Well There‘s Your Problem - Episode 127: Rana Plaza Collapse
Episode Date: April 11, 2023different places have different safety regulations and that's OK Our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/wtyppod/ Send us stuff! our address: Well There's Your Podcasting Company PO Box 26929 Philadelp...hia, PA 19134 DO NOT SEND US LETTER BOMBS thanks in advance in the commercial: Local Forecast - Elevator Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
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I have a bottled Starbucks cold-brill vanilla sweet cream premium coffee drink
the Nazis over at Starbucks only give you 11 ounces coffee I want to beat them to
death and leave their corpse in the town square good it would be a mercy at this
point they call it a coffee drink is that like you know how you can't call
certain kinds of cheese a cheese you have to call it a cheese product well it
doesn't just have coffee in it has coffee cold-brilled Starbucks coffee water
coffee skim milk sugar cream and natural flavors whatever the goddamn fuck that is
everything you can buy at Starbucks is legally a milkshake I that sounds about
right I had a frappuccino for the first time in a couple years a few weeks ago
and it hurt my tummy so goddamn bad oh yeah yeah don't do that the fanciest
coffee drink I can do is like a mocha you love a mocha though I do like I do
like the mochas yeah I am a fan of cold brew as I've gotten older but I still
do like a like a like a pour over you know at a nice shop like a elixir and
filly or a reanimator that we have I live near La Colombe I will say their
nitro draft latte it's is very yummy not only a coffee person and like you
like tea right because you're yeah yeah for sure but like if I drink tea I you
know drink way too much of it and get like way too caffeinated so like it's
like caffeinated very weirdly they're caffeinated yeah caffeinated sort of smooth but Andrew Tate
caffeinated yeah so like I don't drink too often and instead if I want my drink
off him out of sparkling water water no if I want like a hot brown drink I
think that guy is secretly from Delco yeah I learned the other day that my dad
says water water like there's there's a fucking are where there shouldn't be not
at the end it's water and he's like no no I say water like I say it another
fucked up way and he he is not from Philadelphia it's from Boston but he
does say what sounds like water although this being my dad ours are where they
shouldn't be A's or where they shouldn't be you're adding and dropping A's just at
random shit's very confusing the Irish Riviera accent if you will worda worder
worda worda worda park Dakar and oh god I don't know I wouldn't have soda there
park Dakar in the higher regard hello and welcome to well there's your
problem it's a podcast about regional accents and engineering disasters yeah
with slides I'm Justin Rosniak I'm the person who's talking right now my
pronouns are he and him okay go I'm Alice go to Kelly I'm the person who's
talking now my pronouns are she and her yeah Liam hi I'm Justin Rosniak I'm the
person talking right now my pronouns are he and him okay go hi we're stuck in a
loop we're stuck in a loop yeah Liam yeah hi I'm Liam Anderson my pronouns are
he and him we don't have a guest fuck off yeah we're recording this in the in
the twilight hours of Ross's 20s I'm not gonna say the exact date but tomorrow is
Ross's birthday happy birthday you poor dumb son of a bitch yes all down with
you I got four hours and nine minutes left in my 20s well 20s because I've
been in my 30s for coming up on two years now and feels the same so maybe
the other years until the injury oh boy a nasty oh my neck oh dude I will get
up and agonizing back pain the last two days we're all getting old anyway yeah
what do you see on the screen in front of you is a building but a lot of
it has fallen down glasius yes that's supposed to be like that
glasius with his ignorance of the Israel Palestine situation I saw this
building and thought no that's all right then I will say Madaglasius has a whole
slide dedicated to him in this he should he can eat the shit out of my butthole
mm-hmm all right today we're gonna talk about the 2013 Rana plaza building
collapse in Dhaka blank Bangladesh but first we have to do the goddamn news
what the fuck is this that's wrong this is this is a cheese cake the cheese
steaks and far away places post yes this is this is the city of Philadelphia on
national cheese steak day posted a picture of probably the worst cheese steak
I have seen in my life Liam you got a lot of breathing on your mind a lot of
breathing oh sorry sorry here let me move away from my mic a little bit
yeah sorry about that yeah that thing is a goddamn abomination God saw this and
sent a second deluge the arc should be ready in about 20 minutes so good luck
everybody explain to me as an outsider I don't know what's going on here I see
the ketchup and the peppers I'm looking at so there's I've never seen a cheese
steak that looks like this anywhere within city limits have you sick yes so
sort of what's going on for those of you who are not in the know or who are not
looking at the visuals here is my mic better now by the way yes fine 130
episodes in baby so the ordinarily you get a cheese steak you've got the chopped
up you know prime rib you got onions you got some form of cheese that's it
sometimes you get something what called a cheese steak hokey which is the same
but with tomatoes and lettuce what we're sort of looking at here is a cheese
steak hokey taken to the extreme where there are additionally hot peppers banana
peppers and pickles with ketchup on top and what you're sort of looking at here
is something that I just don't know what it is I don't know what to classify this
as I don't know how you eat it but also has a generous lettering once as a
generous slathering of mayo on the bread does God it does yeah so that this is
this this is you know I'm looking at it and it just looks inedible right you
know I'm confused I don't understand why they look like yeah I don't get that
either generated a cheese steak right I'm having real trouble figuring out how
one would eat this and right I don't I want to know like where this place like
Jim Kenny is from Philadelphia dude yes well they also mentioned that Jim Kenny
has a much more conventional cheese steak order which is American cheese no
it American cheese onions and ketchup that's right order this was by the social
we didn't talk about our word or did we in the slides maybe maybe it's the
water situation that turned out to be not real nothing burger that's what I've
been saying the entire time and nobody listen to me because they hate me but
it's another entry in my American politicians drinking glasses of water
performatively folder yeah yeah Kenny's Kenny took the devil's milkshake yeah I
fucking hate the guy just fucking resign like please please just fucking
resign I'm begging you let us do it a couple of our council members also took
a devil's milkshake I was a little bit earlier though just texted me would
or gate and then texted me I'm feeding you jokes sweetie I had already made the
joke well apparently I said water I bet sorry we also gonna get you a non
mechanical keyboard sorry yeah I got I'm putting it down I'm putting it down
I'm moving away I'm moving it very slowly but yeah I I need to know where in
the city this thing is from because I have heard of a cheese I have never
ordered have you ever ordered a cheese steak Hogi rods no because I think the
other concept is disgusting no same I I've had have you read a pizza cheese
steak is all right I've had a pizza steak yeah pizza steak is fine have you
ever ordered a cheese steak Hogi she doesn't like him yeah this sandwich
chat yeah these people should be forced to move to Delaware if the state the
country I said unfortunately you know what you got a technology to make this
rotate no we're gonna give this to Lauren but yeah you got to marry you got
to marry someone with like better judgment than you and yeah I you know
great job doing that I will say that yeah Corinne has terrific judgment and my
judgment is questionable too bad hmm I mean I will eat at a disgusting thing
placed in front of me which is you know how I got this body but even so this
thing this thing is like thing it's it's nasty no no for my cheese steak order by
my by my fiance that's awesome no no scran this looks like it's good my way of
describing this like is slop it appears like yeah like an open-faced sandwich
almost it's like crushing the the like bread outwards yeah everything about
this is wrong it's very man versus food in a way I find aesthetically disturbing
I I think it's I think it's the I think it's the city just you know throwing up
its hands basically I don't know where they're fishing for clicks or do they
have that amount of self-hatred I don't know I probably both yeah I do I I will
say Philly as a city is great because we hate everyone we hate each other but we
hate all of you more yeah yeah yeah I uh you want to keep going with sandwich
chat because I just had a delicious sandwich today actually from my liberty
kitchen but mm-hmm I just think the city should have more self-respect and post a
good cheese steak on national cheese steak day yeah I mean there are also
plenty of opportunities to talk about like hats and geno's which are fine I
will say I actually have a mini-rand about this hats and geno's are fucking fine
okay like in the same way that like you go to the M&M store in Times Square like
yeah okay so do the authentic experience they're fine I like the authentic M&M
experience it's like Times Square you go into a sex dungeon right you go into a
sex dungeon like old Times Square and there is the green M&M with the strap
you have a collar made of twizzlers placed around your neck and then you how
you do it house fucking Rudy Giuliani like deputize the NYPD to go into the
theaters and like crack all the M&M's open with like truncheons it's fucked you
know it's not the same sissy anymore justice for Steve's Prince of Stakes
all of the live commentary of my own podcast I want to talk about a high
speed real coming to California yes that's our next news item I'm speaking of
Trains happy birthday to our congratulations on reaching us all hugged
and disregarded it's like you know played over by the drop whatever my job Union
Pacific has brought high-speed rail to California fuck there was this arguing
with a guy on Twitter about it and has been for a day yes well that guy was
wrong anyway what happened here as far as we can tell because a lot of this is
still rumors in hearsay is there was 180 something car train of iron ore it's
split in half on the top of the SEMA grade which is in California it goes
downhill towards Los Angeles and when the crew was going to replace the coupler
where the train broke in half the front half of the train got away from them
somehow oh buddy and so it rolled down this very long 2.3 percent grade we
have this picture from a positive train control readout showing here it was
going 118 miles per hour that's good right now as I understand it Union
Pacific's positive train control cannot read anything higher than 118 miles an
hour off-scale high fuck yes yes so I want to say there are some people who
unofficially clocked this train at anywhere between 130 and 150 miles an
hour Mallards alleged record 128 oh congratulations you did it
I believe the fastest diesel electric locomotive was the HST 125 which in
143 so Union Pacific may have broken several there possibly the fastest
freight train in history and you can see here it came off the tracks on this
corner and contained in here are two locomotives and 55 coal cars how do you
get to a speed that high gravity gravity I figured that's what it was I
didn't know if there was anything else that would affect it it's a really heavy
train there's a lot yes right we're not quite certain exactly how the train got
away from them we do know they bailed after it hit 15 miles an hour and it was
not stopping because you know if you're the engineer and you have full brakes you
have full independent brakes you have full dynamic brakes and the thing is
still accelerating your work is done get off that train yeah so so we don't know
what happened what you can really survive I haven't seen much about this
other than you again arguing with that guy on Twitter they they they survive no
injuries they bailed it like 15 miles an hour to the best of my knowledge so that
that is something where you know you're gonna sprain an ankle at the worst you
know you can sort of see you can do a lot more damage jumping out of a locomotive
at 15 miles an hour than a sprained ankle but I think it was a parachute fall
skilish you you know yeah braz what was the last time you jumped off of anything
like a you can sort of see how all these train cars can really shredded
themselves into being completely unrecognizable really going 55 miles an
hour yeah okay that guy again that guy was wrong you know the interesting
thing here is of course I I do not believe NTSB has chosen to look into
this because there was no loss of life and there was only damage to property
iron ore is basically inert so there's not really environment so NTSB said
property crimes aren't crimes got it yeah yep yeah yeah whatever we think this
one was cool actually yeah it's pretty cool I mean that that's a pretty fast
derailment so we don't know exactly what caused this we might not ever know 3D
friendship deraila yeah yeah sure like a whole line of them though yeah I could
say is this is it's like when you don't complete your your roller coaster and
roller coaster tycoon and you just send all your passengers to the death I was
like doing that this is sort of I don't know this is the craziest derailment I've
seen this year you know and that's saying something considering East
Palestine happened this this is by far the craziest thing I've seen in years
and we're just probably not gonna learn anything from it you know I just
straight up forgot to put the brakes on you know well possibly what happened
was they were this is sort of the rumor at the moment is that well after they
had replaced the knuckle or while the conductor was going back to place the
knuckle the engineer knower trying to recharge the brake system so they could
move the train back and put the train back together and they wound up in the
sort of limbo state where there was enough pressure in the brake pipe that
the brakes were releasing but not enough pressure in the brake pipe that they
could put the brakes back on hmm so weird this is sort of yeah this is sort of
there's a lot of stuff there that doesn't quite add up either you know
because theoretically you'd be able to put it back into emergency there's a
whole lot of stuff here that does not make a lot of sense and again I don't
know if NTSB isn't looking into it I don't know that we're going to find out
what happened mystery train ghost train I just hope somewhere there's like
surveillance footage if it going by at 130 miles an hour I would like to see
that so yeah well no injuries no environmental damage I guess we should
never think about it or learn anything from it yeah in other news if this had
only leaked a few hours later you would have gotten the Ross Joker laugh mark to
I I don't know and I would just start screaming Trump Tramp Trumbo Trump Trump
America's America's a wettest president once again in a pickle in a
commotion he's being arrested for paying off stormy Daniels yeah is it a crime
to pay off a porn star yes because it's campaign finance the thing we as
Americans obviously give a shit about yes like tax evasion to like like an
accounting sort of misdemeanor to right I I do like obviously the shit doesn't
matter because the rich are just gonna do whatever they want and nobody gives a
shit about this stuff anyway it is fucking hilarious that he's going to be
arrested like they that's very funny I I do think and I've never said this
before I was not someone who really thought he was especially funny I thought
he could be funny in sort of a mean way I think we give him Twitter back for as
long as he's being like arrested that's I need to see those tweets I mean he does
have truth social now I believe that you learn so he's a isn't he unbanned it
just won't use yes and a fit of peak what he said on truth social was these
thugs and radical left monsters have just indicated the 45th president of the
United States of America and the leading Republican candidate by far for the
24-24 nomination for president this is an attack on our country the likes of
which has never been seen before I don't know Fort Sumter was pretty high up
there it is likewise a continuing attack on our once free and fair elections the
USA is now a third world nation a nation in serious decline so sad so a lot of
words man that's too many words yeah he's lost he's kind of lost it here
although I do appreciate indicated yes he's he's he's nervous he's panicked and
this is like one of three indictments that are coming down actually much more
serious because he's I don't know if you know this but you're not supposed to use
your lawyers as tools to do crimes I hear that your lawyers aren't these
supposed to be committing crimes themselves and believe a federal judge
ruled that attorney client privilege no longer applies certain stuff for him
he's got like mm-hmm you know how bad you have to fuck up as a lawyer to get
that shit taken away from you oh yeah he's got the classified documents thing
he's got like potentially a couple of other Fed things he's got like election
tampering in Georgia where like the Atlanta State's attorney once and bad
for that and then he's got this one thing in New York so you know he's just
gonna be bouncing around getting arrested which is hysterical to me it's
like the Trump the Trump for life for life from San Quentin it's Donald Trump as
as you put in here Justin there is plenty of precedent for running for
president while in prison yes he will be in the next Eugene Debs
I want to point out something interesting that the AI has done generating this
image look at this man here right yeah and we see going down going down his
arm police uniform police uniform police uniform I kind of I genuinely have a
little bit of affection for AI ask at times like this because like it all of
the like from getting arrested AI up was very funny because it was the kind of
dumb bullshit that was too dumb to ask a human to do but also the ways in which
it fucked up we're almost charming like the sport coat thing or the patches or
like any number of these things I really like getting arrested with this
dissuit cop the suit cop it's like men's wear guy but like he's been sworn in and he's just like Sona cop
but they're warehousing humans one of the other funny things that happened is
that and I think the context of fucking over Ron DeSantis Disney working out
that they could like simply fuck over Florida forever I and do it sort of in
the dark is extremely funny to me this election's gonna further destroy the
Republic but it is funny to watch yeah it's only we don't deserve it we've had
enough tremendous content from prison I think you could definitely win from
prison I think it'd be extremely funny I I do like the idea of of Trump like
going into whatever low low security federal prison in Connecticut or whatever
the fucking the mark the store was said yeah the one that marked the store was
in right well like becoming a total jailbird going full to cash he's six
nine on drug dealers like you know having like coming out like stabs or a
porter with a shiv and says take me back you get when it's like all upper body
strength no cardio right I yeah I think I think the other weird fantasy art his
son posted of him like as a mix of Trump and Stone Cold God Jesus Christ and the
other thing is like if he wins he could pardon himself but would be hilarious
about I think it would be funnier if he just like refused to out of like spite
and we just decided yeah so like you govern from prison as well they have to
like a build an oval off it's in the prison down Donnie the governing
coalition of the Republicans and the Aryan nation we all went for that one
at the same time yeah well we've done 26 minutes of news what else we got well
we have an actual episode never mind let's keep talking about fucking shit
that won't happen yeah so yeah I don't wait I just this episode is gonna be me
trying to put Matt a glacis into a blender all right we got to start by
asking what is DACA I don't know what is this bill what is this interior on the
top right this is magnificent oh this is it's a mosque it's the star mosque in
DACA this is fantastic oh yeah there is shit the DACA is it's the capital of
Bangladesh as a population of 10.2 million people fuck which Jesus which
is bigger than Michigan it's like an insanely like densely populated Sissy
right and it's also very very low-lying and very susceptible to like my god it
is bigger than Michigan so like the the climate of
hotter New Orleans with the density of Hong Kong yeah regular New Orleans is
I'm going there yeah the there have been urban settlements in the Saria since
like the first millennium AD but the DACA proper isn't founded until the 1600s
under the Mughals right one of the most vulnerable cities in the world to
climate change yeah a couple you know I put us put some buildings up here this
the National Assembly building this was designed by our very own Lou Khan of
Philadelphia it's a little bit like that's right the square hole the square
hole yes square hole you know here's their national not the butthole or the
mouth but a secret third hole yeah that's right they got their national
football stadium they also have they play a lot of cricket there as well it's a
sister city of Bucharest and also New York City right on a Ganges Delta right
am I correct in saying that no no it's it's more inland than that I thought it
was right on the Delta my bed no it's it's not the Ganges in it is in India oh
this is weird so I've got the wiki up lying on the Ganges Delta that's funny
how that works this post has been fact-checked by real Bangladeshi
patriots yeah yeah well you call it East Pakistan suck my fucking dick okay
that's right you know what lots of people live here like it's a real city
it's not like you know I feel like when you hear about these huge disasters in
like foreign countries you're like well you know that's what happens in some
one of these foreign shitholes it's like now there's like a bunch of people who
live there you know we said the same thing about right we said the same
thing about my poems the city the size of Philadelphia that the west especially
Union Carbide treated like a garbage dump and this is like 10 fucking million
people like people have to live somewhere that's the thing that pisses me off
right it's like these and like we're gonna get there with Madaglaces who as
the villain of this episode should be shot to the fucking son but you know we
talk about like I think there's a lot of like oh it's just body count porn
basically if that makes sense yeah yeah yeah I don't love that phrase obviously
but like oh like you know those stupid they're all on top of each other like
people have to fucking live someplace man and we talked about these death
counts like they're fucking nothing yeah and then it's like oh my god look at
how these people live and have a nice place to live yeah it's like nicer than
what you can get in New York City or London much bigger to air conditioning
probably not so reliable though yeah but this is not like you know I this is
not like some kind of like disaster show hellhole city it's it's a real place
where people live you know it's it's it's not like I don't know I wouldn't
matter even a disaster place hellhole city because yeah people are worthy of
dignity and respect and help yeah not to be treated like hogs in a machine by
again Matt Iglesias who what should you know what no I'm just gonna say it have
some sort of get the bleep ready some sort of like chainsaw like a Jackson
Pollock painting is what I'm saying sorry yeah I guess I guess the main thing
to say is that like that kind of isn't a place that is solely like disaster city
that like everywhere is like a full place and this is like a full place and
it's like their full lives here people are born here live here die here worship
here have fun here have terrible things happen them here like that doesn't make
it any less worthy and I know that sort of the comms is gonna be like why are
you being so sanctimonious and it's just like we're not it's just that people
love this body count porn shit with these countries yeah yeah well one of the
major industries in Bangladesh and Dhaka proper is the textile industry yeah
I've put in a lot for this and in fact I can say it's not just one of the major
industries it is the major industry right Bangladesh has a 35 billion dollar
garment industry it's the largest after China depending whether Vietnam does
that year it's like 85 percent of the exports of Bangladesh are ready-made
garments of which like a fifth of t-shirts alone and the reason why it is
that way is because after Bangladesh got independence from Pakistan garment
export was like a quick way for the government to make money and garment
export used to be very like deeply regulated by something called the
1974 multi-fiber agreement which imposed quotas on developing nations as to
how much clothing you could export so as to not like destroy the manufacturing
economy of the developed world this happened anyway because it had certain
loopholes including Bangladesh because when they were drafting it they're like
fuck it no one's gonna make t-shirts in Bangladesh they're gonna make them in
like South Korea and we want us to stop South Korea from making t-shirts so if
you're a South Korean executive what you do is you open a factory in Bangladesh
and that's what most knows not fuck me and that's what most notably day you did
the same people do the cars giant tribal corporation like open factories in
Bangladesh got around their export quota and then you know this sort of like
set off this huge thing also garment manufacturing in Bangladesh was
nationalized up until saying with me privatized in the 80s and also
deregulated in the 80s all of which is like deeply tied in with the sort of
like the one governing party since the military dictatorship ended the Awami
League which is about as corrupt as you can imagine there are like two dozen
factory owners who are also MPs in Bangladesh labor organizers have this
way of like going missing and Bangladesh labor remains some of the cheapest in
the world if not the cheapest yeah and and and textile manufacturing is one of
those things which is very much resisted mechanization in a way that a lot of
other sectors haven't you know it still is very very labor-intensive yeah need
to shoot an episode for shoot a promo for our own podcast here we are going to
be doing a deeper exploration of this very thing of fast fashion especially on
April's whenever you hear this bonus episode in case you're interested in
that as well but yeah I can you talk more about the lack of mechanization and
why is it just like it's just cheaper to do it with humans or do we have a
reason I have no idea to be honest it's sort of both yeah I mean it's it's
cheaper but also there's a lot of like finicky work and what you want to do is
like separate out the kind of like more intricate operations with the like more
sort of like scalable ones and so you know Bangladesh is a good place to do
both to be honest but you'd like especially for like luxury brands one
thing you can do is you do the like more easily like scalable stuff offshore and
then you have like you've got like one or two stitches in it in Italy and then
you slap and made an Italy logo on it or whatever
and like evil oh it is it absolutely is and the biggest culprit here is the
fast fashion industry which is something that was born out of actually along with
the multi-fiber agreement this was another attempt to protect Western
manufacturing this was this idea of quick response manufacturing the idea that
you have like very like short lead times you have to like scale things up and
down quickly instead of protecting Western manufacturing this got offshore
also and so you end up with this business model where you're able to like
like shine or like Zara does where you make thousands of different products and
like small batches they sell out quickly so they seem exclusive when one sells
you scale up the production you sell like thousands of them flood the market
and then you just rinse and repeat
yeah this work is all by and large it's you know it's done by women they're very
very low paid even considering you know the low wage scale in Bangladesh right
and you have lots and lots of these very small manufacturers they're sub
contractors of subcontractors of subcontractors rights the actual
supply chain is very hard to scrutinize you know just at some point the stuff
shows up on the shelves and don't think about it right especially if you're like
if you don't want to scrutinize it which is you know a lot of a lot of like buyers
certainly don't if you're wondering about child labor by the way certainly
used to be a thing to Bangladesh to an extent I understand still is like one of
those things that has been clamped down on to the extent that it is like getting
better but who's to say and then and then also all the stuff is made out of cheap
and nasty materials right oh yeah 100% because that's that's like also an
imperative of fast fashion that's why I like it it's chassis to work around a
chassis to live around the manufacturing of leather is the worst like
synthetic leather even real leather tanning is like nasty yeah and you
will get cancer don't you worry yeah bank that doesn't get something you don't
get something worse first right yeah now we have to talk about this picture here
is supposed to be an example of one of the cleaner and healthier Bangladesh
textile mills this is good practice you know yes got lights get space between the
people yet sawing machines and stuff you know shit man is going to make a raxa
yeah well wow it's not even locked they got a fan damn window they should be
grateful why aren't they grateful now we got to talk about buildings we're gonna
talk about the live load and the dead load right so when you're engineering a
building these are the two big loads you got to think about in terms of the
actual structure right you have the dead load and the dead load is the building
itself right it's any permanent part of the building the floor is the world use
these loads no it's all no loads refused no loads can be refused yeah otherwise
we're just talking about your towers yeah so the floors the walls the roof
structural members anything that's a permanent part of the building is the
dead load then you have the live load right which is everything else which is
largely supported by that people such as these Amish guys putting up this
building that's a live load obese man writing a heavy bicycle top right you
put him together that's a frame oh yeah there is yeah he's yelling to buy a
fucking car but you can't hear it yeah so you know your live load is
everything else this is stuff that's supported by the floor so it's the
people it's the furniture it's the animal bookcases it's machinery it's
whatever well it's build a crap it's in a building you know filing cabinets a lot
of people yeah in buildings you know so live load ratings are different depending
on the type of structure so like in the United States generally is specified in
pounds per square foot which is a measurement that I'm sure will infuriate
your opinions but you're hitting me man residential buildings for example need
to be able to handle about 40 pounds per square foot international building code
has lots of specifications for this like a garage is 40 PSF a library stack is
like 150 heavy manufacturing is 250 classrooms are 40 in armory is 150 so
you know that you can like easily repurpose a library as an armory and
vice versa yeah yeah talk to the Pennsylvania railroad about that you know
and this is especially important where you're dealing with things that are
heavy like machinery heavy furniture people especially Americans are very
heavy oh no I gotta say it like that yeah you have to stop riding the
catastrophically heavy bicycle yes you can get this thing when you get a tube
frame made of a fucking osmium you know I brought it from home and machinery
poses its own problems right because it introduces cyclic loading right these
machines they start up they shut down they're moving parts these introduced
forces and vibrations into the structure that accelerates material fatigue
right this is a particularly their problem in buildings where you know your
heavy stuff moves around you know like like a parking garage for example but
that's a different episode parking garages are so ugly that's why well
that's why all parking garages are falling apart yeah yeah so buildings are
built sort of as heavily or as lightly needed for their purpose that's why a
lot of times you will see a factory or warehouse repurposed into lofts or
offices but very rarely do you see an officer an apartment building repurposed
into a factory well I don't like that and then also in the United States you
know manufacturing has been decentralized to the point where multi-story
factories are uneconomical but that's that's another episode so with that in
mind let's look at the Rana Plaza oh she's beautiful isn't she what a gorgeous
building oh she's a looker what the hell is going on bottom left here am I
missing something there's there's like a sort of like a glass of it you can see
it like another angle of it in the next slide I think man would be sick as a
call of duty map I will say that yes so the reason the reason why you think of
Call of Juicy is like this particular structure of like concrete frame like
terracotta sides because that's in every video game set in the developing
world because that's where all the fucking buildings look like like yes you
can use the same set for South Africa South America like whatever the fuck
because everywhere he uses it I may not shock the listeners to realize that I'm
very stupid yeah you have this sort of Rana Plaza here that's the building we're
looking at is it does have this sort of developing world style of construction
which is your reinforced concrete frame with terracotta block in this case I
think they just went for a straight reinforced concrete for the whole thing
which is another option but you see this sort of building you know again
everywhere in the developing world right you'll see this in India you'll see it
in Peru in Uganda in Greece you know which recently became developing world
you can see in like more deprived bits of Southern Italy too I mean yeah we
don't have a heavily associated with like illegal construction which is fun
yes it's cheap and fast it's very cheap it's very fast it's reasonably durable
as well installation is not good a lot of aspects of it that are not good the
architecture is also frequently not good but you know box we don't have this in
the United States mine mainly because we came up with the idea of light timber
frame multi-story buildings and our day of reckoning for that has not come oh
but it will it will would poke on this yes one day one day one of these brand
new five over one districts is just gonna burn down all at once and everyone's
gonna be like how did we allow this to happen so you know here here in Bangladesh
of course it rains a bunch which means these buildings start to look pretty
ugly pretty quickly but that's not like indicative of a structural problem right
I don't think it was ever intended to look pretty either I don't think well you
know he did some they put some they put some glass on the front and they got
this embellishment on the front here that says rana plaza and these big letters
up in the front and then like well we'll get into the the four floors on top
later great so this guy Mohammed Soho Rana right he's a sort of gangster thug
guy with a lot of political connections right he he he rides around on a
motorcycle with his motorcycle gang and he has this sort of dubious claim to a
piece of land on the outskirts of Dhaka in a place called savor and he wants to
put a building on there right we have sort of these again you're developing
world problems people just put up buildings there's not a lot of oversight
into titles your deeds or anything some ownership of land is kind of informal
but also Soho Rana is just a big bully right and he gets adjacent landowners
to cede their property to him just because well the police don't want to
mess with them no one has any recourse okay put up the building right it's like
helpful if you're in with the authorities that like do permits and zoning
and stuff too right yes he was he was absolutely so this plot of land is kind
of swampy kind of miserable has a big pond in the middle of it right but it's
on a major road close to the center of town and he's got some big plans here
right he's gonna build this building it's gonna be a shopping center it's gonna
have apartments it's gonna have offices all in this neat and tidy four-story
concrete building right sure and love mixed use zoning right yes we love
mixed use mixed use zoning is always good this man is a true urbanist this
kind of smart walkable mixed use etc totally illegal in the United States
yeah yeah don't worry though we're our day of Kindle reckoning is coming we have
so the wind and we shall reap the whirlwind by which I mean a bunch of our
houses burning down especially mine my house is gonna eat shit so this
building was finished in 2006 right sure but Rana he's a wily fellow though he's
a wily fellow and he feels the tides of the economy changing and he contacts his
political buddies to get the permits changed the Rana Plaza shopping center
would now include factories that's exactly what you want to hear like above
you when you're when you're shopping is like yeah you can go to the shopping
mall to buy the clothes that were made upstairs no they're like farm to tape
oh farm table for cruelty now just hearing like a bunch of lathe's and
shit immediately above you and you're like trying to buy like shoes or whatever
but mostly sewing machines thousands of sewing machines what is a sewing
machine but a lathe's of ladies for stitches yeah rosin no that's not how a
lathe works lathe removes material sewing machines at it so they'd be five
factories all making clothing for big western brands right so in 2011 construction
been begins on the upper four floors and the final configuration of the building
is five floors of textile mill on top of the shopping center and the
apartments the ninth floor was never completed presumably because of taxes it
seems like there's there's this real trend in Bangladesh I just just going
through Google Maps honestly of you know you leave the building unfinished which
I know it's like some places don't charge you fully on property taxes until
you you completely finish the building so that's that's a strategy there but
this is this is a problem right because Rana has done exactly what we mentioned
before is not common or acceptable or easy which is converting a residential or
commercial building to industrial use right that's the kind of ingenuity and
like know how an entrepreneurship that makes these countries the workshops of
the world this is true this is the kind of this is the kind of can do attitude
that we just don't have anymore in our society it's see if we luckily the the
vanguard of America down there in Arkansas is gonna let those 12-year-olds
die for country and for the ingenuity of working at the Tyson plant so we're gonna
work we'll have the finest mechanically separated chicken you ever did see and
and with that we will rebuild America and make us a great power once again and
so on and so forth and then Donald Trump
that'd be cool sorry like yeah no if he'd be like Bud Dwyer's himself on
National TV right he pulls out a grenade and just like shucks it at Ron
DeSantis I think I think if he gets like indicted and he like goes for a cop
service weapon I think that's probably pretty funny yeah well then John
Hinckley's himself that would be all right
all right back on back on the topic sorry now textile mills don't have
especially heavy equipment right it's mostly sewing machines and tables well
they do have as a lot of people right so once this addition was completed somewhere
between 3,000 and 5,000 people worked in this building in the one building in a
one building that's so many fucking people Jesus Christ now I see why the
like a slide you showed us is like the best practice one you've got like more
than like a foot in between each table yes for comparison each individual twin
tower you know the 9 11 twin towers had about 7,000 people clocking in each
work day I don't even want to think about what this density looks like yeah
wanna throw up a lot of people work in this one building all right well we
killed Liam reasonable I mean I'm not feeling so good either to be honest this
is it's it's pretty grim I don't imagine there's a lot of light in this
building either no this is very much this is very much just a cube you can
also see on this photograph here you can see the rebar sticking at the top
where they were is that what that is that's that's like not antenna okay it's
not antennas no that's rebar sticking out you can see the adjacent building to
they got the rebar sticking out of these columns because again they're like I
the building's not finished on taxes the other the other thing is based on the
sort of like density and everything else the thing I would worry about first of
all and this is this happened contemporaneously a couple of like really
bad examples of this in Bangladesh and go in factories is a fire because this
looks like an absolute death trap but the death trap I would be like most
concerned about with a bunch of fabric lying around next to a bunch of
machines that are running all the time is something catching light you know oh
yeah we're going full is the door at Duncan and just having a shit strangled
out Jesus yeah yeah so anyway I'm pretty sure this is different building yeah
this is just I needed something to put in the slides so yeah we can change this
in post I hope there's not too many photos of the building when it was
standing what's the kind of like unremarkable building is the other
thing about it and that's the sort of like damning thing is yes you know there's
there's a ton of these you know and it's not particularly remarkable in that
context you know yeah it's a very very boring building so solar on this building
operates without incident for a few years you know folks go in they work
their miserable jobs for long hours they go home at night right but on April 23rd
2013 workers heard this loud sound it sounded like an explosion right and a
bunch of cracks that appeared in support columns everyone was immediately
evacuated from the building and sent home for the day wow okay now this was
also while there was this sort of general strike against the government
going on which is something I haven't I had a hard time finding details on like
I'm pretty sure it was anti-ruling party but because of course our boy Rana is
pro-ruling party he everyone had to come in but on this particular day everyone
gets sent home now that evening an engineer inspects the building he takes
one look at the columns he's like I'm getting the fuck out of here it's not
fit for you know it should yeah building is an imminent danger it
collapse I see live in a building that was deemed unfit for human habitation Rana is
like unfazed right yeah that motherfucker the press comes around to film the
building that night and he shows the journalist the cracks and he's like this
is just problems with the plaster this is nothing to do with the building right
okay so this is no serious structural problem now it should be noted that if
you hear loud sounds and cracks in the plaster appear that is an indication
that structural members are moving around right which is generally not
something you want in a building you want everything to stay still but even if
that were the case Rana was still lying because the whole building was raw
concrete didn't have plaster these are just huge structural cracks right there
was another thing I found which is that when workers like asked about this the
next day they're like the local authorities I think the mayor or like
the local MP like essentially told them yeah it's fine it's safe we looked
into it and it's we looked at it yeah I looked at it just like yep that looks
like pretty solid building flatly a lie it's made of concrete you know how strong
concrete is yeah so all right there's these big problems and the next day
known in the shopping center goes to work the shopping centers closed the
apartments are evacuated the offices are evacuated textile mills tell everyone
to show up so they do right now docket does not have consistent electricity
right there's lots of power outages there's brownouts often dozens in one
day so lots of buildings are equipped with these large and heavy diesel
generators they can spin up in seconds if there's a power outage so work can
continue largely uninterrupted right and this building was equipped with a few of
those generators right they put them in the ground floor or basement they put
them on a roof well you know they got exhaust somewhere yeah I mean personally
I think that'd be like a pipe or something but you know hi it's Justin so
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and we respect that back to the show
so anyway 24th of April 2013 the shopping center was empty across the
apartments had been evacuated the five textile mills had ordered their
employees back to work threatening to withhold a month's wages for anyone who
didn't show up oh suck my fucking dick you monsters got well they had they had
to fill this big order for some fast fashion bullshit mmm of course so the
workers showed up and that morning the power went out and the generators turned
on now workers in this building get noticed for a long time that the whole
building would shake and shudder when the generators turned on and no one was
particularly confident about the structural integrity of the building
except for our boy Soho Rana who was at this time in his office in the basement
right so the building started as usual to shudder and shake but this time the
shaking didn't stop everyone noticed something was up here and the workers
ran for the exits but there was basically no time to escape right a whole
thing collapses in like less than two minutes some people jumped out of windows
and most of them died most of them got caught up in this tangle of reinforced
concrete and God knows what else they got crushed and mangled and maimed and
lots of nasty ways right yeah like a diesel generator landing on you or
whatever yeah you get impaled on a rebar this this particular photo I don't
think really shows the scale of the destruction because what you're looking
at here is the back of the building right and then there's a property line
here this is the adjacent building and then the actual footprint of the building
you can sort of see goes forward out to here and you can see eight stories as
compacted into the space of about three stories you can sort of see the front
frame of the building in there the decorative frame so yeah that's that's
gone poorly and this is like pretty much purely down to like excessive load
right that's not straight up excessive load yeah okay we're not like
implicating any other like design or like manufacturing or anything it's just
you put too much shit in the building and a fall down well there's definitely a
design issue here is is they added five stories that they weren't supposed to add
and it wasn't designed for funny how that was the foundation was not designed
for that amount of load the ground was not necessarily capable of holding that
load without a better design foundation you know so it's built on top of a pond
right yes that's not to say you can't do that but you have to engineer for it
which this guy this guy did not do I mean do we know anything about like does he
have an architects did do you need an architect was that I mean the same
engineer who designed the building and the additions the engineer who designed
the additions was the one who fled the building and say get everyone out I do
know that there was also an architect involved on the first four floors but he
was not involved on the subsequent four floors terrific yeah because he was
implicated in this disaster for a bit and he was like I told him not to do it
what can I say like I've seen them building this four times we can do we
can just like copy and paste you know right so yeah this this building sort of
pancakes into a very small space here we can see several floors which are now
less than two feet high yeah don't like when the building is a crumple zone
yeah so you sort of looking at a situation where like you know this this
building by way there's probably two-thirds concrete and one-third
humanity just just on account of how many people were working in there
so this this this building class is very loud lots of people noticed it happened
and you know they sort of you know thousands of locals run out to help
instantly but it's very very difficult to navigate the wreckage right you can't
yeah I mean you don't huge you can't clear out these huge pieces of concrete
by hand right you know I used to have folks sort of squeezing into these
narrow passageways in the rubble to help people out some of the rescuers get
trapped in the rubble in the process yeah I mean I read about like you know
people trying to do what is a complicated like urban search and rescue
things like sandals and you're like yeah I'm trying to pull off Superman shit
with no tools available yeah for sure yeah the injuries people get are like
really heavy like blunt probably trauma stuff yeah it's real nasty shit you know
you got the blood in gore and entrails everywhere you got a guy trapped under
the wreckage who's still living but like he's got like intestines falling out all
kinds of nasty stuff hmm and it's very very hot in there just because of the
amount of body heat you know and then you know friction from the collapse
building and just ambient heat because it's Bangladesh right right one of the
things they do is they they use sheets of fabric from the buildings like
improvised slides to get victims out
another thing that guy is wearing washing up gloves yes the other thing they
do is there's lots of people trapped under the wreckage but like only a limb
is trapped or something so lots and lots of these improvised amputations
without anesthesia to get people out from under the wreckage is real real
nasty stuff well I can't wait to hear for I for one can't wait to hear what
Madaglases has to say about this yeah I have some improvised amputations in
mind myself yeah yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna separate a set for the rest of his
body um it's real difficult to under overstate how nasty the situation was
right it was kind of you know just just like yeah there's much more gory
accounts than anything I can say if you want to go look them up fucking depraved
freaks yeah and then there's this sort of low level cover-up by local officials
right there's lots of international assistance offered for the rescue and
recovery effort and they're like down we can handle it right and they decline
this assistance repeatedly because god forbid anyone find out what's going on
inside these textile mills and the national prestige thing to like you
want to be able to say like no we've got it we've got like the military and the
emergency services on that we're not a basket case you're a basket case you're
not suspended you're suspended so these rescuers who are largely ill-equipped a
lot of them don't have any kind of PPE or anything they don't have the equipment
they need to do the job they're the ones doing the job and so the rescue effort
is slow it's haphazard not especially effective they apparently also try and
call it off a bunch of times early the government like gets their hands and
goes well nobody's left alive in there so don't worry about it the last living
person they pulled out of the wreckage was 17 days after the collapse final toll
here 1134 people killed 2,500 injured in those injuries were mostly very bad
mostly amputations yeah so like this is a third of a 9-11 yes this is a third of
a 9-11 yeah in a small building
sort of one of the things to catch me there is like this is not that big of a
building like this is there's like hundreds thousands of these just in
like one city mm-hmm I mean I feel very strongly about you know this kind of
shit is about to make me a mark like a Maoist Third Worldist right and we've
sort of successfully managed to just offshore all of this stuff that used to
happen in our countries you know triangle shirt way still the rest of it
we'll talk about that at some point I'm sure and just put it like just far
enough like out of sight for most people not to worry about it will be
bothered by it and in return we get sort of fashion or whatever leech state
theory we get like enough treats to you know keep everybody who's you know
gets gets enough treats and yeah this this is sort of like the the sharp end
of it right yeah and you know it sort of gets me is like it's not too much more
expensive to put up a building that doesn't fall down no right it's more
sustainable because you don't have to like shift all of the production it
doesn't matter like that's not the imperative the imperative is to like
cut costs all the time yes but also like it's not that expensive to put up a
building that doesn't fall down it's it hurts you in the long run if the
building falls down yeah but as we know capitalism doesn't do long-term it
does short-term and it like you know like in fact it penalizes long-term yes
yeah absolutely and so it's just able to keep emissarating and we'll get to
sort of like the argument that capitalism makes for itself a couple of
slides time that it just it badly depresses me just think of the fact
that this is like the way it is for most of the world by population right so we
can get more treats and yeah like people who are being splitted here it can get
more treats obviously I think this is it obviously an indictment I'm sorry an
indicated of capitalism I am spelling it wrong yeah I mean that's this is the
thing right is that we I feel like on this show we try to emphasize the
humanity of all people like poor people deserve nice things too but like the
exploitation of workers is gruesome it never ends capitalism is not the
solution and I hope that these people have a nice time yeah it's like field
amputations like it's the goddamn civil war because people are just trying to
feed their fucking families is this heinous and grotesque it's this this
wedge that's been sort of like knocked in between sort of like the the working
class of developed countries in the working class of developing countries
and it's it's brutal and like thinking about the idea that like in aggregate
like the average person if you like picked at random this is closer to their
idea of work than yours or mine your stupid email job that doesn't matter
right yeah for sure this uh do Walt souls all down here yeah I think yeah I
think so yeah wow they weren't kidding when I said they were ill-equipped yeah
the guy coming towards you if you're like field amputation he's got like a
hub of fright hacks or now you're gonna need me man and then this this for the
service of like in fast fashion bullshit that you're gonna throw out that ends up
in a land show it looks horrible anyway it looks like shit you're gonna wear it
twice and then it's going directly like it's being dumped directly into a Nazca
line yes right thanks green never buy clothes again yes oh wait that was a
different thing the green piece ruined sorry I sorry my vendetta gets green
pieces back mmm the French didn't go too far enough Alice no I want to go full
hair shirts on this one you know never never purchase anything never consume
products kill yourself and everyone around you I don't know all right well
now that we're thoroughly depressed I assume this guy is no no run so there's
this guy ishmael Ferdous he's a he's a photojournalist right and he took some
images of the aftermath a lot of it that made it in the press were like images
of labels because they were for all these like American brands United Colors of
Benetton was the major one I remember yes and then you had like some Walmart
brands you had Primark you had Prada Gucci stuff like that right this is the
one that sort of stood out to me which is you know they just print on there it's
Union made in New York right and I kind of like well that's fucked probably not
it doesn't seem to be the case you know you cannot win with this shit it's all
like a decent chance of you trying like buy something manufactured ethically it
just isn't and they're lying to you yeah yeah there there's no ethical
consumption under capitalism even if you try that's the thing like for the guts
of madaglaceous yeah there's no ethical consumption under capitalism often used
as a kind of excuse for why you should purchase things seldom understood as a
sort of nihilist statement of despair and like the other thing the other thing
about the Nazca line thing and I'll talk about this when we do the fashion
episode is that the production of all of these things is completely uncoupled
from demand you not buying it doesn't mean they're gonna make it they're gonna
do it anyway this is like a it's like a sort of a net being trolled right like
making a bunch of sort of like low volume like quick response different
products to see which one takes off it doesn't it doesn't matter whether you
buy it or not it's just gonna exist in the world and if it doesn't if it
doesn't work they'll keep making new things until something you know pops off
and then they'll keep making new things after that what's the logic of dumping
in the desert though are they like well maybe we'll come back and use it one day
right yeah video different the eti Atari game yeah now landfill was expensive
and you know if anyone asks any questions you can do this sort of like
disposal sort of like flip side of this coin and be like yeah we we certified
the disposal of this I saw this story about how a bunch of sneaker manufacturers
had been like housing are we recycle the sneakers like send kids to school or
whatever you know we turn this material into like athletic track like young
athletes or whatever and then a great piece of investigative journalism they
just put some trackers in the shoes that they sent into this and found all of
them being like resold in the Philippines and fuck at least resales better
than just dumping them but like it's all like this you know they're right right
like I don't mean to sort of like say oh you should never try and like consume
sustainably because it's all futile right what I'm saying is that capitalism is
a poison and any attempt to do green capitalism sustainable capitalism is
always gonna be like it's a lie but not a meaningful one
exactly it needs a routine radical reform
oh dancing with Matt Iglesias oh okay you said it all right
center both of us they'd have hope you're having fun there I hope I hope for
tactical micro bleeps all right so have a limited number of YouTube community
strikes we can get we still got three right yeah we haven't gotten we almost
got one yeah we got one for some bullshit yeah we got one for for for being
anti-vax apparently which we're not all right can we talk about the schmuck and
how I hope he has a nice time hopefully at the business end of a 38 well first
we got to talk about a different schmuck or we hope has a nice time oh no I was
talking about the guy on the next slide well okay to the other guy at the
business end of a 38 okay cool our boy Rana he was in the building when it
collapsed he's short as shit dude he crawled out and ran for the border yeah
they got him at the like Indian Bangladeshi border and he and like 40
other people got charged with a variety of things including murder yeah I will
say I love this arrest photo if for no other reason then the guy in the back
wearing sunglasses baffled as to why he's there I think he's I think he's I
think he's mugging for the camera pretty good actually yeah so so how Rana he got
like they convicted him of tax evasion on like building the building he got like
three years in prison for that the murder trial that only restarted last year
and then stalled again after what like nine years he every other defendant
there are like 40 of them you know like minor officials the fucking the
engineer shit like that all of them except him out on bail have fled the
country or a dead and he's just like in jail indefinitely his lawyer says he
wants to trial the like families and of the like you know bereaved people and
then you know the victims they want to trial someone doesn't want to trial so I
don't know what kind of like collusion or like right embarrassing shit that
would come out or yeah it's it's just sort of like in limbo at the moment and
is likely to remain so indefinitely well exactly yeah he's sort of like played
this sort of like game of politics and has come off with you know stay in jail
forever which is you know not as much as he deserves but more than you know you
might expect Joey have you ever been in a Bangladeshi prison I do like like I
said the facial expressions in this photo are incredibly amazing to me we've
got everyone who's been drinking for 14 straight hours wearing sunglasses guy
looking down with utter contempt at our boy Rada here very professional beret
clad I assume life for cop and then the guy hopefully wearing one of his own
shirts who again hopefully off camera will be staring down the business end of
a sometime soon so I assume labor conditions improved and American stopped
doing horrible things buddy I put together a few things about this one so
in in sort of like the aftermath of this and a couple of bad fires the year
before and and that year Obama suspended Bangladesh's preferential tariff which
was sort of like a big deal economically and this sort of worked you know thanks
Obama because it led to the 2013 Bangladesh Accord which is a five-year
sort of like structure framework which ended in 2018 it's like a legally
binding sort of like reform thing on buyers and you can check and see which
brand signed it because a lot didn't most notably like American ones but like
Walmart didn't sign it Levi's target gap Disney IKEA that's not our problem
that's a that's a problem that was caused by a subcontractor of our subcontract
yeah they're afraid that they might have to like have some actual liability for
any of this shit but so a whole lot of no it's fine so a whole lot of like
frameworks and accords and commissions went into the Bangladesh readymade
government industry and now as a result of these things there are a lot of
articles from McKinsey and IFC sucking themselves off about how well all of the
frameworks and accords and commissions are working as to whether or not they
worked exports of readymade governments from Bangladesh are more than doubled
still going up and some Bangladesh is on track to become like a sort of like
middle-income country pretty soon so quite possibly things have gotten
materially better but this is still very much the sharp end of international
capitalism and the real shit remains activists on the ground I highly
recommend sort of pressure group called the clean clothes campaign I would like
us to put a link to the website in the description you can donate to them you
should but sort of like that they're good along with a bunch of others including
the the ILO and like various like labor groups pressure and companies and
because the best thing you can do in this case is is actually on us right if
you if you pressure a Western buyer to be like hey why are you killing people in
order to sell me clothes they are more likely to respond to it they they care
more about your purchasing power than they care about the labor power and there's
still no official monument to this disaster the only monument that exists
is one that was put up by the Communist Party of Bangladesh you can see it here
very traditional you know sort of two hands holding the hammer and sickle it's
right up in front of the building or where the building once stood right on
the road and the government's trying to demolish it but there have been like
these sort of human chain protests preventing them from doing that for like
years now yeah I mean obviously this is sort of a focal point for issues in the
whole industry like there were like two days of rioting and like three cities
across Bangladesh after this happened I was also during a general strike when
this happened so you know nothing else the working class of Bangladesh seems to
be pretty well organized yeah I mean this is this is the thing about like you
know half jokingly being a Maoist Third Worldist is you know a lot of these
people are communists and the communism is very acute because you can get the
sort of like experience that as a Western communist you have to go back to the
early 20th century to get of yeah they just kill you like a lot more yeah then
our other boy who we mentioned a couple times earlier writes an article oh boy
this is for I want to say so on it might have been slates it was for Vox was it
wait was it Salon it's good it's got a money s on it so it's a lot of Vox was
founded in 2014 anyway our boy Maddie Iglesias says different places have
different safety rules and that's okay yeah this is because Maddie Iglesias is
the dumbest and most venal motherfucker on the face of the earth and in any just
world his egg-shaped head would be into a marinara but his rationale here the
reason why it's okay that you know different places have different safety
rules and that's okay worth as a human being is your socioeconomic yeah it's
it's sort of like a I guess you would call it like a capitalist Menshevik
position which is sort of Western social democracy is the highest state of
of politics but in order to get there you have to progress through all the
previous flames the article is still up actually yes force it is yeah I it's
entirely appropriate for Bangladesh to have different and indeed lower workplace
safety standards the United States drives innovation and it like facilitates the
rising tide the lifts of boats of incomes going up now policy of life going on
there's an excuse for this and Maddie Iglesias should be building I'm usually
pro free speech but I'm not for him we have a limited number of community
strikes all right my question to this sort of narrative is if the intent is
to raise standards of living where are you gonna offshore the labor to next when
it gets too expensive in Bangladesh when the people start wanting things Sri
Lanka it's not that expensive to build a building that doesn't fall down yeah well
this is this is why this is not like is not hard to do this is this is why the
sort of the liberal view of this is this is a success story of like
international pressure and international regulation to which bullshit no it
isn't it's not a success story because this happened in the first place and
what's the fucking grapes of wrath line there's a failure here that outweighs
all our successes yes pure fucking evil dude
anyway I would like to see Maddie Iglesias put in a shift in any of these
places yeah yeah at gunpoint ideally yeah it's you don't tell Alice that we
have a limited number of YouTube strikes I listen I didn't directly threaten his
life I don't think that I directly threatened it if I don't laugh I will
throw my monitor on the ground so mm-hmm yeah I do actually have something to say
that's not just a death threat which is that place capitalism exists to sort of
squeeze the life out of you which we know I'm not saying anything that anyone
listening to this podcast hopefully doesn't know by now but one of the things
that they want you to forget is your humanity and not just your humanity but
other people's humanity these are working people who are just trying to feed
their fucking families in the situation they've been given that in no one would
voluntarily work here like if another better-paying job were available like
it's not these people should not be treated as disposable I can't believe I
have to fucking say those words that apparently I do I capitalism exists to
squeeze the fucking life out of you in exchange for profits when you see shit
like this it's perfectly okay to harass and annoy and and yell at people like
Matt Iglesias or whatever fucking Democrat or Republic senator in
Arkansas who wants you know the 13-year-old down the street whose mom is
working three jobs a minimum fucking wage to chip in and work down at the
Tyson plant or chip in and work in the mines get black lung at 28 you should be
pissed off you should stay pissed off at these fucking people they have nothing
to offer you obviously capitalism will bite by gun or by not gun be defeated
eventually the revolution will come God willing but in the meantime when people
push this bullshit nonsense on you and deprive children and workers of their
humanity and that extends to the shit we see going on in Tennessee right now
with trans people it's your duty as a fucking human being not just as a less
this is fucking human being to get mad at these people and fucking make them
feel scared to run their fucking mouths in public
there and I did it without a single death sign well done bravo yes the only
thing I can say after after reading this article is like you know exceeding
an article even it's like a list of goals like three paragraphs like the worst
shit I've ever read yeah he put it out the day of the only thing I can say is
exceeding the floor loading of a building is not a safety rule it's just
stupid by all counts it's like okay you want to put up the building so it can do
the things you want it to do and when you're putting up the building because
again it would be a very marginal extra cost to have done this building right
which our boy ronald decided not to do it's just the the stupidity in the
short-sightedness of the whole thing and then and then like maddy coming here and
trying to justify it in some fashion is is incredibly stupid yeah ridiculous I
mean I can't control that current did that in the middle of recording you need
less computers in your house Liam no I'm a tech enthusiast not a tech not not
it not an engineer I thought you were kind of like I have one piece of
technology in my home and it's a printer and I have a gun in my hand all the time
the noise okay I don't know I don't think you could make a case say it's
saying that it's good that buildings collapse actually no because that just
happens sometimes when it's such a small marginal cost to not have this happen
it just mostly doesn't happen it's not even breaking a rule cuz it's the kind
of thing you wouldn't really think to put as a rule
it'll be essence of what a building is right the building shouldn't there's a
reason why safest houses is an expression this is not supposed to have
actually something to add here place which is that this dumb contrarian
mainstream neoliberal shit where it's just like well you know it's okay that
this is happening and that's fine and like don't like the don't worry about it
mentality basically I I imagined that like there are things I have like there
are things I like I have to not worry about in order to like not kill myself
right and I think that that's basically an effective late-stage capitalism no
you should be fucking worried about your fellow man like it's not that's not okay
like that sort of twee bullshit language like obviously the the proposition
itself makes my blood boil but that like condescending smarmy Georgetown
mainstream trash factory bullshit think think what's it called think tank
nonsense no that's why these people should get harassed off Twitter at the
very least have you have you thought about how many people capitalism has
lifted out of poverty though yeah congratulations we went from averaging
$2 today to 250 a day woohoo yeah I yeah never believe a statistic you didn't
make up yourself I took stats yeah no it's cool though we raised up a whole
new generation of people in a lot of countries to like exploit others yeah
it's great and then eventually like though there won't be like a bottom to
that anywhere we won't find that and especially we can't you know I think of
that as a tendency of the race of profit to fall or anything like that no no
it's gonna be fine it's gonna be fine in time and execute Jay Gould can I see
that on the show every country is like on the path to become Sweden and it just
requires an amount of like building classifying deaths and building
collapses snooze also snooze but the snooze can come last it's a Dina
depends on like the idea of bagladeshi workers working out like snooze I mean
fast-fashioned snooze whatever that looks like in the realm of the absurd yeah
I don't know I'm just I'm just furious I mean I have no other birds for it and I
it's easy to get burned out with this shit as we talk about all the horrible
stuff that happens either on the goddamn news or whatever but I can't
express enough how important it is to stay fucking pissed off at these people
like your your anger if done right is the thing that will keep you alive can I
can I mention at this point please you may be asking yourself but what about
compensation for the victims the answer is this monitor on the ground yeah no no
I mean no what do you know what do you mean no well a couple of brands offered
compensation a Primark offered $200 per family if you are able to provide DNA
evidence of your relatives death in the collapse so don't bother don't bother
just like that's that's that's worse than just saying fuck them I would rather
you spit in my face than do that of the eat the shit out of my ass Primark there
is a compensation fund there are 28 brands that you know contracted for
garments and round a plaza and seven of them contributed to it it's it's about
like from this article from 2014 it was it was at that point about 40 million
dollars short I got nothing you know all I can say is there's a book
wretched of the earth by france vanan which has only become more relevant
over time
all right let's before I blow a blood vessel let's do the fucking yeah third
yeah we have a segment on this podcast I jump the gun I'm sorry whatever dude we
almost have it safety what am I looking at oh that's okay that's the thing which
it's a contraption that's the contraption it's the doohickey what do you
want to watch if I call it yeah now in a long discussion on Twitter a while back
about what is what is it doohickey what is a whatchamacallit what is the thing
my Bob was I've been for Twitter for that discussion possibly yeah no this is
more recent than that anyway I don't know I'll pay attention hello Justin
Alice yay Liam and guest shut the fuck up and no guest here's a safety third
that involves don't go in the hole and risk oh I love not going in the hole risks
of imminent soup like homogenization homogenization during my gap year in
my university studies I was employed in the chemical industry it's like you
never listened to the chemical workers song more specifically polymers the
facility produced thermo farmed plastic products using 2,500 pound rolls of
plastic sheets these rolls are extruded in-house which is my job you would think
that melted plastic at 400 degrees Fahrenheit and 1000 psi is the most
dangerous part of the facility and you'd be wrong yeah it is fun to watch
though I'm seeing thermoforming videos goes like great thermoforming is a
rather wasteful process you really just let that die in its ass huh I did a whole
little thing too and it's got nothing I made a little like and gesture enough
like what we can't I can't see the camera I know but I know but I was just saying
I was I was missing to it I don't know I don't know I could be doing all kinds of
funny gestures right now they're performing as the rather it was it was
an impressive hand gesture was like I was casting a little spell you know it's
like I believe the gesture that would naturally go with the sound Alice your
camera isn't even on no no I'm trying to just I'm trying to paint a picture with
words oh do such a good job yeah okay this one broke us I think we just like
the whiplash going from from Madaglas is to safety third has just fucked all of
us oh oh you wait this one's this one has some whiplash in it too oh my ass
dude I'm reading down on a lot of yeah just go okay okay after the parts are
created there's a lot of excess around the part that must be cut off in order
to have a finished part yeah it's called circumcision look it up this is done
using a trim press which punches the part out of the continuous sheet and cuts
the sheet up into pieces these pieces are then fed into a grinder attached is
an image of the trim press that is the subject of this incident see this this
machine here mmm scary yeah the sheet containing completed parts comes from
the left and is fed through the rails along the top of the machine coming down
vertically into the big orange block on the right of the machine
the completed parts are then pushed out of the right side of the machine onto
a table well the scrap is dropped below these are dropped directly down a ten
foot hole into an industrial plastic grinder to reclaim the material the
grinders consist of two rotors full of blades spinning towards each other and
are air-raising 3,000 RPMs or so drop my case yeah drop my watch there was an
access shoot about one five one one and a half feet in height and five feet in
width underneath the table of the machine on the right of the image that was
at a 45 degree angle to the vertical drop this was so that packing workers
could throw rejected products down into the grinder without needing to carry a
huge boxes of scrap everywhere herein lies the issue it is entirely possible
and regular in that it happened at least once a shift that scrap would get
jammed up inside the chute causing a pile up this requires a packer to insert
what was effectively just a metal stick into the access chute in order to free up
the scrap that got caught up yeah I don't know how they get a they just have
the Green Bay Packers on call or what I anyway on this day in particular the
jam was particularly foul in that poking at it with a stick was in
insufficient to free the cot plastic instead of shutting the line down and
obtaining the confined space entry permit necessary to enter the pit
underneath the grinder used to maintain it the individual responsible here became
possessed by an intense desire to create an OSHA reportable hazard and
traumatized everyone in the building the individual in question open the hatch
on the access chute to the grinder and inserted his left boot into the chute in
an attempt to clear the blockage no you motherfucker wait please no do not do this
yeah which is your least favorite leg yeah evidently this did not work as
intended I am unsure as to whether the entry was intentional or accidental but
at some point this individual's second leg also entered the access shoot up
doing that what's what's your second least favorite leg before anyone could
stop him or even realize what in the world he was planning he then became
entrapped within the access chute to the grinder only his upper body remained
outside of the 45 degree part of the access chute and that was all that was
stopping him from falling straight down the 10 foot drop into the angry
rotating blades of chunky marinara I'm very glad I think I'm too fat to fit
down a five foot wide shot so I'm yeah I'm praying for it it's one and a half
feet tall I think I would have a problem as well yeah I'll tell you I know I'll
tell you within seconds we rushed to his aid an emergency shutdown was
initiated on of all machines on the line he said he didn't want it I hate my
legs yeah why don't we hire this guy all he talked about in the interview is how
bad he hates his legs got the same attitude as someone has been trapped in
the wreckage Iran a plaza for three days no no no never no one ever accused us
of being tasteful yeah we're gonna get yelled at the comments for this one I
would deserve at this time sorry the thermoformer in the trim plat press
successfully shut down in under half a second the grinder meanwhile began its
process of breaking oh this would take at least 30 seconds even under emergency
stop conditions for the momentum to be dissipated it took a titanic effort not
at all aided by the fact he was now panicking during the rescue but we were
able to successfully extricate this individual without him falling to a fate
of certain soup like homogenization bars were swiftly installed into all
grinder shoots making them too small for any adult human to enter the moral
children however welcome to Willy Wonka's our world yeah so many fucking
mint stumper lumpers yes it's turned into paste what do you think the chocolate
was made of anyway
god damn the moral of the story is don't go into the hole mmm especially if the
hole contains spinny blades of crushification I will do my best not to
I feel very bad for this idiot hanging out of this hole like especially since
the brief is like remain calm otherwise in the hole yeah yeah absolutely that's
one of those situations where I think I would probably panic oh yeah I'd
definitely be panicking yeah yeah there was full of human being so I know this
is probably this is what happens when you when you go in the hole
going the whole telling you not to do it yeah I would be I would be pissing and
shitting and screaming and crying and praying to God that I was fat enough not
to fit down the hole less less of course is your hole that was made for you I
can't stop you if it's seamlessly down that hole yeah yeah why don't they just
weld a bunch of like steel or iron bars over all of those holes in the fault you
know solved it easy no they freaks they did it's your issue oh yeah they did
didn't I whatever oh you mean in the in the anim in the manga why didn't they
just yeah they do that at the end well yeah that's what I would do in that
case you know I definitely want to put some kind of like like just just don't
alert the public to the existence of the holes in the first place then yeah quick
expanding foam or something yeah I can't get some foam in there get some like you
know some bars over top you know put like a you could probably cover it up in
such a way that you wouldn't even notice they were there you know yeah you can be
just be walking around past your hole you wouldn't even know your whole
won't be out there right now you don't even notice your hole could be like
within a mile of your house you know and you wouldn't even notice wouldn't even
see you you would never get turned into a horrible string monster yeah that's
that's the beauty of like public like public engineering yes Liam you did you
get in the hole I'm in the hole down here with some sort of it's the thing
they use on submarines to periscope it's not going too well finish this bitch up
so I can go to bed dude okay that was our next episode will be on Chernobyl
does anyone have any commercials before we're gonna be tasteful about that one
yeah I do have a couple commercials before we go hey so I'm setting up the
PO box tomorrow hopefully the one number two if you wanted a shirt you didn't
order shirt before you need to DM the podcast on Twitter because I'm running
it literally out of my house at the moment now Union Pete my shirt yeah
sorry I'll get on that I probably won't but I'll say I will
alright number two that's I think that's actually all that is we had oh yeah
should be out inshallah if you want to submit a safety third we never
remember to say this you so if you keep asking me you email WTYP pod at gmail
com yeah the other thing page in length yeah the other thing is if you're gonna
DM the Instagram account looking for Roz's lovin
they have an Instagram account Korean runs that one so stop doing that
incredible okay I'm looking for you baby wow all right I think that was a
podcast oh yeah let's do it happy birthday to you I can already feel my
body falling apart all right good night everyone good night bye