Watch What Crappens - #95: Teaching Autism and Marrying AGAIN

Episode Date: September 25, 2013

This week on "Watch What Crappens," Ben Mandelker (, Ronnie Karam (, and Matt Whitfield (Yahoo!) finally reunite after a month of hectic schedules and travel. Th...e three take on the latest episodes of "Real Housewives of Miami" and "New Jersey" before diving into new Bravo fare such as "I Dream of Nene" and "The New Atlanta." Plus, there's plenty of gossip too, including rumors that Gretchen has been axed from "RHOC." Come listen! See for privacy and opt-out information.Our Patreon Extras: See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 From Wondery and Audible comes Class of 88, a new podcast hosted by Will Smith. Before 1988, a lot of people didn't take hip-hop seriously. But hip-hop today touches everything from film to fashion to sports. So what changed? Follow Class of 88 wherever you get your podcasts. Hey everybody, welcome to Watch What Crafted, the podcast about all the craft we love to talk about on Bravo. I'm Ronnie Caron from and I'm with Ben Mandelker from Hello, Benjamin.
Starting point is 00:00:40 Well, hello. And we're also here with Matt Whitfield of Yahoo TV. Hello, Matthew. Hey, guys. The gang is all back. We are back. This is the first time in a long time that we are all back here in one place. So thank God.
Starting point is 00:00:55 It's hard doing it with just one of you. No offense. But I like to zone out a lot and stare out the window and just wonder about things while you guys talk. And it's hard to have to talk the whole time. Threesomes are better, but everybody should know that by now. Yeah. Well you guys we are doing this live on YouTube You can find us on our YouTube channel Slash the TV click or we talk crap with everybody who's listening live on our Facebook page Which is slash watch what crap ends you can also tweet us questions at what crap ends
Starting point is 00:01:23 You can find Ben on all of the social media, including Twitter, Instagram, Vine, Facebook, at bsideblog. And you can find Matt at all the social media blah-blahs at lifeonthemless. And you can find me, Ronnie, on Twitter at Ronnie Karam or on YouTube slash Trash Talk TV, T-E-E-V-E-E. So let's get to talking, y'alls. What'd you watch this week? I'm obsessed with the Nene spinoff, dare I say. Well, actually, before we start
Starting point is 00:01:54 talking shows, why don't we talk about some gossip? Because a lot of it is going on this week. Can we please start with the rumor that Gretchen is officially out of OC? Yes. Yes, please. I was thinking about that this morning. Oddly enough, I woke up thinking about that, which is a really bad sign for me that I wake up thinking about Gretchen Rossi. But I was thinking that getting rid of Gretchen is a big
Starting point is 00:02:18 move, even though her storyline has sucked and Slade sucks and Slade has brought her down and Slade has been the demise of Gretchen. Getting rid of Gretchen is a big deal because so much of the drama of the past few seasons especially the reunion has been fueled by Tamra hitting on Gretchen and now we don't have that anymore. Well guess what Tamra
Starting point is 00:02:37 your spinoff sucked bitch so I would rather watch Gretchen and Slade get married than you. Yeah. Do you think they're really going to get married? Tamara's spinoff is terrible. She should never try to be a nice person. She should...
Starting point is 00:02:53 The only spinoff... What? She's already telling people, she's already telling friends, people are telling me on Twitter that she is saying that it was her decision, that she has decided to go in her own way or whatever, and that she really didn't get fired.
Starting point is 00:03:09 Oh, please. Her own way? She doesn't have her own way. If she leaves OC, there's nothing left for her to do. The only possible thing for her to do, the only other direction she should go into is if HGTV offered her a show where she can find the
Starting point is 00:03:25 most rooster art at tj maxx and steinmark that's too um hgtv is way too highbrow for that shit i don't know the game dino show but they probably learned their lesson on that one they're like okay gretchen here's what we want you to do. We want you to find as many fake patisserie items as you can find as possible. I want a poster with Paris spelled in every different language. Paris. Paris. Paris.
Starting point is 00:03:55 Paris. Paris. Paris. Paris. Gretchen, we're giving you 60 seconds to find as many candlesticks as possible. The more as possible the more the more ornate the better okay questions are we going to have a problem if alexis leaves the show i don't think that that is going to be a big deal and some of the reports this week were saying that alexis was already on the chopping block for this past season but at the last minute some one of
Starting point is 00:04:23 their housewife had to pull out, so they just tossed Alexis back in. I'm convinced she's definitely a goner, and it won't be a problem. If Gretchen leaves, it will be a problem. Yeah, well, the thing is this... And there was also another... You first.
Starting point is 00:04:39 I was just going to say, Gretchen's just gotten so stale, I can't imagine what they would be able to eke out of her for another season. Well, these other bitches are gonna get married on bravo why not why not her too late i think we're all done with all these marriages especially after real housewives of miami which we'll get to later but i think we've all had a bit i think we've all had enough of these old ladies getting married for the 20th time on TV. Like, enough already. Enough of that. But there's been an article going on around about these.
Starting point is 00:05:09 I don't know what's wrong with me today. There's an article going around about these firings that are saying that Alexis is fired because she has an eating disorder. And it gets especially bad when they're filming. So everybody felt really bad for, oh, it's a blind item, by the way. So it doesn't say Alexis. But one of them has an eating disorder. and her husband is a douchebag and the other one has a drug problem and was shopping a show about her and her c-list or fiancee to other rival networks well first of all i don't know if just because alexis doesn't know what cauliflower is or broccoli
Starting point is 00:05:41 doesn't mean that she has an eating disorder. It just means she doesn't know things. Okay. I was just going to say that the entire cast, because if we're talking about eating disorders and shopping problems and douchebag husbands, anybody could apply there. Anybody. Alexis is like, what's that food where it's like, um,
Starting point is 00:06:02 it's sort of like it's, it's meaty and white and it tastes like things, but it's on bones. You mean chicken? Yes. It's not an eating disorder. Hey, what's that vegetable? What's that vegetable? And it's green, and it comes in those, like, pods.
Starting point is 00:06:19 I remember trying one at an opening of Pee in the Pod, but I don't remember what it was. They're, like, green things with little round things in them. Mean snow peas? No. No, that's not it. They don't grow. Nothing grows in snow. That's a stupid name.
Starting point is 00:06:36 Hey, what's that fish that like, it's sort of like red and white stripes, and it's like in a little curl. And I like to like put it, hold it up by its tail, because it looks like a little J for Jesus. And you can put it in your mouth. it's like in a little curl and I like to like put it hold it up by its tail because it looks like a little j for Jesus and you can put in your mouth it's like really small and sometimes people refer to it refer to small things by calling it that what's that thing a shrimp a shrimp shrimp that sounds weird I don't think it's a shrimp no sorry it's shrimp it's like the little fish it's curled and then you have to take off the tail that's a shrimp okay that sounds about right but just remind me what a tail is again
Starting point is 00:07:12 that's alexis's eating disorder she doesn't know what anything is is this what you people talked about when i wasn't here last week? No, we just talked about you, Matt. I get worried that you boys get sidetracked and spiral out of control on shit-like scripts. We actually... Well, after what happened on Miami this week, and I mean nothing, we have plenty to make up for. So wait, what other gossip is there?
Starting point is 00:07:41 Oh, God. Okay. Is there more gossip? Well, obviously, that was the biggest gossip. What else? Jill Zarin got drunk at some wedding and fell into a pool. That was pretty fun. That's good. You just can't sweep over that so quickly.
Starting point is 00:07:56 That is amazing. She fell into a shut-up pool. Okay, go ahead. Talk about it. I really have nothing else to say talk about it matt you don't want to sleep it under talk about it basically the real headline a warm reception the real headline the podcast i really appreciate it wait we greeted you with show tunes before the show started so i think that was actually a pretty warm warm i would like to um complain about
Starting point is 00:08:21 something because i do that so well. Okay. I follow Andy Cohen on Instagram and normally I just like to see when people are in the clubhouse if they're people that I enjoy. But I have a real problem with something he posted yesterday. He loves a selfie and every once in a while we're capable
Starting point is 00:08:40 of posting selfies that are stupid. But he posted himself in his dressing room before going on air. And he was just like, Oh guys, I'm so bored. And I'm like, you are rich and famous.
Starting point is 00:08:55 You have your own TV show. You're showing your thousands upon thousands of followers that you have a private dressing room. And all you're doing is sitting around and complaining that you're bored. Fuck you. Yeah. Listen, Andy Cohen is ridiculous. We all know that.
Starting point is 00:09:16 I mean, he's... I don't know what the deal is with Andy Cohen. If he asked you to be a guest bartender on a show, would you go on or no? Not after the last night. I'm sorry, but, like, I don't know. I really can't stand these celebrities. You know, first of all, he's, like, C-grade, but people would kill to have his job and have his life.
Starting point is 00:09:36 So how dare he sit there and complain about being bored? It just drives me crazy. Well, you know what I don't like about it is that he obviously wants an excuse. Oh, someone has joined the call. Oh, I think it's probably Ron. Wait, is Ronnie still with us or is he frozen? It just occurred to me he's been in the same position for quite a while. Oh, there's Ronnie.
Starting point is 00:09:55 I have two frozen. It just occurred to you that I wasn't here. I was gone for so long, jerks. I thought you were, like, unhappy. Because Matt, like, made this, went on, like, a rant. along jerks i thought you were like i thought you were like unhappy with because because matt like made this went on like a rant and then we were both quiet so i thought you just didn't have anything to say so then i started speaking like okay well if ronnie's not going to contribute then i'll say something i also can't hear anything ronnie's saying me neither um it's funny because
Starting point is 00:10:21 ronnie's talking but... Nothing's coming out. And the funny thing is, if I'm going to complain about IndyCon, I'm going to complain about another thing. I hate these as videos. Well, I think... Too bad. It's like, too bad. Well, we're right in the middle of one. We've got live viewers.
Starting point is 00:10:40 This is what happens when we've got live podcasts. You can't hear Ronnie. What am I complaining about? Sorry, this is really lame. Oh've got live podcasts you can't hear ronnie complaining about sorry there's ronnie there's ronnie so to anyone who's listening to this on audio you're missing some exciting stuff which is basically just cut it out cut it out ben cut it out cut it out later okay so anyway i missed a whole big matt rant i'm so sad what were you talking about i was talking about this tweet or instagram photo where there we go andy cohen trying to give some like gay face sitting in his dressing room saying so so so so bored bored
Starting point is 00:11:16 restless restless in my dressing room i need a dog shut up andy cohen shut up it was just you know what it was it was just an excuse to take a selfie. And that's what I don't like. If someone's going to take a selfie, be upfront and be like, I'm taking a selfie because I want to take a selfie of myself. But don't do this whole thing. I'm so bored. I've got nothing to do. I wish I had a dog.
Starting point is 00:11:37 I'm going to take a picture of myself. Like, don't do that, Andy Cohen. Shut up, Andy Cohen. Shut up. I don't even want to be a bartender in your stupid-ass show anyway. Yeah. Yeah, wait a minute. Shut up, Andy Cohen. Oh, Andy Cohen, shut up. I don't even want to be a bartender in your stupid-ass show anyway. Yeah, yeah, wait a minute. Shut up, girl. So isn't there any other gossip that happened this week?
Starting point is 00:11:51 Yes. I feel like a lot happened. Well, it's not necessarily gossip, but I did notice some promos for the upcoming seasons of Shazza Sunset and for Beverly Hills and for Atlanta and for Vanderpump Rules. I saw promos. Oh, and there is another piece of gossip, which pertains to Portia, whatever her face is, Portia Stewart,
Starting point is 00:12:13 implying that maybe Cordell Stewart, her estranged husband, might be gay after all. Did you guys hear about that? Oh, God, yeah, because he changed the locks on her or some shit. Like, suddenly he's gay. Yeah, because he, like, was having sex in their bed with another man suddenly he's gay i don't get it yeah no kidding he was he was choking on a giant 10 inch cock and suddenly he's gay i mean everything makes you gay apparently these days he had miss washington over the back of an easy easy chair. Suddenly he's gay. Matt's rolling his eyes.
Starting point is 00:12:49 I'm also going to clutch my pearls, which were donated by a super fan of ours who may have recently moved to Los Angeles and may be stalking us. And I'm okay with that because I need a stalker. Yeah, Matt needs a stalker. Well, so much for that blind item. But did you guys see any of the promos for those shows this week?
Starting point is 00:13:10 I did. I'm super excited. I fucking hate New Jersey. I'm a little bored with Miami. The new Nene show has me excited for the return of Atlanta, so I need BH, Atlanta, and Vanderpump back stat. What we saw in the Beverly Hills promo is that it looks like there is a lot of, there is that rift between Brandy and Lisa Vanderpump that was rumored to have happened. It looks like that's actually happening. I think, does Kim fall down a staircase of some sort? Is that what I saw? Well, there's something interesting about that that I read, that Brandy and Lisa thing. So, so far what we've heard about that fight is that Lisa's calling her a puppet master and being on Yolanda's side in some fight, and they got in a knock-down, drag-out argument or something.
Starting point is 00:13:56 But then Brandy gave some article, some interview to some ladies' magazine where she was saying that she's mad because Lisa was hiding how close she really is with that stupid waitress girl with the brown hair. He slept with Eddie Cibrian. Sheena? Yeah, from Tarzana. Where is she from? Azusa. No, Azusa. And in fact, I drove by, last week I drove by a sign that said, welcome to Azusa. It was like America's heartland. And I really wanted to take a picture of it except i was driving yeah so her so apparently brandy's mad because lisa's so close with her and she's trying to get her a spinoff okay first of all brandy you're not the only poor bitch who's going to be saved by bravo it's going to happen to a lot of poor sluts around
Starting point is 00:14:41 town who just do nothing but get wasted be mean to people and like say rude things about people on twitter they're going to become famous too and make their two hundred thousand dollars a year or whatever crap salary you're making too so stop being joe second of all your husband cheated with like half the world it's not just that stupid skank he fucked a lot of people how about being mad at the person who fucked around on you and not his skanks that girl is trying to get ahead she's in la it's called job hunting okay she should not bite the hand that feeds because at the end of the day nobody is going to go against lisa vanderpump look she's done a few messed up things throughout the years and every time anybody says anything bad about her ben screams because he's team vanderpump but most people are and brandy is
Starting point is 00:15:23 dumb as hell if she thinks that she should be going up against her, because she will always lose. Listen, Brandi, Bravo money is going to run out. Lisa money ain't never running out. Ain't running out. And let me tell you something. The stupidest thing you could possibly do is to go up against Sheena, because that is a pop star
Starting point is 00:15:40 waiting to happen. We're looking at the next Britney Spears, and if you're going to fight her, then you have another thing coming. You are missing out on the Sheena gravy train. Fresh from Azusa. That's some Janelle
Starting point is 00:15:54 yeah. That girl's going places for sure, you guys. Yeah, she is Britney Spears of Azza she is britney cucumber spears she's christina aguilera nowhere uh she's christina she's christina at i don't know i can't even think of
Starting point is 00:16:25 pop stars i'm like she's the next reed nana lame nana she's the nextady blah blah. Katie. Katie Scary. Katie Scary. Okay, anyway, going on. Should we move on to the shows? Katie Perrier.
Starting point is 00:16:52 Yeah. Katie, would you like Perrier or just tap water? She's going to be the most famous pop star slash waitress ever. She's going to mix those two. If she could just mix waiting tables with pop star ism she'd be really successful she could be like yeah yeah yeah special of the night is salmon she's the next she's the next adele computer salesman um okay no one else is paying attention to the podcast i'm looking at the. They're both looking down at their keyboards.
Starting point is 00:17:25 I'm reading Facebook. I'm reading Facebook comments, and they're all being dramatic about something. I can't tell. Okay, so let's move on to some show talk. We had, for sure, I know that we all watched Housewives this week, right? Yes, absolutely. Okay, so let's discuss some Housewives. Should we start with Miami because it was last night?
Starting point is 00:17:44 Yes, sure. Okay, so I was excited about with Miami because it was last night? Yes. Sure. Okay. So I was excited about this episode because it was an hour of my life where nothing happened. I thought, how could I spend an hour where I watch something and nothing happens whatsoever? And the Miami episode answered that question for me. And I would like to say a formal apology to anyone who's been listening to us trumpet this show and decided, okay, you know what? I'm finally going to watch it.
Starting point is 00:18:07 And they turned in this week, tuned in this week. I'm so sorry because the show is normally much, much, much better than the turd that we had to watch last night. And it's been a couple of weeks now that I'm getting kind of worried. I mean, nothing is really going on. I mean, sitting there made me so ashamed of myself. I was so ashamed of myself for sitting through this bullshit today that i was almost as ashamed as my mother is that this is what i do with my life
Starting point is 00:18:31 i was almost on that level of being ashamed of me well you know why you know why it sucked so much is because um i would say 90 of the episode pertained to joanna's wedding they were in they were in la and they went to la they went to each other's mansions and bought Birkin bags. But it was really about the wedding. And it just comes back to the fact that anything pertaining to weddings on Bravo is a dud. Have you ever seen any episode of Real Housewives
Starting point is 00:18:55 that centered around a wedding or wedding planning that has been entertaining? Think back to Real Housewives. I mean, they do it on every single franchise. They do it on every single franchise. They do it on every one of them. And now they're on this whole string of everybody's like getting their free wedding from Andy on TV.
Starting point is 00:19:12 Why do they keep doing it? If nobody's watching, I mean, nobody watched Tamara, right? Right. Well, I mean,
Starting point is 00:19:17 I think I, I don't know that maybe Matt, the ratings were halfway decent, but I, you know, I don't want to jump ahead here, but again, you need to have a massive, massive star who can carry their own spinoff.
Starting point is 00:19:29 And I'll tell you right now, the only one that I've seen do that successfully, maybe Kim Zolciak a little bit, is NeNe Leakes. She is the only person I want to see get married because she is a nut job and she can provide comedy for an hour. These other people are not comedy. job and she can she can provide comedy for an hour these other people are not comedy see i think where bravo goes wrong is that they think okay well well weddings always create lots of stress and lots of drama plus women love watching weddings so this is perfect but the truth is this gay men i don't think really care that much about weddings and the drama is really not that great and if you wanted to watch all this wedding we would turn would turn to Wii and watch Bridezilla. We don't have to watch this over and over and over again.
Starting point is 00:20:09 It is boring. It's killing me. I don't care if Joanna wants Lisa to be her bridesmaid or not or if Adriana wants it. No one gives a shit. I don't care what her dress looks like. No one cares what her dress looks like. No one cares about the dress testing you know, I want to say testing, the trying on of the dresses. Yeah, she's like, oh, this has to be a miniskirt in the front because why not be myself if it's my wedding?
Starting point is 00:20:32 You know, Romaine says I should be. So you're a whore. You're going into this like, I'm kind of a slut, so that's what I'm going to be at my wedding. No, your wedding you change. You're going from being like a slut who lives off her looks to being like, yeah, I don't know. What is she going to be at my wedding no your wedding you change you're going from being like a slut who lives off her looks to being like yeah i don't know the only person the only person we want to see trying on dresses is chanel from princesses of long island yes because she sobs about someone else having better fortune than her now that's entertainment yeah that's good that's good we like that um Yeah, I think
Starting point is 00:21:05 it's just all dull. And this whole thing about where Adriana tells Lisa she can't be a bridesmaid if she's going to be in Joanna's wedding and Joanna saying she's not allowed to be her maid of honor if she's in Adriana's wedding. It feels manufactured and no one cares.
Starting point is 00:21:22 I don't care if Lisa, what her ultimate choice will be. I don't care if she's a bridesmaid to anyone, I don't care if Lisa, what her ultimate choice will be. I don't care if she's a bride and a to anyone. I don't care if she sits in a puddle during the entire wedding. Like I just do not care. Yeah. And they obviously don't care either. I mean that whole trip to LA,
Starting point is 00:21:35 they seem like they barely knew each other. They had nothing to talk about. I mean, I cringed at the sections where they had to actually sit and have conversations with each other. Cause I was like, these ladies have nothing to talk about, unless it's what a bitch Adriana is, you know?
Starting point is 00:21:47 And the same thing goes for the other ladies. Frankly, the only thing I found at all interesting in this episode was all the Alexia stuff, because her son's such a fuck-up, and she was married to some drug kingpin. I mean, that sounds like a TV show to me. Just follow her around and have the husband come back into the picture.
Starting point is 00:22:04 That I'll watch. That was the only good part of the episode. It was a ten-minute or five-minute interlude where there was some photo shoot and Alexia's stoner son kicked a cab. The cabbie was like, I'm going to call the police.
Starting point is 00:22:19 He's like, oh man. He was getting in the way. I wanted to kick it. He was flipping me the bird. I wanted to kick it. He was flipping me the bird. I had to kick it. Okay, you're going to make fun of him, and he deserves to be made fun of for the horrible things that he's done in last night's episode and also when he filmed himself punching a homeless dude in the nuts.
Starting point is 00:22:38 But I will say this. I feel bad for Alexia having an ex-husband who has gone to jail and who has clearly done a lot of fucked up stuff probably stuff that we'll never know how fucked up it truly is she has kids by this dude and I wouldn't know what to do in her position either
Starting point is 00:22:56 yes she should probably focus on her kids more and less on reality TV however she is stuck between a rock and a hard place and I wouldn't know what to do either yeah no she is and I do like that she's supportive of her kids and like trying to like doing what what she can to like help them although on the other hand you could also look at that as she's spoiling them she's not doing shit to help him all she's doing is giving him money and giving him i'm giving him all the opportunity in the world to keep fucking up that kid doesn't have a job
Starting point is 00:23:24 he doesn't do anything except lay around in his fucking underwear, growing ratty ass split ends. I mean, what kind of, okay. Okay. Well, what would you suggest?
Starting point is 00:23:32 He's not going to get a job, get a fucking job. I'm not a criminal. You know why? Cause my asshole was working at a bowling alley when I was 13 years old. That's why I'd probably be out there doing drugs, selling drugs. I'd be a drug Kingpin right now,
Starting point is 00:23:43 but more for Skylines bowling alley in El Paso, Texas. It'd save my life. Listen, I think the ship has sailed for this kid and his potential in life. I think at this point, the main goal is to make sure he does not get onto any more drugs. Like, just keep him with a weed. You are some cynical, cynical, horrible people. There are plenty of people in this universe that are addicted to drugs and alcohol and being assholes that turn their lives around. Why can't this kid?
Starting point is 00:24:07 No, it's not about that he's addicted to drugs. It's that he's just spoiled and he's just... I just can't imagine him doing anything with his life. The crux of the problem is that he thinks that his father is hot shit when the father is clearly a snake. And until he grows up enough
Starting point is 00:24:23 and realizes that his father probably did a lot of terrible things to a lot of innocent people um he's not going to get it he's going to think his dad is a pimp that's what he calls his dad and he wants to be version 2.0 i love when alexia had the epiphany she's like i never realized that you know when i keep on saying that like his father is a piece of shit and then i say you're just like your father i didn't realize i was calling my own son a piece of shit oh i never realized that would be so hurtful you really hurt your children that way i was like yeah congratulations whatever being called a piece of shit is part of growing up i mean how else are parents supposed to tell you you're doing wrong
Starting point is 00:24:57 they hit you with a wooden spoon they call you a piece of shit and you try and get better so that you can impress them and they won't leave you well what i like is watching the grandmother analyze them and you have like three generations and you just sort of see the declining returns you know the first is like the grandmother who is smart she's educated i actually feel like she's classy she seems like she's from a certain position whoa whoa classy why because she wears a statement necklace from Chico's? Yeah, actually. In this world, that's like— On this show, if you're not wearing a shirt that's here and has your 80-year-old grandma tits hanging down to the floor with only your areolas covered, you're classy. It doesn't take much.
Starting point is 00:25:38 She is. She wears a little lady blazer. That's about 10 times more classy than anyone else on this show. And then you have Alexia, who was a pretty girl who married a drug kingpin, so you're already thinking, oh, whoops, there was a misstep. And then you get to Peter, who's punching homeless guys in the nuts and videotaping it. It's just like, you know, this is why, you know, when they say that psychologists and psychiatrists always have fucked up families,
Starting point is 00:26:00 the proof is right here. This family lineage, that's the proof. Yeah. Well, basically the kid was cut off from his dad. He needed somebody to identify with, and now he has somebody to identify with. He's just a criminal. So, have fun with that. Yeah, I agree. But it'll be interesting to see
Starting point is 00:26:17 if they can get to the root of it. It's going to be a while before Peter gets to the root of it. More importantly, didn't you think he was kind of hot? He used to be hotter. His hair looks great, actually. I think his hair looks great. I love a man with some nice hair. It reminds me of Taylor Kitsch
Starting point is 00:26:34 from Friday Night Lights, and I like that. Yeah, I'm not even big into long hair, but his long hair is good. But he's really let himself go. I mean, he still looks good, but compared to what he used to look like, it's a shame. He actually really could have had it all he's like a way yeah and if you don't look that if you're if you're already looking tired when you're 20 it is downhill though that is your best year like 20 to 22. like if you're not looking twinkish at that time you're in
Starting point is 00:27:01 trouble i mean that guy's like the next al bundy. He's going to be like the Cuban Al Bundy. Listen, two years ago on this show, he was graduating from high school. He had a modeling career ahead of him. The world was his oyster. Now it's 2013, and he's kicking taxis on the street. So this is his life, and it's terrible. Yeah, and I love, and also, you know what the best thing is, is that this kid is like, he's so like aggro, and he's such a criminal, like he's so pimp.
Starting point is 00:27:31 Kicking a fucking taxi is not like a big pimp thing to do. Like, you want to be a tough guy? Beat that fat fuck with a baseball bat and leave him on the floor all bloody with his skull like leaking out his brains. I mean, that's what kind of criminal is gonna want to hang out with you i mean right don't kick the cab kill him that's no yes yes if pete if peter were in like a real like drug movie you know he'd be the one who's like the low-level henchman who who messes something up and then he's the first to get whacked he's the first he's the one that ever he's the one who's like sitting in a chair and ever james almost comes over and like gives him some sort of like lecture and he tells he tells like an
Starting point is 00:28:13 elaborate story like he's like you ever hear the story of the cow and the owl and like the whole story and peter's like huh and at the end he's like and in the end the owl kills the cow and then peter suddenly realizes what's happening he's like, and in the end, the owl kills the cow. And then Peter suddenly realizes what's happening. He's like, no, no, no, please, please, I'll do anything. I'll fix it. I can fix it. He doesn't even know it's me. I swear, I'll never tell anyone. And then he gets killed. That's what happens to Peter. And in the corner, you just see Frankie
Starting point is 00:28:35 cowering, but then the camera turns to him, and Frankie has a creepy little smile. No, I think Frankie would just be like, that was awesome! He's like the most positive kid no no what happens is frank then edward james almost takes frankie under his wing he's like you'll come with me now and then you see that frankie is going to be let in and you're like no frankie and then it cuts to um alexia getting the news and then crumpling onto her bed full of like white fur coats and she's just crying and mascara is running down her face and she's like a top like a dead fox like stole.
Starting point is 00:29:13 Yes, it's like and then at the very end of the movie, she sees Frankie and she's like, Frankie, your bus to college is waiting for you, Frankie. Are you going to take it? And then someone walks into the room, and he's like, sorry, Mom, I have to have this conversation. And then the door closes very slowly on her face, and we go to the end credits. No, you know what would be even better? If Frankie revealed that he really didn't suffer any brain damage
Starting point is 00:29:38 and it was very much like the usual suspects. Oh, yeah, his limp goes away. His limp goes away as he walks away from his mother and leaves her in a puddle of tears and then it's then it turns out it's was peter all along who's had the brain damage and it all makes so much more sense oh my god why aren't we writing this the real housewives of miami but a fictionalized version that's on the big screen oh my god alexi the the edgy averia story or whatever. Oh, that's good.
Starting point is 00:30:08 That's a good, that should be next season for sure. So basically nothing happened in this episode as evidenced by the fact that we just had to go into some Real Housewives of Miami fan fiction. Yeah. That says a lot actually. But I do want to talk about Joanna. I mean, I didn't know that this chick had as much money as she did and that she has five houses. What's that? Five houses? That's a lot.
Starting point is 00:30:28 That's a lot for a mid-range swimsuit model. Well, I mean, to be clear, a shack in Encino is probably not that much. That's true. I did like Leah's very diplomatic way of basically saying... Diplomatic? That was not diplomatic. Well, she's not on the same hill
Starting point is 00:30:44 as me, and i'm not even sure how far is that you guys that don't live in los angeles that are listening and are watching to us right now what that means is joanna is valley trash and leah is with the rich people in the hollywood hills yeah yeah that was hilarious that's exactly like oh my god this it's like leah that's the only person who's still my steel on this show stop dissing her when the camera turns away like well you know i mean she was just this little poor little kid from poland and now that she made it like i know you think you're being sweet but you're not i'm like this is what fievel grows
Starting point is 00:31:23 up to be like i don't know if I want to watch that movie anymore. Fievel's from Russia, to be fair, to be fair. Yeah, so that was Miami. It looks like it's going to be more fun next week because they are going to get in a fight
Starting point is 00:31:39 or it's like a little argument at that dinner in LA. I don't know. About Joe Francis or something? I don't know about Joe Francis or something I just saw the coming previews wait they talked about that were they at Koi or where were they they were at Koi
Starting point is 00:31:54 Koi the hottest restaurant of 2003 I know right Koi-zing I thought Lee was being a dick on this episode i'm just gonna say it uh i don't actually think so i'm trying to think there was i think yeah and let me tell you why when they were at coy the way she was talking to lisa was unnecessary like lisa was trying to make a point about the fact that she can be friends with different people and she can be bridesmaids
Starting point is 00:32:22 in two weddings and that should be fine and joanna should fully accept that and even joanna's mother agreed with her then when lisa was trying to bring up an example of certain groups like certain people your anger just paused the podcast i hope you're proud of yourself matthew well just because ben's not alone again i'm here why am i always alone we're here we're here we're here ronnie ronnie we're here we're here okay good sorry sorry matt it keeps cutting you off mid-rant whenever you start ranting okay go again lisa was starting to use an example of you know certain people like the joe francis camp certain people don't like the joe franc camp. And then out of nowhere, Leah gets, you know, a bug up her ass and is like, we can't even talk about that because he's not here to
Starting point is 00:33:08 defend himself. And she went like off and then she was rude to Lisa. And I don't know. I don't understand. I don't understand the point of that. So what was the Joe Francis thing now? She was saying, I don't understand what Lisa was just trying to explain that certain people are friends with him, certain people don't understand him, and that's fine, and you're allowed to have different groups of friends. And Leah just kind of took it on another rampage and was starting to be rude to Lisa. The crazy thing is, by the end of the episode,
Starting point is 00:33:38 I was like, the only one I like is Lisa. What is wrong with me? I don't know. I mean, Leah definitely bit off Lisa's head, that's for sure. I think that it probably was not the – like, she probably didn't need to come on that strong. But at the same time, she also probably saw that by just merely uttering Joe Francis, Joanna is such an idiot that was going to cause a scene at that stupid table. So she's like, don't bring this up.
Starting point is 00:34:03 Like, I'm not going to do this right now. And it's actually – the way Leah responded is the way that actually every single one of these housewives should respond when other people talk about their friends but of course they don't that being said i mean you know it was aggressive listen leah lisa i don't know what lisa that's so that's so typical lisa like she can't just argue Instead of just making an argument, she's always starting shit. It's like, well, when she's at one fitting, she's like, whoops, I have to take this call, this secret call from Joanna. Hope it
Starting point is 00:34:34 doesn't make any drama. Why is there so much drama? She's always trying to act like she's the one fixing everything, but then she's stirring the shit wherever she goes. Even bringing up Joe Francis in front of Joanna is meant to cause shit you know yeah i don't know let's see what adriana do this adriana this episode all she did was adriana met with a wedding planner correct and she was like all right this wedding has to be up to my standards i want everyone to be dressed formal and then be in 20s gear which by the way up and she's like i am an oh if i were invited to a
Starting point is 00:35:13 wedding where i knew i had to change into 20s outfit for the reception i would be like see you later no yeah that's an rsvp no bitch that, bitch. That's either I'm skipping the ceremony or I'm skipping the reception, but I am not having a costume change. Sorry. Let's go to Facebook for some comments because Matt needs these right now. Christian says, I agree with Matt that Leah was being a bitch. Derek says, we all felt that way, Matt. Where are my peeps at? Thank you, peeps.
Starting point is 00:35:43 Paula says, go, Matt. Rant away. So there, Matt. There. Okay. Are you happy, Matt? There. You got some support. Because I heard that sigh over there. I heard that evil sigh. Did you just make those up, Ronnie, just to massage my ego? Because if you did, I'm totally okay with that. Katie King says, Matt, you've
Starting point is 00:35:59 never looked thinner and more handsome. Derek says, Matt, I hear you've got the giantest wiener in town. This is really good. These are really good. Who's saying that? Someone says maybe I should gain a bunch of weight and get a shitty apartment to talk crap about people. Are you talking about me, bitch?
Starting point is 00:36:18 Who said that? Who said that? It doesn't matter. So anyway, so far, there we are. Are you guys ready to move on to New Jersey? And I'm in a condo, motherfucker, so fuck off. That's what I say. I'm the fat one, so I'm
Starting point is 00:36:33 guessing that I'm the fat one with the shitty apartment. You know what? Maybe you could help me by sending me some money so that I could eat. Look, I have a butternut squash on my counter. Hey, you can see it right there. I'm trying, okay? I'm trying. We could hawk my pearls at a pawn shop.
Starting point is 00:36:52 You know what we should do? Don't look at this Claire's price tag, anybody. There's Claire's right there. Claire's. Listen, if you have any hate for us, use it in a constructive way. Why don't you go to and sign up for your own domain for $2 by using
Starting point is 00:37:08 the promo code CRAPPINS, and then you can create all sorts of websites. Like Ronnie Caram sucks. Yeah, Ronnie Caram is a fat bitch with a horrible, you know, with no money and a shitty kitchen. That's a long one, but yeah, that would be a website I could see
Starting point is 00:37:23 you getting traffic at. Yeah, do that, people. people and you can really let me tell you something before this podcast i went to the car wash and there was a tuesday special and you know what they told me they said tuesday special you get two dollars off and with that two dollars you know what i can do i can buy a whole dot com domain isn't that crazy i could buy a whole dot com domain. Isn't that crazy? I could buy a domain with the promo code CRAPPINS just from the money I saved on the Tuesday special at the car wash. Yeah, guys. Get your own
Starting point is 00:37:54 domain name for just $2. Thanks. By the way, you know who's at the car wash? Here's a name drop, and you guys know I will like this one. Wait, I want to guess. I want to guess. Guess who's at the car wash today? Taye Diggs. Very close, actually. Wait, I want to guess. I want to guess. Guess who's at the car wash today. Taye Diggs. Very close, actually.
Starting point is 00:38:08 Oh, Omar Epps. No. Queen Latifah. You guys are really... You guys are talking right in on it, but no. Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay. Wait, wait, wait. Don't tell us.
Starting point is 00:38:20 Don't tell us. Gabrielle Union. No, farther away now. Oh, it's a dude. Or it's a lesbian. Or it's a dude that looks like a lady. Don't tell us. Gabrielle Union. No, farther away now. Oh, it's a dude. Or it's a lesbian. Or it's a dude that looks like a lady. Mario Van Peebles. Nope, farther away now.
Starting point is 00:38:33 Tina Turner. No. But if I saw Tina Turner at the car wash, I'd be very excited. You guys already know. She's in Switzerland now, I think. Oh, I got one. Morris Chestnut. No. Hotness. Switzerland now, I think. Oh, I got one. Morris Chestnut. No. Hotness.
Starting point is 00:38:48 Hotness, but no. Idris Elba. No. Nell Carter. Nell Carter's ghost with her ghost car. She ain't misbehaving at the car wash. Precious. Precious by Safari.
Starting point is 00:39:03 No. Who? Just tell me who. This is boring. He stars on a TV show that I believe is having a season premiere tonight. Matt, you can guess. I gave you some good TV information there. I don't care. Just tell me. Look, it's not Carter's Ghost. Give me a break, you better tell me. Tell me who you saw at the car wash. I saw LL Cool J.
Starting point is 00:39:31 Ugh, boring. Was he wearing a Kangol hat and pretending to rap? Or was he just cashing his checks because he's on that piece of shit show in CIS Los Angeles? He was wearing a baseball cap. He rode up in his Maybach. And I'm telling you something, those dimples, those are the cutest dimples I ever seen. What's he doing? You know what Mama said?
Starting point is 00:39:51 Mama said, shut the fuck up. For those of you who think that seeing LL Cool J is really cool, like his name, go to our Facebook page, forward slash go to and buy a domain name that says ll cool j at the car wash is cool okay yeah that's good so I think this is the perfect
Starting point is 00:40:13 time to go on to New Jersey if we still have people listening to us wait wait wait wait wait oh my god this is what always every single time this is why the podcast is an hour and a half it's like okay well it's time to move on Matt's like wait a second did you see the ashtray in the house i wanted to talk about joanna having like slave labor in her house taking care of gross creepy little kittens yeah those were gross kittens and i love cats but those are gross kittens those were nasty kittens i think that if kittens are abandoned that young you should just throw them in the trash and let them die. I'm just kidding. Well, look, okay.
Starting point is 00:40:49 I shouldn't say that. But, look, this is what I feel about rescuing. And I'm thinking this because there's this lady I walk past every day when I take Bueller on his little walk. She's got this evil fucking dog who wants to kill us both. And they just sit on the top of the stairs and they look at us. And one day I was walking towards her and she, like, tried the street but a car was coming so i stopped and i was like i said it's okay he's friendly and she goes mine's not he's had a really rough life and i was thinking aren't there like cute fluffy dogs to adopt why does everybody have to adopt the psycho dogs who
Starting point is 00:41:17 want to kill everybody like that dog would eat a baby's face off i'm sure that there was a cute little cockapoo or something that needed to be adopted. And you probably let him get killed because he wasn't damaged enough for you. You know, you actually make a good point. I never thought about that before. But yeah, because there are a lot of really dangerous animals out there. Unfortunately, it's not
Starting point is 00:41:37 of their own doing. But why would you adopt a three-legged dog instead of a cute dog? Does it make you a better person to adopt a three-legged dog because yes it does yeah but you just killed a dog by not adopting it yeah they get killed when they're not adopted cute ones don't get killed ever they always get killed they do because people don't feel cool enough adopting a cute kid i mean a cute pet now with kids they're not going to just go out and adopt a one-legged kid on purpose. Then they're going to try and get some white
Starting point is 00:42:08 little cute little baby and screw all the other ones. I think we need to switch our priorities, people, alright? You need to give ugly kids a better chance of being adopted and just kill the ugly dogs. Okay, that's been your public service announcement from me today. Thank you. I love that
Starting point is 00:42:23 Ronnie is the dog owner of the three of us, too. I know. I saved my dog, and he's cute. I saved a cute dog, so I practice what I preach. Well, he's cute in a weird way. Speaking of ugly dogs, should we talk about New Jersey? Do we have any last
Starting point is 00:42:41 thoughts on Miami, on the episode where nothing happened? Yes, I have a few more. Okay, Matt, go on. You do not have more Miami. You're just being difficult. You're just trying to get us to be mean to you so people say nice things about you on Facebook. They say nice things about me because I am fucking nice.
Starting point is 00:43:02 Academy is a new scripted podcast that follows Ava Richards, played by HBO's Industries' Myhala Herald, a brilliant scholarship student who has to quickly adapt to her newfound eat-or-be-eaten world. Ava's ambitions take hold and her small-town values break in hopes of becoming the first scholarship student to make The List, Bishop Gray's all-coveted academic top 10, curated by the headmaster himself. But after realizing she has no chance at The List on her own, she reluctantly accepts an invitation to a secret underground society that pulls the strings on campus life and academic success.
Starting point is 00:43:36 If she bends to their will, she'll have everything she's ever dreamed of. But at what cost? Academy takes you into the world of a cutthroat private school where power, money, and sex collide in a game of life and death. Follow Academy on the Wondery app or wherever you get your podcasts. You can binge all episodes of Academy early and ad-free right now by joining Wondery Plus. From Wondery, this is Black History For for Real I'm Francesca Ramsey and I'm Consciously what do most people think about when they hear the words Black History Rosa Parks Reconstruction MLK
Starting point is 00:44:18 February Black History exactly exactly there are so many stories of Black history that we just are not really talking about or thinking about, especially outside of February. And we are about to flip the script on all of that. Because on this show, you're going to hear a little less. In August 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue. And a little bit more. She is a heroine to some. As a fighter for Black rights, she is a villain to others. Follow Black History for Real on the
Starting point is 00:44:47 Wondery app or wherever you get your podcasts. Listen everywhere on February 5th or you can listen early and ad-free on Wondery Plus starting January 29th. Join Wondery Plus on the Wondery app or on Apple Podcasts. Black is beautiful. Okay, you have five seconds and then we're moving on to real housewives.
Starting point is 00:45:08 Joanna couldn't turn on her fireplace. Someone said, Pete said, looks like Matt is preoccupied. Ronnie, your apartment is what real estate people call cozy. Look, you guys, I have a cuter look that I could put in my apartment. I could give it a cuter angle, but this is where I get the sun. So I'm worried more about my face than what my apartment looks like. Okay, give me a break. I'm a poor person.
Starting point is 00:45:30 You think I'd be sitting here on the fucking internet if I was rich? Nice Nell Carter callback. Right? Give me a break. Okay. Oh, yeah. Thank you. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:45:39 You see? Circle. Circle of life. Okay, Jersey. Okay, so you guys, the craziest thing happened this week on Jersey. Melissa thinks that Teresa is starting stuff, and she's going to confront
Starting point is 00:45:52 her. Oh my god! Oh my god! You guys! We've been dealing with this for three seasons, and I am ready for Danielle Staub to put on Leatherface's skin mask, walk into the set, murder everybody, and demand her own spinoff. I agree. You know what I would love? Danielle Staub was given a second chance, and she blew it on Watch What Happens.
Starting point is 00:46:20 Boo, Danielle Staub. She did. Couldn't even pull off one half hour where it was all about you. Lame mask. She was bad. She was really bad on that. Here's what I would like to see happen. I'd like to see Melissa Gorga read one of these tweets from Johnny the Greek or Fatso the Italian and say, oh, okay, you know what?
Starting point is 00:46:38 I don't care. How about that? That's a real good way to diffuse it. But if someone says, hey melissa gorga i heard you had a hangnail and she's like i can't believe someone told him about the hangnail i want to get the bottom of it and then she fuels all this ridiculousness just chill out bitch or how about this why don't you just get off twitter no one cares what you have to say anyway so stop reading what people say and you will have a happier life yeah but follow ben at b-side blog
Starting point is 00:47:03 oh yeah and matt at life on the M-List, and Ronnie at Trash Tree TV. Melissa, thanks. Excellent. Yeah, I was watching, they showed all of them, whatever you call it, a marathon of them this week, and I was sitting down watching them, because I had to get a new DVR, so I had nothing recorded. So I was watching
Starting point is 00:47:19 them again, and I was like, really, Melissa? Just a few weeks ago, which seems like 10 years ago, but just a few weeks ago, this was all about how Melissa's cheating on her husband. And that was going around on Twitter. And Teresa heard this because she was sitting at dinner with Jan, the bridesmaid. And the bridesmaid was telling everybody that Melissa's fucking her ex-boyfriend. And then Teresa didn't say anything. But Teresa was still in trouble because these girls were talking shit about her.
Starting point is 00:47:44 And I'm like, come on. Like, you are really grasping. And whatever happened to that, is she fucking that guy? Because he was threatening to tell people on Twitter about it and put pictures or something. I don't know. Listen, she has a reputation to protect because she's about to become a huge pop star. Huge. After an appearance.
Starting point is 00:47:58 She had a concert in a conference room in a corporate building in Orlando. And it does not get bigger than that. Okay? She is the next Sheena. If you think that Jersey is trash, Florida, if we're not talking about Miami, is super trash. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:19 They should be the Real Housewives of Orlando. What good ever came out of Orlando, honestly? Disney World. Disney World, Sea World, Chamu. That is some fake trash. The real one is in Anaheim. Oh yeah, the real Disney World. Yeah, but at Disney World
Starting point is 00:48:36 they have these things that you can motorize yourself so you don't have to walk and they're for when you're over 400 pounds. And I think that that's really a big step in the right direction in orlando let's listen um bring on the 500 pounders and wheel them around let's applaud uh walt disney for making his theme parks into the trashiest parts of the country orlando and orange county excuse me he did not make them into trash the disney corporation turned them into trash he was a visionary who died way too soon and everybody that wanted money fucked everything up and he
Starting point is 00:49:10 never wanted any shit to happen in orlando but those greedy bitches did so learn your disney history all righty so anyway back to new jersey speaking of trash things i'm surprised there's oh wait there is action park in new jersey and six flags great adventure those are two action park closed oh did it well okay that was inevitable anyway so back to new jersey um so the big thing is that uh so melissa is still concerned about rumors she went down to orlando where she sang off key for the singing instructor and then did a little performance on an Orlando radio station. And this big time manager who's getting paid by Bravo had to sit and pretend like she was going to have a career. And as Teresa said, I don't know many 37 year olds become pop stars, but hey, there's a first time for everything. One of the few times where Teresa is is right on the line team teresa
Starting point is 00:50:06 team teresa on that one i'm sorry but every time melissa thinks that she's going to be a pop star then she starts whining about her children and her husband and her family and her duties and then we see her and then she can't fucking sing and then she stands up and she always does these like dance moves that prove that she was a stripper and then she wants to pretend that she's not a stripper here's the thing with with melissa her voice is not the best but it's no worse than like britney spears okay but that being said she does not have the confidence that she needs every time she's like singing and she's like well do you blame her i mean look at her husband he's like so you know she's not so much of a good singer but i don't care she's my
Starting point is 00:50:44 angel i'll support her through whatever and then the guys when they have that listening party So, you know, she's not so much of a good singer, but I don't care. She's my angel. I'll support her through whatever. And then the guys, when they have that listening party, everybody's laughing at her. Basically laughing at how terrible she is. And, you know, even Kathy's like, she's a nice girl, but no. Kathy's so nice, you know. But the point is this, though. She doesn't, she does not like have any confidence and that's why she will truly never become a pop star aside from the fact that her
Starting point is 00:51:11 voice is not great and she's way too old and there's no reason for her to be a pop star at the very least she should like be commanding and she's not yeah also you know i think that in general to be a pop star people have to want to fuck you. No one wants to—I mean, I know there are such things as married pop stars and stuff, and I'm not saying you should just die once you're married, but it does kind of change it, doesn't it? I don't want to listen to you sing songs about your fucking husband. I mean, that's so lame. Are you suggesting that women who get married and have children are less desirable, Ronnie? Are you willing to put that out there to all of our female listeners right now i'm saying
Starting point is 00:51:48 they become less fuckable to their husbands over time and they become less fuckable to the american public in less time yeah right listen i think that melissa's looking great these days i think her hair looks good her body looks good oh and that goes for the men, too, not just the women. Sorry. The problem is she is anorexic. It is not a cute look. Oh, she's not anorexic. But here's the thing, though. She has established herself too much as this, like, wifey type, and it's hard to imagine her being a pop star, like take her seriously as a pop star. She should be singing stupid ballads.
Starting point is 00:52:21 She should be singing stuff for adult contemporary radio. She should be doing buble kind of bullshit. Excuse me. My background is in music. I majored in it in college. I have worked for Clear Channel twice. I've worked for Napster. This bitch cannot sing and should not sing. She is terrible.
Starting point is 00:52:38 I would rather hear the Countess Luanne any day of the week. I didn't know that you were into music. Maybe I never loved you quite as often as I do now. All right, get me out of here. Get me out of this shitty apartment, Matt. Notice I was not hitting my button
Starting point is 00:52:55 to spin around on the voice. Sorry. I'm going to be Christina Aguilera and just wave my fan. So anyway, let's see what else happened. So Little Town, New Jersey opened up. Were you about to call their restaurant by a country band's name? Yes, I think I did that.
Starting point is 00:53:16 That's like the second time I've done that. Little Town, New Jersey opened up where there were sliders everywhere I could see. I'm surprised that MJ did not come barreling down the door. Okay, Ben, what the hell is this dish that they were serving that apparently is like a thing? It's some meat on a, like a little meat thing. Yeah, you know what it was? It was like a piece of meat on a piece of bread with some sort of butter.
Starting point is 00:53:39 And they're like, oh, it's not quite the brownstones. Like, I did not see this coming. When your signature dish is a slab of meat with some butter on a Triscuit, you should just go kill yourself and shut the restaurant right now. I know. I'm surprised there wasn't a little piece of egg salad on a tiny crostini in honor of Lauren Manzo. They don't know what a crostini is. They're trash. I know. They're like, let's put some egg salad on a Che crostini in honor of Lauren Manzo. They don't know what a crostini is. They're trash.
Starting point is 00:54:06 I know. They're like, let's put some egg salad on a Cheez-It. We'll call her the Lauren. I got super excited about this episode when I read the description of it because it said the Caroline Sons opened their restaurant, but they faced stinging, like a stinging critique from a, you know, from a critic or something. And I was like, oh, my God, someone's going to rip them apart. And this is where the Yelp two stars come, come in. And who,
Starting point is 00:54:29 I thought, I thought you were going to say, well, I'm sure Kat O'Dell was there reviewing it, but because she doesn't have a real job and she doesn't do anything, nothing, there was no reason to put her on camera because she sucks. How dare you? Kat O'Dell has started so many careers. She has given every famous chef their start. She's like, I think that Christopher Manzo and I have a thing. We sort of look at each other. He's like sort of into me right now.
Starting point is 00:54:52 I don't know. I don't date every chef that I meet. I just stuck his sausage in me. It doesn't mean anything. We were in a kitchen, and that's totally normal as you were. anything. We were in a kitchen, and that's totally normal, as you were. By the way, I think we can officially say that Lauren Manzo
Starting point is 00:55:08 is no longer the heaviest Manzo child. Poor Christopher. I think Christopher is so much cuter fat. This fat. But he's, before it was that, like, oh, he's gained some weight, and he's getting a little heavy. He is actually now
Starting point is 00:55:23 really... Certain people, though, should not be skinny. I weight and he's getting a little heavy. He is actually now really – Certain people, though, should not be skinny. I mean, Perez Hilton is one example. Like, have you seen his now photos? Perez Hilton looks like an Al Hirschfeld drawing in real life. Okay, I don't – okay, for those of us that are listening to this podcast and or involved in this podcast, what the hell does that even mean? Al Hirschfeld drew all those broadway stars so if you go to any restaurant in new york and you see all those
Starting point is 00:55:51 cartoon drawings more than that he was like the in-house like uh illustrator for the new york times for like 60 years times anyone with any sort of knowledge about anything matthew yeah matt that's not even gay knowledge that's just like knowledge yeah that's knowledge that's like regular people knowledge that's like we just dropped some al hirschfeld knowledge on you that's like for those of you who think that all we do is talk about trash here's a upmarket illusion for you yeah some high art for you peeps some. Some high art. Anyway, the point is this. Christopher is getting weight, and I don't want to be
Starting point is 00:56:30 so catty as to just point out someone's physical appearances, but when you're on TV sometimes all bets are off. And I just want him to start maybe visiting a treadmill just a little bit for his own health. I don't. I think he looks better fat. I like when people just commit. Like, I don't like the middle road, you know? I like it when you're just fat or thin. Don't be in the middle, because fat. I like when people just commit. I don't like the middle road.
Starting point is 00:56:46 I like when you're just fat or thin. Don't be in the middle, because then you just look like you're depressed. So then anyway, nothing happened in Kathy's life this week, as usual. That is not true. Joseph got a gay, white Jeep Wrangler. With balloons on top. Oh yeah, who cares.
Starting point is 00:57:04 So, Teresa had lunch with Victoria Gotti. Oh, yeah. They both showed up looking like they were on a stakeout, okay? By the way, that is the real spinoff that they need to have. Forget, like, Tamara's OC wedding. I want to see Victoria Gotti and Teresa Giudice
Starting point is 00:57:21 wearing purple felt fedoras, going undercover, solving silly crimes at boutiques all across the Jersey Turnpike. V&T's detective agency. They looked so much like, I expected that McGruff the crime dog was going to sit down next to them. I mean, they're just like. The case of the stolen purple bubble.
Starting point is 00:57:40 I mean, they actually, they should do a new version of where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? I was just going to say, Where in the World is Carmen Lucia Maria Teresa Santiago? Where, which dumpster in the world is Johnny Two-Eyes Fiziono? I love that conversation, though, when she's like, so, you know, good to see you, Teresa. So I read that your husband's going to jail and everyone's feeding on you. And how do you feel?
Starting point is 00:58:11 And Teresa's like, don't want to talk about it. The end. Thanks. Well, this was a great scene. Thanks. Glad you both showed up for your free lunch. Okay, I just got to put this out there. It's never going to happen in a million years,
Starting point is 00:58:22 but I was obsessed with growing up Gotti on A&E, and I would kill if Bravo was actually able to get Victoria to be part of this show next season. I feel like this show is on its last legs. We need an injection of a new star, and that is Victoria Gotti. I think Victoria Gotti would actually be a great
Starting point is 00:58:39 addition. What are her kids up to these days? Are her kids in jail now? I don't know. They're avoiding the police, I'm sure. Yeah. No, I think Victoria Gotti should totally be a cast member, and she would do it. It's more high-profile than her show was. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:58:55 So we finally got to go to Posh, so it does turn out that Posh does have a salon, and so this is where this big fight's gonna talk. Okay. Posh 2, Electric Boogaloo. So for those of you who don't watch this show and just listen for fun, so there's going to be this big showdown at Posh where
Starting point is 00:59:14 everybody's going to confront Penny, the bitch who along with her husband has been spreading nasty tweets about everyone all season long causing all this drama. So they're going to attack Penny at this thing and everyone's got something to say to her. And earlier in the day, what's her buttons? Jackie is saying, oh, well, Penny has just tweeted that Penny's husband has just tweeted that we are pretending that my son has alcoholism.
Starting point is 00:59:40 Sorry, autism. And he doesn't really. And they're like, who would do that? Who would say something like that? But then when we get to the party, she doesn't – she never says anything about a tweet. She just says, I heard that your husband has been going around saying this. Never brings up a tweet, and Bravo never showed us a tweet, and there is no tweet on this timeline saying that. So what do you think is going on there?
Starting point is 01:00:01 I don't know. I'm wondering, is this the Penny from Inspector Gadget? That's all I got. No, no, this Penny, for those of you who don't know who this Penny is, she's the one on the screen. Inspector Gadget. She's the one on the screen who looks like Gordon Ramsay in the long blonde wig. That is not a wig.
Starting point is 01:00:19 On Facebook, they say she looks like Ellen Barkin, which I think is pretty good. It's just I like Ellen Barkin, and Penny's just got that straw weave. Oh, and you saw her come in, and you see that line of her weave. It was so sad. Well, and the discolor, like the color separation, yeah, not good. You know, I took some – there were so many funny images at this Posh 2 party that I actually took screen grabs. And I'm wondering how I can show them here on this video podcast. Let's see.
Starting point is 01:00:48 What do I do? Do I press screen share? How do I do this, Ronnie? Yeah, press screen share, and then it's going to bring up options for which window you want to share, and then just click the picture. This has disaster written all over. No, no, no. This is going to be good.
Starting point is 01:01:01 Okay, ready? Here's the first one. You start screen share with this picture. All right. This picture, I like this because do you guys see the we have the very professional banner that's sponsored by Moxie.
Starting point is 01:01:17 Yeah. This banner, I like it says, Welcome Apostrophe S, Kim D. That to me is great. That's perfect. Okay, now here we go. I'm going to do a different window now. Sorry, everyone, this is very slow, but it's because Google is the worst.
Starting point is 01:01:38 Slash is really my fault. Okay, we're going to do this one now. This is Joe Giudice walking. It killed me. It killed me. It killed me. By the way, if you are only listening to this podcast and not watching it on YouTube, you are missing out on these wonderful visuals. Tell them where they can subscribe, Ronnie.
Starting point is 01:01:58 You can to the videos. To the videos. Yeah, you can find us on YouTube at slash trash talk. I mean, slash the TV click. And we're every Tuesday live at 430 Pacific Time. Yeah, Joe is wearing a pink shirt with a leopard collar that's outside of his jacket. Oh, my gosh. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:02:19 Here's another one. Here's another shot that I took. Ew, stop. Yes, Joe getting his eyebrows done. And we never got to see an after on that i know but this is this is i am a fan what am i a fag now what what am i a fag now this is um i gotta do this shit every day of my life are you kidding me this is it's not like mama elsa by the way i'd like to add so we finally got to god that's a disturbing picture do you have another one is there more oh i've got plenty more how about this is uh joe gorga walking i feel like i met one of those like um you know when somebody comes
Starting point is 01:02:59 back from a vacation that you don't give a fuck about and they've been like on a cruise ship for two weeks and they force you to sit in their living room while they click through all of their slides and the entire time you're like my vodka is empty and if i had a razor blade i would jab it in my jugular that's i know they're like look guys this is going through the iphone i would like to point out this dress that melissa is wearing is the shamu dress that kim kardashian was wearing she was when she was pregnant and everybody was calling her Shamu. And I'd like to point out that Joe Gorga's outfit is the same outfit that Johnny Depp wore in pirates,
Starting point is 01:03:30 the Caribbean. And his, his cap is the same cap that penises. This dude must be so excited that they film this season during the winter so that he can kind of wear that beret beanie whatever is happening if they were filming this in the middle of july then you know how hot and humid it is in july in new jersey my god yeah um okay here's an image that i thought was hilarious just because there's this crazy woman in the background and she looks almost like this is almost like a
Starting point is 01:04:00 big business moment with caroline and this woman they're like wait is that that it's my twin you are you me caroline is wearing a hairdresser's smock and the woman in the background is wearing a ginormous uh cross from tj maxx that is hanging in tamra's kitchen she's sort of like reba mcintyre meets linda trip in the background there meets um meets uh swoozy kurtz from rules of rules of attraction there are just not enough linda trip jokes that's what i'm on the pictures because i worry about people who are listening okay if you know more pictures you say wait one more one more come on okay one more one more i only have two more left we'll do them really quickly ronnie as if this could be worse than
Starting point is 01:04:41 us podcasting in a fucking mall food court. Okay. We should do that again. That was really fun. Okay. There's Kathy with big eyes, which is always fun to look at, right? Yeah. And then last but not least, I love these two women behind Jacqueline here in this image. Shock.
Starting point is 01:05:00 This is, to me, quintessential Jersey. Big hair, tragic faces, gap teeth. I is, to me, quintessential Jersey. Big hair, tragic faces, gaps here. I mean, tragic. And look at that weave on that blonde one. Oh my god. This is posh, too. This is what we have in posh, too. Okay, I will end the screen share. That was what I wanted to
Starting point is 01:05:17 share with all of you people. Yay! Good trip to Hawaii. Great trip. So it basically ended at posh where everybody starts to criticize Penny, and she's blaming Teresa for everything and taking no responsibility for anything. But right now, for the moment, it looks like everybody is on Teresa's side and thinks that Penny's just crazy. Am I right?
Starting point is 01:05:36 Yeah, everyone thinks Penny's crazy. Even though we know just from Twitter that it all goes off the rails and everyone hates Teresa again. So I'm excited to see how that happens, but we'll have to wait until the season finale next week. Yeah, I have a feeling the way everyone starts to hate Teresa again is that Andy Cohen
Starting point is 01:05:51 pits them against Teresa in the reunion once again. Well, it makes for good reunions because if Teresa were calm and collected, what the hell would be the point of this show? Yeah. Jersey's reunions have never fucked around. They are always good reunions, so that'll be fun.
Starting point is 01:06:09 And also, Andy is having Teresa and Juicy Joe on next week after the finale on Watch What Happens to supposedly grill them about their arrest, which you know they're not going to talk about. Well, what I liked about this Penny
Starting point is 01:06:24 confrontation, just to get back to that, is that jacklyn first approached her that penny was like was like what i love autistic autistic children i love them i teach autism first of all let me tell you the truth and i love that they said they her and kim d both do this or she and kim d both do this. Or she and Kim D both do this. Her and Kim D? She and Kim D. She. When they say, let me tell you the truth right now. They always start with that. Let me be honest with you. Let me tell you the truth. I love autistic
Starting point is 01:06:56 children, Jack. I taught autism. I taught autism. I taught people how to actually become autistic. You know what I love? I love autistic guitar music. That's acoustic. I love acoustic, too.
Starting point is 01:07:11 I love acoustic children. I teach acoustics. So funny. So, yeah, that was definitely the best Penny quote. And it made me just want to see more and more of Penny because what the hell else is going on? I cannot care anymore about melissa and her bullshit i'm just happy that uh we're seeing this big brawl at posh too because there was speculation there were rumors on the internet that it was either going to be edited in such a way that penny and johnny the
Starting point is 01:07:36 greek or jimmy the greek or whatever his name is we're not going to be in it and there were rumors that it was that the brawl wasn't even going to air, a la the Dominican Republic brawl. But, lo and behold, we are getting the brawl. It looks like they'll be fighting, they'll be synced to the throne, and Caroline is going to be yelling as if someone took away all of Lauren's egg salad. I am very excited about this.
Starting point is 01:07:58 There is something really fun posted on our Facebook page in the Post by Others section. I think Katie posted it. Sorry, I forget who posted it sorry I forget who posted it but somebody posted this blog that supposedly penny is writing and she has to change everybody's names due to law reason she doesn't want to get sued and I tried to make it through it but I mean she's as dumb as the rest of those biatches I cannot get through it but basically they're saying that Bravo's
Starting point is 01:08:23 re-edited of everything to make them look horrible just like they always say so it'll be interesting to see what happens as the season goes on i mean there's only four more weeks right because next week it's over and then three three do you guys do you think that penny is a crazy bitch or do you think that theresa put her up to say things i think that theresa said stuff in front of her. I don't see Teresa being like, would you tweet this? Although I don't know that I would put that past her either. I think more than any of the other franchises, I feel like the hangar honors and the people that are waiting in the wings in the Jersey cast or around the Jersey cast
Starting point is 01:08:59 are the most desperate to get screen time and to be cast on the show. And I feel like in that instance they will do, or because of that, they will do anything in their power to get screen time and to be cast on the show. I feel like in that instance, or because of that, they will do anything in their power to get on. Whereas people in LA couldn't give two shits about being on Beverly Hills. Yeah, I agree. The hangers-on on this show are really the worst.
Starting point is 01:09:17 That whole group. Jan, the real leader, that girl got it in for you. Jen Dalton. Jen Dalton. Jen Dalton. Oh, can't these call me? She's saying lots of stuff about TV. That being said, though, even though these people are so desperate to get on TV,
Starting point is 01:09:36 I don't think there's any other group of side characters on any of the other shows that I enjoy as much as the side characters on New Jersey. No way. I totally disagree. I think they're more cartoony, and that's what makes them funnier. Have you met Dwight from The Real Housewives of Atlanta? The Atlanta side cast members are
Starting point is 01:09:56 amazing. No, the Atlanta side characters are actually my least favorite of the side characters. They are the worst. They make my skin crawl. They're terrible miami has good side characters too miami's are good what about brooks from oc come on gotta love some brooks you know by the way i never i never told you guys the story i keep on forgetting and i'm finally remembering finally um a friend of ours who will remain nameless was at the orange county
Starting point is 01:10:18 fair this summer and wound up like was that on the Carnival Games? And Brooks was there doing the, like, it was like horseshoes or something, and the prize was a veggie burger. And he was, like, playing for a veggie burger. Oh, my God. I would totally play anything for a veggie burger. That sounds delicious right now. Well, a couple of really good points. First, this is coming from Facebook.
Starting point is 01:10:43 First of all, Tara Denise, that was me, you fuckers. Sorry, didn't give you proper credit for that article submission. That was some good points. First, this is coming from Facebook. First of all, Tara Denise, that was me, you fuckers. Sorry! Didn't give you proper credit for that article submission. That was some good shit. Now, Tara, could you please decode it so I could read it? Did she just call us you fuckers? Yeah. Don't get me started. Don't get me started. In a loving way. The other crazy's gone.
Starting point is 01:11:00 And then Derek says, Teresa wasn't blinking in the argument, so she was telling the truth. Good point, Derek. Derek is on top of his shit. He is so correct on that. If not, she would have been like, What?
Starting point is 01:11:13 What? Derek is a smarty. Okay, so Jersey come back next week. I gotta say one other thing about Jersey today. Derek is a smarty okay so can I just bring up I gotta say one other thing about Jersey today I found out at Yahoo we are going to be doing the official live stream
Starting point is 01:11:35 of the red carpet of the American Music Awards in November I believe it's Sunday November 24th and the people that will be doing the red carpet are somebody that I don't remember. Lance Bass and Rosie from the Real Housewives of New Jersey is going to be a red carpet correspondent for the American Music Awards.
Starting point is 01:11:55 That's inspired casting. That's very inspired. That's really, what's she going to say? I just as long. Is that uncomfortable? Hey, that bitch walked away from me.
Starting point is 01:12:07 And guess what, Ronnie? That was long. Is that uncomfortable? Hey, that bitch walked away from me. I'll kill her! I'll fucking kill her! And guess what, Ronnie? Now people care about the American Music Awards. We do, at least. Well, because the Grammys are ridiculous. They care about it suddenly. All right, let's move on to these new shows, because we've got two new Bravo treats this week in I Dream of NeNe and The New Atlanta.
Starting point is 01:12:25 Let's start with NeNe. I love it. I love it. I mean, I have hated NeNe on The Real Housewives of Atlanta for the past two seasons, but this woman is the only one that can truly hold her own spinoff. I was entertained. I mean, Ronnie, you can say that you're bored, but nobody gives better one-liners and funny shit
Starting point is 01:12:47 than NeNe Leakes. Usually, and I hope it gets better. I love that next week she's gonna be telling off her stepchildren, and she's like, you don't come into my house and check me! I love that. Anybody that says, check me, boo, is forever, I forever love them. Well, I
Starting point is 01:13:03 think that that looks good this episode though was just basically Nene going on and on about how Greg fucked her over and how he's so lucky that she's gonna be married to him again what did he do he didn't do anything he didn't talk shit he talked shit about her on radio he got tricked that was he got tricked into doing that. He thought he was talking to his friend. He did not know he was on the radio. It doesn't count. And what he said was true.
Starting point is 01:13:31 Nene did use his rich ass to look like she was more wealthy. She got him all this money trying to look good for this TV show. And then the second she got fame and fortune, she dumped his ass. He was right. I can't believe he's back there groveling.
Starting point is 01:13:45 Well, then why is she taking him back, Ronnie? Because she's a moose, and who's going to date her? I mean, Bullwinkle only gets fucking that little squirrel. Nobody likes that little squirrel. I don't even know his name. That fat, rich dude was buying her stilettos all day long. To get on TV.
Starting point is 01:14:03 It's not a real love. And because he was paid by Bravo, probably. Yeah, no one's going to date Nene. I think Nene thought, oh, she's going to get this sitcom, and then she's going to come to LA, and then she can fuck anybody she wants to. And that's really not how it works.
Starting point is 01:14:17 Well, how great was it also when, at the beginning of the episode, she goes, oh, well, we need to get married in June because the new normal will be back to shooting in August for season two. Canceled! Awkward. Sorry, memes. And you know, you know Bravo
Starting point is 01:14:33 was like, oh, even though that's part of the NBC Universal family, we're keeping that in because that's funny. Yeah, Greg may not have taste, but America does. Yeah, Nini, I have high hopes for it because the commercials look amazing and i love that she's like this was supposed to be the best day of my life and it was a nightmare hell house once again that sounds good that'll watch but this was just nini being mean to greg and then greg groveling and then they talked to some old ladies in a nursing home
Starting point is 01:15:03 or something um no they didn't talk to old ladies they talked to every aunt and uncle I feel like Nini has 47 aunts and 52 uncles yes that she knows of oh my god I want the whole thing to be Nini and Greg living with all the step kids
Starting point is 01:15:20 that's what I want that I will watch every week for 10 hours a day so is that all about kids. That's what I want. That I will watch every week for 10 hours a day. So, is that all about Nene, guys? Do we just have to wait for more stuff to happen? Ben, it is worth your time. It is worth your time. It is funny. A little bit of Nene goes a
Starting point is 01:15:38 long way. It's what I always say about Bethany. Oh, we didn't talk about this because, well, maybe you did, because I was MIA last week dealing with the Emmys, but am I the only one watching Bethany's new talk show? Yes. oh oh we didn't talk about this because well maybe you did because i wasn't i was mia last week dealing with the emmys but am i the only one watching bethany's new talk show yes yes i love it i love it it is i saw it is like a slutty it is very slutty and i think it's fun wait a second okay i watch the talk show for sluts that should be the tagline no no offense matt it's a talk show for idiots okay i watched one i'm not saying you are i'm not doing alexia what matt it's a talk show for idiots okay i watched one i'm not saying you are
Starting point is 01:16:05 i'm not doing alexia what about it's a talk show for dumb sluts okay i watched i watched a segment of it last week which segment uh it was the one where she has the fishbowl and you pull it out and she said would you ever do this no no it was the segment where she goes, she goes, Sal, who else is always pulling underwear out of their ass? And I'm like, no, no one is. And she's like, one thing that I'm always doing is pulling underwear out of my ass.
Starting point is 01:16:34 Here's some footage of my ass. And so then we watched like 20 seconds or 30 seconds of her pulling underwear out of her ass. And she's like, my underwear, what's going on here, man? What's going on with my ass? So finally she's like, now we have some tips on how to get underwear out of your ass. And she's like, my underwear, what's going on here, man? What's coming on my ass? So finally she's like, now we have some tips on how to get underwear out of your ass. So they have this poor woman.
Starting point is 01:16:48 They, they pull her out on stage and she has like, like tips, like one way that underwear won't get stuck in your ass is if you get one that has like, it's a little bit wider than a G string. And then she's like, another thing is you can put a bandaid on your ass cheeks and then the,
Starting point is 01:17:02 the thong can't go into your ass cheeks. And people have to, I'm now clutching my pearls. I grossed out so what is happening are like people are booing this poor lady who brings out these things and this poor lady is probably like a pa who they're like we need someone on stage right away so then bethany's like oh i want to try these on so right there in front of everyone she starts putting on this underwear and so she puts on the underwear and she gets it like up there and then she's like okay and she shakes it off and then she's like who wants these and she gives it away to the audience were they screaming like oprah fans who are like ripping off their heads to get like a free ham
Starting point is 01:17:35 i don't know i mean i'm hoping that she had a pair of underwear on under that and i i'm not i'm hoping that she didn't go all the way up. But still, it's just like this totally graceless, gross moment. It could have been funny, but it's just like – Ben. This is a woman who peed in a bucket on her wedding day on national TV. That's what I was just going to say. So it's like why would you expect any more from her? She's an animal, okay?
Starting point is 01:17:55 She may be very rich. She may be much more successful than I am, but she is also an animal, okay? And I thought the show was ridiculous. She has nothing to say. Yes, she does. it's funny as hell i'm sorry but all it is is like slutty dumb sex stuff and it's more you know interesting than any of those people like dr oz or dr phil well sure i'll give you that i guess yeah until karen sieta becomes a regular on the doctors look she has a segment look she has a segment and she walks around with a fishbowl and she
Starting point is 01:18:25 pulls these questions out and she asks the people in the crowd and we watch it at work at three o'clock and then we all discuss these things and yesterday or maybe yeah i think it was yesterday it goes if you were at a department store and there was something that you really really wanted would you french the sales clerk to get 50 off the item item. And, you know, that is a great debate. That is a hot topic. Yeah, I think it's called I would not. If it was like a $500 leather jacket that I could get for $250,
Starting point is 01:18:54 yes, I would French that counterperson. Okay, I thought that more people would be excited about this. Clearly I'm the only one going to be watching this show. Well, okay, if the salesperson were hot and I wanted to, then yeah. That's not the point. If they're a dirty troll, you should do it for 50% off.
Starting point is 01:19:14 No. You're a bad Jew. No, I think I'm just a good person with standards. Please call them standards. Standards. I'm up to with standards. Please call them standards. Standards. You're up to my standards. One of the funny things,
Starting point is 01:19:30 and I'm sorry to go back to this, but one funny thing that Tara and the girls are talking about on Facebook is that Nini called herself white-black because she knows how to be hood, but she also knows how to act in a boardroom when she has to be serious. That's so offensive and so fucking she has to be serious. That's so offensive
Starting point is 01:19:45 and so fucking rude. That's not a good thing to say. Madonna says white black makes her gray. Thank you. Thank you. Very well said, Madonna. Yes. Yes, it does. So, so far I'm not convinced that I should ever watch this show in my life.
Starting point is 01:20:03 Watch it next week because it looks like the step kids come in and she tells them off so that's gonna be good okay so quick we still have two more we're gonna have to speed through them because we've been talking forever new Atlanta anybody watch this I saw part of it um I saw probably about 20 minutes here's my problem with the new Atlanta these women or the ones that I saw, are way too classy. Like, they have, I'm not saying they are classy, they're just too classy. Meaning that they are, they have too much, like, they were, like, nicely dressed. They spoke articulately.
Starting point is 01:20:35 Would they be invited over to a cocktail party at Carrie and Duncan's? Absolutely. And therein lies the problem. These women, this show was boring because we only want to watch trashy people who think that they are glamorous and who've been given money by some quirk in the universe okay these people that we were watching on the new atlanta the ones that i saw they seemed more or less um you know adjusted they they looked some of the women looked really good they didn't look like they had stupid weeds well you didn't get to the part, obviously,
Starting point is 01:21:06 where that girl with two-toned hair who is like a princess or whatever, had all her girlfriends to celebrate that she's starting a new year's school, that her mom's going to be paying for this whole dinner or whatever, obviously, because this bitch doesn't do anything. And she starts going off about how
Starting point is 01:21:21 all she wants in life is to be a trophy wife and to find a man and he'll be her king. And when he comes home, all she wants to do is get on her knees and give him whatever he wants. She wants to please her man so much. And I was like, bitch. And guess who else? That white Jewish redneck girl. I don't even know her name.
Starting point is 01:21:40 She got all offended and started rolling her eyes and they got in a fight. And then all the friends. It was a boring fight. It was like a whatever fight here's the thing that girl's saying that that's what she wants to do i actually had no problem with that because i'm like if that's what you want to do if that's the way you want to have you know your relationship fine but if she starts saying that's the way all women should be then i'm like oh shut the fuck up but if she says that's how the sort of life that she wants, I'm glad that she owns up to it. You know, just do it.
Starting point is 01:22:08 But I hope she doesn't hold herself up as any sort of beacon of feminism. Yeah, I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with that kind of lifestyle, but I think it's basically one lazy bitch. It's like her way out. It's like she doesn't even want to fall in love with an actual man.
Starting point is 01:22:21 She just wants someone with a lot of money who can pay her bills. It's so gross. I want one I can at least talk to. My favorite part was this girl named Africa who's got, first of all, because her name is Africa, and how could you not love that?
Starting point is 01:22:36 That's crazy. You know she just made it up herself to look more hood or whatever. Listen, her mom's a big Toto fan. She got this big, she has this big, gigantic side show bob hair, and she's like, my name is Africa, and I do a lot of things. I'm an actress.
Starting point is 01:22:52 I'm a model. People love my hair. That is not a thing that you do. That is not like one of, you're an actor, a singer, and people like your hair. That is not a thing. And she's gonna be a star, and this guy on the show is gonna make her a star, and he sewed once in her pants, and he's going to be a star and this guy on the show is going to make her a star and he so wants in her pants and he's not even hiding it so i don't know about this show but i
Starting point is 01:23:09 love africa i think she's going to be fun to mock i don't know i mean i'll give this show i'll try to sit down and give the show a better look because the guys on it are really hot but uh it felt a little too upmarket. I think that it just, I think that they just don't know each other yet. And it's like a season one of a housewife show where nothing happens until it happens. And then you're like, whoa,
Starting point is 01:23:32 whoa, whoa. Cause already next week, I think they're throwing drinks and beating each other up. So, I mean, do we really need this or can we just have more? What's that other spinoff?
Starting point is 01:23:44 What's the carry and quad? What does all that other spinoff? What's Carrie and Quad? What is all that shit? Married to Medicine. Gross. That's what I want. I don't care about these other people. It'll be back. By the way, I forgot to bring this up during the gossip section at the beginning of the show, but did you guys
Starting point is 01:23:59 talk about the guy from Most Eligible Dallas, Matt Nordgren on last week's episode? No, dating Lindsay. He is dating lindsey lohan yeah matt was the one who was like the real estate he was like his dad it was his dad's company right he's the one that was missing this big chunk of hair like uh joe borga but sprayed it on yeah he's the one who was like the ladies man but wasn't wow he's dating wow he was dating that little little country bumpkin wannabe singer with a baby, and then he was also kind of dating Kourtney, who was his best friend. And then Kourtney was supposed to get a spinoff, and then it didn't happen, and I'm really sad because I really liked Kourtney.
Starting point is 01:24:34 And now he's boning Lolo. Lilo. Lilo. Well, I don't know who's in a sadder position. You know who's in a sadder position? Eat, drink, love. Those bitches don't even get love on this show. We'll watch anything on Bravo.
Starting point is 01:24:50 You know, the thing is, I haven't seen it in a few weeks. Are you guys not even watching Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles? Because that shit is good. I am so behind in all my TV. Thankfully, I'm up on my Survivor, and I saw Colton yelling at that girl. That was great. I'm not doing Survivor this season. I'm done. You know, I just went on a Survivor
Starting point is 01:25:12 rant this last week, so I won't do it again. But yeah, Survivor's kind of lame. And I don't watch it enough to know who all those people are who got kicked off. I only know Tina and Colton and the other girl from Colton's season. And I think that's all I even know, so I don't get the inside references they're making.
Starting point is 01:25:28 If I can't even mock it, I have no business watching it. When I heard that Rupert was cast, I immediately deleted it from my DVR. Listen up, CBS. Listen up, CBS. Nobody likes him. Only freaks who like tie-dye. Do we have any other Bravo shows, or are we done here?
Starting point is 01:25:45 Well, if you guys didn't watch Eat, Drink, Love, then we're done. Is it still on TV? Yes, it's about to be the season finale at like 5 p.m. Okay, I'll watch it today, but what's going on with that little Fuku Burger girl? She got fired from her job,
Starting point is 01:25:59 and she says it's because her whole team betrayed her and stole all of her ideas and claimed them as her own, which what ideas, I don't know, because it's Fuku Burger. F her and stole all of her ideas and claimed them as her own. Which, what ideas? I don't know because it's Cuckoo Burger. Cuckoo Burger was a disaster with or without her. Yeah. I mean, it's like, fuck Cuckoo Burger. Who wants to eat there?
Starting point is 01:26:13 Nobody. You can't take your kids to that place. And she got fired. But then I think she found another job. And then, I don't know. They're fighting over stupid things like dip. But I find it fun. And you get to see a lot of food.
Starting point is 01:26:24 And there's a girl named Lindsay who's really skinny. And she's kind of balding. And she's really mean to everybody. So I kind of like her too. It's like balding girls last stand. Okay, are we done? The Alopecia Chronicles. I think we are done.
Starting point is 01:26:37 I think we are done. So anyway, you can find Ronnie. Alopecia Chronicles. You can find. Starring Victoria Gotti and Teresa Giudice. I know. You can find Ronnie at Trash Tweet TV on Twitter. You can find
Starting point is 01:26:52 Matt at Life on the M-List. You should really follow us on Facebook. forward slash Watch Where Crap Ends. We are just a few people away from hitting 2,000 likes. Maybe we've already hit it by the time this is aired. I'm at Bsideblog. Follow us on all our platforms, please.
Starting point is 01:27:09 And leave a review on iTunes. Why not? And you should subscribe to us on iTunes and on SoundCloud and Stitcher, wherever you want to subscribe, we'll be there for you. So anyway, hold on a second. I think I have someone at the door. Well, perfect timing. We'll see you guys.
Starting point is 01:27:22 Thank you, everybody, for coming onto our Facebook facebook and chatting I'm still reading your comments and laughing my ass off and reading to see okay they say Nini's starting so we gotta go whatever thanks a lot jerks bye everyone if you like listening to comedy try watching it on the internet.
Starting point is 01:27:48 The folks behind the Sideshow Network have launched a new YouTube channel called Wait For It. It's got interviews with comedians like Reggie Watts, Todd Glass, Liza Schleichinger. Schleichinger, I've been friends with her for 10 years. One of the funniest people out there and i still have a hard time with the last name liza our very own owen benjamin that's me takes you on a musical journey down internet rabbit holes and much more you don't have to wait any longer just go to slash wait for it comedy there's no need to wait for it anymore because it's here and it's funny and i love you
Starting point is 01:28:26 a few days ago brooke tudine posted an inspirational quote on her wall that got 17 likes and three comments thumbs up brooke geico also wants to make a comment in just 15 minutes you could save hundreds of dollars on your car insurance by switching to geico and nothing says inspiration better than saving money well except for those posters that say things like teamwork, excellence, and make it happen. Hashtag keep climbing. Hashtag savings. Geico. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. Hey, Prime members, you can listen to Watch What Crappens ad-free on Amazon Music. Download the Amazon Music app today. Or, you can listen ad-free with Wondery Plus in Apple Podcasts.
Starting point is 01:29:10 Before you go, tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at slash survey. Okay.

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