Uncle Joey's Joint with Joey Diaz - #164 - John Evan, Joey Diaz, and Lee Syatt
Episode Date: March 31, 2014Jiu Jitsu Coach John Evan calls in to break down Eddie Bravo's Match in Metamoris 3. This podcast is brought to you by: Onnit.com. Use Promo code CHURCH for a discount at checkout. Hulu Plus. Visit Hu...luplus.com/joey for an extended free trial. Dollar Shave Club. Use promo code CHURCH and get high quality razors sent to your door. Escapepodtank.com Mention Joey or the Church and get $250 off. Recorded live on 03/24/2014.
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Gold it up bitches gold that mother fucker up what's the story baby nothing fucking Johnny
smooth over there looking good looking good you got new fucking head do the rule look
like every three weeks sure sure you get hair on your neck I said I'm gonna shave the
fucking yeah I get hair everywhere you got to go to an old school bar but what the fuck
I love that there he's got to put the fucking thing on your neck and shave it I don't know
if it's a Jewish thing or I don't know but you have cavemen anyone who goes bald it's
everywhere but the top of my head how fucked up it's on my back I find hair on the pillow
yeah but you're supposed to you're 50 something that's right you know I'm but it's all my
whole family the worst is the back here I got a thing to shave the back here because it's
fucking gross dollar shave club you got to put something together you got to give him
a call say they got to do something because it was like with the what razor when he used
to do it that can't go all the way down the back stick with the hand you see that scratching
hand they have a hand with a stick on it you scratch your back with the stick okay I used
to have one for my asshole like a little stick and he's just fucking from the back if you're
a little too fat you're mathematically inclined you can't scratch your ass you can't wipe your
muffler it's Monday cocksuckers a beautiful day to be alive what the fuck Fort Lauderdale
was great thank you if you were if you live in the Fort Lauderdale area South Miami whatever
the fuck you're from if you came to the shows last week and had a great time I've always
had this special thing with Florida kind of sort of where I don't know what the fuck it
is like I'm when I get there first I'm like I'm in fucking Florida I'm in a swamp bitch
yeah and it just builds up and it gets beautiful and I really had a great time it's a great
fucking club and that hard rock casino it's pretty interesting man it's pretty interesting
that you don't really need to go to Vegas to lose your fucking mind no more the reason
why Vegas is dead I thought it was because of the economy it's not really because of
the economy because these different cities I don't know which ones they exactly are like
Atlantic City you know whatever they have casinos and some of these casinos I mean when I was
a kid I went to Atlantic City I'm like fuck this this does not compare with Vegas this
is not I don't even know why they did this but now 20 years later I'm starting to see
it I have a I'm very fortunate I get to go with Joe to the fights in Vegas you know once
or twice a year so I was observed you got to observe where you're at you see the growth
and you see if the test cranes and you see if there's construction going on so when I
put them to like you know and then when you go to a casino I mean sometimes you go to
casino and the casino's job is to have everything there you're gonna need mm-hmm everything they
even tell you in the fucking bathroom you need anything come down to calm a douche a
fucking tampon whatever fuck you need they'll give you you know they have shopping whether
it's expensive or not they have shopping at the at the at the casinos you know they have
fine dining and also have pizzas and they have food courts I don't know I always get confused
I think for the two fights they either go at the Mandalay Bay casino or the other casino
and there's one of the casinos that has a food court so you don't drop 80 fucking dollars
a meal while you're there and you got to stand on line you can just go get a quick slice
of pizza at the food court they have a movie theater the MGM grant I think that's the that's
the one I get them confused so please don't quote me on this but I went to the hard rock
last week so I'm at the hard rock and whatever you go down the stairs you got the hard rock
restaurant you got a food court pizza deli you know Cuban Chinese you've got a spa you've
got a pool you've got shopping you've got a hard rock memorabilia then you walk outside
and have a complete different world they have more restaurants a little fancier swankier
type restaurants they have nightlife that bongos that you know toy stores they had all this
shit I mean I walked around every day and every day I saw what they were doing and I
kept saying now I get it the 24 hour kitchen I ate that let me tell you something was superb
for what I was getting I was very blown away the first thing I got that I was starving
I just got two eggs and an oatmeal at 11 o'clock at night I don't know why I just didn't feel
like nothing you know if they fuck up the eggs and the oatmeal there's nothing reason
to eat yeah and I had it the eggs were delicious the oatmeal was delicious I think one of the
days I had a chop salad it was fucking delicious you know but the one day you know let me tell
you something I live in California and sometimes I forget I forget and I don't forget I don't
forget I always try to keep it as old-fashioned as I could be and I know that to some people
a lot of people listen to a podcast they're a little younger and I have different fucking
issues and I have issues but you know I hate when I go to buy something at any business
and I'm saying this and I normally get some backlash from people I hate when I go to fucking
buy something and there's somebody behind the counter who doesn't understand the language
it bothers me a little bit it pisses me to fuck off and I don't get mad at them they
just come to America they're looking to strive I get mad at the people that hire them because
these are the people are going to be talking to your customers so if people are going to
come in here they do not understand what the fuck you're talking about number two if you're
going to hire somebody make them knowledgeable of the foods and how they're served and how
they're prepared you know a lot of people look at businesses as investments I talked
about this with the Northridge Dairy Queen I went up to me and my wife moved to the valley
four or five years ago before mercy was even a thought and one night we're on a date night
and we go la let's go to Dairy Queen and we both got Dairy Queen it was fucking horrific
really it was horrific and we looked at the people owned it and absolutely they were from
another country I'm not going to mention I'm not going to be racially insensitive here
it doesn't matter my point is that they were fucking somewhere else and they didn't know
what a Dairy Queen was they bought a Dairy Queen because of an investment so when we
went in there we were looking for a slurpee whatever they're like we don't know what the
fuck it is you know those great Mr. Misty's with the vanilla ice cream and I was like
they didn't know you know and I got upset and I see it sometimes me and my wife go to
get spaghetti at this fucking horrific place in Burbank and last time we went in there
I had to say something to my wife because I'm like I don't fuck around with these people
they don't know what you're talking about they don't know how to serve spaghetti they're
from another fucking country they don't even eat spaghetti in their own fucking culture
so they don't know how to serve it nobody's ever taught them how to serve it how to fucking
the presentation you know whether it has this or not on it it's a fuck so you got to tell
them Terry so I'm sitting there the other day and I'm in the east coast now one thing
I love is old Jews I love old Jews that let you know how the fuck it is because we don't
have this here I do not have this freedom and this honesty in Los Angeles and anything
that you do I'm in the entertainment business so the people I deal with can't make eye contact
they won't return your calls they rather not return a call than give you a no that is the
weirdest thing that I've ever encountered if I go in and do something for you instead
of you going Joey you were not right for the part they'll avoid contact they'll avoid
with everything all together so maybe somewhere down the line they'll bump into you with a
job and you know it's just creepy shit creepy fucking human being shit humans don't treat
each other like this shit so they don't look you know it's just a it's a fucking you see
these people and you know they're fucking cunts you know in their daily lives they're
fucking pieces of shit but they try to keep it together those people I spot I spot those
people right the fuck off when they try to keep it together because I know they can't
keep it together for that long eventually the true fucking colors will come out eventually
within fucking minutes they'll say something you go oh I fucking get it so that does not
happen here we don't see that here we do not see people live through their emotions here
at all that their emotion is people even go to church in this town as a social activity
people switch religions just to be at a social oh my god you know Jim Norton comes to this
church that's what that's the reason people are fucking disgusting out here so they are
damning this food court and in fucking South Florida where we fought Lottetale at the Hard
Rock and nothing looks good you know when you walk from window to window and nothing
fucking looks good I want to go to Jardelli I'm not in the mood for a fucking corned
beef or pastrami sandwich I go to the Cuban spot everything didn't look that good you
know and some fucking Swahelian was serving I go to the fucking Chinese thing that shit
looked disgusting and I didn't want to sit in a restaurant again I didn't want to fucking
omelette I didn't want to filly cheese steak I didn't want none of that shit so I'm sitting
there and I'm going from window to window to see what could yell out at me what screamed
my name and I look over and I see this little Jewish guy probably like Lee's dad like the
age that's all that's all South Florida is he's got sandals on he's got no yarmulke
he doesn't have a yarmulke on but I can tell when I saw him this is my man right here this
is this is Juicentral so how often does this happen that you see some guy like I gotta stay
here I just know I just have a feeling I I feel other people that are like me so yeah
so I'm looking at this guy and I'm like oh let me just see what this motherfucker's gonna
do maybe he's gonna order something that's interesting he goes excuse me do you work
here son he tells his kid and I don't know what nationality this kid is I know he's not
American he's not Spanish he's not Brazilian he's something else I don't know and he goes
to the kid excuse me do you work here and he's kind of nice the guy he's opening up
very nice hi how are you he goes you work here kid yeah he goes listen I need a nice
sandwich all right he goes I want to this on this with a little bit of this and he goes
on top of that I want some liver right just like that I want some liver the guy goes huh
he goes I want liver liver you know liver you gotta live it's around here somewhere
he's he can't find it the guy he's like liver liver you know living guys like living living
I'm standing right there I'm about to and the guy looks at me like can you believe this
shit and he looks back at the fucking guy and he goes liver liver you put on a sandwich
you know liver you don't know what liver is and the guy's like liver liver like he keeps
saying I do not know living you fuck liver let the guys try to keep it together and I can
see his face getting red he's like five foot to me he's like liver I told you liver don't
you know how to say fucking liver who hired you what that and also the middle of his rage
goes where's your manager maybe that fucking guy speak English and he turns and the door
swings open like you couldn't write this the door swings open and the guy comes out with
a fucking turban I mean and he looks at him he goes liver I'm looking for fucking liver
because the guy was old now he's getting upset his liver I want liver on my sandwich and
the guy's like liver and he goes like you don't know either what the fuck what can somebody
please hire somebody it's a fucking American and he says something in this thing and as
he pulls away he looks at me we make eye contact and he goes tell me about it I said to him
tell me about it I now finally somebody thinks like me I go tell me about it he goes go fuck
yourself too and he just walks away from me nine out of ten I was told the old man to go fuck
himself but I haven't been told to go fuck myself in such a long time like that that I kind of
liked that I was like I love this fucking old guy I was like yes there's finally old fucking
Jews in the world he told me to fuck off that's what he said I go hey tell me about it you know
because he he yelled once the Hindu came out with the turban he fucking lost it he looked at him
like I was looking for an American and they throw this fucking guy out here this is worse than
Sprint because Sprint always throws a fucking Hindu at you at the end and you get them call
Sprint bro don't throw an American at you to throw the fucking full court press on you don't throw
a Hindu at you and your world is done your world is done hey bello hello what the fuck I'm telling
you I did not call Cambodia and the thing is I know these people because that's all okay so for
people who don't know Fort Lauderdale and Boca Raton that area everyone from New York New Jersey
Boston that's all that is all the Jews go down there when they're about 70 60 something like that
so they the part this casino probably had a deli in New York delicacy delicacy but that's just
because that's I mean my dad goes to one every week but they probably didn't have they probably had
turkey and ham that's what they had they had turkey this ham corn beef yeah no brisket no no
brisket that's why he was mad too and they had so a liver is this like it's like only Jews like
it's just really sure you used to send me to the store for tongue oh oh yeah tongue her me and I
used to send us sorry next time I've never done tongue but it's chop chop liver isn't that bad
it's pretty fucking strong to put on a sandwich you've had it I have it occasionally you can only
really have a couple bites I couldn't imagine smearing it on a sandwich like cream cheese
but this guy wanted it and he was making his own sandwich and that poor guy was like
all I know is turkey ham roast beef one kind of cheesy one on it but then again you know I don't
know I just feel sometimes and it wasn't you got to give everybody an equal opportunity employed
and I'm surprised the the guy started out nice because all the old Jews I know like that they
started out yelling like they started out already angry he was angry but he was keeping it controlled
I could tell he was angry when he walked up yeah like he was looking for something to fuck with him
so he'll run back to his wife and yell at that was some shit at the penny slots or that that's the
thing about casinos and I love gambling it's it's it's just it's in me but whenever I go to casino
like that it's just like when you see like the hordes of old people just like with the after
that penny slots with the buckets of pennies like Jesus let me tell you what I did see this weekend
and it goes to show you I saw and I never saw it in Vegas they told me to have it in Vegas I've
never seen in Vegas you can play war war oh the card game the card game yeah you've seen that before
I don't know if I've seen in Vegas I've never seen in Vegas the guy goes it's very popular I didn't
see one person playing war all fucking weekend but when I went and asked the guy on Saturday
I go so this is just like regular one he goes yeah $10 a card I was like that's not me I'm a
Cuban Jew I worked too hard to fucking gamble $10 a card but he goes it's very popular so I watched
the table every time I walked by there was never no not one person I saw playing war probably all
blackjack roulette and blackjack I think they don't have craps they don't have craps or roulette
really in Vegas but I did see like a machine where it's virtual blackjack a chick is in a computer
chick and she's playing con can't do that that's that's just gonna rip you off right away if it
wasn't it's a machine they can rig it at least when it's card you have some sort of a chance
so a couple weeks ago all right since like you said that you opened up the conversation
a lot of people moved down from the east coast yeah to whatever when you and I did the documentary
we went to a corner one day and I looked at a house and I said to you that's the house that started
my movement like that was the final straw in my decision to leave I got accused of robbing a house
my friend called a couple weeks ago Anthony Van Erie Anthony Van Erie is running for freehold
but he's replacing Thomas Ligio a good good guy Tommy Ligio is a good guy the father I had
we'll get to this later when I went to a couple weeks ago I got an email a Facebook from a friend
of mine a girl that freshman year I fucking went to freshman class and she was I was friends with
a kid named Michael de Guilmy who came to the stress factory who him and I were very tight growing up
okay and he had a friend named Roseanne de Agostino and Roseanne came over we were all
Diaz de Agostino de Guilmy were all in the same homeroom and grandma in high school
and she needed a locker and I said to her Roseanne my freshman year I mean I didn't know nobody
like Roseanne if you want you can share lockers with me so she let's share lockers with me and
it was great I put my books in there I didn't really then she had a friend her friend needed a
locker she goes to my Maria Donald Donna what I think that was her name she's no longer with
her she died in high school like two years later and so me and Roseanne always stayed friends to
strengthen the bond Roseanne had a brother that I was very tight with me and him took a hit of
acid one time and got on the bus in New York and took it all the way down to the Jersey Shore
and played AC DC on the fucking big one of those ghetto blasters and the bus driver kept
stopping going next time you put that thing on we're gonna throw you off the bus 10 minutes
and we put the fucking highway the hell on the guy would stop the bus I had a thousand
laughs with the Agostino the Agostino was crazy when I was kids so I got a call I got an email
from her on Facebook a couple weeks ago saying hey I see that you're coming for a live there
I'm gonna come see you I'm gonna tell the girls and I didn't know what she was talking about and
she said these two names and there were two girls I hung out with one of them I had an
encounter with I was romantically with her for a while we were kids and the other one I was just
dear friends with and we all grew up together we're all we were all in this circle later on
they came into my life from 16 to 22 or something like that we were always together and then
in the winter of 84 I was fucked up guys I was just in bad shape I broke away from society like in
June I was in love with a girl and we were dating and then we broke up and she started dating her
old boyfriend and I was looking for the girl to save me sometimes you're not looking for a
relationship you're looking for a woman to save me this was my ticket into you know having a house
and all this shit you know in the back of my mind I thought if I hooked up with her you know so
whatever happened so I want to and then cocaine was pretty relevant it was everywhere so I got
hooked on the cocaine I was trying to get a job hold the job in New York and it was just falling
apart I couldn't make it to my job at five o'clock you know somebody said that I did the
Eddie Bravo podcast last night and people were hitting Lee like how's he gonna wake up in the
morning bitch if I tell you I'm gonna be there I'm gonna be there in the morning especially
especially for you motherfuckers but in these days I didn't think that way I didn't give a fuck about
anybody or their time schedule or what it meant you know I had no responsibility I didn't claim any
and in that process they hung out with this other girl named Joanne Ligio that was a very sweet girl
and I became friendly with her and the mother and the brothers and one day I went to Cali after I
screwed my uncle over the one that did the podcast yeah after I tried to rob him at gunpoint when I
got off the plane I got a call I called somebody they go hey Joanne's looking for you something I
called Joanne and she goes my mom said if you ever need a place to sleep you get sleep here
so I immediately went over there god forbid I wouldn't pass up an opportunity to sleep in
somebody's house for free and mooch their fucking food in those days you know so I wouldn't have to
cover that shit I would just have to money to snort coke god forbid so I stayed with them I
think I I moved in with them uh October like the end of October around Halloween and I stayed with
them till like the first week of December and I gotta tell you people was it was eight six weeks
that I didn't I didn't make any effort to change my life you know sometimes somebody puts you on
a couch and they say Joey this is you open the refrigerator to all you all I want from you is
to wash your dishes and do me a favor bro get up in the morning go get a job go get a job to help
yourself out so with six to eight weeks you get an apartment here you can stay here for free I'm
not gonna charge you that you've done it with people you can stay here for free I don't want
nothing from you all I want you to do is wake up at eight keep this clean I don't want no fucking
you know don't don't put drama in my life but most important if I'm gonna give you this opportunity
two or three months to live rent free get a job you think I got a job fuck no I wanted to be Johnny
coke dealer I wanted to be Johnny coke dealer and Johnny mafioso and sell coke and burn people
so one day one day like December 12th I never forget the date she comes to me and she goes
you gotta go just out of the blue she goes you I'm throwing you out you haven't made any effort
to fucking do anything with your life and you haven't stopped snorting coke and it was true I'm
I'm not here to tell nobody I wasn't and I took my little army bag in those days I had an army
bag filled with clothes and a couple pictures and I fucking just lived on the streets that was one
last three weeks of December when I basically just lived on the streets now you talk about the east
coast being cold I lived on the streets I took my luggage to a friend's house and I would pick
through clothes at night and change and take a shower wherever I could and it was just a horrible
living it was a horrible way of living so I hit rock bottom December 31st 1984 I robbed this kid
Joel I went to a hotel and it snowed a lot it snowed like two feet of snow and I knew they
were gonna come get me I had like $2,000 of that money and I called my teacher Mr. Teranova that's
called the podcast and he picked me up and I left that area forever and that was it I got my I went
up to Mr. T's and I tried to I stayed clean and about three weeks in I get a call I call a friend
of mine they're like dog what the fuck did you do and I go what are you talking about and they go
the cops aren't looking for you but somebody robbed Ligio's house and they know it's you man and I go
dog are you fucking kidding me I haven't even at that time when the Ligio house had been robbed
I wasn't I was never even in that area I owed $20,000 my step my godfather was looking to kill me my
stepfather was going to kill me god knows who else was looking to fucking put a bullet in my
fucking leg trust me I wasn't going to go back to west New York with Bergen whole book none of
those fucking spots so he tells me this and he's like bro you robbed the house and I
fucking called another friend of mine and they're like yeah we got the call last night when they
were at the football dinner somebody broke into the house and took all the jewelry and shit
now the other part of this story was that Johann Ligio's mother was at the generic card
gambler and I knew because I knew people in Hoboken I knew different people that she owed money
she owed money and she had been borrowing money from her daughter's college fund I knew all these
things that I only I knew them you know the daughter didn't know the husband didn't know this was
before he became freeholder this is when he was down and out he had lost his job at Pepsi
so uh I get this call you know you robbed the house and I'm like I didn't rob no fucking house
you know but didn't matter listen I had everything against me I had no real alibi you know T was
like he's here with me so what did I do I call the chief of police in North Bergen who I knew
dearly I hung out with his son and I said Mr. B you know I've known you a long time I've eaten at
your house listen I've done a lot of bad things I robbed this I did this you know that he laughed
I go but this thing I didn't do if you want me to come down and give a statement or get
fingerprinted or whatever and he goes listen something ain't right but I'll get back to you later
so uh I guess that they broke in but there was no real breaking there was no that's why she
thought it was me because there was no there was a key I never really had a key to the fucking house
I just knocked and they let me in or I had the back door was open because the two boys
so they accused me of robbing the fucking house so this is all over the place now and I'm trying
to fight back I'm trying to call everybody now why for someone who's done all that stuff why did
it bother you so much it bothered me because I didn't rob it at that time everything that got robbed
was me every time and then a week later they go oh no it was the sister and I get fucking you know
somebody robbed somebody and then I would get a call hey bro did you hear what happened downtown
they broke into whatever's house and then a week later it was the three Puerto Ricans down the
corner so I would always get vented sized without okay vindicated so so even though you were doing
it when you didn't do like it wasn't me it was there was a point where everything that somebody
did it went back to me if I was even in that fucking area and sometimes I was responsible for it
yeah and sometimes I wasn't for some reason guys this one really bothered me this was at the tail
end of a part of my life when I was in bad shape and when she threw me out it hurt me because I
thought she was my friend I knew a lot of shit about the mother like I'm telling you right now
I knew a lot of shit about the mother and I thought we were good friends and I understood her
throwing me out of the house hey I understood that I wasn't mad about that at all this went on
and it ain't a way at me it ain't a way at me that she thought I robbed the house you know and I knew
the truth I knew that it was an insurance scam for her to get the cash back and I knew a lot of
little things you know she had pawned the jewelry she was getting her jewelry estimated so I knew
something was in the horizon you know and I gotta tell you it really bothered me but it made me who
I am today so this went on this rumor went on and I called one of the girls not Rosanne
de Agostino this is 85 I called one of the girls and her and I remained friends for a while even
though she was tight with Joanne Ligio okay this girl Tasia and I remained friends for a while and
then Tasia got into her own hassles her and her boyfriend killed a couple driving it was fucking
crazy it was dreaded with drunk Tasia got vindicated but the boyfriend ended up going to jail
and I left I left no right before I didn't leave yet and her and I were very tight this girl Tasia but
as time went on our relationship and it was because of Joanne thing now the other girl
who I was romantically at one time with Lisa I called her one day me and my buddy were thinking
of taking a vacation I called the one day I go hey me and my buddy thinking of taking a vacation
I want you to sell me the package and she put me on hold and then she picked up the phone she
goes listen I gotta tell you something I really don't want to do this for you I really don't
ever want to talk to you again I can't believe you robbed Joanne's house she goes this is the
end last conversation we'll ever have and that really destroyed me because we weren't romantically
involved then but I considered her a friend in a way not really you know I knew I knew what it was
I knew what time it was so eventually within time they both stopped talking to me and that really
bothered me and today I could look you in the eye I mean we discussed a lot of things on this park
yes I didn't rub that fucking house I wasn't it wasn't even in my realm at that time I was trying
to get out I was trying to really like that's it I'd gotten away with murder yeah so why would I
want to fucking go back you know so when Roseanne hit me up a few weeks ago she told me she goes
I want to come to your show my husband I go no problem I go but listen I'm dirty you know I just
guys want you to know I know the style of counter you like cuz he always posts what comedians he
goes to see okay so when I was down this weekend I didn't even think about it but when I hit her
back with the message she hit me back that she was going to invite those two girls okay those two
girls all living the same neighborhood with other people from my hometown wow so uh I told her and
I never heard back from her you know she probably went to those two girls and said he's coming and
they go are you fucking kidding me don't you remember what he did did it bother me bro uh a little bit
it bothered me if you know anything about me it really didn't bother me but it just struck me
wow that I had the relationship I had with this girl even if she went to them and they told her
that I thought that this girl would at least go you know what you guys don't want to go let me go
me and him had a friendship at one time but I guess uh and like I said the other girl that had the
locker died in the car accident I remember we all went to the wake and I was very tight so it just
goes to show you that uh so it never came out that it was the mom doing like it never came out
I never really wanted to attack it at that point you know I was living this happened January of 85
I left New Jersey in June of 85 by that time she had gotten a check
then I bumped into her one day in 93 I went home I bumped into her a political function but the
people I went with were throwing heat she couldn't say nothing to me they looked at me they gave me
dirty looks but there was nothing I gave dirty looks back at that time I didn't give a fuck
but I would have gone up to look there in the face and said I know what you did it wasn't me I
know what you did and I'm not mad at you you know if I would have robbed the fucking house I would
have got arrested for it yeah if it had really been me if they would have witnesses and proof and
that would have sold the jewelry where'd the jewelry go you know I'm saying at those days you
could track jewelry still you could track it where'd the jewelry go as soon as they put an alert out
the feds or the cops send fucking paperwork to all those they fax paperwork to all those jewelry
stores that they're looking for 50,000 worth of jewelry like they said they robbed yeah she said
she had like 50,000 worth of jewelry which she really had she probably didn't have so but that
really but that pain that that brought me fueled me it fueled me and if we remember when we shot
the documentary we shot it I had that piece in there yeah I never had it because I didn't want it to
I didn't want to make the documentary negative I didn't want to show you at first when I had
the plans to shoot the documentary and plans to take you to the places I robbed and stuff
I didn't want to show you the bad thing I want to show you the good things and that's why I did that
I had that piece in there remember you shot me you shot it right in front of the house now this is
the house I got accused of robbing blah blah blah but today I really don't give a fuck about them
you know I feel bad that we don't talk I feel bad that they fed me at one time and I don't have a
relationship with them I'm sure they see the articles they put in my hometown paper about me
and I don't know how they feel or whatever but I really don't give a fuck right that made me that
gave me the fuel that accused to be honest with you you know it's like having a jar of mayonnaise
and you're trying to open it and you can't open it and you're working for an hour and your grandmother
comes in who's got arthritis in her fingers and she goes and she cracks the fucking can yeah that
situation was the catalyst or it was responsible for setting me out in the world yeah because
that's what made me want to prove that I wasn't that person so I keep that theft close to my heart
that accusation because it fueled my rage oh yeah man I can feel my fire it really fueled who the
fuck I was because I didn't care but I robbed a lot of shit I'm not here to tell you I did not rob
shit I was a petty fucking piece of shit thief but that I didn't rob I had a little bit more class
than to rob somebody who had helped me at that time you know they weren't involved with drugs
they weren't heavies they didn't do nothing like that so they they were out of my reign
yeah you know all those people that helped me were always safe you know that's why the people
you know lubes and askelises and the villanos those people were my brothers they stuck with me
through thick and thin in those days I'm the same animal today if you don't stick with me to thick
and thin I don't want you around you know it was interesting because I worked with two comedians
and uh in uh for a long time this week and one of the guys I knew from LA and you know when I used to
do the podcast with Alicia she used to have this fucking friend this uh this Jeff uh I don't know
what his fucking name was uh he he books Montreal or some shit now you know he he books Montreal
Jeff I don't know what his fucking name is and it's funny because this kid said to me he goes
you know joey man I'm watching you on stage and everything's working out and he goes years ago
fuck you had a lot of people that were really down on you and he goes this guy especially and I
I remember him Felicia he was at Felicia's one time and I shook his hand but I knew that first
of all if the guy's a gay guy that he needs a push I know those guys that are fucking flaming
inside but they just need a push like something they need a guy to grab him by the neck and go
so now you're gonna suck my cock and I'm gonna set you I'm a criminal what's that word when you
break a woman out when it was a pimp say I busted her out and shit like I turned her out oh yeah
that's what that's what he needs a guy to turn him out okay and uh it's funny he books I forget
Jeff whatever I think stand-hope had a problem with him too because the guy used to charge classes
to teach stand-up and stand-hope went after him and it's funny that this kid came up to me he goes
you know who really used to every time I'd see him he'd say stay away from Diaz he's he's trouble
he's no good you know and type of shit like that bothers me a little bit yeah because these are the
people that talk to the mainstream people I know that that half of these fucking morons are a bunch
of you know they don't like dealing with me half of them because I tell them the truth you know I
tell them how I feel and then that's not what they want to hear they want you oh my god it's
such a pleasure to beat no it's not a pleasure because I know you don't give a fuck about me
you have to do this because you have to do this shit but it's so funny how these people
it's tough to live your life you know and you make your own bed man I made my own fucking bed I'm
not here tapping out or crying or you know I got a bunch of fucking things this week from people
you know things ain't going my way then you gotta work a little fucking harder but I gotta go it up
go that mother fuck up on a Monday go it up and go for it you know but I've done a lot of things
on one of my goals was one of my goals was always to listen you're not gonna overcome you're not
gonna change people's minds you're never gonna once a person has a perception of you yeah whatever
you're not gonna change their mind the only thing you could do is keep pushing forward and eventually
even if they don't like you they gotta look at you and go that motherfucker's a savage
you know maybe I don't like this but it's character spot on and that's all I always wanted to be I
always knew to redeem myself and what I had done all those years my character was in I always had
character I always had fucking character if not I would have robbed him mm-hmm I always had character
if not I would have robbed him right there at fucking gunpoint but uh that's what I always try
for to build my character so I could somebody could say and I don't have these people don't
fucking like me these comic people you know what I really don't give a fuck that's the reason why
I'm here when I walk in the room I walk in the room my cock in my fucking hand I don't give a
fuck I'm not scared of none of these motherfuckers and I and that's why you know this podcast is
sometimes but I'm fucking Monday mornings I come in here fueled up and it's just to let you know
that you know what man who gives a fuck somebody this morning hit me up I don't want to go to my job
or I don't like it should I quit I go you can't quit your fucking job you know what go in and give
me a shot if somebody don't like you having a problem with your boss go and then let them know
you're fucking better than they are that's the only way they're gonna give you the fucking props
and even if they don't like I don't give a fuck I don't want to go to your house to watch tv I don't
want to go eat with you hang out with you fuck you but you will fucking respect me and you will
fucking respect what I do and you will respect how I fucking compose myself and how I handle
myself that's all you want from people I don't give a fuck I don't want no thank yous and no hugs
nothing I just want people to know this guy's a hard worker he works hard he does what he says
he's gonna do and he fucking comes through and that's the most important thing man well did you
hear what happened it's interesting you brought this up do you hear what happened in football this
weekend no so the Philadelphia Eagles released a wide receiver named Dishon Jackson so and they
were they released him right like the day an article came out saying that he he hangs out
with gang members he grew up in Compton and what he's saying is what all the police have come out
and said is when you when you live in a place like that you're gonna grow up and you're gonna
know people who end up like that so they released him he didn't do anything it's not like Aaron
Hernandez who killed somebody they released him and they said he had some uh some issues uh some
he didn't get along with the coaches or whatever but they released him before he did anything
and he went outside like I'm not a bad person and and it's uh like it's kind of like we you went
through a little bit like how what what can you what would that feel like like if if like a comedy
club or your agent now is like he he hangs out with bad people or he did this in his past
and then it kind of affects you it's kind of like what happened to that UFC fighter
a little bit but he did something so Dishon it hurts it hurts I'm not gonna lie it hurts
for a minute it hurts for a level it hurts for as long as you let it hurt okay people
always remember that this shit's gonna hurt for as long as you had let it hurt you a situation
affects you it's gonna affect you for as long as you let it affect you listen to my fucking words
because I live with this every fucking year every fucking day whether when I'm when I was Spanish
and I first moved to North Bergen in every level you know my insecurities weren't fucking a man
made I'm not a guy who's gonna tell you that I haven't had opportunities because I'm Spanish
that's bullshit I've never even looked at that I've never even categorized myself as that
I categorize myself as a fucking man I know I gotta go out there and get some every day
but when you hear something negative about yourself or something that somebody's taken
out of perspective or something that somebody has made a bad call on you it hurts if you let it hurt
for a minute then you sit there you reflect you grab your cock and you go you know what fuck this
bitch this is the gasoline that goes in my fucking tank yeah okay that's how I look at it when
somebody says something like so I told you one day nine out of ten most people go up to people go
hey I heard you said that I don't say nothing because if somebody's gonna say something like that
about you knowing the efforts that you do they're saying it from an insecure place or they're jealous
or they don't understand I don't even like that word jealous but they don't like it or whatever you
don't want if they're that weak they know you're gonna fuck them up that you know I mean in my world
when I get that shit it hurts for 10 seconds and if I didn't tell you I'm lying to you it hurts
it hurts for a minute it might hurt for a day it might hurt but then something takes over you
and goes you know what I'll take that person and you wipe my fucking ass with them it's
shit in my ass you know when you take that first shit how you take that toilet paper wipe your
fucking ass that's what I'll do with that fucking head as their tongue is scraping my asshole and
they taste the shit from my fucking ass that's how you have to think about those fucking people
and you don't say nothing to them you don't even give them the time of day you let them
living their life you let them live their life like if they know what the fuck they're talking
about and meanwhile you're digging you're digging you're moving fucking straight because listen bro
it's like the fucking man setting off in an apocalypse now I'm in this fucking hotel hanging
here and Charlie's in a bush getting fucking stronger I've always been Charlie in the bush
getting fucking stronger so you could sit there with your little fucking Gentile buddies and
saying I live and hanging at the improv and try to be cool and put whoever the fuck you want down
but meanwhile motherfucker uncle Joey aka Charlie that bitch is in the bush motherfucker with a gun
and a fucking scope and a fucking a bag full of fucking bullets I want to be around it's Monday
March fucking 30th the day the devil was buried in sea anybody say something about you you don't
feel good fuck him it only hurts for a fucking minute and then you tell him suck my dick bitch
I'll respect Tony been on a fucking Monday cock suckers I want to be around
pick up those motherfucking pieces who gives a fuck when somebody breaks your heart
but some somebody twice as smart as I
that misery loves company so it's crazy I didn't even feel the earthquakes this weekend
I don't know what it was but fucking you were fucking no I wasn't you were eating that ass like a
fucking Mexican soldier beforehand yeah but uh I didn't bring in the corn I'll bring in the corn
tomorrow um you know because you said Mexican um we were before but uh no not during we didn't
we didn't feel you the one that I called Terry because I knew you were on floor I was like
fuck yeah people called me right away and said call home that there was an earthquake so
that's the type of people I'm fucking involved with you want me to tell you why I feel good
today why because I took that on at 180 okay that one I'll take that shit before and after the
fucking plane man they sent me a big box of it and I'll tell you what I'm tired you know I'm a
little tired today I'm gonna take it easy I don't have a big day so uh I don't know how to go to
11 to 12 I thought I had to go to the library with my daughter they do like a read story
Thomas and go down there with and see what's going on torture some motherfuckers read some books and
shit they had that they had an elementary school like you could come in the parents would
read a book and my dad did it once and he took it really serious because he was on the radio
so he was there with his big radio voice I can I can definitely see going into kindergarten
reading some stories to some kids it's a mommy and me group on Mondays and Wednesdays but it's not
in uh it's not for the next two weeks so it's on Wednesday so okay that's why I was gonna do the
podcast Monday and Wednesday at 11 but I gotta go to storybook fucking reading time so that's
what the fuck it is but that's that's why I felt good I could tell that uh I never used to take I
never take Alpha Brain before I go on a plane ride but the 180 I take a little thing right there
right on the plane so the guy goes you want water boom I open up the package dump it in there
drink it and then when the plane lands I do another one and I'm fucking good like I never
really have jet lag yesterday slept for two hours but it wasn't it was because I was tired you know
I went to fucking two and got up at five so and you went through a period a few months ago where
you're getting a lot of ear things and you're getting sick for a while so you might like you've
been taking that for like on the plane yeah because even like what six seven weeks in a row now or
closer oh no I don't fuck around but it was it was very weird I'm taking a lot better care I know
how to do the road down a lot better so uh there's little precautions you take the immune the
yeah I take the immune I take the shroom tech uh the other one not the sport but I take the other
one the immune so you know you're on a plane six seven hours you gotta have you gotta protect
yourself I heard they make this I was talking to a buddy of mine from Australia last night he says
they make this thing that you buy at the airport and you drink it every hour or something like that
for your body it puts a lot of vitamins in your body you know when you fly there's radiation on
planes there's so many fucking things on planes and I fly twice a week so you have to take a little
fucking carry yourself people and that's why that's the word of the day take care of yourself it only
hurts as long as you let it fucking hurt yeah it's crazy because like and I would love the
Patriots to grab them they won't do it because of Aaron Hernandez and at first when they brought
it up I'm like yeah I guess you I can see like after what happened you would let him go just so
he if anything happened but like the like the article it's kind of where it's kind of why
newspapers are going down the article didn't have any proof it just said he hangs out with
people who are in that but that's like that shouldn't be illegal that shouldn't be a reason
for you to lose your job and it's uh Mark Cuban the owner of the Mavericks he came out a week or
two ago and he said that uh in like 10 years the NFL is gonna go downhill because they they're they're
doing a whole nother night of football now it's like Wednesday nights two and and then more more
games on Thursdays and you know it might be it might be fucking true he said that like when people
get too greedy people like things bad things happen so it's kind of interesting so they're
gonna start Wednesday I don't know but Wednesday they they definitely added more Thursday night games
and like now CBS is careful covering them and pretty soon it's gonna be every night of the week
I think I think it's some Wednesday night now this kid that got the Sean Jackson he was he a rookie
last year no he was like four years in he had his best year last year okay so after his best year
so they they cut him or they released him because of he doesn't get along with the coaches maybe he
has a chip on his shoulder yeah but because he has gang acquaintances well he's from southwest yeah
he's from Compton he it's not that he's in a gang it's that his friends who we grew up with and
and I wouldn't have even realized it but when I go down to drop Paul off in those neighborhoods
there's fucking gangs and it's just half part some of the people who live there are very nice old
people and some of the people are gangs and it's just when you grow up in those areas you're gonna
have friends you go to school with that are in the gangs that's what they said and it's a listen
when I went back to fuck in the stress factory I realized uh I had some friends that were heavy
duty myself yeah that over the years they they you know I've just just weakened in Florida some
guy came up to me and he goes I'm your friend's partner in the book business Jesus you know
okay I grew up with and I knew he had a partner and the guy goes my name is this and I'm his
partner I've been with him for 20 years now and he couldn't come but he sends his love I'm down here
so you know when I went to the stress factory I saw a couple motherfuckers I down in high school
with that now you know back then they were doing little things but now a couple of them told me
man they were like bro we got you back you need anything you know you want to perform here you
want to do this we could take care of you so yeah I took their cards and their phone numbers and uh
hey man this is who I grew up with this is who the fuck I am you're not gonna abandon them
no I don't give a fuck we're fucking abandon them they never abandoned me yeah one guy I saw that
I did a thousand things with and I always knew who he was that's why I did the things with him
because I knew I would never get in fucking trouble so we gotta call him all right it's my
little brother John Evan how's it going good man I'm happy you woke up to do this for us again
John Evan on the line uh my one of my fucking coaches who I love dealing with jiu-jitsu fucking
savage he has a youtube page and he has a breakdown page and uh I'm gonna talk about it he brought
well how you doing today mr. Evan oh doing well doing well this uh you gotta get up early for this
show huh yeah we got up early man we want to get to you first we want your information out there
first John Evan you know what I'm saying that's great it's a good way to wake up now I woke up
I went to bed at like 12 so I was tired when I woke up at 4 30 but you gotta do what you gotta do
John Evan fuck it no for sure you know people people you know I get emails every week in some
weeks I get emails from people that you know things aren't going well for them they've been
and I ask them you know do you get up early do you try a little harder do you and this is it this is
you get up a little early some days you're right you know and the whole day's in front of you so
yeah that's it John Evan John Evan I'm watching these uh these fights the night and I thought
about you the whole night when I was watching Metamorris 3 I thought you were right next to me
you know and because you've taught me some stuff and I didn't know a lot of the high level stuff I
was seeing watching but uh that's why I have you on play to break it down and we'll break down at
ease because that was the main one people are still talking about today a couple weeks ago you
and I were doing something you were teaching me a few moves and you mentioned to me something
that Clint Kenney Ford you mentioned the other day because you know Eddie's known for his rubber
guard and this and this but his real world is his grappling and his side control
yeah and and his uh and his half guard too right the half guard I'm sorry not side control his
half guard and uh we saw it the other night break it down for me John Evans yeah uh I mean
if any of you haven't seen that Metamorris event I highly recommend you watch it um I mean
it's it's just not often you get to see high level grappling put on into such a nice production
like a you know typical you can go to the world and if you're there in person it's really something
to see a lot of the people come up from Brazil some of them chant to each other and it's crazy but
if you're there live you're not going to see it with any kind of commentary
if you watch the live stream you can see some commentary and that's uh it helps a lot it helps
give context but and unless you do the sport um the commentary has to be really good to give it
context because otherwise I think I think that's the problem with jujitsu with sport jujitsu um it's
it's really hard to convey what's going on in the match unless you've seen it before
because there's no way that you can tell uh for instance pressure like there's no way the camera
can show that so uh you know maybe you've got two humongous guys like say like I don't know somebody
as big as uh Verdoom who's going to be fighting for the uh in the UFC hopefully for the UFC heavyweight
title pretty soon he trains at my gym sometimes under my coach Cabrinha and he's a humongous person
just very big and once you're that big if you put a shoulder on someone's face and and have a really
strong cross face on them uh that can be so much pressure feel like your head's going to pop off
but on camera there's no way to tell that so you really need good commentary to give it
context and uh the last couple of metamorphosis I didn't think we really had that so great but
this time they had King Florian uh who competes for UFC so he's an old hat at it and then he also
had Jeff Glover who is one of the best American grapplers and just an all-round good guy too so
the two of them really I think helped brought that across to the audience so you didn't have to be
such a jujitsu nerd you can be kind of more of a casual viewer and still see what was going on
but the the match was fantastic um I mean this one is it's a it's a rematch they fought once before
I think in like 2003 was it 2003 I think so ADCC's right yep it was an ADCC so it was Novi
and that was the big deal about this fight Heuler was if you don't know who he was he is
one of the Gracie's he was named I think by Gracie Mag which is a huge jujitsu publication
it's been around for a long time he was named as the best grappler of the 90s I think by his peers
and just by the magazine maybe they took a boat and he was the one best grappler of the 90s so
a big deal and he's a smaller guy too you know one of the much smaller weight classes
but known also for his passing which typically you don't see that at the smaller weight classes
a lot of people play guard more so they're on bottom more but he has very good also a very
good guard but very good passing too especially for the weight class a really technical good
athlete on top of it and he went into ADCC where he was fighting Novi and Eddie Bravo caught him
in a triangle and beat him and a lot of people said oh it's a fluke you know like it's not going
to happen again I don't think either of them competed after that I might be wrong but I'm
pretty sure that neither of them ever competed again after that so a lot of things left to
speculation people saying that Eddie was making his career out of this one fight he just got lucky
and all of this and you know it was really it was an interesting match to make and everybody
wanted to see them rematch but they never did and now years and years and years later they finally
did and it was a fantastic match really really good unfortunately spoiler alert if you haven't
seen it yet it went the distance so because it's supposed to be submission only but there was a 20
minute time limit so you know still you can argue it either way but um I mean I think most people
that were there even to the casual fan they could see that uh I mean one way if you're not sure who's
winning in the grappling match you can look at who's defending more and who's attacking more
and Hoyler was on top for a lot of the fight I think for the whole first five minutes he was on
top in a good passing position trying to a knee through the pass a knee through the middle pass
to work but not able to get it to work and then Eddie was able to utilize his lockdown and for me
that was the that was kind of like the most surprising and in a way the saddest part of it
too because uh the lockdown is not just Eddie's move the Eddie kind of popularized it but it's a
common jujitsu move and Hoyler seemed to have no answer for it he didn't know how to get out of it
he wasn't doing the right stuff he was straightening his leg most of the time which is the opposite of
what you want to do um and he looks a little lost and because of that he got swept a few times he
swept back and he stayed on top but um in the end he got put into a couple of different compromising
positions where he was nearly a cast crusher and then also nearly in a neck crank and he was uh
in danger of being put into a twister which is also in that crank and you know if if you have to
look at it that way he was defending he was never putting Eddie in danger of being submitted so
I would definitely have to give this fight to Eddie and I'm not biased either way I really
have no affiliation with either of those two camps so um it was just it was a good fight and I would
have loved to see it with no time limit for sure just just go till somebody passes out
yeah I think so you know even though you could argue that that favors Hoyler because he seemed
to be the better athlete of out of the two even though Eddie was still pushing pretty strong
towards the end um that's the only real way to leave it uh to to get a definitive answer
and submission only the only problem with submission only is that when you do it with no
time limits most matches sure they're going to end in five minutes again in 10 maybe 20
sometimes 30 but every once in a while you'll get that match that goes like an hour and a half long
and it's just unwatchable for the casual spectator and even for the hardcore spectator it's uh
especially if it's more of a stalling game it's like an hour and a half you just it's hard to
make time in your day for that and especially if there's like five more matches um and how do you
schedule that too if you're an event organizer so that's kind of the conundrum with sport jiu-jitsu
right now these rules are in my opinion much better than rules for say like the IBJJF with
the world's where they give you points for sweeping takedowns um you know passing the
heart all of that it doesn't matter there's there's no point no points just you submit or you don't
so that way it becomes much more pure jiu-jitsu I believe but uh also then you run into that
no time limit issues so it can be hard to run a tournament that way I uh really saw one other
thing that night that I think a lot of people saw unless you're crazy there's something there I could
watch one of these once a month I would I would pay to see these live I would go down I would have
paid the hundred bucks to go down there that night I think they're very interesting John Evan I think
they're a little more like the way they did this show compared to like a tournament that I've been
to like the time I only been to one with you at GMAC that day VMac GMAC but uh I liked how they
did it I could see this on pay-per-view once a month I think that there's a market you know what
you so what you got kicked out of the UFC you're a fucking black belt and jiu-jitsu why just open
up a school you know you could jiu-jitsu wise to your fucking 60 you know that right John Evan
especially if you've been doing it for 20 years and 40 years absolutely and that's the beauty of
jiu-jitsu and uh you know that's I mean you could see that here and people wanted to see people paid
money and it was the main event to see these two guys that were nearly 40 right uh I think coilers
or I'm 48 and Eddie's 43 that's that's we are exactly that's what we are Eddie nearly nearly
50 right yeah 48 years old and you know they're not like these are not athletes in their prime
and watching these two guys and first of all too what amazing athletes for being well into their 40s
you know especially for Hoyler and being able to go 20 minutes being in a match which are being
videotaped and both of you can't imagine the pressure on these guys like if you've never
competed before and uh you know it's a completely different thing but also when you get to that
level Eddie Bravo owns that the 10th planet system like if you see a 10th planet out there it's
associated with Eddie Bravo a lot of pro fighters and USG come to him you know Hoyler Gracie being
named he's a Gracie for one so there's a lot of pressure right there like you can't be a Gracie
and be bad at jiu-jitsu it's uh it's just not accepted and also being named the best fighter
of the 90s he's a legend the son of Helio Gracie right just it goes on and on so much pressure
and you have all these students and everyone looks up to you and you get out there and you
haven't competed in 10 years and uh you know you have an adrenaline dump and you still
not being athletes in their prime they went out there and they put on on the line and they just
really went for it over 20 minutes and had a amazing cheerleading I thought it was awesome and
that's so hard to do for you know the average 20 year old would have a really hard time with that
but they pushed the pace the whole time it was an exciting fight which is more than you can say for
a lot of fights and uh man I don't know I thought it was great I uh like I said I you know you've
been teaching me for the last nine months and I watched some stuff that night that was just amazing
I had never even seen before I don't know what they were doing you know uh one thing I learned
from you was patience John Evan a couple weeks ago we were messing around and I said to you
are you going to teach me a north south choke and I'm fucking 300 pounds and you're barely 160
and I laid on top and I could hear your fucking ribs crushing but you're like no no you're okay
and I'm like what I love this guy and you fucking you know you had patience you're like okay he's
300 pounds there's nothing I could do about that all I could do is keep my composure breath and I'm
gonna get out of this and you fucking did this little shrimping shit and next thing you know you
were out of it you know how long it took Eddie to get that lockdown last night it it was a while
before he took five fucking minutes to get the lockdown last night so he first got the one hook
he said the black mamba and then he went for the lockdown and he goes it took him five minutes to
get it that's patience and then he spoke about the electric chair how he teeth he works on that a lot
but he goes you know what uh he was surprised that Hoyler wasn't prepared for the electric chair
whatever they call that shit but he said even then like he goes I was he goes it's a move that you
have to you know it steps he goes it steps and and there's one point where Jack what was the
name not Kenny Florian but the other guy was Jeff Glover Jeff Glover said that Eddie wasn't known
for his cardio but he was very technical where Hoyler was more of an athlete yes that's true
yeah it um you know that's why it was crazy uh
Hoyler was in a very good knee through the middle passing position um and the part for me that was
a little bit sad uh was either either Hoyler has not updated his game enough since maybe he was
last competing which has been a while or he just didn't give Eddie the respect that he deserved and
didn't study up on him because that lockdown is pretty common and anyone that knows Eddie and knows
anything about his game like it's pretty common knowledge that he uses the lockdown a lot and
especially from half guard also I mean Eddie just jumped right into half guard from the get go but
Hoyler I would have loved to have seen him trying to avoid that a little bit I mean there's
there's a couple things you don't do in life you know you don't tug on Superman's cape you
know spit in the wind you don't fight in Eddie Bravo's half guard you just don't do it not a good
idea and he just allowed him to go right there and I think maybe he wanted to beat him at his game but
why you know I mean clearly did not work out and especially if you're gonna fight there
why allow him to get the lockdown oh and and why not know how to get out of it he he wasn't doing
any of the right stuff he allowed his knee to get really torqued out and uh from there Eddie Bravo was
able to get underneath him like you said he did the electric chair I think he did it twice
nearly put him in a weird neck cranking position by grabbing the forearm at one point and all of
the control was based off of that lockdown and because Hoyler he wasn't you know typically you
to to nerd out a little bit typically the weight that's caught in the lockdown you want to bend it
your heel to your butt you kind of want to um turn away from them and then uh bring it to your
butt and then you can turn back into them and extend the leg and you leg work around their legs
or if that doesn't work you can incorporate your free leg and use that and go kind of down
weave it in between their ankles and you can straighten everything out and release the lockdown
he wasn't doing any of that and it was very surprising and that allowed Eddie to get all the
sweeps and all of his setups for submissions and then at the end he got in this horrible
crap calf crusher position and if people aren't really familiar with that it gets used very legitimately
at a very high level sport jujitsu especially nobby uh where like say uh I think Vitor Oliveira
recently who if you don't know who he is is a gft fighter one of the biggest jujitsu camps
and this guy's a beast he's been tearing through the american circuit lately even though he's a
brazilian guy he went to the milky worlds last year and submitted a black belt in tournament
with that same submission or you're in that calf crusher just pulled the leg down and it's uh the
only thing with the calf crusher is that some people just do not tap to it um the leg locks
are a little bit tricky like that but when it's that it's just put on that hard the late Eddie
had it and especially with Hoyler's kneading twisted to the side like that it looked horrible
it looked horrible uh yeah I mean it was it was super deep he must have rubber joints or something
well he said he heard the knee pop at least six times and he kept twisting and he kept saying
you know are you okay yeah yeah yeah yeah you know but you heard what the man said he goes
he's not going to tap the only way to tap Hoyler is to choke him
the guy said that during the conversation yeah I wouldn't tap to that either but at least he's out
right um I was really surprised because I mean even the way that he was fighting the electric chair
sweep when you do the sweep with that lockdown you torque their knee to the outside I personally
have torn someone's meniscus with that because if they're stubborn and they try to fight back by
straightening the knee and not not trying to concede the sweep it can go right on the knee
and I've torn someone's meniscus and I've seen other people's muscles torn from the same exact
position so uh he wasn't fighting you know he wasn't fighting that properly either he was
being stubborn with it the knee was getting torqued really bad and he was in a horrible position
for that calf crusher at the end like I said um I was shocked to see him stand up at the end and
seemingly walk around okay like I thought for sure that he'd have just blown everything out of
that knee but uh I don't know I guess we'll have to hear reports from his camp afterwards but uh
I mean he seemed okay yeah you know it's funny uh I did the podcast at eight last night he goes
to you know for sure he's definitely got ice on it today you know but there's another school of
thought to that John Evan you're a great jujitsu guy I mean anybody I talk to at VMAC they all go
fuck John Evan you know you're very technical and stuff but John Evan you've just been doing
jujitsu for seven years can you imagine where you're gonna be like at the 20-year mark
what also comes with that 20-year mark is flexibility it's it's uh you know you could
take your elbow to places I can't take mine and Lee can't take his you know you've been doing the
game for a long time you know your limitations you know I mean it's like uh the other night I
did something on stage I had to stop to and when I got off both comics were like bro you heckled
you had you handled that lady fucking perfectly it wasn't because I'm better than you are it's
because I've been doing it for fucking 20 years I'm not better than you I just been doing it for
20 years that's how I looked at that that night that's just one of the things that it means to
do jujitsu you know if you watch the one of the countdowns to Meta Morris is he stretches he's
a big stretcher you know we all stretch our hamstrings and you know twist around but when
do we really get deep into our ankle and switch it around and when do we really do those deep
stretches which is what is needed for jujitsu if you really think about it you know so yeah
yeah definitely and he said it he goes you know it's 2014 it's not just going to the jujitsu
thing anymore and doing hip escapes and rolling there's so much more if you want to get that much
better so uh you know the conditioning is is great for you know all that stuff I mean like I
said you could pop my fucking finger but I know there's jujitsu guys that you know they they fucking
they're great you can pull that finger back for hours and nothing happens no it's true there's
definitely a level of conditioning for flexibility and joints and just um being lister who actually
competed in this too also talks about it that you've got like a it's nearly like a conditioning
for submissions you start to build a tolerance after a while where you know not for jokes because
for jokes if you get uh if you get choked unconscious more than you know a handful of times then it
starts to your body actually just like in boxing when boxer start to get knocked out more than a
couple of times and they're in those somehow that okay well I can stop all this trauma and by just
putting this person to sleep then you do that and then the guy starts passing out really easy same
thing with jokes you know if you get choked out more than a handful of times then you barely put
pressure on the neck and the guy will pass out uh but other than that as far as like joints go
you can start to condition especially for foot locks the for straight ankle locks you'll see a
lot of the top guys that have been put in a lot of horrible uh straight ankle locks that would
separate the ankle from the leg or you know just tear some of the ligaments down in the foot and
their feet are kind of like flopping all over the place and there's no expression on their face
they're fine there and the guy could be in a really terrible deep belly down foot lock and
the the guy's fine because their legs have just been so battered over the years that uh the feet
are they're just loose and they don't care so there's definitely a level of conditioning
that comes with just training for a long long time it's uh i'm really happy that may have played
the factor so no that definitely was you know john i'm really happy for eddie and i could tell in a
way that uh by the way you said that eddie did great you know that you're happy in a way also
too i mean we're both fans you get to but i'm really uh eddie's one of those guys that works hard
i mean do not get me wrong he's fucking crazy as cat shit he's crazy as cat shit you know
but that's what makes eddie eddie and that's what makes his jujitsu i mean who what makes
you wake up one morning and go you know what i think this is i think i got a way to do this
i think i got a better way than the graces and he's not saying that he's never said that eddie has
never ever said that he's just said i have a maybe a different way to look at this that's what i mean
to say i got a different way to look at this and if you do this you know what he was saying was that
you know if you're gonna be fighting in an MMA there's no ghee so why train with the ghee learn
all these different things and i'll tell you uh i'm in the same position in my career he's a
come from behind type of guy and took a lot of chances and uh he's got a lot of shit talked
about him i mean people come up to me and say shit sometimes when i'm doing comedy after a
comedy show people come over and go how can you hang you know let me tell you something and that
guy's done more for me as far as uh his values and his way of thinking than a lot of other people
have done you know and uh i was just very proud of that when i watched it the the the the thing the
third time his fight i watched it three times i watched at the comedy show i watched it on the
plane and i watched it yesterday the third time i was overcome with tears because i know what it's
like to to have people say shit and he's always he's always been you know proving somebody wrong
and i give him props for that man that he just wanted to change he just had a belief and i'm sure
you have beliefs about you just do john ebbon you're very good at what you do and i'm sure that you
have uh you've even taught it you've even said to me listen this is how they teach at most schools
this is how i teach it you know with the one leg the the the the takedowns you've been teaching
that you review on tuesdays you know if you look at the ufc and you look how they do takedowns you're
picking up your head you're using your back you're doing a deadlift and then you teach it this way
that it's just push him this way and let his body do the work you follow me i mean there's there's a
million different ways to scare a cat and you know like you said motives to like uh you know eddie
might be crazy you know quote unquote but i mean honestly though it's like who's to stay eddie's
any crazier than holler who lives the eight eight slept and breathed you get to for every year of
his life you know like that's not a normal life either so it's just uh everyone's different
and eddie it was great to see him do really well and i think a lot of people discounted him because
he has grown a ton because him and holler last fun you know like i think people forget that he was
i think he was either a brown belt or a new black belt when they fought he was a brown
and yeah and still much time's passed he's opened up he he got the whole trans planet thing going
and he's got multiple schools and trains with a bunch of top people and his game's completely
different and i mean even though he was using a lot of his half guard stuff in this that he's
known for uh you know he's progressed so much and uh i think it was people that were a little bit
you know i mean on paper holler is the better athlete and the better competitor because he's
done more he's named the best fighter of the 90s etc but um you know people in the know i i think
knew that it was a it was a much bigger question mark about this match because you know who's
training more and who who's grown more and i think eddie's definitely grown more because there was
more to improve upon with eddie's game from when they last fought and uh you know just what kind
of shape they're in and how they've updated the game so i definitely was not expecting a blowout in
this match at all and i think um a lot of people that were higher level grapplers or at least closer
to the situation knew that it could be a much closer match than what people were giving eddie
credit for so it was great to see him come out and really do very well against such a top competitor
i was very happy hey hey john uh this is lee uh i have no jiu-jitsu background and i i i knew the
outcome of the fight before i watched it and i thought i was into it because joey brought up like
he could watch this every month and i thought it was interesting that four out of the six fights
ended in a draw and in most american sports there's a winner so is there a way like how can you how do
you explain to someone who doesn't know jiu-jitsu that a draw isn't a bad thing because it was when i
looked at it i was like wow four out of the six fights ended with no one winning but then when
you see this fight you're like oh okay i saw i see what happens like is there a way there could be
like some sort of overtime where they do points or something like that but it was just it was it was
surprising to me that four out of the six fights in a big professional fight no one won yeah that's
actually a fantastic point that you bring up and being someone that puts on their own tournaments
myself like it's it's a really honestly is the biggest issue with sport jujitsu right now it's
what is the best tournament format and i personally there's pros and cons to the point system and
there's pros and cons to the submission only system i personally don't believe that the current
point system that say the ibjjs uses especially their rule set is the best system i really like
submission only but then you run into that whole time limit issue uh metamorph try to change it up
from the because this is now the third metamorph i believe the first metamorph was um submission
only and then i think they did it just like this one where it was a draw after a certain amount of
time and then the second one i don't believe there was no title on it yet but the second one
what they did is they tried to do more like what you're saying so they can have the less draws
and what that resulted in was a lot more confusion and a lot worse matches so even though there was
four out of six matches went the distance which is not ideal at all these matches were much more
exciting because in the second one what they did was they said okay 20 minutes uh submission only
and then at the end of that match we'll have three judges that will just say who's a winner
and absolutely with those four or six matches that were on this metamorph's card that did go
the distance there was pretty much a clear winner and loser in each one of them but they can't when
they start to incorporate the judging system then it becomes just the same as point-based
because what happened was a lot of the competitors were fighting and they knew okay well we're 10
minutes in this guy's too hard to submit and maybe i could make it work if i just went balls out but
i could also lose you know like maybe i'd give up a position or get too tired and then if he starts
dominating then the judges will give the fight to him and there's money on the line of course too
so people were just stalling more and trying to get a decision out of it even though there's no
points so it made the fights really a lot less exciting and uh it was a shame but that's the
way it works if there's any kind of a point system the fighters will typically stall for that for
those points even if there's no points and there's just judging so it was really hard for them to
figure out a way to make less drawings happen but the only thing that they came up with was
20 minutes just for a spectator just for the reason of the spectators being able to watch
a predetermined time limit match instead of having to schedule out your whole day for watching
because you don't know how long the matches are going to go and trying to make that decisive
winner and make exciting fights so even though there was the four fights that went to a draw
they were much more exciting fights okay and then i thought it was interesting one of the fights
that somebody won somebody took the fight on 30 minutes notice can like what is that like
like he was just there probably like like maybe as someone's part of a team or something and like
somebody had a staff infection like how what is it like like i don't think you've ever seen the
u of c fighter take a fight on 30 minutes notice no you you typically would not see that that's
actually pretty crazy uh if you don't know who that was that was actually someone who did fight
in the u of c was on the ultimate fighter it was kevin casey kind of famous uh hickson black belt
but he came in and stepped in for binnie magel haze who had a horrible staff infection
they posted pictures on the internet they looked pretty nasty so he had to step in on yeah like
he said i think it was 30 minutes notice which is nuts um the only thing that that's good about
jiu jitsu that's different from mma is that if you mess up you're probably not going to get your
face punched in you're not going to get any kind of you know you're not going to get a bad concussion
or something like that um of course you run the risk of being submitted and it may be embarrassing
or whatever but um and if you tap early you're probably not going to get hurt so that's one good
thing about jiu jitsu you don't have to be it's it's not going to endanger your career for taking
a fight on such short notice like it would maybe an in the name okay so yeah it was a really weird
situation though and um but i mean as long as you're training even if you're maybe not in
perfect tournament shape if you're training real hard all the time in the gym and someone says hey
do you want to fight in this match maybe you're not mentally prepared but you know physically
you're probably not too far off so okay and then what are they don't necessarily peak like they do
for mma as much what are the weight classes i noticed uh holler and eddie had like a 10 pound
weight difference is that something they agree upon or or how what is that because in in in mma
it's like to the to the ounce yeah in in mma it's really well i mean if you want to look at a more
established sport look at boxing where it's basically if you sneeze or blow your nose then
you're in a different weight class so there's a lot of little weight classes because there's so
many competitors and as in the may evolve there will be more weight classes and we've seen it with
ufc already there was never i don't even think i mean in the beginning there was no weight classes
then there was just maybe two i think like uh maybe up to 190 or something like that and then 190
and over something like that and then now there's a bunch so and they incorporate they started
incorporating even the smaller weight classes like they have 145 which is never one 135 and
i think they have 125 now if i'm not mistaken um so as the sport grows there will be more weight
classes and that changes all the time same thing with sport jujitsu um there's a bunch of weight
classes right now there might be more later on i know they just added one more to the female
division for the IBJGF rules for this year so that's always a good thing um but yeah the the main
thing you don't want is you don't want like a huge weight discrepancy so um this one it was just
it's metamorphic they don't have to follow any kind of athletic commission rules or anything i don't
think um so they just agreed upon a certain catch weight or they could be different weights and it
wasn't too bad and part of it uh one of the interesting things was uh some of the matches
that they made were matches that you wouldn't usually see in a tournament setting so like
a Clark Gracie versus Hapa Mendes Clark Gracie is much bigger than Hafa and Hafa is super dominant
in his weight division there's only one or two people that really give him issues in his weight
class and we've seen those fights over and over again because they're always meeting in the finals
for say the the worlds in the IBJGF but Hafa unless he fights the open class would never
fight Clark Gracie so for them to make that match it kind of makes more sense because you know
you get to see maybe Clark Gracie is probably like maybe a top five in his weight division
Hafa's maybe like a top two uh top you know one or two so he's right up there and getting to see
them both fight each other when people say that maybe he's the best pound per pound you get to see
that uh put to the test so I thought that was pretty interesting you wouldn't really get to see it
elsewhere so but uh big weight discrepancy there John ever let me ask you something what is your
next backyard tournament um my next one man I wanted to have it maybe in the next week or so
but the Abu Dhabi pro is is coming up and some of the fighters that I wanted to be in this one
are going to be competing in Abu Dhabi pro I think that's like April 16th or something so I will be
staying up all night watching Abu Dhabi pro because they live stream it and they do their
live streaming on their timetable which is pretty much the opposite of ours here in America I think
the live stream starts at like 10 p.m or something so uh after that though that will be a busy weekend
then maybe the weekend after that um it'll be a it'll be a good one I think we're gonna have
a couple of bigger named grapplers and they're gonna fight for hopefully bigger prize money this
time so should be a good one you are now the official jujitsu guy for the church of what's
happening now so you have the power to call in whatever you want and discuss whatever you want
we love you here uh that's John I as soon as I thought about you the whole weekend I'm like
I can't wait to get him on Monday morning so I'm happy you called dad I'm sorry you had to get up
early I know you like to sleep till about 9 15 but maybe you'll catch the 9 o'clock at Cabrini's
today there you go see how inspiring yeah I know I might do it I mean you have to get in the car now
and cut a thousand motherfuckers off on the 101 it's deep on a fucking Monday going into Hollywood
but uh I love that I love when you call in John you know I'm a fan of yours how can they find
your breakdowns and everything you're involved with jujitsu yeah so you can go to my youtube channel
that's where I do all my main video updates that's just youtube.com slash bjj breakdown
or you can go to my facebook page which is facebook.com slash bjj breakdown as well I also have
bjj breakdown.com but uh I'm redoing the site right now so it's uh it may be not quite up to date
yet but when are you gonna start when are you gonna start your podcast John Evan you need to get out
there I need to hear you more it's uh you know maybe if jujitsu gets more popular especially with
events like this that are great and more accessible to the average person um man I'd love to start one
as long as there's a listener base out there that'd like to listen I'm telling you you're
knowledgeable so uh if you build it they'll come trust me my brother that's that's the goal
hopefully with all these tournaments and everything people get more into it it's um some of the most
talented athletes out there are in jujitsu and it's a really hard sport and it's a little bit
discouraging to see some of the most amazing technicians you've seen out there that can barely
straight together to make ends meet so hopefully get some more money into the sport and help these
guys a little bit that's what I'm trying to do brother thank you very much for calling I'll call
you later on oh that's a thank you guys so much thank you John Evan it's always a pleasure for you
to call man like I said you're the new correspondent for the church of what's happened now the jujitsu
division so you all you gotta do is text me and say joey I want to call up today I want to talk
about something your family you're good all right brother awesome man thank you thank you John Evan
have a great day that was great you know yeah you know hey listen man kindred soul you know Eddie
gets tortured Eddie gets a lot of uh shit from people and a lot of people would quit don't ever
fucking quit man like I said it only hurts for as long as you let it you fucking move on and that's
your gasoline that's it I want to give some shout outs to some bad motherfuckers today my main man
Don Salza Rulo Sergio and the hard talking layer Ernesto Salazar John Rallo the Teflon Jew
Samuels my man Nelia Samuels my man water boxer anybody who came to the Fort Lauderdale improv
this weekend my man Oscar Nunez Oscar Hernandez I love you motherfuckers my man Brock a lot of
people came out I met a lot of cool people I met this black lisa yet fan with a gold tooth
who caught me outside it was like man I dig you but my main nigga is Lee the fucking flying Jew
where's the flying Jew at that's my nigga he must have told me that 15 fucking times man I'm happy
you're here but man I see that motherfucker grow and shit I see them grow I wish I would have got
his name I would have fucking had him calling he was alive his gold tooth the chick that wouldn't
say nothing she was like kind of scared that he might beat her and shit right there I'm like
well if you're listening email me at Flying Jew Radio at Gmail no I'll talk to him I want you to
talk to him I want to give a shout out to my fucking sponsors Hulu plus as usual fucking
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you need to fucking do all right and that's it we got a beautiful fucking day to be aligned
it'll be 60 degrees i'm tired today oh yeah i think i'm gonna go to kettlebell class tonight
we'll just go to jiu-jitsu tonight because it's a marcel madness at v-max tonight for the first
half hour he makes you do jumping jacks and fucking burpees and fucking push-ups i can't do burpees
i can't do the hill climb as i try him you know but i'm working every day man i'm trying to
fucking do this every day this weekend i ran two days i wrote the inside outside because outside
inside inside it wasn't that bad it wasn't that it was cloudy it wasn't sunny at all i got oh wow
it was cloudy all fucking three days i uh rode the bike for the first time because my my knee
was bothering me oh fuck so i wanted to really give it some mobility so i rode the bike both days
for 20 minutes then i uh got on the treadmill i did the dolce dive for 40 minutes so it's a 60
minute of cardio you know i burned some calories my shirts were fucking sweaty as fuck they smelt
but uh you know you run what the dolce thing is you walk the first five minutes on uh like 3.5
and then after that every two minutes you jog or you sprint for 30 seconds and then you walk two
minutes so it's not bad you get you recover you put a good you put an album on your ipod just put
the album on because it'll take you 30 minutes and you just put the you walk for the first five
then you fuck around with it sometimes i put it all the way up to like 6.5 and i only sprint for 15
seconds but then i'll rest for a minute and 45 seconds so you can play around with it you know
i do it for like jujitsu to get out of uh you know you're on the bottom and you want to fucking
hip escape and then put them back in your guard so that's all i'm doing with that little running
thing but it was my dolce who invented it i invented i just modified a little bit like any bravo
modified jujitsu so i did that so today i was going to take sunday and go back at it today but i'm
just physically tied to that i think i'm going to go back and have breakfast with the family and
maybe do that and maybe just fuck around and write and do all that stuff what do you got planned
out talk like you got a podcast you got a podcast you got uh the red socks coming what time the red
socks opening days at noon oh shit i was gonna go down to the boston bar and send the fucking
goomy bed okay let's eat the fuck i was gonna go to the boston bar in san amonica but
take it out we got it we got a fucking green horn it leaves me like it's monday the march 30
that's how we're starting this motherfucker yeah line up bush the sound of winter eddie played
last night now it's been on my mind all fucking morning this is gonna be interesting flying
g-radio on a pocket on a edible delicious thing they do a good job with these fucking green
horns i'll tell you that much they fucked you up too um yeah just like mommy used to yeah i don't
know how i like that so much more than anything chocolate based i can't do that but that's that's
yummy you don't like the chocolate based this week we're doing a special podcast wednesday at one
o'clock i got a special guest for you motherfuckers i just need him to confirm and that's it we got a
great week coming next week i'm at the disc thursday i'm at the tempi improv but next week i'm in
grand motherfucking rapids michigan bitches break out the dirty white women with dirty feet i love it
i love michigan i love tempi i can't wait to see you motherfuckers this weekend beside that that's it
yeah if you if you have a second go to leeside.com everything i do is there i appreciate it okay no
and also for you motherfuckers asking you ready the coffee cups are in the t-shirts are in all i'm
waiting on is the ghee patches and after that the store will be open my wife is gonna open the store
this week for pre-order like lead did with his t-shirts we'll be sending them out next week we
got short sleeve uh church what's happening now t-shirts and long sleeve church what's happening
now t-shirts that have been selling on the road when the sleeve says the flying jew you know what i'm
saying you got a pussy a cock with balls and a crucifix on your fucking shirt what else do you need
if that don't get you started nothing's gonna get you started i love you motherfuckers from the church
what's happening now have a great day i want to thank all my sponsors again huluplus.com on it
escapebot tank.com and dollar shave club i love you guys have a great fucking day have a great
monday remember fuck them all up the ass don't give a fuck what they got to say you're the captain
kirk of the enterprise you're the motherfucker that goes to shop right or or panty pride or fucking
operatons and pays for your own groceries and if you got something to say come to suck your dick
and call you shorty you were born in 1940 you ain't taking you ain't taking nut from nobody today
you're gonna be the best motherfucker you could be fuck the national anthem today this is your own
personal anthem this is the personal anthem you're playing your fucking hat every morning when you
wake up today they're gonna suck my all these people with their positive reaffirmings i am who i am
you know i'm confident go fuck yourself you're a bad motherfucker you gotta say that to yourself
in the morning with one eye shut so it focuses into your fucking brain like papi with one fucking eye
look at yourself and go i'm a bad motherfucker nobody's gonna fuck with me today somebody's
gonna suck my dick today somebody's gonna fucking pay me today and today i'm gonna be a lot better
than i was fucking yesterday the church of what's happening now i love you motherfuckers stay black
go out there mug somebody hit it leave you bad motherfucker now that the show's over don't forget
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let's walk through the fire together disappear in the golden sands
Let's walk through the fire together
Disappear in the golden sand
It's all in your fate, I see you break
It's like the sound of winter
Bleeding blood, the silent escape
You get to hang on to yourself
All in your fate, I see you break
It's like the sound of winter
Bleeding blood, the silent escape
You got to hang on to yourself
It's like the sound of winter
Hang on to yourself
Hang on to yourself
It's like the sound of winter
It's all in your fate, I see you break
It's like the sound of winter
Bleeding blood, the silent escape
You got to hang on to yourself
All in your fate, I see you break
Bleeding blood, the silent escape
You got to hang on to yourself
It's like the sound of winter
It's like the sound of winter
Hang on to yourself
Hang on to yourself
Thanks for watching!