Watch What Crappens - The TV Clique: Big Brother - Week 8 In Review

Episode Date: August 17, 2013

Another exciting (or not so exciting) week has passed in the Big Brother house, and The TV Clique is here to break it all down. Join Matt Whitfield (Yahoo!), Ronnie Karam (, ...and Ben Mandelker ( as they analyze all the fun stuff from the CBS live shows. Along the way, they take viewer questions and give unfiltered opinions on Amanda, GinaMarie, Andy, and many more. Come listen! See for privacy and opt-out information.Our Patreon Extras: See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 From Wondery and Audible comes Class of 88, a new podcast hosted by Will Smith. Before 1988, a lot of people didn't take hip-hop seriously. But hip-hop today touches everything from film to fashion to sports. So what changed? Follow Class of 88 wherever you get your podcasts. This episode of the TV Click Big Brother is brought to you by GoDaddy. Go to and if it's your first time, you can get for $1.99. That's right, $1.99 for a domain name is pretty amazing. Even if you don't even have a website you want to start up now, you might as well lock down that domain before anyone else does.
Starting point is 00:00:39 $1.99, all you have to do is enter in the promo code CRAPPINS. Why CRAPPINS? Don't ask questions. We're giving you a $2.99. All you have to do is enter in the promo code CRAPPINS. Why CRAPPINS? Don't ask questions. We're giving you a $2 deal here. Just take it. Go to, enter the promo code CRAPPINS at checkout, and enjoy a $2 domain for the next year. Bye-bye. Hey, everyone. Welcome to the TV Click Watch... Oh, not Watch What Crappens. The TV Click Big Brother Podcast. I'm Ronny Karen from Trash Talk TV and I'm here with Ben Mandelker from B-Side Vlogs.
Starting point is 00:01:12 Say hello, Ben. Hi, everyone. And Matt Whitfield of Yahoo. Hello, Matt. Hi, I have to compete with Ben's jazz hands, apparently. No, my jazz hands are better. Mine are better. Yours are better. But I bet Ronny's are the best because he was a my jazz hands are better. Mine are better. Yours are better.
Starting point is 00:01:25 But I bet Ronnie's are the best because he was a theater boy. And also have gigantic hands. Ooh. Ooh. Hey. Over the whole screen with these meat hooks.
Starting point is 00:01:35 You guys can find us on our Facebook page, slash watch what crap ends. That's where everybody gathers to comment while we do these live. We do do these live every Thursday at 7.30 p.m. Pacific time.
Starting point is 00:01:46 You can also find us on our YouTube page at slash the TV click. You can find me on Twitter at Trash Tweet TV and on Instagram slash Trash Talk TV. You can find Ben on Instagram, on Twitter, on YouTube, everywhere. On Vine, everywhere under B-Side Blog. And you can find Matt everywhere at Life on the M-List. Okay, I'm getting everybody's plugs in. And let me just add that you can leave comments for this live show on Facebook,
Starting point is 00:02:18 but you can also tweet us questions or comments and we'll try to read those on the air as well. Yeah, our Twitter is at what crappens so let's get to this yo big brother kind of a snoozer week yeah it's like yes and no it was like the big events were snoozers in terms of the results of like you know who andy nominated who won veto had the veto ceremony worked out who got voted out of the house but the action i feel like in between the drama and the House was highly entertaining. It's one of those weird weeks, up and down.
Starting point is 00:02:48 Well, it was a fun, entertaining beginning to the week because we got to see all the backstage stuff that was happening during the last eviction show with Judd, when everybody was lying to Judd's face and saying that he wasn't going to get kicked out. And he found out that he was going to get kicked out, and he started mumbling this weird hickey rain man kind of like come on guys you don't have to do this guys come on guys you don't have to do this to me guys come on rethink about it guys rethink it rethink it guys
Starting point is 00:03:14 rethink it guys i love it i love how these people in the house actually all thought that judd was some like secret genius and then like he goes on this bizarro ramble spree and it's just proving that he needs to go back to the frogs and the bogs. Well, it reminded me of that scene in Mystic River. By the way, if you haven't seen Mystic River, tune out for a second here. Spoiler alert.
Starting point is 00:03:37 Spoiler alert. Spoiler alert from the 90s. There's a scene where Tim Robbins gets taken to Mystic River and they're basically going to kill him. And's like come on guys like no i didn't do anything guys come on guys no no it's not me it's not me guys come on that's what judd was like in his final moments yes it was like they were about to shoot him in the head come on poor judd though would have actually made this week i think a little bit more entertaining. I know, Ronnie, you disagree because you think Judd was a complete snooze fest. However, the poor guy did get sent home because of some faux paranoia.
Starting point is 00:04:13 And, you know, I think that he actually deserves to be there over some of those other floaters. If there ever was a week when we needed the MVP, America as MVP, or even just Jesse as MVP, this was it. What a terrible week for CBS to take away that twist. Well, I do have to say that I have a problem with anybody saying the word deserves to be there, because I don't think anybody deserves to be there. Now, I do think they all deserve to be
Starting point is 00:04:38 beheaded at some time or another during the competition. I do think that he probably deserved to go home after Jesse, maybe, but deserving. do think that he probably deserved to go home after jesse maybe but you think that if cbs was you know smart they would have really um you know taken advantage of all the um hunger games uh mania in the world in this past year and they would have just turned big brother into the hunger games oh that would be they're actually they're actually it well the only thing is there's no hunger there because Jesse's taking care of everybody's hunger just on her own.
Starting point is 00:05:07 Yet she still loves a mini dress which doesn't cover those ham hocks. And you know what? I have to say she looked hot in her little eviction dress. I thought. She is the hottest one in the house according to her. Yeah. I would love to see someone drop a beehive on Amanda's head. That's for sure.
Starting point is 00:05:22 So if we could arrange for that to happen, Hunger Games style, that would be great. Oh, Amanda's terrible. She is fucking terrible. She is the worst. And to fast forward to tonight's live show, for one second, when it came down to Aaron and Amanda for Head of Household, I was like, this is possibly one of the worst showdowns in the history
Starting point is 00:05:40 of this game. It's like... Racist versus racist. Totally. I know we're jumping ahead and we're gonna do a little rewind here in a second and kind of go over the week but speaking of that um uh recent hoh competition i just have to say i you know i've loved alissa from the beginning and because she is the sister of rachel riley like my all-time favorite player i gave her a lot of credit but at this point in the game, if you can't win one damn challenge
Starting point is 00:06:07 and you can't save yourself, I can no longer be putting all my chips behind you. Well, Matt, there's like a lot of math that's involved. It's like, you gotta take a ratio and you have to divide it by a proportion and then you have to... I think in the physicality
Starting point is 00:06:23 of the monstrosity of the allegory algebra. But you have to do the physicality of the monstrosity of the allegory algebras but you have to make sure your one piece isn't on because that's a really bad look for algebra like i'm sorry i sadly have to evict this integer it's a lot of math amanda minus a one piece equals a much more toleratable body because two pieces are less offensive than one pieces. Thanks. Thanks for asking. Unfortunately, I have to evict math from the house. Thanks for asking. I will say this. I failed algebra in ninth grade, and she is a better mathematician than myself. So that entire thing was going on, and I for a second didn't realize, is this real or not real? She was making no sense. Okay, as someone who at one point in his life enjoyed math quite a bit and used to be good at it, she was making no sense.
Starting point is 00:07:20 It would have been like saying, well, you know, I was tissue boxing the Ethernet cord, and then I found a phone in the Galapagos island. Do you remember who you're talking to? And every week before we get on one of our podcasts or video casts, I'm going, guys, I don't know how to turn on my computer. This is true. Matt actually has no idea how to work technology. No, I've worked for major internet corporations for 10 plus years and I can barely work this. Matt lives a life of irony. He works for Yahoo
Starting point is 00:07:50 and yet he does not know how to work the internet. Well, are we surprised that Yahoo doesn't know how to work the internet? They took Tumblr and they erased the porn. Snap. Snap. Yahoo snap. Yeah, that's right. You can send that right up to your boss. Tell him you took the homely guys
Starting point is 00:08:04 jerking off off of Tumblr. Thanks, Yahoo's right. You can send that right up to your boss. Tell him you took the homely guys jerking off off of Tumblr. Thanks, Yahoo. Thanks. And you won't even let them work from home on Fridays anymore. So, by the way, speaking of Internet, let's give a shout out to everyone from Joker's Updates who's coming over here. Hi, everyone from Joker's Updates. Thanks for supporting our show. Hi. Thanks for listening there's somebody saying um i did assert that they were doing a search for big brother podcast and they were wondering if they were the only straight
Starting point is 00:08:30 guy watching big brother anymore which is hilarious and true because yeah it is all homos right now talking big brother it's like homos and dick yeah which is almost the same thing yeah but i'm hoping that those other homos out there are hating on andy as much as i am i was leading i was leading the andy hate bandwagon weeks ago before anybody else jumped on and i'm glad that finally everybody realizes that he's nothing more than a little minion bitch for amanda oh you know what i have to say you're like the psychic of negativity you really are oh i think this is the head that'd be my new title the psychic of negativity i could you could pair me with the um the long island medium and that would be a two-hour block of tv that would be amazing oh my god it would be fantastic i think actually you're hitting on
Starting point is 00:09:15 something ronnie that i think the headline of this week was that andy sucks we we liked andy he was cute he was nice he said funny things everything we never liked him he He was cute. He was nice. He said funny things. Everything you just said is wrong. We never liked him. He's not cute, and he's always sucked. Well, okay. So for some people, he always sucked. For other people, he didn't suck. But the point is this.
Starting point is 00:09:35 His true colors have finally been presented on national TV, which is that he had a chance to do something this week, and all he did, there's Ronnie. Ronnie's doing a wonderful impersonation of him that's a little creepy. I don't know. Can anyone see this? If you're listening on,
Starting point is 00:09:50 if you're only listening to the iPod version of the podcast version of this, then you're missing out on the visuals of Ronnie sticking his ears out like Andy. I'm going to make a big move this week by doing nothing.
Starting point is 00:10:01 Andy did nothing. Okay, Andy is a minion to Amanda and McCray. And and i'm sorry he may be loyal to them but when is he i hate when this happens does he think he could ever get to a top two if those two are in the final three how does he ever think one of them will ever take him he puts all the pressure on himself this week in the final hoh i completely hear where you're coming from ben but this week actually was all about dummies believing things that
Starting point is 00:10:28 they should not believe, including Helen biting on that dumbass final three deal with McCracken. I have one more thing to say about this other thing. I think that Andy does believe in the end Amanda's going to choose him. And you know what, Andy?
Starting point is 00:10:44 He's got the thinning you know like he looks older is all i'm trying to say obviously i'm not making fun of baldness but he's old enough to know that the fag hag always loses and listen this is why when i was in my 20s all my friends were girls all of them i didn't even know any gay guys now i'm in my 30s i don't hang out with them bitches anymore and listen i'm still to, but I know that in the end I will always get screwed over. No matter if that man is beating them, if he's an alcoholic, if he's selling children on the internet, they will always choose the penis that's inside them over the penis that is beside them. I never trust a fat guy and And he's about to learn.
Starting point is 00:11:28 Well, I mean, the truth is this. The logic of it, I don't understand why he thinks it's a good idea to align himself with these two people that have supreme loyalty to each other. It just doesn't make any sense. You know what? Look, it's hard enough being gay. He's also a ginger. He's got bat ears. He's got freckles. I mean, the guy has probably been beat up his whole former fatty. Right. I completely I know where you're going with this, because and I think I said this last week on the show, but it's reinforced this week. He has never probably been one of those guys that's been able to hang out with the cool kids. And as much as I truly don't believe that Amanda and McCray are the cool kids, they're the powerful people.
Starting point is 00:12:05 And he was probably, again, bullied in middle school and high school and maybe even college and maybe until the minute he walked into that Big Brother house. And now that he can hang with those kids for the first time, he has tasted that juice and he doesn't want to let it go. It's just annoying because in the beginning of the season, at least from what we see on the live shows and people on Joker's updates who cover the feeds very aggressively,
Starting point is 00:12:25 feel free to chime in with corrections. But at least it appeared that he was able to see people for what they were. He was able to, you know, he was like, I'm kissing Aaron's ass, but she is the devil. He was really calling out people in the diary room, and that's why I also liked him. But now he seems like he's lost sight of everything, and he's just, he's a floater.
Starting point is 00:12:46 He's a floater, a gay floater. Well, he's not a floater, because a floater is somebody who goes from power, you know, person with power to person with power, and I mean, I think he's been. But he went along with the power of the house. Amanda says do this, and he went along with it, which is also another type of floater. Well, I think that he's just going along with whatever Amanda says, period. I think that he could be pretending to be nice to everybody else, but
Starting point is 00:13:13 at the end of the day, his loyalty is to Amanda. His devotion is equivalent to his lunch money in the fifth grade. He's like, take it, don't beat me up, you big butch scary bitch. His loyalty is to crying like a bitch on TV every week and to ugly ass tank tops. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:31 Why was he, why is he crying after evicting that girl? The only reason people should cry are people die and the Olympics. There is no other reason for crying in life. Well, there are certain movies called Toy Story 3,
Starting point is 00:13:48 which may elicit a few tears once in a while. Oh, I'm an adult. I don't watch animation. Sorry. Actually, the other day, I have the Tonys always come on during Gay Pride, so I'm always too drunk to watch them. So I've had them for like ever. I mean, for like two months or something. And the other night, I watched the opening number and I cried.
Starting point is 00:14:04 And it wasn't even a sad thing. I i was just like look at all those people singing you're like there's so much joy in this life yeah but i could see somebody get run over on the street and i'd be like idiot walking in the street you know yeah but something simple like that i'll start sobbing anytime something bad happens just pretend you're playing words with friends and don't look exactly um so we so let's go on on monday on sunday's show what was the big thing well we pretty much talked about that we rehashed everything that happened with the live double eviction judd was voted out but here's the thing everyone's like we're voting out judd okay and then everyone just goes along with it i i hate when this happens in a season especially a season like this that started off so strongly.
Starting point is 00:14:46 But people do just go with the flow and then they're shocked, a.k.a. as Helen will be probably this week, when suddenly it's like, oh, no, everyone's gunning for me. It's like, bitch, you had like three different chances to go after Amanda. And they always show them like talking in the bathroom. And I feel like every conversation we see in the bathroom is like it's a little too early. It's a little too early to make a bold move or to ruffle some feathers. And it's like have any of these people – I know these people are well-versed in Big Brother. But reality check is when there's two snakes sparring, whether it be Amanda and Helen, like somebody has to strike first. And I don't understand why this didn't happen a week or two ago.
Starting point is 00:15:26 Well, Helen thinks she's striking first, but she doesn't realize that by the time Andy got into power, it was too late. What I don't understand is why no one has called Andy out on all this shit. Like how many times has he gone and snitched back to Amanda and McCray? How long does it take them to realize that this guy is the biggest snitch in the house? And poor Judd took the fall for it well i'm so excited that we're now getting to see what an idiot helen is because everyone's like oh
Starting point is 00:15:49 helen she's so smart she's got such great gameplay helen has made the dumbest decisions like yes she's had power she's been able to sway people which i guess you could argue is decent gameplay but she's made the dumbest decisions in the house like she, she's knocked off the biggest idiots who she could have used. And she's keeping all these. I completely agree with you. And I actually think that the fact that she and Alyssa didn't try to figure out some way to get Jesse on their side and get rid of Spencer and maybe pull in Gina Marie and somehow work at this week as a last ditch effort,
Starting point is 00:16:22 just proves that Helen's game. Isn't that damn good. She stacked. No, it was good in the beginning, and she's showing good gameplay now, but it's too late. Like she has the right idea. Get rid of Amanda McCrae, but it's too late. She stagnated or rested on her laurels a little bit too long in the past two or three weeks when they were sort of like rehashing the same nominations over and over again.
Starting point is 00:16:43 Spencer and Jesse, Spencer and Jesse, Spencer and Candace, Spencer and Howard. And that's when, you know, when things are in a rut like that, that's when she should have shaken things up. Amanda was on the block two different times, and she didn't do anything. She's so dumb. But you know what, though? You know what, though? She's doing a great job.
Starting point is 00:17:00 You're doing a great job, Helen. You know, like, if it weren't for you, Helen, Helen, we would not have a season. This season's all... Helen, you are the new Janelle. You're going to win this game, Helen. Listen to me. Look at me. You're going to win this, Helen. Okay? Look at me. Eyes open, okay? You are going to win this.
Starting point is 00:17:16 You are great. I get everything I want to. It's time for a woman to be president, Helen. You are about to win this, Helen. Ben, you're reminding me of Kelly Ben Simone and Alex and alex mccord i'm just letting you know be quiet close your ass no really close your eyes no close your eyes now open them now open them no you're mad you're just that makes you can't make this real housewives and with big brother they are two totally different and if you want to hear about housewife stuff feel free to come listen to our other podcasts watch what crap ends also on the tv click feed
Starting point is 00:17:49 on itunes you are so good with the segues it really wasn't a segue it's more like in just a commercial in the middle of it um speaking of which by the way if everyone uses the the promo code uh crappins on you can get a domain a dot com for a dollar 99 listen people that's a really good deal i'm sorry that's it's a little commercial that's for real a dollar 99 you're crazy not to take that you're crazy you're like hell today you're on the plug today well listen if you don't take it you're like helen sitting there and voting out jesse instead of amanda okay now let me tell you something about amanda we all hate amanda correct but oh my god amanda gets worse like just when you think it can't get worse
Starting point is 00:18:31 you know right when you think it can't rain harder your roof starts leaking all over your computer that dumb be out she needs to be quiet she's awful in so many ways um well jul, it just depends on who I want to go. You know how it is. Well, how, how about, um, wait, what did they do? By the way, what was HOH competition this week? What did Andy do to win? Nothing. Was that balancing the ball on the banana? Of course.
Starting point is 00:18:58 Oh, I thought that was the veto. Was that the veto? Oh no, you're right. Okay. So remember Amanda got mad at McCray for not throwing it. What do you guys think about that? I'm not surprised. She's a bully, and her little pizza bitch boyfriend is going to maybe last for six more weeks until she sends him packing too. You know, McCray started with such an adorable little personality, and now I'm rooting against him.
Starting point is 00:19:27 It's like, talk about brainwashed by a terrible, terrible vagina. He had a chance like two weeks ago when Amanda started acting like a complete psychotic bitch towards Candace. McRae had a real chance there to kind of break up with Amanda on TV. And he evicted her ass and it would have made for the most joyous moment in Big Brother history. He didn't take advantage of that. And at this point, I'm like, you know what? I can't root for him anymore. I'm done. It would have been the most epic moment since drew chose cowboy over diane in season five oh nakomas and cowboy that will make me cry oh yeah big brother he's smart in a way because amanda is a bulldozer and everybody is listening
Starting point is 00:19:57 to her so it's not really dumb for him to keep her but you know making this final three deal and oh it's just so hard to root for him. He threw that competition tonight, too, by the way. He totally threw that. I want to get to that in a second, though. First, I want to talk about Amanda complaining to McCray that he didn't throw the competition. This is like the
Starting point is 00:20:17 10th time we've seen Amanda have this entitled, spoiled brat, six-year-old attitude. Why didn't you give that to me why did you do that to me like i haven't won anything why did you think about me why no no no no like this is like every single day it's hard to be it's hard for me to believe that there was a time in this season when all three of us were like we really like amanda and that we even endorsed amanda to it lasted ben it lasted for one week and then we came to our senses how did mccray will hopefully
Starting point is 00:20:44 come to his senses. Did she have a boyfriend before she came into this house? Because somebody like that should be single for the rest of their lives. She probably has been single for a while. That's why she's going to McCray. She's going to a pizza boy. She was dating somebody when she came
Starting point is 00:20:58 into the house. Uh-oh. Please address the fact that Anthony's favorite BB player is... Ronnie, you're breaking up. Ronnie, you're breaking up, boo. Breaking up, Ronnie.
Starting point is 00:21:14 Frozen. Ronnie. Are we back? We can kind of hear you. Are you guys okay? I can see you. We can't see you. You're frozen.
Starting point is 00:21:23 You're frozen. Uh-oh. Uh-oh. Uh-oh. Spaghetti-o. Now I want spaghetti-o. Matt and I are still here. Uh-oh. I'm back. Tell me when I'm back.
Starting point is 00:21:37 Sorry, everybody. Can you hear us? Uh-huh. You can hear us, but we can't see oh there we are there you are shimmies do you need to shimmy you're not moving enough shimmy stupid technology fuck you technology stupid tumblr i'm playing tumblr i'm playing tumblr there we go ron is back sorry everyone um sorry, Google. Okay, so now let's move on to... Oh, I do want to say one thing. Miss Cleo tweeted us,
Starting point is 00:22:11 please address the fact that Andy's favorite BB player is Reagan. Well, Ben won't say anything bad because he's probably friends with Reagan. Oh, Reagan's a scoffer. I like Reagan. Why? There's no reason to like him. Well, you like Rachel, so there.
Starting point is 00:22:28 Okay, that makes no sense. I like Rachel, even though I can admit that Rachel's a complete fucking moron and has scorched on the human race. Actually, I like Rachel and Reagan. I like Rachel and Reagan. I like Reagan because I'm interacting with him in real life. Guess what? Because I'm interacting with him in real life and I like Reagan because I'm interacting with him in real life. Guess what? Because I'm interacting with him in real life and I like him. Guess what?
Starting point is 00:22:46 Rachel actually did something on her season and made a difference, and it can be remembered in Big Brother history, whereas Reagan is nothing. Yeah, Reagan just embarrassed people with My Little Alien. What's that TV show? My Little – anyway, Alien Head. All he did was embarrass gay people with his terrible, shitty, shitty attitude. And also he's really rude to the dog park. So there's my feelings. Okay, my feeling is I've met Reagan several times now, and he's always been super friendly and super chatty and super fun. Because he's trying to sleep with you.
Starting point is 00:23:14 No, he's not. Oh, please, please, please. Not every gay is like, it's not like their ultimatum is like they're only going to chat if they want to like sleep with you. Yes, it is. Whatever. A guy's a guy yeah where do you live all right i am i'm pro reagan i'm pro reagan i admit on on his season he was he was not the best but as a person outside that was i like reagan you probably
Starting point is 00:23:36 were pro reagan you probably voted for him in 1982 yeah i don't know i don't know him as a person but i will say on the tv show as a person he was hanging his and i hated you know it's a it's but as we've talked about before that's just how it is with the game why are we talking about reagan by the way why are we talking about reagan because someone miss cleo was texting that his favorite is his favorite gay is reagan and it's typical that that's who he idolizes because it was another useless game he probably also likes that guy will who was on last season that has i do like well i did like well yeah absolutely useless i've meant like will season season five will not last oh no last season's will is the worst okay that's what i was talking about because sorry everyone i can't believe i almost endorsed will from last season
Starting point is 00:24:22 you should have you should have will on um why okay so let's get back to this let's get back i don't know ben's trying to reel me in because i'm starting to talk shit about people i'm trying to reel you in because we have people who are actually watching us and trying to enjoy this okay um so let's talk about this final three deal that ronnie has alluded to a few times um okay when she when am when Amanda caught wind that Helen might be coming after her, Amanda tells McRae. She barks at McRae, well, you better get into a final three deal with her and Andy. And so McRae and Andy do this whole fake final three thing with Helen, wherein Helen confides into McRae that she wants to go after Amanda. And also the whole idea is that this way, Helen will not put Amanda and McRae against each other
Starting point is 00:25:09 because why would she put up her own ally? Say what you will about Amanda. I hate Amanda. I actually thought this was a brilliant move. From Wondery, this is Black History For Real. I'm Francesca Ramsey. And I'm Conscious Lee. What do most people think about when they hear the words Black History?
Starting point is 00:25:30 Rosa Parks, Reconstruction, MLK, February, Black History Month. Exactly, exactly. There are so many stories of Black History that we just are not really talking about or thinking about, especially outside of February. And we are about to flip the script on all of that. Because on this show, you're going to hear a little less In August 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue. And a little bit more.
Starting point is 00:25:56 She is a heroine to some. As a fighter for black rights, she is a villain to others. Follow Black History for Real on the Wondery app or wherever you get your podcasts. Listen everywhere on February 5th, or you can listen early and ad-free on Wondery Plus starting January 29th. Join Wondery Plus on the Wondery app or on Apple Podcasts. Black is beautiful. Academy is a new scripted podcast that follows Ava Richards, played by HBO's Industries' Myhala Herald, a brilliant scholarship student who has
Starting point is 00:26:25 to quickly adapt to her newfound eat-or-be-eaten world. Ava's ambitions take hold and her small town values break in hopes of becoming the first scholarship student to make The List, Bishop Gray's all-coveted academic top 10, curated by the headmaster himself. But after realizing she has no chance at The List on her own, she reluctantly accepts an invitation to a secret underground society that pulls the strings on campus life and academic success. If she bends to their will, she'll have everything she's ever dreamed of. But at what cost? Academy takes you into the world of a cutthroat private school where power, money, and sex collide in a game of life and death. Follow Academy on the
Starting point is 00:27:06 Wondery app or wherever you get your podcasts. You can binge all episodes of Academy early and ad-free right now by joining Wondery Plus. It was. I hate Amanda, but I'll admit that that was a great idea. And her minions bit and then Helen bit. So it's like, Amanda, admit that that was a great idea and her minions bit and then helen bit so it's like amanda as much as i hate her right now she deserves to win she does i mean at this point she said well there there sadly there could be an argument for aaron if you do the whole like well she's won now no i agree although i hate that argument i i hate it on survivor i hate it on big brother just because he went hoh which is pretty much a crapshoot more or less. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:27:46 I feel like there's more to the game than that. I feel like you can't just go by the scorecard. Okay. You're going to think I'm insane, and some people may, like, kick their computer right now or maybe try to hunt me down in the streets after I say this. But at this point, if I had to vote for the winner and it was down to Andy and Aaron, I would give it to Aaron. I would too, actually. Because here's the truth. And what is so weird
Starting point is 00:28:11 is that I'm kind of starting to root for Aaron because at least she's playing a game. Like, at least she's got like a fighting chance. Everyone else is screwed. I mean, they're just handing it to Amanda. At least she's like she'll consider putting you know, she'll consider putting, you know, she'll consider backdooring Amanda in two
Starting point is 00:28:28 seconds. You know she would. Here's what I love about Erin this week. I think on Sunday's show, she said, well, I guess I'm going to keep being nice to these people because I'm being nice and they're keeping me around. And I mentioned this on other podcasts. It's funny how, you know what, if you're nice to people and if you're not racist to
Starting point is 00:28:44 them, they actually like you and want to keep you around in life. Isn't that weird how that works? Who knew, Aaron? Who knew that if you're nice to people, like, how about you stop, like, pretending to be nice and why don't you just start acting nice and see where that gets you, too? No, she'll never do it. She'll never get anywhere. She'll never do it.
Starting point is 00:28:59 But I think that, you know, I'm hopeful that now that Amanda's brown, Aaron will turn against her. Yeah, she's like, who's that? Who let my maid in here? Finally, yeah. Finally, another minority to target. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:14 Well, yeah, Amanda's pretty hideous. Here's a question I have. Why are Amanda and McCrae constantly sleeping in the HOH bed? You've not won HOH yet, except you're fucking your boyfriend in there every day. How is that? Why't people letting that happen? I don't know. If I were HOH—I mean, I'm an only child, so this should not come as a surprise. But if I were HOH, I wouldn't let anybody in there ever. That heifer's, like, scarfing down someone else's M&Ms out of their HOH basket.
Starting point is 00:29:39 She's always wearing no pants. I mean, she really is, like—she's really one of the worst people in the entire universe. But it doesn't matter because she's buddies with Alison Grodner, and if you're buddies with Alison Grodner, then you have a fighting chance at winning this game. Not that that's illegal or fake or totally trashy. So let's go to Wednesday's show. I love that I say like these blasphemous things and then it goes quiet and somebody changes the subject. Like, Matt can't talk about bringing up something taboo. Oh no, honey, I'm looking
Starting point is 00:30:10 at Facebook. I agree, Matt. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to give that impression that I was trying to move along. TV bloopers and practical jokes animated guys their brooms. It solidifies me as the crazy one, so that's fine. You are sort of like the Candace of our group uh if only people could see his reaction unfortunately google hangouts
Starting point is 00:30:31 only shows the camera when people are talking but matt just did a whole sassy finger thing that i loved he's doing it right now a little bit say something matt and show people i don't have a sassy move right now so i need to he's on he's unsassed when the camera's on that does not plan his sassiness it it it really does come naturally so on wednesday's show we had the video competition and they all sort of suspected that it was going to be the counting one you know where like you have to guess how many spiders are on the wall and whoever you can either you put your guess out there and then you can fold or you can. I hate to interrupt you, but I have breaking news from Cindy C.
Starting point is 00:31:09 It's very important that I show you this, guys. OK, are you ready? Everybody be ready to look really closely at this. OK, lean in. Yeah. for those of you who cannot see this it's amanda's chunky ass in a thong with a whale tail and her underwear up her ass straight at the camera so then she's hunched over and she's hunched over i'm in the mood for a corn muffin anybody else in the mood for a corn muffin who wants some pressed ham for dinner i think i said that last week but i'll say it again
Starting point is 00:31:42 she's the reason I'm vegetarian. She's the reason I'm gay. And I'm a gay vegetarian. She's probably the reason. So sorry, Ben. So go ahead with – Okay, so anyway, the point is this. For the veto competition, the plan was that everyone was going to keep voting except for Helen, and then Helen was going to win the veto. So they start doing this, and in the middle of it, Spencer stays and screws up the entire plan.
Starting point is 00:32:06 Did anyone else, was anyone else just, like, laughing? I just loved how upset they were. I don't like Spencer, but I do like that he's pretty much said, like, my ass is the one that's been on the block for three weeks in a row. If you think I'm actually going to roll over and just let you guys tell me that I'm going to throw this challenge, kiss my ass. And I like that he did that. The funniest part, though, is that after he did that
Starting point is 00:32:26 whoever's listening to video needs to turn it off because i hear it what is that noise not me it's right not me i don't have anything playing okay well it's making me it's making me insane must be you matt i'm at the office you're at the premiere of grindhouse i'm at the premiere of grindhouse there's rose mcgowan she's here with me. Anyway, what I was saying is the funniest thing is Amanda, because she's such a loud, obnoxious bitch, as soon as her plan goes to hell and Spencer screws it up,
Starting point is 00:32:53 she can't help herself but talk about it and say like, well, there went my plan. Like, she's such an idiot. She's so entitled. That's what's really so annoying. If she, she honestly if the tone of her approach were different we would be loving this we'd be loving how she's pulling all the strings but instead she's entitled and she's spoiled and she's cocky and she's a brat
Starting point is 00:33:15 and eventually she's gonna i hope eventually she's gonna feel some heat but i don't know i don't know when she deserves her own show on bravo because that is the home for entitled brats princesses long island yes it's called princesses boca raton princesses princesses try like bull dyke truckers some shit like that like bull dyke truckers manipulating pizza boys or just bull dyke truckers i think i'd like that better i would like that and she could like go to truck stops and tell the waitress like i asked for this sunny side up hon honey like what you think i don't deserve a sunny side up i asked for sunny side up why can't i get sunny side up you have sunny side up i just thought i got i should have one yeah she's totally that girl to
Starting point is 00:33:59 be like why'd they get their food first huh you don't see me here when everyone else is eating and i'm not eating don't you hate her ass too whenever she goes in the confessional like when she was evicting jesse today um like people who say duh like i don't know i just i just i really like i don't believe in violence that's a lie but i wanted somebody to punch her. Well, it's better than Alyssa, who was like... I unfortunately have to evict my very good friend, Jesse. Sorry. Thanks for asking, Julie. Bye.
Starting point is 00:34:39 You're a hater. I loved, by the way, that Alyssa folded in the final round of that Vito competition. She's like, oh, I didn't realize. You know, it's quite a bit of math. It's quite a bit of math. Someone actually made this hilarious vine. I'm going to pull it up of Alyssa discussing math. I'm going to pull it up while you guys talk.
Starting point is 00:35:06 But it is a great – it sort of like sums up alyssa here we go can you guys hear it um there's like something talking over it the point is this you don't you actually can't understand what she's saying. All you hear is, how do they have a proportion ratio? Then she goes, it's a little bit of math. I don't know. I still find her somewhat palatable. I like her, too.
Starting point is 00:35:38 Don't get me wrong. I like her. I mean, in addition to, not in addition to, the point is this. The majority of people in the house suck, and she may be a little dumb, but she's the nicest. By far. She gets points for that, and she's good at yoga. I have lots to talk about. I have more topics. Go on.
Starting point is 00:35:58 Go on. I'm bringing them up. Go on. We're not in order. I'm going to toss them out there. What do we think about the name 3AM? I personally don't like anybody in it, but I think 3AM is kind of good. I think it's a good name. I like it.
Starting point is 00:36:11 Three assholes and a monkey. And a man. Yeah, and a monkey. Three assholes and a monkey. Three assholes and a manatee. I personally think it's better than The Moving Company The Moving Company was down there With the Santa Monica Van Boys Or The Coven
Starting point is 00:36:31 Or The Banga Boys Which one were The Banga Boys? I was just going to sing that song The Banga Boys are coming And everybody's jumping New York to San Francisco The inner city disco The wheels of steel are turning The boys are coming and everybody's jumping. New York to San Francisco. The inner city disco.
Starting point is 00:36:51 The wheels of steel are turning and every van's a burning. That's the tune that plays in Gina Marie's head all day long. Yes. What? Nothing. I don't get it. I'm reading live feed updates from Miss Cleo. Yeah. Well, I know when updates from Miss Cleo. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:06 Well, I know when you want to hear them. Okay, so Ben, we like the name 3AM despite the fact that we don't like the group. Okay, let's get back to the HOH competition. Or not the HOH competition. The veto. The veto. So, you know, Alyssa screwed that up. She wasn't in the final two. Andy ends up winning.
Starting point is 00:37:25 screwed that up she wasn't in the final two andy ends up winning and then they cut to like a confessional of andy going like see i proved to everybody that i really am a threat and i was kind of like you barely won and everybody else was throwing this kind of like the majority of the people were throwing this competition so stop fooling yourself you're not a mastermind you're not a good player you're a weasel in an ugly tank top and your best friend is reagan shut up yeah he's like oh i'm i'm a force to be reckoned with julie yeah that was pretty embarrassing yeah but he's probably he probably said that and like put his hand on his hip and was all like with like a well what about andy had a couple of really awkward moments what about when when when Spencer stood up during his speech
Starting point is 00:38:06 and was like during his veto speech and was like well Andy you haven't done one smart thing all week so I wouldn't expect you to start now and then later then later Andy's like oh Spencer he better watch out with these jokes like it wasn't a joke.
Starting point is 00:38:25 You're a fucking loser, dude. We lost Ronnie again. We lost Ronnie again. Oh, he's back. Sorry. Really? Why? Why?
Starting point is 00:38:34 I paid for really expensive internet, you guys. I don't know. Let's see what people... No one has any further comments. So I want to read some Miss Cleo live feed updates. Okay. So mostly she's just saying that people people no one has any further so i want to read some miss cleo live feed updates okay so um mostly every she's just saying that people were really mean to jesse all week uh which they didn't
Starting point is 00:38:51 really show uh she said that when jesse overheard the convo about the house evicting her uh there was much more to that scene she started going around and telling everybody what what they had been saying behind everybody else's back. She not only told GM that Aaron talked shit about her, but told her exactly what she would say. She revealed what everyone said about everyone else, exposing many people's games, and it was awesome.
Starting point is 00:39:15 The following day, Jesse taunted Alyssa by asking her what it's like being in her sister's shadow and continued her tirade against the rest of the house. Now, see, that's something that we miss. We did not get to see Jesse on this tirade. It was supposedly like Jesse having some nervous breakdown all over the house and screaming at everybody all day. Why wouldn't they show that?
Starting point is 00:39:33 That sounds amazing. I think they probably didn't have enough time. I mean, honestly, I say good for Jesse. Yes, they do have plenty of time. Do you notice they start this show like two minutes late and then they show me five to ten minutes of recap from the previous episode. Then they end it like at the 56 mark and fill it with commercials at the end. So don't tell me they don't have time.
Starting point is 00:39:52 They have plenty of time. Especially with those HOH comps. Like why don't you just pick straws? Like let's just make it easy. I mean it's so stupid. You make a good point. You guys make a good point you guys make a good point that being said i say more power to jesse because you know what even though she is a narcissistic little twit um she has actually seen the writing on the wall and then she's been banging her head against that same wall
Starting point is 00:40:14 because she can't get these people to do anything helen she should helen should have listened to her last week before the double elimination uh everyone should have been listening to her and she's been trying to shake it up. Admittedly, going berserk is not the way to necessarily do it. Well, guess what? That's what happens in the Big Brother house, and I am a complete advocate for going out in a blaze of glory. If anybody watched me on Big Brother Media Day this past year,
Starting point is 00:40:39 they saw that I was nominated. CBS, unfortunately, did not edit together my scathing uh speech right before i was evicted but like if you're gonna go out you might as well put everybody on blast and let it be known and just put it all out there because if i were jesse my goal that week would be to make sure that helen was getting nominated and evicted or backdoored the following week that would be my main goal listen well i think the sad i think the sad thing is is you can't even root for jesse because she's played like such a wuss the whole time all she's trying to do is get laid from by goal listen well i think the sad i think the sad thing is is you can't even root for jesse because she's played like such a wuss the whole time all she's trying to do is get laid from by ugly guys
Starting point is 00:41:10 which couldn't work then we've seen her binging and then we've just seen her walking from person to person just going along with whatever they wanted and laying around in the sun all day and then at the end when she's evicted she's giving these people hugs i'm sorry you're supposed to go up to their face after you've been evicted and put your finger in their face. And I would say like this. I'd be like, if you make it to the final two, there's no way in hell I'll give you the vote because I hate you, you piece of scum. That's what I would do. But at least she was hugging him like this. Well, people suck. People need to be more mean.
Starting point is 00:41:40 If I were in Jesse's position, I would do what McCRae and Andy did, which is just lie my ass off. I would go to the person who's the most paranoid person, a.k.a. Amanda, and come up with a bold-faced lie and say, oh, by the way, did you hear that Aaron and Gina Marie and Helen have a secret alliance and they're going to vote you out next week? That's all you have to do. And then Amanda will go bonkers. That's all you have to do. And then Amanda will go bonkers. That's all you have to do. Rather than say, Helen, like, you were supposed to be my side. I feel like you're growing distant from me, Helen. Helen, why won't you look
Starting point is 00:42:12 at me and invite me to barbecues, Helen? You know? Totally. Totally. Totally. Another thing, Miss Cleo, who you can find it on Twitter at MissCleoBB15, she's talking about this wedding that Amanda basically copied Rachel and Brendan from their season and had a big brother wedding. And I guess maybe they were trying to do it for free booze or something.
Starting point is 00:42:34 But here's a picture of that. Let me just get back to Google Hangouts and start a screen share and show you a picture. By the way, for all those people who say that gays ruin the sanctity of marriage, how about take a look at this picture? Oh, I raised my hand. This is what kills marriage right here. This is what kills marriage right here, Amanda and McCray. Terrible straight people.
Starting point is 00:42:55 All you need to do for us to be proven right that straight people ruin marriage is go to a mall and look around. Yeah. Or a Red Lobster. people ruin marriage is go to a mall and look around yeah or a red lobster yeah i will gladly go to red lobster even if i don't want to prove that straight people ruin marriage i love now why'd you get so quiet because i'm reading like nice tweets that miss cleo's writing about me because miss cleo and i clearly have a bond because we hate andy and we both think that um i'm cute when I talk shit about Andy.
Starting point is 00:43:27 Who else has things to say other than Miss Klo? You never shine brighter than when you're spewing bile, Matt. Spew. All right. Jesse went out in a blaze of glory, but you know what, though? It was great because it got Gina Marie and Aaron into the stupidest fight that wasn't even about anything at all.
Starting point is 00:43:43 Never in my life have i rooted for gina marie in anything until that moment yeah i was really really because jim was like hey you know like uh jesse said that you said things about me aaron aaron's like well why don't you shut up and jim is like hey hey you guys and then she was like yeah gina marie's fighting is like hey you hey listen, mommies. You got something to say, Aaron? Huh, Aaron? What you doing, Aaron?
Starting point is 00:44:08 Why you walking away, Aaron? Hey, Aaron, where you going? I actually think that it was a brilliant move. It was a brilliant move on Gina Marie's part in order to get Aaron to punch her, and then Aaron would automatically evict herself. to punch her and then aaron would automatically evict herself well i loved you know to me it was like a throwback to old aaron that prissy spoiled brat that she is that we know she is it's been covered up for a while we're being like just shut up why i don't understand why we're still talking what is what are you even talking about go hang out with black people you know i'm surprised she didn't say you're talking like like Candace. Yeah. What you gonna do, girl?
Starting point is 00:44:45 What you gonna do, girl? I asked you a question because I'm Aaron. That's why I think black people talk. What you gonna do, girl? She is horrible. And I can't believe I'm kind of rooting for her. But the only way, I mean, it's the only way that they can get rid of Amanda. Helen's not going to be able to pull through and get rid of Amanda.
Starting point is 00:45:06 That bitch is gone this week, right? I mean, who does Helen have, honestly, on her side? Who do you guys think they're going to put up? I think it's going to be Helen. Well, should we talk about who won before we get into the nomination? Yeah, let's talk about the HOA. I think we can talk. We can say who won.
Starting point is 00:45:21 No, no, no. The competition. So we talked about this earlier in the podcast. One of you guys was saying, you guys think McRae threw the competition for Amanda. And I agree 100%. McRae totally threw that one. It was so obvious. And it was funny because it was the exact same spot as the last competition when he didn't throw it for her.
Starting point is 00:45:40 They weren't even at the end together. It's like the second to last one. You can't throw a competition to somebody if it's not just you guys like there's another person in place stupid the best part was that she threw it and then it still took amanda like five minutes to understand she's like huh huh huh oh i guess h-o-h huh but before she even rang in did you see how mad she was that mcrae rang in mcrae rang in and then she's like she did one of these things like what like why would you even ring in like this is my moments or a you disobeyed me you pulled us and then and then when Julie said the McCray is wrong she goes haha
Starting point is 00:46:16 like this like fake gloaty like huh but you could tell it was sincere you could tell she was sincerely gloating right as if we are as if we didn't already know that she was a horrible person, she just keeps solidifying it over and over and over. Well, at least McCray had the self-awareness to look completely disgusted with himself when he threw it. He threw it and then he was just like, oh. Stop giving him credit, Ronnie. He is equally as awful. Now, here's a question. I agree.
Starting point is 00:46:44 I think Spencer won one of those rounds didn't he and then he put up mccray and someone he put up why didn't he put up mccray and gina marie he put up mccray and gina marie not mccray and amanda and it made me freaking mad and you know what to me it was like you know what spencer you keep talking in the diary room like i'm not gonna do what everyone wants but know what? You're doing what everyone wants. You should put up McCray and Amanda. Well, I think that he fears 3 a.m. I mean, I don't know if 3 a.m. is out there yet.
Starting point is 00:47:12 But by looking at some of the stuff this week, the members of 3 a.m. kind of came to the conclusion that if one of them were to win HOH, that Spencer and Alyssa would be the two going up with a plan to backdoor Helen. OH that Spencer and Alyssa would be the two going up with a plan to backdoor Helen. So now that Aaron is in power, I'm assuming that 3M is still in the mix. I'm going to assume that that's what she's going to do, putting Spencer and Alyssa up with the game plan to backdoor Helen. Yeah, this is around the time. There's always a couple of boring weeks around this time of the season, and this was definitely one of them because it's just so fucking predictable. But I just don't see them having a way of getting out of this because no one is the people. Even if the people did smarten up that are being totally abused and getting kicked to the side. Spencer, what's he going to do?
Starting point is 00:47:59 He can't win anything. I mean, what are they going to have a fucking donut eating competition? That guy can't win shit. Jesse's gone now. None of them can do anything they're completely powerless fools so now so i'm sitting there is it going to be amanda or is it going to be aaron basically at the end so and for me it's kind of like julie mentioned at the end of the episode that now next week is going to be exciting and i am excited for this because somebody that's a member of the jury is going to be able to get back into the house. They're going to have whoever gets evicted next week and the people that are already in the jury competing to get back in. But, Ronnie, you just kind of made me realize, like, do I care who comes back in because are any of them, like, really great players?
Starting point is 00:48:38 Are any of them really going to shake anything up? I don't really know. They can't. I mean, they can't even if they wanted to because they're all weaklings like exactly people that they all listed i mean judd judd never did anything except agree with whoever happened to be in the room and then tattle tattle to the other side so he's useless yeah canvas can't win shit she's useless like there's no point so uh rebecca wheeler says on our facebook page she's left a comment and she she says, I guess that Aaron told Amanda that she tried throwing it, the HOH competition, at the end and got bored because Amanda was too dumb and Aaron finally hit the button. Maybe she didn't tell Amanda that, but she said this.
Starting point is 00:49:18 But it's true because even that last question was another easy one, and Aaron was like, okay. And then Amanda's like huh huh it's like amanda you are such a fucking idiot and then yet you expect that people should like throw these these things to you no so apparently amanda's like sad and they're all consoling her which is ridiculous dear amanda shut up and guess what i am now this is crazy if alissa does not win i'm rooting for aaron to win for various reasons. I actually think that she has won more competitions and I do think that holds weight.
Starting point is 00:49:50 Plus, how delicious would it be that the ultimate racist ends up winning this show? How is CBS going to deal with that on finale night? Like, that's going to be some damn good TV. It would be a real fascinating finale, especially when she has to come face to face with Julie Chen, who has been very vocal on her own show and on TMZ about how offended she's been about Aaron's comments. Well, I mean, Julie Chen, I mean, give me a break.
Starting point is 00:50:17 You're offended at all of their comments now. I mean, who hasn't made a racist comment now? I mean, basically, the only people to root for is McCrae, who's totally pussy wit by a bull dyke. I'm not rooting for him. comment now i mean basically the only people to root for is mccray who's totally pussy wit by a bull dyke i'm not rooting for him you've got andy who's like one of the worst most boring gays in the world who else even is even in the house i can't even remember i told you no one's rooting for gina marie gina marie like blatant horrible horrible racist wait but nick nick is rooting for me nick nick i'm thinking of you i'm thinking of you. I'm thinking of you.
Starting point is 00:50:45 Neck. Ben, it looks like you're wearing a yarmulke when you put that napkin on your head, and you know Gina Marie would never do that. She wouldn't go anywhere near a yarmulke. How did you guys feel about Helen wearing Gina Marie's dress tonight on the live show? I thought that was like, oh, Helen, you just gave yourself all manner of crabs right there. That was Gina Marie's dress? Yeah, that was Gina Marie's dress. She's wearing that in all her press photos.
Starting point is 00:51:08 Ben, you have Red Lobster on the mind. What about Helen saying, well, you know, Julie, I think we have made some really big game moves this season. In the beginning of the season, they did. In the beginning, they did, but they've now been in this middle section where they've gone after floaters or people that they perceive as threats. But they're not threats at all.
Starting point is 00:51:31 I mean, they should not have gotten rid of, like, Howard. They should not have gotten rid of Candace. They're so dumb. Helen was so dumb not to realize that Amanda was her threat all along. That she's got to break up the showmances. Or at least if you're going to break up Howard and Candaceace once you get howard out forget candace and go after amanda i'm sorry well she she made a huge mistake this week when she realized it but it was way too late and she didn't really campaign hard enough or turn anybody and now she's screwed because the
Starting point is 00:51:58 numbers are not on her side anymore yeah so hopefully you know one good thing about big brother is that it always turns around. There's something, something happens to make it exciting again. You know, who knows what the producers could do. I mean, if it wasn't rigged in, if it's not rigged in Amanda's favor, which the rumors are that it's totally rigged in her favor and she's going to win no matter what. But this would be the point where the producers pull out some manipulation bullshit to get the game exciting again. But I just can't imagine who they would even bring back. That would be good enough.
Starting point is 00:52:29 Like, unless they brought like Dick back to like burn people with cigarettes and like threaten to rape them in the butt until they bleed. Like, I don't really see what they could do to pick the season up. Right. So as soon as Julie mentioned that they were bringing somebody back from the jury,
Starting point is 00:52:41 I was like, can we please have a jury from one of the past seasons and not this lame-ass jury? I know. That would be amazing if they were like, okay, your jury is going to be the cast of season eight. By the way, Emmy McAdams
Starting point is 00:52:58 Brabano, or Brabano, whatever, said that tonight on the feeds, Gina Marie called Nick her boyfriend. Oh, Gina Marie called Nick her boyfriend. Oh, Gina Marie. Poor thing. Poor thing. She's going to have a rude awakening because Nick has been watching this all this time, by the way.
Starting point is 00:53:14 And you know he's getting hounded by his friends about this. And that's going to be one awkward reunion at the end of this show. That's going to be fantastic. When Gina Marie, who spent all this time building up this relationship, comes face to face with him at the end of this show. That's going to be fantastic. When Gina Marie, you spent all this time building up this relationship comes face to face with him. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:29 I hope he shows up with his boyfriend. Yeah. I mean, look, he's not part of the jury, but there's no way that CBS hasn't already cut him a check for 50 grand just so that he'll show up at finale. There's no way that they haven't cut him that check.
Starting point is 00:53:42 Yeah. I hope he shows up with like assless leather, short shorts, hairy guy on cut him that check. Yeah, I hope he shows up with assless leather short shorts. On his rollerblades. And a big hairy guy on his rollerblades, yeah. Yeah, he will. Cool, so do you guys have anything else you want to talk about tonight? Yeah, I'm over it.
Starting point is 00:53:58 You're over it? Well, hopefully this week will bring something exciting, and at least we'll get to see Helen crucified. At the very least. At the very least. At the very least. If it's just like, let's get Spencer out now. I'm gonna be pissed. Like, let's get some bloodshed. I would love to see that
Starting point is 00:54:13 stupid mom act get sent home. Of course, I would much rather see Amanda get sent home, but honestly. Is there any chance, is there any remote chance that Aaron might rock the boat what do we think listeners what do you think is there any remote chance i don't think there is because i think that if she could use let's say she got the veto and she was able to
Starting point is 00:54:41 use the veto and backdoor amanda or whatever there's still that whole couple of days that they have to wait before the vote goes down and i think that that's why no one will turn on amanda because they're afraid of what she will do to them and i think that aaron's afraid because she's been trying so hard to get people to like her she doesn't want everyone to hate her now little does she know that the whole country would actually start liking her again and probably just pretend that whole racist thing never happened it's like when you go visit the south you're just like you guys are known for your pancakes you know you just kind of let stuff go by the way manolet uh carrera i'm sorry if i missed that misspoke your name or manolito or
Starting point is 00:55:19 whatever manolet carrera says actually i think he says, I think Nick is very much into Gina Marie and her dick. Oh, good one. Oh, wait a second. Breaking news from Emi McAdams-Rubano. OMG, McRae just said he didn't like when Jessie talked about her famous boyfriend.
Starting point is 00:55:40 Cut to Fishtank. Do we know who that is? Someone fill me in. Who's Jessie's famous boyfriend jesse's fame famous boyfriend jesse has a famous boyfriend she's like oh my god my boyfriend tom cruise my boyfriend she wanted to have a showmance yeah whenever i type in jesse uh i just typed in jesse big Boyfriend and it's Jesse from it's like Wrestler Jesse. He's so hot. So disgusting and hot.
Starting point is 00:56:10 What? A WWE wrestler came out of the closet. I know a black one, Ben. Your favorite kind. I was wondering if you suddenly ordered a WWE poster. Well, you know, I did used to work there so perhaps we can talk about the good old days of Stanford, Connecticut.
Starting point is 00:56:26 You worked for WWE? I sure did. I was their first ever intern. They used to call me Ben-chern. I was like the audition. Like, if I went well, they would start an internship program. So I was...
Starting point is 00:56:39 Back then it was WWF. It was 2000, and I was their very first intern, and I would sit there and reorganize all their tape libraries and sit on the editing sessions, and it was so much fun. I loved working there. You're famous, just like Jesse's boyfriend.
Starting point is 00:56:52 Yeah, I am her boyfriend. I'm looking to see, but no one seems to know who the boyfriend is. All right, well, let's end it here. Are you guys ready to end? I'm ready to end. This is fun. Well, you guys, thanks for being with us. Again, you can join us live every week
Starting point is 00:57:07 on our Facebook page, Watch What Crappens. And you can also join us on Tuesdays at 4.30 Pacific Time, which is when we do our Watch What Crappens podcast all about Bravo. I'm Ronnie Karam from You can find me on Twitter at TrashTweetTV and
Starting point is 00:57:23 Instagram at TrashTalkTV and YouTube at TrashTalkTV spelled T-E can find me on Twitter at TrashTweetTV and Instagram at TrashTalkTV and YouTube at TrashTalkTV, spelled T-E-E-V-E-E. You can find Matt on all the social networks on Life on the M-List. You can find Ben at B-SideBlog on all the social networks.
Starting point is 00:57:40 And join us again next week. This was really fun. Thank you, JokersUpdates. Thank you for everybody on Facebook for being here. Thank you, MissCleoBB15 on Twitter for all your live feed updates. And subscribe. Subscribe to the TV Click on YouTube. Subscribe, subscribe, subscribe. And get from GoDaddy with Krappens as your promo code.
Starting point is 00:58:00 Get it now while you can. $2, just get your join. I love that you have to do this to get the code. Yes, you have to do this. You have to put your hand up and whisper to your computer. Even if you don't even want to build your site yet, just lock down so no one else can get it. Yeah, I actually did that this week. I did buy a domain there because it's so cheap by the home lot.
Starting point is 00:58:20 So I did do it, and I was like, this is $14. This isn't $2. But at the very end, there was like a little coupon code just putting crap in and they even call you afterwards like they'll call you the next day and be like do you need any help setting it up and yeah they call you and kiss your bed and stuff to you so they seem decent so go for it so essentially if you don't have friends but you have a dollar 99 you can have somebody call you on the phone and pretend to talk to you and be your friend for the exactly for $1.99 for the price of a taco you can cock block someone else's domain name but someone should buy amanda's name as a dot com yes or whatever get to do with godaddy right she may already have her website in
Starting point is 00:58:55 fact but do whatever make like amanda amanda what's her face amanda burns what's her name zuckerman amanda zuckerman someone go buy that and use crappins as your code and you get only two dollars it's great okay that's enough plug-in we'll see you guys next time bye everyone if you like listening to comedy try watching it on the internet. The folks behind the Sideshow Network have launched a new YouTube channel called Wait For It. It's got interviews with comedians like Reggie Watts, Todd Glass, Liza Schleichinger. Schleichinger, I've been friends with her for 10 years. One of the funniest people out there, and I still have a hard time with the last name, Liza.
Starting point is 00:59:45 Our very own Owen Benjamin, that's me, takes you on a musical journey down internet rabbit holes and much more. You don't have to wait any longer. Just go to slash wait for it comedy.
Starting point is 00:59:57 There's no need to wait for it anymore because it's here and it's funny and I love you. A few days ago, Brooke Tudine posted an inspirational quote on her wall that got 17 likes and 3 comments. Thumbs up, Brooke. Geico also wants to make a comment.
Starting point is 01:00:17 In just 15 minutes, you could save hundreds of dollars on your car insurance by switching to Geico. And nothing says inspiration better than saving money. Well, except for those posters that say things like teamwork, excellence, and make it happen. Hashtag keep climbing. Hashtag savings. Geico. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. Hey, Prime members, you can listen to Watch What Happens ad-free on Amazon Music. Download the Amazon Music app today. Or you can listen ad-free with Wondery Plus in Apple Podcasts. Before you go, tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at slash survey.

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