Watch What Crappens - #180: You're Right, I'm Wrong & Repeat

Episode Date: April 28, 2015

Subscribe at for bonus episodes, ringtones, and live group video chat parties. Welcome back to the Watch What Crappens Podcast with Ronnie Karam (Tras...hTalkTV) and Ben Mandelker (bsideblog)! Today?s episode is all about NeNe?s victimhood on the Real Housewives of Atlanta Reunion #1. Then it?s off for Blood, Sweat and Heels and the craziness that is Real Housewives of Melbourne. OH, GINER! THAT?S AWFUL! Subscribe at for bonus episodes, ringtones, and live group video chat parties. Ronnie on the Web: Ronnie on YouTube: Ronnie on Instagram: Ronnie on Tumblr: Ben on the Web: Ben on Twitter: Ben on Instagram: Our Soundcloud: On iTunes: Facebook: See for privacy and opt-out information.Our Patreon Extras: See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 From Wondery and Audible comes Class of 88, a new podcast hosted by Will Smith. Before 1988, a lot of people didn't take hip-hop seriously. But hip-hop today touches everything from film to fashion to sports. So what changed? Follow Class of 88 wherever you get your podcasts. Watch What Crappens. Watch What Crappens. Who cares what happens when there's so much that crappens? Watch What Crappens. Watch What Crappens. Who cares what happens when there's so much that crappens? Hey everybody, welcome to the Watch What Crappens podcast. The podcast about all that crap we love to talk about on Bravo. I'm Monty Karen from Trash Talk TV.
Starting point is 00:00:45 And with me is the gorgeous, talented, thin, and just charming Ben Mandelker. Hello, Ben. Who, me? Yeah, Ben's from the Banter Blender and the B-Side blog. So y'all go check that out. If you want to find our social media links, those are on our website, We just basically list our links there.
Starting point is 00:01:06 If you want to follow us also come to slash watch what crappens to talk to other listeners like yourself and to talk shit about the shows live as they are during the week. Yeah, that's a great page. So thanks to everybody who's posting the, as usual. Also join us over at slash watch what crappens that's
Starting point is 00:01:29 slash watch what crappens because there you can subscribe and um get premium content like our 47 minute bonus episode about bruce jenner and the riots in baltimore it's like an interesting mixed bag of shit to talk about today. Yeah, this is like, this was like a double bonus. This is a 47 minute bonus episode. This is a big one. We got real, I don't want to say serious, but we talked about serious things in our uninformed way as usual.
Starting point is 00:01:57 It's not the funniest because how could it be really? Like how many riot jokes can one person write? You're a riot um yeah so it's not the funniest thing in the world but it's uh cool to have an outlet to talk about that stuff i guess um so come listen uh it's an interesting show just a spoiler alert transgenderism can cause one of your eyes to not work anymore um so yeah come subscribe for that and thanks to everybody who does subscribe and also thanks to whoever started the uh at what crappins quotes twitter feed yes who is that who's doing that yeah that's it's great and what i love is that um i use the twitter app echo phone on my
Starting point is 00:02:39 laptop and um it like somehow messes up the Watch What Crappens quotes logo, so it says on my computer, Rapper Quotes. It says rapper. You're like, we made it. Yeah, so I'm like, oh, cool. It's the worst rapper I ever met. We're expanding.
Starting point is 00:02:57 Yeah. No, we went to two shows a week. Now we're going to rap our shows. Badly. We're going to do some very bad, pasty wrapping for the show yeah and we're also by the way we're still looking into our live our next live show we're gonna figure out a stage i'm gonna make a call after this podcast and see if we can lock down a location experiment rhinos on our speed dial yes yes so a fun week to talk about bravo, yes. A lot of fun shit happened.
Starting point is 00:03:25 What would you like to start with? Should we do Atlanta first since that was like the big one? Yeah, why not? I mean, I say the big one, but there's like 18,000 reunions for Atlanta. Yeah. I love that I'm hosting today, so I get to pick what we start with, and I'm not open to Atlanta at all. I'm open to the Real Housewives of Miami. Girl. Shine, shine, shine Real Housewives of Miami. Go.
Starting point is 00:03:47 Shine, shine, shine, go. Yeah. Or Melbourne. Real Housewives of Atlanta. No, let's do Atlanta. Let's get right into Atlanta. Well, first off, Andy changed it up this reunion. He didn't just say hi to everybody. Instead, he said, hi, I like your
Starting point is 00:04:04 lipstick. Hi, i like your hair we yeah we had a montage of him like loitering in various women's dress rooms and being like oh this wig this wig is giving me some diana ross or something like that like just go away andy just stop it stop it we don't need to see the real andy okay and whoever, by the way, whoever did the makeup on Andy, I mean, they made him look like Howdy Doody or something. He looked like a little ventriloquist doll with, like, rosy red cheeks and lipstick. It was not his strongest look. You're supposed to give an ode to Gamble during the Melbourne reunion, all right? Which, wouldn't that be amazing if there was a Bravo Melbourne reunion?
Starting point is 00:04:44 I wish there were. I hope there is one. I hope Andy Cohen does one. reunion all right which wouldn't that be amazing if there was a bravo melbourne reunion i wish there were i hope there is one i hope andy cohen does one that just lasts until next season every week it'll just you know it'll just be five minutes of him going like hi lydia hi andy hi petty floor hello andy hi gina hello andy hi hi good day hi thanks so much for being here and they all chosen go away god bless his heart i love when it got really bad and he's like this is good um okay so let's talk we started off with the montage first of all andy is like this is like a zen palace this this room that we're in i'm like what it's like you're all wearing white they put those girls in a zoo the atlantic girls were in a zoo for their reunion which was kind of awesome zen about it
Starting point is 00:05:37 was like a cold echoey space and they were all wearing white, which, if anything, makes it look like Mount Olympus, not a Zen garden. That's right. Welcome to Watch Where Crap Ends, where we make an issue over the smallest three-letter word. He said Zen. It's not a used property. He said Zen. Where was the rake? Where were the pebbles?
Starting point is 00:06:01 I just wish someone came and put some pellets in Nini's mouth every once in a while. Like, look, honey, don't get too close. Just give her a pellet or she'll bite you it's all right i'm wrong you're right oh god the biggest nini nini's defense this time nini's offense this time was victim she's the victim everything that's ever happened nini has been the victim and she's like oh i'm wrong and you're right okay then i'm wrong and you're right that's all that's and she's like, oh, I'm wrong and you're right. Okay, then. I'm wrong and you're right. That's all I have to say, Andy. I'm wrong and you're right. Shut the fuck up with your fake accountability. You know, she puts that up there like a wall. She doesn't listen.
Starting point is 00:06:35 And then she... And then it's nothing. I get so mad. If anything, and then she says it pretty much started with her being like, well, I turn on the TV and I couldn't believe, like, some people just hate me. They just hate me. And Andy's like, who?
Starting point is 00:06:50 And she's like, well, Candy, for one. I was like, that was the last person I expected Nini to say. Well, and if you're watching the show, how can you not hate yourself? Like who's who watches himself? Like, I can't listen to this show. I fucking hate myself. Why would you watch yourself and then walk away loving yourself that's some issues most people don't do that most people like even hear their voice recorded and they're mortified and nini's like everybody else
Starting point is 00:07:14 is the problem no she's a monster she's she's a um materialistic monster i mean do you see how much she smiled when andy's like oh i heard you moved into an expensive house she's like yes and anytime anyone said well i, you made a lot of money. She like smiles very quick. She's like, yes. It's like, you know, like this is the only thing that makes her happy is when people talk about how rich she is. Yeah. She's a sad woman.
Starting point is 00:07:36 But I loved in the previews for next week how she's like yelling. She's like, you don't make fun of my husband. Her boobs are like flying out of her stupid jacket. Put those things away all right you're gonna need to rely on those another day but today is not the day so the reason why she feels like candy hates her is because when candy was talking to phadra and candy said well if you can make up with nini then you can make up with so-and-so or something like that and nini interpreted that as like well you hate me that i'm a monster like it's so hard to make up with so-and-so or something like that and nini interpreted that as like well you hate me that i'm
Starting point is 00:08:06 a monster like it's so hard to make up with me and kenny was like see now the reason why i said that was because you know like you guys had a beef like for many years and for and then nini's like denying that they had like a beef nini yeah she's such a liar she can't even just say yeah i was mean to porsche in the first year but oh she's like or phaedra she i just write p but she's such a liar. She can't even just say, yeah, I was mean to Portia the first year, but she's like – Or Phaedra. Phaedra. Or Phaedra. I just write P.
Starting point is 00:08:28 But she's like, you know, I never had a problem. What did I ever say about Phaedra? And they're like, hello, you said you didn't know her. Last year you called her the head doctor, whatever. She's like, whatever. She never said bad things about me, right? Oh, it's my – I'm the one to blame. It's my fault.
Starting point is 00:08:44 It's my fault. It's my fault. I take the blame. The fact that she would even come at Candy like that, to almost imply that Candy might even be the source of all this acrimony is... Yeah, because she's trying to make problems with her and Phaedra. It's just, you're so transparent. Just go away. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:01 I mean, Candy was even like, Candy was like, I don't hate you. She's like, I just hate your stank ass attitude you know stank ass attitude candy is the best she's always been one of my favorites but especially now i love watching her just telling me you need to go fuck herself and not give a shit you know and you know candy probably has more money than all those women combined you know and she never goes out and starts bragging about how much money she has. I mean, she buys an extra mansion for her mom.
Starting point is 00:09:30 She has an extra mansion with for her mansion. She's just trying to make more money. She's like, yeah, I got some money now. Buy a dick. That's your chance to buy a dick. Yeah. She wrote for crying out loud. She was in that song, you know, like,
Starting point is 00:09:45 like, you with that, you with that, you know. You know, look it up. Candy Girl. Can I Shazam that? Do it again. I forget what the song is called, but you've heard it before a million times. I never knew for all these years that she was the woman on that song. Well, yeah, shake and take and jump in. it's called but you've heard it before a million times i never knew for all these years that she was the woman on that song well yeah shaking taking oh i know what you're saying no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no
Starting point is 00:10:18 no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no That's all you need to know. She wrote bills. The point is this. Where's Nini's song? Pay my telephone bill. Pay my automobile. I don't need to pay. Cause you ain't got anything. I love singing that, but I just, it doesn't really fit. Cause I just, I don't pay my bills. I don't pay my bills.
Starting point is 00:10:45 By the way, this is the sort of musical entertainment you can look forward to on our live show yeah i don't pay my bills so stop calling my phone i block every number you use you think she wrote bugaboo also i think she did write some of bugaboo um well i'm the problem so one of my favorite nini moments in this is right in this moment where she's like, and suddenly Candy's like, suddenly you're friends with Phaedra. And I'm like, what? He was friends, but then Phaedra's like, what? And Nini tries to victim it up again.'s like brandy glanvilling this whole thing and she's like well i understood where she was coming from because i know what it's like when my husband left
Starting point is 00:11:36 me i'm like did she was she married before because that's not exactly what happened nini you started treating greg like shit for no reason then you made him move into the basement then he talked on the phone to his friend who recorded him on accident and ended up on some radio show which you know is like a total greg mistake and then you like she was awful to greg she was awful to him he didn't even do anything to her she made a divorce was so she was a bitch to him for no reason to have a storyline on the air and she was gonna dump him for somebody better and then she used him for a spinoff she's the worst i'm like are you really gonna cry because that is not what happened in your marriage so please stop and what about cynthia i mean cynthia's been divorced in
Starting point is 00:12:19 fact not only that cynthia divorced from a very oh actually maybe they weren't married I don't know but Noel's father either way she knows what it's like to lose a good man a hot one at least a hot man those are two different yeah those are two very different men right there yeah um Nene's like I almost got rid of the holder of my purse do you know what that would have been like I would have had to hold my purse okay we get it stop crying now it's just get a coat rack yeah and then i like that when candy was like you've done this to like and like all your friends you did like kim charade and then you just there's just like no talking any sense into her who's who said in the words of destiny's child because we were just saying destiny's child but someone was like in the words of destiny's child because we were just saying destiny's child but someone was
Starting point is 00:13:05 like in the words of destiny's child you ain't ever gonna get it i mean that's not a child that's in vogue um but who said that damn it i don't write enough notes like i take notes but then i don't understand them i was so bad i didn't take notes because i was eating i was eating sushi at the time well i was chopping vegetables so there's little bits of carrot all over this. But I learned very quickly, you cannot chop carrots while you're watching the Atlanta reunion because the faces are the best thing. And you can't see them if you're chopping vegetables.
Starting point is 00:13:37 Exactly. You have to look at all the reactions, the eye rolling, et cetera. Yeah, Nini's eye rolls are the best. And Claudia shooting herself in the head. And Candy just in general looking like, she kind of does, and I'm not saying she looks fat because I don't think she's fat,
Starting point is 00:13:51 but she does kind of have that fat Albert face, kind of like her eyes bug out a little bit. I love you, Candy girl. Never change. So let's see. Then it moved on to jail, I guess. Oh, yeah. And Phaedra, look, one of our favorite listeners, Curtis.
Starting point is 00:14:12 Hi, Curtis. Tweeted at us, hey, I totally disagree about the kids. Like, she should let him see his kids. No, I totally disagree. If you care so much about your kids, you wouldn't be committing felonies, and it's not your first time either, fucker. And if you wanted to see your kids,
Starting point is 00:14:31 you wouldn't be out at strip clubs every night instead of being with your kids at home before you went to prison, you dickhead. And not you, Curtis, but Apollo. Fuck that. No, you don't deserve that right. And I wouldn't be taking my kids to prison to see you either.
Starting point is 00:14:52 Yeah. I mean, I actually really don't deserve that right and i wouldn't be taking my kids to prison to see you either yeah i mean i i actually really don't have a strong opinion on this situation i think it's i think it's phaedra's call and i'm still horrified by the first time i went to the mcdonald's playground and saw that big purple fucking thing and that little burglar who i thought was gonna kill me you really want me to go to a prison when I'm that young? No. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Sorry. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:15:11 I haven't been in that position. So I really – that's one of those things where I feel like I can't have a really good opinion. I do, though, agree with you. Ultimately, Apollo did things and this is the price you have to pay. I mean the price you pay is that you are going to be separated from your family and there's no guarantee that you'll see your family. You hope you will. But you know what? This is society.
Starting point is 00:15:33 And you didn't care about the other people's kids who you were fucking robbing and swindling out of hundreds of thousands of dollars. Go fuck yourself, dude. You don't get rights now. You gave up your rights. It's not like you just jaywalked and got thrown in prison. That's different, you know?
Starting point is 00:15:50 But what you did, no. No, girl. Bah. And then I love that Candy's, like, kind of rolling her eyes. Because Phaedra's like, well, I don't know if they have a proper changing table. That's the same reason I won't go to, you know, the Cracker Barrel. I need a changing table in the men's room or whatever. and candy's rolling her eyes and she's like listen i've been to that prison like hundreds of times you know it's fine you can visit there's also by the
Starting point is 00:16:18 way like doesn't a thing that moms do and maybe we can talk about this when we go on to the for crying out loud podcast on thursday since i know very little about mothering but um aren't there like mats you can buy you can basically put down on the ground and change your kid on the mat like like there are ways around but basically phadra wants any excuse she's like well you see you know at that time of the year it's very popular for geese to migrate overhead and what happens if one poops on my child then what do i do i just can't take him to the prison while we wait outside yeah one time i turned on the air conditioner and aiden almost got pneumonia i'm certainly not taking him to kentucky i don't want to go to kentucky and then be considered a stereotype because of their fried
Starting point is 00:17:03 chicken chains like come on you can do it if you wanted to. And she said earlier that, you know, he forfeited that right. She said in some way in one of her confessionals earlier, she said something along those lines. Like, I don't have to take him, you know. And the only reason she's backtracking now is because of Twitter. The great, you know, the great apology machine that is Twitter that turns everybody into an apology machine because anything you say on Twitter
Starting point is 00:17:29 is used against you later in a court of public opinion and you've got to make some shit up to get out of it. And that's the only thing she's doing right now. She's trying to placate mothers so they'll stop tweeting her that she's a bad mother. I actually would be interested to hear from the For Crying Out Loud ladies or any of their listeners.
Starting point is 00:17:46 I would be interested what they think what they think would be the prudent thing to do with little kids going to a jail. Because I honestly have no idea. I just think your kids don't need to be exposed to that. I mean, honestly, you can do whatever you want with your kids. I'm just saying if it was my kids and they were babies and my husband did that to me. No. Bye. Yeah. One of my favorite things was when Kenya, of course, has something to say about how she's a bad mother or whatever.
Starting point is 00:18:12 And Andy's like, well, how, you know, how how are you not being a hypocrite when you say she's tearing you down in public? But then you turn around and do that to her. And she's like, well, it's you know, when she's going through this rough time, you're going at her. And Kenya's like, well, it's, you know, when she's going through this rough time, you're going at her. And Kenya's like, well, it's not about Phaedra. You know, it's about the children. Like, shut up, you fucking lying hypocrite. She's the worst. I know.
Starting point is 00:18:36 I mean, what happened to the what happened to, like, all the goodwill that those two brokered? I mean, of course, like, leave it to Andy Cohen to just destroy everyone. Like, they get to a good place at the end of the season. Now they're once again fighting and Kenya's saying these things about Phaedra. I mean, Kenya,
Starting point is 00:18:51 but Kenya's hilarious though because when she gets on those like righteous things, it makes me laugh. Like if Nina were to get on a righteous, say something righteous, I'm like, shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 00:19:01 But with Kenya, when she gets righteous, I laugh because I don't, you know, she obviously doesn't believe what she's saying she just wants to fuck with someone and she hides behind a beauty pageant you know like oh the children kind of thing and that's what i think is so hilarious about her yeah i mean i enjoy her on the show but she's a lying sack of shit too yeah i think the biggest difference for me between her and nini is that nini doesn't even want to be there anymore she's just like showing up to collect her check and yeah
Starting point is 00:19:28 you know keep the job that leads to other jobs you know she's keeping her bread and butter job she hates everybody nothing she does is real no fight she has is real they're not even based in reality they're like brandy fights that she just makes stuff up to yeah you know make people like the time and then she walks away and it's like yeah i'm stupid it's like the time that she started a feud that lasted like a year or two years with with kim zolciak when she just like walked onto a tour bus and then decided that she was mad with kim and was like you know accusing kim of owning a slave and sweetie and they just started screaming and i'm just like it came out of nowhere and it was just like you're doing this because you want to have fight and you want to have a feud and now we have
Starting point is 00:20:06 to watch you be you guys be angry at each other for two seasons over something some bullshit yeah yeah nini's full of crap me no likey um i loved uh speaking of twitter and phedra when andy's like phedra you know bertholomew from you know Danica Falls wants to know why you're such a bad mother and dissing your husband on national television when his children can see it. And she's like, you listen here, lady from Twitter. You can raise your children how I want, how you want, and i'll raise mine how i want how i want how about that there you go phedra yeah yeah let's see then porsche comes out for possibly one of the most confusing oh god segments in history poor porsche doesn't even know what she's talking about like never she cannot keep her lies straight she comes out with a new word this time it was
Starting point is 00:21:05 intellectualized or something i was like wow that was a big one girl but um she's so stupid she doesn't even know what she's talking about you know she's like and then you know we were we were friends but then you know she went on a talk show and she was mean about kenya i'm like what who is she mean about they were talking about kenya right uh i think she was mean about Kenya. I'm like, what? Who is she mean about? They were talking about Kenya, right? I think she was talking, I think that Portia's issue was that. Oh, with Claudia.
Starting point is 00:21:32 She was being, I've seen her, I've seen Claudia and she's, you know, she says a lot of bad things about Kenya. I was like, what? And then all this stuff about her dating married men and they're like, yeah, but you told me you married, you were with a married man. And she's like, slander, slander slander no i didn't say that it's like if you're gonna slam to me if
Starting point is 00:21:49 that's slanderous that's slanderous and then claudia's like well then fine sue me for slander she's like what's so mean who see uh she's stupid married man uh but you said my oh i love the whole uh discussion when cynthia is like well i don't appreciate you because cynthia is like coming into this cynthia still has nothing like she's really tried hard this season to be a bitch but she still has nothing for the reunion except wow cynthia your husband's still an asshole using your money without your permission but she has nothing so she's trying to get in on other people's things which is so funny with her big ass wig and they're like well uh what she's like well i didn't like also what you said about my husband cheating on me porsche and andy's like
Starting point is 00:22:41 well didn't you do the same thing with phhaedra when you were talking about chocolate? And she's like, oh, well, that's not the same thing. God, I'm getting myself mixed up. Porsche said, I didn't do that. I did that in private. That's not the same. It's like you're on TV. Oh, yeah. She's like, I said it in private and it was not for anyone else to hear. not for anyone else to hear cindy's like you are on tv with four million watchers she's like where are they i don't see them how do people hide like that i was always bad at hide and seek they always found you she's like no we're not on tv right now because my tv is only 48 inches and this room is much bigger god bless her heart. I also love on our Facebook page, Joel Ranieri says, also, when was Claudia a journalist? Please explain when that happened.
Starting point is 00:23:33 I love that when Claudia's like, well, as a former journalist, as a former journalist, that's really like, Claudia, you're on like Dish Nation. No kidding. You used to write ads for Craigslist. Your ads for the thrifty nickel don't count okay back down yeah appearing on deal or no deal does not count as journalism just because you have reported what number was in your suitcase yeah she held a suitcase on television so she's now a flight attendant she's like she's like just because you said back to you how he does not make you a journalist. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:06 Or, no, never mind. Let's see. So, but yeah, you know, Cynthia is also a huge hypocrite talking about other people's bullshit when she's doing the exact same thing. And she's like, I didn't talk about her marriage. I just said it's what Peter heard from her husband. That's all I said. It was just a, yeah, how's that different? different? She was the most reliable sources on the show. Peter and Apollo.
Starting point is 00:24:27 I'm surprised Peter even had time to take the call from Apollo. He's probably got lots of bills to put into the Wells Fargo counting machine. He's probably a coin star with your piggy bank. He's probably too busy making the perfect blend of Maxwell House and Taster's Choice for Peter's Brewery.
Starting point is 00:24:44 Peter's Brew. What kind of coffee do you want today, babe? This Frappuccino is 30% sweet and low. Anybody's allowed to come in here and get Peter's Brew, but they have to use their wife's credit card or I don't serve them. So let's see. What else happened on this? Go to charity events.
Starting point is 00:25:08 Oh, and then they were like, well, you go to charity events with your butt out. I mean, I don't even know why I'm writing all this shit down. Like, who cares? But I love how they started talking about the Bible. I always love in a housewife show. They're so fucking awful to each other and everybody, really. And then they start spouting off on the bible especially phaedra that whole thing where they're showing what a hypocrite phaedra is with her religion and then calling people a whore and she's like there's plenty of whores in the
Starting point is 00:25:33 bible mary magdalene and they were redeemed like oh lord she's like i didn't call you a whore because of that one instance it's because you do do whore-ish things all the time. Yeah. She's a bit much. That whole thing where she... From Wondery, this is Black History For Real. I'm Francesca Ramsey.
Starting point is 00:25:58 And I'm Conscious Lee. What do most people think about when they hear the words Black History? Rosa Parks. Reconstruction, MLK, February, Black History Month. Exactly, exactly. There are so many stories of Black History that we just are not really talking about or thinking about, especially outside of February. And we are about to flip the script on all of that. Because on this show, you're going to hear a little less In August 1492,
Starting point is 00:26:26 Columbus sailed the ocean blue. And a little bit more. She is a heroine to some. As a fighter for black rights, she is a villain to others. Follow Black History for Real on the Wondery app or wherever you get your podcasts.
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Starting point is 00:27:31 Academy takes you into the world of a cutthroat private school where power, money, and sex collide in a game of life and death. Follow Academy on the Wondery app or wherever you get your podcasts. You can binge all episodes of Academy early and ad-free right now by joining Wondery app or wherever you get your podcasts. You can binge all episodes of Academy early and ad-free right now by joining Wondery Plus.
Starting point is 00:27:50 Where Portia was saying, well, you know, I'm very lucky because Kenya brought up Portia's grandfather and Portia's like, don't you come after my family. Could you imagine if Kenya did that? She was like, well, her grandfather, you know, saved a lot of black people. What a dick. Like Portia's so stupid. Like, Portia's so stupid. Like, anyone's going to bring up her grandfather and then diss him. Stupid.
Starting point is 00:28:09 Well, I mean, Kenya, I think where Kenya was going with that was kind of a, I think it was kind of a legitimate point, which is to say, like, here's this grandfather who marched for us, who was such a, like, who stood for such lofty things. And now this is his like granddaughter is this woman right here well she specifically said oh and then she's violent and you know he was preaching oh yeah i'm so sure like what he had in mind was you know housewives reunions i mean he had bigger fish to fry back then okay i'm sure anybody would have smacked your ass her grandfather would have smacked your ass with that bullhorn, bitch. Shut up. Yeah, exactly. Well, it's funny.
Starting point is 00:28:47 The fact that, you know, here we are in the midst of these Baltimore riots, which we talked about in the bonus episode. And for Kenya to almost like imply that Porsche, to say Porsche being violent. I mean, you know, when you're talking about like real violence out there. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. She's using like real, amazing, beautiful work that somebody did and using it against someone as a weapon on a housewife show.
Starting point is 00:29:13 Like, shut the fuck up, Kenya. No, yeah. That's so disrespectful. I love how Kenya can make me both stand up for her and tear her down all with the same... She's the worst.
Starting point is 00:29:23 Like, I don't... I like that she's on the show, but she's like... She just seems fucking awful. She's the worst. I like that she's on the show, but she's like, she just seems fucking awful. She's the worst, but I do love her on the show. I love her on the show, and I'll take her over NeNe Leakes any day of the year, at this point. But it is hard to like any I mean, any housewife, really.
Starting point is 00:29:38 But especially in these reunions, they just get so ugly because it's like one second you're on Portia's side, because that was not cool of Kenya, but then porsche's like yeah but you know i was raised with a family and so i understand what love is and kenya wasn't because her mom's never spoken to her so she probably just doesn't know how to act or whatever she was saying i was like really now you're gonna use someone's like abandonment against them oh my god girl yeah the only one who doesn't really do it is candy i mean candy is really the only one who doesn't sneak in a nasty comment like that
Starting point is 00:30:14 you know because the rest of them all do it they all do it candy just defends herself the only time candy ever gets like sort of says something like not nice is when she's defending herself but she will she'd take that into her marriage she might do a good job she might have like a happy marriage because that girl needs to learn how to defend herself in marriage and and motherhood mothers i mean daughterhood i guess i should say yeah she do she do um so that's pretty much it about atlanta right yeah i think so um That was, you know, all notes aside, it's always hard for me to joke about Atlanta because I actually just laugh the whole time.
Starting point is 00:30:49 So it's like joking about a sitcom. Like, who's going to do that? I love it. Exactly. And this reunion was sort of hard to joke about too much because it wasn't like the Beverly Hills one where you have one person, Kim Richards, who is saying crazy, crazy shit and making these crazy denials and getting mad at
Starting point is 00:31:06 everyone and so you want to just like we could talk we talked about that for an hour because we get so fired up but this one's more like she said something stupid then she said something stupid and by the way dr phil's interview with um with kim is going to be airing in la in about an hour and a half and we're going to cover that on Thursday's episode, I imagine. But already, Michael Cook, one of our listeners, he posted a link, something that's come out, I guess it's already airing probably on the East Coast. And I guess one thing that's already come out,
Starting point is 00:31:37 just as a little diversion from what we're talking about, is that Kim said at first, I've been sober for three and a half years. I haven't taken anything. But later on in the program, when Dr. Phil questioned if she was actually sober for three and a half years, she says, this is her quote. No, that's not true that I had not had a drink in three and a half years. I did have a drink a couple of other times over the last few months, and it was wine. And I was ashamed to say anything at the reunion and embarrassed can you imagine this woman like attacking attacking these other ladies
Starting point is 00:32:09 for daring to uh suggest she's fallen off the wagon she's attacking them when she has blatantly done so yeah i mean at this point we just we've basically seen who she is i mean at this point she's just like oh my poor kim i mean i kind of feel bad for at at this point she's just like oh my god poor kim i mean i kind of feel bad for at this point because she's just like there is no escape she finally checked into rehab like she is not escaping this and her kids apparently showed up for some intervention and then she runs down the hall screaming and crying at dr phil and refusing to come back and then you know they're arguing she's arguing with the kids and you know her daughter's like yeah but you're still smoking pot and you're still taking pills like kim honey she needs to she's in rehab now and she needs to get onto a program she needs to like
Starting point is 00:32:55 when she gets out of rehab she can't just be like okay done like she needs to be on a program and she needs to also like she needs to start apologizing to people. Oh, we'll see if that ever happens. It won't. And I guess she's probably in rehab because her thing is like, I'm going to rehab. But she doesn't even believe she needs rehab. She's honestly just going to get away from TMZ at this point. Yeah, I think actually there was an article that someone posted about how like, yeah, that she doesn't she's doing it just to do it and that her i think her son said that um his mom needs help and that she needs to
Starting point is 00:33:31 stop being friends with brandy because it's toxic so even her son is saying to stop being friends with brandy that's bad yeah that's that's pretty bad yeah um okay so now where do you want to go we've got to go to let's go to do you want to go? Do you want to go to Blood, Sweat, and Heels? I would like to. I actually would like to go to Blood, Sweat, and Heels. I mean, it's hard. Belmond was really good this week, but I kind of want to go to Blood, Sweat, and Heels for a little bit.
Starting point is 00:33:53 Because there's not that much to talk about, but there was stuff. First of all, the scene when Daisy told her assistant and interns that she had cancer, I got verklempt, Ronnie. I cried. I straight up cried.
Starting point is 00:34:08 I was like, I didn't have tears going down my cheeks, but I definitely, my chin was quivering and all that. I was emotional. Yeah, I straight up cried. That was some pretty sad stuff. That was,
Starting point is 00:34:20 because you know, they were like, you know, because Daisy is so sweet and that she has to go through this is terrible. And to see her tell these kids who really look up to her, it was really – and they were – all the kids were crying and they were hugging her. I was like – that was really sad. Yeah, that was sad.
Starting point is 00:34:39 So let's move away from cancer because – Wait, although I will say, by the way, speaking of sad things, I don't know if you saw this, but, you know, the past few weeks have been like, see, this is real. This is real. This is sad. So when Amber's like talking about her fake cancer, like shut the fuck up, Amber from New Jersey. Well, the sad news is that Amber's cancer has come back. Did you read about that? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:01 I don't want to talk about Amber's fucking cancer. She's probably excited that she has. And that girl's like that girl's disgusting to me. I don't want to talk about Amber's fucking cancer. She's probably excited that she has another. That girl's disgusting to me. Yeah, but you know, nobody deserves cancer. But I still hate that girl. In case anyone didn't hear it, Amber's cancer is back. So now we can't even do a compare and contrast between Daisy and Amber because now they both have cancer. Yeah, no one deserves cancer.
Starting point is 00:35:25 between daisy and amber because now they both have cancer yeah no one deserves cancer but there was a play written about um cs lewis i guess whose wife died of cancer um let me see what this is play about um shadowlands and his wife dies of cancer and there's like one of cs lewis's friends who always hated the wife like they always hated each other and she dies and they're at the they're you know by the graveside or whatever and all the friends are like oh she was a lovely woman blah blah blah and this guy's like no she wasn't like he makes some he makes some snide comment and they said jesus have some respect she just died and he said death does not improve the character wow and i sometimes feel like that i'm like you know amber i'm sorry you have cancer nobody deserves that you're still an awful human being.
Starting point is 00:36:06 Stay off my TV and keep your husband with you. Okay? Go to the hospital and stay off my TV. So beyond cancer, because I can't. Today is all race and cancer. Yeah. And so this, well, so then speaking of race. Geneva, civil rights pioneer Geneva, she is continuing her crusade against the cop that arrested her. Because as you may remember, she refused to pay the $21 off the – because she thought she should be charged $15.
Starting point is 00:36:41 So she met with her lawyer and her publicist, and they came up with talking points for her. And so now she actually has a fact sheet on what happened. Well, the interesting thing, too, about that scene, first of all, I love how they're intercutting it, with Melissa at an event going, well, listen, I know Geneva probably spouted off to those cops, and you cannot be mouthing off to cops. And then it cuts to Geneva going,
Starting point is 00:37:05 I have no doubt in my mind that this was racism and I will do what I need to do. And this is, that's it. It's a color of my skin. And then they're cutting back to Melissa, like laughing and high-fiving somebody. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:15 I love this show. So she's at, yeah. And you have Daisy, by the way, Daisy was furious, right? Because she was like,
Starting point is 00:37:22 I hate this because this makes it seem like all black people like she's like I hate when Daisy said I hate when black people play the race card in a situation that was not like a race situation was like you just didn't pay your taxi fare you know it's the cause you know and she's like uh she's telling the lawyers Geneva this is obviously she's the lawyers are like well you know this is race and blah, blah, blah. And the female lawyer goes, we're going to need you to put together a fact sheet to get all the facts. Because a lot of people are just going to say, why didn't she pay him? Why did she leave the cab? And she's basically saying, like, your store is full of shit.
Starting point is 00:37:56 So write down, make, you know, organize why this case is worthy. It was like the nicest lawyery way of saying like you we're gonna have to explain how this isn't bullshit so you do it for us and then we'll charge you by the hour like can you come up with that yeah yeah exactly uh but it's it's yeah this is this is all very interesting this whole geneva and making this a race thing and the other girls not letting her get away with it. I know. I'm really loving it. What was the event at the,
Starting point is 00:38:29 at the top of the episode? Because, uh, there was some event because some fashion event. Yeah. It was another fashion thing where, um, where,
Starting point is 00:38:37 cause Micah and Demetria wound up actually like having a friendly exchange. This is, this is in the, this is late. This is like kind of at the end of the episode. No, I know. But there was one in the beginning,
Starting point is 00:38:47 in the beginning where she's like, are you drinking? And she's like, no, I'm not drinking today. Yeah. Yeah. And Demetrius was like,
Starting point is 00:38:53 whoa. And then at the end, like Demetrius stepped on her foot by accident. They like laughed. And then it was like, Oh, like signs of like friendship. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:00 Those girls haven't really given each other a chance. I know. Well, of course they do. And then it goes to shit next week. But just still on this part, because I just love this Geneva storyline. I'm loving it, because Geneva is so delusional. But I love when she says, now, I didn't do anything.
Starting point is 00:39:17 You know, there are some facts out there that are just wrong. I did not steal. What do you call jumping out of a cab and not paying she's like well i just wanted him to wait and while i called the police no he's not gonna wait while you call the police you fucking moron that's stealing period and she's like i got a lawyer on speed dial really why do you have a lawyer on speed dial why could you imagine this woman calls 9-1-1 because she's been overcharged by the by the taxi driver i mean it's just she's been overcharged by the taxi driver? I mean, it's just –
Starting point is 00:39:47 She's insane. Here we are in the middle of like a civil rights crisis in Baltimore and this woman is calling 911 because of – And then you call 911 and you're the one who gets arrested? Yeah. Why are they going to arrest the clerk at the 7-Eleven and not the guy stole the sticker at snickers bar you fucking moron who are they gonna arrest and why do you have a lawyer on speed dial just in case your allowance doesn't come through and your wells fargs get out of here who are you gonna sue you don't do anything stupid yeah and i loved also arzo um was trying to i think it was actually at that fashion event or something arzo was immediately trying to like
Starting point is 00:40:23 do like damage control over the way she reacted the night before she's like hey so like some of the girls and i were just having a laugh about it because you know it's like that's totally the way we would have reacted with a cab and shanty totally like got mad at me so i just want you to be prepared for that next time you speak to shanty or so just yeah also just move on although i actually thank god they don't because that turned into a fun lunch yeah i'm so crazy bitch too but i but i like her yeah you have to be to be on these shows they're not going to put some normal person on there i like when they were at that event and daisy shows up and she and melissa's like do you
Starting point is 00:41:02 want to drink and she's like no i'm not drinking drink? And she's like, no, I'm not drinking right now. And she's like, Melissa's like, oh, that's right. Oh, come on now, stop. Melissa's like, are you not drinking? Because I used to be a video model. I hate when people bring that up. Oh, that waiter looked at me like he knows me. Oh, it's so hard getting a free glass of wine in the city without people getting hard dicks.
Starting point is 00:41:22 That part when Melissa went to her financial planner oh my god she's like it's really hard being me when everybody knows me you know it's like having a real job when everybody knows first of all no they don't first of all they're looking at your eyebrows because your eyebrows are frowning okay that's why they're looking at you you're squaring off your eyebrows, and it's weird. Stop it. And then she's like, well, you know, some people would just stay in the music industry forever, but I was like, no, not me.
Starting point is 00:41:52 Really? How do you think you're going to be a video model forever, babe? You hit 25. Okay? That's like hitting 2015 for a pinto. Okay? It's time to put it away. And, you know,
Starting point is 00:42:04 she always talks about how she has like that what was it like that perfect s shape or the perfect ass or whatever well guess what if you don't want to be viewed as a video vixen stop like doing so many squats and like you know it's like you it's like you are maintaining the video vixen body which by the way you're allowed to do that like if you as a woman if you want to look a certain way but if you're trying to like maintain your video vixen body and then you're mad that people treat you like a video vixen, like, you know, it's probably going to happen. It's so hard being hot. It's so hard.
Starting point is 00:42:34 Hot people don't get anything. And I love that the financial planner was like, well, you know, people like me who have your pictures. She's like, which one? Oh, good. You really need to hear that your financial planner basically jerks off to you and he got all awkward why are you bringing that up this guy i don't think that's very reputable and then she has another bullshit scene with frederick i mean they are trying to promote million dollar listing new york so badly trying to make frederick happen please
Starting point is 00:43:00 i don't even remember their scene i don't think i even paid attention he was just like listen what you have to do is you just have to work. And then you have to, when you sell something, you have to do like a dinosaur squeal. And you put your hands like this and then you kick. I'm like, that's the Karate Kid. Okay. I know you're from a different country, but, you know, the Karate Kid did it before Jurassic Park came out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:19 It also makes no sense. Ralph Macchio could kick a velociraptor's ass. That's not how you sell an apartment. Yeah. And he's like, yeah. And then, you know, how much if we sell this? How much is your half of the commission? And she's like, math is hard.
Starting point is 00:43:35 Get out of here, Melissa. Please. Just stop. She's too much this year. She's really annoying. You need to just be beautiful and, like, ex-famous and just be graceful and let people come up to you and be like didn't you used to be that's what you do okay you don't yeah she's like sally field in the mall right yes she is she really she's thirsty she's real thirsty um did did micah do anything uh super interesting this episode aside from like, I did like when she, I like when she talks to her chinchilla.
Starting point is 00:44:06 She's like, she's like, Rocky, why are you frowning? I mean, Micah's hilarious in every episode. Well, I love when Micah,
Starting point is 00:44:13 yeah, exactly. When she was singing the fact sheet, I nearly fell off the couch. Didn't she sing something about Pinot Grigio right after telling somebody she doesn't drink wine? I don't know. That's the Kim Richards defense right there. But let's see, then we go to racism,
Starting point is 00:44:29 because they start, Shanti is talking to her brother. She's like, I always wanted to be an American. I always did the American accent. You know, I always, in my first lemonade stand, I refused to pay women as much as men. It was amazing. Why doesn't everybody live in America? And then she said, you know, I'm not racist.
Starting point is 00:44:54 It's not about her being from Afghanistan. Google Afghan hound, which we actually did last week. And, you know, got a point. She does have a point. She does have a point. I think it was Micah was the one who was like, well, you know, the Afghans are like sort of like long and tall and sexy with long hair. So, you know, it was funny. All the women are kind of like, yeah, Shanti sort of has a point.
Starting point is 00:45:13 Yeah. And I also love. Oh, go ahead. I was going to say just to I'm stepping ahead a little bit. But at that luncheon, they all had like a boozy brunch because someone was like, you know, we need we need a boozy brunch just to fix everything. And by the way, boozy brunches is exactly how you ruin everything even more. But I love when at one point Shanti's like, oh, I'm going to go to the bathroom. And then Ars goes, OK. And then when you get back, maybe you can discuss why you called me an Afghan hound.
Starting point is 00:45:41 Yeah. Let's discuss your racism after you pee or whatever. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe you would like to tell everyone why you call me an Afghanghan hound yeah let's discuss your racism after you pee or whatever yeah yeah maybe you would like to tell everyone why you call me an afghan hound it was so passive aggressive i just like let out a huge guffaw i love absolutely love that this woman is such a kook that she sees no irony in the fact that she's making such a huge racist deal out of this little obviously non-racist thing and taking it seriously when she refuses to even listen to the racism argument from yeah geneva you know geneva yeah it's i mean i think they're both full of shit they've got that that in common but she's really a hypocrite yeah no absolutely i don't like that i know but it's like funny i just
Starting point is 00:46:23 i just loved her very corporate way of like putting someone on the spot, you know, and that like, well, when you get back, maybe you would like to discuss with the group the certain things you've been saying about me, about how I'm an Afghan hound. Thanks. And you're really going to bring that up to a table of black women and get them on the racism side? No, it's not going to work, honey. And they laughed in her face, basically. And then they said, oh, well, you know, someone called me a British bulldog. I wouldn't get mad. And she goes, no, it's not that.
Starting point is 00:46:52 It's if I called you a Jamaican, you know. Mongoose. Mongoose or whatever. I was like, okay, that's, you know, there you go. That would be a little bit more racist, probably. And the other women, this conversation is so annoying to the other women that it actually causes Demetria and Micah to make up. It's so bad. It's typical women bonding and gay men, I have to say.
Starting point is 00:47:15 Yeah. You don't like the same thing. Bitch about it together. It fixes everything every single time. There's a reason Matt used to always forgive us. We would always be able to bitch about these people together yeah exactly oh bitching about people bonds a bitch it brings us all together uh so let's see that wasn't really jumping ahead that much been uh geneva tried to
Starting point is 00:47:39 bring it up uh when she was like uh she tried to bring it up with them right where she was like, she tried to bring it up with them, right? Where she was like, well, certain people, I know that certain people don't agree with my lawsuit and that's why I've made a fact sheet. And then she passes the fact sheet out to everybody. Oh, Lord. So we should have a fact sheet for this. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:01 No, we should have a fact sheet for this podcast, I think. Fact. It started five hours ago fact all we talk about is racism now and cancer fact and dogs and afghan hounds oh god why did she fucking geneva won't stop i just keep writing down geneva quotes you call the i'm the victim but who do they, you know, what does she say? She's like, I'm the victim, but who do they arrest? The brown girl.
Starting point is 00:48:31 The brown girl holding the money that she didn't give the cab driver. Okay, but come on. And watch Geneva later on this season say, listen, I am not victimizing myself. You know she's going to say that at some point when she literally said, I am the victim. Yeah. You know she's gonna say that at some point when she literally said i am the victim yeah yeah you know she's gonna do that uh la la la frederick cancer cancer cancer i have cancer i did love when um the girls are arguing i'm saying i love this a lot i don't know why uh the girls uh are arguing at the table and it cuts to daisy going i have stage three cancer and you're arguing okay let's not be using cancer in arguments like come on guys i have cancer well then we just can't have a show then i mean what are we gonna do like put everything on the side because you have cancer
Starting point is 00:49:18 no girl girl girl you're doing girl you shouldn't even be on this show you're taking getting radiation every single day now you should just Why are you even at brunch? You're ridiculous. Yeah, I love that girl because she's a workaholic. Good for her. And she's got bills, too. Oh, my God, those bills. Can I just say that's fucking...
Starting point is 00:49:34 I'm glad that we're figuring something out that people at least have insurance now. But part of the problem isn't even having insurance. It's that it costs you $100,000 to go to the hospital. What the hell? Yeah. I think we need to fix the system before we fix the insurance system come on guys let's all bond together and like actually try and make laws that the hospitals can't charge you like that that's bullshit you go to the emergency room you get a bill for ten thousand dollars nope i'll fix it at home with some popsicle sticks and some paper towels exactly exactly i mean that's why people like don't are afraid to go you know everything's everything's I'll fix it at home with some popsicle sticks and some paper towels. Exactly. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:50:05 I mean, that's why people like don't are afraid to go. You know, everything's everything's fucked with health care. So my friend, I am very much in favor of Obamacare for the reasons that Daisy mentioned. You know, like if you're a freelancer or people like us or whatever, you have to pay for your own health care. Like it sucks. And, you know, so I am pro Obamacare. But that being said, you still pay for your own health care with obamacare but it's cheaper it's like more affordable to do so but um but my friend though
Starting point is 00:50:30 she's on obamacare and she hurt her foot and she can't even get a doctor's appointment for another three months i mean isn't that crazy so that's what it's gonna be yeah i mean i don't think that's obamacare's fault but like this just saying the healthcare system is really just messed up. Well, structured insurance. That's kind of the problem with when you have an insurance that's a... What's it called where it's not like Blue Cross Blue Shield, but where it's more like... What is it called, Ben? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:50:57 It's a kind of insurance, but it's a certain kind where you can only go to certain doctors or whatever. HMO. HMO, yeah. It's that. So, you know, good luck. Good luck to us all. It's all messed up. This is not HMO, yeah. It's that. So, you know, good luck. Good luck to us all. It's all messed up. This is not going to be fun.
Starting point is 00:51:09 I have Kaiser. I have Kaiser Permanente. I'm behind the idea of it. I'm just not behind handing, you know, more power to insurance companies that were already gouging us in the first place. So now we've got to deal with that. And now we've got to deal with going to random doctors that we don't necessarily want to go to and not being able to go wherever you need to go and then still being charged hundreds of thousand dollars i mean it didn't really it
Starting point is 00:51:28 was a good start but you know let's keep working on that guys i think we should come back to that one that's what i say i say you know at the very least you know as i think if health care can be more affordable for people or insurance can be that's the first step and of course there are improvements to be made because it's sad when you've got us when you've got someone like me now of course i'm speaking from a poor very lightly educated version of this uh obamacare for anybody who's about to start typing out facts and figures go for it because you need a fact yeah give me a fact sheet girl because i'm down to listen to whatever i'm just saying we all need to work on that a little bit more because it's really sad when I'm watching TV and see a woman with cancer in bed with all these bills surrounding her costing hundreds of thousands of dollars. And my response is, girl, wait until you're healed and then declare bankruptcy.
Starting point is 00:52:19 They can't do shit. I mean, that's a sad response, but that's the way that that's the way we roll, because that's the only that's the only option people like us have. And it's still the only option we have because they're not going to pay for everything. You don't just go to the hospital and it's all paid for because you're paying for insurance. It's not work like that. I know. Well, some people are all some people that I'm very close to are like, well, I hate it. Obamacare is socialism. It's socialism. We're paying. I'm like, well, I hate it. Obamacare is socialism.
Starting point is 00:52:45 It's socialism. We're paying for it. I'm like, well, what about tell me about your public schools then? OK, like I don't have any kids. And guess what? I'm paying for public schools and I'm not complaining about it. No shit. And if we really were if we really had socialism, we wouldn't be paying a monthly bill to a private company.
Starting point is 00:53:00 We would be getting free health care. So, yeah, whatever. So. So, yeah. So stop complaining about socialism when your kids are going to public school. You see what this show has done to us. Now we're talking about fucking Obamacare.
Starting point is 00:53:11 Oh, Jesus. Oh, Obamacare so last year. Oh, Jesus. I actually don't have too much more to say about Blood, Sweat, and Heels. Let me go here. Demetria made up with What's Her Bones because they hated the same girl.
Starting point is 00:53:25 We already said that. Geneva. Geneva said, now, I don't want to ask. She's like, some people have a problem with my situation. And then Melissa's like, well, what was it? Or whatever. Someone asked her a question. She's like, well, my lawyers have asked me not to talk about it.
Starting point is 00:53:41 Really? The lawyers that you just talked about it with on TV? Shut up, Geneva. Shut up, Geneva. Shut up, Geneva. Well, I like how Melissa was talking about how she'd been arrested before. And then Geneva's like, well, did you deserve to be arrested? And Melissa's like, yeah, probably. And then Geneva's like, well, I hope we make a very important distinction.
Starting point is 00:53:56 But the fact that I did not deserve to be arrested, I'm like, you probably did not deserve to be arrested over that situation. But you also probably did not need to involve the cops either. not deserve to be arrested over that situation but you also probably did not need to involve the cops either and it's also amazing because we know that she gets arrested again for attacking the girl that got arrested for a good reason so it all comes full circle in the end oh i hope that's on i wonder if that was on the show like if they had cameras were there for that oh god please well why else would they be hanging out together those yeah why else yeah when it's not shooting time i like that they're being more honest about it now like like petty floor and uh and what's her buns in melbourne are like well we're the new girls you know it's hard to bond like we're the new cast members yeah um it wasn't your race
Starting point is 00:54:35 it was your face someone said that that was funny well to be fair the only reason why geneva really got arrested was like oh it's wesley snipes isn supposed to be in jail? Didn't he evade some taxes? Better arrest him. Yeah, she was actually in jail for tax evasion. Yeah. She just didn't know that. She didn't read why they booked her. Yeah. They were like, wait a second, he's a vampire. We better arrest him.
Starting point is 00:54:59 Fact. Geneva was released from jail because she agreed not to make another Blade movie. What was that movie he was in? Was it Blade? Yeah, it was Blade. Fact. Geneva was released from jail because she agreed not to make another Blade movie. What was that movie he was in? Was it Blade? Yeah, Blade. Fact. Geneva was arrested because people thought that she was trying to destroy the city in the future.
Starting point is 00:55:14 But thankfully, Sylvester Stallone and Sandra Bullock were there to save the day. Fact. Vampires can't gain weight. Fact. I was arrested because they thought I was a con artist on Venice Beach trying to con people with my basketball skills. Oh lord, girl. Fact. I was arrested because they thought I was with two other drag queens on a road trip. Fact. Patrick Swayze's ghost came to me in jail and warned me not to sit on the seat.
Starting point is 00:55:47 ghost came to me in jail and warned me not to sit on the seat fact i was arrested because the officers thought i was trying to break into the white house to save the president so let's move on to melbourne i'm like what other wesley snipes movies are out there i'm trying to think real hard i was arrested because i was dating a white girl uh jungle fever um i'm out of wesley snipes movies can you tell i'm like okay let's move on i don't want to type imdb up into my computer right now okay yeah yeah um so let's talk about real housewives of Melbourne, which is so... Such a funny episode. Funny. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:56:29 Our friend David Clark, who, he's been a guest on the Banter Blender, and he is a co-host of Lion's Lair with our friend Angie Thomas. Oh, I didn't know that. I thought it was just Angie and Grant. No, I think that David's on that one also. But anyway, David is super funny, and he'd never seen Real Housewives of Melbourne. So David came over on Friday night because we're going to watch Bruce Jenner together. And while we're waiting for Bruce Jenner to start, I was like, well, I haven't watched Melbourne yet. Would you care to watch this?
Starting point is 00:56:57 And I would like to say he enjoyed it greatly because it was the perfect episode to introduce someone to the real housewives of Melbourne. It was like five minutes. Oh, my God. Well, it started with the fight, right? Did they continue the fight or were they just talking about it? No, they were continuing last week's fight because this part of the last week, the fight was Petty Fleur saying to Gina or something along the lines of, you know, a lot of things seem to upset you. And Gina was like, well, you have a lot of opinions about me and i think you'd be do well to be quiet thank you very much yeah keep your opinions to yourself and shut your ass all up you stupid cunt or cut your
Starting point is 00:57:33 throat like all right gina all right go gina you seem to know a lot about me not i think we're gonna be best friends not yeah so then this part of the fight was jackie like lost her shit for some reason well things things seem to calm down right well i love that lydia i love when lydia is the voice of reason but she's too stupid to talk so she's like guys what i think would be best is for the two of you i mean you two you know like the two people you know the two people and janet's like the people involved hear that janet's like everyone who's involved in the conflict maybe discuss it and then you know jackie is still pissed about gina making psychic comments like that she doesn't believe I'm psychic.
Starting point is 00:58:25 She's been carrying that around since the beginning and waiting to go off on her ass because what she went off on her today didn't even make any sense. Like, it starts with... Didn't things calm down after Lydia didn't... Maybe I got the sequence wrong. Well, Lydia, it calmed down a bit because Lydia said, I'm going to go to the Philippines to meet the family of my housekeeper.
Starting point is 00:58:45 And Gina's like, well, did you kidnap her? Yeah. She's like, I'm delivering coffee. And she goes, did you say coffee? Because that's the one thing you can't take there. You'll be arrested. You'll meet them and then they'll go to prison. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:57 And so the thing is, Gina's cracking those jokes, you know, and I'm surprised actually they weren't getting mad at her for cracking those jokes. I thought every time she cracked a joke joke i thought the music was going to change and be like i can't believe gina said that about coffee you know exactly i love coffee i drink it every day how dare she but then when things calm down a little bit all of a sudden petty fleur is the one who brought it back right because petty fleur's like you know it's very funny because i say in my book switch the bitch i say and somehow that literally this is a stupid petty floor she goes okay you know what i want to talk about how much my book has helped me i'm like really your own self-help book helped you you fucking twit she's like my own self-help book has helped me because i have
Starting point is 00:59:43 enriched my bitch. Nothing bothers me. I'm like, really? Because this whole fight is about what bothers you. Everything we're fighting about is how you're bothered by something, okay? You're constantly bothered. Gina has made comments on my race
Starting point is 01:00:00 and my color and my accent and Gamble's like, you liar. You're a liar. That never happened. Um. No. No, it never happened. It never happened.
Starting point is 01:00:16 I'm telling Wolfie and you're telling me who's right or wrong because sometimes I'm a bad girl. That's right. So Gamble started defending Gina and then they were like, yo, it's Gina's mouthpiece. And I girl that's right so gamble started defending gina and then and then they were like yo it's gina's mouthpiece and i think that's when jackie like lost it right because jackie's like you should have heard what gina said before we went on to a morning show gina gina said that she wants to throw the new girls under the bus uh yeah and gina's like i never said that
Starting point is 01:00:41 you know i said it i said it i didn't know my microphone was on in the bathroom. Right? Gina's like, oh, I think the demons have gotten you possessed. And then Janet's like, Gina, what an awful thing to say. Stop that right now, Gina. It was like every time. It's like any time Gina insults someone, it's like, what an awful thing to say. Oh, Gina.
Starting point is 01:01:05 Oh, Gina. But then she went back. She kept going back and forth. She was like, no, Jackie. No, Jackie. Don't say that, Jackie. No, Gina. Why, Gina?
Starting point is 01:01:16 What a horrible thing. No, Jackie. No. Shut up, ref. You are not the ref. It was like, could you imagine Janet at the Baltimore Riots? No, don't throw a chair in that window. No, no, officer, don't throw rocks at the
Starting point is 01:01:29 window. Stop it. Please don't shoot a black person. Don't throw through the window. Alright, don't breathe a sigh in the car, darling. No, don't do that to Best Buy. Let's just all go into the stadium and watch the baseball game.
Starting point is 01:01:48 No, don't leave the stadium. No. I have to say, your Janet has evolved into something amazing. I don't know what it is, but I love it. Darling. But then Jackie's like, well, you know what she said about you at the show? She said that you're a lunatic, that your husband's a lunatic,
Starting point is 01:02:11 and that she's going to throw you under the bus. Didn't she? And Janet's like, she did say that. She did. And she's like, didn't she? And Gina's like, no, she didn't. And then Janet, trying to calm it down, goes, well, she didn't say your husband was a lunatic,
Starting point is 01:02:24 but she did say she was going to throw people under the bus I'm like well which is it is this literally true or is it not true can somebody tell me and Jackie's like let's take a lie detector I'm not afraid of a lie detector I mean I had to take one before I married Silverchair and I'll take one now I'll do it
Starting point is 01:02:40 I'll have him come right over oh you're possessed you need an exorcism and Jackie's like no and then Gina starts doing an impression of jackie but it's a retarded person and she's like oh i'm gonna get it dead i'm gonna get it dead it's like okay now you're offending just mentally disabled people jackie's like lie detector. And then Janet's like, oh, you don't need a lie detector. You've got me.
Starting point is 01:03:09 Yeah, the paradigm of virtue over there. This show is cuckoo. I love it. I fucking love it. And then she's like, well, it's okay because I have names for Gina too. I call her Ned Kelly because she is one mask, one big mask. And I was like, it's okay because i have names for gina too i call her ned kelly because she
Starting point is 01:03:25 is one mask one big mask and i was like who's ned kelly god uh so because gina was like well i just called her eddie the expert and she's like that's all right because i've called you ned kelly and was like what does that mean and then jackie kelly then jackie saving it up as she has since everything that's happened since she got mad last year i mean you this woman not seemed like the brightest bulb on the tree but she can hold on to pieces of information for a very long time you know how is she not she's got the angels constantly telling her about them when she she was saying, oh, yeah, and she knew about the rumors. You know, go ahead and tell her that you knew about the rumors before everybody else did. You know, like that's some big scandal.
Starting point is 01:04:14 Wasn't all this shit already in the gossip pages? That's how Chica knew. That's what she said. She said, I know what I read in the papers. How would Jackie know about the rumors? How would Jackie know that Gina knew about the rumors? Because I guess Jack, supposedly at this morning show, maybe Gina told her. I don't know. So that means that Jackie knew about the rumors, too.
Starting point is 01:04:36 Exactly. But Jackie's not pretending to be best friends with Gamble and then secretly not telling her that everybody's going to call her a whore on TV. I mean, I don't know. It gets so convoluted. After all this fighting, after like 10 minutes of this, Gambleore on tv i mean i don't know it gets so after all this fighting after like 10 minutes this gamble's like well i don't believe it and then it was like oh okay it's over well if you've seen gina talk for five minutes you know that she busts your balls when you're not there because that's what she does you know she was making some comment the thing um oh and then it turned into oh fuck off and then you know but i love that it
Starting point is 01:05:08 was gina like oh fuck off and she's like you fuck off and she's like well you be quiet she's like you be quiet good good arguing skills jackie she's five she's like you are holding the line for her tequila but they did you know what though they did get much more of a rise out of gina this time which makes me think that gina did say comments, but she probably said it as a joke. Because last year, when they were all coming at Gina, she just took out her makeup and powdered her nose. This time, she actually got like... Well, yeah, she was probably like, let's get the new girls, girls. Ho, ho, ho, ho.
Starting point is 01:05:39 You know, like, let's bond and take down the new girls. Ho, ho, ho, whatever. Who cares? bond and take down the new girls whatever who cares the thing the most uh sucky thing about gina for me this week which i cannot believe i'm gonna say something sucky about gina oh ronnie how i actually read an article about gina and i forget why i was googling her i'm so pathetic that i just admitted to googling gina uh gina. But I did. I Googled her for something. And she's giving this article, this interview to whoever, and it's like, Gina may quit The Real Housewives.
Starting point is 01:06:13 And then the article is her saying, like, you know, I don't know why I'd be part of a show where I'm being victimized. And I don't like that people are attacking me, especially that Jackie. I don't see any reason to put myself in that position. It's disgusting. It's embarrassing embarrassing and i'm not gonna and you know yeah you're not being bullied please do not start playing the housewives bullied card because so far the people who have done that are the bullies they're all the horrible people so please don't jump on that team because that kind of turns you into one of them right thank you yeah gina don't jump on that team because that kind of turns you into one of them.
Starting point is 01:06:45 Mm-hmm. Right? Thank you. Yeah, Gina, don't fall on that. Don't fall on that trap. It's easy. Don't fall into it. No, if you're such a strong woman, just say, oh, Jackie, you're full of shit.
Starting point is 01:06:54 Just be quiet. Go back to your midget Johnny Depp in his penguin role and leave the rest of us to it. Go back to Silver Chair. Get back to Danny DeVito, all right? He's fucked with Carla again, Tony. So then the fight is over. And then I think we move to like... Then we move to tea. They go to the tea house.
Starting point is 01:07:13 The tea house. And it's like... What I thought was funny is Jackie... I mean, sorry, not Jackie. Janet was like, Well, I came here to get the tea because my son is starting a tea business. And they go.
Starting point is 01:07:28 And they... And they taste her tea. I love that she brought tea. She's like, these are my favorite teas. I like this one because it makes me shit. I like this one because it keeps me up. And I like this one because it does something to my eyes that I can't understand, but I can't see for an hour, and it's the best I've ever looked. It's like, shut up. Why are you bringing tea to the tea expert?
Starting point is 01:07:44 You're fucking the Chinese diet tea or Chinese. Yeah. They grind up some spices. They drink some chai. It's like, oh, thank you so much. This has really been a highlight. And it's like, so that's all you did. You've made this entire trip just to go and drink, drink some chai.
Starting point is 01:08:00 She could have mailed that. Sid. Yeah. So then it's pediflora and Jackie, She could have mailed that Sid. Yeah. So PJ. So then it's Petaflor and Jackie, because now Jackie's like, oh, I'll be friends with Petaflor because she hates Gina and, you know, enemies are my enemy and my friend. It's like, no, no, she's not. But enjoy thinking that for this next five minutes during the scene. And she's like, well, you know, it's a genie.
Starting point is 01:08:23 She's really awful you know blah blah blah and petty floor is like yes and what about the gamble who let the dogs out it's like why is it okay for you to be such a bitch you know i guess that wasn't racism that was like more animalist than racist but it was more um a cheap shot at the uh the bow wow man or whatever they're called Baja man the Baja man then they're intercutting this this discussion about Janer in with a discussion that Gamble is having with who is Gamble talking to L who's L Lydia oh yeah she's talking to Lydia she's talking to lydia she's talking to lydia now about it um which i just loved because lydia's trying so hard to not be anti-gina so people on twitter are nice to her because that's basically why anybody does anything on this show or that's at least my theory as you can probably tell by now
Starting point is 01:09:16 but lydia's like well you know i don't want to be mean about gina it's just that the thing is she's a horrible person and so that's how it comes out sometimes and you just got ignoring like that's okay you know you're still being a bitch you're doing it in a soft voice but yeah exactly but it was also weird because lydia was hating gamble lydia was like so mad at gamble because gamble had snickered allegedly through lydia's like uh miscarriage story and then all of a sudden she's like bonding with Gamble which I guess is good. It's good to show that women can like have...
Starting point is 01:09:49 No, it doesn't show that at all. If anything it shows the manipulation. In this scene, all she was doing was trying to turn Gamble against Gina, right? Because she hates Gina. She wasn't doing anything for Gamble. She was just trying to help her. Then later, after she's gotten pissed off that she's basically been called a trophy wife by pedoflore indirectly like pedoflore
Starting point is 01:10:09 wasn't even talking to her she's bonded with gamble because she lives off of her husband too which i mean so what you're a wife you're supposed you know if you're a stay-at-home housewife and you married a rich dude you're supposed to marry you're supposed to like live off of his money why else would you be fucking an old gross ugly man like you earned it girl well you know you earn that money girl that is your job fucking wolfie all right that's all you had to say but anyway that's why they bonded lydia is still a manipulative little i think don't don't worry my my favorite lydia scene obviously was when she met joanna's parents and she brought like a little card and some things she She's like, you know, in many ways,
Starting point is 01:10:45 Joanna's like my daughter. She's like my daughter. She didn't even say in many ways. She said, I'm the mother. I'm her mother. And the mom was confused. And she's like, I'm her mother. That's why I bought you braces.
Starting point is 01:10:58 She told me, you know, family members needed it. And as my daughter, I bought them for her. Yeah. She's mine now. And I pay her to be my daughter. I mean, she's just like a daughter to me. Because when I need tea, she brings it. Or when I need my toilet clean, she cleans it.
Starting point is 01:11:15 And she does it out of the goodness of her own heart. And also because I pay her to do it. She's my daughter because I've always wanted a girl to vacuum my home. And she does that for me. It's very touching, really. And she's always saying, Lydia, thank you so much for all the wonderful things you do for me. And I realize what a good daughter I have. That she thanks me for all the things, even though I'm paying for her.
Starting point is 01:11:38 Even though she's employed to say those things to me. It's so nice that she says them anyway. Oh, I like when the little boy comes up and she's like oh a book don't do that darling it's bad for you i know because i'm your mother i'm mommy lydia and he's like mommy mommy lydia get the hell out of there what are you talking about she's so stupid she's so stupid she's so tack. She's like, when Joanna gets married again, I'm excited because I've seen her, all the souls of everyone in the Philippines. So it's going to be like 50 million people getting married that day. I've decided that when Joanna gets married again, I'm going to have a party on the same night.
Starting point is 01:12:19 So she at least gets to taste catered food on her wedding night. She at least gets to taste catered food on her wedding night. You know, I'm so excited for Joanna to get married again, because I know when the wedding is over, she'll do such a good job of cleaning it up. Because you know what? She's a wonderful housekeeper. I've never seen anybody come down the aisle with the swiftest sweeper before, but if anybody can do it, my daughter can.
Starting point is 01:12:51 I've told her I'm'm gonna pay for her entire wedding as long as she cleans up for herself i mean she has to as part of the job description i love when she said i went to see her family and i'm really glad i did it because it really told me more of a story about joanna like what did that tell you that told you nothing that told you nothing about joanna like what did that tell you that told you nothing that told you nothing about joanna all you did was walk in there and claim to be her mother and then her gift to the mother she's like she's like here's a picture frame for you to put a picture of me and joanna in no what are you doing who wants a picture of their kid's employer so yeah exactly this is my kid's maid thanks for coming over for dinner hasn't she been great now you can take a picture of your daughter and her
Starting point is 01:13:30 real mother that's me i'm the real mother i don't know who you are but this is the last time you get to see joanna and where are they gonna get this picture she didn't give her a picture of her and the maid because she doesn't have one she's like you can put a picture of us in it where are they gonna take a picture of you two you fucking fool i love lydia she's the dumbest fucking cow on this show she's what a narcissist what a narcissist i mean i'm like her mother i'm like her mother and you know what next time i come to the philippines i'm going to bring my real son but not joanna so that way you can meet my real son because i'm not gonna pay for joanna she has to she has to earn her own way so good so then we cut to this discussion between gamble
Starting point is 01:14:12 and pediflora where they're gonna make up or whatever okay they're like let's have drinks and talk about this like time to switch the bitch yes oh my god pediflora is so mean. She's an awful girl. She's a vortex of suck. That girl just sucks. She's an awful human being. Hate her. Yeah. Hate her.
Starting point is 01:14:33 And I love that the women actually thought for two seconds that they had someone that they could jump on her bandwagon and fight Gina. And you know they all did. Those three bitches did. And then now they can't because they're like oh you're a bitch so she gets together with gamble and she's like you know what i want to know is why you treat me like this and racist blah blah blah and gamble's like darling it was just i was just saying it it was trying it was a gentle stab darling i mean i don't even know that's the same remind me again what what petty floor was even mad at Gamble about.
Starting point is 01:15:05 What did Gamble say that got Petty Floor? Was this going back to the nouveau riche thing? Yes, it was the nouveau riche thing and about why she's a nouveau riche Barbie and blah, blah, blah. And Gamble's like, darling, I didn't mean to hate your feelings. I was trying to get you back, you know, because you said something about me. So I said something about you. It's payback, you know. And then Rolfie told me I was misbehaving.
Starting point is 01:15:27 And I said, okay, because Wolfie knows sometimes I'm a bad girl, Petty Fleur. And Petty Fleur's like, yes, but do you understand why you are racist or whatever? She starts going off. And then she's like, so where do you get your money? And she's like, I didn't feel them to be talking about that. Oh, really? Because, you know, I have a wage. I have a job. You know, she
Starting point is 01:15:47 starts being a total mean girl. And I love how Petty Floor doesn't, it's like Petty Floor doesn't understand why she's being called Barbie, nouveau riche Barbie, when the very first thing she's doing is, like, having a pissing contest about where you get the money. Like, that's what classically nouveau riche people do.
Starting point is 01:16:04 Show off money and then talk about money. That's exactly why you are nouveau riche barbie yep not saying that anyone hears old money barbie but still yeah and to count uh to uh credit gamble which i just love her more yeah and more yeah but to credit her she was just like look i said i'm sorry i'm not gonna listen to you insult me bye Bye. And she just walked out. Yeah, she did. You know, she's not going to have a fight with someone like that. And that's the problem that Petaflora is going to have on this show. Because she's another Brandy who just is going to start a fight just so she can be on TV.
Starting point is 01:16:36 Bitch, when you're acting like that, nobody's even going to fight with you. Because you're not even based in any kind of reality. You know, you're just being a bitch to be a bitch. And then Gamble walks off and Petaf Floor is like, oh, fine. Walk away. And laughs like the queen from Sleeping Beauty. I mean, come on. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:52 And meanwhile, Petty Floor, she's like, you know, I'm a very understated woman. I am very, you know, I do not like a lot of bling, et cetera. And she objects to being called nouveau riche barbie next scene she comes walking down a staircase with her head covered in jewels yeah diamonds she's diamonds she's a world-class act this bitch i mean she looked like a showgirl without the feathers um i like when she said uh i like when she said you know whenever i talk to gamble i think that what i'm saying is distorted in her head. I'm like, yeah, because she's reading your lips and you're not making any, you're speaking in a different accent, you know?
Starting point is 01:17:32 That is racist. That is racist. Racist! And what is Gamble hearing when she sees the type of door talking to you? To be fair, Gamble does hear something different from everyone else. I am convinced that what goes into Gimel's head is a series of barks and yips. Yeah. She's like, you're a carnival Barbie. And she's like,
Starting point is 01:17:53 Gimel, I'm going to take me on a carnival cruise. Mixed signals. Mixed signals. My father was an artist. My father was a painter. My father was an artist. My father was a painter. So then we go down to her calling her a little dog. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 01:18:14 She walks off, which I liked. I have wage. Oh, okay. Then I wrote the next thing is they all get together again. And Gamble is, of course, telling this telling this gamble i'm not gamble pedoflora is telling the story about what happened with gamble and it's a total misrepresentation and she's you know of course making herself look like i just wanted to know i just want to know how much she earns or where she gets some money from but i love that the women just called her right away on it and they were like but wait don't you think that was rude she's like well yes but i have a wage i earned my living and then that's when lydia was like oh
Starting point is 01:18:49 hell no she did not just get pissed off at somebody for getting money for the ugly man that they're fucking because i'm not gonna have it and then lydia was suddenly like not gonna have her which i loved because of course pedofaflor being the hypocritical ho-bag that she is immediately veers into a conversation about how she wants her husband or she didn't even say this but for her birthday
Starting point is 01:19:12 she wants a white Bentley with white linen which who wants wrinkled seats? Nobody wants wrinkled seats. I've never seen linen that's not wrinkled, okay? Don't do it. And how is linen classier than leather? It'sled, okay? Don't do it. Wrinkled.
Starting point is 01:19:27 And how is linen classier than leather? It's not, okay? No one died for linen. She better not be spray tanning before she gets into that car. She's a fucking idiot. Don't let Gina get in the passenger seat. No kidding. I didn't do that.
Starting point is 01:19:39 I don't know that was there. You must have been driving around one of your sisters or something, because look at the seats brand darling then lydia is like oh really who's paying for the car for your birthday who's paying for it and petty floor is trying to ignore her because she's trying to make everybody on her side and ignores her and ignores her and she's like finally is it your husband is it your allowance like yeah we saw where you were going with that but so nice yeah i'm just loving lydia anytime they show lydia lately i just start laughing because she's ridiculous yeah i mean it's sort of funny like it's very hard to keep track of these women's
Starting point is 01:20:16 alliances because every episode it's like back and forth like a janet hated petty floor then janet liked petty floor then lydia hated gina l Lydia's sort of okay with Gina, but not okay with Gina. And now they're, like, gambling. It's like, I can't keep track of it. I just go with the flow and see where the arguments are any given week. Yeah. It is confusing. I've got, like, three pages of notes.
Starting point is 01:20:36 I'm going through the entire episode today. Do it. We are going scene by scene. So they're doing all this shit in the bar. So then they finally have dinner and just decide to forget it and fight again at dinner because what else do you do when you're a housewife? So they go to have dinner and Gamble starts it off lightly. She's like, oh, so excited for everybody to get to hang out in my sister's tempest because
Starting point is 01:20:58 she's going to be coming soon to get plastic surgery. I tried to talk her out of it, but she's going to do it anyway. I was like, when did you try and talk her out of it? Because last week you were like, do it. Welcome to the high society, bitch. She just wanted a nose job and you've got 20 things going on. A little tummy tuck and a liposuction
Starting point is 01:21:18 and a temple reduction. You need new pupils. Is getting new pupils for her a little fee? I told the doctor, give my sister the senior one sis I want her to look just like another hand we could be hand twins I like what she said yeah the guy the doctor is the same guy who does my boob he does my face he also does no the doctor is the same guy who did my boobs he also does faces like that explains a lot about your face didn't you ever i told my sister do you want to look like janice from the muppets then go see my doctor have you ever seen how fake boobs move in porn that's about
Starting point is 01:21:57 how much your fake your fake face moves okay they move about the same. Yeah. God bless her little heart. So she starts it, and then it turns into Petty Floor being a stupid whore again and being like, oh, would you like to know why I called you Carnival Barbie? Ned Kelly Barbie. So here's the thing with Petty Floor that I love. She hurls an insult, and then no one really cares. So then she gets really bothered that no one cares. Then the next day or two days later, she hurls an insult, and then no one really cares. So then, like, she gets really bothered that no one cares, then, like, the next day or two days later, she's like, sir, I know
Starting point is 01:22:30 you've been thinking about it for two days, so would you like me to explain my insult since you never asked? Like, she was waiting for people to say, like, what's that supposed to mean? But no one ever does, so she's just like, she can't say, she finally, okay, fine, I will now explain my insult since nobody asked. When they were at the pool bonding, Lydia's like, okay, she's like totally fine with Gamble now.
Starting point is 01:22:51 And they were, by the way, they went back. They went to the place that Real Housewives of Atlanta went to, the farm, the vegan spa place. Oh, that was the same place? I didn't even notice. Same exact place. But then Lydia starts talking about her you know her dead baby again and stuff was just totally sad and campbell's like i'm sorry you know i've never that's horrible we didn't know you were talking about dead babies at the other end of the table we thought it was going to be a fun speech and lydia's like it's okay darling it's okay and then lydia has this
Starting point is 01:23:21 moment with a camera where she's like you know sometimes these women get out of control but the important thing is that we've got sisterhood and we can overcome it i'm like you have gold digger sisterhood and that is the only reason you overcame anything bitch please stop trying to front okay please gamble gamble did say something i don't i don't want to say sensible but like um the sort of thing that she should have said to Petty Flora, which was that she said, well, look, I quit my job in Sydney to move down to be with Rick. So, yeah, I don't have a job right now. And so the implication was like, yeah, of course he's paying for everything because I don't have a job, you know. And then she tells Gina flat out.
Starting point is 01:24:02 She's like, he does support, you know, I love him because he's's like he does support you know i love him because he's beautiful and he does support me and it was like totally unapologetic as and it shouldn't you know it's like i i support that like you know i think it's you know she shouldn't have to feel bad about the fact that she found a guy who wants to you know of course not and i know i sound like a hippo saying that because i always give women shit on this show trouble for it like i'm always making fun of them the difference is that she's saying like she's able to do what she wants because she has a man who takes care of her and she's owning it or whatever I hate when Pete when the women like Yolanda Foster acts like she did something you know like Yolanda acts like she has actually
Starting point is 01:24:42 done something other than fuck rich ugly guys for her living. She actually thinks that she's done something. You know, it's women like that who make me fucking crazy. Like you did not win those Grammys. Okay, so just stop. Just back down. Oh, my love. My love.
Starting point is 01:24:57 David. Bella. Gigi. And the other one. Oh. Bella with a penis. You know, sometimes it comes out wrong the second time sometimes practice does not make perfect but that was too long of a name um the uh what was i gonna say about gamble yeah i agree with you i i do agree with you you know i like that gamble just sort of owned it and um um that she uh that she sort of she just
Starting point is 01:25:29 sort of came out with it to lydia and she's like you know what i didn't feel comfortable saying it to you know petty floor was was interrogating me and i didn't like why should i have to explain myself to her whereas with you we're just talking and so of course i'll just like say it i also like didn't petty floor one point say like yeah i like how she put it though because she's like she said well you know why couldn't you just say why can you say it to me not to pediflora and she's like because you're not being an asshole darling yeah well because didn't petty floor at one point say like listen i don't want this to be an interrogation you know and then the first thing she's like so where do you get your money what do you do for a living where are you from totally um pedoflora is awful okay so then it
Starting point is 01:26:07 becomes the gina and pedoflora fight again gosh you know and at this point you know like it is she's just fucking with her so much that i mean that's what i love about gina because she's always fucking with the people that i don't like anyway so So it's like she's messing with her, and she is in the wrong, you know, because she starts the conversation by, well, first of all, I want you to know that I did read your book. I read it, and I really, you know, I take it back because you did explain what you meant. And I, you know, I accept that. And she's like, well, thank you. That is the biggest compliment from a Gina.
Starting point is 01:26:41 You know, the only thing I can say is you don't start a paragraph with because. Yeah. Dying. And then that made Pettiflor a little mad, but not mad enough. So Gina said, well, you know, I think the only problem you're going to have is that woman in America suing you for plagiarism. You know, I haven't read her book, but you know, it sounds similar. And you know, good old Gina brings it right back up and throws it in her face again yeah we really need we really need to get amaris on here to get her her take on this oh god she'll give us her take on everything though i don't need that no i think we should have her on like that's like that's like
Starting point is 01:27:22 a totally viable option she's just tweeting us she's like i love your show guys can't wait to do it no i know amarosa like i i think i might be able to get her to come on for at least a segment to talk about it you know amarosa how do you know amarosa i forgot um i met her at an event three years ago i was at this event and she was there and it was like the weirdest thing like we for some reason we were like standing together i don't know like i was with i was you know my friend jenny uh-huh jenny fantastic jenny fantastic so jenny and i were with omarosa and omarosa's mom and somehow we started talking and it was like a love fest here's the dirty
Starting point is 01:28:01 little secret about omarosa she you know you know she's like the worst right she's like the biggest villain but in person she was so amazing we just like loved each other well that's what her book is about it's i mean and by the way ben you met in an event all right i've been to chucky cheese i don't know him he's not coming on the podcast no but it was like it was just we were it wasn't it wasn't like it was like a red carpet thing she didn't have to be nice to me at all you know but it was one of those things where we just like all the four of us just all hit it off it was amazing when you ask her to come on the show are you gonna write hi i'm that guy that you were nice to when you come on the show because you know it's just you she probably wrote your name down she's like i was nice to Ben. Remember that. I'm going to email to you later.
Starting point is 01:28:48 I was going to say about the event normal reset. Oh, let's see if Switch the Bitch has any reviews on Amazon yet. I keep checking. Oh, yes. One of my friends texted me a picture on Snapchat, and it was like a of food, which really, Snapchat is for your dick.
Starting point is 01:29:07 Could you not send me pictures of your food? And second of all, please don't ever send me a text with the word in it. Never. It's not long enough for it to be ironic yet. Okay. Amazon's not coming up. It's just a black page. I'm not sure.
Starting point is 01:29:22 I don't think there are any reviews yet. Let me look. Oh, no one's looking. Come on, people. It's like Amazon Business, and it's giving me a blank page. Fucking Chrome. Chrome is the worst. Amazon Business. Oh, gosh.
Starting point is 01:29:36 Did she get me? Did she get me? I have to know, Ben. I have to know, Ben. No, darling, there are no reviews yet. But this is the synopsis. Pettifla Berenger, property developer and star of the hit reality TV show
Starting point is 01:29:49 The Real Housewives of Melbourne, has written her first book based on inspiring stories shared with other women, as well as her own experiences with all types of relationships. The switch-the-bitch formula is like taking an off-ramp in a traffic jam, but it's a completely alternative route you never before considered.
Starting point is 01:30:04 The formula releases a woman from all the frustrations that are slowly grinding her down and wasting her life. Did you hear the anecdotes? This is just a manuscript, then. Oh, Lord. has switched to bitch or in other words when she's reclaimed her power in a relationship oh by taking the by taking the off ramp gender traffic jam of the bitchery a lot of mixed metaphors mixed metaphors um the the main difference and i think that what you were talking about with amarosa that i can tell is amarosa's is about turning your bitch on and off which is probably why she can be so nice and then such a bitch homerosis is like a guide to um bipolarism basically and uh the petty floor is it's like beat the bitch switch means spank in texas so good job and how are you the champion of your life you met somebody rich i mean give me a break lady let's get over yourself like she actually works but you're still asking your husband for a bentley okay girl come on now yeah yeah exactly pedoflora
Starting point is 01:31:10 is an awful fucking human being and i cannot wait for the entire world to turn against her because one thing we've learned from this show and shows in general is nothing can bond a pack of bitches like hating another bitch so i think this might might be, you know, the growing olive branch, you know, that everyone can hopefully pull a little twig off of and send it with a dove. You know, maybe Gina will be nice to people. But the thing with Gina is that they just don't like how she is. She's just snarky.
Starting point is 01:31:40 She's going to make a comment about everything. I have people who can't hang out with me either. It's just life. Yeah, yeah. But I'm loving who can't hang out with me either. It's just life. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. But I'm loving her and I'm loving this show. It's a funny show.
Starting point is 01:31:50 So good. So good. And I'm loving you, Ben. What a lovely couple of hours. Oh, I love you. I love you. We've had so much fun talking. And guess what? On Thursday, we're going to talk even more because we're going to do the For Crying Out Loud podcast.
Starting point is 01:32:01 And then after that, we're going to record our podcast. We have a lot of discussion. Oh, they're both on Thursday, Bean. Yeah, both on Thursday. And then I might be recording my banter blender on Thursday, too. So I'll just be talking all Thursday. Oh, girl, no. No, that's too much.
Starting point is 01:32:14 You'll be just like, buh. I'll be dead. I'll be dead. Yeah, the For Crying Out Loud podcast is going to be so fun. I love meeting new people. We're actually leaving our house, which is going to be amazing. I haven't done this out of the house in a long time. And we might record in a mall or a DeWino schnitzel.
Starting point is 01:32:35 Who knows? Yeah, because the For Crying Out Loud is recorded in Glendale. So we might just go to the Glendale Galleria and record Thursday's episode right there from the mall. Or a bar. Who knows? Who knows? But everybody, thank you so much for listening to this podcast. We love you. And thank you so much for
Starting point is 01:32:54 supporting us. And we're not only thanking the people who support us monetarily on Patreon, because that is amazing. For everybody who's supporting us on there, you're getting your bonus episodes and your ringtones and your Google Hangouts, which, by the way, has become so much fun
Starting point is 01:33:10 because people know each other now and everybody's just having a really fun time in there with each other. We don't really even have to say anything. We just show up and laugh at you guys. So thanks for everybody who shows up there. And for that, go to
Starting point is 01:33:25 slash watch what crappens. But what I was going to say is not only thank you to those people because of course monetary support is amazing, but you know, thank you to everybody
Starting point is 01:33:33 for listening to this and sharing it with your friends. It doesn't take money to support this podcast and the way you guys have grown us. You've watered this little plant. This podcast has grown a lot
Starting point is 01:33:44 more than i ever thought it would yeah it's doing really well i mean we have we just got i mean i think we just had like over like 150 new likes on the facebook page alone in the past week and a half which is so great and the people the new listeners so many people are actually contributing to the community and showing up on facebook and getting to be friends with each other and this is some kind of weird world that i don't think either one of us knew would ever have. I mean, we didn't win an award, so I'm sorry for giving a speech.
Starting point is 01:34:10 But just honestly, like, I want people to know, like, it's badass to see it grow. And it's because of you guys. So thank you. Yeah, it's it really means a lot. I'd like to see that some of our episodes are like in the top 30 or top 40 on um itunes's entertainment chart it's really crazy like we're up there with like professional podcasts yeah it's exciting because this you know everything i've ever tried to make happen it just doesn't and this we just show up and we do our thing and you guys have made it happen like you guys are the ones that have
Starting point is 01:34:41 grown it we don't do any pr and lord knows our lovely network doesn't sound like we're on the same boat there. None of us do. Yeah, we don't do it. This is full on grassroots. So anyway, that's enough. It is. And it's wait. There was something grassroots that happened.
Starting point is 01:34:54 That was super cool. We had a grassroots moment. Oh, I forget what it was. But I also have to say, I really actually enjoy the symbiotic relationship that we have with our Facebook page. Because like you were saying, the facebook page has become its own community and i'm finding that i'm actually just going there i'm like checking the facebook page multiple times a day just to see what people are posting and to see what news and gossip is there so it's like like you know you guys are actually like really feeding us in many ways oh yeah i check it on the pot and the first thing in the morning I read that Facebook and then I, you know, I'm usually reading it when I go to sleep at night.
Starting point is 01:35:31 So, yeah. See, guys, it's like a real relationship. Yeah. So anyway, thanks, you guys. Being sincere for too long makes me feel gross. But thank you so much for everything. And we will see you on Thursday. Come check out the bonus episode over on Patreon because it's a serious one today. Rats and Brews see you on thursday come check out the bonus episode over on patreon
Starting point is 01:35:45 because it's a serious one today we're having some brews come on over oh one last thing the thursday episode may be up a little bit later since we're going to be recording later in the day because we're doing the other podcast first well yeah so there you go all right everybody you know what you're all wonderful people and you're not horrible people like gina yeah gina love you guys talk to you next time everybody. You know what? You're all wonderful people and you're not horrible people like Gina. Yeah. Gina. Love you guys. Talk to you next time.
Starting point is 01:36:08 Bye. If you like listening to comedy, try watching it on the internet. The folks behind the sideshow network have launched a new YouTube channel called wait for it. It's got interviews with comedians like Reggie Watts, Todd glass, Liza Watts, Todd Glass, Liza Schleichinger.
Starting point is 01:36:27 Schleichinger, I've been friends with her for 10 years. One of the funniest people out there and I still have a hard time with the last name, Liza. Our very own Owen Benjamin, that's me, takes you on a musical journey down internet rabbit holes and much more. You don't have to wait any longer. Just go to
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Starting point is 01:37:21 Sincerely, not yours, Tara in Telluride. Geico. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. Hey, Prime members, you can listen to Watch What Crappens ad-free on Amazon Music. Download the Amazon Music app today. Or you can listen ad-free with Wondery Plus in Apple Podcasts. Before you go, tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at slash survey.

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