Watch What Crappens - #182: Unsweet Charity

Episode Date: May 7, 2015

Ronnie Karam ( and Ben Mandelker (The Banter Blender podcast) take Nene Leakes to task for welching on her charitable pledge, and that's just the beginning of this super-sized... episode. There's plenty of chatter about the "Real Housewives of Atlanta" reunion, shoe controversies in "Melbourne," and Arzo on "Blood, Sweat, and Heels." It's intense! You can donate to us at And remember to like us on Facebook: And here's some other stuff: Our Soundcloud: On iTunes: Facebook: Ronnie on the Web: Ronnie on YouTube: Ronnie on Instagram: Ben on the Web: Ben on Twitter: Ben on Instagram: See for privacy and opt-out information.Our Patreon Extras: See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 From Wondery and Audible comes Class of 88, a new podcast hosted by Will Smith. Before 1988, a lot of people didn't take hip-hop seriously. But hip-hop today touches everything from film to fashion to sports. So what changed? Follow Class of 88 wherever you get your podcasts. Watch what crap is. Watch what crap is. Who cares what happens when there's so much that crap happens? What happens? What happens?
Starting point is 00:00:47 Crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, Who cares what happens when there's so much that happens? It's a bunch of what crap happens when you don't want to do it. Who cares what happens when there's so much that happens? Hey everyone, welcome to Watch What Crappens, a podcast about all that crap on Bravo. We just love to watch. I'm Ben Mandelker from and The Banter Blender. And believe it or not, there's a new episode of the banter blender up um joining me this week is my trusty avengers cohort the uh the thor to my iron man or maybe i'm the thor to his iron man who knows it's ronnie carom from trash talk tv no i'm the red one i'm the confusing flesh bot that no oh can understand. Oh, you're the vision. You're the vision to... So one of us is...
Starting point is 00:01:26 Does that mean one of us is Ultron? People are like, why was he created again? You're the yellow AI and I'm the blue AI. I'd settle for regular old I at some point. Yeah. If you're in my life, I'll achieve that. And I'm just A. I'm A all the way through um
Starting point is 00:01:46 for those of you who have no idea what the hell we're talking about we're talking about avengers and we just uh recorded our bonus episode for the week and we spent nearly an hour talking about the latest avengers movie we we kind of like gave it the watch our crap and treatment we tore it apart so if you watch that movie, if you're one of the millions of people who watched it this weekend, we highly encourage you to go listen to our bonus episode because we had a really fun time. I'm actually still laughing about it.
Starting point is 00:02:14 And if you're mad because you don't know what's going on and you're wasting your money on Patreon, that's how we felt when we were watching The Avengers. We've got that in common. So if you do want to listen to that episode, that episode is a bonus episode. It's available to people, to our supporters on Patreon. forward slash Watch What Crappens.
Starting point is 00:02:32 And we thank everyone who supports us there. You can also follow us on Facebook. forward slash Watch What Crappens. We have a really fun active Facebook group there. Gotta give a shout out by the way to the lovely ladies of um for crying out before crying out loud podcast who had us on
Starting point is 00:02:51 two episodes in a row oh yeah that's today our second one is today we talked about transgendered children and i don't know they listed it in the description i thought we talked about all of those things that's a lot of deep shit. Transgenderism, basically the last month of this show, but with other people talking to us. Yeah, with the four of us together, it was basically like the podcast version of the Avengers. We destroyed
Starting point is 00:03:16 several buildings with our banter. So thank you, ladies, for having us on. And if you are new to this podcast because you heard about us from that, like we say, welcome. We hope you enjoy it. Yeah, welcome, everybody. They have great listeners over there.
Starting point is 00:03:30 And welcome to the family. It's really good to see you on the Facebook page talking and stuff. Also, I want to give a shout out to these two ladies. Okay. These people have been tweeting us like, hey, we gave you a shout out. And I was like, whatever. I didn't even think twice of it because I just figured it was someone wanting a plug. And I'm like, what does a plug from me get?
Starting point is 00:03:50 Nothing. Classic Ultron. I just kind of ignored it. But then I was sitting here after smoking a marijuana cigarette one day. And I actually clicked on the link because I thought, well, that'll be fun to listen to something new because I love me some podcasts. Okay. It is these two women in Georgia. And it sounds from listening to them, I'm thinking they're like deep in the country and their husbands work far away and there's no one else around.
Starting point is 00:04:13 And they became friends. Like, that's how I'm imagining it in my head. I don't know if that's true or not. Anyway, K-Mac and oh, God, what's the other one? Anyway, Real Housewives of the OTP. Okay. oh god what's the other one's name anyway real housewives of the otp okay these ladies basically it's another real housewives podcast which you know i don't need to listen to more housewives i've got enough of that in my life so i thought i would just turn it off but these ladies are so funny they're just these girls okay this is their podcast girl one of them says girl she's like girl what you doing today girl let me tell you what i did today
Starting point is 00:04:47 what i went to tj maxx i love tj maxx me too girl girl i got me a mattress topper and she's like really she's like girl a mattress topper you've never I mean, this thing is amazing. And the other one's like, well, we have a Tempur-Pedic mattress, and I love it. But the thing about it is I love those warm blankets that you cuddle up with, electric blankets, and you can't use that on a Tempur-Pedic.
Starting point is 00:05:18 And she's like, girl, really? I fell in love with these girls. I listened to the whole thing. So, guys, listen listen to that if you want to laugh Real Housewives of the OTP and thank you guys for supporting us and please keep talking about your mattresses and they were like
Starting point is 00:05:34 making fresh drinks in their house I thought I want to live like this I want to sit in the country and talk about my mattress and have a friend who's always like girl you should put a link on our Facebook page so people can find them easily. Yeah, it's just The Real Housewives of OTP.
Starting point is 00:05:51 So look that up on iTunes in case I forget, which I probably will. But anyway, thanks, girls. You guys are really funny and you're doing a great job. Yeah, we really love all the support we've been getting recently. And on today's episode, we're going to talk about Real Housewives of Atlanta. We're going to talk about Blood, Sweat, and Heals. We'll talk about Real Housewives of Melbourne. Maybe not necessarily in that order, but we'll talk about that stuff. Also, on Thursday's episode, unless any scheduling
Starting point is 00:06:19 things happen, Michelle Collins is going to join us, which is very exciting. She's fresh off co-hosting The View. I'm so excited to talk to her. I haven't talked to her since she's become, like, real famous. I knew her when she was kind of famous, but now she's, like, real-life famous. For those of you who don't know who Michelle Collins is, she's, like, the funniest person that I know, for sure. Funnier than Ronnie.
Starting point is 00:06:42 She's great. She's so funny. I just sit here and listen to her the whole time. I'm not even going to have to talk. Yeah, so that's something to look forward to. And then we may have some other exciting guests coming up. Yes, but I don't trust it anymore, so I'm just going to wait.
Starting point is 00:06:55 Yeah, we don't... That's what I'm not saying. We're going to have someone really big here and it's going to be amazing. So we'll see that when we get to it but that's enough plugging uh i think so stuff let's talk about some shows girl oh yes um so where which one do you want to start with ron oh my goodness i was a note machine this week i cannot stop writing notes so whatever it is watch out because i got a lot to say well why don't we start with
Starting point is 00:07:22 atlanta that's our that's the biggest one of the week right yes okay Blood Sweat and Heals I think I watched Atlanta after that I have to figure out how to turn these notebooks where you just turn it over instead of turning the page because I can never tell which page is before the other one does that make sense
Starting point is 00:07:40 right yeah I do I just keep turning over the notebook and I'm like wait I was just on this page when I turn it but I've gone backwards a week notebooks, difficult yes so let's start with Atlanta yes I think that the reunion
Starting point is 00:07:56 just kind of the second episode it just was firing right out of the gate because it started off with Andy being like oh you know I just had a memory to last year's reunion and Nini and Kenya you guys
Starting point is 00:08:12 had like a bet you were going to donate to a charity did you guys do that and Kenya's like yes I wrote a check to the Detroit Public School whatever it was and then Andy's like oh and Nini did you donate and she's like I will when I am ready. Yeah, I will when I'm ready.
Starting point is 00:08:29 And she goes, that check that Kenya wrote, I mean, who posts a check on social media? Like, that was real. Well, it's still a check. She was posting it to show that you didn't post yours, you dumb dumb. I'm not going to stand up for Kenya, but. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:08:43 I'm not going to make a mockery out of charity by donating money just because Kenya put something on social media. I'm not going to make a mockery of charity. Suddenly Nini has these like these somehow standards and modesty. She's moralistic for not giving money to charity. I love it. She's like, I've got the morals here. I didn't give money to that charity. Well, you sure showed her, Nene.
Starting point is 00:09:05 You go, girl. Yeah, girl, by the way, donating to charity and bragging about it is like as old as charity itself. Why do you think there's like a list of donors on every single charity thing? Why do you think there's lists of patrons? It's because people want credit for donating to charity. So whether it's on social media or on the back of a program or a name on a building, that's what you do. Your little – what do they call those things at Irish time? They're like the Irish leaf.
Starting point is 00:09:31 What is it? Oh, your cardboard four-leaf clover up at Ross Dress for Less for giving a dollar. I've got five of those. Yeah. I mean seriously. The truth is that if Kenya did not put the thing on social media, people would think that she's lying. Also, if I didn't put that up, people wouldn't believe that i donated to people now people are in line at ross like ronnie he did it he did it for the children i just i i just i just can't believe like nini is now an advocate for modesty when it comes to anything like nini the
Starting point is 00:10:02 one who yells i'm rich bitch i'm now all of a sudden she's like, no, that's just, I don't like to brag about my wealth. The new charity giving nothing and bragging about it on TV. I know. When she's ready... I'm not giving to those children. What does she have to be ready for?
Starting point is 00:10:16 I mean, like, what? Does she have to, like, get into some sort of fugue state to be able to donate? But I also love that Kenya is such an asshole, too. I mean, you cannot choose sides between those two because kenya's just off i mean she's a horrible human being when they show back her clips and then the things she said during this one she's just really rock bottom that girl
Starting point is 00:10:35 but this is hilarious because it's both of them being their true selves i mean their true selves were completely on display in this you've got nene on one side bragging about not giving money and then just going, oh, I must not have any money. I'm poor. I'm poor. She just keeps yelling, oh, I must be so poor. Yeah, I'm poor. I'm worried about $20,000 because I'm poor. And then you've got Kenya, on the other hand, with her Miss, you know, America or whatever, going, Nene, this is an important platform. It's for the children of Detroit.
Starting point is 00:11:08 And it's important that we all come together to support the children of Detroit. That's what I love about Kenya, because she's like the biggest bullshit artist. If there's anyone who can get that violin playing, she's like, I just thought that if Nini would donate to charity, I thought that would just, like, sort of solve all the problems, but I guess she didn't see
Starting point is 00:11:29 it that way, so, oh well. Have you seen pictures of Detroit since you didn't give that money? It is in dish repair! You know, Kenya should have been Ultron in Avengers. She was like, I just thought you wanted to elevate humanity and evolve humanity to protect was like, I just thought you wanted to elevate humanity and evolve humanity
Starting point is 00:11:46 to protect the world, but I guess you just don't want to destroy humans. Okay, that's fine. So, then we moved on to Cynthia's big change this year, because Cynthia has a voice now, and she's blah, blah, blah, and they, to prove it, they showed a clip of Kenya going,
Starting point is 00:12:04 Oh, look at you! You're so different! What's different about you? I like you now! Because she's blah blah blah and they to prove it they showed a clip of kenya going oh look at you you're so different what's different about you i like you now because she's a cunt now that's the different it's not a new wig it's a new cuntiness okay that is what you guys twice in a row i'm sorry i didn't even feel it coming on i was waiting i was waiting during in my stomach and then it comes out and i regret it but. But I don't even feel that coming. I need to get some manners. Sounds like you just had a training session at Cut Fitness. I said Cut Fitness.
Starting point is 00:12:34 The cuttiest fitness of all. All the biggest cuts of Orange County go to Cut Fitness. You're going to come into Cut Fitness, but then you're going to see that all of those shells aren't stocked with towels, and the end is going to come into cut fitness, but then you're going to see that all of those shelves aren't stocked with towels. And you're going to, the N is going to light up on the neon sign. N as in, the N stands for nothing on the shelves. Okay, so then we went into Cynthia's big change. Cynthia's big change.
Starting point is 00:13:04 I'm sorry. I'm still laughing that we're continuing to make jokes about Tamara's empty shelves at her fitness studio like a year later. And we are still just as delighted. We're like, ha, got her again over those empty shelves. It's just so funny that that's like a Real Housewives storyline. Like, what am I going to talk about this week? I can't talk about my kids and no one's in town to start a fight with i'm gonna get mad at my son about stocking the shelves no it was that he the son wanted to put stuff on the shelves and eddie's like no i don't like merchandising the shelves it looks too cluttered it's like you idiot what are the shelves there for
Starting point is 00:13:37 oh good the cell shelves the new storyline on real housewives i really hope the camera got re-signed guys oh my goodness so anyway sorry so kenya's big change okay this was funny to me because mostly i took notes on it and i still don't even know what this segment was about because cynthia really didn't do anything the whole season except be a bitch anyway yeah so i don't i mean i guess the good part was nini's response when andy said do you think she's changed and then he said no she always had a voice everyone says she didn't always have a voice but she's always been a bitch she was just doing it more quietly around everybody else yeah it was good answer it was it was good well but she didn't say a bit she just was but but she
Starting point is 00:14:19 basically meant basically yeah yeah she basically was like no people just always she did it and the same time she victimized herself she's's like, people just come after me. I don't know why, but Cynthia's always had a voice. Oh, good. And then it cut back to my favorite clip of the season. Peter, are you telling me that Phaedra's been having an affair with a stripper named Chocolate? God.
Starting point is 00:14:43 Will you say that every day when I wake up? I need to make that my new thing. Yeah, that's day when I wake up. I need to make that my new thing. Yeah, that's true. I think that is one of the ringers, actually. So where? I forgot what I was talking about. Nothing. So, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:14:55 At one point, like, Nini and Cynthia start to fight. And I just have it written down. I guess that Nini made fun of the Bailey agency. And then Cynthia's like, honey, I am making dreams come true for these girls. Oh, God. For a small price. I'm telling knock-kneed fat girls that they have a chance. Okay?
Starting point is 00:15:13 Isn't that worth something? Yeah. She's like, I am teaching girls how to be waitresses at the Wabba Grill. When... Peter's broop. So when... Yeah, Peter's broop. So when, right before this happened, Phaedra and Cynthia went off
Starting point is 00:15:28 because one of Cynthia's bitchy things was that she started all this chocolate stuff, which of course, Cynthia didn't do anything. She just brought the story to Phaedra to be nice because her husband was talking about it on camera. And then she talked about it with all the girls on camera and then showed all this evidence on camera. I didn't do any.
Starting point is 00:15:48 That wasn't me. I was just talking about the thing. But when Phaedra kind of explained her situation, I mean, I like Phaedra anyway. But Phaedra is a shady, fady bitch. She is. Let's face it. But I still like her. And I felt bad during this part part even though i know she's shady
Starting point is 00:16:05 because she does have a point when she said here i come i'm coming to this dinner with these women the night before my husband is on the lam coming at with a drill or whatever i think she said that later but anyway she gets in a fight with cynthia and then kenya of course tries to make her own fight and she's like you've always made fun of me for not having a husband. Well, look, now where's yours? You don't have one either. Oh, God. Really?
Starting point is 00:16:31 You're wanting her to be so sensitive about Apollo going to jail, but now you're using it as a lame put down on a show. Come on, guys. Yeah, exactly. I did enjoy, though, when Cynthia was coming at Phaedra, and she's like, win a case. Win a case. That was good. That was her one line that she planned like five days ago yeah because she said it 20 times win a case yeah win a
Starting point is 00:16:51 case yeah how does she know what Phaedra has won or not won we saw Phaedra take a suitcase of cash from a drug dealer in a parking lot of a TJ Maxx okay if that's not winning I don't know what it is yeah I forgot about that yeah Phaedra was's not some promise check that was not your husband taking money out your account and figuring out all of your numbers because they're all one two three four or two three four five or
Starting point is 00:17:14 five five four four you know it's not it's it's something more grounded than your husband stealing from you okay we actually saw the woman with a suitcase of cash so i wish phadra would just grow a pair and say you get your suitcase of cash, so I wish Phaedra would just grow a pair and say, you get your suitcase of cash and then come talk to me, bitch. Yeah, seriously. Then, you know, the thing is, I could barely follow the back and forth between Cynthia
Starting point is 00:17:36 and Phaedra and all that. To me, it was sort of like the same thing over and over and over. So good. The best, my favorite part of the, I keep saying my favorite part, but let's, I mean, they're all my favorite parts. I love Atlanta. Yeah. But, my other favorite part of it, I keep saying my favorite part, but let's, I mean, they're all my favorite parts. I love Atlanta. Yeah. But my other favorite part in this was when Phaedra goes, oh, really? How many jobs have you got?
Starting point is 00:17:52 And then they're like, oh, I have jobs. Oh, really? How many? Because I have, you know, I have a funeral home. I'm a lawyer. They start listing all their jobs. It was like that in Living color thing that jamaican family it's like how many jobs you got i got 10 job oh he only got nine job lazy lazy one in the
Starting point is 00:18:10 family isn't that like isn't that like bragging about who has the worst career it's like it's like okay like normally i think probably one would imagine that if you have like one job that's really good you don't need to get other jobs ideally right that if you have like one job, that's really good. You don't need to get other jobs, ideally, right? I'm pulling pieces together from 10 different jobs because I can't just one. It's like right now I have several jobs that I have, and that's like – it's like not good. It's like I want to cut the jobs down. I want to have one job that earns me enough money that I don't need to pick up other jobs.
Starting point is 00:18:45 Yeah, only women on housewives shows brag about how many jobs they have because none of them are real. Yeah, exactly. I love when Andy brings up the plus-size model. Andy was very shady in this. He was hiding behind his cards. I'm loving shady Andy because he used to avoid all of these difficult questions and try and trick other people into asking them and he's asking them and i like that um but he said what about that plus size model comment and then they show phaedra saying well i'm very upset with cynthia for acting like this i used to really like her my mother would even order clothes from the plus size model catalog
Starting point is 00:19:20 or the plus size catalog and then phaedra's like well she wasn't a plus size catalog i wasn't being mean my mother really did order clothes from the plus size catalog and cynthia is so stupid you know her whole plan is just to be mean and argue with everything and that's her thing the whole season like none of her arguments make any sense you know she's not even involved in any of the arguments so she this is her argument she's like well you know to even say that to even say that i mean you have to be a size eight to be a plus size model okay and i used to do well actually you know i did do some plus size modeling and thank you thank your mother tell your mother thank you what are you even saying cynthia do you even know why you're mad shut the fuck up you're at
Starting point is 00:20:04 least your ass is at least a size eight so stop she's so scattered she sounds like she probably had like one too many cups of peter's brew just a little bit a little bit too much folgers for too many folgers crystals and ask next cafe here whatever i found in the trash from yesterday there was some coffee grounds and a peppermint that i spit out it's a a blend of Folgers Crystals and Maxwell House and A&P Generic Coffee Brand. And a shredded receipt from the ATM.
Starting point is 00:20:31 Did I tell you about that? We have a tough year. Our Mr. Coffee broke. So we have some inventory we have to take care of. Some overhead. Got some overhead. I found a stack of filters
Starting point is 00:20:47 under the highway next to bar one so uh it's a boon for peter's brew uh um peter peter's brew i'm looking at my notes sorry i'm just trying to figure out where we are it's okay i can't happens on this show it's's like, what fight are we in? What fight are we in now? Now who is versus who? Yeah. I'm like, it's okay. I can make some jokes about Coffee Mate if you want. We got our own artisanal Coffee Mate here.
Starting point is 00:21:16 It's purchased from ShopRite. I took the hazelnut creamer from Batuu. Yeah. So I went to a diner and took a whole bunch of little creamer packets. So we're going to do okay for 2014, 2015. Peter. Peter's boobs. Candy's face during the montage.
Starting point is 00:21:44 Okay, so then they showed a montage of how Nini and Phaedra are now friends. And one of the scenes they showed was Phaedra trying to be all breakdown-y and emotional while Nini's sitting across from her in her Bride of Frankenstein wig nodding her head. Yes. And Phaedra's saying, it doesn't matter who's your friends in the good time. It's who's your friends in the bad time that really counts. And Nini's nodding her head. And I just thought that was the funniest thing because then they show a picture of
Starting point is 00:22:09 Candy sitting there in the reunion with this stank face. Yeah. Like, ew. She's like, see? I love Candy. Phaedra. This turns into the Candy and Phaedra fight, which isn't a fight because Phaedra sits there silent because she's like, it hurts my feelings.
Starting point is 00:22:27 And then Candy starts sobbing and Candy cannot fake it. She cannot be a bitch on TV. She can just display her real feelings. And it sounded like it sounded like bad AM radio, like you're like you're just driving out of the reception area. She's like, no, you know know yeah yeah like it's fine like you know what like i had a play and the play was closing and i had to tell all those people that they're fired and i was like see now i have a road to do and like i wasn't even trying to be like that but that's okay
Starting point is 00:22:59 is that straw coming in and out of the Starbucks cup yeah see now Phaedra's like I don't know but you can never reach out to me anytime I am my own thing
Starting point is 00:23:19 going on so Phaedra stayed silent at least for that part and then Andy brings up Sharae and Kim and he's like well you've had fights before on the show I mean Sharae Kim and then he's like well listen here's the difference back in those days the golden days which were like two years ago she's like those women had limitations they wouldn't say i was like first of all you're saying those women had limits limitations is a whole different word like no i think she meant they have i took it as well of course i'm attributing good english to her but i was thinking that she was saying the producers put limitations on them like they weren't allowed to go after each other like they are now that's how i took it no no that's too
Starting point is 00:24:05 that's too thinking no she just she confused limits with limitations and i was thinking i didn't even write that down i was like you know i'd like it so it's like it's so like bloggy and to be like oh she said limitations instead of limits but i'm like you know what i'm not even gonna let me need to have that i'm not gonna give me i'm gonna come down on her for everything that she deserves to be come down on you know you know what she's not she's not even willing to give money to detroit because of some because she probably doesn't have it and because of some stupid pride thing i'm gonna come down on her for using limitations incorrectly i mean of course i've used words incorrectly many many times but that's okay i'm allowed to be constantly yeah but um yeah with meanie it's annoying because she's trying
Starting point is 00:24:49 to sound so smart all the time and she's not and but also that other thing about cutting the check for detroit um one thing that made me worried about that was taxes because i don't know if meanie's paying her taxes because most rich people want to give to charity because they need the write-off to pay less taxes right right what the fuck meaning you paying your taxes she's you know what listen you heard it here first greg leaks greg leaks is not the model of like financial um wisdom you know i i don't know if you remember but season one of atlanta after season one was done all this news came out about greg leaks and how he was like this shady landlord. And there were all these like crazy things that came out about him.
Starting point is 00:25:29 And his image has been sort of like rebranded as like the purse carrier, like this sort of like happy-go-lucky stupid purse carrying guy. But he is like a shady motherfucker and he doesn't know what he's doing with money. And so I would not be surprised if they're not paying taxes, etc. And by the way, I would bring Bravo, as soon as Nini said, if I saw Sheree at the gas station, I would just say hi, and that's it. I'm like, okay, you have to
Starting point is 00:25:56 bring Sheree back onto this show. You have to, have to, have to. Oh, please let them bring Sheree back. Why? Why would they not? I know that she can't build Chateau Sheree anymore. I get it. You know, I'll leave her alone for that. But at least give her enough money
Starting point is 00:26:09 to get her son off that mattress on the floor. I know. Please. Get a bed. Please. That's still what I worry about with Sheree. Every time I think of that, I think of that small apartment and then that kid sleeping on the floor
Starting point is 00:26:21 and then that fight she had with her big stupid husband who's like that big gigantic kind of pinhead guy yeah bob woodfield yeah oh no i thought oh god i just feel bad for charie yeah no she ayana could not fix her life she couldn't do it ayana's not a miracle worker people they've got they've got to bring her back and they need to like I hate that Bravo is giving Nene all this power if the rumors are true that they don't bring back Sheree because Nene is there
Starting point is 00:26:51 it's not right, no one cares about Nene this show is not I know Nene has her fans but if she leaves the show the show is not dead oh and Nene saying that these women had their limits or their limitations Sheree was chasing you out of a restaurant Oh, and Nene saying that these women had their limits or their limitations. Sharae was chasing you out of a restaurant, pulling on Kim's wig.
Starting point is 00:27:13 She tried to pull Kim's wig off her head. What limitation is that? Love it. I love this show. Yeah. Let's see. Let's see. Shade and shady shade. Oh, there's a difference between shade and shady shade. Let's see. Shade and Shady Shade.
Starting point is 00:27:28 Oh, there's a difference between Shade and Shady Shade. I like that. Some of the time she makes critical comments. It's just because she's being funny. And sometimes she's being serious. Who cares? I hate her. Husbands! The husbands come on! Oh, God. I love that. Todd, can someone please get Todd a bigger stool?
Starting point is 00:27:44 And also, don't put him behind the highest part of the couch. He looked like this little big-headed puppet popping out from behind the couch. All you could see were little eyes. He looked like one of the green aliens from Toy Story, but with a little fro on top. He's like, guys, the witch is coming. The witch is coming. He's like, yeah, I sold a i sold a show and you know things are okay like can't you tell i sold a show i'm wearing a jacket with plastic sleeves that are quilted
Starting point is 00:28:12 what else do you need andy yes i've sold a show yeah and then i love peter he's like he's like first of all i give a fuck about what any of these ladies are up to. But that being said, I want to know about this. He gets immediately into the gossip. He's like, I don't give a fuck, and then he gets right in. My very bad Why is Peter still a bitch? I like that that caller named themselves Lou Peter.
Starting point is 00:28:38 And Nini just cackles. And I like, and again, And you know what? I know you got something to say, N know what i know you got something to say nini because you always got something to say sucking his toothless gum in the back so say it nini say it oh really okay uncle ben you're gonna come on now and start bullying a woman on tv i mean i know it's nini but still back the fuck down you're trying you're sucking your teeth and threatening women on tv why don't you just go simmer for a while until you're fully cooked and ready to be eaten But still, back the fuck down. You're sucking your teeth and threatening women on TV.
Starting point is 00:29:10 Why don't you just go simmer for a while until you're fully cooked and ready to be eaten? And I'm always so conflicted with this perpetual – like every season there's this issue of like stay out of the business. This is the women. Men shouldn't be involved in women's business. And then there's like part of me that's like – that's so like – it's like upholding like stupid sexist rules of like men talk about men stuff and women talk about women stuff. So I get so mad at that.
Starting point is 00:29:31 But then part of me is like – Well, men shouldn't be in women's fights like that. But then part of me is like, ugh. But like he really does like getting involved. He really, really does. Unlike us. The only women's business I'm getting involved in is one I can run into the ground with my wife's money. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:45 And then I do love Kenya, of course kenya's she's so funny she's she's like well you know they're talking about a polish like you know we all flirt i mean nini flirted with peter and nini's like hold on hold on nini got so pissed kenya knows how to push Nini's buttons like no one else. She sure does. She knows how to push everybody's buttons. That's why she'll be on TV forever. Yeah, because Nini was trying to do what we knew she was trying to do. She tried to do that whole sarcastic thing like, I'm the bad one. I'm the bad one.
Starting point is 00:30:17 You're right. I'm poor. I'm bad. Poor me. Everybody's mean to me. Kenya knows how to cut right through that so easily. You gotta love Greg's speech. What do you say again?
Starting point is 00:30:28 You know, here's what I think. I don't care about a woman's business, but what I do care is about a woman and how a woman cares herself. And a man is supposed to be behind his woman. She looks over her right shoulder and she knows i'm there i'm there with a tic tac i'm there with some lip gloss i'm there with a maxi pad in case she needs it and that is what a man is for it's like okay greg jesus christ take it on the road jesus calm down over there g. He's like holding a purse behind her. You need anything, baby?
Starting point is 00:31:08 He's just so stupid. He's just stupid. I'm sorry. He's just a very stupid man. But what about that Mr. Chocolate fight? Oh, everybody's got him now. Oh, everybody's got an African prince. Now, that was a rumor about me. That was a rumor
Starting point is 00:31:23 about so-and-so. And Kenya's like, oh, yeah. Remember when everybody hated me? I started the African prince trend, okay? And now everybody's trying to take credit. It's like, congratulations, Kenya. You started the trend of everybody thinking you're a whore. You sure did. Way to take credit for that.
Starting point is 00:31:40 Okay, one point to Kenya, everybody. Let's give her that. Yeah, seriously. Stupid. I know know so stupid so stupid and listen by the way if you have a vagina and you want to sell it or rent it to somebody for a while that is your business and you are free to do that and if you want to get a purse with your vagina what the hell else why not you're not having any babies with that thing what the
Starting point is 00:32:01 hell else you're gonna do with it you pee out of it for christ's sake get your purse girl yeah you go whores i'm with you i agree trust me if i had a penis that could sell i'd be out on the street right now i wouldn't be talking about these women i'd be standing in front of donut time that's right ridiculous ron diculous Rondiculous Yeah so this is the part when Oh wait What is it? Deny deny deny I believe it cause I seen it I don't know why I wrote that down I just love Peter's version of English
Starting point is 00:32:35 So cute I hope he writes his own menu It'll be called a late I hope someone in Atlanta Goes to Peter's brew I wonder if it's up yet I'm gonna look for Yelp reviews It'll be called a late. I hope someone in Atlanta goes to Peter's Brew. I wonder if it's up yet. I'm going to look for Yelp reviews.
Starting point is 00:32:51 I'm going to do, I'm going to Yelp right now. Peter's Brew. I like when Phaedra was just describing why she was so stressed at that thing. She's like, well, it wasn't just the Mr. Chocolate thing. It was also that Apollo was on the lam and then he came at me with the power drill and then there were workmen at my home and he tripped over the gate. It still doesn't close right. It's like, oh jeez, Adria. Cry me a river.
Starting point is 00:33:16 I'm doing a search. I'm doing a search for oh, Peter's Brew Jamaican Gourmet Coffee. There is a website. I'm going to it right now. I'm hoping that there's... Oh, God. There's like a... It's like a picture of his face.
Starting point is 00:33:30 Like as... Ugh, who wants to drink that? It looks like it's... It looks like it's actually like... Come to Peter's Brew, where gum health isn't important. It's... So it looks like it's actually just like a coffee. It's not like a... It's not like a not a brick and
Starting point is 00:33:46 mortar thing and it goes so the website has like you can buy you can buy like keurig type of peter's brew things which is sort of fun because i like the idea of like sticking his faces on it and i like the idea of like sticking something right through his face um you can every time you pop one in money comes out of your bank account yeah there's a Jamaican you can buy for like $15 you can buy some of the beans and you can do this and that and then it says served at Sports 1 bar and lounge
Starting point is 00:34:14 I always wondered what the coffee was they served at bar 1 was Jesus the whole flirting with my husband thing was the next. This Kenya and Phaedra thing. First of all, Kenya was flirting with him. Everybody saw it. The cameraman made a mockery of it.
Starting point is 00:34:33 The editors made a mockery of it. She made an ass out of herself flirting with the man. That's why she got mad in the first place. And Andy spoke for America when he said, haven't we already been through all of this? Yes, Andy, and we're still going through it. Have you heard about Kim's house being stolen? Yeah, well,
Starting point is 00:34:47 we're going to be going through it for the next 30 years. Hey, Andy, you don't have a right to say, haven't we already gone through this? You are the producer of the show. You are the one causing this to happen over and over again. You're the one asking these questions and you're the one who keeps on instigating these scenes.
Starting point is 00:35:04 He's like, haven't we seen this already roll a clip roll a clip i want to see it again um my i loved when i almost said my favorite thing i need to stop with this julie andrews crap i love when he said uh oh what were they fighting about kenny and phaedra let me remember oh you're such a hypocrite and you're talking about standing by your man blah blah blah you got your boobs done while he was still waiting to go to jail who cares why is it bad to get your boobs done would it have been better to get your boobs done when he's in jail what the fuck is your point yeah if she's doing anything she's giving him something to play with
Starting point is 00:35:40 before he goes to prison if he's not still at the strip clubs playing with their fake tits yeah what are you so mad about what is the fight here yeah let yeah go get your boobs done make him be mad that that's what he's missing out on he's probably glad that she's in bed for a couple of weeks what the hell yeah um i don't know these fights are so angry and they're so they just get so vitriolic over the dumbest things you got your boobs done. Who cares? And did she get her boobs done? And why are they the same little orbs if she did? Because those are kind of weird boobs. They're nice.
Starting point is 00:36:12 They're just like weird little orbs. But I'm not Andy, so let's not talk about boobs anymore. Yeah, yeah. There were a lot of boobs on this reunion. So did anything else happen? I just can't remember anything else. I just remember really basically Candy like crying.
Starting point is 00:36:28 Let me see. Well, I don't know if anything else could happen. I've got a lot more notes. Let me see. Blah, blah, blah. Nini's sad. Nini and Peter flirted. Then Nini starts that shouting thing where she just goes Hold on! Yeah. Hold on!
Starting point is 00:36:43 Her voice gets all deep and rounded she's like hold on she screams at the top of her lungs to the point where people are just laughing at her she's like Cinderella you ain't gonna disrespect me and my husband I just did blah blah blah
Starting point is 00:36:58 she just yells yells yells you know you are inherently disrespected by going on this show and by existing in pop culture yeah you're disrespected because you're a disrespectful human being okay if you don't want to be treated like a child then stop
Starting point is 00:37:15 acting like one okay and also put your glitter boobs away Nini nobody needs that her boobs are about to fly out of that thing when she gets mad yeah alright so Nini's boobs staying in her jacket aside needs that. Her boobs are about to fly out of that thing when she gets mad. Alright, so Nini's boobs staying in her jacket aside, let's move on. What would you like to do next? Blood, sweat, and heels?
Starting point is 00:37:32 I would like to go to Real Housewives of Melbourne. Real Housewives of Melbourne? Alright then, let's do it then, darling. Oh, darling. Darling, have you seen my electronic drawers lately? Oh my God. Well, have you seen my electronic drawers lately? Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:37:51 Well, it starts with Jackie telling her husband about the fight. Oh, yeah. That's cachool. That's cachool, darling. It's cachool. I sort of, like, zoned out of the scene. It's not very cachool. It's very cachool. I sort of zoned out of the scene because it was just like,
Starting point is 00:38:01 why are we recapping the fight from two episodes ago or one episode? I think it's fun to hear the recaps because i like to hear their versions she's like well we were having dinner and then gina was there and you know gina gets upset and then you know how gina sometimes says something and i just got upset and you know i said fuck off and i should really shouldn't have done it should i have darling like that kind of wasn't it you should have been like i got shit faced on tequila yeah and then got into a fight that wasn't about me, about some book I ain't never going to read. Because, you know, I don't even read the comics and the paper. And then I started yelling fuck you at somebody I wasn't even in a fight with.
Starting point is 00:38:34 How about that for a story? Shine, shine, shine, darling. Shine, shine, shine. You know, the demons, the demons. Somebody go after Jean. I couldn't help it. It was the demons. I was possessed.
Starting point is 00:38:42 Has that ever happened to you on Silverchair? Silverchair. It's like when you're playing the drums, darling, demons I was possessed Has that ever happened to you on silver chair? Silver chair? It's like when you're playing the drums darling And you get possessed by that rhythm Gina's my rhythm darling She's the kick drum darling It's like that weird feeling When you think you're sitting on a silver chair
Starting point is 00:38:54 But you're sitting on a gold chair And you're like no this isn't my silver chair Shut the fuck up The demons have gotten into my chair Gina's the folding chair to your silver chair Yeah She's like a hammock You think you're sitting in a silver chair But you're sitting in a threaded hammock also i enjoy those scenes where they're
Starting point is 00:39:08 like recapping to the husbands to see the husband's reaction husbands never care because they're always trying to just agree with the wife and i like when he said you know that's jackie she's always got a very strong opinion and i'm always the first one to get it so you can consider me her ozone layer you know i'm keeping all the gas in under the blanket smelling it on my own you know it's like jackie's basically a fart under the blanket and i'm the blanket so you're welcome i'm gonna change my band name to silver ozone because we're an ozone layer thanks to our bands all the avengers and this woman had glade plug-in power in her hand and I thought where can I get one of those?
Starting point is 00:39:47 I had a vision. She's been giving Jackie visions all this time. I didn't realize that. I thought she had psychic abilities. It turns out that one of the Olsen sisters she's been just getting into her brain with the power. I didn't realize. Then we go to Chica looking
Starting point is 00:40:04 at the remodeled home of Lydia, which is hilarious. And Chica's like, I really liked it a lot. I thought it was rather cute, which is what she says about everything. I got from the maid bush outside, that bush that your maid brought. So I used some flowers off of it. Hope you don't mind, darling. Do you realize every week someone likes to show something off to Chica? They're like, so I invited Chica over to show us something.
Starting point is 00:40:23 And Chica's like, oh, I thought I'd rather like it a lot. I think you did a really wonderful job here. I think it's great. Chica's the only one on the call sheet not shooting scenes with anybody. Like, Chica, have any drama? Nope. I love everyone.
Starting point is 00:40:34 All right, then you're going to go look at a remodel. Sounds great. I'll love a dishwasher full. Like, hey, Chica, I just bought some new crackers. You want to come look? Okay.
Starting point is 00:40:41 Oh, I'd rather like these crackers you got. Thanks. They're on sale. Oh, I'd rather like them a lot. They're really wonderful. I should bring some new crackers. You want to come look? Okay. Oh, I rather like these crackers you got. Thanks. They're on sale. Oh, I rather like them a lot. They're really wonderful. I should bring some Brucie. I hope you like the remodel. We've worked really hard on it.
Starting point is 00:40:52 I like the mix between old and new. Oh, you must mean that portrait of you and your husband. I like that quite a lot. Lydia's like, oh, this counter. This counter's made from one slab of marble. It took 10 people to carry it in, and they're all my daughters now. You should see all the trees being planted in the yard. It took five handymen to install these five dishwashers, and now they're my children too.
Starting point is 00:41:19 Wait until you see the stove. I had to buy new pots. And Chica's like, like oh that must have been difficult chica's like oh i rather like these pots a lot it's wonderful they did a wonderful job yeah this is great great work what if you named the dishwasher darling um yeah because i don't have time to do the dishes i just don't you have time to do the fucking dishes oh no she doesn't have time to wait for the dishes yeah i just don't. Lydia, you have time to do the fucking dishes. Oh no, she doesn't have time to wait for the dishes to come out of the dishwasher.
Starting point is 00:41:48 And Chica is so nice. She's like, well, you know, some people have 45 dishwashers, and if they can, then we'll pay to them. I'm like, no, Chica. It's not like that. Like, okay, fine. Have two. Be like Ina Garten, because, you know, I don't know if you ever saw... Well, you know Ina Garten uses that shit, because
Starting point is 00:42:03 she eats. So you know that, like, after dinner at Ina's house, she needs four dishwashers, OK? She also needs like four digestive tracts. Well, the thing that's hilarious about Ina Garten is that in her cookbook, like how easy is that? She has a section of tips, tips to make life easier. And one thing is like wrap things in this or one thing is set this aside ahead of time. And one of her tips is get a second dishwasher. one thing is like you know wrap things in this or one thing is set this aside ahead of time and one of her tips is get a second dishwasher she's like trust me it'll help so much i'm like oh oh i didn't realize that's all i have to do i'll just like install a dishwasher in my kitchen that has no
Starting point is 00:42:36 space for a second dishwasher like oh that's it she also has in that cookbook sheet one of her recipes is foie gras. You know, foie gras is, like, famously so different. Like, if you buy, like, a foie gras, like, gland or globe, whatever it is, you have to, like, take out all the little veins. It is, like, famously very intricate and time intensive. And she's like, how easy is that? Just, you know. You want to save some time? Get a duck and force feed him Cheetos yourself. Why wait for a farmer to do it? Oh, you know, you want to save some time, get a duck and force feed him Cheetos yourself.
Starting point is 00:43:05 Why wait for a farmer to do it? I know. Poor people don't do that, Tony. Look at the candles in my house. Look at the candles. OK, this is a perfect example of how lost Chica is sometimes on this show. Then they cut to Chica's testimonial or diary room session or whatever. And this is Chica's response.
Starting point is 00:43:24 I love candles i think that candles can really brighten a room they bring a sense of warmth you know and wax to a room if you've got a candle you've got a fire all right thanks chica glad you showed up for shooting today she's like she's like she's like you know what's funny about candles i noticed that a lot of moths are drawn to them it's like moths and flames they just are drawn to each other have you ever noticed that before i want to tell them off moth you could be killed by that flame if you get too close ah but moths are like humans they learn by experience a moth's not gonna know to touch a stove until it gets burnt on it let your moth touch the stove every once in a while
Starting point is 00:44:03 you know what's funny if you blow out a candle it's just so it just Let your mouth touch the stove every once in a while. You know what's funny? If you blow out a candle, it just goes out so quickly. It's almost like life. It's almost like, you know, like someone like Marilyn Monroe, someone who dies really early, they're almost like a candle in the wind. That's even too deep because it's just like, I love candles. She's like, I love curtains. You know curtains? Sometimes they're open and the sunlight comes in,
Starting point is 00:44:23 and sometimes you close them if you want to sleep later and you like your room dark. Thanks, Chica. You know what's great about a bowl is that because they're round in nature, you can put a bunch of things in them and they don't roll away. I cut up vegetables one time, and I thought, what am I going to put these in? If I put them on a plate, they're going to spill all over the place. And I thought, a bowl. Whoever invented bowls, thank you. You know, one thing that I love about Lydia's spoons is that you can put them in
Starting point is 00:44:50 some soup and all the soup won't run through it like a fork. You can just actually carry the soup into your mouth with them. Also, they're really wonderful for heating up heroin. Hey, thanks. Thanks for coming by, Chica. Thanks. I love, though i love that lydia is so lazy that she has to install electronically opening drawers like she can't open them herself she has to push a button they roll out and then she laughed she's like it does make me wonder what will happen if electricity goes out i was like you think that's the very first thing i thought about like good luck getting to your first aid kit after the great melbourne earthquake and it's stuck in an electronic drawer that won't open. What if I need a spoon? Ho ho ho ho!
Starting point is 00:45:27 He starts laughing. What if I need a spoon? She's like, that Alanis Morissette song really spoke to me. It's like 10,000 knives, which I have. I actually bought 10,000 knives. Fucking Lydia kills me. Look at these drawers.
Starting point is 00:45:43 I love that she's so impressed by everything that's been released 10 years ago like self-closing drawers look it's got a battery in it isn't that fascinating she's like i gotta miss the coffee machine so i can brew some of peter's brew if there's very expensive coffee from atlanta in the states i'm very excited to try it. I carried it myself from Atlanta. By the way, about those candlesticks, I carried these candlesticks from Florence. I can imagine you carrying those fucking things
Starting point is 00:46:14 walking all the way. I was on my daughter's back, darling. She started complaining and I said, what kind of daughter complains? You're supposed to help your mother. I was like, I told the Z Gallery, no, don't ship these. I'm going to carry them myself. kind of daughter complains you're supposed to help your mother i was like i told the z gallery no don't ship these i'm gonna carry them myself by the way i have to correct myself because i'm kind of crazy like this i made an alanis morissette joke where i talked about 10 000
Starting point is 00:46:38 knives it's really 10 000 spoons when all you need is a knife. So if that was killing everyone else the way it was killing me, I apologize. I don't get the Lannis Morissette joke. She's so... Well, isn't that ironic? Isn't that ironic, Ronnie? Can't spell ironic without... I'm a bitch, I'm a lover. I'm a fighter, I'm a pilot. That's Meredith Bainbridge.
Starting point is 00:47:05 It's Meredith... Meryl Bain. I'm a stove and you're not. Close my drawers with the remote control. I don't care. My daughter's shallering. Shut up, Alanis Morissette. That's Meredith Brooks. That was Meredith Brooks that you were singing. Who's Meredith Brooks, darling?
Starting point is 00:47:18 She's a fake Alanis Morissette. Who's that, darling? I don't know who Meredith Brooks is. All you need to know is... You've been through enough pain in your life that you earned the rights to that song. Congratulations. You've written a wonderful song about being a bitch. Darling, you can't spell ironic without spelling
Starting point is 00:47:33 I'm Ron. You put the Ron in ironic. Someone go tell a doctor. It's amazing. You put some water in it and when you plug it in, steam comes out. You know what I call my iron?
Starting point is 00:47:50 You know what I call an iron? I call it something that presses shirts. I miss Andrea. Oh, Andrea. Thank God her laughter is still alive in Lydia. So we move on to G&G, Gamble and Gina, walking in full daylight in glitter dresses like they're going to
Starting point is 00:48:08 the Cable Ace Awards. By the way, I say Cable Ace Awards a lot because I really miss the Cable Ace Awards. Bring them back! I mean, they're not clovers, they're spade awards, right? Wasn't it a ship of spade? Yeah, they're like a big plastic spade.
Starting point is 00:48:24 Yeah, it's great. So they were going to like the launch party of Janet and Jake's tea for burn victims. So, you know, so so Janet's son was there. And, you know, as we know, he he he burned himself making tea. He burned himself at a barbecue, which is really, you know, a very scary thing. And it's like really great that he, you know, he was like really embarrassed to come out and, you know, be in public because he has like skin grafts and a lot of scars. And, you know, when I was seeing him like with his mom and some of these other women, I was like, you know, this guy, you know, he shouldn't feel embarrassed to be in public. Because honestly, his face doesn't really look that much different than many of the women's faces on this show I know people kept coming up to Janet
Starting point is 00:49:08 like handing her dollars like she was the burn victim I know they're like oh Janet I'm so sorry about the bonfire you fell into lost an ear darling but my son was in an accident we talked about that and they're going up to Jake and they're like
Starting point is 00:49:23 oh darling you look wonderful did you go see Gamble's doctor no I'm actually the burn victim Jake still hot burn face or not I mean I don't care he's working his hotness he looked cute and honestly like all joking aside I think it's really great like what he's doing
Starting point is 00:49:39 I can you know I'm joking about it but like you know obviously we understand why that might be. And still hot. It's not an ugly person burning their face. It's like he's still got a hot face under all of that.
Starting point is 00:49:50 Ronnie, don't be insensitive. Not even under it. Ronnie, are you allowed to say that a burn victim is hot? Yeah, he is hot. I'm just kidding. Oh, no, I see what you're saying. I'm making a fire joke.
Starting point is 00:50:02 How could you? I mean, not as hot as he was that day, obviously. He's never been hotter. So mean. So mean. I'm sorry. It's not a laughing matter. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:50:16 I just take, sometimes I take jokes just because they're there. I can't help myself. That's just funny, though. I can't believe I said that. I can't help myself. I'm so sorry. Yeah, but he's still hot, darling. You know, there's ugly people. He is hot. you know why because they don't get such a life you know they don't get to sell tea telling you know why he's hot because he was like a hot person
Starting point is 00:50:32 he was like always a hot popular person so people who are hot and popular just always just like carry themselves as hot and popular no matter what they look like and um not saying that he looks bad or anything but they just always have that inner confidence that just will make them hot for the rest of their lives having this friendship between uh gina and gamble kills me because a they both love their glitter dresses yeah and glitter dresses are just i'm sorry no matter what time of day really a glitter dress is um that's something i don't know you should think about anyone with a glitter dress think long and hard please i saw my landlord walking down you should think about. Anyone with a glitter dress, think long and hard, please. I saw my landlord walking down to the bus the other
Starting point is 00:51:08 day wearing a glitter dress. I was like, you're going to the bus. Anyway, they're wearing their glitter dresses and they're talking about the last event that they were at together. And Gina says, I don't know why, you know, I don't know what's wrong with her. I don't know why she's so mad at me.
Starting point is 00:51:23 I don't really understand why everybody's getting it. It's not like she served me a piece of cake and I didn't know what's wrong with her. I don't know why she's so mad at me. I don't really understand why everybody's getting it. It's not like she served me a piece of cake and I didn't like it. How many times does that fight happen? Yeah. So many. Yeah, the old piece of cake debate of 2012. Sprinkle cookies. Take later cookies.
Starting point is 00:51:43 But then they just laugh, laugh, laugh. take later cookies but then they just laugh laugh laugh well what i liked was this was like a totally benign scene everyone's hanging out and janet's like oh everyone come meet my friend carlos and like oh here's carlos and then all of a sudden gamble's like he's the one who saw the rumors i'm like oh no we're gonna start this all over again. Oh, another perfectly innocent Janet scene where she totally didn't tell him to come. He just happened to come. I have a lot of sound clips for this show. I almost forgot until you said Carlos. And then I remembered, I don't even know who the fuck Carlos is.
Starting point is 00:52:20 And then Janet's like, oh, she's like, oh, no. What have I done? I've done it again by accident I'm gonna ignore the hell out of you okay so this queen comes in actually wasn't very queenie but you gotta assume he is one he's like gossiping with old ladies but
Starting point is 00:52:38 he comes in and gambles all up in his business like I'm gonna tell wolfie that i've met the man who started the rumors you're gonna be in trouble i never have sex parties you are very successful at starting rumors where were you the day and time that you said that i don't know well you better know you better find out because when you say something like that you said that? I don't know. Well, you better know. You better find out, because when you say something like that, you better have a time and place, right?
Starting point is 00:53:07 It's called an alibi. What have you got there? I don't know. Well, you better... You better come up with something. I need something, being Jack. Oh, well... Carlos is like, well, I've seen the pictures.
Starting point is 00:53:19 Dun, dun, dun. And then George goes, he went there. Oh, no, he went there. And he's like, no, darling. No, he went there. Where's the Janet one? Oh, no, Janet.
Starting point is 00:53:34 What have you done? Stupid Janet pretending to be innocent. That's like Janet. I didn't even think about it. He was just coming here from somewhere else. And he happened to stop by with this story about bitches. I forgot all about it. He was just coming here from somewhere else and he happened to stop by with this story about bitches. I forgot all about it.
Starting point is 00:53:49 By the way, every time you play that audio clip of Janet being like, what have you done? It's like Janet as presented by M. Night Shyamalan. The twist ending. Janet is her son. I thought, well, no, Janet, what have you done? I see sparkling people.
Starting point is 00:54:11 The second that he said, I have the pictures, everyone went apeshit, and then they cut to Gamble, and she's like, I'm really confused. Because if you've got pictures, you know you've got pictures. And she looked, I mean, granted, that's like the static look on her face is confused. She has resting, confused person face. She's like, oh shit.
Starting point is 00:54:30 And then she's like, the only photos out there that could have been taken out of contents are photos of me and my girlfriend sitting out of the pool. I'm like, yeah, just sitting at the pool having sex. I'm actually very self-conscious. I don't like having my picture taken
Starting point is 00:54:45 by people. It makes me feel really sad inside. Except for Playboy that one time, but whatever. And normally it's Suamitideen. Don't take that picture out of contents, please, Wolfie. Don't take it. I'm a venomist.
Starting point is 00:55:04 Oh, so funny. This show is so funny. funny so then the best is that then even keep up because then i skip to another part where gina walked up to gina walked up to uh carlos jackie oh no this is before i'm sorry i'm skipping back i'll come right back but i wrote this down and it just made me laugh looking at it when she ran into jackie and this is the first time they've seen each other and they're being fakey nice to each other. Jackie's so nice. I would never know that she hates me. Like, she's so nice.
Starting point is 00:55:31 And then Gina's trying to be complimentary, and she's like, Oh, darling, look at this dress. It's wonderful. What's this fabric? It's cotton. Oh, all right. Well, that's wonderful. It's all roughly pregnant.
Starting point is 00:55:42 So I'm pregnant now? Oh, I didn't mean it like that, darling. Come on. Love this show. this show ideal in fact not fabric ideal in fact not fabric um yeah so then so anyway so so gambles they're they're all like in a tizzy so then giner and Gamble pull Carlos to the side. And then it's like it went from good cop, bad cop. Because then Gina started to be nice.
Starting point is 00:56:10 She's like, listen, we just want to know what's in the photo. That's all. That's all. We just want to know. Because otherwise you're opening yourself for liability. We just want to know. Was she giving hate to a fat man? What is it, darling?
Starting point is 00:56:19 Did she have a dick in her mouth? Was she topless? Did she have her fingers in herself? Was she sitting on a traffic cone? Was she doing anything with a wooden spoon, darling? I mean, what was she doing, leaving snail tails on the ground? Explain it, darling. Darling, was she sticking a figurine from
Starting point is 00:56:31 Easter Island up her hoo-ha? Please explain. Was she giving Wolfie a helicopter in that one? I've seen that picture. That's a good one, darling. It's an instructional video if I've ever seen one. Darling, was she giving three men the Sydney Opera House? If you don't know what that means, I suggest you look it up. Was she pumping up a jumpy house? You know
Starting point is 00:56:47 what that means, darling. You know, blow, blow, darling. Blow. You know, when I've seen what she can do with Wolfie, you know, I mean, that's something. I wouldn't call it a sex video, really. Mostly just, you know, squeezing and praying and, you know, tapping and flicking. But, you know, still. Darling, was she giving
Starting point is 00:57:03 Wolfie an A as rock? Because we know what that's all about. I hope she wasn't giving a three-fingered didgeridoo. And at least Gina can be... She can repeat what she says in public in a way that... Or she gets accused of being mean. She can repeat it and not sound like a bitch.
Starting point is 00:57:22 She went up to Wolfie and she was like, Do you remember me this time, darling? Oh, I'm so embarrassed that I could forget your name. I'm so embarrassed. I'm embarrassed if it helped you. I farted in the car. Now it's running down my leg. That's where I'm at in life now, Miranda.
Starting point is 00:57:38 I'll never forget your name again. You can't get mad at a guy who's going be meeting gabriel any day now you know it's like just give him his time he's about to hear a horn section so uh but carla getting back to carlos though so once gina and like gamble start really coming down you can see he's like you know it's not worth it to try to take a stance here and i can't produce the photo so he just backtracks he's like no i mean she was clothed she was just sitting on a coffee table that's it and they're like oh so you would just you just inferred something so he basically took a hit for the
Starting point is 00:58:14 team he was like i'm just gonna end it of you sitting on a coffee table doing nothing the day after you supposedly had a sex party that some guy I won't name tell me about. Shut up, bitch. Okay, this is a perfect example of a man trying to be a bitch. You are not part of it. It doesn't look as innocent when a man is making up something like that, okay? It just looks really, really bad. Please stop.
Starting point is 00:58:42 Make some friends that you can go hang out with that aren't 70-year-old ladies trying to turn you against some other old lady they're mad at. Boy, good luck. Yeah, stop taking photos out of contents, Carlos. Yeah, Carlos. Yeah, I can't. What have you done? So that turned out to be nothing, so that was good. And at
Starting point is 00:59:00 first, while this was happening, I was really worried because Gina was demanding details, and I thought, because Gina was demanding details. And I thought, don't be demanding details about pictures in a sex tape that you don't want coming out on a national TV show. That's not good. But then, of course, it turns out he had nothing. Yeah. And I like also that Gamble thinks being a lawyer, she said.
Starting point is 00:59:26 I'm so glad to have Gina on my side, you know, because now she can go solve mysteries. That's not what lawyers do, okay? She's not Perry Mason. This is not what she wrote. She's not solving any mysteries, okay? She's defending, like, drug addicts and stuff. Yeah. Gamble's so cute. So then, just when you think the drama, the drama at this party is over, then Petty Fleur decides that she wants to clear the air about her accent first
Starting point is 00:59:45 of all i love that lydia she tells us she's like she's like well i read i think that her accents you know i think it's you know i like her accent it's sort of like a mediterranean sound like do you do you know where sri lanka is do you know where sri mexico you know one time i saw a mexican jumping bing and you know it was in mexico but it was a bean, and it just jumped. And I thought, that's what Petty Flurf sounds like. She's so cute. Her accent is so cute. You don't know what she's talking about or where she's from
Starting point is 01:00:13 or why she's here or who she works for or how much they pay her to sweep the floor. The point is she's from another country, so we should pay her to do chores. She's, you know, I like how her accent sounds sort of like a Russian-Canadian thing, you know as we all know uh sri lanka is a island off the coast of greenland also in this conversation she is giving advice on how to deal with gina which is really rich all right here's how you deal with gina you have to understand to call Andrea. Because Andrea will come in and sit by your side, and she'll do everything for you.
Starting point is 01:00:49 You want to call her right now? I can't believe they haven't called Andrea yet. I know. Well, I'm sure that Lydia's called her off camera. You know why Gina's a bitch? Because she's a dog. Oh! Oh!
Starting point is 01:01:01 You know why they call Gina a lady? It's because she has a vagina. Oh! Oh! you know you know what they call gina lady it's because she has a vagina so first of all this petty floor needs to get a fucking life start a fight about something real please let's not bring up the same thing over and over it makes no sense and why are you going against gina you lose every time bitch i know, although Gina did contradict herself, because in the interview she's like, I wasn't mocking her, I was merely mimicking her. And then Petty Flo's like, you are mimicking me, and she's like, I wasn't mimicking you,
Starting point is 01:01:32 I was just merely, you know, doing your voice. Like Gina. But she did have a point, I mean, she was just saying, like, that you know, she was, she wasn't, she wasn't out to make her feel bad about her actions. She was just trying to imitate the way she sounded when she said something stupid.
Starting point is 01:01:50 Betty Flores is just too stupid to fight. She's too stupid. She doesn't even know what she's talking about. You are making fun of my accent and my color, and that is racist. No, it's not racist. You're trying to make out that I'm a racist. Are you saying you're racist? I didn't say that.
Starting point is 01:02:03 Are you saying I'm racist? Oh, well, you're asking. So if you're asking if you're a racist, I that i'm a racist are you saying you're racist i didn't say that are you saying i'm racist oh but you're asking so if you're asking if you're a racist i'm saying you're a racist i'm not saying i'm racist i'm asking you if you think i'm racist oh shit she's racist she said she asked if she was racist racism like shut up lady okay close to 7-eleven that's racism okay that's rude and ignorant right there no it's not racist what she's saying. Stop trying to make something out of nothing, stupid. Rent the help, okay? Learn what racism is, you dumb bitch. You know, she's an expert on everything except when
Starting point is 01:02:34 to cry racism. Eddie expert. Don't call me Eddie expert. I'm not Eddie expert, although I am an expert in jewels. And if anyone knows about shoes, it's me, because I'm Eddie expert in jewels and if anyone if anyone knows about shoes it's me because i'm eddie expert in shoes but don't call me eddie expert i love that her nickname is eddie expert i have more takes one to know one doesn't it she's always calling everyone stupid well it
Starting point is 01:03:00 takes one to know one doesn't it um? No, this is the best one. I love Gina. She's a mom. It's simple. Just keep it simple. Gina and Janet are the best one for little sound bites for your iPhone app. So you want to annoy your partner with. I don't want the ugly shoe.
Starting point is 01:03:17 I don't want the ugly shoe. Well, I love how. So then the next thing that happened is that Gina had a shoe launch. And like half the women hated their shoes. If it were me, I would just be like, oh, thanks. Whatever. Who cares? They named a shoe after her. She named shoes after all the ladies,
Starting point is 01:03:34 and then everybody's all up in arms about it because they're trying to use their names to sell products. What do you think that Janet is going to get outside, okay? That's not calling in a bunch of dollars to be donated to, like, plastic glitter shoes. Please shut up, Janet. Although Petty Fleur actually was right.
Starting point is 01:03:53 I agreed with Gina, when Gina said that Petty Fleur was taking a swipe at her because Petty Fleur was like, oh, well, you have red sores. I don't know how you could have red sores because that is a, everyone knows knows that that is that belongs to louboutin louboutin got in a fight with payless because payless tried to do the red shoe on the everybody knows everybody knows although i know more because i am an expert in shoes um so i do think the fact that she brought that up there at the event was her getting back about this which the bitch bitch switch situation however i did look it up and actually petty fleur stands on stronger ground about this than gina did about the the the titles because i think that
Starting point is 01:04:37 titles can't really be um trademarked but lubitan actually did get a trademark with a red bottom sole on a shoe that is where the the upper part of the shoe is not red also so you actually are not jean oh jean or how awful i can't believe you stole from lupitan how is that even possible okay i'm gonna i'm gonna get a trademark on um white bungalows okay so if anybody has a white bungalows, okay? Because... So if anybody has a white bungalow that's painted white, you're going to get your ass sued. Well, I went to when I did this search,
Starting point is 01:05:12 and apparently the courts decided that the red soul had become what's called, like, secondary meaning. Like, it had taken on a secondary meaning, which meant that it was able to be a trademark like when i was an intern at nickelodeon back in like 2000 we were told that nickelodeon actually had a trademark on the color orange believe it or not oh god i mean anything but like i mean obviously in certain contexts i mean
Starting point is 01:05:39 certain contents i should say um but you know you couldn't and it doesn't have it doesn't control orange everywhere. But in terms of a lot of branding things, we were told, like, oh, yeah, Nickelodeon owns Orange. Yeah. I don't care, like, about their shoes or their trademarks. I think they're all stupid. I don't think anybody's going to bother suing somebody on a show that nobody's watching anyway. But Gina, if she was right about anything, it was how she schooled this bitch on how to
Starting point is 01:06:06 behave when someone does say something like that she was like is it darling we'll worry about that later and then all the women come up and attack her because or not attack her but confront her because chica's mad you know chica's mad for the first time in history and she's mad because she was named after her with a short soul yeah she's like that's why she was mad she's like i'm not i'm not a kitten i'm not a kitten heel i'm like well actually jigger you're kind of the definition of a kitten heel and i basically barely know what a kitten heel is everyone knows i'm a diafoam even brucey says i'm a tall stiletto academy is a new scripted podcast that follows ava richards played by HBO's Industries' Myhala Harold, a brilliant scholarship student who has to quickly adapt to her newfound eat-or-be-eaten
Starting point is 01:06:50 world. Ava's ambitions take hold and her small-town values break in hopes of becoming the first scholarship student to make The List, Bishop Gray's all-coveted academic top 10, curated by the headmaster himself. But after realizing she has no chance at the list on her own, she reluctantly accepts an invitation to a secret underground society that pulls the strings on campus life and academic success. If she bends to their will, she'll have everything she's ever dreamed of. But at what cost? Academy takes you into the world of a cutthroat private school where power, money, and sex collide in a game of life and death. Follow Academy on the Wondery app or wherever you get your podcasts. You can binge
Starting point is 01:07:31 all episodes of Academy early and ad-free right now by joining Wondery Plus. From Wondery, this is Black History for Real. I'm Francesca Ramsey. And I'm Conscious Lee. What do most people think about when they hear the words Black History? Rosa Parks, Reconstruction, MLK, February, Black History Month. Exactly, exactly. There are so many stories of Black History that we just are not really talking about or thinking about, especially outside of February. And we are about to flip the script on all of that.
Starting point is 01:08:09 Because on this show, you're going to hear a little less. In August 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue. And a little bit more. She is a heroine to some. As a fighter for Black rights, she is a villain to others. Follow Black History for Real on the Wondery app or wherever you get your podcasts. Listen everywhere on February 5th, or you can listen early and ad-free on Wondery Plus starting January 29th. Join Wondery Plus on the Wondery app or on Apple Podcasts.
Starting point is 01:08:40 I'm a deer-foam slipper, you know? You wake up in the morning, your gay husband's cooking breakfast, your son's wearing the pants that are too tight for him, his penis is showing through, and I just think to myself, my feet are warm. I take some issue with Petty Fleur having her shoe. We all know that Petty Fleur's a moon boot. I think Petty Fleur might be mad about this
Starting point is 01:09:01 because she's upset that Gina has a successful business. Are you a jellyfish shoe? I love Sheikah getting angry about such a stupid thing. I know. Well, we need to talk about this because I don't like my name being used on a shoe, darling, that I haven't noticed. Disgust it with me. And Petty Fleur is like, I don't like my name being used on a shoe, darling, that I haven't noticed. Disgust it with me. And Petty Fleur is like, I don't like my name being used on a product. I have a very original
Starting point is 01:09:27 name, which of course we know is a lie because it was used on some pearl necklace or whatever. Yeah, exactly. I feel so stupid sometimes when I hear myself talking about this. Listen, Petty Fleur, we all know that there was a typo on your birth certificate and you were named after Petty Fours, okay?
Starting point is 01:09:44 And also, I'd like to say, okay, your mom was saying, oh, she's petty and she's got fur. And they were named after Petty Fours, okay? And also, I'd like to say, okay. Your mom was saying, oh, she's petty and she's got fur. And they were like, Petty Fleur? Okay. And also, by the way, I just looked it up. Petty Fleur is a successful instrumental written by Sidney Bechet and recorded by him in 1952. Which is my way of saying,
Starting point is 01:10:00 you know, Petty Fleur, you think you have a unique name, but where do you think you got it? You were clearly named after something. Well, not only that, can you imagine her walking into a garden? She'd be pissed at all the little flowers. That is my name, little flower. You are not allowed to exist. I'm throwing flowers. And I know about
Starting point is 01:10:18 flowers. These are not flowers, these are weeds. I know because if anyone knows a flower, it's me. But I am not any expert. And Janet's all pissed. I got the granny shoes. Well, Janet. Oh, Gina, what an awful shoe to give out. I like that Gina didn't get catty, though.
Starting point is 01:10:40 She's like, all right, if you don't like it, I'll just take your names off the shoes. No big deal. I mean, I can call them whatever I want. but if you want your name off i'll take it off no big deal who cares and petty floor is like call me what was it like honeybee or honeypot or my name is honey what no honey bit it's a honey honey honey bit honeycomb my name is honey bit this is my nickname because my bits are like honey because I put honey on them and then the Catholics. But Petty Floor is ridiculous, and I love Janet's outrage. I don't like being named after that shoe.
Starting point is 01:11:12 Listen, she could have just made it old worn-out leather that's been stretched too tight over the sole, okay, that's only allowed to be worn by children. Shut up. Fucking shoe. I know. She doesn't like you. That shoe could have been hideous. And poor Chica girl I mean you're lucky that wasn't a clog
Starting point is 01:11:27 quiet she could have been a real bitch with those shoes it could have been a snowshoe or something like that she's trying to sell her she's trying to sell her products based on our fame oh really like you just tried to sell your fucking burn tea shut up
Starting point is 01:11:43 get out of here. I know. Scene with drama with Tempest. Hilarious to me. Seeing this woman all bandaged up with plastic surgery, sitting by the ocean. The return of Lynn Curtin, basically. I'm surprised how well I'm healing from all this. I can see better without my lids hanging over my eye. And Gamble's like, You're gonna be so pretty!
Starting point is 01:12:08 You're gonna love it. You're gonna be pretty for ten years. And then she's like, Oh, I didn't know this much about... I didn't realize that Janet had a son. That gives her a lot of depth. I think I want to get to know her. I'm like, shut up. Shut up, Tempest. She's so stupid. I didn't understand what this was when I read it
Starting point is 01:12:27 because I don't understand my notes a lot of the time, but I wrote cutting edge because Gina was like, Janet, I didn't name those for you because they're for old people. That's the cutting edge style, darling. That's the new style. So I named it after you because you're cutting edge. And Janet's like, oh, it's cutting edge then. Okay, then I'm not mad anymore.
Starting point is 01:12:46 Your face is the most cut up thing on this show. That's why that was named after you. It's like parts of 10 different shoes cobbled together and covered in like a layer of goo. I know. Oh, my God. And then we go to the other event. This was just events for everybody. I know.
Starting point is 01:13:02 Everybody had an event. I know. It felt like the season. I feel like the season is coming to a close soon. It is. There's only two more. Oh, Gina, how awful of you to have so few answers. It's terrible, and there's no reunion. Also, I emailed Gina Liano, and I never heard back from her.
Starting point is 01:13:17 I'd like to have her on this show, so if anybody knows Gina, please tell her that we'd love to talk to her about stealing ideas. Maybe she's too busy getting sued by Christian Libetan. You're a flip-flopper. You know, that is taken. That is taken. Flip-flops are things that people wear. You cannot say that to people on television. You will get
Starting point is 01:13:36 sued. You know, Janet, I don't know if you realise this, but you cannot sell tea because tevas already have a trademark on that part of the word. I thought it was going to be she's a moron. I suck at this thing.
Starting point is 01:13:51 It was a good stinger for the tea put down. Tea burn. I burned my tongue on the tea. Tea burn in a burn function chair. Oh, Janet, spill the tea. But don't spill it too much it's very hot tea i'm an expert on temperature one time someone said i'm freezing and i said i invented that
Starting point is 01:14:14 you know because i know about temperature i know that when when you're freezing it's cold out when you're warm it's hot out so i sort of know everything there is to know about meteorology. This event was for Jackie. Jackie's had a model contest. America's next top model, you know? First of all, to have a contest that you're not even going to pay the model to show up, it's like the prize is wearing
Starting point is 01:14:38 or drinking your shit for free, your re-bottled fronzy, okay? She's having this contest for these homely girls, and then she makes them show up for another free day to're fronzy. You're re-bottled fronzy, okay? She's having this contest for these homely girls, and then she makes them show up for another free day to stand there and lose. Yeah, exactly, and it's just to be, like, the face of, essentially, Blackwater.
Starting point is 01:14:53 This is, like, what's that goal? Congratulations, you're the face of a liquor that no one actually wants to buy. You're the face of the cheapest wine in town. It's Cachou! Chon, chon, chon, darling! You're the face of that wine that they sell next to the $4 jugs that you use to make sangria. This model really represents what Moscato is all about.
Starting point is 01:15:14 She's that retro girl, you know, in the 50s when women didn't have rights and they had severe bangs and all they could do is stay home and get fat and have babies. You know, that's what Moscato's all about, darling. We're really lucky that we stole this woman because we heard that, that, that Manischewitz wanted her real badly.
Starting point is 01:15:30 She's, uh, I forgot what I was even going to say and I'm still laughing at it. It's funny that I can still laugh at myself without even know what I was going to say. That's, that's,
Starting point is 01:15:39 uh, sad. Okay. What other part here? Um, I mean, all that happened here is I kind of lost it at this part.
Starting point is 01:15:47 Yeah, I thought this I sort of felt like the steam ran out at this part of the show. Basically, they just revealed the girl. There's a lot of laughter. And then Shine, Shine, Shine left in a helicopter for no good reason. And then
Starting point is 01:16:02 she took the keys. She took Ben's keys by accident. So she landed the helicopter again, threw out the keys, and then she went off to wherever she had to go to. How is he going to get all call to the place where we need all call? You're rich enough to get a helicopter,
Starting point is 01:16:17 take a fucking Uber. What are you complaining about? Exactly. You're so poor now that you have to turn the helicopter around? Come on, Jackie. Oh, couture. It's couture with propellers. Model winner.
Starting point is 01:16:29 Losers there. And that's all I had. And then it's a blank page, which don't be confused because that blank page doesn't end at the podcast. It means I have to figure out how to go back and find the notes for Blood, Sweat, Heals. Well, let's go to Blood, Sweat, and Heals. Blood, Sweat, and Heals. Last week on Blood, Sweat, and Heels. Blood, Sweat, and Heels. Last week on Blood, Sweat, and Heels. Racism.
Starting point is 01:16:46 Cancer. More racism. Oh, and then some girls decided to have lunch. Yeah. What? Well, this... That's how they started the show. They showed the clips.
Starting point is 01:16:55 It was like, that's racist. That's racist. I have cancer. I have cancer. You want to have lunch? Sure. Yeah. Doom, doom, doom, doom.
Starting point is 01:17:01 Well, yeah. My opening, guys. Yeah, I mean, basically, it started with Demetria and Micah, like, going to the Krabby Shack to resolve their issues, which was sort of funny. Like, of course, Demetria would be at the Krabby Shack, you know? Also, Demetria is such a bitch, okay? Anybody who's ever lived in New York, making someone go to Brooklyn to meet you for lunch is a bitch move I mean that is a power move she's basically like I'm the top dog and you're gonna come to Brooklyn
Starting point is 01:17:30 to apologize to me bitch yeah meet at Tribeca or something I mean Micah's all the way up in Harlem for crying out loud you meet in Midtown okay you both have to travel that's a bitch move I don't like that cause already she's showing that she's gonna be a bitch no matter what and she wasn't.
Starting point is 01:17:45 You know, whatever. They had a nice... I like that they're so shocked that having a normal adult discussion solved everything. Well, that's why Micah was like, who knew that all he had to do was sit down and talk? Everybody else in the world. I know. But I still love Micah. Meanwhile, other people having
Starting point is 01:18:02 a conversation was Geneva. So Geneva, she gathers a team at an empty restaurant. She's like, okay, I've had a lot going on the past few weeks, but I'm not going to let it get me down. I'm going to launch a new website. It's going to be like Huffington Post, but for black women. It's going to be called Geneva Pop Daily
Starting point is 01:18:18 or whatever it was. And so she gathers people and she has her little easel. She's like, okay, we're going to make a website. And then she writes down original content. Well, congratulations. You just broke the internet with that bombshell idea. She's so stupid. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:18:33 I have to skip ahead. All of these notes to get to the Geneva part. Sorry. Sorry, because it was the only note that I wrote down. Cancer friend. People think I'm mean. Blah, blah, blah. We can go back.
Starting point is 01:18:41 We can go back. But the only note that I wrote down was Geneva writing down... Okay, yeah, we have to hold on, because we have some other stuff first. Um, one is the girl, what is her name? Arzo? The Afghani girl with her... Arzo, she's really nervous about introducing her family.
Starting point is 01:18:58 She's really nervous about introducing yesterday to her family, because she's just, like, a rebel to them. She's, like, a felon to them right now. Because, look, I'm like, I'm Afghani, okay? So my parents, I mean, they came to America. And, look, they didn't come here for the American dream. They had to come here.
Starting point is 01:19:15 They were refugees. Oh, well, excuse us and our American dream, okay? I'm so sorry that your family was so upset that they had to come to the land of fucking opportunity. The Russians were invading and they thought they were going to get killed, so they came to California. It was hard. It's not like they came here because they wanted to. I mean, they wanted to keep women in. They just know America. You know,
Starting point is 01:19:33 working, but they had to come here. I mean, it's not like they wanted to. I'm sorry that America saved your family's ass. I don't think she was saying that, Ronnie. I think she was saying the reason why they have been so close to her assimilating in America is because they didn't come to America to embrace American culture. They came to America because it's where they needed to go. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:19:56 But the reason I'm already angry about it is because it's a thread that continues through where you're not in your fucking country. Now you're in America and women are not treated like that. It's like, excuse us, disregard our rules against racism in this country because you guys didn't want to be here in the first place. It's totally fine to not want your daughter to date a black guy.
Starting point is 01:20:18 I don't know. It just bugs me. She's the new Persian. Everything she says is, oh, it's because I'm Afghani and in my country country i don't know i actually really it makes me crazy her voice like that's not how we do it there her voice is crazy but i actually really like arzo a lot because she is i she's like nutty but i i feel like i would like sit and have a fun time with arzo i don't like her i think she's an asshole she's so proud of herself she is an asshole but like i started proud of herself for dating a black guy. She's like patting herself on the back for dating a black guy.
Starting point is 01:20:48 And then it's not even about color or anything else. It's like, well, he needs a job. He needs to make it. And then we'll get married. Like, she'll marry him only if he is. I don't know. It's not really love. It's weird.
Starting point is 01:20:58 You marry who you love. And if they make it, they make it. And if they don't, they don't. Like, why is that the rule that you're going to stick to? He needs to be able to support me. He's still black. He's still not Afghani. He's still not your religion. Why is money the only one that you guys are going to, like, hold?
Starting point is 01:21:14 You're going to follow that rule. It bugs me. I don't like that girl. Well, I'm surprised that her parents would have any problems with yesterday because, you know, we're just sort of like, we're like black folk. We're like Italians, you know? Racism is totally normal where we're from. I mean, it's not a big deal. Who cares?
Starting point is 01:21:29 You know, I'm just, you know, my parents probably think I'm a lesbian at this point because I only bring women to my home, you know? I saw. This is such an off the show thing. But I went to this musical this week called Sideshow. This kind of, it wasn't a community theater, but I mean, I won't be mean about it, but I was watching it, and it's about a sideshow, and the conjoined twins from the sideshow
Starting point is 01:21:52 end up becoming stars, and they make that movie Freaks about them. So it's kind of a true story, or I guess it's based on a true story. Their life must have had really bad music in it, but these two girls are conjoined, and it's kind of a lovejoined and they're fought you know it's kind of a love story between who they're falling in love with or wanting to fall in love
Starting point is 01:22:08 with and one of them's being used by some guy who wants fame and blah blah blah and uh the other one is can't be with the love of her life because he just can't be with a conjoined twin because he's so ignorant you know and he won't be with a conjoined twin and then the the innocent one like the nice one is about to get married. And their best friend who's taken care of them their whole lives is this black guy. And he's like, don't get married. I'm in love with you. And then he does this weird acting song, which was embarrassing to watch.
Starting point is 01:22:36 But the plot was he's saying, I love you. Marry me. This is true love. And she's like, I can't marry a black guy. And I just thought that is rich. Okay. The fucking conjoined twin can't marry a black guy and i just thought that is rich okay the fucking conjoined twin can't marry a black guy like geez wasn't i know i brought that up but i was like you have to tell somebody about that you can't keep that in your own mind wasn't that like a big thing wasn't it a big musical um sideshow it was nominated for a tony but i mean
Starting point is 01:23:01 i guess that shows you how hard how hard up are. Because maybe it was better on Broadway, but this was painful. It was one of those ones that has sing-talking, where it's not a rock opera, where they're really singing the whole show. They would just do these like 10-minute long scenes with singing that made just about anything random. Like Les Mis or something. I walked into the door. Here you are inside the living room. I'm reading a newspaper. I'm watching you read it. It's like, what is this about? And why isn't it a song? And why do you need to be singing it at me?
Starting point is 01:23:33 And no, it's not like Les Mis. That is a pop musical that has actual songs, Ben. Well, you know what? I'm really sorry that you feel that way. but you know what? At 24, I made my first musical, and now at 45, I'm having Yesterday do the book for my next musical that my parents do not approve of. I'm sorry, but in my country, we were allowed to make fun of Les Miserables, so I don't understand. I mean, you want to talk about miserables? You should come to Afghanistan, because that's how everybody is there, because the Russians. I'm sorry. It's just very hard to talk about. And like when I go home, all I like to do is eat food and then not talk about my black boyfriend that much.
Starting point is 01:24:16 That girl on the cover of Les Miserables. I mean, at least she has like a really cute beret to wear. I didn't have any berets because my dad never let me get one because in Afghanistan, we're not allowed to wear berets. And he didn't want to come to America in the first place. Like, we couldn't wear berets and we couldn't even wear sunglasses. We couldn't even wear Ray-Bans. Anything that had the word Ray in it, you just couldn't even have. You couldn't even watch the comedy stylings of Ray Romano.
Starting point is 01:24:41 My mom thought I was going to try and have sex with my glasses because they were named Ray. I was like, Mom! Like, I couldn't even watch the Cosby show at a certain point because Raven Simone was on it, and you know, her name sounds like it has Ray in it, but I was like, Mom, there's a V.
Starting point is 01:24:59 There's not even the word Ray. My mom's least favorite movie of the past 10 years has to be Ray. So then we're having fun. So let's cut to cancer. Cancer, cancer. That girl has cancer. She's like the only person that called me after finding out I had cancer.
Starting point is 01:25:18 I mean, nobody called me. Yeah, Chantal. Chantal. Chantal called her. Look, darling, I know I have feelings. I mean, I know I look like a show pony. Like, oh, that's a that's a pretty apt description of yourself for being that like a sideshow pony. Have you seen me in that musical sideshow?
Starting point is 01:25:36 Then we cut back to the lunch with Micah and Demetria. And it was very funny because they're both shocked that they are actual human beings and have a personality. And I like that Micah was wearing those glasses. And Demetria said, I don't even know this Micah. Who is this? This Micah has glasses like the glasses just changed everything in this relationship. So thank you, Claire's. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:02 Yeah. Okay. Now we got to get to wait. we do we forget everything do we forget everything okay now we have to get to geneva okay we're finally allowed because i'm finally at that point in my notes and it's a great she's she's the next ariana huffington but what she's who's anna winter with the brain it's like really you work in journalism and that's how you want to get jobs? You've done it. Yeah, exactly. Listen, I have worked for magazines, newspapers,
Starting point is 01:26:30 blogs, pamphlets, menus from Chinese restaurants. I've worked for everything and I am here to start. This is a business. This is an enterprise. This is where people donate their money and their time and they make we have to have Google AdWords.
Starting point is 01:26:45 It's a huge thing, getting Google Ads. I'm like, oh my God, you're the worst. Get a WordPress plugin, you fucking moron. But listening to Geneva rip apart the English, her goal, okay? I want to be brokering and shaping culture. You're going to broker culture? I know. Exactly. Well, I mean, just to get back to Anna Wkering and shaping culture. You're going to broker culture? I know. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:27:06 Well, I mean, just to get back to Anna Wintour with a brain, I mean, how can you be a fashion journalist and you say something ridiculous like that? I mean, this is a woman who has kept, you know, Vogue like at the forefront of fashion for years and years and years. And she's like acting as if she's just some stupid intern you know who waltzed into that top job credit to Chantal for not laughing and leaving because Geneva went off on this whole thing about how I'm a woman and I'm doing this for myself
Starting point is 01:27:35 here I go you know like she's not starting a blog like you understand you're starting a fucking blog right everybody has a blog we don't have parties for them and uh chantal's like you know darling i'm so proud of you for get you know getting out of the house you know doing something you know you're not just sitting around eating all day like you're actually like doing you you're putting words onto a computer so that's a start you know
Starting point is 01:28:01 and geneva's like yeah girl i'm kicking myself in the ass. And then I'm turning around and calling myself racist. Because who kicks themselves in the ass? Who does that? Only a racist would do that. That's who. I'm going to make this right. I called the cops on myself because someone kicked me. And then I realized I kicked my own ass.
Starting point is 01:28:17 And so then I arrested my leg. Geneva is honestly one of the stupidest people I've ever seen on TV. And I said stupidest just to be part of your club. A little peach. Oh my god. But she's so funny. Every week she does something else so stupid. She is so
Starting point is 01:28:36 stupid. And then she's like, oh, well, we're going to be everything. We're going to be pop culture. You can call me. You can call me to ask me to where did the tail get? Or why white girls give good blow jobs chantal's like really she's like oh yeah white girls give good head that's why their cars are all so nice they give good head it's like she's like kicking feminism in the ass at the same time she's claiming to empower women you know it's like everything's about how to please a man and how to give good head and blah blah blah and you
Starting point is 01:29:04 know geneva knows because geneva has very original advice to all the ladies out there. Listen, maybe you wouldn't be so ratchet if you was getting some. Maybe you just need to get some. OK, bitch. And Chantal's like, OK, yes. What an original, fascinating article that was written before. Have fun with that. By the way, I have now gone on to Jawbreaker, the Jawbreaker website.
Starting point is 01:29:24 And it's called Jawbreaker. I mean, come on. Well, it's better than whatever it was supposed to be called. Geneva News Daily or whatever it's called. And I've gone on and it's a picture of Jay-Z and someone else. I can't quite tell. And the headline says, Dadbods? Nope.
Starting point is 01:29:42 Oh, God. Oh, Geneva. Oh, Geneva. Actually, I will say this. I'm not going to be that shady. The site actually does look pretty good. Well, she said she paid $15,000 to $20,000 for it. It better look fucking good. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:29:57 But she's an idiot. I mean, come on. She's an idiot. Listen, if you're mad at your man, you probably aren't getting laid enough. The site looks good. The site looks good. That's the answer to everything with women anger. They just need to get fucked by some man. Okay, thanks a lot, feminism.
Starting point is 01:30:11 Stupid. Yeah. She infuriates me. This whole show infuriated me this week. I don't even know why, because it was kind of an innocent show, right? I like that, by the way, on the website, it describes the site. It says, Jawbreaker is viral, meme-worthy content informed by the energy of New York. It's like, who calls their content meme-worthy?
Starting point is 01:30:31 It's like, hey, everyone. It's an EVA. Please, go ahead. Send my stupid articles around. God. Do you know what a meme is? Is it a meme site? It's an EVA.
Starting point is 01:30:43 Meme-worthy. Dad bods? Oh, everybody's saying that now does your have does your husband have a dad bod and then they're putting it over a picture of a cat hanging from a calendar um good job geneva you did it um uh blah blah blah blah blah blah and then micah goes to visit her granny who i listen i get that it's so sad when your family dies. Your grandma is 92. I'm not going to watch you cry about it for five episodes, okay? I thought it was very sweet to see this grandmother.
Starting point is 01:31:14 I think it's great to have, like, these moments, like, on camera for her family. But I'm like, I don't need to see, like, five scenes of it. I'm just like, okay. Mom's telling her, honey, honey granny may die but her spirit will live on listen heaven here's what i have to say about heaven do you know how many fucking people are in heaven it's a nightmare up there okay i can barely live in this city with all these people do you know how many dead fucking goody two-shoes are in heaven no thank you i hope it's false i'd rather just die why are you so mad at the idea that granny might
Starting point is 01:31:47 go to heaven because i'm just sick of people saying that like when you get sad and when someone's dying and people are like no heaven you're gonna see them in the afterlife no you're not they're dead okay and it's part of living and it sucks let me fucking cry about it okay i don't want to see her in the afterlife. That's awful. I'm not going to heaven. I don't want to go to heaven. I've been told my whole life I'm not going to go to heaven. I do not need to go see that person again in heaven. I want them back here.
Starting point is 01:32:13 Okay? Stop telling me this bullshit about everybody going to heaven. Stop your lies. Ronnie, you just need to find a good man and that way you can get into his arms and you can say, baby, you're all that I need. But I'm not here in your arms. It's hard to believe.
Starting point is 01:32:29 Oh my god, that's meme-worthy. Oh my god, that's so meme-worthy, doing a Bryan Adams heaven riff. You're sad about heaven? Well, maybe you just need to get fucked then, okay, you ratchet-ass bitch? My parents didn't want to go to heaven, but they had to go to heaven because they weren't allowed to stay in Afghanistan.
Starting point is 01:32:48 My parents didn't want to go to heaven because women don't have to wear shawls there, and they never asked to go to heaven in the first place. I think that yesterday is, like, super cute, but I'm afraid to introduce him to my mom because my mom's going to start crying, and I don't want her to cry. Praying to introduce him to my mom because my mom's going to start crying and I don't want her to cry. I don't want to talk to my mom about yesterday because she doesn't like living in the past. You know, it's so funny because my family's like black folk and yesterday's family is like Afghan folk. So I don't know why we can't all get along. They go over to her family's house and she says, my family's black people we like to sit around and eat a lot together it's like really really your family is the only like it's only afghanis afghani families and black people that enjoy each other's company and food what the fuck are you
Starting point is 01:33:41 talking about i don't know why she's bugging me so much this episode. I know. None of that actually really bothered me. I think she's a total asshole. She is an asshole, but she's no more of an asshole than anyone else on these shows. I like her. She's sort of like a... I don't know. I just find her to be very entertaining for right now.
Starting point is 01:34:01 I'm sorry I just feel that she's very entertaining. No, you don't have to be sorry i mean i'm being entertained by her i just think she's a total wreck like i just don't like her i don't like the relationship with her boyfriend that they i feel bad for him like she won't introduce him to her family but she's taking everybody else and all the cameras there that's gotta hurt and then she's saying she's only gonna marry him when he's like making like a lot of money like basically a star a rock star a hip-hop star or whatever i just i don't like her it's not true love i i feel like she has a black boyfriend to tell everybody like i have a black boyfriend because that's how she acts she acts like one of those girls i don't know i think the jury's still
Starting point is 01:34:39 for me the jury's still out on that front because I know what you're saying. But, you know, I don't know. I kind of get why she doesn't want to marry him just yet. It's not about supporting him. I think sometimes you just want to see, like, is this person – I believe in this person, et cetera. But are they going to have the drive? I sort of want them to prove themselves in terms of like their drive and ambition. If I want to start a family with them, you know? Well, I think I come from a different place just because my parents were not born in Afghanistan.
Starting point is 01:35:14 I'm just kidding. My parents married so young that that wasn't really part of it. And she's older. So I can't put like a 20 year old-old's brain into this 40-whatever lady. But I always thought romance was finding someone, falling in love, getting married, and then you do all that stuff together. But I guess it's because the way I heard about it, my parents were married so young. So naturally, of course, they were poor. And then my dad figured out his way in life and whatever. I think also maybe there could be a part of it where she's like, she does really like him, but he is 25 and she
Starting point is 01:35:47 wants him to maybe grow up just a little bit. Yeah, and that's valid, but taking someone's best years when you're just going to be 25 to 30, those are some really good adult years. Those are some really formative years. And if he's staying with you,
Starting point is 01:36:04 thinking that you're going to marry him, but you're only going to marry him if he gets to a certain level, then you've wasted his youth, basically. You're going to waste his good booty. That's not her fault. That's not her fault. That's his fault. Well, it is if she doesn't tell him that, because she's not really saying she said that to us. I don't know if she
Starting point is 01:36:19 said it to him. She just keeps saying, yeah, we're going to get married. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. We're going to get married. So, I mean, I don't know if she says when you're famous or not. Has he proposed to her? Well, they've said they're getting married, so I guess so. Or maybe they just had, you know, one of those talks on the subway you have when you're drunk and you're like, we should get
Starting point is 01:36:36 married. Yeah. I need to learn a little bit more about Arzo before I can start calling her an asshole because I, I mean she, no wait, let me take that back. I'd like to take that back. She is an asshole. I've got to learn more to decide if she's the sort of asshole because I mean she, no wait, let me take that back. I'd like to take that back. She is an asshole. I've got to learn more to decide if she's the sort of asshole that I like or the sort of asshole that I don't like. But so far I sort of like
Starting point is 01:36:52 her. I don't like her. I think she's an asshole. But maybe she'll be less of an asshole next time. I change my mind every week. I've liked her so far but this one she really just rubbed me the wrong way. Everything she said pissed me off. And a lot of it is this stuff, I think, because I come from a big Lebanese family.
Starting point is 01:37:10 So I hear the same stories in my family growing up that she heard. I mean, I know there are different places, but not really in a lot of ways, especially back then. So I guess I come from a similar background, and it really bothers me that she uses them as an excuse for stuff like yesterday. That's not like, listen, you're in America. You're living on your own. You're living away from your family. You're not a doctor or lawyer, as was mentioned in this. And her father's disappointed and blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 01:37:39 It's like you're willing to go against your parents and everything except who you love, which is the most important thing. So I'm finding her phony, and I'm not really buying her at the moment. I don't know, but like... Because it matters so... That's a fucking asshole. But like, here's the thing though, this is... He's a dick, and treating women like shit,
Starting point is 01:38:00 you can leave that there, okay? Because someone in America has told him that women have equal rights, women are not to be treated like that that and to be a dick to your own daughter and to women in general fuck you you're old being from the old country does not excuse that everybody here is from somewhere and we don't act like that grow the fuck up and stop acting like a misogynist what a pig you know but the thing is this though like she's she's doing her own thing and i i get that and so her parents know that. That's basically what, you know, you're saying, but she can't show, like, her love.
Starting point is 01:38:28 Well, the thing is that, like, if there's someone that's really, really important to you, there are two people that are really important to you. You've got your parents on one end, and you have a love on the other hand. And that's, like, you know, they're both very, very important. And it's easier to just keep them separated because you're so afraid of what will happen when they meet. Well, it's easier for you. Because meanwhile, you're hurting the person that you're supposed to love and you're lying to your parents. So really, you're being the asshole. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:54 But what I'm saying is she's not keeping them apart because she's like, I'm going to be an asshole and be fake. It's just keeping them apart, I think, because of a very realistic neuroses. It has nothing to do with... She's dating a black guy. They're going to fucking freak out. Period. But it's also part of it is... I mean, why is anyone scared to introduce someone to their parents?
Starting point is 01:39:14 They're scared because... It's not anyone. It's a black guy. If she was dating any other guy, this would not be an issue. It's because he's a black guy. Totally. And probably because he's young too. And that he's a musician or whatever probably has
Starting point is 01:39:27 something to figure into. So given that she loves her parents even though her parents may be backwards, assholes, racist, but she still loves them. She's still allowed to love them. You can't take that away. And they're very important to her. And she knows that they're like this.
Starting point is 01:39:43 And then she has this other guy that she loves. And you know when you're in that situation you want your parents to prove of the guy that you're with and you want the guy to like your parents and you want everyone to get along as a happy family but you know in your mind that that she knows that her parents have are racist or will could say something racist or could act in a racist way. And so she knows that she might let them down. She knows that yesterday may be really put off by what her parents say and it could be a total disaster.
Starting point is 01:40:14 And it's like that's what you don't want to happen. And so sometimes it's not coming from like an asshole place to keep them separated. It's coming from a place where you're just like, I am scared to put them both together. I know what you're saying. And I think that you're right. And that's where I think that It's coming from a place where you're just like, I am scared to put them both together. I know what you're saying and I think that you're right and that's where
Starting point is 01:40:28 I think she's coming from and that's what she's telling herself. What I'm saying is at the end of the day, you're hurting your lover's feelings and you're lying
Starting point is 01:40:35 to your parents. So while you think you're doing this for the good thing, at the end of the day, whether you realize or not, you're being the asshole.
Starting point is 01:40:43 And I'm not saying she shouldn't like her parents. But she's not doing it for the good thing. She's not doing it for the good thing. She's doing it because she's just not strong enough. She's like it's because it's scary. No. Grow up. It's scary. She's 35 or whatever. Whatever she
Starting point is 01:40:56 is. Like at some point I'm not from a family where I've always told my parents what they want to hear or they've always told their parents what they want to hear. We're adults and we make our own lives. I'm saying it's okay for her to go against her parents on everything else but this and I just Because the other things are not as
Starting point is 01:41:12 it's just different when it comes to relationships. Okay, so I'm in an interracial relationship. Okay, so my parents are not racist and my boyfriend is not sensitive and yet when it came time for them to meet i was super nervous because i was afraid that maybe my parents might say something accidentally
Starting point is 01:41:29 um like racist or maybe my boyfriend might like take something the wrong way it's like you go into an irrational place and it's like it's fills you with anxiety and i didn't think i was being like for me i mean it's not that i really put it off that long but like you know I didn't think I was being an asshole and I don't think it's coming from an asshole place if I had an instinct to like not want to introduce them immediately but I'm not talking about you no no I know I was gay fairly recently no no no hugely brave and that's a huge deal I'm not be able to talk to you with your family I know but wait but I'm not discussing I'm not saying you're saying that about me but what I'm saying is I know that feeling and the difference is that like arzo does have
Starting point is 01:42:09 a much more extreme situation of like a racist parent whatever etc etc so like all i'm saying is i understand why she probably has extreme anxiety and i don't think it's you know maybe it is being harmful you know on on certain levels But I don't think that like the first my first thought is not like what an asshole she is. My first thought is, oh, like I like I understand like I understand the anxiety. I see the difference between the two things you just told me. Is it a you don't lie to your parents and you did tell them you haven't been in this relationship for very long. This is new. You told them fairly quickly. I told them about anxiety about it or not isn't really the same because this girl isn't telling.
Starting point is 01:42:49 This is someone she's going to marry. She's saying she's going to marry this guy. She got herself into a hole because now it's a year and a half in. I mean I told my parents. You told your parents. I mean that's a huge difference. It's like you're standing up for her, but at the same time you didn't do what she did. I know, but I'm saying.
Starting point is 01:43:04 You understand the anxiety, but the difference is you had the balls to confront it and do something about it. Well, the difference is that she also has... And make everybody okay with each other and make everybody happy, and she doesn't. She also has very... Sounds like she has very controlling, overbearing parents, you know? And that's why I don't have... Well, she does, but, you know, grow up. I mean...
Starting point is 01:43:20 But what I'm saying is you're calling her an asshole. You learn how to say fuck you to your mom. You'll get spanked, but you learn to be a rebel. And I guess you just didn't have that. I just don't think you – I don't think – call her an asshole for various things. She may be doing things that might be hurtful. But if this is the reason why you're calling her an asshole, I don't know. I just don't – I don't agree.
Starting point is 01:43:37 It's one of them. Yeah, I don't like it. She's an asshole. I think it's funny to be with somebody and saying you're going to marry them, but then you won't even, you know, have the balls to stand up to your dad. Because her dad, listen, my grandfather was like her father, who's very old school, very like, why aren't you going to college? Why aren't you going to be a doctor or a lawyer? Why aren't you in real estate? What are you doing with your life?
Starting point is 01:43:58 And, you know, women should be in the kitchen. Like my grandpa said that the only difference is that we would say, don't say that. Women have equal rights. They don't do that. Grandma's not here to work for you. Well, you can see. I'm gay. You can see where she's, you can see where Arzo has been sort of like messed up by this rearing a little bit.
Starting point is 01:44:18 And I'm not saying what she's doing is right and okay and that she should live this double life for as long as she wants. She has gotten herself into a hole. Don't get me wrong. She is now, the longer it goes on, the harder it gets to say these things. And so she is, she is sort of screwed. But I mean, it's also, I mean, look at anyone who's like, you know, like gay in the closet and they're not ready to tell their parents yet, you know, that they have a gay lover. It's not that, it's not really that different.
Starting point is 01:44:48 I mean, you wouldn't be like, oh, well, that guy is an asshole. They didn't tell their parents yet you know that they have a gay lover it's not that it's not really that different i mean you wouldn't be like oh well that guy's an asshole they didn't tell his parents yet you you know you'd be like well you'd say we're with if they were with the gay lover and we're gonna marry them and they were in a committed relationship yes i most certainly would say that they're an asshole well if they were if they were getting married but like but arzo arzo and yesterday are talking about marriage but they're not engaged that's very different you're gonna marry me right and she said yeah but that's one that's but that's like isn't that being engaged no that's no that's just that's talking that's like planning that's planning that's like watching the animal kingdom i don't get that even though we can get married planning no i think that like what i what i'm saying is uh it's hurtful it's hurtful but i don't think it's the same as hiding your black boyfriend. I just don't see
Starting point is 01:45:26 it as being the same thing. Being in the closet is something, who you are. That's telling your parents who you are. Blah, blah, blah. Hiding your lover, whether you're gay or straight. Having someone you love and shielding them from your family because you don't want to get in trouble
Starting point is 01:45:41 is putting your own interests before your lovers and your families, frankly. That's just how I think of it. I get that you're not want to get in trouble is putting your own interests before your lovers and your families frankly that's just how i think of it like i get that you're not gonna agree but no no no listen if coming out of the closet is telling someone who you are coming out of the closet and saying you have a you have a boyfriend and you've had a boyfriend for a year and a half is the same thing as saying like guess what for the past year and a half i've been dating a black guy to like racist parents where it's like it's like a shock to the system to them, perhaps. I don't think it's that.
Starting point is 01:46:07 But either way, all I'm saying is, is it the healthiest way to go about it? Absolutely not. Should she tell her parents? Yeah, because it's only going to get worse. And is it hurtful to yesterday? Probably, yes. But is this all stemming from an asshole asshole place i don't think it's something from an asshole place it's stemming from a weak insecure place that's doing damage it's doing
Starting point is 01:46:30 damage so it's not just that it's my family's like black people or well that's yeah that's different that's different boyfriend girls like that make me crazy i don't care if you have a black boyfriend i don't care if you think your family is similar to black people. Comparing yourself to black people is stupid and ignorant, and she's old enough to know better. And black people do not have the same history in our country that refugees from Afghanistan have. And it's ridiculous to compare your issues or your problems or anything about yourself to black people and the struggles that black people have gone through because you have a black boyfriend in general that you're so proud of to bring up in front of your friends when you're in a fight but you won't bring home to
Starting point is 01:47:13 tell your parents i find her to be just a hypocrite and an asshole sorry well no i mean that is that is an area where i do agree with you a little bit more, where she seems very at ease and very happy sort of being in this post-racial space where she says, you know, it's like black people are Italians. You can make her hip that she's dating some young black hip-hop star and she can use that as a card. When she's being a social card with her
Starting point is 01:47:38 friends, it's great. But, you know, otherwise, oh no, my dad would be so mad. Fuck your dad. And look at your dad telling you oh she could have been dr lawyer and meanwhile like look at your mother how happy she is his mom's like doing the dishes behind her i was like shut up she's crying literally crying and i'm so sick of people getting an excuse because they're from the old country to be sexist racist assholes i'm sick i agree with that i wasn't thinking that too anymore welcome that like a bitch yeah i mean i i do think like it is like i didn't mind when she's i mean i'm a white person so what
Starting point is 01:48:09 do i know but like when she says no we're like black people or italians i know what she was going for there where like she i knew she wasn't saying she wasn't comparing their plights at that moment she was comparing she's saying we're minorities no no no no at that moment she was talking about like the cultural like this this the idea of like big family gatherings, you know, like, you know, no, I know what she meant there. But I know, but I know what you're saying, though, when she's acting all when she's acting all post racial saying is offensive, or she doesn't, she doesn't understand why it would be offensive. You know, she heard me saying that she'd be like, what's the big deal? What's the big deal with saying black people, black families like hanging out and eating? They do. It is okay in certain contexts to say something like this. Like, this reminds me of a black something or another. You know, it's not like we can't act like there aren't black cultural things that happen. You know, like, you can't be so afraid.
Starting point is 01:48:57 But I will say when she's constantly comparing herself to black people because she's on a black show and saying she has a black boyfriend. She's just rezzubs me the wrong way. Yeah, no, that's that is, I think, her weakest, her weakest aspect. I mean, it happened the first time we saw her when she's talking to the girls and she's like, yeah, and, you know, like, I have a black boyfriend. So like, that's bad. Just I just I mean, it's all adding up to be annoying. And I did feel for her a little when she was in the in her parents house and her dad was saying, oh, you know, she's my smartest kid, but she's done nothing i wanted her to do she's not a doctor
Starting point is 01:49:29 and she's not a lawyer and she's standing back there meekly going well you know i'm supporting myself in new york and fashion and and and culture you know saying keywords that she knows are going to piss him off but at the same time being kind of victimy about it i'm like what are you doing it's like you're purposely ha i don't it's it frustrates me when you're standing up for every area of your life except one it just but it's bugging the shit out of me with her i can't stop you need to tell your dad to stop being a sexist fucking pig stop it's gross uh well i'm like she should absolutely and she should be uh like above deck with all her relationships and stuff with her family but and she does like thank god i wasn't raised in you know i mean if thank god i was raised in america because i mean if i did some of these things you know in my country i'd be stone
Starting point is 01:50:22 like laughing and i'm like that's funny except that someone was probably stoned today like i don't just she just rubs me the wrong way i don't think she's funny i think she's a fucking asshole i mean it's like i said before i mean she definitely says asshole things but i like her i i like her i think she's i think she's like funny i mean we are descendants of muhammad okay I know how to uphold that. I'm like, are you even wearing a bra while you're saying that? Like, are you even hearing yourself like she's sitting here in full makeup and some slutty outfit on TV talking about being a prophet or a descendant of Muhammad? Really?
Starting point is 01:50:58 Do you know what that religion? Like, are you aware of women's rights and what you're supposed to be doing? Religions like are you aware of women's rights and what you're supposed to be doing? And now you're talking about upholding Muhammad's name while you're in fucking fashion and like having sex with somebody that you're not married. And basically every aspect of your life is a modern American woman's life, which goes against pretty much. And we could say this about any Bible, by the way, before this becomes about religion. any Bible, by the way, before this becomes about religion. I'm just saying when you bring something about religion and you're sitting there looking kind of like a hole while you're fucking some guy you're not married and blah, blah, blah. It's just hypocrisy to me. It's like, yeah, you're a descendant of Muhammad's. Your religion is so important that you're not really following it at
Starting point is 01:51:36 all. Like, what is this an excuse not to tell your dad? Like, I don't get it. She's just she just rubs me. It's like, oh, if I can't use my black boyfriend, I'll use the descendants of Mohammed thing or where I'm from or being a refugee or something else instead of just having balls. And yet, when all the women get together and Chantel wants to go to the bathroom and then Arzo says, okay, and when you get back, maybe you can tell everyone how you call me an Afghan hound,
Starting point is 01:52:04 it makes me crack up. And I just, I think she's hilarious. Yeah, me too. I liked her last week. It's like, I know, you know what, Ronnie? I understand everything you're saying and you're making very compelling points. But it doesn't change the fact that I am enjoying her. No, I know.
Starting point is 01:52:20 And I like it. Because all these women on all these shows are assholes. And they all do things that are hypocritical. And they all do things that are like, they say stupid things, they do stupid things, and they are constantly... Well, I like that we can just talk and argue and argue, and it's no big deal. We can just have an opinion. Because some friends are just like, Ronnie was mean to me. It's like, no, I mean, I have an opinion. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:52:40 Although you should know, Ronnie, you have been disinvited from Settlers of Catan this week. That's good, because you know that just leads to pain anyway. But I really loved when we were doing that other podcast last week with Lynette and Stephanie. And Lynette at one point, because it was kind of like this argument where we were talking about something and not agreeing. And I was like, oh, fuck her. And you're like, no, well, the understanding part. And Lynette said, Ben, you know what? You're really like a good person.
Starting point is 01:53:10 She's like, you're like an empathetic one. You really are like really good at like thinking about someone else's perspective. And we both kind of stopped and she just stopped and like looked away. I was like, yeah, that's right, bitch, because he is a nice one. No, I'm not the nice one i'm just oh my well you are though you're very you're much more understanding i mean i'm very cut and dry like if somebody like that bugs me in my mind now she's an ignorant racist using a black guy for her own good and taking sexism from her father and using religion um in an
Starting point is 01:53:41 argument where she has no right to like i'm taking, I've turned her into such an awful human being in my head that actually hearing you say, you know, the other side of it, I'm like, oh, okay, maybe I'm just being an asshole. So it's good. It's okay. You're allowed to. It's reality TV. If there's any place where you're allowed to have a very, like,
Starting point is 01:54:01 impassioned opinion about someone, it's reality TV. So even though I think arzo's hilarious and she talks like a californian so much and she says ridiculous things all the time and like and you know like things that would make you want to punch her in the face i still think that she's like highly entertaining whereas you like for instance like you know how you love like the women on like atlanta like you you always are saying like you hate nini hate nini but you think she's so entertaining like i don't even find her entertaining i can't stand it yeah so just yeah it's fun we're all on this particular subject we both found stuff from our personal lives like you and your boyfriend
Starting point is 01:54:37 and just coming out in general and then me with being from a family like that where i'm so infuriated to see my uncles basically sitting there and not you know not the old country uncles and like my grandfather who obviously i love very much and loved when they were all around so it's not that i hated them or anything but i see that and i grew up around people talking like that and putting you down because you're not doing like what are you doing you're selling fucking used furniture like really you're going to judge what I'm doing with my life so I get mad based on
Starting point is 01:55:09 personal stuff that I'm taking from my own life where I'm like I don't care if you're from the old country that does not excuse racism so a lot of that is me yelling at my own family as a teenager you know not everyone's as strong as you or I with somebody like that at the same time on different levels.
Starting point is 01:55:30 We should have Arzo on and see you two battle it out over old country politics. Personal politics. Yeah, I mean, I wouldn't battle it out. I'd just say what I said to you. And tell her she's a pussy if she's not going to stand up to her dad. That's a big thing when you're from a family with controlling men like that. Because in their country, they really are the boss. They really do everything. Women do die. If they look at another man they can die yeah you know it's not a joke and so when they come to this country with that shit and start the oh you're not going to
Starting point is 01:55:54 get married to to the girls in the family you're like they don't care that you graduated from harvard they care that you're not married or you can't keep a boyfriend it's just so gross and i know that that's the way they grew up. But listen, you know, a lot of our grandparents grew up with racism and a lot of horrible shit that we're not going to put up with now. And I think that that should extend to immigrants as well. I don't think that some immigrants should get off with racist comments and sexist comments because they're from another country.
Starting point is 01:56:19 Fuck that. Welcome to America. If you can enjoy our target, you can enjoy our rules against racism and sexism. Okay? Biatch. Okay. Okay. Girl, my Tempur-Pedic mattress is waiting for me.
Starting point is 01:56:34 Well, this was a feisty. Welcome to America where we have Tempur-Pedic mattresses and we're trying to stomp out racism. This was a feisty, feisty way to end the podcast. Who would have thought Blood, Sweat, and Heals would get into steep social issues? Lord knows I didn't. Well, we have been talking for three hours. So I think it's time to just settle down and finish up the episode. I actually feel really good.
Starting point is 01:57:00 Thank you. I've needed to yell for days. I've just had that energy where I'm just pissed off and feel so good. It feels like a workout for my hatred. So thank you I've needed to yell for days I've just had that energy where I'm just pissed off and it feels so good it feels like a workout for my hatred good I'm glad you got to flex those muscles so everyone if you want to read more rants from Ronnie
Starting point is 01:57:15 you can go to or TrashTweetTV all our social media is on and join us on Facebook, forward slash watch what crappens support us on patreon and if you support us you can listen to the bonus episode this week which again is all about avengers and a little bit about floyd mayweather and manny pacquiao um all that fun stuff pretty much everything that happened on saturday and um we did not talk about
Starting point is 01:57:41 umami burger i'm surprised that didn't come up. Oh, when I had to send back my burger, when they made me two burgers that were way overcooked and they even brought a third burger, and I was like, just stop. Because umami burger is over. No, it's still gray in the middle. Get out of here with your umami burger. How do you overcook two burgers
Starting point is 01:57:59 when the only thing you have to do is make burgers? Yeah, your restaurant is based on burgers, for Christ's sake, people. Mommy burger. Like, why? Go to Stout. Go to Stout. Seriously. So, anyway, thanks, Ronnie,
Starting point is 01:58:13 and we will be back on Thursday with Michelle Collins. Yeah! Thanks, everyone. Bye. Bye. Bye. If you like listening to comedy try watching it
Starting point is 01:58:28 on the internet The folks behind the Sideshow Network have launched a new YouTube channel called Wait For It It's got interviews with comedians like Reggie Watts Todd Glass, Liza Schleichinger Schleichinger, I've been friends with her for 10 years
Starting point is 01:58:44 One of the funniest people out there and I still have a hard time with the last name Liza Slicinger Slicinger I've been friends with her for 10 years one of the funniest people out there and I still have a hard time with the last name Liza our very own Owen Benjamin that's me takes you on a musical journey
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