Watch What Crappens - More Sibling Rivalry in NJ

Episode Date: May 15, 2012

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Starting point is 00:00:00 From Wondery and Audible comes Class of 88, a new podcast hosted by Will Smith. Before 1988, a lot of people didn't take hip-hop seriously. But hip-hop today touches everything from film to fashion to sports. So what changed? Follow Class of 88 wherever you buy your class. Money can't buy your class. Elegance is learned, my friends. Elegance is learned. Oh, yeah. Hey, everybody. Welcome to Watch What Crap Ends, a podcast dedicated to all things Bravo, brought to you by the Sideshow Network. Bravo, brought to you by the Sideshow Network. My name is Matt Whitfield from Yahoo, and joining me as always are my boys Ben Mandelker and Ronnie Karam. Say hello, boys.
Starting point is 00:00:50 Hello. Wow. We're boys. Do we have a Z at the end of the boys? You definitely have a Z at the end, because that's how they would do it in Jersey. Good. I'm wearing my hot pants, so this really works. Well, before we get started, we are going to talk about the Real Housewives of New Jersey episode, I believe, four last night.
Starting point is 00:01:13 We have the Real Housewives of Orange County. We have Don't Be Tardy for the Wedding. And even a new show on Bravo this week premiered around the world in 80 plates, which is like their big gamble because it's the most expensive show they've ever produced. But before we get to all of those disasters, let's talk some Housewives gossip. Do you guys have anything? Because I have a few little nuggets here.
Starting point is 00:01:35 I've got no nuggets. And I'm hoping that when you said nugget, that was a callback to Tamra's grandchild that never was. Does anyone remember that? Anyone remember that nugget? Too soon. Too soon.
Starting point is 00:01:50 I've got nothing. I want to hear gossip. I'm here to hear gossip. No, I actually don't have any gossip this week. I've been concentrating on Twitter, actually playing around on that because I'm kind of old and I don't understand how all that stuff works.
Starting point is 00:02:03 So this week I was like, that's it. I'm going to figure it out. And I would just lay in bed all day on my cell phone looking at Twitter feeds and I made really good lists so anybody can go to my TVgasm Twitter feed and steal all my lists. But they're all the
Starting point is 00:02:18 housewife lists and they're really good, you guys. They're very comprehensive. And so once you put, I'm sure you guys already know how to work twitter but once i'm really i'm really fascinated about your twitter well i made a lot of lists and so you can just press that list and see all the tweets from that and last night i just laid in bed and read all the tweets from all the different housewives and some of their husbands just going, those women are so rude.
Starting point is 00:02:49 I mean, you're on fucking Twitter. I cannot believe they're even fighting like that on Twitter. And then you've got Jill Zarin who still tweets everybody. She's like, hi, Julia Roberts. Let's have lunch one day. Hey, Kristen Chenoweth, I am so sorry about your show getting canceled. Hugs! Hi, President Obama. Congrats on the gay thing.
Starting point is 00:03:09 Shut up, Jill Zarin. And you guys wonder why we're all single. I actually, I don't wonder at all. I was laying there in my holy underwear looking at my boobs and my iPad. I wasn't wondering. Ronnie's not single. those are his girlfriends this is like
Starting point is 00:03:27 that's true that's very true jill's is all of our girlfriends i've got a very large hand and an ipad that's all i need okay on that note i would like to bring up underwear on that note i do have a nugget which you know i don't think that she wears holy underwear, but she is kind of a hooker. Shane Lamas rumored to be joining the Real Housewives of Orange County for season eight. How gross is that, you guys? They don't need her. Why are they going to Shane Lamas? Well, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:04:00 I mean, you know, I'm reading this on Wikipedia, and who knows if that's the truth. But, you know, I kind of think Wikipedia is the real news. But that is real. If it's on Wikipedia, it's real. Come on, you guys. Prove it wrong. Well, OK, so anyway, the citation has been added. It's probably written by Shane Llamas. That's what I'm getting at. Like Lorenzo could have just been bored today and like popped it up there. But it says season eight shane lamas is joining the cast now i don't know if anybody is leaving the cast but you know she definitely
Starting point is 00:04:30 does have a reality show background she did win the bachelor and she also was on that terrible lamas show leave it to lamas and by terrible i mean i loved it yeah wait a second i watched that show so is is this the daughter or his ex-wife no this is the daughter the hot blonde oh i was gonna say because that old purse could not win the bachelor i thought you were talking about the ex-wife oh so it's the young bimbo kind of girl why would she like she's like she's like knocking on 30 she pretends that she's like a model but she's not really tall enough and she's always looking for love oh i don't know about that she's pretty stupid yeah she's also don't you think she's also too young like i don't want to see
Starting point is 00:05:12 you know like 27 year olds like rumbling with vicky like that's just not fun for me and yet that's sort of what the show is all about isn't it well i guess i mean but like gretchen is not in her 20s. Tamara is certainly not in her 20s. I don't know. I just – I think it would be weird if the show like goes young again. I know that when we got started, Joe De La Rosa was much younger than these women. But like I like to see old ladies fight. Yeah, I have to say I do sort of like old ladies because they're sort of like hanging on to something.
Starting point is 00:05:40 Yeah, they're fighting it. They don't have much left. They're going through the change. Things are sagging. Yeah, I think it's definitely more fun with old ladies because they brought Brandi Glanville on Beverly Hills, and I liked her. I thought she was pretty fun. But the reason she was fun was because she was such white trash and she was young compared to the other ladies. But it was kind of annoying because it was like she was always getting in trouble from by the old ladies you know it's like she was always
Starting point is 00:06:08 getting smacked down by the older ladies right because well you need to you need to have like a young and in there to get the old ladies like insecure you know that's true with when it comes to looks but at the same time i totally get what ronnie was saying or it's just like you know as much as we love lisa but she's you know wearing her pantyhose and her, you know, her hand is on her hip of her pantsuit and Brandy walks in all nipping out. And it's just kind of like there's clearly like a generational difference here. And it just does seem kind of like the old ladies are like, who are these whippersnappers? Well, I think more of the issue is the fact that the older women tend to have a little bit more going on in their lives just in general. Like Shane Lamas, I mean, what does she she what could she possibly have going on in her life
Starting point is 00:06:48 she'll be like remember laurie's daughters who are like sitting around like working for some sort of like oc energy girl drinks yeah i mean like that's what she'd be doing she'd be like well i'm gonna try to get my acting career together you know and it's like there's gonna be no substance not that any of these women have a lot of substance but there's like there's usually something going on and and shane lamas i guarantee you like she's got nothing going on not even like a trip to the gyno will be interesting with her i went to go see cocoon for jessica tandy not steve gutenberg i want old old ladies and that lamas girl is dumb as a brick i watched her on that llama show and it was embarrassing to the youth of america yeah okay well look we don't know that it's necessarily true because again i was reading this on wikipedia four minutes ago but i'm saying it's breaking news
Starting point is 00:07:33 well it is breaking news and it's broken me i'll tell you that much okay the only other thing i wanted to bring up quickly before we move on to jersey is Andy Cohen. He is everywhere this week because his new book, Most Talkative, is out for sale right now. I think that he's actually, he has a book party tonight, I believe, in West Hollywood at Lisa Vanderpump's Sir, which, you know, we should clearly go crash after we get off this podcast. Crash? You mean you didn't get an invite also? I didn't get an invite, sorry. But get an invite sorry um but anyway the weird thing is his book is getting amazing reviews and yes clearly it could be all the pas on watch what happens live like signing into amazon but it actually is getting you know it's it's being
Starting point is 00:08:17 well what are they saying about it well they're saying that it's actually like kind of heartwarming in the sense that the beginning of the book is talking about him growing up in St. Louis and being in the closet and having to struggle with all of that and struggle with being cross-eyed. But I don't know. Do we care about Andy Cohen? Do I need to cry for Andy Cohen because he's so rich and all he has is Hank Festy? I think people actually do like him and they probably will read this on the beach and whatever. My favorite part of that news cycle was that he was thinking of quitting the Housewives to become a real talk show host. And that, wow, I just hope that that's not.
Starting point is 00:08:59 Yeah, I mean, I just, God bless him, because the guy actually does seem really nice. So every time I slam him, I do feel kind of bad. Like, not that anyone cares what I think anyway, but I feel kind of bad because he seems so nice. But, God, that guy's terrible at what he does. He's just terrible. Like, get him out of there. But, you know, he seems very nice. He's improved a lot, though.
Starting point is 00:09:19 Begrudgingly, I must say that. Yeah, but here's the thing, Ben. As he's improved, we've also started to, like, get a little tired of him and do we need him on five nights a week? So at the same time, it's just kind of like has he, you know, jumped the shark? Are we kind of done? Like shouldn't he just go back to, like, one or two days a week? You know, I can barely watch a full episode of Watch What Happens. So, like, to say, like, should he go back go back to like two times a week like i would
Starting point is 00:09:47 prefer like a five minute interstitial in the middle of the show i think that would i would be fine with just that you mean that's the 40 minute mark in the show where we get like a one second clip of like alexis doing something stupid with her children why don't we just replace that with a brief andy cohen interlude yeah why not And then it will get cut off at the end the way all his other promos are. He's like, so we'll be here a lot. Then you're like, okay, well, he still doesn't have the timing down, but that's okay. But that being said, I mean if you look about where the show was, when it first started, it was the biggest train wreck ever. He would sit there.
Starting point is 00:10:18 Remember, he would sweat like crazy. He would have sweat dripping down his forehead, more awkward pauses than he can even imagine. And now there's only like a few awkward pauses and not much sweat. So good for him. That's true. That's true. Well, we'll give him some credit. But I do think that we should possibly consider buying the book and then maybe doing a little book club so that we can –
Starting point is 00:10:41 Wait, wait, wait. We have to read something. We have to read something? Yes, it does require reading. I guarantee you there will be lots of photos. I wait. We have to read something. We have to read something? Yes, it does require reading. I guarantee you there will be lots of photos. I don't know how to read anymore, okay? Every time I watch these shows, I lose a word from my brain.
Starting point is 00:10:55 My vocabulary decreases a little bit. To be honest, I actually did get the book on CD at work, so you can listen to it. On CD? Yeah. Wait, but who's reading it? Is he reading it? He is reading it. Oh my god, that's
Starting point is 00:11:08 hilarious. Okay, well we might have to consider partaking slightly so that we can talk to our lovely listeners out there right now because if they're listening to us babble right now, half of them must be listening to Andy Cohen's book on CD. I can only imagine what his book on CD must sound like. He'll be like,
Starting point is 00:11:26 you guys, growing up was really hard. Oh my god. But it was so fun. I had so much hair. Oh my god. I will say this. I did get free from work the Patty Stanger book on CD,
Starting point is 00:11:41 and it kind of changed my world. Why do they keep sending you these books on CDs? Who listens to books on CDs anymore? Who reads? I know. Why do they even have this medium, okay? They should just be listening to podcasts. I still read.
Starting point is 00:11:54 I read diet books and self-help books to go to sleep. Please tell me one of those books is not Bethany Frankel's – any one of Bethany Frankel's books to be honest. You mean like Skinny Dipping? No. No, that's a novel. Whatever her name is. Faith Brightstone. Anyway.
Starting point is 00:12:14 I don't need to read about complaining too. Like I try and get away from that in my books. I like reading like how you're only supposed to eat protein or, you know, like Buddha quotes. That shit puts me right to sleep. You know whose books you need to borrow? Gigi's from the Shaws of Sunset because her book library had every amazing self-help book ever published. I have most of those. And they all smell like pomegranate seeds.
Starting point is 00:12:40 What? Persian cuisine. They smell like diamond water. Please get it together that's awesome all right well let's move on we need to move on to the real housewives of new jersey again it was episode four on sunday night and um again theresa you know pissed people off i don't know how anybody can be on her team but before we get to her discussion with her brother joe which was at the end of the episode let's start things off let's start with caroline because mama is sweating profusely oh well she's going through menopause
Starting point is 00:13:16 you know what i guess i feel bad for anybody who's going through menopause because that's a lot of shit to deal with but listen bitch i do not want to hear about any i don't even want to know you have sex yeah i know she didn't go too far into it but please please enough joe and joe midget joe and uh fat blown up midget joe are enough well i don't mind when i don't mind when joe gorga talks about sex um i mind more when joe judice talks about sex and i mind the most Joe Gorga talks about sex. I mind more when Joe Giudice talks about sex. And I mind the most when Caroline talks about sex. But at least she's the only one of all these people who says, you know what? My sex life is personal and I don't need to be talking about it.
Starting point is 00:13:55 Thank you. As opposed to Teresa last season. That typical Caroline saying, I don't talk about it after she just told us they kept a private apartment to fuck. And then we had to watch her husband squeeze her vagina and make her sniff her finger. Thank you because they showed them walking into their sex shack and I'm sorry, right? You could just start smelling it. That's typical Caroline. Like, oh, I don't talk about sex after I just put that image in your head.
Starting point is 00:14:16 I don't start fights after she just started a fight. Whatever. I was just shocked that their little love shack didn't have like – wasn't full of like checkerboard accessories. Am I the only one who noticed that in her kitchen that everything is checkerboard? She does love a checkerboard in her regular house. It drives me nuts. I noticed as soon as I said that that you guys were silent. Like you had no idea why I was on checkerboards. I have never noticed that before.
Starting point is 00:14:38 Look at it now. She's got like little jars and like I think her backsplash. It's like checkerboard on everything and it drives me nuts it's very cracker barrel yeah it is very cracker barrel it's like it's very brownstone very marshall's home section yeah that's actually exactly what it is she found like a set somewhere at marshall's and hey i'm not bashing marshall's but no but people drive a jag to marshall's like fuck you get your range rover out to Marshalls, okay? You have no right to be here.
Starting point is 00:15:08 Let's talk about this. If you're having some menopause issues, like, you know, we go through tough things in our lives, but nobody's buying me an $80,000 Jaguar to get over it. Listen, this is the same family. That's the least if I've ever seen one. Yeah. the same family at least if i've ever seen one yeah this this family by the way their whole thing is that they just throw very fancy cars at problems so like when ashley like failed in life they gave her a jeep wrangler and they took it away and then they gave it back to her and now caroline is failing in menstruation so she gets a nice car i don't know her husband is probably
Starting point is 00:15:43 doing a helicopter on his wiener for like how many hookers up in that private room. You know he's doing something wrong if you bought her a Jag. Thank you. I'm sorry, but there is no way that Albert is not getting some on the side from like the waitstaff at the Brownstone. You never know. You never know. Allegedly, right? Allegedly.
Starting point is 00:16:02 Okay. Caroline was barely in this life if this was real life and a woman got a drag from her husband for no reason we would see some investigation we could see some email stalking the show needs to be more realistic damn it i'm glad you brought that up that's that's a good point to have. Yes, Matt. Okay, so can we start... Matt, can we talk about Teresa now because you made a comment that you said you don't understand how anybody's on her side.
Starting point is 00:16:34 No, we can't talk about her yet. Why not? You guys will hear how I'm on her side. Clearly, Ronnie's getting upset, so I want to let it stew for a second. So before we talk about Kathy's tragic party where she has no friends, let's quickly – I bought hot dogs. I bought hot dogs.
Starting point is 00:16:53 Excuse me. Excuse me. Can you please stop using the internet while you're trying to talk, robot? Yeah. Every time Ronnie surfs on the internet, his voice becomes a robot and he's outed. He's outed to us. Sorry, everything's off now. Okay, so quickly, before we move on to that party,
Starting point is 00:17:10 let's quickly talk about Jacqueline's awkward Skype conversation with Ashley, who now lives in Las Vegas. Okay, so Jacqueline, I'm sorry. People are like, oh, Team Jacqueline, she's so nice. She's a terrible mother. I'm sorry. She gets on there and she starts making snide jokes about how she – well, you know, at first I didn't really miss you.
Starting point is 00:17:29 But then it's like why would you say that? Even like – even if it's like a sarcastic joke. It wasn't a joke. It wasn't a joke. I mean she's being generous. She hates Ashley and Ashley is deserving of all that hate. She's saying these things to her daughter on national tv and it's like that's humiliating for ashley not that ashley i mean look ashley's humiliating for mankind okay
Starting point is 00:17:50 that bitch is getting a paycheck don't cry for her who's getting a paycheck ashley's getting a paycheck too they're all but i'm saying like if jacquison you're wondering where did i go wrong where did i go wrong where you went wrong is talking shit about your daughter on tv she didn't go wrong anywhere because she was smart and she married a rich dude who gave her two new babies, a glamorous house, and a glamorous lifestyle. And if that means Ashley has to fall by the wayside as Jacqueline climbs that mountain, so be it because guess what? Not everybody can climb that mountain. That dog agrees with you. Yeah, Bueller totally agrees with that.
Starting point is 00:18:22 That dog agrees with you. Yeah, Bueller totally agrees with that. Well, I think she's a horrible mother because she Skypes in to the sister-in-law of hers who's like 12 years old, by the way. What was that? We didn't know this. So she Skypes in to this young chick who's like, hold on. Ashley's finishing that house she's building for children in Africa. We're just reassembling it to ship it off at the post office.
Starting point is 00:18:48 Be right back. And Jackie's like, oh, my God. She's doing important. Yeah, it's called fucking discipline. Someone is making your daughter earn her keep. That girl was actually doing something. She's like, Ashley's researching. You are crazy. In the background, they didn't show it, but, like, clearly Ashley was just sitting in the background with her colored pencils trying to draw a new logo for Lauren Manzo's face.
Starting point is 00:19:12 Oh. It's going to be around. I'm telling you. Face by Lauren Manzo is going to take over. Oh, yeah. I'm sure. Now, here's the thing with Jacqueline that sort of annoyed me in last night's episode. It's not really her fault.
Starting point is 00:19:24 It's Bravo's fault. They start talking about Dina, Dina Manzo, and Jacqueline says, well, you know, Dina and I aren't talking. And they don't explain. And, like, how do they not explain that? Like, I am very curious to know what the hell is going on. Do you guys know why they're not talking? Well, I honestly think that, like, it's something that's, like, really deep's like really deep seated between like Caroline and Dina. And I feel like Caroline said something to Bravo in her contract and was like, if you want me back, I'm the matriarch of this show, blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:19:54 If you want me, there will be no full disclosure on the Dina scary situation that's going on. And it's pissing me off because clearly it's the juiciest thing going on. Yeah. And they've been mentioning it. I mean, you know, since's the juiciest thing going on. Yeah, and they've been mentioning it. I mean, you know what? Since season one, this has been going on. This has been going on when Caroline pointed at Danielle and was like, you know, at the reunion, and was like, you know what you did, blah, blah, blah, blah, and the rumors about Lexi at that time.
Starting point is 00:20:17 And now, and then at the last reunion that we had, Caroline mentioned that she and Dina are in a fight, but we didn't get any clarification on that. Well, look, we have to take solace in the fact that in the preview for the entire season, we did see that Dina does appear. So that right there alone is making me super hard. Well, whoa. Yeah. Wow. And I thought Ronnie was the one with the holy pants right now.
Starting point is 00:20:41 You cannot tell me you're not super excited to get some Dina in the mix. I mean, the hairless cat might be making a cameo. Well, this is really tempting me to make a dirty joke to go alongside your proclamation of the fact that you're hard. But I will not mention a hairless pussy in the process. Oh, God. I know. Well, Matt started it. Matt started it.
Starting point is 00:21:03 Okay. Both of you. I just heard everybody now. I was talking about a cat. Okay. It Well, Matt started it. Matt started it, okay? Both of you. I just heard everybody now. I was talking about a cat, okay? It was a euphemism. I was talking about a cat. I was talking about Grandma Wrinkles. Okay, before we move on to the pool party spectacular, which was so not spectacular, we just have to say one last thing.
Starting point is 00:21:20 Jacqueline's trainer, go. Oh, well. Wait a second. What was this Jacqueline's trainer? Where did we see her? I was popping popcorn through part of this. She came over to help Jacqueline and Teresa do, like, a workout session together, and the Bravo cameras kept pointing to her purse,
Starting point is 00:21:37 which had a screw-top bottle of wine just laying in it. Oh, was she the one that was playing a video game on the phone? She's probably the one that put Lauren Manzo on that cereal diet three seasons ago. She actually reminded me of myself when we did our live podcast and I showed up with a screw bottle of
Starting point is 00:21:58 Skinny Girl cocktails in my bag. So my man purse always has a bottle of alcohol. I'm not judging her, but I thought she was hilarious because she was clearly drunk while she was trying to train them. Yeah, classic Jersey, I suppose. Yeah, normally that shows so classy. Yeah. Normally everyone's like really like the epitome of professionalism.
Starting point is 00:22:18 So it's kind of shocking that this trainer would come in. But before we move on from dina i would like to point out that anytime anybody on this show finds success everybody else starts hating them that's true so i don't think that dina probably did all that much um caroline is a jealous cow yeah and she brings all the other little yeah all the other little hags along with her so was caroline that upset that dina got a terrible one season hgtv program that got canceled it didn't get canceled is it still on she just tweeted um she's on my jersey list you guys if you want to steal it but she just tweeted um i think yesterday she's like wow
Starting point is 00:22:58 just finished another event and we really outdid ourselves this time i can't wait for you guys to see it so i think that means she's still doing her stupid parties. Has anyone actually seen that show? Yeah, I have. I saw the first one. Yeah, I watched part of the first season. It was terrible. She doesn't.
Starting point is 00:23:14 It always amused me that she had Interior Designer as one of her many titles, and her house was a disaster. Her house was the biggest hoarder shithole I have ever seen. Well, this isn't really a design show. It's more of a party planning show. Slash organizing. Like they love to go buy like 299 baskets from TJ Maxx and like put magazines in them. Yeah, and she's really mean to everybody about their homes. She's like, that is hideous.
Starting point is 00:23:43 What were you thinking when you bought that that is embarrassing get it out so that makes me want to watch it it's like it's my mom's you know it was my mom's before she died and she's like well your mother has terrible taste put it in the garage get it out of my face there's no way there's no way i would ever let a cast member from the real housewives of new jersey tell me what looks good and what looks bad okay from the real housewives of New Jersey, tell me what looks good and what looks bad. These people are idiots.
Starting point is 00:24:07 This from the guy who accessorizes with a Zach Morris cell phone in his living room. The Zach Morris cell phone I moved into my bedroom. So there. I guess I have a classy apartment now, don't I? I'm jealous. If you die,
Starting point is 00:24:23 the only thing I want is that cell phone. Well, it's too too bad it's been entrusted to the smithsonian well wasn't dina dina was the one who went on um that show from the the fat guy who designed for drag queens on project runway chris march chris march he went on chris march march's show and she's like i need an outfit for something very important i forgot what what it was. And he made it out of, like, street pavement. It was like rocks. It was like some kind of really thick sandpaper. Oh, my gosh. She was just fuming.
Starting point is 00:24:56 It was amazing. Caroline's like, it needs more checkerboard. It needs more checkerboard. Yeah. It's like laying a pothole, skank. Do we get to – are we ever going to be able to talk about this pool party? Let's talk about the pool party, which was highlighted by Rosie's belly flop. That's all that really mattered.
Starting point is 00:25:12 And the guys totally making fun of her and the kids. Yeah. That was the best part, honestly. Like I could have had just that one moment and the show would have been a success for me. Okay. Well, let me ask you guys this. Do you think that Caroline and Jacqueline, uh, bitched out of the party because they didn't want to,
Starting point is 00:25:30 um, interfere or they wanted to have like, you know, a drama free zone for, um, Joe and Teresa to talk or do they, are they really not good friends with Kathy? Like,
Starting point is 00:25:40 why were they not there? I don't even think it's as altruistic as that. They want to like leave space for these people to get back together. If anything, they love to meddle and make people have conversations. They probably just punked out because they're like, God, Teresa is such a fucking bitch. I don't want to see her face. I don't think so. I think Caroline didn't go because of the kids, and she was probably afraid they'd all leave her babysitting them or something. Like they did in Italy or on that boat or wherever they were.
Starting point is 00:26:06 You guys hate those kids. And I think that Jackie didn't go because she was afraid, as she should be, that she was going to get her ass in trouble if she had to be around both those women at one time. Because they were going to put her right on the spot and make her explain herself. By the way, I was really amused by Kathy who was trying to instigate a talk between um theresa and joe who continued a feud and kathy says you know i don't really want to be in the middle but you know i i would like to be the glue for this conversation like what the fuck do you think glue is it's something that goes in the middle of two things together what the fuck do you think i love you kathy she's like i don't want to be in the middle but i'd like to be the books in between these bookends yeah and she's like i don't want to be in the middle but
Starting point is 00:26:48 i'd like to place myself in a proximity that's equidistant between these two parties i'd like to be a ball being held by two hands um and by the way can she please was anybody else like like scared her breasts were scary oh yeah i was not scared of her breasts i don't look at their breasts i mean i'm so disturbed that you guys have all this calm all these comments on their breasts all the time i was why are you looking at them because they're always falling out of whatever tankini they are wearing my eyes just don't naturally do that in real life they don't either and when they do i'm so mortified I think I turn purple Like you know how when you're online
Starting point is 00:27:28 Sometimes at Starbucks and someone's boobs are just right in your face Oh so embarrassing It's like the story of my life I always get boobs in my face I'm like ah I got them out of my face already Well okay here's what I wanted to say about the party This cast is so hateful That they're making me side with Teresa. What did
Starting point is 00:27:45 Teresa really do at the end of the day? She called Melissa a gold digger. She called her that last year, too. Who cares? Melissa probably is a gold digger. Well, but it's still not nice of her to say it either time. Well, so what? Melissa said horrible things about
Starting point is 00:28:01 Teresa the whole time, too. But it's more than that she called her a gold digger. A gold digger says that Melissa married you only for your money. But now she's saying she will leave you for someone else, which is in a way almost even worse. It's a subtle difference, but it's still different. No, no, no. That's the big difference, Ben, because everyone has said that Melissa is a gold digger. That's fine, and that's been out there for a while but when theresa you know kicked it up a notch by saying but she would
Starting point is 00:28:29 leave you for another dude that's where joe really getting credit she did say she'd leave you for a richer dude that's a lot different right she probably also should have said a taller dude and a dude with more hair i was really enjoying the talk between theresa and midget joe because their their way of fighting is so hilarious they're both so stupid neither one of them can string a sentence together and it's like a fight with two or three commercial breaks in it and every time it goes back to it they're just like uh why you said that i didn't say nothing yes you did you say stuff to your husband i do not yes you do that's bull you totally do he texts me oh that's not true it was solstices it's like oh will you do that again but use the word ingredients
Starting point is 00:29:19 here's the thing the thing is this um yeah this is not like a battle of wits this is not the second coming of like abraham lincoln versus whoever he debated famously i'm not saying i'm a bad i'm not a great wit either but but the point is this though um i think at least joe has a you can reason with him a little bit more than Teresa. Teresa has her blinders on, and all she cares about is attacking back. If she senses that she's being attacked, if he accuses her of anything, she doesn't listen. She just snaps back and gets nowhere. And it's sort of funny watching Joe and sort of sad. He always has this wide-eyed, slashed, crushed look in his eyes where it's like he just found out that someone broke his favorite toy.
Starting point is 00:30:10 You almost can see him being like, but, but. You know, like the heartache he has is very – It's not heartache. It's drugs. He's completely drugged out of his mind. He's bloodshot. He's got tears in his eyes at all times. He's not crying. He can be stoned his eyes at all times. He's not crying.
Starting point is 00:30:25 He can be stoned and have... He is dead-eyed like nobody's business. Yeah, he's totally glazed over. That guy looks like he's about to slip into a coma. And don't forget the first episode that he was in was that christening episode where he was flipping tables and screaming at the top of his lungs and ruining
Starting point is 00:30:42 his own child's christening. So, I don't buy it. But either way though, I mean like, he's trying to talk to Teresa. Okay, but Ben, let me ask you this. Why does he care so much that, like, everything that he was saying during this fight, like, every sentence ended with, but I want my kids to have a relationship. Like, I want her to love my kids. I want her to be a good aunt to my kids. She's fucking crazy. Why would you want her around your children?
Starting point is 00:31:05 Well, because they believe in family. I actually felt the whole thing about, like, why don't you be a good aunt or this or that. I felt like that was a weird tactic to take. I think he was doing that to sort of create sympathy or something because that's not what this is about. This isn't about aunts or whatever. It's about the fact that Teresa is, is like a bitch and is a bitch to Melissa all the time and that he basically wants her to stop being a bitch.
Starting point is 00:31:30 Well, Melissa's a bitch to her too. She's just acting on TV a little bit. The difference is though, I've always said this, Melissa has her little petty digs and everything, but I feel like she's been pushed to that place. She has dealt with this deluded woman for years and she just can't help but make passive aggressive barbs
Starting point is 00:31:52 possibly but that's all that we've seen is of her alone we don't see her with her witch sisters do you remember when those sisters were on last year and they were just like sniveling behind her back like i love i love when she's with her sisters. It's like when Cinderella is on the same side as the Wicked Stepsisters. They are evil and they are definitely like – don't get me wrong. Like I miss them because they make for good TV. But like Melissa is not the saint that she is painting this season. She may not be a saint but she's certainly a hell of a better person and communicator than Teresa. And Teresa, you know where she gets her
Starting point is 00:32:25 advice from? From Joe, Joe Giudice, who sits there and makes fun of every single person in her family. Like, yeah, you don't need any of them. You only need me. You only need me. This is after, of course, he walks into the room and is like, yeah, I'm going to take a big fat dump. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:41 He's so gross. And then the kick, I'm sorry, he is not a good kickboxer he can't even lift his leg he got taken down by richie okay enough said exactly well also he goes for every single low blow he can't just say your brother's jealous or whatever he has to be like your brother's a midget he's probably gay yes your cousin looks like a frog rosie's butcher than rosie he's gotta go his middle name is josephine josephine yeah yeah he's a girl trash too but when when we were watching theresa and her brother have their conversation last night i mean the scary thing is i kind of felt like Juicy was smarter than both of them combined.
Starting point is 00:33:31 From Wondery, this is Black History For Real. I'm Francesca Ramsey. And I'm Conscious Lee. What do most people think about when they hear the words Black History? Rosa Parks, Reconstruction, MLK, February, Black History Month. Exactly, exactly. There are so many stories of black history that we just are not really talking about or thinking about, especially outside of February. And we are about to flip the script on all of that. Because on this show, you're going to hear a little less.
Starting point is 00:34:02 In August 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue. And a little bit more. She is a heroine to some. As a fighter for black rights, she is a villain to others. Follow Black History for Real on the Wondery app or wherever you get your podcasts. Listen everywhere on February 5th, or you can listen early and ad-free on Wondery Plus starting January 29th. Join Wondery Plus on the Wondery app or on Apple Podcasts. Black is beautiful. Wondery Plus on the Wondery app or on Apple Podcasts. Black is beautiful.
Starting point is 00:34:25 Academy is a new scripted podcast that follows Ava Richards, played by HBO's Industries' Myhala Harreld, a brilliant scholarship student who has to quickly adapt to her newfound eat-or-be-eaten world. Ava's ambitions take hold and her small-town values break in hopes of becoming the first scholarship student to make The List, Bishop Gray's all-coveted academic top 10, curated by the headmaster himself. But after realizing she has no chance at The List
Starting point is 00:34:51 on her own, she reluctantly accepts an invitation to a secret underground society that pulls the strings on campus life and academic success. If she bends to their will, she'll have everything she's ever dreamed of. But at what cost? Academy takes you into the world of a cutthroat private school where power, money, and sex collide in a game of life and death. Follow Academy on the Wondery app or wherever you get your podcasts. You can binge all episodes of Academy early and ad-free right now by joining Wondery Plus. No, I feel like Joe Gorga is smarter than Juicy and Teresa. Juicy and Teresa live in a fantasy world. That's the big difference.
Starting point is 00:35:34 None of these people may be that bright, but at least I don't think Joe and Melissa are like deluded. I think that Teresa and Joe Giudice are literally living in a world of denial and of craziness. Okay, I will give you that. And before we move on to OC, one last question for you guys. Did you guys think it was hilarious that Richie was
Starting point is 00:35:54 telling his children not to invite their friends to that pool party because he was like, you guys are already, you should be mortified that you're on the show in the first place, but let's not tell mom, but don't invite your friends. Yeah. Well, he knew it was going to happen, and sure enough sure enough i mean it wasn't as bad as it could have been yeah but theresa running around the house going oh god this is ridiculous what a cunt yeah yeah she literally she literally got into her car i was like what a fucking cunt sister and pretty bad kind of hoping for some more melania insanity i didn't get enough of that
Starting point is 00:36:23 i know i thought she was going to drown. Oh, next week it looks like we've got some Gia action, though. Yeah, Gia looks like she's – but the thing is this, though. Whenever Gia cries, it's heartbreaking because it's like the human toll of this tragedy. Oh, my God. Ben, will you serenade us with a little bit of Gia's song from last year? Was that the one that was – it wasn't something like, I wake up in the morning and no one's there. I can't see my Uncle Joe or something like that. Was that an amazing pizza birthday party?
Starting point is 00:36:51 And it was just like, and then I was crying. You were, you fucking wuss. That whole thing was her becoming her mother and getting camera time. Who writes a song to sing at their goddamn birthday about her mom not getting along with her uncle? Give me a break. That kid is going to be worse than every woman I've had. As Caroline would say, she's crying
Starting point is 00:37:13 out for help, and no one was helping her. I personally like the musical work of Jillian Staub, who penned the famous song, You're my sister, I love you, you're my sister. We all remember that one, right?
Starting point is 00:37:30 Oh, I could never forget it. It's on the iPod. Yeah, as it should be. By the way, related Twitter news. Yes. Danielle Staub. From the Twitter desk. Holy underwear here.
Starting point is 00:37:44 Danielle Staub tweeted the other day thank you everyone for all your nice uh comments and your nice tweets i will be coming back soon to where like to the sail rack at posh i don't know i thought she was still stripping at the whatever that place was what is that place yeah she can only wish she'd get into spearmint rhino yeah no kidding wait ronnie i didn't think you knew anything about boobs what i don't okay speaking of boobs let's move down to glamorous orange county and vicky and her fun bags and her whole disaster because I'll be honest though somebody else is gonna have to drive this bus because OC is so boring to me right now I
Starting point is 00:38:31 completely zone out I'm actually not bored by it at all I actually really do enjoy it um oddly enough I I'm I'm not bored whatsoever I thought it was sort of fun watching Vicky in the wake of the news that her daughter got eloped. I really enjoyed watching her head explode over the course of the hour. I loved when she went on this rant and she says, Vicky took from me
Starting point is 00:38:57 I wasn't able to help out with the dress or help out with the wedding or pick the flowers or pick the food. Brianna took that from me. Doesn't she realize it's not just about her? And at that moment I was like, okay, this is exactly why Brianna got eloped. You just listed every single reason that she eloped. Exactly. I don't get to help with the wedding.
Starting point is 00:39:19 I don't get to pick out her dress. I don't get to pick out her bridesmaid's dresses. I don't get to pick out her five options for her wedding for food. I don't get to help her pick out her dress. I don't get to pick out her bridesmaid's dresses. I don't get to pick out her five options for her wedding for food. I don't get to help her pick out her two pigs. I don't get to help her pick out the man. It's like, don't run, Brianna, run. Is this Vicky or is this
Starting point is 00:39:35 Kim Zolciak's crazy fucking mom? Well, she doesn't put in any effort, that woman. That woman's just like, do whatever you want, Kimmy. Don't mess with the glass pipe. That's mama's. That woman was just like, do whatever you want, Kimmy. Don't mess with the glass pipe. That's mama's. That glass pipe is dinner for me. Anyway, I, you know, I mean, gosh, Vicky is crazy.
Starting point is 00:39:56 And then, you know, we had this past week was Brooks meeting the kids for the first time. Okay, here's what I got to say about Brooks. This whole season, people have been saying, oh, he's such a grifter he's such a grifter i haven't honestly truly felt it i felt like whatever he's just a guy but then this week was the first week where i was like uh oh yeah he's a con artist yeah he what took you so long he's been a con artist from the get-go i don't know i guess i was i was hoping for love well bravo has been very tricky because that's what they you know they they know how to produce these shows by now and they know what he is and they're just kind of tricking us all until they expose his ass yeah well because it's pretty sad to watch that well i mean everybody knows except Vicky. So for people who don't remember, what happened was that Brooks meets Michael and Brianna.
Starting point is 00:40:50 And first he pulls Michael aside and he's like, yeah, from everything that your mother has told me, you're a great kid. And I can see right now you're a great kid. And how about your sister getting eloped? Huh? Huh? Huh? And Michael is like, whoa, I don't even know you. And then fast forward to the end of the show and Brooks is telling the kids like, you know, you are great kids.
Starting point is 00:41:11 Like I love you guys. Like you guys are wonderful, wonderful people. I can already tell you are like just sensational people. And you're like, what is it? This guy literally met them for five minutes. What is he talking about? Well, when he told Vicky that he loves about well when he's like i really love your kids really really because you haven't even met brianna yet all he loves is vicky's pot of gold and i do
Starting point is 00:41:34 not mean her vagina like her literal pot of gold and crawfish the end yeah i feel every dime she has made at kodurakaza insurance yes i think that brianna said it perfectly you know he's obviously just from reading the tabloids he's obviously got all this debt to his children he's been to jail for that and still hasn't paid it off and now he just shows up once every couple of weeks uh where vicky's buying all of his clothes i mean that's from tommy bahama tragic yeah in the uh i've i started doing the coming next week videos again where i do voiceovers of all the coming next week segments so i'll plug that you guys go to tvgasm and look at the video section but in that part for vicky i was just like mom you've got square tits and a beaver face. All right. He's totally with you for your money.
Starting point is 00:42:26 Wake up. By the way, I watched it and I was peeing my pants because then you cut to Vicky talking back to Brianna. And the only thing she was saying is insurance, insurance, insurance, insurance. And I was dying. That's the only thing I can ever think of for Vicky. That's all she has to say. Speaking of marrying for the money, Slade wants to wants to pop the question with gretchen and uh first he asked um gretchen's dad for his blessing and i wouldn't say that he truly got it would you guys say that well poor
Starting point is 00:42:57 oh poor slade i mean he really he really tried to have like a nice romantic scene, went on a nice bike ride with the future in-law and just got shot down. That was awesome. Yeah. You know, he's such a slime ball. But he's not as much of a slime ball. Don't you think he's just kind of like really pathetic this season? No, he's a slime ball. He's trying to get alimony from his ex-wife.
Starting point is 00:43:21 He's a slime ball. Okay? Yeah. He's trying to not only not pay get alimony from his ex-wife. He's a slimeball, okay? Yeah, he's trying to not only not pay his alimony, he's actually trying to turn the tables and get money from her. And he's basically living off Gretchen. She basically told Tamara this week that, I mean, the guide's not working. He's living off Tamara, and now she's supposed to take on all his debt. He knows what happens if they get married.
Starting point is 00:43:43 He knows that that debt is going to be hers. Do you honestly think that Slade is looking to have Gretchen clean up all of his bad credit? I actually think that he loves her. No, I don't. Oh, my God. I just really embarrassed myself right there, didn't I? You did. Well, probably like the sixth time this podcast.
Starting point is 00:44:04 But here's the thing go ahead and trample me right now i will no i mean he's a slime ball i i don't think that he i think he um i think he likes her for sure i think that basically um she's hot so there's that you know she's on tv so that's good for him she money, so that's great also. So why not? So he probably thinks he loves her. But this is not a good romance. Got to pause right there. Do you really think that the Gretchen Christine Beauté line and handbag collection is bringing in that much money?
Starting point is 00:44:36 I don't think that this girl has a dime to her name. Her house is filled with nasty, hideous, Florida-ly bullshit from Ross Dress for Less. nasty, hideous, Florida-ly bullshit from Ross Dress for Less. I don't think that Jeff, the dead former fiancé, left her with any money except maybe a ring. And her house is like a rental in
Starting point is 00:44:54 Nowheresville. I don't think she has money. But she's still a cast member. She does commercials. She has random... She gets more money than Slade does. Yeah, she probably makes... Fox 5, don't forget. She probably makes a quarter of a million from Housewives. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:45:10 Then she's got her endorsement deals, which are probably like, what, half a million to a million. Yeah. Then she's got all the other stuff, which is probably coming around. And then, you know, she's got those album sales. So that's like two million right there. I would guess she's making a couple of million dollars at least a year. Her hair extensions cost $500,000 a year, and then she has to get her lips refilled. So I honestly don't think that girl is taking home more than $250,000 a year.
Starting point is 00:45:36 But either way, she's taking home $250,000, and Slade is taking home like some food stamps. Slade is taking 10% of that. And you have to also remember her fat dogs are eating $50,000 worth of food every year. Her dogs are about to explode. Alright, we don't make fun of the dogs on this show. I'm drawing a line.
Starting point is 00:45:58 Drawing the line there. Matt, don't overlook the allure of fame, okay? Like, she brings fame to Slade. Without, like, her, he's not on a TV show. Right, and he's not booking gigs at the improv. Yeah, I think that's all he's ever wanted. He worked his way back in there.
Starting point is 00:46:16 It's no coincidence that he started dating another housewife. I mean, come on. That guy's just a pig. And, you know, I feel bad for her because she obviously does kind of love him because, first of all, she believes everything that she's saying, that he's telling her. And second, she stopped calling him Chubba Wubba and he's still Chubba Wubba. Yeah, he is still Chubba Wubba. I mean, look, I'm going to say this. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:46:38 They have fun together. I'm not going to deny that. They do look like they have fun and they play around, they horse around. But I just question all of his ulterior motives. No, I question them too. I guess the only – the weird thing for me is the only person on the cast that I don't absolutely hate – and, of course, this is – I love Brianna, but she's not a real cast member. The only person I don't loathe with all of my being is Gretchen. So in some fucked up way, I'm rooting for her.
Starting point is 00:47:03 But I guess – I think it would actually be more fun to see her single and dating like a guy that's actually better than Slade but again I'm sounding like a crazy person that actually cares about these people you have to understand that two wrongs don't make a right but they date a lot
Starting point is 00:47:20 and she's done the same thing that he's done she was dating some old guy who had money and she was totally living off of him. She can say she loved him or whatever. Give me a break. She's like some 20-year-old with some nasty-ass old man. So I think that part of her, she has some grifter in her too. I mean look at all this stuff that's going down, how she's like, oh, well, Slade's just being mean, but I don't want him to be mean to the girls.
Starting point is 00:47:46 Like, give me a break. You don't think she's coming home every night complaining about those girls and starting shit and sticking him on them like an angry fat chihuahua? I'm just sad. I'm just sad that there wasn't a lot of prominent Alexis Bellino this week. That's a shame. That is a shame. Because she brings the hilarity. Although there was a prominent chin
Starting point is 00:48:06 in that Jim did show up for this wine event that they had. So that was nice. And that was actually funny. So Tamara and Vicky, who are known for their haute couture interests, decided to have
Starting point is 00:48:21 a wine club and they held it at a penthouse in Irvine. So, you know, it's real fancy. Fancy. And it was great because they were all, like, I think Gretchen was, like, dropped, like, blue cheese into her wine or something and was, like, picking it out. And Heather was sitting there, you know, all highfalutin and could not believe these women. You know, I like Heather. I'm enjoying Heather's.
Starting point is 00:48:43 You piss me off so much because you like her it really bothers me she is a fucking horrible person she's no she's just a bitch that's all i don't think she's horrible i see i see a little evil gerbil faced flower in her i cannot wait until she buds yeah or until she blooms rather she's She's going to be a very, very homely, bitter flower when she blooms. I can't wait. Yeah, we – this is just the calm before the storm. She is going to mature like one of the fine wines that they had at this party. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:15 She's as delusional as the rest of them with her scenes about talking about going to pilot season. Oh, my God. What if I book this show? Is it single camera? Oh, yeah. It's totally single camera oh my god babe that means long shooting hours look i know that she had work in the 80s i'm not i'm not gonna be ignorant and pretend that she's never worked but come on bitch stop fun every show she's been on was canceled after a hot second and nobody gave a fuck so she can't pretend. And you know what?
Starting point is 00:49:46 Good for her. Go to fucking Vancouver and shoot a shitty show pilot. That's not going to get picked up. Fine. Shut the fuck up. And I don't care about your big band career either. Well, I do care about that. And you know what?
Starting point is 00:49:56 I like her. Her husband is the best of this bunch. You sound like you want to get a piece. I don't want to get a piece, but I appreciate smart people. Yeah, I like him too. And he's like smart and funny and nice. like you want to get a piece i don't want to get a piece but i appreciate smart people yeah i like him too and he's like smart and funny and nice okay before i i'm a country club kid my parents when i was growing up um did quite well for a little while i was a poor kid and then a country club kid and then a poor kid again but while we were country club kids that's what all the women
Starting point is 00:50:22 were like and i just that's when i really learned to love fake people and that fake smile and that fake embrace. It just made me feel so fakely secure. And I take that. Yeah, definitely. I mean Heather can look you right in the face. She can look Gretchen right in the face and say, Gretchen, that performance was wonderful. Are you going to perform more? I mean that was just fantastic.
Starting point is 00:50:47 I'm so proud of you. That was a piece of shit, and she knows it. Yeah, and in her confessional, she was like the biggest bitch ever. Well, but she even stuck with it in her confessional. She stayed with the fakeness. She was like, oh, I was so proud of her. Yeah, but if Gretchen is so dumb that she can't see what's really going on when she's watching the season back, then I can no longer be Team Gretchen if she's that fucking stupid. Well, you can't be Team Gretchen because she's stupid enough to be entertaining Slade.
Starting point is 00:51:14 So that's the problem, really. That's the problem. Okay, okay. We're starting to run long here. What do you guys think? We don't have that many more episodes of OC, but the thing I'm excited for most, I suppose, for the next few weeks is the Brianna-Vicky fight that is going to go out of control bonkers and make Vicky almost jump off a bridge. Well, anything can make Vicky go bonkers and almost run off a bridge. She can find expired milk in her fridge, and she's ready to put a pistol to her head. Very good point.
Starting point is 00:51:45 But that being said, it's always fun when she freaks out. Don't you guys think that there is a very good possibility that she is going to blame her fight with Brianna on Gina Kehoe? Oh, of course, and I would love that. Maybe even Frankie, the former tenant. That is true. Well, you guys are being very positive, but there's a lot of this season left.
Starting point is 00:52:07 We're only on episode – we're about to be on episode 14, and Housewives have been going to 23 or 24 episodes. So does this mean that next month we're going to have Jersey on Sunday, New York on Monday, and OC on Tuesday? We'll have – I believe we'll have three weeks of overlap. Rumor has it. Can we talk about Around the World in 80 Plates since we're running out of time? Yes, we've got to talk about Around the World in 80 Plates. Before we get to that, am I the only one still watching Don't Be Tardy for the Wedding? I watch it for you today, but God, I hate it.
Starting point is 00:52:44 I love it. Can't do it. That just speaks today, but God, I hate it. I love it. Can't do it. That just speaks to your taste level, that's all. Okay, I see how it is. I just can't be happy for that woman. I just can't. I want to. I love her on Housewives of Atlanta. I laugh my ass off
Starting point is 00:53:00 on that show, but on this is just too much. It's rewarding stupidity too much. It like it's rewarding it's rewarding stupidity yeah too much it's a it's a genuinely stupid show although i i gotta give i gotta give real some credit because that's what i'm getting at he was he's gonna be a hottie when he turns 18 he will be hot but i was just thinking that i didn't say anything i don't know you know yes kim is a horrible person fine whatever but i actually do think that she is kind of a good mom dare i say yeah she's good to her kids you know except the fact that
Starting point is 00:53:29 she serves them chick-fil-a and taco bell and kfc every single night except for the fact that she was a whore through the first part of their childhood yeah okay let's stop talking about this because i can't ever get an inroads because you guys are fucking haters. So let's talk about Ben's favorite. Oh, sorry. You know, I don't hate her. I'm just saying that bitch is a hoe. You know, you can't be raising kids as a hoe and then turn around and act like you're the best mother in the world. Give me a break.
Starting point is 00:53:54 You could have gone. You could have stayed a nurse or whatever the hell it was you were doing. Here's the thing. The show, okay, the show, much like the podcast, has all these stupid arguments that really have nothing to do with anything. Like she starts getting mad at her hairstylist. They're yelling at each other. Okay. And then she's yelling at her mom because her mom bet this whole tasting thing.
Starting point is 00:54:13 They're just yelling and they're getting upset about things and there's all this drama. But at the core, there's like this big question, which is who cares? And that's why it's not a good show because it doesn't make you care. I am angry. I'm angry with Kim for the same reason I'm angry with homeless people. Okay? I could have – there was a time in my life where I could have been like, I'll just be a hoe. Fuck it.
Starting point is 00:54:33 I won't make any effort. I won't go work my ass off trying to wait tables to do what I'm trying to do. I'll just be a hoe. It's like the homeless people. You think I don't want to be standing around outside smoking cigarettes and drinking a bottle of wine every day? Fuck you! I agree. Okay, on that note, let's quickly discuss Bravo's new show, Around the World in 80 Plates, which I think sucks shit.
Starting point is 00:54:57 Go ahead, Ben. I thought it was, like, good. I didn't think it was great. I think it was very strange to me. It was strange that you have the first half is very amazing racy, and they're running, running, running, and then the show just grounds to halt, and then they've got to make dinner.
Starting point is 00:55:12 It just felt like... I like the idea of bringing an amazing race-type show to Bravo and cooking food in different countries and stuff, but it just felt like there was a lack of balance in the pacing of the show.
Starting point is 00:55:27 And then I didn't like the whole voting out each other. I wanted a panel to... They vote each other out? Yeah. It's all about backstabbery. Yeah. Oh, well then what's the point? Isn't it a cooking show?
Starting point is 00:55:44 Yeah, it's a cooking show, but then there's no, like, it is about backstabbing. It's like Survivor. See, Ronnie, doesn't this sound really awesome? Now, why did you hate it so much? I don't like watching people run. Well, here's my thing. Like, I just enjoyed the last season of Amazing Race, so, like, I could use a few weeks off from this shit and then the other thing is kat cora is the most boring fucking person to roam the earth i cannot stand her voice you know what that curtis stone i mean i hate and i'll admit it right up front that i'm just
Starting point is 00:56:17 flat out jealous of curtis stone because what has that guy ever done he's just gorgeous and they hand him whatever he wants i have seen no proof that he can cook. Not a shred. He's cocky. He's a cocky bastard. Yeah, he looks like a total asshole. But I do love that he's getting fat. Yeah, that always makes me feel bad about me getting fat.
Starting point is 00:56:36 No, but I mean, here's the thing. It's like, you know, I was along with it. I was enjoying it. You know, they had to run from place to place and eat the food and do this or that. And it's like, cool, this is fun, like food culture, et cetera, et cetera. And it's weird because on Top Chef they have these episodes. They had one this past season when they were in San Antonio and they had to run to these different restaurants and get ingredients and cook in a kitchen. Ingrediences. Ingrediences come in and but uh and that was really fun but here
Starting point is 00:57:10 i'll still watch but i felt it was like um they needed to do all they needed to sort of like uh it wasn't it wasn't ready for prime time yet you know okay well i will give it one or two more weeks but i will not be giving one or two weeks when it returns with season two is Pregnant in Heels starring Rosie Pope when the first episode talks about some chick eating her placenta. No thank you. Yeah. I see enough ignorant jackasses procreating in Los Angeles. I don't need to see it on my TV. The only reason I kind of like Rosie Pope is because she looks like Madeline Kahn.
Starting point is 00:57:46 R.I.P. Oh, Madeline Kahn. R.I.P. Ugh, Madeline Kahn. She looks sort of to me like Sarah Ferguson. We should just do a podcast about Madeline Kahn next week. Anyway, speaking of next week, I will not be here next week because I will be in Seattle and hopefully you guys, I know you're working your magic, hopefully you'll be able to lock
Starting point is 00:58:02 in a special guest to replace me, hopefully not permanently replace me. Well, we'll see about that, Mr. I love. Don't be tardy for the wedding. Damn, you guys are brutal. Yes, we will be working on getting Drew Droege in here next week. But who knows if he'll be here. He's the Internet's Chloe Sevigny.
Starting point is 00:58:23 You know, these celebrities, they are hard to pin down. They are hard to pin down, like Colin Cowie. So true. I wish we could get Colton Comby. We really should get him. Colton Compy. Wait, who's Colton Comby? He's the guy from
Starting point is 00:58:39 Survivor, the really horrible gay guy. He's the horrible racist gay monster from Survivor. He would make us look nice. We should try and get him. Also, I think he's fatter than all of us now. Did you watch that reunion? He did blow up, girl.
Starting point is 00:58:56 Love it. Karma. Pound karma. I understand it because I live it every day. There's a reason God won't let me lose weight because I'm a horrible yelling at homeless people kind of a person. Meanwhile, the three finalists on Survivor last night looked so hot when they came to – usually when you get the reunion show, one of them has got into their head that they're a celebrity and they do something crazy and wacky with their hair and makeup.
Starting point is 00:59:19 But no, this time around, they looked great. Gosh. They all did. They were hotness. They were hot.. They were hot. Those were hot casts. Well, we should take a break during the summer maybe for Big Brother and actually do like a crazy podcast and just do a different channel. I'm totally in.
Starting point is 00:59:38 Sounds good. All right, cool. Well, we should go because we always say, okay, it's almost over, and then I start talking about ten different things. Okay. go because we always say, okay, it's almost over and then I start talking about 10 different things. Okay, well before we go everybody shout out your Twitter handle so that people can follow us there for other craziness throughout the week. I am either at FlipIt or at TVGaza.
Starting point is 00:59:56 And I'm at B-Side Blog. And I'm at LifeOnTheMList and you can always follow all of us at WhatCrapins on the Twitter if. And you can always follow all of us at what crappens on the Twitter. If you do such things. Very active. So anyway,
Starting point is 01:00:09 guys, don't have too much fun with me next week while I am sipping chai lattes at the original Starbucks in Seattle. Tell Drew, if you are able to lock him in that I adore him. And thank you everybody for listening to us once again this week and stick around. We will be back next Monday, sans myself.
Starting point is 01:00:27 Okay. Thanks so much, guys. See you next time. Bye, guys. Thank you. Hey, Prime members. You can listen to Watch What Crappens ad-free on Amazon Music. Download the Amazon Music app today.
Starting point is 01:00:39 Or you can listen ad-free with Wondery Plus and Apple Podcasts. Before you go, tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at

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