Watch What Crappens - #354: Below Deck Special - Kate Chastain and Kelley Johnson Interview

Episode Date: December 9, 2016

Ben and Ronnie call Kate Chastain and Kelley Johnson up to laugh about this season of Below Deck. Is the Captain easy on women? Who was the biggest a-hole? And has anyone made up with Ben? On... Twitter, you can find Kate at @Kate_Chastain and Kelley @KelleyWJohnson. Also, find Kate’s new book on Amazon! Enjoy! Subscribe at for bonus episodes, ringtones, and live group video chat parties. Also, Ronnie's new RHOBH audiobooks are on iTunes at See for privacy and opt-out information.Our Patreon Extras: See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 From Wondery and Audible comes Class of 88, a new podcast hosted by Will Smith. Before 1988, a lot of people didn't take hip-hop seriously. But hip-hop today touches everything from film to fashion to sports. So what changed? Follow Class of 88 wherever you get your podcasts. Hey everyone, Ronnie here. Welcome to a very special Watch What Crappens. Today Ben and I talked to Kate Chastain and Kelly Johnson from Below Deck right after their season finale. We did this on four different Skypes, basically. We're on four different places, so there's some weird like, trying to not step on each other.
Starting point is 00:00:43 I know, you're shocked to hear me say that, because you know I will step all over a voice, okay? But we had such a great time talking to them. I just wanted to explain any weird pauses that you might hear. You know, we don't travel and stuff for this podcast much, but we love to talk to whoever we can. And if it means talking to Kate while she's walking her dog on Skype, while Kelly is waiting to go back to the Bahamas over in Florida on his computer, while Ben's roller skating around on his roller skates at his house,
Starting point is 00:01:15 and I'm just sitting here comfortable at my couch desk, we will do it. Okay? Thank you. And thank you guys for doing our show. And please enjoy this lovely conversation. For a little bit of crappin' Guess what happens when there's so much that crappin's Hello, welcome to a very special Watch What Crappin's podcast. I'm Ronnie and that's Ben. Hi, Ben.
Starting point is 00:01:53 Hi, Ben the podcaster, not Ben the chef. I'm sick of working with you, Ronnie. We are blessed with the presence of Miss Kateate chastain and mr kelly johnson love you guys from below deck hi you guys hey how are you good hi kelly let's hear it hey how's it going you guys kelly you're plugged into your internet i can tell or are you on wi-fi uh i'm no i'm plugged into my internet and i'm on a nice headset so good you sound so great yeah awesome are you saying that i'm not as good i'm almost home from walking the dog you know ronnie was actually just doing some kate chastain to kate chastain basically
Starting point is 00:02:36 he totally was right i was just dating kate i was just dating you everybody Everybody, we've talked to Kate a few times, and we've talked about Kelly a million, and so we thought it would be a fun way to end the season. We were going to have this chat after the reunions or during the reunions, but I saw a tweet from Kate that said, you aren't doing reunions. What the hell? I know, right? So much unsettled business, and I'd love to be able to wear not my uniform on TV. Did Bravo give you guys any indication as to why there'd be no reunion this year?
Starting point is 00:03:15 No. Usually we don't find out that we're doing a reunion until right after, towards the end of the season. So I think we were all expecting one and just it never happened. Well, I'd heard at the beginning, I'd heard at the beginning that we were going to have a reunion and then it changed midway through the season. I wonder if it was a situation
Starting point is 00:03:33 because of the scheduling, because the show's sort of wrapping up here mid-December, there are all these other shows launching and they just, maybe they just, there was like too much going on. I mean, because I thought the ratings for the show
Starting point is 00:03:44 have been strong or at least as strong as as normal and there certainly was a lot of drama this year so i'm i'm a little shocked that there wasn't a reunion i'm not complaining yeah what would you have been afraid of kelly what what what what what what is what was like the thing that you were afraid to have to discuss on the reunion or confront? Kate remembers what happened to me on season two. Look, I've gotten a whole lot better at dealing with stress in person and handling it more maturely. But still, I seem to stick my foot in my mouth from time to time. And there was a lot that was going to be said all around because there was just a lot that happened this season.
Starting point is 00:04:25 And I just, I would have been a nervous wreck there. Well, I would have liked to see you talk with Nico because Nico is a shit talker. Like he really did a lot of behind the back talking. What did you feel like when you saw that? Did you get mad or were you just like, whatever?
Starting point is 00:04:42 You know, I knew, I knew Nico was doing it during the show. Like it was really interesting to watch him like in front of the camera, like when the camera would come around, how his demeanor would change, like just about people and how he would talk. The one who really caught me off guard, though, was Lauren. Like, I had no idea Lauren was talking shit behind my back. Not a fucking clue. Wow.
Starting point is 00:05:04 My language. Did that make you? You can say fucking all you want on this show. Yeah. no idea lauren was talking shit behind my back not a fucking clue wow my language did that did that make you did like on this show yeah did it did that did that like make you like like how did that affect your view of her were you just like surprised then be like well whatever we're on a reality show or were you like well fuck her you know like how did that like change things i mean from i protected her like the whole season like i really did like i looked out for her you know like how did that like change things i mean from i protected her like the whole season like i really did like i looked out for her i was like it seemed like everybody or like captain was out for and there were just a there was all these things that i was trying to protect her from and really protect the whole deck crew from because i'd been through it like i i got
Starting point is 00:05:39 in trouble i actually got separated from everybody because i was telling people to shut up when they were when they were starting to talk shit and stuff. But yeah, no, I basically kind of like I still talk to her from time to time, but it's not like I don't I don't really want to be close to her at all. I don't really want to have anything to do with her. It's just kind of like you do your thing. I'll do mine. It's funny because in the beginning of the season, I think I even like said on the podcast, I was like, you know, I really like Lauren and Nico. They're just like fun. They joke.
Starting point is 00:06:08 They have a good relationship. They're good workers. And then somewhere like midway through, they just started to complain about everything. They just really were like whining about everything and everything. They just everything seemed to be an attitude with them. Was was that like just there all along and we just didn't see it because all the craziness with trevor and in the first yeah it was all well all the negativity was directed towards trevor and i was what i was yeah that's what yeah um i was so you know all my attention was on him that i really
Starting point is 00:06:40 wasn't paying attention to them i was just trying to get him to do his job and quit being a jackass right yeah he seemed like he was so nice and he switched Kate did you uh did you see that stuff in him because Nico really was pissy about you too like so much that he blew up kind of at the end in his like passive aggressive way but did you sense that stuff was going on as well or did you just think he was like a nice, goofy guy? I was seriously so flabbergasted when he blew up at me, and when I even heard that they didn't like me, because I literally did not interact with them at all pretty much the entire season. I mean, they're outside, I'm inside, and I didn't have any idea that I'd done anything that would make them dislike me so much. have any idea that I'd done anything to make them dislike me so much.
Starting point is 00:07:29 I just think they really did a misfortune to themselves as well. Because you're right, at the beginning, they could have been adorable, like cool, too cool, experienced deckhands, both good looking and funny. But I guess their egos just got the best of them. And it kind of shot themselves in the foot. Well, I mean, I would say, I mean, I think like the biggest mistake anyone could ever make would be an underling going after UK because I don't think I've ever seen anyone
Starting point is 00:07:49 actually get the best of you. And I'm not saying that because you're here and I'm just trying to be nice to you. I've literally just never seen it. No, you're right. Not even Ben. I don't want to tell them. Have you not seen the show? Did you not see me warn them
Starting point is 00:08:06 like look kate i love you to death you terrify the shit out of me like you you scared the living fuck out you never want to have you as an enemy ever again and i don't even think i had you fully like in season two i was just like a byproduct and I was still terrified. I don't even remember. What, what, what issues did you guys, I like to imagine Kelly and Amy at Christmas time, just hugging each other. Like the trauma, like, no,
Starting point is 00:08:37 having, having Kate on your side though, is, is a total blessing because you know, like if someone fucks with you and she has your back, they have, your enemy has that wrath to look forward to. And like, for me, I just, I didn't, blessing because you know like if someone fucks with you and she has your back they have your enemy has that wrath to look forward to and like for me i just i didn't i but it's like the most
Starting point is 00:08:51 hilarious wrath i'm like what like if you were a disney queen kate you would just be asking people to do their job like i really don't think i've seen you it's not like you're eating babies or being mean even when you're pissed you're like okay like you even get higher which i guess can be more terrifying but to me you're like she she just said please five more times like why do we need to be so afraid well i think it's a really high compliment and i also think that you know i don't think kelly and i didn't get along because he was terrified I think that's just like an added bonus I think we generally got along because he did a great job and
Starting point is 00:09:29 we were respectful of each other but I did not see any reason for Nico or Lauren to not like me and even if they did have a reason it still wasn't a smart move on their part well let's talk about oh sorry this is everybody there's going to be a lot of that because we're all on kind of time...
Starting point is 00:09:46 Our phones are all kind of time correcting, but... We're all going to talk all at once. That was the main scandal of the season. Look, I love this show. I've been in service, you know, my whole life since I was like 13. So I think it's hilarious that dramatic music plays and you're like, we're out of toilet paper.
Starting point is 00:10:02 But one of the biggest dramas of the season was the whole deckhands drunk in the bathroom and breaking off the wall in front of a fancy toilet. What did happen there? Because it all happened so quickly on the show and they show you talking to the captain, but are you saying you didn't tattletale because you didn't call the captain? Like what's the, what's the crux of that fight? I literally saw the wall and I pushed it back in and I didn't tattletale because you didn't call the captain like what's the what's the crux of that fight i literally saw the wall and i pushed it back in and i didn't say anything and then i mean the room was still a mess besides the wall so i was going back in to like tidy it up and get it
Starting point is 00:10:36 ready for guests and captain lee was in there and i mean i'm not gonna go out of my way to tell him but if he's standing there looking at a broken wall and asks me what happened i'm gonna tell him at least who was in the room i didn't say and who did it yeah i told him all i really knew why were they why were they blaming you for telling him is it because you said something on the radio about because wasn't there something happening on the radio about it that he heard and that's why he went in i think that they were just blaming me because they were too juvenile to take responsibility for their actions themselves. That's it. You know, they were, like,
Starting point is 00:11:09 deflecting their guilt onto me for being a snitch. And it's like, I didn't tell them, but even if I did, I'm still not that bad because it's my job. Yeah. Exactly. That was the thing that always struck me. Like, the flaw in their logic
Starting point is 00:11:23 was that it's not like you were, like, a crony with them and then, like, you snitched on was that it's not like you were like a crony with them and then like you snitched on them it's like you're literally like a higher ranking officer i don't are you an officer i don't know what it is but you're higher ranking on the ship and the captain asks you what's going on and like you have to say who is in there because you gave permission for people to be in that room so for me me, it was like, it seemed as a viewer, as not someone who is on a yacht and part of the yacht lifestyle, it doesn't seem like a crazy thing to happen. It's like you messed up and your boss found out and then she's reported to, you know,
Starting point is 00:11:56 higher up. And even that, like, I tried to pop it back in and I didn't really want it to become a thing or Captain Lee to find out, but he did on his own. So, you know, on the first try try I even did try and cover for them but on the second try there's no avoiding it yeah if you don't mind if I cut in real quick yeah that's I mean look at it this way Kate Kate gave Nico a room during the whole Trevor fiasco she let multiple crew members use the guest rooms over and over I mean it's not like if Kate was out to get them she wouldn't
Starting point is 00:12:25 have ever looked out for him in the first place the the fact that they disrespected something the reason from what i had heard wash they thought it was hers because she was there when captain found out and you know what here's the thing is captain finds out about everything whether it's a pool noodle floating away whether it's a line breaking he is there he is like an omnipresent god that drives me bonkers sometimes I have Sauron yes yes yes he finds every little detail so if they break a panel they just need to own
Starting point is 00:12:54 it and nobody was willing to own it but the problem is I don't know who does it who did it nobody nobody ever found out it was just one of those three because they were in the bathroom locked in there. I don't think they even know. I don't think they remember. So never mind.
Starting point is 00:13:10 They didn't do it. The lesson learned is that they should have never tried to get in the way of this poor guy trying to jerk off in the guest cabin because that's all he wanted to do. And they barged in and took over. Masturbation karma. I mean, and the fact that it was the master room
Starting point is 00:13:29 is really quite punny and perfect. But had I known that was his intention, I'm not sure I would have greenlit it so much because that's kind of gross. But I just thought, you know, sometimes I would let people go use the master stateroom bathtub because it's the only stateroom that had a bathtub. And it was just unfair for me to not let all the crew use it
Starting point is 00:13:48 and only some of them. So that was my logic. Well, I think Ben broke the panel because he went in there wasted and then he's like, look, it's broken. I think he just like grabbed onto the wall or something when he was wasted. But who knows?
Starting point is 00:14:02 Although, to be fair, according to like watching the show,ico and lauren's animosity towards you kate predated this entire scandal i mean because what like sort of getting back to what you were saying like how you were surprised i think for the viewer was surprising too because everything was hunky dory and then all of a sudden like one episode nico is like okay you know and i feel like it started somewhere around that weird Panini Press incident. But it was still strange for the viewers, too. It didn't really make sense.
Starting point is 00:14:30 Yeah, I think that was. Oh, go ahead. I'm sorry. I had no idea. And I actually felt a little bit foolish because I remember an interview saying, like, isn't Nico the greatest? And I remember, like, the producers kind of being like, anyways, next topic. Yeah. Were you like, oh, my God, I'm so mad because I could have been so bitchy for him for so much longer?
Starting point is 00:14:49 I was just too busy. Like, they really weren't even on my radar, which is why it's all surprising. Like, I didn't interact with them hardly at all. I wish they were because Nico, watching how worked up Nico got over the dumbest thing. You're like, okay, let's have a talk. And he's like, whatever, Kate! He got so upset. He was really fuming about
Starting point is 00:15:09 nothing, I thought. So I would have liked it if you had known so that you could have just fucked with him a little bit more. Because there's nothing better than watching someone crush and crumble. That's true. That would have been a fun little hobby for me. Yeah, that probably would have been enjoyable. Yeah, for me. Yeah, that probably would have been enjoyable.
Starting point is 00:15:26 Yeah, you were actually, in general, very nice this season, Kate. I feel like a lot of the people on this ship did not really even realize how lucky they had it, because you did not unleash the full Kate until really, it seems like the last charter or two. Yeah, and that's what's ironic to me. Like literally this is my most lenient, nice laid back season because I'm kind of tired of everyone assuming I'm just some kind of huge bitch because I'm not. So I was like, OK, I guess I should be even nicer this season. And then that's the season that everyone ends up hating me.
Starting point is 00:16:01 So I think if I do it again, you know, niceness is overrated. Yes. I mean, that's basically what we base our podcast off of. That's our motto. Hold on. Hold on. Not with me, though. Please be nice.
Starting point is 00:16:15 Oh, no, you're not. Kelly, you are in the space zone now. Okay, good. Kelly, how many charters do you do a year? I actually work on a private sport fish boat. So I work for a family. And I'm six months in the Bahamas, six months here. And my job is mainly fishing and freediving.
Starting point is 00:16:34 Oh, my God. Oh, so I thought that was like your little house. So that's the family that you're talking about when you say you're going back to the Bahamas? Yeah. They have four houses in the Bahamas. We parked the boat behind it, and we just kind of catered to their needs. Rad. Kate, how many do you do?
Starting point is 00:16:53 Zero, besides when I worked for Captain Lee. Did you ever start doing the luxury flight stuff? You were talking about that, I think, last time we talked. Yeah. I still have the option with the company, but it's for the same reason I don't want to do yachting anymore. I traveled for seven years, and so now I'm kind of enjoying not traveling. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:16 So what are you doing with your time on land? Well, in my hometown, there's this local restaurateur. He owns like four of the island's best restaurants and lounges and bars. And so whenever I come home, he's always very generous and finds a management position for me at one of the various venues. Oh, cool. So, and do either of you guys ever see Captain Lee? I mean, Kelly, I guess you're in the Bahamas a lot, but do you guys see Captain Lee outside of the show ever?
Starting point is 00:17:39 I work out with him in the mornings every once in a while, like when I'm here, probably like twice a week, twice to three times a week uh he works out super early so i have to drag myself out of bed to get there what's his favorite workout yeah uh arms really yeah he loves working out arms yeah the yeah you saw i did not take that that was his trainer wait i did not see those is there a picture of captain lee flexing oh yeah he's oh yeah goodness this is blowing my mind so let's talk some stuff about the cast if there was a reunion what would be your scary like what would be your scariest moment for example last season i i'm not maybe scary is the wrong word but your
Starting point is 00:18:27 biggest drama reunion moment like last season kate you had rocky so that was your like reunion fight who would it be this year oh it would definitely be ben uh first and foremost and it's like still going on which is annoying um i't know. I'm just not real excited about how he's been acting lately. Like, he only values our friendship when it benefits him, and then he'll use that and then turn on you if it benefits him. So you had no idea any of this was happening, because we spoke to you, I think, after the first or second episode, right? And I don't think you had any idea, because you talked about how much you love Ben.
Starting point is 00:19:08 And even though you fight sometimes, did you know that it was going to get as ugly as it did? Even though you had already shot the whole thing already. But did you know how bad it was? I think as far as our fights on the boat, I know that when I work with Ben, if I ask him to make food, there's going to be a fight. And I knew on the last night that he had been really rude to me out of nowhere. But I talked that up to him drinking too much and being tired or whatever. But since I spoke to you guys and since all that happened, he's just continued to be shady in the same way. So it's like that apology was never real, and it's just really frustrating.
Starting point is 00:19:48 I don't want to keep falling for it. Like, oh, you're my friend? Oh, wait, you're not. When you say shady, like in real life or on Twitter, where is he being shady at? Yeah, all of the above. Yeah, he's just not real truthful. And he'll call you and ask like your best friend and like friend and, like, want to come visit you in your hometown. I mean, me.
Starting point is 00:20:08 And then he always has, like, some ulterior motive that you realize three weeks later. Like, he just wants a guest room while he's, like, doing an interview at a dealership or something? Like, a guest spot or whatever? Oh, yeah. Very, very close. Yeah. Oh, yeah, very, very close. Yeah. If he feels like he's gonna make money or help his reputation in some way, then he'll be a friend. But if he thinks it'll help his reputation to fight with you, he'll do that. And it's just unnecessary, really. Like you can do okay on your own without shitting on your friend. hasn't been i mean as a viewer i always got the sense that ben was always sort of like that like he's sort of self-interested and like he's got like this crazy up and down personality um and
Starting point is 00:20:52 he's very convincing though like i mean he's so convincing like after season two i didn't want to have anything to do with him and i was like okay i'm gonna give him give him another chance this season and there was just there was something that happened mid-season when i came in the main salon and he was talking to somebody and he was just talking shit on me and i i mean i just kind of laid it out to him i was like look i i came in here with a fresh start like i wanted us to be friends and this just isn't what i expected from you and it just shows his true his true colors in my opinion and i mean he's done the same thing over and over and he's got a good heart and he's got a good heart in there somewhere you can see it at times but the problem is is yeah as as kate said he's he's selfish like as long as it benefits him he's
Starting point is 00:21:36 in for it if it's not benefiting him it's worthless to him is it like a reality star thing like is it one of these things where he's like okay like, I've been on this pretty much every season, and I've been on this spinoff show, and he's like, I'm going to start up some drama. Is it coming from that sort of place, you think? No, because it happens even after the show. It could happen in between now and season five, and he would do the same exact thing.
Starting point is 00:22:01 Here's the thing. If my sister called Kate for something, like if if my sister called kate for something um like let's say my sister's heartbroken kate would come down and talk to my sister comfort my sister if if there i don't believe ben would do the same thing sorry about that it's okay um i don't believe ben has the same thoughts on friendship that that most people do um yeah exactly because i didn't even see i didn't even see any tension with you and ben kelly was there i mean i am a stoner so sometimes i forget things but i don't remember a whole lot of tension what about emily gates emily gate ronnie wasn't i mean that must have surely been like a i mean you can answer ronnie's question but i would imagine
Starting point is 00:22:42 emily that whole emily situation? But even that was not really... I was saying, what was the tension? Because I didn't really notice it, and Ben said the Emilygate, Bemilygate, was probably it. But even that seemed like you just said, okay, whatever, that sucks, and just backed away. Well, it's basically like me and Nico were joking about it, but we were never very serious. It was like, whatever, if something happens, something happens. Was I head over heels for Emily? Hell no.
Starting point is 00:23:13 I don't think for you it was one specific thing that Ben did. I think it's just, and I feel the same way, over time you see a pattern in his behavior and you just kind of realize that he's never going to change if he apologizes for something he just goes ahead and does it again like it's not one specific thing it's like a slow burn that finally it's just like what the hell why are you even wasting my time yeah because it seems like a lot of when he's being shitty is just rando stress in the kitchen being shit it seems like just lot of when he's being shitty is just rando stress in the kitchen being shit. It seems like just part of who he is.
Starting point is 00:23:47 I mean, I always say you can't ever truly know someone in a real relationship until you're wasted with them. Because, you know, you see all the uncovered parts. Which is kind of what we saw in the finale when he got drunk and then just started yelling at you. And was like, I don't like working with you anymore, okay? That's it. I'm done. I mean, that was so mean because it was obviously hurting her feelings and he was just doing it for Emily,
Starting point is 00:24:11 but then ended up hurting her feelings too. So, stupid. No, the worst part was I had just bought a very expensive bottle of champagne and poured myself a glass and shared it with other people. I think it was my last glass and I was just trying to enjoy it. He came over and he seemed stressed out. And considering that he had been so, you know, cheerful with me five minutes prior,
Starting point is 00:24:31 I didn't think it was anything I had done. So I was like, do you need a drink? And he took my champagne, chugged it, and then dropped the rudeness on me. I was like, that's just how you deal with the injury. Like, now I don't have a drink to deal with the rude things you just said because you just chugged it. It was like, that's just how you deal with the injury. Now I don't have a drink to deal with the rude things you just said because you just chugged it. That was annoying.
Starting point is 00:24:49 That to me says volumes right there. That's the sort of thing where I would never forgive someone. I'd be like, you drank my expensive champagne that I just bought for everyone. I would never forgive him. Knowing you were about to say something mean to me. How can you know you're going to go say something mean to somebody and drink their champagne first? well and on top of that i actually loved your
Starting point is 00:25:08 response it's like i don't i don't like working with you anymore and you're like well we stopped working 12 hours ago so why the attitude um yeah well that it's kind of funny because what you guys are saying about ben it makes me wonder why is wonder, why is it that every season of this show and its spinoffs, it seems like there's a girl who's super into Ben? Where's that come from? Well, I mean, Charles Manson would be able to convince people, too. Just because somebody's charming doesn't mean they're a good person. Amen, sister. Your cat is very charming, and it will eat your face off when you die, okay? Exactly.
Starting point is 00:25:50 I am a cat person. I take offense to that. So people... And it will still eat your face. Like, that's the thing about cats. You can have whatever the hell opinion you want. They still won't eat your face when you die. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:01 You guys, who's the biggest... Behind the scenes and in front of the cameras who were the people that really were just going for the cameras because you guys are pretty much used to this so i would imagine that you can forget they're there in a way who is really just bringing bringing drama just for the cameras nico yeah really huh yeah That's so sad because his drama was so lame. They didn't even put any of it in there. I was about to say his drama was him just sort of like whining and complaining and rolling his eyes. It was like very millennial.
Starting point is 00:26:33 It wasn't. Yeah. Go ahead, Kate. I thought, you know, at first I thought he was very mature. But then looking at all of his interviews, I realized he's acting like the 22-year-old that he is. But then looking at all of his interviews, I realize he's acting like the 22-year-old that he is. And this is a compliment saying that Nico was the crew member that put on for the camera most. I think he does have a really good presence on camera.
Starting point is 00:26:56 I think he really would be a great entertainer. And I think that was what made him do that. I think that's his natural talent. I don't think he could help himself. I love when he got upset about that tattoo shading comment and turned into a whiny little girl like he cried about that for three days i that will make me laugh for all time i actually listen trevor he was just non-stop it wasn't like it wasn't like little increments here and there it was like constant it was like you you have no idea how much time i i spent on him trying to get him to change his ways trying different ways to talk to him
Starting point is 00:27:31 different styles of leadership it was it was it was literally driving me insane okay yeah yeah no i can't kelly did you get the sense that like the producers had basically set you up they're like okay we're gonna give you a disaster and you're gonna have to like knowing that this guy was gonna be disaster he's only gonna last like you know a few episodes worth before he before he was axed did you get the sense that like you were just like had this situation that was just never gonna get better yeah i mean i still had to try no matter no matter even if i didn't think it was gonna get better i had to try and reach him. Maybe I could, maybe I couldn't.
Starting point is 00:28:07 But, you know, he's just a special case, and he was my Rocky this season, but he was, like, way crazy. Short-lived, luckily. Yeah. Go ahead, sorry. Well, Kelly, on your first season, wasn't there a guy named Andrew who was also a disaster? What was his name, Andrew?
Starting point is 00:28:24 Remember that guy who was, like, and he never worked on hiatus before who was i'm telling you my season's like i get oh trevor by far andrew was just dumb and like i met him after like we hung out afterwards and he was still just he's not all there he's a really sweet guy he's just not all there um go ahead kate okay we hear we heard noises back there that was actually my dog barking but um i think she agrees with you about andrew andrew you know he's sweet trevor was i mean i don't think trevor was super intelligent either but he also unfortunately was like combative and thought he was like andrew i don't think andrew thinks he's smarter than he is he's just happy with where he's at but trevor thought he like knew like, Andrew, I don't think Andrew thinks he's smarter than he is. He's just happy with where he's at.
Starting point is 00:29:05 But Trevor thought he, like, knew everything, and that was a bad combo. I think Trevor is so dangerous because he's so dumb that he starts being cross-eyed, you know? Like, he's not looking far ahead. It's almost, like, cross-eyed stupid. But I actually had a question about him, and I'm forgetting what it was. Trevor, Trevor, Trevor. Oh, we should move on to some Twitter questions because one of them was, what was up with Nico being promoted to top deckhand or whatever they call it? Senior deckhand.
Starting point is 00:29:35 Oh, yeah. Senior deckhand when we had talked, or not we, but everyone had talked about how that's not even a thing when Trevor was walking around saying he was head deckhand. Was he actually head deckhand? It's a title, and it is in the industry on a few boats. It's not normal, but it is also nice to have someone to delegate to. As Captain said, he wouldn't have promoted him if he would have seen everything that Nico had done.
Starting point is 00:30:07 But, you know, in the end, it helped me because it gave nico more responsibility and i think it made him kind of grow up and realize his ass was on the line because they had never gotten their ass really chewed so for me it it it helped me out because it took him being childish and kind of grew him up a little bit because he is 22 i mean really if you think how are you 22 oh my god not good i mean i'm barely more mature and i'm like twice that so um was when trevor was senior decant was that actually his title or was he just saying that no that was his title oh so trevor actually did have that title academy is a new scripted podcast that follows ava richards played by HBO's Industries' Myhala Harold, a brilliant scholarship student who has to quickly adapt to her newfound eat-or-be-eaten
Starting point is 00:30:50 world. Ava's ambitions take hold and her small-town values break in hopes of becoming the first scholarship student to make The List, Bishop Gray's all-coveted academic top 10, curated by the headmaster himself. But after realizing she has no chance at the list on her own, she reluctantly accepts an invitation to a secret underground society that pulls the strings on campus life and academic success. If she bends to their will, she'll have everything she's ever dreamed of. But at what cost? Academy takes you into the world of a cutthroat private school where power, money, and sex collide in a game of life and death. Follow Academy on the Wondery app or wherever you get your podcasts. You can binge
Starting point is 00:31:31 all episodes of Academy early and ad-free right now by joining Wondery Plus. From Wondery, this is Black History For Real. I'm Francesca Ramsey. And I'm Conscious Lee. What do most people think about when they hear the words Black History? Rosa Parks, Reconstruction, MLK, February, Black History Month. Exactly, exactly. There are so many stories of Black History that we just are not really talking about or thinking about, especially outside of February. And we are about to flip the script on all of that.
Starting point is 00:32:09 Because on this show, you're going to hear a little less. In August 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue. And a little bit more. She is a heroine to some as a fighter for black rights. She is a villain to others. Follow Black History for Real on the Wondery app or wherever you get your podcasts. Listen everywhere on February 5th or you can listen early and ad-free on Wondery Plus
Starting point is 00:32:31 starting January 29th. Join Wondery Plus on the Wondery app or on Apple Podcasts. Yeah, he did have that title, unfortunately. I think it's just a management technique, you know, and like you said with Nico, it actually made him rise to the occasion i mean i tried that with rocky when she first started and she was giving me attitude about putting the condiments away in dry storage and i said rocky
Starting point is 00:32:52 you are the creative director of the condiment storage you know you give them that title and that responsibility and they like take it a little more serious. Did she take that more seriously? No, I think she started doing a tap dance and flirting with Don. But if you're a normal person, it may have helped. She may be crazy, but the ketchup is always looking good. It's like the ketchup is always married. The ketchup has a little mermaid tail on it now. She was doing a play with the ketchup and the mustard.
Starting point is 00:33:24 What's going on with Rocky? I don't know. I think she has a very nice life, actually. She does yoga. She skis. She does one between Southern California, Hawaii, and I don't know, Colorado or Utah, one of them. That's a pretty nice life. All without a job.
Starting point is 00:33:38 Yeah. Bless her heart. And she's funny because she'll start a fight. Like she started, we talked about it last time you were on kate but she's like fucking with kate when she was going through all of her personal stuff she immediately gets on twitter like oh captain now what do you think and he's like ah well look at your behavior typical rocky that's why you'll never make it as a head catch-up lady or whatever the hell it was. But I like that Rocky will just pop up randomly.
Starting point is 00:34:10 You don't hear anything from her. We get letters about Rocky. Someone was like, I'm in British Columbia or somewhere. And they're like, and Rocky was the barista. And boy, she sure had a mouthful about Below Deck. Were you worried, Kate? She's still trying to stay relevant. Yeah, it's hilarious to me.
Starting point is 00:34:27 Well, were you worried, Kate, that the producers were going to bring her back? You know, because they know how much you could not stand her and that she couldn't stand you. Were you worried they were going to have to be stuck with Rocky again? Oh, not for a second, because as much trouble as Rocky gave me, she also gave production. So I think everybody was relieved that rocky was not coming back that's a good that's a good lead who um who is the most trouble with production like this season who gave them the most crap sierra that's i was about to say can you tell us about sierra because sierra is an interesting character if you ask me she started started off the season sort of like sweet and kind of dippy
Starting point is 00:35:06 and sort of space cadet-y and strange and talking about getting into the juice industry. And then she sort of ends the season kind of like a raging bitch. I don't know. Sierra is not as dumb as she seems. She's just kind of ditzy, but she's funny and she's smart. It surprised me. I was like, oh, I would hang out with her in real life life but she's also very i don't know if it's paranoid or defensive she would imagine
Starting point is 00:35:29 bad things were like happening when they weren't like she thought people were out to get her like production or me the deckhands and it's like we're not so she would just spin out and then from her spinning out that would result in people getting annoyed with her. And then it would be real. Right. So when she's like a diva with production, what does that entail? Like what,
Starting point is 00:35:53 what kind of things can you do on the boat to be a diva with production? Did she refuse to film or threatened to leave? Like what was her deal? I think she just didn't want to talk about things. Um, and if they asked her to talk about something, she would like cry or go hide in a room like she didn't. She didn't want to be a part of the experience that she signed up for. It was a little confusing to everyone why she was there
Starting point is 00:36:15 or what she thought it was going to be like, because it's like didn't once she was high cameras on her and was supposed to talk about her life being a yachty. She's like, I don't want to talk about this. I just texted you a picture I took. My favorite screenshot of Sierra ever was this one little moment yesterday, or in the finale, when she's eating a piece of cucumber with chopsticks and it drops. But it's only like two seconds of the show.
Starting point is 00:36:42 But I got a screenshot of her with the cucumber falling while she's eating it with her it's so good it's just so her you know it is and you know what's really funny about that you just said that and i'm looking at the photo now i talked to captain lee yesterday and we talked for like 20 minutes and before we hung up he's like oh and by the way my favorite scene is sierra dropping something with chopsticks like you you and captain lee are more alike than god damn chopsticks yeah i love that it was my favorite thing i had to like rewind and frame by frame to get it but it was so funny yes sierra was no
Starting point is 00:37:21 rocky i mean she wasn't really an asshole. She seemed immature. But obviously there was something going on that we couldn't see because people were pissed off at her all the time. I was like, what are they not showing? What is she doing that they're not showing? Yeah, Kelly, you and Sierra definitely had some run-ins. What are your thoughts on Sierra? Nothing nice. You know, it's kind of like she said she didn't want drama and she didn't want this and like she thought we were all being fake and like then i tell kyle not to go on
Starting point is 00:37:52 the date with her little did i know lauren went in there and like stirred up a bunch of shit but basically i said don't go on the fucking date it's stupid she comes storming down the dock like yelling at me and i'm like all i did was don't go on the fucking date leave it right leave it alone just it's not that hard yeah but you know by the way yeah that that being i got blasted right i got blasted over that but that being said when you know sierra was pretty good about showing Kyle that she was not interested. And he went on this date anyway. And she was cold. I mean, for sure she was cold.
Starting point is 00:38:35 But Kyle's reaction afterwards was he was like, he just hated her afterwards. And is it me or, like, part of it's kind of like, well, dude, like, she wasn't into you in the first place. Like, I understand, like, your ego is hurt a little bit. But, like, this seems like it's above and beyond i mean i'm not a big sierra fan but she's like it's sort of like you were the one who should have picked up on those signals right am i crazy oh oh no no no no i picked up on them and that's why i was like go deal with it just go make amends say you're sorry and move move on and that's what i was trying to get him to do but every time that how i should have learned after the first time of sending him to the beach which i didn't uh it's just you know leave it be stay away from each other uh you know live and learn as management
Starting point is 00:39:13 he seemed to be yeah very um and i really liked kyle a lot but in this scenario he seemed to have like be really bruised by the whole situation and which which seemed also a little extraordinary considering that he had Ashley. Like if anyone was going to get hurt in that scenario, it was really going to be Ciara. So it was strange to me that he really was lashing out so much. I mean, I get it. If he doesn't like Ciara, he doesn't like Ciara. But it seemed like above and beyond. Well, he wasn't mad that she had a boyfriend.
Starting point is 00:39:44 She was mad that he was a boyfriend she was mad that he was texting or she was texting her boyfriend on their date yeah what it what it was is it was one it was the respect he spent money to go on the date um and then afterwards it was like okay he was upset and then it was like little things that bought okay he has like a huge problem with like table manners. Yeah. And so, like, I mean, you have no idea. I got yelled at by him a few times for it. But she would like come in, sit down at the table and chew with her mouth open,
Starting point is 00:40:14 even though she knew it drove him mad. So it was kind of like this little war of stupid little stuff that turned into a big war that affected everybody. Because one or one of the other was going to everybody else and telling everybody about it it was insane so i mean like god bless it that's my favorite part below deck is watching you guys over the course of a yachting season and just get like furious about the tiniest little shit that's that's the best part for me as a viewer oh my favorite. queen master and she had been making the beds and then went to go apologize to kyle and after she walked away she realized somehow this is a comedic miracle a piece of tape with queen
Starting point is 00:41:13 written on it was stuck to her boob the entire time oh no that's amazing it was amazing i was like is this for real you can't make this stuff up that is hilarious so you talk do do you guys keep in touch with kyle he's the breakout noob of the season i would guess i mean to us he was do you guys talk to him after the after the charter do you keep in touch what about you kelly he stayed he stayed in in my house about two weeks ago. I helped him get a job here. And then he just kind of up and disappeared. I've talked to him once.
Starting point is 00:41:53 He's like out in L.A. or something like that. We talk every once in a while. I'll look for the juggler. Yeah, we'll look to see if he's doing some sort of like, he's like busking over at the subway or something. He's going to be juggling bowling pins or something in front of the Christmas tree at the Grove. You know it's coming. I know. Were you guys, I mean, I wouldn't doubt it.
Starting point is 00:42:15 Yeah. So, obviously one of the most surprising moments of the season was when Kyle revealed, like after all this Sierra stuff, then all of a sudden Kyle reveals that he's sort of like like you know his sexuality is a little is more fluid than we would imagine he's into trans women he's like with a go-go dance like did you guys see that coming at all i did not not a clue no how could you the best was kate on her ipad mini which is my favorite secondary character on this show your ipad mini but you were sitting on the ipad mini trying to get on goddamn facetime you know for the hundredth time you can never get on there and he started going into that and you're still trying to connect to facetime
Starting point is 00:42:54 you did i loved it but he's like saying all this stuff and you just looked at him and you did your rofl when you were like and then you guys became little besties and last night or on the i'm sorry i just watched the finale last night obviously i keep saying last night but uh on the finale when ashley was curling her hair i mean so cute that was cute they broke up right they broke up yeah um kyle came and stayed with me about a month ago for a couple days and he was wearing the ring the david german ring that i'd sold to him and i just admit it was kind of painful because that was like a special 30th present to myself and i wore it for three years my finger kind of like was misshapen from wearing it every day and he's now in my apartment waving it around saying how sad he is that Ashley and him didn't get back together.
Starting point is 00:43:45 And I just thought it was a bad time for him to be like, well, then can I get the ring back? No, you should have totally done it. You should have waited until he went to sleep and taken it back. Yeah. I mean, between the champagne and the ring, I mean, Kate, there's been a lot of like, a lot of shifty business
Starting point is 00:44:00 happening here in this finale. No kidding. But I'm actually thankful for it because finally, after three years of doing the show, people on social media are like, poor Kate. See? There you go. That's how they do it. We've told the housewives that we've met, you cannot be the one who brings someone down. You have to be the one that they're trying to bring down. That's when the world loves you, darling. You have to be the one that they're trying to bring down.
Starting point is 00:44:24 That's when the world loves you, darling. Yeah. Can we talk about some of the charter guests? Who were your favorites and least favorite this season? You go first, Kelly. Dean by far. Dean was the favorite or the least favorite? Favorite.
Starting point is 00:44:37 Favorite by far. Dean's always awesome. I mean, he can be a little picky at times, but you don't always see, like, he's always nice and always happy. can be a little picky at times but you don't always see like he's always nice and always happy and like even even after the season's over we still keep in touch uh he's offered to fly me out to come visit in his house i think he has no good lord watch that you're gonna have a chain around your ankle soon boy oh no no no um i think maybe but he has invited me as well. Sorry. No, go ahead. You're fine. And then I think Chow was my least favorite. They were just kind of weird.
Starting point is 00:45:11 Like, even just their conversations were weird. Oh, that was creepy. Was that the hairy guys? The ones that had the wax. Yeah, that was a terrible charter. Those guys were total pigs. I mean, misogyny-wise. They were just such assholes.
Starting point is 00:45:28 They were gross on every level. Let's ask some Twitter stuff, Ben. Okay. I've got several Twitter questions. Amanda Jones asks, does Captain Lee's wife ever come to visit? Kelly, you want to answer that one? Not out on charter season, no.
Starting point is 00:45:46 I have met her here in Fort Lauderdale, but she's never come out as a boat before okay and then amanda jones also asks how many crew members share in the tip is there a crew behind the scenes like barry and larry who get to receive a slice of that tip yes yes they get to receive it split evenly between all of us captain included and the two extras oh okay and that's a common thing with yachting. There's always a tip at the end of a charter. That's what happens with yachting? Yes, as long as it's the performance. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:13 Okay. I'm glad to know that because not that I'm going to be chartering a yacht anytime soon, but if I'd never seen this show, I had no idea that there was a big old tip at the end, which is crazy because it must be so expensive to charter a yacht and then the tip on top of that i that's why i'm gonna i'm gonna try to rowboat i think but not a yacht i mean that tip's good the tips we get are good for for the amount of time but i mean those are those are small compared to a lot of charter boats that do like a week or two week charters well not all of those people pay right like they had a they had that that lady loisa from secrets and wives on bravo that lady who came with her gaze did they actually
Starting point is 00:46:53 pay for that they were like the worst tippers of the whole season in case you don't know who i'm talking about eliza they did and actually those I was going to say, those were my favorite charter guests, the people that did the drag show. Oh, yeah. The primaries were two event planners out of New York City. So they, like, really appreciated the table decorations and, like, gave me tips on what they do. And they're just lovely. And then they brought their dogs. And so the dogs were cool.
Starting point is 00:47:21 They're just a really happy, fun group. The dogs were cool. They're just a really happy, fun group. Along those lines, Kate, I personally have a very important question, which is can you walk us through your tablescape inspiration and tell us when you bring out the crystals versus the rocks versus the pebbles? Yeah, and I can make it quick, too. Breakfast, you're going to be casual. Lunch, you're going to be a little fancier.
Starting point is 00:47:41 And then dinner, you really go for it. Breakfast is shells, usually, because they're getting ready for a day of beach and then dinner you really go for it so breakfast is shells usually um because they're getting ready for a day of beach and ocean fun then usually yep uh-huh and then lunch is maybe like some flowers with some river rocks and some glass beads and then dinner dinner time you'll do crystals and glass beads um and candles and you just take a theme and let's say you want to do a red table, you can do red flowers, red beads, red rocks, whatever. And then you can go from there. You know, I did notice on this finale, I noticed a branch in the mix.
Starting point is 00:48:16 There was a little bit of a little, little, little branch or a twig that I noticed and I respected that. Well, whatever theme you go for, you just add glam and the crystals are what add the glam. So if you want to do earthy glam, branches, leaves, and some glass beads. I even did one charter. I guess we're acting so crazy. And this is with Amy.
Starting point is 00:48:36 And we decided to do their table circus themed as like an innuendo that we thought they were nuts. I mean, but we had like peanuts and popcorn and none of the napkin rings matched. So it's kind of like a way to express yourself. I love a passive aggressive tablescape. It was so beautiful. Passive aggressive glam. Okay, more Twitter questions. Okay, Thomas Crane asks,
Starting point is 00:49:03 did you read Captain Lee's blogs and then go back in time to make corrections? So I guess he's asking, were you able to correct your behavior after you read Captain Lee's blogs? Although I tend to think this was recorded before those blogs were published, right? Yeah. Very much recorded before the blogs were published. But what do you think about his blogs? Because he goes in on those blogs. Look, he calls it how he sees it.
Starting point is 00:49:26 And he calls it how it was. He loves doing them. He loves it. I read like an entire blog one time on the show. And I was just dying laughing. I told him. You did? I was like, oh my gosh.
Starting point is 00:49:38 And watch what crap. And they read like your entire blog. And he was just thrilled. I love it. I love him. Okay, so here's one from dusk uh duskborn he asked a few but here's my favorite and this actually has to do with the captain he says why does the captain in my opinion seem to give more allowances to the female employees over the men
Starting point is 00:49:58 e.g rocky never got that ticket home i saw that twitter question it's the only one i saw and i already have an answer um because the males that got fired they did things that were unignorable like getting hammered dane got so drunk and caused a fight at that resort we were at like and almost punched eddie in the face can't ignore that um forever same thing he got drunk and got in a fight with kelly and started a fight can't ignore that leon started a fire then blamed me for it can't ignore that with rocky i try to not complain to captain lee as much as possible so yeah she was annoying but i she wasn't doing anything like about to punch someone or you know burning the boat down right and plus it was also wasn't that also like the second to last charter?
Starting point is 00:50:46 So Captain Lee was like, let's just get through the season and move on. I mean, in all honesty, the first week with Rocky, I wanted to get rid of her, but it wasn't really up to me. Right. Well, yeah. Well, before I ask the next one,
Starting point is 00:50:59 Kelly, what do you think, answering the same question, just from the male point of view, what do you think about that? Do you think that answering the same question, just from the male point of view, what do you think about that? Do you think that the captain does give – is he more lenient with the females? No, I don't really think he is. One, because I don't think he has to involve himself as much with the female crew because he has Kate. I mean, Kate really doesn't take any BS from anybody. You guys are literally making the boat work on the outside.
Starting point is 00:51:27 So he's actually having to interact with you guys a lot more. I mean, come on. The anchor drama, one of our favorite parts. Oh, yeah. When that anchor goes up and down. Oh, yeah. Well, yeah. It's always exciting.
Starting point is 00:51:40 They always make a point of it on the show. Oh, yeah. The anchor is always a big part. They didn't show one of the most exciting things that happened is we got hooked on a power line and we actually got it off within like five minutes oh my god uh oh yeah we pulled up this huge cable we were like oh boy and uh the worst case scenario is we were gonna have to drop our anchor and leave it but uh we were able to get it off i can't believe engineering for a full season of watching like here comes the anchor here comes the anchor we're dropping the anchor we're dropping we like
Starting point is 00:52:09 it's like every time it's like five minutes of the show watch the anchor go up and down and then something like that happens they don't put it in the show how could they do that yeah and coincidentally that was the night the lights went out in virgin gorda but that was not our fault we swear oh and, and what happened? What do you think about what do you think about Lauren? Do you think the captain was extra hard on Lauren, or did
Starting point is 00:52:33 she legit just fuck up more? No, she Kate, do you hear that? This is for Kate, by the way, and I don't mean to interrupt my own damn question, but do you hear that? It's the leaf blower right outside my door. I swear to God. I heard it.
Starting point is 00:52:52 It's like an angel. You know, I feel like I'm meant to be talking to you right now. Our little leaf blower showed up. It's supposed to happen. Okay, so Lauren, do you think that he was, was he harsher with her? Because I don't know if he was actually harsher with her or if she just took it harder. Oh, she – after watching now, no, she deserved every bit of it. She sucked.
Starting point is 00:53:13 She probably – She did, right? Yeah, she sucked. I would have been on her more, but she had me fooled. Like, I had a total veil over my eyes. She kind of had me fooled, too. Right, because you were working. No, but there was one day – and Captain Lee was so bummed they didn't put this in the show there's one day i was like making orders at my laptop at the table and captain lee was down like
Starting point is 00:53:33 checking everything and we watched lauren walk around past the windows of the main salon and do about four circles just holding a chamois but never stopping to do work i think she's one of those people that thinks if you just walk around looking like you're working that's good enough you got time to lean you got time to clean we've all heard that one she's probably like i will not lean you know it was one of my uh not one of my favorite parts the finale but the part that um i thought was like uh sort of like indirectly so mean to Lauren was Nico at the end of the episode. He's like, yeah, I wish I could have made out with at least one of the stewardesses.
Starting point is 00:54:14 And it was such a neg on Lauren because here she was, she was throwing herself at him earlier in the season. And he's like, damn it. There was no one I could make out with. Not a single person. not a single person not a single person i would want to touch my lips to not one i was like oh lauren just got it bad right there i didn't even think of that what is uh and we should get this wrapped up um but just to finish
Starting point is 00:54:40 off is there anything like the scene that you just mentioned that you really wanted them to show that they didn't? I mean, how would you, since you guys didn't get a reunion, what would you like to leave us with, to finish us with? Okay, I'll let you go first on this one. There were so many scenes that I was so depressed to not make it in. For our first charter or second charter, they wanted a disco party, and I had all of the crew dressed up as we call it the valor people, as the village people. Kelly was the fireman. Lauren was the Indian Native American.
Starting point is 00:55:11 It was so good. They did a whole musical act and sang and did their arms in the shape of valor. It was so good. How did that not make it in there? How weird. I don't know. It was so good. She made so many parties.
Starting point is 00:55:24 Like, we had a party every single charter, and I really wish she would have showed them because, like, she came up with these amazing parties for every charter. I don't think there was a single one we didn't do a party for. And, like, hardly... I don't think any of them made it in.
Starting point is 00:55:38 No. That's a bummer. What other scenes, Kate? Oh, then we did an anything but clothing party because we had to stay on a boat one night night but we still wanted to have a good time so i told the crew you have like three hours go around the boat and everybody had to make an outfit out of i don't know garbage bags washcloth whatever and everybody got really creative and then ben and i judged like paula and simon cowell on american idol and judged everybody's outfits. It was amazing.
Starting point is 00:56:05 I have this footage on my iPad because you know that iPad was always around. So I think I'll post that stuff later because it's pretty funny. What about you, Kelly? Anything missing from the show that you wish people had gotten to see? Us on the power line that we pulled up
Starting point is 00:56:21 during the anchor. You know, other than that... What about when we almost hit the boat anchor um you know other than that what about when we almost hit the boat in the dark oh that scene yeah i got it yeah okay yeah yeah it was it was very close i mean we were within like 15 feet of another boat that uh dragged anchor and basically slid towards us man there was just a lot oh i wish they would have been on me with i had to run go get a yoga instructor i think that was for the last charter group. Yeah, last charter group. And I was driving across and the anchor on the Intrepid, which is like 150 feet, just released on the Intrepid as I'm going across in these six-foot seas.
Starting point is 00:56:58 And so I had to get out there and pull this anchor up manually by hand. Whoa, hot. Oh, wow. That looks so sexy. Whoa, hot. Oh, wow. That's so sexy. Wow. Wow. Yeah, they should play that in slow-mo. I mean, send that to Andy Cohen.
Starting point is 00:57:13 That is legit hot. You're in Andy Cohen's new book. I know. I saw that. Oh, God. What did you do with Andy Cohen? Why are you in there? We were doing interview.
Starting point is 00:57:24 Go ahead, Kate. Kelly's getting something very bashful. Tell us. Two years ago, Andy was talking about it in his diaries, and it was when Kelly was on Watch What Happens Over the Reunion, and he was like, oh, I shot the below-death review today, and all he said about it was, that Kelly is so hot. He was having sexual fantasies about me while we were shooting.
Starting point is 00:57:45 Well, there's a way to kill a boner. Thanks a lot, guys. There's one more thing. Yes, say. I should have made it into the show. This was the funniest thing I've ever seen in my life. Kyle, he really has this dance routine to I'm Coming Out, the song, or maybe some other 72-year-old song.
Starting point is 00:58:05 I don't know. And he starts performing, and he just had professed his love to Ciara and started almost crying and kind of rejected him. So now he's like, I'm going to dance. That's what I do really well. And the whole restaurant was looking at him and cheering him on, and I think he got a little excited. And he went to go sit on a tabletop, and it fell,
Starting point is 00:58:23 and his feet went over his head backwards, and we thought he had a concussion. And he went from killing it to almost killing himself. Oh, God. The hatred for Sierra really just keeps growing. I feel like I understand it more and more with every story. It's like she almost broke my head. I have three questions left. Three really pressing questions.
Starting point is 00:58:46 So the first one, Kelly, when you're sitting there on the tender with that fiasco with the keys and the cooler and everything, and you have to sit there for like 45 minutes, what was going through your head? Because for like an entire week, I was distraught until the next episode could come around and resolve what happened. Oh, I was freaking out because I'd already had to talk with captain about changes were going to happen and then we'd had a good good day and then this rolled around and i'm just sitting there going how could i be so stupid like i was i was really just beating myself up because i was i was giving it all i had and i i just i kept making little mistakes here and there and it was just adding up to a lot and uh i was i was just really really beat myself up over it that sucks wow yeah i i it
Starting point is 00:59:33 was like uh when that cliffhanger happened i was like i was so invested um that i i literally like spent like the entire week like i i need to know what happens next because I had vicarious dread for you at that moment. What else you got in there, Bean? The other question is, Kate, we're not going to...
Starting point is 00:59:58 We know that you went through some personal shit. We won't get through that, but what was it like watching your very public romance on this show? No pun intended. Yeah. Yeah. A lot of PDAs.
Starting point is 01:00:12 Are you normally a PDA person? I'm not a PDA person at all. I'm also not a person that stays in contact with somebody I'm dating on land. I was dating somebody when I was on Arrow pretty seriously. So I was just open to trying a couple of new things with this relationship. But actually, I was kind of relieved when the episode came out
Starting point is 01:00:30 because I could not wait for everybody to see the general physical size and demeanor of the person I was dating. Right. Do you know how hard it is to get a hug out of Kate? I try to hug her all the time. I can imagine. Exactly all the time I can imagine I can imagine
Starting point is 01:00:47 I wouldn't even try to be honest Kate when we meet We'll just do a handshake No you have to give her a hug Yeah I'm a hugger I'm going to hug you I'll do a hug I wouldn't want to impose
Starting point is 01:01:01 I'll hug you of course When I'm working I'm not in hug mode It's different to impose, you know? I'll hug you, of course. And I hug you, Kelly. It's just when I'm working, I'm not in hug mode. You know, it's different. Okay. All right. Okay, good.
Starting point is 01:01:10 That makes me feel better. Then the last question is, Kate, you have a book. Actually, we didn't even talk that you have a book. So as we wrap it up here, do you want to tell the listeners about your book that you have coming out?
Starting point is 01:01:21 Yes. Thank you. I started writing it about eight years ago before Below Deck was even a thing because the stuff you see on yachts is just crazy. Celebrities, rich people acting nuts, the yachties. So I started writing it, and it's a passion project,
Starting point is 01:01:34 and now it's out on Amazon and iBooks. It's a hard copy coming later this week, and I'm so relieved to have it done and out there and that people seem to be liking it. And what's it called again? Oh, right. The name of the book is Lucky Charming and the reason for the name is in the story. Excellent.
Starting point is 01:01:52 Well, you guys, thank you so much for coming on and also thank you for being so great to our podcast, retweeting and all that stuff. It really means a lot to us and we obviously are super into your show. And you guys, thank you for being totally candid.
Starting point is 01:02:08 Yeah, we love you guys. You don't know about next season yet, right? You find out, like, right before? Yeah, we find out right before. It's still too early to tell. Yeah. Well, hope you're back. If you guys want to find these guys on Twitter,
Starting point is 01:02:20 I'm sure everybody listening to this is already following you. But Kate is at Kate underscore Chastain, and Kelly is at Kelly W. Johnson, and don't forget that Kelly is with an E-Y. Oh, thank you. And Johnson's with an H, right? Yes. You just wanted to say Johnson to Kelly.
Starting point is 01:02:38 I know. I'm still thinking about that anchor moment in the rough seas. What can I say? You guys, thank you so much. I'm still thinking about that anchor moment in the rough seas. You guys, thank you so much. It was really good talking to you. We love your show. Love you guys. Thank you so much for having us. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:02:54 Bye, everybody. Bye. You can listen to Watch What Crappens ad-free on Amazon Music. Download the Amazon Music app today. Or you can listen ad-free with Wondery Plus in Apple Podcasts. Before you go, tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at slash survey.

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