Two Hot Takes - 55: Rein it in

Episode Date: February 24, 2022

Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-host Alejandra!! This theme is straight chaos... and these people don't know the definition of reining it in.. clearly. From wanting an ex back to ste...aling moms underwear we didn't know what to say. Tell us what you think of these goofballs! LIVE SHOW: We would love to have you join us for our very first digital show!! We kept it virtual so all could join and tickets are only $10!! Exclusive Merch available on moment house website once you click buy tickets! Our Socials: Mogan: Ale: Partners: Obe Fitness: Code = THT Switch Craft: Babbel: promo code: THT ExpressVPN: Exclusive story from this theme dropping on our Patreon!! Full length Video episodes available on YouTube:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up everybody? I'm Mike Wilson with Any Hour Services and if you've been thinking about replacing your old water heater, Any Hour Services is here to help and save you some money. Whether you're looking for a new tanked water heater or you want to see what upgrading to a tankless would cost, the plumbers at Any Hour Services can show you what options are available and right now you can save $400 on a tanked water heater or $1,200 on a tankless. Call Any Hour Services and schedule a free estimate today. Google Any Hour Services or schedule online at No one helps more homeowners than Any Hour Services. This is the last episode before the live show. What? Yeah because we're skipping March 3rd
Starting point is 00:00:39 because we're doing the meet and greets that night so this is the last show until like March 12th or something crazy unless you're coming and joining us on the live show. Oh my gosh. Be there or be square. Yeah so this is I made sure it was a good one for you know those that can't join the live show but you don't want to miss the live. You don't want to miss the live. I'm so excited for us to all be together. I've actually never even been on any episode with Justin. I know I was thinking about that when I was planning for this one and I was like I just doesn't work to get him down here in time for us to record this but I was like oh they've never been in the same place. No and I feel like Justin I feed off of each other a little bit.
Starting point is 00:01:21 It's gonna be so fun. It's gonna be so fun. I also just want to show off the merch that came in. Yes you guys look at this cute cherry. I've been talking about exclusive merch for the live show and I'll stand up and show you guys the back but it is so freaking cute. I went back and forth with the one of the designers and people at FanJoy that I work with and I was poor guy I was probably annoying this shit out of him with how many corrections just to like get it just right. Perfect. Perfect vibe. So this is the exclusive merch. There's 100 pieces available online right now if you go to slash tht but then after that it'll be like a pre-order so you can still get some but there's a hundred ready to ship now and I also I'm so picky about colors
Starting point is 00:02:05 because I'm such a neutral gal and this is a pistachio like a pistachio minty color. It's flawless and it's so beautiful. I just can't get enough of it. Look at the back. We've got some sayings. If you're a real one you know exactly what all of these things mean and they're just so cute. Morgan killed it. I love them so much. Also my voice is very raspy guys. I just got off a plane straight from the plane to the podcast studio. I was in Scottsdale and I did a little bit too talking. Talking into Kilosotas will really take it out of you so don't mind me. So today's theme I have for you. Uh-oh. Rain it in. Rain it in. Like rain it in. Isn't it reel it in? It could be that too. Okay. Rain it in, reel it in. Right. I feel like you're saying rain it in because you're
Starting point is 00:02:55 a horse girl. Yeah. Yeah. And you're used to like reins on a horse. Yeah. It's real. Do you like fishing? I don't. But more common saying for probably most people out there. That's right. So rain it in. So just absolute chaos these people are causing and so they got to get their shit together and rain it in. Exactly. Okay. Give it to me. Let's dive in. Hi guys. Welcome back to another episode of Two Hot Takes. I'm your host Morgan and I'm Alejandra. I'm scared for these ones today. I just don't know what to expect. Chaos. So up first I want my ex back but she won't listen to me. As she shouldn't. Okay. Need more. I 30 male got divorced about six months ago from my wife Jules, 31 female. We were only married for a year and dated for a year
Starting point is 00:04:16 before that. She is a nurse practitioner and when we got married she agreed that I could work part time while also working on my music. But to be honest I didn't do much with my music. I got lonely at home because she was working a lot because she works in an ICU and with COVID being out of fucking control. Because I got lonely I started seeking companionship in the music scene and started seeing someone else. One day Jules came home and I didn't hear her walk in. She overheard a phone conversation that was obvious what I was up to. She stood outside my office door and waited till I hung up. Then came in and told me to get the fuck out of her house. She owned it before we got together and the deed never had my name on it. I tried to talk my way out of it and tell her she misunderstood
Starting point is 00:05:01 but she isn't stupid. I don't have any family around so I went to see the girl I was seeing and told her my wife kicked me out. She didn't know I was married and she told me to fuck off too. I went back home and Jules agreed to let me stay but she filed for divorce the next morning. She said I could stay temporarily but didn't want to see me in our bed and also didn't want me having any quote, guess over. I agreed but I felt that was unreasonable to make me sleep in the guest room that only had a twin size bed. I thought we should work on our marriage but she said she couldn't trust me and wouldn't tolerate cheating. A couple of weeks later I started seeing someone else. She came over while Jules was at work and when she came home she caught us asleep
Starting point is 00:05:43 in the master bedroom. She kicked me out and said I could pick my stuff up over the weekend. I ended up in a studio apartment and got everything that was mine that I could fit into the apartment. When I left with my stuff I basically called her a bitter bitch because she couldn't handle the situation with any maturity. That was the last time I saw her before divorce court and she has since blocked me on all social media. I tried calling her once but she never answered. A couple of weeks ago she called me and told me she wants the rest of my shit out of her basement. I was pretty pissed. First of all this happened the day after I put in a relationship on Facebook so I thought she was just being an asshole because I was seeing someone. Second,
Starting point is 00:06:24 she knows I don't really have room for it. She said she didn't give a shit and she looked into it and I have to pick it up within 30 days or it's abandoned property and she can toss it. I ended up going over to pick up the rest of my stuff and this hairy styles looking motherfucker answered the door. I asked who in the hell is he and he said you came here why don't you tell me who the fuck you are. I'm the owner of this house. It turns out Jules has a boyfriend. She came out and when I saw her I was blown away. She has lost probably 40 pounds cut her hair it's a different color she looks gorgeous. That sucks. Keep it moving. I couldn't believe how different she looked. When she saw me she didn't really say much just that she would help me get my stuff out of the basement
Starting point is 00:07:13 and load it in my car. When I was about to leave I told her she looked great. She just said thanks. It's getting better. I asked for a hug and she said no. I said that she was a great wife and I was sorry and she just said okay and turned around. I haven't been able to get her out of my head since then. I went back over and waited for her boyfriend to leave and went to talk to her. I told her I realized I fucked up and I want another chance and seeing her again reminded me how much fun we had together. She just stood there kind of expressionless and shut the door in my face before I could finish. I made another Facebook just to message her and she blocked me. I asked my bro to call her for me and he told me I am stupid and to give up but I don't know if I can give up on the love of
Starting point is 00:07:59 my life like that especially when I know now how much I screwed up. What do I do here? How do I get her to listen to me and remember the good times we had? I want her back before it's too late. It is too late. It's been too late. It's done. It is done. Is this a real post? What? It's real. It's from a real account. It was posted a month ago and it's still up. The mods didn't take it down for it being fake and they're quick to jump on that. I know it's real. This person just is so delusional and removed from reality. This is insane. That is the best thing. That should be on a t-shirt removed from reality. Yes. It's not grasping. Also, I've had flings last longer than they were dating for a year and were only married for a year so they've been together two years
Starting point is 00:08:50 total. I've had flings that have lasted longer than that which doesn't say I fucked up. I wasted a lot of time. Two years is nothing. She dodged a bullet. She doesn't have kids with this person. She's divorced now. Owens the house free and clear. I think the bottom line for me is that saying that goes along the lines of if you can't handle me on my worst, you don't deserve me at my best. He decided to start sneaking around and seek other people's company when she was working crazy at the ICU and he started to feel lonely and I get that but that's when he didn't really see her worth and now that she's like quote-unquote leveled up and looks beautiful and has taken care of herself, made changes, has moved on, that's when he said keyword, I realized how much I want
Starting point is 00:09:39 to be with her, whatever he said. It's too late buddy. Where was that energy when she was busting her ass in the ICU during a pandemic? Where was that energy when you were still living under the same roof and you brought another woman home in the master bedroom which you weren't even allowed to set foot in? In her fucking bed. In her bed. You think anyone's going to look at you ever again if you bring home another woman when you still aren't even divorced and you fuck them or hook up or sleep if that's all you did in the bed? I don't even care if they're like playing patty cake if you're sitting in my bed. We weren't doing anything. We weren't just playing patty cake. You aren't allowed in my bed, period, let alone with another woman. The entitlement or the audacity
Starting point is 00:10:24 to be like, I thought it was unfair, had to sleep in a twin bed. You're lucky you have a roof over your head. Bye. You're lucky you have any bed. What? Oh my gosh. No, he is so, so, the reality check bounced. It just didn't resonate. Well now he's acting like a stalker too. I waited for her boyfriend to be gone before I went and talked to her. I made another Facebook account just to message her. Yes. You're stalking her now. Absolutely. This is online. This is harassment. So top comment on this one. Holy fuck. Just leave the lady alone. Literally please. I'm begging you. I'm begging you. I went listening to you either. Take some time and work on you and don't drag anyone else into your hurricane of shit. Yep. Well said. Someone really laid into him. Nobody would want an unemployed,
Starting point is 00:11:12 lazy failed musician who cheats. I can confirm that. Is this your ex boyfriend? I can verify. Is this your ex? I feel attacked, but yeah. No, but it's the same shit. Like, oh, me and all Hunter were doing long distance. I was lonely. Like this dude, because I got lonely, I started seeking companionship in the music scene and started seeing someone else. Yeah. Sir, you're married. Yeah. This isn't like, oh, you weren't getting along with your girlfriend. You broke up and you started seeing someone else. Like you're full fledged married. Yeah. You thought you were lonely. Well, how's the twin bed feel now? Lonely. No, this man got exactly what he deserved. It wasn't the right relationship. And honestly, not to like lay so hard on him,
Starting point is 00:11:56 even though he does deserve it. Just from like, you know, a neutral perspective. This relationship wasn't working. No. Obviously, you're like jealous. You get FOMO. That's the thing with some guys is they realize their woman's worth when it's too late. And that's exactly what happened here. And just cut, take the L, be happy for her. Go do the same. Glow up and go find someone else. And learn from your mistakes. Don't do it again. That's what you can do. Like this is pathetic. I'm sorry. It is. It's, you live and you learn. Exactly. Take this as a great experience that you're never going to fuck up like this again. There's an edit. Okay. I guess I had to hear it from strangers to understand what a dickhead I've been. My family and friends told
Starting point is 00:12:37 me, but I guess I was just trying to justify my shit actions. I found out Jules and Harry motherfucking Styles went on a road trip for a couple of weeks over Thanksgiving and even stopped to see my parents and they and my brothers liked him and think he is good to her. Kind of a shit feeling to know that my own family would rather see my ex with someone else than me makes me reflect on the level of asshole I've hit in life. Also, I saw a comment calling me an aging fuck boy and was that the punch in the balls I needed? Well, good sir. I'm glad that resonated. But you know what? It comes down to like his family wants to see this girl. This must have been a great woman. She must have been awesome. And I think if you really love her or loved her, you
Starting point is 00:13:20 would want to see her happy. So let her, let her flourish and let her be happy even if that's without you. Yeah, especially with Harry Styles looking Harry, Harry motherfucking Styles. Let's go. Yeah. Good for her. Yeah. Good for her. Yeah. This one flew a little under the radar. There's only 193 comments on it total. It's all right. But he got he got the what he needed. Hi, Jan from Toyota speaking. Jan, I heard it's a good time to buy Toyota. Sure is. From now until April 4th, you can shop all your favorites like Corolla, RAV4, Sequoia and more. Imagine yourself in a new tundra where you stopped by the home improvement store and finally built that tree house you promised your daughter. Sarah, when did you hop on the call? Hi, dad. Mom said you were taking
Starting point is 00:14:01 too long on the phone. Toyota, let's go places. See your participating Toyota dealer for details. Dealer inventory may vary. Moving along. Moving on. Am I the asshole for rescinding my sister's invitation to my wedding because of the lies she spread regarding our venue? Okay, she pulled that event. My sister went on social media saying my wedding venue is a plantation and the event will have antebellum elements to it. This could immediately. No, I'm not laughing at that. I'm like, we can end it here. You are not an asshole. Your sister sucks. Next story. Okay. Just kidding. No, I'm kidding. I want to know the details. This could not be further from the truth. She hasn't just posted on her social media. She sent emails and texts about it too. My girlfriend
Starting point is 00:14:56 and me are getting so many questions and some girlfriend. Isn't it fiance? Yeah. Okay. It's probably new. Okay. Yeah. He's adjusting. I will correct it going forward. No, I wasn't correcting you. I'm like, no, no, no, no, yeah, something we need to know. No. Okay. My fiance and me are getting so many questions and some friends and family were upset thinking she was right about our venue. Our actual venue is my fiance's grandparents farm, not a former plantation house, but an actual farm. It's never been a plantation. She had no family here until after World War II and her family never had money or slaves before they left Greece. I have no idea where my sister got her ludicrous idea, but it's done real damage. Yeah. It wasn't one offhand
Starting point is 00:15:41 comment. She actively and repeatedly said it. It's been stressful trying to correct this rumor and my girlfriend was especially hurt over this. My sister knows all about the farm, but she chose to spread this damaging lie anyways and says now it was an honest mistake. Am I the asshole for rescinding her invitation? My parents are trying to convince me I made the wrong decision, but I don't want her around my fiance or her family after she, my sister, said such disrespectful and damaging things knowing full well she was lying. No, I stand by what I said, like, no, you're not the asshole because I don't see how his sister's presence could be a good thing for anybody at this point. I think his sister is
Starting point is 00:16:22 like going to be an eyesore at the wedding just based on people having developed these negative preconceived opinions about the venue that just weren't true. I shouldn't even say that there were lies. I don't think so because yeah, that's your sister, but this is your day, your day with your fiance and if your fiance is really uncomfortable by her. She was stirring this pot. You know what she gives? Doesn't she give like influencer, trying to create a drama? Yeah, she wanted to create the story. You know what I mean? It is insane to me that this is your family. Why would you want to start this shit? With today's culture, like cancel culture, you do not know how something like this,
Starting point is 00:17:04 she was posting this on Facebook. You do not know the virality of the internet and where this could go to the point where some people, yeah, some people do truly need to be reprimanded for their actions. Like the guy that was in the Jamba Juice screaming at teenagers, telling them to go back to where they're from and saying racist shit. Yeah, he probably should get fired from his job, but when she's making up something like this and putting it all over social media that is a blatant lie, this could ruin their lives. Yeah, and not just that actually. I'm not 100% sure on this, but the venue could sue for defamation if that's not true because it could deter other people from using the venue. Absolutely. You know, I don't know, there's so many things wrong with this
Starting point is 00:17:47 and it seems like whatever the root of it is is bad intentions. And I don't know, I think that's so inappropriate. I don't think you're an asshole for uninviting her. She knows exactly what she was doing and was perpetuating a lie. And also, the way I see it is, let's just say that it was in fact had roots to a plantation or something like that. Wouldn't you pull your brother aside and be like, hey, I did some diligence on your venue and I want to let you know this, this, and this, and it's not okay? Are you aware if that's what she really thought and she wasn't just trying to spread lies? Then he would be like, oh, shut it down and be like, that's not true. Why would you publicly bash and broadcast to the world something even if you thought it was true? What are you
Starting point is 00:18:31 trying to do? Humilate your brother? I think that in itself shows that the intentions were bad. Exactly. That is maybe she's jealous that she's not getting married first. Maybe there's a lot of insecurity. Whatever it is, her reasons are not good. So it's like, oh, I was just trying to first of all, you knew you were fucking lying. Awareness to who? Yeah, no. Also, we're like, yeah, okay, loyalty is whatever. But that still is your family, approach them first, give them the opportunity, whatever. But the fact that OP was like, no, she knew. She knew it wasn't a plantation. She made this up out of thin air. Take that invite back. Next. Yeah, top comment. Not the asshole. I disinvite my sister from my life if she pulled that kind of
Starting point is 00:19:20 garbage. And someone else goes, yeah, holy shit, in the current social media climate, this is potentially life or name. Yeah, absolutely. In this case, most importantly, for her brother and fiance, soon to be sister-in-law. But it's also really damaging for the business. Like, what if this is a small, like, I think of your family farm. Yeah. And you're trying to, you know, in today's world where hospitality takes such a big hit from COVID, and you're trying to come up from that, and then somebody comes up and spreads a lie about your venue that's damaging. There's no coming back from cancel culture. Like, especially like, you see, even like, think about journalism and like, you have a front page headline,
Starting point is 00:20:03 and it turns out later it's incorrect. And then like the little correction that they do, like they rescind it or like do a, I forget what the word is called, but they do a correction in the following edition of the paper. Oh, I've never seen that. Retraction. Redaction. Redaction or something, whatever it is. And they put it, and it's like, on the last page in a tiny little box, correction from our last story, it was actually proven to be inaccurate. And it's like, the damage is done. You print it on the front headlines. If you wanted to make it like a real effort to change the narrative, you spun that was incorrect, you'd put it on the front page again. Make it just as big as the first splash.
Starting point is 00:20:37 Exactly. And so someone else goes, the sister did it all for social media likes. Yes. I don't care. And didn't care about the effect on others. That is insane. Not the asshole. No. And someone else does make this point too. Additionally, this isn't a commercial venue that can fight back. It's the fiance's family's farm. So it could hurt the family and even the farm business. Yeah. Just sick. She's unhinged. Yeah. Unhinged. Unhinged. If you've ever had to deal with a plumbing problem, you may have felt the pain of realizing you don't know any plumbers. Whether you're trying to stop a leaky faucet, fix a running toilet,
Starting point is 00:21:12 replace your old water softener, or install a tankless water heater, the plumbers at any hour services can help. All you have to do is call any hour services or schedule an appointment at Help with plumbing maintenance and repairs is closer than you think. Call any hour services or schedule an appointment at No one helps more homeowners than any hour services. Okay. This next one's a little weird. Okay. Am I the asshole for refusing to sign anything while my eyes are blindfolded? Ever since I got out of the hospital for chronic problems, my husband has been introducing me to some fun games every evening. One game used to be about doing things while my eyes are blindfolded,
Starting point is 00:21:53 involving puzzles, Rubik's Cube, shaped objects, et cetera. We'd take turns to do it just for entertainment. Well, just a couple of days ago, he's been trying to get me to sign papers while wearing a blindfold. I refuse to do it because he never lets me take a look at what I'm signing, either before or after. He says that he was just trying to see if I could leave the same signature every time I sign, but I couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. I told him I don't want to play this game unless and until he shows me the papers first. He said, quote, nevermind then, and stopped bringing it up. Last night, he tried to convince me to give it a try and even volunteered to go first. I asked if he was going to show me what I was going to sign
Starting point is 00:22:41 and he made a face and said, no, it's the rules and I should respect them. I refused and he kept on about how I keep acting worried and suspicious for no reason. He said I clearly don't trust him and he was hurt by finding that out now after everything we've been through. We had an argument and I told him to drop it and not bring it up again, period. He was mad despite saying it was no big deal. He was obviously upset with me and kept talking about how I don't trust him and that I was out of line to assume or suspect anything from him like this. I might be paranoid, but I couldn't help it. I do think I was the asshole to him after he stood by my side when my own family didn't even visit.
Starting point is 00:23:24 It's a big yikes. I feel like if you're marrying someone, you trust them and explicit. You know what I mean? Yeah, there's no doubts. There's no doubts. If you're playing a game and they ask you to sign something, your mind wouldn't even go there. The fact that our mind went there makes me think that he's like tricked her before. I mean, I don't think she's the asshole for not wanting to sign things, but why would she even go there? I don't know. You know what I mean? If you trust somebody beyond any restraint, wouldn't you just be like, whatever I'm signing is not going to be harmful to me or this marriage because I trust him so much. I don't even know. I don't know if it's because I listen to so much true crime shit. Even just
Starting point is 00:24:09 reading this, reading it, I was like, this is weird as hell. It is weird. I do think he's doing something shady. Yeah, this is shady. The fact that he wouldn't let her read it, I think that's where it becomes a little weird, where it's like, oh, no, no, no, let's just play this game and whatever. She's like, okay, what can I see it after then? I'll sign whatever, but can I see it after then? Because if this was truly about a game we're playing signatures, I want to see if you can sign the same signature over and over again, identically, give her a blank piece of paper. Right. Give her two blank pieces of paper. This is clearly he wants her signature on the dotted line. Here, sweetie, let me set up your hand.
Starting point is 00:24:45 Okay, now go. And the fact that he won't show her after is like, this is sketchy. She's signing her life away. He's like selling her soul. This is like, let me take out a secret insurance policy on your life and then off you with some arsenic. That's where my head went. No, I think you're not wrong. I went down a rabbit hole real fast. No, I don't think you're wrong. I do think the husband sings Amy Shady. What I'm saying is that she is right in having pause, but he's clearly done something along their lines of their marriage to where she's like, I don't really trust this man fully. Yeah. Because that's like a trust fall.
Starting point is 00:25:23 There are some comments from OP that maybe I just like I'm scrolling a little bit and I see some OP stuff, so maybe like she'll get into it. Let's hear it. Come on. But this also reminds me like I went to grad school with this like girl that was like really bougie. I know exactly what you're talking about. Say less. She's Armenian. This is to identify. She's just bougie. Okay. And so I remember one day at school, she was like, I think it was her fiance at the time, like they were getting married, but she was like, yeah, like, oh my God, he keeps asking me for like my social and like a picture of my ID. And we're like, what do you mean? Like what's going on? I'm just like, I don't know. Like he must be just like doing something like blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:26:03 And like my head, I'm like, if someone's asking me for my social and like my ID, I'd be like, are they taking out a loan or a credit card in my name? Like what, like what's happening here? That's not a first class ticket to Paris. I'll tell you that much. No. And so like, okay, maybe he's doing something nice. I want to surprise her, but like, no. But this guy, like my, this girl I went to school with, he literally like showed up with a brand new Range Rover. But it was like in like under her. So it was like, yeah, true. Like, but it was a really nice car. But a Range Rover nonetheless. Yeah. Was he like fronting the money for it? I think he was paying for it. I guess what's his is hers and what's hers is his. Yeah, wedding was real,
Starting point is 00:26:37 real soon after that. But yeah, nothing good. Nothing. There's no good energy from this one. Something's weird. He's acting weird. Yeah. Top comment with almost 40,000 upvotes, not the asshole, not the asshole, not the asshole. This is extremely suspicious. Obviously he wants you to sign something important. Financial documents, loan, will, property, divorce papers. List could be endless. Oh my gosh. Do not sign anything blindfolded. I would add do not sign on any blank paper from now on dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, because all I could do is trace it. Yeah. An OP response to that one is what I suspected, but couldn't tell him because he might think I don't trust him. He already does, but I don't want to make it obvious.
Starting point is 00:27:25 It's not his fault because I easily distrust everyone due to past traumas. Okay. It all just depends on the situation I'm in. And someone responds back, this is a perfectly normal thing to not trust. Either he has gaslighting you about it, or he is somehow completely ignorant of how this is coming across, which is unlikely. The fact that he pushed the issue is so suspicious. At the very least, it's a big red flag. And then someone goes, the fact that he brought it up again, I could possibly see the first time thinking it's a fun challenge, but then to be like, oh, that doesn't seem weird, which is a good point. He really, when she did, she's like, don't bring it up again unless you're going to show me it. And then he was like,
Starting point is 00:28:06 he really was gaslighting her there at the end when he was like, you don't trust me. I'm so hurt by you not doing this because you don't trust me after everything we've spent through the rules. What fucking rules is a made up game? This isn't Monopoly. That is insane. And that's like such a bad feeling. I can't imagine not wanting to sign anything around my husband anymore. The marriage is over when like, that's what it's come to. This is weird. And like, she said like, she got out of the hospital for chronic problems. And like, I don't know what the timeline is. Obviously for their relationship, we really know nothing, but it's like, you just hope he didn't come into this situation
Starting point is 00:28:51 to manipulate her and like, close her off from people. Because to the last line, I do think I was that sold to him after he stood by my side when my own family didn't even visit. Is the reason your family's not visiting because he closed you off from them? Like, is this really? Oh, I don't like this. Like, there's so many, so many things we don't know clearly. And it's all like, yeah, we're assuming we case. But it's, it's bad vibes. Bad vibes. We got to rein it in. There's something not the math ain't math in here. No. So funny. So I recorded a, I recorded an episode earlier today that will come out after this one. But we literally said the math ain't math in the math just sometimes ain't be math in, you know, nope. Not the asshole.
Starting point is 00:29:39 Ask to see those papers. They exist. Do not take no for an answer. I did ask, but didn't see anything because he said they're just blank papers. Not good. I don't think it's a Range Rover is what I'm going with this one. Range Rover. So I'm not a mathematician, but I don't think it's a Range Rover. I'm not a mathematician. No, we are clearly not. Clearly. The math could be math and I, and I still wouldn't pick up on it because I'm so bad at math. Exactly. We honestly, we, I met this guy. Oh, never mind. That's a rabbit hole. Never mind. We'll get that after. But we honestly, we are so bad at math on this podcast. We honestly, didn't I try to add like 13 plus five and I got it wrong. I think, I think it was 17 plus like, no, he was like my
Starting point is 00:30:35 girlfriend's eight years. No, this is the worst part. I remember it now too well. I'm me 35, whatever, and my girlfriend who's eight years younger than me and I just sit there and like crunch the numbers, got it wrong. But here's the best part is that he was Brett's age and we're eight years apart. You just had to look at yourself. You didn't even have to do math. Exactly. Okay. I think, I think whatever merch we come out with next needs to be like math club. Yeah. Math elites. We're the math elites. We're the math elites. Please. Let's do that one next. All right. Sorry. This probably is not going to be as funny to anyone else but us, but I hope you guys, I hope you guys enjoy moving along. Don't sign, sis. Don't sign. I'll message her for an
Starting point is 00:31:28 update too and see if we get anything back but no, there's a few comments on the account but not that many and no updates. Okay. But I'm scared for her. Yeah. I don't, I don't like anything about that story. No. That kind of makes me sad. Yeah. I don't like it. What's up everybody? I'm Mike Wilson with Any Hour Services and if you've been thinking about replacing your old water heater, Any Hour Services is here to help and save you some money. Whether you're looking for a new tanked water heater or you want to see what upgrading to a tankless would cost, the plumbers at Any Hour Services can show you what options are available and right now you can save $400 on a tanked water heater or $1,200 on a tankless. Call Any Hour Services and schedule a free estimate today. Google Any
Starting point is 00:32:08 Hour Services or schedule online at No one helps more homeowners than Any Hour Services. Okay. Am I the asshole for requesting my 25 female fiancés, 26 male sister, 17 female, not be at our wedding? My fiance proposed a few months ago and we're getting ready for our wedding. We're currently making a guest list and we will send out invitations in the next few months. Our plan for the wedding was for it to be child-free. I've been to many weddings that were ruined by screaming and wailing tikes and as much as I love kids, I would prefer there not to be screaming at my wedding. The rule was that no children below the age of 10 are invited. So my fiance has a little sister who he is close to and whom I really do like. I'm very excited
Starting point is 00:32:56 to be her older sister-in-law. She was going to be a guest at our wedding, however, a few days ago we found out she is pregnant and plans on having the baby. Now I'm not going to sit here and shame her for her irresponsible actions or anything, but I felt like this was a very big deal. My family is very religious and I know they will be unhappy and it would potentially ruin their time if they saw a pregnant teenager at my wedding. That, of course, isn't that big of a deal. What I'm more worried about is her due date. She is apparently due two weeks after the wedding. My worry is this pregnant woman will require a lot of care and extra accommodation. There's also the risk of her water breaking at my ceremony and taking all the attention off me on my day. Call me selfish,
Starting point is 00:33:42 but I feel that I and my husband, to be, should be the focal point. I don't want to risk her giving birth and needing even more attention that should be placed on me. So I think she shouldn't be there. I told my fiance and he got unbelievably pissed off at me. He told me I was being a complete asshole by not inviting her since she's his little sister. I get that they are very close, but it's not a good idea. Attention aside, I don't think a nine-month pregnant teen should be on her feet at a wedding so close to her due date. He told me I was backpedaling and I should be ashamed of myself. He then told his whole family and they are all mad at me for suggesting this. Am I the asshole? I think so. It's very discriminatory, first of all. She's creating all these hypotheticals
Starting point is 00:34:38 that may or may not happen, but to me, it's on their family to make those accommodations, and if they're willing to make it work, then everything else is God's plan. If the baby's going to come out two weeks early, the baby's going to come out two weeks early, the attention is still going to probably go because mom's going to have to run out the door if she goes into labor, even if she's not at the wedding. I don't know, just attention aside, how cynical. Life is full of unexpected surprises. I'm sorry that it's on your wedding day, but I think you'll be okay. Are you trying to create the most toxic relationship with your in-laws? Yeah, this is a bad start. It's a really bad start. Your true colors are coming out. I'm
Starting point is 00:35:19 surprised this man isn't calling off the wedding. I agree because this is the type of person to me where at the minute someone becomes an inconvenience, they're like, shove them off the island. If you were trapped on an island with a family, she would sacrifice her. You know what I mean? You should eat this baby for sure. It's crazy to me. I think about it too, and I've never been there, haven't had a water break, but I think the movie's really hyped it up where it's like, oh, you're water breaks, and then you're screaming in pain from contractions, where it's like, okay, it takes a little bit to develop. Yeah, I feel like that's right.
Starting point is 00:35:52 Hollywood makes it seem a certain type of way, but when women, when their water breaks in reality again, have it done it myself, but they're like, it felt like I just peed or like peed to my leg. You have a little bit more time before you're screaming in pain. So it's like, if granted, her water did break on the dance floor, say she's out there jerking the chicken or whatever dance move. Jerking? Isn't that a thing? If it is, I'm aware. Are you thinking of jerking or cat daddying? Those are two different moves. Well, no, this is an old choke the chicken. Choking the ch- Oh, shit. No, choking the chicken means to jerk off. I thought it was a dance move. Okay, she's out there. The cha-cha slide. Whatever, the electric
Starting point is 00:36:44 slide. The cha-cha is a separate one. Are you sure? Yeah, well, no. Okay, I want to circle back on our earlier episode where we said we want to be invited to weddings. This is why we don't even know what the dance is. I have no idea. Oh, okay. I can do the jerk though, or not the jerk, I can do the reject. It's another move. It's like, yeah, I literally remember it. It goes along with the jerk. Okay, we're going to run that back. Yeah, I'll insert a video of me trying it. Please. It's like, do the front step and do the reject. It's skipping backwards. It was on TikTok a while ago. All the kids are bringing back the old moves, but- Yeah, weave it in. Anyways, so even if her water did break, I'm sure they could just get a little mop
Starting point is 00:37:34 or a couple of paper towels, clean it up. Yeah. Attention deterred for maybe like five minutes, 10 minutes, and then guess what? Goodbye. Yeah. Don't have labor, and then back to you. Yeah, we're good. So many people spill their drinks on the dance floor, or drop cups, or whatever. It should happen. People pass out. People have seizures. People puke. People have heart attacks. Yeah. Shit happens. Oh my gosh. Kennedy, her parents' wedding was completely interrupted, ended, because somebody had a heart attack and died. It might not be a heart attack, but they died. Yeah. And I'm like, yeah, so no one can plan for that. And that stinks, obviously, but- I'd rather have a birth than a death. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:38:16 so it's correct. Maybe you- Glass half full. Yeah, maybe you want her there to like up your odds of like positivity. Up your odds. Yeah. Regardless, yes, you're an asshole. Asshole. The family probably doesn't love you at this very moment, so- Just weird comments throughout too. There's one that I wanted to point out that really kind of irked me. Now, I'm not going to sit here and shame her for her irresponsible actions. That bothered me too. You just did. Yeah, you- This whole thing is actually shameful. Yeah, and you also just implied like right there in that sentence that her actions are irresponsible. Otherwise, you would have said, I'm not going to shame her for her choice. Bingo. Like, you implied it was irresponsible. No, you said it. Like- You said
Starting point is 00:39:02 it, not even implied. You're a bitch. Like, I don't really like you. Yeah, I don't either. So, through and through, like, oh, and her family too, my family's really religious and they'll judge her. Your family, if they're really religious- Then only God can judge. They should know that. Thou shall not judge. Exactly. But your family should also be very happy that she's making the choice to keep that little baby. If that's- We're going to get tooting, hooting on religion here. Yeah, yeah. That's also- You can't have your cake and eat it too. Yeah, that goes down like a rabbit hole. In today's world, things are so overly politicized right now. Yes. Like, I have a friend who's going to a wedding and she's like, I know I'm going to get COVID after it. And I was like,
Starting point is 00:39:41 why? And she was like, it's this big wedding and like the whole family is like they're anti-maskers. So like, I can't even wear a mask at the wedding or I'm going to get shamed. Yeah. I was like, you can't wear a mask. And she was like, well, no one's telling me I can't, but I'll just get judged. Just wear it. Right. If that's what you want, then wear it. Just wear it. But it's like the point is there's always judgment and it's like you can't always- That shouldn't factor. If you want your future sister-in-law to be there, which you should because- This is your life. She's set in the opener. Like, I'm excited to be her sister or whatever. Yeah. And it's your fiance soon to be husband. This is your family. This is your family. You should want her there.
Starting point is 00:40:17 And you can have a conversation with your family and just say, this is the situation. I know that you guys believe this, this and this, but that's her choice. And she's going to be in my life regardless of if- I feel like she thinks if I, out of sight, out of mind, if she's not at the wedding, the family will forget that their daughter's marrying into this family or something. Like, she's still going to have that baby. And then what, is she not allowed to come to like your guys's, you know, family Christmas next year? Cause she has a one year old and it's triggering for your family that she had a teen pregnancy. It can't hide her forever. She's trying to hide her. It doesn't add up. It's like, at what extent? And again, you're burning the bridge of a family
Starting point is 00:40:51 that you are marrying into. Like you're really shooting yourself in the foot. And this is something to like, honestly, consider getting married over, like reconsider. Top comment on this one. You're the asshole. This is a girl who is likely to face a lot of ostracism and challenges already. And you seem eager to be first in line to make things harder for her. Be careful because you are showing some true and unsettling colors to your future husband and in-laws. I agree. Yeah. Yep, exactly. OP claims to like this girl, but all of her excuses for excluding the sister are thinly veiled judgment towards her pregnancy. How disgusting. Yes, it's disgusting. You are the asshole OP and a massively judgmental one. If your parents are so religious that
Starting point is 00:41:38 seeing a pregnant teen ruins the wedding for them, it's a them problem, not a her problem. Yeah. The fact that you support their religious BS means you're ostracizing her too. And they go, like, this is, this is a really, they get into it. They get into it. They lay into her. Yeah. Her due date is two weeks after the wedding. Attention aside, there's no reason for you to be worried about her having to stand if she isn't herself. If your worries come from a place of concern for her, which I doubt, you can prepare a wheelchair for her or simply let her sit for majority of the wedding. You can make accommodations. She's clearly not a bride's maid. So she's going to be just sitting in the crowd. Like, you don't have to do a lot of standing. There's
Starting point is 00:42:16 chairs constantly. If a 17 year old girl, like granted, okay, pregnant nine months, like being pregnant is tough. But if a grandma can do it, like you trust your granny to be able to handle the day, I'm sure this girl will be just fine. And also logistics aside, all of these things are true that you just said, aren't you a human with compassion? Like, don't you want your soon to be family to be there? Don't you want her to be there? It's so weird to me how easily she can just write her off and be like, she's inconvenient. I don't want her there. I feel like I would be going out of my way to be like, I want you to be there and I want you to be comfortable. I'm going to arrange, do you want a wheelchair? Like, I'm going to have maybe like a chair for you,
Starting point is 00:42:52 all of these things so that you can be there. That's wild to me. Well, it's weird. It just shows where like, I mean, her whole post was me, me, me, my image, my image, my tension, my feelings, my tension, yeah, everything. So this person is clearly concerned only about themselves and like kind of missing like the big picture here. Like this is one day of your life, like which is supposed to be a very important day for you. But also like, if this is the family you're marrying into, like this is also your future niece or nephew. Yes, yes, this is your sister-in-law. Like, this is your family. Like, if you have children, this is their cousin. Like, you are really just fucking yourself over. Ike, boo, tomato, tomato, tomato. Wait,
Starting point is 00:43:37 can we find out where her wedding is and go cause a scene? Crash it. She wants the attention on her, but crash that shit. Tomato, tomato, throwing tomatoes on your wedding day. So the next one's a little more uppity. Uppity. You just took the words right out of my mind. Uppity. We're going to end on- We need a little more uppity. We've had some shitty people on this one. This is, it's funny cause it's not like, I don't even think unhinged is the right word for these people. These people just never were hinged. They're just, you know what I mean? Like, they seem so loose. Yeah, loose screws from the start. Yeah. I do not get it. The thought of my sons growing up without me inspired me to quit smoking. I talked to my doctors and then I threw
Starting point is 00:44:21 away all my cigarettes, ashtrays, and lighters. I started exercising instead of smoking. Staying away from alcohol when I was first quitting was key. I kept on trying. Learn something each time. Do whatever it takes. No matter how many times it takes. We did it, so can you. For free and confidential help, call 1-800-QUIT-NOW or visit developed by CDC. Okay, so this one. Rain it in, girlie. Rain it in. Okay. Am I the asshole for telling my mom that my boyfriend broke her underwear? Okay. My 18 female boyfriend, 20 male, and I started having sex recently. I was a virgin before him. I was going to his house one night and he sent me a text asking if I could wear a thong, but I don't have any.
Starting point is 00:45:10 What? I didn't want to disappoint him, so I went to my mother's bedroom and found one. While we were having physical intimacy, my boyfriend grabbed the thong to take it off and broke it. He didn't know it was my mother's and he says it wasn't intentional. I thought the best idea was to buy a new one to replace it, but I don't have enough money and my boyfriend didn't want to help me pay for it. I ended up telling my mother the truth and she wasn't that mad, but now my boyfriend is upset because he says it is something embarrassing for my mother to know and that now he will be ashamed every time he sees her. He argues that I could have just told her that I took the thong and broke it without involving him. Am I the asshole? No, you're not
Starting point is 00:45:51 the asshole. He needs to man up. If you can't confidently rip off your girlfriend's, well, girlfriend's mom's thongs, but thinking under the impression that it's your girlfriend's panties and then say it with your chest, then you shouldn't be doing it at all. You're immature and he's the older one in the situation. So that's even more embarrassing. Now that the mom knows, now that the elephant is no longer in the room, why don't you help your girlfriend pay for it? I think the mom will be even more like, wow, you're really a, you know? I mean, I just this whole thing, I would never, I would take it to my grave that I borrowed my mom's panties. Of course, I would be like, mom, I have no idea. Like I almost gaslight my mom. What panties?
Starting point is 00:46:35 The washer ate them. Do you know that amount of underwear, my washer, dryer, tear the fuck up or eat? That shit disappears. Or you, I mean, gosh, I'm not trying to advocate for her to lie about it. I think she should have just never mentioned it. And I don't, like, I mean, unless her mom has like two thongs and one is gone and she's like, I'm, you know, we don't know how many thongs. I have literally 250 pairs. I'm not kidding. They're color coded. Did I show you? No, but you used to be like signed up to the booty bag. Yeah, you got, you got all the goodies. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But anyway, someone like me, yeah, I'm probably not going to notice, but somebody who maybe owns like two pairs. True. They could be keeping a closer eye.
Starting point is 00:47:15 But then I don't, the bottom line here is I don't think she's the asshole. That's what happened. She's not lying. I don't think she's the asshole for telling her mom that her boyfriend broke her underwear. Agreed. I think she might be the asshole for something she wasn't even writing in about, which was maybe taking the underwear in the first place. Bingo. That's not the question. No. So not the asshole for that. Yes. Yes. But I think, you know, I don't want to shame anyone, like in regards to like money or things like that, but you should never share underwear. Like, yes. At times, like I've been at your house and like, been like, ah, yeah, like we're going out. I didn't bring enough clothes. Like can I borrow stuff? And you've literally given me a fresh pair
Starting point is 00:47:52 of underwear from your booty bag and unused tag or whatever on it. I've like Venmo'd you. Yeah. And same with Lauren being over here where like, I've had brand new Victoria's Secret, like the five for 25 panty stuff. And I'm just like, yeah, like, of course, here's a pair with the tag. Like these good for you. Yeah. You shouldn't wear someone else's underwear. It's not sanitary. That's not shaming. That's just kind of a, what I'm, well, and I'm like, I'm like, in my head, I'm thinking you're, you are 18. You're an adult. Your boyfriend is 20. Yeah. So even more so an adult. Yeah. If you are not at a point in your life where you have $5 to go to Target or wherever to buy a pair of underwear, like a thong for yourself, like, yeah, like, are you, are you,
Starting point is 00:48:36 are you old enough to be having sex? That's kind of what I was, that was what I was getting at, where I was like, if the boyfriend ripped, I mean, what was he thinking was going to happen when he ripped them off? I get it. It was an accident, but like, if you can't commonly rip off your girlfriend's panties and then be like, my bad, let me Venmo you for that. Yeah. Then you probably shouldn't be having sex. And again, not trying to shame anybody, but it's almost like a, it's a mentality and you're clearly like a little immature still. Yes. It's a maturity thing. Yeah. Yeah. I'm just baffled by this one. I mean, I, everyone has different underwear preferences. I know there's, you know, my mom doesn't like thongs and she's,
Starting point is 00:49:10 you know, however old. So like everyone has their underwear preferences, but I think the thing is then if you're 18 and you don't want to wear thongs and you haven't bought them because you don't like them, then don't try to like make it seem like, oh, I'm going to steal my mom's underwear. I was thinking that too. I'm like, it's sad that she felt like she had to do that in order to appease him. Like when he said wear a thong, you should have been like, I don't own any because you're not with a thong wearing girl. So know your audience. It's interesting. I mean, yeah, but at that age, no, I'm not even going to pretend like that. I swear at that age, if a guy like told me he like blue hair, I'd go get blue hair. Like I feel like at 18, you are so right. And just
Starting point is 00:49:49 listen, I'm, if there's 18 year olds out there, nowadays with euphoria, I mean, 18 year olds are just very different in a, ahead of their time now. But when, when we were 18, that was, that's a young age and you're very influenced at that age. So I'm not going to sit here and pretend like, why would you let a man influence what you should wear? Because I was 100% letting people influence what I did and what I wore. High school, especially you're trying to fit in, 18, he's not in high school, but she could potentially, but yeah, it's goofy. I remember like buying my first pair of thongs, thongs, I don't know. There was a store at the mall and it used to have like really cheap like dresses, like prom dresses. It was called Deb.
Starting point is 00:50:30 There was a, there was a store called Deb. Yeah. And so I remember literally me and my friend, and I was like friends with this older girl. We rode our bike to the mall and we went into Deb and like the thongs that were so cheap, it was like literally $1.99 or $2.99. Like they were cheap as fuck. And I remember going home with like all my underwear and like wore them, like was so proud of myself and my mom found them. Was she mad? She was mad. And how old were you? I think I was like 10. Oh yeah, you were young. What? Why'd you even want thongs? Those things are so uncomfortable. I don't know. And now like I can't even, I just, there's certain pants that like I can't imagine not wearing a thong with like leggings that are like tight on your butt. Like when I see underwear
Starting point is 00:51:10 lines and leggings, I'm like, yeah, let's just get you the no show. Let's, yeah, the seamless. Seamless. Yeah. Like I just, I like thongs now, they're comfortable, but at that I was trying to fit in with my older- You're like for the record. I was trying to fit in with my older cool friend. No, I'm kidding. I don't, I couldn't tell you at what age I did, but it also doesn't surprise me though that this is like a thing. Oh God, this is such a hard conversation not to sound so shamy, but this is also like by the sounds of it, her first like sexual relationship, like she was a virgin up until this point. So not that that has anything to do with under her choices, but we're walking a fine fucking line this episode. I know, I know, I know. Oh God,
Starting point is 00:51:52 don't say that. Don't say that, please. Rain it in girls. Now rain it in ladies and men. They need to rain it in. Did you hear some of them in on this? But the girls, the ladies on this one did not. Ladies, ladies on this, I don't know. This is a pretty mixed bag of assholes. Pretty even mixed bag of assholes. Yeah. Yeah. They tussled. They tussled. Did they jerk the chicken? No, we can't use that anymore. Sorry. I like them. I like the other one. Hold on though. Choke, choke the chicken. I had no idea that's what I meant. I really thought it was a dance move. Oh my gosh, amazing. I like this one better. Whack the weasel. Oh no. Beat your meat. Free the whales. These are also like, why are they all involving animals? Why do we need
Starting point is 00:52:42 to sexualize the animals? I wonder the whales one, free the whales. I wonder if that has to do with your sperm, like the swimmer. Thank you. I was thinking it, but you said it. Giving everyone that mental image. Top comment on this one. What the fuck are you doing taking your mom's thongs to have sex with your boyfriend? 19,000. That comment. Sometimes less is more. We need to work on that maybe on this podcast. We're trying to talk our asses off. We're trying to get the word count limit like when your professor has a word count minimum. 1500 word minimum. We're trying to hit it. No, but for real, I think what happens is we're trying to be such, we are such open-minded and like empaths. We're trying to always see all sides of the coin. So we try to see like, okay,
Starting point is 00:53:32 that objectively is really weird, but we're trying to see it from her lens. And so we end up talking a lot about like, well, maybe she was thinking this and this and this, but like that comment really does sum it up. Like what the hell, sis? Like don't do that. There's a lot of ways to say the same thing. I know. That person, they did it. Sometimes, but you know what's funny is the TikTok comment section is sometimes better than the TikTok itself. Actually, I'd argue more often than not. Love the comment section. The comments are outshining the actual video. I love those. And I've realized, I don't know if you've noticed this too, but some of the best comments are just like the least amount of words. Yeah. You know what I mean? They're like the
Starting point is 00:54:14 bare minimum and they just absolutely kill it every time. I know. This one did pretty good. Like the next one is I'll give her a slight pass because we all did weird stuff when we were first having sex. Yes. Yes. But just ew. Yes. Next one. I can say for sure 100% that at 18, stealing my mom's thong to wear for sex would have been entirely off the table. This is very strange. It is weird, but also like watch euphoria. You know, things change. I gotta get into it. Oh, you haven't. So that's okay. Yeah, I gotta get into it. The teenagers are very ahead of their time. Yeah. I like, I've seen a lot of people be like, I can't relate to euphoria at all. Like I made a girl that came into my house pour out her water bottle of vodka that she stole from her parents.
Starting point is 00:55:00 Like meanwhile, there was me in eighth grade. Like we were, I was the friend group. You're like hazing your friend for not having a bottle of water. Well, like we would, my friend Allie's mom, like Allie's mom used to be a baker and she would put all of these like peppermint schnapps and stuff into her baking, whatever. Yeah. And so she was like also a nurse and like really busy all the time. And so we would steal her booze and like, this was an eighth grade, end of eighth grade, going into ninth grade. Like that's crazy. Halloween of eighth grade. So I'm not even going into ninth grade. This was Halloween of eighth grade. And we were stealing the booze and like, there was this like haunted ship in Duluth, like the William Irving ship. It's like
Starting point is 00:55:37 this big one looks like the Titanic, but it's not. Okay. But they would like turn it into a haunted ship and we would drink this and like, I don't know how we won didn't wreak, didn't hurt ourselves, didn't get in trouble, didn't get like caught. Like we would go through this haunted ship just blitzed and just like, like what, like this is the eighth grade. Like maybe you will relate to you for you. I don't know. I think I'll fit right in. Eat your words, Morgan. Morgan's going to watch you for you and be like, Oh my God, I need to edit that out. I need to edit that out. Yeah. I've never seen anything. I just like, I feel like I know so much about what's going on, like Nate and Cassie and Maddie and Lexi's play, just freaking Twitter.
Starting point is 00:56:20 Yeah. Go watch it. Yeah. They'll make so much more sense now that you watch it. Yeah. That'll be good. That's all I got for reining in. It was a kooky one. It was very kooky. Very kooky. I liked it. I'm a little traumatized. Last one was more uppity. Still thinking about that poor woman. I need to like, I need to message a lot of these people and be like, are you okay? Are you okay? Yeah. Wellness check from Morgan who like, I use my alt one when I message people. So like, do you? Yeah. And when I comment on posts, I'm always like, just, I don't want people to, because I have the THT Morgan one and the two hot takes actual Reddit
Starting point is 00:57:01 sub. So I have a fake, basically I have a throwaway. Yeah. Yeah. I have a throwaway that I like to make comments on and like give people my advice. That's great. I like anonymity. Yeah. Yeah. Anonymity, anonymity. Yeah. That's the word. Yeah. So I'll send some messages. I'll see. So, so excited for our upcoming live show. I know you're going to say that. I know I'm so excited. The amount of stories and like people keep sending it to me and I haven't read it. I literally, I don't know how myself control, because I loaded Google movie endings. I don't know how myself control. Yeah. Maybe filter them through someone else. If you're not going to read them. Well, so I know they're good based on the awards, like all the awards, like I'm looking at the awards,
Starting point is 00:57:46 the one, so there's this one post and it's like everyone, I don't even want to tell them what it is because everyone will look it up, but I shit you not at least 40 different people have sent it to me. Wow. So I know it's going to be good. I'm excited. Yeah. So I screenshot all of that. There's one that I did read that is probably going to be my new favorite and I almost want to build it for the show so that we can all try it out live. Build it. Build it. It's a certain thing. It's a thing. Yeah. It's a thing. It's a, I don't know. See, I'm trying to be sneaky and I can't be sneaky. Well, trust me. I have no idea what you're talking about. So yeah. So it's going to be really good. We're going to be doing it at Justin. So it won't be in this studio. It'll be a different
Starting point is 00:58:29 studio. I'm actually really excited to do it there. I know. I think it'll be really good. I like that vibe. We're going to have a fun celebration balloons. Happy birthday, THT. Happy birthday. Giveaways. Really? We're doing giveaways. So we will be giving away some merch. Oh my gosh. And they're so cute. I love it so much. I can't wait to rock this around the town. We also have like little trucker hats. I'll put a picture of the trucker hats in there. They're also super cute and have like the same logo as a sweatshirt. There's going to be like a tumbler, a bag. There's really, really cute stuff. I'm obsessed with this. The quality of this sweatshirt is super thick and nice. Like I really, really like this. It's so trendy. It's going to be really
Starting point is 00:59:08 good. I'm just so excited. I know. I'm also nervous. I have so much anxiety over this, you guys. You'll be fine. But it'll be really good. It'll be great. It'll be fun. Yeah. Also, this is going to be a shameless self plug right now. But I do really want to go to Revolfest. Oh my gosh. I do too. Yeah. So maybe if you guys, I'm going to tag our personal Instagrams in the description of this one and maybe go follow it so Revolve will want to send us to the festival. You're like, she's hiding from the camera right now. I'm hiding. For those listening. This is so fucking cringe. We've never done anything like this. We've never plugged ourselves like that. Who, me? No. This girl? No. I'm not annoying on Instagram. I don't even post that much. I'm
Starting point is 00:59:53 annoying and I post a lot. So if you like annoying and you like dogs and you like someone who posts a lot, follow our personal. Follow me. Otherwise, subscribe on YouTube. I'd love to get that. And if you do like us, lovely reviews on the podcast app, but if you don't like us and don't leave reviews, but I don't read them anymore, so it's okay. We don't do that anymore in 2022. We used to spend, I was actually, so we got a really, really heartfelt message about the podcast, the one about his daughter. I love the messages. It was so sweet. We read those messages and they honestly make us really emotional and they kind of inspire us. And you also wouldn't believe how many not great ones we get and like sometimes they're really mean. And then we like
Starting point is 01:00:37 sit there and we feel like shit for days and we think about like where we went wrong. And it's so unfair because when you put yourself out on the internet, there's always going to be criticism. Yeah, for sure. But those nice reviews and those glowing comments honestly make it all worth it. It undoes like 500 bad reviews go away with that one really good review to me. They do for me too. I think the one you sent about like it's been helping him connect with his daughter. That's the one I'm talking about. I love that one. I've been getting like a couple, the marriage ones, and it's not just one person. I've actually received a couple messages about this, how it's like, it's really opened the door for you guys and your partners to have like these
Starting point is 01:01:14 new conversations. Like you'll pause the episode. I'm gonna cry. But you'll like pause the episode and like give your takes and like you're learning more about your partners. I've had two people message me that it's like literally saved their marriage. Yeah. And I'm just like, I sent you one and I don't, I'm going to resend it to you because I don't know if you, you didn't acknowledge it. So I feel like you didn't see it because you would have been really touched. I probably missed it. And it didn't come in the form of a review. It came in the form of a submission for articles. Yeah. So I'll send it to you again. It was really good. I know. I'm going to be better going forward. I think after the live show, I really, now that like I have a couple assistants,
Starting point is 01:01:53 interns, all Hondras actually going to be starting to edit. Guys, I'm just leveling up in the brand. Yeah. So it's going to be really good. You'll see more of her. She'll be like a key figure going forward as well. And so I think like having more time, we can start doing more with the listener right end. I'm blubbering. No, this is all good. But guess what? If you like what you're hearing, join us on the live show. Oh my gosh, that like was loud. I got my funny blobs. Are you okay? Did that like get a nerve? Yeah. It sucks. I hate that for you. We're going to play games. You're going to get to know us better. Yeah, I'm excited for the card games. We're kind of scared. We never get really personal. I know it's funny because it's like, you never get personal. You tell all
Starting point is 01:02:37 your life stories, but we don't get, there's a lot more to unpack. The questions, I've been like looking through the decks and I'm like, oh my God, like if I got this question, I already cry as it is. So like the after party, after like some wine, I'm going to be like, whoo, like some of the questions are really intimate. I've seen them. I know. You're like, I don't even think I've talked about this with like my best friends. Literally. That's how I feel it's going to be. And so I'm like, I got to give us each like, will you get two passes or something just in case. Yeah. That's a good idea. Just in case because we want anyone to feel uncomfortable, but I also want you guys to respond to the questions with us in the chat. We have polls. So we're going to actually be live polling during the two.
Starting point is 01:03:13 I'm getting so excited. Yay. So I'm really excited, but I think that's everything. What day is it? Sunday, March 6th is a live show. Six Pacific. Six Pacific time. Also, if you can't make it that night, buy a ticket and you have the entire week after to watch it when you want to. So buy a ticket, then you get access. There's not going to be access to this a live show or episode any other way. We're not releasing it on Spotify or YouTube after. So buy a ticket and tune in. It's just $10 after show is five. So for 15 bucks, you get two over two hours of hanging out with us and getting real, getting in there, but love you all. Thank you so much for your support on this podcast, on this journey. I know the ads are going to become more frequent. So thank you for
Starting point is 01:04:05 hanging in there for those. And until next time, see you later. See you, March 6th. Bye, guys. The thought of my sons growing up without me inspired me to quit smoking. I talked to my doctors and then I threw away all my cigarettes, ashtrays, and lighters. I started exercising instead of smoking. Staying away from alcohol when I was first quitting was key. I kept on trying. Learn something each time. Do whatever it takes. No matter how many times it takes. We did it. So can you. For free and confidential help, call 1-800-QUIT-NOW or visit developed by CDC. Geico presents daily affirmations. Repeat after me. We can overcome any challenge. We can overcome any challenge like when we left our interior lights on and our battery
Starting point is 01:05:21 died. Like when we left our interior lights and what? Good thing Geico's got emergency roadside service. Available 24-7 on the Geico app. Good thing Geico has emergency roadside. Now we feel very relaxed. I feel a bit tuckered out, actually. Uh, am I still supposed to be repeating after you? No, not at night. To manifest car insurance made easy, go to

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