Watch What Crappens - #2360 Crappy Hour Live 3/18/24: RHOA Firings, The Valley Premiere, Listener Feedback

Episode Date: March 19, 2024

This week in Bravo news: RHOA firings, Olivia not coming back to Southern Charm, Jo hate on PumpRules, The Valley premiere coming up Tuesday, and listener reactions to Summer House opinions. ...Join us every other Monday at 5:30 PST on Instagram Live! See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:25 Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Crab Well, hello and welcome to Crappie Hour. I'm Ronnie and that's Ben. Hi Ben. Hi Ronnie, how are you? Good. Okay. Welcome everybody to Crappie Hour. This is our Watch What Crappins live Bravo News television show on the biggest network in the country and the world, YouTube. YouTube and Instagram.
Starting point is 00:00:45 The internet, the internet I guess is the big one. So Ben, tell me everything going on in your life tonight. You know what, I don't think you wanna know everything going on in my life because it's pretty intense. It's a lot about poop. Listen, I'm a little upset. I'm a little upset that we're doing crappy hour tonight instead of next Monday,
Starting point is 00:01:04 because by the time we get to next Monday, I am going to be so snatched because I had food poisoning this weekend. I have my first colonoscopy on Friday. I am just going to be on liquids. I will finally reach the body I've always wanted by having the double whammy of these two events. So I'm sorry I can't show it off. Extremely jealous. I've lost a lot of weight this year. Well, in the past two years, I lost half of it just on my own, by good old fashioned prayer and starvation.
Starting point is 00:01:34 And then the second year, I have been taking weight loss drugs, which I've talked about it a little on our bonus. And let me tell you, that shit stops working at some point and I'm starving and I'm still on the drugs. I'm taking the drugs and I'm fucking starving. All I think about is food and ice cream.
Starting point is 00:01:50 And so today you were telling me about your food poisoning and I was gonna ask you for a poop sample. Just send it to me, I'll inject it. I'll put it in with my weight loss medication. Listen, someone here in the comments just said that the colonoscopies are the best drugs. Enjoy. And you know what?
Starting point is 00:02:11 Another friend of mine said, you know what? I love my colonoscopy. I felt just so clean afterwards. Well, I'm back to looking for tapeworms. So if anyone has one of those, that would be great. Send me some samples. People are not here to hear about our poop, however, or our colons, which, you know, we're getting up there in age.
Starting point is 00:02:28 And guess what? It's going to be a lot of colon talk coming up, I guess, in the coming years. That's for sure. Yeah, for sure. Either way, the point is, I've been through it. So if you want to know what's going on with me, that's what's going on. What's going on with me and out of me. Lots of pooping, guys.
Starting point is 00:02:44 Lots of pooping. All right, so there's been a lot of Bravo news and by a lot, I mean not really any, but I can't tell if there hasn't been any Bravo news or if we've just, sometimes it's weird because it's been two weeks since our last crappy hour and that was a lot going on. And so I can't really tell. Is there a lot of news or isn't there? Real Housewives of Atlanta recast a lot or they... Yeah, this is the news that came out like late last night or early this morning or whenever, which is that Sonia, Sonia, is it Richardson Ross? Sonia is gone. She is the third one out on Atlanta. Previously, Candy was out. And I feel like we didn't talk about the fact that Marlowe was also asked, did we ever really get into that?
Starting point is 00:03:27 But Marlowe, she, she's done, which I feel kind of bad about cause she's spent so long trying to get there and then it just didn't work out. But now we have three down, we have Porsche is back. We still don't know about Drew, Sheree, Kenya, or there's someone else, right? Someone else, I'm not picking. Who's coming back? Yeah. I don't know that it's announced who's coming back yet.
Starting point is 00:03:53 Or well, Porsche, you already said Porsche. I'm just reading comments, sorry. I think they have to have Sheree back. I think keep Sheree around, I like Sheree. I think getting rid of the three was a good idea because it's enough newbies to be injected in to make it good. You know, that's three new people to fight with Drew because I feel like it's been an uphill battle for Drew.
Starting point is 00:04:13 Drew has such like a neediness and a thirst that she brings to the show in a good way. And I think it's harder for her being up against so many older, you know, people who have been there forever, I think she needs new, fresh, thirsty people to fight with. She doesn't need established kind of wealthy people. She needs people to scrap with that, I don't know, are as thirsty as her, you know?
Starting point is 00:04:35 I'm sorry, I just want to say, someone said hi from Switzerland, and I'm saying hi back, and I'm hoping, I would love to go to Switzerland as part of my European adventure later. I don't know, sorry to interrupt. I think that I'm a little concerned about Portia and Kenya. I'm concerned because those two are really good for just like not filming if they don't like who they have to film with. And I don't, they hate each other. They've always hated each other. And I don't know if they're gonna rise to the challenge or they're just gonna try to like, are they just gonna like try to get allies
Starting point is 00:05:11 and rally troops behind themselves. I just, I'm a little worried. I was- I think Portia will come to work. Because did you- You think so? Well, yeah, cause she left Simon, so she needs the job now. Cause she didn't before. You know, if Portia doesn't need to work, I mean, she's, she left Simon. So she needs the job right now. Cause she didn't before, you know,
Starting point is 00:05:26 if Portia doesn't need to work, I mean, she's like, yeah, why would I show up? Like she, yeah, she didn't show up to places kind of like Kenya has been for the past three years, just showing up late, just not caring, not wanting to really deal with anybody. I think they should have kept going and got rid of Kenya, but I also know that maybe Kenya just needs somebody
Starting point is 00:05:46 to punch her in, not punch her, but you know what I mean. Clock her. Well, clock is also a way to say hit. But you know what I mean. Activate. Activate her, yeah, and I think Portia might. Portia has activated Nini. Nini's pissed.
Starting point is 00:05:59 You see Nini sing? Because apparently Portia dropped out of some project they were doing, so Nene did a seven minute video telling off Porsche and saying Porsche is not a celebrity. She's just a Bravo Liberty. And I was like, okay, okay. And then Nene took a photo of the red carpet of the Oscars says Nene took a photo today with Simon. Right? Was she posted a photo? Yeah. so then today she posted with her boyfriend and Simon and his
Starting point is 00:06:28 new girlfriend. And I guess that's supposed to be very hurtful. I mean, I don't know. I don't know that Porsche really cares because Porsche has a Bravo check again. I think that if you have if you have if you have if you have Kenya and Porsche, and if Kenya and Porsche and you have Kenya and Portia, and if Kenya and Portia, and you have Shiree, that's a really good foundation. You got Drew, who's a chaos. Well, she's not really chaos.
Starting point is 00:06:53 She's like a- Drew's chaos. She's grifter, grifter energy, grifter chaos. Chaotic grifter. Chaotic grifter. Yeah, we both. So I think that's a a, that's a good. She's not just a grifter.
Starting point is 00:07:06 She's one of those people spinning the signs on the side of the road. You know, they spin them. Yeah. It's like that's a good choreography. That's a good foundation and we just need to build in the right people. And I just, I think the big worry for me again is that like Kenya and Porsche have proven that they are divas before anything else. And they just can't start to think
Starting point is 00:07:25 that they are bigger than the show. That's always been the downfall for both of them. But when they are in the pocket, when they are doing the job that they should be doing, they are probably too, they are in an elite class of Housewife. They are so good, but they can also be so bad. Yeah, someone says,
Starting point is 00:07:41 Chaotic Grifter is the name of your next tour. God, I would love that. Chaotic grifter. That would be great. Chaotic grifter. We can add Monica into that one. Oh, God. No, Heather Gale will get mad at you. Do you think she's still mad at us?
Starting point is 00:07:55 Yeah. Now that awards season is over? No, I mean, mad takes energy. You know, mad takes energy. But that's over. So, Sonya is Ganya. That's Ben's headline. Man, you should write all these headlines, Ben. Sonya is Ganya. Ben Fiesel, Jr. Sonya is Ganya. I could literally write for page six with a headlight like that.
Starting point is 00:08:13 So, I guess it'll be interesting to see what happens. I hope Atlanta can make a comeback. I feel like I've said it so many times, but I feel like really there was an issue also with whoever is making the show. And I hope they have like now adjusted who is like the showrunner and they've got a good vision for going forward for the next season. Yeah, there has been some issues. You know, we talked about Potomac today. We did a recap of that finally. It's been a long time and you know, they've made some changes over at Bravo. So I think getting rid of those showrunners, you know, they're, I think they're making an effort. They, unfortunately they put candy on the sacrificial altar to appease viewers and say like, we're actually going to make an effort guys. So hopefully they do because that's a great show. And so it's Potomac. So get, get those Snippers out, keep the clips coming and let's,
Starting point is 00:09:01 I don't know, trees to keep other trees growing or something like that. Yeah, I think Potomac is just having a terrible season but can get back on track relatively easily. I think it can because there's so much great talent there, but they're gonna have to, yeah, they have to adjust some things. And right, the same show runner, what? I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:09:24 Someone said, what the hell kind of question is that, Marla? And so I scrolled up to read Marla's question. And she said, are your lips dry from fillers? No. Actually, Marla, I'm very proud to say, I'm actually very flattered. That's one of the most flattering things anybody's ever asked. No, I do not have fillers in my lips. But I would.
Starting point is 00:09:44 And I will when I fucking need it. Okay, I reserve the right. But thank you, that was so sweet. No, my lips are dry because I'm a thirsty, thirsty bitch, Marla. That's why my lips are dry. Okay. Marla, thank you for the question.
Starting point is 00:09:56 I wonder if it's the same Marla, who is my dental hygienist. So. I love Marla. I love Marla, like a Marla Gibbs. She just was at the Emmys looking looking great. So Tulip tulip on YouTube says my lips are dry if that makes you feel better. It does too left Thank my lips are a little dry too, but it's probably for mass dehydration
Starting point is 00:10:16 I always thought my lips are dry from smoking too much weed or like being high constantly or you know, any of the other myriad You know, whatever we don't need to go down that road it's not confession Ronnie it's it's it's Instagram but um I used to think that's why but now I don't smoke cigarettes and I don't smoke weed and I'm still dry all the time currently I'm vaping a vitamin V vape vitamin V vape to be healthy because I'm a healthy person now but um maybe that's why I don't know. Who cares? Ben, what were you saying? I was just talking about Potomac. I think that like, I
Starting point is 00:10:48 think they'll be able to course correct relatively quickly. So what's that what do you want? What I was gonna say? Yeah, I think that I don't know. I think they have a very tricky situation with who they're going to have to fire. I think there's a lot of politics with the Potomac cast that make it very, they'll make it, it'll be a very, very delicate situation for the producers.
Starting point is 00:11:12 And I'm just excited to see what they come up with. I think there's too many people. They've got an uphill road, an uphill. I mean, I think Robin. By the way, leave Marla alone. She was just playing you guys. I was just teasing. I didn't mean to start bullying Marla.
Starting point is 00:11:25 Yeah, don't stop doxing Marla everyone. Everyone be nice to Marla. She just was asking about his beautiful lips. I think Robin definitely has got to be out for Potomac. Like gotta be out. And no, you don't think so. I think Wendy will be out. I think Wendy will be out. Neko will be out. I think Wendy will be out.
Starting point is 00:11:45 Neko will be out, yes. I think Candice will stay in. Candice will stay. But I think that Candice is actually a little checked out, if you ask me. I think Candice is focusing on her music career and you can sort of tell. You just can always tell with these things.
Starting point is 00:11:58 I think Candice is focused on her housewives career and that's why she's saying she's interested in a baby. I mean, that's so cynical. It doesn't mean that no one can want a baby for real. But I think that right at the end of the season, we see Candace saying like, it's not even about my music career now. Now it's all about my baby.
Starting point is 00:12:20 I'm like, okay. So she thinks her job's in danger because I don't believe that for two seconds. Like today when she said, all I really ever want, he said, what do you want more than anything? She said a baby. And I was like, did you mean a Grammy? Because I know you didn't mean baby. Like, come on. Right. Yeah. I think Candice, though, if she's that being said, well, Candice and Giselle have like a pretty irreparable rift right now. And it's going to be like, which one, I don't know how they resolved that unless they both, someone says, look, you guys have to not saying you have to like cave, cave into each other, but we need to film a show and you guys either get over it or you're both gone, something like that. But I don't think they'll ever get rid of Gisele
Starting point is 00:13:06 because I think Gisele and Karen, that relationship is too, that's too great that relationship. The vape on vaping does not have vitamin E. I did look into it, but thank you. That's a good eye you've got. See, I love when people know their research. Here's why I don't think they'll get rid
Starting point is 00:13:22 of both Robin and Gisele, maybe one of them, but I don't think they're gonna get rid of too many OGs in this city. And also Potomac is not the easiest place, I don't think, to cast because their new cast members have been such duds. I mean, Nneka, dud. And she moved there for this, right? Like she got her... She couldn't have just happened to find her house right at the beginning of the season. I think they cast her and she moved there for this. And so that means they're having to cast from outside the city and in the city, I mean, who do we have? Debra, the Muppet Debra, terrible.
Starting point is 00:13:55 Kierna I think could have promise. Remember when she got mad that everybody didn't check on her when she had diarrhea? I mean, I thought about that quite a bit yesterday when I had diarrhea. And then I I thought about that quite a bit yesterday when I had diarrhea. And then I thought like, thank God I'm not someone sad enough to actually make a storyline on A Real Housewives about the fact that people didn't… She's still complaining about that, Kierna. She's still like, well, the other day you guys didn't like… I thought
Starting point is 00:14:19 you guys would be the ones that would like check on me when I had diarrhea, but it was Gisele. And I'm like, are you serious? Pete Slauson She did. Last week, she brought it up again. I was dying laughing. Okay, so – Jared Slauson I mean, Escala was nice. Yeah, I agree. I think there's a lot of stuff going on Potomac. I'm hoping that now that they got rid of Eric Fuller, who was also at Atlanta, it seems like he – I'm hoping he was the common denominator, which means that now that he's been removed from the shows, both shows can flourish again. I'm not hoping that like against denominator, which means that now that he's been removed from the shows, both shows can flourish again.
Starting point is 00:14:46 I'm not hoping that like against him as a person, he may be, he's probably a perfectly lovely person. I'm just saying he just may not, like if he was the one who was ruining the shows, it's good that they got rid of him. But we'll see, cause now he's gone. We'll see. Yeah, he's out of here.
Starting point is 00:15:03 So some, something else. Okay, so we have, he's out of here. So something else. Okay, so we have, let's see what we've, I was gonna say something and then I forgot because I started reading comments about vapes and I love just talking about vapes. Okay, so we watched The Valley. We've seen it. Okay, we watched The Valley, it's just coming out.
Starting point is 00:15:22 Yeah, we saw it, we did our recap today. Of course, that's not gonna come out for a couple of days, but it's good, you guys should watch it. It's pretty good, it's interesting. Yeah. It's all miserable fucking parents. Let me tell you, there are babies just falling out of the ceiling.
Starting point is 00:15:37 I've never seen so many fucking babies. I haven't seen that many babies in a Chuck E. Cheese. There are just babies crawling out of the fucking creases under the doors and fucking out of the little holes in the vents and the air conditioning. There's literally babies everywhere. It still manages to be good. Damn good for these people. They're just still partying like it's 1999. But a pretty good show. Ben, what were your overall thoughts of the vow? Yeah, I actually liked it. I liked it. I didn't like anyone on it. But I liked it. I didn't like where it was set. I didn't
Starting point is 00:16:13 like the babies. I didn't like the people. No one was interesting. But then when it was over, I was like, I like that. You know, I was, I was into it. There was a lot of Brittany, there was a lot of Britney. There was a lot of Britney. Be like, hi, how are you? So good to see you. It's like, this is, this is laughing through the tears and the pain. Someone's asking in here if we think that the Britney Jack split is for publicity. Yeah. Yes. But I also believe it's kind of like the Kyle split. Like, yes, I believe that they're leaning into it for the publicity. I do believe they're calling the paps on themselves
Starting point is 00:16:47 and they're really trying to get the ratings for their show. But I also believe that the misery is real. I believe that two things can be true. And Brittany is just crying. I mean, she was just laughing through that tear, the tears and the pain and it's kind of painful, but it's also kind of like, I don't know, someone that you keep telling to not stand on an airline runway and they keep doing it
Starting point is 00:17:11 and then they get like skid marks on their forehead. You know what I mean? That's exactly what I was gonna say. What are you doing? We are warning you, we are warning you. I know, I have to say, like, one of my strange reactions to the show was, I was like, you know what? The truth is this. We give Britney so much shit for enabling Jax and why'd you go down this path and yada, yada, yada. But you know, at the same time, I do look at her
Starting point is 00:17:39 and I say, you know what? She is by and large, like a very sweet person. She seems like she's so genuinely happy for her friends who have kids. And'm usually I'm I'm like I kind of I just Feel bad for her. I just feel bad that this is this is she's stuck with Jax like that but that the trauma in her life led her to think that Jax was the answer and Right, that's sad. That's very sad of the day. You have to you have to say, you know, well we all make our own decisions We have to be responsible for our own decisions, and she chose that. But at the same time, we don't all make
Starting point is 00:18:09 the healthiest decisions because of past trauma and shit in our lives. And I like that point, Ben. I think that that's true. Someone says she's a Sandy Hook denier. Is Brittany a Sandy Hook denier? That's outrageous. Are you sure?
Starting point is 00:18:20 Is that true? That can't be. She denies Sandy Hook? Oh, come on. Although that's not terribly surprising either. But I can also- What about the actors? They could be acting! I can also imagine Brittany having a childhood friend named Sandy Hook who she's like,
Starting point is 00:18:38 I will not allow her to come over. She broke my toys. I saw one of those kids in Harry Potter. Yeah, those people are crazy. I hope that's not true. But it probably is look, Brittany's not people are all saying yes, she followed it. Everybody's saying yes, we're gonna have to read this because this is crazy. Mike is in here and he said that Brittany is claiming in an interview that her getting rid of her double chin has given her a permanent frown. And I actually read that this morning, it was cracking up. I think I read that on the Vandrpod
Starting point is 00:19:17 recaps. Love you, love you, man. Where she's like, okay, y'all. And she says this on the show too, where she's like, guys, let me just tell you something. I had to get, well, I call my turkey gobbler, Rod Jackson, my turkey gobbler. I had to get it taken off. And she's talking about her turkey gobbler a lot. And then in this interview, she said the same thing. And she said that she got her turkey gobbler off
Starting point is 00:19:39 and it gave her a frown. And so she looks really upset and frowning in the first few episodes of the season but she's not really frowny it was just her turkey gobbler. Wow. Well maybe she deserves to have a permanent frown for denying Sandy Hook for crying out loud. I think that that's that that seems like uh just desserts if you ask me. That's the problem with doing this sometimes you find out too much information from people who pay way more attention than we do you know what what I mean? Because we pay attention kind of like I really love scrolling through the gram and reading my stories and of course Reddit, you know, I love to go onto the Reddit and scroll through and read my Bravo stories. But wow, I never knew the Sandy Hook thing. I know and I'm like,
Starting point is 00:20:19 I'm like for the first time around with that now. I'm like for the first time in six years, I have something really sort of nice to say about Brittany and then right away, boom. So I was like, you know what, like this woman, like she's, she is, she's with Jack's. He's a terrible person. She like, he's going to cheat on her, yada, yada, yada. But like the way, like she had some moments where I was like, you know, she's so generally happy for her friends right now.
Starting point is 00:20:43 And I'm like, oh wait, now I learned, don't forget. Or is she just genuinely happy that her friends are in the same prison she is? You know what I mean? It could be that. And I think she's so happy when someone else has another baby because she knows they're tied to that house for another few years.
Starting point is 00:20:56 It's right down the street from Britney. She'll always have someone to talk to, giant. Also, just Britney. Well, it's funny that you say, Misery loves company. Huh? No, go on, go on. When they forgot, forgot now, man, I forgot. Sorry. Oh, no, whenever you start to feel bad for Brittany, just remember that not only did she
Starting point is 00:21:16 marry Jax and not only is she walking around apologizing for and excusing Jax constantly, apologizing for and excusing Jax constantly. She literally put Jax into a human Xerox copy machine and Xeroxed him. So Jax will just keep living on for another generation. So don't find forgiveness so easily. Well, one thing to know, when you said misery loves company, well, guess what? There's company for the
Starting point is 00:21:46 misery because one piece of news that I don't know when it came out, but apparently one of the couples that everyone's going to meet on the Valley are a miserable duo named Jesse and Michelle who are really like, especially him, he's very humorless and douchey and I think he thinks he's very like clever and he's really awful and they have a loveless marriage and the good news for all of us is that they've already separated so they've separated and of course now Jackson Brittany have quote-unquote separated so we talked about misery loves company well now I wonder if they separated I'll find the timeline wonder if they separated, I have to find the timeline, because if they separated
Starting point is 00:22:26 after Jackson Brittany separated, then it would be hilarious if Brittany facilitated them breaking up because she is a Misery Loves Company person. Misery Loves Company. I mean, I don't think it happened that way, but it would be funny. Yeah, I like her. And she's also, I like her in the show.
Starting point is 00:22:47 He's a total asshole, which of course, of course he is. You know, all these people who are friends with Jax, like Jax moved to the valley. And you know what people do? They collect birds that flock with them. You know, birds of a feather flock together, okay? So no matter where they go, they find other little birds just like them to flock with them. And yeah, this is going to be a glorious mess. It's like Vanderpump rules, but balder. It's time for a commercial. It's time for a Crappence commercial. If you don't know when Crystal Pepsi was discontinued, what was in Al
Starting point is 00:23:18 Capone's vault, or which famous meteorologist is Lenny Kravitz's second cousin, then you haven't spent enough time on Wikipedia. But that's okay. I am here for you. I'm Darcy Carden and I'm inviting you to listen to my new podcast, WikiHole, from Smartless Media. Discover the craziest rabbit holes on Wikipedia with me and my funny friends as we bring the cyber frontier directly to your tympanic membrane. And if you listen to my podcast, you'd learn that that's the sciency term for eardrum. We embark on a hyperlink rollercoaster as we start out on a Wikipedia page and go from link to link to link to link, careening through trivia, oddities, and unexpected connections until we collectively shout, how the hell did we get here? Follow Wicky Hole on the
Starting point is 00:24:04 Wondry app or wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen to Wicky Hole ad free by joining Wondry Plus in the Wondry app or on Apple podcasts. Hey, grownups. The Cat in the Hat cast is a new podcast from Wondry, perfect for the whole family. Join the Cat in the Hat and your favorite Dr. Seuss characters as they get whisked away on a new adventure every week. Fish dreams of creating his very own polite and quiet podcast.
Starting point is 00:24:30 That is, until he gets a surprise visit to his fishbowl podcast studio from the Cat in the Hat himself, and it becomes very clear that the Cat has other plans for the podcast. And those plans are the opposite of quiet. Sing along to new favorite songs, try your luck at titanic tongue twisters, have some fun with wondrous wordplay, and most importantly, bring your family along for all of the adventures in the Cat in the Hat cast. Follow the Cat in the Hat cast on the Wondry app or wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen to the Cat in the Hat cast early and ad free on Wondry Plus. Join Wondry Plus in the Wondry app or on Wondry Kids Plus on Apple podcasts today.
Starting point is 00:25:13 Okay. So speaking of that, one of my favorite things that came out this week is, hold on, open this, please. This is this article I happen to see. I think this was on Reddit. Well, I saw this on Twitter. Yeah. Oh, so maybe that's where.
Starting point is 00:25:29 is where it's from. Is this reality TV dude really the face of Assassin's Creed protagonist? Former Vanderpump Rules star Jax Taylor claims his face was used on the box art for Ubisoft's action adventure. Ubisoft. Ubisoft. Ubisoft. Ubisoft.
Starting point is 00:25:46 Ubisoft. So did you read this? I didn't read it, but I heard about it. So he is claiming his face was, you know what's so funny is that I literally today you'll hear on the recap, I said that Jax's face is turning into the V from Vendetta mask, but actually that is the mask. Now you say this, wasn't that mask used? It's like the Venetian mask isn't that used in Assassin's Creed
Starting point is 00:26:07 It's like Jack's you were turning your face into a Venetian mask right now You cannot then act like you your face was stolen when you have made you made you have adjusted your face into something that has been Stolen already, so you think he's just getting so many faceless so he looks like The V from vendetta guy. Yes. looks like the V from Vendetta guy? Yes. Look at the V from Vendetta. Who's also now the Mr. Robot. In my mind, because I'm like more modern than you.
Starting point is 00:26:35 So I don't know. Okay. I see Mr. Robot references now. I think that's the same mask, right? I'm not sure, but if you see V from Vendetta, that's definitely what Jax is heading towards. Well, Jax put out a tweet saying, me on the cover of Assassin's Creed 2. And then we see this screenshot, which honestly,
Starting point is 00:26:56 I mean, I don't know, whoever this was, was extremely hot. I mean, Jax was extremely hot, you know, back in the day. And by the way, I'm not saying age makes you less hot. It's just shittiness. Being a shitty human being makes you less hot over the years, but I guess he was possibly less shitty then because he was definitely hotter. And also youth, let's face it.
Starting point is 00:27:18 Okay, so this article is hilarious because it talks about how people keep confronting Jax and saying, no, you weren't. This person went really deep. This is a long article, right? Alyssa went really deep on this and tried to find out the truth. And you can't find it out, but they did find out that the picture came from a fan, some kind of fan site where you can upload your own picture and they will spit out a cover of you
Starting point is 00:27:46 Will spit out a picture of you being on the cover of this game fucking Jax man. So Jax went to a fan site and Created Yeah, wait, but then he also says there's another one where it's like a picture of him on there's another like it's a magazine for PlayStation the official magazine where it says Assassin's Creed 2 and If there's like a hood and like there's like someone in the hood and it's like Jack's is saying like flashback to when I did the cover art I Mean, so let's see not long after my conversation with this PR person Taylor posted a picture of the play state Because she was digging into this,
Starting point is 00:28:25 so Jack's posted again, being like, "'No, see, look, it is me.'" And posted, the cover's ripped off by the way, which she thought was really funny that he didn't keep the whole magazine, just like ripped the cover. That is hilarious. And it says, not long after my conversation
Starting point is 00:28:39 with this PR person, Taylor posted a picture of the PlayStation, the official magazine cover that had been emailed to me on, to his Instagram story. of the PlayStation, the official magazine cover that had been emailed to me on to his Instagram story. With the caption, flashback to when I did the cover art, box art for the Assassin's Creed 2009, he tagged the Instagram comments for Lexington Comic Con and PlayStation. The thing is a French Canadian model named Francisco Randez
Starting point is 00:29:01 has been widely credited as the face of the series protagonist Desmond Altair and Enzio. Randez has done widely credited as the face of the series protagonist Desmond, Altair, and Ezio. Rondez has done interviews about his role in the series and even has an IMDB credit for it. Wow. So, Jax, I think maybe Jax got confused with Assassin's Creed and just Ass's Creed. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:20 I think that's the answer. Putting the ass in Assassin's. That's Jax. I'm going to look up this model and see who he is. And it's funny because Jax can still... Yeah, this guy could be this guy. I mean, I don't know. All handsome brunette men kind of look the same after a while. It doesn't... Yeah, I'm about to say, like, and all you can really see is a jawline.
Starting point is 00:29:38 And it's sort of a generic white guy model jawline. So... Which, you know... So, while you look that up, there is some gossip that Olivia from Southern Charm is not coming back and same with Rod. The gossip is that Olivia and Rod are not coming back to Southern Charm. I mean, obviously we know that the two of them can't come back because they need to focus on their burgeoning chemistry that they have. We don't I don't I guess this isn't actually confirmed, but it was definitely going around Twitter very officially a few days ago. And now I don't actually see any official announcements like
Starting point is 00:30:19 it would nothing in deadline. But I'm a little surprised if that were true, just because I feel like Olivia was in the center of the last season of Southern Charm. Would you, do you think it's true that Olivia's not coming back to the show? Yeah, I think it's true. You think so? I mean, I haven't asked anybody.
Starting point is 00:30:34 She's not, she really didn't have much going on. I mean, I know that she fought with Austin and all that, and like that was the main relationship, but really she was just kind of yelling to yell by the end. What are you going to do? If you're not going to date Austin? Who else are you going to date? She's dating some other dude now, but I don't think he wants to do the show. So she's not going to have anybody to date on there. It's kind of about the terrible men. I mean, the thing is the terrible men always win on this show, right? It's about the terrible men. I think we forget that.
Starting point is 00:31:02 They had one season that was like girl power, remember? Where they're like, oh my God, the girls finally came together and got rid of Thomas. And they got rid of all the shitty men. And I think that lasted a year. And then they were like, okay, this was fun. You're all fired. Let's celebrate more shitty men.
Starting point is 00:31:20 Yeah, I'm just surprised. I just thought that like Olivia, they were really trying to like set up Olivia to be the new female center of the show. So to hear that she's not coming back is, is surprising. But like as many people are saying in the comments, she's not that interesting of a person. And I mean, who knows, maybe she's still also like there's also part of there's that there's also part of me that watched watched this past season and I was thinking, why are you on the show right now? You like, your brother just died, you were reeling from this, you should not be in front of cameras right now. And same goes for Taylor. Well, Taylor's gonna be on
Starting point is 00:31:56 because she's a basket of crazy noodles, okay? So she's gonna be on and we already know that she is laying the foundation by dating Gaston, who was mentioned on Southern Hospital. So we know that she's laying the foundation by dating Gaston, who was mentioned on Southern Hospital. So we know that she's gonna be on there with this new terrible relationship, and they're gonna skew it younger, you know, because they've kinda gotta get away from these old dudes. Summerhouse did a good job of that with recasting. I don't know, younger, and they are younger, right? Wes doesn't give younger energy, he gives more like, I think he gives like
Starting point is 00:32:25 almost 40 energy, but it's still fresher. It's fresher for the show. Yeah, Wes does, I feel like Wes is like 27, 28, you know, which is about the same in that same range of Paige. I think Paige is hitting 30 or she might already be at 30. Paige posted a video today on Instagram. It was funny. It was such a influencer video. It was just her standing in a street and the music was like, mm, tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk tk t are saying that she's in DC and which I think is so funny that she would one up Lindsay's storyline by going to DC also. Yeah, and probably like got invited into Joe Biden's office, you know, she actually gotten, she actually got into the White
Starting point is 00:33:17 House as opposed to just like Lindsay's like, damn it, I'm the new Ariana, I'm the new Ariana. Page went to the White House. So what I'm trying to find, and a lot of people in the comments are asking for, is they want to talk about this post that... Sorry, I just want to say, people are saying, she actually went into the White House. Everyone's like, she went into the White House. Everyone's saying, she went into the White House. She went into the White House. She went into the White House. Everyone's like, she went into the White House. She went into the White House. Okay, everyone's saying she went into the White House. She went into the White House.
Starting point is 00:33:45 She went into the White House. Then one person goes, hit page. Ha ha ha ha. So Joe. I thought it was gonna be this post, but they're not showing the whole post. Damn it, I'm gonna have to look for it. She went on Instagram this week.
Starting point is 00:34:02 I mean, I can do some of it from memory. She did a video post and I did watch it. I don't know how I didn't save it, but she was like, guys, I just wanna, guys, I just wanna say that you guys have been so much better this week to me and so nice to me. And some of you really do understand what it's like to have a friendship that's so beautiful with somebody. So beautiful,
Starting point is 00:34:36 guys. Guys, I want you to believe in friendship. Okay? I want you to believe. Guys, seriously, look at me in my eye. Look at me, guys. I want you to believe, guys, seriously, look at me in my eye, look at me, guys. I want you to believe in friendship, guys, okay? Because I, guys, I believe in it. I believe in it, because I have a man named Tom Schwartz in my life, he's so close to me. Guys, thank you, guys! Like, this girl is literally,
Starting point is 00:34:59 they're gonna lock this girl up. They're gonna lock this group up. This is someone who's had too much, this is someone who's had too much cheerimoussisu at Olive Garden. That's what that is right there. Joe is cracking me the fuck up. And I know I'm supposed to hate her because people are mad at, by the way, you guys, I don't know why we're supposed to hate her. I felt like Joe this week. Like, guys, I know you're mad at me because there's a lot of people mad at me this week for my opinions here on the Bravo thing. I have to say I respect your all's opinions and you're allowed to be mad at me. I don't feel like everybody has
Starting point is 00:35:28 to agree with me all the time. Okay. Be mad at me. You know, my opinion is that you're wrong. Okay. That's it. My opinion is that you're wrong. I don't know why everyone's coming down on you so hard, Ronnie. Like I feel like I was right there with you. It's not really hard. They're just disagreeing. I have to say that our audience is so nice. Like even in disagreeing, they're like, you're dead ass wrong, but I love you. I hope everything's that our audience is so nice. Like even in disagreeing, they're like, you're dead ass wrong. But I love you. I hope everything's good. I respect your ability to be dead ass wrong. I don't like I feel like regular Bravo commenting where it's like I would disagree
Starting point is 00:35:55 with someone. They're like, fuck you up. You died a fire bitch. They just disagree, you know, which I don't even know that they're wrong after reading all of their comments. But just to say I heard you I'm not going to like litigate everything right now because we'll go over it and recap some stuff. But this Joe thing was what I was trying to get to. People are so mean to her. Man, you guys are really coming for Joe hard. I don't really understand why people are so mean to Joe because she has literally done
Starting point is 00:36:21 nothing on the show. She showed up. Is it just merely that she's friendly with Tom Schwartz? Which I understand that's offensive because he's Tom Schwartz. But realistically speaking, she hasn't done anything. She just showed up and then wacky and cut hair for free Olive Garden. Beck says she apparently deleted that post and Schwartz doesn't follow her anymore.
Starting point is 00:36:42 Yikes. Well, that's probably because he's afraid. Let's be honest. Well, this is one of those situa... Yeah, that's true. He's such a wuss, this guy. One of the things is I don't wanna go too hard for somebody because I don't know the girl
Starting point is 00:36:54 and I've only seen her on TV five minutes. You know what I mean? So I don't wanna be like, stop being mean to Joe. Maybe she's terrible. I mean, I have no idea. But it just seems like while they're coming for her, they're coming for her really, really, really hard. Now she is a. I mean, I have no idea but it just seems like why they're coming for her For really really really hard now. She is a she is a wackadoo, but I don't know I love a good new fresh wackadoo on TV
Starting point is 00:37:12 so I don't but I like I literally saw an Instagram carousel dedicated because Joe I guess was at the Banner from Rules reunion and there was like a carousel someone posted dedicated to Why Joe is terrible and why she shouldn't have been at the reunion. And the like, why do we even need more Joe? And I was like, gosh, that's just, that's just so, that was just like so intense. I mean, let her, I mean, I'm, I'm sure she's awful, but let her like prove her awfulness first, you know?
Starting point is 00:37:39 Yeah. Um, people are saying, LOL, not cocaine, Joe. Let's see. Um, a girl can, uh, women can spot a pick me a mile away. So, you know, I don't know, listen, I've got my eyes open. Now that said, just as somebody who was a fan of the show, I think so far, I mean,
Starting point is 00:37:58 I think she's really funny, wacky energy. So I don't know, but we'll see. And also I think a lot of it has to do with just, it's an enemy of Katie's and all the stuff that happened with Schwartz and all that stuff. And she moved in with Schwartz right away. And so I guess we'll just have to see how it pans out. But I don't know, she's not bugging me that much so far.
Starting point is 00:38:16 But that was one of the things, it's like, you're too mean to Katie, you're too nice to Lindsay, you're too nice to Erica, you're too mean to Carl. It's like, oh my God, it's like I'm too mean and too nice all at the same time. Usually it's just like, you're too much of a bitch, but now it's like you're too nice and too mean. But I don't know. I got to-
Starting point is 00:38:32 I'll see, I thought it was funny. My opinion's my opinion. I just thought it was funny because last week I went onto Reddit and I saw like literally two people got into my head and they were like, you know what? Ben would be funnier if he just said what was on his mind. It always seems like he's trying to apologize to the audience. He's always trying to like,
Starting point is 00:38:47 like he's always like afraid to show his true opinion. And I was like, I feel like I do give my true opinion, but I was like, you know what though for summer house, I'm going to give them they want my true opinion. I'll give my true opinion. So I'm like, we're talking and I'm weighing in and I'm saying, you know what, you know what Lindsay said to Carl was vile, but at the end of the day, Carl has, this has been the same Lindsay of the past, and I'm like, I'm laying in, and now they won't, now they can't say I don't give my real opinion, now they can't say that I'm afraid of the audience,
Starting point is 00:39:13 and then I go onto Reddit, and they're like, I cannot believe what Ronnie said. Can you believe what Ronnie said? Ronnie said this, Ronnie was like, fuck Ronnie, fuck Ronnie. I was like, wait, I was happy with your controversial opinion too. I was like, you know I was, I was having a controversial opinion too. I was like, you know what? Fuck you all. I know I'm, I'm jealous. I'm not getting, yeah. I'm like, I want to show people. I have a real opinion.
Starting point is 00:39:35 You know what? Actually I don't want to show people because I know I have a real opinion, but it was just, it was just, was funny because I was like, well, I'll probably get it this week. I looked at like, literally like, it was just, they all were coming for you, Ronnie. They really were. And I think it's just, I think it's just, it's compounded.
Starting point is 00:39:54 You know what I mean? It's just thing on top of thing. It's like bad opinion on top of bad opinion. I think if people disagree with one thing, it's like, okay, we'll let it slide. But if it's like three shows in a week, cause there's a lot of controversy on Bravo right now. You know, there's the Lindsay and Carl thing, it's like, okay, we'll let it slide. But if it's like three shows in a week, because there's a lot of controversy on Bravo right now, you know? There's the Lindsay and Carl thing, which by the way, I never said Lindsay's right. Everybody's saying I'm writing
Starting point is 00:40:14 so hard for Lindsay. I'm not writing so hard. Lindsay's a monster and she's a fucking nightmare of a human being. My only point is so is Carl. And I think that everybody puts somebody, it's like, oh, Carl had a rough year and he's sober right now, so let's elevate him to sainthood and pretend Carl never fucks with women and never fucking makes women crazy on purpose and didn't fucking purposely pick an unstable crazy person so he could point at her and call her crazy
Starting point is 00:40:36 as he continually sits there and pokes her. I'm sorry, but I see that and I stand by it and hopefully time will prove me, well not hopefully it will prove me correct because that would be bad for everyone. Yeah, I think. You know what I mean, like. I think that like what,
Starting point is 00:40:49 well, I feel like what we get mad about is not what Lindsay is saying because that's like a given. What Lindsay is saying is so wretched. Like, could you imagine saying that to someone in recovery, someone that you're gonna be engaged to, cocaine, Carl, all those things. It's so terrible.
Starting point is 00:41:04 But I think what we get mad at is that like, Carl, all those things. It's so terrible. But I think what we get mad at is that like, Carl is kind of like, we deeply feel like Carl contributes to this situation. And he doesn't contribute to him doesn't mean he's deserves being called those things. But let's not act like he's an angel in all of this. Okay, cocaine. Carl was 100% wrong on Lindsay's part, okay? Yeah. I'm saying it wasn't. 100% wrong.
Starting point is 00:41:28 I don't wanna go into too much of that just because honestly, it's exhausting. By the end of that summer house recap, I was like so tired from just... You look great all the way though. Lindsay's right. No wait, Carl's got a point. No, Lindsay's got a point.
Starting point is 00:41:41 No, Carl's got a point. No, Lindsay's got a point. Oh my God, we both have a point. Everybody's terrible and everybody's wonderful. And I was just like, make it stop. Just fucking make it stop. I can't take anymore talking about this toxic fucking relationship.
Starting point is 00:41:52 You're both disgusting, terrible people sometimes. And you shouldn't be together. And you're also both good people sometimes. And I think like you should just go apart. Just go apart. Have your, I'm gonna tell you the same thing I tell every other person who comes on these channels who tries to make me a part of their terrible relationship. I'm here to watch fun things or fun shade or whatever. I'm not here to be a part of your
Starting point is 00:42:13 terrible relationship. Get that... Keep that shit aside. Nobody needs to see that. Aren't we allowed to have a nuanced view of these idiots? Like, is it like... Can't we just sit and watch the show and say, Oh, right now, Lindsey's pissing me off. Oh, but look, there's something that Carl's doing that's really wrong. And now Lindsey's being wrong. And to think about all these things, I think we're allowed to do that. And, um, for people who say otherwise, then maybe you should have more
Starting point is 00:42:37 nuance in your life. How about that? Um, I think it's very Bravo too, though. It's very Bravo fan and look, we're like it. Look how I rant and rave every day. I mean, I don't ever shut up. I'm screaming, I'm yelling. I get mad over the dumbest things.
Starting point is 00:42:49 Today I got so mad, I kicked out the electricity in my house. Like I kicked out the- He did, he did do this. I literally kicked under my desk. Ronnie, we were recording and Ronnie, I could see him getting like, he was moving a lot in the screen and then all of a sudden it went away.
Starting point is 00:43:05 And I don't know Ronnie, if you went back and you listened to me just being there alone on the video for a while, cause we edited that because he wants to sit and watch me for three minutes just sitting there. But I think at one point I said, oh, did Ronnie lose power or did he just like kick the power cord out of his computer?
Starting point is 00:43:21 And that was the latter. So worked up over literally nothing. We were talking about something on the valley and I just kicked. The point is, I get it. If I disagree, I scream and yell. That's part of Bravo. That's what Bravo trains us to do. I just thank everybody for disagreeing with me, but still being so sweet about it.
Starting point is 00:43:38 I never felt like anybody was bullying me or anything like that. I hear you. I just don't agree with you. I wanna say something really quickly before we bring people on that's in the realm of Summerhouse, which is that people are asking here in the comments, are we excited for Summerhouse, Martha's Vineyard to come back?
Starting point is 00:43:54 I personally am very excited. I did notice in the preview, there is no Silas. It looks like Silas is gone. He is not part of the show. I don't know if he's going to make appearances or whatever. I'm wondering, did he leave because Silas and What's-her-face are so jasmine, are very concerned about their public-facing image and Silas realizing that he looks terrible because he is terrible?
Starting point is 00:44:20 Or do we think that Bravo got rid of him? I think he went back on duty. I think he was called to duty. Oh, of course. There we go. Now he's untouchable. You can't say anything. He's a hero, Ben. I guess he's deployed.
Starting point is 00:44:34 He's deployed and I'm not being sarcastic about that, but it is, it's like someone like that just pisses you off to no end and then you can't say anything because they're like serving your country. It's like, I have to wait till he's back off duty again. Yeah, we'll wait and then we'll come at him again. And I don't know if that's true. That's just what I read. No, everyone's saying it. Everyone's saying he's deployed.
Starting point is 00:44:54 Okay. So you know what? That was a good therapy session. Might not have been a ton of bravo going on, but it felt really good to cry about myself. Well, good. It felt really good to make this and not about me. Felt great. Let's go on to the talking to the audience portion of this Instagram Live. This is where we bring you up. You'll have about a minute to talk about really whatever you want. And everybody who is with us on YouTube YouTube this is an Instagram only thing just because we have to use so many different mics to do it and we don't know how whatever who cares thank you YouTube we love you guys and thank you to everybody listening to this and we'll talk to
Starting point is 00:45:34 you every other Monday 5 30 p.m pacific time bye watch what crap ins would like to thank its premium sponsors ain't no thing like Alison King. Ashley Savoni, she don't take no bologna. Strolling the park with Caitlin Clark. She's not just a Sheila, she's a Daniela. Hitchels. Erin McNicholas, she don't miss no trickles. She's never scary, it's the green fairy.
Starting point is 00:45:58 Jamie, she has no less namey. Hava Nagila Webber. Know your worth with Jason Curran. She's the wind beneath our Jennifer Wing! Zip some scotch with Jessica Trotch! She's always supplying, it's Kelly Ryan! Kristen the Piston Anderson! Let's give a kisserino to Lisa Lino!
Starting point is 00:46:17 Megan Berg, you can't have a burger without the Berg! The Bay Area Betches, Betches! And our super premium sponsors. Somebody get us 10 cc's of Betsy M.D. We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva. Let's get real with Kaitlyn O'Neal. Don't get salty with Christine Pepper. Can't have a meal without the Emily sides.
Starting point is 00:46:38 Nobody holds a candle to Jamie Kendall. She's not harsh, she's Jill Hirsch. She's a little bit loony. Junie. My favorite Murdo. Karen McMurdo. We love him madly, it's Kyle Podchadly. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender. We want to hang with Liz Lang. The incredible, edible Matthews sisters. Give them hell, Miss Noelle. She's the queen bee, it's Sarah Lemke. Shannon, out of a cannon, Anthony. Let's take off with Tamla Plain. She's the queen bee, it's Sarah Lemke. Shannon, out of a cannon, Anthony. Let's take off with Tamla Plain.
Starting point is 00:47:08 She's quite the catch, it's Victoria Kochet. She ain't no shrinkin' Violet Couture. We love you guys. Hey Prime members, you can listen to Watcher Crappin's ad free on Amazon Music. Download the Amazon Music app today. Or you can listen ad-free with Wondry Plus in Apple Podcasts. Before you go, tell us about yourself by completing a short survey
Starting point is 00:47:31 at slash survey.

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