Watch What Crappens - #2444 Summer House S08E15 Part 2: Carlito’s Way

Episode Date: May 31, 2024

This is the part 2 of a two-parter!It’s the moment we’ve been waiting for: Carl and Lindsay’s inevitable split on Summer House (S08E15).  Carl wants softness, Lindsay wants answers.... Now that we’ve collected all the evidence, whose side are you on?  This is a two-part recap!See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Wondry Plus subscribers can listen to watch her crap and add free right now. Join Wondry Plus in the Wondry app or on Apple podcasts. Once Upon a Beat. Join me. DJ Fuse. And my trusty turntable, Baby Scratch, for a weekly jam packed party as we remix and reimagine classic stories for the kids in your life today. Once Upon a Beat is a new kids and family podcast from Wondry and Tinkercast, where hip hop and fables meet.
Starting point is 00:00:29 Listen to Once Upon a Beat early and ad free right now on Wondry Plus. Once Upon a Beat. Once Upon a Beat. Join me, DJ Fuge, and my trusty turntable, Baby Scratch, for a weekly jam packed party as we remix and reimagine classic stories for the kids in your life today. Once Upon a Beat is a new kids and family podcast
Starting point is 00:00:53 from Wondry and Tinkercast, where hip-hop and fables meet. Listen to Once Upon a Beat early and ad-free right now on Wondry+. Once Upon a Beat. Hi everyone! welcome back. This is part two of a two part recap. If you're wondering where part one was, we'll go check in the feed and be sure to subscribe. So she's like, um, you know how you have to make yourself happy before you make anyone else happy? That's the same thing. Daniel's like, no, I just fucked the balloon guy.
Starting point is 00:01:48 She's like, I just, I just banged a brick layer. So not sure I understand this concept. Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't tell you. She there. I guess Bravo have like an interview with him or got more information about balloon guy. He's like, I'm a brick layer in the city. And I also, I also have a job working on cesspools. And I was like, wow, that's fitting. Did you come up in a keyword search for casting? That's usually what they're searching for, for, for men on this show. They're like a cesspool. Okay.
Starting point is 00:02:21 So, um, Lindsay is saying that Carl, it seems like Carl is solely dependent on her to boost his confidence, like her cheerleading him. And she just like can't believe also she's like outraged that Carl is saying things like he just needs to figure things out, make some second guess stuff, all these things where he sort of dance around the issue that like he may want to dump her, but then he's also like, Oh, but you have to come with me to Montauk. So she's like mad at him. And she's like, fuck this guy right now. I'm not going to put on a happy face. Well, he she still hasn't flown off the handle. So I think he's still like, come on, we still have a chance at Montauk in front of everybody. And she's like, no. So then people head to their cars. And Lindsay is like, so what are your thoughts? He's like, no. So then people head to their cars and Lindsay is like, so what are your thoughts? He's like, what do you want to do? She's like, yeah, I don't want a repeat of last weekend. And he's like, well, we should have a good time and enjoy ourselves. And she's like, well,
Starting point is 00:03:16 I guess I could go to Montauk if you want to. So then he's like, okay, we're going to Montauk. Okay, everybody, we're going to Montauk. And they all can't believe it. The only caveat is that I would like to ride with someone else. He goes, sweet, sweet, wow. Can't believe she would do that, wow. Meanwhile, he was the one who literally drove off without her last week, so don't get upset
Starting point is 00:03:37 that she chose a different ride. Now you know how it feels. So, of course Paige is loving this. When she's like, I don't want to drive with a girl. Paige is like, oh my God, oh my God, she won't drive with him home? Oh my God, Lindsay won't get in Carl's car to drive to Montauk? Oh my God, hold on, hold on. Chicken, guess what?
Starting point is 00:03:53 No, I know, the sky's blue. I get it. No, but guess what? Here's another thing. Carl and Lindsay are not going to go into business raising bulls. No, no, no, you don't get to tell me what's new in your world. I'm calling to give you gossip from my world,
Starting point is 00:04:08 my amazing New York world. I just stabbed, I just stabbed a swimming pool. No, Chicken, stop doing that. Okay, that's supposed to be the tan, did you stab, did you stab the tanning shelf? How many times do you have to do that? No, yeah, sorry, my bad. What were you gonna tell me?
Starting point is 00:04:25 Lindsay will not drive in the same car as Carl Chicken. Can you believe that? Can you believe that, Chicken? So then everybody gets in their cars and Lindsay's like, I wouldn't say goodbye, but I guess I'm gonna see you guys in like 10 seconds. And then all the cameras go off because it's the end of the season, but it's not over.
Starting point is 00:04:46 And also I love that Montauk is like their version of fucking in the bathroom on this show. It's like the show's version because every time they go to Montauk, they just don't show it. They're like, guys, the cast is gonna have some private time now in the bathroom known as Montauk. Yeah, they figured out a workaround
Starting point is 00:05:03 so that they can have private time, which is that they just go someplace where Bravo's not allowed. So then all of a sudden we see three days later, and this New York City and the violins are going nuts. It's like, dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun. And we know this is like a really serious moment because now we're seeing gritty New York. There's like sirens going off, like a fire truck,
Starting point is 00:05:21 like, you know, like steam coming out of the subway. It's like, dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun. Dennis France is going to come out with his ass showing. They're like, that's gritty truck, you know, like steam coming out of the subway. It's like, like Dennis France is going to come out with his ass showing. They're like, that's gritty now, you know? So Carl goes to a cafe and he meets up with Kyle. Because it used to be Danielle. It used to just cut to Danielle on a crosswalk going pie charts, pie charts. Sure. Sure.
Starting point is 00:05:40 Zoom call later. Am I right? Outdoor and CEO. So, so Carl, they're at a cafe and Carl's like, how we doing man? And Carl's like, I just like, don't know what to say, man. I'm like at a loss. Just kidding.
Starting point is 00:05:54 I can tell you an entire monologue about what just happened. Last night, are you ready? By the way, trigger warning. The following story involves bottles of Perrier being broken. All right, well, I just wanted to warn you, I'm somewhat sober right now. So all I'm going to do in this scene is open my eyes really, really wide and nod like I'm confused and not like I've been coaching you for this moment for years.
Starting point is 00:06:16 Okay, go ahead. Well, I'm at like a loss. Okay. We're getting married in like two and a half months at this point. And like we're unable to resolve conflict or communication challenges in a healthy manner. And you're trying to get into a workforce, Carl. That is what working is. That's a great thing to tell you.
Starting point is 00:06:33 That's a great thing to tell the person that you want to partner and hand you like bags of money over the next few months, by the way. Yeah. I mean, as Carl never received, I hope this email finds you well, because that's he's gonna be dealing with a lot of communication challenges. Okay. Yeah. So Carl's like, Oh, Sunday night, we got in the car, and we're driving, and we're barely speaking.
Starting point is 00:06:55 And we get back outside our apartment, and she immediately gets out of the car hastefully. Like, with haste. Yeah, full of haste, not hastily, but just full of like, she had so with haste. Yeah full of haste not hastily But just full of like she had so much haste. I was like babe. Why have so much haste right now? It's like a bit too much babe Haste not want not you know what I'm saying and we had all this bottled water and glass bottles and she's like so Hastily trying to move shit. It was hasty bro She literally shattered the bottles of water in the back of the car. And so now the back of my Kia is covered in hasty Like literally the people at Harvard were like is that hasty pudding and I was like no, it's hasty glass
Starting point is 00:07:40 Wow, what a hasty delight so then then she storms into the department, I get my stuff, I walk in behind her and the elevator door closes behind my face. Hastily. And she goes, yeah, go ahead, hastily. That was the hastiest elevator door I've ever seen in my life. And then she goes up the stairs on account of the elevator hastily going up without me and she slams the door hastily in the main bedroom and I'm like, okay, I guess I'll sleep in the other room.
Starting point is 00:08:18 Hashtag Hasty. And Carl's like, hey, how's it been since you've been back? We haven't talked, but looking back at this summer, like, how do I even tell people how our summer was? Because the only person like I was tense with and didn't get along with was my fiancee, who I'm supposed to be getting married to. And I've expressed that I'm having concerns and she doesn't take it seriously. Like we haven't had sex for three weeks.
Starting point is 00:08:42 Like we're very rarely intimate Yeah, and her response get this was I'm never going to change This is how I am. Have you ever seen someone so hasty be so slow and how they change? I can't even believe that that like hit me like a ton of hasty bricks So he's like that might be a revelation I've been running from since the beginning of our relationship. Oh, so glad you guys got engaged.
Starting point is 00:09:10 So glad you got engaged. You've been running from a lot. So Kyle's like, well, I mean, we're all protective of our relationships. Like when I like lock Amanda into her office, don't let her think about bikinis, you know? But at some point, you have to ask, what are you projecting? You know, because like you're two and a half months out. Might I remind you, sir, that when you were right before your wedding, you were literally turning on
Starting point is 00:09:36 your webcam at home and sobbing into it because it was so hard and you wanted to make sure we all saw you sobbing? What kind of advice is this to give somebody if you're their friend? He still stood behind you in your stupid terrible wedding. So Kyle says, yeah, Lindsey told me point blank that all that you're doing is like talking in circles. Actually, she said circles and circles and circles and circles, it went on for about 10 minutes.
Starting point is 00:10:02 Yeah. You look all the time. I was, I'm vaping cause I'm in Italy. So I was taking a vape from a pink lemonade crystal there. Thanks, Italia. Yeah. So Carl's like, yeah, well we do that all the time in conflict and like we go like, okay, we're just like, not gonna worry about it. But then we get into another fight and then opens up the old ship back up and
Starting point is 00:10:23 like, I'm guilty of that. Okay. And I referenced things in January that happened and like, she gave the ring back to me in the heat of a fight might add a hasty decision and she literally threw the ring at me like which is hurtful. Okay, Carl. So let me get the you're so desperate now that you're going back to a fight in January where she threw a ring at you. Come on,
Starting point is 00:10:45 Carl. This is so sad, bro. This is like, what, six months later? Come on. So it's like, yeah, she's claimed that she's grown and realizes how hurtful that was to throw the ring back, but I can't recover from that. You know, it was just so hard. And then we get into another loop of fights. I remember that stuff. Oh, how many times have you broken up with Lindsay in the past? We've seen it on this show, but now you can't get over the fact that she threw a ring at you and told you to fuck off in a fight?
Starting point is 00:11:13 Please. I know. So Kyle's like, well, are you gonna get what you need? And like, if there are things that are never gonna change and like, you feel like you're breaking the work and like she's not meeting you halfway Then what you do is hire her as your project manager and then she's forced to do things the way you want them, right? Tell her she doesn't have a 401k without you. That'll do it
Starting point is 00:11:37 And you need to be honest here yourself. You want to marry or not? He's like, I don't know Dun dun dun dun. So then Lindsay is sitting on her sofa. This is right after. It appears to be that this is right after because Carl's wearing the same outfit, right? Carl's in the same outfit. So listen, I know that I'm a broken record
Starting point is 00:12:00 about stuff like this, and I know how annoying it is, but it's the last episode, and I just have to say again, Carl did not get what he wanted by the final episode, so now he had to get it together and call the cameras back in, make sure Kyle could shoot with him so he could explain to America yet again how traumatized he is by this emotionally abusive behavior of somebody asking him
Starting point is 00:12:25 about his job prospects. By the way, he's still not working in this timeline. I'd just like to add. Okay, so he's brought up the cameras to make sure that he doesn't cancel, and now is the big scene. Lindsay knows they brought back up the cameras after shooting, so she knows something is gonna go down
Starting point is 00:12:41 with Karl right now. Now, would Karl tell her to her face? Nope, he's gonna call the cameras in and do this all on camera. So she you can see that she kind of knows what's coming but is also like, what the fuck is this guy gonna do? Maybe it's that also she's thinking, not like, oh, they picked up the cameras again, she's thinking, alright, and now
Starting point is 00:13:02 here comes the part where we film the rocky road to our wedding, but then we get married and it all works out. Like this is just like storyline. Like we all know the Bravo storyline for a wedding. Everyone loses their ship, but then there's a beautiful wedding and it's happily ever after. So she's like, well, um, I guess I'll start. I do not want to fight with you. It's just like not productive, sort of like you're working track record and kind of like you to fight with you. It's just like not productive, sort of like you're working track record. And kind of like you, kind of like you at a job. But it's like, it's like not helping either of us, sort of also like you in a workplace.
Starting point is 00:13:37 So today I was like, you know what? Maybe Carl feels like me asking questions is me belittling you or like thinking you're not capable. Maybe he's just a fragile wuss of a human being. And then I was like, no, but where would that come from? Because we've had so many conversations, you know, last fall, like when, you know, like I was your sounding board for everything you were trying to figure out for Loverboy when you hated it. Remember when you hated it and then said you never worked there again? Well, I'm turning to Shannon Bedore. Pete Slauson Yeah, you did turn to Shannon Bedore there. We had two Shannon shows this week, so maybe that's why.
Starting point is 00:14:10 Pete Slauson I know. Pete Slauson But yeah, she's like, okay, so first of all, you know, starting with the whole, okay, maybe you feel like I'm belittling you. Like, at least she's put some thought into it, you know? So, she's like, but you know, you were talking to me about Lover Boy and now you're kind of making me the enemy here. You know, it's like, first you're asking me for help on getting out of Loverboy and now that you want back into Loverboy, you're making me the enemy.
Starting point is 00:14:34 So what's going on here? You know? And she's like, how could your needs change that much in the last two weeks? Now, on the other hand, I know we've been giving Carl shit this entire episode. Lindsay, this has not just been two weeks. This has on the other hand, I know we've been giving Carl shit this entire episode. Lindsay, this has not just been two weeks. This has been the whole summer
Starting point is 00:14:48 that this has been a fucking disaster. And it's been since last summer, really, even though they were doing the over-loving thing last summer, that was so painfully fake to watch, and overcompensative, is that a word? To watch, that we knew that was bullshit. So obviously this has not just been two weeks. Yeah, and so she keeps on saying like,
Starting point is 00:15:10 oh, suddenly everything changed in the past two weeks. Nothing, like you said, there have been found, obviously there's foundational issues if you got into a fight that was big enough that you threw the ring at his chest, two months into your engagement, three months into your engagement. So she's like, I'm like, when your needs change, it feels like you
Starting point is 00:15:25 started assuming like the worst of me. And like, all of a sudden I'm like the enemy for asking questions. And it's true. He does assume the worst in her. So I was like, no, no, no, you're not the enemy for asking questions. I have tried over and over to explain that I'm feeling very anxious and very overwhelmed about making a career choice. And I've asked for you to be a little more comforting and excited and positive
Starting point is 00:15:45 versus questioning, and this has been going on for a long time. You're overwhelmed about whether or not to take like a part-time work consulting for Kyle's company? I mean, come on now, just get a job. Well, he's making it that he has to come up with his whole career decision right now. So that's what's stressing him out, you know? And so he's like, and we've talked about sobriety
Starting point is 00:16:09 and you keep saying, you're pigeon holding, you're, okay, so this is where he lists every thing. He goes, yo, we've talked about monetizing sobriety, which I don't know that that's the best. Listen, I know that I'm not in this relationship, but monetizing sobriety isn't the best idea. Like that's not an industry, you know what I mean? Well, it's also, I won't say it's not the best idea, but it's not the first thing. He's not the first person to come up with it, you know? And I have to say, I have to imagine
Starting point is 00:16:40 there are a lot of people who are fresh out of recovery, who kind of do this, who kind of are, who kind of do this, who kind of think it. Cause you know what it's like when we all get excited about something, you're doing something, it's improving your life, you get excited about it and you're like, this is what I wanna do. But it's like, a lot of people felt that way
Starting point is 00:16:55 to before you, right? So, you know, so he's like, you know, well you said I was pigeonholing myself. You said you're not an actor. What do you mean you wanna do that? Which by the way, did Carl want to be an actor? Was he saying he wanted to take acting classes? So Carl, that's your other brilliant idea, Carl.
Starting point is 00:17:09 You wanted to be an actor. So a 40 year old who's never done anything in acting or has any experience or never shown any, like it's just so easy. You could just walk, you know that actors actually get training and make an effort to do that, right? Oh, training. Carl. Oh, nevermind. So he's like, what do you mean you want to do that. Oh, training. Carl, nevermind.
Starting point is 00:17:25 So he's like, what do you mean you want to do that? Like, oh, and then I talked about a sober bar, and you said, that's not going to work. It's not going to work. And then he goes, oh, and then I talked about cigars. Cigars, Carl? What? What do you mean you want to do that?
Starting point is 00:17:39 Cigars? We've never seen you smoke a cigar once on this show. Maybe once, maybe once. But it's not like a thing for you. Yeah, he's ridiculous. He has no direction at all. So he's basically just throwing shit at the wall. Well, I could sell cigars. Oh, no, I could be an actor.
Starting point is 00:17:58 Oh, no. How about a bar that doesn't serve alcohol? Oh, no. Maybe I could charge people for me being sober. Oh, no. what do you mean? That's not a good idea. What the fuck, Carl? So she's like, Carl, over the past two weeks,
Starting point is 00:18:11 we've talked about this extensively. So it's the same conversation. He goes, well, we tried to, but guess what happened? Sunday night happened. She's like, what are you talking about? He's like, Sunday night, we got to a point where you pulled out a phone and you tell me you're gonna record the conversation.
Starting point is 00:18:27 Carl, you know you're one manipulative gaslighter if someone needs to record the conversation and tells you about it. If somebody's like, Carl, I'm gonna record this conversation because you keep twisting my words around. That means you're a manipulative asshole. What do you think you're proving by bringing this up right now?
Starting point is 00:18:46 Yeah, and she's like I'll tell you I was talking about Labor Day and how I didn't want to go to Montauk It's y'all you kept repeating yourself. I'm pretty awesome. She's like, yeah, I went down a list I might by the way about to speak I went down a list as to why I want to be chill on Labor Day then I went to like hey, I think it'd be really important for us to like, you know reconnect just have something like one-on-one time because Like we haven't really had that this summer Hey, I think it'd be really important for us to like, you know reconnect just have something like one-on-one time because like we have Really had that this summer we have it out of date and then you went and said like you need to do this You need to change and this is who you are and I turned around and I said why did you propose to me?
Starting point is 00:19:14 You've known me for eight years. I'm the same person that you proposed to I'm confused and then you said Honestly, I don't know why I proposed to you And at that point I said I should start recording you because you're saying really nasty things to me. And I didn't record anything. So basically, he got really nasty in the car. And she said, Okay, well, I should start recording this. So you know how nasty you're being because every time he gets nasty, like when he got nasty. And she said this, he's acting like cocaine, Carl, when he gets like that, and everybody's still up in arms over that Her saying that, like you were acting like you were when you were on cocaine, you know? And so she's saying, okay, I'm going to start recording you because it's going to be another time where you insist that you never did this. Right. And so she goes, but I didn't record anything.
Starting point is 00:19:57 And he goes, yeah, but you said that you were and you pulled your phone out and she goes, yeah. And then you thought I was recording. So you started manipulating the recording by saying, stop screaming at me, Lindsey, Lindsey, stop screaming at me. And that is so fucking Carl. The minute he thinks a tape recorder is on, he's like, abuse, abuse, she's abusing me. Carl, you are such a fucking gaslighting piece of shit.
Starting point is 00:20:19 And I love that you're bringing all this up right now to act like you're proving a point in favor of yourself. Idiot. Yeah. And by the way, like I think Lynn, even if, and even if it were true, cause he says, I'm not manipulating, I'm telling the truth. I think Lindsay screaming at you is still like not as bad as you say, I don't even know how I got engaged in the first place. Like that's much nastier. So Lindsay's like, I'm trying to understand desperately what you need from me and that I can adjust but like it's sometimes
Starting point is 00:20:47 Glad because like when you get angry and raise your voices thing insults He's like we literally live in like two different worlds like if you like that There's a reality unlike what you spin the reality to be you're like a black widow I'm like you're really gifted at playing victim. You've been gifted at that since I've known you It's more than just yourself in the relationship And like you're really gifted at playing victim. You've been gifted at that since I've known you. It's more than just yourself in the relationship. So if you've known that since you've known her, why the hell are you engaged?
Starting point is 00:21:10 You're in their first place, Carl. And how is she playing victim again? You're literally the one sitting here crying again. You're dumping her. So it's like, yeah. She's literally the victim. You've been playing the victim since I've known you and it's more than just yourself in this relationship, Lindsay.
Starting point is 00:21:24 You say it's a partnership, it's not a partnership. This is your show that I just pay the rent to be part of. So now Carl wants a gold medal for paying rent. This guy. This guy. Commercials, here comes one right now. Peyton, it's happening. We're finally being recognized for being very online.
Starting point is 00:21:46 It's about damn time. I mean, it's hard work being this opinionated. And correct. You're such a Leo. All the time. So if you're looking for a home for your worst opinions, if you're a hater first and a lover of pop culture second, then join me, Hunter Harris, and me, Peyton Dix, the host of Wanderys newest podcast, Let Me Say This.
Starting point is 00:22:03 As beacons of truth and connoisseurs of mess, we are scouring the depths of the internet so you don't have to. We're obviously talking about the biggest gossip and celebrity news. Like it's not a question of if Drake got his body done, but when. You are so messy for that, but we will be giving you the b-sides, don't you worry. The deep cuts, the niche, the obscure. Like that one photo of Nicole Kidman after she finalized her divorce from Tom Cruise Mother a mother to many
Starting point is 00:22:28 Follow let me say this on the wonder EAP or wherever you get your podcast listen to episodes everywhere on May 22nd Or you can listen ad free by joining wonder E plus in the wonder EAP on Apple podcast I'm Elena an autopsy technician and I I'm Ash, a hairstylist. And we just love swapping stories about all of the morbid things that fascinate us. And if you do too, join us on our podcast, Morbid. It's a safe space to let your weirdo flag fly. On Morbid, we cover dark historical events, sinister science, unnerving paranormal events, and sordid high society murders.
Starting point is 00:23:06 We also dive deep into the most notorious crimes in history. Our podcast is grounded in rigorous and painstaking research. We're also not afraid to read a b****. We keep it weird because a dash of snark is necessary to get through grotesque true tales of demented minds. So follow Morbid on the Wondery app or wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen to Morbid early and ad-free right now
Starting point is 00:23:30 by joining Wondery Plus. I'm Shimon Liayi, and I have a new podcast called The Competition. Every year, 50 high school senior girls compete in a massive scholarship competition. I wouldn't say I have an ego problem, but I'm extremely competitive. All of the competitors are used to being the best and the brightest, and they're all vying for a huge cash prize. This will probably be the most intense thing you've ever gone through in your life.
Starting point is 00:24:00 I remember that feeling, because I was one of them. I lost. But now I'm coming back as a judge and also a kind of teen girl anthropologist. Because if you want to understand what it's like to be a young woman in America today, the competition's not a bad place to start. Hopefully no one will die on stage tonight. From Pineapple Street Studios and Wondry, this is The Competition. Follow the competition on the Wondry app or wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen to the competition early and ad free right now by joining Wondry Plus. So Lindsey's like, I've spent, listen, I've been listening to you.
Starting point is 00:24:39 I haven't been fighting with you. Just give me some grace here. And he's like, I've given you so much grace. It's not even funny. And this has been happening since we started dating and it's, I'm very controlled. Like you want to talk about how I should spend my career? Yeah. And you don't have a career. Yeah. And he goes, yeah. And I got that.
Starting point is 00:24:59 We're like we're in a partnership and it matters what I do with my career, but I brought up different things the past year, but like time and time again, you're over questioning, you bulldoze over me and you call me a loser. This is just male fragility right here, by the way, everyone, this is just a guy who does not have his shit together and cannot deal with it. And she's basically calling him out on it. And he cannot deal with the fact that he has stagnated,
Starting point is 00:25:25 essentially. And he cannot deal with the fact that he has stagnated, essentially. So she's like, I'm in charge of my own feelings and emotions and I'm not gonna blame those on you because that's what he's doing to her. And so he goes, yeah, well, you call me things. You call me a little bitch. You call me a little baby. You call me a mama's boy.
Starting point is 00:25:40 You say things like run home to your parents and complain about it. And now listen, I know that he's telling the truth because all of those things are a hundred percent true And I'm glad that somebody's telling him because he sure fuck. He sure as fuck needs to hear it. So good on her for even that He's like he's like upset that she said run home to your parents when he literally had an episode He's like well, I ran home to my parents and there's what they said. So Lindsey's like, where are we going? Where is this coming from over the past two weeks? And he's like, well, where have you been in this relationship the past 12 months?
Starting point is 00:26:11 Look back at your text messages. Look at the things you've said to me. I don't think you trust me By the way, the last 12 months. Do you remember you just said what happened 12 months ago? You got engaged her you got engaged her You're sitting here saying that she was terrible to you for 12 months, and at the same time you're saying, remember when I got proposed to you? What did you propose to her if it was terrible? What's going on here? So she's been nothing but a terrorist
Starting point is 00:26:36 since you got engaged to her, and you're wondering why she would call you a little bitch and a wuss for not getting out of it? What is wrong with you? You can't have it both ways, Carl. So he's like, yeah, oh, so this is, he goes even lower. He goes, yeah, and you know what? I don't think you trust me.
Starting point is 00:26:53 I think you think I'm gonna relapse, and I think you want me to relapse, and I think you want me to fall back so you can control me even more. Oh, really? How about you want her, how about you wanna be with someone who's drinking because you think you can always blame them for being a drunk and you always have a get out of jail
Starting point is 00:27:11 free card whenever you fucking fight. That's really fucking low, Carl. Carl's, Carl's, this new thing of like, you're controlling me or you wanna control me, you wanna control me. This really does reek of like midlife crisis mail, right? Like someone who is powerless in his life because he hasn't made good decisions and is not strong enough to make the good decisions or is,
Starting point is 00:27:33 or shies away from making them then decides to blame it externally on someone and being like, they're controlling me. If it weren't for you guys controlling me, I would be so successful and so happy and so wonderful, but you're controlling me I would be so successful and so happy and so wonderful but you're controlling me it just reeks of it it's kind of like pathetic so he's like I I think we've been like trying to make things work to make the solution like we continue to trigger each other and like I don't look like that like we're supposed to be married in two and a half months I'm like I'm not ready to do that Lindsay's like why she's like shocked I will give this one to Carl. You're right. You should not be living this way. Neither of you should be. You guys should not be in a relationship. And it is kind of wild that Lindsay is shocked by any of this. Like this is a terrible relationship.
Starting point is 00:28:15 I think the reason I think she's shocked. Well, first of all, I agree with you and I'm glad they're breaking up because they do not need to be together. And even Carl, I don't like Carl right now, but I like Karl in general. And I think that Karl deserves love, and he does deserve someone that he's right for, you know, and that's right for him. And this is not it. And I feel like they're both in subtle mode. And I think Lindsay is shocked. I think she's genuinely shocked because now that I've seen it all play out and seen how she's reacting to Karl, I think when they go to therapy together and she's learning all of this, like how to work things out in a relationship, like, you know, when you were saying earlier, relationships aren't
Starting point is 00:28:52 difficult, they shouldn't be difficult. Well, the people like Lindsay, they are, she's got a lot of issues and we've seen them play out on the show. She's never been able to have a relationship. So I think when she goes to therapy with somebody and they're like, I'm going to, we're going to work this out no matter what. And this is how you talk through an issue and this is how you don't react to things and fight. And this is how you do this. And so she starts putting all those things into action. She's thinking we can have all these conversations, but I'm doing what the therapist told me to do and that's positive because we're still having all these conversations and this is it. I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing in a relationship.
Starting point is 00:29:30 So when he turns it around and says, fuck you, like we're not in a relationship. She's like, well, I thought the whole point was that we're going to stay together and work through this no matter what. Or she's just thinking. Nope. Or she's just thinking, wait, but we're supposed to be filming our wedding, it's gonna be a big thing on Bravo. What's going on? Well, that's true too.
Starting point is 00:29:53 So, Carl's like, he's like, I'm hurt, I'm like really unhappy, I just don't think our communication is gonna improve. She goes, what happened the last two weeks? She's still hanging onto this thing, like something happened in two weeks. And he's like, well, at what point do we look in the mirror and say, we love each other, but this isn't working out.
Starting point is 00:30:12 Sorry, I stole that last part for when I had my last job. This isn't working out, sorry, sorry. Yeah, so he's like, I just don't know what to do. And we've been trying to make it work, but I'm not ready to get married. And so, um, he's like, you know, the way the fights we have, they're not normal and I can't live like this and I'm not going to commit to going to couples therapy for the rest of my life because I can't live like that. And you can't either, which I think is fair for you.
Starting point is 00:30:46 Well, yeah, but he's probably going to need it because this is beyond couples therapy. So he needs therapy, but he's basically like, he's like, he's like we've been in couples therapy. Like he's like, we've been broken since the beginning. I think that they thought they were going to be able to therapy their way into happiness. And he's basically like, no, we're foundationally fucked and we're just going to keep going to couples therapy and it's never going to fix these issues.
Starting point is 00:31:08 Yeah. So basically, that's it. You know, he's like, I this isn't working. And she's like, well, I'm not going to beg you to be with me. And he's like, I don't want you to beg me to be with you. And she's like, Okay, so I guess you've made the decision. And he's like, I, so I guess you've made the decision. And he's like, I've been trying to get us on the same page for a year. And she's like, well, okay. So that's it. And he's like, well, I just don't make you happy, I don't support you the way that you need. And, and she's, she's now angry that like, he made this choice without her. Like it's like, oh, okay. So he just, cause that's kind of the theme here. it's like, oh, okay. So he just,
Starting point is 00:31:45 because that's kind of the theme here. It's like, he's going to just handle this career, like whatever the career thing is, he doesn't want her in, but he's going to do it without her. And now it's like, oh, and I decided this is what we're going to do. Like this was too tough. So I'm, I've decided this is over. So this is just feeding into her abandonment issues, right? Just left behind. And he was, yeah, I agree with you. He was handed a job by Kyle. This guy who did not do anything to deserve it was handed a job by Kyle. He was handed everything. Then he decided he couldn't do it. He couldn't stick with the commitment of it. So he used Lindsay to villainize Kyle. He villainized Kyle to Lindsay, got
Starting point is 00:32:18 rid of that monster. He slayed that monster. Then things were peaceful for a while and he needed another monster to slay and it was Lindsay. So now he's gonna pretend like he just overcame this huge thing. He's gonna go work for Kyle again and then he's gonna need another monster to slay and it's gonna be someone close to him that he could betray because he's too lazy to even go outside of his friend circle to find someone to fucking betray. So he goes, now he has his own little mini monologue, he goes, I don't think you trust me. I think you think I'm going to relapse.
Starting point is 00:32:47 I think you think I'm not capable as a human being of making money. I think you think I'm sensitive and not a man. I think you think I lack confidence. I think you think I have an anger problem. Carl, you've been untrustworthy in the past. You've had issues with substances in the past. You haven't been capable of making
Starting point is 00:33:06 money. You have been sensitive and you have lacked confidence and you have been anger, angry. So yeah, she would, all of those things are true. I will leave the relapse out of it, you know, because I don't think that's cool, but I would leave that out of it. But for all of the other ones, yeah. So I'm trust you. I don't think you're capable of a human being that makes money. I do think you're too sensitive. I think you lack confidence and I think you have an anger problem. And I don't think it's crazy for anybody who's even watched this show for five minutes to think that. I actually believe that I'm actually, I actually, I actually would not leave the relapse thing out of it. Not saying, it's not questioning him
Starting point is 00:33:46 and like his strength and his commitment to his sobriety, but I think that probably as a partner to someone who has gone through that, I think that is probably a concern that lingers in the back of her head. It just probably is. And like, it's not to be like, oh, well, cause like he, that's just what he would do.
Starting point is 00:34:02 But like, he says all these things as if they're totally unwarranted and unfounded. Like it's just absolutely bizarre that she would think any of these things. But these are all very real things because he has had a spotty record with his employment. We joke, we always say, he gets fired from every job. But honestly, his employment's been very bad on this show.
Starting point is 00:34:19 So like she has reasons to believe that like have has reasons to be concerned about his ability to make money. She has, she has reasons to be concerned about his ability to make money. She has reasons to be concerned that there might be a relapse in the future. He says, oh, she's crazy for all these things. But prove her wrong. Prove her wrong. So now the producer, Lindsay goes off to the bedroom and the producer is like, I'm just
Starting point is 00:34:41 checking to see if you're all right. And she's like, well, I just don't know what they fucking want from me. Like, what are they like? You've come, you brought the cameras back up again, you brought them back here, you've humiliated me on camera. And now what am I supposed to do? Lose my shit? Start throwing things? What do you want? What do you want? Like, get out of my room, bro. Yeah. Geez. So she just calls her dad and she tells him, you know, okay, well, the conversation, because of course she's like, oh my God, Carl's called the cameras back up, you know? So what the fuck is going on today? So she calls to update him and she's like, well, he showed up to
Starting point is 00:35:15 the conversation already with the decision and he didn't want to repair anything. He didn't want to hear what I had to say. He just wants to call off the wedding and break up. And the dad just goes, oh boy. But I feel like the dad was probably like, oh boy. Oh boy, yes. Dad was excited that the dad supported this 100%. And then the producer's asking Carl if he needs more time, and he's like, I don't even know, like, try my best.
Starting point is 00:35:39 And like, I've really given it my all. I thought like this would work. Like, I know relationships are hard. Oh, they're hard But maybe I just like question my own sanity like am I crazy? I feel like I'm crazy at the time because like I know my experience But then I hear her rendition of it and I feel even crazier while she's just like a witch woman casting spells I don't understand anymore Yeah, like he's not fucking gaslighting 24 hours a day. So
Starting point is 00:36:04 Yeah, like he's not fucking gaslighting 24 hours a day. So she's going off to her dad about like, she's not going to try and convince him and relationships take work and if he's not going to do it and then it cuts back to him and he's like, I don't want to hurt her. I care about her, but I just don't understand how it could work. You know, like I can hear their conversation and she's saying things like all of a sudden, it's not all of a sudden. And that's the crazy part. You know, it's like fight after fight. I mean, in this building, we had a noise complaint and she got an email from
Starting point is 00:36:29 the landlord saying there's like been complaints. Like, I'm just always going to lose. I'm always going to lose. Why are you making it sound like she's been so mean to you that you're getting noise complaints? That means that you're both fighting so loudly that you're getting a complaint. Please stop trying to be like this beat little boy. I'm just not buying it, dude. And he's like, yeah, she's going to spin this and tell everyone she's blindsided and caught off guard and I'm going to be an asshole again and my life will be canceled, but she'll be the fallen woman who everyone's going to feel sorry for.
Starting point is 00:36:59 Which explains his behavior the entire season. I mean, this really is. Exactly. Try to avoid. This really is the jinx where the guy just walks into the bathroom and confesses to all the murders. What did people say that, what were people comparing that to? They were bringing up the jinx in the comments of a show recently. It was so funny. I have no idea. But just reuse it again for this fucking stupid Carl. You almost made it Carl.
Starting point is 00:37:23 Yeah. So 48 hours later headlines break everywhere and so the women all decide to gather at Danielle's apartment of all places and Paige is like wow I feel like your apartment is our meeting zone and it's I just didn't think we'd end the season on such a sad note. Wow this is really where you live Danielle? Wow. This is really sad. Really sad. Lindsay, no, your apartment. Danielle's like, she's like, I got Prosecco,
Starting point is 00:37:52 I've never hosted one of these before, I just didn't think that when the cameras came back up, I'd be hosting it, it's sort of strange. Paige is like, okay, yeah, well, okay, we'll get through this, you're lucky, you're lucky bitch, because we have our own issues. So she's like, yeah, yeah, well, okay, we'll get through this. You're lucky, you're lucky bitch because we have our own issues. So she's like, yeah, it's so crazy to find out
Starting point is 00:38:09 about your friends in the news, you know? And Danielle's like, yeah, well, on Sunday, they really were not good. She was texting me saying that they're fighting and then they sat in silence for two hours from Montauk. And Paige goes, wow. And Paige is like, yeah, you know, she was like, I texted Carl and I was like,
Starting point is 00:38:25 I love you, you'll be okay. And he said, thanks Paige, love you too. Absolute nightmare with leaks and everything. I feel everything that, like I blindsided her. Everybody thinks I blindsided her or maliciously had cameras set up so I could break things off, which is not what I was trying to do.
Starting point is 00:38:37 Carl, look at Carl, he can't even just say thanks. He has to like get a paragraph in text for her to read on camera to excuse himself. You did pull up the cameras to dump her and blindside her, Carl. You fucking did. You even had a scene with Kyle before to affirm it. Just be a man, dude.
Starting point is 00:38:55 Admit what you're doing. Stop trying to like run around and be so backhanded with every single thing. Say it, Lee. Yeah, exactly. I did pull up the cameras because we're living our authentic lives and that's what we're supposed to do.
Starting point is 00:39:08 And everybody supported this relationship so everybody should get to see me break up with her. At least be honest. Yeah, exactly. And Gabby's great because she doesn't feel bad for him whatsoever. She's like, he knows what he was doing. And Paige is like, well, he did them both a favor.
Starting point is 00:39:23 They shouldn't have been getting married. He should never have been even proposed to her. You know, her heart, she can't take it at that age. And so Gabby's like, yeah, well, that was some fucked up shit at Sunday anyway. And so they're basically, then Amanda's doing, well, they both did fucked up shit to each other. Of course Amanda's here to stick up for the men. Of course. Oh, you know, the boys, I mean, I understand both sides. We shouldn't point fingers.
Starting point is 00:39:47 We didn't witness everything that went down. Okay, Amanda, okay, Amanda, whose husband doesn't even support her doing one simple fucking thing for herself. Amanda, we know you're a wuss in your relationship. Don't try to get it all over everybody else, okay? Exactly, so then Sierra's like, Okay, okay, let's give Daniela victory lap. Daniel, I would love to hear your thoughts.
Starting point is 00:40:11 Because last year, you know, it was what it was. I'm not, you know, not, you know, telling you to have a night told you so a moment, but I can see the way that you're clutching the kitchen counter and containing that smile on your face. You just really want to say I told you also. Yeah. And she's like, No, I would never say I told you so I literally started crying mostly because balloon guy was so good at fucking me. God, I love deck. Have I mentioned that? But um,
Starting point is 00:40:37 yeah, I told you so. Basically, I told you so. Yeah. So Gabby's like, Yeah, um, I knew like he was at the bridal shower and he was posting on Instagram, you're going to make the most beautiful bride. And then the way he did it, no unforgivable. He knew what he was doing. She literally just tried on her wedding dress. See, Carl had all the energy to show up for all the, you know, the performative things, you know, to show up at the, at the bridal shower and where everyone can go,
Starting point is 00:41:09 and post things on Instagram where he could look like sweet little boy, charming, like just the nicest guy. But, um, he was so in love with her. What did she do to him to turn it from that, that sweet guy in a pink suit at a bridal shower into being broken up? She must have done something really, really terrible. And then he was going to make sure that she did do something really terrible by poking at her until she blew up, but she never did. So sorry. Now everybody sees what you've been doing this whole time. You fucking loser. You can't even do that right. So then the
Starting point is 00:41:40 doorbell rings and everyone's like shocked. Like, I can't believe there's someone else coming. And it's Lindsay and she's crying. And Paige is like, oh, I didn't expect you to be crying. I didn't expect you to be here at all. I don't know what to do right now. I'm supposed to still be friends with you. Do you hear that we've banned sock hops in America? Oh, yes. I didn't know you had moisture left.
Starting point is 00:42:03 So Paige is like... It's kind of a reference to arrest development. I didn't know you had moisture left. So Paige is like, it's kind of a reference to rest development. So Paige is like, it's okay. You know what? He did you a favor, please. And you didn't want to marry that man anyway. Let him go, let him go. By the way, this is what you get
Starting point is 00:42:18 for not inviting me to your wedding. Ha ha ha, ha ha ha. Ha ha ha. But that was the best line of the night. That's what you get. So Lindsay's like, I just don't understand. I mean, how do you do this to your best friend? Like, I mean, I'm totally blindsided.
Starting point is 00:42:33 And she just goes through this whole monologue of crying and stuff and everybody's just looking at her. She's like, all these dumb boys I dated, I was comparing them all to Carl. It's always been Carl and I just can't believe this." And then all the girls are like, boo, sorry, no, you guys hate each other. They're like, you've been fighting all summer long, what are you talking about? She's like, yeah. And then Lindsay just stops and looks at them like, oh. And they change it around, which I was not expecting, but they all change it. and they're like, no, Lindsay, you guys are not meant for each other.
Starting point is 00:43:07 And Paige says, yeah, he did you a favor, just let him go. Cause in a year you could be married with the baby, I don't know how, but you know, miracles do happen and it could be the love of your life. So just let him go so someone else can come in, you know? And you said, I'll stay in it, I'll work on this with you, I'll marry you and this is going to be my life. And you expected this was going to be your life, but even you deserve way more
Starting point is 00:43:30 than that, Lindsay, okay. Even you get a literal crutch. If you need help walking, not, not a hairy unemployed man or a hairy doobin. So then, um, the girls are like, so that bachelorette trip you were gonna take like to Mexico, should we just do that instead? And she's like, oh sure, fine, we can do that. And then she tells Paige, I can finally give you my invitation. And they all are laughing. And it ends on this fun note of the girl saying, fuck this situation. We're going to go to Mexico. We're so we're going to celebrate Lindsay, which is really good. I loved it.
Starting point is 00:44:09 I love that it ended with all the girls fucking being peaceful and hugging at the end of the season that has, I don't think that's ever happened on this show. Yeah. It was really, really nice to see it after a year of this shit of the men being just toxic shit heads for a season to end like this. I loved it. Yeah, it was, it was really, it was a really, hang up on me. You're like, yeah, fuck off Ronnie click. I was like,
Starting point is 00:44:35 how dare you, you beast. No, it was great. It was, it was riveting television. I thought it was fascinating. I think this whole season has been fantastic. I think, you know, the season has been fantastic in multi-dimensional ways. You know, this Carl Lindsay thing has been super fascinating to me, but also the Kyle and Amanda stuff. I think we got two great, you know, casting wins
Starting point is 00:44:57 out of Jesse and West, and Sierra has shown different sides of her personality that have been wonderful. Paige has had a banner season with her commentary, standing up for all the right things. It's just been like, it's just been a great time to be a Summerhouse fan and it's getting record numbers and I understand why. It's just so good. It's so good and I'm so proud of this show. I'm excited for this reunion. But you know what though, on the note of that reunion, our recap will be up slightly late. The reunion, we're still going to be on our European vacation. But when we get back,
Starting point is 00:45:30 we shall recap the reunion. So it'll be a few days late, but we'll still cover it. Yeah, so we are going to be doing some stuff next week. But we do have a full week of shows. Real Housewives of Dubai returns. so we will be back Monday. We've already recorded that. It's epic. It's a really fun show and it's a really fun recap. And then the next day, we will also have a recap for Below Deck Mediterranean.
Starting point is 00:45:56 That's gonna be a two-parter. That's a huge, epic recap. That's a great, they're gonna have a great season, we think. And then we're gonna release all of our live shows that we've been doing here in Europe. So we've got three of those classics coming up. And I think we've got something else, but I don't remember what it was. So who knows? But we will be here all week next week with shows, so don't go anywhere. And then when we come back for new shows, we'll be back with more Dubai.
Starting point is 00:46:20 We'll catch up with what we've missed, which is New Jersey, and continue on with everything else. So thanks so much for being here. We sure love you guys, and we will talk to you next time. Bye! Bye! Ashley Savoni, she don't take no baloney! Strolling the park with Caitlin Clark! She's not just a Sheila, she's a Daniela! Itchels! Erin McNicholas, she don't miss no trickles! She's never scary, it's the green fairy! Jamie, she has no last name-y!
Starting point is 00:46:55 Hava Nagila Webber! Know your worth with Jason Kurtz! Zip some scotch with Jessica Tratch! She's always supplying, it's Kelly Ryan! Kristen the Piston Anderson! Let's give a kisserino to Lisa Lino. We want to hang with Liz Lang. Megan Berg, you can't have a burger without the Berg. The Bay Area Betches Betches. And our super premium sponsors. Somebody get us 10 cc's of Betsy MD. We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva.
Starting point is 00:47:25 Let's get real with Kaitlyn O'Neal. Don't get salty with Christine Pepper. Can't have a meal without the Emily sides. We for Eva love Eva. Nobody holds a candle to Jamie Kendall. We got our wish, it's Jen Plish. She's not harsh, she's Jill Hirsch. She's a little bit loony.
Starting point is 00:47:43 Junie. My favorite Murdo Karen McMurdo we love him madly it's Kyle Pod Shadley let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender the incredible edible Matthew sisters give him hell miss Noel ring that belt for Rochelle she's the Queen Bee it's Sarah Lemke Shannon out of a cannon Anthony let's take off with Tamla Plain she ain't no shrinking violet Hey Prime members, you can listen to Watch or Crappen's ad free on Amazon Music. Download the Amazon Music app today. Or you can listen ad free with Wondry Plus in Apple Podcasts.
Starting point is 00:48:22 Before you go, tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at slash survey. It was the biggest scandal in pop music. The stars of Milli Vanilli, the Grammy-winning multi-platinum R&B phenomenon, were exposed as frauds. But none of this was their idea. So whose idea was it? Enter German music producer Frank Farian. He saw the success of acts like Michael Jackson and Prince, and he wanted in no matter the cost. So he devised the perfect pop heist. Two once-in-a-lifetime talents who were charismatic, full of sex appeal, and phenomenal dancers. The only problem? They couldn't sing. But Frank knew just how to fix that. Wondery's new podcast, Blame It on The Fame, dives into one of pop music's greatest controversies and takes a never-before-heard look at the exploitation of two young Black artists.
Starting point is 00:49:10 Milli Vanilli set the world on fire, but when the truth came out, Rob and Fab were the only ones who got burned. Looking back now, it's hard not to wonder, why did everyone blame them and not the man pulling the strings? Follow Blame It On The Fame, Millie Vanille on the Wondery app or wherever you get your podcasts. You can binge all episodes of Blame It On The Fame early and ad free right now by joining Wondery+.

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