody
hurts everybody poops yeah cuz it seems like such a it's the same with blowing a
guy this is why I want to blow a guy cuz I want to feel a hot splooge on the back
of my chest sure we can do that with a gusher or you ever had a really greasy
fried chicken when you bite into it that grease hits you yeah but you're not
working for it's a biting squirt I want to blow and a blow and a blow and then
the house comes down all over my the little thing that hangs I mean that
feels so satisfying oh yeah the hangy ball I imagine I don't know I'm no
stranger by the lake over here but how do you feel about the cartoon poster with
the black dick on it is that all right am I weird black dick there's one guy
he's a white guy with a brown dick he's all the way to the right is huge yeah
here while black dicks are big I know but I my dad had a brown dick I don't know
why it was a mocha it was so weird cuz he's a he's a tan guy he's like a European
he Frenchy swarthy woppy kind of guy and he had a weird big brown piece judge
Wapner I mean mine's a different color too but it's from being it yeah I'm sure
my well my dad grew up in the 30s so he there was no internet you know so he was
just throwing that thing down on a chopping block and it was a tenderizer
yeah you had to beat hard back in the day beat it good like the heart of a fat
guy I mean it's a hard beat right right yeah yeah he was he was on the beat and
the beat is on but he was he was packing heat I think I got about a half what my
dad's got ultimately half I think so yeah he was a generation I guess I guess so
yeah he had huge cards and Harry Harry chest Harry shoulders I got no chest
there interesting yeah I have a little something my nips looked like they fell
on the floor of a barber shop in the 80s and they got a little sticky but that's
about it just take some good dust and hair and maybe some lint women get that
isn't that weird when you see a nice pair of dits with a big puke on it am I
crazy no I don't know that one not my wife but I had an Italian dame for a
while and I told you would make up would make out I mean we never made up we
broke up but she had a five o'clock shadow of like she had like a
Buster Keaton looking face it was like a haggard yeah five o'clock shadow but I'd
take off for what do you call that thing Peter Brazier oh yeah and just like
look like ball hair just spread out but once every half an inch that just be a
nine and a half inch curly yeah those guinea cunts that they got a lot of fur on
them sometimes those Greek that Mediterranean skank that it's like a
grape leaf on their sideburn yeah it's off-putting but I feel bad you know
because it's like you know the judgment bodies or whatever whatever the shit is
that we're supposed to do but you know we're not naming names of just every
while you see a nipple with a crazy puke on it of course my big fat Greek
prostitute and I'll tell you that sometimes women are good about that
women have must see all kinds of horrific shit on a man like dingleberry
belly button jizz cobwebs in the taint and they just let it go you don't see
women going like what the fuck's that that's men do that men are very a little
more insensitive we just take it and they ride with it because they don't
embarrass you yeah I cannot imagine and maybe it's cuz I'm a heterosexual man
but I can't see some attractiveness in a man you know I'm Brad Pitt's better
looking than Wallace Sean oh you got that right but I see and we're standing
in front of the doably what did he say no inconceivable conceivably so I'm
looking at the strange by the lake so I'm thinking about the main guy the bad
guy he was a hunk and he's a hunk but he's all hairy I like I don't know how
hair is so off putting I agree I was thinking about this today that's so funny
to say that my gal she always says I wish you were hairier which alright I can I
can take that as a critique but it's just so fascinating how women how different
women are than men straight women and straight men are so wildly different
which is so weird how we're doing this thing we're all the same wildly they
want to be choked they want to have the hair pulled they want to be spanked I know
you you were the exception you like that too but the hairy chest the the towering
over you the control the take charge women like a guy who's mean right some
some of these but yeah that's more turn on but if I see a woman that's taller than
me I mean I hope she passes away in a car wreck I mean I'm just nasty it's gross
I'm sorry I can't handle it but this is sexual preference I don't really die I
hope she flourishes and goes to Harvard and becomes a you know a professional
wrestler whatever they're qualified for yeah yeah the hairy tall dick yeah I mean
I had a flight attendant today I mean she was ducking to get through in her
cast with the size of Cristiano Coye's quadriceps I mean it was just bad news
bears and she barely fit in that suit it was bursting at the seams she looked
six eight finally get a special order and extra you know like the extra seatbelt
extender should probably get that on the shoulder pad yeah just a big can of yuck
but you know but some guys are into that and and again just to be family look at
these legs than that's brighter than the ring light it's off the camera look at
this I mean Jesus it's a lanky leg it's all legs it's pretty gross and yet
somebody has sex with me my teeth are as crooked as a politician my forehead is
bigger than you know my father's asshole but you know someone blows me
well thank God as men the personality goes a long way the bank account the
the clothes you wear the car you drive the pipe you're swinging and all factors in
thank God well especially as you age like this this minute bowl lady I'm sure by
the time she's 48 there'll be some asshole you know feature acts on the
road at the funny bone that goes yeah you're a nice lady help buy your dinner
and then they'll work out or whatever I know a guy who loved tall women back in
Baton Rouge she was a waiter with me he called him trees he's like I like
climbing them I want to get in the leaves and rustle them and build a nest you
know what it is for me when I'm when I'm having sex I like a missionary where I'm
sitting up I like to hold the ankles like I'm working a tractor yeah but so I
need a petite leg a little leg that's not much work to hold it up cuz those big
tree legs yeah trunks I feel like my shoulders gonna start to hurt I can't
support it for too long I don't like a thing I want my I want to be able to get
my whole hand around the ankle and it's lightweight so I can maneuver yeah like
a like a Charlie Chaplin machine kind of thing yeah like a what's that
Rockham Sockham oh robot yes yeah some women even like the old guys like I like
a milf and a mom and a lady who's been you know divorced and down on her luck
and beaten but some women like an old man you know like in a wheelchair with
liver spots and a shrinkled cock and that blows my mind it's all preferences who
knows what where love grows or a rosemary goes whatever that dumb gay song was
but I'm just happy to be married I'm with you you're with me sure that's it
let's call it a day here here yeah it's same here where I'm glad we're together
and I gotta tell you speaking of old weird men I had a golf gig oh boy I
haven't heard that in a long time I used to do those back in the 90s did you a
lot of golf gigs loved a golf gig but the gig sucks but you don't golf I don't
go I like to golf I just don't golf so did you get to go I did not get to golf
that's the best part of the golf gig no gig golf no golfing but golf of
Mexico but it was a fuck up so I you know I have my day my night of shows I
got your New York comedy club here I got your fucking seller spot there you get
I had a stand a seller in New York spot so yeah and then I get that email going
looking forward to having you today oh like oh what did I forget what did I not
write down what did I do get the assistant I gotta get an assistant so I
go shit oh my god I'm at Long Island golf resort or whatever the fuck and I'm
like oh not only am I not remembering this gig but it's on Long Island and it
pays pretty damn well oh boy golf gigs are big I mean yeah cuz they know it's
shit so they're like give them $25,000 so he'll come and eat shit and slice
exactly four minutes was the only part I did well out of 20 and so I go all right
let me let me map this out and I'm pretending oh yeah I can't wait can't
wait it's at six so that buys me a little time okay so I look it up it's a
50 minute Uber or a 42 minute LIRR learn yes so what time is it now when
you're reading it uh two okay yeah so I got some daylight left so I go alright I
can haul ass out there get there for six you know there's three people on the
show there's a host and a you know basically a guy who's getting thrown
out to the wolves you know some open miker who's does six and then he dies and
then I go on so I'll be out of there by seven I hide Taylor back to New York I'm
back to New York by eight eight oh five okay all right so I I get there on the
LIR by the way the LIRR it's just so foreign to me there's numbers it's like
a racetrack betting it's like we're betting on the dogs or the horses I'm
like what is this I don't know what's quenella trifecta
Barbarella I'm all over the place is this at Grand Central Penn station okay
Penn is tough because it's tough I like the flippers though I love the flippers
yeah little letters that flip for the folks at home yes all the names become
something else they go right and just like a horse race you know it's like
hey coming down the line is anal Fisher and then we got dick cheese and Nazi
and all that just it's like the names Belmore is coming down and then we got
Ron Concoma you know and it sounds like horse names
bless you thank you Palestine so then I'm like all right what am I doing here I
gotta figure this out then you got to connect in Babylon it's a whole kitten
kaboo didn't you hate that song by the way that David Gray Bob Marley I don't know
Babylon remember that I was here when we were young I don't know Babylon I fucked
the whole story I was hoping you'd jump on and hate Babylon Babylon 5 this is
Babylon 0 it's David Gray from the 90s it was like high school it was huge when
we were like juniors I think it was really gay and like that one might have
done something that might have turned to the jar something it might a jar I think
I did a good job as I was doing that was good Jar Jar Binks that was pretty good
Babylon oh yeah yeah David Gray he was kind of a softy cunty singer songwriter
douche he did that one and he did save tonight tomorrow I'll be gone your father's
gay that was a big one yeah I hated that and then there was Babylon I remember it
now it's stunk stunk stunk but I cried to it twice all right so you see Babylon
pops up are you taking the Babylon I get over I gotta get over to Babylon then
switch tracks and and the other part about the Babylon and the race track and
they were on cockama is there's 88,000 cum guzzlers and ties and briefcases and
then the fat chick with the the roller suit case and the cunt with the dog and
you're like you know you can't see anything you're bump into people it's
like it's like home alone so whatever I get through it I get the Babylon and then
you go all right I got that that transfers the biggest moment of your
life because you got like a minute and everybody's going and you go hey do you
know where dick cheese is and they go who never heard of it I'm like you live
on line island all my life get out of here you never heard of anything I've
ever asked what is that no and then you don't know until you're moving because
they don't and it's not till you start moving they go this trans gonna stop at
bumble fucked suck my dick blow my dad fuck a kid and they don't say it you're
already moving so the time you don't hear your stop you're already in motion
then the guy comes with the Nazi hat and he says hey but you gotta go he's
doing that with his arm too and he's saying okay hey you gotta get off of the
next stop and he's mad at you for some reason right you gotta get off of the
next stop then get a cab back to your parents house and then go back in your
mother's twat she really gives you birth yeah and you get the guy who who's
trying to avoid you he's got the earbud in you go hey buddy which way is a
Babylon he goes hey buddy and he goes I don't know and you're like yeah you got
nothing for me so I finally ask a guy with the hat on there's some kind of
Mountie and he goes oh yeah it's right across the track that comes in two
seconds I jump on that I get out there now I gotta jump in an uber to get to
the to the links is that we call it links the links and that what people call
the oh hit the links I was still looking train yeah so I get to the links you
know that takes another 20 minutes finally I'm there beautiful say what you
will about these country club queeps and all this shit but man they got the
grounds and the guys in the white jacket and the golf cart going the cigars
they're clinking Budweiser's it looks like fun all I want my life is to belong
to a country club you watch curb the golf every day you steam is a steam room and
you just belong to a club I mean you get older when you're young you're like
wow we shouldn't have that classes right the whole thing and now I'm like I want
class I want I want to be a gated community I put my thumbprint on there
yeah they say welcome mr. Liz they give me a bathrobe and we all talk about how
much we hate poor people that's the life baby that's living so you show up and
I'm like hey comedy show and some cute lady in a dress is like oh it's outside
I'm like oh it's an outdoor show of course COVID queef so I go out there full
spread with the weird Hispanic guy you know chopping brisket and then the big
the big you know those big metal things they open like that they put the
paper cutter no it's like a big troth almost and they open it up and it
kind of you know and then they put the the tongs on the front then you go in
it's chicken parm it's you know chicken marsala and salad and noodles and all
that shit I mean I mean hog heaven that's that's my dream I like to say you
pretend there's gonna be a head in there maybe you know you know in the pulp
fiction when he opened the briefcase that's what it's like for me when they
open those dishes I'm like I got a bandit on my neck so I just scooped down the
food he's like you're on in two minutes and I go where's the dessert card he goes
oh that's in so I pile over all these cookies in my pockets I go up it was
actually all right oh nice bunch of guys smoking like it on picnic tables in
like outdoor chairs it's kind of like oh that wasn't bad and then I heard one guy
kind of had some rough spots because I went edgy whatever it was a it was a PG
13 kind of had a couple rough spots I got out I jumped back in an Uber but I
took a piss first and I come out I'm washing my hands and the guy goes hey
great job I go sorry I push it a little bit goes you got to push it and I went
yeah got the Uber went went drove back to the LIR got back in time made all the
shows oh that's a relief and you got a nice fat check in your pocket big check
those guys are usually cool too because you know they're all just golfed they all
they got the dopamine's going they had a good hang they had a cigar they got a
little nicotine a couple drinks and they were sweetest pot they don't want to
watch some twerp up there with the bad jacket and shitty hair go on and talk
about Jews but they were nice and they got life by the balls and everybody
talks about the 1% a bunch of douches and like they just want to golf they made
their money leave alone yeah they like golf and I like golf and what are you
gonna do I mean these public courses forget about it this is it's patchy and
all nasty I mean I'm a Kramer did a whole speech about it you can Google it
Google it give it a go so all right I'm a bargain now I want to hear about a
little Tejas a little Joe rogue a little a paramount I got no notes my notes are
inside the camera but whatever we'll figure it out but so I'll get into it
I'm excited to tell it because I told this story on Rogan but he's a different
kind of guy you know sure he's kind of he's got muscles he's he's got these
ball and he kind of goes oh interesting he's interested tough not to crack trust
me I kept waiting for him to be like did your jizz on the tits you know something
like that something fun no jizz no tits but so I go out to Austin I'm there for
the long haul this is the longest I've ever stayed in a domestic hotel by myself
is every six nights I'm there wow I've got to Paris for a week sure my wife you
know in the UK but I mean there's not a lot of situations where you're at like a
domestic hotel for a week well you've been doing comedy since 41 haven't you
never you didn't it used to be like Tuesday to Monday was the old way they
did it back at the the Jew face there well maybe act me but then I would open
for DiPallo and he didn't do that shit he wasn't doing that maybe there's some
gigs a couple I don't know I just throw it out there but usually those are
condo gigs doesn't matter it's the longest in memory anyway so memory I'm
staying the hotel you stayed at the Stephen F. Austin downtown cute and the
lady apologized because we did the podcast you were out there and I was like
that room looks tiny and you're like it's tiny and they put in the wrong room I
guess is that right tell mark I'm sorry you in a small room I was like I'm in a
huge room and she's like we fucked up she's like I listen to the pod I feel so
bad we owe them like yeah oh when you go back I think you're getting the king
sweet hell yeah because she's like I watched it I was look I was doing
measurement she's like we feel horrible the whole city's embarrassed I thought
it was tiny I brought a little boy in there he made fun of me I mean I had I
mean I had my I was jogging in there I was a little hurt well I had to warm up
to keep from these street folk what happens so I get in the car I fly to
Austin and I just I love Austin and I almost hate how much it's exploding I
know makes it hard to be like because every time you say I love Austin like
are you moving of course I'm not moving Tim Dylan hates it he won't shut up by
it's a cow town I can't move around over there it's tiny do the whole thing in
one minute yeah well he was like yeah I don't want to I don't want to get into
Tim's stuff boy I'm sure he says it anyways but he's not gay anyways love
Tim didn't get to meet up with it because he lives way the fuck out we were
gonna meet up and then I got tired because of the thing whatever but so fly
to Austin I'm all excited I get in like six o'clock and I'm ready to seize the
day I love Austin I'm downtown it's beautiful and text some people I text
Rebecca Trent who runs the creek in the cave which is now in Austin which is
like bizarro world because it's a fixture here in New York and Queens right
down the street from where we are and they start Lee they got it cooking then
two shakes about a dog's dick yeah wild I love dog dicks I like the taste so I
get down there and I get picked up they stay treat you like a million bucks oh
yeah I don't deserve it I'm at the Palace Theater Houdini and the Mark's
brothers played their paramount theater excuse me so it was very important so I
get there I'm staying in this nice hotel down downtown they pick you up in a big
old SUV oh yeah big guy in a suit and a vest he meets you you tip that guy 20 bucks
both ways well the lady this morning I gave 10 because that's all I had a 10 and
a 50 women get paid less well this one did but that's all I had it's so hard
that's why I won't transition and then it feels hard to explain it you want to
explain like I only have a 50 but that feels weird to be like I'm not giving you
50 obviously oh what are you a Rockefeller but it's a 12 minute car ride
and it's a nice company so I soon they get paid well and 10 bucks is 20% of 50
right yeah yeah that's 20% of 50 so even if it's a $50 car which I don't know if
that is yeah whatever yeah so he picks me up and this guy was he had like a
southern he was like a Sam Elliott type Texas and so we're driving and he says
I don't need to wear a mask I'm vaccinated I said hey I'm vaccinated too and then
we're driving quietly for a while and he says so you're comedian I say yeah and
he goes well he goes isn't it weird with this political correctness so now you
got to dance around a little bit because it is weird and I don't want to get in
the whole thing it's all we ever fucking talk about sure I'm tired of talking
about it sure but he goes yeah well you know it's weird with this political
correctness because you know we can't say this you can't say that but I drove a
hip-hop artist and he said and he was in the back seat he was nice as could be
gave me a big tip couldn't have been nicer funny guy but every out of the word
out of his mouth was this guy just shoots off the n-word like a machine gun I
mean like I assume he's a afro-americani no he's white
hip-hop no he's black okay so he's I was like you know Snoop or somebody parallel
to Snoop I don't know but he said yeah the guy just went and you're in the
back seat like you landed in Texas and it was Texas yeah and and you know in the
the context you're like I understand what he's saying he's quoting which but I'm
like I don't think we're doing that anymore either I was like I don't know
if you got the emails or so you check the tweets but I don't think that flies
anymore but just me and him we're having fun sure it was quite an experience to
land in Texas a 10 gallon hat the white mustache and bang here it is culture shock
baby yeah that was it was raining n-words and then of course I feel like an asshole
because then I say n-word because like he's saying the n-word I'm saying quote
n-word I'm like oh the thing about the n-word is oh he's just responding but
now I feel like he hates me so are you not gonna say it you're a narc and now I
feel weird you should have said it in the confines of the car I feel like
you're amongst friends it's not bugged it's not a friend I don't know who this
guy is what if he pulls like a mission impossible right that's an
impractical Joker scene get the guy in a car see if you can get him to say the
n-word within 30 minutes yeah so that was a spicy deep dive into the into Texas
well I don't want to cast dispersion to this guy because they might be able to
trace back here's the thing I'm worried about what if someone goes someone from
the you know the people that work for the club listened before but the hotel so
what if they go hey let's find out who his driver was get him can so I maybe I
shouldn't even been saying this that's out now well but he's a nice guy and he
was quoting he's an old-school guy you could tell it wasn't malice he was just
like this guy was in my car and he was saying this right right I get it I'm
just saying it's weird to hear that nowadays because you're like Jesus Christ
yeah yeah yeah gotta be careful sir of course of course thank God he's not a
comedian who but who knew this is the the infamous Tony Hinchcliffe weekend oh
guys going comedians can't say shit and you're like well just give it two hours
and we might have a new culprit well that's the other thing is I had just
gotten off the plane taking it off airplane mode and somebody had sent that
to me so this was all happening at the same time so any any jizz so we're in
the car then we're driving up 6th Street which has now become a lot of homeless
people oh a lot ref yeah did you notice that oh yeah quite a scene there and I
said to him and this is a little careful stepping because it was after the other
talk and I went hey let's look at a little more spicy here and he's like oh
yeah they just passed a law but they're not enforcing it yet but these 10 because
it's tense everywhere right at just hundreds and hundreds of unfortunate
folks sure sure a lot of drugs a lot of drugs feel for them empathy but like any
good liberal I want to support and I care about them they deserve our empathy
and help yes but I don't want to near me right before to help from you know that
is the liberal way a distance yeah here's a couple bucks someone figure that
out yeah get it not my backyard right so we're driving up and he goes yeah you
gotta be careful around here it's a little crazy and I'm seeing like people
just openly doing drugs yelling screaming walking right in front of the
car like pretty wild yeah it's like 5 in the afternoon 6 in the afternoon or
evening whatever you call it anyways I'm telling this long story long so he
drops me off and I go all right great I go upstairs check in beautiful hotel all
excited go get eat some food text Rebecca I say hey I'm gonna come over to the
creek tonight yeah why not and I go I'll walk I look it up 8 minute walk right
down 7th Street East gotta walk a few blocks east of the hotel I start walking
nice and quiet dark no big deal what is a Tuesday this is Tuesday night I'm
heading to the 10 o'clock show so it's about 950 I'm gonna get there early
hang out get to know myself or get to know whatever the fuck get to know the
people but 9 o'clock I'm walking now you know the city pretty well between the
hotel there's two big parking lots one on the right side yep one on the left and
they're both empty it's Tuesday night no one has any business so it's just
pitch black wide open spaces and you hear like a little like street sounds like
oh boy this is getting a little little nervous little on edge you know I've
spent a lot of time in my life in the city so I know I'm street smart you're
tingling a little yeah spidey senses I'm going all right I'm not a hick here I'm
a city guy so I go all right this is looking a little thanks you get the
head in the swivel and you're ready to rock and I get in front of this big
parking lot pitch black no cars and I see two shadowy figures and a third
shadowy figure on a bicycle BMX hate the bike don't like a bike but from a
distance I was like they're just drinkers they're stumbling home and then I got a
little close and I'm still like 200 yards away and I'm like shit they're not
drinkers I can tell by the way they're walking ones and should they look a
little haggard they walk in a little fucked up they've seen some better days
and as we start to get closer 50 yards I'm like these are some street guys oh
boy street tufts and then the BMX guy takes a wide turn out in the parking lot
and I'm just keeping an eye because I haven't seen them communicate together
but he's taking this wide loop so I got an eye on him and he starts kind of
circling back my direction but still some distance now we're closing in and
these two guys are coming as they get closer I see I start to make them out
and they just look beat up they're fucked up a little limpy little fucked up
drugs and I'm thinking you know they're on drugs you need money if you have a
drug habit you're homeless yep any money's good money I'm walking hey I got
money look at me and you got glasses you're not a towner and not a lot of a
lot of skinny hulanky honkeys walk around at this hour right now you know I'm
wearing you know jean whatever by look at me I have money I mean I'm not I'm not
living in the streets so derelict so they're getting closer so I just and
they're taking up the whole sidewalk so I just step off the sidewalk and walk
along now that was a bad move a beta move they didn't like that because they
perceive that is look at this white motherfucker what you what you racist
mother and I'm just quoting here yeah and they go you racist motherfucker getting
off the side well look at this motherfucker and and it was like Jay and
silent Bob there was a taller guy he was the leader yeah then the shorts guy what
guy was it sure he was just kind of fucked up he wasn't responding at all
maybe a little and he's like yeah mother fuck and he kind of stopped here and
did like a look and I just kept walking and didn't say anything whatever that
look but I'm off the sidewalks then I moved back onto the sidewalk like maybe
I was just trying to give him space I wasn't trying to but also you keep your
distance and then the bike guy he comes around over here all of a sudden this
bike guy is back over here and I'm like I don't like this then I come up to this
thing that's called the arch which is a famous homeless shelter I guess everyone
said arch over at arch so I get to the light the red light the intersection and
there's about 25 homeless folks and they're not sleeping begging for money
they're active they're yelling it's like glasses smashing it's just a scene
and I'm like I don't feel like walking through that it's a whole thing it's
it's a whole thing you know I don't know if I'm in danger whatever it is and then
I look on that corner and there's about 15 people over there they're having a
hang yeah so I'm like I don't want to walk through the middle of the street
because that was already initially stepped off the sidewalk so I look to the
left and it's up into this parking lot it's just pitch black over there and to
the right if I go right that's 6th Street which is where the driver and the
lady at the hotel was like that's where everybody is you want to avoid that okay
so I go hmm well this isn't looking good a rock and a hard anal so I crossed the
street and just start walking back I'm bailing and I'm so close I can see the
creek but I'm just going that felt like an incident what am I doing I'm not even
booked on the show I'm just going down there to say hello there's 30 people over
here and it's rocking and rolling they're fighting over whatever so I go you
know what I'm gonna walk back maybe I'll take an Uber so I start walking back up
on this side of the street I'm walking back up the street and I noticed the
other two are walking away but all of a sudden they stop boy then here comes
bicycle guy and he starts coming up and he uses his feet on the cement to break
ooh so it's like a and he also has an umbrella across the thing which could be
a weapon who knows what what the hell is he a Batman villain so he pulls up and
then just kind of breaks and stops here as I continue to walk and we have like an
eye contact and I'm just like okay just keep going up a little because now I
know he's behind me and I can hear I'm listening don't hear any movement so I
don't know where he is now at this point you must be thinking like it's on like
this is about to go down something's going down well I'm just thinking the
heart's racing a little bit I got a lot of meditation anxiety nothing's
happening yet just be cool everything's fine maybe you're just freaking out you're
an anxious guy but then as luck has it I think these two turned and saw me walking
back this way so they cross directly at me and a guy goes you wouldn't be
following anybody would you can I just say this is you're in Texas it's late
this feels like a Western you got the guy on the bike which is like a horse
then he's got his two dumb drunk guys with the jug with the X's on it and
they're like oh yeah and then the guy's the alpha and he's he's like a shitty
bandit or something you know and he's just mocking you and following you and
he's got nowhere to go and you're you ain't from around here boy like all
that shit and you're like the weird farmer who's like kind of lost that's
what it was like and so he said you wouldn't be following us and I put up
both hands and said oh no sir I'm just lost I went sir I went hey hands up I'm
not here to do anything I said I'm just lost and I tried to give him the this
is you this is your spot I'm an asshole fuck me and he goes yeah you better be
lost and then I tried to kind of once again I step off the side go this way
and he starts and then it now the heart starts really racing because I know
there's a guy behind me these two it's our second run in they came across to
that confront me and he's like you better fucking be law and then said several
other obscenities yep and they start coming yes so that he starts he's heard
it a lot already coming close I know I've heard it from every character I've
bumped into has said it and then what a lady would she threw one out
unexpectedly well you know those scooters they have the uber scooter the bird
there was one of those and he kicked that with some with some guff and was
really letting the explicitives fly so that at that moment I went take care comb
your hair and I just went full run I said fuck this I'm out of here I don't
know what's going on with this but I'm not sticking around to find out went
full run never look back this is the most embarrassing part I get a block up and
I'm in a full run I just see like two hipsters and skinny jeans holding hands
like fedora just heading that direction and I'm like am I a cunt what's wrong
with me I'm a piece of shit but you know you didn't know why take the risk that's
how I feel Rogan agrees like he did the right thing you gotta get out of there
and I talked to Diego Lopez he's like oh fuck a street fight you gotta get out of
there the whole point of training is to is to be a little bit safer yes and if
you can run you're safe so I got the fuck out of there texted Rebecca she's
like I'll send security I was like I'm good it's an omen I'm going to bed God
bless you I'll see you tomorrow night and the next night I told Rogan's I'll
give you a ride so he picked me up he's got onto Raj we rode in the Tesla was
very excited never been in a Tesla first Tesla experience it's pretty wild right
pretty fun there's a goddamn movie screen there is a movie screen it doesn't
change gears the seats are made out of marshmallows or some shit that it's
quiet as a cum guzzler it's a beautiful thing we gotta throw some yeah yeah I
didn't want to interrupt the the saga you know I feel bad it wasn't funny I
stink oh that was I was on edge I felt like I was watching a what is it Quinn
tupplet to zero care of the zero no carry the zero zero to tend to Yuma
all three didn't you pretend to you I was trying to think of that guy when you
said Ben what's that so good God he's good oh he's good so good what boy if
you had him with you it would have been a different story oh yeah Tuesdays hey
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Tuesdays yes all right nicely done I gotta give you a quick clicker please
give me a click so as we're talking by the way I'm worried about the driver should
I not have told that story no you're fine you're fine it's funny he's a nice guy
he probably drives well drove very well so this morning we're recording this late
Monday night we gotta thank Shelby for staying up he's burning the midnight oil
getting this up there she'll go he's an insomniac so great TV show thank you so
I get picked up this morning 5 a.m. still pitch black outside get picked up nice
lady throw the thing in the trunk slam the door we pull up it's like a woody
Allen movie huh driving up the street 5 a.m. pitch black who do I see old lanky
and shorts right next to the parking lot right where they got me I must have been
right in their home I saw him this morning wait wait wait wait the muggers
the costors the guy why didn't mug me the guys I said the airport no on the
hotel because it happened two blocks in the hotel I'm driving up and they're
right there I would recognize I pick them out of a lineup I was like that's them
they're right there and it really like actually humanized them more because you
just see them like they're two little buddies just hanging out so they're just
loser homeless weirdos well I take out loser but they're just retarded I don't
know they're idiots I mean it's like when you see the bully with his dad and
come here you fucking fat cunt that he's slapping the kid around like oh dad
you're like oh wow this is this human yeah I think they're just they're just
paired off their couple of pals they fell on some hard times but you see them and
I did it was like straight out of anything else that Woody Allen movie with
Jason Biggs like as I'm leaving I see like Kristina Stinky yeah and I just
see him and I did this move and watched him and I'm like that's for sure them
same outfits I guess they don't have a lot of wardrobe but I saw that the big
shorts the littler guy and the big tall guy with the whatever that thing is corn
row like a nylon hat skull cap a skull cap do rag do rag thing yeah whatever it
is a hair net it looked like a hair net ah yes hair net but it was funny to be
like there they are there's those two guys and it did feel like it's just Pete
and Jim or whatever yeah what were they doing digging through the garbage or
eating each other out it was hard to tell cuz we're moving they looked like
they were facing the water I don't know if they're peeing or looking for a play
or just kind of chatting or whatever but I was like that's most definitely them
did you give him a dude dude hey dickless you should have beat me up when you had
the chance nice bike come stay no I didn't say anything and I didn't tell
the story but I felt like Gordy the chance when he saw the deer I was like I
never spoke of it until you know right now when I told 80,000 people wow but it
was something yeah what a full sirk full sirks just lay John was a lay
him I think he's in LA going down on a guy but he was a funny cat and got great
hair and a scientist yes like we're so let me be a two partner I'm sorry I see
all these notes I got 20 I haven't even got to the bar amount we got 10 minutes
left I'm sorry oh my god I write everything down so half of this is not
that I can speed through 14 things so let me just do up the big one I'm gonna
do the big cheese and then move on with my life yeah please I'll go I'll get in
to Texas next week I'll do Texas next week too well all right well what do you
got you got a I'll do a little nugget do a nugget that's my main nug okay well my
main nug is is told it comes so maybe I'll save that too I don't know if I can
not get another main no because they like your main nugs I mean we got 10
minutes here all right all right I'm saving so as I already know I'm gonna
get a scolding here but I can't say no and I got to start saying no cuz I had
the worst travel day of my entire life oh boy I can't even I don't want to hear
should I leave the room maybe solo maybe you should cuz I'm embarrassed already
and I hate my anal and all this shit so so I'm supposed to go to Salisbury
Maryland for a gig oh wow that sounds like a high-paying gig you know I worked
it out with these kids these queefs out in Maryland you know over DM and I'm
blah blah blah made a deal would do two shows but we can sell out too okay here
we go two days before the gig I had to cancel and I realized I already made
plans for another gig oh boy so they hate me they're like oh my god we've
been promoting the whole town's a buzz we got billboards with your name but we
made t-shirts and bumper stickers like ah shit I feel horrible but I already
planned this other gig I'll tell you what Nicholas I'll give you another week so
we bumped it up two weeks and I said I swear to God I'll be there whatever and
they go okay you're making it up we appreciate it and then of course the
day comes and whoa boy did I regret this so I shoot this drumming video all
day drumming yeah this kid made a drumming video of me my stand up and he
drummed to it like to the beat it was pretty great this kid's like a drumming
Josh he's like this drumming virtuoso phenom savant hey Josh yeah so I start
going hey this is a great video and he goes oh yeah I'm a fan of comedy well and
I go we should do a video together we're on stage together and he goes I would
love that so then we get together and I say well why don't we just shoot a whole
day of shit in the park and all this and make us like a little sketch okay so we
spend the whole day shooting this thing we do the stand we do the video it's a
whole nine-hour shoot then me and Sam go do a pod at like 10 30 at night that goes
to 1 a.m. then the next day I gotta go to Salisbury Maryland which includes
getting on an Amtrak to Baltimore even though I just got back from Baltimore
that weekend getting on Amtrak to Baltimore I'm on no sleep then Umar Khan
funny comic out of Baltimore is gonna pick me up and we're gonna drive two
hours to Salisbury okay and this is a gig in Salisbury which is a college town
apparently there's some normal school there you've heard of I can't think of
right now Maryland maybe that's it
Maryland University I don't know that's not in Salisbury that's in like Annapolis
there's some kind of school there that people have heard of it's a college town
and it's like on the on this big restaurant on the river kind of thing
and so I was like all right so the night before my buddy Eric is texting me Eric
man Park Norman shooter the whole thing he goes hey you're better off taking a
bus to Philly which is like an hour and a half then I'll drive us and I'll film
the whole thing wow that's nice yeah and I said all right great so I jump in the
car with I do that so now I got to call them they cancel the train whatever so I
get on the bus go to meet Eric man I go sleep on the bus I don't sleep on the
bus I get in the car with man he picks me up in Philly we drive to three hours to
Salisbury we get there two shows it's a bit of a haul it's a drunk mess I kind of
bomb on the second one a lot of Tuesday's headlocks these guys are boozing I
try to sell some shirts the openers get they were super nice they were super
funny they got a little drunk and I did the second show and I was like I got to
get out of here and I just did the second show I ran out the door and it was
one of those things were umars like they're looking all over for you where
the hell did you go I'm like I had to go I did the show I left so now I'm like
what do I do do I go back to Philly and sleep on Eric man's couch or do I try to
get back to Baltimore and get a train now it's one in the morning two in the
morning so I say fuck it'll sleep on his couch I'll get it a bus at 7 a.m. so I'm
already on no sleep there was a whole day of shooting now we've been drinking
now we're back in Philly and now we get to Philly about 2 a.m. okay but I gotta
get back to New York the next day to fly to Texas oh you're flying on the next
day yeah boy I really pushed it here so I we get to Philly now we're circling his
neighborhood because he's got to park the rental car yeah it's a nightmare then
I got to wake up at 7 get on the bus to Philly get to New York get to JFK a bus
and a plane the same day same day oh it can be done folks I can rally normally
normally I can rally but this was a tough one so we get to Philly at 2 a.m. we're
circling he lives in in city center center city whatever it's a really cute
little it's like the village of Philly hmm and it's right under that bridge it's
beautiful so we can't find parking finally Eric's a Jew for Manhattan he's
like I can't really parallel park that well and I was like well if you want me
to do it I can do it but we find a spot right in front of his house
miracle and I was like it's pretty tight and it was one of those parallels where
you're you're paralleling on that side of you okay so it's a little harder so
that on that side what's that you're bad on that side he is he is so he's pulling
I'm like all right you got it you got it you got it and he pulled in too hard and
he hit the butt on the curb and I said yeah you got to pull it out and rejuke it
pulls it out paint scrapes up man this is a just really gave it the oh Jesus it's
two in the morning we're on no sleep we've had a couple of beers I got a
shit myself I want to get some sleep I hate myself it's a prince of nightmare
well the thing is that sleepy is like the equivalent of drinking yeah they say
if you're on no sleep like right now I'm like six beers in this is my seventh
yeah yeah so now it's a whole another bag of hammers now it's we got to hide
the rental we got to hide the body we got to kill your wife we got to figure
something out and get some sleep on top of it whoo so he goes hey pulls it out
it's just that you know that thing where you hit the car and you're up against the
car and now you got to pull out more to get off the car right it's like Garth
with the screwdriver what a what a weird analogy but I got it I know but one of
the funniest moments so good so so he pulls out and now we're now we're
driving and he's going oh my god I'm gonna call my dad what do I do here oh my
he's a nice boy you know so he's like oh I can't believe that like it's two in
the morning we got to stay on shape stay in focus so now we're looping around
again he's like I'll just put in the garage what are we gonna do we got a
sneak back in with the neighbor we gotta climb the tree go through the window he
can't see us because barely that's a neighbor's car so maybe I'm giving away
too much information because some neighbors probably like who did it that
he hears this I feel like we're ruining multiple lives as I said shit if this guy
gets fired and this guy gets arrested I mean we're gonna have to kill ourselves
yeah I know I know this is bad all right well we're deep in but so now we're
finally find a spot five blocks away and I go let me park it we part I
parallel park that puppy right in there thank you oh yeah which he filmed
park parallel park Norman we get it in we take our shit we walk up now he gets
out and he's like hey this isn't so bad I mean it's got the big on it and he gets
a little water out of my water bottle he's doing a little that and it's pretty
good it's a lot of scuff oh it's scuff but there is some crinkles scuff is good
scrape is bad scrape is bad not a lot of scrape but a good crinkle
well that was cute so now we walk back is like what do I do do I leave a note do
I write a letter to my congressman do I call the police do I call a FEMA so we
go upstairs we try to go to bed it's tossing and turning I can hear him
praying to the Lord and going west I wish I could take back what I've done and
I've sinned and Allah take me so we finally doze off there's the alarm we
gotta wake now we gotta get our fat asses up we go out we see the car it's got
the hole the other car it's got the whole kitten on the side we're doing this
shit you know we're trying to be casual we don't know whose car this is we're
doing a lot of that and it comes up pretty good although our sleeves are all
white and gay it looks like we've got bukkake and I jump on the buzz I get back
to New York I kiss the lady she goes hey where you been I got a long story I
gotta go now I grab another bag I mean I can't imagine this woman she needs a
support group I know I don't blame right I got made her a mannequin of myself took
you can slap it around so jump grab another suitcase that's bigger I fill
that with dildos and guitar picks and I crap that fucking play in a JFK and I
get to Texas and the rest is history oh my god I mean this is horrible it makes
me it gives me like the willies I can't handle it you gotta get an assistant yes
here's what I want you to do I want you to go out get an assistant for six bucks
an hour someone you know with a pair of balls of tits or whatever sure that can
help you scoop and boop whatever yes and then get yourself a nice car not a nice
car shit like a Chevy spark something to throw up your mother's ass that you can
jump in and drive to Salisbury steak because it's great you're on a bus I
mean you're doing very well you shouldn't be on a bus to a plane the bus was the
best option ironically but I'm with you when I was on that thing I was like this
is not where I should be buy a car for like 11 grand or whatever I mean it is
less I know there might be cars for six grand or whatever the fuck but something
reliable don't go by a fucking 1941 you know Pontiac Duesenberg yeah just get a
nice yeah you know a Toyota a fucking Chevy my ballsack yeah whatever I got
you I got you buy something nice and whatever something yeah something
you know what's reliable yes and you throw it in the thing and then you got a
gig in a 300 mile radius you pop in you drive over there you fuck your mother in
exactly yeah you probably but then you got to park it that's the other thing
park Norman you got to keep it in the city you got to move it every eight
minutes all the street sweepers coming it sucks but it's better than taking a bus
and I don't even I don't know this Eric man is he sounds made up I don't trust
the further than I can throw him now he's a cute kid nice guy let me crash on
the couch and you know it felt like it felt like the 40s again with your
friend like oh we broke the window with the baseball what are we gonna do you
know it was that feeling again but I think we made it work the guy's not gonna
notice it for 10 more years and he'll shit a brick when he sees it but it was
it was subtle enough we made it back we made every gig but I'll tell you you
know you get on that plane to Texas I'm at I'm at JFK I'm like oh my throat
starting to hurt I got Ebola you know you got on a plane now you're now you're
on a plane like this you know with no sleep or try to sleep luckily I get to
Texas I don't want to get to a new because we got to wrap up but the guy
texts me before I'm getting on the plane goes you want anything for your
green room and I go it's gonna sound weird but I want heavy drugs give me a
Xanax give me a sleeping pill a propa fall a Xanapan as whatever killed Michael
Jackson give me that and he was like you got it I was like all right great so I
got there he had me a baggie full of horse tranquilizers and I put those in my
dick hole and went to bed I slept for like 13 hours yeah that's how I feel
right now I'm just wiped it I gotta get up in the morning and drive to Maryland
ironically or Virginia whatever one of them yeah that's close sure for lovers
both the Baltimore suburbs oh that's right the DMV DC suburbs whatever
and he just those are some tales I mean I gotta get a lot more about Texas you got
Texas next week's gonna be all Texas I mean this is a controversial episode I'm
in my head I missed half things you said cuz I'm worried about the driver who
seemed like a nice guy yeah he's good he's doing Rogan in a week what we
should do is record again this week while we're here you're you get a little
rest a little relaxation I can regroup I'm barely here though I'm the thing so
tomorrow morning I get up as the people are listening I'm driving to Virginia to
film a thing tomorrow I gotta drive five hours film for four hours and drive back
five hours holy dick and I would stay but I was just gone for six days I missed
my goddamn wife she's 78 years old she's not gonna live much longer what wait is
she going with no she's got her own business and I'm shooting some things so
maybe myself and then I get back I have Wednesday here and then Thursday I go
to Mohegan Sun this weekend with the great Matt Wayne I haven't I've been
waiting to do this gig for two years now comics roadhouse and then next
Wednesday back in Royersford again wow three new minutes but I'm bringing
friends I'm bringing some heavy artillery oh yeah if you know what I mean oh
bald balding clear loud and queer it ain't Rogan but taller yeah and Matt
Wayne's coming to that one too and he ain't gonna sell any tickets though so
special guest gotta be a big show so get your tickets go hit up Royersford soul
Joel's and if you're in New England comics this weekend Mohegan Sun come
out let's game we'll hit the roulette wheel together wait a minute this is a
ticket slip sip you're not gonna like it but I gotta throw it out there and just
shoot me down on air so we don't even do it because it's gonna be a clinker up
your your stinker we're both gonna be in Connecticut this weekend yes all right
just say we could meet up and shake hands and touch decks and well maybe if
you had the Chevy spark I'm talking about me a little easier but I'm gonna
have to drive to you 45 minutes each way which is possible it's possible maybe
Saturday the three of us we meet halfway you take an Uber who's I got I got hot
Doug Key over there hi tail on all over CT maybe we'll do a Doug Key Matt Wayne
Joe Listmark Norman hang that midday hell of a queef yeah I like it
down low but yeah yeah all right all right this is something to think about
but you know we're gonna be bored you don't hang out no gunk when well what's
it on Unkinsville I never had to say it I think yeah I think you got it well I
got roulette wheels up the ass well you're gonna lose all your cheese in one
night you're gonna shirt your shirts gonna come off so at the second night
maybe you should ask a doodle over to Hartford well if someone's coming
somewhere I mean let's be on I mean they don't even need to ask the audience
you're in Hartford which is the shittiest place on the planet I'm at a
casino yeah good point I don't mind throwing a little craps around get Doug
Key now we'll all play we'll take over a blackjack table ruin everybody's night
we'll secretly film on the fly that's pretty good and by the way you know if
Chuck hears this he's gonna come up oh he's no England
gay Chuck get your ass up there Chuckie cheese this is gonna be wild and finally
some exposure for MW I mean this guy yeah he's holding on by a thread for God's
I think he's a garbage man at this point but I don't know what he does for a
living but either way I do he's a physical therapist that's right yeah he
cured my back so yeah all right we gotta wrap this thing up where you gonna be
you said your dates I already said them I'm also gonna be at soul Joel's on the
16th I believe and Hartford please tickets are horrible
spoke cans looking all right I'm down in Houston I'm in San Marcos
San Antonio I'm back in Houston I was in a I was in a suburb of Houston just now
so I love Texas I can't stop going and where am I also shit in my mouth the
Toledo Dayton I'm in some weird markets so God no Syracuse Portland God knows I
need you so come on out say hello and praise Allah we love you queep it up