Episode 66: Johnstown Flood of 1889
Episode Date: April 28, 2021All the horrors that hell could wish, Such was the price that was paid for— fish! Our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/wtyppod Our Merch: https://w...
This is a podcast about engineering disasters and systemic failures, from a leftist perspective, with jokes
186 episodes transcribedAll the horrors that hell could wish, Such was the price that was paid for— fish! Our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/wtyppod Our Merch: https://w...
if you are mad at the editing it's because i was basically blackout on the second pass because CHAUVIN IS GUILTY BITCH also send us your best winamp s...
this is the episode where we make the poles mad feminist/lgbt groups in poland as mentioned in the video: Aborcyjny Dream Team: https://zrzutka.pl/55...
can't believe we're over four years into infrastructure week also if you are mad about the poop building for any reason and want to take it out on us...
this wouldn't have happened if we could just dump our trash in new jersey Our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/wtyppod Our Merch: https://www.solida...
new york baybee number 1 in the world Ironweeds Podcast: https://ironweeds.podbean.com/ Slides: https://youtu.be/-_XFArcUtrA Our Patreon: https://www....
liam gets really mad at both germans and podcasters in this one Our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/wtyppod Our Merch: https://www.solidaritysupe...
your life has value, so don't go to nightclubs Our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/wtyppod Our Merch: https://www.solidaritysuperstore.com/wtypp w...
Today a cat interrupts the pod follow @FallonKider on the twitter Our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/wtyppod Our Merch: https://www.solidaritysuper...
this podcast is of and from these mountains The Trillbillies: https://soundcloud.com/user-972848621-463073718 The Trillbillies Patreon: https://www.p...
today we talk about russia milo's new pod: https://domainmasterspod.podbean.com/ trashfuture: https://trashfuturepodcast.podbean.com/ milo: https://tw...
we kidnapped Séamus Malekafzali and held him hostage while we talked about the dumb shit rich saudis build check out Séamus's substack: https://maleka...
of all the horrible things which have happened in the american school system, this is one of them slides: https://youtu.be/c75SYmKBTS0 patreon: https:...
Six hellish months have passed away On the cold Kamchatka Sea, But now we're bound from the Arctic ground Rolling down to Old Maui patreon: https://ww...
that philly fire jawn slides: https://youtu.be/pOJUJKCpG2k patreon: https://www.patreon.com/wtyppod merch: https://www.solidaritysuperstore.com/wtypp...
we answer your questions patreon: https://www.patreon.com/wtyppod merch: https://www.solidaritysuperstore.com/wtypp
today we talk about rubber fetishes mia's youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_OttpBEWWzSUlZbk5qmhSA our curiouscat: https://curiouscat.me/wty...
this episode sucks Slides: https://youtu.be/azThd0R7Bt0 patreon: https://www.patreon.com/wtyppod Merch: https://www.solidaritysuperstore.com/wtypp
why doesn't anyone listen to the experts they hire patreon: https://www.patreon.com/wtyppod Merch : https://www.solidaritysuperstore.com/wtypp slides...