Watch What Crappens - Atlanta Reunites, Is Crazy

Episode Date: April 17, 2012

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Starting point is 00:00:00 From Wondery and Audible comes Class of 88, a new podcast hosted by Will Smith. Before 1988, a lot of people didn't take hip-hop seriously. But hip-hop today touches everything from film to fashion to sports. So what changed? Follow Class of 88 wherever you get your podcasts. This episode of Watch What Crappens is brought to you by Gamefly. Go to forward haha for your free 15-day trial. Hey everybody, it's Watch What Crappens, a weekly podcast about all things Bravo. I'm Ben Mandelker from and this week we only have Ronnie from TVgasm.
Starting point is 00:00:53 Hi Ronnie. Oh wow, what a sweet intro, Ben. Only you. Only you. Sad whore. It's so sad. It's so empty without Matt. Getting all flustered. Yeah, whatever. Screw you, Matt. Screw you, Matt. This'll teach you. Sad whore. It's so sad. It's so empty without Matt. Getting all flustered.
Starting point is 00:01:06 Yeah, whatever. Screw you, Matt. Screw you, Matt. This will teach you. Yes, screw that guy. We don't need Matt, okay? We're fine just the two of us. Yeah, we don't need Matt.
Starting point is 00:01:14 We don't need that stinking Matt Whitfield. No Matt Whitfield from Yahoo. What is that site anyway? So, hey, let's talk housewives because we've got a lot, a lot, a lot of talking about these women to do today. As opposed to the other days when we really don't have that much to say about them. Yeah, exactly. It's really like pulling teeth to get me to have any sort of opinion on these women. And the most I can say is something very nice.
Starting point is 00:01:43 I can't control myself. My mom asked me to please get a life because she doesn't live here, and so I speak to her once every couple of weeks. And everything in my life somehow went back to, well, did you see on Housewives? Like if I'm having a fight with somebody, well, did you see how Nini dealt with that shit? She just lied really, really loudly and just repeated herself a lot my mom's like seriously i think please i think this is going to be um our new ebook which is how to live your life like a housewife you know spend money you don't have uh fight about things that are unimportant and um i don't know i come up with drag queen businesses fake businesses and pretend you're in fashion and do photo shoots every day for no reason with your family. You know, that's actually not a bad idea.
Starting point is 00:02:29 Yeah, I kind of – as I'm saying this, I'm like, this is kind of fun. Yeah. Who are we to judge fake businesses? We're bloggers and we have a podcast. Yeah, I mean we are basically parasites onto their terrible lives. We are hoping to capitalize on their lives. We have an emptier shell of a business than they do. Totally.
Starting point is 00:02:51 We have a business capitalizing on their fake business. Yeah. God, we're great. And we all probably make about the same amount of money from it. I don't know. I'm rich, bitch. I'm very rich. I'm NeNe Leakes, and I'm very rich.
Starting point is 00:03:08 So why don't we start off with some new stuff? Oh, yeah. The biggest news that I read Bravo-wise this week is that Taylor, and now granted, this is coming from Radar Online, and they're so full of shit. They'll have a headline like, Kim Kardashian hates her mother! And then it'll be like, they were seen at a flower shop and Kim wanted a white rose and the mom wanted a red rose.
Starting point is 00:03:34 Like, where in that is the hate? Well, I don't know. I was there for that moment, and it was very tense. I was like, oh my god, just get tulips instead radar online is a paul bunyan site but we love it anyway yeah and they're reporting that taylor heard gossip that she was gonna well radar online reported the gossip that taylor was going to be phased out of the housewives of season
Starting point is 00:03:59 that she's still coming back but they're going to make her like a dana sized role and she's still coming back, but they're going to make her like a Dana-sized role. And she's apparently not happy about this. Yeah, well, she heard about it and called them like, oh, isn't that a bunch of BS? You guys would never do that. And they were like, uh, hmm. They're like, uh, what time is it? I got to go. I have a meeting over at the ironing board. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:21 So now, of course, the next story is coming out. And this is from like the Christian Post or the Christian Monitor or whatever. They are up on shit. Let me tell you right now. Yeah. No one knows the gossip like the Christians. Oh, yeah. Taylor Armstrong drinking heavily, headed to rehab?
Starting point is 00:04:39 Oh, so it's just a question mark headline? Yeah, it's a question mark. And also also he constitutes drinking heavily to the christian monitor or whatever is that like having three glasses or taylor every time you see taylor in a video on tmz or whatever she is falling down drunk good for her good for her there's no there's no question she's like wait a second kim got so much air time this year by just being wasted so so that's what I'm going to do. Yeah, but Kim also has a really fun personality.
Starting point is 00:05:09 Sorry, sucka. It's a cocktail. You know, I recently joined Pinterest, and I really had nothing to pin because I don't really know what to pin. So I found a really bad picture of Taylor Armstrong crying, and I pinned that onto Pinterest. That's great. That's what you should be pinning. I know. I felt like I contributed, and in great. That's what you said. I know. I felt like I contributed, you know, and in a certain way, Taylor helped me.
Starting point is 00:05:29 How do you feel? I have a whole housewives board on Pinterest. That's pretty much all I do on Pinterest. I'm going to start following you. I also have a board dedicated to quote unquote, my favorite athletes, which is really my code word of saying athletes who I think are hot, but I'm too embarrassed to actually have a board that says hot athletes. My favorite half-naked guys.
Starting point is 00:05:50 Now, here's a question. Do you think that the Real Houses of Beverly Hills should phase out Taylor? Yes. Why? That woman's a mess. Yeah, but isn't that what makes her great? She's gross. Okay.
Starting point is 00:06:01 She's really gross and fake, and she lies lies about everything and she's not really rich. I mean, that show's really fun because those women are all legitimately rich and that alone makes it interesting. Taylor's not. She's poor and she's like clinging on to everybody else and lying about godmother stuff and then the second her husband dies
Starting point is 00:06:20 she comes out with a book and then first he was kind of abusing her like mentally and then he maybe shoved her a couple of times. And now he's a serial killer, and she was afraid for her life. Who jumps out of bushes. Yeah, who jumps out of bushes. Who jumps out of bushes and can take out an entire party of people. Yeah, and she's traveling all over for her stupid book parties or whatever with her little kid signing that your daddy's a serial
Starting point is 00:06:46 killer book like she's just gross that woman's disgusting but isn't there whatever isn't but isn't there like some wonderful comic value about seeing this mess of women like set loose in a world of like high society i mean i i kind of i kind of enjoy it the schadenfreude of it all i think that if they really were honest about it and showed what a schemer she was and pointed out all the lies she tells yeah the woman she is then it would be fun but bravo tries to make it not seem like that the only reason we know all this shit is because we read the internet well and the internet never lies so i mean there we go yeah the internet is total truth you guys like run by the christ So, I mean, they are up on everything.
Starting point is 00:07:26 They know what's up. Do you think they should keep her? What do you think? I kind of feel like, yeah, she's so tragic. I think you always keep the people that are, like, polarizing and have big personalities, even if they're weird. I think you get rid of the boring people, you know? Well, they got rid of Camille, so that's one stat. Yeah, but Camille was good,
Starting point is 00:07:47 although she was kind of boring this season, but she stirred it up a little bit. You know, other franchises, they could cut some women, etc. But I don't know. I kind of feel like I sort of like the Bonkers-Taylor dynamic, especially because there was so much shit with her during the reunion.
Starting point is 00:08:03 I like when there's a craziness at the reunion, then you come back in the season and they're all ready to go and attack each other and pull their hair out. That's what I call fun time. That's true. It was worth it by reunion time because everyone was so sick of her crap. And also Brandi called her out on every piece of BS, which was just beautiful. So, yeah. Yeah, I mean, I agree. And if you like Bonkers Taylor, you're going to love her this season because she's got a drinking problem.
Starting point is 00:08:27 Everything. Well, she's going to do everything she can to stay on the show. I know. I mean, she's going to be going apeshit. It's like when Alex McCord, when there was rumors that she was going to be kicked off the show like two seasons ago, when she went from being like the nice, sweet one, she's like, oh, OK, so let me be crazy. She started yelling all the time. We should have Alex on the show. I think we could probably get her on the podcast i'm gonna put that out there put that out there to the universe but also because uh i think that we could actually get her maybe next week who knows stay tuned everyone of course alex doesn't know this
Starting point is 00:08:57 i think my dog likes that idea because he was just humping his bear right now he's like yeah yeah well you know sometimes alex has that effect on people My dog likes that idea because he was just humping his bear right now. He was like, yeah. Yeah. Well, you know, sometimes Alex has that effect on people and dogs. I get horny every time. Every time I think of Alex McCord, I get horny, and I'm going to tell her that. Alex, you should know that. I get so horned up. Oh.
Starting point is 00:09:24 Yeah, I think Alex would probably do kind of anything at this point. Simon would make her. Come on, darling. We need the press, sweetie. You made a very high society British there. He just come from the opera, and now he's going to the House of Commons to pass a bill with the lords. Watch out for me on Twitter, sweetie. I'll get my revenge on you on Twitter.
Starting point is 00:09:49 I firmly believe that Alex is a nice person, actually. But there's other Bravo gossip that we have to talk about. Are you ready to hear some more? Yeah, yeah, yeah. All right. Ready? Ready? Ready?
Starting point is 00:09:57 I'm totally ready. So in non-Housewives news, the Kathy Griffin – Kathy Griffin's talk show is starting up this week. It's called Kathy. And Kathy announced today that she's been re-banned on the Today Show, and she blames Natalie Morales. Why do you think – I mean, do you think at this point – Kathy Griffin is so big. Do you think it's ridiculous that these shows keep banning her? No. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:10:24 Anyway. No, I don't because she's such an asshole i mean of course they ban her i've been from a lot of places and i'm not even famous they're just like oh my god that guy's gonna have a martini and start telling people off for no reason don't invite him i know those people at kukuru are really strict. Totally. Totally. Are you excited to see her new show? Kind of. I get a little sick of her because she gets a little – it's just kind of the same schtick all the time. But come on.
Starting point is 00:10:56 That's kind of a fickle thing to say because I love her. Yeah. And I go see her live all the time. I really like her. I mean she's hilarious. I remember when she had a show that was on like VH1 like maybe eight or nine years ago. love her yeah and i go see her live all the time i really like her i mean she's hilarious i remember when she had a show that was on like vh1 like maybe eight or nine years ago and she just had a big panel of people including her parents and they would talk about reality shows and i thought
Starting point is 00:11:14 it was so funny it lasted for like maybe a month and a half um so i'm excited for this one plus our friend michelle collins is writing for it and you know michelle is oh yeah then i'm definitely excited yeah watch well michelle is honestly the funniest woman that i know one of the funniest Collins is writing for it. And, you know, Michelle is. Oh, yeah. Then I'm definitely excited. Yeah. I'll watch it. Well, Michelle is honestly the funniest woman that I know. One of the funniest people that I know next to you, of course, Ronnie and Matt Whitfield.
Starting point is 00:11:33 Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Yeah. That was totally sincere. Very sincere. I just have so much sincerity in me. I just I don't know what to do with it.
Starting point is 00:11:42 Sometimes I almost feel like my own show. She is hilarious. Yeah. She works over for those of you who don't know what to do with it sometimes. I almost feel like Bravo is going to be my own show. She is hilarious. Yeah, she works over – for those of you who don't know who she is, she works over at Best Week Ever Blog. Yeah, Michelle Collins. It's hilarious. I just read her Mad Men premiere recap and was dying. No, Michelle left Best Week Ever Blog. She left to go work on Kathy.
Starting point is 00:12:00 Oh, she left that one? Yeah. You're supposed to keep your job blogging forever. No, no, no, no. She left it. Does that mean if I get a real job, I quit TVgasm? O-M-J. You know, people may have noticed I'm not posting a lot on my blog lately, and that's because I'm doing some writing on the side as well.
Starting point is 00:12:16 But I'm going to keep B-Side blog going. Don't you all worry. And there will be more content to come. Look, there's a little plug for my site. Because this podcast is really about me. You know? I know. We're saying nothing about anything on Bravo.
Starting point is 00:12:31 We like naked guys and we're both looking for other jobs. This is what happens when Matt's not here. We go crazy. We need someone here to get flustered and get mad about Candy Burris. Okay, well, is that enough gossip? Yeah. Because I think we should start talking about Atlanta.
Starting point is 00:12:49 All right. Let's go right. Speaking of Candy Burris, let's go right into Atlanta. Okay. Here's my first question. What the hell? That is my question. What the hell?
Starting point is 00:12:57 That reunion last night. WPH. You know, let me tell you something. Let me tell you something here, Ronnie. You know, let me tell you something. Let me tell you something here, Ronnie. Real Housewives of Atlanta, their first ever reunion four seasons ago was the crazy one where they, like, stood up and they were going to push. And that was, like, we hadn't seen anything like that on the reunions before. They'd always been very tame.
Starting point is 00:13:16 And that's what put them on the map. And in the last two seasons, the reunion sucked. This year, whoa, they brought it back. Well, they started this one off. looks so pissed off intense because they know that they're entering the thunderdome oh yeah like all the cast start off this way now because they know they're screwed and they're all gonna get called on you know really embarrassing stuff yeah and you know in this cast they're like oh jesus nini's gonna go all angry black woman on us. What defense are we going to have?
Starting point is 00:13:50 I think that Candy had the best defense because she went right after her ass. Yeah, well, that's more of an offense, but yes. Well, she waited to defend herself. She didn't start until Nene started. But, man, was she ready to go once she got attacked by Nini. And you know what? Kandi looked great. She looked the best of the night, I think.
Starting point is 00:14:09 And actually Kim, I thought, came off pretty well, oddly enough. I thought, like, Nini, do we like Nini anymore? Has Nini jumped the shark? I mean, sure she has a sharp tongue and sure she can be like, sort of like, you know you can't take your eyes off of her when she's going nuts but at the same time it's sort of just getting unpleasant she's nini's just a horrible person and i think sometimes with people like that they can be really fun and really funny if they have some kind of self-awareness yeah but nini really doesn't get the joke like she doesn't seem to understand.
Starting point is 00:14:45 She's not really funny. She's one of those people who says stuff in a funny way. Yeah. So that you laugh, you know, because like the voice goes up or she has that attitude that you're like, oh. Yeah. But she's really – she really very rarely says anything funny. She's just a – She's got timing.
Starting point is 00:15:02 She's got great timing and she can – and she has a way with words. But she doesn't – she's not actually funny. She's just got timing. She's got great timing and she has a way with words, but she's not actually funny. She's not only a mean bitch, she's a mean dumb bitch. And she's a compulsive liar. Like, she never tells the truth about anything. She's constantly lying. And she's just hateful for no reason, you know?
Starting point is 00:15:20 She's like, oh, I'm so sick of all these 40-year-old ladies. I'm over it. These 40-year-old women just blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, gossiping and blah. It's like, really? What have you ever done other than that? Yeah, exactly. Well, she thinks she's hot shit because she was on The Celebrity Apprentice, which, by the way, you know who else was on Celebrity Apprentice? That girl with the red hair that was on two seasons ago, which example is that no one remembers who that girl is.
Starting point is 00:15:43 And she also thinks that she's hot shit. She also thinks she's... Meaning that just because you're on Celebrity Apprentice doesn't mean you're a superstar. You can be forgotten in two seasons later. Yeah, you know who else is on Celebrity Apprentice, bitch? Lou Ferrigno. Okay? Yeah, yeah, exactly. And she thinks she's hot shit because she has
Starting point is 00:16:02 had three guest spots on Glee. Well, you know who else had three guest spots on Glee? The dude working at Starbucks down the street here in LA. People get guest spots on TV shows. It doesn't make you a superstar, OK? Good for her. And she was only given that because Ryan Murphy, the creator of Glee, is such a queen. And he loves the housewives.
Starting point is 00:16:22 So he just added her a thing. It's not like she got discovered in acting class. She needs to get over herself. Yeah, people think that she's like – I mean people said that she is good on the show and maybe some more opportunities will come her way. But honestly, with that sort of attitude, I don't know. She'll turn on a lot of people. She's just hateful. She's not even fun.
Starting point is 00:16:41 She's hateful. And she's such a hypocrite. Everything that she's been on everybody else about, she's now doing. She called Kim a whore about Big Papa. Now what's she doing? She's boning some dude for the jewelry. Yeah. Like admittedly.
Starting point is 00:16:55 Yeah. Now the thing is – and then there's this whole thing where I think Shereeie brought up um well let me back up nini's whole line of the night this hour seemed to be dedicated to nini discussing how rich she was i'm rich bitch she said even if people even if i'm like not beautiful i'm rich or like it was like everything out of her mouth was her saying that she's rich you know and which was craziness craziness and she could not have looked more livid than when Kim actually suggested that Candy was probably the wealthiest of them by far, which was not only true. It was hilarious that for a moment all these women were willing to admit that they were not wealthy only to shut up NeNe. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, the whole night turned into how rich is everybody which i thought was hilarious because
Starting point is 00:17:45 as camille grammar will tell you that means you're poor yeah yeah exactly and so so the other thing so so so when this man comes out like kim says you know candy is probably the wealthiest of all and nini looks like she's gonna lose her shit she's like well we don't know that it's like come on nini you have to like get over this. It's so tacky. But at the same time, I mean, where would we be if these women weren't tacky? Academy is a new scripted podcast that follows Ava Richards, played by HBO's Industries' Myhala Herald, a brilliant scholarship student who has to quickly adapt to her newfound eat or be eaten world.
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Starting point is 00:19:22 When they hear the words Black History. Rosa Parks, Reconstruction, MLK, February, Black History Month. Exactly, exactly. There are so many stories of Black History that we just are not really talking about or thinking about, especially outside of February. And we are about to flip the script on all of that. Because on this show, you're going to hear a little less. In August 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue. And a little bit more. She is a heroine to some.
Starting point is 00:19:49 As a fighter for black rights, she is a villain to others. Follow Black History for Real on the Wondery app or wherever you get your podcasts. Listen everywhere on February 5th. Or you can listen early and ad-free on Wondery Plus starting January 29th. Join Wondery Plus on the Wondery app or on Apple Podcasts. Totally. And you know what? All the rest of them, I know that they're tacky, but I
Starting point is 00:20:13 think they're so fun. But Nini, she's so great. So Nini's going on about how rich she is, and Shreya mentions, well, if you're so rich, how come you got a son who's stealing from Walmart? And so that's when things got... then, of course, that gave Nene the right to be like, don't bring up my kids. Don't bring up my kids. We will not go there.
Starting point is 00:20:34 Then she just repeated that line over and over again. But here's the question, though. Bryson's not a minor. He's like 22. You can bring him up, right? It's like 22. You can bring him up, right? Well, I think it's reality show code of honor not to bring up the kids.
Starting point is 00:20:53 Yeah, but he's literally 22, 23. He's an adult at this point. He can be brought up. It was shady of her to do it, but God, it was so funny. And Nene's argument was hilarious. She's like, what? How is that my fault? He's an adult. So, you know, some children
Starting point is 00:21:07 out here, they getting DUIs, they stealing, and you telling their parents that it's their fault? Yes, NeNe, yes. That's what she's saying. Like, shitty, terrible parenting leads to shitty, terrible children. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:21:22 That's what she's saying. If her argument is that he was stealing not because she was poor, then he was stealing because he needed attention. And you know what that means? She's a shitty parent. Yeah. Either way you slice it, she's a shitty parent. And she's like – Sorry.
Starting point is 00:21:38 She's like, you raise your kid to be a certain way, whatever, and sometimes they make a mistake. Well, let me tell you also, this is not Bryson's first mistake, okay? He has been basically fucking up, like, year after year on this show. He gets a DUI and you go buy him a new car. Like, hello. Wait, did he get the DUI before or after? I'm not sure on the facts there, but...
Starting point is 00:21:58 I'm not sure. I mean, this seems to be holding true for all the kids on this show, on all these shows, which is that, like, they could, they could knife someone in the throat and their parents would get them a Jeep Wrangler. Oh yeah, Brielle will be doing... Brielle is going to be one of the worst adults
Starting point is 00:22:13 in a decade. She's going to be the new Bravo Tramp. She's going to be embarrassing. She's actually going to have a G4. Or she'll have a private helicopter. Yeah, and guess whose fault that is? Kim's. Totally. 100%. I'll tell you who won't be
Starting point is 00:22:30 fucking up. That little Ariana. She's an angel. She's a sweetheart. She's going to be like a production manager or some shit. She's going to actually have a job. Yeah, she's going to open up a natural food store or something silly. I just
Starting point is 00:22:46 don't understand how parents... I don't understand the line of thinking that they do. If your kid graduates from Harvard and becomes a lawyer, all you do is talk about that fucking kid and take credit for that kid. But the second that kid does something wrong, I'm like, wouldn't me. That's all him.
Starting point is 00:23:01 All him. Now, what did you think about when Sheree and Nene started to fight? They had this big, long fight that ultimately ended in Nene being like, fix that butt. And Sharae saying, fix that face. And they just said it over and over and over again until Andy stepped in. I would really love to sit down with that again. It's recorded on the computer. So I'd really love to sit there and decipher what they're saying. Because they over-talk each other so much with such nonsensical bullshit.
Starting point is 00:23:29 I think it's got to be hilarious line by line. Yeah, I agree, but I can tell you what it whittles down to is Nene telling Shrae to fix her teeth and Shrae telling Nene to fix her face. And it just is – I mean that's what it comes down to. Look at those teeth. Yeah, she got something done to those teeth, but you can't tell because she ate one of them. What? Yeah. She's still missing some.
Starting point is 00:23:52 What the hell? Do you ever get the sense that when they fight, they actually don't – they're not even really making any sense. They just take the last word they hear and they just recite it back in a way that – in a hostile tone. So it's like, girl, your chest is flatter than if it's been ironed. Well, let me tell you something about iron. My iron is hot, and so is your face. My face isn't hot. My face is like an envelope.
Starting point is 00:24:14 Oh, yeah, well, I'm going to steal that envelope and send it out to Pakistan. Pakistan, I'll tell you one thing. I'm in a pack. It's not something named Stan. Actually, you're way too logical. Your leaps are way too logical. I think they go more off just guttural sounds,
Starting point is 00:24:30 or guttural feelings. You can't touch me, bloop, bloop. Fall down. You best fall down. Look at my face. Look at your face. Look at Kyle. That's true. You're right. I was being way too cerebral about it. You can't touch me. I'll touch whoever I want. No. You can't touch me. I'll touch whoever I want.
Starting point is 00:24:45 No, you can't touch me. I'll touch whoever I want. Well, I'm going to drink a cup of water. Well, I'm going to have a drink of water. I can drink whatever I want. You're the only bitch who can have water, bitch. Don't you touch me, bitch. Don't touch me. I'll touch you, bitch. What? What? What? Well, you know, and then eventually it just turns into Sheree versus Marlo where they were just literally making noises. Yeah, but that reunion after that section happened, then it turned into, well, Sheree is not rich either.
Starting point is 00:25:20 And Andy came right out and said, well, you know, Sheree, if you look at the internet, people are saying that maybe you're spending all the money on cars and jewelry while your kids are sleeping on a blow-up mattress in your house. She says, that's not a blow-up mattress. That's just a pillow that my dog sleeps on. And my reaction is you have your kids sleep on the pillow that your dog sleeps on? You just made it ten times worse. At least a blow-up mattress would have taken some time from their mother.
Starting point is 00:25:53 You would have had to put some effort into that. Some effort to blow it up. She wouldn't have done that. She would have just let it sit there flat until maybe her son got a pump. She's like, what's your mom's pump for? She's like, I'll tell you, you'll get a pump when your dad pays for a pump. You best use your mouth.
Starting point is 00:26:10 If you want a pump, you better ask your dad because he's not paying for anything else around here. So that turned into Sharae's sobby victim monologue about her cross-eyed lug of a husband. I'm sorry, but her argument is completely invalidated every time they
Starting point is 00:26:28 show up a close-up of that giant rhinoceros with crossed eyes. Like, because you know, it's like, she only married that man because he had any money. No one's denying it. No one's pretending that it's anything other than that. And now
Starting point is 00:26:44 that he doesn't make any money, she's, you know. Well, he should still pay the child support. I don't care. Even if she is buying those bags, like, he should still do it. Well, of course, you should always pay your child support. But I guess what I'm saying is it's hard to feel sorry for Sheree, you know. Because that question is very true. You see her driving around
Starting point is 00:27:05 in her Jag or whatever the hell it is. Mm-hmm. And she lives in this, like, tiny, sad apartment. And her kids, like, you know... Well, she's building Chateau Sheree. Don't you worry. There will soon be ample lodging for her children. Oh, how fun. I loved that part of the show.
Starting point is 00:27:21 When he was like, oh, I call it Neverland. Which, by the way, doesn't actually make sense to call it neverland it's more like never house yeah it's like someone who's never actually paid attention to what peter pan yeah like what's going on on the screen but she's heard the word or she knows that michael jackson lived there and then i liked how sheree got all like huffy about like phaedra going on plan she's like oh you didn't see the no trespassing sign there was no gate to hang it off of. There was literally nothing on the lot. I missed that. That's hilarious.
Starting point is 00:27:49 She got mad. Oh, Mimi was great, though. Yeah, I call that place Neverland because that's what it is. Neverland. So I call it Neverland because you know what it is? A land that's never. That's why. I'm going to call it Neverland. She'll just keep talking and talking and talking.
Starting point is 00:28:07 She hears two words that sound like they sort of should make sense together, but they really don't. They really don't. It never was. And then, Andy, well, you went to the house. What did you see? Some dirt and some sticks. I'm surprised you didn't call it Dirt and Sticks House. It's a house of dirt and sticks.
Starting point is 00:28:25 I'm going to call that Sticks and Stones Can Break My Bones, but all you've got is a house, it's sticks, and a hole. A hole and some sticks. How great is that? I know. Leah Black needs to be on this show to follow up. I agree. How fun was that? Let's not overlook uh go back to
Starting point is 00:28:45 nini's uh fight with candy wherein uh candy was basically calling out nini for acting like she was so above being around a sex toy when in fact she used to strip and then i believe nini had a line that was something along the lines of like i stripped i do not want to put a dildo on my vajayjay end of discussion i said people can grow and good for people growing. I don't care if I stripped in my 20s, 30s, or 40s. I don't want a dildo on my ass. Is that bad? I like that she kept screaming.
Starting point is 00:29:17 Is that bad? Sometimes I wish these women were articulate just to save us the aggravation. So I wish Candy had said, it's strange to me because you used to be a stripper and you seem to be comfortable with sexuality and yet around sex toys you get very huffy. That's all she needed to say. But of course she says it in an oblique way and says you're being judgmental, whatever, and then Nini goes off, whatever. And by the way, she does need a dildo up her vajayjay because she is going a cray-cray in her vajayjay, clearly. Yeah, she needs a little something and she is a little frigid to be a stripper but I think a lot of strippers when they
Starting point is 00:29:49 get a little older feel that way because you know what pigs men are when you're a stripper, you know what I mean? When you have your ass in someone's face. Oh, and that was a great comeback by Candy too. She's like, well, I'm just saying, you bending over and putting your ass in some
Starting point is 00:30:05 man's face and now you got a problem so funny whatever she's rich bitch she's rich and then oh what was i gonna say we actually that i think that was all the first segment right because now oh no no we skipped ahead because of cherie's or cherie's divorce but yeah um i was just looking at something on this little note thing oh another compulsive liar is kim zolci oh yeah does that woman think everyone's an idiot i mean that woman does not tell the truth about anything so kim um how do you think your husband feels about living with the furniture that Big Papa gave you? Well, you know, that was my furniture, and I never took that furniture from nobody. I mean, that stuff has been in storage for years.
Starting point is 00:30:55 I have a lot of stuff, and, you know, I would never do that. I would never move in with someone else's stuff with my man. But you said on the show that, you know, you said, watch out, that's something Big Papa gave me. Oh, well, it's probably a vase or something, but I wouldn't move in with stuff that he gave me. Yeah, we just saw you moving in with stuff that he gave. And she just goes
Starting point is 00:31:16 on and on, lying and lying. To be fair, the Versace stuff that she has is not Versace Italian designer. It's Versace V-E-R-S-A-C-H-I. It's a knockoff that comes from Pomona. It's all plastic wear.
Starting point is 00:31:32 So she did have that. She bought it at Target. It's nice. It has floral patterns on it. Versace. So, Kim, it's so weird not seeing you smoking and drinking all the time. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:46 Well, you know, I didn't even start smoking and drinking again after I had the kid. I just never got back into it. Yeah, actually. Yeah, you did. No, no. Well, you know, maybe, you know. I had to get drunk for my wedding. But definitely not while I'm pregnant.
Starting point is 00:32:00 She's such a fucking liar, that woman. Kory probably knocked her up so that So I should stop smoking around the house. I don't know. She is a liar. But given how crazy Nini was being, Kim came off seeming somewhat rational, you know? Well, Kim tried to take a page out of the Bethany Frankel reunion playbook. Because you remember Bethany's last reunion. She just got her own show, and everyone hated her, and they kept trying to go after her,
Starting point is 00:32:30 and she was just like, whatever. I can't take it. She was fairly calm and classy, and Kim – so far, Kim has kept the – I mean, I would say classy is the wrong adjective. Let me tell you something. This is a problem for Nini because you know you're in trouble if Kim is calling you out for being new money. Okay? That is a problem.
Starting point is 00:32:50 If Kim can suddenly recognize the difference between old money and new money and you're the reason why she can do that, then you're really bad. You're in a really bad place. You know? You know Nini's also in trouble because look at the facts here. There's two gay guys right now talking for an hour about housewatch shows. Yeah. And we both hate Nene. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:11 If you've got two gays hating you and you're a sassy black woman, you really need to readjust. You've done something wrong. You've done something big time wrong. Yes. It's in our blood to love you. You're alienating your fan base. Yeah. That's what you're doing. It's like calling ourselves gay and not enjoying penis.
Starting point is 00:33:27 It's like waking up and suddenly something that's just so embedded in you is just gone. Wow. Well, you know, maybe like the religious right should embrace Nini and turn all the gays back straight or something. Maybe that's what's going on. Something strange is happening in the air, I have to say. Well, next week we have another – I'm excited for next week's reunion when Peter comes out and acts like an asshole as usual. And I think that's – I mean I think Black Babygate comes to the fore again. So that should be fun.
Starting point is 00:33:59 In the meantime, why don't we move on to – Oh, wait, wait. We've got one more thing. Twitter fight. Oh, yeah. I love the Twitter fights. I like when he's like, bitch, get off my timeline. I can say what I want on my timeline.
Starting point is 00:34:13 Well, isn't you saying stuff about my kids? Isn't that the same thing? Just because it's on Twitter, it's not the same thing? What you talking about? I never talk about your children. And she quotes the text. Well, that's not about them. I'm just saying that mama's a hoe.
Starting point is 00:34:29 I love that show. I'm going to be so sad. I know it's been a fairly boring season for that show, but it's still good. Yeah, it's still – I mean there still are like funny lines scattered throughout it all the time. I mean it's it's i still laugh yeah i i it's i mean i'm i'm already missing it a little bit um and then okay sorry i messed up your um transition go for it go for it all right let's have a brand new transition where so going from those bitches in atlanta let's go to the bitches in Orange County.
Starting point is 00:35:05 That was a really bad transition. I'm sorry. There was nothing artful about that. Yeah. You're like, I'm just going to call women bitches. We call them bitches. Yeah. I'm from the Nene Lee School of drag queen comedy where I just say things that sound racy but actually are not funny or interesting.
Starting point is 00:35:21 Those bitches with their cocks out. That's what drag queens are like to me. They just say things like that. Anyway, let's talk about those bitches with their cocks out in Orange County. So now one thing that happened this week. First of all, I have bad news for you, Ronnie. I know you requested that there be not an episode that involves some sort of hospital or doctor procedure, medical procedure.
Starting point is 00:35:45 And sorry, this was not the episode that involves some sort of hospital or doctor procedure, medical procedure. And sorry, this was not the episode because Tamara got her boobs out. So that happened. Not exciting. They just came out. Now, Alexis, we saw another segment of Alexis doing the news, which is, to me, the funniest shit ever. Like, can they give her a spinoff? Can we see her doing the news, like, on her own show? Give it half an hour each week.
Starting point is 00:36:06 Alexis goes to the news station, files some dumb report, and we watch it. Honestly, I think that would be the funniest shit ever. I would watch that. I love watching Alexis. I laugh and laugh. She's hilarious.
Starting point is 00:36:24 There's nothing else I can say to that. She's just funny. I'm stunned is hilarious. I mean – and well, there's nothing else I can say to that. She's just funny. But she's – I'm stunned into silence. But now – but here's the thing though. We may not see that because Jim told Alexis that he wants her to give up her news gig. Do you think that he's jealous of her success? No. I honestly think that he's just not a diaper changer.
Starting point is 00:36:44 Yeah. uh no i i honestly think that he's just not a diaper changer and i think he's i think that jim is one of the most honest people on the show at least with who he is yeah that's true now he's a horrible disgusting example of a human being and a man yes but at least he's honest about it and i totally believed him he's like fuck. I'm not driving the kids around. I didn't pay to raise brats. I paid you to drop those things out and take care of them. I don't even want to fucking look at those kids. It's bad enough I have to support them and pay for their college.
Starting point is 00:37:15 Get your ass home, slut. He's like, we're one flesh, but you're the part of the flesh that stays home. I'm the part of the flesh that goes out and fucks other flesh. You've got to love Alexis. Well, you make it sound like we signed a contract or something. Kind of did. It's called marriage. Marriage.
Starting point is 00:37:42 Now, do we think – like there was a part of me that it sort of sounded like his reasoning was saying that like there's the fashion line and then there's the news thing. It seemed like he was implying as an excuse for this that she was spreading herself thin do you think where if alexis had to focus on one thing news or fashion where do you think she would find uh the most success oh the most success yeah which one do you think would be the biggest door fashion fashion real oh yeah i guess there are enough people that would buy that slutty stuff. Sluts. Fashion because, first of all, everything she's ever made has already been made. And I know because I see it all over the place in California. So I think that people would buy it if she just had someone who could do the business end because you know her ass can't.
Starting point is 00:38:18 Yeah. And strippers need evening gowns anyway. Totally. There's a total market for her clothes. There are enough people with big fake boobies that need the right dress to wear on East. You can never underestimate local Southern California news. I mean she could become the next weather girl in Los Angeles with the boobs like that. I don't know who is listening to this podcast from around the country or around the world perhaps. But the women that are on the local news here in LA,
Starting point is 00:38:46 they all dress like strippers. They dress like the girl on the second floor of my building who I think may be a man, but she may be a woman and she looks like a huge whore. When I went out to visit, the news came on and I was like, oh my god,
Starting point is 00:39:01 this is the holiest newscast I've ever seen. And my dad goes uh it's the news yeah like that they don't have to be hot i mean god bless them they sit there all day reading off cue cards like let them eat yeah no it's like when you live in la you sort of forget that like newscasters are generally considered to be like austere and like respected and then out here like the honestly, they look like porn stars. The men look like typical newscasters, but they really slut up
Starting point is 00:39:30 these women like crazy. I kind of feel like it's almost degrading. Almost as degrading as me calling them a whore. If you don't have half a boner while you're listening to stories about children being dismembered on the south side, then they're just not doing their job here in L.A. They certainly are not.
Starting point is 00:39:45 They certainly are not. So speaking of massive career opportunities, so Gretchen has this – she's going to be singing with the Pussycat Dolls. And my question is this. How long can Gretchen keep saying that she's lost her voice before she admits that she actually has no singing voice? It's been now about like four episodes where she's like, I've lost my voice.
Starting point is 00:40:06 I was yelling at Vicky so much. I'm like, excuse me, it's been about like three weeks now. And I'm not talking about three weeks of airtime. I mean, like, it's been three weeks since that fight at Bunko Night happened. Okay, you can't still have lost your voice. We weren't screaming for hours on end. You're not Adele, okay? You're not Adele.
Starting point is 00:40:23 Adele had throat cancer and still came back and did a pitch-perfect performance at the Grammys. Yeah. Don't even say Adele in the same sentence. I dare you. I know. Well, every – you know, whenever you – I do musicals and stuff. And whenever you go to a musical audition, there's always that person. Oh, they're wearing a scarf.
Starting point is 00:40:42 You know, they've got like the scarf around their neck. They're obviously sucking on something, usually a Ricola. They're doing things like... Walking back and forth so everybody knows that they're dedicated. And they always complain that they're sick and they really hope they can get it together. And they're always fucking terrible. Always. And they're always fucking terrible.
Starting point is 00:41:02 Always. Well, is there something sort of like funny about the idea of Gretchen being really scared about how her voice sounds when she's auditioning for the Pussycat Dolls who are not necessarily known for their brilliant vocals? I mean like you could probably sound like a fart and make it into that band as long as you can dance and look hot. Yeah, I don't know what she's so scared about. She's basically a stripper, right? Like her burlesque girl. Burlesque is for one gig. It's in Vegas.
Starting point is 00:41:32 This isn't for like she's not recording on their new album. And she's been singing Fever, which, by the way, is not a hard song to sing. Like every minx can sing that song. It's like the minx anthem, you know? I would think that the biggest problem is going to be remembering words and remembering down steps and just generally not looking like a fucking idiot. Well, she already sprained her ankle, so everything's going wrong for her. They're just going to put her in a chair and she can slink around and it'll be fine. She needs to stop worrying. She also has to remember the fact that she's a bigger star than any of the other girls
Starting point is 00:41:59 in the Pussycat Dolls currently. I think she should just get rid of Slade and go get herself a rich, homely man and be done with it. She's only got a good five years left before she's really going to have to learn a skill. Yeah, exactly. And we don't want to see that. How do we feel about Gretchen's friend, Sarah, who got wasted at Heather's bowling night and tried to confront Vicky and said, I need to talk to you about something. And Vicky just goes, no, no thanks. And then she's like, oh, my God, she was so mean. I just wanted to go and, like, I just wanted to go meet her and, like, get to know her.
Starting point is 00:42:40 Are you doing me like that right now? I just wanted to talk. I just wanted to introduce myself and get to know you. Are you doing me like that? And then Vicky is like, yeah, we met at my house. Do I need to meet her twice? I love the dazed and confused look on that poor girl's face. Just trying to cause a little drama, and she can't get it.
Starting point is 00:43:05 It totally backfired on her face. Totally. She looked like such an idiot. And her boyfriend, who looked like some weird holdover from an 80s boy band from Britain, was there trying to calm her down. But she was just a disaster. I think she was trying to make her big splash, and she did in all the wrong ways. Yeah. Do we want to see more of her? No. Hell no. I think she was trying to make her big splash, and she did in all the wrong ways. Yeah. Do we want to see more of her?
Starting point is 00:43:26 No, hell no. I think she was a one-off. Even Gretchen was like, no, this is not good. She brought Gretchen and Vicky together. That's not a good thing. I know. Like the close-up of Gretchen deleting her number off of her cell phone. She's like, see you later.
Starting point is 00:43:46 Was there anything else on OC? I can't even remember anything. I think that was basically it. That was the exciting stuff, right? Yeah, that was. Oh, well, wasn't this the episode where Slimeball Graham, is that his name? Vicky's man? Brooks.
Starting point is 00:44:00 He was like, oh, Brooks. Yeah, he's like, here's a card. Oh, yeah. He's like, here's a card. Oh, yeah. He's like, here's a card. So what are your assets? Oh, yeah. How about we talk about your assets? And Vicki's taking it like someone's showing interest in her.
Starting point is 00:44:18 Well, we've got the house, the boat. We've got the account and the camons. We've got an electricity bill that board. We've got the account and the camons. We've got an electricity bill that's been paid a year in advance. So if someone's going to get that money back, we've got – That is like foreplay for Vicki. She loves talking about like itemized deductions and life insurance and anything that has to do with business and work. That gets her totally horny. I don't want to tell you exactly what I have, but I'll tell you how much insurance will have to pay out if there's a big fire. But that guy's obviously a slimeball and a con man, and it's so sad that Vicky's just going along with it.
Starting point is 00:45:01 They're all slimeballs and they're all con men. I think he's the least offensive. Oh, actually, Eddie's not a slimeball or a con man. No, no. Ben, he said there's no us without the you. He's the worst. I think that that makes him the worst.
Starting point is 00:45:15 Brooks said that, right? Or did Eddie say that? I don't remember. No, Brooks said that. I can't keep track of all the mindless drivel that these guys say. Eddie's like, you're getting your boobs taken out because – You know, you're supposed to be my beard, and you're just making yourself look more like a boy, so this is really difficult for me. So while we go on to Shadows of Sunset, did you watch the finale last night? I did.
Starting point is 00:45:43 What did you think? You first. Okay okay here's what i think um this is like the episode where everyone who i thought was cool in mj's life turns out they're awful people they're hideous terrible people starting with sammy okay sammy i don't know if he was put up to this by the producers he sets up mj on a blind date with her ex, who's this overbearing chauvinist guy, which I thought was so massively offensive, especially when she was kind enough to set Sammy up with a hot piece of Jewish ass. And she sets him up with that, and he sets her up with her ex, because he's like, nah,
Starting point is 00:46:21 he's a good guy, deserves a second chance. It's actually a really fucked up thing to do, especially if this guy has these overbearing tendencies. He tries to basically rape her in the Roosevelt Hotel lobby, which, by the way, funny note, they couldn't even film in one of the restaurants or the bars. They had to film in the lobby of the hotel. And then she runs away, and when she confronts Sammy about it,
Starting point is 00:46:41 he says, nah, nah, you were liking it, I could tell. It was so disgusting, I thought, of Sammy. And on top of the fact that he spritzed his belly with, I don't know, Dracar Noir or whatever it was. Okay. Well, I'm glad you brought this up first because at first glance, yes, I'm in total agreement with you. Yeah. But here's a couple things. Sammy said, you know, this guy deserves another chance, and plus he's the only one that will call her on her shit, which is awesome.
Starting point is 00:47:10 Okay, now that sounds like a total dick thing to say. But look, honestly, without taking sides, look how the evening progressed. She shows up in a two-inch skirt with her big-ass vagina hanging out all over the place. She ends up with this dude. He's all over her. She's kind of giggling a little bit under him and playing around. She was wasted, which means that she's gone through dinner and all that stuff with this going on, giggling like she was then.
Starting point is 00:47:40 And then she turns in when she's all drunk and she's just ready to get out of there, then she turns in. Well, I hate to break it to you, but it's sort of like date rape. Like, well, she was drunk and then we had sex. And so, well, it was her fault for getting drunk. It doesn't quite work that way. It was – no, it's not the same. I mean if it was rape, then of course I'm not going to be like she deserved to get raped. I don't mean to trivialize rape to this situation
Starting point is 00:48:05 with MJ, but basically, I mean, the situation is this. So this guy might call MJ on her shit. The point is he's supposed to be her friend and regardless of what their situation is, they're broken up and it is so fucked up to set her up with an ex. And then on top
Starting point is 00:48:22 of the fact that he is also this hideous guy. I mean, I really thought he, like, I don't care if he calls her out on her shit, like, find someone else. And then on top of the fact that he is also this hideous guy. I mean I really thought he – like I don't care if he calls her out or shit. Like find someone else. And then Sammy says, well, you know, I try – I asked a few other guys and they're like, oh, she's that girl who does this. She's that girl who does this. Like how about this? Why don't you ask someone who's not one of your like fat, ugly friends? How about that?
Starting point is 00:48:42 Yeah, but like think about the specific – OK. Think of the specific examples Okay, think of the specific examples we've seen of MJ. When MJ is with her mother, she's an abuse victim. When she's with Reza, she's a fun hag. And when she's at a party, she's a drunk fucking idiot.
Starting point is 00:48:57 I don't think we've ever seen her anywhere in public drinking that she doesn't act like a complete crazy person. That's true. So I think that this guy has been dealing with her for a long time, and he's like, listen, I tried hooking you up with all these people who wouldn't because you're the kind of girl who will barf on the table and do all this other – He's got to have a drunk friend or two.
Starting point is 00:49:22 Get a drunk friend. That's all. All you do is get a drunk friend who you can't stand and you can't find a girl for him. Boom. Put them together. Let them get wasted. Do shots under the table while you make out with the hot Jewess on the futon. Well, I thought he was just saying this guy actually wanted to go out with you and no one else did.
Starting point is 00:49:43 So I figured give it another shot, which I know is hard to hear, but that girl's a mess. That's not the way you set up someone. You don't set up someone like that. You just say – you come up with an excuse like you don't have someone or whatever. Yeah. I mean it was just a dick move, and when she called him out on it, it was just – he refused to take any sort of accountability for it, and it was dick. I thought it was like a massively dick move. It was.
Starting point is 00:50:10 It was a massively dick move. I guess I'm just trying to see his side because I think that sometimes when someone's an asshole, like more of an asshole than another person, we forget what an asshole the first person was. Yeah, yeah, but I still think like even if MJ is an asshole, which I don't think she is, I actually really like MJ, you still just, like, I don't know, like, you just, like, the ex is just such a, it's such a low, passive aggressive move. It's mean, you know? It's just, it's, I thought it was actually, like,
Starting point is 00:50:36 vile. I was actually, I had a really bad reaction to it. Now, also... She has that kind of, oh, you go ahead. No, no, no, no, no, go, go. I was just gonna say, she's that kind of personality that anyone related to her, and I just mean around her, is abusive. Like she's always the abuse victim in every relationship on this show, even with Reza, who's her best friend. And I guess they have their thing, but he calls her fat. He tells her her mother hates her.
Starting point is 00:51:04 Well, it comes to the fact that her mom is awful like so all these weeks i was like oh my god mj's mom is so hilarious i love mj's mom oh it turns out actually mj's mom is awful newsflash yeah the mom the mother was terrible i mean could you imagine that the mother like that you don't listen to me if you if you listen to me everything in your life would be fine. You wouldn't be so stupid if you listened to me. Yeah. You want to admit you're a liar?
Starting point is 00:51:31 No, you're a liar. Okay. No one should hire you. A, okay, here's your options. A, I don't tell you anything, and I keep you at arm's length. Oh, so now you're an admitted liar? Oh, you're bragging about lying? Oh, how do you feel with this A?
Starting point is 00:51:47 What is this A? Eat your lunch. Eat your lunch. Oh, God. That was sad at the end of that argument. She's like, go ahead and eat. And you see MJ take a big, giant curly fry and shove it down her mouth. It's like the mom's just feeding her crap in her trough.
Starting point is 00:52:05 She's putting crap in her trough to keep her fat and bound. Poor MJ. I mean, honestly, like, I'm sure the mother does love her. But the mother, I mean, how unreasonable. I mean, how, like, the mother being like, it is not my fault. Anything that happened, it's you. You've done it all. I have done nothing.
Starting point is 00:52:23 Everything you've done is you. If you listen to me, you would be perfect. I was like, oh, poor MJ. I could just see those psychologist bills going up one after the other. Yeah, but there does come a certain time in your life where you can't blame your parents. I mean, at this point, MJ is sitting around her mom all the time with nothing. I mean, from what the show makes it look like. She's either wasted somewhere with Reza or sitting there with her mom taking abuse.
Starting point is 00:52:51 Now, listen. I love my mom. But if she talked to me like that, I'd push her down the stairs and have her in a home within a day. Well, you know what? I think that with MJ, I think she was just basically trying to say like, you know, you've done some things to me, and I want us to have a close – I think she wanted a closer relationship with her mom. You know, like where her mom is not, like, being mean to her. They're able to have, like, closeness the way that Reza has now said that he and his father have. But it doesn't – it does not look like it's going to happen anytime soon.
Starting point is 00:53:21 Did we all talk about Asa, by the way, who – oh, my God. I can't even believe the big get that asa got she was invited into the house of the persian barbara walters oh my god she is going to take over the world doors are going to fly open all across the music industry now that Persian Barbara Walters has endorsed Tarantulas. I can't even believe it. Walking down the road. Yeah, she is so sweet,
Starting point is 00:53:54 Asa, don't you think? I actually do like her. I think she is sweet and she seems realistic. And it's nice how she's excited, but she's very delusional, I think. Call me a hater. I am being a hater. But, I mean, I don't – it's not – no disrespect to Persian Barbara Walters. I'm sure she does have a lot of sway in the Persian community. But I'm just thinking that, like, you know who has a bigger worldwide pull?
Starting point is 00:54:16 Probably Asa's producer friend who makes music for the radio. Ryan Seacrest. Exactly. Actually, Ryan – yeah, exactly. Oh, I was going to say – because, Ryan, I thought you meant the guy who's producing the show. This is a Ryan Seacrest show,. Actually, Ryan – yeah, exactly. Oh, I was going to say – because Ryan – I thought you meant the guy who's producing the show. This is a Ryan Seacrest show, no? Yeah, it is. Actually, let's see Ryan Seacrest play that song on Kiss FM.
Starting point is 00:54:33 Tarantulas. He'll play it like it's kind of a joke. He probably played it today as kind of a joke. Yeah, and she's like, oh, my God, they're playing my song on the radio. See? He told me I couldn't do the radio and now here I am. She's like, I'm rich, bitch. Poor Asa.
Starting point is 00:54:52 Poor sad Asa. She's so sweet and I think her delusion is really funny. Like how she throws herself this big party at the home of Barbara Walters Percy. Barbara Walters Percy Barbara Walters Shiraz
Starting point is 00:55:07 Yeah, she throws a giant party for herself at this woman's house and invites all her friends and then she's like you see, all this hard work is worth it You're recognizing yourself and that made it all worth it. The funny thing
Starting point is 00:55:24 is that, I persian barbara walters she kind of tells asa listen um in a nice way she basically says listen stop being ridiculous like you say you're an artist but you want to get played on the radio so uh make your music accessible she's like just give it to a producer and let him do something with it and shut up that's basically what she said when they were sitting on a log on the beach. If Asa were smart, she would listen. That song, Tarantulas, the beat is sort of cool,
Starting point is 00:55:54 but it is for a very niche market. Even if you sell to that niche market, I would think that you could make money. They buy music. I lived in East Hollywood. I heard that shit blaring out of car windows all day long no i mean i'm sure they buy it yeah and then she said like she would like to play in dubai and have versions come and and be in concert and so obviously there's a market and obviously she could be really successful and i kind of get the sense that maybe she is like a little bit successful in that market but um i don't know
Starting point is 00:56:23 like when she's she's making it sound like she is going to be the next lady gaga you know and it's it's just yeah lady gaga actually cares very much about her songs being on the radio and she does them in a cookie cutter way so that they are on the radio and the irony is that lady gaga's music her latest album her songs have not been like doing that with that well So maybe she should take a lesson from Asa. They haven't been doing that well? No. I mean, if you listen to Katy Perry and Rihanna, they're all over the radio all the time.
Starting point is 00:56:54 And the music from Lady Gaga's album, they come and they go. They're not sticking. Her old stuff, they still play a lot. Yeah. But, I mean, who am I? The Persian Barbara Walters? What do I know? The Persian Ryan Seacrest.
Starting point is 00:57:13 What else happened on that show? Mike basically explained that he is traumatized because he was poor for a little while. And he can't date Gigi, I guess because she's insane and he's jewish or something gg went on a date and she was like i'm opening up the baby factory um that's my that's my impersonation she sounds like she has a bubble in her throat i'm gg what is wrong with you i'm gg she sort of sounds like that you sound like you're on star wars. Well, she's Gigi. She's in space. I'm Gigi. Why are there so many songs about the rainbow?
Starting point is 00:57:59 Anyway, you know, the show. You're very handsome. I'm excited to start becoming a baby factory. Yeah. Gigi, by the way, she told Fox News or in New York that Shaz the Sunset has been re-upped for a second season. But Bravo has not confirmed that. But I think they will. People talk about it. People out here in L.A. have been talking about it like crazy. I don't know about the rest of the country.
Starting point is 00:58:22 But out here, for sure, there's a lot of spittlebutt. How – well, even I'm enjoying it, and I didn't enjoy it the first – Oh, I love it. I love the first five weeks or whatever. I watched it before I watched the reunion, by the way. That's how much I like it, of Atlanta. Oh, wait. They have a reunion?
Starting point is 00:58:40 No, no, no. There's no Shazza Sunset reunion on deck, but there should be, by the way. I would love to see that, but no, no. There's no Shazza Sunset reunion on deck, but there should be, by the way. I would love to see that, but oh well. But I think we've sort of reached the end of our slate of things to talk about. Well, here's to another week of this crap. Oh,
Starting point is 00:58:56 by the next time we speak, Jersey will be back. Oh my god. Jersey will be back. Oh, I can't wait. So we're going to have quite a week. It's going to be Jersey, OC, and Atlanta. I had a dream last night that I was sitting on the Real Housewives of New Jersey reunion, which is a really fucked up dream I have. Caroline and I were like buddy-buddy.
Starting point is 00:59:19 She's like, you're my friend, but only for today. I was like, okay. I don't know what it all meant. It probably means I'm sexually attracted to lampposts or something, but I don't know. Yeah, get that checked out. Yeah, I need to get that checked out. If I'm having dreams where Caroline says we're friends, that's rough. You are.
Starting point is 00:59:41 Are you worried about being betrayed by caroline like getting your feelings hurt you know if uh if kathy said we were friends that would be like the best dream i've ever had in my life because i love kathy and also she bakes oh yeah she makes cannolis inside cannolis yeah um so also one thing that we have to we probably should mention this at the top of the podcast we're doing a live podcast improv olympic apr 30th, and we really want people to come. It's at 730. It's $5. And we're just going to record the podcast, but it'll be in front of people, so you'll hear laughing and stuff like that.
Starting point is 01:00:15 So we're going to try to get a special guest or at least someone else, a fourth person, maybe five people. We'll see what happens. I'm super excited about it. So if you live in Los Angeles, come on down on Monday, April 30th, and you can meet us. You could get our autographs if you want, but I don't see us having a big line on that front. Maybe Matt Whitfield will have one, but I don't know
Starting point is 01:00:36 about me. It's going to be a really fun night, you guys. So come on down there if you can. We'll probably have some little games. Also, we can all drink without Matt getting mad at me for being drunk. Yeah. Yeah. You can see what we look like in person.
Starting point is 01:00:51 You can see the way we interact and the way we look at each other. Yeah. I'm going to put on some man spanks and I'm there. I'm going to wear a muumuu just because. I'm going to wear a nice long housewives wig. Maybe I'll get the pharaoh wig. Oh, yeah. You should. I'm going to wear some Shibaiwives wig. Maybe I'll get the Pharaoh wig. Oh yeah, you should.
Starting point is 01:01:07 I'm going to wear some she buy Sharia here. It's coming back. It's coming back. It's coming back. It's coming back. Even though it never was, but it's coming back. It's like it's Neverland.
Starting point is 01:01:17 Never close. Oh, okay. Everybody. All right. We'll see you next time. Thanks for listening. Thanks everyone. Bye. see you next time. Thanks for listening. Thanks, everyone.
Starting point is 01:01:25 Bye.

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