Watch What Crappens - #2420 Summer House S08E12: Passenger Princess

Episode Date: May 10, 2024

Poor Carl just can’t get any support this week on Summer House, at least that’s what he’s going to tell us over and over again until we believe it. Amanda tries to break the news to Kyl...e that she might possibly one day make a swimsuit and he sobs drunkenly and stomps around in a mullet. Not a great week for the men of Bravo. Yikes, boys. Grab tickets for our European tour at Watch this recap as a video and get our bonus episodes at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, I'm Misha Brown and I'm the host of Wondery's podcast, The Big Flop. Each episode, comedians join me to chronicle one of the biggest pop culture fails of all time and try to answer the age-old question, who thought this was a good idea? Follow The Big Flop wherever you get your podcasts. Watch What Crappens! Watch What Crappens! Watch What Crappens! Who cares what happens when there's so much that crappens? Watch What Crappens! Watch What Crappens! Watch What Crappens!
Starting point is 00:00:34 Who cares what happens when there's so much that crappens? Watch What Crappens! Well hello and welcome to Watch What Crappens! We're a podcast that loves to talk shit about Bravo. Thanks for being here guys. I'm Ronnie. That's Ben over there. Hi Ben.
Starting point is 00:00:50 Hi Ronnie, how are you? Good, what's going on today? Not much, just basking. I wish you would support me more. It's just a little overwhelmed. Go ahead, go ahead. I'm like a little overwhelmed by this podcast right now. Yeah, so I just wish you would support me
Starting point is 00:01:04 and like I'm just overwhelmed. Yeah, no, no, seriously, seriously, go ahead. How's everything going, man? Seriously. Yeah, it's good. I'm just going to rage smile because I want to. Support me. I wish you would support me as well.
Starting point is 00:01:16 You don't support me at all. I just want to ask you something, make it seem like you can answer it any sort of way. And then when you don't answer the way I want to,'m gonna rage smile and say I'm overwhelmed I just want you to oh god what a mess okay welcome to summer house episode 812 the episode where um I don't know the guys just are terrible I know for a moment I actually had like a moment where I thought well Kyle and Amanda have gotten back on track. It's funny how they always start the season so badly, but by the end they actually sort of seem okay.
Starting point is 00:01:49 But then sure enough, disaster, disaster strikes. Now, before we get into that, just want to reminder, we next week, not next week, in two weeks, we're going to Europe next week, but the show is in two weeks. We've got Birmingham and we've also got Dublin going on for our European shows. They're going to be so fun. London is sold out. For the stuff that we're going to cover though, in London, we're going to recap the Amsterdam episode of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills
Starting point is 00:02:19 where Rinna and Kim have their big fight. And that one's called Amsterdam from season five. And then in Dublin, we're going to recap, of course, Real Housewives of Orange County in Ireland. We're going to do the episode where Tamara hyperventilates in the van. I forget what episode number that is offhand. And then in Birmingham, we are going to do
Starting point is 00:02:43 Vicky being transported out of a hotel in Iceland with a towel on her face. So go check that out. The details are on our social media. That's what we'll be covering. And we can't wait to see all of you guys at our shows. Yeah, we're gonna have so much fun. We're excited.
Starting point is 00:02:57 Ben's already got his packing cubes coming. So watch out. Watch out, Europa. So here we are, Summer House 812. We start with Carl and Lindsay talking. He's just done the whole, this is right after he did the whole like, my dozen minister, like,
Starting point is 00:03:13 he hates your guts and wishes you were in hell. Oh, that's after that conversation, right? Yeah, they're sort of like wrapping that one up and he's like, you know, and she's like, yeah, I know, but like, why did you wait so long? And he's like, well, when we have a tough conversation or something, I feel like it's hard, I get nervous. And I should have just talked to you right after New Jersey.
Starting point is 00:03:32 And I don't like the fact that it took me time to talk to you and then the way I described it, I just don't want to have any secrets from you. My parents love you and they just want the best for us. That's all, that's all. And she's like, mm-hmm. Just yelling at him with her eyes. See, how do I take it like that? I took it as her just looking at him like, okay, I think she looks so confused by Carl with his whole like, I was
Starting point is 00:03:56 afraid to tell you she's looking at him like she's holding his hand. Like, what? I took it as like, well, she's, we just met, like we've been friends for 10 years. Why are you surprised at how I am? She's just looking at him like, what is your deal, Carl? Cause Carl's like, I was just terrified. What am I going to do? Tell you, here's what I was doing. Okay. Like I had this conversation, but I had to make sure that I had a conversation about the conversation on camera. And then I had to interrupt a dinner very dramatically and pull you aside so that you would rage out in front of everybody. And then I could be the victim in front of all of these people. It's like, you're so fucking obvious, dude. And I hope that Lindsay's onto him. And
Starting point is 00:04:35 it's just like, I'm not giving him what he wants. I'm not going to freak out on him at this dinner. Well, that's what our eyes are telling me. She looks confused like, why are we talking about this again? I thought we settled this. And then she's also rageful like, are you fucking kidding me? Like, this is real. Like you're really like, I was in the middle of lobster dinner and you pulled me to side for this. Like get over it. We already discussed this. It's done. So then Danielle, Danielle at the table, back at the table is like, um, Amanda, could you give us like a little bit of deets?
Starting point is 00:05:05 I can spill the tea about what you guys were talking about. Amanda's like, I don't want to talk about it because I didn't like when my shit was talked about. Amanda, you're like the biggest gossip in this house. Come on, tell everyone. Anyway, why don't you ask someone else since you don't want to talk to me about it, but only other people than you. So then we cut back to Carl and Carl's like oh my mom told me at the bridal shower you guys had a nice chat right you had a nice chat at the bridal shower. Yeah I'm clear on that babe we don't need to like beat horses here okay. He's like I'm not beating a horse I'm just letting you know. Yeah
Starting point is 00:05:42 that's when his mask starts to slip because he does that smile like he's like, you fucking bitch. Like that's what he does. He's like, he's he gives that rage smile when he's like, when he is really angry. He says things to be like, no, I'm really nice and supportive. But the rage smile shows that he's like, you know, as furious as she is. And so he's like, I think he's just always constantly fucking her and fucking with her and poking her and she's like, I think he's just always constantly fucking her and fucking with her and poking her and she's just not doing what he wants. And he starts breaking this episode cause he's not getting what he wants.
Starting point is 00:06:10 And so he's like, okay, I'm going to up my game. Then if you're not going to rage out in front of any bit of everybody, I'll start poking you more, you know, because this is all start visibly getting pissed. This is the best response that he could want it based on what he was saying, based on how he was like freaking out in the bedroom last week like this is a great response this is Lindsey saying like no it's cool like I get it I I'm fine like don't worry about it and so she goes but we're through that conversation and because I
Starting point is 00:06:35 know that but I also care because I always I want to help and hug you and give you the support you need notice that I'm giving you support now so when I asked for support tomorrow, you are forced to give it to me. And that's all that comes from, because I care, I care about you." She's like, okay. I guess, I love you.
Starting point is 00:06:53 She's just, okay. Can we go back to dinner, please? Love you too. And so it's just like, oh, well, I guess we're just gonna go back to dinner then. Well, because I really wanted resolution here and she just gave me easy resolution. Surely I have nothing to be upset about, right? we're just gonna go back to dinner then. Well, because I really wanted resolution here and she just gave me easy resolution.
Starting point is 00:07:07 Surely I have nothing to be upset about, right? Oh, but I'm pissed off going back to dinner now. So, it's like literally smiling pissed off that he didn't get what he wanted. So obvious at this point. So now Lindsay is telling us, okay, let me get this straight. Your parents just said pretty fucked up things
Starting point is 00:07:26 about your future wife and I'm the one that needs to console you? Thanks for telling me, but I think that's weird. Like my parents would never say anything negative about the man I'm about to marry because it's like my decision and they will follow my lead in my decision because I've told them, you better listen to what I'm fucking doing because I'm Lindsay Hubbard. I call the shots around here Yeah fucking Carl I can't you go to your mom and you tell her I'm being abused What is your mom gonna say get the fuck out of the relationship? You're being abused I'm with someone who doesn't support my sobriety. Get out. What do you, Oh,
Starting point is 00:08:07 breaking news. My mom reacted to something that I told her, which was totally slanted my way. So, so meanwhile outside, I was like, well, I'm a new Englander, so I love lobster. And then Amanda just promptly spits her lobster out of her mouth. She's like, I hate lobster now. So they returned to group and it's just like really awkward. Everyone's sitting there and Liz is like,
Starting point is 00:08:32 oh, I can't wait for this reading tonight. Gab is like, oh yes, the way it works is if you have a specific energy in mind, you can put that into the tarot and then the tarot can like reveal that energy. So like Danielle, for instance, the energy you can put into it is conniving bitch because that's pretty easy for you, okay?
Starting point is 00:08:49 Mm-hmm. So Lindsay's like, great, I have a lot of questions. And Carl just kind of like, so, so Lindsay gets up and clears plates and she's like, I'm gonna put that on mine. I was like, wow, she didn't even use it, put your weight on me. She's really annoyed with Carl right now. And she's like, I'm gonna put that on mine. I was like, wow, she didn't even use it. Put your weight on me.
Starting point is 00:09:05 She's really annoyed with Carl right now. So I was like, so he's like, you got the place? Yeah, it's that really gentlemanly thing where he's like, oh wow, you're carrying all the place. You got that, you got that, you got that, you got that. Okay, I'm not gonna move, but you got that? Okay, she's gone now.
Starting point is 00:09:18 And then he kind of like slams the chair back. What is his deal? Aw, well. That's such a fucking weirdo. I was gonna bring her the saucer, but I'm just like really overwhelmed right now. I'm just like a little overwhelmed. It's just like a lot.
Starting point is 00:09:29 It's like a saucer. It's like a really hard. I'm gonna have a job soon. It's like really hard. Like I'm the man of my word, and I said like I'd have a job by the end of summer. So like the last thing I think about is like, if I could bring the saucer to the kitchen, that's it.
Starting point is 00:09:41 So now it's just a few people at the table. And Jesse's sad, you know, and Paige sees, she asks him if he's okay. And he's telling us like, typically it's not in my nature to be vulnerable and sad, but you know, he talks about his finding something on his net and being afraid that the cancer came back, you know, which is obviously terrifying.
Starting point is 00:10:03 Yeah. So then Gabby asked if Carl is good and Carl's like, oh, I'm better. I just like had a mini meltdown in my head because like I'm overwhelmed, you know, like I've got so much in my head. Like I'm just overwhelmed by a lot at the moment. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:10:17 It's like a lot. It's like so much. He says overwhelmed so many times this episode. It is ridiculous, but yeah, he's like, y'all just like, it's just like a lot that's going on right now. So Lindsay is talking to Amanda and she's like, you know, it's kind of like, he took like what you said and said like, it's my fault.
Starting point is 00:10:37 And it's like, it's my fault. Like I did something wrong and like, she's upset with me. And like, he kind of came into like the dinner, like upset with her. And Amanda's like, yeah, I think the stress of talking to you made him anxious. And also the fact that I talked to him
Starting point is 00:10:48 right before dinner and said, you need to tell Lindsay right away because she'll see this on camera. And if she finds out then it's gonna be terrible. So you need to do it right now. I think that maybe that had something to do with it. And Lindsay's like, well, you know, the topic was a tough topic, you know?
Starting point is 00:11:02 And he's just going back over and over this conversation he had with his parents and losing, she's, and first of all, I'd like to just point out, she's talking to Paige now too, Paige is sitting there, but I'd like to point out how she's not pulling a, like, I am, can you believe what Carl did? He's such an asshole. She's not doing that. She's like, poor Carl. Like Carl's freaking out, you know? Like he doesn't need to be freaking out. Like, like she's not, she's not reacting in any way that I would expect her to be reacting. No, she's actually pretty chill. And she says, she tells everyone she's like, she's like, yeah, you know, we had this, he, you know, he had a conversation with his parents and his dad is an
Starting point is 00:11:41 ordained minister and said that if I were marrying you, I wouldn't marry you. And Paige is sitting there and her eyes just bulge. Like, oh my God, command us. I am saving this moment. I'm sending this mental moment to Craig. I took a photo of Paige's reaction because it was so funny. Let's see if I can actually get it to- Bookmark for chicken. Bookmark for chicken. Yeah. She was like, yeah. like no subtlety at all. She's like, oh my God, wait, I wasn't even expecting a piece of juicy gossip to land in my lap like this.
Starting point is 00:12:10 It just like fell out of nowhere. Like I'm hashtag blessed right now. So Amanda's like, yeah, but Carl also was just like, that's your opinion. Like he didn't necessarily agree with him. He was just like, that's your opinion. And Lindsay's like, yeah, but that's why you don't run to your dad with all of your problems. Because if I told my dad, every time we fought, my dad would be like, don't get married. You know,
Starting point is 00:12:34 like, I mean, come on. Like, she's like, I mean, he came into the conversation hot and he was defensive, but I think it's just because he didn't want me to be upset with him. Right. And Paige was like, okay, well, let's get our charts read. I cannot wait to see the slaughter that's about to happen over that one. Come on. Hold on, let's all give ourselves up. I think we all need, I think, five minutes
Starting point is 00:12:54 to cool down slash text Chicken, tell him everything that's going on. Okay, great. So now Jesse's sad, understandably, but no one really understands why. All they know is that Sierra, don't forget also last episode, So now Jesse's sad, understandably, but no one really understands why. All they know is that Ciara, don't forget also last episode, Ciara called him a trash bag at the table, which by the way, I fully support.
Starting point is 00:13:12 I mean, I feel terrible that he's, the cancer scare is so scary and I feel terrible for him, but does not take away from the fact that he is kind of a trash bag when it comes to dating women. So everyone's kind of like laughing. It's like, Oh, Jesse, you know, he's deflated because they don't realize that there's something much larger on his mind right now. And they're just like, wow, that was so mean of Sierra. So now everyone, it's time for the Tarot reading. And so everyone goes into club sand
Starting point is 00:13:39 for the Tarot reading. So Kyle gets his reading first and his past and present are fire energy. And he's like, love it. Like, you don't even know what that means. Fire energy. Say, Oh, sorry. And this lady is like the stereotypical lady who reads your cards at a party. She's just like, she's just like kind of some nerdy lady from like D and D club or whatever. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:01 And she's like, temperance is about not going extreme. We're finding balance between partying and family. A lot of people's future have the word party in it. Like maybe less parting. I think you've been partying like you're in a summer house lady. Yeah. Um, by the way, I just have to say for Carl, it's maybe not a good idea to go back to lover boyboy if Kyle has fire energy, because that could really mean all sorts of different meanings for the word fire. So then Amanda gets the death card and she's like, does that symbolize bikinis for big
Starting point is 00:14:38 boot people? And she's like, no, you are digging up roots and you want to plant your own and deciding how that looks for you. Not saying that this is, not saying that I'm making this stuff up, but really this could apply to anyone. Let's be honest. And Lindsay gets a seven of swords and Alyssa's like, yeah, everybody was expecting about seven of these in Carl's chest today after that conversation, but they didn't get it. Now these are seven very confused swords. Are you gonna poison him?
Starting point is 00:15:09 What are you gonna do? Nothing. Are you gonna wait till he's asleep and suffocate him with the pillow? Nothing. Who are you, Lindsay Hoppert? Who are you? Bring back my Lindsay.
Starting point is 00:15:20 I need to see Lindsay throwing his shit out on the lawn. Like, who is this? You've changed too much. Go back." And the Tower reader says that Lindsay, the Seven of Swords, means that no matter what the curve balls that life throws at you, keep your eyes forward and not look in the back. All right. I don't know what sort of curveball could possibly happen between now and getting married. It seems like it's kind of just like straight balls going the entire time, but sure, whatever you say, crazy lady. I like the Susanna and Bedor.
Starting point is 00:15:54 Yes. Well, I have no idea. I've changed a lot. I've changed a lot. What kind of curveball? I really have changed. Well, I've changed. I'm moving to Orange County now.
Starting point is 00:16:06 It's amazing. All I really needed to become a new person was to get dumped with some slut on the beach. Carl's reading was that he drew the four of, I'm just a little overwhelmed right now. Sorry, Carl. Unfortunately, we tried to pull your card out, but your card wouldn't come out
Starting point is 00:16:23 because it's got a lot on its plate at the moment. So it's just gonna stay on the deck. And Kyle's like, Penicillus, did you say testicles? Ha ha ha ha. It was just, you know, sad because no one knows what's going on. So then Alyssa's like,
Starting point is 00:16:35 well, navigating yourself through emotionally turbulent times, you don't need to hold everything so tight. You could party. And Jesse's like, yeah, you know, I had my doubts, but that really hit home. That really hit home. They're like, aw, Jessie. Oh, good job, good job, man.
Starting point is 00:16:54 You did great, you did great, by the way. So now it's time for pendulum questions, wherein Alyssa dangles a pendulum and makes it swing in a direction that's fun. So Paige is like, okay, my question for the pendulum. Why are you so un-stylish? Sorry, wrong question. Am I, how does it feel to be-
Starting point is 00:17:13 Could you help Alyssa pick out an outfit tomorrow? Yes or no? Could you let Alyssa know that there's a sale at Zara? Thanks. Were you aware that just because we took money for doing an Old Navy ad last week that now we have to have Old Navy checkout people at our game night? I'm sorry, was that formed into the proper kind of a question to get an answer? Oh, this is just crying.
Starting point is 00:17:39 She's like, oh. Okay. Question for the pendulum. Can the pendulum please tell Craig that Carl's stepfather would not marry him and Lindsay because I wasn't able to text him. Thanks, pendulum. Okay, I have a question. I have a question for the pendulum.
Starting point is 00:17:55 Do you have a scrunchie so that Alyssa could put it in her hair because it's really distracting? So Alyssa's like, why? I have a question for the pendulum. Could you ask Alyssa to bring my luggage upstairs? Thanks. Alyssa's like, finally, something I can do. So Jesse's sad, you know.
Starting point is 00:18:15 So Carl goes outside and sparks up a cigar. And Alyssa's like, mmm, a little cigar reaction. Please be more supportive. Oh, okay It's time for a commercial it's time for a crap in commercial I'm Elena an autopsy technician and I'm Ash a hairstylist and we just love Swapping stories about all of the morbid things that fascinate us. And if you do too, join us on our podcast, Morbid. It's a safe space to let your weirdo flag fly.
Starting point is 00:18:50 On Morbid, we cover dark historical events, sinister science, unnerving paranormal events, and sordid high society murders. We also dive deep into the most notorious crimes in history. Our podcast is grounded in rigorous and painstaking research. We're also not afraid to read a b****. We keep it weird because a dash of snark is necessary to get through grotesque true tales of demented minds. So follow Morbid on the Wondery app or wherever you get your podcasts.
Starting point is 00:19:21 You can listen to Morbid early and ad free right now by joining Wondery Plus. I'm Shimon Liai and I have a new podcast called The Competition. Every year, 50 high school senior girls compete in a massive scholarship competition. I wouldn't say I have an ego problem, but I'm extremely competitive. All of the competitors are used to being the best
Starting point is 00:19:46 and the brightest, and they're all vying for a huge cash prize. This will probably be the most intense thing you've ever gone through in your life. I remember that feeling because I was one of them. I lost. But now I'm coming back as a judge and also a kind of teen girl anthropologist. Because if you want to understand what it's like to be a young woman in America today, the competition's not a bad place to start. Hopefully no one will die on stage tonight. From Pineapple Street Studios and Wondry,
Starting point is 00:20:15 this is The Competition. Follow The Competition on the Wondry app or wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen to The Competition early and ad free right now by joining Wondry Plus. So then Sierra gets into bed with West and Kyle sits with Carl outside. And so Carl's like, dude, I am so fucked freaking out right now.
Starting point is 00:20:37 I'm so overwhelmed right now. And Kyle's like, why? What are you talking about? He's like, the conversation with my parents is bad. It's really, really bad. They were hard on me. They were really, really hard on me. Very, very hard.
Starting point is 00:20:51 It was almost like the hours between eight and five. Unlivable, unlivable. Overwhelming, overwhelming. It was like the idea of taking someone on a date that wasn't like a Wednesday. Overwhelming. So here's Carl who just professed to Lindsay I just like the idea of taking someone on a date that wasn't like a Wednesday. Overwhelming. Um, so here's Carl who just professed to Lindsay that he wants to be deeply honest with her and he wants to share everything.
Starting point is 00:21:12 And now he's revealing a difference, a different tone, a different truth and a different story. And now to Kyle and cause like, listen, friend to friend. Oh wait, listen, undermine her to friend. You got to give me the full picture. There are times this summer where I just feel like you're sugar coating things. Oh, I'm not really eating sugar right now. I'm trying to go to berries a lot.
Starting point is 00:21:30 Yeah, well, it's an expression. And you're basically trying to soften the blow and like, oh, I'm not doing blow right now either. Yeah, another expression. Anyway, you had this heart to heart with your mom and Lou, you know, it's like, whoa, wasn't a heart to heart. It's more like, I don't know, they just were like, do you wanna do this?
Starting point is 00:21:44 And like, is this what you wanna do for the rest of your life? Like, you know, do you wanna be with this awful, awful person? Do you want to wake up in the morning and see her eyes staring daggers at you? Do you want to be with this like shrill personality? Do you wanna be with this person who Lou cannot stand?
Starting point is 00:21:58 Like something like that, you know? Oh, I'm overwhelmed. Yeah, and he says that they're concerned that the volatility will cause him to go off the deep end. And that's certainly what happened with his brother, in an armor arms. Yeah, and he says that they're concerned that the volatility will cause him to go off the deep end and that's certainly what happened with his brother. And I mean, look, I do think that they're right in that regard, like you're sober,
Starting point is 00:22:14 it's hard enough to make this big of a change and to be around people who are drinking and you don't need all this drama if you're trying to be sober, just break up. Just fucking break up. But what do you need Lou to actually show up and break up with fucking Lindsay for you, Carl? Just man up for fuck's sake. Yeah. Um, I mean, his parents are right. Like, like this is not,
Starting point is 00:22:35 we've all been saying, we all know this is not a good match, but it's also there's something about this, Carl saying like, this is like what happened to my brother. You're kind of implying like Lindsay's going to literally kill you and not not to be, I'm not being callous about what happened to brother, but that's kind of the message he's putting out there, which was like, well, dude, so Kyle's like, uh, there are times where like you need to put yourself first. Um, and it's your mental health and it's your happiness, your career.
Starting point is 00:22:58 And like you let the anxiety get the best you did. I can see it. I'm glad you talked to Lindsay, but holy shit, don't bottle things up. Unless it's lover boy and you can sell it. Not elk glad you talked to Lindsey, but holy shit. Don't bottle things up unless his lover boy and you can sell it. Not Elk. That's the future, man. Yeah. And Carl's like, yeah, Carl's incredible relationship with his mom. And so she's concerned. That says everything I need to know about it. Carl's mom is worried about it. They're close. I mean, they're like really, really close.
Starting point is 00:23:25 Yeah. Yeah. Um, still though, Carl's just like, I don't know. I just feel like, yeah. She's reacting to what he's saying. It's just so annoying. And Kyle knows that. Kyle's so fucking annoying. Kyle was the one last year who's like, Carl, Carl can't even fucking show up to work with his laptop because he's fucking coked out. I sit up for him all the time. Throwing fits about Carl, being way worse about Carl than Lindsay is. And now Kyle's sitting here like, oh yeah, you know, the ultimate villain, Lindsay, even Carl's mom, even Carl's mom is standing up for Carl. Like, yeah, duh, it's Carl's mom. He's never liked anybody that Carl's dated, you know? Not that she's really got that bad of a picker. I'm gonna, I'll go ahead and say that part as well
Starting point is 00:24:11 in her defense. So anyway, people are turning off lights and going to bed. It's bedtime. So Carl goes to bed and kisses Lindsay on the forehead and she's like, oh my God, your hands are so cold. Did you put them in the freezer? The other more supportive for my house Sorry, I just like my hands are like a little overwhelmed right now
Starting point is 00:24:35 So now it's the next morning and Carl kisses Lindsey and goes off to Barry's with the guys and then How did you ever marry somebody that wakes you up every morning like this? But then I'm gonna go to Barry's. Fuck off, just fucking go. You're really gonna wake me up? You're gonna kiss me on the forehead and stare at my closed eyes
Starting point is 00:24:56 and tell me that you're going to, just get the fuck out of here. I would appreciate the kiss on the forehead before you go out, but I don't necessarily need to know about that. She wasn't awake. She was asleep. I would kill you if you disrupted my sleep to talk about the exercise you're going to do. Well, Danielle and Lindsay and everyone else get their revenge because they all decide to go get bagels.
Starting point is 00:25:19 And so it's just Paige and Amanda left in the house alone and Paige is like, everyone left except for us. This is literally the best day ever. So Paige is like, what a night. Wow. I loved having the astrologer finding out that things are way more dysfunctional between Carl and Lindsay than I ever imagined. Wow.
Starting point is 00:25:37 I just felt like a thrill. It was like I can barely even remember last night because I was just so deeply happy. It was so amazing spending time with that astrologer and she gave us her gift and then we told her she was a terrible dresser, which is our gift. So, three of blouses. That's the card I pulled for her. Three of blouses. Please get at least three. What was the astrologer's name again? Was it Laura or was it Ashley? So, Amanda's just like, you know what? That reader, she was really on target. She could have not have said it more plainly. It was exactly what I've been thinking about, which
Starting point is 00:26:17 is that I want to do something for myself. I want to do my own thing. And I just keep on thinking about what would it be? What would the name be? Would there be guacamole involved? How much could I say, Kyle? At employee meetings, like, it's just like, there's a whole world of opportunity in front of me. So then Kyle brings in a latte to Amanda and Paige is like, what am I, chopped liver? Cheese, what am I, an Alyssa?
Starting point is 00:26:42 Is she still here? Did she overhear that? I can say it louder. So then Amanda's like, what you bring one coffee and no food? What kind of monster are you Kyle? So everyone's back from berries. Carl's a little late because he stayed to talk to someone who's like really big in the non-alch business. But he's back. Hi babes. Hi. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on. You just like he's back. Hi babes. Hi. Whoa, whoa, hold on. You just like slow it down. I'm a little overwhelmed.
Starting point is 00:27:07 The store away. It's pretty intense right now. Okay. I'm in the house. Okay. I got through it. Okay. Thanks. And so he's telling us, yeah, we saw as a retailer that only sells non-alcoholic products, but it's called Woosa. Is that what it's called? You know, I thought it was Woosa, but then I thought maybe it's called won't win sand or Juan San. I mean, I don't know it's called? You know, I thought it was Woosaw, but then I thought maybe it's called Woon-san or Wan-san. I mean, I don't know. Because Woosaw, I think it was the name of a person,
Starting point is 00:27:31 but Woosaw is the name of Gigi's weed company. Right. I meant to go back and change that. But I couldn't tell. I'm not bitting at you. I was just curious because now I'm like, oh, is this weed drinks? That's what I thought too. Surely he would have said that. But later in the episode, it did not sound like Woosaw. It sounded like Wonsan or Woon-san or Wonsan. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:49 From memory, I just thought it was a guy's name. But anyway, he's like, yeah, they only sell non-alcoholic products, and I want to focus on that. I want to focus on the sober industry. I want to give back. But I also want my partner to be brought into that. She's had concerns. She says, you're pigeonholing yourself.
Starting point is 00:28:05 Okay. Did she? Because we heard her say that the sober bar is a stupid idea because she doesn't want brick or mortar. Yeah, but she didn't. What we've seen on camera is that brick and mortar, not smart and don't go back to a lover boy
Starting point is 00:28:21 because that was sort of a toxic relationship and you've already been there. Well, she didn't even say that actually. She just said, all she said about that so far was like, uh, lover boy because that was sort of a toxic relationship and you've already been there. You didn't even say that actually. She just said all she said about that so far was like, oh, okay. So that's, so it's basically like going back to an ex. Right. Right. So we've been buying like, she sort of nudged, like, let's think, let's think of like a new, a new workplace, you know? But he has interpreted that as far as we can tell as like, oh, well she doesn't
Starting point is 00:28:43 support me. So, ah, ah. So Lindsay, meanwhile, enters the kitchen in a bucket hat and a sports bra. And Paige is like, you literally look like our mom right now. Like, really, like, you're basically like the Alyssa of our cast. Is she still here? Can she hear us?
Starting point is 00:28:59 Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. So then outside, Sierra, there are people are just hanging out and getting sunned or whatever. So Sierra's telling Jesse, like, hey, Sierra, the people are just hanging out and getting sun or whatever. So Sierra's telling Jesse like, hey, sorry, I was mean to you last night when I called you trash bag. And he goes, yeah, it was just when you said I was a trash bag, you would never set your friends up with. And she's like, well, I was just saying like, it seems like you're always looking for the next girl before you've given the first one a chance. And he's like, okay, well, that's fair. She's like, but I'm sorry, it was mean. So it's really cute.
Starting point is 00:29:25 And then they're like, kiss everybody and kiss. And so she asked West if they can kiss. And she's like, I have a cool boyfriend. And then Danielle's like, you said boyfriend. She's like, yeah, ha ha. No, you said boyfriend. Yeah, it was so funny, Danielle. You said boyfriend.
Starting point is 00:29:41 I'm like, oh my God, get her out of here. Can the LIRR please build a new train station in our front yard so we can get Danielle onto that train as soon as possible? Can somebody say pie chart to get Danielle refocused? Could someone say CEO and founder convention is happenings and quag? So, meanwhile in the kitchen. So then Sierra kisses Jesse and I still maintain that they have more chemistry than she has with West. I hope they, I hope those crazy kids end up together.
Starting point is 00:30:13 Well, we'll see. So in the kitchen, big scene alert, big scene. So Carl's in there with Lindsay and he's like, ha, love the outfit. Ha, love it. Love it. This is not a strained, strained attempt at communication between two people who clearly hate each other, but are still committed to getting married. Ha, love the outfit. I really do. This is so awkward. And it's just, yeah, it's bright and summery, right?
Starting point is 00:30:37 And he's like, yeah, I mean, that is great. It's just, oh my God, I need a little sun protection. Oh, I just wish that my mom and Lou could see this interaction and see how much we've grown. Oh god. So how was your meeting, Carl? He's like, oh, it was good. I mean, they're hiring for a few different roles right now. I don't think I'm necessarily fit for those roles, but you know, like the queer thing,
Starting point is 00:31:00 you know, like I just wanted to make sure that I did something for the queer thing because remember how, you know, like you're forcing me make sure that I did something for the career thing. Because remember how, you know, like, you're forcing me to do something by the end of the summer. So like we said, we do it by Labor Day because you're abusive. So, you know, like, just, I just want to be on your abusive time schedule. So, you know, I'm a man of my word. I just want to make sure that, you know, I'm not doing something about this because like, if I'm not doing things, then I deserve to get beat but if I do do them please don't hit me it's what I'm saying yeah I'm a man of my word and like um you know so like if I'm not giving you attention it's kind of your fault because you made me have this ultimatum
Starting point is 00:31:36 on like forcing all my dreams to be decided in like two weeks it's fine but I'm a man of my word and like just want you know I'm not not doing anything I'm just you know I'm doing you know I think it's like a great idea and like know, I'm not doing anything. I'm just, you know, I'm doing it. You know, I think Loverboy is like a great idea. And like, it'd be funny, because like, remember how I supported you last night by being really honest with you? Now you can support me. So, Kylen's like, uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:31:53 And does Kyle have a vision for you? He has some ideas, but... Which is his way of saying, I haven't asked that question yet. But I haven't seen anything in writing, which is his way of saying, yeah, I really have not investigated this It's just been a casual conversation
Starting point is 00:32:06 But um, there's like still more conversations to be had which is like, oh I need to mentally write this down I have to remember these questions as Kyle Yeah, it's like the biggest bullshit response Lindsay can Lindsay can sniff out bullshit like we can all sniff it out but like Does call it a vision for you? Yes or no? Like we can all sniff it out, but like, does Kyle have a vision for you? Yes or no? No, I have not heard a vision, but he doesn't want to say that.
Starting point is 00:32:28 So, oh yeah, there's like some more conversations to be had and like, you know, like that's definitely something we want to put on the agenda. We want to like put that to an hop and like sort of a. But Kyle did have a vision for him. I think he's personally, I think he's purposely not answering the question because he wants her to be like,
Starting point is 00:32:43 no, you shouldn't go work for Kyle. That's what he wants. So Kyle told him, hey, here's my vision. We have this non-alcoholic spritzer, seltzer coming out. I think that depending on how involved you wanna be, we could talk about a rev share. That is a vision. You tell me how you wanna be.
Starting point is 00:33:02 And he's like, I think he's trying to get Lindsay to be like, no, you shouldn't do that. So he's like, I think he's trying to get Lindsay to be like, no, you shouldn't do that. So he's telling her, no, there's no vision. She told you you're gonna have a rev share in this company. I don't think the gaslighting starts right here. I think the gaslighting starts later in the conversation.
Starting point is 00:33:12 I don't think you're wrong that he wants to make Lindsay angry or whatever. But I think that right now he knows this is like, he doesn't want to put in the effort to do like a real job search. He doesn't want to do the effort to do anything. And there's something that came into his, fell into his lap. That's a good, you know, it's appealing because it's easy.
Starting point is 00:33:31 He can go back to a job he already knows and yada, yada, yada. But it also means he doesn't have to stretch himself. And so he knows that Lindsay is not going to prove of it. So instead of being like, I know this doesn't sound exciting to you, but I actually really like this idea and this is what I want to do. And so he's like, yeah, well, you know, there's been some conversations, da da da da da. And she's basically like, you haven't done any thought. You have not put any thought into this.
Starting point is 00:33:51 And so then the moment that like his easy plan is destroyed, that's when he's going to start to be like, you don't support me. And he's going to make her look like the villain here. But like right now I think he's in like pussy mode. He goes, Oh yeah, I think he, I think he came in and now,. He goes, he's in pussy mode. Oh yeah, I think he came. And now, and of course that's me bringing in my feelings just about Carl this season in general, but yeah, I think he started this whole thing.
Starting point is 00:34:11 He was planning this from the very beginning because she even says later, like, you spend eight months telling me you can't work because you're so traumatized by Kyle and how it went down with Kyle, that you need to decompress. You're too traumatized to get a job. And now you're telling me on camera that you want to go work for Kyle.
Starting point is 00:34:28 And I'm not allowed to ask a question. So he sets her up again off camera to be like Kyle's abusive. Kyle traumatized me to the point. I can't even get off this fucking couch to go look for a job until the cameras are shooting and you're making me do it. And so now I'm going to come on camera to tell you that Kyle wants me to work for him again, and then I'm going to come on camera to tell you that Kyle wants me to work for him again. And then I'm going to get pissed at you when you have a question about it,
Starting point is 00:34:47 even though I've told you that I'm traumatized for almost a year and can't work because of Kyle. Yeah. Well, I mean, obviously he's good. He wants to go back to Kyle because like he hates, he hates working. He is, he's kind of like fired every season. And so working for lover boy, he hated it because he actually had to work. And so then he's like, I'm traumatized, I need to leave. So he leaves. But now the idea of actually trying to find a new job is actually even worse than the idea of just actually working. So he's like, Oh, actually,
Starting point is 00:35:13 I think I want to go back there. So, um, Carl's like, I mean, um, like by the way, they saw the show a flashback to three weeks ago of Kyle being like, Hey, you want to do this? You want to work on this? Not now. Cause we can do a rev share to three weeks ago of Kyle being like, Hey, you want to do this? You want to work on this? No, no, I'll look at me and do a rev share. And I was like, how has someone aged so much in three weeks? Like Carl, three weeks ago looked like a baby. And I'm like, what happened to these three weeks have been tough on Carl.
Starting point is 00:35:34 Yeah, he's going through it for sure. So, um, he's like, well, I mean, if you'd asked me seven months ago, would I work with Kyle again? I would have said no, but it's like it's compelling and interesting to potentially have this new product, so compelling that it's been three weeks that this offer came up and I still haven't talked to you about it. Isn't that compelling? I mean, it's just like obvious.
Starting point is 00:35:54 And she goes, well, I mean, it's comfortable, right? It's like going back to an ex. Like you're comfortable, you spent so much time and energy in that relationship. And it's just like easy to slide back in. By the way, she knows what she's talking about cause she's about to marry Carl who is an ex. Because it's easier than going out and finding somebody else.
Starting point is 00:36:12 Like she dated all these other guys and realized they're all fucked up too. So she may as well go with the fucked up that she's used to. So she gets this decision. Yeah, and by the way, I've seen people do this before where they've worked at a place and it was miserable for them. They hated it. They leave and then they spend some time and they're in the real world or whatever. And the actual act of looking for a job is really, it's hard and
Starting point is 00:36:35 difficult and stiflating. And so then their old boss is like, well, I'll come back and it'll be better this time. Like, you know what? I think it is better. I feel like I'm grown. I think I can handle it now. And they go back and they're just as miserable. And I think Lindsey's recognizing that that's what's happening here. So Carl's like, no, now, well, you know, now I've had some separation from that and like some time and I kind of feel like Conn and I are in a better place. And I feel like there's an opportunity just like staring me right in the face with a company that I was like a massive part of. Like I was the one that would take pictures and it'd be like on Instagram. It's like a huge part of the company. And
Starting point is 00:37:02 like, you know, as you saw last time, there's like a lot going on. I'm just like, I'm feeling a little overwhelmed in general. And I'm like, I'm just like trying to think of this as an opportunity and like what it means for my career and all that. I'm just like overwhelmed. And she's like, okay. And he's like, yeah, I just want your support
Starting point is 00:37:17 and your positive. Well, she says, is there anything I can take off your plate? And he goes, like to make it easier cause you keep saying you're overwhelmed. So what can I do to help you? By the way, not bitching at him even a little bit. Like, I'm not even getting a toned of it. She's just like, okay, well what can I do to help you to take stuff off your plate? Because you're overwhelmed so you can focus on what you need to do career wise. And he's like, oh, I just want your
Starting point is 00:37:39 support and your positivity. Like, like he gives us this look like, look at you, lucky not being supportive of me right now with this, this wonderful choice that I came to because it was the only thing I felt like researching. And so she's like, I'm just asking questions. I'm just giving you my opinion. He goes, Oh, can you listen for a second? I'm like not even expressing my opinion. Oh, could you like listen to me for a second? Yes. I have felt at times, even in the last eight months when I've like not been
Starting point is 00:38:06 working full time, that I have brought up different things that I'm interested in and excited about and like not necessarily getting the support and excitement and I get like more critique and then like then and questioning. Like well. And this is where she's like well I'm not a yes person and I'm realistic and you've been telling me that for eight months you've been decompressing because you're so traumatized by Loverboy. It was so difficult and tumultuous and now of course I'm realistic and you've been telling me that for eight months you've been decompressing because you're so traumatized by Loverboy. It was so difficult and tumultuous. And now of course I'm gonna ask you if that's right for you on an emotional level
Starting point is 00:38:32 to get back in that. Like this makes total sense to me. Of course it does, but Carl's like, well, the devil's advocate sometimes to me comes across as you shouldn't do that. Carl, okay. Total fucking job interview. What have you done?
Starting point is 00:38:46 You done nothing. You met somebody with a non-alcoholic beer and went for one, what is this, Sunday now? What are we on? Saturday, you went to a Saturday meeting with someone in the Hamptons to talk about soda? Get the fuck out of here, Carl. Give me a break.
Starting point is 00:38:59 Why is Lou allowed to be a devil's advocate, but Lindsay can't be? So she's like, well, if you don't want me to ask those questions, that's not a problem. If that's coming across to you as like nothing supportive. Oh, well, now you're being defensive. It's just like, it's like impossible. It's like literally impossible to pitch a really bad idea to you and have you not support me 100%. She's like, he goes, I'm clearly gifted in sales. Could you show me one sliver of evidence
Starting point is 00:39:26 that you're good in sales? Because I've literally seen none. And we've seen you on this show for a decade. I know. She's like, yeah, no, you are very gifted in sales. I know that. Yeah, very successful sales. Why are you gonna think me of that?
Starting point is 00:39:40 It's like not even a question. Like, I feel like you're getting angry. And this is the first time where Lindsay this season has said you're being angry right now where she's actually correct. Uh, the past, she's just gaslit Carl. But in this case she's right. He is angry and he's, she's, he's angry because he doesn't want to be faced with the inadequacy of his own bad decisions. So she's like, what do you need for me, Carl? And he's like,
Starting point is 00:40:03 I need you to be excited and pumped about these incredible opportunities that I have in front of me. My best friend offering me a soda because people come to celebrity viewings. Kyle's asking you to do this because he, what they were fighting about, I think last year was Carl's like, I'm going from town to town to sell these lover boy things. And I'm not just selling them. These are personal appearance fees that I should be getting. I should be getting five grand for just showing up to this place because I'm a celebrity and they're using me as a celebrity to sell Loverboy, right? And Kyle's
Starting point is 00:40:34 like, fuck that. Fuck this guy for asking for shit when he shows up coked out of his mind or whatever. So now Kyle's like, now I'm losing money. I've lost over a million dollars this year and I need a celebrity back because no one wants to buy Loverboy unless there's celebrity viewings attached. So now he's going to get Carl back. Can we stop pretending that you actually made any fucking effort or that Kyle wants you for any other reason than you are currently on TV? Yeah. And again, let's not forget that when Carl was like, I just feel like I'm undervalued, Kyle was like, OK,
Starting point is 00:41:03 well, write a proposal about what you would like and let's try to like adjust this. And then he never wrote it, remember? Remember? Yeah. So. It makes me so fighting. It makes me fighting. I'm shaking the dog in my hand. I'm so angry. And I've still got mamaw's beer cheese Instagram up in front of me because that's what we were talking about on the valley,
Starting point is 00:41:25 and I'm just getting pissed off at all of this terrible entrepreneurship. Commercials, here comes one right now. In the climate ravaged year of 2072, the city of Pura stands as a miraculous green haven, a geo-engineered paradise that protects fortunate residents from the global catastrophes of heat domes, fires, floods and droughts. Demetria Lopez heads up Pura's public relations, tirelessly promoting the city's idyllic
Starting point is 00:41:53 image. But when she stumbles upon a dark secret that if exposed would be the downfall of Pura's existence, she must decide who and what she is willing to protect. From Wondery, the makers of Academy and Dr. Death, The Last City stars actors Reyes Sehorn, Jeannie Tirado and Maury Sterling. Follow The Last City on the Wondery app or wherever you get your podcasts. You can binge all episodes of The Last City early
Starting point is 00:42:18 and ad free right now by joining Wondery Plus. Honestly, I think for Lindsay Hubbard, she's being very calm by joining Wondery Plus. Do you have that same opportunity for yourself? Do you have an investment in something if it were to sell? And I was shocked that Lindsay did not go raging out. Like, what the fuck? She just was like, hey. And he's like, you know, Carl's introduced me to this product and he needs help with it. Yeah, this was shitty.
Starting point is 00:43:03 This was not cool. Well, also, like, don't, I mean, all she's doing, all she's doing is saying, what do you need? What can I do? Like, what do you, what can I do to help you? It's like, how dare you? You have nothing. You've got nothing. You've got nothing going on. Like, what are you, what are you talking about? But also like, don't like make it seem like, don't make it seem like you want her input on something that you've already decided on. Like he's clearly decided that this is what he wants to do.
Starting point is 00:43:23 And he should just say, I'm going to do this. I know the risks. I thought about their risks. I know that it was a toxic environment. I believe that it's going to be different. Now. I think I'm, this is a product that means a lot to me. And if it's bad, I will leave. You know, I think I think he was prepared to do that. I don't think he was prepared to do that, but she's, I think that's what he came in there like, Oh, this is what I'm doing. You don't have a job, but she's not giving him that. She's just like, well, what do you need from me? Okay. Well, I think you're going to work for Kyle. Like,
Starting point is 00:43:54 okay, what do you want me to say right now? I think that Lindsay wants to see from her mate, someone who is like ambitious and organized, thinks about things, anticipates issues, just has their shit together, right? And so Carl likes to play the role, but he actually is not doing it. He's just like, yeah, well, I thought about it. And like, I think this will be a good opportunity. And she's like, what about the risks?
Starting point is 00:44:15 What about this? What about that? And he like did not anticipate anything. And now he's flustered and I was like, oh, fuck you. And he's gonna make it seem like she's the bad one for not supporting him when he was the one who was just like half-assing this. And like, this is just not the person for Lindsay.
Starting point is 00:44:30 I mean, it was so funny every time we just sort of come to that conclusion as if they haven't already broken up. But it's just like, to me, it's like, it drives me nuts that he's gonna try to make her seem like the bad guy here. Like she's so unsupportive when he was the one who's just like, you know, doing this half-assed, you know,
Starting point is 00:44:48 high schooler approach to getting an internship. Yeah. So she's like, okay, well, it sounds like you're leaning towards making a decision to work with Loverboy then, right? And he goes, Oh, well, I mean, it's very compelling, but I don't want to upset you. She goes, Oh, it's not upset. That there is. That's your stuff. Uh, Ronnie right there. That's the, I don't want to upset you. That's goes, Oh, it's not upsetting me. Pete Slauson That's your stuff, Ronnie, right there. That's the, I don't want to upset you. That's where you're, that's to me where it's like going really into the gas thing.
Starting point is 00:45:10 Jared Slauson Yeah, he's not getting what he wants is what I'm seeing. And she's like, well, that's not upsetting me, but I'm going to ask you Carl questions. I'm going to ask you questions, Carl. It's my job as your partner and bring up what you bring up to me. And I'm glad she said that because she's like, you're the one who's brought up all these problems with Kyle. So of course, if you tell me that I've got to tell you that when you say you're walking back into the lion's den, like, yeah, dude. And she goes, I'm not always going to be like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:45:36 I'm not asking for that. Like you literally just asked for not support. And yeah, I'm not critiquing you. It's literally just putting everything on the table because that's what's real. And I don't think it's fair that, oh well don't make this about you now. You made it about her. You made it about her when you said she's not supportive over and over and then accused her of being upset when she wasn't upset for trying to support you. You fuck. See, my- Is mine the worst?
Starting point is 00:46:03 My theory is is to clarify, I feel like your theory was that he entered this conversation with the intent to gaslighter. My theory is that he entered this conversation to pitch this shitty idea. And when he didn't get what he wanted, he then switched into gaslight mode, which is why he says, don't make this about you now. Like you're the victim in this. She literally didn't even say that. Yeah. That's why I think, that's why I think he's starting it because I think he started it because he's not getting
Starting point is 00:46:30 the reaction he wanted. He was expecting, this whole season, he's been coming in expecting Lindsay to have a fucking fit about everything. And after week two, that wasn't happening. So he keeps pushing her and she's not doing it, but he's acting like she is still. He's going and reacting to the rest of the house like Lindsay just got so upset with me and Lindsay treats me this way and Lindsay's not supportive of anything when Lindsay's not doing anything that he's accusing her of doing. So I think he's going into these purposely. He already knows he's going to break up with her at this point. So I think he's coming in purposely having these conversations with her to set her off and she's not being set
Starting point is 00:47:03 off, but he's still reacting like she has been set off as using the same lines that he can. It's like when you practice for a fight and it just doesn't go the same way, but you're still using those like fake slams you made up in your head. And I think that's what he's doing. It's like, oh, that's so awkward. Anytime you see me driving in traffic, everyone just know I'm having an amazing argument where I'm totally winning. No, but I think so again, like my interpretation is that like, I guess it's so funny. I love that we're arguing over like subtle interpretations of what Carl was doing, where we largely agree. But my interpretation is that like, I don't feel like he came into the summer trying to like, oh, I'm just going to gaslight Lindsay and make her look terrible. But I do think that he came in
Starting point is 00:47:44 with the idea of like, I want to test her. I'm going to put gaslight Lindsay and make her look terrible. But I do think that he came in with the idea of like, I want to test her. I'm going to put her in these tests and see how she passes the tests. And if she doesn't pass the tests, like it proves, you know, but the tests, and the tests make her go crazy. Right. So, which then her going crazy, then just, uh, verifies this or that validates his suspicions, meaning that he's like, well, I'm gonna see if she's gonna be supportive right now. I'm gonna pitch this idea, I wanna do Loverboy.
Starting point is 00:48:08 And watch, I guarantee she won't be supportive. And so then he says that he does this thing and then she's not supportive. And then he's like, see, it's just as I suspected. And then therefore it's like held against her and she doesn't even know she's being put to a test. Yeah, that's an interesting, you know, look, we're not gonna agree on it because I just look at it and it's okay. Like we don't have to agree. I just, that's an interesting, you know, look, we're not going to agree on it because I just
Starting point is 00:48:25 look at it and it's okay. Like we don't have to agree. I just, the reason I think that is because they were going, what? I said, we literally don't have to agree on, on this, on this argument about what Carl's intentions were, but it's fun. Yeah, it's fun. But the whole thing with me is that they started this season, Scandival was going on. So I think that everybody was like, Oh shit, you know, look at this.
Starting point is 00:48:49 I mean, that was such a huge thing. It was on the cover of every magazine. It was everywhere. It's literally they've mentioned it three times on this show. Like just those two. So I think he was like, Oh shit, I can't just dump Lindsay. I'm going to become him. I'm going to become this pariah.
Starting point is 00:49:04 I can't just do that. I have to show everybody why and what a fucking monster Lindsay is, which Lindsay can't be a monster. I'm not saying Lindsay's some princess and so innocent, but I think he's coming into this. I'm gonna go on TV and I'm gonna save my ass and show everybody that she's a fucking emotional terrorist and they're gonna be on my side. And it almost worked because Lindsay played into that very hard in the beginning. I still believe he was in those Ubers that we didn't see any footage of poking at Lindsay, poking at Lindsay, trying to get her to go off. And then when she did go off, he was going, where are you going off? I still believe that a hundred percent. And now she stopped. It's like she got ahold of herself
Starting point is 00:49:40 and was like, he's, he's fucking with me. I'm going to stop letting him fuck with me. And now she's not giving you the response and we're seeing him visibly spin out of control now that he's not getting this response that he wants from Lindsay. And it's just cracking me up. I just see like one big fuck boy douche bag, gas lighting narcissist being completely foiled
Starting point is 00:50:01 at every turn and I love it. Yeah, I mean, I definitely do believe that Carl, because he's like conflict avoidant, that he is definitely been positioning himself like to not be the bad guy when he eventually dumps her. I think he knows he does. This isn't going to work out. He wants to dump her. We see it from the top of the season. He wants to, he wants to dump her up. He doesn't want to be the bad guy. He doesn't want to be actually,
Starting point is 00:50:24 I think the way that that scan the ball really affects it is that I don't, up. He doesn't want to be the bad guy. He doesn't want to be. Actually, I think the way that's that scan, the ball really affects it is that I don't, I think he doesn't want to be sand of all. I don't think he wants to get the bad press and have, okay. So I do think that the way it's impacted is not like, I thought you were saying like, Oh, sand the ball, but it doesn't matter what I thought you said. It's clarified. Now the point is he doesn't want to be the bad guy. And so he is going to try to like position. And so I fully believe he's trying to position. I don't, I, I think my thing is I don't think it's quite as like,
Starting point is 00:50:55 as conspiratorial as like every, uh, every one of these situations is like, I'm going to have this conversation to make her look bad. But I think what happens is he has these conversations, and then when there's conflict, that's when he goes into the mode of like, okay, I'm gonna just be the good guy here. I'm gonna make her seem like the wild one.
Starting point is 00:51:19 I'm gonna be the good guy that everyone will understand me. So it's just like a real subtlety that we're arguing over, which is what's always happened on this show. I mean, the main thing that the main difference I can see between our two arguments is you have a general belief that Carl's a decent person and that he's not coming into this as a total villain trying to just gaslight for no reason. I don't, I think Carl's an asshole. And I think Carl was out of this a long time and he does not
Starting point is 00:51:43 give a shit about this person at all. Cause if he did, he wouldn't be acting. He wouldn't be purposely villainizing somebody to make himself look better. You don't do that to somebody that you like. And I think that when he brought his parents on, that's the ultimate. And when he's naming his brother and his brother's death
Starting point is 00:52:00 and comparing Lindsay to like, this dress is what killed my brother. You know, when he's doing stuff like that, that's putting someone in a certain light. You just don't do that to people that you like, or you have any modicum of respect for. So I don't know that he's like a total villain and like, I'm gonna just fuck this person over
Starting point is 00:52:18 for no reason. I just think he's an absolutely weak person. I think he's weak. And he doesn't wanna look bad to America. And so he's gonna throw Lindsay under the bus so that he can be a huge victim and everything. And I just think that makes him a fucking terrible human being.
Starting point is 00:52:32 Like I hope she's never friends with this asshole again. Cause this guy's just a shit head. Well, I agree. I think that he is a shit head. I think he's weak. He didn't know. He dove into a relationship, uh, thinking it was going to solve his problems.
Starting point is 00:52:47 He dove into it thinking that it was going to make him a big boy. He was going to be an adult. He was going to get a job. He's going to do all these things. And then none of that really panned out. And not on top of that, now he's left realizing this is not the relationship he wants to be. But he, but he doesn't want to break up with her. He's in too deep and he's conflict avoidant. And he wants, I do agree that he, um, it's happy to create situations where she looks like the one who is,
Starting point is 00:53:12 is chaotic and unhinged. And then he's just like, Oh, I'm just like, just trying to keep it all together guys. So I do agree that he's trying to do that. I just, um, I don't think that like in a conversation like this, he is like, I'm, I'm going to take Lindsay in there and try to make her look like a, like the crazy. I think that he is, I think he brought her in because he wants to test her to be like, let's see if she supports me. Because if she doesn't pass the test, if he, if she doesn't pass this test,
Starting point is 00:53:41 that will prove that she doesn't support me and everyone will see that. And then I can dump her. But I don't think he's saying I'm going to bring her in here to look make her look crazy. I think it's, Oh yeah, I do. Cause I think he's done with her. I don't think there's any way done. I think he's already, I think he's already done. So what's there to test? Like he's already decided he's leaving her. He's just setting up the stage to leave her. So I don't think there's any test here. I think he's already completely done. So he's just like, let's make, let's make a look lab bitch on my way out. But you know what? We don't agree.'s any test here. I think he's already completely done. So he's just like, let's make a look like a bitch on my way out.
Starting point is 00:54:07 But you know what? We don't agree. And you know what? Something else, we never agree on Summer House. I mean, this is like, this is a constant thing with us is we agree pretty much on every show, but this one, we never do. And it's so interesting.
Starting point is 00:54:22 This is such an inconsequential thing to disagree on. It's literally like we agree on 95% of this relationship and we're just more like, did he come into this discussion to make her look crazy or did he come into this discussion to, I guess it's more like, I think he came into the discussion to, I think in some, to, to be like, this is, I thought, I feel like it was performative to show that he was a big boy and he wanted a tester to see like,
Starting point is 00:54:49 well, like let's see America, let's see if she filed, let's, let's see, how about maybe it's not a test? How about he put her on trial with America? He's like, let's see, I'm being a big boy. Let's see if she, if she- Yeah, but why do you put somebody on trial? You're prosecuting them. You put someone on trial to exonerate yourself.
Starting point is 00:55:08 It's, he's the, I don't, maybe not. No, then he would be, he would feel like he was on trial and defending him. If you're putting someone on trial, you're prosecuting. Look, look, I get what you're saying. I get what you're saying. I just don't, we're just on a different page about it. That's okay.
Starting point is 00:55:22 We don't have to agree. I see what you're saying. I just don't give Carl that much credit. I think in general what we're saying, I think in general I'm just a more cynical person than you are, obviously. I mean, I think that's obvious. And I think you have more goodwill and hope in humanity
Starting point is 00:55:38 than I do, and I think that's good. I would never want to change that about you. I love that about you. I don't think he came in with good intentions. I just don't think he came in with purely like as malicious intentions as I feel like you're, you're proposing. Well, I think they were malicious, but I think they were malicious out of babyish reasons.
Starting point is 00:55:55 I don't think he's like a mustang twirling villain. I just think he's a pussy. I have a, I have a revision. I guess I should say the more we talk about this, the more I'm just going to get myself. No, no, you're sorry. I called someone a pussy. Okay. I feel like Carl is very performative and he's, uh, he cares a lot about what America thinks. And I think this was a moment where he wanted to cosplay as someone on a real job search doing like really trying to find his career or whatever.
Starting point is 00:56:22 And he wants to show like, yeah, I've got this job that's lined up. I think it's really good. Look, America, I am look at me. I'm the mature one. I am. I've got my shit together. And so it kind of like, it feeds into what you're saying. Sorry, I just hit my mic. It feeds into what you're saying. And that like, it's not, I guess in my mind, it's not that he is actively trying to make L, like comes into the conversation to make Lindsay look bad. I think he comes in the conversation
Starting point is 00:56:47 trying to make himself look really good. And so he's like, look at me, I'm getting my shit together. Lindsay gave me an ultimatum, which we can all agree was totally irrational and not something you would do someone that you love, but I rose the challenge and I did it and I figured it out. And she's like, no, you didn't.
Starting point is 00:57:02 And that's when he's like, well, fuck you. You're the one who's like, you're unhinged right now because you're not supporting me in this moment and you're making me look bad in front of America. **Matt Stauffer** Yeah. But don't you think he had some idea that she was going to be like, Kyle, the one that you told me you were in the fetal position from, from traumatizing you? **Jericho Farris** Well, he did know, which is why he tiptoed around it.
Starting point is 00:57:19 Because he was like, he's like, let me see if I can kind of like finesse this. He says he's so good at sales. He can't even sell this job to his, his wife, his future wife. Yeah, no kidding. That's exactly right. So anyway, let's go on with this. So they're still in this conversation, right? So he's like, I'm just, uh, she's like, I'm not going to just yes, everything and say yes to everything, Carl and goes, well, I'm not asking for that. She goes, yeah, but I'm not critiquing you. I'm just putting everything on the table because that's real, Oh, now you're the victim. She says, well, I'm not the victim. Now I'm going to go cry. She goes, thanks a lot.
Starting point is 00:57:46 Like she finally loses it, but she walks off, right? So she's like, Oh God, now you're going to cry? What is this about you right now? What is this about you? Because Carl, I'm sitting here trying to be a really good partner to you. And I'm like, I'm not going to cry. I'm going to cry.
Starting point is 00:58:03 I'm going to cry. I'm going to cry. I'm going to cry. I'm going to cry. I'm going to cry. I'm going to cry. So he's like, oh god, now you're gonna cry? What is this about you right now? What is this about you? Because Carl, I'm sitting here trying to be a really good partner to you. Oh, and I'm just asking for more. I'm asking for something different. Yeah, you want me just to say yes, go for it.
Starting point is 00:58:15 Yeah, I do. So now he does admit that that's all he wants without asking any questions. I asked you that 10 minutes ago and you couldn't even answer it. You said no. So then- Yeah, and by the way, all he wants is something different, which is why he's going back to Loverboy
Starting point is 00:58:29 for the guy who called him a coke head all season last season. Great. Yeah. Hope you enjoy that something different, stupid. Oh, so you're just gonna like walk away? Yeah, you ruined my dinner last night and now you're ruining my pool party.
Starting point is 00:58:40 Oh, your pool party, your dinner. Just think about how you did. my pool party. Oh, your pool party, your dinner. Terrible. Oh, okay. So now he goes outside, of course, to be like, what a bitch, you know, which we all knew. So, um, the girls are, it's like the girls are on one side and the guys are on the other side. And so Lindsay's like, I mean, I'm asking him how his meeting went this morning with the Wasan guy. And from the jump he's all defensive because I'm asking all these questions. And he's like, I just want you to support me by the way, still not coming out there being like this fucking dick. Yeah. You know,
Starting point is 00:59:20 and Amanda's like, well, I think that he thinks that you're questioning him. And she's like, I'm not. And Amanda goes, God, men are so fragile, which really is the theme of this episode, really the show actually, truly, but definitely this episode. So then Carl's like, well, I told her a little bit about what we're talking about. And I just feel like we're still kind of like massaging that and like what that could look like. And she's basically like, you're going back to your old ex. Like she's like, of course I'm going to have opinions about it. And Kyle basically like, you're going back to your old ex. She's like, of course I'm gonna have opinions about it. And Kyle's like, can I be honest? Everything she said about your career so far,
Starting point is 00:59:50 I don't think she's pointed you down any type of path that makes any sense. She's just closing doors and then give me your hard time after she closes them. Well, that's because if Lindsay were to give Carl career advice, he'd be like, oh, well, it's just like, I feel like I can't even do it. She's always telling me what to do.
Starting point is 01:00:04 She's probably trying to like get him to make his own decisions because she doesn't want to make decisions for him. She hasn't given him any career advice either. So I don't even know what Kyle's talking about. No, that's what Kyle says. Kyle's like, by the way, like she's, all she does is say no to your ideas,
Starting point is 01:00:21 but she doesn't actually like chime in with any thoughts about, she doesn't help. She doesn't send you down any type of path that makes sense. She hasn't sent him down any path. Don't get him. So Amanda's over with Amanda. She's like, I mean, it's valid for you to want to know if you're getting married and having kids, you need to know what's going on. Like those decisions affect your family. So then back to Carl, Carly's like, Carly, that's my sister. Sorry, Carly. Love you. She joined the show. Yeah, he's like, well, she thinks she's being supportive
Starting point is 01:00:48 by being a devil's advocate. I got that, I got that. But I've been getting that for the past eight months. By the way, the past eight months that I've been talking about not being able to go on job interviews, because I'm so traumatized by you, Kyle. Let's just pretend that part of the conversation
Starting point is 01:01:01 didn't happen, but you know, I'm traumatized by Lindsay. Not you today, by Lindsay today. But when I go back to Lindsay, it's going to be that I've been traumatized by you for eight months. So I'm just traumatized by everybody. Poor Carl. Help. Trauma police. I'm always traumatized. I just feel like anything I bring up is just like instantly critiqued. It's like, yeah, because you bring up stupid ideas. Like that's what happens. So that's like, you're acting like you're just some innocent here, but you're not like doing the work.
Starting point is 01:01:31 So Lindsay's like, well, I do get concerned that he doesn't have like fire to match my fire. And Paige is like, are you always gonna have to be in control? Cause that's like a lot of stress and like you already look pretty old. So I just am saying, and like that's Bentley exhausting Just knowing that any problem that like now comes up the rest of your life
Starting point is 01:01:49 You're like in charge of that now like that's gross stupid And Sierra's like yeah, you don't want to fuck someone who's not gonna drive the ship Ha just like overwhelmed to touch the steering wheel So Sierra's like yeah, like if Lindsey is always leading the ship and Carl is passenger princess, which I thought was funny, passenger princess, she would find that hard to be attracted to. Like, yeah, she's like, I understand why their sex life is not really working out so well.
Starting point is 01:02:17 So Jessie is like, you know, I think it's fair for Lindsay to have questions, you know, but honestly, then Carl finds an opportunity and she shoots him down, but I understand her concern. I'm Switzerland on this one, which I was actually glad to hear because I feel like most of the season, Jesse's just bought Carl's load of bullshit
Starting point is 01:02:37 and been like, yeah, dude, fuck Lindsay, you know? But I think he's starting to get the, he's starting to see who Carl is and he's like, eh. Jesse definitely did the Ben Mandelker, which is like, well, I see it this way, but I can also see how someone could see it that way. But then again, I still see it this way.
Starting point is 01:02:53 You know what, I'm just gonna stay out of it. That's my way of approaching everything. So, um, I don't know. They go on with their day. Now they're gonna go to a boat time. Right, they go to a boat, they go to with their day. Now they're going to go to a boat time. Right. They go to a boat. They go to a boat called the jubilance, which is funny because like everyone here is so miserable and they're swimming.
Starting point is 01:03:13 Kyle's on a sea bob and his bathing suit falls off and he loses it. And so he has to wear Sierra shorts. So it's the second time this season that he's dressed in Sierra's clothing. And then Sierra starts, she's like napping on the boat later on. And so Wes is telling Paige, he's gonna surprise her with like a horseback ride on Tuesday. And she was like, Oh my God, that's great. I love Sierra so much. I would literally die for her will not really die. But like I'd
Starting point is 01:03:37 maybe like, push Danielle into the water for her. Anyway, anytime she's talking to a guy, it's like, you know, like I'm gonna check up or whatever. And if I hear something, I'm really gonna run to her. So anyway, what's this with you texting other girls? Like, is that what happened? Cause Lindsay says you're texting other girls. It's like, well, yeah. I mean-
Starting point is 01:03:53 And the other day I heard Lindsay talking and she said, oops, I crapped my pants. Oh, I'm sorry. That's not the part I was gonna say. She said, oh wait, I fell down and I can't get up. I'm sorry. I'm just coming up with random old things. What did she, oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:06 Are you fucking other people? He's like, oh, me? No, no. And he starts talking in his good little voice, his good little boy voice. That's a voice we hear on Bravo quite a bit. We've got the Tom Schwartz. We've got the Shep, the good little boy.
Starting point is 01:04:25 Yeah. I'm not saying West is anything like those people, but we do get the, what? No. Texting other people? No. I am optimistic that he is not having sex with anyone outside of Sierra because also I find the joy of being surprised by a scandal is way more fun than the joy of being right. I love it. I love, like it was so fun being shocked by Scandiball. Rather than-
Starting point is 01:04:52 I know, you know why? It's because it's so much rarer than that feeling of being right. Exactly. But yeah, I'm cautiously optimistic as well, but I'm also triggered. I'm also traumatized by these shows, and so that's where that's coming.
Starting point is 01:05:08 And also, he doesn't owe celibacy to anybody, but I just think that if you want, obviously it's gonna be necessary with, if you want somebody of that quality, yeah, the least you could do is not fuck somebody for a couple months. But apparently it's not, so good for him. He does a whole spiel about how,
Starting point is 01:05:24 it's like weird for him to be exclusive with someone that you're not having sex with. And also like if you're dating someone, you're either gonna marry them or you're gonna have a super sad day and that's all scary for him. And it's like, I know that's the most immature thing I've said in the studio, but I don't care.
Starting point is 01:05:34 That's how I feel. I'm both a dramatic. I like to chill. I like that. I thought that was cute. And also, you know what else is cute? His new hair. So I don't know.
Starting point is 01:05:42 He's, he's, he's winning me more. I'll say it. You too. I thought the puffy bangs worked on him more than the split, the, the split part. It's just not, I'm not into it. So page is like, listen, I feel like, you know, friends of girls that you're talking to are always like, Oh, I'll kill you if you hurt her. And they're like, whatever. But I like genuinely will kill you. Like kill you. Remember Jordan? Yeah, no one remembers him.
Starting point is 01:06:08 Cause I killed him. He's gone. Don't fuck with Sierra. Yeah, cause Sierra's really a bloop. A what? A bloop. Sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:06:18 I was saying bloop, but they keep bleeping it off camera ever since they tried to go to that restaurant in Real House House of New York. Sorry. Inside joke from a long time ago, nobody watched that show. So anyway, don't fuck her over, okay? So then Danielle is driving the pontoon, which I don't think Danielle has ever looked more at home
Starting point is 01:06:33 than on a pontoon. Driving a pontoon directly at rocks. The captain goes, hey, so you see those dots coming up? Those are rocks, so let's move the boat. She's like, whoops. Danielle is like the pontoon of boats on Bravo. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:48 So, you know, Kyle loses a shore. It seems still wacky. Hop got a mullet. I'm naked in the water. It's crazy, Kyle. It's fucking crazy. So now Amanda sits down with Kyle and they start talking about tarot cards.
Starting point is 01:07:02 And she's like, I mean, it was basically like, she told me like to update my LinkedIn profile and leave Loverboy, it was like crazy. Kyle's like, wait, what? So that reminds me, I wanted to talk to you about, you know, like having my own goals outside Loverboy. Kyle. Cause if you take away Kyle and Loverboy,
Starting point is 01:07:24 like who is Amanda? No one knows. Ha ha, I'm kidding, I'm thinking, no, because if you take away Kyle and Loverboy, like who is Amanda? He goes, no one knows. Ha ha, I'm kidding. I'm kidding. We all know you're just my wife. So she goes, well, I was thinking, you know, like, I feel so supportive of your dream and your business. And I mean, marriage is supporting each other.
Starting point is 01:07:39 And I've been supporting your dream and your business. He's like, well, it's our dream because I've said so. Yeah, no, it's our dream to be successful. But Loverboy is your thing and your business is like, well, it's our dream because I've said so. Yeah, no, it's our dream to be successful, but lover boy is your thing and your baby. And not that I want to walk away from lover boy, but like, you know, wouldn't it be fun to like lover boy? I like walk down the sidewalk and then like, look behind, look to find, like, Oh, hi, lover boy. I've just walked down the sidewalk and I walked a little bit further.
Starting point is 01:08:01 We're like, bye lover boy. I'm still here. Then walked around the corner and be like, I'm gonna text Loverboy, you can't see me, but I'm still here. And maybe I just leave it entirely, but I'm still there, you know, right? There are so many times on this show where I just feel like, how many couples can we take?
Starting point is 01:08:16 Like you just had the Carl and Lindsay drama and now we've got Kyle acting like this. I mean, I'm team Amanda, a hundred percent. A thousand percent on this. I can't believe Amanda comes up to him and says, okay, this is your dream. I got on board. Well, it's our dream.
Starting point is 01:08:30 Okay, but you know, I would wanna do something maybe for myself. Oh really, you're gonna abandon me now? At a time like this, we literally have nothing. We're losing money. Oh, now you do that. And she's like, but I'm not saying I'm leaving. I'm just saying I kinda want something for myself. Oh really, thanks a lot. It's like, but I'm not saying I'm leaving. I'm just saying, I kind of want something from myself. Oh, really? Thanks a lot. It's like, Oh God,
Starting point is 01:08:47 I was what a fucking child. I was actually a little surprised. I feel like they fought so much in the beginning of the season and then lately they've been giving them the edit like, Oh, they started doing therapy with, um, a 23 year old, you know, person who has like a life coach adjacent and now everything's better. So I thought like, oh, cause him like,
Starting point is 01:09:11 man, whatever you need, I just want to support you because I love you so much. But he was not like that at all. Now, by the way, also maybe not the wisest thing to bring this up while your husband is shit faced. Not when- When is he not shit faced? He's, he's fall down drunk all the time.
Starting point is 01:09:29 And people on the, and Kyle himself and other people and comments and stuff are like, stop giving Kyle so much shit. I mean, it's the weekend. He works his ass off all week. It's just a week. He's the only one this drunk all the time. Nobody else is like this.
Starting point is 01:09:43 Why is nobody else on the cast slurring their words from morning to night, every single day, pissing all over, all over the backyard, getting naked. No one else is like that. This guy's a fucking mess. He's tragic. He's tragic at this point. I can't believe Amanda's still with this person.
Starting point is 01:10:00 Leave, run, run girl. So she is, so she's like, I feel like you're just like such a big personality and like, I live in your shadow. He's like, well, I want to support you in whatever you do, but I also need your help. She's like, no, no, I'm not leaving the team. I'm not leaving the company,
Starting point is 01:10:15 but I just want to be a little selfish. I like think of all the sacrifices I made for you. I quit my job. I stopped what I was doing. I said, well, you were ever someone else. He was like, basically like, I gave you everything. How could you do this to me? I gave you the life that you wanted. You were working for the man. Now you can work for yourself and by yourself. I mean, for me, a different man. You worked for a man with money and now you're working for a company that just
Starting point is 01:10:38 lost $1.5 million is what I'm hearing. And she's like, no, but like, you know, I'm, I came here to help you achieve your dreams and goals and we're gonna do it together. And he goes, well, guess what? I haven't achieved them, so I need a little bit more help. I think you've achieved your dreams, which is that you started up a beverage company.
Starting point is 01:10:57 It started up, it's been a few years now. It's no longer a startup. It's a has started. Yeah. So Kyle's a has started. Yeah. So Kyle's like, yeah. So he talks about how they're losing money because for the first time ever, they've lost $1.5 million the first half of the year.
Starting point is 01:11:13 And now, if they're not making money in August, what's it gonna be like in winter when partying season's over? And now that they're going through it and Amanda wants to bail on him, which she said 19,000 times that she doesn't want to bail. But I think it's so funny how when she says what she needs, which are, hey, maybe those kids you started talking about, or maybe to move to the burbs, or maybe to get serious and not go out fucking wasted every night
Starting point is 01:11:39 in the city with strangers, she says what he wants and he acts like he won't even address it, but she says one little thing she wants, which is getting a second job. It's not even leaving her. And you're crying and sobbing and throwing a literal fucking temper tantrum. You child. You fucking child.
Starting point is 01:11:57 Grow up. The male fragility on this episode was out of control. And Kyle's like, he's like, and then he's like, I need you more than ever. I need you more than you could ever know. Now look, Amanda's a graphic designer. I envy graphic designers. I think what graphic designers do are so cool, but like he's acting like Amanda's Photoshop skills is like without them, this company is going to implode like you just hire a different graphic designer.
Starting point is 01:12:27 You can get another graphic designer. It's not the end of the world and Amanda can consult and they can say, what do you think about this? Amanda should be like, I like this, maybe just this and do something. I don't understand. This is not like we're losing Steve Jobs here. We are not like, like the company will go on with a different graphic designer. I think he likes having the control of having her there. He's the boss. He can, you know, talk to
Starting point is 01:12:53 talk to her how he wants all day, tell her what to do. Why are you on your phone? Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Because when he's not drinking, he's super serious. Well, that's the thing. Like we don't see that side on the show too much because he's always drunk. But when he's not working, he's just very like, all right, we're gonna talk about business, right? And so I think the thought, I think it's, I don't know. It's threatening to him. He has weird abandonment issues. He always gets blue-headed with this guy.
Starting point is 01:13:15 Yeah, I think of her doing anything else for anybody else and then she has a life and then she has friends and then she's going out with more people and then there's other men involved because she's talking to people at work And I think he's got a lot of control issues. Well, he doesn't like behind He doesn't like being left behind he gets upset when the party is missing out on the party
Starting point is 01:13:33 He gets upset when he's missing out on the good times He doesn't he doesn't want to be left out like there might be something better That's his own shit. He has to work on and what's the crazy part though is that she says a million times I am not leaving. I just want to develop something for myself. And he just can't hear it. And it's so obnoxious and so frustrating. And I actually, I felt so bad for Amanda because like this really actually could have been a
Starting point is 01:13:57 beautiful moment for their relationship where he says, honey, I would love nothing more to support you. And instead it's like, he's just making it about him. And so now they dock and Paige of course- I think it also might be something to do with age because I think he's so insecure about his age and being older than her. And she, you know, do you remember
Starting point is 01:14:16 like the Giggly Squad podcast is called that cause Kyle got mad and was like, ah, the Giggly Squad over there. And so they named the whole podcast, which is now like one of the top podcasts in the country, which is hilarious. But he's always had some kind of weird thing about, like she's always giggling behind his back, you know?
Starting point is 01:14:35 It's like, there they are, it's all these people giggling. Then he shows up with a mullet and he's trying to run around naked and like, oh, well, hello, the water took my pants off. And now she's like, if she goes to another job, she's just gonna be surrounded by more people her age. She's gonna be having more fun instead of just like sitting on the couch like a fuddy duddy
Starting point is 01:14:52 or being at her parents' house, you know? And I think he's probably threatened. Well also think about like all these hours and work and effort that he puts in to love her boy. And I think Gekley's squad, like Paige and Hannah are just like, hey, let's hop on the microphone and like, you know, talk about whatever we're gonna talk about.
Starting point is 01:15:10 And they're like, boom, instant success. So like, I'm sure there's like some resentment that he has there and like also some, maybe there's like, I think he just thinks he's gonna be left behind. He's putting in all this work, he's gonna be left behind. So they get back to the house. He will be, if he keeps this shit up.
Starting point is 01:15:24 Because at some point point you mature enough to where you're like, oh, it's not cute. Like you think sometimes when you're dating with someone older that they understand more than you inherently because they're older. And then you kind of realize that that's bullshit. As you get older, you realize, oh, I never knew anything more than I did when I was 15.
Starting point is 01:15:41 Like you realize what bullshit it is and that magic goes away real quick. Yeah. So they docked the boat and Paige is like, thank you so much, Captain, whoever you are, Mr. Pontoon. He's like, yeah, thanks, man. That was awesome. A little overwhelmed by the way. I don't know if I can get off this pontoon. I'm just like really overwhelmed a lot of my plate. I don't know. You're making all all about you, pontoon. It's all about you, Juulens, all the time. Ha ha ha. So back at the house, Jesse starts crying to West about being nervous.
Starting point is 01:16:12 It is so sad. It's sad that like, I feel, I just feel so bad for him. That is so, so scary. I just, you know. And then Sierra's like, where were you guys this whole time? Were you crying or something? And West's like, where were you guys this whole time? Were you crying or something?
Starting point is 01:16:25 And Wes is like, I wasn't, but dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot. Yeah, cool. So then Kyle is outside. Okay, so then Kyle comes up to, they're not outside. He comes up to Amanda and he's like, so just want you to know, can I just have two seconds of your time? I just wanna let you know in a much more calm way about how you're wrong and
Starting point is 01:16:46 you can't leave me. Yeah. Listen, it doesn't have to be a prolonged thing. I just like, as you know, our business, there's like a lot of stress. So I apologize for being a little concerned about yourself. So then he like storms off and fuck you. And he slams the door behind him and they are fucking bitch. And Gab is like, honestly, like who is slamming the door? That is not necessary.
Starting point is 01:17:11 Was that the tarot reader? Was she here all this time? Did she just slam the door? Only on fashion. So Kyle's tirading outside throwing something. He's like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, did Lindsay just not believe in your dreams? What happened?
Starting point is 01:17:29 And Kyle's like, I'm trying to pretend it's okay for me to babysit my fucking wife. Really? Cause you're the one going pee pee in your pants. She's the one who's things literally. She's the one who's literally asking to do something independently. And you're, you're so not okay. I have to always babysitter.
Starting point is 01:17:46 She's literally saying, I want to leave the house. I want to go to the movies. So he's like, Oh, so she wants to have a passion project. She wants to have a purpose. Okay, cool. Which by the way, I am like, this condescending ass line of rhetorical questions, go fuck yourself. So she, and he was like, you know what? No, I want to be? I want to be a DJ. I want to be a DJ, but right now I'm trying to build a fucking future. Imagine someone working 18 hours a day and then being ridiculed for how hard they work. Literally none of that hat. Well, I mean it happened. I mean,
Starting point is 01:18:15 Amanda has ridiculed you about a lot of things and Amanda is no angel, but in this specific situation, none of that happened. And I'm sorry that you are going through your classic midlife crisis right now. And you want to be a DJ. Um, and I'm sorry for you on many levels, that that is an ambition for you, but like, get over it. I don't think he really wants that. I think he's just saying, Oh really? So she wants to do something stupid and worthless and they're all think of something stupid and worthless. What if I did that?
Starting point is 01:18:45 He always has those speakers. Denigrating what she wants to do as if it's like some stupid childish thing. Well, but either way, either way, your interpretation, my interpretation, it doesn't matter because ultimately he's fully disparaging the notion that she wants to do something for herself. Yeah, and Carl's just looking at him.
Starting point is 01:19:04 He's like, oh, you're really pissed off. He's like, yeah, she thinks she works for me? Well, I'm like, no, if you work for me, you'd be fucking fired. Well, really, if you work for anybody else, you would be fired 1.5 million in loss this year. Shut the fuck up over there. Question, did you just say that you work 18 hours a day?
Starting point is 01:19:24 Ha. So I may have to rethink this, uh, love my position. Sorry. Ha, it's a bit much for me. Oh, so, um, I think actually, by the way, I think Amanda would like to be fired from lever boy. What part of her showing up late sleeping through meetings says that she's motivated and wants to be at this job. She's begging, begging to be fired. No, what a mess. These guys terrible. Anyway,
Starting point is 01:19:51 these couples like just terrible fucking couples. My God. Who wants to watch this? I do. I'm on the Valley. Those are more fun. Terrible. Oh no, this is wonderful for me. I'm free. This is filling up my veins. I am like her eyes her eyes bulging This is great great TV Just have to soak it in alright everyone well, thank you so much for being here It's a fun week of recaps. We'll be back next week with another full slate and we'll catch you on the next episode Bye everyone
Starting point is 01:20:46 And we'll catch you on the next episode. Bye everyone. has no less name-y. Hava Nagila Webber. Know your worth with Jason Kurtz. Sip some scotch with Jessica Trotch. She's always supplying, it's Kelly Ryan. Kristen the Piston Anderson. Let's give a kisserino to Lisa Lino. We wanna hang with Liz Lang. Megan Berg, you can't have a burger without the Berg!
Starting point is 01:21:06 The Bay Area Betches, Betches! And our super premium sponsors! Somebody get us 10 cc's of Betsy M.D. We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva! Let's get real with Kaitlyn O'Neal! Don't get salty with Christine Pepper! Can't have a meal without the Emily sides! We forever love Eva.
Starting point is 01:21:26 Nobody holds a candle to Jamie Kendall. We got our wish, it's Jen Plish. She's not harsh, she's Jill Hirsch. She's a little bit loony. Junie. My favorite Murdo. Karen McMurdo. We love him madly, it's Kyle Podshadley.
Starting point is 01:21:41 Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender. The incredible, edible Matthews sisters. Give him hell, Miss Noelle. Ring that bell pour Rachel. She's the queen bee, it's Sarah Lemke. Shannon out of a cannon, Anthony. Let's take off with Tamla Plain. She ain't no shrinkin' Violet Couture.
Starting point is 01:22:00 We love you guys. Before you go, tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at slash survey. I love a good parasocial relationship with a celebrity who will probably never know my name. I mean, honestly, who knows? Don't count yourself out. But my favorite part about these feuds is how they're ignited by the tiniest things. Jada, I love you. G.I. Jane too. Can't wait to see you. I accidentally laminated my brows too much. It starts small and then it gets so big. Hey, honest Naomi, I'm fearful of you to this day.
Starting point is 01:22:52 I don't know her. We all just have to admit, we're addicted. Everybody has opinions. Everyone picks sides. Leave Britney Spears alone right now! From Wondery, I'm Sydney Battle. And I'm Matt Bellassai. And this is Dis & Tell, where we unpack why we get so invested in these feuds
Starting point is 01:23:15 and whether or not our attention only makes the whole thing worse. Follow Dis & Tell wherever you get your podcasts.

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