Two Hot Takes - 121: Travel Hacks and Horror Stories (But Mostly Horror)..

Episode Date: June 29, 2023

Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-host Alejandra!! We went to Paris to read this travel hacks and horror stories, but enjoy a pitstop in the studio first. From Alejandra losing her in the park to me almost pooping my pants, our trip to Paris was eventful. Can't wait to share these ones with you guys! Any thoughts? To skip poop stories start at about 24:00 minute mark.   Our PO Box!! Two Hot Takes. 5042 Wilshire BLVD. #470. Los Angeles, CA 90036 Bonus Content on Patreon: Watch our Iceland Travel Vlog!!! Our SubReddit to Submit YOUR Stories!!! Full length Video episodes available on YouTube: Partners: Athena Club: Get started with Athena Club today by shopping in-store at Target nationwide! 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 El Museo Picasso Málaga presenta Picasso escultor, al igual que en el resto de su creación, la escultura de Picasso se distingue por innovar en el uso de técnicas y materiales pocortodoxos. Puedes imaginar cuál es y cómo, descubrela. four stories dropping from our trip to Paris and their good ones. Enjoy! No. I'm so stuck! No! I don't know how to get back! The way we vote to scream. No way. So stuck. Okay. Well, that was something. Something I never want to repeat.
Starting point is 00:00:55 That's hilarious. I hope the cameras were rolling. Oh, it's all rolling. All of it. All of it is rolling. You just like did the splits. I'm not very flexible. I haven't found a deprivation. All of it. All of it is rollin'. That's it. You just like did the splits. I'm not very flexible.
Starting point is 00:01:06 You, I haven't found out a private you ran the splits. Oh my God, why? Whoa. Good times, good times. Okay. Hi guys, welcome back to another episode of Two Hot Takes. I'm your host, Morgan, and I'm Alejandra. This is gonna be the most patched together episode
Starting point is 00:01:24 we have ever done on this podcast. So here's what happened, okay. It's a Tuesday. Me and Alejandra have a trip to New York book Memorial Day weekend. And because my mom's husband passed, I felt that, hey, why are we going to New York still? Like, I don't have to race home for a funeral anymore, because that was my fear. So that's why we stayed kind of close to home. And I was like, huh, let me just look at flights to Paris because we had talked about that before.
Starting point is 00:01:54 And sure enough, I look in the price had not changed since we looked. And I'm like, oh, I text Alejandro. I'm like, what if we changed our flight to Paris instead of New York? And this girl is a planner. Alejandro needs a schedule. She needs things locked down, months in advance, two to three business days in advance. Yeah, so I'm thinking, no, no way it happens.
Starting point is 00:02:20 And she goes, okay. I was shocked. I was floored. I know. I'm taking advantage of this. I'm like, let was shocked. I was floored. I know. I was like, I'm taking advantage of this. I'm like, let's go. Let's absolutely go. So I posted on my poll on Instagram just to like make sure.
Starting point is 00:02:32 I'm like, let me just make sure I'm not being super crazy. And the majority said do it. So I was like, I'm taking that as an invitation to be nuts. Reckless. So this was a Tuesday afternoon mid-mourning, like 12 and then afternoon. We were on a flight to Paris the next night at 750. Or something like that. Something like that.
Starting point is 00:02:55 Something like that. Early evening. So we spent the weekend in Paris. And as you will see in the second half of this episode, we recorded in front of the Eiffel Tower, we have beautiful Paris sweatshirts to prove we went there. This is what proves it. And it was an amazing, amazing trip.
Starting point is 00:03:15 We made a lot of new friends and did some shopping, not enough. I went back. I told you, I said, I've messed up up so bad only regret I ever have is not shopping enough in Paris. It's so much cheaper. We're texting each other like I'm literally looking up lights to go back. I'm like back anytime. I literally was debating this weekend. I'm like oh my god psycho. Psycho. But it was amazing. So we wanted to give you some high quality audio stories first before we dive into the park recordings because recording in front of the Eiffel Tower is a little difficult. There's lots of
Starting point is 00:03:51 people who we did our best. It's loud. We did our best. I think it'll be good. I think the audio will clean up well still. Okay. But you know, we can't totally scrap our quality on this podcast. So we have to have some integrity to the quality of this podcast, but I will say, I feel like it was such even though the quality may not be the best, I think the, I wish you guys could see the commitment that we put into it. Like truthfully, it was so tough to find the right spot, the right angle to get the Eiffel Tower to fully show and to not have a ton of people around us. And like, oh, what did we do to not have people? All odds are against us.
Starting point is 00:04:27 So the first time we like camped out and we did it amongst, it was a Saturday in the park. You can imagine how many people are enjoying picnics on a beautiful sunny Saturday in Paris. And then this, we were like, okay, that's fine. You're falling apart literally. And then the second time, then we try to record on our rooftop at our hotel, which loved our hotel.
Starting point is 00:04:51 It would have been perfect. We had everything set up, the mics, everything was set up. I went down to get champagne for us, and then we were booted from the rooftop, which was fine, whatever, respect the rules. But then we were like, okay, we need the Eiffel Tower in the background and we have to minimize sound. So Morgan and I woke up at like 5.30 in the morning to get to the Eiffel Tower around 6 a.m.
Starting point is 00:05:15 Yeah. It's pretty cool because we can honestly say we were the only ones there. And I don't think many people who have been to the Eiffel Tower can say they were the only people there. Yeah, I was pretty incredible. Yeah, and we recorded a couple of stories which you'll see.
Starting point is 00:05:29 I mean, there's like no one in the background, except for the people picking up trash in the morning. Yeah. And all of this to say a long-winded way of saying, like, we put so much effort into trying to get that for this episode. Yeah, and we did. We did.
Starting point is 00:05:43 We definitely did. And in those stories, you guys almost pooped my pants. Which time? Oh, which time? I feel like the trip was like a series of... My stomach was not happy. All that stuff about food in Europe cares your stomach problems.
Starting point is 00:06:01 Lies. If I had a dollar for every time Morgan said she was gonna like poop her pants or like have a stomach issue, I could have probably bought the entire Chanel store in vain, just kidding. Okay, my stomach's really bad. This is why I'm getting a colonoscopy.
Starting point is 00:06:14 It's fine. I know. But so we're gonna start off with a couple of Reddit stories in the new studio. It's you guys, I walked in. I wish you would have gotten my reaction. I was. It's beautiful. I gasped. It's you guys I walked in. I wish you would have gotten my reaction. I was It's beautiful. I gasped. It's beautiful. Yeah, and then you will hit the park in Paris with us in front of the Eiffel Tower twice. It's beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. I don't think I'm gonna be able to watch this episode because it's gonna make me so nostalgic.
Starting point is 00:06:42 I'm obsessed with Paris. Yay. I love it. I love it. Also, my eyes are gonna look really scary. I have transitional contacts. So I'm not possessed. I'm not evil.
Starting point is 00:06:57 I just have contacts that have sunglasses built into them. So my eyes go black and it's really scary. But just so you know. I think you were sunglasses. I had to put them on because I couldn't, I couldn't handle the people looking at me as they passed. I know you are so society. The way we like really put our heart and soul into trying to get that out was like it's still you'll see it and I love it. Yeah. And you are going to love this episode. So let's get into some travel horror stories. There's hacks later on in the park and let's dive in.
Starting point is 00:07:29 Let's do it. Okay, so up first, I'm hitting the poop stories hard. I'm going for it. So this is your trigger warning for a poop story. If you don't want to listen to it, time stamps will be available to skip ahead. So this is coming from Amma the Ashole about a year ago, username Biyawoo. Amma the Ashole for not pooping in the designated pooping bathroom
Starting point is 00:08:19 while on vacation with family. wife and I just returned from a vacation with my sister brother-in-law, and their kids? One of the first things my sister did was choose for everyone, which bathroom the adults should use for pooping purposes. Just normal things. Yeah. The Airbnb was a nice house with multiple bathrooms and she picked one at the far end of a hallway
Starting point is 00:08:41 away from the kitchen and living room. Okay, that made sense to me, and I didn't see a problem. Until I had to poop, I entered the designated bathroom and saw the dreaded round toilet seat. I absolutely hate round toilet seats. It feels like I have to choose between pooping on the back rim of the seat or moving forward and having my junk touch the porcelain. There is just not enough front-to-back clearance for a comfortable position.
Starting point is 00:09:09 In a pinch, I will use one. When you have to go, you have to go. But I've been known to hold it until I got home to my elongated toilet if it wasn't dire. But the other toilets were elongated seat toilets, much more comfortable for a man to use. So I chose the bathroom comfortable for a man to use. So I chose the bathroom appropriate for me and used it. The rest of the adults in the house are looking at me like I made a faux pas by stinking up
Starting point is 00:09:33 a quote non-pooping bathroom. What the fuck I said? Why did we pick a house with three bathrooms then if we are only going to poop in one? Or we make a elongated toilet the pooping bathroom. The elongated bathroom is closer to the kitchen, etc. So nobody wanted that. The ladies didn't understand my objection to a round seat. Understandable, given our anatomy is differ. My brother-in-law did, but he says he has no problem using a round seat, but could understand me.
Starting point is 00:10:05 In the end, it didn't really dampen the vacation vibe or cause any strife. Just jokes are eye rolling about me stinking up the place. My sister is premon proper, so I knew she would have preferred it her way, and I think she just bit her tongue for the sake of peace. But I have to wonder, is this a thing designating a pooping bathroom in a house and my hatred around toilet seats? Question mark. Am I the asshole?
Starting point is 00:10:32 Um, no, not the asshole, literally, um, in my opinion. To answer his questions, I think he's a guy, right? Yeah. To answer his questions, I think he's a guy, right? Yeah. To answer his questions. I have never heard such a thing. Long rectangle, circular. I can't picture a non-secure circular one. Can you?
Starting point is 00:10:56 My house has longer toilet seats. Like a circular toilet seat. Yeah, I can show me. Really small. Okay, really? Show me that. I can't picture this. Even sometimes, like, all sit on one
Starting point is 00:11:08 and I'm like, I'm gonna slip off the side. I got some juicy legs and ass. Like, I don't fit on this thing very well. Like, I debate this. So here's the difference of around versus elongated. So there's quite a few inches different. What does it say about me that I've never noticed? I mean, I don't particularly, like it's not like I go in every toilet.
Starting point is 00:11:33 And I'm like, oh God, that toilet has a very nice curvature. And I love the way the seat closed and the flushing power, no, I do think this. I was gonna say, don't lie to yourself, please. The flushing power is one thing I notice about every toilet especially if you poop in it and then you panic and because it's not going down And then you're like, oh, why did I poop in this one? This is a lot This is a lot. No, I don't think you're the asshole. I think that if you have to go you have to go What it's one of those things where it's temporary, right?
Starting point is 00:12:08 Like maybe it smells for a little bit. That, this too shall pass. Like it's not like the family vacation is permanently tainted. Well, how often is he pooping too? Until, like, I mean, twice a day, ideally. Ideally. But, you know, maybe he's a once a day type of guy right after his coffee. Right, maybe more.
Starting point is 00:12:27 And if he is, that's okay. I don't know, you can pivot. There's a new designated bathroom now. Yeah. Bring your kitchen. Bring your poopery. Bring your kitchen. Which way?
Starting point is 00:12:37 That's what I was going to say. Why isn't this a conversation of like, okay, run to a convenience store, CBS, Walgreens, Rited, whatever it is, and get some poop or eat. Get a candle. Light a match. Super easy. Light some toilet paper on fire. That is the quickest way to cover up the smell.
Starting point is 00:12:53 I feel like that could also be a hazard. You just light it on fire for a little bit and then blow it out and then shake it around like a sage. Does the smoke detector go off? No, not yet. Have an experience at your age. You've done this? All the time.
Starting point is 00:13:05 Where do you get the match? Where the lighter? Justin used to have a lighter sitting above his toilet. Boys don't have candles. Like, this is what I had to work with. Well, I think poopies spray is easier. You would think they have travel sizes. They do.
Starting point is 00:13:20 That's what I would suggest in this scenario. I think moving forward, have some tools at your disposal. Absolutely. Just in travels with three poopies. Wow. His main one, a backup and a backup for the backup. Are you serious? He's very self-conscious about leaving a smell in the bathroom.
Starting point is 00:13:35 Wow. Yeah. Things that just don't cross anything. I know. It's wild. OK. But also, I'm envisioning this round toilet seat. Just pick up your balls
Starting point is 00:13:45 and dick and just like like I don't know can't just hold it. I don't know see this is where I'm not if you get it pretended now like I don't know. Truthfully I would need a visual and I don't want one. That would be really gross to feel your ball sack hit the toilet. Where? The inside like if your ball sack hit the toilet. Where? Inside. Like if your ball sack dropped in the toilet seat. Yeah. What if it touched the water?
Starting point is 00:14:10 That's what I'm... God. That would be so bad. You're stressing me out. Okay. You want to know really stresses me out though about bathrooms and pooping. So I had an episode. Yeah, tell me.
Starting point is 00:14:24 Please. Indulge me. So I had an episode with Lauren and we were talking about bathrooms and pooping. So I had an episode. Yeah, tell me, please indulge me. So I had an episode with Lauren and we were talking about like the poop brush. It's not a poop brush. I fully recognize that now. It's meant to be a toilet cleaning brush. So if you put bleach or soft scrub and you use it to scrub, I have fully used mine to get skid marks off the ball. And you're not supposed to do that.
Starting point is 00:14:44 That's gross. But someone, like multiple people in the comments were like, no, like you flush the toilet and when the water is down, you take toilet paper and wipe it. Okay, that's what you're supposed to do apparently. Oh, it's according to how multiple people told me this. But multiple people, the poop commissioner, like who made up these rules.
Starting point is 00:15:05 I don't know. Like who? Who? Who? Who? What are you? Fucking Owl. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:15:13 See, this first part of the episode is going to be so much better because I actually have brain cells. We barely have brain cells, but yes, more. More, like two and a half. Oh my God. Three, because I had two in the park. Combined. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:28 But no, that's apparently what you're supposed to do and then you flush the rest after. But I don't like, yes, I wash my hands after. But at the same time, like, what if I miss a little spot and then I have someone else's poop particles on my hand? I don't know. This is why I can't use the poop brush. Why do we have to make it so hard?
Starting point is 00:15:49 It goes back and it's a little bucket thing. It's safe. It's not like it's leaking poop all over your bathroom. Oh god, I'm like nauseous again. Is this five people don't like it when I'm- Yeah, including me. I'm your audience. You don't like the poop stories?
Starting point is 00:16:04 No. Not at all. Oh my god, I'm so sorry. Yeah, including me. I'm your audience. You don't like the poop stories? No. Not at all. Oh my God, I'm so sorry. No, it's okay. Well, you do have one more. Okay, thank God. But we're gonna read the top comment. Yeah, no, of course.
Starting point is 00:16:13 Give the people what they want. I don't wanna get in the way. Your overall vote was not the asshole. No. And you agree with the majority. Okay. The top comment is not the asshole. Nobody in my whole life has told me
Starting point is 00:16:24 I can only poop in certain bathrooms. This is a level of micromanagement that blows my mind. And on vacation? Honestly, that's a good point too. Like when you're on vacation, you're supposed to be relaxed and like letting loose. And in this sense, maybe it's your bowel movements that you're letting loose.
Starting point is 00:16:44 I don't know, but like, you don't need one more rule. Like, I think that's ridiculous. I've never been goofy. Told something like that. Yeah, someone else, next comment down. And this kind of flew under the radar. I mean, the post only has 327 upvotes. And the top comment only has like one K upvotes.
Starting point is 00:17:04 So the next comment down, they go, we had a pooping toilet at my house because it was off the garage and away from everyone else. And there were four teenagers, a small child and two adults in the house. But it was never enforced. It was just the quietest place to poop without interruption. Like there was a chance, if you were in the shower
Starting point is 00:17:22 in the other bathroom, someone else was at the sink. And another person was using the toilet. Very busy bathroom. I know. Very busy bathroom. See, this is the thing where I'm like, you're going to be so thoughtful. You and Justin are going to be so thoughtful about this. I can't wait to see your house. I hope your bathroom is so strategically planned for this. Um, no, it's right off the kitchen. I've seen your bathroom. That's why I'm like, what's your plan? Well, there is going to be, there's another bathroom in the garage. If like, you really. That's why I'm like, what's your plan? Well, there is gonna be, there's another bathroom in the garage.
Starting point is 00:17:46 If you really gotta blow stuff up, you can go out there. Back with the horses. Yeah, so the horses are next to it. You know, people will just assume it's horse shit. That's fine. That's genius. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:57 Yeah. Okay. Fair. Fair. Okay, so next poop post and then we're done, it's literally a title. You have another story about it. It's quick because I feel like we have to give some
Starting point is 00:18:09 travel hacks along with this and we give the hack of poopery and now we're gonna have some hacks for this. You'll see, you'll see. Okay. It's titled, it's from the Ask Reddit subreddit and from Smoshiavacado nine days ago days ago very relevant Wow, okay smushy titled How did you poop the first time you went on vacation with your boyfriend? I knew that this is I knew this is where I was going and we needed to help the girls
Starting point is 00:18:35 I knew it lobby duh come on next question. I Like I would like get really self-conscious in the lobby Especially if it's a lobby bathroom that doesn't have like floor to ceiling, which I don't get why every bathroom isn't bit like that. Let's stop cutting costs. Let's give, let's give people the porcelain thrones they deserve.
Starting point is 00:18:56 Let's, yes, I love an enclosed room. Absolutely. The lobby we had in Paris. Amazing. Amazing. Floor to ceiling, you don't hear anything. Bunkers. I want a bunker.
Starting point is 00:19:07 I want my bunker. They were like cement bunkers. It's great. It's tall, it's own room. Perfect. Yeah, dim lighting. They understood dim. I don't want to be blasted.
Starting point is 00:19:17 Except they were like unisex apparently, and I found that out the hard way. Yeah. Did you not lock your door? No. That's on me. I don't know. It's a really bad habit. The other trick if you don't want to use the lobby because I found this out the hard way, our bedroom in Paris had like this very modern bathroom that like is just a glass box. But it
Starting point is 00:19:38 was frosted. Frosted, but still a glass box. And there's some bathrooms that don't even have the frosted. It's truly just a glass box, very modern. Very, very hot. I can set it right. Watching someone shower. I don't know. Yeah. So that was mine in Justin's room in Copenhagen.
Starting point is 00:19:54 Same thing. The trick I have learned is you either send them to the lobby, send them to get you coffee. Justin will literally be like, I'll wait in the lobby. No worries. And then I get my time to poop. I walk out the door after. The poop smell gets to disintegrate as we're gone. That's option A.
Starting point is 00:20:09 Perfect. Otherwise, there's an app you can download. It's called noise and you play a big fan noise because the bathroom pairs ours didn't even have a fan. So it would have just been, plop, yeah, plop, no echo, echo, plop, echo chamber, plop. So play the nope, nope, nope, nope, nope.
Starting point is 00:20:26 So play the fan app, send them to get your coffee. Okay. These are good tips. I think this is really important. The top comment on this post didn't get it. What did they say? Just do it, get over it. So the question again, how did you poop the first time
Starting point is 00:20:39 you went on vacation with your boyfriend? Top comment. In the bathroom, like a normal person. See, they don't get it. They don't get it. They don't get it. Opie goes, you weren't embarrassed? Next comment, everyone poops.
Starting point is 00:20:52 What's to be embarrassed about? Seriously, everyone poops. True, true, true, true. But at the same time, sometimes you have explosions. And I don't need to subject that to someone that I've only been dating for a month. That, it's too soon. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:15 And some people might say it's not. I don't know if I'll ever get to the point of comfortability where I will poop in the bathroom with him at the same time. That is really interesting. I was just thinking about that a lot of people do. Who do you know people who do that? You don't have to name names.
Starting point is 00:21:31 I'm going to I'm going to post a poll. I'm going to post a poll. I want to see a poll because yeah, I haven't gotten to that place in my life. I'm not there yet. And I don't think I'll ever be. Yeah, it's my butt is too unpredictable. You know when you might get there, not you, Morgan. After childbirth.
Starting point is 00:21:49 Yeah. Mm-hmm. Cause you poop yourself a lot of times. That's not what I was thinking, but I feel like... LAUGHTER OK. But... They scoop it up with a net.
Starting point is 00:22:01 OK, but... Or they roll the chuck and then slip it under. Things I don't need to know. Just like, I wanna, I'm just trying to prepare everyone. Yeah. I feel like if you're significant other, watches a child come out of you,
Starting point is 00:22:16 it's like all bets are off. Like, what, you know what I mean? And like, I think, Very true. The job is a beautiful thing. It's natural, whatever, whatever. But there's a lot, like, that's a very invasive, up close in personal situation. They're seeing every which way, every which angle.
Starting point is 00:22:36 And I think I was listening to the episode that came out today with Hannah. I didn't get through it. I think I actually laughed off right when the story started. But I think it was an M.I.D. asshole for not shaving my wife. Yes. My pregnant wife. Yes.
Starting point is 00:22:50 I think it's a listen, but I heard the title. And it's like, okay, so think about it. You're doing those things together. Like, I feel as though once you hit that stage, if you hit that stage, then you will maybe be more comfortable with using the restroom with them in the same room. I think I, time will tell. Time will tell.
Starting point is 00:23:09 I just, I don't know. You gotta leave some surprises in the relationship. Like there's gotta be some. No, literally there does not, not in that regard. No. Do you don't think so? No. Why do you have to save that as a surprise?
Starting point is 00:23:25 Like what? Like 50 years later, you're like, I'm in my deathbed. Yeah. No. No. A surprise is not the right word. What do you mean then?
Starting point is 00:23:37 There's got to be like something sacred. Well, there's got to be some things left up to the imagination. No, like what? Why do they say that? No, you're, no, I don't know what you're trying to say. There's gotta be some secret that some intimacy. That is a saying. There should be some things left to the imagination, but like that's in cases where you want them to like picture.
Starting point is 00:23:52 And I don't feel like that's what you want. I don't know. I think what you're trying to find. I feel like what you're saying is like, some things just shouldn't be shared and are is like, some things just shouldn't be shared and are just meant to be like one-on-one you and you.
Starting point is 00:24:12 Yeah. Is that what you're gonna get? Yeah, sure. They just don't need to know that part of you. Is that a clever? Exactly. Okay. I had a video that popped into my head
Starting point is 00:24:22 as we were talking about this, and I can't remember, and it's driving me bonkers,, but you know, there's a lot of poop TikToks out there and I hope they all come across your, for you pages. Not mine though. Hopefully not mine. And all the people that skipped. One of this week's partners is Athena Club. For a lot of us, Summer is upon us and you're spending more time in short stresses, swimsuits,
Starting point is 00:24:48 and you might not want all that hair peeking out, which is where Athena Club can come in. My Athena Club razor is the only razor that doesn't give me terrible razor burns and make my legs look like I ran through a barbed wire fence. It's also the only razor I haven't lost yet, which is perfect because I really needed it on a trip to Mexico. For me personally, I'm not a body hair girlie, and so there's nothing worse than having hair stick out of your bikini.
Starting point is 00:25:13 The Athena Club razors are amazing. They're designed with built-in skin guards to help prevent razor burn, and the razor blade is actually surrounded by water activated serum with shea butter and hyaluronic acid. It's basically the holy grail for skin care. And something I really love about a TheonClub is the razor kit is only $10. And comes with two blade heads, a magnetic hook for your shower, and your choice of color, which also comes in black or white or other neutral colors. And with a TheonClub, you never have to think about blade refills because you choose how often you want your replacement blades shipped to you.
Starting point is 00:25:48 And you can now find them in Target Stores nationwide. If you want to try it for yourself, show your skin you care with the Athena Club Razor Kit. Get started with Athena Club today by shopping in store at Target Nationwide. Just head to the shaving aisle to buy your razor and refills. Okay. moving along. Thank goodness. I feel like one thing traveling that always brings up drama is like a girl's trip. I see so many videos on TikTok of like, Hey, if you want to lose friends,
Starting point is 00:26:20 yeah, plan a girl's trip to Miami. Oh, I don't even realize. But this was a trip and it literally was like 11 girls posting on TikTok and they're like, this girl left us at the club, she stole our money out of our Airbnb. Okay, that's not a friend. It was crazy. It was crazy. And so the girl literally goes, more of the story, don't plan a girl's trip to Miami
Starting point is 00:26:44 if you want to keep your friends. True. True. Can't believe that. Wow, okay. Yeah. So, this one is two months old, coming from spupper 11. Am I the asshole for turning around
Starting point is 00:26:59 and going home on my way to the airport for a girl's trip? Honestly, never mind. You turn. We'll see. I 23 female was supposed to go on a girl's weekend trip to Spain with my long-time friend of almost 10 years, 24 female, and her other female friend, 28 female, who I was excited to meet. We all live in Germany, but her and her friend live about 3.5 hours away from me, and I was excited to meet. We all live in Germany, but her and her friend live about three and a half hours away from
Starting point is 00:27:26 me, and I live closer to Frankfurt. They decided they wanted to drive through the night about ten hours, and arrive in the morning, and said that if I could meet them in their town, I could drive with them. I instead elected to just fly over and meet them there, since I live so close to the airport. The day before the trip, she texted me a link to book some tickets to a museum that her and her friend booked. She told me to book for 2pm, which is when they booked for. When I clicked the link, the only time slot available was 8.35am.
Starting point is 00:27:58 I pretty much was like whatever I will do something else while they are doing that. The night before the trip, I text her asking how much I owed her for accommodations and whatever else we were splitting. This is the second time I've asked her since her friend was the one doing the bookings, and I just assumed I would send them my share when they told me how much it cost. She didn't answer, but I just assumed she was sleeping to prepare for the long drive. The morning of my flight, three hours before my flight leaves, she tells me that I had to book my own hotel room.
Starting point is 00:28:31 Because they're having a guy friend come with them that they invited last minute. She sent me a link so I could book at the same hotel as them for that night. But all the rooms were fully booked. Ah! I searched around the area too, and all rooms were booked, or very expensive. I really wanted to go, so I just kind of let it go, and prepared myself to spend some extra money
Starting point is 00:28:58 for a hotel room for myself in a different hotel. But on the way to the airport, I had a gut feeling that I wasn't going to enjoy myself. So I turned around and went home and sent her a text saying, I was going to sit this one out because I was expecting a girl's trip. She's being short with me now and thinks, I'm being unreasonable. Am I the asshole? No. No, I would do probably do the same thing. I would 100% do the same thing. I would 100% do the same thing. That is a bait and switch.
Starting point is 00:29:27 This girl is giving you every inclination that she doesn't really want you there. Yeah, she didn't think if I'm booking tickets to the Louvre or something, I'm buying your ticket too. I'm buying all of our tickets, you can memo me later, whatever. Why would you only buy two tickets or have her money tickets they bought and not think of your friend?
Starting point is 00:29:44 Like that's inconsiderate. And then the whole like you're bringing a guy, I don't know this guy. And even if I did, this was a girls trip. I signed it for a girls trip. If I signed it for a trip with like all of you guys, and I thought it was a girls trip because I'm like the only single one right now.
Starting point is 00:30:00 And then last minute, you or like one of our other friends brings their boyfriend. As much, I love Justin. I love your guys' boyfriend's, but I'd be like, this is not what I envisioned and what I signed up for. So I love you guys, but like I'll set this one out. Depending on my mood, maybe I'd still come,
Starting point is 00:30:17 but you reserve the right to change your mind. Yeah, absolutely. This, oddly, I have like my spidey sense is tingling right now. And because that other friend is booking things, I feel like that other friend that she hasn't met yet feels threatened about her having such an intimate friendship with someone else. I mean, these two have been friends for 10 years. So this other girl that's booking things is probably like, oh, well, I don't really know your friends, so I'll book for us and you can just send her the link.
Starting point is 00:30:47 Yep. This feels very purposeful for sure. She's boxing her out. Absolutely. For sure. Like, if it were me and I was gonna meet like your friend, I'd be like, hey Morgan, like let's book tickets to the Louvre and what like your friend, like does she want one?
Starting point is 00:31:04 Does she need one? I'll book one for her. Your're the intention is that you're going to meet on this trip And you guys are gonna spend the weekend together and have a great time Why wouldn't you try to include this person? Do you not want to make new friends like well this girl's been in your friends life for 10 years? Yeah, the the history is there like she's likely going to be there going forward Yeah, and now you just made the situation really uncomfortable. And I never would do that. I can't imagine being so caddy or I don't know what her intentions are here.
Starting point is 00:31:34 But when you're planning a trip together, you book all the tickets as a group. Exactly. That's common sense. That's how it goes. Even if I don't know the other people, like I've been on girls trips where I didn't know girls and I met them on that trip. Yeah. And you book, okay, how many people are coming?
Starting point is 00:31:52 Like I'm going on a 30th birthday trip for Richa in a couple weeks. I don't know half the girls. And they've included me in their dinner reservations, the boat reservations. They're like, oh, all hundreds, you know, Rich's friend from LA. And all of a sudden, I'm going to meet these girls for the first time. I am training for half marathon. And that's my last Saturday before
Starting point is 00:32:11 grandma's, which is absolutely crazy. And I was like, I have to run like eight miles that Saturday. And Rich, it was like, my one of my other friends is a runner. Like, you guys should go running together. Oh, that's perfect. Never not this girl. But like, she knows the city. and she's like, yeah, she'll run with you. And it's like, that's what girls do. Or like, that's what friends do. That's how a girl's trip should be. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:32 And if you guys are getting anything less in your girl's trips, like you guys out there, I think I would really sit down and have a conversation before the girl's trips, like as you're planning to be like, hey, I'm getting a vibe that like, there might be a dynamic here where it's not as like open and inclusive. Like, are we all gonna book our tickets together?
Starting point is 00:32:49 Because if not, like, I don't want to be left out. Because who wants to go spend money, go on a trip, and then be left out. Oh, yeah. No, girls' trips can be really tough. Girls' trips can totally make and break friendships. This is what literally broke up one of my long-term friendships. Yeah, same.
Starting point is 00:33:07 I mean, it happens. And you can be the best friend. You can be the best person. It's just like traveling with your friends is such a true testament, period. But when there's a group dynamic, something about the group dynamic can just throw things off.
Starting point is 00:33:20 I would love to know the psychology behind it, but something about girls' traps. I mean, Bachelor know the psychology behind it, but something about girls trips, I mean, bachelor rents, like we should do like an episode on that, because the amount of friendships that have been like ruined or severed over bachelor rent trips or birthday trips is like insane. I almost feel like you rarely hear of a story where there wasn't a fallout of some sort. It's so interesting. There's always going to be little tips. It's like there's so many personalities living together,
Starting point is 00:33:49 sleeping together, eating together, going out together. And traveling is hard. It's not easy. You can't remove yourself. You can't go home. You're on top of each other. And I think it really puts friendships or relationships to the test. Like we had never taken a trip like this until Paris.
Starting point is 00:34:06 So like I think we were both like, yeah, how's this gonna go? I don't even think about it because we didn't have time to think about it. No, we didn't even have time to think about how it was gonna go. We just showed up and we're like, well, true. No, but it worked.
Starting point is 00:34:18 It did cross my mind. I'm like, I'm a napper, all hunters not. I like to sleep, she can get up and go walk around a city by herself. So I was really curious how it was going to go. Yeah, perfectly fine. Literally.
Starting point is 00:34:30 I was like, you nap, I'm going to go buy chocolate. Yeah, it was perfect. Because I can do my own thing. As long as I know I'm an early riser and I'm a doer, but I'm not a doer who like absolutely requires the company. Like I can go do it by myself. If I didn't, then I think maybe there'd be clashes, but no, it worked out so well.
Starting point is 00:34:49 It was great. We're great traveling partners. I know. Did it really well. Anytime. And I think just the conversations beforehand, like, hey, if I want to take a nap, are you going to be upset with me?
Starting point is 00:34:58 Hey, like you know yourself. So advocate for yourself and what you need traveling. Yeah. And it's okay doing stuff alone. Yeah. It's just having these like preemptive like conversations before the trip. So it's not like, well, you didn't tell me you take a nap every day at 3 p.m. I never would have gone on a trip with you. Yeah. Yeah. So I think that's actually a really good point. It's communicating some of the things. Like even, you know, you were like, oh, I sleep with a sound machine. And I was like, okay, like luckily I'm like pretty easygoing. And I was like, okay, luckily I'm pretty easy going.
Starting point is 00:35:26 And I can sleep through anything, whatever. Yeah, you're adaptable. I'm very adaptable. But some people would be like, no, I need complete silence. Those conversations need to happen beforehand. Yeah. Because then you need to either get your own rooms or something. Because that would have sucked.
Starting point is 00:35:39 If you were like, I wouldn't have been able to sleep. Yeah, if you were like, I need a sound machine. I was like, I can't sleep with one. It's like, we share it a bed. Like, you know. Overall vote on this one, not the asshole. I think she made the absolute smartest decision for herself.
Starting point is 00:35:55 Oh, 100%. She may have actually saved her friendship. I think so. To be honest. To be honest. Mm. To be honest. Top comments on this.
Starting point is 00:36:04 So they book tickets for the museum, but don't bother to book a third for you. Exactly. And don't bother mentioning it to you until the day before, they book a three person room. But don't bother to let you know what it's going to cost. And then don't bother to actually make it available to you either because they're bringing a bloke along too. I totally agree.
Starting point is 00:36:23 That's not a weekend you want to be a part of. They've made it abundantly clear. They don't care about you. Good call, sitting it out. Bingo, bingo. Actually, this is actually a story that I've heard before from a former friend is that it was again Miami.
Starting point is 00:36:38 This friend was going to Girl's Trip to Miami and it was very similar to that where the girls had made sleeping arrangements and were like, here's the link to the hotel and she was like, okay, and just like multiple hints where it's like, I'm invited, but am I wanted? Because it's feeling like those are two different things. That's so strange.
Starting point is 00:36:57 And she ended up not going. And I think she's like really glad she didn't go and they're still friends. So I don't know if it's saved the friendship. We'll never know what would have happened if she'd gone on it, but she was getting this vibe. Like why would you make these arrangements for yourself and some of the girls, but not everybody? Well, it's like and then you asked the question, am I the only one excluded? Yeah. Like is it just me and then why is it just me? Yeah. Why am I the odd one out? Well, in this case, it feels very, very personal.
Starting point is 00:37:26 If that, if the bloke or the man hadn't been coming. What the fuck? Did I say maybe these girls are space here? Maybe they wanted to do this, like, little two-person trip. But the fact that they were including, I'm, I'm really about, he has a tip ticket to the museum. I would bet a lot of money on it. I'm sure he's, but, and he's staying in the room, I think, right?
Starting point is 00:37:44 Yeah, that's why she, that's why she loves first part.. I'm sure he's, but and he's singing the room, I think, right? That's why she loves her. That's why she loves her. Oh my God, no, no. OP replies to that comment and goes, yeah, it definitely felt off, but I've never known her to be that kind of person. So it never occurred to me that she was trying to blow me off or anything like that. I do feel good though that most comments are saying I made the right decision
Starting point is 00:38:05 by not going. I definitely would have felt like an outcast since they all live near each other and probably have more things to talk about and inside jokes and whatnot. I just feel really, really sad and hurt. She's the only friend I've maintained contact with through middle school, high school and adulthood. That's hard. I don't, I'm too common of like, I've never known my friend to be like that. It's because I don't think it's your friend. I think it's your friend's friend. I think it's the girl that you haven't met yet
Starting point is 00:38:34 who is influencing. It's interesting, like you think so. Having you over had a friend where like you see their dynamic change with one friend. It's, and it's not even a bad thing. Like I've noticed, I, my energy, changes based off of who I'm around. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:48 And I don't. That's normal. That's really natural, honestly. That's normal. Totally, but I'm in this case, it's unfortunate. Why am I suffering so much? It's unfortunate, but I feel like O.P.'s friend is acting out of character because this other person is rubbing off on her.
Starting point is 00:39:04 I completely think that's the case. This has I've told this story before, but I brought one of my friends that was a newer friend to Dallas with me to hang out with one of my longtime friends, and she wanted so badly to be my friend's friend, that she hid her phone. We all went to a party. And so I had a boyfriend. I was just like, I don't need to keep hanging out here. Like, I'm good. Hey, can I take your keys and go back to your apartment? Why? I don't feel good. Okay. Through the keys at me, I take a Uber back by myself. I go to her apartment. there's no Wi-Fi there, she had just moved in recently,
Starting point is 00:39:45 there's no TV, I literally sat there twiddling my thumbs. Turns out they stayed there and she took my friend's phone, put it into the guy's suit pocket in his closet, so my friend Jordan context me. Yeah. Unhinged behavior. On him. I text her the next day after I wake up,
Starting point is 00:40:04 I'm feeling better. They're still not home. 2 PM rolls around. They're still not home. What the heck the next day? Hey, can I take your car to Walmart to go buy a book to read? I just wanted something to do.
Starting point is 00:40:15 I was going crazy. No, you can't take my car. So you want me trapped, miserable, and separated in your apartment. I go, hey, can I meet up with you? Like, wouldn't respond. wouldn't give me the address. But then, so I asked that question first and then I asked for the car. She responded, no, to the car.
Starting point is 00:40:31 I should have just fucking taken it. But turns out, oh, later on in the evening when they were finally leaving, she magically found her phone in his suit pocket. No, you found it because you put it there, bitch. Yeah. She walks in, doesn't say a word to me, doesn't apologize. And I literally break down, start crying and go, I'm leaving. Like, if she would have came back and apologized, I would have been fine. I would have been like, yeah, I was a shitty day, but like, I get it. You were partying.
Starting point is 00:40:56 Things happen, whatever. Yeah. So I literally get in an Uber, go to my hotel. I like left Jordan there. I was just like, I need to get the fuck out of here. And Jordan ended up taking an Uber and following me, and he spent the rest of the trip, the two of us. But like, gosh. It was insane. And you're not friends with that person anymore. Nope. And even the girl she lived with,
Starting point is 00:41:13 that was one of her best friends. Not friends with her. I ran into her at a bar in Minnesota. She came up and apologized to me. She goes, wow. I just want to say, this has been eating me up since it happened. I'm so sorry for how that day went down. Wow. Just so you know, we're not friends anymore. Wow. Like that goes to show. It was unhinged.
Starting point is 00:41:31 She like messaged me the other day. I was just like, what are you doing? It's like for what? She still has pictures of me on her Instagram. That is interesting. That's crazy. What? Yeah. Like why? For what? But I mean in her mind, maybe she thinks like, oh, nothing really that bad happened. I don't know. I don't know. That's crazy. What? Yeah, like why? For what? But I mean, in her mind, maybe she thinks like, oh, nothing really, that bad happened. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:41:50 No. I don't think I've ever met this person. I know who you're talking about, but I don't think I've met this person. I don't think so. I think you moved to LA as like, yeah. It was kind of ending. Yeah, I don't think I ever met.
Starting point is 00:42:00 So it's like hard for me to even like, yeah. I don't know, but it sounds unhanned. Don't put up with this shit. But don't you deserve to be treated as you are a friend. Yeah, not less than not a dormat, not a tag along. Yeah, but the 10 year friendship. It's sad. That's so sad.
Starting point is 00:42:17 There is a comment, which I find great that you picked up on this. I have a feeling that they invited their guy friend at the same time, they bought three tickets for the museum. Yep, just shit. And they might have even bought three tickets for the museum with the girl in mind. And then last minute gave it to him. Yeah. Shitty behavior. Shitty behavior. I mean, you should kind of rethink your friendship with this person. Even if what I said was true, like where I think the friend is being influenced by the other friends. Yeah. Still, like, I would, she's not, you know, a puppet, like she has her free will and free thinking,
Starting point is 00:42:52 like she could make her own decision. So I would honestly, I'm thinking about my friendships of 10 years. And if they started treating me like that, I'd be like, what's going on? Yeah, well, I'd have a conversation first and be like, what was that? And then try to like figure it out. And then if it didn't get better or I got a weird vibe. Yeah, bye. And I think her response to, hey, I'm not going to go. You based on your actions, you didn't want me there. So why are you upset that I'm now not coming? Exactly. Isn't this what you wanted? Exactly. So now you're being short with me. Now you're ignoring me.
Starting point is 00:43:25 You're trying me even worse. I made your life easier. Like I made everything easier. Yeah, about out. It's so strange. It's super weird. I don't know why people act like that. It's funny before we started recording tonight. Morgan and I were talking about things and I have a birthday coming up and like, you know, as we talk about like our age and where we're at in life, we were just talking about how as you like grow into your mid to late 20s, your spirit influence just gets smaller because you're more selective and more guarded, I think, with your time and your energy and you really re-evaluate all of your friendships. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:01 And where I'm going with this is like, I'm really guilty of, like I think of myself as being a really loyal person and like a really loyal friend. And I need to get over the fact that like longevity does not mean that that person needs to be around forever. Like I have friendships that date back like 15 years, 10 plus years. And the truth is like, what some of those people have grown apart. And I have to like remember that it doesn't make me a bad person for like moving away from that friendship or fading away from that friendship
Starting point is 00:44:32 is not a bad thing. Like I've found that out excuse behavior time and time again, simply because they've been my friends for 10 years. They've known me through middle school, they've known me through high school, they've known me through x, y, z boy friends. Like that's great. Yeah. Order that place that they serve served in your life, but they that doesn't mean that all
Starting point is 00:44:50 the shitty behavior that they do now is excuser wiped away because they've simply been around for so long. I think a lot of people justify bad behavior with duration of friendship. For sure. It's so common. For sure. If like you had a friend that you just met who did that, you'd cut them off. Absolutely. So why do you allow this person to do that simply because they have a long history with you? I get it. Part of it's like, well, for 10 years, she was a really good friend. It's out of character. It's out of character. Like the saying, you do a hundred good things, and you're going to hold something against someone for the one bad. I agree. Don't write them off after 10 years because they did one bad thing. But if you start to notice a pattern, there's maybe y que tienes algo contra el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el que es el Is the sound of your favorite firm as Pedro del Guerrero a Dolpho Domingue? One day to remember with discounts of up to 50% additional.
Starting point is 00:45:47 Come see us every day, including the Domingos only 15 minutes of Malaga. MacArthur Blendizainen, Outlet Malaga, destination, joy. OK, so this last one, studio side, posted about a month ago from Loud Job 5654. Am I the asshole for calling my mother-in-law out for excluding only me on the family girls trip? Yeah. I'm like second-hand mad. So I get along with my mother-in-law most of the time, but sometimes me and her clash. The only relevant time we've had issues was a few years ago when we were on a family
Starting point is 00:46:28 vacation and we got into a massive fight. The long and short of it was I ended up missing an important family dinner at the restaurant my mother-in-law and father-in-law met at. Usually, when I'm on vacation, I don't like to schedule stuff out and just explore and have fun. So I got distracted and missed dinner. Last week I learned that my mother-in-law and all of my sister-in-laws are going on a trip to California this summer. Apparently, they planned this since last year and I was specifically left out of all of the planning. My sister-in-law said that the reason my mother-in-law
Starting point is 00:47:03 chose not to invite me was because of the fight we had about that dinner years ago. I'm the kind of person who likes to deal with things head on. No petty bullshit. So I called my mother-in-law last night. Good. She at first said it was not personal. That she wanted to plan a bunch of activities over the week in California and knew I was not the one for long planned itineraries. I said that that was crap because I could come and still hang out with them at the beach and hotel while going to the plan stuff I chose. She then said she was not going to pay for a flight and hotel for me just to quote, choose to stand up everyone. Things got heated really quickly, and she ended up telling me that she swore to herself never to pay for another of my trips after ruining her anniversary trip like I did, just because
Starting point is 00:47:56 I'm selfish and can't be bothered to do things other people want to do. This was complete bullshit, and I called her on it. We ended up fighting and I hung up. I texted all of my sister-in-law's telling them I'm completely disgusted. They all would leave me out of this just because mother-in-law has a petty grudge against me and cannot stop being a control freak for five seconds. Today I woke up to text after text, telling me to grow up and that she was not the only one who didn't want me there. Oh.
Starting point is 00:48:27 My husband supports me 100%. But apparently, he got chewed out by mother-in-law today. And he said now he's staying out of it. So now I'm starting to wonder if calling her out like this was too far and that I should have been the bigger person. I don't know though. Am I the asshole? Story answer? No, not the asshole. I don't necessarily think it needed to escalate to the fight that it did that but I think dealing with things head on is the best way to do it in
Starting point is 00:49:00 cases with mother-in-laws like they're not going anywhere as long as you're married into that family so it's not something where it's like just let it go. This could be a repetitive thing, trip after trip planned without you, and you should stand up for yourself. That is a good point. It's not even just like, we'll just shake it off. It's like, well, no, this is going to continue to happen. And as long as you're married into that family, do you want to watch all of them go on these vacations without you? Yeah. I'm very torn on this one. I 100% think like if you're upset by something, you can have a conversation.
Starting point is 00:49:32 I agree. But to kind of like come off, like it sounds like she came off like really hot from the start. Yeah. I don't fuck around. No petty bullshit. I call them. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:42 So it sounds like she just came in guns blazing. Totally. Shoot it up first, ask questions after. Yeah. Which, hey, yeah. So it sounds like she just came in guns blazing. Totally. Shoot it up first, ask questions after. Yeah. Which, hey, this is your mother-in-law. This is your family. Have a little tact.
Starting point is 00:49:52 Yeah. You know, maybe there's more to the story. Right. And then I'm like, okay. Well, this was the mother-in-law and father-in-law's anniversary trip that they went on. And you couldn't be bothered to show up for a dinner, celebrating them? I agree.
Starting point is 00:50:08 This kind of person really bothers me. Like I would be really irked. I just can't understand people like that. Like how are you so in your own world that you cannot be bothered to remember commitments for other? Like I really, those people really do grind my gears. Quote, so I got distracted and missed dinner. What the hell were you doing?
Starting point is 00:50:27 Like, see, don't even get me started. I'll like show what really means out of myself. But like, please do. It's well, because I just can't, I have no tolerance for that. If you're there for a purpose, and the purpose was, and it wasn't like you were in a city for like, you know, for fun, and they were, you know, it's like,
Starting point is 00:50:41 you were there for a specific purpose to celebrate a specific milestone. Yeah. And you got distracted, like not like, oh, I got robbed or I got injured or I fell asleep would still be shitty, but at least like, you were. I just got distracted. Not conscious. I got distracted, like what, looking at trinkets, like it wasn't good enough for me to
Starting point is 00:50:59 even remember. That's what it, that's the signal. Like this is so insignificant. That's why it bothers me. Because to me, it sends a signal of, this is so unimportant that I didn't even make a mental note or put it in my cat. Like you're not even worth remembering. A thousand percent.
Starting point is 00:51:14 And I'm going to give this person the benefit of doubt because I know people like this where I'm sure they have a good heart and they aren't thinking you're not important. But it's almost like you need to wake up and understand that the world does not revolve around you and show up for other people. Otherwise, don't be mad when people don't show up for you. Case in point. Is it mean and kind of like mob mentality to plan this trip without her? Yeah, I don't think that's right.
Starting point is 00:51:40 I think it could have gone a different way. And this person proved the mother-in-law's point, like, hey, we have all these activities set. Everyone is on board for these activities, except for you. O.P. even said here. Yeah, I'll go and I'll pick and choose what's good enough for me to attend. I agree, yeah, no. So it's like, do you want a free trip?
Starting point is 00:51:57 Or do you want to be a part of this family and enjoy this family girl's trip? I agree. So I think they could have said, you know, instead of like the mother-in-law being like, I vowed to never pay for another trip for you. The mother-in-law could have said, hey, we're going on this trip. So I think they could have said, you know, instead of like the mother-in-law being like, I vowed to never pay for another trip for you. The mother-in-law could have said, Hey, we're going on this trip, would you like to come? This is the cost of what it would be for you. And then there's no like sour taste in the mother-in-law's mouth for
Starting point is 00:52:17 I paid for her to come and then she's choosing to ditch again and again and again. Like, she's not here for us. She's here for the free trip to California. Exactly, it's very, it's giving opportunist that is the perfect word. And I don't like that. If you, you're not upset, it's hard. I don't wanna assume things, but like I agree with you. I think if you're OP, the good way to,
Starting point is 00:52:43 the best way to go about it, in my opinion, is to have a conversation with your mother-in-law, ask her to coffee, ask her to lunch. Hey, I found out about this trip that hurt my feelings because XYZ, what did I do if she's unaware? And then, okay, I'm so sorry for that. Obviously, I want to show up for you. Can I make it right? Is there a way to give me another shot? Yeah. And if the answer's no, then like that's a different story. But I feel like mother-in-law maybe could have been persuaded.
Starting point is 00:53:09 Or if you really want to... I think she could have. I mean, we barely have information on mother-in-law. Maybe she's a really big stickler. But if it were me, I would just be like, I hate that I made you feel that way. I really want to come and show you that I can be a team player. I'll pay my way on this trip.
Starting point is 00:53:23 Mm-hmm. I just want to come and make it up and just have a great time with all of you and I don't mind paying for myself. No. I think whether or not I'd be like, wow, no, I really know you want to be here. You're not fighting me for a free trip. You're making a mess.
Starting point is 00:53:34 You just want to come and you're going to pay for it. And you're trying to prove yourself. And that's what she should have done. If you wanted to go on this trip, buy into the trip, participate with your family, go to these activities, and don't act like things are beneath you. Like that's the majority of the thing. It's like, you caused a massive fight on the anniversary trip.
Starting point is 00:53:55 You missed their anniversary dinner. And then you're yelling at her again. You blew your shot of saying, hey, you know what, I realized things haven't been the same between us since that fight on that trip. And I'm sorry about that. I would love to go with and try to prove that I can be a part of the family and have fun on vacation. But literally OP said, oh, I'll come with,
Starting point is 00:54:19 but I'll choose what I wanna go to. Yeah, you're right. Now that I'm saying this, now that I'm hearing this again, it's, I still stand by my stance of like, you're right. Now that I'm saying this, I'm hearing this again. I still stand by my stance of like, you're not the asshole for bringing it up. You're the asshole for making it about you and failing to see the way in which you kind of like fell short on your responsibility.
Starting point is 00:54:37 Absolutely. And it wasn't a big responsibility. Like it was show up to a dinner. Yeah, it's kind of twofold here. Like not the asshole for having that conversation. Yeah. As whole for the way you probably went about it and then how it's shaped of twofold here, like not the asshole for having that conversation. Yeah. Asshole for the way you probably went about it and then how it's shaped up to be. Yes.
Starting point is 00:54:49 Oh, and we forgot about like the sister-in-law text. I know. I'm scanning. I texted all my sister-in-law's telling them I'm completely disgusted. Ah, dude, that part, I was like disgusted with what your own behavior like. Let it go. Let it go. Don't bring, they are, like, they're not, they're not paying for the trip I'm assuming so it's not their call like as much as I want to say that they're being active
Starting point is 00:55:08 participants like if it's me if I'm one of the sister-in-laws I'm a peace keeper like I would probably be like hey like do you guys think we should try to include someone so I'd probably have a conversation with mother-in-law just be like know, I don't want to make a concern in my life. Yeah, like why make things difficult? We're all family here. But if mother-in-law was like, no, this is my decision, I would back off and make this, I would probably be like, this is between you guys, talk it out.
Starting point is 00:55:36 It's not between us. But I wouldn't have had the bully mentality that they had where it's like, some of us don't want you here either. Like, yeah, I kind of look at this one though, as a you messed with the bull and you got the horns. I know. You initiated this aggression towards them
Starting point is 00:55:55 by calling them all disgusting. Yes. Yes. And hey, I think OP sounds like someone who is truly unaware and lacks self-awareness and doesn't realize how miserable they are. I agree, I think there's a little bit of a lack of awareness and I think there's a little, it's giving like a little bit of entitlement,
Starting point is 00:56:13 which is interesting. How do you deal with people like this on a trip? In what sense? People who miss out on things? Or just like people that like, I mean, just don't care. Like if we had an important dinner plan, this would be like us going on a birthday trip and literally like one of us like, oh, I don't care. Like if we had an important dinner plan, this would be like us going on a birthday trip. And literally like one of us like,
Starting point is 00:56:28 oh, I don't care about the birthday girl enough, like I'm not going to that dinner. Like how do you deal with a friend like that? I personally would, if I found out an advance or not coming, it depends on if it's my dinner, or like one of our friends. Someone else's dinner is, yeah. But either way, I'd probably just like,
Starting point is 00:56:44 I'm pretty direct. Like I would probably go up to them and be like, what's up, like, what is there a reason you don't wanna come to dinner? Like, what's going on? And if it was not my dinner, I'd be like, hey, it would mean a lot to someone so, like, is there a reason you don't wanna come
Starting point is 00:56:57 and if so, let's talk about it. Otherwise, like, can you suck it up? Like, when they get fun, I'll take a shot in the bathroom with you. Like, it'll be great. You know, I'll just like coax them all into it. Yeah. But if it's my dinner, I'll just be like, hey, it would mean a lot for you for me. If you came, I don't see why you wouldn't. And if there's an issue, like let's talk about it. Yeah. I know. I think that's exactly what I would do. And then in
Starting point is 00:57:17 my head, I go, okay, well, what's the next step for another trip? I'm not going to invite that. I see, I agree. What I was going to say is that's your temporary solution. Yeah. I do agree. Once someone does things like this, I've had a friend who's, I feel like this has happened. I can't recall exactly when, but it has happened where I've been on a trip and a friend like opted out of certain things. And it wasn't cool.
Starting point is 00:57:39 And it does make you less inclined to want to travel with them again. And it does make you less inclined to want to plan things with them. Yeah. Well, and I think about our trip for your birthday, I did leave the bar early. I was in Scottsdale that year. Like, I think we talked about this recently though. But like, I did leave early because I, that wasn't like, that was at the bar leisurely. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:58:00 It wasn't like a dinner. Because I needed to sleep and like, we had already had dinner. We were just out. And then I made sure to make it for brunch the next day. It wasn't like, I missed all like a dinner. Because I needed to sleep. And like, we had already had dinner. We were just out. And then I made sure to make it for brunch the next day. It wasn't like I missed all the other activities. The rest of the trip or like, you know, like that. So, no, but now that I'm talking about this, there has definitely been a trip.
Starting point is 00:58:15 There's definitely been a trip where someone tried to miss like the dinner, like a birthday dinner. And I was like, bro, I swear, I didn't taste it. What trip was it? They went on a date instead. Yes, yes, yes, yes. I did taste it. What trip was it? They went on a date instead. Yes, yes, yes, yes! Oh my God, it wasn't even on the show. I was just like, wait, you weren't there.
Starting point is 00:58:30 I wasn't there, but I know about it. That was not cool. Like, it worked out, everyone was fine. I don't remember anyone being mad or upset. I think it was kind of like a where are you? But it wasn't a big deal, but I remember being like, dude. That's weird though. If you're gonna miss any of the other dinners,
Starting point is 00:58:46 like miss those dinners, not this birthday dinner. Birthday dinner, like the reason we're here. They went on a date and set. I know, but they didn't like go to dinner. I know. They just didn't come to dinner. They didn't attend. They just never came to dinner.
Starting point is 00:58:58 Yeah, which I guess, and it's total, and it's time to call it on a technicality. And it's time to an event better. Like at least show up. And then like hey, respectfully I disagree. I think at least you showed effort versus you didn't come at all. Like that effort would have been better in my book.
Starting point is 00:59:15 Like I get, hey, you're having anxiety, whatever it is. Like everyone needs to take time for themselves. Like traveling can be hard. I get it. But at least like come and just show up for me when it's important. And then do your thing. I agree with that. Is it better?
Starting point is 00:59:32 Is it better? Yes. Coming is better than not coming at all. In some cases. But I feel like if you left depending on how you left, it would still be perceived wrong. The takeaway would still be the same. the takeaway would still be the same. The narrative would still be like, she left my birthday dinner. No one's gonna get into the technicality and be like, well, she technically showed up and then left, you know?
Starting point is 00:59:52 But we are. We are because we're dissecting it on a podcast. But like, I know it's interesting. For most people, they're not like, well, when exactly did she leave? Yeah. You know? True. I looked at OPs account on this one. No comments from
Starting point is 01:00:06 them at all. I don't know if I mentioned, but it's about a month old. So you think they would have commented by now. Overall vote, what do you think it is? I'm getting ass whole vibes. You would be correct in that. They have knife. The hate myself for saying that. Yeah, full. Top comment just kind of summarizes some of what OPs said. I said that was crap because I could come and still hang out with them at the beach in hotel. While going to the plan stuff, I choose. She then said she was not going to pay for a flight in hotel for me, just for me to
Starting point is 01:00:33 choose to stand up everyone. And then they go, so she's paying for the trip so that everyone can spend time together and do activities together. And your position is that you'll pick and choose the activities that you're interested in. You're the asshole. She doesn't owe you a free trip. That's where we got it. It took us longer to get there.
Starting point is 01:00:51 We got there. We did get there. Next comment down, don't forget the fact that the previous trip was to celebrate the in-laws anniversary, and she couldn't even be bothered to show up to dinner. OP isn't that special, and no one is going to give her a full paid vacation so she can go do what she wants on their dime.
Starting point is 01:01:07 When it's added like this, she's looking more and more like an asshole. Next one down goes, but wait, she got distracted and missed dinner. More like she didn't want to attend the anniversary dinner after her in-laws funded the trip. It's like her in-laws. Because they paid for that trip to her. Yeah. And then she missed their silver tour dinner. Are you 12? Like how did you get distracted?
Starting point is 01:01:29 It is super goofy. Yeah, comments, comments, they get it. They, they, they, they get it. They got, they tore her a new one. These are such tricky people to deal with because there's no winning. Well, their intentions can be really good. It's like the difference between
Starting point is 01:01:45 there's some people who are firm believers that like if your intentions are good, the outcome is neutral. And then there's other people who are like, it doesn't matter what your intentions were. It's what you did and what the outcome was. And it's like in this case, like I don't know her intentions,
Starting point is 01:01:58 but they could be really well-intentioned. And she just genuinely is like a space cadet and just loses touch with time and stuff. There are people like that. There are people. I mean, if you have ADHD and it's a very severe form of it, like, yeah, you can blink on important things. It is very debilitating for a lot of people.
Starting point is 01:02:15 But I'm wondering on that anniversary trip, where was her husband? I was wondering the whole, did he miss dinner too? I don't know. I want to know to where was her husband. I feel like she intentionally left that out because it's like if you then got so distracted, air quotes, because I don't think she was distracted. I think this was purposeful.
Starting point is 01:02:34 You think so? Yeah. Why, for what? The whole entire trip is for their anniversary and you miss the one thing that the trip is really for. Yeah, I've heard of people, I've heard of it happening. It's so dumb. No, it's just like, it's so crazy.
Starting point is 01:02:47 I mean, think of it, let me just gonna paint a picture. This is totally a sumptive because I don't know any of this. But like, you go on a trip for the Santaversary dinner. OP is like, dinner's that seven, it's five. I'm pretty much ready. I got time to kill. I'm gonna go like, shop around and then, oh, it's a happy hour. I'm gonna roll on in, have an app, brawl spritz, two app, brawl spritz,
Starting point is 01:03:07 three app, brawl spritz. We did this in Paris a lot. We did this in Paris. We did this in Paris. And then you start talking to the person next to you. You're making friends, you're buying each other drinks, you're having a great time, you're learning about their culture.
Starting point is 01:03:18 Next thing you do. Oh shit Morgan, we're gonna miss our reservation. So like, I can kind of see how it can happen. And even though your intentions were like, I was gonna go to the university dinner, like, totally lost track of time. And I was having so much fun. Like, people were so present.
Starting point is 01:03:33 So it's like, I know people were like, oh, I don't know how you're making a devil's advocate. I'm not. I still think this person got up, but what I'm getting at is, I don't necessarily think it had to be like, a malicious, I'm gonna miss this thing on purpose. Do you think she left out the context of what she was doing on purpose then?
Starting point is 01:03:49 Because the context could change a lot of people too. Like, I got so distracted, I ran into a friend from high school and didn't even realize the time. Like, it's like I believe that it was something kind of dumb. I'm curious. But like, it leads me to believe that it was a very optional activity that didn't need, like it was poor planning. Yeah. It's like where, like tonight, right?
Starting point is 01:04:11 I was like, oh, sorry, I'm running late. Like I could have just said I'm running late. Or I could be like, I was running late because I decided I needed to reorganize my shoe rack. And it's like, or I'm running late because I was having a stomach issue. Contacts is everything. Changes it.
Starting point is 01:04:23 The stomach issue, you're like, oh, I'm so sorry. You ain't good. And the shit thing is like, do you have no regard for other people's schedules? Like you decided 10 minutes before you supposed to come to record that you should color code your shoes. Yeah. The second one is like, you're selfish
Starting point is 01:04:38 or you're just so distracted that you can barely function. Yeah. And the first one is like, okay, that sucks, like bad timing, you don't choose when your stomach acts up. Context matters. Context totally matters. Woo!
Starting point is 01:04:52 Which, this is, you know, context, speaking of context, this is, you know, a Paris episode, travel hacks and horror stories. Let's go to fucking Paris. Let's go back, let's go. Doo! Enjoy the Eiffel Tower of You, guys. Oh, let's go! ¡Tú! ¡Enjoy the I feel tower of you, guys! ¡Oh, foa! ¡Bah!
Starting point is 01:05:27 ¡So, here we are! Benavernos todos los días, incluidos los domingos, a solo 15 minutos de malaga. MacArthur Blender's Eye Neraudlet Malaga, destination, joy. So here we are. Talk about your travel horse story that just happened. No, I can't launch right in. Ease me in. Oh, hi. Hi, guys. Wow. Bonjour.
Starting point is 01:05:38 Jamepelle Mogen. Jamepelle Alejandra. Oh my god, that dog is so cute. I'm like going to be the worst ADHD recorder right now. This is brutal. Not good for your ADD. It's not good for my ADD. The stairs were already getting.
Starting point is 01:05:50 I should have remembered how brutal it was when I did this in London, like the stairs. But it's fine. We had to get to the park for one story. But if you're watching on YouTube, you'll see we're in Paris in front of the Eiffel Tower and It's been insane like the most magical trip so far We've had some experiences already We've everyone has been super nice. That's one thing I was like really worried about especially not speaking French But no everyone's been really nice.
Starting point is 01:06:25 That's been insanely amazing. It's been like the best trip. Beauty of it is it's worked out so well so far, except for one incident which we'll talk about. Yeah. One incident wasn't great, but it actually still worked out really well. It was insane you guys.
Starting point is 01:06:38 Wait until we get into it. Okay, you ready? Yeah. Okay, so this first one is coming from Am I the Ascle? It is titled, and it's only one day old. It's very... This is supposed to be yesterday? It's supposed to be yesterday.
Starting point is 01:06:50 Ha! Very fresh. Really? Very fresh. Interesting. So it's titled, Am I the Ascle for saying, I'll be driving myself and paying for my own room on the upcoming family vacation. So I won't have to be a babysitter. I 23 male was repeatedly stuck playing the part of helper and babysitter on family
Starting point is 01:07:10 audience. I had to move out of my parents house because I kept being forced to help watch my three nephews. Last year we took a family vacation in summer to the coast. I rode along with my parents and they paid for my hotel. Only I had to share that room with three rowdy boys because my sister and her husband wanted a room to themselves. I was promised time to do my own things on the vacation,
Starting point is 01:07:34 but instead I ended up having to help with these kids. I complained to everyone about it and was reminded I was there for free. And then we pretty much just did only one thing I wanted to do, which was tour and art gallery. I like doing this whenever I'm at the coast, but the kids find it boring. This year, my parents have a beach trip planned for June, and they assumed I'd be riding along the same way as last year,
Starting point is 01:08:01 but I refused. I said I'd be driving myself and paying for my own hotel to stay to have my own room. My parents were shocked and tried to remind me of the cost. I said, it was no worry. I've got a good job and a decent running car. I can more than afford it. Hey, that's when the butts started.
Starting point is 01:08:20 I stated the previously listed things as why I'll be driving myself and paying for myself. I won't be able to enjoy this vacation as an adult and not be treated like a child like last year. My parents told my sister and she called to blow up at me that I'll be ruining the vacation if I'm off doing my own thing while she has to wrangle her three boys. I ended up yelling at her that last year all she did was wrote me into her mess. I didn't really get to do much of anything I wanted to do. I was treated like the bad guy for wanting to just go to an art gallery. I'm a grown man. I deserve my own vacation too. Now my sister's not speaking to me and my parents are still trying to convince me to
Starting point is 01:09:01 just ride with them to keep the peace. I'm still refusing, but the pressure is getting to me. Am I the asshole for not giving in? I know they'll have a pretty hard time when they won't have another person there to help. No. No. Absolutely not. No.
Starting point is 01:09:18 You're an adult, and the whole purpose of a vacation is to take a vacation, not fill in the role as babysitter. It's totally different if they were like, listen, can you come on this vacation as our babysitter because we love you and like, you know, this isn't like your vacation, you'll take your own vacation. I don't know. I mean, it's really a compancy. You're like to like treat you like a babysitter, like a paid role, not a family member who moonlights as that paid role. Yeah. I think that there are, OPs actually being a grown-up about it because they could easily just say,
Starting point is 01:09:50 no, I'm not coming. They offered to still come and just pay their way, which to me is actually unfair if everybody else is getting paid for, but that's how willing, unwilling OPs to have to watch the children, and that's okay, that's the boundary that they're setting. Yeah, such a fair boundary. I think that's perfectly fair. I think it's really inappropriate and unfair and uncool to expect her to provide child care. That's not vacation. No working. I'm sure she loves her nieces and effi- their boys, I think, right? All three nephews. So I'm sure the nephews are fun. I've bet a baby's sitting in the past.
Starting point is 01:10:25 Boys are handful, so they can be super rambunctious. I'm sure she loves them and everything, but at the same time, that's not the, we were talking about this last night about how like you're, you know, you've, you've niece and nephew, like, you watch them, it can be a lot and you love to do it, but not on vacation. There's a time and a place for that. There's a time and a place and I, I just had to go check. It is a guy actually. So I was picturing a girl,
Starting point is 01:10:47 but then I thought it could be a guy. It's a guy, which is interesting because I think we kind of like, almost like if it was a girl, it would be like more like, oh, your maternal, it's more expected because the gender, which I find interesting. Yeah, air quotes. Yeah, and so it's so interesting that this is a guy. And okay, well, they're three nephews.
Starting point is 01:11:06 They want to hang out with you. They look up to you. You're their uncle. It's like the guilty, I'm sure they go. Okay, people will take them to ice cream on some random Sunday next week. But like, yeah. Now, your whole vacation, it's like,
Starting point is 01:11:15 if you can't handle your three kids, then maybe you need to hire help. Maybe where's your husband? Where's your husband or your partner in all this? Or, yeah. Those kids came from someone else, not just her. So where is- Unless they're single. Yeah. Unless they're single parents. I don't know, but it's like, why isn't he stepping partner in all this? Or yeah, those kids came from someone else, not just her. So where is- Unless they're single.
Starting point is 01:11:25 Yes. Unless they're single parents. I don't know, but it's like, why isn't he stepping up in all this? But that doesn't, right. It's like your children or your children that's, I hate to be insensitive, but that's your responsibility. Like nobody else signed up for that duty.
Starting point is 01:11:37 Anytime family wants to help, I think people nowadays forget that that is not mandatory. No. It is, and it's a nice thing. It's a gift. It's a gift. Some people don't have that is not mandatory. No. It is, it's a nice thing. It's a gift. It's a gift. Some people don't have the access to that. It's an extra, it's a plus.
Starting point is 01:11:50 Yeah. One thing that I'm thinking as we're talking about this out loud is like, why wouldn't, if they were smart about it, why wouldn't they just say, listen, nobody else is paying for their vacation and you're part of this family, so you shouldn't have to pay for vacation. But like instead, I'm trying to think
Starting point is 01:12:08 how this could work out. I think like the payment is what's being used as the string though. I mean, that was the comment throughout all of it. It's like you're here for free. You can help out with the kids. So I think that is him setting like this hard boundary of like you're not gonna use money
Starting point is 01:12:23 to hold it. Because I've hit my way here. So yeah, you're not using this against me anymore. I don't know like Because I think like he wants to spend time with his family like he loves his family He just doesn't want to be used as a nanny the whole weekend Which like as a nanny in the past I did get asked to go to Mexico with my nanny family And I know like my friend Tanner's fiance now fiance, hey, oh Listen, she is a professional nanny and she gets taken on all these trips
Starting point is 01:12:54 I mean she's gone to Mexico. She's gone to Greece. She's gone all over Yeah, and she went to Hawaii like they gave her her own room and they even let they should and they even let her bring Tanner So when they went out to dinner as a family she had someone to go she got a day with Hannah so if the sister needs help there's ways to have help but it's not Pawning your kids off for the entire vacation on your brother who didn't sign up for kids I didn't choose to have kids. These are your responsibilities. No, and he's 23 at that point You want to be at the you don't want to be the's 23. At that point, you want to be at the, you don't want to be the kids table anymore.
Starting point is 01:13:27 And frightfully so you want to be at the adult table. And no, I don't think this is an asshole move. I think if it were me, like I, I always try to picture myself in the situation. And I think that I would feel the guilt too because I want to do a solid for my family. Helping out like a day like, I'll take him for one day, but not the whole seven of the whole vacation.
Starting point is 01:13:48 It gets to a point where like you're taking advantage of me and the fact that the sister called and blew up, like her entitlement over her brother is very weird. Like this is your brother, not your baby's sister. Right, and so strange. The entitlement kind of tells you everything you need to know or I mean the blow up, tells you everything you need to know because it shows that there's this expectation that
Starting point is 01:14:08 the mom has that you're going to watch my kids on vacation. And you're not now that you're not doing it. Like you're blowing up because you didn't say, I'm not coming on vacation. Then if she blew up on him, they could warrant and be like, oh, she's just really upset because she wants you there. And she feels like you're like causing a rift and that your void, your absence will be really loud on the patient.
Starting point is 01:14:29 He's still coming. He's just gonna pay for it so that he can pick and choose what his schedule looks like while he's there. And she's mad because of the childcare element. Yeah, which is so selfish. She wants a free babysitter. She wants a free babysitter. She's gonna take care of those kids.
Starting point is 01:14:42 So we do have some edits, but I'll read the top comment first. And it's quoting, my parents told my sister and she called a blow-up at me that I'll be ruining the vacation if I'm off doing my own thing. Well, she has to wrangle her three boys. So what's the difference?
Starting point is 01:14:56 That's your job. Yeah, what's the difference? So you recognize that babysitting the kids ruins the vacation? Yeah. And why is it my job to take care of your kids? Yeah. That's funny. So they
Starting point is 01:15:08 quote OP on that and they go, that's a laugh. She's admitting she's ruining your vacation so as not to ruin her own. They're her kids and her responsibility. Not the asshole. In fact, you're nicer than I would be. I just say no thanks. I've got other plans and avoid the familycation altogether. That's what I was saying. Yeah. This person could he's actually being very, very mature and like thoughtful about this in my opinion. Because he could just go the route of if you're paying for your own vacation, you may as well pay what you're sorry choose what you're doing. And so as much as you want to see your family, I
Starting point is 01:15:41 would just be like listen, I'll come spend a weekend with you guys or if you want to come visit me, I'll host you. We can spend quality time, like for free, Loki. I'm just going to like do a different vacation with like a friend, or like a different family member, whatever it is, at that point. And he's not doing that. He's like, I still want to come.
Starting point is 01:15:55 I want to be a part of the group. I want to take part in the family activities on this vacation, but I just don't want to be the expected babysitter. Yeah. So another comment goes, not the asshole. Why can't they get a sitter to come and help? And someone comments under it, they had a sitter.
Starting point is 01:16:10 But he decided to get his own room and drive himself. Ah, yes, yes, that's true. Yes. So we have some edits from OP. There's a lot of comments, but they are mostly like, just piggybacking off the top comment. Basically, like, yes, how dare you ruin my vacation when I should be ruining yours?
Starting point is 01:16:29 What's with the sister? I took care of my kids on vacation and found them things to do on vacation. Maybe sister pay for a nanny on the vacation. Oh, but wait, why would she? Or even try to parent her kids when she is trying to bully her brother into slave labor. Oh, please stand your ground
Starting point is 01:16:44 or simply don't go on this so-called vacation. I agree. So edit. It's barely been an hour since I posted, but my sister is apparently a reddit lurker in the mornings and she saw my post. Not only is she furious with me, but she's also upset no one in the comments is siding with her. To make it short, she went on a big rant about how it's so hard to be apparent to triplets. And the least I could do is help because I'm young and single and she needs a
Starting point is 01:17:10 break. I stood my ground on my decision and now she's calling her parents to get them involved. I'm expecting to call from them any minute. Are you kidding me? Is this woman even because my turn up to have three children? You're young and single. You could be young and single and child free if you wanted to be. Well, half of that statement is a choice, right? Like hit, hit being younger is like not his problem. It's like, sorry, God's plan. Do like, I don't know what to tell you. But being single, again, sometimes a choice, but like, don't penalize him for being choosing to have freedom.
Starting point is 01:17:47 He doesn't have kids, that's his decision. He gets it's not hard to, you know, go out and knock someone up. Like, you know, he just lives a single life, doesn't have kids, nothing wrong with it. So it's not his problem now. I think it's so funny because I saw this video the other day and it was someone talking about how people with kids will sometimes want
Starting point is 01:18:07 people who choose not to have kids to be like as miserable as them. Yeah. And it was this weird concept and I'm not sure if it's even valid. It was coming from someone who was choosing to be child free and like had all these friends that were like complaining about their kids and then but like also guilty them at the same time. But like you should have kids too. You'd love it.
Starting point is 01:18:26 You'd find it so rewarding. And it basically loves company. That is the thing. It was more so like, misery loves company. And you want me to be miserable with you because you chose this path. And you're seeing me have more freedom, financial freedom, no responsibility.
Starting point is 01:18:43 I choose my own path. I do what I want when I want. Yeah, and I saw another thing that was like if you like doing what you want when you want Do not have kids. Don't have kids don't get a dog Literally like do yourself. Not even a cat. No, don't even get a freaking goldfish, but You know, I guess let's like I want to be clear that we're not saying having kids makes you miserable No, I don't know, but it's a choice be clear that we're not saying having kids makes you miserable. No, not at all.
Starting point is 01:19:06 But it's a choice people make. Yes, it's a choice you make. And sometimes kids can make you miserable. And if they do, at the end of the day, our favorite saying, you made that decision. You made the decision of kids, if I get a puppy and that puppy fucks up my house, yeah, that sucks, but I got a puppy. And some of that comes with getting puppies. Yeah. And I don't know.
Starting point is 01:19:26 I just, and you know, we see this phenomenon, the phenomenon that you're, I think you're getting out of like, you know, misery less company, that's not exclusive to this. It's exclusive to anything. If I'm like, you know, hungover, it's like, it's almost easier to be hungover than other person. Not the person running 5Ks in the morning, you know. Oh.
Starting point is 01:19:42 That sucks. But I've also seen that even in the workplace where a coworker will be like, what did you do this weekend? And then they're like, oh, you know, I'm like, oh, I went to brunch and I like with my friends and I went hiking and then I like, you know, visited the Eiffel Tower and like last minute
Starting point is 01:19:56 got on a flight to France, you know, did the things. And then they're like, wow, sounds fun. Like I had two babies to like watch. And you know, I couldn't get away from my kids. And the kids wouldn't stop throwing up on me and it sucks and I'm so sleep deprived. And now they got me sick. And they're like, wow, I wish I could have your weekend.
Starting point is 01:20:12 And I'm like, I don't know how to respond to that. You could of, but you wanted to have kids. And that's just like, the grass is always greener, dude. It is. I don't know. I don't know. Well, when people bring their kids to Paris, I mean, I'm looking at a couple kids.
Starting point is 01:20:24 I'm like, I got a lot of kids. There's a lot of kids. They're so cute, you guys. know. Well, when people bring their kids to Paris, I mean, I'm looking at a couple kids. I'm looking at a lot of kiddies. There's a lot of kids. They're so cute, you guys. Oh my God, and when they talk in France, when they get mad and they're fighting with their parents in French, it is the cutest thing ever. Like, when I hear like an American, like an ever-one.
Starting point is 01:20:37 An English-speaking child, pop off on his parents. I just wanna like check him. Yeah. But when I hear a little French boy pop off on his parents, it's like, it's fucking cute. It's cute, it's cute. It's cute. I think I hear a little French boy pop off on his parents, it's fucking cute. It's cute, it's cute. It's cute. I think that is a thing too, where a lot of parents feel
Starting point is 01:20:49 they can't travel or do things with their kids that they want to do. And it's like, no, your kids are going to appreciate those trips in that culture. Like, and what an amazing gift to give your kids to take them to places like this. Yeah. I just take your kids on vacation.
Starting point is 01:21:02 If you can, if you have the means. If you have the means. Well, and that was this video I saw where someone was like we went to Disneyland and spent four grand for three days at Disneyland and someone was like do you know the vacation you could have taken in Europe for four grand with your family and had a more robust experience but like as a Disney adult I get it like you got to go to Disney too like the guards make me so nervous. I know. I can't like that way. No, when you're getting stared at the other three that walked by though before,
Starting point is 01:21:28 I'm like, okay, they didn't yell at us. It's fine. I know, I know, I know, but they stare at them like, oh my god, I'm gonna get trouble. We're gonna get kicked out of the park. There's a chance. I should probably read. I should probably read the update. I'm shocked I'm at this park. To be quite honest with you. Yeah, I'll Hunter will get to her story. We'll get to her. It's pretty traumatizing actually. It's time PTSD. Okay, so for the update, well, I'm off work now, so I guess I can tell you more of what went down.
Starting point is 01:21:54 I guess you could say it's over. My sister got our parents involved. They looked at my post and were absolutely horrified by the continuous influx of commenters. Yes, they're very angry with me that I posted here, but I told them that if they just listen to me to begin with, I'd have never needed to. I'm sick of the whole keep the peace mentality that sacrifices me to placate my sister.
Starting point is 01:22:15 They in turn went off on my sister, and to make a long story short, the whole vacation has been canceled. Oh no. The hotel wasn't booked yet anyways, but my parents are arguing with my sister. My sister's blaming me, and my nephews are crying because they aren't going to the beach.
Starting point is 01:22:31 My sister called me at lunch and basically implied I have no life, which is why I have time to help. I recorded that and told our parents, and that's currently what they're fighting about. I sincerely thank everyone here for all of the advice, but I don't think I'll need to update again. Hmm. Sad. That's really sad.
Starting point is 01:22:50 See, I don't want to go on a whole side tangent, but I think this is really relevant because when you were reading the story, and you said that the sister was like a Reddit, or OPs said that the sister was a Reddit, like, Lerker, whatever the word was, I always wonder how people find their family members or their friends posts. Like, whatever the word was. I always wonder how people find their family members or their friends posts.
Starting point is 01:23:07 Like, I always wonder that. I always wonder that. I'm also like a sleuth, and we both scour Reddit, obviously. And I've never come across a post that's been about me. I don't know. It would take a while to find something. There's so much on Reddit. They're supposed to really blew up, though.
Starting point is 01:23:22 So I mean, that's just unlucky. That's just unlucky that they posted. And with it a day it blew up. And this is where happens to lurk Reddit and saw it. Like that's bad luck. But where I'm going with this is like, I was wondering when people post things on the internet, even anonymously, you have to know,
Starting point is 01:23:38 and it's just like a message to all of us right now. You have to know that there's always a chance that the audience in which you are talking about will read it. Could find it. Always, you have to know that there's always a chance that the audience in which you are talking about will read it. Could find it. Always, you guys. No matter who you are. Well, being only a day old, I mean, it's got 15 awards
Starting point is 01:23:56 right now, and 33,000 upvotes. And that's only a day old. And that's only a day old. So people really put some fire to this. And I mean, it's like, and that's only a day old. And that's only a day old. So like people really put some fire to this. And yeah, it really just like, yeah. Yeah. Well, it's a bummer that like a family vacation would be canceled over a Reddit post,
Starting point is 01:24:14 but I don't think it got canceled over a Reddit post. I think the sister's attitude is what led to this path. If she would have said, hey, I saw the post, I read the comments, I get it now. Let's move forward and let's go on this vacation. You will verify or more. Yeah. Because she seems like, okay, granted,
Starting point is 01:24:29 we don't know that much about her, but she sounds like a selfish person and selfish people. Very entitled. Typically, you know, don't want to see other people's point of view. And so to see the internet kind of dog pile against you, probably triggered her even more.
Starting point is 01:24:42 And she doesn't seem to have the wear with all to take a seat step back and say, oh, maybe I was wrong. Yeah. Well, we do have a little more info too. She's not single. She has a husband, but he works a lot. Okay. Great. Great time to spend with your family then. Vacation. Take some time off work. Yeah. Family vacation. That's when you do bond with your kids. Spend time with your kids. Yeah. They're all seven years old. And oh, jeez, someone did ask like, Triple it's is a lot.
Starting point is 01:25:09 Three, triple it's boys. Honestly, that's kind of my dream. Get it all done at one shot. Yeah, absolutely. If you could have triple it, I would like want two boys one girl. I do want all boys. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:23 It's exactly what I want. Yeah, I love my family. Like order, like boy, me, girl, boy. That's, yeah, I think that's worked really well. I just, I don't know, I just don't know. You just want to be a boy, mom? I don't want to be a boy, mom. Ah, no girls. No.
Starting point is 01:25:36 If I have one, great, but, you know, it's only I can pick, but if I could have it my way, I think I would want all boys, yeah. Yeah, I'm proud of OP for standing the ground. I think it needed to be done. And this will blow over. The sisters got to come around. It'll blow over.
Starting point is 01:25:52 This is one of those things that I actually think is going to end up being a good thing and calling crazy. But I just think that this actually brought light to a deep rooted issue within the dynamics of the family that maybe wouldn't have been addressed otherwise. And I think the family feels like kind of seen now. Like, okay, the internet, like a bunch of strangers who don't really have a dog in this fight are telling us
Starting point is 01:26:16 that like we've been going about this really wrong by expecting OP to just babysit. And moving forward, like who knows if OP hadn't put this out there, the rest of his life, or you knows if OP hadn't put this out there, the rest of his life or until he got off his own family, made his own family, he would be dealing with this, but now I feel like this boundary's been created and they're gonna rethink the way the dynamic,
Starting point is 01:26:37 you know, between childcare and the OP. They absolutely have to, but I mean, I think they definitely are considering the parents are now going after the sister, which is good. Right. I think this is like a good, it's going to be 10. Growing takes pain sometimes. Growing takes pain sometimes. That's good. I think there's going to be some tense tension for sure.
Starting point is 01:26:55 100%. For a little bit, but you know what, whether the storm, you'll come out, everyone will come out like, hopefully, right? You never know. It could, people do become estranged with their families. Yeah, they might not talk after this. You don't know take things like this, so I really hope I'm wrong, and that's not the good thing I was referring to,
Starting point is 01:27:07 like, but I do think that, you know, with the right communication, this could actually end up like bettering their relationships with each other. Yeah, I think so too. I think so too. Morgan's having anxiety, I can like feel it. I'm pretty good at tuning everything out.
Starting point is 01:27:22 I'm not doing bad, I'm just like, also kind of people watching. And I saw. That's what I'm saying I can tell. I don't know if you guys could see it in the video, but there was the cutest like white Swiss shepherd. And I'm like, oh my god. Yeah, normally I get really distracted.
Starting point is 01:27:37 What's funny is like if you and I were sitting at this park like with a bottle of champagne, I would actually be more distracted. I'd be like looking around. Yeah. But I'm like pretty dialed in right now. But I can, I'm talking to Morgan. You know when you're talking to someone and you can like,
Starting point is 01:27:49 they're just looking through you. That's Morgan. She's not even really like, no! Oh my god. Oh my god. That's our fun. That's our fun to take our talents off. This is meant to be done.
Starting point is 01:28:00 I mean, I have one more short one we can do. I'm dying. I'm like, I'm perplexed right now, you guys. I mean, I have one more short one we can do. I'm dying. I'm like, I'm perplexed right now, you guys. I just like can't, I'm just everyone staring. And like, there was not, there was not this many people in London. And, Well, I don't know, I was there, but I can tell.
Starting point is 01:28:17 No, it was very like chill in London in comparison to this. No, this is amazing, you guys, though, we can't even complain. It's been incredible. We saw it last night. We saw it a proposal last night, right in front of the Eiffel Tower.
Starting point is 01:28:28 Oh my God, the proposal was beautiful. Well, we'll put us something about it. Morgan and I, so this while you're pulling that up, this man got on his, it was dark, so the Eiffel Tower twinkles at night at certain times, and so we came to watch it twinkle with our wine, and this, all of a sudden, it's dark, but I see this man can on his knees.
Starting point is 01:28:45 And I'm like, oh my gosh, she's proposing. I'm like, take out the cameras. And take them out. Take a mark. We look around, there's like no friends or family around. No one's recording. No one. They're gonna want this moment.
Starting point is 01:28:54 This is beautiful. It's like my dream. It's my dream proposal. Unreal. And so more than real. So smart. Raps gets their phone out, records it, walks up to them after, congratulates them, and air drops them, the photos and the videos.
Starting point is 01:29:06 Yeah, no, it was beautiful. And then we proceeded to go sit on a park bench. Oh, we're going there. And yeah, let's just get into it. So this is our horror travel story that we have from this trip. Yeah, it's a horror story, but it actually isn't like that bad. Once, like the ending is okay. It could have been terrible.
Starting point is 01:29:24 It would have been terrible. So after this proposal we watched, we go and sit on this park bench, like all these guys walk around selling wine, so we had bought in wine, and we're just like enjoying the view. Shoot the shit. Shoot the shit.
Starting point is 01:29:35 We've been having. Enjoying our time together. Yeah, I mean, look at this thing. It's beautiful. Yeah. So we're sitting there for a little bit, and then we weren't like drunk. We'd had like two buss of wine.
Starting point is 01:29:44 Oh, no, no, no So we walk off and we go to this restaurant and We did get there though. We did get there. I'm very hungover today So as we're like walking to the restaurant. We think we have all of our stuff. We go down. Oh Hello to you too He's big mad at us. Okay, we just got flicked off. Added to the list. Oh, I get it.
Starting point is 01:30:10 But we're going downstairs. We're like in the bathroom. I go in first and then I hand Alejandra my stuff to hold. And she's like, wait, do you have my purse? I go, no, I don't know. So we run back to the park. Like, she runs back. You run back.
Starting point is 01:30:22 Oh, that's her? You take it from me. You take it from me. We're. Tell her we're gonna tell it. Okay, so I'll pick that up. So I'm like, oh my god, I have to go get my purse and Morgan's like, okay, okay, I'll come with you. So we're running up the stairs and oh, seconds before this, by the way, the waiter fell in love with Morgan and then called her his queen.
Starting point is 01:30:38 And then she asked a question he didn't like. So then he said, now I'm his queen. Fake, but okay. Um, whatever. Fake bitch'm his queen fake but okay. Whatever. Fake bitch. Take bitch but okay. And then so we're more like okay well we have to go get your purse whatever. We're walking up the stairs.
Starting point is 01:30:52 We have this bag with our bottle of wine. There seems to be no open container loss here because everyone just has a bottle of wine in their hands. Yeah you just like walk around drinking here. Yeah. So we have a bottle of wine in our bag and the bag breaks. Shatters. In the restaurants. Oh my god and it was and it was like full. It was a full bottle of wine in our bag and the bag breaks. Shatters in the restaurants. Oh my God. And it was like full bottle of wine.
Starting point is 01:31:07 It was a full bottle of wine. And it didn't just break. It had to literally broke in front of the manager and the waiter. And it breaks. And I look at it and I'm like, I'm sorry Morgan, I can't deal with this. You got to handle this.
Starting point is 01:31:19 Yeah. And I just bolt for the Eiffel Tower. This man, I have never seen someone look at me with such disgust and hatred in my entire life. It, literally just the bad got soggy or something and so it just fell at the bottom, shattered and I look at him and I just like, oh, I'm so sorry. Because we're racing back to go try to find her purse,
Starting point is 01:31:40 we're stressed. And then of course that happens. And I'm like, can I sweep it? Can I help? I was just trying to help. And he was not having it. And then I ended up, he threw a rag down. And I was like, can I help? And he was like, no. He was so mad. I left her in the trenches with three mad French men. They're all being French to each other angrily. They were pissed. So then Alejandro runs back to the park to try to find her purse.
Starting point is 01:32:05 She runs not even like by the area or passes the area and ends up going all the way around the tower. Let me tell you a critical detail that we missed because I think this actually adds the urgency here. So the purse is a nice purse. It's one of my few nice purses. It's a Louis Vuitton, you guys. It's a Louis Vuitton, my first designer purse, okay?
Starting point is 01:32:22 That's fine. Things can be replaced, no big deal. But inside the purse, it's my passport. Oh yeah. My dad, the one thing he told me about traveling is you never leave your, if you're going abroad, you never leave your passport unattended. And I did just that.
Starting point is 01:32:37 She long. And I'm waiting to tell my dad the story when I get back to the States because I think I'll give him a heart attack if I tell him that story. But yeah. Anyway, I digress. The critical detail is my passport is in that said purse that is now missing, and I'm
Starting point is 01:32:48 like, I need that to get back home. Oh, yeah. I feel like panicking. Do we go to the embassy? Are we going to find this? Yes. I'm like sprinting around the Eiffel Tower. It's dark.
Starting point is 01:32:59 I'm confused. There's a lot of people. I start to get tunnel vision, because I start to kind of have a panic attack. Oh, yeah. My vision is starting to blur, so I actually was really disoriented. So I call more people. And she's by start to kind of have a panic attack. Oh, yeah. You were my vision starting to blur. So I actually was really disoriented. So I called more and she's by herself. Like we're not together.
Starting point is 01:33:08 I stayed at the restaurant to fix our wine fiasco. The wine gate. Wine gate. Then I called Morgan in a panic and I'm like Morgan, I like go on without me. Like I'm lost. I can't, I trust you. You have a better chance than I do a finding it. So can you please go find the park bench?
Starting point is 01:33:23 Yeah. I'm going to circle the Eiffel Tower like a mad woman. Yeah, I think you were just panicking. So you went like, if you're watching the YouTube video and looking at the tower right now, Alejandra ended up on the left side, but we only sat on the right side. So she went all the way like fully around the tower.
Starting point is 01:33:38 And missed it. So yeah, so I end up cleaning up the wine and I run to the park after. And I'm like looking around for like kind for the wine guys that had come up. And we had been talking to them throughout the night. We mentioned we were from California. And so the guys started calling us lady god. We don't know why I still to this day.
Starting point is 01:33:55 But well, I don't know. I don't know. Maybe blonde, I don't know. So I ended up finding one of the guys. I was like, did you find my friends purse? Did you find my friends purse? And he goes, yeah, yes, lady god, god, I found it. finding one of the guys. I was like, did you find my friends purse? Like, did you find my friends purse? And he goes, yeah, yes, lady Gaga, I found it. Or like, my friend found it.
Starting point is 01:34:09 Like, they were so excited. And so like, they bring one of their friends over. And then he's like, oh, I gave it to the police. All of a sudden, this like police officers shows up. Yeah, you don't, you didn't, I didn't see any at night. Plain closed, like lady, pulls it out of her backpacks. Like, is this it? I'm like, yes.
Starting point is 01:34:26 And everything was there, even her cash, like nothing had been touched or rifled through. No. It was amazing. Nothing. Amazing. The person itself could be resold. Like it's the good, the great condition.
Starting point is 01:34:38 Like, I guess our point in that story was panic because my passport was in there with cash. Can replace the other stuff, but like I need to get home. This is like an emergency. Yeah. And the moral of the story though was, I don't know, we don't know what would have happened, but like Morgan and I were super nice to the vendors who were trying to sell his wine all night, even though we already had wine.
Starting point is 01:34:58 And we kept saying like, hey, we'll buy it from you tomorrow. We're coming back to record. And we made conversation with them, ask them where they're from. And remember, he said his brother's California, he is from India and is moving to LA in 2025. Yeah, so he told us all of this and we were super kind to them. And like, I think a lot of people, sometimes with street vendors, kind of shoot them away and just disregard them or ignore them. And we were like really personal with them. And I think because of that, we had this connection with them. They like remembered us. And whoever found the purse was one of them that we were really personal with them. And I think because of that, we had this connection with them, they remembered us.
Starting point is 01:35:26 And whoever found the purse was one of them that we had talked to or something. And so they, instead of taking it or pawning it off or just leaving it, they turned it in. And it was really difficult. It was amazing. Which is the opposite of what you expect.
Starting point is 01:35:39 Before coming to Paris, everyone's like pitpocketers. Yes, pitpocketers keep your stuff so close. Which, that happens too, but like this was a fully unattended At night 1800 dollar purse on a park bench like yes, it was incredible like the kindness of these people and Just I it's amazing. It was amazing. We did end up going back to the bar We made amends with the server and the manager. I had to basically tell him he can be my boyfriend. So I now have a boyfriend, everyone.
Starting point is 01:36:10 Yeah, it was really good. I will put the name of the restaurant in the video because if you're in Paris, you need to go. Yeah. The manager's name is Manolo and it's like one of the nicest little spots. I already forgot my boyfriend's name. But I come up to him and I, because I felt so bad, I was like, what can I do to make this right?
Starting point is 01:36:32 I'll undergives him like 60 bucks. Alright, yeah, so I thought it's okay. And he goes, I wasn't enough, he looked still angry at me. I'm like, what can I do to make this right? He goes, your number. And I was like, sorry, that's dust. When I was like a dust storm. I'm sorry, like couldn't see for
Starting point is 01:36:52 his. I had a bling. It's like stuck on my contacts. I think there's dust on the mics. There is. Okay, sorry. I said your number and I said, fine, we, um, anything. Oh, we, anything. Um, anything, anything.
Starting point is 01:37:05 So you're not mad. Anything for this stranger that I'll never see again in France. But as long as he's not mad, we're so, we're such people, please. Oh my god, sometimes we are. But hey, we're going back there now. We're going to get food. Yeah, we're going to go grab a drink.
Starting point is 01:37:17 We're starving. Probably. It's meant to be. We'll see you guys back at the hotel. A little tipsy on the next story. Yeah, yeah. Bye. Bye. to be well, we'll see you guys back at the hotel. We'll see you on the next story. Yeah, yeah. Bye, guys.
Starting point is 01:37:45 Not me, it ain't my cross-haw in the park at 6am in Patti. Wow, yes, we got kicked out of the hotel. From recording on the rooftop. So the only way to come back and finish our Paris episode was do it in the park. And how do you avoid people and screaming babies and all that good stuff? So yeah, yeah, you guys running on no sleep.
Starting point is 01:38:15 As we went to bed at like three, so it was nice two hours of sleep. But here we are, you guys, with the rest of our travel episode. And we're gonna be ending it a little differently. We have a bunch of listener writings of just crazy travel horror stories. And I have a personal experience from yesterday. So it's gonna be a good time.
Starting point is 01:38:37 It's gonna be a really good time. Yeah, so for a little tired, no, not even tired. Our brain cells just might not be brain selling at full capacity. My brain cells are might not be brain selling at full capacity. No, my brain cells are on their last leg for sure. The two last ones I have are rubbing themselves together right now. It's not looking good, guys. Losing my voice, too, so.
Starting point is 01:38:56 Here we go. Let's get back into these stories. But okay, let's talk about TSA pre-check. Oh, I need to get TSA pre-check. I need to do thatSA pre-check. I need to do that on my home. It's so good. Also, if you're considering doing pre-S-A-Teach pre-
Starting point is 01:39:11 Oh my God, am I okay? TSA pre-check. What did you call it? You call it like pre-S-A. Pre-S-A. Get the pre-S-A. Sounds like a thing what a pre-S. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:22 But if you're thinking how getting it, just do global entry because it's like $15 more. Honestly, I really want to cut you off, Gakey. Go for it. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I think there's some things that should be Gakeh after and this is what? Because the more people get it, then it doesn't. It doesn't.
Starting point is 01:39:39 It does do what it's supposed to do. Or because people are already pre-checked. Does it speed it up still, you know? Okay, fine, I'm being an asshole. No! I'm the asshole. Am I the asshole for gay, deeply, or, yes, they pre-check.
Starting point is 01:39:53 I didn't say it, you did. So this is 10 days old coming from Amity asshole. Oh, it's almost like, it's almost like you're trying to get a fresh accent. No, I'm just dying. I don't do well without sleep. You guys are seeing it. I'm so sorry.
Starting point is 01:40:12 You have to just keep that in. It's the only reason I've ever recorded it. I'm never doing it again. No, you are. So it's coming from Amity Ashole. The user, MGOZool. It's 10 days old and titled, I'm a teacher at the school. I'm a teacher at the school. I'm a teacher at the school. I'm a teacher at the school.
Starting point is 01:40:27 I'm a teacher at the school. I'm a teacher at the school. I'm a teacher at the school. I'm a teacher at the school. I'm a teacher at the school. I'm a teacher at the school. I'm a teacher at the school. I'm a teacher at the school.
Starting point is 01:40:35 I'm a teacher at the school. I'm a teacher at the school. I'm a teacher at the school. I'm a teacher at the school. I'm a teacher at the school. I'm a teacher at the school. I'm a teacher at the school. I'm a teacher at the school.
Starting point is 01:40:43 I'm a teacher at the school. I'm a teacher at the school. I'm a teacher at the school. I'm a teacher at the school. I'm a teacher at the school. I'm a teacher at the school. for TSA pre-check and clear. While I've decided to enroll in both programs since I travel every few months and appreciate the convenience, she thinks the requirements are too annoying and confusing to deal with, so she refuses to go through the process, somewhat fair they can be cumbersome, but she's a smart person and can figure it out. When we travel, I tend to book our trips and make our travel arrangements, including two and from the airport, meaning I input my trusted travel ID and often have a rapport with TSA agents since I only fly the same airline, always at the same terminal.
Starting point is 01:41:17 I also often travel with my work laptop and use a carry-on, so pre-check makes this process easier for me. You keep your jacket and shoes on, no laptops out, etc. The first time we traveled together, four years ago, we got to security and I asked her if it was okay if I go through the pre-check line. While she does the regular security. She said yes and I met her on the other side. Since the line was long, I went and got coffee for both of us and waited on the other side. Since the line was long, I went and got coffee for both of us and waited on the other side. Safe to say she got through security and was pissed. She said she couldn't believe I actually abandoned her at security,
Starting point is 01:41:54 and she only said yes because the question caught her off guard and she was so taken aback by me asking. Going forward, anytime we travel, I have to go through regular security, no matter how long the line is, and stay with her. This often leads to the TSA agents commenting how I can go through pre-check, and me having to explain in front of my girlfriend why I can't. Sometimes the subsets her because the TSA agents will make a comment about how it's unfair. One time,
Starting point is 01:42:22 they made me go through pre-check because of how long the regular line was, regardless of my comment to stay with my girlfriend. She wasn't happy that time either. She likes to point out whenever we travel that one time I abandoned her at security and how she'll never let me go through the fast line unless she gets to go through too. In the numerous times since that, we have flown together, I have not abandoned
Starting point is 01:42:45 her since. She points out to friends how I abandoned her as well. Most are split on the issue and if you note, they'd let their partner deal with the slow line as well. Even more so when their partner has the means to get pre-check. So for a stupid and petty thing like this, am I the asshole? No. I'm like kind of shocked at this one. I'm gonna be honest, so this has like been my life. It could have been written by Justin,
Starting point is 01:43:12 except I'm not Kuku, like this girl? Exactly. Like Justin has had TSA pre-check the entire time I've known him, and he will so much, it's so funny, because he's had it, and I haven't had it up until like a month ago, because I was just like, I'm not traveling that much. We had COVID, whatever, I didn't need it.
Starting point is 01:43:31 But now I was like, oh my God, it's a dream having TSA pre-check you guys. So Justin has always been the one to like, he'll go through the fast line and all the way in the regular line and if it's a really long, he'll go get food because we only have a little bit of time for the flight and blah blah blah so like this has been my life. I don't care. Is it nice to have someone wait in you in a line and chat and talk? Yeah sure but do you go to target by yourself
Starting point is 01:43:57 sometimes? Yeah. Do you go to the grocery store by yourself sometimes? Yeah. I think you're okay standing in line by yourself for 15 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes, you'll be okay. Yeah, to me, the girlfriend is like nonsensical. Like yesterday, we had to wait a really long line again on a boat tour and I just like ran errands during it. Like I went, like I went, like Morgan held our spot and I was like, all right, I'm gonna go get a swine
Starting point is 01:44:21 and I was like, I'm gonna go get a psych of crape. So that didn't work out, but I tried. But- It's all the time. Yes, but my point is, like, one person can be efficient, like Justin or in this case, OP, can go get coffee, go get snacks, like, do you have to go through the security, like machine holding hands?
Starting point is 01:44:38 It doesn't make a difference, you have to go through it no matter what. And it's gonna take the same amount of time. You refuse to get pre-checked for whatever reason. Then this is the process. The other person doesn't need to conform to that process. It's not as efficient for them. And the fact that you're like low-key getting jealous of your partner getting through TSA pre-check or through security faster than you is weird. Is what do you think? He's going to like go and like cheat on you like it's dramatic, but what do you so worried about?
Starting point is 01:45:06 That he's gonna go meet the love of his life, all he's like, because he got out of security 20 minutes early and you're gonna lose him now. Like, I just can't see the logic here. And I've traveled, I know it's different, they're not like my boyfriend's or partners, but I've traveled with friends before I had clear. And my friends will literally look at me and be like,
Starting point is 01:45:23 bye. See you on the other side, bitch. And they would leave me and I'd be like, okay, bye. I asked you on the way here. I literally said, do you care if I go through TSA pre-check? I said, literally no. And in fact, I was like encouraging you.
Starting point is 01:45:33 I was like, it's that way. And you were like, no, I'm gonna come with you. And I was like, Morgan. Okay, so at the international airport in LA, the terminal there, the regular securities all the way to the right. And then imagine walking two football fields, and it's all the pre-check's all the way
Starting point is 01:45:49 on the other side. So I was already in this line with Alejandra because they usually go together and then split, but I was like, it's not worth me walking over there. It's fine. But it is, when you're traveling with a computer or a jacket, I mean, not having to take off your shoes, is amazing.
Starting point is 01:46:04 Also, she does, like he said, she does have a credit card that will pay for it for her. So look into that, you guys, if you are considering it, because so many credit cards will give you that as an incentive. It's free. It's stupid not to, which I think the top comment might mention it. Yep, they do. So the top comment on this one is not the asshole. If she doesn't like it, she can sign up for pre-check. It's a form of weaponized incompetence. Maybe weaponized laziness.
Starting point is 01:46:34 And that's what it is. She's got the means to do it. It doesn't take that long to do. You might have to do an interview. Sometimes you can do them on a zoom, but like, it's not that bad. And then she's like, you can't use it unless I get to go through to do. So do you think you're magically going to get to be able to go through without doing this work? Like this person went through this process to get this like expedition or
Starting point is 01:47:00 whatever you want to call it. He went through this process. You don't just like reap that benefit too. Do your own process. He's gonna help you. He said it'll help you. This will give me the IK. For her dating someone and they got that heated over me going through GSA. I'd be like, clearly we're fundamentally
Starting point is 01:47:16 both different and I don't want to tell you also, go get GSA breach act. Like I don't know. I would just, the laziness would bother me. I'd be like, there's no, back to the earlier story, it's like that, you're probably like that
Starting point is 01:47:26 and other things too, I'm sure. What else does she like patronize them about? Well, it's, it's that, there's gotta be more for sure. But it's also the fact that she continues to bring up the one time he abandoned her. Oh, he abandons me at the airport. He leaves me by myself. Oh my gosh, were you scared for your life?
Starting point is 01:47:46 In like one of the, in a safe security line where there's like a police and guards everywhere, like he didn't leave you like in the street somewhere. He had bands and meat. No, he came back and if someone like who went and got me coffee while I was just waiting in line. Thank you. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:48:01 Those lines, first of all, there's no TSA pre-track for the coffee line in the airport. So if anything, I would rather go slower through the security line while someone gets me coffee. Absolutely. It's like perfect. You're like, self-care. Let me read a book while I stand here. Yeah. Let's new some songs. You're about to spend a trip together.
Starting point is 01:48:19 Maybe that's nice to have a little bit of a loan time and downtime before you spend however, X amount of days together. Mm-hmm. Good morning! Good morning! Hello! Oh, yes! Yes!
Starting point is 01:48:30 Thank you! You're so freaking cute. Do you have a name? Let's see. It's like Pierre. Oh, it's Tess! Oh, oh! Oh, oh!
Starting point is 01:48:38 Okay, she's going to hang out here while we record. You can leave. Oh, you're so cute, Hes. Are you really very sorry? Are you really very sorry? That's all. Oh, okay, thank you so much. Thanks for coming to our podcast.
Starting point is 01:48:52 Okay, sorry about that. I briefed dog break. It's been my religion that I have to pet dogs when they come back. I don't make the rules. There's another comment. Overall, coffee down, coffee down. So keep going. Overall, coffee down, coffee down. So keep going.
Starting point is 01:49:05 Overall, not the asshole on this one. When my husband was pissing and moaning about getting... She's so cute. When my husband was pissing and moaning about getting the paperwork done, I said, quote, suit yourself. Don't fill it in and stand in the long line. Fill it in and sit with me. Your choice.
Starting point is 01:49:25 I love it. Yeah, not the asshole line. Fill it in and sit with me. Your choice. I love it. Yeah, not the asshole. I think. Not the asshole. At a certain point, you can't keep enabling people in your life. And this is a petty, like he said. This is a petty silly thing I'm writing in about. He recognizes it.
Starting point is 01:49:37 Did they give ages? I'm sorry. No, I don't think any ages were mentioned. I'm wondering. I mean, it doesn't really matter because you're an adult at this point. No, they've also been together for four years. So like, this isn't a any ages are mentioned. I'm wondering. I mean, it doesn't really matter because you're an adult at this point. No, they've also been together for four years. So like this isn't a deal breaker for him.
Starting point is 01:49:48 It would annoy me every single time my partner like kept bringing this stuff up. But I think I'm such a doer. I can't stand when people complain about the same thing. And there's, yeah. There's a route you can take to change it. And you still, I would probably that night go home, pull up the TSA pre-check like application,
Starting point is 01:50:10 like fill out as much as I can for them. I would make it as easy, which now that I'm saying this out loud, I'm like, okay, that's kind of babying though. Oh, for sure. But I think I'm just being so tired of hearing about it. And if this is the only thing she's like weird about, then I would just be like, let's then love you. Like, let's get this over.
Starting point is 01:50:24 I'm gonna have to do it for you. I'm gonna do it for you, because I love you. But I don't know. If this is like only thing she's like weird about, then I would just be like, listen, love you. Like, let's get this over. I'm gonna have to do it for you. I'm gonna do it for you because I love you. Yeah. But I don't know. If this is like a trend in your relationship, I feel like you're a baby. You're gonna have to baby this person. Yeah, I'm not about that.
Starting point is 01:50:33 I like Justin will do like the simplest things. Like, and I'm like, is this weaponized in competence? Or do you actually not know how to do it? Or I don't love that, too. I just like, I've gotten so much in my head about it now. And I think like some of you guys have to, like even listening to the podcast, I saw someone tag me in one of their stories other day.
Starting point is 01:50:51 And they were like, I had to like stop listening for a little bit because it would like stress me out so much that my partner was cheating. Aw. And you almost have these like concepts or these things come up and then you're like, wait, oh, like is my boyfriend using weaponized and competence to not do something or is he truly just needing a little extra
Starting point is 01:51:11 assistance on this? And you really kind of like getting your head about these things, you're like gas lady or, oh my god, he's a narcissist. You know those buzzwords always pop up. Yes. You just like, you hear them and you're like, wait, does it fit? And you try to apply to things. And you're like, wait, does it fit? And you try to apply to things. And you're like, ah, no, it doesn't always fit.
Starting point is 01:51:28 Yeah, yeah. That's a good, that's a really important point to make. Because I'm hearing this, like, I've been accused of what but I as a competence. And it's like, it sucks. Because sometimes it genuinely isn't. And then you just feel shitty about it. And you're like, damn, like, it's possible for people to just not,
Starting point is 01:51:41 like be inept about certain things. I know. I literally, I think I know what you're talking about. I have literally a lot of options. Morgan has accused me of what I think of. I'm like, yeah, some people. Me being super passive over here. No, you're not the only one by the way.
Starting point is 01:51:56 Oh, and you're just like, can't open wine. There's a couple of things in life I just can't do in opening wine bottles is one of them. No, Sarah and Lauren also accused me of one time. I bought you an electric wine opener now though? It like, it doesn't work sometimes. But that's not even the point. I think people struggle because like I'm an intelligent
Starting point is 01:52:12 being who can typically figure things out myself. And so when I can't do things, people are like, there's no way she can't figure that out. And then she's just playing dumb. And I'm like, why would I play, I wanna drink wine. Why would I play dumb about, who does that serve? Why would I take any longer to get this open? I would have said at home by myself waiting for my friend
Starting point is 01:52:28 to come over because I can't get the bottle of wine open. But anyway, to me, this is, I don't know, some weird, maybe she is doing this, bitching and moaning enough so that he'll just do it for her. But it's like you're making your life harder. I know. I know. I know. I know. Yeah, you're right. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:52:44 I'd be like, oh, well, I mean, honestly, I would keep leaving her in the line while it goes. I know. I know. I know. Yeah, you're right. I don't know. I'd be like, oh, wow. Honestly, I would keep leaving her in the line while it goes. I would too. Truly. She's already saying you abandoned her. Actually abandoned her. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:52:53 Like, do it. Make this you fit. Make this you fit. Like, you left her one time and you never hear the end of it. It's like, okay, we'll leave her again. And then, and then never come back. And then, literally leave her. Just kidding. My dad went to the store to. And then never come back. Like literally leave her. Just kidding.
Starting point is 01:53:06 My dad went to the store to get milk and never came back. Literally leave her. Like get on a different flight, book different locations. She's flying somewhere, you're flying the other. She's just leave her. Sorry, never mind. Don't actually leave her. Or do.
Starting point is 01:53:19 I mean, really aggressive this one. I'm like, I'm so, I'm like, I'm on edge. I'm so tired and crinky. I'm like dumb brass. Yeah, I feel like, I'm on edge, I'm so tired, I'm cranky, I'm like dumbass. Yeah, I feel like parts of the brain don't function the same when you're running on really low sleep. Running on fumes. Like I wonder if your empathy levels are like...
Starting point is 01:53:34 A factor? Yeah. I could see that. Because I don't feel as empathetic as I normally would for this person. Huh. Yeah. We should look into that. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 01:53:43 Maybe there's some studies. New little later. Okay, moving along. So, we have a lot of writings from people. I love to see it. So I posted on the two hot take subreddit, and I was just like travel hacks and horror stories. What do you guys got for us? And this is from Little Bunny Fufu. Cute.
Starting point is 01:53:59 And they go, I almost got abducted in Greece. Oh! Are you sure you wanna read that before you go more again? I'm not going anytime soon, so yeah. I love to travel solo, but one thing I've learned is to never act like a tourist. Act like you know where you're going and don't ask people too many questions.
Starting point is 01:54:20 That's kind of smart, actually. So smart, never have your iPhone out, like staring at your phone, like try to look where you're going and then put it down. That's one of my actually. So smart, never have your iPhone out like staring at your phone, like try to look where you're going and then put it down. That's one of my hacks. Yeah. Yeah. Especially as a woman, people will take advantage of you.
Starting point is 01:54:32 Anyways, back to my story. I was waiting to take a train to the airport in Greece and the signs were very hard to understand. I broke my rule and was acting so disoriented. I was nervous I'd miss my flight. This guy came up to me and asked me if I needed help. I politely told him no, but he kept pestering me and told me I was at the wrong train. Telling me he knows Greek and that I would be taking it
Starting point is 01:54:56 far away from the airport. My gut said this was the train I was supposed to be on, but I was just trying to triple check. He would not stop nagging, telling me he had to get me to the next train before I missed my flight. So I decided to follow him. Feeling so anxious while we went up to the escalator while I was trying to plan my escape, he asked me some personal questions like what do I do where I lived. I gave him all fake information. We get to the top of the escalator and it opened up to a wide
Starting point is 01:55:24 area full of train stops and people bustling to their trams. The guy urged me to follow him quickly through the crowd and told me to stay close. My eyes darted the room and I saw four police officers in the middle and I knew this was my only chance to escape him. So I started to walk slowly
Starting point is 01:55:40 so the guy would continue on without me as I ran to the cops to ask where I was supposed to go. I pointed directly in the direction of the guy would continue on without me as I ran to the cops to ask where I was supposed to go. I pointed directly in the direction of the guy and he freaked and disappeared into the crowd. The officers told me I was at the right train and not where that guy was taking me. Freaked me out, imagining what could have happened to me if I had listened to him. Now I always make sure I know where I'm going beforehand. I still love to solo travel. Just got to stay alert. Be safe people.
Starting point is 01:56:07 Oh, very true. That's more on the hack side. Yeah. Be vigilant. It's crazy. I mean, my grandma, every time I would like go abroad or like go anywhere, like anywhere. She'd be like, have you seen that movie taken? Mm. Like, have you seen that? I? Like, have you seen that? And I'm like, yeah, yeah, yeah, grandma. Oh, that's like every, that movie was like, gave every parent even more anxiety
Starting point is 01:56:30 about their kids traveling. Oh my God. I mean, it's huge. Your dad literally just texted me because he must be like, kind of keeping tabs. Like, as a dad should. He loves looking at my location, on my friends, whatever.
Starting point is 01:56:41 Yeah, fine, fine, fine. Yeah, whatever, find my daughter. And she saw that Morgan's at the Eiffel Tower at like 6.37 a.m. And so he texted me and he was like, hey, I like sent me a screenshot. I was like, either Morgan is at going to the airport or her phone got stolen. FYI, it's at the Eiffel Tower as we're literally live.
Starting point is 01:56:59 And it's like cute because it's like, she's obviously worried, you know. And I wanted him to not worry. So I texted him back during the episode, being like, we're recording. You know, a little picture of us out here. Yeah, because it's like every parent gets nervous, especially at such a tourist attraction.
Starting point is 01:57:14 We had that scary incident the other night, worked out. It was okay, but as a travel hack to your point, stay vigilant, don't act like, because you don't know where you're going, especially. Let's just be real. It's it's even harder for like a woman to travel alone, you know, it's scary. I can be really scary. You can be scared just being alone in LA. You don't have to travel. You don't even have to travel. I mean, even your backyard, yeah. But that is one thing, like walking around just the two of us, like, yeah, there's been an abundance of times where guys have been like,
Starting point is 01:57:42 oh, you're so beautiful. You're so beautiful. And follow us down the street. And it's like, no, like, they're hard to shake sometimes. And it's like, I don't know what, you know, the intention is behind that. But like, is it really you just think I'm pretty and that you're trying to talk to me? Or like, what are you trying to do here? But it's like, it's over the top aggressive.
Starting point is 01:58:01 And then like still following me down the street, even though I'm like, no, no, no, like, woo. Yeah, it feels like, woo, yeah. It feels like they're trying to distract us because a lot of epicenters of tourism, Paris, for example, LA too, there's a lot of pickpocketing. And so that's something that Paris unfortunately, as much as I love this city, has been known for.
Starting point is 01:58:21 And so when people get that close to you and are trying to talk to you and kind of distract you, it's almost like look over here. Yeah. Like you're so beautiful. I mean, while they're like, yeah, traveling in your purse. So whenever they do that,
Starting point is 01:58:31 Morgan and I would just like, I were all of my belongings would be like right in front of us and we would just like tunnel vision to our destination. Yeah. But no, you got to be careful traveling. And you can be super friendly. And I know it's easy to like make friends with locals and like other tourists,
Starting point is 01:58:44 but you have to just, we see all those horrors of people who go missing on vacations Oh, trust someone too much and it sucks. You want to be like a kind human and but you got to look out for number one Yeah Yeah, and like you want to make friends like it's hard like you want to make friends You want to chat with people you want to experience the culture and all that but you have to be careful You just have to be safe like yeah, that. But you have to be careful. You just have to be safe. Like, you just really have to be safe.
Starting point is 01:59:07 Yeah. OK, so this one is, I was in Spain by myself, staying in an illegal Airbnb. First pro tip, don't rent Airbnb's in Spain. They're not legal and hurt the community by making housing more scarce and expensive. I was told not to mention I was using Airbnb since it's not really allowed. And that I had to say, I'm staying with family of asked.
Starting point is 01:59:29 It felt shady to begin with. Lovely flat though. My flat was inside of a building in an alley near Busy Road and there were others living in the building. If I approached the front door at the same time as someone else, I'd let them use their key, so I didn't accidentally let someone in who I shouldn't. Anyways, this was no issue until one evening I was at the front door about to go in.
Starting point is 01:59:50 Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a man changed his path. He was walking straight, saw me, and changed his direction to come to the door I was at. I stepped back, motioned for him to open the door, and he started screaming at me. Loka, Loka, and then Sistine, I let him in. Basically, gas-ledging me, trying to make me doubt myself as abusers do. He seemed drunk as well. I went to the market and I extorted ask for help, but I was so flustered that the language barrier
Starting point is 02:00:15 made it impossible. I couldn't communicate that there was a crazy man outside my flat. I couldn't remember how to say man. So I was saying, Estad Unloka of where I'm me Puerto. I just seemed crazy. So I left and went somewhere where I knew the people were working. I just hung out for a couple more hours and then went back and the guy was gone.
Starting point is 02:00:35 I truly think something bad would have happened in that stairwell if I hadn't been so firm and listened to my instincts. This was after I read the gift of fear by Gavin DeBecker. I highly recommend especially for people who travel alone. It's just like crazy. You always like have to be so aware of your surroundings when traveling. That's another point that was brought up in that story is like the language barrier can make it even more difficult. We don't speak French. Yeah. So communicating certain things is even harder when you have less.
Starting point is 02:01:04 And it's kind of scary. Like you should kind of brush up on the language and no Important, I mean I would one travel hack. I was told that I did not do with this is like one locate the embassy always for purposes of my story the other night Almost lost my passport and two Learn the local emergency number, right? Like I don't know is I don't think nine nine-on-one is universal. No, nine-on-one's not universal. Right, I didn't think so. So, you know, fact check whatever your local, wherever you're traveling to is like, locate the embassy,
Starting point is 02:01:32 have some type of like exit plan, which is, I don't wanna be like a fear monger. I'm like, I hate that, I was telling Morgan, I hate when people do that, but you should be aware, and you should be smart about it, especially if you're traveling alone, man, woman, non-binary, whatever.
Starting point is 02:01:46 You know, you should have some knowledge of hopefully you never have to use it. Hopefully, you don't lose your passport on the bench outside the Eiffel Tower and have to go to the embassy. Like luckily that was crisis avoided. Because if we had it, I don't know where the embassy is. We probably could have easily figured it out, but it should happen.
Starting point is 02:02:04 You lose your phone. My cousin got his phone pick pocketed. It was either in Mexico or Spain. Some motorcycle just came by and took it. I can't have an anybody. Yeah, he was like, mapping. I was on his phone and they swiped it. Yeah, he was like mapping like this.
Starting point is 02:02:18 Oh my God. Looking like, where's that coffee shop? And someone just, before he could even like, react, his phone was gone. Now what do you do? Right, and luckily you know Spanish, but like there could be a language barrier and now you're trying to communicate to people. I don't have a phone.
Starting point is 02:02:31 I need to go, you know, so. Not having your phone nowadays is so scary. It's crippling. It's absolutely crippling. Like when I got I got pit pocketed at Coachella, the music festival. Oh god, yeah. And I lost my phone. And Justin's died. So how do you get newber?
Starting point is 02:02:47 How do you get home? You're done. How do you contact anyone? You're done. Like what do you do? You have no way of getting help. And then like, oh, the gate code for where we were staying was on my phone.
Starting point is 02:02:58 The address was on my phone. Yeah. How do you pay someone? Because my payments are on my phone. Apple Pay. It makes you, it really makes you think, because I think a lot of, like the listeners, a lot of us are like Gen Z,
Starting point is 02:03:13 Millennial, Gen X. Yeah. And it's crazy to think, but before our cell phones, like our parents, my dad traveled the world in the 90s. Like he probably had to print everything out. Print out the hotel address, print out the directions to his site seeing.
Starting point is 02:03:28 Like, we can just on the fly with butter, if I don't go, best cheesecake in Paris. You know, it makes the, I know, doesn't it? It makes the ability to travel in prompt to a lot more achievable, whereas before you had to do a lot of planning and there's, it's a blessing and a curse, a blessing because there's a lot more autonomy of a lot more options, but to your point Morgan,
Starting point is 02:03:50 your phone is your lifeline. So without that thing, you're kind of done. You gotta be careful. You gotta be careful. Always have some extra cash on you. Yeah, so we learn that the hard way. Right phone numbers down. There's certain things you can do to definitely
Starting point is 02:04:04 like make sure you're going to be okay no matter if you lose your purse, if your phone gets stolen, all of those things. Great, great. And I'm really bad with directions. Morgan's really good. Both of our phones almost died last night, actually, speaking of, which is not great. Yeah, mine was at 1% as I walked in the lobby and then died. Mine was at 5.
Starting point is 02:04:23 I was trying to map this home. Thankfully, Morgan's really good with directions. So she can just like intuitively get us home, which is crazy because she's never been to Paris before. And I have. I'm pretty good if I go down a route. Or remember how to go back. That's such a good skill.
Starting point is 02:04:37 It's pretty, I'm really good with my sense of direction. I'm not. It's one of my favorite things about myself, actually. I love that. That's so amazing. I just like can pick up an area so fast. It's an incredible skill, especially for traveling. es una de las direcciones. Es una de las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las las Yeah, no, it's hard, it's really hard. Okay, so this next one, I was visiting a friend when I was 36 weeks pregnant be a designer at the Malaga destination, Joy. huge blizzard happening in the town I was in. And luckily we made it to the airport just fine and the city where the airport was, had not gotten any snowfall. Well, I get to my gate and get a bagel. When I hear overhead, my name being called,
Starting point is 02:05:53 long story short, they offered me a $1,000 flight credit and a $100 food credit in the airport. Only catch is that the flight was 12 hours later. I accepted. Would you accept? Thousand bucks? Yeah, yeah. But your 36 weeks pregnant.
Starting point is 02:06:08 Oh, yeah. However, what they failed to mention was that my checked bags could not be checked more than four hours before my flight. So when I went back to the ticket office, they said I had to keep my bags. I was a little upset because the seating was pretty bad outside of the gate. Then I realized my food vouchers were completely bags. I was a little upset because the seating was pretty bad outside of the gate. Then I realized my food vouchers were completely useless because I was in a small airport and all of the food places were passed the TSA checkpoint.
Starting point is 02:06:34 So at 36 weeks pregnant, I was left having three things of luggage with no food or water for the next 10 hours. Once I realized the whole situation, I called my husband crying. Luckily, he got me a hotel to just relax and called me food later in the day. He got home that night after flying through the blizzard. I had my baby one week later.
Starting point is 02:06:54 I just got chills. Dude, that's insane. Okay, MVP husband, we want that energy. That's so sweet. I love that's the kind of partner everyone deserves. Like you have this like mini meltdown because you're in a shit situation now. And they're like, it's okay.
Starting point is 02:07:09 Like I'm gonna take care of it. Oh, love. I love that. Love that. Love that. Love that. That's what you learn. You have a partner.
Starting point is 02:07:18 Yes. Even distance. You're separated by distance. Yes. Yes. They're still going above and beyond to make sure you're safe and taken care of. They're not like, why would you do that? That was so stupid.
Starting point is 02:07:26 Like, did it at that time? I want to cry. I know, like, I love that. And it's that because it's kind of the bare minimum, but like, I don't know. You just say, I know. But we hear so many stories where people are just, assholes, like, well, that's what you get for trying to like,
Starting point is 02:07:38 save a couple hundred bucks or whatever, make a couple hundred bucks. And it's like, he didn't just make her feel bad, just took care of it. Love that. It's absolutely amazing. That makes me sad, and it makes me kind of mad at the airport. Like, why wouldn't they look at her and make this women is so pregnant, knowing damn well, they're gonna give her vouchers that she can't use.
Starting point is 02:07:55 Why wouldn't you explain like just so you're, I guess, no, because they wanted her to take the credit, but it's like, just so you know, you can't check in till four hours before, so like you have to hold all your bags and sit outside the gate. I would have got to be pissed. I would have got to an agent or an employee and explain the situation and got like,
Starting point is 02:08:10 given them the voucher, can you go get me food and bring it back because they can come through? Yeah. But I don't know, maybe they won't let you. I was like, you can't do anything. Like, you're just so, you're kind of handcuffed to not being able to do anything.
Starting point is 02:08:23 That sucks. Okay, so lesson learned. Lesson learned. Ask the questions before taking that flight about you. Yeah. So this next one, my friend's story, she was on a plane with her one year old a couple of months ago, baby just sleeping on her shoulder.
Starting point is 02:08:38 Suddenly, baby girl woke up and projected a vomited all over my friend's shoulder onto the person behind them. Friend obviously was horrified. Lady was older and upset, but said she had babies, so she understood. 15 minutes later, friend emerged from the bathroom with cleaned up baby who was acting fine. Then, as she was squeezing back into her window seat, baby girl leaned over and threw up again in another lady's hair who was sitting in front of them. No.
Starting point is 02:09:08 Friend never plans to fly again. Ooh. That sucks because you can't control it. No. And baby puke, dude. Oh, that smell. Ooh. It sucks because if that happened to me,
Starting point is 02:09:23 I would be like so upset, but at the same time, we can't be mad, it's a baby, you can't get mad at the baby. No. And you can't get mad at the mom either, like she didn't do that, you know. Oh my God. Mom's, especially if they're flying by themselves,
Starting point is 02:09:35 are just trying their best. They're just doing their best. I get so annoyed though. Oh my God, I was on a flight recently. This is so bad, so bad. So it's this family. And it's like a mom, two kids who looked like they were both under three and the dad.
Starting point is 02:09:53 These kids are screaming, crying, so upset the whole time. The dad pretended like he didn't even know them. He didn't help, disown. Like literally was so embarrassed, like almost like turned away and like was ignoring her She's sitting there struggling like trying to hold one baby on her lap the other ones buckled like everyone's struggling It's like that's your way that's your kids. That's wild. You pull your weight around here. Pull your weight around here Are you kidding me? No, I was so embarrassed for him. I was like this you're Dude, you're like your best of his behavior. Yeah, exactly
Starting point is 02:10:29 That's so cringy you know, not a partner. No, not a contract contrast not a partner That is wild. It makes me empathize my mom used to travel with me and my brother Ryan to Peru when we were both like Wow, like that's an international flight, right? It's a long flight. It's a long flight. It's a long flight. It's a long flight. It's a long flight. I know.
Starting point is 02:10:50 Well, one time, I'll make it quick. She was traveling alone with us, and I think Ryan was two, two and a half. I was like from five, and we were going up the escalator at the airport. She was holding, so she has all the luggage too, my Jesus. Oh my God. Yes, all the luggage too. I don't know how she did it. My mom was a superhuman, my like most moms. And my mom like, I think she was on the escalator, and the luggage too, my Jesus. Oh my God. All the luggage too. I don't know how she did it. My mom is a superhuman, my most moms.
Starting point is 02:11:06 And my mom, I think she was on the escalator and the luggage was gonna fall. So she let go of Ryan's hand to pick up the luggage and Ryan fell backwards and tumbled. I still remember it's like a core memory. I'm like, he went backwards and like boom, boom, like bounce down the escalator. We laugh about it so much.
Starting point is 02:11:25 Now, like, he was totally fine. And then he like gets up and starts, man, like crying in my arms, like, and everyone just watched the helpless, like, you can do anything, just tumble. Oh, I'm so sad. I know. He's so cute and sad.
Starting point is 02:11:37 He was such a cute baby, too. Oh my gosh, that's insane. Yeah, the moral is right. Traveling alone is a mother. Wow, empathize for you or sympathize for you. It's gotta be tough. But you have a good story about that. Well, as a baby, I pooped on my dad on a plane.
Starting point is 02:11:51 Yeah. So my dad and me always used to play this game of like, where's the baby? So I would like sit on his shoulders and like, I would have my hands covering his eyes. It's so cute. And he'd be like, where's the baby? And then I'd like peek around and be like,
Starting point is 02:12:06 and then he'd be like, there she is. So I was just do that. So I was upset on a plane. I was really little. I would say probably a year and a half to, I don't know, tiny. So you were playing games with that, I guess? Tiny.
Starting point is 02:12:18 Well, you know, like I'm playing. Like peekaboo. Yeah, it's mostly him. But I was so upset on the plane. I was like super collicky baby and so I was fucked up. And so he had me on his shoulders walking up and down the aisle on the plane. And as we're walking up and down, I guess the diarrhea slipped out my diaper and I shit all over his head.
Starting point is 02:12:41 His neck, everything. Like, cheerio, you cringey. I know. I'm so brutal. So brutal. I wish there would have been pictures though, his neck, everything. Jerry, are you cringey right now? I'm so brutal. So brutal. So I wish there were to be pictures though, just to see it. Just to have. Just to have the whole heart.
Starting point is 02:12:53 To have the whole heart. But, okay, so I kinda to use that at the beginning, I was like, wait, I had a travel horror story happened to me yesterday. And it also has to do with poop, so. Oh my God. More. So we're at this restaurant and my stomach all of a sudden, just like, you know, when you can feel like in your stomach, like you feel it, it just shoots
Starting point is 02:13:15 from your stomach to your asshole. And you're just like clenching. You're like, oh, where'd that come from? That happened. So I'm like, okay, we gotta go. I gotta go. I gotta go to the bathroom. I gotta go to the bathroom. If this would not have been at a restaurant I would have 1000% shit in my pants. I would have shit in my pants for the first time for context She's wearing a long white dress. I wear a white dress This is not the dress to poop your pants in so I go to the bathroom and I like go around the corner of the building and go to the back to the bathroom and I like
Starting point is 02:13:41 I go around the corner of the building and go to the back to the bathroom, and I'm like, furiously getting my spanks off. I'm like, I'm like, so making it. So I bare, I was clenching my butt cheeks. Clinging so hard. So I sit down,
Starting point is 02:13:54 explosion occurs. Sorry guys, a lot of, a lot of info. Oh, I can't believe you went there. I'm trying to set the scene to like, describe that this is not, this is not something that like, you know, it won't wipe and it comes away clean.
Starting point is 02:14:08 This is like, this is a process to clean up after. So I go to grab toilet paper to wipe and get out of this bathroom. There's no toilet paper. None, no toilet paper. And I'm wearing a way dress. And this is like also like a common bathroom. So like boys could have been in there,
Starting point is 02:14:26 girls, anyone could be in there. And I'm like, oh my God, do I like pull my underwear up and like get poop all over them? I'm working. And then like scuttle to another bathroom. Do I just not put the underwear on and like put the dress over? But like my dress is white.
Starting point is 02:14:42 What if I got poop on my dress? All of these thoughts are running through my head. And I start trying to call Alejandra. Start to try to call. No service in the bathroom. Couldn't get through. So I start texting her. I'm like, okay, maybe the text will work.
Starting point is 02:14:56 Text start going through. And Alejandra goes, wait, I'm in the bathroom. You're not in here. And they go, what? What are you talking about? I'm in the bathroom. What do you mean? I don't hear you. And she goes, I'm in the bathroom. What do you mean? I don't hear you.
Starting point is 02:15:05 And she goes, I'm in the bathroom. I asked the server where the bathroom is. I'm in the bathroom. I was saying Morgan, no one responded. You weren't in there. So I'm starting to panic because we can't find each other. But yet we're in the same bathroom. But we're not.
Starting point is 02:15:20 I thought there was a glitch in the matrix. Yeah, that was wild. I literally felt like we were in parallel universes. Well, the greatest part of the matrix. You're like, does she like describe the bathroom? And I'm described, it's literally identical. She's like, it's outside, you had a viewer on the building. Yes, it's like a common whatever.
Starting point is 02:15:36 Yeah. And we're like, this is a glitch. Like, how are we in the same, how are we in the same restaurant, both in the bathroom, but not in the same bathroom? I felt like I was going crazy. I was like, you walked around the corner, right? It's in the same restaurant, both in the bathroom, but not in the same bathroom. I felt like I was going crazy. I was like, you walked around the corner, right? It's in the back, it's outside, it's outside.
Starting point is 02:15:51 Yeah, and I'm just like, you guys, I start panicking. I had already been in here for like 20 minutes. I'm panicking for her, to be honest now. I literally, I'm like, I don't know what to do. This is so brutal. So I end up like putting my dress down and I scuttled to the other bathroom, no toilet paper and that dress down and I scuttled to the other bathroom, no toilet paper in that one either. I scuttled to the third. Allahondra finally comes in as I'm
Starting point is 02:16:10 scuttling around the bathroom and she goes, oh, okay. It runs back over to the other one to grab toilet paper and then come back in. But I end up like getting into a stall. There's toilet paper. It works out, but I was real scared. It could have ended so badly. And then I come out and I'm just like, oh my God, making sure I didn't get poop on my dress. Oh my God, we had so many clothes calls yesterday because we were struggling.
Starting point is 02:16:34 We were like, so hung over. We decided to go to the palace of Versailles. Missed our tour. So we didn't get in, but we saw the garden. We looked at the outside and that was cool. But anyway, we were hung over fighting for our lives more and more so than I was. Both of us having hot girl IBS,
Starting point is 02:16:51 just stomachs were unwell. Oh my God, you might have a close call. I know I was gonna go there. Yeah. Yeah, so we get there. We definitely had the dads. Like the dads were coming in real bad. It was so cringey and the line, as you can imagine,
Starting point is 02:17:07 at a tourist attraction like Versailles was so, Martin, I was like, Morgan, I can't talk to you. Don't even look at me right now. I'm about to, like, I can't talk right now. I go just don't talk to me for like a little bit until this gets sorted out because I'm gonna have a Bridesmaid's moment. No, I was joking.
Starting point is 02:17:21 I literally go, you're gonna have a Bridesmaid's moment. You're like, no, don't talk. I can't talk right now. Don't even look at me. It's, can you imagine Morgan and I like do this at the press for a sigh? Like, if you guys don't know, look it up. It's one of the most like, nice, beautiful places. Stunning architecture buildings.
Starting point is 02:17:38 And I just like cannot believe we're almost like, that's such a terrible thing happen. It was insane. I, I, I let it was like, this's such a terrible thing happen. It was insane. I, I literally was like, this is gonna be the story of a lifetime. Like, yeah. I literally like, oh, the first time you ever poop your pants is at the pala's side.
Starting point is 02:17:54 And then we're talking to you because I was so violently hung over like all day. I kind of like still feel hung over day two. What? Yeah, I'm like, I'm the shaker right now. I like need to go back to the hotel, but we also have not slept. So yeah, we really haven't slept in like two days.
Starting point is 02:18:07 It's kind of scary. No, so I'm like, I gotta go back after this and take a power nap. But I, kind of where's I going at this? This is my brain. Like, I'll pull that, I'll bring you back. You were hungover the whole day. Oh, so then I was like, what happens
Starting point is 02:18:23 if you pukke in the palace? Like, would you get charged money? Like, this is so old. This thing is beautiful. Marie Antoinette lived here. And you puke in it. What happens? What happens?
Starting point is 02:18:37 You need to put up a picture of Palace of Versailles while we're telling this, because I need you guys to all have the visual. It's insanely beautiful. If we had made our tour that day, I know for sure. I would throw up. For sure. I'm going to throw up in the palace.
Starting point is 02:18:50 Yeah. 100% hands down and I don't know what I would have done because I'm trying to move to France and I think that would have been enough to get my citizenship canceled. So I want to associate with that. I will not be associated with defacing the palace of Versailles. Well, and the thing is, we went to bed at 7am and our tour was scheduled for 1040. So it was like, we were only going to get three hours of sleep. I for sure would have still been drunk. Yeah, I would, I don't know. So maybe I wouldn't have gotten hungover because I would have just
Starting point is 02:19:18 been rolling still, you know? We would have been so inappropriate. We shouldn't be there. We shouldn't be there. No shouldn't be there. No. It's so good. OK, we have someone wrote a hack. Nice. We love a hack. Always put your browser into private browsing mode or incognito mode when searching slash booking hotels
Starting point is 02:19:35 and flights. Websites will notice if you're going back to the same flight multiple times, or looking at a destination a lot and raise the price. With private browsing mode, they can't track you. Yep, yep. Did Richard write that one in? No, Shell 30 did.
Starting point is 02:19:50 Which also makes sense. So we booked this trip to Paris. I think we mentioned like, we came to Paris Wednesday so we booked everything Tuesday. So a super last minute. And we were able to do it because like the flights didn't go up luckily. But we booked a one-way here,
Starting point is 02:20:05 and then didn't have a flight back. And I found that out two days into Paris. I go, Morgan, can you check, we gotta check in. What's our flight? She goes, what flight? I go, she's really in half flights. She's really in one way. I go, working what?
Starting point is 02:20:19 I didn't care if I got stuck here. I don't either, but like, the point was, it might be a problem. I was, yeah, I was like, wait a minute. What do you mean we only have one-way? Is we don't have flights back to the US?, I was like, wait a minute, what do you mean we only have one way? We don't have flights back to the US? Yeah, oops, anyway, take it from there.
Starting point is 02:20:29 So I booked, I went online and I already know like what's kind of the price was of the one way and I went online here in the country and it was actually cheaper, which I have heard from other people can be a hack where if you use a VPN and set your location to where you are wanting to travel from, your flight will actually be cheaper. Yeah, I think that might have happened because it worked out for us. So it was great. Yeah. So here we are. Here we are with Flight Top.
Starting point is 02:20:57 wrapping up. I last day in Paris. There's a beautiful place. Oh, look at that photo shoot happening. Oh my God, can you guys see the dress? Can you see the dress? Hey, but this place is magical. Thank you for having us, Paris. Oh my gosh. So pleasantly surprised by my whole experience here. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:21:19 I don't know what I was expecting, but not everyone to be this nice. Like, you hear like, oh, like, if you don't speak French, people are gonna be me knew. Exact opposite. Like, it has been a magical experience and I'm obsessed in love, I will be back. Yeah, this is my second time in Paris, I love it so much.
Starting point is 02:21:37 And I just, like as Morgan said, you don't know what to expect. And this has been the most fantastic trip. Everybody has been incredibly, incredibly wonderful. It's insane. Everyone's gonna bother and beyond to make this trip. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:21:51 Amazing. From the hotel people to everyone of the restaurants to the locals. Everybody has been a joy. I mean, you guys just saw that man who came up and let us pet his dog. Like everyone's just so nice. So cool here.
Starting point is 02:22:00 I don't know. It's been great. Also, let's show them our sweatshirts. We're wearing, you can't tell right now, but we're wearing matching sweatshirts. Paris sweatshirts. Thank you. Thank you guys.
Starting point is 02:22:14 And if you guys have any more, like if you're watching, listening, feel free to head over to YouTube and put some comments or the Instagram and share some crazy other travel stories. I want someone that did poop their pants on vacation. Like, I actually have been trying to find one and I'm gonna search the rest of the day.
Starting point is 02:22:31 So there might be another story popped in from like the studio or somewhere else, but I really want a, I poop myself on vacation story. I need a good laugh. We could use a good laugh. I need to feel better about what happened to me. That was a close call. It was a close call, close call guys. Very could use a good laugh. I need to feel better about what happened to me. That was a close call. That was a close call.
Starting point is 02:22:46 Close call guys. Very close. Until next time. Bye! Bye! Bye! Hello! Hello!
Starting point is 02:22:54 Hi! Oh, so soft! Oh, so pretty! So cute! So cute! Yardian a mangela. Oh, hi! Wow! So cute Y'all come here Oh my god you

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