Watch What Crappens - #432 RHOBH: Re-Vagunited & It Feels So Good

Episode Date: April 12, 2017

The first of three Real Housewives of Beverly Hills reunions is upon us. Get ready for some talk of Erika’s vagina. Enjoy! Subscribe at for bonus ep...isodes, ringtones, and live group video chat parties. See for privacy and opt-out information.Our Patreon Extras: See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, Prime members, you can listen to watch what crapens add free on Amazon Music. Download the app today. Get ready for a double load of Queen of Hearts. It's me, Jujubee, and I return to guide sexy singles through some ronchi blind dates. Cameras off. Voice only. Launching during pride. Queen of Hearts takes Miami by storm, with Daeders' Cuppe from Tampa Bayes, Just Chas, and Brittany Brave to name a few. Follow Queen of Hearts on Amazon Music or wherever you get your podcasts. To talk to other crapman's listeners about the shows as they air, come over to what crap ends that's slash watch what crap ends. I'm going to have to get this one. I think there's so much that happens. Watch what crap ends would like to thank its sponsors, Christy Doherty and Mia Hansen-Loha,
Starting point is 00:01:16 and our very special super-subscranis sponsor, Miss Madonna Hines, Mads with a sexy T. We love you girls. Hello and welcome to Watch With Crab Bums, the podcast about all that crap we love to talk about on Yale Braves, I'm on the Karen from Trash Talk TV and the Rose Prax Bachelor podcast.
Starting point is 00:01:39 And here I am with the late night, Ben Mandelkov, the beside blog in the banter blender. Hello, Ben. Hello, it's another late night, been mandal curve, the B side blog and the banter blender. Hello, Ben. Hello, it's another late night from Cachona, New York. What can I say? I'm loving these late night podcasts. It feels like back in the day.
Starting point is 00:01:55 Yeah, I'm loving them too, except it's a lot later for me than it is for you. That's true. That's true. That's true. It's two, 20 in the morning. Yeah, my mom's not here. It's easier so many different ways than it is. Yeah. But today's, today's podcast is all about the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills reunion part one of three. Yeah, well, the big reunion episode, I have to say the trailers have been
Starting point is 00:02:27 making these reunions seem absolutely crazy. And I got to admit, I thought this was a relatively benign episode. It really was. I don't know how long this will be. Of course, we say that in the three hours. But you know, we knew what was coming. And it was Eric is the three hours. But you know, we knew what was coming. And it was Erica's vagina always. It's like you have to get that out of the way.
Starting point is 00:02:50 It was a PK. Oh, God. It's just Erica's vagina, then Erica's vagina, and then renegating mad about Xanax, which was pretty benign compared to everything else over and over again. But I still did laugh a lot because... I mean, yeah, I still laugh, but you could tell that they were struggling a little bit because they had to pad this episode.
Starting point is 00:03:12 First of all, they had, you know, every clip package went on for like three minutes. And then on top of that, they added like even more fluff to the beginning of the episode, you know, we've gone used to this sort of like It's like a boxing match kind of Situation the way they shoot these reunions now. We see them Showing up and for hair and makeup to talk about how nervous there now it was the cameras were actually at the house Well, they're waiting for their limos to show up and like I'm a little nervous today here I mean give my dog a stick because I'm so nervous. Oh, and then they like talk to the cameras in a documentary kind of style.
Starting point is 00:03:53 I'm like, wow, they are just filling in this episode up with a lot of nothing. I know, Dirk. We did get to see Dirk without makeup, though. And I have to say it's weird seeing Doreet with no eye makeup. How much coakier her eyes look like they should look less. Yeah, they don't see really and she's like awkward without her face because they're doing this thing like oh you're standing in Kyle's doorway. How about we do an interview? How do you feel about the Doreet you know the interview and she's like well it should be hard but
Starting point is 00:04:22 I guess I'm gonna have to put on me big girl panties and conquer the world. Yeah, she had full on Taylor Armstrong here, by the way, before she went into hair make up, it was, it was literally a Taylor, Taylor Armstrong woman for her. Um, yeah, it was just like them all, they're all just chatting like, oh, today's I think it'll be a good day. Well, I'm nervous. I'm nervous. I'm nervous. I'm I'm nervous Well the next house we go to is I lean's house and I don't know if it's just because of my feelings about I lean that I was noticed this shit but when it swissed to her it's like she's got her poor niece over there when she's the one she drags into scenes you know her niece is like in a full face of makeup at five in the morning Yeah, and I lean like well
Starting point is 00:05:15 Something's just can't be resolved no matter how hard you try Like my chronic bowel problems My diarrhea segment is gonna be long. I'm warning you now. I need my mom. That's not the magnesium Her version of my mama But then we see a clip of I lean in the reunion which really makes me Excited for I lean which is rare, but Kim's like oh, when I act for I lean, which is rare. But Kim's like, oh, we're not acting, I lean. She's like, I know Kim. Well, yeah, but some of the faces, and she says, have you seen your face?
Starting point is 00:05:53 I like that. I like that. So Kim, twitching like, so good. She saw the matrix at that moment. We go to Erica's house and Eric ain't doing shit is usual. I mean literally nothing. She literally is giving us stick to her dog. She's like, there you go. I don't know what the fuck. She's putting some water in his bowl or something. She's like, well, I guess it's the name of some people. Got to be accountable for what they say. And then it cuts to her like, well, I got some of you. You're joined every moment. You're joined him
Starting point is 00:06:27 really like me pink. I'm glad I didn't show you and I don't go fuck as you can tell my my voice being raised right now. I don't give a fuck so much that I'm gonna call you nasty. Nasty. Then we go to Rina who's alone in her closet because Harry's like I'm not being on this show. Like, I will be out of here. Okay. I made a pie. Yeah. That's it. Yeah. Rina just has like a mug of coffee and she just, she just sort of glides into her, her into her closet, pulls a duster and heads on out. Oh, I think this will look good. I think it'll look good on the reunion. Let's walk on my lawn a little bit.
Starting point is 00:07:02 I put in the debris facts, baby. Why, which you call me a pill- that's baby. Why, what's she call me a pill-pupper? Like, so far, I'm a pill-pupper, a Xanax lover, a heroin-dipper. I'm like, Jesus, it's like you're a resume. Be quiet. Like, no one even thinks of it that way. I have more, I think Ren is a drug addict now because she's talked about it so much.
Starting point is 00:07:21 Like, stop talking about all the pills you take. She is full on going to be the villain next season because I actually think the tide has turned against her. I think she held it off for a long time, but I'm hearing too many people on social media, too many people, like my aunt Cheryl, she said, you know what that, that Lisa Rina, that Lisa Rina, she's so mean.
Starting point is 00:07:43 I said, no, she's actually pretty cool in real life, but you know, she's like, no, she's mean. I'm like, okay, all right, all right, Anciero. The thing that at the end of every season with Rina, I mean, last year they were about to crucify her ass. And then this year she comes back and she's nice through two episodes and everyone forgets on these shows. Listen, I don't think it's a bad thing to be the villain. I think it's quite the honor to be the villain of the season. It's great. I think that she is being set up. You know, producers are smart.
Starting point is 00:08:08 They see they see that, you know, they've set her up to be the villain and they, they take it, they're sure they've taken the temperature of the room. And they're like, you know what, let's have a window be the villain. And you know what, I bet you will love it. I bet she's going to be like, you know what? Fuck it. Come at me. Come at me.
Starting point is 00:08:22 I don't care. She's best when she's just in a rage rocking back and forth going, own it bitch liar. Drug addict. Did you do this? Your husband cheating. That's the best part. Um, but I like how she was telling us when when we were talking to her. She's like, Oh, no, I was the renewals fine. You know, it was super nice to come.
Starting point is 00:08:48 We were like, did you stay calm? And she's like, oh, I say totally calm. I just said, Kim, you know, glad you're doing great. And you know, she tried, but I just said, I'm so glad you're doing great, Kim. And then would they cut to her in this segment? And she's like, I think you're a sick woman, Kim Richards. Like, let me take your temperature. I think you have a fever.
Starting point is 00:09:06 Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. And the reason I'll always love a Vanderpump, no matter how much people give a shit for it, is that she shows up in her car, and she tells the driver, she's like, hang around. And in case I need a quick exit, darling. Yeah, yeah, she's always like making jokes with the drivers.
Starting point is 00:09:22 She's always on a, no, I mean, at least a Vanderpump, you know, is my queen. So if she goes in and tells Andy, Andy don't be mean to me today, darling. I am not love today. Be master. Just why would I be mean to you? And she's like, you always find a way to do. And he's like, yeah, actually, that's true.
Starting point is 00:09:41 So we open the reunion with Andy like hi, hi Lisa, hi, other Lisa, hi Kyle. It was actually a little weird. It was a little weird to me because he was like, instead of saying, so tell me about your boobs, tell me about your fillers, any fillers for you, any boobs for you, any vaginal rejuvenation for you boobs, badge boobs boobs. He said was like, you guys, we have a housewives first. Rina and Erica are wearing the same shoes.
Starting point is 00:10:12 I was like, oh, I got excited there for my, I know there's gonna be something stupid, but I didn't think it'd be that stupid. And to be fair, we did see this happen on marriage medicine. They're most recent reunion where Mariah and was it Mariah in heavenly? We're wearing the same shit. reunion where Mariah and was it Mariah in heavenly we're wearing the same shit and then Mariah took off her shoes.
Starting point is 00:10:28 I'm like, oh yeah. Oh, they didn't. And then Erica, you know, Erica really shows that she's going to give a lot of this reunion because she goes, yeah, guess what? We don't care. Okay. Bold, bold move, Erica. And Andy's like, so so Erica are you wearing underwear?
Starting point is 00:10:47 Yeah, I was like like you and yes, I am and I'm not wearing and Flash if you enjoy it So Andy opens up asking to read like, DERREET! The internet labeled you DERREETAs. How'd that feel? She's like, well, you can imagine how many times I've been called that in my entire life. She's like,
Starting point is 00:11:17 HONNUM to be in cold DERREETAs like Carlisthum to eat in DERREETAs. She probably doesn't even feel I'm going down at this point, eh Carl? You know, in London, we don't call them Doritos. We call them Mexican Trianglehats. Being called Doritos is like the only popular thing the Eric, I mean, that Doritos has done this whole season. People are like, she's an asshole, but she is delicious. And I feel bad about myself when I consume her. And Kyle's like, well, it's better than vile because
Starting point is 00:11:51 that's my name because it sounds like Kyle. They're like, really? I can't believe anybody would call you vile. And he's like, yeah. And last year, don't you remember when Lisa Vander Pump called Eileen and Rina, soapie and sudsy? And Rina's like, you know what? I don't you remember when Lisa Vanderpump called Eileen and Rina, Soapie and Sudsy? And Rina's like, you know what? I don't remember that. And Vanderpump goes, it's better than Vanta Cunt. And meanwhile, which is what Brandy, you know what I call it?
Starting point is 00:12:20 Meanwhile, cause like, I just want to circle back to this whole vial thing. I've kind of been holding that in for years. And I was sort of hoping to have more sympathy on that note. It was an insult that was mainly used by Kim and Kathy against me and then caught on with our entire school. And I never got a way from it. And it traumatized me. You know, my also, my, my name also rhymes with smile, you know, mile, like you don't know what it's like to walk a mile
Starting point is 00:12:46 in my shoes. File, but that's how you organize your bills. Yeah, guile, because I'm very cunning in a good way, like in a way that you would like. Lyle, who's kind of got an ugly face, but is a decent singer? Biles, like Simone Biles, he's a gymnast, one gold medal. I mean, I probably want a gold medal.
Starting point is 00:13:03 It's my nickname, Biles, Simone Biles. Well, at least it's not Karl Kant. Okay, Lisa, stop making this about you. Let's get back to Sudsy and Sidsy. Wow, that's insulting, huh? That's not really. So the next thing is Erica following in Vandarpump and Rina's shoes with
Starting point is 00:13:26 dancing with the stars and he's like how do you feel about possibly winning the season she's like well I'd be proud to bring my disco bold the what happens live club how also. If I win I'm gonna make a new song called ballroom with no vowels and a few dollar signs really but there's no S's in that I don't give a fuck It'll have a ballroom It'll be called ballroom Ballroom for my balls I'm gonna sit on it, suck it out, shoot it across the room, but don't talk about my fun job
Starting point is 00:14:01 Don't talk about both of them. Sorry. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, names, Gleb. I mean, you moved to Hollywood. You brought some really tight pants and learned to dance. You couldn't change your name. I mean, this is the town of changing your name, Gleb. Yeah, Gleb. You're so close to Glee. So close to so many things. What was his time?
Starting point is 00:14:37 Tom's. He's like, mine was vile also. I don't even get it. He's like, no, they just called me Gleb. It was all these. He's like, no, they just called me glib. It was all these. He's called me the web. Lib. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:14:49 So Vanderpump's like, he shared me. He's sexy moves. First darling. Well, slubby seconds and all. Take it. By the way, RIP Don Rickles. Oh, yeah, we did mention that of real Don Rickles. Yeah, the real one. Real Don Rickles. Yeah, yeah, we did mention that of real Don Rickles. Yeah, the real one.
Starting point is 00:15:05 Real Don Rickles. Yeah, God, he was a legend. He was so funny. When I was an intern on Conan back in 1998, only 19 years ago, he was a guest and he was sitting there and he was hilarious. And he roasted everyone in the audience. And I would say only half of it made it to AR because what he was saying was so un-PC and so offensive, but he could pull it off. He was like, the last, you know? He's one of the last he could really pull it off. Yeah, he was doing shit that was so bad
Starting point is 00:15:39 in terms of putting his hands on his eyes and being... There was an Asian guy in the audience and he was doing slanty eye stuff. And you're like, this is so racist, but everyone including that guy, which is like cracking up because it's just, he could just go the jugular. And it's almost like it's so vicious and so funny that like, yes, you're being totally offensive,
Starting point is 00:15:59 but you're errand it. Go to your room, Erica. His best line of the past five years. Yes. So Erica. So the next segment, Andy's like, frigid, stoic, downright cold. These are where it's Doreet has used to describe Erica. So it's the Erica is the Erica segment. It's basically Erica and Doreet, which of course is great because watching their passive aggressive relationship,
Starting point is 00:16:24 all mashed into one smooth package is just hilarious and fulfilling. It really is. So let's see, I mean, this whole thing, I've written down a lot of the montage, but we've already talked about it over the season. But I like when they moved into Erica's feeling segments because Erica can barely even do this reunion. She just seems so bored. She's like, all right, that's it with the size. What else?
Starting point is 00:16:48 I don't give a fuck. So when we're reminded of all her touching scenes, like Erica with her mom, and we got an extended version of that scene. And her mom's like, you didn't cry when you were a kid either. I remember, I remember sending you into the bank And telling them I want all your money or all shoot you in the head and then you know It made you stronger remember Erica or remember that time you needed a home loan I think she said all these examples that she's making the little kid do by herself and Erica's like that will travel
Starting point is 00:17:22 Ties the bala do by herself. And Eric was like, I'm traumatized. Yeah, I couldn't even follow it. I was like, I have to go pay for the gas inside the gas station store above a self almost not that made iron inside. That's why I'll never cry again. Remember when you made me sell a flower to the business man, walk him on the street and you made me attach a string to the businessman walk him on the street and you made me attach a string to it. So when he walked away, I could pull back the flower and sell it to someone else.
Starting point is 00:17:50 All those would have to his mother. Remember that time you had me crawling to the back seat of that man's car. They 10 miles down the road start screaming. He kidnapped me so you can take us money. That was traumatizing. I light in that in the montage that they showed where Erica's telling her mother in the same scene she's saying, I don't like to cry. I never want to cry. There is one I'm not gonna cry because I never want to be as weak as that. I absolutely will not cry. And then they cut to her just like,
Starting point is 00:18:20 you don't know what I got through at night. I was like, such shady editing, shady, shady, shady. I think it's to eye-learned. She goes, whoa, it's early in the day for this. Yeah, she's like, it's really not I am. I thought we're going to start with a montage about how rich we are. Like, no, no, no, we're going to say that for 45 minutes
Starting point is 00:18:37 and for no good reason. You've already pulled out my first, wow. Yeah. Wow, wow, wow. OK, I'll give you three jakes. Wow, wow, wow, so funny. Use whatever you need. Beast. Beast. And then founder, Promp's clip of,
Starting point is 00:19:01 I don't understand it. It's like like a mask it seems that the ice queen is melting and then after the cut to I lean again after that clip and she goes well hello I don't know about you girls but I have to go take a shit so I'm squeezing their cornhole. That's how this can be right now. I can make a diamond, ladies. Anyone else? Wow.
Starting point is 00:19:31 If it sound like somebody just emptied up a thermostat into a cup, that was actually my stomach growling. So Andy is asking about this. You never complimented me. Remember to read this moment, you know, three quarters of the way through the season when she's like, Erica, I believe that that's actually the first time you've actually complimented me on anything.
Starting point is 00:19:52 And Eric is like, I got to watch you on a lot of things. So here she, Doree, defends herself saying, I was just joking. I was just joking. I was just trying to, you know, trying to, you know, just take away all the seriousness at the moment. Like, why do we have to be so serious? I have to, you know, just take away all the seriousness at the moment. Like, why do we have to be so serious? I have to, you know, introduce some humor. I'm like, you were at like Kyle by Ileane too, and the fat Jewish was doing splits like a foot away. What seriousness was happening there that you had to dispel the seriousness? Well, you just explained it.
Starting point is 00:20:21 You're a Kyle by Ileane too, with the vat. Somebody's got to split. Somebody's got to make someone laugh. Oh, so funny. And the question to read your petty and clearly wanted to fight. I'm sure Andy didn't say that. Why do I have that as the question? Usually that's Andy's question. That's just the general sense of that's just what's going to be on our jimstone.
Starting point is 00:20:51 To read your petty and clearly wanted to fight. I didn't want to fight. I just wanted to have some British humor. That's all. R-I-P. Well, speaking about ripping one. So, Doreet's like, I would never want to offend Derek. I would never want to offend Derek. We've got a lot of people in common. Really? Deal. Name them. Please name all the people you have in common with Erica. Where's boy?
Starting point is 00:21:19 Yeah, I was just listening to Kaja Gugu the other day. And I thought, I'm just too shy, shy to shy. Have a mention, boy George is doing as long as this morning. Wait, I know one. I know one. Aha! Who? No, the band, aha! Raising kids can be one of the greatest rewards of a parent's life. But come on, someday, parenting is unbearable. I love my kid, but is a new parenting podcast from Wondry that shares a refreshingly honest and insightful take on parenting.
Starting point is 00:22:00 Hosted by myself, Megan Galey, Chris Garcia, and Kurt Brown-Oller, we will be your resident not-so-expert-expert. Each week we'll share a parenting story that'll have you laughing, nodding, and thinking. Oh yeah, I have absolutely been there. We'll talk about what went right and wrong. What would we do differently? And the next time you step on yet another stray Lego in the middle of the night, you'll feel less alone. So if you like to laugh with us as we talk about another stray Lego in the middle of the night, you'll feel less alone.
Starting point is 00:22:25 So if you like to laugh with us as we talk about the hardest job in the world, listen to, I love my kid, but wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen ad free on the Amazon Music or Wonder e app. that. Uh, so, uh, she's like, it was meant to be playful and joking. And Erica goes, there's a drop of truth and all kid. That's how you get away with shit. Yeah. Yeah. I think she was searching for those truth in all jazz or truth in jazz. And she's like, well, there's a drop of truth in kidding. And my kid, I have a drop of it too. And I have sometimes a few extra drops of truth in my kid coffee. that's where I am right now caffeinated on truth kids
Starting point is 00:23:07 So and he's like well remember that time that Erica says that Doritos is boring shit and Erica says good shit What does that mean? These questions like this is gonna be a longer union and Erica's like well the bet well she talks a lot Look okay, and Vanderpump's like well to read does go on a bit But I love her and the other side of the cat I lean Rida and I Erica like oh thank god Oh, thank god, he finally said something bad about that and then to reach us guys Well, you know what's on my lungs and my tongue?
Starting point is 00:23:42 What the fuck does that mean? What the fuck did that mean? What did it mean? She can't hold it in. What the fuck did that mean? What did it mean? She can't hold it in. What the fuck did that mean? What the fuck did that mean?
Starting point is 00:23:56 What did it mean? She can't hold it in. What the fuck did that mean? What did it mean? She can't hold it in. What the fuck did that mean? like, but what about when I lean said that she didn't kill your kid and then you started crying and I lean goes, well, those words had no attention on that level. Okay. I could have said she didn't kill your puppy. And found it. I'm like, how could you tell me? You don't know what keeps getting up at night. Would you like a sour dough loaf for that puppy meat darling? Because you're sure should not just start things up.
Starting point is 00:24:27 Shut up old woman. I don't like to spark out on me. So, uh, excuse me, every time I do a little bit too much band or pump, my throat gets just entirely too scratchy and I can barely talk. But I'll just work through it. Why? So, yeah. So, Erica's apologizing again for freaking out about Eileen's
Starting point is 00:24:51 comment. And, you know, I guess what we didn't see is that Erica's way of apologizing is the next day. She essentially gave her glam squad over to Eileen. Eileen's from shows up in her. You know, she's ready to walk out in a Hong Kong dress like blossom, you know, trapped in 1991. And the, the gays were like, mm, no girl. We're gonna fix this. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:16 You should be a much younger horse. Yes, back. Oh, and Eric is like, do you feel Prada? Oh, so Prada. So you gotta ring the bow. You gotta ring the bow. You gotta ring the bow. So Rinna's like, well, you know, it happens. We're all humans and we snap, you know, baby.
Starting point is 00:25:43 Like a, I like that Rinnekin lay foundation for her own defense so far ahead, you know. Yeah, so Vanderpump's like, I felt bad for Eileen. And I think was like, yeah, I sat there like, wow. Wow. Or cuz like, well, I'm a fabulous moment. Move on, I'm a... So then Andy starts pestering Erica about what it's like to have a police officer son and she's like, well, you know, you're
Starting point is 00:26:09 worried. It's your worst fear, but he lives with me when he shows up at the end of the night, I say, thank God. No, I mean, it wasn't a joke. I was just sort of saying what she said. Cause she just seems so bored. Yeah. The police are for some. You know, scale.
Starting point is 00:26:30 I hear the grass. Dorel. But back to like, whoa, wow. We dealt with this yet. No, I'm going to donate some port. Robyn, sit here starving. Oh god damn. Man.
Starting point is 00:26:44 The funny thing is you said that she seems bored and she does seem bored. And yet I did write a note saying that she seems much more animated than she did last year. Well, yeah, because she's really making a move to seem alive. You know, that's why she had the crying with her mom and the screaming about the sun. I mean, she's really making an effort to seem human, but she's so bored with even having to do it. She's like, oh, I've already cried about it. You need me to do it 20 times, and I know. I mean, compared to last year, I mean, last year she looked like she literally wanted
Starting point is 00:27:15 to fall asleep. And you know what, if she were to fall asleep, I hope she had a cast for mattress because you know what, bitch needs to have a proper mattress for a sleep time moment. Am I right, Ronnie? Am I right? You know what, when he's gonna fall down, sleep like a little baby. When he hear that garage door go up at night. You don't know what he's up at night, but I can tell you what puts me to sleep into the hospital mattress. And then the team engineer spent thousands of hours developing the cast balls like a lot longer than it took to develop like
Starting point is 00:27:49 Like I don't give normally I don't give a fuck But there's a lot of supportive memory form because you know what to read I may forgive But I do not forget much like the Casper supportive memory form. It does not forget just got just got just the right sync and just the right balance The reads face foam. It does not forget. Just got just got just the right sink and just the right bounce. I don't like the reed space. It's got a brain on all the time. So no matter how hard you try to suffocate your god damn health, but it's a score of it, right? His sleep school and temperatures regularly drop tonight. buying a Catholic mattress is completely risk free. buying a Catholic mattress is completely risk-free. Custner offers free delivery and free returns with a
Starting point is 00:28:27 100 night home trial. If you don't love it, they'll pick it up and refund you everything. Awww, Friday! The cast was obsessively engineered mad, dressing a shockingly fair prize. It's got some porta-memory foam to create in a world with excelsibles, with just around about a psych, just write them out of sync,
Starting point is 00:28:45 just write them out of mats. Time magazine, named it on the best and functions of 2015. Free shipping and return. That's right. So you're gonna say me? Why are you gonna say me? I just wanted to reiterate that,
Starting point is 00:29:01 well, the Casper mattress has free shipping and returns to US as an Canada it is not available in me canos for free shipping and returns at least. And who gives the fuck because you're going to sleep and make an else anyway. Am I right guys?
Starting point is 00:29:15 Oh no, let's come on Kyle. Get your plate of spaghetti and let's do some photos of sunrise. Hey Kyle, bring that bear who tried to eat to go food on that balcony. Get the cash.
Starting point is 00:29:24 You can try cash for a hundred nights with Fred your own home If you don't love it, they'll pick it up and refund you everything But I mean only someone in vile wouldn't love it am I right vile? Do like Vat the cut dead get $50 towards any mattress purchase My visit at slash towards any mattress purchase by visiting slash crab balls and use code crab balls terms the conditions apply. Um, just in case you forgot because you were not giving a fuck, let me just remind you one or two more times it's slash crappings using the promo code
Starting point is 00:30:00 crappings terms kitchen dishes apply. Let's guess about gum. Five scrapbooks. Use code. Crabble. Hey, let's all face it. We give a fuck. Take a nap. Oh, that's my PSA.
Starting point is 00:30:14 Give a fuck and take a nap. But don't let them see you cry. Never let them see that. Wow. Thank you, Casper. That was powerful, Erickum. So powerful, I forgive you. Who am I supposed to leave the time? Never let them see that. Wow. Thank you, Casper. That was powerful, Erickum.
Starting point is 00:30:26 So powerful, I forgive you. Who must have moved the time that I had cheese after I ate fruit? Wow. What a day. Where's that clip package? It was like someone took a Hoover right to my anus. So let's see where we now. So Rina and I lean and Vander pump tried to coexist this season. The real house sides of Beverly Hills. Don't
Starting point is 00:30:52 I don't know. The only thing you see is that Lisa Vander pumps parents never told her that they loved her. That's all. Now this is this is this is actually kind of funny because she'sic is having her momery and she's like uh I have a call for my auditions and cashmob checks and all this stuff and Vanderpromp's like well did you go reverse because my parents never said I love you and I went reverse on my children you know they called me British but my parents say I'm so American at some point Vanderpromp said something like I believe a child has to do things on their own Well, as they don't learn anything. I'm like you just bought your two children houses and they both work for you
Starting point is 00:31:34 What the fuck are you talking about? She's like I've never cried so hard is when I saw the Woody Allen movie everyone says I love you Oh, so I just could not relate movie everyone says I love you. Oh, so I just could not relate. So anyway, though, but you were saying, though, Rhino, I lean in Vanderpump tried to co-exist this. He's even though they hate each other's gods. Yes. And then they showed a clip of Kraus saying, well, you know, I think that Vanderpump is more angry with Lisa Rina, but she'll
Starting point is 00:32:00 forgive her before I lean because she's easier to manipulate. Yeah. And then just clips of Vanderpump being bitchy to Rina, but in her old lady, I'm trying to be nice to you kind of away. I thought. Right. Right. And so then when it comes out of the clip package, I lean, I lean as her, her nives sort of sharpen her butternides or sharpened. And she's like, oh, well, you know, it's funny. This season I tried to take the high road British humor and she goes, but you know what, I really finally understood. She's like, no darling, what is it? Thinking she's about to say, you're really funny and
Starting point is 00:32:49 you really don't meet any harm. You know, let's hug Lisa Vanderpump instead. It's like, it made me see after I saw all your interviews this year that I was right the whole time. She's like, what? Because you just go under the way that you do. You know, you just go under things and you get into them, under them. She's like, I apologize. Oh, well, thank you for that. Thank you. Yeah. Yes, someone finally coach these abandoned bomb to me, like, listen, just nip it in the bottom. When she comes for you, just just apologize. It's who? Who? Who? If I care. It takes it my most hateful way ever. She's, oh, well, thank you. Thank you for that apology. Thank you. Underperson. I hear she saw underworld five times at a row. And then
Starting point is 00:33:33 they ask about the Yuland documentary and I lean. It's like, well, I went because I wanted to see if it was possible to bridge a gap in Vanderbilt. Yes yes there was a connection there and it changed everything are you not paying attention and Lin is basically just don't say she still hates your guts yeah be quiet a little woman so um so then uh Andy asks Vanderpump uh if she likes it when Rin is in the hot seat I mean mean, I'm like, yes. So she gave me such shit last year. Of course I like it. And he's like, do you like it when she gets in shit with the other ladies? And she goes, well, you like it more, don't you Andy? He's like I do. So basically she said, I enjoy Rin a lot of the time because you can play with her
Starting point is 00:34:26 You know, but then there are times I want to strangle her and Rina goes to her, but you said in Hong Kong that You know, it was okay because I give you my eyelashes or whatever and then you did a minute baby Yeah, then Lisa's like yes, but I'll you took a little blow to reach and you took a low blow to reach. So it's all canceled and when it's like, but you took a low blow, my friends. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. I see. Cause to read was devastated. America goes, oh yeah, we were all devastated. No one was more devastated than me.
Starting point is 00:34:55 Give me a break. Oh, yeah. And then there was all of that awful, not wearing underwear. Yeah. Well, but then there was this really weird moment where everyone is like, well, listen, baby, Lisa Fandreppum reached out to me and we had a very powerful moment. And then Lisa Fandreppum waves her hand to be like, ah, you weren't supposed to talk about this at that point.
Starting point is 00:35:16 And Bandreppum's already started to cry. And then and he's like, what? And we find out that the pilot of the of the pony plane, the plane that they took to go fetch that pony, they can be pony. He and his wife died in a helicopter crash, which is super sad. And this somehow brought, well, I mean, reasonably brought Rina and Vanderpump together because they realize there's so many other, all this stuff is so trivial darling. I know, but at the same time Vanderpump is calling Grinnick because she's brought up this moment, not the death part, but she's like, and then we can go back to how it was when we got the ponies on the plane. She goes back to this because that was like their last wacky scene. But I
Starting point is 00:35:57 think that's when Rinnick was like, I'm over this bitch, because she had to stand there all day while Vanderpump was like, should I take the hobble donkey or should I leave him? And she's by the end of that, Vanderpump was like should I take the horrible donkey or should I leave him and she's By the end of that Rina was like I just want to fucking go home. This is ridiculous. Let's go. She's like She's like I'm a soap star. What am I doing here? Yeah, I think that that was the moment that it clicked in Rina's mind where she was like I'm not doing this. I'm not being able to have that theory. Yeah, I've always thought that so It's funny in a way that that's what she brings up at the reunion to bond them and I'm not being able to type that theory. Yeah, I've always thought that. So it's funny in a way that that's what she brings up at the reunion to bond them.
Starting point is 00:36:27 And I'm like, that's when it all went dark. It's just funny, because whether it's true or not, I've just always thought it. And that's when she's like, that was our turning moment, darling. We're not lovely plain pilot died. Like, yeah, you're still a bitch. You can't wait to get you an hour to.
Starting point is 00:36:44 So then Andy declares that Rina and Vanderpump are on the path to good things, which was, which is probably a lie. So, so then we have a long, a long awaited to read segment where we get to see all about to read, which is fun. It's kind of fun watching. Nannies. I forgot how many stupid employees she has. He's listing her staff. He's like, she's got five nannies, seven maims, three drivers for people who go
Starting point is 00:37:11 to the grocery shop to even calls yummy sometimes. It's to read. Yeah. And, and yeah, by the way, I really, really like Kyle's to read impersonation. I feel like it's very on point. And by the way, I also like, I Kyle's to read impersonation. I feel like it's very on point. And by the way, I also like to read some impersonation of Erica too. And I was like, that was a bug. It's like, on amy cool, no one's you've seen with me. PK. So yeah, now Andy's asking to read about all her staff and why does she need all the staff? And she has some ridiculous answer about like, well, you know, P.K. and I, we travel a lot.
Starting point is 00:37:55 And then we go out, we have a lot of social engagements. So, we need all the staff around the clock because we never know when we're going to be invited down the street to nothing. But the funny thing is that like I get that, you have to travel and you do, you have an active social life, but you don't need six nannies. I'm sorry, you need one. Yeah, and then Andy's like, well, what do you guys think to judge her for that? And I was like, well, I didn't use a nanny because I was knocked up at 19, but I don't judge her for doing it. And they're like, yeah, I got knocked up at 20 and I wasn't working.
Starting point is 00:38:27 So I didn't have a daddy. I was stuck there doing it, but you know, good old you girl. And then it just, Rind is like, can I just have one of your mains? I'm skipping through a lot of Doreet stuff because it's just so ridiculous. Well, it's like their accent. Yeah, and Rina and like, you know, Doreet took offense to Rina saying that it was fake and Rina is like, Oh, I don't remember saying that baby. That's a ridiculous baby. And then of course they play a clip of Rina saying it. I think a monologue. It's like a whole monologue about how fake the accent is. Yeah. Oh, I don't even remember. Are you sure that's me? like a monologue. It's like a whole monologue about how fake the accent is. Oh, I don't even remember. Are you sure that's me? It's like Westworld. That's a TV show. Right? Did I watch that? Oh, remember. What's a TV? Where am I? Who are you people?
Starting point is 00:39:19 I like that you just took her to some crazy crisis. I like that you just took her to some crazy crisis. So then we all time risked out. Yeah. So then Andy's like, PK is coming on next. Erica, how do you feel about that? She's like, oh, I don't go fuck. I mean, it's just like, I don't care. So you're so empty. Yes. That my show, what the hell must we do about it?
Starting point is 00:39:42 Look okay. So then they take, they do that thing where they take a break. Oh wait, first Gerrit's like, what do I have to say? Peacars intentions are good. And we're very protective of each other. So I'm scared. He needs a voice.
Starting point is 00:39:58 Uh. You know, the thing with Peacay is if he hasn't had his morning fig Newton, he just acts out. It's not all. Like what? he just acts out. That's all. Like what? I just made it up by the way, because it's late at night. I don't know. My grumpy boy, if he's not booked properly, get some sit.
Starting point is 00:40:15 So he only just got out of his hammock. So PK doesn't come out in the next segment. Instead they start with Erica Jane, maybe expensive, but her friends are no strangers to luxury either. So she basically, you know, we see Erica Ho dancing montage or whatever with the game. It's a whole, it's like a whole segment about how everyone in Beverly Hills is so rich and they do this fabulous, fabulous things and the trips they go on and the stuff they buy. And it's kind of strange because this is sort of thing that they put at the top of the reunion.
Starting point is 00:40:49 But instead they just they just decided to stall out PK by putting this random montage in the middle like like 45 minutes into the show. I'm like, okay. And Erica does that thing that she does where she's like, hey, guys, we're going on a private plane to see my mom because I'm a normal girl with a mama. Like you're on a plane. And so she's doing that like, I'm, I'm just like you, everybody. And she's like, you know, you see a shopper a lot, but we use every piece. That's what is wasted and all finds a place. And look, this is an avatar. She's like,
Starting point is 00:41:21 thank you, Diamond for dying for me. Leave every vintage 1940s bedtime robe that you wear to a bar behind. You've every pond. It's like the peaceful hunter. So we also lend that she flies her glam squad business class, which is absolutely crazy. And she's like, well, because I can't, I believe you have to give back. I'm like, yeah, there's giving back, but there's also encouraging totally psychophantic behavior. Yeah. Wouldn't you treat people well? They treat you well.
Starting point is 00:41:57 All right, I'm like, he gives you like $5 a season. But that being said, well, so that being said, those gave him the jackpot because he does treat them well. She flies them in business class for granted. That's actually awesome. Yeah, those guys hit the fact pot. So let's see. Oh, and then he asked he asked to read.
Starting point is 00:42:17 He's like, so to read, what do you pay for? What do you pay for your staff to fly? Like, what do they get to fly? She is, well, I'm not going to say now. Thanks a, little Erica, I guess for the future, they'll be flying business. Yeah. And not very far. Yeah, exactly. Southwest is dropping y'all. It's business class in Southwest. It's all the same in Southwest, y'all. Okay, so Italian speeding ticket who cares? Erica has Mikey who cares? Do you care?
Starting point is 00:42:48 I don't care. Kyle has a spot in her closet for reunion dresses and scary moments, don't really care. Yeah, for she called Kim and alcoholic. She's like, I'll never wear that one again. It's like just, mainly because it smells like booze. I'll never get that tobacco and wine stain out of it. So, okay.
Starting point is 00:43:10 So then backstage, Doree is like, no, P.K. I just want you to say, you're feelings, but don't feel like you have to defend yourself. And then you see Rina going, hi, P.K. How are you? She passes by. She's like, she's like, great, how are you doing? So fun, I don't know if, like,
Starting point is 00:43:30 when she's fake like that, I don't know if it's brilliance or just evil, but I kind of like it both ways. I don't even think it's fake. I think she's just like, yeah, I'll go and she'll be like, I'll still say hi, hi, PK. And she's just like over there filing her knife, getting ready to do that. I actually agree, I don't think it's fake. I don't think it's just like, yeah, I'll go and she'll say hi, hi, PK. And she's just like over there filing her knife,
Starting point is 00:43:46 getting ready. I actually, I don't think it's fake. I don't think it's fake, but at the same, it's like, maybe the cheeriness of it all. Like when she sees Kim Richards and goes, hi, Kim, how are you? How are you? Yeah, she's a pro at that.
Starting point is 00:44:03 She's a pro at that. She's a pro at that. That that cheerful hello when she is also also totally angry at someone. Yeah. So guys, like you are you nervous for your first reunion PK's like, yes, he's like scared. He has like, Trumply. Eric is on the couch like rolling her eyes and she goes, all right, let's knock that bitch out. Yeah, we're rolling. So we learn a little bit about PK and he's like, I won't look at him. She's like looking at the side, just being all bitchy. I love this whole thing. Okay.
Starting point is 00:44:33 Yeah, it was great. And then, you know, he's saying how he used to be, he's like, I used to be wealthier, but I lost a lot of it. And he goes, a lot of people, a lot of people, I'm sorry, I'm going into Australia and for some reason, like a lot of people think they're not my main thing is that I manage boy George. But now that's only my passion. I'm really into real estate. I do real estate. I'm like, managing boy George is your passion.
Starting point is 00:44:54 That just seems like a very specific passion. I'm in practice since I was a boy. I'm like when he said, my mind job is the almond entrepreneur. I was like, oh yeah, that sounds much less flaky. PK. They're like, the question is how you got so rich. He's like, well, I started richer real estate hedge funds started a business in non-defive. And then Andy like cuts it off before he can admit to his $11 million bankruptcy impossible $6 million new bankruptcy Which I don't know is nice to just stupid But then and he's like wow Twitter hates you because you're me to women. What do you think about that?
Starting point is 00:45:35 And he's come prepared. He's like well if I look back now a golden bull who I shouldn't have probably and Erickus just looking at her nails. Yeah Yeah, he's like well you know probably and Erica's just looking at her nails. Yeah. I don't look at you. I don't have a fuck what you got to say about. Yeah. He's like, well, you know, I had to get, I had to talk about certain things because it's to read and but I probably shouldn't have said as much as I should have had. And you know, he's being sort of like, you know, self-effacing and he's handling it well and you could tell at this point he thinks that he might be off the hook because then Erica saying like, well, I was on bars and he's like, first of all, Erica, I just want to explain,
Starting point is 00:46:10 you know, it was just a joke and it was just a glance. I was just, I just caught a glance. I was not staring at your pretty little bus. It was just, you know, just a glance and, you know, I never should have said anything and it's just a blown out of proportion. And let's go buy a guns big bygones and it's got some fishing some fishing ships and you know some Yorkshire puts afterwards and let's call today. Please don't may have some more etc etc etc. Oh wait a second I found something to my nails you son of a bitch. I'm handy. Andy with Muddaco either every question was like Erica made a faithful decision to show her vagina to the entire city. Now how do you feel about that? Nice day, calm.
Starting point is 00:46:46 And he's like, well then, a giant virginity monster came out of the ocean and started jumping on P.K. his head. What do you think about that? And finally, she like wakes up and they show this montage and P.K. is looking disgusted at this montage. Like, he can't believe it. And he's like, well, I noticed this was really uncomfortable for Eric to watch.
Starting point is 00:47:07 And she goes, of course it is. It was a marathon. It wasn't that par-ball, it wasn't that par-ball. And to read, because, you're cool. There's nothing wrong with it not wearing underwear. And then it's like, yeah, I'm not wearing any right now. So I mentioned that. Forgot.
Starting point is 00:47:26 Oh my goodness. Uh, and blamed Eileen and Rina again. She's like, of course it's Eileen and Rina, so it's multiplied. It wasn't seen one for time. It was seen it 30 times. I just don't know why the kept bringing it up in the first place. I kept telling Eileen and I kept telling Erika, I kept telling Rina, stop talking about it,
Starting point is 00:47:45 put it in a push, I don't want to hear about it. I'm gonna go, if I was sitting by you, I wouldn't have my open legs at all. I was like, what are you talking about? It's like she didn't wear underwear so she could yell at Doreet too, which is just so red-eyed, you know? And then Erica's like, well, oh no, Doreet said,
Starting point is 00:48:02 well, you gotta say something to someone. If you don't, it's like not talking about the pink elephant in the room And then because are you calling for Regina a pink elephant? Like no, it's like the white elephant the one the Christmas gift that you don't want you keep passing around but you can't get rid of it Maybe maybe pink elephants the wrong phrase. Maybe you know, I don't know the floppy labia. No, no, no, no. And Eric is like, don't do that. Don't confuse the stage persona with my other persona. One persona is when jogging pants with crazy patterns. Okay, that's the one that doesn't show off the China the stage Solar flies on a plane do you understand the difference?
Starting point is 00:48:49 Not so in Vanderpump's like you were come to around your neck darling sick. Well, it's not the same as staring in it Yeah, it's fucking a fight. I know and then I'm I for some reason I actually didn't take any notes during it. I think I was like to like And for some reason, I actually didn't take any notes during it. I think I was like to hypnotize by this whole, all this madness that was happening in front of my eyes. We sat through it again and you feel like you know everything was gonna happen. And then they take it to such crazy levels
Starting point is 00:49:16 because the last thing that happened is she goes, well, the reason I, PK goes, the reason I, I just say I stood up for a jury is because I know she's not a nasty person and Eric he goes I'm not calling her an nasty person. I'm not even calling you an nasty person to say that shit And she starts laughing and then they're like next week. Wait no, no, she said no This is one thing I did write down she goes I'm not calling her an nasty person I'm calling you an nasty person for saying that should about me.
Starting point is 00:49:48 Oh, okay. I thought she said I'm not even calling you nasty. I was like, okay, well that was violent. No, no, she's saying I'm calling you. She was definitely not leaving letting him off her. That's for sure. So they're like next week, Erica's vagina. Like, oh my god, let it go. It continues to the end of a real house where the Beverly Hills reunion. Part one, part one. But as it is Wednesday here on Ye Old Podcast, it means that we are not quite done with the episode,
Starting point is 00:50:25 because we have a very special feature. It's our very own Listen to Spotlight. Yay! Spotlight! Spotlight! This is a segment where we hear from some of the listeners. If this is something that you're interested in getting involved in, just go to forward slash watch,
Starting point is 00:50:44 where crap ends. And you can sign up at the listener spotlight level. All the details are there. It gives you all the details on how to subscribe and how many episodes you want to subscribe for, things like that. So pay attention to all the rules and meaning so that way you don't mess up and overcharge yourself. And enjoy it. And in the meantime, this week, very cool one.
Starting point is 00:51:10 I'll just press play. All right, here we go. Hello, Ben and Ronnie. This is Hava Weber. And I have to start by saying, I absolutely love and adore you guys. I am from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I have two children, a two year old girl,
Starting point is 00:51:29 and a five year old boy. I'm engaged. We've been together for seven years. He lows in the spice, the fact that I watch Bravo, but he watches it with me and asks me questions. I've been watching Bravo since forever. I started watching maybe the first or second season of OC and it caught me and I have been a fan of all of the trash
Starting point is 00:51:54 on there ever since. I only recently discovered you guys last summer due to the wonderful commenters on the Vulture board for Dame Moilins recaps. And I am eternally grateful to them because without you, I would not make it through my bus rides to and from work. Doing my notes at work, doing the dishes or the laundry, or even when I'm putting my daughter to sleep, she knows your voices. And itles her. Oddly enough, I don't know how. I work as an addictions counselor,
Starting point is 00:52:29 so when you guys make the jokes about drugs, I am cracking up because you know what, it's all true. Every last bit of it. It takes experience. I love it. You guys are really just the best thing that's ever happened to podcast for me Wow all of my travel. I wouldn't know what to do without you guys
Starting point is 00:52:49 You're like my friends and now that you're here five days a week It's I talked I hear you guys more than my real friends I can't wait till you come here on your tour here or near here Can't wait to meet you guys to see you in person and laugh out loud. And here, all of my favorite impressions. Love you guys. Bye. Oh, thank you. That was so sweet. Oh, how have I got a boy for you? That is really cool. And I'm glad that when she said that she's in addictions like a counselor or a specialist that
Starting point is 00:53:27 When we make comments about drugs that her response was I'm laughing out loud so much not you guys are so off base and have almost Unsubscribed 10 million times so thank you But when she said that I was smoking at the screen door Got me that I was smoking at the screen door. It's like, God, got me. It's an intervention. Yeah. Well, Hava, if we do a show in New York or Philadelphia or just that, maybe we'll go to Delaware. Maybe we'll do a show with the Delaware River Gap.
Starting point is 00:53:56 We will certainly let you know. Thank you for supporting us. And that's so cool that you came over from Vulture. I feel like I've never heard of people who have heard of us through boards on Vulture. So that's so cool that you came over from Vulture. I feel like I've never heard of people who have heard of us through Two boards on Vulture. So that's super cool. And of course Dame Brian Moilin is wonderful. We've had him on twice and We have a lot of people from those boards. I love my Vulture people. You know who you are Well, Vulture people
Starting point is 00:54:19 Vulture readers are super smart, which is always the exact sort of listener we love. So, anyway, that's awesome. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. Mark, people watch Wipeout. Do they? Oh, God, I'm so awful. So, anyway. Thank you, Abba. And thanks everybody. We will see you tomorrow for some real housewives of New York City. Ooh, yay, New York City. See you then and then Southern Charm on Friday.
Starting point is 00:54:49 Bye everyone. Bye. Hey, Prime members, you can listen to Watcher Crappens Add Free on Amazon Music, download the Amazon Music app today. Or you can listen Add Free with Wondry Plus in Apple Podcasts before you go tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at slash survey. survey.

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