Who Are These Podcasts? - Ep504 - WATP and ROTC Live Crossover

Episode Date: March 23, 2024

We did it, we’re doing it. We had a live show in Largo, FL last night. We talked about Brendan Schaub, Tom Myers, Queer Kid Stuff, Stuttering John, Opie, Ray DeVito, a crazy cop cam, and some other ...stuff, too.  We were joined by Royce and Mersh, Vinnie Paulino, TopLobsta, Andy Q. Public, Jenny Jingles, Tookie, Cardiff Electric, Doctor Steve, Lucy Tightbox, Joey C, Monique from RG, and Andrea Brower. Thanks to everyone who came out, we had a blast with you all! Tickets to the Vegas shows May 31st – June 2nd – https://www.hackamania.com/ https://revengeofthecis.com/  https://www.youtube.com/@OnceOverwithCayley https://allapologiespodcast.com/ https://www.youtube.com/@cardiffelectric https://tookiesoup.com/ https://thecreepoff.com/ Support us, get bonus episodes, and watch live every Saturday and Wednesday: http://bit.ly/watp-patreon https://watp.supercast.tech/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, I just got us a new Coca-Cola Spiced. Nice. What's it taste like? It's like barefoot water skiing while dolphins click with glee. Whoa, let me try. Nah, it's like gliding on a gondola through waving waters as a mermaid sings. Nah, it's like Coca-Cola with a refreshing burst of raspberry and spiced flavors. Yeah. Try new Coca-Cola with a refreshing burst of raspberry and spiced flavors. Yeah.
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Starting point is 00:01:04 live Weird medicine show. Tonight will be a wonderland of fluids and secretions. What's the difference between the DNA codons in herpes simplex and herpes varicella? Fascinating. And what's that growth on Cardiff's ass? Is it possible to make a living puppet from Ray DeVito's sperm? Sorry, I'm disoriented. I'm old.
Starting point is 00:01:33 Sorry, sorry. Let me start over. Welcome to WATP Live from the Central Park Performance Center in Largo, Florida. Please welcome to the stage from who are these podcasts? Carl Hamburger and producer Chris and from Revenge of the Sists Royce and Mersh. Let's get ready to dabble! Jesus, I hope we're not going on crowd reaction. Do it live! Episode 504. Are you a boner guy?
Starting point is 00:02:20 Oh, I was a boner guy. You know what? I miss penis. What are you talking about? I'm the one who should apologize. Is it gonna be absolutely riveting? Is it gonna change your life by any stretch? Probably not, but it's gonna be at least entertaining, okay? By the way, for those people that are in the back,
Starting point is 00:02:39 remember to shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up, asswipe, and suck my cock. I've been dying to say that. Cuz. Cuz-a-roo. Cuz-a-roo. Slapperoonie. It's showtime. W-A-T-P! W-A-T-P! Hello, Rubber Dixon customers, welcome to a special live episode of Who Are These? Podcasts and Revenge of the Sis. I'm your host, Carl, with me today, the boys of ROTC. Let's hear it for Royce and Mersh. Thank you. And producer Chris is here to look good for everyone. Please go to whoartthese.com to get our email address,
Starting point is 00:03:33 voicemail number, link to our subreddit, link to the Discord server, link to our merchandise, link to our YouTube channel, and the link to Patreon and Supercast featuring two exclusive bonus episodes every single month. And of course you can watch the show live Wednesdays and Saturdays. Tickets are on can watch the show live Wednesdays and Saturdays. Tickets are on sale for the next live event, Hackamania.
Starting point is 00:03:50 We'll be in Las Vegas at Hackamania, May 31st through June 2nd, hackamania.com. Also we encourage our listeners, give us a five star review on Apple Podcasts and then shit all over us in the comments section. Today we'll be looking at Brendan Schaub, Tom Myers, Queer Kid Stuff, Stuttering John, Opie, Ray DeVito, and more. And to start things off, oh, backstage I mentioned
Starting point is 00:04:12 the first segment was Brendan Schaub, and people were confused, like, Brendan's here? No, no, no, no, look, Brendan, if you're here, I'm sorry, don't hurt me, but if you're not, you're so retarded. Yeah. Have you seen his record? You could probably take him by now.
Starting point is 00:04:26 No, let's calm down. You go first. So I want to start off with Brendan Schaaf. I want to bring out Vinnie Paulino to join us on the stage. Oh! Oh! Oh!
Starting point is 00:04:39 Excelsior! Excelsior! Excelsior! Excelsior! Excelsior! All right, so these guys were checking out Excelsior! Alright, so these guys were checking out some recent episodes of what, the Golden Hour? Yeah. The Golden Hour podcast, so we got Crystal Leo, we got that
Starting point is 00:04:55 Nothing Eric Griffin in the mix, and of course Brendan Schaab, and they're all just such good buddies. I think we're going to find that that out today that's not fake at all they're good buddies and they love their wives they hang out together they love their wives and they hang out at Dave and Buster's totally we definitely learned that so Chris I want to start off with you you pulled a couple clips on here yeah what did you pick up on from watching this morning zoo bullshit earlier today and well let's just get warmed up with stuff that's better than Halloween candy talk. Let's just watch these guys interact
Starting point is 00:05:29 with my number one, please. Two. You wanna spitball some marketing ideas? Let's spitball some ideas. One thing we could do. How about we rename the Vulcan the Father Ship? The Father Ship's so genius, dude. That's a great idea.
Starting point is 00:05:44 Boom. The Father Ship. Boom, Brandon, welcome. If you couldn't get into the Mother Ship, come over to the Father Ship. The father ship so genius dude, that's a great idea Mothership come over to the father ship father ship right? Well that was my clip Carl, so you fucked this up already Okay, can you can you how is that possible that I fucked this up? Can you please not pause it? I love their natural banter. You can tell their friends in real life and hang out All right. Let me get over to producer Chris's Clips here starting with this one. I apologize for that fuck up. Let's talk about this What you relax, bro? No, you're just like God what?
Starting point is 00:06:24 Are you kidding? like in here and he's like, look, look, look, see. Well, God, look, look, look, look, look, look, look. What, are you kidding me? You know, I know you're gay. You don't grab a donut, you tear it apart and then put, and then sprinkle it on like it's confetti for all the other donuts. Sprinkle it on, what do you mean? Look, what are you doing?
Starting point is 00:06:36 No, eat half of it, bro, it's just fingers, man. This is my finger, I just washed my hands and jerked off. No. God dang. Rich was like, bring back some donuts if they don't eat all of them. I'm like no thank you. Oh no on the way home. What'd you do for your... You know what happened there? I'll tell you what happened. What happened? I felt like I had a stroke. All of the... another one another one one all of this is so fake Yes, because probably backs they were hanging out of Dunkin Donuts
Starting point is 00:07:09 And he did he goes bro bro bro you got to do on the show It'll be so fucking funny viewed on the show and people forget about all the allegations Chris D'Aulia I think it's quirky. Oh, he's fuck 16 year old Quirky you know Yeah, and why does Chris D'Aulia like for a guy who doesn't drink or do drugs? He looks like me his sunglasses I think it's quirky how he fucks 16 year olds. Can we talk about that? It's weird, it's very quirky, you know, some say quirky. And why does Chris D'Elia, like, for a guy who doesn't drink or do drugs, he looks like me, his sunglasses on.
Starting point is 00:07:30 Like, is he just hung over from all the sex-pesting? Look, leave sober Pete Davidson alone. He's doing the best he can. I have an excuse, you know what I mean? Let's keep it rolling. Yeah, so my number two is going to set up my number three. This is a flashback to Shab's and Brian Kellen's gig in Austin that we already covered a couple of weeks ago.
Starting point is 00:07:54 Fightin' with the Kid Live to an exciting audience of 45 people. Hell yeah. In Austin. I'll say NFL Super Bowl. There's more athletes. More money. Yeah, it's not about money though, right? That's not the question.
Starting point is 00:08:05 Oh, sorry. Yeah. Sorry. Oh, fucking, oh, are you spiritual and non-materialistic? Okay. Sorry about that. Why don't you move to an ashram and fucking contemplate the supreme self.
Starting point is 00:08:21 I'm burning him right now with spiritual jokes. That's fucking, you know how hard that is? Fucking sophisticated as shit. What else we got? You probably have to work harder. Alright, so they're already taking questions from the audience about 15, 20 minutes into their act, which they were completely unprepared for. So let's go to number three.
Starting point is 00:08:43 I hate seeing crowd work dude. No me too Organic it's fine. Yeah. Yeah, well you're in you're good at it if you're good at it Oh, just something happens and it's like you boom, right, but they're looking for yeah, what's your name? For living yeah, yeah that kind of shit sometimes it just happens it has to just happen They're looking for. Yeah, what's your name? Where you guys from? Where you do for a living? Yeah. That kind of shit? Sometimes it just happens. It has to just happen. That's what it originally was.
Starting point is 00:09:10 Agree, yes. That, right, yeah. And it just turned into a thing where it's like, well, this is what we do. Because people follow the trends. Okay, guy who everybody says dude from Workaholics. That they don't, hey, you're the guy from Workaholics, right? Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:21 What does he know? Is he a standup for real? This guy knows what I'm talking about, right? Yeah. Are you under, are you over 16? Hey, anyone married? I think that something's a trend because whoever made it trendy did it really great. And then everybody else sees that and they go, whoa! Eric, he's a fucking idiot because he is a stand-up.
Starting point is 00:09:41 The reason why people do this is they don't burn their material. That's why they put all the stupid clips on Instagram reels and tik-tok of crowd work Did that mentally retarded Brendan just say Matt Reif invented crowd? Yes It's never even been attempted before I know it's a long clip but listening to these guys break down comedy is funnier than their comedy Because one they don't respect what that really is that's why everybody thinks they super talent Yeah, you know I mean, that's what I think they could do that. Oh, this is bad rights of super talent I love when Brendan just throw shit in there like like he's just trying to prove he's in the conference
Starting point is 00:10:23 Yeah, totally B. Yeah, yeah. Super talented, papa. Oh, he's with our powers, I guess I can too. Also, the reason why he's good is because he makes it look easy. That, and so people think like, oh, I'm funny. Yeah, I get it.
Starting point is 00:10:37 Yeah, right? Yeah, that's how that works. Brendan just grunts, he just grunts in between words. It's super fucking weird. He's like, uh-huh, uh-huh. Uh-huh. He's like, oh, yeah This is an imposter syndrome. I'm actually a comedian. I swear to God I totally belong here All the other podcasts about to my favorite thing Brendan does is when he just starts to say the thing the other person's saying Over them. Yes. Yeah, you're like, yeah, I was driving this so you're driving this story
Starting point is 00:11:02 Can I tell the story yeah,, tell stories. Jesus dude, relax. Number four here caught my attention. Shob flexing in a different way. Yeah, and this is Eric Griffin leading the conversation, which is never good. Yeah, yeah, it went viral everywhere. Glad I'm not in it, racist. Yeah, I'm well, not me. There you go. I was not part of that. I like Atlanta. I don't see color. I went there, of that. I like Atlanta. I don't even see color. I went there, I went, my people. People that say they don't see color are racist. That's idiotic, yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:31 Are racist. Well, they're racist. Go fuck yourself. Yeah. I can't stand that. Yeah. What do you see? People don't really actually say that anymore, though.
Starting point is 00:11:39 Come on. Callan does jokingly, that's where I got it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. They say it still. It's just so- That's so stupid. It's no real- But get Yeah. Yeah. They say it still it's just so that's so stupid It's no real but get to your point. He's repeating Cal and yeah He lifted from Cal and yeah, I'm doing his bit What do you mean what a cop you don't see the differences in people is what you're saying that'd be like I don't see height
Starting point is 00:12:00 Yeah, that's what you would be the same. That's so stupid. It's okay to somebody really little I would still Add it to your special flush that one out Alright, yeah, the dumbest argument ever the whole point of colorblinds that you judge people based on who they are and have the color The skin it's not that you actually don't know what skin color they have. I know Yeah, like Brendan's a white retarded as Mexican accent By the way if Eric Eric Griffin, you will eventually watch this show, I aggressively see color everywhere. I point it out, I'm very vocal about it, I never relax.
Starting point is 00:12:35 When I'm on the highway, I use the N-word liberally, it doesn't matter what you are, you're getting it. You're getting it. Equal opportunity right there. Separate but equal opportunity, yes. Separate but equal. I still think that could work. You got one more clip on here, Chris?
Starting point is 00:12:59 Yeah, I got to turn it over to Vinny. OK. Well, I got some bad news for everybody. Brendan had a bad week, guys. And it was a real bad week and it was also his birthday week, which is really kind of depressing. Happy birthday, papa. So what I did was I watched the last three days of Brendan Schaub releases podcasting and it just kind of went downhill and it's a wild ride that I would like to take you folks on. So what they were talking about,
Starting point is 00:13:29 that first clip that Carl played, was they were spit balling about their live show that they had coming up in Austin. Now we just saw a clip from another live show that was terrible, but there's another one coming up, you guys, and they are spit balling on how to make it better than the first one. So now that you understand what the fuck they were talking about, play it again.
Starting point is 00:13:49 To spitball some marketing ideas. One thing we could do about we rename the Vulcan the father ship. The father ship so genius dude. That's a great idea. Boom. The father ship. Boom. Brandon, you're welcome. If you couldn't get into the mother ship, come over to the father ship. Father ship. Right? Now, here's the thing, folks. If you follow stand-up comedy, Joe Rogan opened up a very famous comedy club in Austin, Texas. But there used to be a place before Joe Rogan
Starting point is 00:14:16 opened called Vulcan. That's where the shitty comics are now. Oh. Not trying to be terrible. But the people who can't get into the mothership go and play the Vulcan. And so they're trying to now associate that with Joe Rogan's club to feel a little bit more successful. But they're such good friends though.
Starting point is 00:14:35 You would think he's on the show all the time. Yeah, what's insane about this, maybe you know this because you work at a comedy club. People don't go to a comedy club because of the name of the club. They go because of who's performing there. Yeah. Correct. Never once have I been like, yeah I know Bill Burr's playing at that place, I don't like the name of the theater though, so I'm not gonna see that. There's a reason why like Doug Stanhope
Starting point is 00:14:52 will do Dave's wing house if it'll fit 700 people in it. He's like, fuck it, just give me the whole door. Exactly correct, but these guys are full of ideas to not have the same mistake like they had at the last one What was the mistake having a show correct? Listen if watching AEW has taught me anything booking the same town after a very not successful show is always a good strategy You'll always get a bigger audience It's also good to peak at podcasting and then after five years of decline start doing live shows always a smart idea So Rogan does like the whole alien vibe we do Hit me up stay with me. I'm with you. We do like the whole like a gym. No the whole no
Starting point is 00:15:35 That's that's the space is wrong spaces. We go Egyptian King Tut King fucking time dressing brown face and we put gold. Yes, King Tut. King fucking Tut? You're dressing brown face, and we put gold on. Yes, and then it's controversial. And I'm already brown. Can I tell you one more thing? Oh no, I'm King Tut. I ride you because you look like a camel, right? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:53 So I ride you like your baby old camel. I look like a camel? Yeah, you've got the same face as Jay-Z. Really? Jay-Z? I'm starting to think he really doesn't see color if he thinks he looks like Jay-Z. Yeah. If this was me and Royce, we'd just be sandbagging each other. I'm starting to think he really doesn't see color if he thinks he looks like Jay-Z
Starting point is 00:16:09 If this was me and Royce we'd just be sandbagging each other Egyptian camel are you doing a bit right? That's retarded. Are you like stop doing a bit? You mean like King Tut like Steve Martin? What are you stupid? Well, they actually kind of sold me when they told me they were gonna do it a proud face I would love to see these two idiots do that. Yes So Brian Kellen is the hardest working man in podcasting. We can all agree on that. Oh yeah. He's trying to make this conversation interesting.
Starting point is 00:16:30 I mean, he can't, there's no way. Maybe if Brendan had Brownface, his fucking Mexican jokes would have gone over better. Makes sense. I will say Kalin has shockingly skinny legs for a guy who carries all the shows he's on. Yeah. I'm just gonna go and call my shot right now and say let's not blow Brian too much.
Starting point is 00:16:48 No, it's just next clip. Oh boy. You guys are the same kid, yeah? Really? Okay, so wait, so wait. Then what we should do is we should duct tape ourselves to the side of a truck and then with a sign that says, you guys stuck, you guys stuck in your life, unstuck yourself with some comedy. I don't know, I'm spit balling, not good ideas.
Starting point is 00:17:10 Nope, not good ideas, Brian. Not a great idea. Wow. See, this guy knows what I'm talking about, huh? I would love it if they would duct tape themselves to the side of a truck that Shob was driving. I watched my mother die in 2007. This was worse.
Starting point is 00:17:31 So these guys are so excited about this show at Austin. They talk about it at the beginning of their show. And then they do a regular show about UFC. It's boring and terrible. But I'm going to jump back to the show we were just watching, because they released an episode about 12 hours after that. And I'm gonna tell you something,
Starting point is 00:17:47 Brendan's birthday just happened and Eric Griffin has to go to bat for Brendan with Chris D'Aulio. Wait till you see this guys. Okay, I wanna say something. What man? You missed a fantastic surprise birthday party for Brendan. You know, but I wanna tell you this.
Starting point is 00:18:04 Bad friend. So, that's right. You know? But I want to tell you this. You're a bad friend. So. Uh oh. Shut the fuck up, Brendan! Let people talk for like five minutes. This is a surprise party. This is a surprise party.
Starting point is 00:18:14 Don't tell him. Party missy, missy party. Please stop sandbagging me, please. You miss a party? This is a missy party, party missy. Please stop talking over me. Dude, his buddy, his pal who co-wrote the show, did not go to his surprise birthday party.
Starting point is 00:18:29 And it gets sadder than that. Next clip. Kristen said, your wife reached out to Kristen and said, I want to make sure Chris can be in town. My wife messed it up, gave her the wrong dates. Said he's going to be in town. She said said what if we do it on a Thursday or something? What was it on Thursday? Yeah, there's a guy who's a guess should work out Did not she didn't know you did not know I was on the road and and it is I don't want to throw her
Starting point is 00:18:55 under the bus, but That that's because that's because the Leoni goes to birthday parties at Chuck E. Cheese. So he was confused about the venue. After all of the forgiving for all of the rapes. Alleged. Well, whatever. Who cares? Right under the bus.
Starting point is 00:19:19 I love that clip so much. I would say, oh, it's not my wife's fault. It's the 16-year-old who keeps my schedule. She can't read yet, but she's hot. She's Jeff Ross's old one. So here's the thing though. I don't think Chris meant to let this part slip, but I think maybe he could have made it after all. Listen this is this bad news this is at least he Chris has a good excuse okay oh okay oh wait I'm sorry daddy has to work number six thank you sorry you're two fives my bad I got it hey daddy has to work whoops you did send me a nice video right then I sent you a video.
Starting point is 00:20:05 Right to camera. Kristen? You fucked us. No, but we actually broke. You ruined my birthday. I know we felt so bad though. No, it's all good. I know, but I feel bad,
Starting point is 00:20:14 because I could have made it work. I could have made it work, and I chose not to, and it was my dumb wife's fault anyway. They literally scared Theo Vaughn out to Nashville. Yes, they did. Do you understand that's how bad they were like, man, I'm out of this shit.
Starting point is 00:20:31 Fuck this shit. This is getting real bad. This segment should have been nine seconds long. It should have been, you missed my surprise party. Yeah, well, I don't like surprises. Yeah. Not a fan. No, you missed my surprise party.
Starting point is 00:20:42 What are you, gay? Yeah, right. Surprise party? Were you 12? That's a good point. What are you gay? surprise party 12 Why is he having a surprise party in their 40s? Hey guys, wait to hear about the cool things that happened at his party check out my Myclip number seven Carl cool party Eric Griffin tells a great story His new tax guy or his Whatever financial guy his financial guy decided to give a speech Jan It better be a piñata involved. His new tax guy, or his, whatever he does. Financial guy?
Starting point is 00:21:06 His financial guy decided to give a speech. Jan, he's 74 though. Listen, listen, he's still giving the speech. Wow. It was long. Chris, it was really long. Oh wow. So it was pretty, it wasn't,
Starting point is 00:21:21 so does Eric just do like black uncle at a cookout jokes now? Yes. It's still going on. Give me some of them ribs. Eric Griffin's just turned into that like, you know, onk that got out of prison and he's like, watch out there now. Don't get caught up in that mess.
Starting point is 00:21:38 Terrible little loop-port. He got a bolt school. It was a eulogy. Everyone's talking, he's going ding ding ding. I'm like, no. He's 42 now. Yeah. Oh, he really is. No, no, no, no, eulogy. Everyone's talking, he's going ding ding ding. I'm like, no. He's 42 now. Yeah. Oh, he really is.
Starting point is 00:21:47 No, no, no, no, no. You've been talking too long. All right. Did you notice him just not get the joke? It's great. But none of us have. None of us have had any jokes on that screen. From here, we have.
Starting point is 00:22:00 So I just find it really amazing that the only people who came and did a speech at his party was this 74 year old employee Financial guy who's still probably talking to a room so I can imagine he's set for life I'm sure that his finances are in great shape. He probably cornered him to him was like you'll give a speech be I did the same thing with dr. Steve tonight, so I get it So who the fuck invites their accountant to their birthday party? I don't know, who invites a child rapist to their birthday party?
Starting point is 00:22:34 I guess the guest list wasn't, you know, his bench isn't that deep. George Clooney, Weinstein. Logan's not coming. He's 42 now. He was, it was like, I was like, it went so long, we were kind of like, okay, well he's telling the whole story. Like. Yeah, good one, Eric. So.
Starting point is 00:22:56 There were no laughs. What do you mean? None. We were like, what? So he's got his account there I imagine his landscaper is probably there. I think his pool guy. This is a terrible birthday party and He his best friend didn't come so I want to keep going with this Because it turns out that when we go back to the fighter the kid they drop an episode the very next day
Starting point is 00:23:22 And there's a little bit more information about things that came out at the birthday party. You should pull up Nick Cannon and comment it on Chris on the video. I'm sorry buddy. It's not his fault all these videos are so boring they're really hard to keep them in order. They all just kind of blur together. Yeah I agree I agree I had had to watch these all in entirety today and I fucking hate Carl for the rest of my life now. I deserve that. So here's the thing. Number five, they were so excited about their show they're gonna tape themselves to trucks put on brown face. Bad news for Brandon everybody. You gotta go Vancouver and then I remind you yesterday I'm like well remember BoBlo we got to go to Vancouver and then I remind you yesterday, I'm like, well, remember, Bo, we got to be in Austin on Friday.
Starting point is 00:24:09 That's right. That's not happening. And I don't. So this is I just assumed, you know, no, this is a very, I just assumed you were, you were just down for the cost. So this is a very good, this is a very good segue because, you know, I, I make a lot of plans and what what you have to understand is that I keep my personal life and my entertainment life very separate on social media and stuff like that I don't like showing my family and
Starting point is 00:24:34 stuff like that I'm comedian you do some though sometimes but um it's not that I I like to protect their privacy right and? And so, um. Okay, weird start. I'm not doing the show. I need to protect my family's privacy. Sure. Okay, so the show's canceled, it's not happening. Aw. Aw.
Starting point is 00:24:54 Babbit. Here's why, surprise number nine, Carl. Okay. And she couldn't be more pregnant. Like she couldn't be, pregnant like she couldn't be the baby is literally hanging Could you never even with you and I remember we're like brother? Yeah, dude She came to the dinner and I was like you're so pregnant She's like Brandon tell him like I found out like three days ago. You were having this is
Starting point is 00:25:20 His other best buddy doesn't tell him that they're having a baby Nine months pregnant. She's so pregnant and he just found out They do not talk to each other off there. There's no fucking way. These guys are friends So his other buddy doesn't come to his party and then he finds out his other guy Who's like his brother's wife is pregnant and he has no fucking clue So I just wanted to point out Brandon's having a bad week and he sucks Well, I'll tell you where Brian Callan wasn't on the set of the Goldbergs anymore This would be like if I showed up to do ROTC one day and Royce just was holding a baby
Starting point is 00:25:56 Jesus Christ there you could text a guy Yeah, I did have one more clip of Brendan just ruining a bit and dragging the golden hour to a halt. Do you guys want to see that? All right. All right. It's called Good One, Brendan. What they're talking about.
Starting point is 00:26:14 So just so you know, it's that Atlanta video that Delia made that was all about there's so many black people in Atlanta. And it was a little weird. And what's his name with the million kids? Nick Cannon commented on it. And they're discussing Nick Cannon's comment Watch what a comedic genius Brendan is you're gonna love it. You should pull up Nick Cannon commented on Chris on the video Yeah, wait till he goes to Africa. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, and I agree wait till I go I'm gonna go and I feel like I'm gonna show the commented back. You're half the problem. Why does so many black people?
Starting point is 00:26:45 You and Tyler Perry. No, no, no. Nick Cannon has 100 kids. Oh, my God. What? Hold on. He does have so many kids. What did the Tyler Perry thing even fucking mean? He was just standing black people. He's retarded.
Starting point is 00:27:02 No, no, I know. I am aware he's mentally retarded. But what, Tyler Perry's also black. Is that the joke? Yes. I have to watch this again. Hold on. I have to see this again.
Starting point is 00:27:14 He's also a black guy. So many black people. You and Tyler Perry. No, no, Nick Cannon has 100 kids. Oh my god. Yeah. Why are you laughing? He does have so many kids. Do you see Brendan did that thing again? He goes yeah he does have so many kids. You're right. Cresselia just told him. Yup that's right.
Starting point is 00:27:35 I just want to say I take exception with the fact that you intro this clip by saying taking the Golden Hour to a screeching halt as if they were on a roll. As if they were chug roll. As if they were chugging along and oh Brendan ruined it. Well good point but I really did enjoy watching the both whip their heads on and go no stupid. Wrong black person. Wrong black person. So yeah those are my clips this show's terrible. Great stuff thank you for the update on Brendan's job. I like your scientific ending. In summary this show is terrible. See you guys later. No, you're still up here buddy. You're not going anywhere. Speaking. Nice try.
Starting point is 00:28:11 Speaking of terrible, terrible shows. You know, it's no different than, you know, police officer running to the scene of a crime or a firefighter running into a burning building. It's what I do. And that's why I was trying to leave. I know you can't get away from Tom Myers. I want to torture you. Mr. Paulina was a Tom Myers. Are you guys familiar with our buddy Tom? I love his biting political.
Starting point is 00:28:35 Yeah, actually not. So this will be fresh for me. Oh, this is fantastic. So Tom does a political show. Tom Myers versus the rest of the world. And what he likes to start off with is a monologue. He thinks he's Bill Maher. Ooh, I'm excited.
Starting point is 00:28:47 Yeah, so he writes jokes every week. He has a new monologue to go. And we love to break down each joke one by one, starting with this biting commentary on Marjorie Taylor Greene. It's an invite and gave a state of the union address. It was an exciting event with lots of fanfare complete with Marjorie Taylor green
Starting point is 00:29:05 Dressing like one of those people at sporting events with a t-shirt gun. It accidentally turned it on herself Can I point out something that the fuck was that you didn't get it Can I point out the fact that like I I can't get over now? Because Carl pointed out when we were a guest on your show that he forces the other people to laugh. And I can't unhear it now. It's my favorite part of his jokes. If you'll notice here, I'm going to play this again. Can he turn a regular gun on himself instead?
Starting point is 00:29:41 You're going to notice here that one of the co-hosts starts laughing before the punch line, because they don't know what the punchline is They just wait for the pause. There's no way to tell With a t-shirt gun it accidentally turned it on herself No, no, no, no the joke she's dressed like a t-shirt guns person that no just say she got hit with a t-shirt gun It's a little shitty joke. Yeah, right All right, well you just don't know monologues Royce Don't worry guys it gets better
Starting point is 00:30:21 Republicans were collectively emasculated during the speech between the expressions on speaker Mike Johnson's face and Alabama Senator Katie Britt's affect on the Republican Party's response. The two of them together might make the perfect couple you would meet at a swingers party. Specifically they would be the last two faces you see before the drugs kick in and you lose consciousness. This guy has no idea what a swingers party is. I think that's rape. Yeah, that's not what a swingers party is.
Starting point is 00:30:54 Everyone goes to a swingers party expecting to fuck other people. You don't have to drug them. You don't go into rape people. No. I came to the swingers party and now I'm getting fucked. What happened? So he just doesn't look like a rapist, huh? people know I came to the party and I'm getting fucked what happened so he doesn't he just doesn't look like a rapist huh he lives the gimmick so so is Tom Myers basically what people from NPR fall asleep to it's actually what I
Starting point is 00:31:17 used to drug people at David did you have to pull these clips no fucking no I was gonna say do you want to talk later? Like, do you need help? A little bit. Trucker Andy pulled these clips for us. Thanks Andy. We appreciate it. RIP. RIP.
Starting point is 00:31:30 All right. Guys, you're gonna love this next joke. We're still talking about the State of the Union address. During Biden's speech, Mike Johnson's facial expressions look like those of the pet in the shelter that no one adopts and knows it's gonna be euthanized the following day. It's the same joke structure! Also, I just want to point out if you're trying to get a laugh out of people, killing
Starting point is 00:31:55 puppies is probably not a great punch line. That kind of like sucks. People don't like that. So far his jokes are rape and killing animals. Correct. Yeah, good stuff, huh? T-shirt guns, am I right, folks? That was actually a good joke compared to these. Woo! All right, well, Katie Britt, of course, was the one who responded to the big speech by Joseph.
Starting point is 00:32:21 And so he's going to go after her. In her response to the State of the Union, Alabama Senator Katie Britt delivered it from her kitchen which made it extra awkward. As she looked about as familiar with that kitchen, as much as a nun is familiar with a butt plug. Ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha!
Starting point is 00:32:39 I just wanna point out, it wasn't a cooking show. She was just sitting in her kitchen and delivering a speech. How many watches just me it's just Carl Carl and Nick Mullen watching him ironically oh my god yeah it's not good it's not good at all all right let's keep these jokes going about. By the way, he also really is trying to do the Bill Maher voice. You hear it.
Starting point is 00:33:08 You hear it. Yeah, and he's like, he's paint by numbers. Like he's got the whole being A, B, C monologues. Yeah, but wrong. Completely wrong. New rule, OK? This guy's a faggot. I've always said about Tom Myers,
Starting point is 00:33:26 if you didn't speak English, you would think he was a standup comic when he does standup. He delivers it like he's telling jokes. You know, if you didn't know, you'd be like, I guess that was a joke. It sounded like a punch line. Yeah, he could be speaking Russian
Starting point is 00:33:37 and you'd be like, are you doing a monologue right now? You're doing an opening night show monologue. You should see his crowd work, it's so natural. All right, here's some more on Katie Britt. Katie Britt delivered the response to the state of the union with all the body language of the lady who reads the news on North Korean state TV. Is all of the body language even a phrase? What does that mean? All of the body language of? What?
Starting point is 00:34:08 No, honestly. Does he think just forcing people to laugh at him is gonna like gaslight us all and make us funny? Yes! That's what he thinks. I'm sorry, I get so fucking angry at time liars. Do you mean him sandbagging each other all the time because iron sharpens iron.
Starting point is 00:34:25 It does. This is fucking. You'd be like, that sucked, dude. I don't know. It's not his fault. It's the people laughing at him. It's their fault for not telling this guy how terrible he is.
Starting point is 00:34:34 When this show first started off, he had the co-hosts, he forced them to listen to him, and he would do his monologue, and it was weird and awkward because of his silence. So I think he coached them and said, guys, you gotta give me something. You gotta pick the energy up. Yeah, right. So that was that. Well, Tom said, guys, you gotta give me something. You gotta pick the energy up. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:34:45 So that was that. Well, Tom Myers loved his monologues and late night shit so much, he should just get a warmup guy. He looks like he should be doing magic with Penn Jillette. All right. I would love to see them attempt the magic bullet trick. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:00 All right, let's keep it going here, Tommy. Judging from that speech, in retrospect, Katie Britt might have been the inspiration for the Alabama court ruling banning in vitro fertilization. Fertilization? This sounds like a mental hospital. What? These people hit themselves in the head with bricks and then giggle at it. I hate this place. Nothing works here. I've been here for seven years.
Starting point is 00:35:28 The Medicaid doesn't work. They should be in a poker game with Junior Soprano. I'm an admiral out of shit. That's fucking great. That's so stupid. Alright, guys, I know we're saying that he's not a good comic, but don't worry, the jokes get better. Since we were last on, CPAC had their annual convention. I'm sure some of you know that he's not a good comic but don't worry, the jokes get better. Since we were last on, CPAC had
Starting point is 00:35:48 their annual convention. One of the speakers there said to look out for dangerous liberal organizations and specifically cited AARP. Uh the AARP, dangerous liberals? Really? AARP is retired people, conservatives, that's your target demographic. Wait what? That's just a point. What was the joke? He just made a point. Did he point a gun at them to make them laugh? I want to point out, they hear that inflection, you're target demographic, and they go, oh I guess that was the punchline.
Starting point is 00:36:23 That's the punchline, he went up at the end,'s how you know. Dude like I understand why people still pretend like Howard Stern's funny you know when he's like when they work for him you know because you actually get paid but there's three people watching this. What are you doing this for? This is weird. All right so this starts a bunch of jokes about the AARP stuff. The only time retired people are dangerous is when they get out of the bathtub. When they get out of the bathtub. I don't see you guys laughing. Yeah, did you hear that? Oh, that was, I thought the clip was still going.
Starting point is 00:36:55 Oh, all right, well yeah, let's see what he's got next here. We just lost the senior audience, that's fine though. That's the other thing, he's such a bad boy that he offends people it's like well I guess all the seniors are tuning out now, huh, that was pretty rough. I I I drove two hours to be here I know an Andrew Brower hit traffic. I know I'm sorry I went to the wrong hotel three times All right this joke you guys please listen this explain to me how this is even a joke I do not understand this what about January 6th you might say well. They aren't retired the correct term is unemployed The correct term is unemployed. Blech.
Starting point is 00:37:42 Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe heee. is the right reaction for once. if I ever see you, I'm going to kill you. You know what? There's a guy standing over the front row who probably actually could kill him. Dr. Steve, remember that? That is an actionable statement. Listen, guys, my flight goes through Baltimore on the way back. I will find him for this.
Starting point is 00:38:21 Steve, can you get us fentanyl? It's for something else. It's my back pain. Just give me the patches. I'll chew on them. Yeah, yeah, it's fine. All right. I have to say, this next joke I think is his best joke. It's actually a joke.
Starting point is 00:38:38 Predictable, but it's actually a joke. Mitch McConnell announced he would step down as the leader of the Senate Republicans at the end of the year. He followed that up with... Those two were so confused when he went silent and he was sitting there going, come on, come on! They're like, there's no inflection. Are we supposed to laugh? I can't tell. He should have applause signs in each individual house
Starting point is 00:39:12 of these co-hosts. Oh my god. And also, you can't have your co-hosts have better mic quality than that. They're talking through like webcams. No, yeah, they're still doing the Zoom thing. Oh, they're so good. On their computer, their laptops.
Starting point is 00:39:24 Who are his co-hosts? Well, Jeff so good on their computer their laptop his co-host Well, Jeff Heisen is our favorite one of his co-hosts, you know, yeah, Jeff Heisen is this guy who's in his late seventies He's an attorney, but he does some stand-up on the side He was speaking at Brendan Shroff's birthday So the count I forgot I One more clip from this monologue and then we'll wrap things up Arizona senator Kyrsten Sinema has announced that she will not run for reelection to her seat It's no big loss as she's buddied up to conservatives so much that Trump supporters considered using her as a substitute
Starting point is 00:39:58 for Marjorie Taylor Greene in her fantasies inner fantasies. The fuck does that mean? Two Marjorie Taylor green jokes in the model. Oh, yeah. Don't worry, Tom. You're off the hook. I'm going to kill myself. You're safe. So about that fentanyl, Steve. We still need it.
Starting point is 00:40:23 All right. Well, that's what Tom Byers is up to. Vinny's going to be back up. He's got an amazing cop cam video for us later in the show. Vinny, thank you so much, buddy. Thank you for excusing me. Bye everybody. Don't take the easy way out at this time. At this time, I want to bring up a guy who has not been on WATP before from Tower Gang, Top Lobster. I've been on Tower Gang before. Top Lobster is going to join us on the stage.
Starting point is 00:40:53 Top, come on out. This man is one of the best Twitter follows in history. Now that he's out here I I can say it, race war! What's up guys? Top, thanks for joining us buddy. So I was talking to him before the show and I just kind of sprung this on him when he got here. And I said, yeah, we're going to do this segment with us. Have you ever heard of queer kid stuff?
Starting point is 00:41:18 And he said, no. I'm very excited about that. I've never heard of it. Very't even I was just delivering t-shirts I know he's like segment two by the way RTC shirts still available. Yes Fantastic merch available after the show. So as you guys know, I've talked about this The host of queer kids stuff is this well, she was a woman now she's buying a non-binary names Lindsey she did a woman, now she's non-binary, named Lindsay. She did a Ted Talk four years ago. And you know what's going to be a good Ted Talk when you open it up
Starting point is 00:41:51 with a song. I see this all the time. Yucca Lady! Let's get this kicked off. It's okay to be gay. We are different in many ways. Doesn't matter if you're a boy, girl, or somewhere in between. We all are part of one big family. Gay means happy. Queer kids stuff. You are enough here at queer kids stuff I swear pedophiles are bored knowing how to play the ukulele yeah it's
Starting point is 00:42:34 unbelievable yeah as somebody who really hates gay people that song fucking slap if you're gonna sit there and say like she had swag she had rhythm and with the ukulele too and you guys I don't know how you're gonna take this but it looks like you're about to hate on her first off great musicality just gotta say yeah there was that diminished chord she did when she went up the scale that was very impressive it was great yeah I like the longer version of the song where it's like gay means happy and 45% more likely to molest a kid. I thought you were gonna say 40% more likely to kill myself but that's transgender. It was too wordy, it was
Starting point is 00:43:09 too wordy for a TED Talk. All right so on this TED Talk she explains the show that she does, queer kid stuff, and she gives you an idea of who she's doing this for. Opening a performance with lyrics like it's okay to be gay for a room full of adults, is one thing, but it's entirely different for a room full of kindergartners. What you do- Yeah! That's the fucking point! That's why people are angry at you. First off, the other thing that's got up in the scale
Starting point is 00:43:58 is her. That's an old video of hers. We've been covering her for like seven years. Six years, seven years? Now she's being artificially pushed, and I don't, well, I know why. And you know what the best part is? She's in the YouTube kids algorithm. Yes.
Starting point is 00:44:10 So it comes on after, you know, whatever, like, you know. I was looking, she has a Wikipedia page I found today. Oh yeah. It goes from baby shark to Linz real quick. That is some, I thought that you were joking about the Jewish stuff, but that really is some Jewish shit right there. We got to get them while they're young.
Starting point is 00:44:30 The next video is going to be her. How did that get on my board? That's weird. Why would I want that on there? Yeah, apparently she had a lawsuit against YouTube for suppressing her show and the algorithm. Oh, what a lying bitch. I know. Covered this stupid bitch and they were not suppressing her show and the algorithm. Oh, what a lying bitch. I know. Covered this stupid bitch, and they
Starting point is 00:44:46 were not suppressing her. No one watched it. Nobody cared. That's the problem. Now they're pushing it because she's a victim. Let's find out what she's talking about here. Just heard it's a theme song for my web series, Queer Kids Stuff, where I make LGBTQ plus and social justice videos
Starting point is 00:45:02 for all ages. And when I say all ages, I mean literal babies to your great, great grandma. Listen, I get it. You were molested. All right. A lot of us were, but keep it to yourself. Imagine after like 40 years and you're like,
Starting point is 00:45:19 your grandma's like, I was watching some videos and I think I'm gay. If you say grandma, you're 70. You mean, do you think you're gay now? Wow. She just said she's teaching literal babies about bisexuality. Why would you need to do that?
Starting point is 00:45:34 Wow, somebody hates bisexual babies, canceled. Think of Crystal Lea. What would he do? Good point, you're right about this. So she follows that up with the old I know what you're thinking. Now I know what you're thinking. Whoa they're talking about gay stuff with kids. But talking to kids about gay stuff is actually crucial. The American Academy of Pediatrics has found that children have a solid understanding of their gender identity by the age of four. No! They know that they're a boy or girl by one! Are you kidding me?
Starting point is 00:46:14 They know that one before they're four and then you confuse them into not being sure about it anymore. What the fuck? I love that the entire premise of this was that she's in it at a TED talk and she goes now I know what you're thinking gay sex for kids. That's crazy You're at a TED talk. It's far for the courts. How does she know that I was thinking about anal sex? All right, so let's find out what she's teaching to people of all ages here I encourage children to think about their own pronouns and to ask others for theirs Okay, so she wants to encourage children to learn about their pronouns and ask people for their pronouns
Starting point is 00:46:51 So I went and found a video that she created that she's talking about this Ted talk all about pronouns So, let's see what they're talking about with her teddy bear teddy or best dude. We believe with her teddy bear Teddy, her best friend. Ah, dude. We both. Teddy, Teddy. Baby shark. Da da da da da da. Baby shark.
Starting point is 00:47:07 Da. Ha ha ha. Teddy is being held hostage. Really? You really believe it? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, we had a campaign a few years ago to rescue Teddy. Yeah, we did.
Starting point is 00:47:16 We wanted to make it like the he will not divide us. Like go get us that teddy bear, like the flag. Lindsay? Yes, Teddy? You're a girl, right? That's right. Why do you ask? Well you have short hair and you're wearing a tie. That bear looks maddy down. I thought only boys have short hair and wear ties. You make a really good point Teddy but just because you're a girl doesn't mean I can't wear those things too or anything else that I want to wear. I like that she says you make a really good point. You know you're kind of dressed like a dude. You realize that's a good point Teddy. You bring up a good point there. I love your interview with Putin. Alright so this is Teddy's follow-up question, which I think is pretty stupid if you ask me.
Starting point is 00:48:08 Well, he's a bear. That's a good point. A molested bear. For real. I mean, look at, he looks like he's been matted down with pussy juices. Like she's just like, when she's angry. Look at him. All right, you could say that, but look. Waka waka. What's up? He's been in the washing machine a couple of times. That smell's not coming out.
Starting point is 00:48:29 On hot. Next question. On running on very hot. Girls can have short hair or long hair or wear tiaras or bow ties. You can wear whatever you want no matter if you're a boy or a girl She just said you could wear whatever the fuck you want Right Lindsay you can wear whatever you want not in this house though in this house though. He is a brown bear so like. You can wear whatever you want when you're 18. If it was a white bear I'd be like come on. So this is my favorite clip from this show. This is hilarious. Some people are boys, some people are girls, and some people are people. Some people are people. Well, we're ruining a lot here, aren't we?
Starting point is 00:49:26 Some people are people. I would say, like, if you're gonna go scientific, right, not all people are boys, but all boys are people. Like, if we're gonna go with that approach, I feel like your logic is lacking, Lindsay. Some people are people. Some people. Teddy's getting a little bit confused now,
Starting point is 00:49:46 because that's getting weird, so let's get a follow-up question. What if there are three-fifths of people? Some people are people, except you, Lindsay. You're kindling. But all of this is a little confusing. If there are boys and girls and people and all of them can wear ties and dresses,
Starting point is 00:50:04 then how can I tell who is what gender? That's actually really easy, Teddy. No, it's definitely not. Great fucking question. You know, you know, you know, Linda's mom uses this photo of her with long hair to show her grandma with Alzheimer's. No, she's normal.
Starting point is 00:50:19 Look, she's no, come pretty, she is. She grew it out, you were right. It was just a roommate Teddy's like what if we just eliminate all the people who are muttering the waters We can't do that Teddy the laws Crimes and such I do enjoy the fact that the one thing that's difficult to do is knowing someone's gender She goes well, that's the easy part like oh I should tune into this because that's where I'm confused So this is the final clip I have from this episode where we learn about Teddy's pronouns what's your pronoun Teddy? I don't feel like a she or a he.
Starting point is 00:50:55 Did Teddy just look down at his missing dick? Yeah. I don't feel like a he. Is that what I just saw? Like, yeah, I get it. That makes sense. So I guess my pronoun is they. That's really awesome, Teddy. Wow, you're both they them. What a coincidence. Yeah. What are the chances of that? It's almost like the adult groomed the bear. Isn't it?
Starting point is 00:51:20 Yeah, it's statistically unlikely that both of you are they them, yet here we are. Yeah Lindsay is just a childless single mom like this is exactly what they do too You know what I mean? You're gonna be they them because that we're gonna get on TLC I will just say to be serious here I don't know if you guys have kids, but if she said it to my kid I punch her in the face Like like like like a man No, that's because you're Puerto Rican.
Starting point is 00:51:46 I was gonna say, he's a Puerto Rican from New York. I would expect nothing less than you showing up to the school with a Newport hanging out of your mouth being like, yo, who the fuck talking about, like, dead ass dog? Dead ass dog? Who is the T? What's his name, homie?
Starting point is 00:51:59 Top second off his bubble coat. I'll fuck you up. I was actually watering it down because of the inclination in my head went stab. But I said, I'll say punch, stab. He doesn't want to be a stereotype. Yeah. You know, man?
Starting point is 00:52:14 Good for you. Florida's changed you, bro. Good for you, Top. Top Lobster shows up to the school with a tire iron in his hand that he brought from work, directly from work. What's up, dog? All right, guys, I have a special treat for us. This was produced for this show by Cardiff Electric and Tukey,
Starting point is 00:52:31 who will both be out here in a little bit. We have a brand new show for you. Straight kid stuff. I think we're going to quarter the market with this. ["Straight Kid Stuff"] It's OK to be straight, even though it would be cooler if you were gay. It doesn't matter if you're a boy or a girl, that's it. We all know being straight feels like shit.
Starting point is 00:52:59 Straight kid stuff, straight is great. Straight kid stuff, straight is great. Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray Kids Stuff! Stray like they have a place to fit in. We might not be normal, but we want you to feel like it. Straight Kid Stuff, a safe place for all straights, except Italians. Hey guys, this is to Kid Stuff. Whenever I go to the gym, I hear all these guys talking about smashing puss. What does that mean?
Starting point is 00:53:43 And what does it feel like? Whoa, that is a fantastic question, KC. What is smashing puss? Well, it's different than what you're used to smashing. I would say it's like smashing an asshole with curtains. Very accurate, Tukey. I would say that's the right answer. Now, KC, you also want to know
Starting point is 00:54:03 what it feels like to smash puss Well, let's say you take a room-temperature piece of liver and you shove your dick in Smashing puss feels like Do we have any other questions Tookey? Of course there are tons of more questions Stray kids stuff you're never enough Stray Kids Stuff, you're never enough. Dear Stray Kids Stuff, it's TR Annie again and I just wanted to say that I feel so bad for kids like you that don't get to choose their own gender.
Starting point is 00:54:33 It is tragic being a cis normie. Oh, and by the way, it's painfully obvious that the transgenders are the next evolution of the species, so it's time to get moving along with our agenda. Cha cha. Oh, right, Africa, I do actually have a question for you this week. How do the straight kids feel knowing that now that the new Pfizer vaccine is out,
Starting point is 00:54:56 all the straight kids are gonna be a thing of the past? Thanks, Annie, that's a great question. We all know it's harder and harder for straight kids in the world. I mean, heck, you can't even go to Target and buy stray kid clothes anymore. And kids all over the world are confused. Just like you are, Annie, I'm sure you've seen tons of vertical screens in your life, and that's why you chose to record your question in a vertical manner.
Starting point is 00:55:22 But in the real world, we record things in landscape mode. But since you're a hot chick and I really want to smash that foot, we'll let it slide this time. But getting back to your question about the vaccine, one vaccine that straight kids don't need is the AIDS vaccine, because we have natural immunity. And the one vaccine they should get is the HPV vaccine. Did you know genital warts causes cervical cancer, which is one of the leading causes of cancer in women?
Starting point is 00:55:52 John! So it doesn't matter how much you say you don't have dick warts anymore, John. You always have dick warts, John. You can't say, I used to have dick warts, I got rid of them. It's a virus! It's always there, stupid! Who's John? I feel bad for that John guy. Dear Stray Kids Stuff, my name is Lane K. I'm asking for a friend, B. If you were a closet homosexual and you needed to come out of the closet to your friends, family, and wife, how would you go about it? You see, I tried to write a song on the mandolin, but it was just too boring.
Starting point is 00:56:24 Thanks for the question, Lady Kay. That's a great one. Deciding when and how to come out of the closet, it's a difficult decision for any gay like you. What we like to do here at Straight Kid Stuff is role play. I find it's the best way to really figure out the best approach, so to speak. So I will play one of your best friends
Starting point is 00:56:47 and Tukey will play you anxiously in the closet waiting to come out so you can suck on man meat. Go ahead Tukey. Hey I just got up from my nap and I just realized I'm gay. Hey, I just got up from my nap and I just realized I'm gay! Fuck off, homo. It's okay to be straight Even though it would be cooler if you were gay It doesn't matter if you're a boy or a girl, that's it We all know being straight feels like shit. Straight kid stuff.
Starting point is 00:57:28 Straight is great. Straight kid stuff. Straight is great. Straight kid stuff. Straight is great. Some girls like it rough, except when eating muff. That's straight kid stuff. I wouldn't mind that on YouTube kids to replace Lens.
Starting point is 00:57:47 I agree. That should come on after Baby Shark. That was amazing. Can I buy that at the merch table? Like I'm going to bring home a copy for my kid. This episode is brought to you by Fidelity Investments Canada. Make investing simple. Fidelity's all-in-one ETFs are designed to do just that.
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Starting point is 00:58:20 may not be repeated. Hello, darlings. This is Lisa Vanderpump. Will you join me in France for a new reality show? Meet my hand selected staff as they work, live and play at Chateau Roosevelt. Their job is to provide once in a lifetime experiences for our guests. And of course they'll have to meet my standards and not everybody has what it takes. Vanderpump Villa has first class luxury and world class drama. I'll be there, will you?
Starting point is 00:58:50 Vanderpump Villa premieres April the 1st streaming on Disney+. I just have to say, I have to marvel at like what the the vegetable and puppet like thing has begat. I know. Like it is it is really blossomed into something fucking amazing. Like kudos, man. And also OJ made an appearance at the live show. There he was. So that's exciting for you.
Starting point is 00:59:14 All right, guys, we was going to be here. Is anyone? No. All right. Didn't make it. Call him. Damn it. Well, he was on his show yesterday. We were watching it on our Airbnb and someone mentioned to him about this show that Merch might do something to him if he were to show up here. So I wanted to get your take on this Merch. Baby Satchmo. Thanks for the five. If you go to Carl's show, Merch would beat you with his nightstick. Get it? No air is water, but I'll put a plate down here. Uh, no he wouldn't. So, beat him with his nightstick, meaning, you know, his trans son.
Starting point is 01:00:13 And he goes, no he wouldn't. Good one. What do you... John will fall for anything. He's really stupid. Speaking of how stupid he is, this was my favorite phrase that he said on his show last night. You weren't afraid of anything, shit-wear. You were just scared. John, you're 5'2". I've seen you. You weren't fearful. You were just frightened.
Starting point is 01:00:43 He's doing great. He's doing very just frightened He's doing great Really good. He's killing it for sure is anybody scared of stuttering John other than Patrick Melton. Yeah security at Atlantic City casinos is This guy's legitimately retarded right? No, I have M life gold. I'll have you removed from the Borgata. I'll be like, this man is bothering me. Well, you ask a good question, Top, because what John likes to do is these song parodies off the cuff. There's this guy Mike Morris,
Starting point is 01:01:13 he calls Silent Mike because he doesn't talk a lot on the show. So John likes to come up with these song parodies. Remind, remember, this happened yesterday. This is a song parody. Fucking Silent Mike. T-S-S-Silent Mike. Oh fuck. Terry ex-wife.
Starting point is 01:01:36 Daniel Moss. Marina horse. Well, it's time for you to get your paybacks. I don't give a shit. You went after my family in a taxi. Now it's time for the wrath half. Now it's time for the stuttering John Rath. We're in March, right? Yes. We're almost in April, yes. Okay, just making sure.
Starting point is 01:02:14 Okay. He was on The Tonight Show. Correct. Okay, cool, just making sure. And the Howard Stern Show. And the Howard Stern Show. Well, he entered fall into the Howard Stern Show. Right, right, he read jokes
Starting point is 01:02:23 that everyone else wrote for him, yeah. John, that was a great song, but I hate to break it to your daughter's trance The song was decent the first couple of stanzas in that then I was like what the fuck it fell apart Yeah, I'm glad you noticed that top. I like the top is fair tonight Yeah, I'm gonna goof on these guys, but I'm going to be fair about it. He was fair about Lindsay's ukulele play. She's good on the ukulele. Well, John doesn't stop his singing there. He also has a song for me.
Starting point is 01:02:54 Why do they podcast WTTP? Oh! Wouldn't that be funny if I were there? Wouldn't that be a good time watching fucking Lady K. Mark? You're talking about being at this show, by the way. Squirm away from me like the bitch daddy is. Wouldn't that be nice? Wouldn't that be nice for me in Tampa going to see my lady K?
Starting point is 01:03:34 Taking my Harley down the highway just to talk to him that way. Wouldn't it be nice to hang out with Lady K? You're right, Tom. He goes on too long. That's the problem. If he cut it, it would be great. to him that way. Wouldn't it be nice to hang out with ladies came up when he's running away from me. With all those snaggle teeth, wouldn't it be nice. I think the Beach Boys have a lawsuit, a potential lawsuit with that one. This is like what I would imagine it's like working in like a hospice care, you know? Like John's just dying of like cirrhosis and you're going in a chair and he's just singing these terrible song parodies.
Starting point is 01:04:15 And we're Patch Adams. Now, Mersh, when you were on WTP recently, I think I showed you that John's new computer, when he does different gestures, it'll shoot balloons up or fireworks or something. So what's great is when he's not trying to do it, it happens. So he's just trying to count on his hand. It's equally as funny as when he's trying to do it and it's not happening. It doesn't happen as much, too. But yeah, it doesn't seem to ever time out right.
Starting point is 01:04:39 Watch this. This is where he's not trying to do it and it just happens. That's another thing, shitwad way You've spread yourself far too thin You got Bob. He could turn on you any day now I love you, John never change bro. Never change I love you John. Never change bro. Never change. He's such a stupid boomer. This is just a boomer thing. I interviewed a guy recently, very serious topic,
Starting point is 01:05:10 and he had the same feature. And he kept on going like this, and there'd be fireworks and shit. I'm like, very hard to take this serious. Does he even, like, do you think his brain is able to grasp how ironically beloved he is? No, I don't think he gets that. Like, he just won't lean into what a doofus he is,
Starting point is 01:05:27 he'd make a fortune. Well he's claiming that he's coming to Vegas, the live show Hackamania.com, he's claiming he's coming to that, and we're all like, oh, okay. If he gets enough Spirit Airlines points, he'll make it out. Yes, that's a good point.
Starting point is 01:05:40 John's gonna be like, these people hate me, and I'm like, John, we love you, bro. We adore you. Never change, dude. They built an entire economy around your stupidity. Yes. There are talking vegetables who are now doing better comedy than you that started off goofing on you.
Starting point is 01:06:00 All right, I got a clip here where a super chatter comes in. And apparently, John's now getting his news from super chatters names Danny Thomas loved hookers shitting in his mouth You must be true. I would they wouldn't allow it out on YouTube if it wasn't true He's incredible well guys I gotta thank you so much for doing this show with us so great this is so much fun You guys are great. Yes We had a very tepid reaction when we when they first announced us. It was like yeah And then you hyped it up better. So thank you guys. Yeah, I'm the Brian Kaelin on this show
Starting point is 01:06:54 You got nicer calves papa dude, thank you so much Royce merch top lobster you guys rule. Thanks for being here. Thanks for doing this. Thanks for having us. Let's go be anti-semitic together Oh for sure. We're going to be around, we're going to be around, we're going to go out somewhere after the show. We'll make plans. We'll be hanging out. Hell yeah. So yeah, definitely. It's going to be a lot of fun. All right. At this time, I want to bring up, we're going to continue with Stuttering John, but we have to talk to Jenny Jingles, Andy Qupublic, and Vinny Paulino coming back up again. Thank you very much sir, welcome, welcome. All right, we were all watching this last night
Starting point is 01:07:41 from our Airbnb, I couldn't believe we got through this because this was one of those episodes, you you're like is this a rerun? It was very Christmasy with the song and all. That's true. It was like Christmas. So this is not Christmasy this is John just being gross and I believe Rocco brought up that he's just like a real-life Rick Sanchez at this point. If a tree falls in the forest, does anybody hear it? I don't. I don't give a shit. I don't give a shit what any of these guys say about me.
Starting point is 01:08:23 It's all bullshit. I'm the only fucking guy. not how the phrase is but what are you guys sure there's no more Tom Myers sorry instead we're gonna check out John's brain breaking as he's trying to remember some type of, he's trying to remember this conversation that he had with Jay Leno, and he can't seem to figure out what the fuck he's talking about. You know what, Jay called me, cause he was gonna put one of my monologue jokes,
Starting point is 01:08:58 and he's like, was that both that are in combined? And I'm like, and I, you know, and I was like, yeah. And that, whatever it was, but he wanted to make sure every joke was completely fucking based in truth. What? So I says to Mabel, I says, and then what the fuck was he talking about right there? Fucking based in truth.
Starting point is 01:09:21 He sounds like an old woman gossiping over a fence. So I says to her, I says, if Jay Leno calls and I don't pick up, did I still talk to him? Very philosophical John. All right, so then Pickles Melendez comes in with a joke that John does not get. They accused you of being in substitute shift, you didn't lie about that.
Starting point is 01:09:41 So they have no reason to doubt you. P.S. your necklace is nice again today. Oh thank you. Um, yeah, I don't lie about it. I mean, I had to lie at one point because I didn't want anyone knowing about it. That's my favorite thing where John goes, listen, I don't lie. He's like, Oh, I just read that thing where I was talking about how I was lying. I mean I lie when it's good for me. That's when everyone lies, when it's good for them, Debbie.
Starting point is 01:10:10 It's easy to not be called a liar when you don't actually say words. He didn't say anything. That is a very good point. But guys, remember, John is getting into shape right now. He's doing things the right way. I just got the phone with my fucking, I got the phone with my agent yesterday. He's submitting me.
Starting point is 01:10:31 It's gonna happen. What? I'm getting in prime condition. Eating my lean cuisines. Do you eat frozen meals shit way up Do you get dinner from the frozen food section like I do shit way up Do you get dinner from the early 90s like I do shit way up? Nobody eats lean cuisines
Starting point is 01:11:01 That was his brag just now. Yeah My agent said that I'm up for the role of Juror Number Four in Jury Duty next week. It's like, oh, he's getting casted. I guarantee you his agent is an unemployment agency. I've been submitted. Temp agency. They have some more shifts opening up at Salvation Army next month and they were checking in. I'm getting in shape.
Starting point is 01:11:27 I'm temporarily a juror. Colonel Melendez reporting for duty. I love John because he's constantly threatening people with these fake threats that aren't going to go anywhere, but at least he tries to pretend they're real. In this scenario, not so much because he's talking about how Mike Morris has his mom's photo behind him on the green screen. And John's not happy about that. He's going to put an end to it with this ultimatum right here.
Starting point is 01:11:57 I think you go live at 6 o'clock, right? That picture's up there. Wait till tomorrow. OK? No, you wait. Wait till tomorrow. Okay? No, you wait. Wait till tomorrow. Okay. I'm waiting. I'm still gonna fuck...
Starting point is 01:12:14 I'm still doing what I'm gonna do. But I'll do it to a lesser extent. It's your choice. You know what to do with that. What's he talking about? What am I supposed to do? All right. Lesser extent? All right, you win, John. I'm going with your terms then.
Starting point is 01:12:32 Oh my God. He sounds like a five-year-old. Wow. Yes. Unfortunately, that's what we're doing with him. A drunk five-year-old. I'm sorry. And John loves to talk about these shows that are all laughing at themselves
Starting point is 01:12:45 and laughing at their own jokes. And I like to point out when John cracks himself up for like a while. Are you fucking with me? Oh. Oh. Oh my God. Could you imagine if you, like that was 3D
Starting point is 01:13:05 and you had the 3D glasses, that would be the scariest. Oh my gosh. 3D movie, whatever. That would set box office records. You kidding me? Yeah. It'd be amazing. It'd be disgusting.
Starting point is 01:13:15 And the only thing missing was if he went like this. Good job. Yeah, I did it again. I'm hilarious. Well. Of course I'm gonna brag. Here's another example of him being aware is he even does at the end of this, the chip Chippers and double gardens.
Starting point is 01:13:30 He's so proud of himself with this dated joke. Well, I did the tag mom impression. Who gives a shit? You're not rich little, you're little, but not rich. Whoa, clip it. Join the culture club. Hold on a second, let me last. Get it out of your system. Oh, that was a good one.
Starting point is 01:13:55 Why are we still talking about Rich Little? Who the fuck is talking about Rich Little? I know, I just hold your breath until the Columbo impression comes back. Jesus Christ. All right. Let's see. Oh, this is John being creepy.
Starting point is 01:14:10 I like when this kind of sneaks out, because they're talking about now Bob Levy has a stepdaughter who looks like Ariana Grande. Yeah, and she has an OnlyFans. Beautiful. I've done a little research on this. She looks very good. And so people have brought that up to John's attention.
Starting point is 01:14:28 And of course, he needs some help with that. Danny Thomas loves hookers shitting his mouth. Thanks for the love, buddy. You ever seen Bob Levy's stepdaughter, or OnlyFans holding Molly? It's hardcore, I guarantee you. Leave your things about it when he's doing geriatric. Genius.
Starting point is 01:14:43 And now, send me it. I don't even know what it looks like, but thank you. Have you seen the nudes of Bob Levy's stepdaughter? No, but send it to me. I gotta do a little research on my end, please. So lazy. Not familiar with that. Look for yourself.
Starting point is 01:14:59 He will. He definitely will. All right, so this is a funny one. This Super Chatter is one of my favorite names that comes out of his show. Uncle Paul's funny smelling rag. I'm pouring things about his hat. I saw my kid's name. He goes, no I'm not going to read that. I saw my kid's name. I don't think he saw what it actually said though. It's like, uh, weird, uh, Vince, the loser army and we are sexually assaulting night. He's like, Oh, I see my kid's name. Well, yeah, there's also like sexual assault. So that might be more of a reason to not like that. All right. So then this is a very funny super chatter. Pickles Melendez. Thanks
Starting point is 01:15:47 five. You think your kid stepfather is drunk and argues with strangers on the internet or is he not as sound? This is a show that's on the internet. You guys quote unquote show. Do you think your kid stepfather gets drunk and argues with strangers on the internet guys quote-unquote show Do you think your kid's stepfather gets drunk and argues with strangers on the internet or is he not as talented? Is the super chat he tried to read just now? Fan fucking tastic got a lot of this guy. All right, I have I don't know how long I can I can stay on this but Christine Nolten you ever heard of Christine Nolten? Nolten fans here good. I'm glad to hear that because she's on cameo and She was hired to sing a song about our friend stuttering John Melendez
Starting point is 01:16:40 I'm sure this will be great I'm sure this will be great. Hello Stuttering John. This is a song from your friend Brandon in Georgia. Stuttering John has problems just like everyone else. Some days he's on top of the phone. I agree with TAP also. Lindsay is an amazing musician. I'm realizing right now. What the fuck with the ukuleles? It's obnoxious. Why is that the go-to instrument? Hold on. She does know a third chord.
Starting point is 01:17:28 It's coming up. I don't want to spoil it. Christine, I love your song. If you're ever in LA, beers on me. Beers on me. What else can you do? They're probably auditioning for the same part, Bitty. Of course she's going to be in LA.
Starting point is 01:17:42 They're going to be in LA. There are corpses on law and order. He's stuttering John, stuttering John. Being left at home. Jesus Christ, she's changing keys. I don't know if I can handle this. I've not watched this yet. You don't modulate at the very end, do you ever? No, it's going for a while. Just how the ball bounces.
Starting point is 01:18:23 Being a menace and creating his own fun Isn't that what life's all about? Maybe he got out of the wrong side of the bed Maybe he just needs a little more head You suck! that's disgusting John needs a little more head a little bar all right well I can't play that anymore it's dragging me down I can't take it. Christine Dalton. Guys I want to thank Andy,, and Vinny for being up here. Hey, Carl.
Starting point is 01:19:06 They are going to be around. Yes, Vinny. Didn't I promise everybody a Stuttering John story? Oh, shit. Yeah, I want to hear it. Thank you, Vinny. Tell me everything. Thank you, Vinny, for reminding me.
Starting point is 01:19:16 Please, I don't even know this story. Okay. Now, remember that Vinny tried to book Stuttering John to do a comedy show at the club in Rochester just a couple of weeks ago was gonna happen. Yep. So listen, a couple of things I'm gonna preface this very quickly.
Starting point is 01:19:32 I'm not gonna tell you anything that John wants to keep a secret or things that he promised me that I, or I promised that I would not tell. I'm only gonna tell about why I decided to never work with him again. And it was, there was one interaction that sealed the deal that I want you guys to know about, what a fucking prick this guy is.
Starting point is 01:19:48 At Comedy at the Carlson, we have a very expensive recording equipment for filming people, for real comedians who are doing shows. And one of the things that Cardiff and I were trying to convince him to do, that none of you know about behind the scenes, was live stream the fucking show so you people could watch it at home.
Starting point is 01:20:07 Nice. Yeah, I was trying to help out the Davilverse. But John goes, well, I don't know if I want the video out there. Can I just have a copy of the video? No. Well, I said, John, I will give you a copy of the video and I will not give it to anybody
Starting point is 01:20:25 else if that's what you want, but you're going to leave a bunch of money on the table if you don't live stream it. Now, does everyone remember a thing that happened a few years ago called the creep off roast? Yeah. And some of us remember that Carl was supposed to edit it and it took him a year. Yeah. So, no, hold on. That's not true.
Starting point is 01:20:43 I never did edit it. So, it did not take me a year. Okay, so I was feeding John all sorts of stuff about Carl to basically promote the creep off. Every time Carl did something I didn't like on the show, I would tell John and John would go crazy about it and I would laugh and Carl would laugh and we'd laugh at each other behind the scenes and it was all good. So, John wants dirt on Carl and I said, well John, you can't fucking believe it. This guy had this video for a year and didn't do a goddamn thing with it and I spent my whole night editing it and he was supposed to do it.
Starting point is 01:21:18 The next day he brings up the video and he goes, uh, Vint, listen, when you give me that video, would you mind me that video, uh, would you mind editing it for me? And I said, I said, John, I don't have time to do that. And I was starting to say, but I know a guy who would do it for a couple of bucks coming out of my mouth, but I know a guy I go, John, I don't have time to do that. You don't have time. You got time to do it for Carl? You got time to do it for Lady K?
Starting point is 01:21:50 And I'm like, that's my show. That's my show. And that's when the fucking wall, I was like, oh, there he is, folks. And things progressively got shittier and shittier and shittier as we went until I fucking pulled the cord. But the one story I want to tell you guys is a fun one, and
Starting point is 01:22:10 I'm getting the fuck out of here. The funniest thing I've ever heard in my life was on the phone with John. Do you guys remember when Carl bet him $100 about OJ Simpson? Yes. Yes, okay. So the morning Carl decided out of pity to give him the hundred dollars because OJ walked by him and he yelled at him. Yes. John called me like a five-year-old so happy guys. It was, hey Finn, Carl paid me the hundred dollars. I got the hundred
Starting point is 01:22:38 dollars from Carl from Lady K. He paid me. I got him. I got him. And he's so happy. And I go, John, I got to tell you something man. I'm glad Carl manned up and paid me. I got him. I got him. And he's so happy. And I go, John, I got to tell you something, man. I'm glad Carl manned up and paid you. I think that's great. But let me tell you something. I don't like the way these people are telling you that you're poor and broken, that you need that $100. It's fucking ridiculous, right?
Starting point is 01:22:58 Yeah, I don't need the money in that bag, you know, whatever. And I go, you know what I'd do if I were you today, John? I would go to the bank. I'd get a $100 bill. I would buy a cigar, and I would sit on my show, and I would light that cigar with Carl's $100 bill and say, fuck you, Lady K. Yeah, right? I tried to fucking get some, stir the shit a little bit.
Starting point is 01:23:21 And John, I swear to you guys, this is exactly what happened. Uh. Uh. Uh. That's illegal. He's amazing. I spit coffee all over my own fucking desk. He's amazing. I spit coffee all over my own fucking desk.
Starting point is 01:23:48 And I was just like, yeah, John, you know the way the internet is, I know they'll turn you in too, won't they? Yeah, they would. They turned me in. I can't do that. So I just want to say John was a nightmare to deal with towards the end. He was on his best behavior up until that point and when he showed his true colors it was fucking all over and I want to address one other thing. Everyone has called me a fucking idiot because I
Starting point is 01:24:14 booked that show out. No, no we were calling you that long before that, Teddy. Stop it. Good point. I just need to point out this one thing because it's the same thing I see from everybody and I want to clear it up. The reason why John's show was so far out was because we were not paying for a plane ticket. We had them on a Sunday night. We weren't putting them on a Friday or a Saturday, folks. It wasn't gonna happen. So we originally had them scheduled for December.
Starting point is 01:24:40 And the thing about Upstate New York is the bills are playing, and I knew it would end up being bad and no one coming. He was working on like a percentage deal. So I said, it's probably not a good idea. And there was a reason why he had to come to New York in March. I'm not going to say what it was, but there was a reason he had to come to New York. So it was based around his travel and being cheap because he didn't want to buy a plane ticket to his own fucking show.
Starting point is 01:25:02 So don't blame me for that shit. It was him. Thank you. Good night. I still blame you. All right. Thank you for remembering to tell us that story guys. Thank you so much for coming on. Andy and Vinny will be back up in just a little bit. We have some other guests coming up, but before we do that, let's cleanse our palette. Shall we? With a little ask Dr. Steve. Hey it's your old pal Dr. Steve and recently Dave asked me what's the worst way to die? The answer is a thing called fornia gangrene. I'm going to start by giving you this one warning do not Google image fornia gangrene. That's F-O- I E R no I'm serious do not Google image this at work
Starting point is 01:25:50 fornia gangrene is a rapidly spreading infection in the genital and groin area caused by flesh eating bacteria it's incredibly painful requiring aggressive surgery and often leading to disfigurement or death. I'll take death please. It's defined in the medical literature as an acute necrotic infection of the scrotum, penis or perineum aka the taint. Fornier gangrene is usually secondary to infections of the rectum or urethra associated with local trauma so stop goofing around down there. There's even popular diabetes drug that increases the risk of this condition to the point where it's required to be included in a boxed warning in the prescribing information by the FDA.
Starting point is 01:26:38 It's a rare complication, but as Shakespeare opined, the odds ain't zero, my friend. But wait, there's more. This gruesome condition can actually be a rare complication of a thing called fistula in anal, where a tunnel develops between the inside of the anus and the outside world. What a palate cleanser. So you might imagine you're going to have a quick bloody death only to be surprised by a slow agonizing descent into gentle gangrene and sloughing of tissue. What a world.
Starting point is 01:27:14 Now I'm not here to make light of death, but sometimes humor can help us cope with the inevitable. Too bad I don't actually have any jokes about this stuff. Dave? And let's bring him out the great Dodger Steve is here with us and we also have Cardiff Electric and Tukey joining the show. Welcome welcome welcome. Thank you thank you. W.O. Welcome, welcome, welcome. Thank you, thank you.
Starting point is 01:27:48 Things are falling off of me already. Yeah, so we went to Hulk Hogan's place last night. I'm the Tookster, brother. Yeah, Tookie got very excited with the gift shop. He was way into it. I'm a mess. Oh no. I look like shit.
Starting point is 01:28:03 Tookie, come on, buddy. Oh, I'm falling apart! Fix me! Where do you want to start? I know you were checking out some Ray DeVito stuff as well as some Opie stuff. Where do you think we should begin on that? Let's start with Opie!
Starting point is 01:28:18 You want to start with the Ope, sir? Let's do it! I'm the man! I'm the man! I'm the man! I'm the man! I'm the man! I'm the man! Baa, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba! What's going on with you these days? I haven't been paying much attention to him. He's kind of boring. Yes, he is incredibly boring. But, and his kids are even realizing that he's very boring. I'm starting to think that mustache was a bad idea. Yes, me too.
Starting point is 01:28:50 Shut up! Shut up! Sorry, sorry, Dookie. Yeah, in this first clip, Opie tells us that they didn't go on vacation for a spring break. Okay. What's up, John Quartz. Good morning, Opie. Stay warm, my friend. It is freezing out here, but at least the wind stopped
Starting point is 01:29:09 You know, um as long as as long as there's no wind uh winter at the beach could be just glorious We've been doing a staycation Which is a little weird. I'm not gonna lie to you. I mean You know, my kids are old enough where their friends are sending them pictures from around the world. And I'm like, Hey, why don't we go to the beach and make believe it's spring? But with that said, we've been doing something almost every day. We've been doing a pretty solid, uh, staycation. You know,
Starting point is 01:29:40 we went to Costco. Well, I didn't go to Costco. I said, you know what? I ain't going to Costco. You know, we went to Costco. Well, I didn't go to Costco. I said, you know what? I ain't going to Costco. Yeah. Yeah. So Opie is taking his kids to Costco while their rich friends are posting pictures of them in Dominican Republic and other places. He's like, well, yeah, but we're going to get a $5 rotisserie chicken.
Starting point is 01:29:58 Ain't that sweet? Well, what's hilarious about Opie's life, we don't know a lot about Opie's life, except for the fact that he lives on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, how many feet above New York City? I believe it's 500 feet. Brother. And then he also has the house in the Hamptons.
Starting point is 01:30:15 All right, let's start, you win me over. Yes, okay. But he also has the house in the Hamptons. So you know that his kids are going to private school, all of their neighbors and friends are all rich people their parents Probably still have an income Somehow so you got to imagine Thank you. You got a bit. It's weird for these kids
Starting point is 01:30:36 To see their friends are like going out and doing like rich kids stuff and oh he gets to go to the other house They live on Yes, and actually Like you said Opie is getting very boring, but I learned something clipping this if you listen to Opie at two times speed That's the second clip Opie is way more entertaining Yeah, and then they came home and and I'm a wife's like, oh, we got a lot of stuff You got a lot of stuff here that the car the car is packed with stuff from Costco I'm like, oh my god, here we go. You want to you want to guess how many items we got at Costco? I filled up the filled up the the car 12 items We got 12 items from Costco. I now in the proud owner of a pancake mix. That is no less than this big
Starting point is 01:31:12 It's like a cement bag of pancake mix My god, I carry the stakes in like this like I'm a fucking flint stone You get a copy of his big items. They got some large items We are one week away from Opie live streaming from Costco. Yes! Opie, he looks like Babe Ruth running the bases there. I like that version of Opie. It'll sped up.
Starting point is 01:31:36 Little more fun. Yes, absolutely. But Play Clip 3, I don't know what it's about. All right. I got bad news for you, Tukey. There is no 3. Oh, 4 then. All right. Let's go right to 4 and see what it's about. All right. I got bad news for you, too. There is no three Let's go right to four see what's doing. What's up, john quartz? Good morning. Hope stay warm my friend It is freezing out here, but at least the wind stopped
Starting point is 01:31:53 You know, um as long as there's no wind. Oh, that's it play five. Sorry. Let's keep going. Oh shit Oh, yeah, I got I got fucked up. I do have a five here You know You know what I learned two days ago? I gotta dress better. You know, my kids are at that age, they want to look good in public. My wife looks good so she wakes up. I gotta go to her car wash and a NASCAR pit crew to get to look just like this in the morning Yeah, so he is a mess and he's apparently his kids are embarrassed by it, but he's a he's a mess. Yeah again
Starting point is 01:32:36 He's living around rich people. Yes, and his job is getting up in the morning and playing with doggy on the internet So he doesn't need to get dressed up for anything, he's got nowhere to be. Illegal immigrants in New York City are making fun of how OP dresses. Yes! Michael Imperiali thought he was getting harassed by a homeless person the other day. Yes.
Starting point is 01:32:56 It's not good. 100%, play the next clip, I don't know what it is. Whatever we had. After five, whatever it says after five. Oh yeah, that's right. 14, clip 14, Carl. Can 14 cross out who are you ready to veto my kids friends are sending them pictures from exotic places ah well my daughter's friend is in the Dominican Republic we could have went we decided
Starting point is 01:33:21 not to because why to the Dominican Republic when you can hang out way out east on Long Island on your own beach with 50 mile an hour winds and temperatures hovering around 30 degrees? Oh my God. Now my son's getting pictures, one of his friends is, I don't know where, they're in like another cut another country too and Then there's a town. Yeah, you guys want to go the aquarium today
Starting point is 01:33:56 It's very sad for these poor poor rich kids They can't go to exotic places. They just have to go to aquariums You play the last clip go to the last clip for the the last clip. Go to the last clip. Go to the very last clip? Yes. All right. This show stinks. Nardo, this show stinks. Nardo, are y'all right? This doesn't stink. Yes it does. It's not like a, and it's not even really a show show. What? Is it a show? This is not a show. Oh man. It's not like a and it's not even really a show show. What is it a show this is not a show man it's a it's a place to come in the morning where we hang out before we start our
Starting point is 01:34:33 days. It's really simple and easy was there a nuclear now I was doing like get by. I'll be very dishonest that's actually show it's it's starting to work so so I took my kids to the Sun Heimer we could just Buddy what am I gonna do you need a well now? What am I gonna sit around and worry about your dumb? This show stinks comment, of course not That really got to him. But he played it off really well.
Starting point is 01:35:06 He just said he doesn't care about it. So I believe him. But yeah Topgolf has taken over the world man. It's it's it is so much fun. But I grip and rip. Well yes it's very sad to see where OP has come. Where he is. So he took his kids to Topgolf.
Starting point is 01:35:24 Yes. They had to work on their short game, I imagine. Yes. Great. That's pretty much it with Opie. I wanted to cut it down. I know we're cutting it close. Well, you were also noticing that Ray DeVito
Starting point is 01:35:37 is up to some shenanigans. Oh my god. You guys know Ray DeVito? Yeah. Yes, Ray DeVito. Ray DeVito? Yeah. Okay. Yes, Ray DeVito! Ray DeVito is quite an idiot. This is fresh from Ray DeVito's show last night. I guess play the one about
Starting point is 01:35:54 Clitorati first. The clitoris, man! And they're shaped like beans! I get why they say flick the bean. The magic bean. The magic bean! that's exactly yet he's got the opiate flash it's a magic bean it's a bean is that where we're in Detroit that's a thing they would call magic eggs because the eggs are what creates babies those miracles what what's a miracle?
Starting point is 01:36:28 when that supposedly China you remember the wrestler China allegedly had a like a five-inch plethora see well. That's what happens with like Women that like do that and I do like athletic women I like the quad father goes allegedly shot at of five inch like he didn't watch the video My quad father enough. We're not buying that for a second, but I mean I heard dr. Steven does the clitoridae produce eggs? What is right talking about? I think Ray is confused about female anatomy and no action
Starting point is 01:37:04 No, but this is the reason I was confused about female anatomy and reproduction. No! No! But this is the reason I'm up here. This is the reason I'm up here. I found an article in the journal of, I don't know, what the fuck. And no one here cares. It's called the Evaluation of Clitoral blood flow and sexual function in elite female athletes Which I think China would be considered one and Imagine this study it says clitoral blood flow measurements using clitoral Doppler
Starting point is 01:37:35 Ultrasound have been performed with increasing frequency either in order to assessment of female So anyway, so they got women to work out and then they put an ultrasound on their clit to see It's amazing. So how do you get a grant? Fuck up ass wipe and suck my cock. Yeah I'm applying for a similar grant when we get done Okay, see I thought it was me. I didn't see you anyway. No, Steve, you were killing just now.
Starting point is 01:38:10 Can you read that article from that journal? So the conclusion of this article was, in elite female athletes, as compared to sedentary healthy females, better clitoral blood flow and better sexual function were demonstrated. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 01:38:34 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I've itch clitoris see well that's what happens with like uh women that like do that and I do like athletic women and I've been with athletic women and yes they do have did his nose just grow just I don't see that they have balls yeah right I've been with a lot of athletic women Larry Bill they do have like these little Audi Cletorises when they're clitori
Starting point is 01:39:11 If they wait rain and stuff so yes, I've seen those and Use where is he sitting while they're waiting? These women's clits I Spotter that's not where I need you to be right now. I'm spotting your clit. I'm spotting your clit. I spotted it You're spotting If that makes me gay and I'm fine with the woman with an Audi clitoris then call me gay you're gay Ray DeVito is gay. That's could you shall receive right? Keep telling yourself those are clitoris is right. It's
Starting point is 01:39:52 Just keep repeating it cool whip sucks. All right, can we both can you both agree with me that cool whip? Out of ready whip and cool whip. What do you guys go with? We're taking calls after the break What do you guys got cool? Anyway, what do you got? Huh? Hey, which pie do you put it out? cool it And which pie do you put it out cool it? Already with guy and the heavy heavy. I'm mad right now at Derek for having an answer to that Listen man, I'm already with guy. I was glad you asked actually shut the fuck up even Opie isn't asking his chat Are you ready with people? Yeah, you like shake it up I like eating ready whip off of clitoris People are cool with people. The only answer to that is shut the fuck up, Ray. Who gives a shit? Yeah, you like shake it up.
Starting point is 01:40:27 I like eating ready whip off of Clitoris's, believe it or not, Ray. What do you, any thoughts on that? No, if I'm eating a Clitoris, I want no food. I just want to fucking eat a Clitoris. You just want to suck a dick. Just saying, Ray. Jesus Christ. Point to which one is the fag.
Starting point is 01:40:45 I can put my mouth all over that thing. Ray wants to suck something and it rhymes with cock. It's like that same thing. I can't eat and drink at the same time. I can't eat and lick a clitoris at the same time. I gotta fucking divide it up. This is shocking. Ray can't do more than one thing at a time.
Starting point is 01:41:06 What am I going to do? Walk and chew bubblegum? One thing at a time. One thing or the other. I can't multitask. What am I going to do? I'm sitting there fucking going down on a chick and then I got like... I'm going down on a chick. How am I supposed to suck cock and tell jokes at the same time? Well, what's your favorite condiment for a clitoris though, right? Cough. That's my mouth. I just go down and do it.
Starting point is 01:41:38 Whoa! Why don't you get to suck on it until the bowl is done. That would be my favorite kind of it right there. All right, that was the end of the clip? That was the end of the clip. Fantastic. Now to prove that Ray is not gay. Now that's how you're going to joke people. That's it right there.
Starting point is 01:42:01 Are you listening, Tom Myers? Ray is going to now give us a little history lesson on the great people of North Korea. Forgot about this. Did you know Ray knows a lot about North Korea? Well, he doesn't. Geopolitical Ray or... Right? Are you allowed to have sex toys in North Korea? I don't think so. I don't think... I think they're not allowed to have anything. It's just that, what's his name?
Starting point is 01:42:28 Yeon Jong Kim or whatever? He's so stupid or whatever. Everybody knows you never go full retard. Long John Silver. Everything's him. He's in charge of everything there. Everything goes through him. Kim Jong Un.
Starting point is 01:42:47 And remember like he used to be like the cute guy. Remember? What? Oh. You remember that? He was a tiger beat. Yeah right. All the girls in their lockers had Kim Jong Un on them.
Starting point is 01:42:58 We were so jealous. Yeah, hot young dictators on their way up. With a foreign. Everyone used to have. How big is this Clint? Yeah, I mean, everyone used to have like little things of this guy. What he was like, you know, he was like he would be all over the place.
Starting point is 01:43:18 You know, who's this guy? He was a cute little guy. And then he started doing mean things. All right. Well, there's our history lesson for the day. Kim Jong-un was a hot dude who started doing mean things and that's why we don't like him anymore. This is amazing. I would still rather have Ray DeVito teaching my children than stuttering Jong. Yes. Yes. Can you please please as Joe Matterese explained that Ray's really good at this podcast Wow Ray you're really good at this did you I
Starting point is 01:43:50 didn't even know you knew all about the what are these super chats you're a really smart guy Ray I knew Joe Matterese had no business in podcasting when he goes wow Ray you you know what you're doing. Unbelievable. And he was no longer like the cute guy. Remember, he was the cute guy in the movies. People would have him all the time. Nope. The cute guy in the movies?
Starting point is 01:44:15 Who is he? Is he talking about Team America? Team America? He was so funny in that movie. Remember, he was in that movie with Chris Tucker? Why is everyone so fucking stupid? He thinks he's Jackie Chan! Remember he's talking about Jimi Hendrix?
Starting point is 01:44:36 Uh, well they did the little clay animations or whatever, but then he turned out to be a real jerk this guy. A jerk? Well that part's accurate I'm not gonna talk about that. He's so stupid. He's a real jerk this guy. It's a definition of a euphemism. Okay. What? It means never mind. Look it up. Spell it Dr. Steve, that'll make it funnier. Tip code. Well Tukey, I want to thank you so much for coming to this live show. Thank you. You have so many exciting things going on. So many exciting things going on at Tukey Soup. And you are going to be at Hackamania.
Starting point is 01:45:24 Yes, Hackamania brother will be there, Las Vegas, May 31st to June 2nd. Get your tickets hackamania.com and Tukey will see you all there. And Cardiff, I want to thank you for coming. Unfortunately, it was very difficult to come all the way from Minnesota and not bring your other potato head. It was. was yeah I think that that mask will be making appearance at a future Event oh Which event will that be there? Cardiff double con to what?
Starting point is 01:45:59 You guys even come to devil God one and come to DevilCon 1. Yeah, where were you? Oh, it's going to snow. You know, I heard it's going to snow. It does snow in August, right? Yes, it's going to snow again in August. And I want to thank Dr. Steve for being here on the show. We weren't sure if he was going to make it.
Starting point is 01:46:18 The great Dr. Steve. What I love about Dr. Steve. I'll be reading from the dictionary later. What I love about Dr. Steve, I'll be reading from the dictionary later Dr. Steve is that he's literally on call tonight Steve you're on fucking call tonight really good to get this one Friday off. Oh tell that fucking bitch to die already I Watched him kill three people backstage. He's doing a great job. Dr. Death. Steve, Comet? We love you. What?
Starting point is 01:46:49 Comet, Steve? Yeah, the only place I'm not killing is up here on this stage. All right. Hacker, hacker! The great Dr. Steve, everybody! Kenneth Electric, Tukey! The great El Harible, Bedabler, Rocco!
Starting point is 01:47:05 Thank you guys so much for coming up and doing that. I want to bring back Andy, Vinny, and Lucy Tightboxes here. That is right. Hey, Lucy, you got it? Ha ha ha! Hey, Lucy, you got it? Thanks for showing up. Holy shit, she's real. I had no idea. This is crazy. Alright. Well, we're just going to roll with it.
Starting point is 01:47:40 So, the thing that we've been doing on the Creep Off which by the way, you can catch on the creep off channel and who are these podcast channel every Monday at one Eastern is we've been watching these cop camps because when the George Floyd thing happened, I know you guys haven't heard of it. It's kind of obscure thing that happened, but the George Floyd thing happened. Cops got taken off the air. Jesus Christ. I know it's a little too enthusiastic about George Floyd. Get out.
Starting point is 01:48:12 Cops got taken off the air, and so we no longer got to see them chasing after, you know, potential murderers and other riffraff in the neighborhood. But the good news is every police officer has a camera strapped to their chest now. So we don't even need the camera crew, Minnie? No, we could just watch it all the time because they release all these videos. Let me tell you something. The shit that we would never see comes out now because of this. So it's better than not die in vain.
Starting point is 01:48:34 I want you to know that. The show just makes itself now. Yes, it's amazing. So we've been watching this on the creep off. We've been pulling different clips from different videos. The one that we did this just this past episode, the guy blew a three four three at 3.30 in the afternoon.
Starting point is 01:48:50 It's not possible. I don't know, I've been drunk before. I've never gotten there, that's incredible. That video of John, he was like at a three one. Yeah, right. This fucking guy is nuts. That's as good as you're about to enter it. So a listener sent this in, and I gotta tell you, Carl, I thought this video was apropos
Starting point is 01:49:09 for Tampa because it happened in Florida. Of course it did. And it happened on a beautiful beach. Never mind, it happened in Daytona Beach. Oops. Which, I learned something today, Carl. Did you know that Daytona Beach is Florida's Syracuse? I actually did. I've been there before. It's not great. So what I'd like to do to set up this video is start off by
Starting point is 01:49:32 introducing you all to the stars of the show today Tim and Alicia and they decided to go to the beach they're from Georgia and they could only afford to go to Daytona Beach and they brought their kids and they decided to afford to go to Daytona Beach, and they brought their kids, and they decided to have a good old day at the beach, and hijinks ensued. So let's just meet them first. This is where we first meet them, Carl.
Starting point is 01:50:02 What's up, guys? Sheriff's office. Time to wake up. time to wake up guys! Hey! Hey! Sheriff's office! Wake up! Oh my God! So for those of you who are listening, they are past the fuck out on the beach. Correct. Now, it's time to fuck out on the beach. Correct.
Starting point is 01:50:29 Now, it turns out there are some laws that they might be breaking here. Basically, all of the empty beer cans laying around them, there's no alcohol out on this beach. Then why go to Daytona Beach? I thought that was the only reason to go. I thought meth was legal there. Yeah Well, you could do meth on the beach. You just can't have a beer. Okay, so these tuckered out parents
Starting point is 01:50:54 Are at that one point if you heard that she goes wake up and they go Like these are people who are used to having their annoying children bother them in the morning They could sleep through anything by the way My alarm clock is actually set to a police officer yelling at me because I get right up that gets me right out of bed but not these two. So let's watch our second clip where the cops kind of explain a little bit what's going on they're still kind of coming to here. You sit up! Come on, get up!
Starting point is 01:51:24 All right. Welcome back. Sit up. Why can't you have alcohol on the beach? Why not? Do you have ID? Do you have ID? Why?
Starting point is 01:51:40 You have ID or something? So, I don't know if you heard that, she goes, you can't have alcohol on the beach, and he goes, why not? Good question. And she goes, do you have ID? Huh? Why?
Starting point is 01:51:55 And he's not really catching what's going on here. I'm trying to sleep. I want you all to understand the reason why the police are there. It's not the alcohol. We're going to learn in a second that the reason the police are there is because they brought their two young children with them, drank in excess and then passed out on the beach and the children ran away and someone saw this. And they called the police, a couple of tattletales frankly, called the police and they're about
Starting point is 01:52:22 to say to them, hey, where are your kids? Now watch the reactions from these concerned parents, helicopter parents really. You guys have children with you? If it might, I do want kids in yours. Are they with you? Hey, your kids with you? Yes.
Starting point is 01:52:42 Where are they at? Hey, where are your kids? Right there. I like that she's looking in the bag for her kids. I'm looking, hold on, give me a second. Carl, she's looking through her bag and she goes, where are your kids? And she doesn't even look up and points, goes over there. Yeah, right. Well, we passed out three hours ago and they were right there. So I assume they're still there right? The black hawk down of helicopter parenting.
Starting point is 01:53:21 So they're trying to find the IDs. They can't find them. They're in the side back part of the bag, and the cop goes, they're right there. And she goes, oh. So as you can tell, that guy is stumbling around. He is pretty fucking drunk at this point. And he just woke up, buddy. Give him a break.
Starting point is 01:53:38 OK, fair enough. The officer says, let's go find your kids. So the cop takes this man to go find his children. And boy, he's really concerned. You'll see. Hey, where are they at? Where are they? Look, it's the kids.
Starting point is 01:53:51 I got this. I'll go with you. No? I'll go with them. Tell me where your kids are. Nice to meet you. How old are they? Well, I looked and I looked. Seven and eight.
Starting point is 01:54:09 Boys, girls? The cop just said to them, how old are your kids? And he goes, seven and eight. They're five and seven. Oh, no. The kids are five and seven. That was close. It's good.
Starting point is 01:54:20 In the ballpark. Yeah, I just wanted to point that out. Ossifer, I don't think I even have kids. Rumbling Rumbling Pause it. What you... It's hard to hear because there's so much noise out there. So I'll translate. She goes, where are your kids? And he just answered, on the beach? Yeah. It's possible. It's possible. So at this point they're under arrest for
Starting point is 01:54:49 being neglectful and being drunk in public and they have their cuffs on this gentleman and I am surprised what a cool customer this guy is. But he's kind of a dick. If you're ever going to go to the beach and you pass out, you're supposed to watch another team. Put it on speaker, put the phone up there. I'm trying. What happened to your hand? I swore. You worked? Yeah, some people don't know that.
Starting point is 01:55:25 It's not very nice. Now what he just the cop says to him, he has like a wound on his hand He goes hey, man, what happened to your hand and he goes work something you wouldn't know about But hold on a second he took a hit off his vape with handcuffs on behind his back. Yeah, he's done that before He had confidence with that move. He's vaping with one hand and applying for father of the year with the other. I actually labeled that. The Fonz is not a nice guy. He's pretty fucking cool though. But let's see the concern of a father here. This is really touching to me. I need you to come get the kids. Me and Timothy are both being arrested. Is somebody able to come get the kids?
Starting point is 01:56:10 Come get the kids. Why am I being arrested? Alcohol on the beach and child neglect. Child neglect. That's a spitball in here. Maybe child neglect. A law to have any beer on the beach. That's a spitball in here, maybe child neglect. Not allowed to have any beer at the beach? It's illegal to have alcohol at the beach.
Starting point is 01:56:30 Is it? I thought it was not glass. No, glass is not allowed but it's either alcohol. Because what happens is people get drunk and they'll drown in the marriage. I want to have like two beers. Can I just point out, and I've said this to a cop before too, but when you're going to say I've had two beers, don't use the word like before. I've had like two beers. Which by the way, 12 is like two. Sure. Just that one line. It's one number off. Two is still illegal.
Starting point is 01:57:02 Two is still illegal? Two is still illegal. Two is still illegal? Two is still illegal? This guy's like Brendan Schaub, he repeats everything the cops say. Drinking's illegal, drinking's illegal? Yeah, you were passed out, I was passed out? I only had two. I only smoked like two cracks. But notice, this poor woman is back there trying to contact someone to come get their kids.
Starting point is 01:57:26 They're being arrested and taken to jail and he's like, beer's illegal on the beach? My children are missing, but I only had like two. I thought this was America. So I gotta tell you, I am so convinced that this man is terrified of this woman. Watch her explain to him what's going on. They must have a wonderful relationship. Can you just wait? Can you just wait?
Starting point is 01:57:50 I want to make sure my kids are safe. We're going to make sure they're taking care of themselves. Okay, so tell them to come over here and let me listen to what my grandpa's saying. He's writing down a message right now. I can't hear anything. In the truck. I'm telling you to get in the truck and I'd like to get in yourself. I want to make sure my kids are safe.
Starting point is 01:57:58 They will be in the truck. Where are my kids going? I'm going to get in the truck. I'm going to get in the truck. I'm going to get in the truck. I'm going to get in the truck. I'm going to get in the truck. I'm going to get in the truck. I'm going to get in the truck. I'm you to get in the truck and I'd like to get in yourself. I want to make sure my kids are alright. They will be in the truck.
Starting point is 01:58:08 I want to make sure my kids are alright. Can I point out he and his vape again there. Yes, I was going to point that out. That was impressive. Watch this. That's great. I'm telling you to get in the truck and I'd like to get in yourself. I want to make sure my kids are alright. This guy's incredible. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Florida, man.
Starting point is 01:58:24 Well, he's from Georgia. Yeah, I know.. He's got his priorities. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Florida, man. Well, he's from Georgia. Yeah, I know. But he's got Florida in him, I'm telling you. They were having family nap time, and the kids skipped nap time. Right. Now they're under arrest.
Starting point is 01:58:36 What are they supposed to do? He only had like two beers. Play my next clip for me, Carl. OK. We're going to the Family Resource Center. So they're going to take care of them. They'll feed them. They'll clothe them.
Starting point is 01:58:49 And they'll be comfortably waiting and controlling here. Was it father or grandfather or us? OK? We need you to get them to talk to me, OK? If you're on this not too long, you should be able to get this over with. Let's try to get this over with, OK? All right.
Starting point is 01:59:00 Got it? Go, go, go, go, go, go, go! Yeah! Oh! Oh! Stupid. You got it? Go, go, go, go, go, go! Yeah! Oh! Stupid. Yeah, dude, he's on your mouth.
Starting point is 01:59:10 What? Oh, that'll fall. Don't get it. Call an ambulance, please. Hold on, now that we know what happens, I want you to watch this guy looking around as the wheels are turning and he's going... Carl, I'll do you what better.
Starting point is 01:59:26 Watch her before they put her in the car. She is mouthing to him, I'm going to fucking kill you. I'm going to fucking kill you. So he's like, then the gears start going. And then he's like, I gotta get the fuck outta here. I got nothing to lose. Well he's probably thinking too, like I'll have handcuffs on for the rest of my life but I can still vape. Yeah. I'll figure it out.
Starting point is 01:59:48 Think he can make it to Puerto Rico with no hands. They'll feed them, they'll clothe them, and they'll be perfectly waiting and telling you. I'm going to fucking kill you. You are right Vinny, wow good catch on that. Yeah Vinny. Wow. I'm not a good lip reader, but that one was very clear. Ha ha ha. You need to get into the truck, okay? You're on this after a while. You took the one in Silverwind and started getting...
Starting point is 02:00:12 Oh, man. Now he's looking at, where can I go? My wife hates me, the cops hate me, my kids are mad. God damn it. Silverwind, okay, you got it. No. No. No. No. No.
Starting point is 02:00:27 No. Stupid. Yeah, you know, you're not getting out. Now, I want to point out, he just knocked himself out fucking cold. Wow, that was a face plant. He is knocked out. They have to come get an ambulance to come get him.
Starting point is 02:00:40 So they've been arrested on a bunch of charges. And Carl, I'd like to show you Tim's mug shot. Look at how well this ended for this fella. Oh! Oh! Father of the year, ladies and gentlemen. Hi, buddy. That's a great video, buddy.
Starting point is 02:00:58 Carl, I got to tell you about the amazing creep-off thing that happened while you were up here earlier. Yeah. I went out there to go grab a beer, and I believe there's only was one motherfucker in here tonight wearing a creep Off shirt and he was being taken out by the police Like a real fucking creep up we like we do a show By creeps for creeps and I told that guy said I need you to call the show after this and I hope he hears this When he sobers up whatever you're our new mascot, dude. You're like the best. He's our new review girl or results
Starting point is 02:01:34 That's amazing. Yeah, so please watch the creep off. Don't be right very good Now before I let you guys go we do have to catch an alien But before we do that, I know that Andy you were checking out some Patrick Michael stuff to see what he's up to he's up to nothing So fucking boring uh-huh uh-huh well. This is setting up this topic very well What was he talking about on his stream? I know he's playing video games well. Yeah We're all here. We have a good group of people here So we I think it's time that we all figured out the Israeli Palestine conflict and who better to sort it out than Patti Pukewater.
Starting point is 02:02:14 You guys saw the self emulation? That was wild. Free Palestine, huh? Talk about commitment though. The thing that people aren't talking about when it comes to that dude is how calm he was before. Like when he's walking up to the place when he's going to set him douse himself with the gasoline he's going to act like you've been there before everyone does that. You can't be a nervous protest. No one's going to take that very seriously. He's going to set him douse himself with the gasoline. He's totally calm He's just like yeah, this is shit's wild. I'm an I'm an Air Force guy whatever and They gotta stop killing these people
Starting point is 02:02:57 Something something I don't remember what all he said, but it was cryptic Shits wild Yeah, it's pretty obvious what he was protesting there shit's wild Could you fucking imagine if you can see earth from the afterlife and you set yourself on fire to make a point Yeah, you're watching this idiot going blah blah blah. I don't know Can't even get one kill in fortnight I liked how he always play like the Israel invasion version of it with the hang glider there I just remember the whole thing to be honest with you Anything else from Patty puke water here
Starting point is 02:03:38 I mean, I don't recommend I have one clip out here that you pulled and I want to play Okay, I just I just wanted to point this out, you know, Patty loves talking about high school Yeah, he's still living in high school in his mind. Oh, yeah, that was during 9-eleven 2001 and then it was also one of my favorite teachers who obviously you find out later. He's a creep Like cool. My favorite teacher was the weirdest guy awesome Kind of not surprising at this point fucking Christ but I do miss that class though fun class it was I remember sitting there because this is back when the TVs that the classrooms would have were like
Starting point is 02:04:21 already posted up on the wall so they were putting TVs on the wall long before I got a fight The fuck is this dude get out of here? So okay, he just explained his favorite teacher turned out to be diddling teens or something Yeah, and he goes and you should have seen these TVs at the well. No talk about the Barg this is finally something interesting to talk about Why was he your favorite Patty? I want to know right He's like I couldn't even get molested I was the one kid that didn't get molested, but you wouldn't believe how much lunch used to cost back then TVs were on the wall
Starting point is 02:04:59 That's why he's the worst yeah, and then Lucy type box. Thanks for being here. Yes. Thank you I know that you were spending a lot of time today. Oh, the Lucy simps in full force, Dr. Steve. I noticed that when we were prepping for the show today, you were checking in on Jerry Banfield. You learned a lot about his life, his origin story. I sure did. Did you know he chose his parents? Yes. Even though his dad was an alcoholic loser. An alcoholic racetrack loser. Racetrack loser? Yeah, he like, I don't even know. Incomprehensible. We're really flipping the script. Usually the kids are losers. This is interesting. Yeah, so apparently- Let's not start targeting alcoholic losers, okay? I take offense to that.
Starting point is 02:05:45 It'll be a cold day in hell when this show starts making fun of alcoholic losers. All right, so what did you pick up on from your Jerry adventure today? Jerry Banfield is doing this whole autobiography channel now. So I get to learn, we get to learn his entire life story in parts.
Starting point is 02:06:00 And I've been thinking a lot about dating because of course we just did the Win a Date with Lucy Titebox. So I wanted to find out how he met his wife and why it is that she puts up with him. So in clip one, we find out how they met and also that he went on a lot of dates before that. Wait, is that the lower part of Chrissy Mayer's face?
Starting point is 02:06:23 What's going on? I don't get it, it looks like you actually. Dude, is that the lower part of Chrissy Mayer's face? What's going on? It kind of looks like you, actually. Dude, it looks like that Conan bit where there's going to be like a mouth talking. Yeah, right. I'm Arnold Schwarzenegger. And our initial, we met on match.com. And nothing stood out as special initially.
Starting point is 02:06:42 Like I had exchanged so many messages with at least hundreds of girls. So I'm waiting for the stories about the hundreds of dates that he's been on. I'm on the edge of my seat for that. But there is good news for everybody who's here because it turns out in clip three that Tampa is very special to Jerry. But I kept trying and I finally, I even moved to Tampa because I looked and the girl and guy ratio was two to one. That can't be. In Tampa.
Starting point is 02:07:16 Tampa, Tampa, Tampa. That can't be true. That's impossible. It's true that Jerry might be here right now. Yes. It's Jerry Banfield. Oh no. He's not there. Damn it. Yeah. So he's doing great. All right. Well, that's good. I thank you for the Jerry Banfield out there. Great stuff. Lucy. I do appreciate that guys. it one more time for Andy Q Public, Lucy Titebox, and Vinny Paulino. All right, at this time, it is time to play everyone's favorite game show to catch an alien. And in order to do this, I want to bring out some very special contestants. Cardiff
Starting point is 02:08:07 is back with us. Thank you. Cardiff, please have a seat. Cardiff is here. He put together a very special to catch an alien for us today. But I want to bring up some contestants that haven't necessarily done this game before because we've seen there's like a beginner's luck thing that happens with this. So is Joey C. C my man come on up to the stage buddy there's the stairs right over here I think to keys gonna try to take your feet off and And then is Monique from Radio Gunk still here? Mo! Mo, get up here. We got a game to play.
Starting point is 02:08:53 Here she comes. And then Andrea Brower, the mod to the stars, has sparks. Andrea Brower is here. Andrea, can you please come up to the stage to play the game to catch an alien? There she is, here she comes. This is exciting. ["Jerry Banfield's Alien"]
Starting point is 02:09:20 So we didn't get Jerry Banfield here in Florida, but we did get local residents, Joey C., Monique, and Andrea, all Floridians here joining us. Thank you all for being here. And the rules of the game, if you haven't seen it before, are very easy. We're gonna watch this weirdo talk a little bit,
Starting point is 02:09:42 then we gotta figure out what he's gonna say next. So's check it out because you can only you know you can only cheat on your tests so long you can only show this off so long it's gonna hit yeah and then the credit cards are max the banks are out that's it and then when the restaurants don't have a lot of margin because no food costs what it cost gas costs what it costs and everything is up we saw the whole egg debacle and gas and everything. I think Uber and Uber Eats, and that Uber guy, he's going all electric. He was just going all electric when it's impossible to go all electric, and they just had the thing with the cold.
Starting point is 02:10:19 So I think Uber's fucked. I think Uber Eats is fucked because I talked to some of the drivers and they don't make anything. Yeah, and every time there's an increase There's an increase You know for uber which then is What did Tommy say next? Here are your choices number one a Dolphins fart in the ocean
Starting point is 02:10:45 B they put less fries in your bag. Next, the driver, who was forced to get vaccinated, by the way, gets screwed. Number four, there is a less crease for the driver. Lastly, we all get fucked. Now, do you have these listed somewhere on the video that we can see them? Yeah. All right. Let's take a look at so we can. All right. Thank you for doing that card. So dolphins fart in the ocean. They put less fries in your bag next to the drivers forced to get the vaccine by the way. And number four is there is a less
Starting point is 02:11:24 crease for the driver. And lastly we all get fucked. I always go first. I'm going to say B, they put less fries in your bag. That's my guess. And I'm going to go over to Joey C. What do you think? We all get fucked. We all get fucked. I like that as well. Monique, what do you think the answer is going to be? So is it one or B? What? Yeah. Cardiff is annoying. Just play along.
Starting point is 02:11:48 Just for shits and giggles, I go with a dolphin fart in the ocean. Dolphin fart in the ocean, number one. And Andrea, what do you think? I'm gonna go with number four. Yes, I like that one a lot. I hope that's the case, but that would be a little too clever for Tommy. Or dumb. Let's find out.
Starting point is 02:12:10 And there's an increase, there's an increase, you know, for Uber, which then is a less crease for the driver. Whoa! Whoa! Andrea! Wins the game, everybody! I didn't see that coming, wow!
Starting point is 02:12:26 I can't write that. It's amazing. Pretty soon it's like, and who's tipping now? If you're up in the price for the food, before when you'd be like, oh I'll give 20% like a restaurant, I know some people would just go zero. You know, left and right. So I think this
Starting point is 02:12:42 kicks in before we're ended. Sit Eugene, sit. Good dog. So I think this this kicks in for where I ended sit Eugene said good dog Excellent work card of his always. Thank you very much for that Joey see Where can people find you sir on the street of Tampa? Yes. I've noticed that for Yeah yeah most definitely yeah not her and John called me tonight no what did John have to say to you said he was gonna kill me he's gonna kill you know he just said you guys were friends you can come over to his house he thought Andrea gave her my phone
Starting point is 02:13:18 and he goes I'm gonna kill your husband. Yeah, he handed it. He showed me that it was John. I said, oh, let me get it. Right? So I answer it. And I said, hey, do you know who this is? And he goes, I'm going to kill your husband. I'm like, wrong answer. Yeah, why?
Starting point is 02:13:39 Is he going to kill me, Carl? Why is that? I post it on Twitter. I go, John, you should go work for Shuley. Oh, I got to go. Carl's waiting foruli. Oh, I gotta go Carl's waiting for me Oh, that's all it takes. Huh? That's all it takes for a death threat. That's all it took He literally called you with a death threat. Yeah needed and Andrea got to be there for it Monique Yeah, who's the biggest whack-packer of all time at this point? I mean
Starting point is 02:14:01 Just in the running right we're debating it the other day, top three. Well, first off, John is one of the few that's still alive, which I can't imagine is gonna last that much longer. But I think that he's definitely the biggest swag packer of them all, for sure. I got a great, great voicemail from John a few weeks ago. Oh, I wanna hear that. I'll play it for the whole room.
Starting point is 02:14:21 All right, well, I don't have it on my board here, but we'll get to it. I hope you hear it. Yes, please do. All right, well I don't have it on my board here, but we'll get to it. Yes, please do. All right, guys, thank you very much. Monique from Radio Gunk, everybody. Monique, thank you so much for coming up. Where can people find your show? RadioGunk.com and anywhere, anywhere.
Starting point is 02:14:37 YouTube, podcast, wherever it is. What's going on with Howard right now? Is he still doing his show? Absolutely nothing is going on with him. He was on vacation for another two weeks. I don't know how he's doing it. Because he can. And Andrea, of course, the great Hal Sparks. You're working with him. Anything else you want to promote?
Starting point is 02:14:53 Oh, and Hack Ride. Hack Ride! I now mod for Hack Ride. Hopefully we'll see Hack Ride at Hackamania. Yep. And we'll see you at the next ride. I now mod for hack ride. Hopefully we'll see hack ride at hackamania. Yeah seems like that'd be fitting and he's on the west He was very upset that I got a picture with Joey C. Oh yeah well everyone's getting upset. He's my boy.
Starting point is 02:15:18 Everyone who's not here is getting upset. You hear that? Come to hackamania. That way you don't get upset that you missed out. Well thank you all for coming up here and playing the game fantastic job guys I had a I had a trivia thing I wanted to do with Hannah and Annie but they're telling us we got to get the hell out of here and I don't want to overstay our welcome I don't want to be that guy so I am gonna wrap things up here but I just want to say I really sincerely appreciate you guys coming out to the show. I talked to people who came from Canada and L.A. and drove from St. Louis and Minnesota and Minnesota. And it's it really is amazing to me that you come all the way to come see us, even the locals who bought the tickets and came to the show.
Starting point is 02:16:03 I hope you guys had a good time. I had a blast tonight. I've had so much fun hanging out with all you guys at last night when we were down at Hogan's. But by the way, Hogan's sucks. Hulk Hogan's Bar sucks. What a waste of a 45 minute drive that was. But no, it was not great.
Starting point is 02:16:22 But I know like even during the meet and greet having conversations with you guys, it really means a lot to me that you would come to this show and be so passionate about the show and spread the word and I know producer Chris and I were talking about it before the show that he feels the same way. Absolutely. So guys thank you all so much for coming out. Thanks for Central Park Performing Arts Center for having us. We're going to be hanging out. We're going somewhere after the show.
Starting point is 02:16:50 Where are we going, Royce? Royce, I'm going to put you on the spot. Titty bar. I'm going to put you on the spot, Royce. Where are we going for beers? Hold on, hold on, hold on. Where are we going for beers after this? Hold on, I'll tell you in a second.
Starting point is 02:17:01 Give me a second. All right. We got a phone. I wasn't ready. I was just watching. I know, I apologize. No, I got it, I got it. Check this out. I'm ad-libbing.
Starting point is 02:17:10 Do some crowd work. I heard it's good, do crowd work. Sir, what's your occupation? Where are you from? Come on! Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba. Let's see, let's see. Here it is, here it is.
Starting point is 02:17:21 It's called Niagara Tap. So it's here, somewhere around here. Is that a good spot? I don't know. I don't know. But it's, look, hey man, if you got a better idea, but that's what I found. They have food and they have booze. And they're open?
Starting point is 02:17:35 And they're open for free. And they're open for free. I'm sold. So 3 a.m. Niagara Tap. Guys, come over and hang out with us at Niagara Tap, all right? Thank you so much.
Starting point is 02:17:44 Arrr, arrrr, arrrr, arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr hit right watch a carly okay guess what this is the episodes oh go fuck yourselves have a good week I gotta. Goodbye. That was a great episode! That was really great! Man, that was a good episode. That was a good episode. I enjoyed that. It's a bunch of crap.

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