Watch What Crappens - #2492 RHOC S18E02: Living in Gina’s Head Rent Free, Part 2

Episode Date: July 19, 2024

This is part 2 of a two-parterGina has a major bone to pick with Jenn on Real Housewives of Orange County. Whose side are you on?  Meanwhile, Shannon makes amends with Heather and Gina, ...and the new girl Katie loves golf. Watch this recap as a video and get our Love Island bonus episodes at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Wondry Plus subscribers can listen to Watch Your Crappins ad free right now. Join Wondry Plus in the Wondry app or on Apple Podcasts. Watch What Crappens! Watch What Crappens! Guess what happens when there's so much that happens! let's get right back into the recap. So Jen is like, oh, well, and how are you and Heather now? Oh, well, oh, you're asking me. Oh, well, I don't know. I never know. I never know. It's like, you know, what was in the wind? Which way was the wind blowing?
Starting point is 00:00:52 You never know. I was like, yes, well, wind is an important factor in golf. Okay, Jen, Katie, I get it. I understand the golf thing. We're moving forward. So I'm sorry, I got lost in my notes. Okay, so then we go to Shannon saying like, what's your beef, Jen? Because Jen's like, yeah, I got into it with Gina, you know, I was going to talk to her at Heather's party, but you know, time and place. And really,
Starting point is 00:01:17 frankly, I don't have either either of those things. I'm out of time and I don't have a place. So that was hard. And Shannon's like, what is your beef? She's like, God, I don't have a beef or any beef. Do you have any beef? I don't even care if it's old. Did you know that you can eat beef a week after the expiration date? I've tried it. You learned so much from Tiger King. So Emily is like, Emily's FaceTimeing Gina. She goes, why do you look so pretty? And why is your lighting so good?
Starting point is 00:01:48 She's, oh my God, why I look pretty? Because I'm working. And to be honest, like I'm actually like a little bit irritated right now. I'm like, you don't say you're irritated. Literally every scene we ever see you in. Yeah, because she's her. Her career is being ruined by Jan. Okay, it's like being ruined You know, you know that like that like I put Jen in that house, right?
Starting point is 00:02:11 You know, cuz I've it's all I talk about is how I put her in that house Well, guess what? That's having like an impact on me cuz I had a deal lined up and I had to get a cash buyer And I had to get a cash buyer quickly and I knew this agent would be able to bring me a cash buyer, and guess what? I couldn't get my cash buyer, and that cost me $50,000 of cash buying a missing fees, okay? So when that deal fell apart, like I lost money.
Starting point is 00:02:37 Okay, so she's saying she had a house that she was selling and they wanted a cash buyer, and the only realtor who knew people that wanted to buy things with cash wouldn't text Gina back. So Gina back. So now that's Jen's fault. Gina, you're so bad at this. Like, I don't, you're so bad at this. That doesn't even make sense. You're as, you're as good of a realtor as you are a housewife. Yeah. I feel like that's, this is a, this, this feels tenuous at best. And Emily's like, wow, if I put you in that position,
Starting point is 00:03:07 I'd be mortified. Jen ruined your reputation. I'm like, I think maybe being Ron Realhouse was of Orange County kind of ruined your reputation, but that's fine. Blame it on Jen. I think the scenes with Gina saying, I'm an Italian, and then opening ragu sauce to make dinner
Starting point is 00:03:24 for her kids did enough. Yes. So, um, deep, deep ragu cut guys. Yeah, I like that. Hold back. Let's take a moment. Okay. So then we cut back and Jen's like, yeah, well, you know, I rented that house and she found the house. I mean, I told you all this and then we got evicted, which is terrible. But you know, also, I'm really, I have to say thank you, eviction. Thank you so much. I've learned so much. I can't really tell you what it is yet, but I'm sure it's something and I'm sure it's going to bring us all closer together. So thank you. You know what? I get it. We're all in the same circle. You know, I get it. We're all talking, but like as an agent who helped me get in the house, why are you running
Starting point is 00:03:58 around talking about shit that's going on? Which I think is actually kind of a fair point. That is kind of shitty, you know? I mean, Jen's also talked about the addiction a lot, but, um, Gina is, her story. Gina is the professional shouldn't be running around being, Oh my God, she's the worst client. She didn't pay the, I mean, it's just tacky. It's so, I mean, I don't know. I don't know why I'm surprised. I'm actually not surprised, but you know, I've said it a million times this episode. I don't need to roll around in it, do I, Dan? You know me. So Gina's like, well, I don't even know
Starting point is 00:04:27 where she's living right now. And Emily's like, well, she can't rent somewhere in Orange County. They're going to ask for credit, and they're going to want financial statements. And I mean, she is beyond that. Unlike the rest of the world, where no one needs credit or financial statements.
Starting point is 00:04:43 So Gina's like, oh, wait, what do you think she's going to do? Move in with Ryan? She's like, that's her only option. I mean, I assume she's going to move in with Ryan because like, what other options does she have? You know, it's like when I finally married Shane, it's like the last thing available on the menu. You know, when you get proposed to over G chat, sometimes you say, what other option do I have at this point? Listen, people can say whatever they want about me and Shane, but we all lasted G chat. Um, like I know where she, where she could move into. How about Travis?
Starting point is 00:05:17 I think Travis has an opening coming up. So now we go back to the beach and Kate is like, um, so have you moved in with Rob? I was loves packing kids into tiny two bedrooms. I'm sure he's got one somewhere that he can shove another five kids into. Yeah. So Katie is like, so what does Ryan do for a living? Like what does he do?
Starting point is 00:05:37 Is it golf oriented? Cause otherwise I really don't care. And Jen's like, um, well, thank you for the question so much. Um, he did mortgage for years and years and, um, you know, he's done real estate developments since then, but like, nothing like there's like no office and no actual job stuff. He seems to like go into a dark alley a lot. It seems to be meeting, going to Dodger Stadium quite a bit, but I think he just really likes baseball. So yeah, that's what he's up to. I mean, there's no office. There's no nothing, really. I mean, he just kind of, I feel like he just sits around and like plays in the sunshine. He kind of lives the dream life really, I always tell him and kiddies like, oh, that's nice. Because it is it is so nice. Having a man who does nothing but just has money to get a new new pair of plugs. Every week. I mean, it's just something, not a red flag at all. This is so great.
Starting point is 00:06:27 I'm so happy. I'm so grateful. I'm so glad that I moved away from Will and now fully independent, moving in with a guy who will support me even though he doesn't seem to have any job and just plays around in the sunshine. Nothing could go wrong From will to won't. And I'm, I'm very happy. Very, very happy. Listen, I, I do not shame someone for being like, you know what? He's going to take care of me. But what I do shame someone for is having someone take care of you who you say, Oh, he seems to be sitting around and playing in the sunshine. I'm like, that's if you're going to go for someone to take care,
Starting point is 00:07:06 take care of your bills, get someone who like has to show up at an office or something, has to like log in, has, you know, like. Play it around. You're going to leave your husband. The least you could do is run a 1999 background check on somebody. Know what I mean? Like spend the $20 for Christ's sake. Listen, I don't mind her leaving the husband. You can leave the husband for free. I'm just saying like, if, you know,
Starting point is 00:07:30 hopefully you learned lessons from that situation with Will and I like, I'm just saying just make sure he has a job. Just make sure you know where the money is coming from. Just know where the money is coming from before you move in with five children. So then back to Gina. Gina's like, oh my God, do you know where she's going to go? I can tell you where she needs to go, to work. She's got to go to work.
Starting point is 00:07:56 And Emily's like, no, she's not going to do that because that would mess up her gym schedule. I have a sincere question. What did when when shit went down for Gina? What did she do for work? This I'm not trying to this is not like a she didn't work. But like, what did what was she doing when she first like, when it's just cobbling to get from what I remember she was cobbling. She's on Housewives, you know, so that's obviously some work. And then she was getting stuff, support or whatever,
Starting point is 00:08:25 from Matt, but I don't think she immediately got a job. I mean, it takes a while to study and get your real estate license and stuff like that. I mean, the thing that really sucks about all of this is that what Gina has accomplished in the past few years really is cool. I mean, she came from a terrible situation and she turned it around, she got her shit together,
Starting point is 00:08:42 she learned something brand new, she's taking care of all these kids in a tiny apartment, she's doing really a good job. It's just a shame to see her be such an asshole to someone who's like literally on the floor, losing everything, which she should know better. Like she should know what that's like. It's just not, it's just gross.
Starting point is 00:09:02 Yeah, it is really gross. And then Emily's like, you know, you would do anything. You would swing on a pole if a man you had to put food on on the table for your kids. You know that if Jen swung on a pole, Gina would be like, that's how she's going to support her kids. I mean, get a real job. Like don't take off your clothes, don't take off your clothes to support your kids.
Starting point is 00:09:20 Like you know that Gina would say that. They all would. They all would. So Gina's like, I understand. And I'm sympathetic to what Jen is going through, but it's like one thing to like, um, burn me as a friend, but you take off, you take food off my kid's plate. That's a problem. I take food off your kid's plate. Did you have to give back the, um, 10% or whatever you made off that rental fee? Give me a fucking break. So Emily's like, you know, anyway, they just got off the phone.
Starting point is 00:09:49 So now we go to Katie's house for the Katie scene. It's Katie's first family scene. Let's see what she's up to. Well, her husband, Matt, is playing soccer with their kid, Banden, which is already a little bit off brand. Talk about off brand. Talk about, talk about off brand done, uh, cause it's not golf and her daughter, Callie Callie's 19 and or Kaylee and, um,
Starting point is 00:10:13 Kaylee is like putting on makeup or something or doing her nails or, or whatever. And Katie talks about how, um, her name was Katie Fletcher growing up. How many of them was like the widest Catholic name ever. I always remember, I always remember knowing that I was adopted, my parents could not have children. And she tells the whole story about how she was adopted from Korea, but she grew up with no, she grew up with like no connection to her culture.
Starting point is 00:10:38 And she was like, you know, a year later, I was FedExed over here and here I am. And she talks about how she didn't grow up knowing anything Korean and not no Korean food, nothing. But then her daughter really, uh, took interest in her Korean roots. And so she's basically teaching her, she's like, mom, this is Korean food. This is a Korean restaurant. This is how you order. Um, and she's like, and I taught her. Both.
Starting point is 00:11:07 And then they say they have one son together. Oh no, I'm sorry, we already read all that. They do. No, they do. So basically, I mean, it's basically that. It's cute. It's like a get to know me scene. She has, Kaylee has a biological father that left.
Starting point is 00:11:23 And so she's embracing this guy as her forever dad or whatever. It seems like there's, I feel like there's something, I feel like there's more going on with like this, this, this ex, you know, she has a son who lives full time in Atlanta with the dad. Um, and then Kaylee feels like she doesn't have a father. And so she's adopted kind of Matt, not officially, but she feels like she's adopted by Matt as like her father. So I think there's like, there's more, there's more story there that I'm sure we're going to find out about. Um, and, um, and then Katie says like, you know, I gave birth to Callie and it was on my 20th birthday. And I said, yes, I beat teenage pregnancy. So that was,
Starting point is 00:12:08 that's all I really needed. And the rest has just been, it's been whatever. Um, I'm bored. Honestly. Um, I got bored in the scene cause it's a family scene. You know, I get bored in the family since it's even reading the notes. I'm like, is this still, why is this still going on? Do you want to say anything else about this scene? No, it was just a perfunctory, let's meet Katie's family and see who the players are and now we shall go forward.
Starting point is 00:12:34 Yeah, they seem fine. So then Shannon and Emily are talking about flag football. I think, this is gonna be fun, it's not gonna be fun because like over the summer, I played flag football with Annabelle and she was so good, it going to be fun. It's not going to be fun because like over the summer I played flag football with Annabelle and she was so good. It was so much fun. And I thought we should all play it together. Whoop, I'm going to bring a turkey sandwich in my purse. I'm so relatable. So Emily and Shana and Gina, like they practice football, catching ball, throwing balls. It's
Starting point is 00:13:02 funny how we're having, look at all the fun I am having. I mean, God, John Jansen, who? I mean, who? I'm just a, I'm like a regular, I'm like a regular Brett Gullfarb. What's his name? Far, Far, I'm like Farfugnugen. How?
Starting point is 00:13:22 I'm Elijah Manning. Oh, ha-sparts. So Shannon's like, well, who's all going? She's like, well, I invited everyone, and then I needed to invite some other friends, because otherwise it's not a big enough team, so, you know, like, you want to have enough people, so, you know, fill in the blanks! She's like, oh, Does that mean Alexis is going? Yeah. You know, I love nothing more than to build you up and then undermine you and tear you down the rest of the season.
Starting point is 00:13:52 Shannon, I mean, come on. What are you asking me not to play my favorite sport? And Gina goes, you know what? I didn't really feel like she was really nice or easy to talk to. And they cut to this one clip so quickly where where Gina is sticking up for Shannon a little bit, you know, and she basically is like, she's just what was the context of this?
Starting point is 00:14:16 She says something like, well, everybody's always sticking up for John. And Alexis says, well, maybe that's because he's a good fucking guy, Gina. It just cuts away from it. But just the way Alexis turned so evil in that moment, cracked me up. And she's like, honestly, I'm just trying to warn her the instances that I've had with john, you know, they made me uncomfortable because like, I could hear him, he's aggressive. And then it cuts to the scene last year where Shannon's crying
Starting point is 00:14:42 about Gina being mean to her and John being like, fuck Gina, who the fuck is Gina? Yeah, they keep on, they keep trotting that out. Although every time he says that, I kind of chuckle a little bit. So then we cut back and Shannon goes, Oh, yeah, I remember that. Well, he hadn't eaten. Sorry, so I'm not with John anymore. Listen, I'm not making John dinner anymore. But I'm still making him excuses. Okay, baby steps. Well, he hadn't eaten on account of the fact that he was afraid to open his mouth and show his his pebble like teeth. So Gina, Gina's like, well, I didn't know that I had to travel around with a snack pack to hand out to grown men so they don't tell me to fuck off. You know, Alexis, you better make sure that dinner's on the table at five o'clock on the dot honey, because he's like a gremlin, you gotta feed them and water them,
Starting point is 00:15:27 otherwise they get fucking evil. Actually, if you water a gremlin. That's not her gremlin work. Like seriously, you can't even make a gremlin joke, like you can't with her. So she's like, well, I think you should be really proud of the way you handled yourself at that Poeati, Shannon, which I agree, and I'm impressed that Shannon actually held it
Starting point is 00:15:46 together like that. And I just, I just, I feel so bad. I mean, I got a DUI. And I went to I went to the place and you know, there were a couple nights that I was freaking out. Sure, I thought my life was over. And on those nights, I did drink a lot. I say Monday through Sunday. But mean, when I say Monday through Sunday. But still, then I went to that place, whatever it was, and now I'm great, look at me now, hoo hoo! You know, obviously I sympathize with her,
Starting point is 00:16:13 and sometimes it takes perspective to make people change their own perspective, unless it's Jen, in which case, fuck her. So then, we see Shannon saying, you know, look, you're a good mom and you're a responsible person. And I always thought I was that way too. And now I understand what you went through when you got your DUI and like, I'm sorry I wasn't totally there for you, which is like, wow.
Starting point is 00:16:36 And both Gina and Emily are like, wow, good job, Shannon. Look at you being a nice human being to people. Wow. Yeah. And Gina's basically like, you know, she was always like an open book of bullshit and now she's like willing to like, you know, look at the things that she didn't want to look at and you know, it's she's basically saying like this is the first time that shans been honest ever Basically Gina's like, well, I was going to try and, uh, sidle up to Alexis, but she's horrible. And, uh, Tamara's still vile and the only people left are the golf girl and this
Starting point is 00:17:13 chick. So here we are. Meanwhile, elsewhere in Orange County, Tamara and Eddie, we know it's a Tamara and Eddie scene because we see like motorcycles on the highway. It's like, got flashbacks to last season when Tamra made her tramp and returned on a motorcycle. She's like, I'm about to be bad batch. Wanted to be bad batch. So she's on the motorcycle with Eddie. They get to like a little, like, um,
Starting point is 00:17:40 motorcycle, like a, like a biker, a biker hut where you get burgers and stuff. Then you go biking again, you know, like all those types of places. motorcycle like a like a biker a biker hut where you get burgers and stuff then you go biking again you know yeah like all those types of places I don't know um I didn't listen I wasn't listening to be honest I was scrolling notes reading through a Tamra scene like mmm Big Bear Ryan's got a new girlfriend food arrives okay so Tam chairman's like, Since cut fitness class, it is long term plans to meet the big bear full time. I can't wait to be in Mountain Wolbin. It's gonna be so great. I'm gonna be like, hey, want a piece of me, bear? Get over here, bear, you dumb bitch. Nobody likes you, bear. You drunk-ass, all of you, bear. Go away, bear.
Starting point is 00:18:17 You see a bear running away crying like, So I had a great time and had this party. It was great seeing everybody batch and he's like even Shannon It's just I just I had too much angry anger in me because he's like, why are you so angry babe? Because I think when my anger lads has nothing to do with Tristan make up stuff. It really doesn't it's just that I really thought she was gonna get help It's for sure to me because she's not everybody, you know, oh, I'm sober. I haven't had a drink. Oh, I'm just gonna have two drinks Oh, I don't have a drinking problem And he's like it doesn't sound like this is rock bottom to her
Starting point is 00:18:55 So don't take it personal because it's not your problem It's her problem And at the end of the day if I'm standing on a road with with a flag in my hand, it's gonna say David Vidor. I love you, David Vidor. I still can't believe. I still can't believe she did that to David Vidor. Also, I forgot to mention in that other episode that I was accidentally watching for a half an hour, that was the one that Eddie was like, yeah, I love Eddie Vidor. I mean, I love David Vidor. He was the only good thing in that marriage. Eddie is actually correct in this point, which is like, this is not your problem.
Starting point is 00:19:32 Like, why are you, why is Tamara crying about this? This is Tamara trying to take on the problems that way she can have a beef with Shannon. Yeah. So she said, I'll be there in a heartbeat if she reaches out to me and I'll take a hand and I'll slap it and I'll say, stupid alcoholic. You know, and then, and she's like, I just cannot deal with the day to day with her anymore. It's like too stressful for me. Cause you know, Jen's not surprisingly going through a lot of shit. I told you a little bit of that. You know, she's getting evicted, bitch. Don't you know that? And so now I forget that Tamra and Jen used to be close friends. So here she is ready to pile on to Jen about her eviction. Divorced beheaded died. Divorced beheaded survived. We know the six wives of Henry VIII as pawns in his hunt for a son,
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Starting point is 00:23:06 Join Wondery Plus in the Wondery app or on Apple podcasts. Georgia, do you know what joy sounds like? I think I'm hearing it right now. So then she's like, you know what you got to do? You got to do that big girl pattern because you're in the same position you were with your ex-husband now. And he's like, well, isn't that common? She goes, yeah, but she's got a pattern. And she's saying, you know, it's like she lives with Ryan, but she doesn't have income.
Starting point is 00:23:29 Like, where then where's she going to go? You know, she's going to have to go back to Oklahoma. Well, Jen's a hard worker. And when she sets her mind to doing something, she sets her mind to doing something. I don't know if she'll do it, but she thinks about it. And what's going on in her life is probably derailing all that and making her look like she can't figure out anything in life. So she's like, is Ryan the one pulling her down? He's like, yeah, always.
Starting point is 00:23:53 I mean, if you surround yourself with a bunch of liars, you're gonna be a liar. Oh, okay. Is that where you sit on trash cans at night and like hiss at people coming near? Sir. I don't think anyone who hangs out with Tamra is allowed to judge, like use the whole,
Starting point is 00:24:08 you are the company you keep. Right, yeah. So now we're over at Ryan's house. Jen and the family have moved in and she's talking about how it's been an adjustment and that she invited her parents to come out so to help with the transition for the kids and everything. And she just feels like, you know, it's just like kids don't feel comfortable yet.
Starting point is 00:24:27 They feel like they're still in someone else's house. So they're all sort of like there in the kitchen. Dom had loving this, by the way. Can they are, can I just say Jen's so full of shit because we get to Ryan's house and it's a gorgeous, it is stunning. It is a beautiful house. It's like dripping with money. There's multiple garages. There's dirt bikes. There's all this shit There's all these toys that the kids the kids are fucking loving this. Are you kidding? It's like I think I'm gonna like it Here's like my poor kids. It's Talk about rags to riches. So I guess I was on the love Island recap. So
Starting point is 00:25:02 so then so Jen's talking to her, her mom and dad, Mimi and Pap, and they're like, well, Mimi is like, well, I think that Ryan's really bonded with your kids. And Pap's like, yeah, it's a huge commitment. And it's like, I might appreciate Ryan. Yeah, we couldn't be happier. And Jen's like, I just, I feel like, you know, Ryan, you and I, I keep saying, you know, at 46, you know, you shouldn't have to keep taking, taking care of me the way you have to take care of me. And I'm just sorry dad it's like her Oklahoma accent like as she's soon she starts to cry in front of her parents her Oklahoma accent just tumbles out and she goes from being like thank you so much oh you're taking care of me dad thank you so much dad
Starting point is 00:25:39 yeah honey we love you we do anything for you. I mean, would you because she just got evicted. So I'm gonna need some more money coming out of that purse. All right, criers. So they they hug her and they're like, I dig a ditch for you. But I'm cleaning up your dog poop. Oh, thank you. So then we go over to Heather and Shannon. and this is like a Heather like, look at me, one of the funny hilarious people of the world. And they're meeting and Heather's approaching in slow mo.
Starting point is 00:26:15 My coat is my purse. Shannon's like, oh, okay, I might need the coat. I might need the coat. Okay. Can I have this heater moved so close to me that I'm practically on fire? That was called a joke and Hilarity did anybody here order Hilarity? It just got to your table soon sooner than you expect for some reason Viewers of television believe that I am somehow a demon from the pits of hell
Starting point is 00:26:40 Anyway, can we have the fire surround me? I would like to be surrounded by flames for this entire scene. Thank you." She literally has flames shooting from all angles around her during this entire scene. I was cracking up. And they're trying to do this whole like, aren't we just old friends? Look at us, like making fire jokes and then fire trucks pass and she goes, oh yeah, one of us is going to be lit on fire today, so you might need to come back, fire trucks. Watch your weave, Shannon. Remember that one. And then we see a clip of Shannon arguing with somebody and her weave getting caught
Starting point is 00:27:12 on fire. And they're like, oh, ha ha ha. Oh, ha ha ha. All right, let me put down my purse, which is actually my jacket today. Ha ha ha. Anyway, I was really glad you came to the party and I know it was a lot to walk into and that could not have been easy. There were appetizers everywhere.
Starting point is 00:27:32 It's difficult. I understand. So I wanted to see how you were. I thought some of the talk was inappropriate and then I got to Alexis being like, well, I don't want to kiss and tell, but yeah, we've had sex twice today. Mm-hmm. Bile. And Shannon's like, I just hope that at some point, the people that I've been close to for years
Starting point is 00:27:51 will say, we understand that this is too much for you, Shannon. She goes, oh, so I mean, are we just not supposed to invite her to anything? Yeah, that's what you're supposed to do. If Harry dumped you, Harry. If what's his buns, Terry, dumped you and his new girlfriend started showing up in the group, I don't think you'd be okay with that, ma'am.
Starting point is 00:28:12 No, definitely not. I mean, I know your relationship with Terry is a little different because it's been longer and you have kids and stuff, but still. No one's gonna be like, oh, I'm so excited that you're bringing my ex's new girlfriend around, come on. Well, I wouldn't do that. But that that that's just me. You know, it hurts my feelings that Heather is still somehow defending Alexis.
Starting point is 00:28:32 I mean, truthfully, I've spoken to Alexis a lot more in the last year than I've spoken to Shannon. So Shathers like, did you say to Tamra before the reunion, we need to take Heather down? Could you just answer that for me? Because I really want to know now now No, no, no, no, I was angry with you. Why were you angry with me Shannon? Oh, right Because you say I was take talking about your relationship Well, don't you know I wasn't now even stuff that I that I thought was in our vault I never repeated that stuff never I mean there, not that they were so salacious, but just private things that you told me.
Starting point is 00:29:07 I've always kept your confidence. I've always kept your confidence. I don't believe that for two seconds. But then also, then if you knew that Tamara was out lying about you, then why are you still so close with Tamara? I mean, pick a line. Well, Tamara told me that you were the one.
Starting point is 00:29:23 And you know, at this point, I mean, I just, like, I've had it all the way up to here. Like my hand, my forehead is actually at my forehead. I mean, my hand is at my forehead. My head, it's actually up here. My hand is actually above the forehead. It's very high up there. And I think this counts as cardio.
Starting point is 00:29:39 This is good. Shannon, I've always been straight with you. Remember when I tried to get you put into that mental ward? Well, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm apologizing. Like, I don't need an apology. You know what I want to hear from you? All I want to hear from you is that you trust who I am and what I say to you and that we can have a friendship. I am the person who just invited your ex's new girlfriend to a party to make sex jokes about your ex right in front of you all day long and never said a thing. That's who I am, sir. What is your holier-than-own like? I just want you to know that I'm a good person. You're an asshole! You just totally played an asshole move on her. What are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:30:18 Heather, I can't help but notice that your eyeballs are actually red and reflecting the flames that surround your face right now. There are so many flames coming out of you, there's a little girl turning behind and looking at the camera and smirking. I'm feeling a little uneasy right now, but I also feel like I'm succumbing to some sort of primitive spell that's taking over my body. Zool! So we get another scene of Shannon being like, Well, I'm hopeful for our friendship. Heather being like, I've always liked Shannon. I just hope that we can have a strong friendship.
Starting point is 00:30:53 Like, oh, okay. And then she's like... ...getting each other down the rest of the season, because Shannon and Katie are going to team up against your ass, and I'm going to root for them the whole time. Well, now that we are friends again, are you ready for some football? And Heather goes, Oh, yes, I'm a Taylor Swift fan. I am a Swift purse, a Swift, a Swifties person. I know football now. Oh, hold on one moment. I'm trying to understand why the correlation Travis Travis, Travis Kelsey. I get it it. Oh God, that was, oh, I'm,
Starting point is 00:31:26 I don't totally know what I'm laughing about, but I feel like it's a time for me to joke and laugh because I have a new friend. And just this read from Heather was so obvious. Okay, are you ready for some football? I'm a Taylor Swift fan. I know football now. Thank you, gays.
Starting point is 00:31:40 Worth every penny, gays. So now it's Gina, Emily and Katie are meeting. You guys were every penny case. So, uh, now it's, um, Gina, Emily and Katie are meeting up. Uh, I don't even remember what the senior world, where are they? Gina? Oh yeah. They're at the deck. Oh yeah. This is one of the deck is slowly rising as one of those places on real housewife shows. We just, um, we, uh, we were interviewed for an article that's coming out soon about like locations that are famous with on the Real Housewives. And, um, I have to say the deck, the deck is, is, is, it's in a lot of scenes on this show.
Starting point is 00:32:17 Well, congrats, deck. You're, you're making it. So Katie's, uh, telling them, Oh, I met up with Shannon and Jen and Jen was talking about moving. And Jen was like, oh yeah, I'm moving. She goes, yeah, she's moving in with Ryan. You know, she just did. She goes, oh, well, I see. I didn't even know where she was living. So what would I know?
Starting point is 00:32:37 Why would she tell me? I mean, just after she started my career, I'm on fire, kicked my children and they're nuts. Every single one of them, their private parts cut their throats, basically told them you're never eating again. Well, I'm glad that she made it somewhere. I'm glad she's living somewhere. I just didn't know about it. Well, ladies, let me tell you something.
Starting point is 00:32:54 It's funny. She said that Emily mentioned it to me. And how did Emily know? Well, I figured that shit out. It does not take a genius. Okay? She did not tell me. I learned it by talking to Gina. Wait. Yeah, but we just learned it by talking to Gina. Wait. Yeah, but we just watched Gina going up to everybody.
Starting point is 00:33:09 Like, she just got evicted. Didn't she tell, wasn't she telling Katie? I mean, come on. So Gina's like, you know what? It was on Instagram and I broke the deal. I dropped everything. I dropped all of the nothing I was doing to get her into that home. And if her concern right now is the fact that I'm telling people, that's ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:33:28 Her concern should be about how she's going to pay a fucking rent. What did you drop to get her into that house? She's so ridiculous. What name-quiz name box did you drop on the kitchen floor to get this deal done? Give me a fucking break. And Emily's like, yeah, undercar payment. And Katie's like, you know what I said to her? That's so awkward because I said, I like your car. She goes, oh, well, you should go take a photo because that bitch is about to be gone. I actually laughed at that.
Starting point is 00:33:52 I laughed at that because it's kind of true. So Gina's like, you know what I'm saying? Like, you know what? Like, I'm talking to my friend because Emily was concerned for me and all this and that like really bugs me. OK, because like Jen needs to be focusing on how she's gonna take care of her children and herself Not on who is like trying to sign blame for her own problems Well, yeah, you know what mate?
Starting point is 00:34:12 She probably does need to focus on her children and herself and getting like her income in and the last thing she needs Is an alleged friend talking all this shit about like how she's so shitty for being evicted Well, she comes from my career, I will fuck her up. You're doing great. I'm sure you're really building your reputation right now. But you know, if I was moving to Orange County, I'd be like, I really want this unhinged lady in terrible clothes rubbing. Like, I'm sure she understands contracts. If she gets me kicked off of Pillow, I'll be so mad.
Starting point is 00:34:44 Don't you mean Zillow? No, I'm not on Zillow yet. I'm just working my way through pillow and I have a lot to lose here. So, um, Gina's like, Oh God, I can't even look at her. I can't even look at her. You know, like I can tell that she's got on very nice new clothes. She's got on glam. And honestly, it's like a slap in my face. Cause now she's going, Gina and Jen go to this cafe to have a talk. So she's like, she's in Glam and honestly, that's a slap in my fucking face. At least look like you're on hard times, bitch. It's like, is that what you've been doing?
Starting point is 00:35:17 So Jen comes in like, hi, hi, hi. So they sit down they're like having some pleasantries and Jen's like, well there's just like a lot going on but I mean I want to get together with you because I'm like wait what the fuck did I do to Gina? And she goes, well I'm not particularly happy about this situation Jen you know that we're in here. And she goes, well but do you honestly think Gina I moved into that house and thought to myself I'll just motherfuck Gina and I'll just like I'll go in on a whim and see if I can make rent. No, I don't think you'd think about these things at all. Yeah, I didn't think that you thought that I don't think you even thought like, wow, it's a possibility that I could completely be cut off from my husband.
Starting point is 00:36:00 My husband could lose his job and I wouldn't be able to pay my rent. Like what an idiot. You're so stupid. She knows such an and Jen's like, well, that's bullshit. She goes, when you sign that contract, you have to follow that contract and you did not pay your rent. And you know what? Like this is my brand new career Jen. And you can tell I'm doing really well because I'm wearing a train conductor
Starting point is 00:36:19 hat today. Jen, okay. You want to take my train conductor hat away before I can give it to my children. I dare you, I dare you to take a train conductor hat from my children's heads She's wearing Megan Kigedmon's like hand me down train conductor hat from that one episode. So Gina's like I didn't run my mouth about your personal things just well, then how does Emily know? I'm sorry. Gina said I didn't run in your mouth my mouth about your personal thing. It's just well How does Emily know about it? Well, do you know? Do you know how I knew you were evicted?
Starting point is 00:36:47 Instagram, I went out of my way to help you and you burned me. I'm like, you didn't learn from Instagram. You told us last week that you learned it because you were CC'd on lots of emails and texts about like the eviction. Right. I guess her point is you wouldn't even call me to tell me.
Starting point is 00:37:02 Right. I saw her on Instagram before you called me. And Jen was like, I didn't burn you. And she's like, yeah. And the fact that you sit there Jen and you will have this attitude is pathetic. And she's like, well, that's shitty. It's like, you need to grow up. You need to pay your bills. You need to figure out how to take care of yourself and your children. Wow. That's like very shitty. Thank you so much. She was like, you know what? It's not your ex husband's responsibility. Yeah. But like if they actually, but if they have an arrangement, actually if they have an arrangement, actually, if they have an arrangement, especially if he has support that he has to pay, I'm not sure what the details are.
Starting point is 00:37:31 But what I'm gathering, unless I've forgotten a detail from last week, what I'm gathering is that this guy was paying for their house and then he fell behind because he hit hard times. And then like all of a sudden, he wasn't telling her that he wasn't paying his bills. And so he was, he was like welching on his end of the deal. And the fact that Gina has no sympathy of like the fact that this shitty situation, I feel like happens to women all the time, where suddenly the women are hung out to dry because of men's crappy ass behavior. And like the fact that Gina has no sympathy for this, I think is really important. Assuming I got the situation correct. I may have a totally wrong. Yeah, that he lost his money because he lost his job with her parents and that he was,
Starting point is 00:38:13 he fell behind and ran another fight basically. So yeah, it's pretty gross. So, uh, Jen's like, you are really fucking, she goes, it's not your ex husband's responsibility. Yeah, it is. And it's not your boyfriend's responsibility. And she goes, God, you're really shitty. She goes, I'm upset, you know, because you called me and I helped you. She goes, yeah, well, you're not the only one upset with me getting evicted, Gina.
Starting point is 00:38:33 You know, I'm the one who got evicted. She goes, oh yeah, well, you wanna know something else? Because I don't think you get it. Because I understand you don't get these things. She goes, oh, no, I don't get these things. So you're saying I don't know anything? She goes, no, do you know about this? And she goes, you know what, Gina,
Starting point is 00:38:45 I know that my five fucking kids are, what's that? They're having this fight and right in the middle of this, the waitress comes by with a coffee like, here's your latte. She just drops it and like backs away. So, yeah, Gina's like, do you know about this? Do you know about this? And Jen's like, no, Gina, I do know.
Starting point is 00:39:02 I do know that like me and my five fucking kids were on the line and 48 hours we had to leave Yeah, but you don't even want to talk because like you don't want you know You won't even let you walk Gina you sit down and you start screaming at someone who's going probably through the hardest thing in their life and calling them all sorts of names and saying that they're not taking care of their children and Then she won't let you continue to yell at her without interrupting you with like a slight one or two words every once in a while and now you're going to scream that she's not listening to you. Get her off the show. She's
Starting point is 00:39:32 terrible. She's never been fun. She's never been good at anything. Get her off. Take her off of the show. What makes you think that this is somehow going to improve her real estate career? Like this is gonna make clients want to work with this woman who's berating a client, a client who's like going through something that's like, you know, embarrassing and tough and hard and scary. And Gina's thing is like, yeah, but you know what though my reputation, she's hurting my reputation. Well, then build back up your reputation. You're sitting here, you want her to build back up her money. Why don't you build back up your fucking reputation? If you're all about like some bootstrap mentality that you seem to be into, why don't you live those words too? And she's like, she's like, you, you don't get it. And I get that, you know? And yeah, you know what? You really need, you really need to wake up, wake up, Jen, because you're not paying your rent. You're getting your hair and your makeup done. Why aren't you paying your rent? You're getting your threads done. Why aren't you paying your rent?
Starting point is 00:40:21 You're at the gym every day. And why aren't you teaching yoga class like outdoor yoga classes or whatever?" And she's like, I teach my ass off. She goes, yeah, outdoor yoga class. Oh, okay. She's like, you don't even fucking know what I'm doing to try to bust my ass, Gina. She goes, well, I know that you're not paying your rent, Jen. And that put me in a bad situation. Like, I'm, I am like, I'm like, I can't leave it. Like again, I will allow Gina to be annoyed, but like, her lack of any kind of sympathy or empathy when she herself has gone through hard times and she has benefited from the grace of her castmates
Starting point is 00:40:56 for years now. And she has often been like, you know, it's just so hard. What I'm going through is so hard. I feel bad because I'm burdening everyone all the time. And yet here's someone. Now it's her time to pay it forward. And she is being so nasty about it. Well, at least Jen gets one good thing in there because she goes,
Starting point is 00:41:14 are you fucking kidding me, Gina? Just because my life is falling apart doesn't mean my hair has to fall apart like yours did. Yes. And they show a photo of you. A picture. A bleached blonde hair day, which is not that- It could have really been from any season, but- Yeah, I'm about to say that her hair this season is not that different from that season. So Gina's like, you know, I had a deal set up and I needed to reach out to this agent in order to
Starting point is 00:41:38 access the bias that she has. Jen, this is real. I'm like, she's evicted. She has to live with Ryan now. That's not real. Yeah. So she's like, I can't believe it's a woman. I'm sitting across from you and you won't even let me talk. As a woman. Like, what's crazy is like, we have these notes here that are written down and we can see literally how much that Gina has said and how little Jen has said and that Gina now is like Oh my god, you're not even gonna let me talk
Starting point is 00:42:08 You're not even let me berate you about the fact you've been evicted and that you have 46 you have to have other people take Care of you and you're how embarrassing that is for you're not even letting me embarrass you more for your embarrassments So she stands up and she screams at the producers. She won't even let me talk She's a joke and Jen's like, oh you're a fucking joke. She's like, yeah, if you wanna do this weird shit, I'm not doing it, Jen. So she goes out and storms out and is having a diva fit. And she's like, Jen, this is ding dong, okay? You're pathetic, Jen.
Starting point is 00:42:34 Take care of your fucking self and your kids or drown, but don't fucking run me over with your bullshit. I've lost respect for Jen. And the ability to even see how this has affected me has told me everything I need to know about her, which is mostly that she's stupid. She's getting evicted. Yeah, Gina.
Starting point is 00:42:55 I mean, I would love to, I actually would love to go back to the Lynn Curtain season and see how, what the women's reactions were to Lynn Curtain being evicted and compare it to Gina. Because this is just, I think it's just so tasteless. It's so obnoxious. You know, and you see how everybody else, it's not like we've already gone over this many times, but it's not like everybody else is being so sensitive to this. You know what I mean? And it's just Gina. It's just that everyone else is kind of funny and they have like a way of pulling
Starting point is 00:43:22 it off and Gina's just trash. She's a trashy person. She's not funny. She's got no sense of humor. She's got no like gravita about her. I cannot believe she's still on the fucking show. I mean, someone, shaming someone else for getting charity is crazy because that's everything that Gina's had for the past five years. I can't believe or seven. How long has she been on this show? It's a long time. It feels like an eternity. And you know what? Gina was so furious about being shamed for living in a condo or a two bedroom
Starting point is 00:43:50 house where she was furious about that. And here she is shaming someone for being evicted and not getting their act together. You know, like, well, listen, we're often the first people to be like, get a job, get a job. But like, in this case, I think that Gina, the context of what she's, her relationship is to Jen and how her relationship should be and what I think would be expected of a friendship. I think it's so, so vile.
Starting point is 00:44:13 Like this was actually the first time that I think that we've always been like, Oh, Gina's an asshole. But this is the first time Regina, I feel like was really just being like nasty. I was shocking to me. Yeah, she was gross. You know what's not gross? You know what's not gross? Podcasting.
Starting point is 00:44:30 Thanks everyone for being here. We appreciate you. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Hope you all enjoy some Love Island finale, or for one of you, perhaps the Golf Channel. And we will catch you on the next episode. Bye everyone. Bye. Watch what crap ends, would like to thank its premium sponsors. channel and we will catch you on the next episode bye everyone bye She's never scary, it's the green fairy. Jamie, she has no less name-y.
Starting point is 00:45:05 Hava Nagila Webber. Know your worth with Jason Kurtz. Sip some scotch with Jessica Trotch. She's always supplying, it's Kelly Ryan. Kristen the Piston Anderson. Let's give a kisserino to Lisa Lino. We wanna hang with Liz Lang. Megan Berg, you can't have a burger without the Berg!
Starting point is 00:45:25 The Bay Area Betches, Betches! And our super premium sponsors! Somebody get us 10 cc's of Betsy MD! We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva! Let's get real with Caitlin O'Neil! Don't get salty with Christine Pepper! Can't have a meal without the Emily sides! Nobody holds a candle to Jamie Kendall.
Starting point is 00:45:45 We got our wish, it's Jen Plish. She's not harsh, she's Jill Hirsch. She's a little bit loony. Junie. My favorite Murdo. Karen McMurdo. We love him madly, it's Kyle Podchadly. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender.
Starting point is 00:46:00 The incredible, edible Matthew Sisters. Give him hell, Miss Noelle. Ring that bell, pour Rachel. She's the queen bee, it's Sarah Lemke. Shining out of a cannon, Anthony. Let's take off with Tamla Plain. She ain't no shrinking Violet Coutar. We love you guys.
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