Unpaid And Underrated - 038 : Moist Mouthfeel

Episode Date: January 30, 2024

This week Joey and Keith get to know Big Lou. They dive right into great topics like driving before competing, Batman, achronyms, sunglasses, wrestling, and Huck Finn Barbell. Links Follow The Podcas...t On Instagram @unpaid.underrated.podcast (https://www.instagram.com/unpaid.underrated.podcast/) Online UnpaidInternPodcast.com (https://www.unpaidinternpodcast.com/) Our Guest On Instagram @lounutter (https://www.instagram.com/lounutter/) Our Hosts @keithhoneycutt73 (https://www.instagram.com/keithhoneycutt73/) or his orange gym, @thenowhinecellar (https://www.instagram.com/thenowhinecellar/) @joey_mleczko (https://www.instagram.com/joey_mleczko/) Special Guest: Big Lou.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 all right everybody welcome to episode 71 or 77 of the unpaid and underrated podcast podcast by crew for crew about the crew and probably mocked relentlessly by the crew in Discord. I am Big Joey. You have heard me 71 or 77 times. I'm joined by Big Keith. Howdy, howdy. And our friend Big Lou. Big Lou Nutter. We made it. We made it. We did it.
Starting point is 00:00:40 Congrats, crew. You know, I said to Morgan right before we we recorded i can't believe i didn't get any oh you messed up yeah i did i messed up hard maybe if she uh i saw the keg that i got for my birthday we uh we haven't run out of it yet so i got that still we're talking fireball by the way people can't see us that's right yeah i i kind of had a brain fart out there and all i heard was joey say he was talking to morgan and he just didn't get any and i'm like wait what did i miss and i'm so confused for 30 seconds there good man it's it's uh it wasn't a saturday here so i didn't get any either it'd be like that sometimes so is fireball all you
Starting point is 00:01:21 got tonight lou or do you have a whole cooler of party tricks for us? You know what? I had to cave in. Every now and then I get a little bit of a hankering for a couple different beers. I'm not normally a wheat beer or IPAs or anything like that. But every now and then I get a craving for a Boulevard wheat. Boulevard's a company out of Kansas City, so pretty close to here. It's pretty available here. So I got one of these here. I had to make sure and open it.
Starting point is 00:01:47 It's not a twist top. I did have to make sure and open it with my lovely Massonomics bottle opener that I was gifted. So I had to make sure and use that. I use that every excuse I get. And then, yes, naturally, I have a few Bush Locks days here waiting for me. Good man. I'm knocking out the... No, you go ahead because I got a new one.
Starting point is 00:02:08 Okay, so I don't think I've had this one yet. It is the second or third Trader Joe's Sparkling Waterhead. This one's lime and it's good. Give it a 7.5 out of 10 on the Glayscale. I thought I had one Hop Water left and I was very disappointed when I opened up the CRISPR and there wasn't any Hop Water
Starting point is 00:02:24 left, so I'm going to have to keep my eye out and try to figure out where I can buy that. Not super expensive. Cause when I just priced it at Wegmans, it was like fucking two 50 a can. Um, Morgan has snuck something new into my cooler in my strong and silly, silly thing. Definitely never coming out.
Starting point is 00:02:42 Yeah, I know. It's like when it's time for the reveal, it's going to take me a minute. So I will say on the top it says organic and real juice. So I'm kind of guessing I'm not going to enjoy this. I hope it's better than a spindle.
Starting point is 00:02:56 Ugh. That wasn't. Carbonated juice I have found that I'm not a fan of. Okay, so I'm getting mint. I'm getting mint. Probably getting some rosemary out of there too. Oh, so this is, this is a straight up.
Starting point is 00:03:12 What's in the can. Like, okay. So she, you, you have not revealed yet. Yeah. None of, I was, it was all cherry vanilla. This is real blueberry sparkling water with a subtle hint of elder flower. Oh, we'll choke that down. It's got probiotics, which I'm immediately going to ruin with beer and whiskey. Hey, that's what helps digest it all. It's called balance.
Starting point is 00:03:33 Yeah. And Keith, you already did yours there? Yeah, yeah. Sparkling lime from Trader Joe. I was too busy getting mint wrong. How do you get mint wrong? It's different when it's mixed with something else. If you have mint and chocolate, yeah,
Starting point is 00:03:49 obviously that's going to be a little bit easier to distinguish. But when you got it with a handful of other flavors, I would not be surprised about not being able to get that one right. All right. What shirt you got on there? Are we talking to me? Yeah, sure. You go first.
Starting point is 00:04:07 You know what? I picked this shirt especially just for this this very shirt i'm wearing is the very coveted massonomics bench heavy shirt fun fact about this particular shirt is it is the very first massonomic shirt that i purchased back in um 2019 i believe when i started really following into massonomics and then um i have to i have to talk about my shorts too i because i feel like i have to be the one to show off these shorts these are not the number ones these are not the number ones because i did get number one these are number 10 but number one is uh gonna be going into a shelf and be hang and be hanged on the wall somewhere i just don't know where it's gonna be hanged yet for for anyone that's not catching that he's uh was it you and eddie
Starting point is 00:04:53 basically came or were more or less like prehistoric moles to make to get the curl short made right i had put a bug in tanner and tommy's ear for a very long time after i think it was after the bench shorts uh after the bench shorts came out um i kept putting a bug in Tanner and Tommy's ear for a very long time after, I think it was after the bench shorts, uh, after the bench shorts came out, um, I kept putting a bug in just saying, he's like,
Starting point is 00:05:10 Oh girl or gold curl shorts. Like those would be great. Those would be great. I even took him a pristine ride in my Malibu. I had at the time to try and swim, swim into it, which obviously that must've worked, which by the way,
Starting point is 00:05:21 having that Malibu packed with three men over 230 pounds, weighed that down quite a bit. And just for our listeners to Lou is rocking the, the Karen cons up. Oh, don't the Karen cut on the bench heavy shirt. Wow. If we went to edit that out,
Starting point is 00:05:37 Nate, that was the, wow. Nope. Leave it out. I'm sending it to Karen. I'm going to say it sounded to Karen. Sorry, Karen. I'll do it live. I'm going to say it sounded like cut.
Starting point is 00:05:48 Sorry about that. So I'm rocking out the NWC shirt because I'm pretty sure we're going to talk about wrestling a lot tonight. So I had to wear my wrestling adjacent shirt. What? I actually, I dressed up in particular just for Lou as well. I am wearing the esteemed. Oh, you can't even see it because of my background. So that is the Macho Wars shirt. So that has, it's the original Star Wars cover or poster.
Starting point is 00:06:24 But Macho Man is Luke Skywalker, Elizabeth is Leia, and Hulk Hogan is Darth Vader. And that has been spoken about before on this podcast because this was the shirt that I wore at the end of the two weeks of torturing somebody, pretending I didn't know the difference between Star Wars and Star Trek. And then I showed up in this shirt and pretended I had no clue why it was wrong um now the bet i think the best talking about star wars is we're at a walmart one time and uh telling my brother lives in we're just looking through the posters and i look over and tell my brother i'm like brother i'm gonna be honest with you i've never seen one star wars movie all the way through and i think some nerd had a heart attack about 10 feet away and he looks over over and he's like, I'm going to pretend I didn't just hear that.
Starting point is 00:07:07 Yeah. It made me chuckle knowing that I ruined somebody's day because I haven't watched one full movie of star Wars. Oh yeah. No, I gave this, this person at work, like a coronary when they said,
Starting point is 00:07:18 I thought you were talking about star Wars, not star Trek. And I just said, what's the difference. And then I, and then they went off for like an hour in a district chat full of 50 other people. And I just kept, what's the difference? And then they went off for like an hour in a district chat full of 50 other people and I just kept leading them on.
Starting point is 00:07:30 But I don't know if you actually, so this one's a test too. Do you recognize the background? Yeah, there's too much you in it. I do not. I know as soon as you say it, I'm going to feel like an idiot. WCW NWO Revenge.
Starting point is 00:07:47 Very first cutscene. This is it. And this truck is stopped by Sting on the side of the road. I can't tell you the last time I played that game, man. I was always more into our old school WWF as opposed to WCW because I felt like WCW is ironically what AEW does now kind of takes all the older stars from WWF and brought them over there. But it was the superior video game.
Starting point is 00:08:16 I'm still a really big fan of WrestleMania 2000. It had its glitches. It had its thing wrong with it, but just the pure nostalgia of it. Like I can't, like you can't the intro video to it. The gameplay is terrible as it was the graphics and everything like there's so much nostalgia that you and all of that was made by the same studio that made wcw and wo revenge so they were almost perfectly similar but you know they did it first yeah naturally i mean somebody's
Starting point is 00:08:43 got somebody's got to start and somebody's got a copy yep all right do you want to rate last week's episode yes we had a big joe stanek on there uh definitely a lot of sets and reps and uspa nope us apl and ipf which i i'm a big fan of all like i'll consume anything powerlifting i'm pretty balls deep and all that so i didn't have any issue listening to it all a lot of guys, I think we were giving it a hard time in the Discord about how boring it was or whatnot. But I don't know. I'll always eat up any powerlifting talk. So
Starting point is 00:09:13 we'll go ahead and give it a 5 out of 5 iPod touches for last week's episode. Massimilitaries gym iPod touches. Somehow they got to raise their nose. All right. Lou, what do you got? As I said before, I am very far behind on all of my podcasts listening i think the last podcast i listened to was um the uh lamplighter episode of the let's get stupid podcast because i had to i had to go back and see how dumb i
Starting point is 00:09:40 sounded and just try and recollect some of the things that happened there because there were a handful of beers that were drank that night and there was a handful of events going on there. Yeah, we'll definitely dive into that a little later for sure. That's definitely, I want to get into that for sure. Okay, so how many,
Starting point is 00:09:58 what's your rating there? Do you have a hypothetical rating of what it would be if you could see into the future? What do you think you would rate this episode with Joe Stanek? I mean, just by me and Tanner. Well, naturally, it's going to be it's going to it's going to be five, five Apple or massonomics Apple iPod touches. What about you, Joey? Yeah, I got right bored, as usual, listening to US ipf versus versus nra versus nwo versus
Starting point is 00:10:28 all that i just i zoned right out um they did make me laugh a lot but yeah i definitely wasn't that uh there was a couple times i was shouting i think corrections about something where they were trying to guess somebody's name so it's getting a five it's getting a five uh ipod massonomics touches massonomics ipod touches massonomics touches going back to steve one thing that did stick out that i didn't mention in my review was joe was saying that he had been in pennsylvania had been in pennsylvania with his family for like a month so i couldn't imagine as an adult like just having the freedom to just go chill with my parents for a month I think that'd be really cool
Starting point is 00:11:07 but after like 5 days maybe I couldn't spend a month with my parents I'm sorry like a week, a week max yeah we had our time for that yeah we all had our time to spend a bunch of time with our parents but just
Starting point is 00:11:26 like you said i love my parents to death but um yeah it gets to a certain point where it's just like i need to go i need to go home i can't do this anymore i had a little i had a little uh costco trip this week um i tried out the new cookie it was oh so so i i i mean i like a chocolate chip cookie i thought it was okay it was warm you know it was like 285 three bucks something like that like it wasn't bad uh i like churro better just because the churro is different like i can get it i can get a chocolate chip cookie anywhere like literally anywhere uh i can't find the decent like that was like really good at chururro. So it's very saddened that the churro is gone. Did take advantage of my, I got the hot dog in the drink for the first time just because we were, my wife and I ran and got some meals and stuff from Costco during the week.
Starting point is 00:12:18 And so I ended up eating half the hot dog that she didn't want to eat. It was okay. I mean, the hot dog for $1.50 to get a soda and any kind of meat in a bun was pretty crazy that they literally sell it for $1.50. So it is definitely a loss leader. And what else? There's one other thing I got there. Oh, I think I just got a chicken bake, but I'd already had that before. So that wasn't a big thing. Their hot dogs are very, very underrated.
Starting point is 00:12:42 I've eaten all sorts of hot dogs, cheap hot dogs, expensive hot dogs, fancy hot dogs. Costco's hot dogs are pretty pristine. I'm sure you've seen all the memes about people wanting to raise the prices of Costco's hot dogs and everybody just slamming that down right away. Yeah, I could imagine their sales would definitely dip a little bit if they got rid of that combo. Realistically probably not, but we can think that. Speaking of sales dipping,
Starting point is 00:13:14 I mean, so we saw a big, big, big man's getting hit with another lawsuit, but did he actually end up stepping I think he's fully stepped away. I know he stepped stepped down but then he came back and then he went away again or something so i think with uh i think with uh wwe being part of tko now i think he's pretty well pushed out um i'd have to look into the specifics of it because i was just getting caught up on the you know the new stuff that's going on with him. It sounds like he's
Starting point is 00:13:45 pretty much the only thing that ties him to WWE right now is just his name. He doesn't have any creative control. He doesn't have any situations with as far as who's buying him out or anything like that.
Starting point is 00:14:00 Hey! Well, yeah, when I told her that so he's got a fireball. like that. Hey. Well, yeah, when I told her that... Lou's got a fireball. Of course he does. Yeah, we found out. It's alright. I'll come prepared. I will be the only sober one in two hours. Yeah, buddy, and I gotta
Starting point is 00:14:17 get up nice and early tomorrow. I get a full day tomorrow and then a lift party, so I'm not drinking at all. I still gotta train tomorrow, too friday's my favorite training days not lately it's been high bar squats and i hate those oh yeah with my medical condition with the the lump on my back i high bar squats don't exist in my program anymore so that's been a unique thing basically just oh i guess i can only do low bar and ssb now so like literally a third of my like variations is gone but you know if i put a bar my that lump i have right now it swells up for like a week and is painful like a motherfucker so no presuming that takes out yeah presuming
Starting point is 00:14:54 that takes out anything like transformers safety squat bar so if the surprisingly enough the transformer is good because it's the padded i was really worried it wouldn't like so i'm good uh if it's padded i can go i'm fine but if i, like, so I'm good. If it's padded, I can go, I'm fine, but if I put like an early barbell right on it, you know, I just can't do it, so you know. That makes sense. We'll see if anything comes of that. But the guy was like, yeah, I really don't know what this is.
Starting point is 00:15:16 You can come back in a few months for imaging if you want, but I don't think I can really do anything for it surgically. I was like, oh, okay. It's from the episode of X-Files. If you remember, there was the guy that had the conjoined twin that could come off and it would go and kill people. God, could you imagine another Keith? Yeah. I could use the help, though.
Starting point is 00:15:38 I would just make him do all the grunt work. If I did have a conjoined twin that could hold the phone, I could just give him phone and just make him do all the podcast grunt work while I just went about my day. That would be interesting. Make things easier for you. For sure. Not for him, but definitely for you. No, because then he could watch the Mass Anonymous YouTube video and give me the cliff notes for it. But I'm guessing neither of you had a chance to watch that this week because it just hit today at 4 p.m.
Starting point is 00:16:03 Yeah. Thursdays are my non-training days so usually um trying to get more into a habit when i come home we actually have a day where we where alex and i just sit relax actually be a couple during the week all that fun stuff there so uh busted out the grill today i mean it is a whopping 33 degrees out so i figured it was a good day to bust out the grill and grill up some sirloin. Absolutely. In true Midwest fashion. I know what. I barbecued today, too. Six degrees Celsius,
Starting point is 00:16:32 and I was like, I want those sausages. I'm going out. What's that in American? Fuck to find out, dude. Plus nine times 32 or something like that. I don't know. Times 2.2. That's kilograms. Yeah, wrong units there. I that. Times 2.2. That's kilograms. Yeah, wrong units there.
Starting point is 00:16:48 I know. It was a bit. But okay, so anyway, the video this week was Tanner and Tommy both doing basically like gym hacks for getting out of the gym quicker. How long was that video? Because believe me, I tried to watch it. It was like 12 minutes, 11 minutes.
Starting point is 00:17:04 It was under 15, more than 9. But but i was gonna give them shit because they went through everything like not addressing home gyms or like tips and trips that didn't work well in home gyms but then like the last thing they did mention was home gyms i kind of talked about that for a good few minutes so i was like all right cool they at least covered like because when i say like out of crew like out of the 300 crew or at least like the 100 super active ones like 75 of us have home gyms so i was like they're really not going to talk about home gyms at all when like so many of their followers and fans and crew are home gym gurus but uh that's it that's a different bear deal with i would imagine at least because i know like if i had a home gym um i'd have a hug like my training sessions would either be really really
Starting point is 00:17:44 short or really, really long because it would be, you know, go do a set. It's like, okay, I'm going to rest here. It's like,
Starting point is 00:17:49 I guess I'll go inside or go upstairs or whichever it might be. And then, yeah, just keep going on and on, or at least break it up into spurts or something like that. It can be challenging. I, at least I,
Starting point is 00:18:00 I'm sure Joey has it worse. Cause I'm sure if, if, if he hears like a kid screaming and he has like right upstairs or something, whereas me, it's like, I'm, I'm pretty much don much don't I don't get pulled out of the gym. I just, you know, I don't have anyone there like waiting for an equipment.
Starting point is 00:18:11 So it's like, OK, if I want to sit here for 11 minutes between my next set and I get going down a rabbit hole on Instagram or, you know, well, I want to actively be posting my stories and my training the whole time. So like that's where I struggle. So I actually work out faster in a commercial gym. Like I can do like my two hour workout in like an hour faster in a commercial gym. I can do my two-hour workout in an hour 20 in a commercial gym, but fuck going to a commercial gym. Yeah, I had the luxury of working out at Planet Fitness
Starting point is 00:18:34 a couple weeks ago. That was quite the deal. Do not try and bench there. It is not a fun time. They even give you shit for benching just because you're benching three plates plus and they're giving you a hard time no they don't have they only have smith machine so they're just the mechanics of everything just throws everything off so when i start it basically feels like i'm starting doing a decline but then when the bar descends
Starting point is 00:18:57 and then it yeah if i like if i start it right the first time it feels like i'm starting off doing a decline but then when i come down when i get down to my time, it feels like I'm starting off doing a decline. But then when I come down, when I get down to my chest, then it feels like a normal bench. But then just the pressing mechanics just feel off, weird, everything like that. I don't want to set off the lunk alarm quite yet because I don't want to get kicked out because I still need it for the vitamin D benefits for the time being. So I'd rather not get kicked out because I don't think Alex would be very happy with me if I did that. No, that don't make sense. And that's strange too. Cause some,
Starting point is 00:19:26 some plan of fitness is, well, okay. So my last experience with a plan of fitness was like eight or nine years ago. My, my buddy had one of the black cards and when I'd work out of town with him,
Starting point is 00:19:33 I could just, I just tag along with him to go to the gym for free. And depending on which one we went to, there were a couple. So I say, I went to like five over the course of a couple of years, like one or two of them did have a actual free weight bench and all the other ones were Smiths. So I don't know if they've phased all those out
Starting point is 00:19:47 or if it's just like a franchise by franchise kind of decision. That I couldn't tell you. I've only been to two of them. And the two that I have seen, like they have benches, but they don't have like actual bench press setups. It's just for dumbbells that go up to 75 and then a line of Smith machines that go down the row.
Starting point is 00:20:05 But I mean, for $9.99 a month, I guess it's worth it, I suppose. I'm going to make fun of Planet Fitness as much as I can because I can, because it's easy to do. But at the same time, I'm not afraid to admit, like if you're going there just solely to do accessories or something like that, it's not a bad gym to go to. Like if you want to go there and just get a quick pump, feel good about yourself for a little bit, nothing wrong with that. Like I said, a good place to do that. Plus if you get the black card,
Starting point is 00:20:30 you can go get some tan and get some of that precious vitamin D. Well, I think that wraps up general topics. Lou, do you want to hit us with a little, a mass and atomic sponsor? Yeah, I think I might be able to do that.
Starting point is 00:20:44 Hold on. Let me get it in here real quick. You got to get into character. So this pod. Yeah, exactly. So this podcast is brought to you by Massanomics, based out of beautiful western northeast South Dakota. If you're looking for the best beer inspired apparel or other lifting apparel,
Starting point is 00:21:01 as well as other accessories and also the absolute standard of drink safety. Go ahead and head over to massonomics.com today and find everything that you will ever need. Also, you have the option of becoming a supporting member to be able to help support the podcast and support everything as they do. Last I heard, they have three remaining spots left.
Starting point is 00:21:18 So go ahead and head there, sign up today. And again, go to massonomics.com for all of your lifting apparel needs. Very well said. Very well said uh with that i think it's time to get our guest on the horn you want to you want to kick everybody out yep kick everybody out and uh discord out yeah get out of here blue is that you buddy yeah oh hell yeah welcome welcome to the unpaid and underrated podcast we're glad to have you man i think this is like the 17th podcast you've been on that i've uh that i'm a fan of is that yeah oh hell yeah welcome welcome to the unpaid and underrated podcast we're glad to have
Starting point is 00:21:45 you man i think this is like the 17th podcast you've been on that i've uh that i'm a fan of you know i've been i've been making my rounds that's the best way i could say that now out of all the podcasts you've been on have you actually listened back to your episodes or you're just like now i'm good i'm not gonna listen to them i usually try to just because one and i want to see how i've done my sound to try and at least critique myself a little bit and be like, all right, where, like, what points did you talk too fast? At what points did you stutter?
Starting point is 00:22:12 At what points did you just completely blank out and not say anything and look like an idiot or just stuff like that. But, and then just kind of like, especially the like when I was on the let's get stupid one, I wasn't on it the whole time. So there was parts that I wasn't on, went back, listened to, saw what else I missed, all that fun stuff. But yeah, I've, I've had a fun time doing each of them. Awesome. Awesome. So just if anyone's been living under the rock and isn't familiar with who big Lou Nutter is, do you want to go
Starting point is 00:22:37 ahead and tell them, uh, where they can find you on Instagram and you know, who, who you are? You know, I keep things pretty easy. My Instagram handle is Lou Nutter, just half my first name and my last name. it nice and simple there nothing fancy um pretty easy to find uh most of the time i post a lot of the lifting videos i post put or pictures or videos of my dog and uh other random stuff alex finds her way on there every now and then too so uh yeah easiest way to find me at least as far as that aspect is instagram fairly active on there perfect perfect uh so this is the unpaid and underrated podcast but you know obviously we're here for massonomics so what brought you to massonomics the the first thing i ever saw massonomics when i was perusing through instagram as i saw the
Starting point is 00:23:23 lift shirt i saw a couple people wearing them there was one of the guys that, um, that went there, that goes to one of my gyms here. Um, I saw him, I saw a picture of him wearing a lift shirt, thought it was awesome. Cause it was, uh, you know, I always appreciate a good, you know, beer inspired lifting parody or lifting inspired beer parody or whichever, whichever suits that best. Um, and then, so I started following them, saw all that good stuff. And then when they came out with the bench heavy shirt, that was basically my sign from the heavens to go ahead and order and start supporting this company.
Starting point is 00:23:54 And the other thing that I love about Mastodonomics too is that I'm, you know, I was born in Omaha, I've been living around Omaha pretty much my entire life. So nice little Midwest area. So I have, I really, I have a really big affinity for companies in the Midwest. Bassonomics obviously in Western Northeast, South Dakota, part of the Midwest. And I, like I said, I have an affinity for supporting companies in the Midwest.
Starting point is 00:24:16 So that was one of them that kind of, that was another thing that really drew me to them, but they're bought the bench heavy shirt and it's been an absolute downward spiral for my wallet since then so i'll tell you i was on a call today in this exact seat and i got bored as i always do whenever i'm on a conference call related to work and i realized i keep all of my thank you cards in this desk and i pulled out a stack um and i just kind of was like, okay. And I removed the stickers and I removed all of the other, like the calendars and stuff.
Starting point is 00:24:47 And I think I have a full deck. Like, like this, this is out of pocket. Just exactly how many of these I have. Is that what the Gen Z kids these days say? Out of pocket? Out of pocket. It's Riz. It's because Mathnomomics has that Riz
Starting point is 00:25:05 so that I don't know Riz stands for charisma I found that out that's the dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard I hate fucking acronyms that don't make sense and like it's not an acronym I know but like yes that's not but it reminds me of all the other shit these fucking young kids do where like they have they'll they'll they'll type an acronym but they'll like they'll basically they'll have one of the letters in it but or like if it's if it's a fucking if it's a two-word thing they'll use three letters to do it and i'm like what the fuck that doesn't make what if it's a phrase though instead of just having one letter per word of the phrase they'll put they'll use multiple letters of one of the words and then singular letter on the other and i'm like i don't understand how that's the accurate
Starting point is 00:25:49 if you're gonna make an acronym literally it's only got to be one letter per word the way they do it they're like what is it the on god it's like thing it's like the way they fucking say that it's like oh and oh and g it should it should just be og fucking for on god you don't because that that's the original gangster. Yeah. But then just say fucking on God. It's fucking, it's fucking two fucking more letters.
Starting point is 00:26:10 Jesus Christ, dude. I don't know. I just, how many times a week do you say, get off my lawn? Yeah. I was about to ask,
Starting point is 00:26:17 did you also have to walk to school uphill both ways? These kids, they have it. If I didn't finish my dinner, they would lock me in the basement and beat me. And now they can't even do that. I like to vent a little
Starting point is 00:26:32 bit of time from time to time. I just, I don't know. I follow way too many young friends that I can't keep up with the vernacular. Based on everything you just said, are you sure they're your friends? Yes. Because it sounds like you're pretty mad about their existence.
Starting point is 00:26:47 No. Oh, fuck. I need a beer. Alright, Big Lou. Here's the thing I didn't know. Let's get the official question out of the way. Is there something you didn't buy because you said,
Starting point is 00:27:02 I'm not going to need that, and now you wish you had bought it? I feel like you're talking about something in particular. Nope. And I have this fun fact. Oh. Nope. We ask every guest this.
Starting point is 00:27:15 We're talking about Mathnomics merch. Yeah, Mathnomics merch. Oh, I can tell you one in particular. The Jefferson Deadlift League shirt. Yep. They came out with the stickers for it, and I have that sticker. No, I have it on one of my tumblers because I think I got two of them. So for some of the more coveted stickers, like when the Buddy Light sticker came out after it became contraband,
Starting point is 00:27:40 I kept one of those. I taped it on my fridge and ended up getting a couple more because I didn't realize how many stickers they had of them still so i had one of them taped to my fridge still um i have a i had a lift short sticker taped onto my fridge as well because i didn't want to use that and now apparently that the original is contraband um frustrating very much very much um yeah because the lift shirt is another one i need to buy since i got fat then i need to update all my shirts so yeah it's fun time there it's funny that you said that because i went looking for so i actually wanted to wear i have an original gold dust shirt from his second run about the time where he came back with the stutter. And I was like, I'm going to wear that.
Starting point is 00:28:25 I'm going to blow lose mine. But I guess, I guess I put it away. Cause there's, cause I, we've talked about before that I'm growing out of all my shirts. I found all my small massonomic shirts that I refuse to put away. So I was just thinking today,
Starting point is 00:28:42 like, it's so funny that you brought that up. Cause I've been complaining about not fitting into any shirts for the past two weeks i have been buying massanomic shirts for three shirt sizes i'm now up to larges from the smalls that i originally it's starting it's starting to get expensive but like it's also fine for me yeah because i because i used to do what i used to do is i would buy uh i would buy a size i would buy an xl for um for like my regular t-shirts that i would wear and then i would buy or i would buy a size large for my cutoffs and um then i started getting bigger than my size large
Starting point is 00:29:18 cutoffs started being a little bit snug a little bit snug for my liking so then i upgraded all my cutoffs to size xl but i was just kind of slowly doing that but then i started realizing um that xl t-shirts were getting a little bit snug on me so i decided to buy a couple xl shirts like there's a couple shirts that are an exception like the huge life shirt i'm thankful that i picked those two up before they before you know that stuff happened um i'm thankful i picked those up because those shirts run a little bit bigger anyway so the t-shirt fits amazing as a size xl and then the cutoff fits amazing as well it's a little bit baggier even with the xl being a cutoff but it still
Starting point is 00:29:54 fits amazing um yeah for the majority of shirts i just bought another bench heavy shirt a couple weeks ago and uh so then this one which has always been a t-shirt because this is my most coveted shirt and it'll never get thrown away and so yeah so now i'm in the slow process of upgrading all my shirts but um yeah my wallet's not gonna be very happy about that so it goes sometimes the way she goes boys the way she goes have you at least been able to figure out your porch pirate issue that you were having from all those assholes snagging your guys' packages? Well, I don't live in that apartment complex anymore, so that is no longer my problem. There you go. That's interesting.
Starting point is 00:30:34 I remember that from one of your previous podcasts I was listening to. Here's the frustrating thing about that, too, is that when they ransacked that package, they didn't steal everything from it. They just stole certain things from it. In that package, they stole one item from it. There was a container. Let's get stupid pre-workout. There was a container of killer juice in there. And there was a size 2X t-shirt that said, build the chest, fuck the rest.
Starting point is 00:31:03 This is my order from Huck Finn Barbo. two X t-shirt that said, build the chest, fuck the rest. This is my order from Huck Finn Barbo. And, um, I find the box in a way different area, like inside the building, my, like my building for my apartment was a secured entry. So you had to have a fob to even get into the building. So it had to be somebody inside the building, or at least somebody that had, that gave them access in the building that was going through the entire floor, going through everything. Like, I remember that day when I found that, I had three other packages, took them to their doors, knocked on there, just said, Hey, like, just let you know, like this has happened.
Starting point is 00:31:31 And if you don't know, if you don't already know, they're like, Oh yeah, we know we've had it happen a couple of times. So I'm like, I'm gonna have to start sending everything to work. But, um, so yeah, now I moved into a different Bellevue and it's an actual house. So now I don't have, I don't feel like I don't have as much of an issue with porch pirates. But yeah, apparently people get wild when there's apartment complexes because there was a really bad issue in my building for a while.
Starting point is 00:31:54 But that ain't my problem anymore. Nice. Yeah, that's not my problem. Nice. Spooge Latte. Okay, we did that one it's it's got your job in here and one thing that i kind of don't do is talk about people's jobs there was one exception because the dude was like a fucking archaeologist it was garrison
Starting point is 00:32:17 and a big andrew so like i had questions about that like Keith, what do you want to know about Lou being a chiropractor? None. I'm just, I have people, I've been told by multiple listeners that they want more backstory and just information on the fucking crew. So I'm going to ask what they do every episode and they can talk about as little or as much as they want to. You know, the floor is theirs. I don't have anything specific.
Starting point is 00:32:43 I thought one thing was perfect. Now, did you have a degree? Are you specifically, I thought I remember hearing that you were more of a, you weren't just like, here, let me, let me crack your back chiropractor. You're a, basically this is what's wrong. Do this PT, come back and see me kind of guy. Am I? So the fun part about, so yep, I am a chiropractor um i do spinal adjusting i try and do incorporate a little bit of therapy along with it but the clinic that i work at in particular it does also offer physical therapy so there's not as much of a need for me to do that because i can have our have some other guys not saying i don't give at least some recommendations especially for people
Starting point is 00:33:19 especially for people that are a little bit more active at least give them some recommendations tips of what to do all that fun stuff especially if they're having any particular problems with certain lifts. I feel as if I've been, you know, strength training long enough, especially specifically powerlifting long enough, um, that I have figured out a couple of things, both trying to figure those out for myself, as well as, you know, just trying to see some of the ins and outs of certain things, things that may help other people. But then the other part of what I do as a chiropractor is I do a lot of DOT physicals. So our CDL drivers that have to maintain a medical card, I do all those physicals for that and do a lot of occupational health
Starting point is 00:33:55 services, stuff like that. And that has a whole world of stories to go along with that, just about people that are completely oblivious to what kind of health that they are in and what they deem as healthy had a gentleman one time come into me i was doing his physical um is when i was used to do physicals for this big truck company um he comes into me starts going off he's like oh i used to be perfectly healthy and then i went to the doctor next thing you know i'm on four medications like um brother i don't think that means you were healthy i think that means you've been hiding this for a very long time yeah and this shit and yeah just and and being in a world like that where you see a lot of people like it's it's it's weird when you go into a gym setting especially when you go to a especially when you go to a couple gyms where that's primarily either
Starting point is 00:34:41 pretty competitive power lifters or like pretty competitive bodybuilders because one of the gyms i go to um has a competitor slash coach that's pretty he's pretty well known pretty competed on the olympia stage um so he and he trains a lot of people too that um have done pretty well whether it's a local regional sometimes even national level and uh like just going from that realm and then going to the truck driver realm where health isn't exactly the most um focused on thing which is ironic because they have to be healthy enough to drive so it turns into a very fun conversation at times like having to tell people like hey these are some things you really need to focus on. You are essentially a walking heart attack right now. Most of the time, it's not quite that, but that's essentially
Starting point is 00:35:31 what it will eventually come to for some of those guys. I respect a hell of a lot of truck drivers for everything that they do because without truck drivers, we don't have the majority of goods and services that we have in any of our stores today. They're the ones that ship everything across the world they make they help make the country go around they help make the world go around but god damn there's a reason
Starting point is 00:35:52 that there's a stereotype about those guys uh i got one one brief more thing about chiropractor um chiropractor yeah you got your job uh so about 10 years ago i think the first time i saw a chiropractor and didn't know any better um they were hands-off essentially they used the machine called the pro adjuster are you familiar with the pro adjuster or something similar to it i've heard of it um i'm not as familiar with it unusually is that the table you lay on and then it like they push you so this is they literally just like it's a machine that they just go up and down your spine it's supposed to like register the resistance and then they go back down trying to hit the exact same spots giving out like a certain amount of pressure
Starting point is 00:36:35 per like vertebrae and at the time i was like oh this is cool uh but looking back now i was like that had to be a crock of shit because they basically they they brought you in they put you on heat and tens for 20 minutes and then did this pro adjuster thing and sent you out the door and charged fucking, you know, insurance, a couple hundred bucks probably. So I don't looking back on it now. I think it was a fucking. Yeah, you got for sure. And that's the thing is, I was going to say it's having a chiropractor that also lifts in some sense has made a difference for me because the first chiropractor i went when i was um when i first hurt my hip i went to it and he was a holistic chiropractor and he you know yeah you already know the the kind of shit he was doing but he
Starting point is 00:37:16 had this just this table where you'd lay on and like it would do all the work for him he would just push down while it pushed up. And I just didn't like kind of some of the, like the stuff, like the grounding and the, he's like touching my head and touching my stomach and being like, I'm grounding you. And I'm like, what are you doing? I wanted. So then I got, I find this other guy here in the town and you're actually reminding me that he's finally back from his parental leave and he's a big, strong dude. And he was just like, no, I know exactly what you need. And he like would adjust my hip and he would just do some flexor.
Starting point is 00:37:55 Like, do you do that thing where you jam your thumb into the joint and you make them move their leg? Cause that sucks. Not necessarily that one. Yeah. I would imagine. Yeah. That sucks. Cause there's scar tissue in there.
Starting point is 00:38:01 And that was so much, but suddenly I was going to see this guy once a week. because I was just like, this is the exact opposite from this other guy I went to. That's the thing about chiropractors. I know a lot of people have really, really, really negative outlooks on them. But it's like, I don't want to tell them, you just need to go find the right one but um they're like when it comes to chiropractors like they're like it's not you can ask 10 different people what they think a chiropractor does and you're gonna get 10 different answers it's it's ridiculous at times but at the same time um like at the end of the day i'm not sure if you guys are familiar who jordan shallow is recognize the name but i have to i don't know anybody dive into the memory bank prescript
Starting point is 00:38:47 is a big is a big company that he helps run it does a lot of coaching and stuff like that but he's the chiropractor as well and he even kind of said it too like he's a competitive powerlifter or was competitive powerlifter um i don't know if he's done bodybuilding shows before even though he definitely looks like he has a physique for it but he's even said too it's like it's like i mean i can rant on about different chiropractors all day, but at the end of the day, if like their patients are getting better, whether they just think they're getting better or they are getting better, you're still better either way. So part of that, I'm trying to take that. I'm trying to be less bitter and less, you know, judgmental as I get older, but some days
Starting point is 00:39:22 it's harder, but at the same time, at the same time, I have an understanding like certain people are looking for certain things. So certain people are a great fit for those kinds of chiropractors. That's not what I'm looking for. If anybody comes to me asking about trying to adjust pregnant girls or adjust babies or anything like that,
Starting point is 00:39:38 I just straight up tell them, it's like, well, I mean, I could, but I'd much rather send you to somebody else that I know that's very well versed in that. So here's this for you. So, yeah, it's a fun time. All right. We won't bug you about work anymore.
Starting point is 00:39:53 You did mention basically how you were trying to move on from dealing with being frustrated and whatnot. But let me just go ahead and bring up something that does frustrate you and that also frustrates me. People that don't use blinkers. And God damn. Oh, my God. bring up something that does frustrate you and that also frustrates me uh people that don't use blinkers and god damn oh my god is there a is is there a an underlying hatred for the for that as i have it because god it is the most frustrating thing in the world in it it's not very underlying if it just happens every day and it's exposed to you every day like it happened to me this morning too like so this morning i'm going to work the road that i take to work i have to go by a high school and um it kind of gets to one of those points where it's, um, like you got your two lanes that are going straight and it goes to
Starting point is 00:40:29 two left turn lanes. Cause you turn left to go into the high school. And, um, so I'm sitting in the right lane because that tends to go quicker sometimes because a lot of the traffic kind of diverts off to go to the left, but there's enough of it. That'll still back up that left lane of the people that are going straight. So I'll stay in the right lane so I can go pass it. And it's like, it was one of those weird spots where I'm in the perfect spot where there's enough of a gap that I can get over, but I'm looking at the cars that are coming on the lane,
Starting point is 00:40:56 but it's right at that spot where they can go left. So I'm expecting like, Oh, if these guys are going to turn left, they're going to turn their blinkers on. Well before let everybody else know, Nope. Everybody waits until the turn lanes, they're going to turn their blinkers on level four and let everybody else know. Nope. Everybody waits until the turn lanes open up and then they use their blinker, which is like, it's, so I'm here, they're here.
Starting point is 00:41:12 It's like, I'm not cutting in front of them. Like any, especially when they're right here, I'm not cutting in front of them because if they decide that they're going straight and I try and cut in front of them, I'm getting rear-ended and that's my fault. And I am about to have that start my day. So, and they never use their turn signal until they're literally right here,
Starting point is 00:41:28 and then they get over it. It's like, dude, just use it for an extra 20 feet. So that tells me that you're slowing down enough to get in that turn lane, and I can gun it up at least enough to get out of the way and get going enough. It's frustrating. I had, yeah. Big Steve, big Steve, friend of the podcast. He actually, I think I mentioned taught me to drive in a sense, right?
Starting point is 00:41:52 He always said that your signal is signaling your intent. It is not a request for permission. It is a signal of your intention to do something. So I think that there's, I, I hate it too. And Morgan, I'll tell you, I yell nice signal asshole all day every day for people that just merge in front of me oh my god but i think about four times today i also get frustrated when i have my signal on and nobody pays attention because eventually i go okay so i've had my signal on now for probably 500 feet and you're not letting me in, I'm going
Starting point is 00:42:26 to cut you off. I signaled my intention. I wasn't asking your permission to get into your lane. I'm coming into this lane and then I have to cut people off. And I think that I'm not the jerk in that situation where if they've seen my signal. Technically, it's illegal on your part to cut them off because you have to technically yield to them since they're in the lane. But at the same time, there's this beautiful thing called common courtesy, where if I see somebody that's trying to merge over and if I have a line full of people behind me and there's enough of a gap in front of me, I'm probably going to slow down a little bit and let them in.
Starting point is 00:42:55 But that, like I said, that's common courtesy, but we all know that's, you know, not exactly the most prominent thing these days. Yeah. The letter of the law is not the arbiter of our morality.
Starting point is 00:43:04 Oh, absolutely. Yes yes it is wrong but i could also just slow down a minute and let people in but tickets also cost money and i don't want to deal with that yeah all right so you're drinking uh the bush light i got a keith's i've told this story before of me and you at the arnold and i think it's one of my favorite stories about you know crew is is is an interesting phenomenon to me because before the crew i was very secretive okay i if somebody asked me for my phone number you got a little hint of this the other day when you asked me my phone number and i was like why why who wants it but it you know i i get a little squirrely but recently people are like oh hey i
Starting point is 00:43:47 need your address to send you something i'm like okay i'm just like handing my address out to strangers i've met once right um address the other day yeah yeah thanks so it's funny so then we're at the arnold i'm on one side of the strength go you're on the other side right so i just start screaming low low and that was how me and you first met so i come running over i pull a fireball out you pull a fireball out we have a race and that was me and loo meeting for like the first time in person and then i think the last the last time i saw you it was me you and emily emily mcgee shout out not crew but still cool um you were like oh i want to try a keats and i kind of just handed you my beer and you looked at it you looked at your beer and you handed me your beer and then we both
Starting point is 00:44:41 without a word just turned and walked away from each other with just like new beers. That's great. Brother, I'm going to tell you a secret. By that time of the day, I was happy to be there. And I was just ready. Yeah, I was having a fun time there. Yeah, I think everybody knew I was having a fun time. I think that was the Saturday.
Starting point is 00:45:04 It was the Friday or the Saturday. It wasn't the Sunday because the Sunday I left early and brought was having a fun time. I think that was the Saturday. It was the Friday or the Saturday. It wasn't the Sunday because the Sunday I left early and brought home some strength gold plates. But yeah. And then the other, the other fun Lou story is lift hard, live easy. 2023. Okay. I'm not competing.
Starting point is 00:45:17 You are. And it's 10 in the morning. The flights have started and I go walking over and there's you standing there with tanner and alex and you're drinking a beer and i went buddy how are you drinking a beer at 10 and you were like it's five o'clock somewhere and i went oh wow can i have one and you were like yeah they're over there in that cooler. Yeah. I was definitely living easy that week. That entire weekend I was living easy. I mean, I got a beautiful wood plate and my dog's, it's our spare bedroom. We call it my dog's room because he loves sleeping there. Yeah. I got a beautiful wooden plate that shows my efforts of
Starting point is 00:46:03 living easy that weekend. Yeah. The only reason I'm telling all these stories for the second time, I think, on this podcast is just how it's just like me and Lou never talked like outside of the internet. And then just immediately we're just like sharing drinks like psychopaths directly after a pandemic. We're just like, sure, here, here like at this rate so that was pretty funny i wanted to share those stories again with lou because i don't know if there's any of them i i remember bits and pieces of it i mean like it was one of those like it was it was one of those where i wasn't in a shape to where i just wasn't remembering things it was just i was in the shape that it was and there was so much going on there was so much happening there were so many things that happened yeah that i like i went i went back and like looked at my phone and
Starting point is 00:46:49 saw some of the pictures some of the videos some of the instagram stories i posted i'm like what the fuck is going on here like i like i spent most of my like i spent most of my time there like i went and ventured off just went and looked at some things hung on the strength code boots for a bit otherwise most of the time i was sitting in front of the massonomics tent or the huck finn barbell tent or the obsidian ammonia tent and it was yeah i yeah i uh i drank a lot of beer i showed up um oh did i even tell you guys i told did i tell you the story about me going to the owner last year i thought no getting in late or something right uh something like that except it was my fault um i flew into the wrong city i do remember that you went into fucking i went into cleveland instead of columbus
Starting point is 00:47:31 another three hour drive what i did it was i think it was two hours yeah so it wasn't bad but it was just rainy the entire time so i had to slow down a little bit um but and i didn't even realize that i booked that i'm flying into the wrong city until i was already in chicago so i was trying to see if i can at least like book another flight but all of them were already booked so i'm just like all right what's the drive two hours that ain't bad i used to drive three hours every weekend well three hours down the three hours back every weekend um so i went ahead and took that drive and it went like it was it was hilarious.
Starting point is 00:48:05 Cause like the first thing I walk in, I'm looking for Eddie. Cause he was helping me like get set up with like, he was helping me get in everything since everybody else was busy. And, um, as soon as I walk in, I'm still rolling my bag into like my suitcase into my luggage into the mass dynamics tent. And, uh, I don't even get into the tent and, uh, Karen Finn runs over,
Starting point is 00:48:27 just grabs a hold of me. And then all of a sudden I look over at her hand and she's got a fireball shooter sitting down by her. I'm like, well, I'm not going to say no to that. Yeah. That was,
Starting point is 00:48:38 that one was a long time coming. Yeah. That was fun as hell. And I'm, I'm going to be there again this year. I, I, I heard rumors. I will not there again this year. I heard rumors.
Starting point is 00:48:46 I will not be there this year. I'm pretty disappointed by it, but I got a pretty good excuse. So I'm going to tell you something here. I won't share the whole story, but long story short, Alex and I are going to Mexico at the end of February. And we're getting back that Friday. I had thoughts of just go ahead and redirecting our flight straight to Columbus. Why not?
Starting point is 00:49:06 As soon as we get back to Mexico. Brother, I know I betray my liver pretty frequently, but I don't think my liver can handle five days in Mexico and then three days at the Arnold. Oh, yeah. I'm only doing one day at the Arnold this year. Yeah. I would still do the three days.
Starting point is 00:49:22 I would regret everything. Well, not temporary regret. Well, because part of it's also the cost, right? So we live close enough that me and Steve are going to drive in Saturday morning. We'll get there hopefully 11 o'clock noon or one. Stay for the couple of hours just to make sure we hit all the booths and say hi to all the people we need to say hi to. And then we're just leaving the next day, right? How far is Columbus for you guys you guys about six hours six hours yeah yeah because it's
Starting point is 00:49:51 it's like a 10-hour drive for us from here yeah yeah and with steve with steve driving if he takes the honda you know we might get it down to five to base it on how many stops we have to make and uh yeah it was just the the last time it was like the cost associated with like the hotel the kids i brought them and everything we just and they didn't even go on sunday steve didn't come with me on sunday so it was me and steve on friday and saturday saturday is so overwhelming that like you're gonna get there you're gonna see all of the people you need to see that's when all the celebrities were there right i think i met no no chris was there on friday and saturday but like you know that's when all the big names are that's all the big stuff happens friday is a more interesting time for like i don't want to say
Starting point is 00:50:34 insiders because i don't think i'm one of those but i'm not there to see celebrities i'm there to meet friends friday is more interesting for that yeah i mean saturday was just saturday was just a mess of everything there are just so many people there which i didn't because i was talking to some of them they were saying as a gas like yeah this is like this is super busy more than it was the last year but i mean still not as busy as it was before i'm kind of sitting there thinking like fuck how busy was it like before this but just shoulder to shoulder bullshit and then i'll go to brothers on on the i'm gonna make sure i end up at brothers on the saturday night because last time i went and then i had to run home because the kids needed me well i don't have
Starting point is 00:51:13 kids this time so we're gonna leave the we're gonna leave the arnold go get dinner have a nap and then go to brothers that's that's our plan this year actually no i had a i had a handful of beers there too because uh i remember a whole big I remember Big Tom having to get put to bed and then it was a really entertaining time and then yeah, Live Hard Live Easy though, you're going to be there
Starting point is 00:51:36 please yeah, I thought so of course I will be yeah, I thought so I'm not I'm not signed up for it right now who knows what the future will hold well i mean i bet i get the feeling i've seen a few names that probably are going to back out yeah um get on the waiting list yeah well and i might even yeah because like last year i wasn't even planning on oh i wasn't planning on doing it And then, what was it, four and a half weeks out,
Starting point is 00:52:07 Tanner posted that thing. So it's like, oh, we got some spots open if anybody wants to take it. And I just kind of sat and thought. I was doing off-season training, and I had squats that were moving really, really well. So I just texted my coach, sent him a screenshot of the meet. I'm like, what do you think about this? Just doing this just for shits and giggles, see what we can do.
Starting point is 00:52:24 And he's like, fuck yeah, let's do it. All right, Tanner, sign me up. Well, even if you don't lift,
Starting point is 00:52:31 come do what I did. Be like the spectator, the screaming, getting everybody's like, yeah, the hype man. That's the word I'm looking for. Cause that's what I did.
Starting point is 00:52:39 The last time, you know, I'm doing that regardless of whether I'm beating or not. Yeah. I'll be, I will be in beautiful western northeast South Dakota for the Lift Hardly VZ2. Probably rocking some jorts. Maybe using some shorty shorts because I do have one of those pristine pairs of shorts. And, yeah, bring all the cutoffs and all the fireball and bush light I can get my hands on.
Starting point is 00:53:01 Well, we're going to hold you to that, Big Lewis. We better see you in July, buddy. Oh, you will. Lift it or not, we better see you in july oh you will lift it or not we better see you guys oh you will see me there we just uh let's let's let's not go to bw3s this time let's find a different better local restaurant because that was such a wasted meal it's like why don't we find like some mom and pop place and then fucking big matt and i think damage we're like oh let's go to bw3s fuck bw3s it's disgusting b-dubs i don't know why but it was like it was so i mean even with this board it was still like some it wasn't hard to coordinate but just like as soon as someone said they were going somewhere it was like if you can't have fucking like 12 people arguing about where they go so it's just like all right as soon as soon as someone says a place and everyone just migrates there so
Starting point is 00:53:41 i don't know i think it was like i was a block away from the hotel where a lot of us were staying at which was kind of like why we wanted i think that's why people started there yeah because i remember we went there we didn't go because we got in super late thursday yeah you didn't you guys didn't get up pounders no we didn't no we didn't yeah because we didn't get into town until about midnight on thursday and then um yeah which by the way i will say like the way up so it's about a six hour drive for us when we did it and i am so happy that i had alex with me because uh there are spots between sioux falls and basically we return off of i-29 to go straight over for about an hour and a half to like to aberdeen um there is nothing like you especially in the driving in the, you can't see a goddamn thing.
Starting point is 00:54:26 It's eerie. All you see is just whatever you see in your headlights. That's it. It was a little eerie for a while. I had Alex. She was on her phone fighting to stay awake. She's just reading me pro wrestling trivia questions
Starting point is 00:54:42 going off. Me and Big Chris are going to have that drive. I think we just booked our flights last weekend, and we're going to do the flight to Sioux Falls and then drive to Aberdeen. We are still leaving Sunday. I know everyone wanted to be on Team Monday, but fuck, I'm good.
Starting point is 00:54:58 Like, if I miss an impromptu little thing at Mastodonomics Gym, I'm okay with that because i had more fun at pounders i think than i did the whole weekend so if i can recreate a little bit of that thursday friday fun i'm gonna be so burnt out after the meet i don't need another day and another several hundred dollars to stay one more day so i don't know i get i get the feeling i'm gonna end up renting my own car because as it stands i I'm flying in Thursday and flying out Monday. So unless I can get a Kruber from Sioux Falls on my schedule of flights. Yeah, good luck with that.
Starting point is 00:55:31 Well, I think I'd have to look at mine. I think we're, I don't know. I could probably get in with you, but I can't get out with you. Right. Grayson said he would wait. And I'm like, I don't want to rely. I don't want to, I don't want to bother people. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:43 But then I'm going to rent a car and meet up with Steve. Then we're're gonna have two cars for two people oh because steve's flying in he's driving it he's okay he's just driving the whole way yeah he's not gonna detour to take you to fucking stupefiles no no no how far how far it drives into aberdeen for you guys it was like 20 hours wasn't it it's 21 hours jesus that's why i'm not doing it that's why he was like i'm gonna do it and compete i was like i'm not gonna do that all right let me tell you something about driving and competing it is a terrible mistake yeah um i just i just did a meet back in early december and like like this wasn't a long drive either like i the meet was down in kansas city kansas city's about three hours from omaha um so i drove down to kansas city friday morning to go away and and then i have a brother who lives
Starting point is 00:56:25 two hours away from kansas city so i drove over there that same day after i got done weighing in because we were having our family christmas there and then saturday morning drove the two hours back over to kansas city and i did not anticipate it was going to have that much of effect but yeah i had i had probably hating you my low back didn't feel bad it was just the overall fatigue i don't it was just a combination of the overall fatigue from it i'm sure there were other factors along with that too but it was just one of those where but it it was one of those meets where everything was moving well in the warm-up room and then i go to do my first attempt to squat and i'm almost getting like i grinded that thing out and it was
Starting point is 00:57:03 not a fun time. Like I remember, I remember going through, like I did my first bench. I didn't get my first bench and I go over to Alex and I'm like, shit, we might be in trouble, bud. Grinded on my second bench because I had no leg drive. Cause I got called on my first, my butt coming up. And so I just did my second bench, no leg drive. And then, um then got that up,
Starting point is 00:57:27 failed my third one, which I anticipated that was going to happen after spending all my energy on the second attempt. Got my first deadlift up, failed my second deadlift, called it. I'm like, bud, we're out. We're going to head over and go to my brother's and start drinking beers there. Yeah. And that's just why I said, like, after the last one. And it's like it's not cheaper because the flights are 800, 700, 800, 900 Canadian. And that's the other thing is everybody said fly to Buffalo.
Starting point is 00:57:53 It's cheaper. It the fuck is not flying out of Toronto is not that much cheaper than flying into Buffalo. Customs sucks a little more. That's it. So I won't be able to bring home a lot of stuff. That's fine. Because like when we're driving and you're just trying to like book a last second hotel,
Starting point is 00:58:08 right? Where you're going to get the drivers kind of turns to you and goes, I got about an hour find a hotel. And you're like, okay, you're spending two to $300 for last second bookings at any hotel. Yeah. You're not getting anything under $200. If you get anything, because there was a couple of times where we had to go to like two places to try and get a book and I'm sleeping on the couch.
Starting point is 00:58:29 So I was just like, I'm going to fly in and not fucking worry about it. Especially if I'm actually competing. I don't want to be that. I'd rather be flight tired from eight hours of flights than car tired from 21 hours. You know, that's no,
Starting point is 00:58:44 that's a hell of a lot easier to recover from yeah so just uh i think i think our listeners have been enjoying this but we have been talking about the same topic for about 18 minutes so i'm gonna i'm gonna steer us on to something a little more fun uh well so you got a puppy named
Starting point is 00:59:00 bruce and you're also a fan of batman is there a correlation there i imagine do you name your dog after batman yeah i named my dog after batman um named Bruce and you're also a fan of Batman. Is there a correlation there? I imagine. Did you name your dog after Batman? Yeah, I named my dog after Batman. So I got. Bruce is my homeboy. Bruce is my baby.
Starting point is 00:59:14 He's my hand. He's my big, handsome boy. I'm sure anybody that follows me on Instagram has seen a handful of pictures of him. I get a lot of compliments on him, too. He is a six year old pit bull and he is the biggest loving muscle dummy that i that i've ever had like it's like it's one of those he's the biggest cry baby so alex has two dogs herself they all get along pretty well couple scuffles here and there but that's what happens when you get three dogs especially when they're all fighting for attention for somebody um and like
Starting point is 00:59:42 she'll send me snapchats throughout the day of just him sitting at the edge of the couch just crying and then I'll get a snapchat about a minute and a half later and he's snuggled up right between her legs just happy and content as can be all he wants is just to be next to you whenever the best way I can describe him
Starting point is 00:59:59 he's the biggest loving muscle dummy doesn't realize he's a 65 pound ball of muscle but he's just always happy as can be um i adopted him it was 2018 when i adopted him so i've had him for about 40 this is 28 i can't remember if it was 2018 or 2019 i've had him for a while but yeah he's my boy and yes he was named after batman i've been about the the first batman movie i vividly remember was the 92 batman returns and i remember watching that a handful of times in the animated series he's really popular when i was a kid so i loved watching that went through watch all the original bat well not the original but um like the first two tim burton
Starting point is 01:00:42 ones and then the val kilmer batman as well as george clooney batman i remember loving those as kids and then watching him as an adult be like that was joel schumacher he's a little different that was joel schumacher that ruined the batman franchise you know when you when you go back and watch it you can appreciate like so for batman returns there's certain things that i can appreciate about it but then like when i remember i was probably 21 or 22 at the time um sitting at my parents house laying in bed about three sheets of the wind and uh batman returns is on or no bat or batman forever was on no it was batman and robin the one with arnold schwarzenegger the last one
Starting point is 01:01:25 that one was on randomly so i was watching that i'm like oh let's see if this is as good as i remember it i'm watching through i'm like this is terrible yeah but then even watching it even watching as adult as an adult now it's kind of like one of those where it's like yeah this is bad but i mean like there's a like there's a lot of things they butchered on it as far as storyline stuff like that but at the same time it's a, like there's a lot of things they butchered on it as far as storyline and stuff like that. But at the same time, it's like, but like ultimately is entertaining.
Starting point is 01:01:49 Yeah. They kind of like the dumb things that you watch in WWE that just don't make any sense. Like you watch them. It's like, God, this is stupid, but I'm invested in this.
Starting point is 01:01:57 I'm watching this still. Like I'm like, I'm like, I'm as dumb as it is. And as stupid as it is, I'm still enjoying it. So you're, they, they at least achieve one goal there. as dumb as it is and as stupid as it is, I'm still enjoying it. So you're,
Starting point is 01:02:07 they at least achieved one goal there. So controversial question. Who is your favorite Batman? I'm going to go ahead and say it. I love the athletic is Batman. Yes, I knew it. Me too.
Starting point is 01:02:21 I love the athletic is Batman. Somebody has asked this question to me on this podcast, and that was my answer. Batfleck was my favorite. When you take into account, not to get all nerdy and stuff, I've never seen a Star Wars movie, but when it comes to Batman, I will give my opinion on it. So when it comes to portrayals of Batman, I'm not dogging anybody for their portrayal of it. I thought every actor that's done it portrayal of it. I thought, I thought every actor that's done it has brought a great aspect to it. George Clooney included. I felt like George Clooney was at least a great,
Starting point is 01:02:52 just kind of like been there a while, but he's just, you know, the rich guy that's just putting on the persona right now, still doing what he needs to do all that fun stuff. Whereas Ben Affleck, I thought what he did the best with it is he played that bitter old Batman that's been doing it for so long.
Starting point is 01:03:05 He's seen so many people. He's seen all the bad shit that's happened as his time as Batman. And so he's bitter and weathered and everything. And despite whatever what other people may say about, you know, the whole the whole Martha sequence is when, you know, that was silly. and Batman's about ready to kill Superman. That was silly. It was silly, but then when you kind of think about the concept of it, it was like, when you think about the concept of it
Starting point is 01:03:30 and what it did for him, you can easily see where that character change came, or that character development came for him, and where he had that kind of turnaround. Now, the one exception I will make for Ben Affleck's Batman is the original Justice League that came out in 2017.
Starting point is 01:03:46 Because that movie is an absolute abomination. No one should ever see that movie. That movie should just be taken out of circulation, period. I have no clue what you're talking about. 2017 Justice League. Oh, no, I've seen it. I'm just pretending I haven't. Okay, okay.
Starting point is 01:04:02 I watched the Snyder cut like last year. It was fucking so much different and better. It was so much. It was a completely different movie. It was like things make sense. It followed along the entire plot line of what those series movies are supposed to do. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:17 Yeah, I agree. I do love that. Oh, go ahead. Turkey. What, what,
Starting point is 01:04:20 what'd you think of the flash where they kind of basically made it a Keaton Batman movie with when fucking Ezra Miller completely got canceled and they wanted to make it not so much about him? I'm not sure how much they ended up changing of it, but... He was in it twice. How do you mean they made it not about him? He was in it twice. I feel like it was a pretty pivotal... It's hard to erase your main character. It's not like it's never heard being in the Aquaman movie. Ezra Miller was the Flash for that movie.
Starting point is 01:04:50 It's really hard to erase your main character. Yeah. I think they tried. In all honesty, I enjoyed the Flash movie for what it tried to do. I really liked it. There's certain things that they could have done different, but for what they were trying to do, I thought they did a pretty good job liked it. There's certain things that they think they could have done different, but for what they were trying to do, I thought they did a pretty good job with it.
Starting point is 01:05:08 Seeing Michael Keaton Batman in a modern era for us was absolutely heartwarming. Just brought me pure, complete joy. I'm pretty sure Christmas night I watched the movie and was just watching it in awe of watching Michael Keaton as Batman as like the older version of him and just reliving my childhood, except as an adult. So I, I honestly enjoyed the movie for what it was. Yeah. And even seeing George Clooney at the end of it was.
Starting point is 01:05:37 Yes. Seeing him come out. Who the fuck are you is probably my favorite line in that movie because that's what uh but another thing though is when they're showing all of the alternate universes uh they show the movie that was never made did you guys catch that one the nicholas cage the nicholas cage superman yeah oh yeah yeah that's i'm glad that was never made but you say that but it's hard to tell how that would be i mean i like nicholas cage he he's super cheesy that's the best way to say yeah yeah and like henry cavill was a really good
Starting point is 01:06:16 superman and i'm actually i'm a little pissed about them taking him out after like bringing him back like they put him in black adam and everybody was like yeah and then they're like now we're gonna go a new direction and apparently that new direction is everything we like they're gonna get rid of and everything we hate they're gonna keep there's parts of it i see there's parts of it that still upset me like i think i would love to see something where the you have like an actual send-off of ben affleck's batman or at least have an explanation from it even though in reality the best explanation that you can give and something like that is like oh well flash fucked everything up so he messed up
Starting point is 01:06:49 the time so now everybody's different so yeah and we're back to george clooney we're not gonna have i always i the reason i liked ben affleck obviously is because he was more like the um the old man batman that you mentioned from the dark knight returns uh which is the the greatest comic that was frank miller that wrote that uh where he just killed people like he just he was just done with it like he was just yeah and like that's that i'll kill her i promise and he just goes i believe you and then he takes that dude out he mercs that dude because like yeah i know you're a killer and that's why I'm going to take you down. I did like Christian Bale's Batman specifically and everybody made fun of his voice, but that's because he did something no other Batman had done.
Starting point is 01:07:36 He wasn't just Bruce Wayne in a mask. That's actually what controversial opinion. Michael Keaton's the worst Batman because he did actually have a little bit of a transition because when you listen to him as Bruce Wayne, he gets a little bit more higher pitch, like has more range with his voice. But when he's Batman, he has a lot more lower tone to his voice. I don't think he did quite what Christian Bale did,
Starting point is 01:07:55 but also I don't think anybody, I don't think anybody understood that concept of it too. No, which is fair, but also Michael Keaton showed his identity to everybody in both movies. Yeah. Which Batman would die before letting people see him without his cow right so that's that's kind of why i did like the christian even though he had the stupid jokes are but it's like at least he tried to hide his voice right well absolutely when you can like i've read a couple things where you talk about
Starting point is 01:08:21 um like the different stages of it because like if you listen to them and batman begins compared to the dark knight it's too it's too drastically different voices of it yeah i've read some things about it i don't know what to believe of it but um but i mean i know it's a bonus i don't know it's a blunt of a bunch of jokes but um i mean realistically you can't do anything without something becoming the blunt of a joke yeah i always tell people remember that when they said heath ledger was going to be the joker I mean, realistically, you can't do anything without something becoming the blunt of a joke. Yeah, I always tell people, remember that when they said Heath Ledger was going to be the Joker, you all whined. Everybody cried about that. Yeah. There's no way he could.
Starting point is 01:08:54 Look how that turned out. Yeah. Everyone needs to shut up about upcoming movies. Yeah. All right. A lot of people, like, if you don't remember, like, when keaton was or was cast as batman same thing happened everybody cried about it's like there's no way he could be batman and he put on the best portrayal of batman at that time yeah the comedian michael keaton five foot really he turned out to be pretty good yeah no joke
Starting point is 01:09:18 i think we're boring keith we should probably no i'm good i'm i'm i enjoy batman i was just we could glaze search it and see how he's how he does i enjoy a lot of the batman stuff what is your favorite dc non-batman or non-batman adjacent movie or series oh that's a good question honestly i don't know if i can name one um oh i don't even know what this would count because it has batman in it um my favorite dc animated movie is the flashpoint paradox it focuses more so on the fat on the flash and there's a bunch of stuff they've tried to touch up on it but i've read a handful of the comics from it and then i've like obviously the movie is out as well and the movie is absolutely phenomenal just people dying left and right and
Starting point is 01:10:07 um like a like in a sense you could say it's not the real batman because it's thomas wayne is batman not bruce wayne is batman because the whole timeline got changed but that entire movie like like the concept is great because it's kind of like uh the butterfly effect but on a much grander scale to the point where the world's about to end. All that fun stuff. If you haven't seen that movie, I would recommend going to see it. It's on Max right now. Do you consume all the
Starting point is 01:10:33 CW DC stuff? I used to. I don't as much anymore. It's hard to keep up with. I watched all of Arrow. I haven't seen that one it's uh that one's super weird yeah because it's like it has them but it doesn't have them um it's like i watched it a bunch with arrow but when arrow was the big show and then the
Starting point is 01:10:59 flash had started i watched the first couple seasons of the legends of tomorrow and then after when there was just so many shows that were out it's like fuck I can't keep up with all these yeah I just finished my roommate was obsessed with Smallville obsessed so I've actually seen so much Smallville really Smallville was like the best
Starting point is 01:11:17 literally like the best superhero show of our childhood it was like the only one that I really remember and then Titans that's actually filmed in my city. So the police headquarters for them
Starting point is 01:11:31 is my city hall. Fair enough. Titans, I did enjoy, especially because I actually love Alan Rickson, who ironically was in Smallville. He was in Smallville, right? Because he was Aquaman. Yes, yes.ville. He was in Smallville, right? Because he was Aquaman. Yes, yes. He for like two episodes
Starting point is 01:11:48 or something, right? Who is he in this? Hawk. He's Hawk and Titans. Oh, okay. He's Bleacher. Yes, he is. He's also... I believe you're going to say what I'm going to say. He was also
Starting point is 01:12:03 Thad in Blue Mountain State. The biggest fucking dou I'm going to say. He was also bad and blew my mind. The biggest fucking douchebag in the world. He was literally the biggest douche character. He played it so well. He did so great at it. That was so hard to watch him in other roles
Starting point is 01:12:20 because every time you see him up there, you just see him as fad. It took a minute. I think if I didn't have the show we just talked about where he played hawk like as like that tweener between that and reacher like if i only knew him as thad and then reacher it wouldn't have worked but like i saw him as hawk for a few seasons so he was great as hawk because he was a fucking dick the entire time yeah but interestingly uh in titans the batman interestingly in Titans the Batman Bruce Wayne is Joram Joram on Joram on more more yeah why can't I remember he's I actually love him because he actually
Starting point is 01:12:51 plays a fucking buddy yeah but he plays I wish I knew I'm gonna Google his real name like right now because he also plays this like Irish detective I fucking love and for some reason he's also Bruce Wayne. Yeah. So he's like Game of Thrones. He was a killer in that one. Yeah. He's Game of Thrones. Bruce Wayne. Ian Glenn is his name.
Starting point is 01:13:12 Ian Glenn. Yes. Thank you. Yeah. I love that dude. If you ever get a chance to watch that one show where he's just this drunken Irish PI. And that's the kind of stuff I love, right?
Starting point is 01:13:23 Is I don't watch or read a lot of fiction, but that's the kind of stuff I love. I don't watch or read a lot of fiction, but that's the kind of stuff where it's just like these weird mystery and whodunit shows. I love that shit. I'm glad he survived his gray scale. So, Lou, to harken back to the turn signal issues, were turn signals involved in any of
Starting point is 01:13:47 the uh five vehicles that you've been involved in wrecking over the course of your driving history you know none of those none of those were involved with turning so um yeah none of those were involved in turning any any funny stories or anything you want to share about that is like i mean it was a random uh verbatim random fact he's wrecked like five cars one truck twice and that was your yeah that was my brother uh so uh the truck was not or the truck the first time i did was a soft was i was a sophomore in high school and it was just a dumb thing i grew up in a small town outside of Omaha, so a lot of gravel roads. And it was just one of those nice miscalculation there. And then the Grand Am that Jake was with me that I wrecked, we were coming home from Council Bluffs and we were literally three miles away from home.
Starting point is 01:14:42 And it was one of those where the weather wasn't the greatest we hit a patch of slush coming down and just ended up sliding out of control going into a bridge and then one of them was he's jake's really bitter about this one but uh so i have an uncle when he was still alive worked for right tree service was pretty high up in right tree service so um all their runner vehicles that they had when they got to a certain mileage they would go off and like auction them and sell them one of those vehicle or a handful of those vehicles they had were uh lovely little isuzu hombres which are essentially chevy s10s just the most base model you can think of like air conditioning that barely works um nothing's electronic like none of nothing of the parts are electronic on the door.
Starting point is 01:15:26 So manual windows, manual locks, all that fun stuff. So my mom had wrecked that truck before. And then I was driving it, come up over top of a hill. And then as I come up over the top of the hill, I realize everybody stopped. I try to stay on the brakes. Brakes are faulty from previous incidences. So I swerve over and end up wrecking that. But yeah, none of them were involved in actually turning.
Starting point is 01:15:54 So that's, yeah. So yeah, turn signals were not involved in that. None of those are funny stories. None of them were really funny. And they may be funny to him because he wasn't the one that wrecked vehicles. We're glad you walked away from all of them and that you're still safe, so that's good. Same. It wouldn't be the wonderful Lou Nutter I am today without it. Or if I wouldn't have survived.
Starting point is 01:16:16 Okay. All right, there's one in here that I want to go at because I do love... I think me and Lou, me and Bryce, like a lot of us are just these kindred spirits from all across North America. So years ago, I'm talking, God,
Starting point is 01:16:37 I must've been 22, 23. I couldn't find a Halloween costume. Cause I waited too long. I couldn't find a Halloween costume because I waited too long. So I bought a children's large flash costume and wore that to an adults only party. And you can imagine how that shit looked. I heard you did the same thing, but with a different costume. I'm trying to remember now. Oh, it was, what did I say specifically?
Starting point is 01:17:07 You wore like an extra small spandex. One, or like, I'm assuming like booty shorts, but maybe with a onesie. Was this recently? No, it's just in the notes here. There's no timestamp on it. There's no timestamp. Was it supposed to be a reindeer? You want to wear a pair of my
Starting point is 01:17:25 size small spandex for halloween costume so we had uh one of the gyms here was having like a halloween themed deadlift party and um we got this bright idea to go as um like a hunter and a deer except we decided it'd be a good idea to reverse the role so where she would be the hunter and i would be the uh the cute sexy deer in quotations um yeah so she had a pair of brown like i was trying to find like some onesies where like they wouldn't be you know super tight super revealing even though still probably gonna be pretty tight and pretty revealing but um everything
Starting point is 01:18:05 we found by the time we thought of it would have taken way too long to get delivered we couldn't find anything in store anything like that and she just randomly goes well i got a pair of brown spandex i'm like let me see them she pulls them out i'm like oh those would be perfect um yeah so then we went to walmart and bought a brown tank top that matched the color pretty well bought a uh cheap pair of like light up antlers or whatever and put those on she put a little bit of makeup on the end of my nose to make it look like a reindeer and yeah i think everybody saw a little bit more of me than they anticipated seeing it or they want to see so yep with that flash costume yeah there's a yeah they could see the veins, they said.
Starting point is 01:18:49 That's a good way to put it. Actually, my one friend said, I can see your religions, but I figured that was too controversial for the podcast. No poop jokes this week. No poop stories this week. Yeah, that was sad. Nobody a that's sad nobody no one
Starting point is 01:19:06 no one the last like three six six out of the last 10 episodes like under embarrassing stories uh from our research like there was a shit story and like having someone have to reiterate their funny poop story this uh it's been it's been kind of a running bit i think we've all i've enjoyed maybe that's people haven't but i sure as hell have. I mean, I do have one. I do have one that's not, I don't know how funny it is, but I mean, it was pretty, it was It's got to be funnier than your It was very last second situation.
Starting point is 01:19:34 Off loss? Well, I mean, I lost a good t-shirt. So, all right, yeah, go. You got to go now. This is my freshman year of high school so we're doing conditioning for football so this is yeah so that yeah long time ago um so we're doing conditioning um so our so our practice field we didn't practice on our game fields like you know how most high schools like their like their game field is where usually where they practice as well and it's always attached right to the school well our game field is about a half mile away on the other side of town and our practice field was about two
Starting point is 01:20:07 blocks away from the school and it's kind of down like it's down like by the creek so it's in a flood plain so we can't like you can't play there so we had a track field there we had a football field there so that's where we always had track practice football practice so we're down there for morning conditioning and um i don't know what happened but um long story short i had the bgs and when it made its presence known it was time like it was time there was there there was no sitting waiting for that so immediately i told the guy like brother i got a shit bad so i run down off the field and I have to climb down a hill to go to, or climb down this little hill to go to the creek and
Starting point is 01:20:49 yeah. I won't get into detail or anything like that, but it wasn't pretty goddamn close. That creek is pure fish shit anyway, so I'm not worried about them. Yeah, so I didn't have anything, you know, to properly cleanse with.
Starting point is 01:21:09 So and I was not about to use any of the vegetation there because I have a cousin that wiped his ass with poisons and sumac once and that turned out really bad for him. So I did not want to risk that opportunity. So, yeah, so I had I think I was wearing a T-shirt. I was wearing a cut-off and undershirt at the same time, which was a terrible idea. But it ended up working out because I just used my undershirt for it. And, yeah, at least cleaned up what I could. And then the compression shorts I had along with that, those got thrown away that day. Those didn't make it. A little skid marky.
Starting point is 01:21:46 Yeah, it was, it wasn't good it wasn't good but i'm surprised you weren't so was that when you were so so embarrassed you know that you had to just get away from the football team for a little bit and you got into drumming oh no no no it takes a lot for me to get embarrassed um i grew up with three brothers i've been embarrassed by a handful of things have been made fun of my entire life so at this point um if i'm not getting made fun of about something i don't think anybody loves me yeah uh but it i did like in a research uh drumming did come up were you actually in the school band or was it just like were you like in like a like like a did you drum for a hobby or what i so i like i did percussion
Starting point is 01:22:26 abandoned uh junior high and high school um so i've always i think i got my drum set when i was it was christmas my freshman year high school so that's when i got my first that's when i got my drum set um the drum set itself is still the original one but some of the a bunch of the hardware has been replaced symbols, updated all that fun stuff. Cause apparently I'm a muscle dummy and I hit things really hard. So, so I've done that as I've done that kind of just as a hobby, just kind of often just whenever,
Starting point is 01:22:55 cause my drum set has been at my parents' house. Cause I've never had a place to put it. So I've always, I've lived in an apartment for so long. So then I moved in with Alex back in November. So then finally right around christmas i'm like shit i'm just gonna bring him up here like we can put him in this room over here so they're here now so that's nice so i still haven't played them a bunch but it's something
Starting point is 01:23:15 i do want to try and practice more you know get a little bit better at but i've never been into like in a i've never been in a band or anything like that. It was aside from high school band and a lot of fun stuff, but it'd be something that wouldn't mind doing, but I think that's on the back burner to being a pro wrestler at the time. Well, it sounds like you at least get enough out of it, like, you know,
Starting point is 01:23:36 mentally to still have held onto them for 20 years, 18 years, and then to actually bring them into your new place. So, you know, absolutely definitely worth keeping. It sounds like, so it's good to have a it's good to have a fallback hobby when uh you know when when when when chiropractic doesn't work out you know you can always uh how to make money off percussion right yeah no shit and that and uh you know other
Starting point is 01:23:59 times you know one of the same reasons that we go to that a handful of us go to the gym a lot of the time too is be able to vent out frustration, whether we're actually training for something or not. It's a great way to vent out frustration, be able to get a lot of activity. Like when we had a snow day here a couple of weeks ago, we all got snowed in. So it was one of those that, you know, took a handful of time, went down there, jammed out a little bit,
Starting point is 01:24:19 and then came back up and started drinking some more beers. Cause that's the only thing you could do during a snow day in the midwest love it so i need a video clip of you doing uh the intro to roland just just screaming john otto take him to the matthews bridge like i want that song that song is actually my generation and um i actually did that on my instagram i actually did that on my instagram story a couple weeks ago too really did i miss that that is so funny you might have missed that because uh like you remember seeing that is my generation yeah uh you remember seeing the meme right around christmas about the little drummer boy like somebody goes and tells the little drummer boys like oh yeah i guess uh like i
Starting point is 01:25:03 guess uh some guy named jesus was just born and then it pans over to a little drummer boy except it's john auto playing that intro now we've talked about it before uh we know what the matthews bridge is right i know what i did uh to escape my head at the moment uh so the matthews bridge is from when the dave matthews band dumped their sewage over the side of a bridge onto a boat of tourists that's horrible so when he says take him to the matthews bridge he's saying hey john otto shit on him if dave matthews did that to me he'd have to go find a gravedigger. No, he just paid a lot of people a lot of money. It was a joke because that was one of his songs when he did his solo stuff. You know Dave Matthews' music?
Starting point is 01:25:53 I listened to that one specific song a lot back when I was a stoner. Oh my God, I'm remembering the music video now. What have you done to me? Grave. Grave. Oh my God, you are right right i haven't heard that song no that's i thought you were gonna pick that up but no i haven't heard that i haven't listened that song in 25 years no you just unlocked a memory i didn't want to unlock that's great when that happens makes you feel really good
Starting point is 01:26:20 it's almost like when you're like hey remember that time in third grade you did this embarrassing things like yeah i didn't want to remember either you wake up at two in the morning and you're like wow that guy must still hate me from high school like yeah uh let's get into some crew questions yeah it is it has been an hour and a half we should yeah keep this under three as many as i could all right so getting the questions, I may want to get warmed up a little bit. You know, I come prepared. God, I regret everything.
Starting point is 01:26:52 I regret scheduling myself to open tomorrow. I regret not having Fireball. That's alright, we'll make up for it in July. Oh yeah. Okay. Alright, alright, alright. I think we already covered one of those. Probably, yeah. Okay. All right. All right. All right.
Starting point is 01:27:08 I think we already covered one of those. Probably. Yeah. Okay. This is going to be a good one. Oh yeah. FMK. We know what those mean.
Starting point is 01:27:17 Fuck, marry, kill. Hybrid, Huck Finn, or Masonomics. Ah, you're killing me on this one.
Starting point is 01:27:24 Yeah. I knew that one would be hard. I've got to think about this one. You have your druthers. Do I have my druthers on this one? Well, I mean, you do have to make a decision. You can't ride the line. This is true. This is true.
Starting point is 01:27:44 It's so hard because those three companies are very very very pivotal to my i don't want to say my career but uh my uh current power lifting stint that's been lasting six years now six seven years so i'm understanding you have one of your your coach works for hyperden i'm guessing or okay uh he did uh he did i didn't see the connection too so yeah well he did and i um i'm actually still a moderator for hybrids programming um so back here yeah i started doing that back in 2018 2019 i think it was somewhere around that time um just uh helping out as a moderator for some of the programming. Because they have a bunch of different moderators that help out with that.
Starting point is 01:28:28 So I've been doing that for a handful of time. That and I still use hybrid nutrition coaching too. Andy has been an absolute saint for dealing with my drunk ass. So that's always nice. God, fuck. This one's hard. You might have to kill massonomics i don't
Starting point is 01:28:46 know that's that's the problem is if i kill massonomics and i don't get any then i lose half of my shirts this was a good one yeah yeah that was from i'm not sure there's when i copy and pasted everything uh because it's so i i likeed everything, I would screenshot it and then try to copy and paste. It looks like it might be from Jen. Sometimes I put the user above it. Sometimes I put a user below it. The previous three are Jen. So I'm going to say this one might be Jen.
Starting point is 01:29:19 Of course you would. When it comes to marrying... You didn't marry Karen, don't you? Lady. She's done a lot of good things for me. Yeah, she handed me Fireball the moment I walked into the Arnold. That was the first time I'd actually met her in person, too. You know what?
Starting point is 01:29:42 I was there, and she was great to me. That was really fun oh yeah never met me in my life and i think me and me her and huck were i was keeping my some of my beer in there cooler at some point like yeah yeah you know you knew they were you knew they were you knew they were packing they had a bunch of mine in there yeah sure some of mine got devied out but it is what it is that happens to the to the point that at the live hard live easy i had to bring a case to jonathan and i was like because i'd never been to the arnold i didn't know i could just bring beer and i was like dude i drank so much
Starting point is 01:30:16 of your beer here's a case of 24 fucking it was like i drank all of your beer yeah it was uh Miller's. It was like, I drank all of your beer. Yeah, it was... I know Tom and John and those guys, they were drinking a bunch of Miller. I was drinking a bunch of Bush, and I think it was just everybody kind of dizzying and whatever they could. We bought so much
Starting point is 01:30:35 fucking Fireball that weekend, too, and all of it was gone. I have a bad habit. If I buy a bucket of Fireball, I'll divvy a bunch of them out. I'll buy a bucket on a Friday, and by sunday it's gone i'm like fuck what happened to it but but then i start remembering like a handful of times like i'll give you one like if i buy a bucket like i'll have whenever i have one i'll have one alex has one there may be one or two maybe three other people that will divvy them out too so when you start divvying those out those go
Starting point is 01:31:01 away pretty quickly uh 20 in a bucket. But we're on this FMK. No ride the line. I'm trying to divert it here. God, if I'm going to have to do it as it stands right now, it's going to be... I hate to say it, too. I hate to say it. It's probably going to be Mary Mass and Alex, because they really are the ones that seem to be the one the you know the partiers but more settled down fuck it's probably gonna have to be hfb kill it's probably gonna have to be hybrid
Starting point is 01:31:32 i'm sorry i went to do that to you bud you put me in a you put me in a wonder no fucking potentially jen and yeah look at that it wasn't yeah look at my hair right now uh speaking of hair we had a cop we had at least three or four different people in one variation or another ask about uh your hair routine or when you decided to grow out your hair do you want to do like a couple minutes about you know your hair in general i guess because it is such a prominent feature of you uh apparently now it is dude little side story until until i go to answer that um so my sister-in-law she posted a she posted a picture on facebook a couple weeks or like a week or so ago
Starting point is 01:32:12 and it was from their wedding and look it's my sister-in-law she married my brother so i'm in the wedding like i'm in the pictures there and she looks over and like she comments on it and she's like who's the guy or who's the guy to the left of joe joe being my dad and like i commented back on like teeny i know it's been a while since i've had short hair god damn it you shouldn't remember me still you've known me since i was an infant so apparently she didn't recognize me um so the hair so over over the course of years in high school i've had longer hair a couple times and um, um, it was back in 2019, early 2020. I had here, I was growing it out a little bit. I grew it out longer on the top, but not on the sides. I got tired of it. It was starting to get annoying. I cut it. And as soon as I cut it,
Starting point is 01:32:55 I immediately regretted it. And from that point I said, fuck this, I'm growing all of it out. I'm going to grow it out as long as I can and just go from there. Like I'm not, like, I don't have any big bald spots. I'm not receding super bad, anything like that. And so I'm just going to take advantage of this as much as I can for as long as I can. So it's just been growing out from there and just get, just talking about my hair care routine. I wash my hair twice a week. I try and at least use some good brand name products and not just Pantene or anything like that. I get it trimmed up about every four to six weeks, whether it's actually getting trimmed or just shaping up the sides and back and whatnot. Otherwise, try to keep it low maintenance. I don't put a bunch of stuff in it.
Starting point is 01:33:40 At this point, if I go gray, I feel like I, if I go gray, I feel like I have enough of natural highlights that if I go gray, I can't dye it because I'll just take away the rest of those natural highlights. I'll just have to be, you know, highlighted with a little bit of wisdom, as some people say. So I try to keep it simple, you know, keep it brushed every now and then. you know, keep it brushed every now and then I've got a couple of nice little hair cap things, the silk caps to wear to bed mostly because she has a blue healer and her hair is everywhere. And if I don't wear it,
Starting point is 01:34:12 if I don't wear something over my head at night, I'll brush my hair in the morning and I'll brush out a bunch of short white dog hairs. So it's really a fun time. Actually, I went and got a beard trim today after last week's episode of is this can bigger than joey's beard um but yeah god i'm getting so many white hairs the santa claus in there let's say do you uh do you ever brush out any dog hairs out of your beard no not on purpose
Starting point is 01:34:43 i was like you don't you don't realize when you get it like when you have a bunch of hair whether it's on your whether it's on your head or on your body like how much like how much like different hairs can get trapped in there and be stuck in there for like if you're not brushing it regularly yeah you don't realize it's there because like i'll like put a brush in my hair like even like i'll look in the mirror sometime like motherfucking do i got another gray hair i'll grab it no it doesn't even pull out. It's just a white dog hair. Son of a bitch.
Starting point is 01:35:08 I brush my beard enough and we don't have pets. The worst thing that happens to me is I eat my mustache a fucking lot. That's why I get Christine to take it off right above the mouth because I want this part of the mustache. I want the curliness to go up to my eyeballs or ears.
Starting point is 01:35:27 Like I want that, but this, yeah, you can't eat a thing. You go to eat a sandwich. It's all beer. It's all mustache. And it hurts.
Starting point is 01:35:37 Yep. You got to drink from a can and you hear that. And it just like, oh, that hurts so much. So no, that's what happens. What's that? It's just like oh that hurts so much so no that's what happens brother what's that it's called a filter a beer filter oh yeah i know the mustache yeah yeah the flavor the
Starting point is 01:35:53 food strainer my uh my wife stephanie is constantly telling me i have like shit in my beard and i'm like oh it's just food and i'm just like i don't know that's been there yeah fuck gotta brush that. Yeah, I gotta figure out how to do it. One of the other random items in my fanny pack that I make sure to keep is I do have a nice little beard brush, beard comb in my fanny pack. I actually have one at every aspect of my home. I have a wooden comb here. I have one in my fanny pack.
Starting point is 01:36:21 I have one at work and I have two in the bathroom. Fair enough. I gotta say, I got one in the bathroom and I got one on my fanny pad because my fanny pack comes with me everywhere everybody knows that yeah and then i have as long as it's there then i'm good to go i have a boar hair brush as well i have one in the bathroom and one in the car and the boar hair it's just really thick it's really um not thick it's strong thin hairs and it just goes through and that is honestly how you're going to soften but get rid of everything dandruff garbage food gravy i get a lot of a lot of gravy in my beard gravy um so uh big kevin rsg so kevin ray hill
Starting point is 01:37:04 wants to know how did you originally hook up with the Huck Finn and the gang? How did you go from Lou Nutter to strolling through the lamplighter? So back in my earlier lifting career days, I was just a recreational training, like a wannabe bodybuilder doing my own kind of things, just like doing kind of my own programming, maybe finding different programs here and there, trying to get bigger, trying to get more lean. And it never worked. I was still just fat, mildly strong and, you know, not as, yeah, not very aesthetic. you know not as yeah not very aesthetic and then um i saw a video of tom finn incline pressing 315 for reps while doing a double beer bong i saw that and said i want to do that i want to be like that and then so i looked like i looked i'm like all right who the fuck is this asshole so i started
Starting point is 01:37:59 looking at him he said he was a power lifter i'm like what i'm like wait a minute like you can be strong pretty lean and still be an alcoholic like fuck sign me up like i want to be like this guy like i'm gonna do power lifting now and then yeah that was kind of along the along the lines when i decided i just wanted to train more like i'd just much rather be strong but like regardless if i was you know thicker lean whichever i'd much rather be strong than just lean or at 170 pounds or whatever it is. Um, so yeah, so Tom,
Starting point is 01:38:28 like I'll, I'll, I'll credit Tom Finn for essentially getting me into strictly powerlifting. And then, um, yeah, after that, just followed him for a long time.
Starting point is 01:38:37 I'd shoot him questions on Instagram about, you know, just random things. And then just over time when he started selling apparel, like I was fine. Like eventually I'd start buying stuff there. And obviously seeing where they, like where they've come over the past five years,
Starting point is 01:38:52 like just still going and supporting them. Like, like it's hard not to support him because again, like I said, the whole, the affinity for the Midwest stuff and the keys. They get like big family, man, like like still has like still has his job still does power lifting all that other stuff especially for him overcoming the injuries that he's had having to reattach pec tendons that's not an easy thing to come to try and get past let alone have him do it and still bench him what he is now may not be 500 and comp on to reattach tendons to reattach pec tendons yet but lord be willing he'll be getting there
Starting point is 01:39:26 um but yeah so i started following him probably back in like 2018 because i was still living in kansas city at the time and just you know small bits continuous you know messaging on instagram whatnot met him at uh the hybrid meet back in 2020 i I think is the first time I met him. It's the one where I think he was kind of hurt. He literally one-handed 135, right? And basically bonked at the meet. Yeah. Because I think he was doing it just to do bench only.
Starting point is 01:39:56 And he did the one-handed 135. And yeah, because that was in 2020 because he blew out his second pack shortly after that he was already hurt and he was trying to do something toward again well not toward again but toward the next one so that's yeah slowly just meeting him
Starting point is 01:40:20 having beers with him whenever I saw him all that other fun stuff and yeah next thing you know i end up uh like to message him but like i'm follow like followed his podcast for a while uh the old let's get stupid podcast oh yeah big fan a lot of reposting a lot of sharing all that other fun stuff buying stuff from him and then yeah then when he made a message about uh when he put up the post about having the 200th episode of the lamplighter um like i just kept thinking in the back of my head i'm like shit that'd be fucking
Starting point is 01:40:49 sweet to go to and like i thought like kept thinking about going kept thinking about going i was like fuck i could make the drive out there like just get a hotel like it's middle illinois like you could like it's not in chicago it's outside of chicago probably could find a cheap motel there and then he messaged me and like asked me if they asked me if i was coming like fuck well now i feel like i really got to yeah thankfully i was able to take the day off of work because i didn't have much on my schedule anyways you know what i had nothing on my schedule that day so yeah made the uh i think it was a six hour drive made the six hour drive out to Ottawa IL.
Starting point is 01:41:25 Oh yeah. Went and hung out at the Huck Finn barbell compound. And, uh, yeah, went to a lamp lighter and saw all that has to offer. Yeah. That was such a shit show of a episode,
Starting point is 01:41:37 like listening to that. And, uh, trying to think if they had it on, if it was on a YouTube live or not, but I remember one. I can't remember if it was on YouTube, but I remember I kept looking. I remember watching the whole thing. Oh no, I don't think I ever, but yeah, if it was on a YouTube live or not, but I remember what I can't remember if it was on YouTube, but I remember I kept looking.
Starting point is 01:41:45 I remember watching the whole thing. Oh no, I don't think I ever, but yeah, when I listened to the episode, it was just, uh, it was an experience and you couldn't hear Jack shit.
Starting point is 01:41:54 You couldn't hear anything. Tanner, or you could hear Tanner talk clear as day, but Tanner couldn't hear them over the background noise. So it was just, it was an amusing, uh, there was,
Starting point is 01:42:02 yeah, there was a lot, there was a lot. And then I hope you guys had a DDd to get back to the fucking to to finn's house because you under oppression on the karen's couch didn't you yep uh yeah because uh boss man was sober that whole night okay that whole night yeah so boss man's the one that drove us out there and drove us back nice nice uh i remember meeting Bossman at fucking the Arnold. And then, I don't remember if I was there when he was just shitty drunk just passed out in the chair or not. I can't remember, but I definitely
Starting point is 01:42:32 saw pictures of it and god damn knows. He was out. One follow-up about the Lamplighter. One of the Davids wanted to know if it was awesome as Huck Finn called it awesome 75 times on the podcast. I mean, I'll put it this way.
Starting point is 01:42:53 I mean, it depends on your definition of awesome. Did I have an awesome time? Did I have an awesome experience there? Absolutely. Absolutely. I had an awesome time there. 10 out of 10 would go again as long as I was with the right group of people.
Starting point is 01:43:05 Now you're not going to find me there by myself on a Saturday night. Belly up to perverts row. Dude, I thought Pappy about had a goddamn heart attack. Yeah. He was up there. He was up there. I mean, I know you heard on the podcast. I went back and re-listened. Like, I remember watching this and he was just, like,
Starting point is 01:43:27 he was just sitting there as stiff as a board as, you know, all that was happening. And I went back and listened to the podcast. And as like, we're all talking about it. I'm sitting there remembering all of it in my head, all of that going on.
Starting point is 01:43:40 And I'm just like, God damn, like, how did he not have a heart attack? Like, you may need to, you may need you may need to replace that flannel now brother that was good i definitely enjoyed that yeah i think between me and you i think uh we're definitely the two most name dropped people on the let's get stupid podcast
Starting point is 01:43:57 when they're talking about their fans i feel i feel like if it's not my name it's your name at least once a month i will like i'll i'll give i'll give tommy credit for this too um so uh you remember the episode after the arnold where he said i stole his spit fibers yeah yeah yeah um i did not steal them as much as i joke about i did steal them i was wearing them uh for most of the day that saturday or no that sunday so the day that everybody left and um i go to give them back to him. And I'm like, hey, Tommy, figured you'd want these back. He's like, nah, fuck, keep them, brother.
Starting point is 01:44:28 He's like, I got 10 more pairs at home. I'm like, all right, put them back on when I'm on my way. And he's been motherfucking you the whole time on the podcast ever since. Yeah. That's a good inside joke. I like that. The best was when I went out there to go to the lamplighter. I went out to the compound, pulled him out of my the lamplighter, I went out to the, it went out to the compound,
Starting point is 01:44:47 pull them on my fanny packs. Like, Hey Tommy, what do you think about these? It's like, that's my fucking glasses. That asshole. Like,
Starting point is 01:44:52 no, you gave it to me. But yeah, that started, that started downhill slope because I bought a couple of cheap pairs of pit vipers before, like from Amazon, like the 20,
Starting point is 01:45:02 $30 ones. They were shit. They broke up after like two weeks or that either that or bruce chewed them up so then i find like it was literally the week after the arnold um i bought two pairs of pit vibers after that because when i had his on like these are fucking great like these fit awesome like they're great like the like the clarity is aside from the scuffs on the lenses which those don't come factory those are you know those are earned there um like i bought them when i put them on i'm like holy shit i can feel my macho man persona coming out as we speak because i'm wearing these and now i have nine
Starting point is 01:45:36 pairs of pit vipers and yeah i i actually hate sunglasses so that's the thing about me is i i never wear them. I never liked them because I'm either going to break them or lose them. So for Christmas, I think either last year or the year before, Morgan bought me actual pit vipers. And she got me a pit viper flag as well. So I've got to I just haven't hung it up yet because I don't have the room. Right. And I tell you, they're still here.
Starting point is 01:46:03 They're still kicking. No scratches. No nothing. I have babied these fucking things because I was you, they're still here. They're still kicking. No scratches, no nothing. I have babied these fucking things. Cause I was like, these are comfortable. They work. They're adjustable.
Starting point is 01:46:11 I like the little, just things. So yeah, actually shout out to pit Viper. And I'm sure they were all $69 because their entire website, $69, which is, if they're having a sale.
Starting point is 01:46:25 Yeah. I, so I, I have to fucking hilarious. If they're having a sale. Yeah. So I have to be picky. I have to have polarized sunglasses. I'm very picky in that aspect, especially with as much driving as I was used to. So I just got accustomed to buying polarized sunglasses all the time. I always have to buy the double wides of everything because I have a fat head. So I have to buy the double wides. These were actually a gift to these
Starting point is 01:46:45 no these ones were actually my birthday present um so alex got these got these ones for me for my birthday she found a cheap pair of them when she was at lake of the ozarks anybody from the midwest that is familiar with missouri knows that lake of the ozarks is a really big party spot especially in the summer she was down there this summer for a weekend and um she bought a pair of cheap ones and like i like i've always loved this design these are the miami nights if anybody's wanting to buy these ones i'm sure everybody's going to be able to see them um uh so yeah she she bought the cheap pair of them and then like i told like i kind of told her a couple times that it's like oh yeah it's like i'd like i would have those. Like, I think those are next on my list.
Starting point is 01:47:25 Those are next ones on my list. So she ended up getting them for my birthday. She actually got them at a really cheap price. I think they were like a buy one, get one or something like that. And that's how she got both of them. But the funniest part about that is that she bought them for me like a month early. And she decided it would be a good idea when she was drunk to tell me what she got me hell yeah she's like i like i'm just so excited about it but again i want to tell
Starting point is 01:47:53 you i know i shouldn't but i'm going to tell you okay and then she told me and she showed the picture to me and then an hour later she's like i just feel so bad that i told you like babe i forgot the moment you told me and i now I remember because you told me again. And then we wake up the next morning. I had completely forgotten again. Wouldn't have remembered one bit. And then as soon as she mentioned something again, she's like, I just feel really bad that I told you what I got you for Christmas. Like for Christmas and your birthday.
Starting point is 01:48:18 I'm like, babe, shut up. Like you, I would have forgotten about this by then. So that's, that's a thing. That's, that's a thing. I'm with Alex about this by then. So that's a thing. That's a thing. I'm with Alex on this one. So when I actually can't buy something for somebody too early, because I am such a good gift giver that I get so excited to see their reaction to this thing
Starting point is 01:48:42 I know they're going to fucking love that i always always have to struggle not to give it to them earlier tell them early so i kind of get that like you're gonna love this so much i just want to like hint at it i just want to like a little bit of a hint and just like i'm so proud of myself for buying you this amazing gift so i get i get that i might have done that too well it's like yeah i like i understood it but it was just like did you like you had three opportunities to let me forget it's like i had completely forgotten about it twice and then you reminded me just when i just
Starting point is 01:49:19 when i was about to forget it again but no i like i i love the shit out of them and i ended up buying another two pairs after like back earlier in january so yeah now i'm pretty close to completing the collection of the original double wides i'm sure i have more in my future uh which one you want to do there keith uh i'm gonna go i'm gonna backtrack i'm good with the career questions. I had one. I don't know if it's accurate. I hard to believe this is accurate, but if it is, it's pretty funny. You were so obsessed with wrestling growing up that your first words were Hulk Hogan. Were your literal first words Hulk Hogan, or is that just blowing smoke up my ass? That is the rumor to this day.
Starting point is 01:50:01 My mom swears by it. is the rumor to this day my mom swears by it my because my was so when i was born apparently my like my parents were really big into the pay-per-views would have people come over all that other fun stuff like back in the old days of pay-per-views like where you had to buy them like you couldn't just get them on peacock um and apparently like they like they swear by it that goes like like i'll put it this way there's a reason i'm full of shit sometimes because i come by that very naturally my parents are very good at being my parents are very good at being very full of shit and but like at the same time like you like you kind of notice when you see people that are full of shit when they share the same stories but different details change yeah like this is one of
Starting point is 01:50:40 those the details never changed it's just every time they describe the story it was always the same like they said that when I was a little kid, when the pay-per-views are going on, when Hulk Hogan would come up, I'd go up in front of the TV and just start pulling poses in front of everybody. All Hulk Hogan's poses, just the,
Starting point is 01:50:54 yep. Every single one of them. Yeah. And like, I even remember from my childhood, it was WrestleMania six when the ultimate warrior beat Hulk Hogan for the WWF championship. And I remember all the fireworks and the confetti going off and everything
Starting point is 01:51:05 I remember being terrified because it was like to me it was scary at the time like seeing this I didn't realize it then but you know this massive roided out dude with tassels and face paint and long hair and all that other stuff just go up there just shaking the ropes
Starting point is 01:51:22 in the ring doing all of that because he had just won and I'm just sitting there i remember vaguely just being terrified about it they recorded a bunch of stuff on vhs it's like we always want like i would always go sit and watch the playbacks and whatnot like go back through and watch it whatnot like watch the entire pay-per-view so yeah the rumor to this day is that my first words were hogan so well that leads me into my question so my my crew question um so you're gonna hear on the main podcast because this is really funny you've been out of it for a bit they've started asking people their mount rushmars and that actually comes from our podcast when Andrew Garrison brought it up on our podcast.
Starting point is 01:52:08 And then, you know, they borrowed it. So this one, I've got some finesse to it. Because, of course, me and you are both wrestling fans. I don't know if you've seen my tattoos yet. I have Bray Wyatt tattoos on my hands now. Your Mount Rushmore of wrestling entrances entrances so you could do you could do theme you could do a one-off right like it was stone oh i fucking hate balloons
Starting point is 01:52:39 so uh how did that happen like how did i did i was it like a party thing i don't because i know you do the heart i don't know if you guys have seen the heart yet that was the and the thumbs up all right so like if you want to do like stone cold's entrance isn't the best ever but that one at wrestlemania with the shattering glass. So whatever, I just want to say, the four that you would put up on a mountain of the best entrances from wrestling. Yeah, I'm having to go back and remember. I'm having to dig back in right now. It's hard to remember some of those specific entrances.
Starting point is 01:53:25 now because it's hard to remember some of those specific entrances because like some of the the glasses came off to our listeners the glasses came off because we're serious so i'm trying like i'm trying to just sit back and think just like so there like there was a handful of period of time where i was completely out of like out of pro wrestling like just didn't watch it at all um i think it was probably about like 2002 to 2012. I think just that 10 year span. Actually. Yeah. Me too.
Starting point is 01:53:51 John C. Yeah. So the entire, like the majority of the John Cena era, like when Randy Orton became big, he's the came big, all that, like all those guys became big.
Starting point is 01:53:59 I was completely out of it for that. Um, if we're going to go, like I'll go with one more recent one um i feel like cody rhodes's entrance when he first came back to wwe recently i feel like that had a very very very big pop like it was speculated but it was hard to say if it was but then as soon as like the music hit and then as soon as like you saw him come up of come up onto the stage i felt like just the reaction of that was just like holy shit this is sweet um i feel i honestly feel like almost every hulk hogan entrance in the you know late 80s early 90s was always really popular just because the suit like
Starting point is 01:54:42 especially like if you had if you had like a feud with the iron cheek just because it was just it was just everything that was anti-american at the time and then everything american at the time being polk hogan as soon as he come in just like his gestures going to the ring just sitting there just pointing at everybody just as he's going through like that always just had a great reaction to it stone cold it's hard to rate his because i feel like he always just had some of the best entr. Stone Cold, it's hard to rate his because I feel like he always just had some of the best entrances. Like, whether it was, like, he was coming in for a match or, like, the WCW-WWE, like, the WCW-WWE brawl,
Starting point is 01:55:15 like, when it was, like, them versus each other. And then, like, everybody's battling in the ring and he finally comes in after you see him backstage whooping asses and open up cans of whoop ass for the past 10 minutes back there. And when he finally came out to the ring, just the pop that everybody heard from that. And I don't know. There's a handful. If you're talking about just entrances in general and combining that with single entrances, that's a hard one.
Starting point is 01:55:42 It's up to you. That's the druthers. I know. So does Edge have the greatest entrance ever? No. Edge returning at the Royal Rumble when nobody saw him coming back. And he cried. That was a good one.
Starting point is 01:55:55 Oh, nope. I got number one. I got number one. All right. Hardy Boys returning for the tag team match in WrestleMania. I was there. I wasn't there. I was watching it and my wife likes to joke that like every time we watch a Royal Rumble
Starting point is 01:56:10 she's got her little bingo card he's gonna yell no way he's gonna stand up and scream and that was one of the ones where I stood up and yelled no way no way it was so funny because credit to New Day they fucking sold that
Starting point is 01:56:26 so hard because like this is like oh but who could the next tag team be and they all start walking up it's like as if it's gonna be them and everybody like you could just tell everybody's just like no are you fucking serious they're inserting himself into it and then you hear that music pop off and it's just like oh yeah like everybody's childhood just being relived right there yeah uh yeah similar story uh about god i can't remember the time i stopped watching i can't remember the time i stopped watching and then i didn't start again until the bray wyatt and john cena feud because that was a good fucking feud i had kept hearing dude you're good you should start watching again you would like bray wyatt and i was like no man i don't have the time i don't
Starting point is 01:57:09 have the energy i don't care and then i joined in right about their house right about their cage match where the kids came out and saying he's got the whole world in his hands and scared john cena and then i was like i'm fucking in who is this guy yeah bray wyatt brought me back and i mentioned it last week when we talked about my tattoos that like i watched wrestling religiously every week for bray wyatt i went to live shows went to smackdowns went to everything for him because I wanted to see what was next. Yeah. Then they fired him. And I didn't watch a single episode until and there was nothing that told me like my spidey sense was like.
Starting point is 01:58:00 Vince is gone. Triple H is in charge. He's hiring new people. I'm going to start watching again. And they started doing... Let's see how this goes. Yeah, they started doing the White Rabbit, right? Where at live events,
Starting point is 01:58:14 not even at televised events, and at televised events, only during commercial breaks, White Rabbit by Jefferson Airplane would keep playing. And then it would just say, follow the rabbit on the screen. And I was like, that's him. He's coming back
Starting point is 01:58:28 for sure. And then he died, and I haven't watched a single episode since. Yeah, it was when I saw that, because Bray Wyatt, he's not even a year older than me, I think, and having
Starting point is 01:58:43 that happen, especially the history that he had going on. 36 or 37. He died. Yeah. No, I think, I think it was 36, but yeah, that was, I felt it that day. I felt it that day. We're not shit. I felt it when the ultimate warrior died, even, even knowing his history, but like, it's one of those, like, whether you're talking about Hulk Hogan, whether you're talking about ultimate warrior, whether you're talking about other wrestlers that have had you know like very
Starting point is 01:59:07 popular wrestlers that have had significant health issues drug related issues anything like that like even like it doesn't it almost doesn't matter at that time because like i like i know a lot of people have said hulk hogan had this thing that happened with him but when it comes down to it there is no denying the fact that he the there is no denying the fact that he is a there is no denying the effect that he had on professional wrestling for the time that he was popular because he's one of those names that put them above where they are does that mean he's relevant now no but like there's no like when you're talking about the history of professional wrestling there are names that you cannot deny yeah like if you're talking about recently in the last through the last 30 years you can't deny paul kogan you can't deny rick flair you can't deny stone cold steve austin
Starting point is 01:59:50 you can't deny the rock can't deny macho man the undertaker shit even kane kane who was supposed to be a one-off character yeah for one food and ended up being a staple character for god however long one of my favorites used to have nightmares about the guy because i loved him so much and they played like for the for the time that it was in they played that off so well because like just especially watching him when he comes into hell in the cell and just rips that door off the hinge it's like you just get that perfect vision it was like this dude's a fucking monster yeah and he was a big dude actually one of the entrances i would put on there is uh paul hayman coming run into the ring saying help me help me he's after me and everybody in the ring
Starting point is 02:00:35 is like dude what are you talking about and then the fire hit and kane came right out so perfectly timed i would put that up on my mount rushmore um but yeah the you know bray wyatt did not have we didn't know he had those health things he left for an undisclosed physical reason and then they were just like by the way he died yesterday yeah right and that was it's it's because wrestling, I read an essay on it. I've read a couple essays on wrestling because I read essays sometimes. There's the one that is about semiotics. And there's another one that was, I think it was titled, Why I Cried When The Undertaker Retired. has been wrestling the only person wrestling longer than the undertaker actively is randy orton okay but the undertaker was there when i was born yeah like his debut that randy orton's the second longest one and i never watched randy orton and he's randy orton randy orton has actually been wrestling i think for 35 years he started when he was 19. He's now 44 or something like that. He's been actively wrestling for 35 years. The Undertaker was not that long, but The Undertaker was with us. show there's no movie that you every week tuned in and watched a person grow evolve have storylines
Starting point is 02:02:11 and retire except wrestling so you know if people want to ask why do i have a bray wyatt tattoo that right there man that right there that that dude brought me back to the sport i love kept me there right and then just died suddenly yeah that means something to people like us well like i was watching like i remember watching the pay-per-view when owen hart died too i came home from the movies i came home from the movies and tuned into that one yeah we were we were watching that pay-per-view we used to go to I came home from the movies. I came home from the movies and tuned into that one. Yeah. We were, we were watching that pay-per-view.
Starting point is 02:02:47 We used to go to one of my brother's buddies, one of my oldest brothers or my oldest brother's buddies places and watch that. And yeah, like we remember like we were watching the pay-per-view and all of a sudden like we're watching the pay-per-view and like, that's a lot, but like that,
Starting point is 02:03:02 I think that's the thing that a lot of people don't appreciate about wrestling nowadays is that the majority of those, like your big name shows, like those are live. Those are happening right now. So it's not like you have an opportunity to be like, ah, God,
Starting point is 02:03:14 no, we got to redo that. No, like those are happening. Like as it is, it's just like, like the, it's just like any other sporting event.
Starting point is 02:03:20 Like that's live happening right now. And then when you see the camera, that's just painting off into the crowd and you can just hear the somber voices of the announcers as they're just trying to do everything to distract everybody including themselves it's just yeah one of those yeah one of those kind of somber moments there and we're gonna have to change the subject otherwise uh yeah these are gonna these are gonna turn into sad beers here real quick no no no hey you know what like i said you haven't listened to a few a lot of these i do this to you to to this podcast every once in a while i bring in these like heavy thoughts that fucking people call me out for um
Starting point is 02:03:58 all right yeah so we got the wrestling stuff out of the way. And I feel like we could go on a lot more. A lot more. There ain't enough time in the day to be able to do that. Yeah. And honestly, that's what Discord has been waiting for, is to hear us go off about wrestling. People are like, fuck, he's going to be so mad and annoyed right now. I'm good.
Starting point is 02:04:19 I'm chilling. As long as I'm in bed by midnight, I'm happy. Oh, I'm fucking exhausted already. But I think, yeah, if wrestling is good, I'm trying to give anything. There's some other stuff in there, but I think we're good to move into unpaid and underrated unless there's anything else you really wanted to hit on. Anything jumping out at you that was going to be
Starting point is 02:04:35 a quick hitter. I think everything, everything, anything else is going to be, it's either going to be a long answer or no, I have more wrestling questions and more drumming questions. So big glue. We have, we have this game. You might not be familiar with it. We created it, an original game all to ourselves. You know, no one else has ever done anything similar to this.
Starting point is 02:04:52 It is called Unpaid or Underrated. So you have your druthers, you know. We're going to mention some Lou-specific topics, and you go ahead and give us your unpaid or underrated. Just for clarity, unpaid is equivalent to a poor man's overrated. So underrated is good. Unpaid is bad. So I'm going to go with number one here for you, Big Lou.
Starting point is 02:05:17 The movie Drumline. You said unpaid is a good thing. It's the same thing as overrated i'm gonna go with overrated i will say though that i have had fun reciting certain things from that my brother my my little brother jake uh i'm not sure which one of you ended up messaging him uh yeah we uh go we go back we go back and forth like we'll like talking about something. Just one of us doing something that we normally do. One of the quotes that we always recite
Starting point is 02:05:50 from it is, I'm here to do me, Dr. Lee. It's a terrible movie. It's a terrible movie. I appreciate Nick Cannon and everything he does and all of his 27 or 17 children, however many he has. That movie was not a good one. does and all of his you know 27 or 17 children however many he has but that movie that movie was not a good one it was not a good one it was so popular too at least like i don't know
Starting point is 02:06:11 it came out when i was like a junior in high school maybe something like that so like it was you know i bet i don't know like all my like i don't know it was a very popular movie i didn't i didn't get it i thought it was very unpaid personally as well all right very much all right so number two here i'm gonna hit you with oh let's go with uh pickles pickles unpaid definitely i am not a fan of pickles unless they're however i was getting there however sorry i jumped the gun putting my foot in mouth so we're talking about pickles themselves by themselves i will not put them on my sandwiches i will not put them on burgers anything i despise pickles by themselves you deep fry a pickle i will eat the shit out of that thing and um anything dill pickle flavor i enjoy i love the flavor i love the dill flavor i love dill pickle flavor. I love the flavor.
Starting point is 02:07:06 I love the dill flavor. I love dill pickle flavor things. Pickles by themselves. It's a very big texture issue. Not my thing. Is that similar to mouthfeel? It is mouthfeel. It was a joke.
Starting point is 02:07:21 We have a... Did you coin that, I think? Or was that... I can't remember. word mouth. Sorry. Oh, I brought it up in one of the earlier podcasts. I just hated the word mouth. Yeah, somebody said the word to me once and I was just like, I fucking hate that. And then it turns out as you read food blogs
Starting point is 02:07:37 and stuff like that, that's a real thing. Oh, people do use it. What, texture? Mouth feel. No, that's... It's an awful word i say dare i say primitive perverse yeah mouthfeel i don't feel is very i don't like i don't feel it's very descriptive enough i think like there's a very very blunt term there's a very lazy term yeah yeah i didn't i know i didn't like it it just sounded i think i look at that thank you
Starting point is 02:08:06 the same way people like when they hear moist and they get weirded out i think mouthfeel is my version of moist i don't get i don't get weirded out about moist i just like the only thing that the only thing that bothers me about the word moist is the is the way people say it sometimes and that's only typically only when they're intentionally trying to say it in a very real way it feels very moist yeah does it bug you does it bug you when I do this does it bug you when I say moist
Starting point is 02:08:33 fuck off nerd yeah the way you both just said it in the last couple seconds oh my god you guys suck alright I'm gonna close out my third because I do three, then Joey will do three. My last one here, I got this from a little Facebook picture inspiration
Starting point is 02:08:55 from you. Bleach blonde hair. Yeah. Yeah. I had to go back pretty far, but I saw some... i know some some young high school big lou uh because i was gonna go frosted tips but then i was like no no the frosted tips is what was left after going completely m&m so definitely unpaid definitely definitely unpaid. So the reason that I had the pure blonde hair is because I,
Starting point is 02:09:31 my senior high school, I buzzed my head. The majority of people on our team buzz their heads for football, you know, camaraderie and all that fun stuff. And then, so I just kept letting it grow out. And then I made it to state wrestling my senior year again, and everybody that made it to state wrestling dyed their hair blonde. The problem is, is the majority of people after they dyed their hair, they all cut it off. My dumb ass did not.
Starting point is 02:09:53 I kept growing it out. I'm like, no, I'm keeping this forever. It was not a good look. In retrospect, it was not a good look. Good stuff. I'll be, I'll be sure to dig some of those up and throw them on instagram for you just to draw out the embarrassment just because it's why not thank you all right i guess it's my turn yes sir all right so unpaid or underrated taco bell
Starting point is 02:10:18 yeah underrated hell yeah you it's one of those yeah it's one of those where taco bell is one of those beautiful things that you know what you're getting when you go the year when you go there you're on a mission you're there to get either your quesadilla your crunch wrap your breakfast crunch wrap anything like that i will say taco bell's breakfast crunch wraps are one of the best breakfast items ever. If you have not gotten a breakfast crunch wrap from Taco Bell, I recommend you do whenever you get your diet break, cheat meal, whatever the kids want to call it
Starting point is 02:10:52 these days, or you just don't care what you eat and want to have a nice fast food breakfast on a Sunday. Get the breakfast crunch wrap. I promise you, you will not be disappointed. I like going for the Doritos Tacos Locos. So, like, if
Starting point is 02:11:07 it's, like, lunchtime and we're out shopping and I need to eat, because usually, like, the time of day, my body will tell me you need to fucking eat right now. I will pull into Taco Bell and I will get those and I will just scarf two of them. Scarf. Do you guys say scarf down? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 02:11:24 You guys have said another... But we don't say dec yeah okay you guys have said another but we don't say you guys have said another thing uh what oh the fuck is decal it's it's decal but when you like pronounce no it's decal it is not in america it is decal we are in canada and the rest of the world take a drink lou that's great no there was another one you guys used to say steve said it when he was on his waffle iron he said it crushed not no not crush there's another word for just eating smash no you guys had this other word for just eating a ton of stuff i'd never heard it in my life but all right i guess so
Starting point is 02:12:11 uh next one uh unpaid or underrated netflix you know my my tides may be turning on their own because originally i was going to say unpaid because all the uh all the good shows that I used to watch on Netflix they all got taken off of Netflix but now since uh Raw decides it wants to go on to Netflix I may have to change my tide there I'm gonna yeah that's not riding the line that's just trying to use my druthers there so depending on like my problem is is that um not to sound like a super hardcore training bro or anything like that, but Mondays are a squat and bench day. I take forever squatting.
Starting point is 02:12:50 Squatting just takes the most energy out of me. It takes me a little bit to recover from. So my Monday nights, you can ask Alex. She loves it when I stay at the gym until 8.30. By the time I get home on Monday nights, most of the time, I'm catching maybe the last 30 minutes of Raw. So we'll see at this point, unless my training schedule changes at some point. Otherwise, I'm probably just going to still be watching reruns. So for this point, we're still going to say unpaid.
Starting point is 02:13:19 So for those of you that don't know, the WWE has signed a contract with Netflix and they will be airing Raw. And from what I understand, reruns and possibly pay-per-views that you might be able to stream those as well. Now, I don't know how a live stream from Netflix works. I don't know if they're going to be filming it or not yeah that's a brand new that's why i was very confused i don't understand how that's going to work i i don't live are they getting the full back catalog too or is that still up in the air because like wwe like so before the wwe network yeah here's a here's a fun little history lesson before the wwe network everything was on net, all of the documentaries,
Starting point is 02:14:06 all of the, none, like not the old episodes and stuff like that, but like documentaries, movies, everything was on Netflix. Gotcha. And then when they opened the network,
Starting point is 02:14:16 they withdrew it from all private entities and took it on themselves. So I don't know what they're going to do here, but that's fine. Now everything's on Peacock now, right? Yeah. WWE network is part of Peacock right now, right?
Starting point is 02:14:29 Yeah. Yeah. Cause they, they don't want to do the network themselves. They sourced it out to Peacock, but up here in Canada, we still have the network. We don't have Peacock.
Starting point is 02:14:37 So I get everything through there. So that'd be fun to figure out. That's a, that's a 2025 issue, I think for us. Yeah. But indeed it will. All right.
Starting point is 02:14:48 Last but not least, the one for all the marbles unpaid or underrated, the Iowa Hawkeyes. Fuck the Hawkeyes. Fuck the Hawkeyes. So I never originally had a problem with the Iowa Hawkeyes. Fuck the Hawkeyes. Nice. So I never originally had a problem with the Iowa Hawkeyes. I will say that.
Starting point is 02:15:11 I have a handful of people like, you guys remember Big Red? Yep. Dead left to have the strength of it. So he lives out in Eastern Iowa. He's a big Hawkeyes fan. I've given him shit a handful of times too. Granted, they beat us most years, but they also don't have any national championships either uh i know the common response is go quit living in the past well at least we have one so deal with that um uh i did not hate
Starting point is 02:15:36 the iowa hawkeyes until my brother and i lived in council bus for a year and a half and when you have a fan base that is more focused on hating nebraska than you do than they do rooting for iowa kind of sets a little bit of a bitter taste in my mouth so when i have fans that are focused more on trying to shit talk me about how bad nebraska is instead of focusing on your own team it's like are you guys really that good then it's a bit less like this might this is more revolving around college football. Other sports, for the most part, could give two shits less. I know they have a really good wrestling program,
Starting point is 02:16:13 but I'm not as worried about that. But as far as their football program, they've had a couple years where they've had decent teams, but they just always seem like that team where they're always going to be decent. They're never going to be good. They may get a couple of upsets at the beginning of the year. They're rare.
Starting point is 02:16:30 Like if they get a conference championship, it's going to be at a rare opportunity just because they, like it just happened to be like that or happened to be a shitty year or something like that. Otherwise they're never going to get that. Cause I remember the year that they talked about, I think it was 2009. The Iowa Hawkeyes football
Starting point is 02:16:45 team were supposedly so good that we're gonna win the conference championship and to have a great bowl opportunity and they absolutely got their shit kicked in by ohio state which i hate ohio state too but that made me happy because i hate iowa more than i hate ohio state so yeah that about sums up my feelings on that. Nice. I think we have a handful of Iowa Hawkers. Was it Jen and Ryan are both in Iowa, right? Oh, I've voiced my opinions to them. So I guess you're going unpaid on that one.
Starting point is 02:17:17 Yeah. Oh, definitely. Definitely unpaid on that one. But it was frustrating. It was frustrating because we've had a handful of, um, like Iowa had a tight end. That was really good. I think it came out of Bellevue,
Starting point is 02:17:30 Nebraska, which is, um, like Bellevue, Nebraska is actually the city that I live in right now. It's, um, basically Omaha,
Starting point is 02:17:40 but South of the County line in a certain area, like I'm from a certain area, but it's all basically part of the Omaha Metro. Um,'s a kid from bellevue that was really good never got recruited by nebraska like never had any opportunity to go play for nebraska and he ended up going to iowa instead and ended up kicking the shit out of nebraska playing for iowa so it's just one of those like how the fuck are we not trying to recruit this kid when he's obviously a stud going playing pro right now. It was frustrating.
Starting point is 02:18:10 Our program has had its ups and downs for the past handful of years. A lot of years. I'll do a little bonus question for you. Best Nebraska football player of all time nebraska football player of all time and favorite nebraska football player of all time or your era you know however you want to take it
Starting point is 02:18:31 uh the one i remember the most vividly is the 97 season because i know that's when we won the national championship because i think that's the same year yeah it's the same year that uh because i remember watching the game against missouri uh scott frost was a quarterback and he made a pass and somebody tipped it up and matt davidson ended up coming and catching it for a touchdown to win the game against missouri seal the undefeated season because matt davidson was also he grew up in a small town 30 miles south of my hometown. I didn't appreciate it at the time as much, but now in the past 20 years or so, when you see somebody in a small town
Starting point is 02:19:15 from Nebraska playing for the University of Nebraska, being as good as they were, that makes my heart happy. The 97 seasons is probably my favorite. As an adult, I couldn't tell you because we haven't had a good season since then. I will say it was very nice seeing Nebraska beat Ohio State.
Starting point is 02:19:35 I want to say it was 2010 because I think it was the first year that we were in the Big Ten, 2010 or 2011. That was probably my favorite game as an adult. Nice. Alright, well I think as Joey would put it, you did pass and you got
Starting point is 02:19:51 the cool beans and all that. This is where we normally will hand it over to you if you have anything for us. If you want to ask us anything or any topics you want to cover before we wrap it up. Or we'll probably just dive right in honestly. Before you do that, I guess I'm going to have one of these.
Starting point is 02:20:08 Oh, you didn't drink that? She brought that to you like two hours ago? I thought you already... No, she had a refill. It was a bad influence. It sucks to be you guys for tomorrow. Fucking right. It sucks to be me going to the bathroom like eight times
Starting point is 02:20:22 during this podcast. Like, fuck. It's what we train our li. Like, fuck. Cheers. It's what we train our livers for, Buzz. Enjoy as they take the shooters down. I drank so much water today in preparation for this. Because I was just like, I haven't really been drinking this week. So I was like, okay, like okay all right yeah it's
Starting point is 02:20:45 gonna be lou i'm gonna have a few drinks with them it's gonna be fun i better get hydrated and i'm paying for that i've dipped out like four times during this podcast it's it's it's a battle brother it is a battle yeah i just assume i just assume you're wearing a diaper at this point the amount that i had the p is pretty bad um thankfully i thankfully i've been able to hold it pretty good for a long time so yeah so yeah all those kegels all those kegels something like all that all that breaks is just doing really good so so do you have anything you want to talk to us about any questions you have for us uh shit i'm really bad at this part um no worries that's fine usually usually this is one of those ones where people
Starting point is 02:21:32 ask us something they think that is going to be controversial or hard for us to answer it's not my style i don't i don't like being controversial i i gave up on that stuff oh don't we like by controversial it'll be like hey joey how do you like your chicken breaded or not breaded like it's no way we inevitably make something controversial and i don't want to ask i don't want to ask the dumb questions called drums or flats ranch or blue cheese or whatever the fuck whatever those questions are because one who cares it's chicken wings they They're going to be good regardless. Boneless chicken wing. I only like drums.
Starting point is 02:22:12 I hate wings. I hate wings with a passion. I've made that my opinion on that note before, though. But no, I just will eat them, but if I could pay an extra dollar to get all the drums, I would go to town on that. I don't know. I'm pretty sure most places probably wouldn't have an issue with it.
Starting point is 02:22:28 The other thing is, when we do get a bigger order of wings, my wife only likes wings and flats, whereas I only like drums, so it's kind of a good match. Ooh, I got one controversial... Well, like... I got one
Starting point is 02:22:44 potentially controversial one, depending on the area there. Keith, this may be very controversial to you. What is your opinion on Casey's Pizza? Oh, man, I came so close to getting one the other day. I've never had it. But then funny enough, when I was in Aberdeen or no, when I was in Sioux Falls, I was driving around with Big Matt. One of the many Big Mats we were driving around with uh uh big matt one one of the many big mats we were driving around uh i think the night before so it would have been friday night
Starting point is 02:23:10 when we got in and i drove by casey's and they were like oh we should get pizza here and then we ended up going somewhere else forever but i was just like i almost had a casey's pizza but i did not get to it but god damn i've heard about it so many times between everyone at that like like mason and paul and uh bryce we're all talking it up i think and then i obviously tom and tom never shut up about casey's pizza but i've never so so joey whenever you're in the midwest again i'm not i don't know how prominent it is in ohio when you come back there but when you come back to when you come back to old western northeast south dakota whenever you get an opportunity to is if you're going to be in the Sioux Falls area, I'm not sure how many there are in Minnesota.
Starting point is 02:23:47 If you find a Casey's Pizza, stop there. Grab yourself a slice of pizza. Have it. I promise you will not be disappointed. I got into an argument a handful of times from one of my buddies from Hybrid. His name is Jeff. He's a super good dude. Very opinionated on his pizza, but he also grew up in Connecticut.
Starting point is 02:24:05 So that's obviously a New York Northeast area. They're very, very, very opinionated on their pizza. They're weird about their pizza. He cannot fathom the fact that there is a pizza from a gas station that is actually good. That just doesn't make any sense. It's like, brother'm not like that. That just doesn't make any sense. It's like, like brother, I understand your point. But the thing is, is like that like try and think of it as Casey's isn't a gas station that sells pizza. It's a pizza place. It sells that.
Starting point is 02:24:32 It's a pizza place that just happens to be a gas station. Like that's the best way I can try and describe it because like, I don't know if I've ever actually had like their pizza, like from takeout. I usually just get, I usually just buy the, buy it the slice there i had two of them or no not this morning this afternoon they were really good of course um i hear the breakfast pizza is to die for versus like the you know and then it's like the breakfast pizza is like their claim to fame versus like the like a pepperoni or whatever um another strange question yeah beef pizza hamburger pizza uh there's a not not hamburger pizza as in like a like a hamburger style like with cheese and
Starting point is 02:25:15 pickles and all that just uh hamburger but just a pizza with just hamburger on it i was gonna say there's a place in my town that does a Big Mac pizza. That's delicious, but just randomly putting hamburger on a pizza? Nope. I've never done it. Don't think I would unless I was going for the Big Mac pizza. It's not bad. It's not bad at all. I love
Starting point is 02:25:40 me some trash pizza. I love me some good pizza. Hamburger pizza is not a bad pizza. I would try it probably. I might have had it before. I love me some good pizza. And hamburger pizza is not a bad pizza. I would try it probably. I might have had it before. Do what I had today. Actually, I've had it two separate places in the last month. I've seen it.
Starting point is 02:25:52 I've never seen it before. Philly cheesesteak pizza. It's fucking amazing. So I'm a huge Philly cheesesteak fan. If I'm at a restaurant and I don't know what to get, I'm getting a Philly cheesesteak nine times out of ten. If it's safe, it's nine times out of ten, it's a safe sandwich to get. But yeah, two separate places.
Starting point is 02:26:09 They both had their different takes on it, but it's just like, wow, this is pizza that tastes like a Philly cheesesteak. It's fucking awesome. So that would give it a ten out of ten. Just burger. I don't know. Is it burger and pepperoni or is it just like... I mean, I'm a big
Starting point is 02:26:26 fan for meat lovers pizza, but if it's just hamburger pizza, still good. It'd be interesting. When it comes to food, I'm not going to tell you something that I wouldn't think you'd like. Yeah. I probably had it at a buffet or something once, but if I did, it wasn't memorable. I do remember
Starting point is 02:26:42 seven... I think there was a cheese... I don't know. I can't remember. It might have been... do remember seven like i think there was a cheese i don't i can't remember it might have been it was almost like uh it was like uh fuck i can't think of the damn the word i'm going for never mind uh what the fuck why can't i think of you're the sober one i know get the fucking words out what is like the when you the hamburger helper it was kind of there we go it was like they just put hamburger helper on a pizza and it was the weirdest. He's just taking us for a walk now. Great.
Starting point is 02:27:10 I think we're going to the bathroom with Lou. Don't worry, you'll be muted. That's all good. We can wrap it up and all, honestly. I think we're good. If you have anything else for us, I don't know the listeners. I don't want to. Oh, no, I wouldn't're good. If you have anything else for us, I don't know the listeners. I don't want to...
Starting point is 02:27:27 I wouldn't subject him. Gotcha. We are going to... Yeah, I'm pretty content. I think we're going to move into probably... I don't think we're going to waste a lot of time doing the affiliate ad reads anymore. I'm just kind of... I want to just start
Starting point is 02:27:43 mentioning them at the end to hit on them, but don't know unless it unless it kind of like hits unless it's really pertinent to the episode i don't think uh i think we're good we had so we had we had a little change and some uh additional income to the podcast just for specific needs uh when they arise so i'm not gonna harp on uh so anyway we've got four codes we've got obsidian pneumonia we've got plate snacks and we've got barbell rescue and home gym con i don't know anything about home gym con but those other three use code unpaid i've got my own personal code as well for one of those go use those give us we don't actually get much out of them but you get to you get to save like 10 to 15 which is fucking dope right yeah uh lou um
Starting point is 02:28:35 we didn't get big mad on who yeah exactly he's he's coming he's working we're working on it we're actually in talks. Big thing right now. If you see something that's like big secret guest or something, just assume it's going to be Matt because that's something we are desperately working on hard to get him on.
Starting point is 02:28:57 What are we talking about? Mostly squats. Mostly squats, yeah. He somehow managed to avoid being on the podcast the last 71 episodes. I hope it was his meme. I don't think he does any reshares but the one about I was going to be a porn star or no something they said like my dick
Starting point is 02:29:15 so big I became a porn star but all I wanted to be was a meme creator page or something no that wasn't him that was that was on his page though no No, that wasn't him. That was... That's what I saw on his page, though. Nope. The amount of people that I've had send me Matt's memes
Starting point is 02:29:32 every single time. And every single time the first thing I tell them is like, dude, that's one of my buddies that made that. It's honestly one of my favorite videos. It's a fucking, what was it?
Starting point is 02:29:50 What contest was it? Was it the, it was some sort of reveal. Essentially, it was one where he was just pretending to be everybody. He's like, well, you can't win this contest. It's you because everybody hates you because you won the last one. It's like, what if I do it as somebody else it was the scans reveal one yeah yeah yeah i won that one yeah yeah i mean they couldn't let matt win well no because he just wasn't as good as me on that one trying to remember i'm trying to remember back like the biggest reason i remember matt's was
Starting point is 02:30:23 uh they just did everybody and mine was at the end. I had the fireball shooter, the bush light, the fanny pack, the chucks, the jorts. That was very good. Pulled out pretty goddamn well. And yeah, the old lift hard, live easy was the first time. Well, it was the first time I met a lot of the guys
Starting point is 02:30:39 there. But I met Big Eddie originally at the Arnold. Met both of you at the arnold yep then uh yeah it's a good time see you outside of uh lift hard live easy you've probably met a you know a fair amount of have you have there many crew in nebraska that you've met or anybody that you've uh matt sundling is one of them yeah so Omaha was he at the Live Hard Live Easy I feel bad for asking this he was but I didn't know him then
Starting point is 02:31:09 he was actually the man I was referencing earlier when we were driving around in Crew Falls because I I can't remember if I met him I can't remember when but no he trains at one of my gyms so I've seen him a handful of times I saw him on my birthday too so that made me really happy saw him in the saw him in the jorts doing just doing
Starting point is 02:31:28 some foam roll and i'm like you definitely can dance that motherfucker there hell yeah that is awesome it's always fun seeing seeing each other in the wild oh yeah anytime i go to the gym and i see somebody in like a mass or in a mass economic shirt hoodie anything like that they're like if i don't know like especially if i don't know i'm on a point i was like like i saw somebody at the gym one time it was they were in a white lift shirt and like i saw that i'm like brother like that shirt's fucking great like i've made sure to have to tell everybody it's like whenever you see somebody in a t-shirt that you absolutely love like i've done it i did it one time in a walmart somebody was wearing a pizza planet shirt from toy story i'm like dude it's like dude that shirt is great like please wear that more like please bring more of that out well uh i think you'll definitely get
Starting point is 02:32:10 a handful of new followers obviously you big lou you're uh you know you're an old school guy you should be most people that are in a crew already follow you but we've had such an influx a new crew that like i'm getting people following the page all the time and i have to like dm i'm like are you crew and they're like yeah they keep like surprising me when they say yes. Cause they only have like one or two mutual friends with us. So there's a shit ton of new crew that just like, haven't really spread their wings on Instagram yet. So feel,
Starting point is 02:32:33 uh, be, don't be surprised if you get like 20 new followers in the next week. Uh, but yeah. Uh, you want to go and tell everybody where to find you again? One more time.
Starting point is 02:32:42 We'll start wrapping this up. So fair enough. If you want to find me, you can go ahead and find them One more time. We'll start wrapping this up. So fair enough. If you want to find me, you can go ahead and find them in the old Instagrams. Find me at Lou Nutter. Pretty easy to spell. Yeah. Like I said,
Starting point is 02:32:52 I post a handful of lifting videos. You see me drinking beer and fireball occasionally and some dogs and Alex tags along with on Instagram sometimes. So it's a good place to find me. See where I'm at. See what I'm doing, which probably much aside from lifting and drinking all right and you can find uh me nate and joey on instagram
Starting point is 02:33:11 at unpaid and underrated podcast uh the website unpaid intern podcast.com my personal instagram to keep trying to get 73 be sure to follow my orange gym the no wine seller and where are they gonna find you joey uh joey underscore molesko m-l-e-c-z-k-o um like i said i keep blowing that off and keep getting new followers and i'd like a weird fucking thing about instagram is i haven't posted in a week and i was like i'm gonna lose followers i'm still gaining followers so instagram's wild. Instagram's wild. But yeah, beyond that, see you in July. Let's keep this train rolling. Big things coming in 2024 for unpaid and underrated.
Starting point is 02:33:55 Hell yeah. We'll see you next Tuesday.

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