When Reality Hits with Jax and Brittany - REWIND: Scheana Shay & Brock Davies!

Episode Date: June 14, 2024

It's time for Scheananigans! Vanderpump veteran Scheana Shay and her hubby Brock Davies swing by to talk about part one of the reunion, how tense it was on set, navigating the reunion with a restraini...ng order, Scheana's current relationships with the Toms and Lisa, did Rachel just want more TV time? what they saw between Sandoval and Rachel in Mexico, AND MUCH MORE!!! Original airdate: 05/30/2023 Check out our great sponsors!!! Nutrafol: Got thinning hair? Get $10 off your first month’s subscription and free shipping at Nutrafol.com and use code "REALITYHITS" Nurx: Taking control of your mental health at Nurx.com/reality  Hyatt: Need a vacation? Hyatt Vivid Grand Island in Cancun is waiting. Visit HyattVividResorts.com for grand opening rates! Quote your car insurance at Progressive.com to join the over 28 million drivers who trust Progressive!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back everybody. Thanks for listening to When Reality Hits with Jackson Brittney. Today we have two of our best friends. We're so excited. We have Sheena Shea and Brock Davies here. Hi. Hello, the Vanderpump Rules stars in the building. Brock will be running in here any second. Yeah, he's running a little late. We have had so much car trouble with my Z. It's been 14 years. I think we just call it a day with that car.
Starting point is 00:00:28 Oh, it was the Z. Yes, the Z. I thought it was your Explorer. I was like, what is going on? Oh no, that car's fine. You know, okay, really fast. One funny story about a Z. My mom had, what are they, 350 or 360 Zs?
Starting point is 00:00:41 And before I got my license, I took it for a joy ride. This was so bad. And me and my best friend ran 100% through the house in the seat car. Remember you telling me that. My gosh, because it goes so fast. I know. So I was not used to that. Didn't even have my license yet. Ran straight through a freaking house.
Starting point is 00:00:59 And the car was in the kitchen? The car was all the way touching my closet. I mean, we went through a window, the air conditioning unit was like on top of me. I couldn't get the top down, thank God, or else we could have like, who knows what could have happened to us. Two by fours, everything came down. Anyways, that was crazy. But I know what everybody wants to hear is some inside scoop about the reunion. Let's get right into it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:23 I liked your car story. I'm like, do you think I have good stories? Brittany, the stories I've heard about you in Kentucky and in your college days are fantastic. Oh my gosh. I know. I've already told everybody about me breaking my tooth at the beach and now I'm telling them about my car story. I mean, I was a train wreck. There's more.
Starting point is 00:01:39 Oh, there's much, much more. So a lot of people were wondering, and so was I, was there something that happened at the reunion that didn't air? Like during your part that you were on? Was there some juicy stuff? I don't know yet because we've only seen one part. I haven't seen the other two parts yet. But like from that first part where you had to like switch off with Raquel. Here's the thing. Every year when we film a reunion, I like emotionally black out. I get home, my mom goes, how was it? And I'm like, I don't remember. Just like, what do you mean you don't remember?
Starting point is 00:02:09 You just filmed it. I'm like, honestly, I can't even think of the conversations we had because it's just so much. It's so intense. It's like the longest day of the year. Yeah. So- It is. Those are rough days. You have to go straight to vacation right after that usually or go right to the bar. Yeah. The bar for sure.
Starting point is 00:02:25 Right. Shots. It's so exhausting, emotionally, mentally, physically. Those reunions are brutal. Yeah. Brutal. And people don't understand these three parts. They're eight hours. They do it, shoot it usually one day. So it's like eight hours days of just emotionally draining. It's emotionally draining. It really, really is. It really is. And yeah, I feel like with this reunion, I think too with them doing stuff on Peacock, I can't remember which they showed on Peacock that they didn't show on Bravo because someone
Starting point is 00:02:54 I saw come and they go, oh, there's more Sheena in the Peacock version. But when I watched it last night, I'm like, I don't remember more. But then I guess there was more. So I mean, there's so many people that it's hard to, you know? And I mean, I will be honest, I felt like Lisa was like holding you guys back a lot. Oh, don't get me started on this. I mean, I kind of kept my mouth shut, you know? Even when Lala came back at me with the, I don't like the bully comment, we're not in
Starting point is 00:03:18 pre-k, we're in Bravo, I actually got irritated with her in that moment for saying that. Oh yeah. But then Sandoval said something like kind of on my behalf and then they started fighting and I was just like I'm not Even getting it. I don't have the energy She's one of my best friends that comment really annoyed me, but I'm not getting into it even though It's my job to get into it. Yeah, you're like I can't handle it all chimed in I was like I mean he's saying what I wanted to say He's like he's right now. He's just you know there's nothing he could, he's saying what I wanted to say.
Starting point is 00:03:45 Right now he's just trying to build a friend. He's trying to find somebody that's close that's going to side with him. So he's going to agree with you. Sheena's not going to be the one. Yeah, but I was like, I mean, yeah, I do agree. There's no age when it comes to bullying. So I was like, he said that, but then she started barking at him and I was like, I'm just going to be quiet.
Starting point is 00:04:04 Oh my gosh. Yeah. I and I was like, I'm just going to be quiet. Oh my gosh. Yeah. I think it was like absolutely nuts. James was about to like beat the shit out of Don Sanabal. Literally what you didn't see or hear, I thought, because I was like even looking at subtitles, when James came over and they're about to fight, I was like, we don't need any more restraining orders on this show, you guys.
Starting point is 00:04:21 Come on, let's all learn from me. Could you imagine if somebody tried to do that after that reunion or something? You know, who knew? I didn't know if I was going to get arrested at it because like, what if I wasn't within the hundred, I was, or I was just so afraid. Like how did you guys, like from behind the scenes point of view, how did they have you to like not be around each other? They literally had a trailer measured minimum 100, if not more than 100 yards away.
Starting point is 00:04:48 They actually measured it and they were able to orchestrate it where she was in the trailer when I was on stage and then they put her in a car and drove her this way while they put me in a car and drove me this way. So why? So unnecessary. So unnecessary. So unnecessary. And so wasted.
Starting point is 00:05:04 Like, was production pissed that they had to do all this extra stuff? It was so annoying. They became a part in time where I was like, am I even going to be able to go? Because if I can't get it guaranteed, we're going to be within the restraining order dynamics. I'm chancing like I could go to jail. I just go worst case scenario. Like my OCD was on a 10. I can only imagine how you were. And I was like, maybe I just don't, maybe I just zoom in. It was like so much and poor production just having to deal with that.
Starting point is 00:05:36 Yeah. It was like all her fault. And I'm so, I'm kind of upset that like, I'm sure other people are going to agree with me that we didn't get to see you on stage with both of them Yeah, you know what I mean? Because you were the probably the closest to both of them, you know at together Yeah, Ariana like no totally you were you're the reason I even kind of knew Raquel because I didn't really hang out with her Unless I was around you. Yeah, so I know that hurt you really bad as well No, it did and the thing was though I was honestly glad that day with how it worked out because of the restraining order and because of just all of the hatred that was building up inside of me. It was like, I didn't even want to have that conversation with her that day. I wanted it to be a one-on-one right after the incident happened in New York. I
Starting point is 00:06:18 wanted to sit down with her one-on-one. And when I wasn't able to do that because she just dipped out and didn't you know Yeah, more. That's so I didn't have that opportunity that when it came to the reunion I'm like I don't want this to be our first interaction with the peanut gallery chiming in with everyone It was just like so now that everything's dropped you do you think that you guys will ever talk? She ever reached out. No, she's never reached out, she's never apologized. I've not heard one thing from her since that night in New York when I walked away from her. Oh my gosh. Nothing. You know that she also only reached out to Ariana
Starting point is 00:06:56 and sent her that shitty text because Janet told her Raquel, saying nothing is still saying something. Like you need to at least say something. That was like Janet's last conversation Yeah, but that's the only reason she even text are you oh my gosh? Oh my goodness You know what I'm gonna just get right this is what annoyed me the most Okay, is I can say this because I don't care but Lisa annoyed me. She annoyed me. I'm sorry She I understand she has to be somewhat neutral in this and she is not around for 99.9 percent of that show Okay, she's not she taps in when she wants to which is mainly the reunion
Starting point is 00:07:31 That's what for at least when I was on the show. She shows up when she wants but then I mean I just felt that she was siding with Tom I just felt like she was siding with him a little bit and she was kind of trying to I don't know be devil's advocate A little bit But I just feel like she was siding with Tom and it really and she was kind of trying to, I don't know, be devil's advocate a little bit, but I just feel like she was siding with Tom and it really annoyed me because she never did that with me when I was on the show. She went against me like crazy. You weren't her business partner though also. You were just a cast member.
Starting point is 00:07:55 I know, but I just feel like she was just- Not saying it's okay, but I think that's the difference is she's feeling like- She's probably feeling like her businesses are getting attacked. And they were yeah, you know I mean you think that's the reason why she was side because you did it like is I saw it definitely bothered Lala Lala And I was like yes Because I felt like at the time I was the only one that would actually give it back to Lisa So it was nice to see Lala do that and I loved it
Starting point is 00:08:23 I'm like cuz at the end of the day, you know, she kind of treats us as little kids sometimes. And I'm like, we're grown adults. Okay. And you know, so I just, it was nice to see Lala kind of come at it, but I'm not going to lie. It really annoyed me that Lala, that Lisa was, I don't know, did you feel like it was a little, a little bit in his corner?
Starting point is 00:08:39 I think she also just, and not defending anything, but I feel like she felt like it was literally everyone against him because it was and she needed some Sort of seeing the other side to try and keep the conversation going like I think there was more to it than her just trying to blindly defend them because his behavior was indefensible and And I think as you see parts two and three, you'll see more of that side of Lisa because she wasn't all just like pro Tom that day. Yeah. Like I said, she barely is on the show. So when she kind of gives her like opinion, I'm like, you're not even there. You have no idea what's going on. And it just, it just irks me sometimes. I know she gets notes or whatever. She'll get like a daily. It says, okay, this is what's going on. But then she'll put her two cents in and it's just kind of like okay
Starting point is 00:09:29 You're not ever around like enough. I think she too was still trying to see like okay Well, this is a person who you know has worked for me for so long who I'm in business with and like I'm still gonna see Like I normally do still seen the good in that person even though the person did a bad thing I felt like she was just trying as hard as she could to be like I know he messed up but like remember you know the last 12 years of friendship and I she said this to me and I was like Lisa but I can't move forward in this friendship right I guess too much has happened yeah it's like a trial yeah it's it's too much I'm sorry like I draw the line somewhere it's like a betrayal. Yeah, it's it's too much. I'm sorry. Like I draw the line somewhere. It's very rare
Starting point is 00:10:06 I draw a line, but when I do I'm like I I can that's what like that scene with Sandoval was so Heartfelt and heartbreaking because I genuinely I was like I will miss you the person you were to me I'm going to miss out. Yeah, I know That's kind of leads into this other question that I had in my head Is there a world where I mean time or whatever where you would ever forgive? Tom is there a time is it good? I mean is gonna take years is it gonna take months? Whatever is there a world where you can be like, okay I can kind of maybe move past this or is this completely done? I mean, I think
Starting point is 00:10:39 Ariana is Priority here, you know and how she feels moving forward with him. If there was a day where she wakes up and realizes, I mean, I think she already has, that this was the best thing to ever happen to her, and if she chooses to forgive him, I think that will make it easier for others. But I don't see anyone forgiving him before she does, if she ever will. Yeah. Right. You know?
Starting point is 00:11:07 So I've chosen my side. She is one of my bestest, bestest friends. I know what she needs and I'm going to give that to her. Yeah. You know? If that means I lose Sandoval, then you know what, Sandoval? Goodbye. You did a bad thing.
Starting point is 00:11:20 Yeah. And these are the consequences. It really fucking sucks. Yeah. He did it to you guys. You you guys. He did it to everybody. And it was just a level of betrayal. Like, I don't know if anybody can come back from that. Like, he betrayed you, he betrayed Ariana. It wasn't a one-time thing, you know? It was going on for so long.
Starting point is 00:11:38 Right in front of your all's noses too. Yeah, so it's like, I mean, if Ariana one day chooses to forgive, you know, maybe she just chooses to move past it, be indifferent, not care. Yeah. That's a different conversation. But I don't. I agree with you. But watching that scene with you and Sandoval was really rough.
Starting point is 00:11:57 And, you know, especially when he was trying to say that she was going to kill herself. And I hate it's so hard to even talk about this stuff because mental health is like so important. But I could not believe that he said that. Whenever Sheena and Sandoval were talking and he said that he would try to break up with her and she said she was gonna kill herself. I was very upset with him. I don't even remember what my reaction was to that
Starting point is 00:12:18 in that moment when he said that and we're filming. Yes. You don't put that stuff out there. I lost my shit on him. Like that was so hard to watch it was so sad I mean at him I was like if that's the case then you fly in her mom Yeah, brother you bring her best friends you fucking leave yes. Yeah, you do the right thing You don't fuck her friend no like he just made things a million times worse
Starting point is 00:12:38 But like I could not believe that he so publicly said that I know like. Like how dare you? No, that isn't putting someone else's mental health like that out there in that way is not okay. No, whether that conversation happened or didn't or whatever, that was not your place to say. I was so mad at him. Yeah, that was like heartbreaking to see. That was one of like the toughest scenes I think of the whole season. That was just like really, really sad. When reality hits is sponsored by Nutrifol, the number one dermatologist recommended hair growth supplement with over 1 million people seeing thicker, stronger, faster growing hair with less shedding. I love Nutrifol. I have been a Nutrifol girl for a very long time
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Starting point is 00:14:35 Where do you think right now after seeing, after listening to Lisa talk to Ariana and as of today, as of right now, where does Ariana and Lisa's relationship stand? Where do you think? Because I know she respects Lisa, Lisa respects Ariana, but Ariana made it very clear, if you are friends with Tom Sandoval, you have no place in my life. Does she an exception? She said that Lisa is the exception, however, they won't be as close. And she won't be confiding things in her. And I think that still stands today. And she's not going to be going to Tom Tom.
Starting point is 00:15:06 No. Brock's here! Hey Brock! What's going on? Poor guy. I swear to God, if I had a dollar for every time he's like having car trouble. Dad might have it best. It's parenting, even though we don't have a kid.
Starting point is 00:15:21 You know, sometimes we bring Cruz to the studio. Oh, really? We're going around here. But that's a token Sandoval move. That's a deflection. He loves to deflect and be like, you know how he to the studio. That's a token Santa bar move. That's deflection. He loves to deflect. You know how he does the butt. But he can't just say, you know what? I screwed up.
Starting point is 00:15:31 I messed up. I'm going to do this. He has to do this. But this. But that's what he does. He can't just own up. Like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like,
Starting point is 00:15:39 like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like annoying thing too when you have a podcast and people are like, can you do it? I know.
Starting point is 00:15:49 I'm like, no. I just said it again. I know. And now it's all I'm going to be able to hear is me saying like crap. Well, Brock, welcome. Welcome. First of all, I did not see you part of the first part of the reunion. What did you think about all this?
Starting point is 00:16:01 What was your thoughts on all this? I know you are Tom Sandoval's friend before this. So where do you stand on all this? Like what was your thoughts on all this? I know you are Tom Sandoval's friend before this, you know. So where do you stand on all this? Obviously you stand with your wife too, but what's your opinion on all this? I feel like my opinion in this whole situation isn't really an opinion because I am new to the group, right? And when this came out, I've been around for three, three and a half years. So I was like, is this normal? Like what's going on? I didn't understand like the actual overall of it. I feel like that's the token thing for any, but everyone that comes in this group is this
Starting point is 00:16:33 normal. That's the new merch. New merch is dropping. Is this normal? It's anybody who comes into this group within the last 10 years, Allie, uh everybody goes, is this normal? I think that's our new merger. Well, but let's, let's hang out with everyone's exes. Yeah. And that's like in, in, in Brock's, so when it came to having an opinion on it, it's not my opinion to have because you guys have like the audience has 10 years of this relationship together. Yeah. But still Brock, like Sheena, especially was so close to Sandoval and you obviously
Starting point is 00:17:06 got close to Sandoval. Well, that's a different question. And Raquel. How did I feel about that topic? Because for me, what affected me more was actually the friendships with Sheena, with Sandoval and Raquel, Rachel. Okay. And that was for me, it was just frustrating because I just see my girlfriend and our wife always put herself out there and just get walked over by people. And then so her closest two to betray her, it's just hard to see.
Starting point is 00:17:29 So then all I can really do is just step back and just try and support her because it was hard for her to express her feelings because again, her friend just hadn't had an affair. So it was very, it was touch and go. All I could do for that whole thing was just step back, take myself out of it and just support her. So I did that. my opinion doesn't matter I mean when she went when there's a fair and a fair is an issue right now a one-off two-off You got a you got a nip it in the butt or you got a earn up to it
Starting point is 00:17:57 All they need to do is shut the fuck up like you just said and just say this is what happened and that's it Was gonna happen said and just say this is what happened and that's it. And shut up. What's going to happen? Did they think I was going to stay friends with both of them after they did this to Ariana and then lying to me and just everything. I'm like, did you think we were going to just stay friends? And the way she told you to like, wasn't it so very like nonchalant, like Britney, it was wild, like just zero expression, zero remorse, zero anything. It was just like, you know in Clueless,
Starting point is 00:18:32 when she runs over the co-hosts like, oops, my bad. Oh my God, that's like perfect. That was it. Yeah, oh my gosh. Do you think there's something wrong upstairs with her, or do you think she's just extremely calculated or smart? I think it could be a combination of a lot of things. To be honest, I've gone back and forth with is she dumb or is she very calculated?
Starting point is 00:18:52 Yeah. Now I'm getting like, she could be very calculated. In the beginning it was like, gosh, she's an idiot. But now I think- Do you guys watch Euphoria? Yeah. Yeah, we watch Euphoria? Yeah. Yeah, we love it. So someone texted me today about a theory they have about Rachel. What? Because she was a massive Euphoria fan and Sydney Sweeney's character sleeps with her best friend's man.
Starting point is 00:19:18 And literally, this is what played out on Vanderpump Rules. Oh my gosh. Like what if in her sick, twisted, calculated mind, she was like, I want to be like Sidney Sweeney. That was actually a question from Jessica Lynn. Does Rachel actually love Sandoval or did she just want a bigger storyline? Because by the way, I don't think she's capable of real love. Yeah. Let's get back to your first question, but your question was before. I generally
Starting point is 00:19:45 felt that Raquel has an issue and it's not that she's calculated, she just doesn't know herself. And she doesn't know any. And so she's trying to find herself through relationships, through people, because I feel like, and this is given to her, when she was born, she was given up by her mother and raised by her mother's sister. And then she was raised by these two women knowing that her mom did that. Right? So that's where I try to get into her mind. Because I don't think she's this calculated because it's just consistently just fallen
Starting point is 00:20:15 over herself. I think it is just naive, stupidity, and also abandonment from that. And then obviously- I hope she's getting help. I mean, yeah. And I'm not trying to like sugarcoat that, but then there's a problem when it's this continuous. You're like, well, this is a pattern. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:33 This is always why Ariana and I had such a soft spot for her because we knew how she was raised and all of those issues she had with her family dynamic. But she's old enough now not to realize. You she's old enough now not to act on it. Yeah. So it's like, I mean, I definitely always thought she was so nice. I would have never saw this coming. I mean, I just was like, what the actual hell is happening here?
Starting point is 00:20:57 No, it was just absolutely 4.1 million people, 4.1 million viewers. Oh, my gosh. If anything good came from this, it's that the ratings went way up. I think it was just a reminder that you guys are a part of pop culture. For 10 years, regardless of people wanting to be, oh, reality TV. For 10 years, people have watched you in the side corner of their eye, in their house cooking food. Honey, what are you watching? Oh, yeah, I watch this with you.
Starting point is 00:21:20 People have watched for 10 years. Yeah, literally. And it was just like a whole reminder, like, oh, actually, we do love these people. Yeah. And it got so big that people who never had even heard of the show started watching. So many people have binged 10 seasons in the last three months. Even we were gaining new fans. I'm like, all right, I'm back on season two and I'm on season one. I mean, is it just me or are you guys pissed off too that Tom and Rachel are not even together? Here's the thing. Are they not?
Starting point is 00:21:51 Is this a PR stunt with this Austin girl? I was reading up on that because you mentioned it to me and I was like, what? She looks like Billy Lee. Oh really? Well she's got blonde hair and blue eyes like Ariana. I don't know. Here's the thing. What if Rachel had a conversation with Sandoval where he thinks they were broken up but then she's been in therapy in this facility and for the last couple of weeks
Starting point is 00:22:16 she thinks they're still together but then he, like, I don't know. Rachel cannot handle the pressure that's come her way. And she has no idea, neither of them did, none of us did, and she cannot handle the pressure that's come her way. And she has no idea, neither of them did, none of us did, and she cannot handle that. And then on top of that, then she's having to lie because they're trying to get their story straight. And then they're trying to cover up and then have a restraining order and crisis PR. This woman has no, she's made no decisions by herself and she continues to do that. Okay. Then how, how, why does she also continue sending because it was a postcard. It wasn't a fucking closed envelope. It was because she wanted you guys to read it. You kidding
Starting point is 00:22:56 me? Wait, what? She sent a postcard to Tom and Ariana's house and she's like been sending letters and stuff. Yeah. She said, no no She sent a letter and Ariana sees the letter with the air to sand her and okay, but she can't open it It's illegal, but then the motherfucker has the audacity to go I'll go one step further of being an absolute twat and write a postcard with The postcard was Sedona. I didn't know about the postcard a lightning bolt in Sedona And then she sent it to Ariana's home. She sends a postcard. A lightning bolt in Sedona. And then she writes a postcard. So it's there for her to read. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:29 That is calculated. And that is a continue. Wait, hold on. Did she send this after Ariana publicly said on Watch What Happens Live that she couldn't read it because it was in an envelope? Probably. So maybe she is that calculated.
Starting point is 00:23:44 But also, do you have access to your phone? Are you watching TV? Probably. So maybe she is that calculated. Oh my gosh. But also, do you have access to your phone? Are you watching TV? I thought you were in a facility right now. No, she was at the Marriott Hotel. And then her account was watching Bravo's IG Live last week. What? But she was hacked.
Starting point is 00:24:00 It was somebody else. It was her team. Those are her responses. Oh my gosh. What is this world that we live in? That's what I'm saying. So things like that, things like that happen. And I'm like, are you dumb or was that calculated? Oh my God, because it sounds calculated. It also sounds really slow.
Starting point is 00:24:17 Yeah. I mean, it's definitely a mixture. Yeah. Wow. I came in hot. Yeah. Wow. I came in hot. When reality hits is sponsored by Nurx.
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Starting point is 00:25:43 required. Just to get away from Rachel for a second, where do you stand with Tom Schwartz right now? How do you feel about him right now? Do you still talk to him? I don't know how I feel about him. As he reached out to you, do you reach out to him? And I literally said that to his face when I saw him at TomTom last week. Right. We had some friends in town or my cousins and he had some friends from San Diego. We were at TomTom and I ran into him and he's like, do you hate me? And I go, Tom, honestly, I don't know how I feel
Starting point is 00:26:09 about you right now. The puppy dog routine. The best thing I can say. That's what I've said to them. The innocent that's at the whole like, ah, you know, Tom, we love the guy I do. And he plays the, oh, it's Tom and that and that. But you do do you think he is at fault for a lot of this? I wouldn't say a lot but part of it. Yeah, I think I still don't think we know the exact timeline He knows I don't think it's a ride at the reunion. I know I love when Lala goes. Oh, did you not get your story? Orgasm what? Tom just like, he's like what did I say? And he's like I said January earlier, you know? Schwartz is not a liar. He's not. But then again, I feel like he did know before Sheena's wedding because... See, I don't. I do believe that he
Starting point is 00:26:58 found out after. I don't think he went... Because he doesn't pay attention, you know what I mean? Because we all assume that when we see them in public that when we see them at events together like oh, it's normal You know, yeah, and I think I do think he was he was there But then he was bamboozled by the fact that he spoke to him is like look I'm in love This is happening and he's like well first off he wasn't love he was like this happened apparently, right? Right, so I feel like Schwartz was like well bro like bro card here. Put your head figure it out Yeah, and then he just got worked into this. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:27 I don't believe that from Sandoval telling him about the one night stand till mid January, I don't believe that in those four and a half months that Schwartz never saw anything weird. I know. I don't believe that. Yeah. So that's where. There was a ski trip.
Starting point is 00:27:40 You know, that was that was mid to late January. Yeah. So that's when I'm'm like you guys were doing this You're like double dating when we were down in San Diego for sandoval show It was Rick Hall's birthday weekend, and she was like there hanging out with Joe and I haven't seen Joe in years I forgot who Joe even was she was always around Kristen and I'm like just disappeared Ask you a question. What was the room like when Joe and Kristen were in the room because? one of them together
Starting point is 00:28:07 Yeah And it's a lot Well you know I like Kristen so much When I heard they were friends I was like how the fuck was that happening We call Joe Kristen 2.0 No crazier than Yeah like she's like chat TTP4 Kristen's crazy friend
Starting point is 00:28:21 Now put them in a room together That was my question She was always nice she was very nice person nice, but if you got like stuck in the kitchen with her you're like People because you know, she was not she's very kind but it's very a lot You're gonna stop is there a question coming is this gonna finish or we just gonna keep going like this Are you gonna stop is there a question coming is this gonna finish or we just gonna keep going like this She texted me last week and she said Jack's, you know, I've never done anything mad you Can you please stop talking about me on? Schwartz was hanging out with Joe for that entire time until literally February as far as I know maybe
Starting point is 00:29:05 they're still hanging out yeah I don't know we're getting two different stories from both of them I asked him directly Tom is this your girlfriend he said no now if you ask her it's his boy her boyfriend she told my publicist Lori that they are dating they are holding hands back over like they were sleeping together yeah they were sleeping yeah I slept with people too that I wasn't dating. Right. I just think definitely from end of August till mid January Schwartz had to have seen there was still something going on. He knows his best friend. I don't believe that he thought it was just one time and then all of a sudden recently it came back up. So it's like with him, you know, it's tough because he's guilty by association. He was dragged into this.
Starting point is 00:29:50 But now I'm like... He's also guilty by not speaking up, but that's not his character. Exactly. We're hating him for his character, but that's what he does. He doesn't step on the line. He's a grown man. Like, it's not his... Like, the fact that he got thrown into this a little bit between...
Starting point is 00:30:02 He's kind of between a rock and a hard place because it's his business partner, not only is he his business partner and it's his best friend. What was he supposed to do? Yes, you should tell this person or I'm going to tell her. That's the right thing to do. Maybe he should have just given a deadline. Like look, Valentine's Day is coming up. If you don't tell her by Valentine's Day, I'm going in February 15th. That's what he should have done. There's too much on the line here. We got a business, you know, our friendship. There's just too much going on.
Starting point is 00:30:23 There needed to be a grown up conversation between know our friendship. There's just too much going on They needed to be a grown-up conversation between those two men Yeah, there's definitely never gonna be a have and it didn't happen and now and now now he's now they're in this position I think you know in time if they both just shut their mouths keep their heads down things are gonna work out slowly Yeah, so I think it will but stop saying but and stop saying like and stop giving us bullshit. Yeah Yeah, just because in this group be honest. Because in this group, everyone's, everyone's, in this group, you could do some fucked up shit and everyone will forgive you eventually. Yeah. Because you know what, that's what you guys do on national television.
Starting point is 00:30:54 You grow and you learn. This is just a really tough thing to come back. Yeah, this is a different situation. I agree with Sheena. It's worse. It's further because they did it like right behind your old backs. I know. That's like what's so bad. I got away with it like it
Starting point is 00:31:08 Yeah But no, but no literally you guys so I just realized this last night when we were watching the show so Rachel was supposed to share a room with Jenny Ting at the wedding literally day of they get to the hotel and she tells Jenny Ting, you can't stay in my room after all, production won't let you. And Jenny was like, what am I supposed to... And she already paid for that room too. Jenny paid for it. Jenny knows production. She gets this.
Starting point is 00:31:40 And she said to Raquel, Rachel, make sure Bravo knows, like production knows that I'm staying in your room. Make sure... And she's the one who paid for it? production she gets this and she said to Rekal Rachel make sure Bravo knows like production knows and I'm staying in your room make sure she's the one who paid for it and she's going by herself to be at our wedding with Rekal yeah her husband couldn't make it and her husband was like make sure cuz I know how this works that you're okay to stay in that room and then they land in Mexico at the airport this is her friend the airport by the way too she's not allowed to ride in the car with them you need to jump in production you can't come come with us Jenny, so you figure it out.
Starting point is 00:32:07 And she's like, what do you mean, figure it out? I have chill bumps. I'm gonna do a country. In Mexico, by herself, figure it out. A female. What do you reckon Raquel's response is? Oh, sorry. Was it Raquel and Tom riding together from the airport?
Starting point is 00:32:21 I mean, it was everyone. It was the cast. But what I realized last night is I'm like watching all of this and I'm sitting next to Jenny and I was like, oh my God, oh my God, because we know I've had several people tell me now that they either saw them kissing, but they thought it was the other Tom. Oh my God. Like I know they were hooking up in Mexico. So many people have told me things about them now.
Starting point is 00:32:41 So I'm like, oh my God, Jenny, they couldn't hook up in Tom and Ariana's room. They needed a private room. We know that they were hooking up at the wedding. So literally, she lied to you. I said, I guarantee you, Sandoval coached her to be like, just blame it on production. Tell Jenny it's production. Then we can have your room. Wow. You're reaching on that line. Is that true? You're making it a lot. I think it could be. I mean, I was actually going to get into your old wedding because it was so beautiful. It makes sense to me. That's what we were going, I was just gonna make them to your old And it was absolutely amazing and we were so glad we got to be there and I was literally gonna say was there anything behind The scenes that happened that you guys thought was so crazy because I remember you talking about how
Starting point is 00:33:17 She said she needed more time to sleep or something one day. Yeah Yes. One day. You mean the day of the wedding. Oh, the wedding day. One day. I can't remember which day. The wedding day. Three hours late.
Starting point is 00:33:27 Oh, both of them were three hours late. Like they arrived at the same time? But to like the bridal suite and the guys. I'm with the groups. We're getting fully changed and all that. Like, I didn't, I mean. And they didn't pull you aside and say, you know, if this. We just thought they were filming.
Starting point is 00:33:39 If the roles were reversed, and if it was me, I would have pulled you aside off camera and said, just so you know, I'm late. I'm pretty. You're going away from the microphone. I'm late because, you know, have pulled you aside off camera said just so you know, I'm late. I'm free I'm late because you know production pulled me aside They want me just because we're friends and I would be like listen I just don't want you to be mad at me You know the deal that pulled me aside just to make it look like late that way you can be like, okay I'm mad, but I understand that way. Yeah, he never did that. Yeah never did that Pull him he pulled himself off. No, they weren't
Starting point is 00:34:04 No, my friends saw them in a cabana together at the pool that day. So she was late on your wedding day to hang out at the pool. Yes. She was also seen with Sandoval next to an elevator kissing him. My wedding dress designers saw them kiss right before she came into the bridal suite with me. Like they had just come down together. And they were like, they knew that one of the Toms in the groomsmen party, like she kissed the white man. They didn't know which Tom. So they were like, thought nothing of it until they're like, wait, no, we saw her with mustache Tom. Oh, and I was like, what? So then last night I was like, I guarantee that Jenny, it was never even
Starting point is 00:34:43 an issue for you to stay in the room. She probably just lied and said that. So cause Jenny was like I guarantee that Jenny it was never even an issue for you to stay in the room She probably just lied and said that so because Jenny was like I'll get out of the room like I'll clean up all my stuff I'll keep it in the closet. I'll leave the room. So it just looks like you're standing here by yourself No, sorry, you can't stay production sad. This is insane Same friend that has has gone I didn't know any with her and happening and has helped her out and has always been there for her. Talking about Jenny. Yeah. That's how I recognized Jenny because I met her last night at the reunion party and She I was like, oh, yeah, cuz I saw her all the time in Raquel's stories and stuff whenever I still followed her I was like, whoa
Starting point is 00:35:19 This is all just clicking Jump all over the place here a little bit But first of all, love the wedding. That was probably the best wedding I think I've ever been to in my life. We had so much fun. That was awesome. We all kind of annoyed at us that we weren't at the same hotel. We understood.
Starting point is 00:35:33 Be honest. I know. I understood. I wasn't annoyed. I was just bummed that the kids didn't get to have that vacation together. We understood. And we had this massive yard with a pool and all of that. I know. So I was just bummed. We have to go back. We're going to go back. But like I told you guys, you know, they asked us if we would be interested in filming. And I said, listen, this is their wedding. We're
Starting point is 00:35:51 not making this about anything else other than your wedding. You have enough going on. You have all this. There was just so much going on. Let's just be there and be there for them and not have to worry about any of this. And that's why we did what we did. And I hope you guys were okay with that. No, I totally understood. Some of the most joyful moments happen when you're free to be your most authentic self, free to explore, free to connect with others, and free to embrace new experiences. At Hyatt Vivid Grand Island, vacation is whatever you want it to be. At this brand new all-inclusive resort, flexibility over formality is our mantra,
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Starting point is 00:38:13 who saved with Progressive between June 2022 and May 2023. Potential savings will vary, discounts not available in all states and situations. Okay, I got to ask this question because it's gonna be on my mind. You knew obviously you knew Katie was there. You knew going in. Did you at any point of getting ready from getting ready to the end of the wedding, want to go up to the room and say, do you want to come down and join? No, not at that time. Not with Katie.
Starting point is 00:38:41 Do you know what I'm saying? Because I know how you are. She's like, you have everybody having fun. I thought maybe after a couple of cocktails, you're like, you know what? Maybe I should go get Katie. You know, she's here. Not with Katie. I did end up what you didn't see.
Starting point is 00:38:57 You saw like a second of it was a conversation with Christina Kelly. We spoke for quite a bit of time and I invited her. I was like, if you want to come down to the after party, but I said, I said, no, I can't. He's like, just you, you can come with Lala. The whole summer they never spoke. Okay. But going into your relationship a little bit, because we did see your wedding and we all know that you have beautiful summer and I love that our kids get to play together and grow up together and stuff.
Starting point is 00:39:25 What do you think is the best thing about your relationship and what is one of the biggest struggles in your relationship? Druggle, I think just parenting differences. Brock wants something one way, I want it another way and just finding that compromise. That has been difficult when it came to sleep training or certain things she'll eat or what? What? Because you just think you're right? No, because you look at me and go, I want this, but to get to this, it's difficult and you don't like to upset her or do that. But you do love the outcome and you want the outcome,
Starting point is 00:40:02 but it's the work to get to that outcome on our parenting styles. So he feels like he always has to be bad cop. And I also don't think that's fair. But she just she's a mama's girl, especially like lately. Because I'm the bad cop. It's hard. It's really hard for me to ever get Cruz in trouble too. I understand.
Starting point is 00:40:20 I'm like, listen, he can't do that. Like this is your teaching, your enabling. Jax, you are just as bad. I'm not about enabling. We got to leave out the law in the beginning because then he doesn't learn. I understand you want to do all this. See, honey, this is normal. He has to learn. That's how I grew up. And I, listen, I know our parenting was back in the eighties, but that's what worked. And that is what I'm trying to.
Starting point is 00:40:41 I know. I don't know if you guys agree with this But like whenever we I think one of the biggest struggles that Jackson I had was Spending enough time about like making enough time for just him and I because you know we didn't have a babysitter for so long Yeah, we like almost were just like roommates having a baby You know with us for a while because we never got to have like a long time and that was like a big different Difference for our relationship in the beginning, and I think that a lot of couples go through that. Yeah. I think our group is very fortunate because now you guys do have a nanny, right? Our date nights are pretty iconic.
Starting point is 00:41:13 We go to red carpet events, we go to movie premieres. Yes. Lakers game. It's not like we're going to Olive Garden. We actually really get to enjoy it. And that's why I say whenever we go to our events, it's like, oh, that night. And so now you guys have the nanny there. You guys have your daddy, we've got her mom. And that's the best part. I think that we're definitely trying a lot more to like spend alone time now that we finally found somebody that we
Starting point is 00:41:37 trust, you know, we're all the same. We work together, we play together, we live together, we eat together. We do every single thing together. And it's what's we're bound to bump heads. That's just gonna happen. I prefer that then go to a restaurant and figure out We live together. We eat together. We do every single thing together and it's what's we're bound to bump heads That's just gonna happen I prefer that than go to a restaurant and figure out what I want to order because I look at it I'm like, I'm so honey. What am I getting? I go with that or I'm like, wow, what do you suggest? Trust me. I have to like do everything for Jackson. It's just kind of like I'm used to it, you know, I
Starting point is 00:42:02 have to like do everything for Jackson. It's just kind of like I'm used to it. Yeah. I feel like the best part of our relationship though is we are each other's biggest supporter. Any business venture he wants to do literally no matter what it is I'm going to support. His drive and ambition and tenacity and everything it's just like I know something's going to hit. One thing is going to hit big. And I see how hard he works every day for it. With his Homebody app, he was doing that for the whole pandemic and now they just got acquired. Oh good. Congratulations. We sold the software guys. Big announcement coming.
Starting point is 00:42:39 Oh amazing. That's awesome. I mean, listen, I was swimming in the deep end in the tech space, had no idea what I was doing, but I was like, let's do it. But he did it. And I got it all, thank God. And everyone got their money and everyone got a vest to the cross. So we're great with that. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:42:54 And now he's onto a new business venture that I fully support. Well, it's mainly just taking care of you really, figuring out how to manage this because what we're doing together is awesome. Yeah. That's so amazing. I love that. And I'm sure it like is one of your turn-ons that he's like so ambitious about things. Because that's complete 180 from what you're used to. Yeah. Oh my gosh. That's speaking of what you were used to from the real Becky, has
Starting point is 00:43:19 Brock ever met Shay? No, every other ex, yes. Multiple times, but just not Shay. Wait, did you guys hear that rumor that Shay was on Randall Emmett's movie set? Is that true? Probably. The fact that I text him and asked and it's the first time he hasn't responded to me since we got divorced, I think it's true. Oh my God. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:43:40 Lala told me she heard that, so I was like, do you want me to text him? Because I just talked to him the week before. And I text him and he- What's he doing? Just dropping by some drugs? He didn't know. Lala told me she heard that so I was like do you want me to text him? Cuz like I just talked to him the week before and I text him Randall thing to do like I bet you he's reaching out to Tom. That was our next question. Yeah Because like can't you imagine him doing that because he's so like he wants to be in yeah He wants to be in he does Yeah, I could see him doing it. I could see that. I mean, gosh, but if he did have Shay on a movie set, like how random is that?
Starting point is 00:44:10 He wasn't even around when Shay was around. That's what he does. That's what Randall does. He finds like something like a vulnerability somewhere out of somebody and he'll grab at that and he's done that with us. And you know, we're not going to talk about who, but you know he's done this before. So this is what he does. This is his M.O. You know, he sees like a, a, a vulnerability
Starting point is 00:44:28 somewhere or somewhere where he can like kind of stick it in below the belt kind of move. And that's what he does. It's just so weird. By the way, we just have to touch on the Randall scandal really fast because that was such a good documentary. It was such a good, it was, it was portrayed and written very, very well. It was the tip of the iceberg. There is so much more. There are so many more assistants. There are so many more disgusting, disturbing stories. I was part of it. I was there for a lot of it and it's cringy. I had to walk away at times. Brittany, you were there. We're all there. There's times where he was with his assistants and you just wanted to like,
Starting point is 00:45:01 oh my God, he's really treating his assistants. I will tell a story really fast because this just goes along with the Randall scandal. Right whenever we had just found out we were pregnant, I don't know if you guys remember like me, Stossie, Katie, Lala, Jax, like all the guys, we took a houseboat trip. Yes, I remember I wasn't invited. Sorry. I wasn't inviting people. It was all random. I know.
Starting point is 00:45:26 But we were all on that houseboat trip and we hadn't even announced we were pregnant yet. It was all brand new, but we were having a good time. Well, he had his assistant there who had drove all the way. I mean, we were in Vegas, so it was like an hour's of a drive. He was so mean to his assistant, kept making him leave and go to get him different things and do different things. Well, then at the very end of the night, he wanted to like drive home because his dog, he had a dog at the house and he was not supposed to stay. Randall made him stay and sleep in his freaking car. Freaking car.
Starting point is 00:45:55 In his car. It just belittled him. It belittled him in front of everybody. I mean, it was just, it was just awful. And they paid for things out of their own money. Like it's like a whole thing. Never got reimbursed. It was just it was just awful and they paid for things out of their own money yeah like it's like a whole thing never got reimbursed it was just awful I think I think hopefully like the fact that this has been Lala what she's been doing and then bringing it to light I think the Randall scandal people are gonna watch this and that's why it didn't end because there's more to come oh gosh and this is gonna just be like people are gonna feel like wait
Starting point is 00:46:22 that guy wasn't ourself to me and I thought he had this power of me I thought it was this and I'm sure a lot of more people are gonna start coming forward and I hope that he never gets to work again yeah this week I mean we were hearing stuff like yesterday yeah new people coming forward so I think people just kind of wanted to see how this was gonna put you to come out and I think now that people okay this is okay say even me I might even you know say something I don't I don't know you're saying something I'm saying because he owes me money he owes me $75,000 now I'm not a studio I'm not Sony I'm not param I'm
Starting point is 00:46:53 not these big studios who can be like oh whatever I'm a family man I'm putting food on the table I'm not going to Miami I'm not buying Rolls Royces I'm not doing this I'm trying to put food on the table and save up for my kids education so to take money from a guy like me, and I put it on social media the other day. I'm like, you're on speedy. How do I get my speedy five back? I go, what do you think? Would this be funny if I did this? And I got a bunch of feedback. I got all these millionaire poker players. We're so sorry. We're so sorry that he's doing this. We're going to help you get your money back. I got all these emails. My manager, Ryan, reached out to me. He's like, I got a bunch of emails from poker players saying he owes all this money and this money.
Starting point is 00:47:29 But those people can afford it. You're a family guy. He's like, we're going to try our best to get the money for you because we just feel bad. And I was just so like, thank you so much. That means a lot because like I said, that's a lot of money. I can't afford. It was a loan, not an investment. There's a big difference between a loan and an investment. I knew I was gonna get my money back. I can't afford to make a $75,000 investment. My wife would have left me if I made that investment without telling her.
Starting point is 00:47:54 So this was just a big deal. And it's like, it's just, I'm just gonna keep going with him. And he's our troll of the week every week until I get my money. So yeah, troll of the week is still right on the limit. I want to Brock to talk about his new business real quick because it's so cool because I'm into cars and I want you to just tell us a little bit about your new venture, which is
Starting point is 00:48:14 really cool. Awesome. Yeah. I mean, obviously being in this world, I kind of like stepped into it, really kicked in the front door actually. I was like, get out of here. And then it took a second to breathe and it was just great. There's great people around the show and outside of it. So I started getting
Starting point is 00:48:26 into a bit of post-production for a reality show for a car club called Fast Lane Drive. And it's a super car club. My friends actually started it. And my friend moved here from France 13, 14 years ago, was an Uber driver in San Diego, started networking. And we got a real knack for networking, ended up renting, getting a Ferrari, renting a Ferrari, him and his boys got cars. And they went, met up renting, getting a Ferrari, renting a Ferrari and this boy's got cars. And they went, met up with everyone else that had Ferraris in San Diego and Lamborghini's were like, let's do a drive. And they did a drive and they loved it.
Starting point is 00:48:52 And they built on that. And so since then, five years later, they've got charters in San Diego, LA, Las Vegas, Scottsdale, Miami, like a little motorcycle club, like a, like a,, it's like the Soho house of, of a car club. So cause now, and then they were opening Monaco next month in July, they're going to go to Monaco, France. So now if you remember and you go to one of their events, now you just have 15 new high level high level network individuals that are in that car club that are now your friends. So you're going to go meet them and you're going to hang out with them and do drives
Starting point is 00:49:23 and talk about the cars are the backdrop, but the relationships and the networking is the front of the house. Wow. And in the car club, the top drivers, four of them, two of them are actually female members. Oh, that's awesome. So it just throws a whole new dynamic in there. Yeah, I love that. So I kind of like sort of come out for like five years, and I was like, I wonder what
Starting point is 00:49:40 would be like a reality show where you get the car lovers, but these guys have great lives and they're great friends. And those are the people that you want to surround yourself with. Correct. People that are successful. But they're real friends. I think that makes a big difference in reality shows. It has to because now you guys are tied to something. So regardless of what comes in front, your roots are deep, you know?
Starting point is 00:49:58 But yeah, it's been a really great opportunity and I'm enjoying it a lot. But I can't wait for you to come out. I was just going to say, when is it coming out? Well, are you going to go to Vegas with us? Yeah, we're going to Vegas. We're shutting down the Vegas Strip and we're driving down the Vegas Strip that weekend on Saturday. Okay, great. So then we'll get to talk about it when we come back. We'll get some video.
Starting point is 00:50:17 And then you'll have a release date coming up soon. Yeah. So we've just did our sizzle. So we shot the sizzle and it looks phenomenal. There's helicopters, jets, like it's, it's the real thing. So hopefully, you know, the audience sees it and we're going to present it to some streaming platforms. Congrats. Well, good luck with that. This time went by.
Starting point is 00:50:36 I feel like I have so much more to tell you. Let's do rapid fire questions. And we'll hit it with a beer. Okay. Rapid question. Who's your favorite person on the current cast? Ariana. Sheena. That's a good one.
Starting point is 00:50:51 What do you wish you could have said on the reunion that you didn't? Ooh. It's hard. I don't know because I feel like for what I was able to do, I was able to say everything. You know, I couldn't say anything to Rachel obviously, so there's a lot that I still would have to say. But every day that passes, it's just a... Yeah, I wouldn't have said nothing. I would have just sat there and shut up and smiled.
Starting point is 00:51:10 Just took it all in. Yeah. Okay. Best parenting advice. Communication with each other. You got to be on the same page because when you're not, you fight. It's not fun. Just try to get on the same page.
Starting point is 00:51:21 I agree with that one. Mine is consistency. I think if you have a schedule and you fall off it, just go straight back on it. It doesn't matter if the kid sleeps in later or if they don't sleep, just get straight the next time block. But if you miss two schedules, then you're going to really add pressure. So as soon as you miss one, just get back. It's normal.
Starting point is 00:51:37 The next nap schedule or that schedule, get back on it. Side note, huge fan of the whiteboard. I think that you guys do. I probably want to adopt that at some point. Favorite favorite thing about each other? Honestly, I've found love with her heart. And I say this every time because it makes me a better person. Exactly. I agree. I'm gonna steal that too. So many things, obviously, but the way he makes me feel loved, I've never felt before.
Starting point is 00:52:04 That's why I just couldn't get rid of him. Oh, I love that. Okay, least favorite thing about each other. Ooh. Where do we start? Her confidence in herself. Oh. That's my, I think that's my least favorite.
Starting point is 00:52:16 Even though you should be the most confident girl in the world. Yes. Thank you, but I'm not. He has a bit of a temper at times, like similar to Jack's, you know, we're just a hot head and you're like, calm the fuck down. We have very short fuses. We don't have short fuses. We just get to the solution quicker than everybody else. So now we're waiting, they're going, come on. That honestly is your worst quality. That's the thing that bothers me the most about him. Okay. One last rapid question. Ideal date night, favorite kind of date night. Anything that involves free food and free alcohol.
Starting point is 00:52:48 That's why we're friends. I love going to a movie. Yeah. God, we haven't been to a movie forever. You say that, but now we're with the kids. I think we've gone to like two. I know. I wish we could all go see the Little Mermaid together.
Starting point is 00:53:00 We should. Why don't we just go to a mountain? I'm going to Kentucky on Saturday. Oh, well we'll still be out for a while. We'll be. Okay. Wait for me to come back and then we'll take all the babies. Done.
Starting point is 00:53:11 All right, we got to do a part two of this at some point because this is just too good. But we're going to take off. Thank you guys all for listening to When Reality Hits with Jax and Brittany. Thank you to Brock and Sheena for being here. We really appreciate it. Yes. Can't wait for next week's reunion. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:23 Part two. Congratulations, guys, on the party. Love you. Thank you. Thanks for coming. We really appreciate it. Can't wait for next week's reunion. Yeah. Thank you. Thanks for coming. We appreciate it. Talk to you later.

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