Watch What Crappens - #2357 RHOBH: The Wade-ing Game

Episode Date: March 14, 2024

Real Housewives of Beverly Hills ends its reunion month by finally telling us…nothing at all. Actually, Kyle tells us her life is none of our f-ing business as Sutton faints from an esophag...eal malfunction…or something. Grab tickets for the Netflix is a Joke Fest in LA and our European tour at Watch this recap as a video and get our bonus episodes at  See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's What Crappins? Well hello and welcome to What's What Crappins? A podcast for all that crap we love to talk about on Yield Braves. Hi everybody, I'm Ronnie. That's Ben over there. Hello, Ben. Hi Ronnie, how's it going?
Starting point is 00:00:33 Good. How are you doing today? You look like you're podcasting from heaven. I am. I am podcasting from just no green screen today, just here in front of some curtains. What's going on with you? I'm just here in front of reality guys, okay? So that's where I podcast from, my reality.
Starting point is 00:00:55 Everybody welcome to the show today. It's a huge day on the show because it is the day we've all been waiting for. The day where Kyle Richards finally becomes honest and tells us what's going on in her life. I know she's been dragging it out, but this is Kyle Richards of Open and Honest Kyle. So surely we're going to get a big payoff at the end of this season that has been revolving around what's going on with Kyle. She's been dragging it out, but today we are going to get all of our
Starting point is 00:01:22 answers, all of our questions answered. I'm so exciting How about so excited? How about you been you excited? Beyond thrilled we're gonna get it just full of adrenaline coursing through my veins I'm just i'm just guys. We are gonna get our bi-curiosity We'll get our bi-curiosity answered. What would you, resolved? What would you call it? Your curiosity quenched. You get your curiosity quenched?
Starting point is 00:01:54 Quenched, sated. Sated. It's gonna be the best hour of our lives. I can't wait. Okay, everybody, so we are doing the, we doing a live show in LA. And it's going to be for Netflix comedy festival and it's going to be fun and chill at the Cookeboro Lounge. And that's in Hollywood. It's our new our friends new club. We're so excited to be doing
Starting point is 00:02:16 that. That's at the beginning of May. And then in the end of May, we're going to Europe. We're going to go to London, Dublin and Birmingham. So come see those, get tickets at Also as usual, we're on video today. Hi. You can watch these videos on Crappens On Demand over on our Patreon. That's also where you get bonus episodes. We will be doing a bonus episode today and we will also be talking about more alcoholism on Summer House. Bravo is just bringing us alcoholism accusations just out the wazoo. I'm just so excited to talk about vodka for the next four hours straight. So let's get to it, Ping.
Starting point is 00:02:57 Oh, I am ready for Summer House later this week. My body is ready. Yeah, let's get to it. Some real housewives of Beverly Hills. The reunion is picking up. So, um, Andy has just asked Kyle, if Teddy does her dirty work for her. Of course, we know the answer is yes. Um, and so Andy's asking sudden, he's like, so Teddy commented on your drinking. She's, yes, she said I have vodka in my purse, which is a lie, I have vodka and gin. Does it count if they're just tiny bottles?
Starting point is 00:03:35 No, doesn't. Okay, serving size matters, Andy, okay? It's not like I have one giant bottle of tea that's in my purse, I have five tiny bottles of Belvedere, okay? Oh, and so she's very, very offended. And of course, Teddy's an idiot and who cares what Teddy says? Oh, and by the way, everybody who's saying
Starting point is 00:03:55 that Joe from Vanderpump Rules is the new Teddy, how dare you? Joe has more personality in her pinky finger than Teddy ever had on this show. Now I don't know Teddy in real life and now she's a fellow podcaster so I'm not dissing her in that way cause I don't know, you know, only respect, hi, hi Piers.
Starting point is 00:04:11 But as far as like a housewife person, it's fucking Teddy, who cares? And don't compare Joe to Teddy, Joe's interesting. Wait, why are people comparing Joe to Teddy? That's so rare, like I don't understand the link there. They say that they look just alike. What's that mean? No, I think think that I think Joe looks like Molly Baz that's my hot take for today guys Molly Baz who's that cookbook author she's very annoying Molly Baz I have to look great recipes
Starting point is 00:04:37 great recipes very annoying personality Molly Baz I'm gonna look at her oh just onesie she does kind of look like her and then this girl yeah, I know who this girl is. I've watched her on the YouTube before. Yeah. Yeah. She's like, where my homies at? She's like, she's ridiculous. Her profile says, I'm a cook, video host, recipe developer, cookbook author,
Starting point is 00:04:59 weenie lover, and Caesar salad enthusiast. Yeah, I mean her recipes are great. Her recipes are so legitimately great, but her, like, it's like, but they're all incredibly annoying recipes. You've never seen a more annoying recipe than a Molly Baas recipe, and damn it, they're all so wonderful.
Starting point is 00:05:18 Okay, so is Sutton an alcoholic? I don't know. I find it hilarious that Sutton is so offended that someone said she carries alcohol around in her purse when she carries Mixers around in her purse. Yeah, that's you might as well just carry it. It's like I don't carry crack in my purse I only carry the crack pipe Yeah, it's like I'm linking up with someone else who has the who has the crack Yeah, I love I love Sutton's reaction to that.
Starting point is 00:05:45 So Andy's like, so what's she doing? You're doing your work? Kyle's like, absolutely not. Well, you could have said, no, she doesn't, Teddy. You could have said that, Kyle. She goes, well, I'm sorry, but I'm not doing that. I'm not doing for her. I don't know why she said what she means
Starting point is 00:06:00 by I'm not doing for her, but she's- Oh, she's gonna start going off, but she's interrupted. And Sutton's like, well, you could have been a better friend in that month. Have you not watched this show? Kyle is always throwing alcoholics under the bus. That's what Kyle does on this show. Okay. It's classic Kyle. This is season 13. Okay. Season one ended up in the back of the limo. You are a goddamn alcoholic is what you are.
Starting point is 00:06:22 And why should it change 13 years later? People don't change, okay? I know, Sutton saying you could have been a better friend in that moment, how about you could have been a better friend over the past 13 years to literally everyone on this show? You could have been a better drink in that moment. I mean, wait a minute, Chet made me say that. So Kyle's like, listen, I didn't say anything,
Starting point is 00:06:42 like you know what, I didn't say anything about that, but also there are like a lot of things that I could have said, I didn't say anything. Like, you know what? I didn't say anything about that. But also there are like a lot of things that I could have said and I didn't say that. So how about that? How about that? So not only did I insinuate you're an alcoholic, now I'm insinuating that you're probably more than an alcoholic.
Starting point is 00:06:55 And I could have said that, but I'm not really saying that. So you can't be mad at me for not saying it because I just insinuated it right now. I think that insinuating that I have a drinking problem and I'm an anorexic and that I've made it my foot problem and that I take pills, I think that's all bad. And Kyle's like, I never said, I never said any of those things.
Starting point is 00:07:15 I just merely smirked and said, I don't know anytime someone brought that up. That's all. Yeah, but you do take pills for your neuropathy. so I don't know what the big fucking deal is, okay? You got neuropathy. It's a, is that like empathy? Give me some. Can I borrow your neuropathy for just a minute
Starting point is 00:07:35 and get people up a goddamn ass? You know, the price of the neuro has dropped precipitously. No, neuropathy, not euros. I'm from everywhere. When you're from all over the world, you can call euros whatever you want to. All right, Dory. So Kyle's like, guys, did I say any of those things?
Starting point is 00:07:58 Did I literally say them? No, I did not. So I'm like, who cares? Okay, you know what? You insinuated it. And she's like, uh-uh, I did not. So it's like, who cares? Okay, you know what? You insinuated it. And she's like, uh-uh, I never said anything. And so they're fighting over whether insinuation is really admitting anything,
Starting point is 00:08:15 which this is a whole season of insinuation. We've got the Morgan Wade, you know, insinuating that Kyle is dating Morgan, all this stuff. And the insinuation that Maurice, Mauricio has done something really terrible, which we still also don't know at this point what's happened. It's just a lot of insinuation, and Kyle will take responsibility for none of that. I know Kyle gets very mad when Son insinuates things, um, when put on the defense, Kyle, or when, when put in the hot seat, Kyle refuses to admit that she also insinuates. So she,
Starting point is 00:08:51 as evidence here, she keeps on saying, I didn't say that. I never said that. And Sun's like, well, it's understanding your responsibility in the insinuation. You have got to understand this at some point. Kyle, return to Kyle. You have been relentlessly mean to me. And Erica's like, oh, I don't think I'll show you me, bitch. And I like this sentence kind of taking Kyle's weapons away from her by using them against her first,
Starting point is 00:09:17 because that is Kyle's phrase, mean. That's what Kyle says. You can't call Kyle Richards mean. How dare you? When Kyle's in trouble, she says, you guys were so mean to me. You were so mean. That's what Kyle says. You can't come call Kyle Richards mean. How dare you? When Kyle's in trouble, she says, you guys are so mean to me. You are so mean. Everybody heard something to me. And now Kyle is taking the mean stick and beating Kyle with it. Right. So now it's a
Starting point is 00:09:34 mean off. So Kyle's like, when, when was I, when was I mean? Like, name one time, name one time, name one time, name one time. I was like, Jesus Christ, the corners of her lips, she's not even gonna have a corner of her mouth. She's just always gonna have O face. So Sutton's like, what as Denise would say, watch the show and stop saying my jacket's upside down when it's not, I know what you're trying to do. I know what you're trying to do.
Starting point is 00:10:01 Thank you, you're welcome. And also quick, make this right turn here. I think Big Pharma's following us. So Kyle's like, oh my God. Sutton's like, yes, yes, you have to watch it. So Kyle, Sutton's like, you know, if you can't take responsibility, it's gonna make me insane.
Starting point is 00:10:20 He goes, well, why don't you learn to shut up sometimes and listen Sutton, it was extremely hurtful at that dinner party to sit there and be grilled about my marriage. And now Sutton says, but now Sutton goes, but I didn't say anything about your marriage. Remember two seconds ago? One of us like, you're mean. No, you're mean. No, you're insinuating.
Starting point is 00:10:38 No, you're insinuating. I didn't say it. Well, I didn't say it. But you said this. I didn't say that. But you said this. I didn't say that. I didn't say it. Well, I didn't say it. But you said this. I didn't say that. But you said this. I didn't say that. So Andy's like, okay, where do we go from here? It's almost over. People are sleeping on their couches. Okay, are we going to make up?
Starting point is 00:10:55 And so Kyle's like, I love Sutton. I mean, I do consider her my friend. You know, I love Sutton as much as Sutton loves Belvedere, you know? And that's why it hurt me so much when she was mean to me and it may take some time, but I don't see it as something we can't fix, you know? I mean, I might be a lesbian now and I'm good at fixing things, stereotypically. I don't know if it's true because I'm too new or am I? I don't really even know. Am I insinuating something?
Starting point is 00:11:19 Oh God, stop being mean to me. Listen, we're going to be fine. I think we both know that. You know, our hearts in the right place. Plus I'm still very wealthy, so that means she's gonna kiss up to me no matter what. So we'll be totally good. Oh, oh, oh, I'm getting teary.
Starting point is 00:11:36 I'm getting teary, Andy. I just, I miss Kyle. I miss Kyle so- Okay, you do. You know what it's like? You know like when your Roomba's dead and you're like, God, this floors are getting dusty but then finally it finishes charging
Starting point is 00:11:50 and can leave its port again. That's what I feel like with Kyle. I'm just so ready for her batteries to turn back on again. I miss you so much. And Kyle's like, yeah, I mean, I miss talking to her too. That's why I was just so upset. So I was like, I was upset too. I miss you Kyle.
Starting point is 00:12:03 Are you insinuating that you miss me? Are you insinuating that you miss me? No, no, you're mean. I didn't so upset. So I was like, I was upset too. I miss you Kyle. Are you insinuating that you miss me? Are you insinuating that you miss me? No, no, you're mean. I love you. I didn't say that. I didn't say that. I didn't say that. So they hug and he's like,
Starting point is 00:12:16 well, maybe you guys should hug it out because that just solves everything, right? So they hug and it's like, they're like happy at everything. And he's like, all right, I'm going to leave it there. We're going to take a break and then we're going to bring your friend out quote unquote. Ha ha ha. Okay. What are we waiting on?
Starting point is 00:12:34 Is Kathy coming? Did I just ruin the surprise right there? Where's Kathy Hilton? And they're like, is Kathy, Kathy's coming? What? Wow. Cassie's coming, what? Wow. What?
Starting point is 00:12:44 What? So we're standing by to Mike, Cathy. Okay, Cathy's not Mike, like what? And he's like so offended that Cathy's not ready yet. Meanwhile, Cathy is the only one in this entire cast who's going to the Oscars. Like she's the only one who's going to the Vanity Fair party.
Starting point is 00:13:00 And he's like, why isn't she ready for me? I'm like, you're on Kathy's show now. She's not on your show. Also, Kathy is getting made up to look like the tree woman from fucking into the woods. They're putting so much like contouring and shit on her. Are people supposed to come out looking like Abe Lincoln? Why are you carving people like this?
Starting point is 00:13:22 They literally look like they're carving her out of a log of wood backstage. If you know what you know. Da da da da da da. La la la la la. Yeah. Paris and Cinderella then? Huh?
Starting point is 00:13:40 Does that make Paris Cinderella? Well, you know, one could say so. Yeah, she just looks crazy. And I just love Garcelle doing her greatest hits from the season, because I feel like if they put a compilation of Garcelle's greatest hits for the season, it would just be what? Wow. Hmm. Oh, and a solid.
Starting point is 00:14:05 Oh, hmm, oh, and a solid hmm. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. And then a little smirk, a little smirk when she says something shady and they confessional. Hmm. So, so Kyle's joking like, oh well Kathy's, Kathy's coming, I guess we should wrap up the show. Ha, ha, bye guys. And Kyle's like, I haven't even cried yet today.
Starting point is 00:14:24 Well, you're about to. So, and then we see we cut to Kathy and she's like standing on the stairs of her trailer, like Norma Desmond in a glittery dress and everyone's just surrounding her with cameras and it's just gays like going. Click, click, click, click. You look gorgeous.
Starting point is 00:14:39 You look amazing. You are fucking gorgeous. I bet this girl could do a jete. I bet this girl could do a jete, am I right, bitch? Mikey, stop kissing Cathy's ass, all right? Just because I'm a little lower budget now. Jesus Christ, you meanie queen. Cathy's like, now remind me,
Starting point is 00:14:56 this is the opening of a new Popeyes in Culver City, right? Like, no, you're at the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills reunion. I'm not following. Cathy would never. Dare you put Cathy in a Popeyes. Listen, she just did a commercial for Uber Eats or something, right?
Starting point is 00:15:11 Oh, did she? Wasn't she just on a commercial? She just did a commercial. I don't know, but what was the fast food place that she loved in Palm Street? Taco Bell, right? Isn't she a Taco Bell fan? Oh no, it was the other one.
Starting point is 00:15:24 Damn it, how could we forget this? Oh, Kathy did Smirnoff smashed ice. What fast food does Kathy Hilton get in Palm Springs? Oh my god. We're now Kathy and the crackers. Okay, when it's not that's not my question, people. Okay, someone tell me please in the comments because it's gonna make everybody involved crazy that I brought it up and cannot answer it and neither can Google.
Starting point is 00:15:51 Yes, you did. Damn it. It wasn't Taco Bell, was it Del Taco? Del Taco, it was Del Taco. God, you're good. That's why I said the other one, you know? It's like Yolanda Foster's Children of Fast Food. The other one.
Starting point is 00:16:04 Taco Bell and the other one. Well, I was just still trying to figure out my own mystery of what commercial she did. It was not Uber Eats, it was Smyrnafais. Wow, she's falling hard from the... My friend's vodka, my friend's tequila to Smyrnafais. Okay, so Andy's like, you're about to grab a scat that's coming out
Starting point is 00:16:21 and she's a living log. And Carl's like, out Andy. So then Kathy is making her entrance onto the stage and Sutton's like I am just whoo I am so hot over here just everything being insinuated at me people being so mean to me and so everybody's like hugging Kathy and welcoming her to the stage etc yeah and Kathy Hilton welcome back to the last place we thought we'd see you again sitting next to your sister at the reunion stage great to see you a lot doing back here right Why is Kathy here? Kathy is here because Kyle and Kathy made up and Kyle knows she's most likable when she is in the shadow of Kathy. She is doing it to bolster up her side of the sofa. She is doing it to
Starting point is 00:17:19 get some goodwill. That is why Kathy is there. Okay. So I just think it's amusing that she's like bringing Kathy on to give her support after. I don't know, it's just weird. It's weird, I thought Kathy was gonna be coming with some kind of information, but I guess Kathy's there to prove that she's got Kyle's back. Or is she brought on because Kyle's like,
Starting point is 00:17:40 see, Mauricio screwed over Kathy, and now Kathy can say it without me having to say it. Because when Kathy does start to say it, and Kyle's like, see, Mauricio screwed over Kathy. And now Kathy can say it without me having to say it. Because when Kathy does start to say it, and Kyle's like, oh my God, do you mean when he took your business? I mean, I don't wanna talk about business right now. I don't wanna talk about business. Right.
Starting point is 00:17:55 But he was just taking your business. I don't wanna talk about it. I don't wanna talk about it. Kathy is basically just a ratings ploy. But by the way, I hope this means that we get Kathy next season on the show because I know you're actually not as big of a Kathy fan as I am,
Starting point is 00:18:09 but I really enjoyed her on the show. I thought she was super fun. Well, I know you like her, but I feel like you also were of the mindset of like, listen, she's not God's gift to the housewives. Well, yeah, people were like putting her on their shoulders and being like, I stand. Kathy's amazing. And then the set I was like, Oh, she's kind of a terrorist.
Starting point is 00:18:28 And then the second that Paris show came back on people like, Oh my God, Kathy's a terrorist. People stop lionizing these monsters. Who thought Kathy Hilton was really a nice person? I mean, I liked her because I know she's not a nice person. You know, that's what I want to see. Bring on the mean Kathy. So we don't get that today, unfortunately, but we do get a Kathy dressed like she's about to do follies. It's like a lot of glitter, a lot of sequence going on. It's time for a commercial. It's time for a Crappin's commercial. If you don't know when Crystal Pepsi was discontinued, what was in Al Capone's vault,
Starting point is 00:19:06 or which famous meteorologist is Lenny Kravitz's second cousin, then you haven't spent enough time on Wikipedia. But that's okay. I am here for you. I'm Darcy Carden and I'm inviting you to listen to my new podcast, WikiHole, from Smartless Media. Discover the craziest rabbit holes on Wikipedia with me and my funny friends as we bring the cyber frontier directly to your tympanic membrane.
Starting point is 00:19:29 And if you listen to my podcast, you'll learn that that's the science term for eardrum. We embark on a hyperlink rollercoaster as we start out on a Wikipedia page and go from link to link to link to link, careening through trivia, oddities, and unexpected connections until we collectively shout, how the hell did we get here? Follow WikiHole on the Wondry app or wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen to WikiHole ad free
Starting point is 00:19:55 by joining Wondry Plus in the Wondry app or on Apple podcasts. Hey, grownups. The Cat in the Hat cast is a new podcast from Wondry perfect for the whole family. Join The Cat in the Hat and your favorite Dr. Seuss characters as they get whisked away on a new adventure every week. Fish dreams of creating his very own polite and quiet podcast.
Starting point is 00:20:17 That is, until he gets a surprise visit to his fishbowl podcast studio from The Cat in the Hat himself and it becomes very clear that the cat has other plans for the podcast. And those plans are the opposite of quiet. Sing along to new favorite songs, try your luck at Titanic tongue twisters, have some fun with wondrous wordplay, and most importantly, bring your family along
Starting point is 00:20:38 for all of the adventures in the Cat in the Hat cast. Follow the Cat in the Hat cast on the Wondry app or wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen to the Cat in the Hat cast. Follow the Cat in the Hat cast on the Wondry app or wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen to the Cat in the Hat cast early and ad free on Wondry Plus. Join Wondry Plus in the Wondry app or on Wondry Kids Plus on Apple podcasts today. And so she's like, oh, it's so good to see all of you, poor people. And so he's like, how does it feel sitting next to your sister?
Starting point is 00:21:08 And she's like, oh, I mean, it feels fairly good, you know, things happen for a reason. I'm here because of course I wanted to see everybody. So I'm seeing everybody. I don't watch the show, but I do watch all the clips of the show. So that's been something. The clips, just the clips.
Starting point is 00:21:26 Yeah, on the interwebs or whatever. Okay. I was like, the interwebs, come on. All right, so you only watch the clips. No, well, I also watch Watcher Happens Live. I like that because it goes by so quick, especially when I fast forward over really all of it. It's just a fast, like, nice to see
Starting point is 00:21:43 if that fast forward button even works still. It's really fun. So he's like if that fast forward button even works still really fun. Hmm. So he's like, wow, you guys are doing so great, but Kyle and Kathy's relationship has been under the microscope for Kathy it seemed like you closed the door on your relationship when you changed the code to your gate and Kyle could no longer get in. So how's that going for you? And then we see a Kyle versus Kathy montage. Right. It's a Kyle versus Kathy, but then it's also like, oh, friends, people who decide to stay as friends with Kathy and all that stuff. So Andy's like, okay, well, we'll get to you two coming together. But Erica, you said some woman in this group fear
Starting point is 00:22:25 Kathy because she holds access to everything that they want she could lock you out of Beverly Hills or lock you out of parties or lock you into basements actually I should just lock anything anywhere so what's the deal with that Erica and Kathy's like oh be careful am I right oh that was hilarious that was actually so hilarious that you said that Erica. I I actually took a clip of that and I sent it to everybody. I know they know not to fuck with me By the way, if anyone wants to visit the Getty Center, it's closed for the next month because a docent was mean to me Estelle Getty was mean to me before she passed
Starting point is 00:23:05 So I'm taking it out on the museum all these years later. You know, that's what I do. I shouldn't have to do that. Ever wonder where all those Getty stations are? They're closed. Because of me. She just has a vendetta against all things named Getty. I don't really know any more Getties.
Starting point is 00:23:26 I don't have any more Getties. That's the three of them. It doesn't, and the Getty Center and Getty's gasoline are kind of linked anyway. And it's still Getty, that's it. We've run through all the Getties. Hey, looking forward to seeing the Getty Villa. Well guess what?
Starting point is 00:23:39 I burned that bitch down. I was still so mad after I got the Getty clothes that I actually firebom Mr. Gattie's, which I believe is a sushi place. Pizza, Kathy. Pizza, pizza. Mm-hmm. I couldn't find any more Getty's, so.
Starting point is 00:23:55 Get, hey, good luck renting the VHS copy of Get Shorty because it's gone. I tell you, he's never coming over. Victoria Gotti, fuck her. Close enough. You know what, Victoria Gotti walked so that way Dina Manzo could also walk. They sort of look the same, right, if you think about it?
Starting point is 00:24:19 They're way too connected to ever run, either one of them. Okay, so Erica's like, my hands what I'm wearing, she's Beverly Hills, you know what I mean? And she sets the standard of Beverly Hills. There's a lot of women, I mean, you don't wanna run crossways with this one, am I right, am I right, am I right? Do I care, do I care,
Starting point is 00:24:36 am I giving the face that I care? I love that Erica is coming on just officially wearing a dress that is in the form of a shrug. That's what I said about last week. But I don't know why it makes me laugh that her dress has her in a constant, what did I do?
Starting point is 00:24:55 I mean, I don't know. I didn't know what the fuck taught me. How was I supposed to know? You know, now I'm vindicated. I told you all I was right this whole time. It's like just got this constant fucking shrug. It's good constantly. What's also so interesting about this
Starting point is 00:25:07 is that Erica's just kind of like laughing like, yeah, she's a power bitch. I mean, like don't get, listen, you look at her the wrong way. She makes sure you're not allowed into Dodger Stadium. She's got all the power in the world. Ha ha. But then like last year they show her saying it
Starting point is 00:25:21 and she's like, you look at her the wrong way, she'll kick you out of Dodger Stadium. Okay, that's what you're dealing with here people. So I'm like, what but now Erica's just like laughing about it. Like isn't this so great and hilarious? Like I wonder what weird is she just like over it? She doesn't care anymore now that Lisa Rinno is gone. Well she's not going to take she's not going to take it back or apologize for saying it.
Starting point is 00:25:39 But she's also like, yeah, I mean, what's the big deal? I was just saying you're powerful. All right. So then I was just saying you're powerful, am I right? So then- I'm just saying you're powerful and if you wanna let me go back to the grill, I would really like to do that because I missed that giant piece of chocolate cake I had five seasons ago.
Starting point is 00:25:55 So can I get back in that restaurant, please Kathy. So then I think that's Pasadena. I don't think Kathy cared, right? Wasn't that a Pasadena restaurant? I don't think Kathy reaches that far.? Wasn't that a Pasadena restaurant? I don't think Cathy reaches that far. Cathy doesn't care about Pasadena. Cathy's like, that's a 136, 130 something, 130. I asked the lady where Pasadena was
Starting point is 00:26:17 and she just shrugged and said, I don't actually work for you anymore. I said, okay. So then Sutton falls into Garcelle on her seat. She's like, wow. She kind of falls over. And then everyone's like, oh my God, are you okay? What's wrong?
Starting point is 00:26:32 What's wrong? And then he's like, you're shaking, you're shaking. And so they're like, call somebody, it's Sutton, it's Sutton. Somebody called Dr. Pepper. So Sutton's like, I'm fine, I'm fine, I swear I'm fine. But she's like shaking, you know, really taking over Crystal's blood pressure storyline there. So she's shaking and Kathy's like,
Starting point is 00:26:56 oh, well, you know, it's a hot flesh Sutton. I mean, you're 49 years old. It's bound to happen and get over it. And they're like, you're shaking, Oh my god, the paramedic comes. And then of course, Anna Marie is like, I'm going in, I'm going in, bring me a saw. Ma'am, please, please don't try and do surgery on somebody. Don't tell me what I can and can't do. Get the saw out of my purse. God. All right, you're gonna lose
Starting point is 00:27:20 your ankle Sutton, but it's gonna be worth it. Okay, so everyone, based on the size of the trembles in her hand, I would say that she has a class five eating disorder. Crystal, why would you say that? Wow, Crystal, wow. Ow! Are you sewing a TV guide on the Sutton's elbow?
Starting point is 00:27:40 That's what we do, Andy. It's what we do in the medical profession, so. Yeah, yeah. Respect nurses. Respect nurses, Andy. It's what we do in the medical profession. So yeah, yeah I respect nurses I'm just telling a TV guide Yeah You know if you can't find a bandage a TV guide is a great thing that way you can both heal and find out what The cheers and jeers are for the week
Starting point is 00:27:59 Do they still have TV guide the tears of tears Oh memories And I don't know. I think it exists online. Maybe yeah. Yeah. Yeah, there it is Do they still have TV Guide? The Tears and Jeers, oh memories. I don't know, I think it exists online maybe? Yeah, yeah, yeah, there it is. I go to TV Guide listings all the time when slash schedule isn't updated. Sometimes I'll go to that. You know, I'll go to the guide. But I don't remember Tears and Jeers,
Starting point is 00:28:22 I mean that was a good one. Okay, so. I love my Tears and Jeers. I love the Tears and tears I mean that was a good one okay I love my cheers I love the cheers and jeers yeah those are really good now we have jack hole of the week I'm the new tv guy so um the paramedics everyone's like oh my god and Annemarie's like Annemarie is like we should go online to unknown first one I'm gonna come get her because like she has to get checked out like she just has to get checked out okay um also just has to get checked out. Okay. Also, I'm gonna need her shoulder blade removed. That looks a little pokey. And Hey, did you just staple a lifetime magazine to the back of
Starting point is 00:28:53 my head? lifetime magazine. For some reason, it's just periodic like magazine. I didn't mean to say lifetime. It just just adding all these antiquated magazines onto Sutton to say lifetime. Just adding all these antiquated magazines onto Sutton to heal her. So the paramedic's like, OK, we're going to get you checked out.
Starting point is 00:29:11 I don't think it's necessary we call 911, but we have transport that can take you to urgent care or a hospital. It's a bike. You don't mind bikes, right? And it's also a veterinarian's office. Are you OK with, question. So are you okay wearing a halo collar?
Starting point is 00:29:29 And why do you have a highlights magazine stapled to your forehead? So I'm a doctor, so basically. So everybody is now staring at Sutton, like is she okay, is she okay, is she okay, is she okay? Maybe she has sudden onset diabetes. So. She was targeted, Amby, targeted.
Starting point is 00:29:51 Oh, by the way, someone sent us a message, which I thought was a very good point, if this is true, but I didn't fact check it, so sorry. But I just wanted to bring it up. Someone said, how come no one is calling out Dorit when she originally told the story about the $10,000 being stolen out of her grocery cart, she had said that she was at a Target, and now she's making a big deal that she was actually at a Marshalls.
Starting point is 00:30:16 Did she say Target or did we say Target? I don't know. I was just in a DM. I mean, I can't remember shit. I think she said Big Box. I thought she said big box store originally. Big box store? Well, that's still not Marshall's. It's still not Marshall's. Still not Marshall's. OK, but and I didn't want to fact check it because I have so many things to do. Like today I took grapes off the stem and I washed them and then I laid down.
Starting point is 00:30:41 That's what I did before the show. Do you know how hard it is to take grapes off their stem? It is literally exhausting. And this is why people just reach for bread and peanut butter. Because that's what I've been doing for the past week is just eating bread. I'm like, I'm gonna have a cheese sandwich.
Starting point is 00:30:55 You know why? Because washing grapes is hard. That's why. Well, you know what? We were celebrating this week and you're allowed to have bread when you celebrate. Okay. And there were the Oscars.
Starting point is 00:31:04 Which you're allowed to have bread. I snorted fucking a loaf of sourdough with some monster cheese on it. God bless you. I, I too need to cut back on my carbs. I literally just had a bagel about 45 minutes ago. It's bagel Thursday guys. I tried a new bagel place. It was great. I also just bought a cookbook called savory baking. Like what is wrong with me? Why do I buy books that like I will then there make stuff out of it. How then there makes
Starting point is 00:31:32 this out of it and uh it's gonna be bad for me. I don't know why I do this to myself but gosh it looked great. Well my point was grapes are hard. Okay so then how do you take off your grapes? Well one time I was in the airport and I really liked that they serve little Tupperwares of grapes and they're already washed and they're off the stem. And I was like, well, isn't that great? Airports have really evolved that you can get that instead of M&Ms. Not that I wanted to, but I did because that day I made a good choice. So now I do it that way. I have like the little, you know,
Starting point is 00:32:02 cause I use those little containers anyway. And so I take the grapes, I get green grapes and I get red grapes and then I take them off the stem. I destem them all and then I put them on a, no, no. I hold like a thing of them and then I try and get them just twist my, not twist my hand, but kind of like angle my hand back just right. So they kind of pop off the stem without breaking off a stem into the hole.
Starting point is 00:32:25 So it's a process is what I'm saying. Oh that's interesting. I always twist them one at a time. It's like I'm doing a little titty twist. Just go like that and twist them off. I know I eat a lot of grapes. A lot. A ton of grapes. So I've got to like do I've got to get my hand and like get them off like that. Okay. So it was hard. So, um, Garstel's like, Oh, she was saying she was hot. Okay. So Kathy is just completely ignoring this, right? She's just like, whatever she's shaking. So she's like looking through her phone and, um, everyone else is like pretending they care, which let's face it, they don't,
Starting point is 00:33:02 they don't really. I mean, I know that people online are like, oh my God, I can't believe Cathy was so heartless. Sutton was lying there, Doug. It's Sutton. Sutton's kind of prone to being a bit dramatic. And I don't think that anybody was really, like nobody ran after Sutton. Garcelle did, that's for sure.
Starting point is 00:33:20 And I was, I guess I would have worried about Sutton if I were there, but we know that Sutton's okay, so I can't be bothered, you know? Yeah. You know what it's like? There are people that are dying. You know when there's a dinner party or something, and it comes time to clear the dishes, and there's always that one person who's really into clearing the table,
Starting point is 00:33:39 and they're like, I'll do it, I'll do it, I'll do it. And so then there's like two or three people, and then all that's left for you to clear is like a cup. And so you go into the kitchen while everyone's stacking up the dishes in the sink and you're holding your one little cup and you feel kind of silly and you're like, why am I even doing this?
Starting point is 00:33:53 I should just, they wanna do the dishes. I'm doing this perfunctory thing to show that I'm helping by holding a single cup in my hand while everyone else has five dishes. Oh, so you're the person that does that? I am. Well, because, well, I'm also often someone who does a lot of the cooking. But also, to be fair, there are some people who are just very fast about gathering dishes. Like there are some people who are like, I'm gathering four dishes now. And then someone else goes, I'm gathering four. And I'm like, well, I'll bring in this cup. But then you're
Starting point is 00:34:20 just sort of standing there like, well, I'm- I can't believe you're that person that just brings in the cup We all hate that person man. Okay, and I love you very much and I'm never gonna even suggest I hate well, no, we we like that person hate is universally hated that everyone hates the cup person Well, but by the way the cup people hate the plate people because the plate people go in so quickly that then you're left with A cup and then you look like a lazy ass No, you look like you lazy asshole in your little cup. I say you should look like a diva and just sit out there and not do anything
Starting point is 00:34:50 rather than bring in one cup. Because if you don't bring anything, you can say, thank you everybody, I'm sorry I was lazy. But when you just bring in a cup, it's like, look, I did something when you clearly did not do shit. Well, no, that's what I'm saying. That's why I'm like, this is what it's like. Where you're like, what's even the point
Starting point is 00:35:04 of bringing in the cup? That's the point I was getting to, where you sit there with the cup and you. That's why I'm like, this is what it's like. We're like, what's even the point of bringing in the cup? That's the point I was getting to where you sit there with the cup and you're like, why am I even doing this? Because now I look like I'm just faking it when this was all that was left for me to bring in. So then you so it's like a miles. Well, so Kathy has got it right. If you know what you wish and you wish what you want and you want what you wish. That's the tree lady from Into the Woods everybody. Okay, back on track. I will not, by the way, I will not be shamed for being the
Starting point is 00:35:29 cup person. And furthermore, if you do shame me, I fucking don't care. You don't. You don't. I know why because you're not even in the kitchen long enough to feel the shame. You're just like, bye, you're back. Yeah, you know what? Guess what? It means that I figured it out. And then you're the first one to eat the dessert and be like,
Starting point is 00:35:42 Oh my god, I love when we can all come together and just help out at dinner. I'm the first one to eat the dessert that I made, by the way, that I made. Maybe I didn't bring in a cup because my feet are fucking sore from standing in the kitchen for three hours earlier. How about that?
Starting point is 00:35:55 I've had it, I've had it. I've had it. I've had it. You know what? We see those ladies one time, and then Ben shows up like, I have had it. Ben's new podcast. I've had it too. I've had it too. The point is the reason why I brought this up is that like at a certain point,
Starting point is 00:36:17 what, like if there's four people standing over Sutton, it doesn't add like, Kathy, Kathy knows there's no reason. There's, she doesn't need to, she doesn't need to bring the cup into Sutton's kitchen right now There's no point So she's just gonna sit back and hang out doesn't bring the fucking cup and see this is why that also doesn't work Cuz Kathy never brings a cup, you know, she's like, why are people going to the kitchen or is everybody here poor? Why would you do that? Kathy and bring in a cup, you know, she's just like tell me when it's dessert time
Starting point is 00:36:43 I don't care who made it. Kathy knows that she, Kathy is confident in herself that she knows she doesn't have to get brownie points by suddenly swooping in and bringing in four plates to the kitchen. She owns the fucking brownies, you know what I mean? She owns the brownies. And if the brownies fuck with her, she's gonna get them
Starting point is 00:36:59 kicked off of the brownies, just like Erica said. So, Garcelle, you know, they're surrounding. So, um, Garcell, you know, they're surrounding Sutton or whatever, everyone's very worried. Now the rumor, we talked about this a while back was our old queen and a bar friend said that Sutton freaked out because Kathy came out and was very threatening. And so Sutton suddenly had to go to the hospital. Um, it wasn't obvious that that's what it was, but it was kind of funny that Kathy was like,
Starting point is 00:37:28 oh, really me powerful? And Sutton's like, oh, please. Because Sutton was about to get it. Because as she's taken off, Kathy was like, oh, I was about to come for her. Isn't that hilarious? I was gonna come for her. Oh well, she's gone now.
Starting point is 00:37:41 I guess that was a very, very lucky time for that to happen to her. Listen, no one was more sad than Andy Cohen because now we had no one to go and attack Kyle about Morgan Wade. Who, Sutton? Oh, because he was making the Morgan Wade thing wait, right? Well, yeah, but also like-
Starting point is 00:38:02 So Sutton missed the segment. And when the Morgan Wade section comes up, there's no one to be like, Kyle, just admit it. You're in love. You're a lesbian. You're a big old member of the rainbow LGBTQIA Kyle Richards community. Okay. Like please just stop asking where all the Cowboys have gone. Okay. We know you don't care. We know that you're a constant craving girl. Just say it. just say it. Just speaking in karaoke terms.
Starting point is 00:38:28 Just all our favorite lesbian singers. Just because. Because we know you were coming to windows. You were. You are the only one. Melissa Etheridge, hashtag. Okay, so let's see. So she has a panic attack slash not eating anything
Starting point is 00:38:49 and taking foot medication while she's drinking Palavadeer out of her purse fit. I don't know. So she's taken away. And so Erica's stuck next to Cathy, the two people who give the least of a shit, you know? And so Erica's like, so how you been, Cass? And she's like, good, you know, I love the holidays so much
Starting point is 00:39:08 and I just feel like I didn't really get to enjoy it enough. You know, I mean. Is your tree still up? You know, Kyle, Kyle, you know how it goes. Is your tree still up? Is Asher still singing in your living room at all? No. I just took it down.
Starting point is 00:39:28 Asher too, actually, because he didn't thank me for the last party. He's dead in this town. He'll never eat here again. So the paramedics take Sutton to, they want to take her to her trailer to lie down and he's like, yeah, okay, well, why don't you just lay down? She's like, no, I don't want to lie down. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine. Well, why don't you go lay down?
Starting point is 00:39:49 And I just think you just lay down for a little bit and maybe come out after that. OK, OK. Well, someone I'm totally fine. But could someone please hold my hand while I walk this short distance? Because I don't have steady feet. I'm just a Southern Bale. Yeah, she has, you know, neuropathy. So that's not good. So they get they go get her slippers for her and stuff like that. I mean, my thing is, look, she's got high blood pressure.
Starting point is 00:40:09 If it is, whether or not it's a panic attack that Kathy is there, okay, whether or not, I doubt it is. Sutton doesn't seem to be very afraid of anybody. And she had no problem throwing Kathy under the bus when need be this season, as we'll see soon. But I personally don't think it was terror. But the fact is she does have very high blood pressure. She is shaky.
Starting point is 00:40:29 You should not be taking her to a trailer. That is the last place a rich person wants to die, okay? Do you know the shit she has put up with in that marriage to not be in a trailer? And now she's like looking at the possibility of dying in one? You're not helping the situation is what I'm saying. It's a good point. It's a nightmare. Yeah. That she just had like Jennifer Tilly on call just
Starting point is 00:40:50 to take her place. She could just actually be just play the role of Son's Drac. Here comes one right now. So Crystal's like, her pressure is very high. That's as high as mine was. And if we want to discuss that, we didn't really get into it on the reunion here. So anyone want to ask me any questions about what it was like to have high blood pressure in Spain? Anyone? No? No one? I mean, look, I kind of get what people are talking about with this season, because we've enjoyed it very much,
Starting point is 00:41:26 you and I, because we love talking about this show, no matter what, you know? But there have been a lot of complaints that this season is boring, and really, we come down to the third part of the reunion, and we have this much blood pressure talk. That's a lot of blood pressure talk. Just got to point that out.
Starting point is 00:41:41 Yeah. So Sudden goes off to our trailer. Everyone's like, it could be okay Sutton. Good luck Sutton. Ha ha ha. Yeah, go knock him dead out there. Okay, so then this is where Kathy's like, I was about to go after her and I think she knew that. So it was a pretty good time to have that happen, huh?
Starting point is 00:42:00 And Erica's like, oh shut up. You're right though, you're right though girl. So now Sutton goes to her trailer and she asks for something to eat. And they're like, sorry, this is an ocean spray, but we have some orange juice. So, okay, so back on the set. Erica's like, oh God, everybody's got so much PTSD and trauma this year.
Starting point is 00:42:24 Yes, and so Andy's like, got so much PTSD and trauma this year. Hmm. Yes. And so, um, Andy's like, well, that's a reunion first. Okay, ladies, I know that we all want her to get better. And I think the best thing for her to do is lay down, take a break, and we're just gonna keep on talking. Okay. All right. All right.
Starting point is 00:42:41 I want to go back though. Erica, you said some women in this group fear Cathy Hilton. Cathy's like, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Carl's not afraid of anybody. Alright, I want to go back though. Erica, you said some women in this group fear Cathy Hilton. Cathy's like, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Carl's not afraid of anybody, not even you. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, me say this, you don't give two, I was going to say cents, but you don't have cents anymore. Right. What do you have now? What are you dealing with? You just, you don't give two the handy jobs about, I don't know, this is getting very uncomfortable.
Starting point is 00:43:15 Can I sit next to a richer person? So we see a flashback of last year with Erica confronting, uh, Cathy and you know, about everything that happened in that club in Aspen and Erica's like, well, you know, I don't know if it's a good thing or not, not Karen, but I will say this, you know, Kathy, she can pick up a phone and she can make things happen in a very, very graceful way.
Starting point is 00:43:39 Have you ever seen her order a pizza on her phone? It is terrifying and beautiful all at the same time. And Crystal's like, I totally agree with Erica. Kathy is so powerful. She is Beverly Hills. She is Beverly Hills. Well, do you think there is anybody that we know that thinks that? I mean, can you see me even doing these sort of things? And Erica's like, yeah, but they just don't admit it to you. Everyone's scared of you. And Crystal's like, I do think so. Yes, it is true.
Starting point is 00:44:14 Do you remember when you literally stood at the doorways in front of the live action version of The Lion King because I didn't call you back for a couple of days? Like, I'm still traumatized. We actually had to take a load out for our basement. So. Kathy literally banished all the animals except for an ostrich from Pride Rock.
Starting point is 00:44:33 It was so strange. She is so powerful. My brother didn't go to her Christmas party and he's in Bangkok now. So I don't know if that's telling you anything but he was literally dragged out of the country So Kathy sent him to Bangkok. Okay, and so Andy's like so Kathy How does it feel leaving me last year's reunion? Did you think it was this was that was it for you and Kyle?
Starting point is 00:44:55 And she's like no never I'm way too powerful for Kyle to ever just leave me I knew she'd come crawling back we know my relationship with my sister is more important than any TV show except for actually probably most TV shows are more important than Kyle but you know what though and for this TV show though I like Kyle and I mean Kyle think about it have we ever had a blow up like that okay I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna hold my hand my fingers I'm gonna hide them and if I can count the number of times you've had a blow up like this can you guess how many okay? How many fingers am I holding up Kyle? How many fingers?
Starting point is 00:45:27 How many fingers and Kyle's looking around and she's like, I mean, I guess three times I guess like a three times She's like, yeah, you know and like I'm listen TV shows not very important. Well this TV show this TV show. This is still a TV show. Are we is this a play? Is this a play? Is this a play? Anyway, I have another TV show. I think it's bigger than this one, so I don't really care, is what I'm saying. And I just wanna point out these three fingers,
Starting point is 00:45:55 I'm holding up my three fingers to show how many times the Con-On have had really bad blowouts. And then Marisi and I have only really had one, only one big blowout, so I'll just use my middle finger to indicate that, That's all. And so she's like, you know, we're sisters, it's gonna happen. So Andy's like, well, Kathy,
Starting point is 00:46:14 it's no secret that Maricio starting the agency created tension between your families. Let's take a look. She's like, well, you know, we see the flashback of Mo on the beach telling Kyle, uh, you know, like, uh, you know, they don't want to give me a partnership and, uh, you know, I'm out of here basically. And so Andy reads a section of Mauricio's book, which I forgot that he even had a book.
Starting point is 00:46:43 Yeah. It's actually funny because his book came out at the exact same time as Camille Grammer's book. And Camille Grammer's book is basically just like all of Mauricio's book except every three words. It's so strange. If they paid me what I deserved, and they showed me an inkling of professional love,
Starting point is 00:47:04 I would have stayed, but they didn't see it that way. See it that way. So upsetting. Yeah. And those are all quotes. It was a really strange audio book. Like if you listen to Camila Grammer's autobiography on Audible, it's like, why is Maricio narrating it too?
Starting point is 00:47:18 It's so strange. She wasn't even reading Sun Tzu her first season. She was reading Sun Tzu her first season. She was reading Sun Tzu two. No, you're- More sun. You're enemy. Yeah, it's like your enemy and you know, like don't be afraid and you have to forge your own path
Starting point is 00:47:40 because real estate is war and war is real estate, you know? So upsetting. So Cathy's like, well, when Mauricio did leave, I'll tell you this. He left on the Thursday. And Rick said, when are you planning on leaving? And he said, on Friday. So that's how much time he gave Rick.
Starting point is 00:48:00 Poor, poor Rick. And you know, your family, and Rick told him, your family, so just know that opening your own business is tough, and the door here is always open for you. Just please don't poach our staff or our agents. And I'm sorry, the butterscotch in my mouth is actually getting bigger as I tell this story, which is really, I'm so rich that I get butterscotch candy that actually gets bigger as you suck on it.
Starting point is 00:48:26 Pro. Yeah, but Rick said, the door's always open for you, although the door for your new business may not actually open because I believe Kathy may just solder it shut, maybe just weld it shut because that's what she does. So good luck with that. And if any bricks wind up going through your windows,
Starting point is 00:48:46 just know it was not my wife who did that. Absolutely not my wife. Well, you know, the door was open and Mariso closed the door very hard and we kept trying to open it because he just kept opening it really quickly and then taking agents out and then closing the door again.
Starting point is 00:49:00 And he's got quite a grip on the door, quite a lean there. And he just kept saying, hold the door, hold the door, hold the door, hold the door. And that's when Hodor died to us, Andy. Yeah, we have a slogan at Hilton Highland. Slogan goes something like this, poach chicken, not agents,
Starting point is 00:49:20 but I guess that didn't land with Mauricio. So Andy's like, so did he poach? And Kathy's like, I mean, a few, you know, and that kind of put Kyle and I in kind of a funky place. And Kyle's like, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, well, let me just say, let me just say, I would just, you know, and she's starting to like tongue the corners of her mouth
Starting point is 00:49:41 over and over. And Kathy's like, well, let me say this, Kyle, and you know this, Kyle. She goes, I don't want to get into that stuff. I really don't. I don't want to testify against my husband in a reunion because half of that money is mine. So maybe let's not do that right now.
Starting point is 00:49:57 Also, we need to save some of the good stuff for our Netflix show. So Kathy's like, yeah, but we're going to. Well, Kyle's like, but we also had people that were under him at the Manskey group at Hilton and Highland. So he had built this whole group within Hilton and Highland and I don't wanna talk about business and stuff like that. Okay, so she's basically like, he created his own rogue army
Starting point is 00:50:16 and then took them somewhere else. It's a very Game of Thrones. Right, and we kind of all knew it happened. And this clip came out yesterday of the new show or not the new show, but that buying Beverly Hills show, which guess what? Still not gonna watch it, okay? I made it through about 15 minutes of that show.
Starting point is 00:50:31 It sucks, that show sucks. I don't know who produced it, but it's terrible at it. It's a homely version of Selling Sunset. Cause at least on Selling Sunset, like they dress fine, they're fun to watch, like they're cartoon characters. This is just like I don't know. House Daughters are not meant for TV. Sorry. No, no one on that show is meant. And now listen, I only made it through half of an episode. So maybe it gets better. No, it doesn't. But I doubt it. I highly doubt it. But anyway, there was a clip released from that show. And
Starting point is 00:51:01 it's Mauricio sitting around with all the boys and he's like, you know, and here's what happened with Rick, which also they haven't talked about all these years, but now, you know, of course they're gonna wait for ratings because they're a TV family. And he's saying, you know, what happened with Rick is that basically he's a billion dollar company and almost 20% of those sales, that was me.
Starting point is 00:51:24 That was me and my team. And so when I wanted to be a partner and he didn't let me, I said, fuck you, you know? And that's what happened. And if that's accurate, good for him, dude. Why shouldn't he? And some people online are like, you're not entitled to blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:51:38 If you're bringing in a fifth of a billion dollars for a company, yeah, I think you're entitled to ask for a partnership. Well, there was one person who was not satisfied, did not appreciate this clip whatsoever, and that person's name is Paris Hilton, because then she went on the internet and was like, I've had enough, like enough, like stop bashing my dad, that's not hot.
Starting point is 00:52:04 She's over it, she's over Mauricio. Yeah, she's like, for his lame show, enough, like enough, like stop bashing my dad. That's not hot. She's over it. She's over Mauricio. Yeah, she's like for his lame show. Trying to get attention for his lame show. It's not hot. So then, okay, so back to this. It's like, God, that was even boring recounting it. I was like, well, it was boring to watch that clip
Starting point is 00:52:20 and the story's kind of boring, but maybe talking about it will be more fun. It wasn't. Okay. Yeah. It wasn't. Okay. Yeah. Well, hey everyone, I just want everyone to know Sutton is okay, but they're going to take her to the hospital out of an abundance of caution and Garcelle is going with her to the hospital.
Starting point is 00:52:37 We're not going to say which hospital it is. So that way Cathy doesn't ban her. All right. Praying prayers for Sutton. We don't want Cathy to defund the hospital. Let's just get one more quote from Garcelle. Garcelle, one more quote for the road. Wow, Andy. Wow. Wow. Hmm. Alright. Alright. I'm just going to grab Garcelle and Sutton's phones and then we've also got some more Merce Cunningham's ashes so we're gonna send that along.
Starting point is 00:53:09 And they're like, what? Were there more ashes? I thought we got rid of all the ashes. Merce is in the purse again? Wow. Christ's sake, just let the man rest, would you? Let the mouse go. Let the Merce go.
Starting point is 00:53:24 Let the Merers go. The guy just wants a fucking break. My god. So they're looking. Yes, they get the purse and all that stuff and Mers out of the couch cushions. And Kathy goes, Oh, my god, there's somebody there. Well, at least give her a seat. Because she doesn't know that it's a guy they're talking about. It's so Kathy.
Starting point is 00:53:50 Just like, give that woman a seat. Dead people, hilarious. So yeah, now Garcelle's leading, Garcelle and Son are in the car, and Garcelle's like, well, you want to take off your jacket? No, because then I'll get cold. I don't want to die, Garcelle. I will you want to take off your jacket? No, because then I'll get cold. I don't want to die, Garcel. I don't want to die.
Starting point is 00:54:07 And Garcel's like, you're not going to die. You have more people to ruffle feathers with. And even if you do die, I just want to let you know, I'm not scattering your ashes in Spain. They're going over Burbank. Ha ha ha ha. I've been working on my speech in case you do die. I'm going to get up there when they ask for people to give a eulogy and I'm going to stand
Starting point is 00:54:27 up there. I'm going to look everybody right in their eye one by one and I'm going to go, wow. Please if I do pass, if I do go through those pearly gates, I ask that you bury me in one of my son's vending machines. Thank you, thank you. Okay, so then Andy's like, I don't wanna keep talking. Okay, so how did Kathy and Kyle make up again?
Starting point is 00:55:00 And Kyle's like, well, my niece Whitney got married and so there was a shower and then I, you know, I saw Kathy and the girls for the first time and it was like, it was like fine, you know. And we see cell phone footage of Kathy telling Kyle it's not her fault and they're doing like promo shots with tequila. It's like how famous families come together.
Starting point is 00:55:20 Yeah, they're like Akima Sabis or something. Yeah. Like doing, like she's holding up that Dell, that what was it called? Casa del Sol or something, whatever the, you know, I wish I would know what it was, but unfortunately Kathy's big promotional moment was ruined by Kyle. Let's never forget. So Kyle's like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:55:39 and then they came to my house in Aspen and it was like a dinner party and then it just sort of like broke the ice and Kathy's like, it was beautiful. And then the next day, I mean, this was so silly. Am I crying? I'm crying, right? Erica, say I'm crying. You're never gonna eat in this town again.
Starting point is 00:55:53 Erica? She's crying, she's crying. I just want the chocolate cake, she's crying. So hold on, my lady's coming. Lady, come here. Give, bend down. All right, thank you. She's just like taking tears from her tear ducts
Starting point is 00:56:05 and putting them on her face. She has a designated crier. Fine, thank you. Okay, you can go now. Don't look me in the eye. Okay. Oh, look at the salty things coming out of my eyes. So beautiful because this is silly,
Starting point is 00:56:18 but in the hair salon, Carl told me to meet there and I go, and there's not even music there, not even music. Now, was there Michael Jackson playing? No. But, you know, I resisted calling Kyle a dirty little BOO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO- And I just hear Kyle come in and she goes that's my sister Kathy What what was this story it made no sense she was getting her hair done and there wasn't even music playing and Kyle walked by I was like, that's my sister And then they reunite. I think it's what is this like? I think it's like the end of the color purple
Starting point is 00:57:04 What does it happen a year? like the end of the color purple? What is happening here? The end of the color purple. It's like, oh no, I own a dress store. See, Kyle came back from her homeland, the valley. So. I think what she was saying was that Kyle invited her to a special get let's get our nails done thing and it wasn't for publicity and it wasn't all the girls that were invited it was just Kathy I mean it was so private that there wasn't even buddy anybody pressing play on the stereo that day it was just two girls getting their hair done being rich enough to have the whole salon shut down for them. That's what I got. That, okay, I see.
Starting point is 00:57:49 And so, and Kyle was like, no, you get to be part of this experience too. And Kathy, because Kathy was like, I felt really included in that moment. So like, if a rich lady gets her hair done and no one's there to see it, did she make a noise? I think Kyle just made an effort to like have some private time with her. rich lady gets her hair done and no one's there to see it. Did you make a noise? I think Kyle just made an effort to like have some private time with her.
Starting point is 00:58:09 I mean, that's how I took it. I have no idea. So then they hug and Kyle's like, I mean, she was like really happy. Like wow. And then like, and nobody was like there. I'm like, oh my God. And so Andy's like, wow, I don't really get it, but that's nice. So Kathy on Bravo's Hot Mike podcast, which by the way, you're welcome America, for knowing now that the producer of the show, Alex Baskin, always has a look on his face,
Starting point is 00:58:34 like he's half trying to swallow a lemon rind and half smelling a fart. Every time they show Alex Baskin on a clip of this show, he's like this. He was like, I was down and ride last night. I ate a lemon rind. I ate a lemon rind last night. Your body doesn't want to swallow it. But you're like,
Starting point is 00:58:56 I'm almost like, I was like, is Alex Baskin eating dinner with us? Okay, so she's like, I was just like, so up and honest in that moment, you know. Yeah, she she literally says that she goes, I was really honest that moment. And I'm like, stress because like, you know, like, what did I say in that moment that we were when we're done? Because like, I don't want that like, kicking up
Starting point is 00:59:20 everything up in my relationship again. So like, that scares me. So Kathy is not going to hold anything she said against her there, and then Kyle's like, you know, Cathy goes, you know, she warned me that she felt bad. But you know, I mean, everyone knows I'm the sensitive one. I mean, I'm a hundred times more sensitive than you, Kyle. Right? Wouldn't you say so? And Kyle's like, um, no, I would not say that.
Starting point is 00:59:45 No, I would not say, I mean, Kathy's a monster, right? We all know that Kathy's a, do monsters feel? They don't. This is Kathy's way of saying, hey, remember when you torpedoed our sisterhood, because I said something out of anger, and now you're going on a podcast, hoping that, you know, like, the things that you said out of anger aren't gonna be held against you.
Starting point is 01:00:05 Well, this is me showing that I'm not holding them against you the way you should have not held them against me a year ago. And Kathy's like, well, you're the strong one and I'm so sensitive. And Kyle's like, well, I guess I may come across as strong, but come on, Kathy. And she's like, well, I mean, I'm not saying
Starting point is 01:00:21 you're not sensitive, I'm just saying, your vibe is strong, as the not saying you're not sensitive. I'm just saying, you know, your vibe is strong. You know, as the kids would say, strong vibes. Yeah, but yours is like very strong too. And I don't think you realize how strong yours is, Kathy. And she goes, no, I, well, I look, I just, I love you. I feel like you love me very much. And that's what matters the most.
Starting point is 01:00:41 I love that these two raging A types are like, I'm the sensitive one. No, I'm sensitive. I think anyone would agree. No, it's me, I'm sensitive. You're mean. You're mean, I'm very sensitive. Yeah, and Kyle's like, I need you. And Kathy's like, I wanna be needed.
Starting point is 01:00:57 And I do need you. And you've been really, really there for me in an unbelievable way lately. I mean, maybe not as much as like, Jamie Lee Curtis, but like it means a lot to me the way you've been there for me in an unbelievable way lately. I mean maybe not as much as like, hmm, Jamie Lee Curtis, but like it means a lot to me the way you've been there for me. Hmm. Okay, so um, oh it's so great seeing Kyle get on track with her sisters, but now her relationship with her husband is hanging on by a thread. So then we get the Kyle and Mauricio montage where they're so in love and they even put a lock on a thread. So then we get the Kylo Mauricio montage where they're so in love
Starting point is 01:01:26 and they even put a lock on a fence. I think this was for love in Paris right before that wall fell down. We all should have known that the weight of that lock was the straw that broke the Campbell's back of that love bridge. And the bridge. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:42 Truly. Well, that's tough to watch. So at your final party last year, we saw you and Mo on camera and things between you and Mo seemed really good. So when did things begin to change? Is there an event that stands out as beginning of what you call your hard year? What happened, girl? It's like, you know, like with any any marriage there's like issues and like you have and
Starting point is 01:02:05 like they come up and you know, sometimes you're busy and you know, sometimes you're hot and sometimes you're cold and I have babies so like I have like six babies around and you know, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, wasted my fucking time Kyle. It's your third fucking hour Kyle. It's your 20th episode of the year Kyle. You've made us sit throughaste of my fucking time, Kyle. It's your third fucking hour, Kyle. It's your 20th episode of the year, Kyle. You've made us sit through all of this shit all year, Kyle. Now's your chance, spit it out.
Starting point is 01:02:32 Yeah, cause he's like, but is there something he did? And she just does more of that. Well, you know, like I care about my family first. And I just, you know, I tried, I really did try. And then I just, when I couldn't, I don't want, I just like, I don't know. And like, it just became more apparent to me. I just couldn't do it anymore. And like, I really thought like, I don't know,'t want I just like I don't know and like It just became more apparent to me I just couldn't do it anymore and like I really thought like I don't know who come back but it's and he's like and he's
Starting point is 01:02:49 Like and then it didn't come back it didn't this did you want it to I mean of course I wasn't married to this man for 28 years I did this was not someone who I had a 25 years still going strong cover picture on the not magazine Just to have that be thrown out. I mean people we sent boxes to influencers to celebrate our marriage. We don't want to throw that out Andy. Oh yeah, I mean you just don't fake it. You know what I mean? Who fakes a marriage for decades? Like, uh, Erica, maybe you're not the one. Maybe you're not the one. So Krauss is like, yeah, anybody knows I did not wanna be in this position. So he's like, well, you know,
Starting point is 01:03:26 ever since the beginning of the show, there have been rumors about infidelity in your relationship and wow, were the tabloids correct? Yeah, and now we have, we now go back to the famous season when they went to Puerto Rico, season four, I believe. They go to Puerto Rico and then there's the tabloid gate. That's where Lisa Vanderpump was accused
Starting point is 01:03:48 of manipulating Brandy to bring tabloids to Puerto Rico to confront Kyle Richards with cheating scandals. Yeah. So then Kyle's like, yeah, you know, like that was when the trouble started. And then he would say to me, you know, like we can't care about that. We know the truth. And you know, I mean, you know, like that is, that was when the trouble started. And then he would say to me, you know, like, we can't care about that.
Starting point is 01:04:06 We know the truth. And you know, I mean, there's always like this little voice in my head saying, Jamie Lee Curtis loves you. Jamie Lee Curtis loves you. Jamie Lee Curtis loves you. What were we talking about? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:17 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. By the way, that's a, that's a voice I have in my head too. Jiminy Curtis loves you, Jiminy Curtis loves you.
Starting point is 01:04:27 Ben, just remember when things are tough and people are saying mean things about you, just remember Jiminy Curtis loves you, Jiminy Curtis loves you. It's the brain of a very sensitive person. So Kyle is like, yeah Jiminy Curtis loves me. And Eric is like, yeah, get Jimmy the Chris loves me. And Eric is like, you know what? The damage is done no matter what.
Starting point is 01:04:50 And they're basically saying like, look, whether it was true or not, the rumors coming up over and over again, it's gonna cause trouble, right? And Kathy's like, yeah, I mean, it costs a shot over the dog. Hold on. And Eric is like, yeah, it's a campaign of whispers because
Starting point is 01:05:06 whispers is surrounding you. And then that's how things become ugly. They become real, real ugly with you. Are you whispering right now? Sorry, I can't help it. Fucking bitch, I'm going to ruin your life. Sorry. Can't stop whispering. It's a war of whispers. It's a war of whispers. Where's a war of whispers. Where's Varys? It is still very Game of Thrones-y, the way they're talking. It is.
Starting point is 01:05:30 So Andy's like- Little bird, little bird. My little sparrows. Did you say sparrows or little birds? What was this thing? I think you're right. One was little sparrows and then- Annie Lennox's little birds. I look up to.
Starting point is 01:05:46 Okay. I will, I will stop. I'll control myself. Uh, Andy then says he's like, so did these rumors just kind of like chip away at your trust and she's like, yes, yes, they did. And they made me feel insecure. And Kathy's like, well, you know, people, you know, when you're high profile, something that Kyle's only recently experienced, but you know, some of us have
Starting point is 01:06:04 been in this position for about 20 or 30 years, but when you're new to it, like Kyle, you know, they're going to say this and that and they're going to make up stories. Um, unless of course they're true in Kyle's case. I mean, they just want to hurt you. That's all they want. Everybody wants to hurt you. Everybody's mean. Everybody's mean, Andy.
Starting point is 01:06:18 Or your husband's been fucking around on you a lot. I mean, what the hell? Now, now everybody else is just mean for printing, uh a lot. I mean, what the hell? Now everybody else is just mean for printing gossip. I mean, come on. You know, it's true though. You know, like people will go out of their way to hurt someone and hurt their marriages. Like for instance, I was watching this one show
Starting point is 01:06:38 where this one person brought on Brandy Glanville to ruin Denise Richards' marriage. Who was that again? Try to remember. I can't remember. I think there was some lesbian shaming in it though, which was sort of weird. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:50 That was super weird. Well, thankfully we're not talking about them today because that was mean. Yeah, that's true. Especially because, you know, Denise has kids. So I'm glad that no one here would disrespect someone with children like that who would have to watch that on TV.
Starting point is 01:07:05 And I'm glad when Denise said it's not of your business that whoever brought that up was like, no, we're going to still make it our business for several episodes and be confronting about it. Because this is a show, that's what the girls do. Yeah, I'm glad there's no one to act like that. Yeah. That would be terrible.
Starting point is 01:07:20 So Kyle's like, yeah, and we could see you struggling this year, especially as Mauricio's professional obligations expanded. And I did not have it on my bingo card ever. The Mauricio would be on Dancing with the Stars. That blew my mind harder than whoever his dance partner probably blew him. I mean, are we kidding him? All right. No, you're banging. I'm loving the role that Dancing with the Stars is playing on Bravo these days.
Starting point is 01:07:47 It really is having a strong week. Really rattling these caps. It's having a very strong week. So I love that Kyle would not have allowed Mauricio to go on Dancing with the Stars because she would have been too jealous. What was that? That was so weird. So Kyle's saying, they're saying, I can't believe you would let Mauricio go on dancing with us.
Starting point is 01:08:05 First of all, he's an adult. I don't think he needs, I mean, I get that when you're in a marriage, I guess you do kind of need each other's permit. I don't, would you call it permission? I mean, I don't know, I'm never in one. So I don't know how it works, but. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:08:18 Nothing says secure motherfucking relationship like having your, being jealous of your husband going on Dancing with the Stars. I mean, come on now, come on. Yeah, I don't understand this. And so she's like, if our marriage was in the place that it was, I wouldn't have let him. But now that our marriage was kind of breaking up
Starting point is 01:08:38 or whatever, then I don't care, what do I care? Supposed to be the, you're supposed to not care either way. It's dancing with, it's ballroom dancing. Yeah, it's pretty weird. I wasn't, Kyle, I think she just can't help but show, you know, let the mask slip a little bit because it was weird.
Starting point is 01:08:56 And so Kathy's like, well, it's not like you would be jealous. And she goes, oh yes, I would be jealous. And so then he asks a question. He's like, oh, you know, um, to Luca from Lake says Mauricio dedicated a very suggestive dance to his, uh, with his partner to you, Kyle. And he's obviously disrespecting you and calling you a dumb, stupid, dumpy whore by doing that. Wouldn't he be like, Oh, this is like fucking, I'm going to dedicate this to my wife, Kyle. Do you think he was
Starting point is 01:09:27 being evil? I mean, I don't know. I didn't take it that way. But maybe he was hard to say. It could go in so many different ways, because Mauricio is a little bit of a politician. So he could dedicate something intimate. So it looks like he's like this caring guy, like, you know, what's, what is what, what was conscious uncoupling, you know, sort of promote that idea that they're doing that. But it could also be a fuck you, like, yeah,
Starting point is 01:09:52 like you could have had this guy, but you don't, ha. Yeah, that's interesting. I hadn't even thought of it like that. I mean, I thought he's blatantly cheating, but this was also the time where Kyle was parading Morgan around and blatantly cheating with Morgan on TV. Like making it- That's the thing.
Starting point is 01:10:10 So that's what I'm so confused about because she's acting like he did the most hurtful thing to her, but she's been doing that the whole season to him, but I guess it's okay because she would be getting revenge on him doing it first. Is that what we're- I can't tell because nothing's being told to us. I'm not questioning it. I think probably Maurizio did have an affair and that this whole thing is spinning out because of that, but we don't know, right? All I know is that if Kyle were invited to be on Dancing with the Stars, she would 100% seize the opportunity and I think Maurizio would not give a fuck.
Starting point is 01:10:43 No, he would be there every night supporting her as she was him. She was there all the time supporting him, too. I just think it's so sad because. Things in life really are patterns, and Kyle is not only second choice, she's third, because Lisa, then Moe and then Kyle, you know. So Erica is she's like, well, you know? So Erica is, she's like, well, you know, all of Dancing with the Stars
Starting point is 01:11:08 is suggestive, I'm sorry. Look, when you're doing the waltz, your pelvis is out together. The whole thing is proudness, it's penis and vagina. You know what I'm saying? I mean, listen, who doesn't go on Dancing with the Stars and get their pit pussy eaten out on stage, am I right? So he's like, well, he's like, how'd you take it? Did you see it? and see what this does and get their pussy now on stage, am I right?
Starting point is 01:11:28 So he's like, well, he's like, how'd you take it? Did you see it? She goes, it was very hard for me to watch. It was very hard for me. And her goes, I wouldn't have cared. I wouldn't have cared. So I think most people. Now this is where it gets me because I wouldn't have cared
Starting point is 01:11:40 because it's a sexy dance show. That's what they do on their show. It's just, but you know, I wouldn't care about that. Yeah. Well, but you know, like they have you rubbing up there. You're supposed to be sexy with each other. That's the point of the show. It's a point of the dancing, you know, like the salsa and the Rumba and all that we like rubbing up. I mean, I, I wouldn't have been mad at that. It's the holding hands with his partner after in the parking lot or whatever,
Starting point is 01:12:04 but like he was clearly banging his partner. I mean, come on. Clearly. Yeah. The holding the hands, that's like a thing. Yeah. So. I mean, listen, I'm obviously not Kyle's biggest fan,
Starting point is 01:12:13 but that was blatant, you know? And if she hadn't spent the whole time, you know, kind of doing the same thing with Morgan, I guess it would be. Right, that's the thing. It would be worse, but, you know. That is the thing thing is that like, like that was a blatant barizio saying like,
Starting point is 01:12:31 I'm banging this lady. But to be fair, Kyle has been literally tattooing K's onto Morgan, doing the music videos and this and that and X, Y, Z. So. Oh, don't worry though. Cause surely she's at least gonna be honest about the music video part.
Starting point is 01:12:47 Yeah, that's true. Of course she will cause she's open and honest. So he's like, so what does it feel like watching him party with all these young people in Aspen? And she's like, oh my God. He's like, oh my God, what are you doing? So, Pee Pee on the poopoo says, Kyle is dancing around the reason for a split.
Starting point is 01:13:06 Kyle, what is the real reason? Just spit it out. Why won't you just spit it out, Kyle? And she goes, because it's nobody's fucking business. I was like, oh, okay. Well, there we have it. Okay, fired. That's real convenient that all of a sudden,
Starting point is 01:13:21 all of a sudden, none of the business, none of her business. Okay, Kyle, the nosiest cast member for 13 years, all of a sudden, all of a sudden, none of her business, okay, Kyle, the nosiest cast member for 13 years, all of a sudden wants privacy. And by the way, as a regular human being, of course, it is literally none of our business. It is a marriage that's falling apart, that has fallen apart, and there's kids involved. It's no one's business.
Starting point is 01:13:38 But the hypocrisy of Kyle Richards being the one to do that, when she has needled into everyone's business, run people off this show, and exposed people's bullshit, it's just, it's rich, it's rich. So Andy's like, okay, so you're separated but living under one roof. And also it's all gonna come out on his show, which has got to piss off Andy, you know?
Starting point is 01:14:00 It's really got to piss him off. They gave more in two seconds of that preview for his show Than they did on this show and she's still not gonna give it at the I can't I can't believe she gets away with that So they're talking more about their separation But literally I don't give a fuck cuz she's lying about every single thing or refusing to answer anything So her girls are supportive and you know, it's very difficult. They were they have children guys and you know, it's very difficult, they have children guys. So then Kathy kind of echoes all of that
Starting point is 01:14:27 and she's like, it's hard being married and then you're devastated. And you know, I mean, I could tell three years ago there were things wrong because Kyle just became a total insufferable bitch. I mean, Kyle's always been kind of insufferable bitch, but whoa, three years ago, everything changed. I mean, she started wearing those stupid Kimo Sabe hats
Starting point is 01:14:46 and I mean, getting tattooed. Oh, she's just horrible human being, Kyle. Three years, right Kyle? Three years? Yeah, well, that's actually not correct timing with my marriage, to be honest. Although it is correct timing with me being in the Halloween movies again.
Starting point is 01:15:00 So it's hard to say. A little bit of this, a little bit of that, huh? And then Kathy is talking about how, it seems like she's talking about Mauricio because she's like, you know, someone starts getting a little success and then you don't see them anymore. And you know, Kyle, like you've been doing great
Starting point is 01:15:15 and you've been traveling all over the place even without Housewives. Kyle's like, wait a minute, you're supposed to be here to support me. Kathy's like, yep, three years ago, Kyle basically dumped Moe and started traveling all over the place because she started to find some success. Right.
Starting point is 01:15:31 And Andy was like, so the separation's definitive. Do you talk about divorce? Are you taking it one step at a time? And Kyle's like, well, I mean, it's hard for us to say that word, I think, divorce. Well, I guess I just said it. But if he's looking for a place to say, I mean I just I haven't really seen any progress and like we get along but like friends by the way this is bad for Marissa's
Starting point is 01:15:53 brand like you still haven't been able to find a house that's literally your job that's why it's hard to believe anything that they're saying Mauricio can't find a house he has the choice of every home that comes on the market he knows he is He knows every single house. Also, how do you already not have a house picked out? Let's be honest. The marriage is crumbling. It's heading towards divorce.
Starting point is 01:16:15 Kyle's whole storyline is how much she loves shopping, but she's not out excitedly looking for a new house to start a new chapter. That's true. Not buying it. Not buying it. But what does that mean, not buying it? You know, that's my question to myself. I keep saying I'm not buying it. I don't think they're faking marital problems or cheating on each other or doing whatever. I just think that
Starting point is 01:16:35 they're like, not buying this, like they're living amicably under the house and like they are, they are still at everything's still friends. It's more like I'm not buying that this is the full story. I believe that this marriage has fallen apart because I believe in Alison Dubois and we always knew this would happen. Medium fans, we're a big medium fan. But like we just feel like there's more to the story.
Starting point is 01:16:58 We feel like there's more to the story with Morgan. We feel like there's more to the story with Mauricio and the women. There's always more to the story and there's holes in the story, and there's gaps, and there's things that don't make sense. And yet Kyle, the ambassador of openness and honesty is suddenly very mum on all the details.
Starting point is 01:17:18 So then we get to the Morgan segment, finally. And everyone's like, oh my God, America, it's like you're electricity. You have so much electricity you guys oh my god that's chemistry which literally I've heard nobody say but I'm glad that no one's a couple people nobody know it but wow you guys want to do a tattoo barler together what the hell fork fork from plush spoon equals spork says Kyle whoa chemistry wow and so then we see a clip of that scene of getting the Fork from plush spoon equals spork says, Kyle, whoa, chemistry, wow. And so then we see a clip of that scene
Starting point is 01:17:48 of getting the tattoos and all that stuff. And the first time we met, Morgan, I like shrimp, boiled shrimp, baked shrimp, fried shrimp, grilled shrimp, braided shrimp. Kyle, you look like you'd be a little crazy, oh, Kyle, Kyle, Kyle. And Kyle's like, um, really? I'm fiery, not crazy.
Starting point is 01:18:10 OK, everyone knows I'm the sensitive one. So then they talk a little bit about all this chemistry and stuff. And he's like, so who here thought that they were together? And everyone's afraid to answer, which I think is funny, because they always make it out to be Kathy, who's a scary one, but no one will say when Kyle was trying so hard to get them all to ask all season and they still won't say.
Starting point is 01:18:33 So Crystal's like, OK, I'll just go ahead and say it. I did, I did, fine, I did. And Kyle goes, you did? From the tabloids. Well, where else do you think, what, like, that Crystal got invited to like intimate dinners between the two of you. Those are all over the table. Tabloids that you called every day, Kyle.
Starting point is 01:18:52 Crystal's like, well, I thought before, because I was, I was sending stuff and Kathy and I, we were, you know, we were sending stuff and Kathy's like, yeah, we had lunch one day and Crystal was kind of like, hey, look at your sister. She a lesbian now. And I said, she always has been, let's be honest. She sat down and said, listen, I'm
Starting point is 01:19:09 going to ask you some softball questions here. So Crystal's like, yeah, I just thought it was very low key. But by low key, I mean really blatantly obvious, because you were putting it all over the press and your Instagram, but like, you know, people sent me stuff and I was like, okay, they're together. And Kyle's acting all offended, like shocked that anyone would ever think this.
Starting point is 01:19:33 How dare you? Yeah, and so then he asked Anna Marie a question, but I don't care. And then Andy's like, so Garcelle of Sutton also had some thoughts. I have to say this about Anna Marie. So Anna Marie, they're clearly just like phasing her out. But they have to give her something.
Starting point is 01:19:50 And so Andy's like, Anna Marie, you said on the after show that Kyle found someone in Morgan who makes her feel loved. And then in an effort to find something to have Anna Marie do, we get to a clip of Anna Marie going, I think that Kyle found someone who sports her and makes her feel loved. It's like literally an exact phrase that Andy just, it was such a redundant clip, but they're like,
Starting point is 01:20:11 we gotta find something to throw Anna Marie into before we wrap up this episode. Well, it's also so sad, because isn't she in the after show alone? Like everybody else is- She's like alone. Yeah, everybody else, they pair up with somebody to talk to,
Starting point is 01:20:23 and her, she's just sitting there alone the whole time It's literally like having saying hey, Annemarie We heard on the after show that you said you really enjoy yogurt and you don't like cats And we see a clip of her saying I really enjoy yogurt and I don't like cats. Hey cats love yogurt That clip so Then he's like but we also had interesting parts of the after show. Hold on. Let's cut to Alex Baskin's face. OK, now to Garcelle and Sutton.
Starting point is 01:20:54 They had some thoughts. And so Garcelle's like, wow, Kyle would drop a couple of things that she did with Morgan. And I would thought, wow, going to the doctor. Whoa, that's just, oh, that's so personal. And then we cut back and Ken from Barbie says, I feel like Kyle has a big girl question on Morgan. Just ask her, just ask her the fucking question for Christ's sake, there's been five pages of this.
Starting point is 01:21:21 I know, so Kyle's like, that's ridiculous, okay? Oh, cause the other one is like, oh, it seems like the only reason why Morgan is friends with Kyle is that she likes the clout. Cause that's ridiculous. She's a critically acclaimed musician and shrimp lover. She does not need me. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 01:21:39 I'm sure she does great at her job and everything, but Andy has a point when he's like, yeah, but she's kind of a household name now, right? I mean. Well, like I said, you know, she cares about making music and she is willing to give up being a household name just to be able to keep making her music
Starting point is 01:21:54 and not have that scrutiny. She's a sensitive soul and an artist. Yeah, she's on red carpets with you in front of cameras flashing with her arm around you and rubbing your come on give me a fucking break with this. So Crystal's like okay so what about the music video then Kyle when did you decide to do that and she goes um why uh why why or when why or when when or why I mean I don't like this what are you insinuating you're mean and she's
Starting point is 01:22:19 like when and so Kyle's like well I mean that was like done um let me see uh when was it done I want to say you know exactly when it was fucking done. You planned the music video. Yeah. It was like about like a month before the story about like Mo and me broke. I mean, like, so like once the story came out about Mo and me, like we're like, we would never make the video out for that.
Starting point is 01:22:38 But like, I mean, it's like, I don't know. Like we don't know what. You're saying this happened a month before. And okay, I don't know. I don't know the like we don't know what, you're saying this happened a month before and okay, I don't know the timeline of people's separations, et cetera, but in this slowly decaying marriage, you're saying a month before you did not see a separation coming.
Starting point is 01:22:57 Like, you know what I'm saying? Like this, she's saying after, she would not have made this video after the separation because it would have been disrespectful or it would have fueled all sorts of tabloid stuff or whatever, but it's like a month before, it also doesn't really make much of a difference. That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 01:23:11 It's like you knew, you sort of had to know the separation, you were on the brink of separation right then and there. Well, it's also, she's also making this whole thing like, well, it wasn't supposed to be that. She said, you know, if she comes on Housewives, then I have to do a music video for her. So I was like, well, it wasn't supposed to be that. She said, you know, if she comes on Housewives, then I have to do a music video for her. So I was like, sure, but I didn't know
Starting point is 01:23:29 what the music video was until I got there. And then I found out it was this romantic thing, but I didn't know about that. And so I had to just like really get comfortable with it. You did know, you knew what the fuck, oh, come on. I can't, this is what I'm yelling at the TV because she's just such a fucking liar And that's what makes me crazy like who cares Kyle you're obviously doing it for publicity and went at the time I remember reading articles when she's like if everyone's gonna have these rumors about us anyway
Starting point is 01:23:57 We might as well poke fun at it. Why don't you just say that it's the obvious truth Why are you acting like you got tricked into doing this video? It's the obvious truth. Why are you acting like you got tricked into doing this video? But then you had to like decide if you were okay with the gayness of it and then and then and stop pretending It's not some journey and that Morgan doesn't have a song about doing coke off your stomach at the fucking Chateau marmot while you're banging. Okay, we're another one about banging on the kitchen floor Well, I think the kitchen floor one came out at a different time. Anyway, go ahead Well, they showed the clip of her saying, well, if they're if they're going to talk, you might as well give them something to talk about. Right.
Starting point is 01:24:29 So she's like laughing about that. And then when people talk about it, she's like, I can't believe you guys would like be talking about this. Like it was a video. I had no idea what it was going to be about. Oh, my God. So she's she's it's just like the the way that she's trying to change conflict, change the narrative. I don't if she had said we're making fun of it, we'd just like the way that she's trying to change, constantly change the narrative.
Starting point is 01:24:45 I don't, if she had said, we're making fun of it, we'd be like, okay, cool. More if she said, you know what, I'm exploring this side of me, like I kind of do think she's hot, you know? It'd be like, more power to you. But it's the fact that she kind of is hedging so much. It's very frustrating to watch. As someone who is always saying open and honest.
Starting point is 01:25:03 She's making herself to be the victim in something that was her thing. You know what I mean? So like she's even herself to be the victim in something that was her thing. You know what I mean? So like she's even trying to be a victim about this. It's like, Kyle, be empowered for once in your fucking life. Like have some personality that's not just based about being a fucking victim for Christ's sake. I mean, this is, and we've said this a million times,
Starting point is 01:25:20 but this is the season she could have had even me on her side, just being like, you know what? Fuck this fucking cheating fucking guy. I fuck him, I'm getting rid of him, and guess what? I'm gonna dip my toes in the lady pond and date this girl and I don't give a shit what anybody thinks. That's hero, instant fucking hero. The season started that way.
Starting point is 01:25:38 I remember being in the season, I was like, you know what? I feel like this is a really good cow season. I feel like she's finally dropped the bullshit. She's making choices for herself. She's being authentic. And I feel like I'm seeing growth. But then she kind of just lit into classic Kyle ways of hypocrisy.
Starting point is 01:25:54 So Andy's like, okay, million dollar question. Is there anything, okay, Erica, you can put your lady boner away. Just not an actual million dollars you get. Okay, is there anything going on between the two of you? Kyle's like, um. Um, um, um, um. Are you a couple?
Starting point is 01:26:15 Do you have feelings for her? Um, I mean, she's my friend and I love her. You didn't know they were gonna ask you this stuff today, Kyle? Really? So, Kathy's like, well, I mean, I've hung out with her. I didn't know they were gonna ask you this stuff today, Kyle? Really? So, Kathy's like, well, I mean, I've hung out with her. I think she's so funny. She's bright. She's humble.
Starting point is 01:26:31 I can't understand a word she said. She did start fishing in one of my centerpieces, which I thought was odd. It was a punch bowl. Fun fact. She said she likes to live off the land. I said, well, technically, that's water. But OK, I guess the water's on land. Fun fact, it doesn't matter where you are in the room, if you throw a little shrimp her way, she will catch it with her mouth.
Starting point is 01:26:53 Did you know that she named over 300 kinds of shrimp? Unfortunately, we had to tell her the pillows were not shrimp. She left with thread in her teeth, but you know. Hi, I was going to send her a bill for getting all those cocktail sauce stains on our pillow, but we thought, you know what, we'll cover it. Okay, so now Andy tries again. He's like, so could you see yourself with Morgan?
Starting point is 01:27:23 She's like, I don't know. I mean, I just, and Andy's like, okay, well that's not a no then. She goes, well, I'm evolving and I'm changing. And like, clearly I'm going through an evolution, which is a production company, by the way, cut to Alex Baskin. And I don't know.
Starting point is 01:27:41 I mean, I don't know. I don't know what the future holds. I don't know. I mean, maybe we'll find out next season. You know, it's the next season journey, Andy. So it's more of a next season kind of a journey. Well, maybe next year she'll be out here on the couch with us. Who knows? Well, especially if you tell her the couch is a giant shrimp.
Starting point is 01:27:56 Okay noted. Well, I'm gonna just leave it there and God this is so strange because Garcelle and Son and Merce's remaining ashes are in an ambulance on the way to the hospital and we're all praying for Son. I'm just glad she's getting help from whatever that was. So, I don't know. What do I do? Gotta kill time, guys. Gotta kill time. So now it is the time to finish up. So Andy's like, what did we learn from the season? And Anna Marie is like, oh, well, I think what's most important is I'm a doctor. Thank you. And Crystal is like, I shouldn't be able to speak up because my voice is strong. Yeah. Or be afraid to speak up.
Starting point is 01:28:39 Erica. Um, I'm okay. Like I'm glad that I showed up for myself. It's been hard, but I feel so much better. Okay Why are you sure? Cathy what have you learned? I don't fucking know okay Cathy what have you learned from your season and by season I mean the past 20 minutes you've been out here
Starting point is 01:28:57 Well, I've learned that this was actually still on television, which I think is funny Good for you guys. Good for you guys. Never gonna watch this show. Does anybody watch this show? Hilarious. Mauricio sucks. Um, well that's about it. Okay. Dury, what about you? You've been pretty quiet this hour. It's because I've been followed.
Starting point is 01:30:22 No matter what? Wow Boring, so that's it. So I'm still alive I will have my happily ever after no matter what. No matter what. Wow. Boring. So that's it. Sutton's still alive. And then Kyle flew to Nashville to see Morgan in concert. And we see a headline from Reality Blurb that says, Kyle Richards sits fretting center at Morgan Wade's concert
Starting point is 01:30:40 as insider talks Morgan's alleged snub. Yeah. And Kyle and Mauricio are still living separate lives as insider talks Morgan's alleged snub. Yeah, and Kyle and Mauricio are still living separate lives under the same roof while he continues his search for his new home, which is bullshit because he literally knows every single house in LA County. And we're still not buying it. And apparently various different countries,
Starting point is 01:31:00 and including Portugal. So there's gotta be a house somewhere. Yeah. That he loves. Yeah, so that's a wrap on that season. I thought overall it was a pretty good season. I liked it, actually. I liked the season a lot.
Starting point is 01:31:15 I thought it was good. That was pretty good. I was involved. So that means it is changing over for us over here at Watch What Crappens, Miami's gone, Beverly Hills is gone, Jersey's coming back, Summer House is back, Vanderpump rules is back, it's just a whole...
Starting point is 01:31:27 Other Summerhouse is back. Other Summerhouse is coming back, the Valley's coming next weekish. So it's going to be some pretty good times over here for us, y'all's. Y'all's is? It'll be excellent times. So thank you all so much for being here and for listening and we'll catch you on the next episode. Bye. Bye. So thank you all so much for being here and for listening and we'll catch you on the next episode Bye Watch what crap ins would like to thank its premium sponsors ain't no thing like Alice and King Ashley Savoni
Starting point is 01:31:54 She don't take no baloney trolling the park with Caitlin Clark. She's not just a Sheila. She's a Daniela Hitchell's Aaron McNicholas. She don't miss no trickle. She's never scary, it's the green fairy. Jamie, she has no less name-y! Hava Nagila Webber! Know your worth with Jason Kurtz. She's the wind beneath our Jennifer Wing! Sip some scotch with Jessica Tratch! She's always supplying, it's Kelly Ryan. Kristen the Piston Anderson! Let's give a kisserino to Lisa Lino! Kristen the Piston Anderson! Let's give a kisserino to Lisa Lino! Megan Berg!
Starting point is 01:32:26 You can't have a burger without the Berg! The Bay Area Betches! Betches! And our super premium sponsors! Somebody get us 10 ccs of Betsy M.D. We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva! Let's get real with Kaitlyn O'Neal! Don't get salty with Christine Pepper!
Starting point is 01:32:44 Can't have a meal without the Emily sides. Nobody holds a candle to Jamie Kendall. She's not harsh, she's Jill Hirsch. She's a little bit loony. Junie. My favorite Murdo. Karen McMurdo. We love him madly, it's Kyle Podchadley.
Starting point is 01:32:59 Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender. We want to hang with Liz Lang. The incredible, edible Matthews sisters. Give them hell, Miss Noelle. She's the queen bee, it's Sarah Lemke. Shannon out of a cannon, Anthony. Let's take off with Tamla Plain. She's quite the catch, it's Victoria Kochet.
Starting point is 01:33:18 She ain't no shrinkin' Violet Coutar. We love you guys. Hey, Prime members, you can listen to Watch or Crappen's ad free on Amazon Music. Coutar, we love you guys. Hey Prime members, you can listen to watch or crap and add free on Amazon Music. Download the Amazon Music app today, or you can listen ad free with Wondry Plus in Apple podcasts. Before you go, tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at slash survey.

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