Two Doting Dads with Matty J & Ash - #76 Mrs April Wicks !!

Episode Date: June 30, 2024

The most anticipated guest since we found out Ash's wife is, in fact, real – Mrs April Wicks!  April shares all of Ash's deepest, darkest secrets - from how he first got her attention at a bar on a... Saturday night, how he spent two weeks courting her over text messages, not being able to afford their first dinner date to a proposal in San Francisco and what she thinks of his social media impersonations of her. We'll definitely get a glimpse of Ash's soft side! If you need a shoulder to cry on:  Buy our book:  Two Doting Dads Facebook Group:  YouTube:  Instagram:  TikTok: See for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Ash, it's not often that we can say that the guest who's going to jump on this podcast is one that you've had sex with. Oh, look how rosy your cheeks are going. You're so flustered. Oh, gosh. I do not wish to talk about it. Look, I'm happy she's here, let's be honest. I'm a little worried.
Starting point is 00:00:21 We are, of course, talking about April, who is your beloved wife. I thought we were talking about your mum. No. Oh, cut. Hey. Hey. Sorry. Sorry, sorry, sorry.
Starting point is 00:00:33 Let's not go there. April is going to dish all the dirt on her husband. Oh, God. The co-host of this podcast, Two Dirty Dads. His name is Ash Wicks. Ash, are you worried about what the listeners are going to find out today? Not at all. No.
Starting point is 00:00:47 A little bit worried? Tiny bit. Tiny bit. Tiny bit. But we'll get through. I'm sure we'll get through. She has been one of the most requested guests that we've ever had, and it's taken a very long time.
Starting point is 00:00:58 Lots of convincing that this is a good idea. All right. Ash is excited. Let's get into it. Stop touching my knees. Welcome back to Two Doting Dads and One Doting Mum. I am Matty J. I'm Ash.
Starting point is 00:01:29 And I'm April. Here she is, everyone. We've got her. Much anticipated, I think. We've teased it the most. But this is a podcast all about parenting. It's the good, the bad. And the relatable.
Starting point is 00:01:44 And April, I dare say you have a lot of advice to give. I don't know. I feel like you have wisdom bursting out of your seams. More so than Ashton, probably. Yeah, that's about right. Can I ask, we were meant to record this last week and you had a tooth or teeth removed. Did that actually happen? I wasn't sure if that was a made-up story. Show me your teeth. Cleaters. They're all there.
Starting point is 00:02:09 They're all there. Cleaters, I believe. Did you? I had some dental work, yeah, and so I decided to postpone. She had to go see the mouth mechanic. Yeah. And waste all her money down there. Okay, because I was like, maybe this will never happen.
Starting point is 00:02:23 Yeah. She played hard to get for a little while. I was going to cancel this morning, to be honest. I was like maybe this will never happen. Yeah. She played hard to get for a little while. I was going to cancel this morning, to be honest. I was expecting it. When I came in the front door, I didn't think you'd be upstairs. I thought you'd be like running errands or something. But it's great to have you here. It is good to have you, finally.
Starting point is 00:02:39 I do want to say we don't have many listeners. Not many. I'm just saying this to make it feel comfortable. But they were all very excited on Facebook, on Instagram. The Facebook, man. On the Facebook, everybody was very keen to hear your voice. That's reassuring, I hope. One of the most common questions we had was the story
Starting point is 00:03:03 of how you and Ash met. Can you recall the day? Yeah. The time? The moment. The exact moment. How did you two come together? So our stories may vary, but my story goes, well,
Starting point is 00:03:20 we did know each other at the age of like 14 through mutual friends from high school. April went out with 14 through mutual friends from high school. April went out with one of my friends through high school. That's not really how we met. No. No. We just knew each other. And then.
Starting point is 00:03:32 What was your opinion of Ash? Or was he just kind of someone you knew a little bit? Or were you like, oh, he's quite nice. He's fun. I didn't really know him that well. I just knew what his name was and who he was and whatnot. So there was no reputation? No reputation, no.
Starting point is 00:03:48 I think he was 14, so he was just another boy. Just another set of legs. Just another set of legs. And so how long was it before you guys were introduced romantically? So I think you moved down, like you moved away and then you moved back down to Sydney when you're 20 and then we ran into each other at the pub. Mona pub. Mona pub. Was it Thursday night? No, I want to say it was a Saturday and I was doing my usual rounds as you do when you're 20, doing a round of the pub, and I ran into you and you stopped me in my tracks and you go, like,
Starting point is 00:04:35 we'll just chit-chat. I am sweating. Basic chit-chat. How are you going? And then I was like, okay, I'll keep going. Like, you know, I just wanted'll keep going like you know i just wanted to keep going gotta finish my lap like you know single girl apps mainies exactly and you're like oh just one dance because it's right next to the dance floor and i was like oh look look i'm
Starting point is 00:04:58 just on a mission you know i just want to keep going can i can i you, you have dance experience. Yes. You're a good dancer. How did you know? I remember seeing a video of you. We were on the cruise and I was like, wow, April can really move. I was one of the dancers. It's a bold move. I'm a bold guy. Like does dance rank highly then? Are you like, I would always want to be with someone who's a dancer? Totally, totally. I did love a dancer. Yes, you did. But, yeah, so I said, oh, no, I'll just do them around and then you're like, one dance. And literally I was like, okay, one dance. You know, he's a pretty persuasive guy.
Starting point is 00:05:38 I feel like this is going to be a long episode. And we just had a dance. And I think we literally spent the rest of the night together was he a good dancer i can remember his style of dance you have to remind me what it's called but i remember you tried to show off with your like was it like a not a crib walk or something. I regret this. It was a shuffle. A shuffle. And I don't know.
Starting point is 00:06:11 I thought it was all right. And, yeah, and then you did, like, we just hung out the rest of the night and you're making me laugh and then, yeah, next thing you know, we're going on some dates. I have seen some photos of the two of you when making me laugh and then, yeah, next thing you know we're going on some dates. I have seen some photos of the two of you when you were a little bit younger from Ash's Facebook. You, the two of you, very attractive couple. Thank you. Still are.
Starting point is 00:06:37 Thanks. You were. Yeah. But I'm getting lost for words here. You two were very spicy. What do you mean spicy? Thank you. You're very attractive.
Starting point is 00:06:45 Oh, thank you. You would have been like the It couple on the northern beaches. No, definitely not. I laugh about it now, but the thing I think that I was attracted to you were like your whole two tattoos that you had at the time. And I was like, that's hot. And they're like the worst tattoos I have. Yeah, literally.
Starting point is 00:07:07 They're under my arm and under that arm. They're like one of them was done by a tattoo artist that I was pissed and it was like so bad. And the other one was just like a dumb 17-year-old tattoo. Did you show her the tattoos that night? Yeah, I just walked around like this. By the way. He was skinnier than me as well.
Starting point is 00:07:25 He was tiny. I was so small. The photos of you when you were younger, you were a bit of a trim young lad. Oh, now what am I? Fat dad. A very clean cut. You're allowed 10 kilos for every kid you have. You didn't have the mustache.
Starting point is 00:07:38 No. Did that version of events match what happened from your perspective? Yeah, that was pretty bang on. I think I tried really hard to go home with her. She said no, kicked me off the bus. Yeah, we did catch a bus home. We got a bus home. Well, I'm young.
Starting point is 00:07:55 I was poor. And then I spent weeks, weeks. Courting? Courting weeks to the point where it was a joke between her and her friends. So it was a joke really. Well, because you were like playing hard to get or? He was very keen and I remember joking like because he sent like,
Starting point is 00:08:14 I don't know, not millions. Don't. But he sent plenty of messages throughout the day and at that time I had a job where my phone was locked away in a locker and you'd send like a couple of messages like just like, how's your day? And then another one would come through. Nice ones.
Starting point is 00:08:30 Nice. Wait, you were going back to back to back? Back to back to back. I had no shame in those days. Yeah. I'd never do that now. And I joked to one of my friends at the time and I was like, oh, my God, this guy's so keen.
Starting point is 00:08:41 Imagine if I end up marrying him. Oh! There you go, guys. Persistence. Do you remember after you guys met at the pub, like what your first date was? Yes. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:08:57 Where did you go? So, Ash, you'd been out like that whole day, so I think you'd been drinking as well. So you were like, oh. That does not sound like Ash. You were like, oh, we should go out for dinner, but I think you need to, can you pick me up? Whoa.
Starting point is 00:09:15 I was out during the day, but I had tried to see April at other occasions, but she was plain hard to get. And then the one occasion, I was in Bondi actually and the one occasion where she was like, oh, I'm free tonight, I caught up with a girlfriend of mine that had moved down as well and we just hadn't seen each other yet. She moved to Bondi. So we caught up for a drink and lunch.
Starting point is 00:09:40 I only had like two or three beers, but I got a bus and a train there, you know, thinking, okay, I'll probably just spend the evening in Bondi and see what that's about. Sure. And then it was like, oh, shit. So I pretty much stopped whatever I was doing and got on a bus and then got on a train. But the thing is I was like to April, I'm like,
Starting point is 00:09:59 you're going to have to drive. So I got dropped at her, like pretty much at her place and then we drove to where I was living, which was on the floor of Pete's house, the cafe across the street. So just to clear that up. Okay. Carry on. No, I'm pretty sure as well you did send in a message.
Starting point is 00:10:22 I think that's when you told me you were like, oh, I can't in a message. I think that's when you told me you're like, oh, I can't afford dinner. Did I? I can't remember how I found out that you couldn't pay for dinner. I'm not sure if it was. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I'm pretty sure you like told me straight up.
Starting point is 00:10:34 You're like, I haven't got money for dinner, but I'd love to take you out. So I was like. Context. Context. Context is everything, guys. I had packed up my car from living in my parents' house, moved here, was working three jobs that paid cash,
Starting point is 00:10:50 and it was like the worst time because I was in Bondi with all my money that I had and had pretty much spent it on lunch and everything thinking, okay, I'm just going to go home, I'll get paid in the next couple of days from one of these jobs. But then I didn't want to miss the opportunity. So honesty. Honesty is the best policy. Yeah, but I don't think, I don't recall saying it.
Starting point is 00:11:13 Well, I just, I can't remember how I found out that I had to pay because I did have to pay. Was that a red flag? No, let's get to that. Okay. You didn't have to pay. He didn't make you pay in the end. No, he did.
Starting point is 00:11:24 He gave me a discount, didn't he? Because you worked where we ended up going for dinner. So, yeah, we drove somewhere. We didn't really have plans and I was driving. I think we went to go to a sushi place, but I don't know, we couldn't park or something. Then we ended up going to, you were like, oh, I work at- I work at this JC's Pizza.
Starting point is 00:11:43 Pizza place. So, we'll go there and so we went there had dinner and whatnot and you know obviously all his co-workers were like behind my back which I know now
Starting point is 00:11:53 yeah yeah they were all like she's great she's great lock it down and then the bill came and I went up to pay and yeah
Starting point is 00:12:01 I couldn't afford to pay but I had zero dollars into my name. I think the important thing to remember is that you can start with the bar really low and then from then on. That's what I did. Everything's a plus. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:15 And you did. You did. You used to spoil me rotten. See? Oh. There you go. In what way? Oh, I remember like one of the first Valentine's Days.
Starting point is 00:12:22 I think you bought me an iPad mini. You'd buy me jewellery. Yeah, like literally spent probably credit card debt. I was trying to make up for it. Trying to make up for that one dinner I couldn't pay for. But it was the most important dinner, obviously. But, I mean, at the time, I recall I was like, okay, well, the people I was with in Bondo, I've got to go.
Starting point is 00:12:42 And it was like, I've got to go. I have to go for a particular reason. I could have easily just been like. No, not tonight. Yeah, yeah. So that's how the first date went down. Do you remember thinking on that date, this feels different to other dates that I've been on?
Starting point is 00:12:58 Definitely. Yeah, she had to pay for it. Like I feel slightly lighter in the wallet. It wasn't expensive, all right? No, and like, you know, you're talking when we were 20. There was not a high expectation of like for whining and dining. As long as I'm not a douche. Yeah, I enjoyed his company.
Starting point is 00:13:20 Your dog is very into the story. She's like, I was home like I don't want to ask questions that are too personal. Did you have a kiss after dinner? I think so. I have no idea. I can't remember. I think so. Well, I don't know where. Like, it wouldn't have been at
Starting point is 00:13:39 the restaurant. I remember when we, because we had to stop at my place before we went and I was living with Pete and there's three brothers in that house. I'm like, oh, walked in, had to get some fresh clothes. And Pete was like, where are you going? I was like, oh, I'm going on a date with April Gates.
Starting point is 00:13:56 And he was like, bullshit, you're lying, bullshit. And then I was like, and then he's like walked out, opened the front door and was like, damn it. She had a big crush on April, so I stole her. Stole his thunder. Stole her. Don't think I was ever his.
Starting point is 00:14:12 He still thinks he's got a chance. And then how long was it then until you guys got engaged? Seven years. No, that's when we got married. We got engaged. That's what I meant. We got engaged, I think it was five years, and then we had a two-year engagement because we were quite young.
Starting point is 00:14:34 We were engaged at like 24. 24, 25. It was 25. 25? 25. It was, yeah, 2015. That's young. 15, yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:42 Yeah, it was like we had been together for like five years. We took a little trip to the States with some friends, Josh and Sian. Shout out to them. They're probably listening. Probably not. They probably are. We did like a big, big stint over there and I got like the ring made and everything here and I remember I was like,
Starting point is 00:15:01 I'm definitely going to do it. Josh and Sian knew what was happening and I said, I'm definitely going to do it over there. I had to what was happening and I said, I'm definitely going to do it over there. I had to hide the ring the whole time but I didn't trust the baggage handlers. Oh, no. No, no, no. I was just going to say, sorry, guys.
Starting point is 00:15:13 But I was like, no, you can't trust them. They're pizza. No, you've got to have it on you all the time. Yeah, so what I did was I didn't put it in my pocket. I put it tucked into my underpants on the side here and so it just like just held there for the whole flight from from brisbane to to san francisco and i remember like it was the next day and we're like gonna do this go up to this big lookout and april was like why
Starting point is 00:15:40 are you acting so weird i was like oh i just feel a bit sick from the pipe, a bit jet lagged. I was just fucking nervous. And obviously I was still like holding this ring so she didn't know. And then I think at one point we were at this lookout or somewhere and you put your arm around me right near it, like just around my back and I was like, oh, fuck, here we go. She's kind of like, what's this? Didn't say anything. Did you have any idea, April?
Starting point is 00:16:02 No, no clue at all. Like, no, no clue at all. And then, yeah, we just went up to this place in San Francisco and the cab driver cried. He got the best footage out of everyone. He got his phone out and he got like. And then he called his wife and was like, you're not going to believe it. He cried.
Starting point is 00:16:19 Where was it at San Francisco? A place called Twin Peaks. Hey. Yeah, I remember the cab driver the whole way up was joking about Twin Peaks. Don't you remember that? Yeah. Like Twin Peaks. It's a street.
Starting point is 00:16:31 Yeah, it's a street. That's what I heard. Yeah. I mean, I've never been there. I don't know. Heard they got it. Try the wings. I remember we were on the way out there and he was like,
Starting point is 00:16:43 do you want me to hang around because it's hard to get back? And I was like, no, no, no. I don't need a crowd. And then it was like, got up there and there was people around. April 1st, as a boyfriend would do, I would like pretend to like, when you're really high, you're like, ooh, you know, do that thing, you're like, ooh. And she thought I was doing that, but i was trying to get a turn around
Starting point is 00:17:05 and then you grabbed me by the arms and i was like don't touch me yeah don't touch me how he's packing yeah and then um yeah and then the cab driver was like on the phone with his wife obviously josh and cian who knew what was going on um obviously she said yes but it was funny in the cab on the way back the guy was like yeah i had no idea you were pretty cool to me like i was like bro i was sweating like fuck like why did i i could have just done it like old mate did on the jet star flight the other day. Did you see that?
Starting point is 00:17:46 Oh, yeah. I don't want to shame them because people have got their own thing. Yeah. This couple were flying to Bali and he obviously couldn't wait any longer. He got out of the pressure. He proposed to her on the Jetstar flight over there. Yeah, just before it took off. In economy.
Starting point is 00:18:00 Hey, those drinks are expensive on the flight. He's like, I'm all out of money. Yeah, so that's, yeah, 2015. I always, I'm always like, what would it be like in the moment for yourself when your partner's dropping a knee? Do you remember, like, do you straightaway go, oh, my God, he's about to propose? Did you, like, did you realise or is it like a bit, do you have a moment of confusion of like,
Starting point is 00:18:27 is this actually happening? It's definitely surreal at first. And then I feel like it's still surreal until you watch footage after. You're like, that actually happened. I sucked on mine. I just cried. You were on TV. No, it was, we were in Fiji.
Starting point is 00:18:41 I just dropped an ear and started crying and Laura thought that I was going to say that I had cancer because she was like something's wrong and I was like I can just imagine you like I mean
Starting point is 00:18:54 it sounds stupid when you think back you're like oh it's no big deal but it is it's like especially at 24
Starting point is 00:19:01 oh I was fucking shit most of it no one really we really knew had been engaged. Yeah. We were one of the first. Josh and Sienna were married.
Starting point is 00:19:10 Yeah. Who were with, but that was really it. Yeah. What was it, do you think, about Ash that made you think, yep, this is a guy I want to spend the rest of my life with? Don't hold back, babe. Don't hold back. Look, to be honest, I don't think those, like, we were still so young,
Starting point is 00:19:26 I don't think those, like. I always thought, yeah, this is it, this is it. I don't know, but I just feel like it wasn't like, yeah, that's definitely why. It's just the whole aura. It's just always I just, I loved his company. The vibe. I always joke he's my best friend and he rolls his eyes
Starting point is 00:19:45 and she always goes are you my am i your best friend i'm like yeah baby i i think you want to have that friendship as a foundation laura's always like we can be best friends forever like yeah i already got heaps of shit from my boss at the time who was like who who was at the wedding, and he was like, don't get up and do the speech where you go, you're my best friend because I'll be like, go. And it's like it's so cliche and it's like that's why I roll my eyes so much. It doesn't mean she's not my best friend but I also like to stir her up a lot. That's the first time you've admitted that I'm your best friend.
Starting point is 00:20:20 No, that was, I said it's not that I'm not or you're not. Is April your best friend? Yes. Thank you. I said it's not that I'm not or you're not. Is April your best friend? Yes. Thank you. You're not mine. I love that. You guys, you can kiss if you want. Nah.
Starting point is 00:20:32 Pretend like I'm not here. Nah. Nope. Who proposed the idea of having kids first? Like how did that come about? I would definitely say me. Yeah. Were you working in child, early childhood?
Starting point is 00:20:46 Yeah, yeah. You're an early educator. If that's what they call themselves. Don't come after us. Yeah, I think it was definitely me. Like I have always thought, you know, family of four, that's what I wanted. And literally what we've got is what I wanted, boy, girl, tick, tick.
Starting point is 00:21:02 The dream. The dream, yeah. Handsome husband. She's got it all. Yeah. The thing with April worked in childcare when we first met as an early education teacher, I must add. Well said.
Starting point is 00:21:13 Thank you. And the thing is, like, it was great. Like I could tell that, like, she definitely wanted to be a mum one day, but I think that she brang home so much sickness because April was so immune to it all like April would be sick for like three hours and they're like bedridden and she's like oh I'm fine because she's so used to it I just remember being sick every two or three days and I still hang around no one's asking me any questions and I just remember a bit like me
Starting point is 00:21:42 being so so sick and then it was like I knew April was more like, it's not that I didn't want kids. It wasn't that. It was like the classic man thing where you can't admit that, yeah, you want to, you know. You just do that thing where it's like if it happens, it happens. It happens, whatever. Which after we got married, it was like, okay, well,
Starting point is 00:21:59 maybe we'll start to not try instead of we're going to actively pursue try. Is that right? Is that right? Yeah. How long did you have to try with Oscar? First go, baby. First time. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:12 I would say it's one of my best two goes. But I shouldn't say that because it is so hard for so many other couples. Yes. You're very lucky. Very lucky. Lucky. I don't want to because it is so hard for so many other couples. Yes. You're very lucky. Very lucky. Lucky. I don't want to be cancelled.
Starting point is 00:22:28 Lucky. As someone who works in daycares, I have to ask the question, do you guys just flat out lie when you talk about the kids eating all their food? Oh, you're bringing me back. I haven't worked in daycare for ages. There's like a contract that you have to sign. No, do you know what?
Starting point is 00:22:44 Yeah. Back when I worked in daycare, ages. There's like a contract that you have to sign. No, do you know what? Yeah, yeah. Back when I worked in daycare, there weren't the apps. So it wasn't. Oh, what did they? It was just like. Kids want to rock and be like. Yeah. Today.
Starting point is 00:22:57 Ah, fuck it up. Flintstones style. Yeah, I think it was like a scrapbook even. You just put it up whenever all the parents pick up the children. And it was just like you printed off photos. This is what we did today. It's so manual. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:10 Did you have one of those old-timey cameras just like puts the covers on? And smile. I thought maybe working in early education, it might deter you because you're like, oh, my God, you get a taste of the realities of what it's like to look after kids. It's so different. So different. In what way?
Starting point is 00:23:31 In what way? You're getting paid. You're not emotionally attached to them. That's true. They melt down. And if you are, it's against the law. Yeah, it's just very different, I'd say. Do you ever, when a kid would either like finish,
Starting point is 00:23:47 they'd go on to like kindy and they would leave, do you have those moments where you're like, oh, I'm going to miss little Timmy? Yes, but no. We had this conversation the other day where you were saying that you see kids now, or they were kids, that she used to look after, and they're like adults, right? They're like, yeah, almost finishing school.
Starting point is 00:24:06 And I'm just like, I haven't aged that much. How are these kids this age now? But obviously I have. No. You're still young. You're fresh. I know. You were like, that's the thing, working in early education,
Starting point is 00:24:18 I suppose, at 20, 21. You were there until you were like 20. It was straight out of school. So 18 until. Yeah. You kind of still a you were like 20. It was straight out of school. So 18 till. Yeah. You can't still kid yourself. Yeah. I was. It must've helped though, I guess, being a mum, having the experience.
Starting point is 00:24:33 You'd think so. Didn't it? No, I don't. I think it was just so like, like the emotional thing. You're just emotionally attached now to something like the baby. I feel like when, you know, becoming parents with the task, like changing nappies, I'd never done, I'd never even held a baby. I'd held one baby before my kids and it was against my will. Someone was like, where I was at a pub with my mate Mick
Starting point is 00:24:58 and he had a baby at the time and he was like, hold this for a sec. And I was like, ah! So when I, the confidence that I had in April was like, when we were having kids, I was like, hold this for a sec. And I was like, ah! So when I, the confidence that I had in April was like, when we were having kids, I was like, she can do all that. Like she can at least teach me how to do that stuff because I don't know. So I feel like I learn a lot from April in terms of that sort of stuff. But she might have not been feeling confident about a lot of it,
Starting point is 00:25:20 but she definitely picked up all that. You've got to change your nappy. You've got to do this. They're doing that. They're doing that. And I'm like, oh, fuck, i would have had no idea yeah the practical things i may have known it's the emotional thing yeah i mean every parent i suppose new parent like you would know i think you've got kids every parent would know where you're like you're kind of just
Starting point is 00:25:41 like working it out oh yeah emotionally at. Emotionally at the same time. This morning I'm trying to have a cuddle with Oscar and he just got so worked up because he thought the cuddle was so forced that he's had a meltdown. And I'm just like, I don't know, what have I done? One. And two is like I was just trying to love you. Yeah, and it's like you've still got to work out like those kinks
Starting point is 00:26:02 and, you know, like even now with OSCE you think you've worked it out, something changes like the next day. Oh, yeah. When I look at parenting, I don't want to talk about it negatively, although I always do. There is a lot that is really hard because toddlers are just hard work nonstop, but then you get these little moments where you're like, oh, this is fucking great, I love this. What are your moments as little moments where you're like, ah, this is fucking great, I love this.
Starting point is 00:26:26 What are your moments as a mum where you're like, I absolutely love this so much? It would be the cuddles and the kisses. Like Oscar, I was just saying to Ashton, I asked you, I was like, does Oscar just randomly just come up, sit next to you and give you a kiss on the cheek? And he said, yeah. And I was like, yeah, he does that to me too, just like out of the blue.
Starting point is 00:26:43 Out of nothing, without. Yeah. Sounds like an urge. Those ones aren't forced. Yeah. I just said, yes, I can fit in, all right? I just feel like obviously we've shown him that love, that he knows how that makes him feel.
Starting point is 00:26:56 So now he's learnt, you know, if he does it to us, that's what we're going to feel. The other day I caught him with, I didn't catch him. Gotcha. We were at the park just at the back here and Macy was on the swing and he just walks up and goes, can I have a cuddle to Macy? And like gave Macy a kiss on the top of the head. And just like toddled off.
Starting point is 00:27:14 I don't know, he either loves to do that or he's manipulating. Yeah, that's true. He's a payoff player. They'll talk about me on a podcast. You watch. How did you find going back to work? So funny enough, I thought I would love being a full-time stay-at-home mum and then once I had Oscar, I was like,
Starting point is 00:27:36 I need some work back in my life. So, yeah, I took the year off and then I went back and I went back three days, which I think has been a good balance because I needed it. I didn't want to be a stay-at-home mum. I recall, I do recall how excited April was to go back to work, even just for those couple of days. I think a lot more for the adult interaction. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:01 100%. We still have a really great mothers group that was super supportive and you get that adult interaction. But I think when you go back to an office where you're like, there's no kids inside. You barely even talk about them. Because that's called child labour. That, you know, like I remember that she was like, yes,
Starting point is 00:28:21 it kind of after a long, hard year, it was kind of like a bit of a, like it was kind of like going on holidays a little bit. Yeah, it was a break from parenting for sure. She looked at me then like it was a break. Speaking of work, do you remember when Ash first grabbed a tea towel, draped it over his head and filmed a video? And what was your reaction to that? I actually can't remember the first one you ever did.
Starting point is 00:28:48 Do you remember the first one you ever did? No, the first one I do recall doing where I thought I'm onto something. There was other stuff where it was like I would pretend to be you bits and pieces here and there, but the one that really grabbed me was the pointless phone call home when you're leaving work where it would be me ringing you. I'm like, hey, I'm on my way home. And you were just like, okay, bye.
Starting point is 00:29:10 That's it. And the thing is that so many people had different interpretations of what that call meant to them. And I was like, there's something here. Psychologically there's something here because it wasn't. People always say, oh, no, you take the piss out of your wife. I'm not taking the piss out of her whatsoever according to me. I remember saying to you, I don't, people always say, oh, no, you take the piss out of your wife. I'm not taking the piss out of her whatsoever, according to me. I remember saying to you, I don't know if you recall,
Starting point is 00:29:28 I was like, so many people must have this conversation. Yeah. Let's find out. And that's where we ended up. Yeah. I've always found it funny. I remember a girlfriend actually asking me like, well, probably about a year ago now because you've been doing it for a while,
Starting point is 00:29:41 and she was like, have you ever thought, like, taken offence to anything that he's ever posted? And it had never crossed my mind that any of it would be like offensive to me because I'm literally laughing at all of them. Because it's you. Because it's you. Hey, guys. It's me, Matt.
Starting point is 00:29:57 And also Ash is here alongside Matt. We recorded this at a different time to when we sat down with April and we wanted to let you know that we stuffed up. Well, you did. We agreed that it was both of our faults. You agree that it was both of our faults. Actually, no, it wasn't our fault. It was the equipment's fault. Yes, it was the equipment's fault. Matt's equipment. It decided to stop recording. So the audio from this point on is a little bit different to what you've just been listening to it's still great but you don't want to miss what she says you do not want to oh my god i can't believe she admitted that and we shared a cheeky kiss not me and ash oh ash and april don't you
Starting point is 00:30:34 dare lie to the audience like that kiss me again the only thing she ever gets offended by is if the house is a little bit messy yeah you could have cleaned up before you filmed that. It's relatable. Or if I accidentally get the house number in there. I need to say, I do not fart the amount of times that you talk about. That's what you think. 100%. There you go, man.
Starting point is 00:30:57 Let's not get into that. Do you remember thinking, holy shit, my husband's going to become a content creator? Yeah, when he got made redundant. I actually never thought it would be something I would do full time. I never really thought that until people started, like, got management and then I remember when we first started doing this podcast, even just doing content, I was doing both jobs.
Starting point is 00:31:22 Don't know how I did that. I do not have the spam for that now. think i've just completely checked out from that but i was like i checked out then and i was lucky that my job was so slow at the time but i remember april was like you're not quitting you're not quitting your job which is fair enough and i understood that i couldn't just quit to pursue a dream that came out of nowhere what's never been a lifelong dream of mine to be doing this it's sort of i i sort of started doing it and then april was also like how happy it made me i remember those those years through covid and stuff and like you know we we've sort of struggled with oscar we were struggling a bit with being stuck at home and then you know i was working from home and then april was also working from home you asked me specifically
Starting point is 00:32:05 i remember you're like because you're hating your corporate job and you were like we just got a what's it called pre-approval i remember this yes i remember yeah and so you know things were looking good and then next you know ashton goes oh do do you think I can quit my job and do this full time? This is before redundancy. And I just thought, definitely not. Like, what do you mean? We'll get a house. We'll get all our ducks in a row first and then maybe three months
Starting point is 00:32:35 after that, then you can maybe look at doing it full time. I've got my work done in a week later. And April's always been like this too, just like, you know, whatever will be will be everything happens for a reason i welcome the redundancy because i knew that once you could once you had that removed you would go all in yeah for me then and for even for for us then it was like i had to prioritize where i was getting paid consistently, even though I wasn't as, you know, like amazing money. It was still like it was good.
Starting point is 00:33:08 It kept us afloat, especially with two kids. If you didn't have two kids, you probably wouldn't be like, do whatever the fuck you want. But I think like that conversation then to be made redundant a week later just shows that the universe was like, that's what you're meant to be doing. And I think there's nothing she could have done about it because it was made redundant.
Starting point is 00:33:26 It wasn't her call. Did you say, Ash, I think you should look for another job or were you like, oh, let's give the content creation a crack? I was like, okay, if there's an opportunity, it's going to be now. Like otherwise I would never have let it happen. You never would have let it happen. Yeah, there wasn't a chance. She would have called that job and said, you keep him there.
Starting point is 00:33:44 We don't want him here. You keep him there. Yeah, so no. And I think ever since that did happen, like, I've never seen you more happy or even more driven in what you're doing now. I sleep every day at lunchtime. Yeah. I take it back.
Starting point is 00:34:00 At that point, there would have been occasions where you guys would have been out in public and someone would have gone, oh, my gosh, it's that guy from. The talent he's had. Yeah. Yeah, it's funny. We talk about this because no one ever comes up when I'm there. I know. What does that say?
Starting point is 00:34:17 Who knows? They're too scared of you. Yeah, I'm not a scary person. But because Ashton would be like, come back from the shops and like, oh, I had like three people come up to me. I was like, I'm always at the shops with you. No one has ever come up to you. So it's interesting.
Starting point is 00:34:29 So people are listening if April is there. She's a lovely woman. Very friendly and I, yeah, bring it on. It's nice. Do you like that or do you dislike that? Are you indifferent? I think it's nice. I think it's actually really, really cool.
Starting point is 00:34:44 Yeah. It's a bit of this, like for me, it's, you know it's actually really really cool yeah it's a bit of this like for me you know two years ago less would it never have happened and now like you know like just last weekend going to magic round and with a whole congregation of people you know couples and stuff that going to and enjoying a sport they both love together and then they see me in the middle of the street and they're like, it's you! It's just a really weird feeling for sure. Question for you, does it
Starting point is 00:35:12 get old? Yeah. Other times it's weird. Other times it's weird is when, I'll be honest, for me it rarely happens. More so if people have been drinking. I think they're kind of like, oh, they don't really care. They're just like.
Starting point is 00:35:27 A bit inebriated. Yeah, they're more inclined to be like, holy shit, normally people don't bat an eyelid. But the other morning I was getting the kids in the car and a lady walked past and she was like, hey. And there was a split second where I was like, fuck, is that a mum from daycare or is that. A fan.
Starting point is 00:35:43 Yeah, like it was a, I couldn't, the tone of the high, I couldn't quite. Like they know you? Yeah, just like we were. And that's why I'm like, do I, do I know? Like, no, no, I just, you know, I just love the podcast. And I'm like, oh, thank goodness. Where's Ash?
Starting point is 00:35:56 Yeah. We have a segment called Petty Couples. I'm well aware. Yeah. We have a segment called Petty Couples. I'm well aware. People want to know how you deal with Ash's pettiness. More so in particular, there was a scenario where he only made one side of the bed.
Starting point is 00:36:18 Yeah, but he didn't tell you the end of the story. Oh, please. What do you mean? He doesn't let me see it. Then he literally will make the other side of the bed. Ah! Lie! He doesn't want me see it. Then he literally will make the other side of the bed. He doesn't want to mess with me. If you had to say
Starting point is 00:36:32 what one of Ash's bad habits are, what would they be? Your bad habit would just be like farting. And pooping all the time. I'm sorry i how dare i have natural humanly bodily functions yeah this is awkward definitely be down yeah the farting farting and the pooping oh can you stop it okay that's mean i mean if that's the worst that he's doing, that's pretty good.
Starting point is 00:37:05 You're pretty lucky. Do you reckon? Yes. What would his best habit be? Oh, one that comes to mind actually is I do, like, I don't know if it's a habit, but I do love that you're an impulse person. Like if we're hesitating on you know purchasing something big i should be like just do it just do it whereas i hesitate i think
Starting point is 00:37:31 too much about it yeah you're very if it's like you know let's book flights like just do it i'm like oh but it's like two thousand dollars just do it yeah i'm just like just do it it's like what if i wait like two days and save 15 bucks? Like, mate, just fucking book it. I think like we, I mean, yeah, I've always been like that and you've always been like so cautious to buy anything. Anything. So it kind of works for us. If we were both cautious, we would have nothing. We would have no, we couldn't make a decision.
Starting point is 00:38:01 Aphra's dad very much like April, right, where he's like so cautious about everything. And it does drive me crazy but then also it helps that she listens to when I'm like, just do it, especially if it's something for her because she'll be like, oh, do I really need like this? And I'll be like, just get it. What's the worst that can happen? If the worst that can happen is you've got it, that's it, you know.
Starting point is 00:38:24 He's the pull the trigger guy happen? If the worst thing that can happen is you've got it, that's it. You know? He's the pull the trigger guy. Yeah. Definitely. And I need that. But then you also need the other way around. No. You guys are like the perfect group. I need to be reined in.
Starting point is 00:38:33 Yeah. I'm like, I love you. Let's buy an airplane. It's like me and we're talking about Bonajewski for the business for no reason. April would be like, no. Definitely not. One of the most common questions we got was how does
Starting point is 00:38:47 april feel about how she's perceived in the videos that ash makes oh i don't care what other people think about i know what i am like so it's like that yeah have you ever had to say ash i don't want that video published or i want that one taken down no like i said i think i do find them all funny and maybe call me naive but i think there's ones that i'm like i don't do that i'm not like that yeah yeah yeah no do you ever do something and go oh fuck that's gonna be a video i do something just in my head and i'll be like have you done this you may you there's so many instances where i we've just had a quick conversation and i've laughed and you've gone fuck that's gonna be a video yeah yeah yeah because you're you're walking content and I tell everyone that,
Starting point is 00:39:45 that like you'll be like, do you think it's going to rain? And I'll be like, why? Or you'll be like, if it rains, can you bring the washing in? It's like, yeah, but that's like you're just walking content. You're welcome. Okay. That's why it goes into a joint bank. Have you ever tried the tea towel on yourself whilst Ash has not been around?
Starting point is 00:40:10 Never has it ever crossed my mind to do that. Someone asked me if you've ever wanted to drink sex. Well, that's weird. I know. I was like, yeah. I asked one time. I asked you that in confidence. Have you ever, like, tried to hide the tea towel?
Starting point is 00:40:25 Oh, I do find myself, like, they're just lying around the house. Actually, it's probably a petty thing. And I'll just, like, pick them up and throw them, like, you know. And he might be looking for it. I don't know. I don't know where he's going. Wow. Okay.
Starting point is 00:40:39 Well, it's more you've just left them in the way. I know. And honestly, I lose them or I just get another one out. If you fold it up nicely and put it down, I wouldn't have to throw it away. How many teat towels do you think there are in this house right now? Well, we started with about 40 and I've only ever seen two at the moment. I lose them.
Starting point is 00:40:57 I don't know where they go. We kind of use them as gym towels too, here and there, like the ones that are going to be on. They're a good size. They're a perfect size. I do need to pop into Kmart and get another 10-pack. Kmart, if you're listening. Of new hair.
Starting point is 00:41:11 New sponsor of the pod. Just Kmart. Anko. Anko. Anko. Oh, yeah. I mean, there's been some instances where April's been like, oh, that's right, when we're with people somewhere and I, like, disappeared.
Starting point is 00:41:26 And you're like, yeah, she's just gone to film a video. Like, where's he gone? Just disappeared. That's just what I'm like. Such a lucky lady. Isn't she? When you first started dating Ash, there was no Mo. He currently has the Mo.
Starting point is 00:41:40 Are you for or against the Mo? Have you seen before photos? Yeah, I have. He was handsome. I would say he looked like a baby. Yeah. Yeah, I'm like all for the Mo. Hello.
Starting point is 00:41:57 Thank you. But how do you find, like Laura's problem was that I had to remove mine because she hated kissing the Mo. I think it's been many years now that I'm just used to it. Yeah. Yeah, so Laura, if you're listening, get used to it. Real men have moustaches. Like for me, you used to hate it.
Starting point is 00:42:15 I remember when I... Yeah, early days. Yeah, when I would just like try it out here and there. And I think over lockdown, I just decided that it's going to be a permanent fixture on my face now and April was like, whatever. Yeah. This may be prying too much, but we had a story on the podcast where a lady would not shave downstairs because her husband
Starting point is 00:42:36 would grow a moustache. Is that the same with yourself, April? So the lady wouldn't shave because he wouldn't shave his moustache? No. I've never thought that. Yes. No, is that? I've never thought that. Okay. Let it marinate.
Starting point is 00:42:50 Thanks, man. There was a story that we've heard before about Ash passing out during the birth of Macy. Do you remember how those events unfolded? Yes, very clearly, actually, because macy's birth was like you know a good birth it was like you know it was planned it was all very relaxing the what's the the guy who puts your needle so just just for those listeners out there and like a plan c section it's kind of like booking into a hotel yeah you pick a day you pick a check-in day you check in you pick a time you pick a time you go in you yeah you do all like the normal hotel check-in stuff sort of and then obviously
Starting point is 00:43:37 with all the medical stuff and it's all very relaxed and i'm the one who would usually be fainting and stuff so we get in and i'm getting the epidural i think it is so i i put a side saddle on the bed they're doing the side saddle so like you see and i'm in front anyway so the horse took off uh side saddle on the bed and I'm in front. And so the anaesthetist, the anaesthetist, the anaesthetist. The drug guy. The drug guy. He was on behind.
Starting point is 00:44:14 So I couldn't even see him. I couldn't see anything that was happening. So that's the situation we're in. Like I'm all cool, calm, collected and just starting to feel relaxed and numb and lying back down. And then I hear Ashton going, I don't feel good. I don't feel good. And then obviously like they take it quite seriously
Starting point is 00:44:32 because I've probably seen so many men just. You hit a jack. Yeah. And so I just remember not necessarily looking because I don't think I could move that much. But my obstetrician stayed with me, but everyone else was hands on deck down below. And my obstetrician, I remember her saying,
Starting point is 00:44:55 do you want me to take some photos? And I was like, yeah, yes, please. Because I was fine. I was like, whatever. I remember you looking over at me and I was like, legs up on the chair, flat on my back with like a wet flannel over my head and a thing of apple juice. And she was like, this is meant to be about me.
Starting point is 00:45:14 And I was just like. But you must have got up pretty quick. Yeah, how long was it before you were back on your feet? They wouldn't let me get back up for a while until we were pretty much done. No, you were standing up there when. No, actually, you're right, I was sitting right behind where your head is. That's right, they gave you a seat. They're like, you can't stand.
Starting point is 00:45:38 And I remember then they dropped the curtain. I was like, ah! They dropped the curtain thing and I got to touch macy and stuff and then probably will i no thank you anyway it's a miracle that i survived in true me fashion i made it all about me but you know like i didn't miss i didn't know you didn't miss anything thank god but it's always a funny story to tell i always used to laugh I mean, but, you know, like I didn't miss it. No, you didn't miss anything. Thank God.
Starting point is 00:46:05 But it's always a funny story to tell. I always used to laugh because it was a plan C section. During the first pregnancy, like there was none of that. It was all adrenaline. It was all adrenaline just because it was so – I remember we were sitting in a room like, oh. Yeah. And it was kind of like –
Starting point is 00:46:21 Taking photos. Yeah, like I'm going to have a baby in a minute and they it's just a weird situation yeah laura was induced and it was like it's so strange to go like oh we're gonna have a kid and yeah yeah yeah it's about to happen it's so bloody weird and before we go april i do have one last question for you is there anything that you would like to say to ash now that you haven't had the opportunity to say up until now anything at all anything at all what could i i think i just want to say that like super proud of everything that you do and i know i see you hustle and everything. I know it's for the family. So even though you put on this persona that you are a,
Starting point is 00:47:09 what would people say? Smartass? Yeah, smartass. You are a good egg and not everyone gets to see that side. Oh, that's nice. Thank you. I appreciate that. Welcome.
Starting point is 00:47:18 You guys are so beautiful. You're paying me, aren't you? Yes. I am really delivered perfectly. Yes. Now, if you guys want to kiss, by all means, don't hold back in front. Oh, yes! There you go.
Starting point is 00:47:35 Take that off. That was lovely. Thank you. April, thank you. Welcome. I know you've been reluctant. Can I just say, you're an absolute natural. It was a pleasure having you on the podcast.
Starting point is 00:47:47 Don't take my job. Yeah, don't worry. I'll go back to my job. Yeah. There is nothing I enjoy more, Ash, than watching you be affectionate with your wife. I guess we're all squirmy, don't we? I love it.
Starting point is 00:48:04 A problem with intimacy. I would have preferred a bit of tongue, don't we? I love it. A problem with intimacy. I would have preferred a bit of tongue, but that's okay. That's okay. On the inside or the outside? It was beautiful. Lovely to see the two of you. Thank you. You're squirming right now.
Starting point is 00:48:17 Thank you, April, for coming on and making me feel really uncomfortable for that whole chat. I really appreciate it. I loved it. I loved it. Thank you. Thank you to April. And if you've enjoyed this episode,
Starting point is 00:48:26 we would absolutely love it even more if you would give us a review, a couple of words, a few stars. That's all it takes to make Ash and myself extremely happy. And if you have any other guests you'd love us to chat to, whether it's my mum, my nan, that'd be a good one.
Starting point is 00:48:42 Yeah, what other family members can we rope into the podcast? I think nan would be a bit red hot. We have actually had a few requests to get the kids on. Yeah, mate. Don't know how. Maybe, we'll think about that. But if you do have any suggestions, please either DM us at 2DotingDads Instagram
Starting point is 00:48:59 or email us at hello at And the Facebook group. And I always forget the Facebook group. And also, I always forget the Facebook group. We are always there. We are lurking. We spend every minute. In the shadows. Yeah, every minute of every day
Starting point is 00:49:12 just waiting for you guys to say something so we can engage because we're lonely. Yeah, just search Two Doting Dads on Facebook. On the Facebook. Let's get out of here, buddy. See you, bye. Facebook. On the Facebook. Let's get out of here, buddy. Yeah. See you. Bye. Two Doting Dads podcast acknowledges the traditional custodians of country throughout Australia and their connections to land, sea, and community. We pay our respects to their elders,
Starting point is 00:49:38 past and present, and extend that respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples today. This episode was recorded on Gadigal land.

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