Who Are These Podcasts? - Ep84 - Conversations with People Who Hate Me

Episode Date: November 26, 2017

The podcast we review this week has a unique format. A gay man (Dylan Marron) puts out provocative videos meant to get a reaction out of people with a conservative ideology. When he gets that reaction... in the comments section, he calls that person. That conversation is this podcast. It's a fascinating construct, he gets to be both the instigator as well as the victim.  Before you listen to this show I want to warn you that we talk about trigger warnings. If that's something you're uncomfortable with you should probably skip it. We're very happy to have Kevin back on the show along with a guest appearance from Steve Harvey. We read some recent iTunes reviews and reveal Karl's new nickname (according to Twitter). Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's show time. Just a handful that don't suck That's where we come in Our cast reviews like All over the man that ran Give him W-A-T-P W-A-T-P W-A-T-P Who are these partners W Double you wait to be
Starting point is 00:00:48 Who likes these podcasts? Not W-A-T-E Who likes these podcasts? That one's beyond me Who are these podcasts? Double you wait to be W-A-T-P. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:07 W-A-T-P. W-A-T-P. W-A-T-P. W-A-T-P. Come on, Etchah. Come on, Etchah. Come on, Etchah. Come on, Etchah.
Starting point is 00:01:15 Come on, Etchah. Come on, Etchah. Welcome to the episode of Who Are These Podcasts. We listen to podcasts so that you don't have to. I'm your host, Cara, with me as always is Kevin. Yeah, there's always. I think you're going to find our listeners and you can visit us at whoarethese.com, our Facebook page or on Twitter at who are these pod.
Starting point is 00:01:31 If you like what you hear, don't forget to give us a positive five star review on iTunes. We'll be reading some iTunes reviews later in the show. It's always fun. Today we'll be reviewing a podcast called Conversations with People Who Hate Me. This was a listener suggestion from Andrew Kevin and I have both listened to the show separately. We have not discussed it with each other beforehand on today's show We'll be talking about YouTube comments and people who write YouTube comments if these topics upset you You should turn off the show now if you have any issues with talking about comments on YouTube, there's gonna be a lot of that conversation going on in the show.
Starting point is 00:02:09 There's also a hotline you can call it to get help. Kevin, this one is a rough one. I apologize, I bring you back out of the show to listen to this social justice warrior. Let me play you what the premise of the show is real quick. Hey, I'm Dylan Marin, and this is conversations with people who hate me. The show where I call up some of the folks
Starting point is 00:02:31 who have said, hateful or negative things about me on the internet. OK, so the premise of the show is this guy, he puts out lots of videos. He's very much a social justice warrior, and then people will make comments and then he gets in contact with them and records the conversation if somebody wrote a negative comment about him or his video. Right. So it's interesting concept. Yeah, I was
Starting point is 00:02:57 going to say it's actually is a very interesting concept. One that WATP can probably even keep in do with the comments we get I know a thing or two about negative comments on the internet. That's for sure I don't know if you saw on Twitter Kevin, but I have a new nickname It's curled ass burgers is my Somehow I've never heard that one before so Kudos to the the people from I think it was one of the friends of everyone has a podcast they they're still upset with us, but what are you gonna do? So I just wanted to kind of break down why this show exists
Starting point is 00:03:38 Here are a couple of clips from the YouTube video that Dylan created that got this comment that he then had a call this person to talk to him about, okay? Did you go, did you go and watch the video? No, I didn't. I just was sort of assuming that it was fucking terrible. Well, okay, so here's one clip from it. It's called, heterosexual pride day. And pretty much the premise is that heterosexuals are celebrated all the time and I'm not actually sure what he's trying to do but it's very sarcastic and cheeky and here's a clip from it. As time went on, heterosexual humans continued to fight against adversity, plagued with challenges like pregnancy, marriage, and universal acceptance.
Starting point is 00:04:25 Tired of not seeing themselves represented in media, they invented media so that they could see avatars of themselves fall in love over and over and over again in what is now known as every movie ever. Alright, so you get the point. This is a gay man who is making these sarcastic videos about how it's a cis-gendered white male's world. And Kevin, you and I would not be friends with this guy. We are the epitome of all things wrong in the universe. Here's just another clip from that same video. Just to give you an idea of,
Starting point is 00:05:07 yeah, he's trying to be provocative. So from this ally to you, happy heterosexual pride day, every f***ing day, which coincidentally is the same day that we celebrate white people and men. and men. Okay. It's very well produced. I think that this Dylan guy is a very good broadcaster. Even when I was watching the videos of him, he's very good on screen. He does a really nice job.
Starting point is 00:05:40 Yeah, it's part of the Night Vale Network, this guy, right? I think. I don't know. I don't know what that is. What's Night Vale? Welcome to Night Vale. It's like a really popular podcast. So he's part of that network.
Starting point is 00:05:56 So I mean, he's got something to do with that. I think I was reading that he doesn't voice on there or something. Yeah, yeah. So I mean, he's obviously, you know, got some background and stuff too. But, uh, yeah, I don't know how I kind of feel about the whole thing. Like, it's funny. I think that video's kind of funny that he's, you know, poking fun at, uh, you know, heterosexuals and shit like that.
Starting point is 00:06:21 I mean, whatever it's right to do that. Of Yeah, of course. Of course, it's fine. I don't think it's funny per se, but I get it. I'm in on the joke. What's interesting though is that he's very much saying, fuck you old white man. And then people comment on it, and it's like, what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:06:40 Why do people hate me? It's, well, you're kind of starting it. You know, on W-A-T-P, We get shit from podcasts that we review. I expect that. I'm not upset about it I'm gonna be getting out of here and be like I can't leave all these people are saying negative things about us After I just did 45 minutes of ripping their show apart. Of course that's gonna happen. That's how this fucking thing works So I don't understand why this guy is like I can't believe I put this out there saying that you know Anyone who's heterosexual go fuck yourself and now people are upset with me. Well, I mean it's that's all right So let me just play you this is the the actual YouTube comment
Starting point is 00:07:15 Kill yourself you victim complex haven bitch boy I love gay people but people like this no matter no matter their gender, race, or sexuality, should be put on an island to die. Alright, so that's the comment that this YouTuber put up under his video that caused him to call him and have a conversation with him. And I will tell you, Kevin, I listen to this episode. I also listen to his first episode, I talk to another guy, and I do want to give Dylan credit.
Starting point is 00:07:45 He's not arguing with the people. He gives them plenty of time to talk and explain themselves. It is actually a conversation, and he's very reasonable with that. So I give him credit on that. He kind of lets them get their thing out. I'm not sure what they're... There's no solution. I'm not sure what he's trying to accomplish with it,
Starting point is 00:08:05 but he does a good job of letting the person talk and having the conversation about the comment. Right. I mean, to echo your point from earlier, he's obviously baiting an apolintic having ridiculous comment. That's the word I should have used. Yeah, it's a, he's baiting people, exactly.
Starting point is 00:08:27 Right. And then he catches, it's like, it's like if you go fishing, you're like, what the fuck? Where is this fish on the end of my fishing ball? And that's all. Well, and I, you know, I'd argue too, that he's not really picking that's a groundbreaking premise
Starting point is 00:08:41 of something to make fun of. I mean, it's like me going and being like making a video like nickel backs. Exactly. I don't want to be like, well, yeah. I know. But you'd get some nickel back fans who would post, you know, death threats to you. And then you'd be goof on it. But he's upset that that Hollywood movies celebrate heterosexual relationships. Kevin, am I crazy? Aren't there gay people at Hollywood? I mean, I think there's a few, right? What the fuck? Kevin Spacey, a couple others. Kevin Spacey. Let's go down Spacey.
Starting point is 00:09:21 All right, so the comment itself is starts with kill yourself. Because of that, he goes into this whole thing with the trigger warnings, and by the way, this show is about talking about suicide. Let me just play some of these things real quick. Here's the initial trigger warning clip. Today's show talks about suicide, both in my guests' initial comment and in our conversation for this podcast. If you're not comfortable with hearing about this topic, feel free to turn this episode off whenever you want. I won't be offended.
Starting point is 00:09:55 Okay, first of all, since when do we have to explain to people how to not listen to something that is upsetting to them? He's telling people, listen, if you don't like this, you can turn it off. No shit. We understand, I don't understand the trigger warning thing. You don't have to consume any type of media, you have to read things, you don't have to listen to things. So that that part is stupid. That's one of the funny parts too about the way
Starting point is 00:10:20 the guest, the guy, whatever's anonymous name is or whatever, that he has. Yeah, that he has on there. Eee, or whatever he, he, he says, like he tries to kind of come back at that, but I don't know, I get that feeling, which you do a lot when you're, when you're in a put in a situation where you're trying to defend yourself, but it's not the popular thing to defend. Like this guy is defending, you know, calling a gay person, whatever, whatever the hell he was saying,
Starting point is 00:10:53 or kill yourself or whatever. And he's trying to defend that point, but he doesn't really have a lot of ground to stand on. And it's not. And I don't think he defends it very much. It's funny, the other episode I listened to, he calls the guy up and the guy's like, yeah, I'd had a couple cocktails and I saw your video and it pissed me off. You know, these guys are just,
Starting point is 00:11:14 they're drunk at 1 a.m. watching YouTube and just typing shit. The point that I wanna make because I get a lot of shit on the internet is that it's not real. Don't let it bother you. People don't talk like this in real life and this whole thing where the guys like kill yourself don't take that seriously. He doesn't really want someone to commit suicide and which crazy is that he has to bring this out as if it were a real thing and this guy
Starting point is 00:11:43 literally was wanting this guy to commit suicide. So then he has this part of the show. Also, if you or someone you know is having suicidal thoughts, there is no shame, but there is help. For listeners in the United States, you can call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline 24 hours a day, seven days a week, at 1-800. He gives out the phone number like four fucking times. Why do you think the people are listening to your show are wanting to commit suicide? It's not that bad, but doing it.
Starting point is 00:12:12 Honestly, does he now understand that someone saying kill yourself is not the same as the actual act of suicide? Are we just pretending that this is a real thing? And he does say it multiple times in there because one of the other parts of the guys comment is, you know, go live on on island by yourself or something. And the guy's like, he's totally playing it off like, wow, I was going to pack my bags and like, you know, I look at this island and stuff. Um, you know, obviously he doesn't believe that, but it's like he is playing that whole angle up and it is kind of weird that he's
Starting point is 00:12:47 You know flipping it for that for that piece like the way to an island pieces. Okay. Can I go on? Can I just play this clip talking about that? Yeah? You closed your comment by saying that people like me should be put on an island to die Why do you feel that? Why do you feel that? He's trying to make a joke asshole. There isn't really an island where you put people to die along, there's Cuba. But he's obviously, he's trying to just be funny on a YouTube comment.
Starting point is 00:13:19 That's what most of these people are doing. They're trying to add a little humor to the situations. This idea that he's taking it seriously and then ask him yeah so why did you tell me to go to an island so this brings up uh... a a response and a new segment on the show cabinet of the familiar with this but this is what i call the uh... no shit sure luck you know i don't think you know i that, I didn't think that it would be
Starting point is 00:13:45 just if you were taken and put onto an island to death. I didn't, you know, literally believe that to be a thing that should happen. No shit, sir, rock! No shit! No shit, sir, rock! No fucking shit, sir, rock! This is how dumb we've become. We have to explain to people that when I wrote on YouTube that I wish you had Crab Don't fuck this shit, you're on! This is how dumb we've become.
Starting point is 00:14:05 We have to explain to people that when I wrote on YouTube that I wish you had crabs and that your mom was killed, that's not really something I was hoping for. Come on. The fuck is going on. Oh, but... That song is great. Oh, thanks. So, you know, just to backtrack a little bit to the trigger warning thing at the beginning. He talks about that and the guy tries to sort of defend his point, but is all over the
Starting point is 00:14:39 place and just as backtrack, you know, he's just, you know, trying so hard to grasp at something. That's the clip. Why even agree to this? If I wrote someone kill yourself, the guy reached out and said, Hey, why do you a podcast? And they're like, no. Yeah. Yeah, that's the other thing.
Starting point is 00:14:55 I don't know why. Yeah, like, how are you going to look good in this scenario? What are you going to say? All right. So this is your clip trigger warning. Yeah. But a trigger warning in front of this episode, I'm curious to hear what you think about trigger warnings.
Starting point is 00:15:14 I mean, to be putting one that me here, do a you gonna do them to maybe audience just really wants that. And then how you think that they're mostly, I think that's part of what's conditioning people to be. So these days are like even pushing forward to it is the fact that we're going to protect you from my ideas.
Starting point is 00:15:40 I wish you'd ask me what I think about trigger warnings because the answer is I think you should grow up and learn how to deal with yourself. If hearing a concept makes you upset, you should work on that as a person. No, the whole world is supposed to change around me. That's how it's supposed to work now. Exactly, it's fucking insane. One of these people thinking, and the problem is, is that this is not a movement where people are going, these social justice warriors and this trigger warning nonsense is ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:16:10 No, everyone's embracing it and it's actually becoming the way that we're all living life now. How was there possible? What is going on right now? I gotta say, as a fat man, I think you have trigger warnings anytime there's an RV's commercial on.
Starting point is 00:16:31 We have the meat trigger. The trigger warning for me. I uh, they should warn me that there's going to be succulent, thick, cut bacon coming up in the next 15 seconds. If that is a trigger for you, you should turn away. Do you ever watch those commercials in slow motion? Turn away. Do you ever watch those commercials in slow motion? I reckon with a bottle of hand lotion. That's what you mean. With a bottle of bacon grease. All right, so talking about the trigger warning, he talks about it at the very beginning.
Starting point is 00:16:57 And then when he cuts to a commercial and then when he comes back, he says it again. So here's another trigger warning. All right, before we get back to the conversation, a quick content reminder that this is the part of the conversation where we talk about suicide. Also, if you or someone you know is suffering from suicidal thoughts,
Starting point is 00:17:15 there's no shame, but there is help. In the USA, you can call 1-800. Again, with the fucking phone number, just because you're talking about a subject doesn't mean you have to just solve all of the world's problems. Today we're going to talk about the water crisis in California, and if you want to contribute water to California, like, no, whatever. All right, here's a clip that he talks about right after this suicide hotline. He talks about this. I've never heard such a thing. There's also the crisis text line. Just text talk, T-A-L-K, to 741-741 from anywhere in the USA,
Starting point is 00:17:52 anytime, about any type of crisis. Kevin, a crisis text line? What type of crisis would it be appropriate to text about? Does it the word crisis imply that there's an immediate need for help? Isn't that what crisis means? You're just starting texting with someone. My house is on fire. Oh, where do you live, sir? Oh, I'm glad you asked. I'm up in Western New York.
Starting point is 00:18:14 What the fuck? Why would there be a crisis text like that? And who's manning this thing? Wow. How do you become a text line? A textor. What is the test that you have to take for that? Do you know, can you text back somebody very quickly
Starting point is 00:18:27 who's in a crisis? I think I can. Let me take the exam. We see how I do. Just emojis, that's how you text back. Like, you know, happy face emoji. And it's gotta be a bot. It's gotta be a bot, right?
Starting point is 00:18:39 Like I love the new Gmail app. If you read an email, it has answers for you. You can just hit the thing and it says, yeah, I got it. Thanks. That's gotta be what this thing is, right? It, I mean, it's gotta be. I'll have to apologize to the listeners. My dogs are in the room right now.
Starting point is 00:18:53 God dammit. Like some dogs. No, so I thought it would be really funny if he's like, you know what, you could also text or you could call or you could also record a YouTube video about your, and then the comments are, fuck it, kill yourself, kill yourself. If you're feeling suicidal, talk about it to YouTube
Starting point is 00:19:15 and see how that goes. Yeah. That would not be good. I mean, we're making it light of a situation, but people, I think people actually do kill themselves, you know, usually young kids. You should. You really? I mean, you read about that shit like, I don't know, they're bullying like the online bullying thing.
Starting point is 00:19:35 Like what if we were kids, there wasn't online. So, you know, there were oldish fuck. Well, okay, when you were, I actually have a clip that I want to play about that because they do talk they do get into that And all right, let me just play this clip. I think we can discuss it further if I had seen this comment directed at me when I was like Really going through it as like a teenager This comment would have like ruined me comment would have like ruined me. Oh, wrong somebody, please think of the children. I hate this thing where they wouldn't be good for children
Starting point is 00:20:11 so we can't do it. No, then we wouldn't have anything cool. If everything had to be dumbed down to a level that a seven-year-old can appreciate it, then guess what, Kevin? Die hard? God, never got made. Steps uh, step sister porn? Nope. Steps sister porn is out. We can't have that anymore. I know. Think think of the adults. What's somebody please think of the adults?
Starting point is 00:20:37 You know what I did when I was young and and had suicidal thoughts. I listened to Megadeff. Right. That's what I did. I listened to Slayer and Megadeff and maybe the occasional anthrax thrown in. And that got me through. That's what I did. That's what I did get through. That nice. So then he talks about after the, you know, all of Jesus,
Starting point is 00:21:00 if I was a teenager, you know, you would have killed me with your comment, which is ridiculous. But then he talks about how he has a thick skin. if I was a teenager, you know, you would have killed me with your comment, which is ridiculous. But then he talks about how he has a thick skin, I don't wanna just listen to this clip real quick. Right, now this is unfortunately something that I've grown a thick skin too,
Starting point is 00:21:14 so I just kinda like scroll past it, you know? But like, well, all right, he just said he just scrolls past it. You made a podcast about it, and then you call the fucking people who commented on it and talking that for fucking a half hour. That's not scrolling past it. That's the polar opposite of scrolling past the comment. You got so fucking upset that you created an entire show,
Starting point is 00:21:41 which by the way they have like a dozen people working on the show. The production is great and there's a ton of effort. This whole show smacks them effort. And the fact that he's talking about, that he just sees as a thick skin, he just fucking, do you just let it roll off those back? It's a blatant lie that we all know.
Starting point is 00:22:00 I just wanna say, if there's anyone out there that's suffering from thick skin, it can call this the skin line. Oh, sure. If your skin is 1 to 2 inches thick and you're suffering, you can call the line, the thick skin, call line, and the text line. And we also have an AOL instant messenger. Oh good, there's an angel. Oh good, good.
Starting point is 00:22:33 Kevin, the problem with being a social justice warrior is it's so much work. It's so much goddamn work having to cover your tracks and every single thing that you do, worrying about offending someone or saying the wrong thing or he even before doing this show. And again, remember, this show isn't about suicide. The guy said kill yourself on a YouTube comment. But listen to the research he had to do to make sure he was the right amount of sensitivity towards the subject of suicide. I wanted to make sure that I dealt with this topic
Starting point is 00:23:07 with as much sensitivity as possible and the following suicide prevention experts gave me invaluable guidance on how to do that. So thank you to Brett Wien at the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, Alison Chung at the Jed Foundation, Alyssa Gross and Rachel Bergrain. Okay, let's do this. Kevin, this is not a show about Suis
Starting point is 00:23:30 that he had to talk to all of, who's Brett Wien by the way? That guy, is he in the band? I've never heard of that one. Why is this guy going on and having conversations with people about how to talk about Suis, like you could have left all of that alone?
Starting point is 00:23:44 This is what the conversation should have been. Hey, sir, you told me to kill myself on my YouTube channel. Did you mean that? No, of course not. Why would you really think that I meant that? It's a YouTube comment. Oh, okay, cool.
Starting point is 00:23:56 Great, good talk to you. Have a good one. Yeah, more or less than it was this, oh, you know what, all this guy said, go kill yourself. That would be a really provocative topic for an episode of the podcast. So let me see if I can contact this guy. And then I got I could put a whole bunch of disclaimers. And it's like, it's all, poor shit. You know, it's all a bunch of, you know, what, what, what's going to be the
Starting point is 00:24:19 best thing for the audience? Because obviously he didn't have to pick this one. He's pitching it like, this came rolling across my news desk and I had to deal with it. And here is the disclaimer, if you're gonna get triggered. Now, this was, you optionally picked this. Right. That's the whole thing.
Starting point is 00:24:39 You know, I mean, you went ahead and did this. And I'm just so annoyed that he turns it into a legitimate conversation about suicide. I mean, alright. At the very beginning of their conversation, Kevin, he calls out this guy who told him to come himself on YouTube. And they start skipping with each other and there's awkward small talk. I feel like this probably could have been left out of the app, as far as I'm out of play this real quick. I actually worked in the service industry for a while.
Starting point is 00:25:09 I really liked it. I mean, so you said you wait tables? No, I like to find a job when you're more. Yeah, I liked it a lot. It was like, I liked being around people. I liked that I was like on my feet a lot. I feel like my work now is entirely like computer based, you know what I mean? Who gives a shit? Who gives a fuck?
Starting point is 00:25:28 Dude. Why would I care if he liked when he worked in a restaurant? Who gives a shit? It's called ice breaking. It's breaking the ice with your troll. You have to do that. Well, the other thing that we should point out, because yeah, they start with that small talk and he's like, what are you up to today? He's like, oh, I'm actually going to be applying for some jobs. This guy's a 20 year old in Canada looking to be a server at a restaurant. We're not talking about a 40 year old adult who has a wife and kids. He's
Starting point is 00:25:56 a kid. He's a kid. He's a kid who killed yourself on YouTube. This is not a thing. This should not have been a thing. The other thing that I mentioned before, I think Dylan is a good broadcaster. He does a very good job of speaking very clearly and having charisma. But when he's in this conversation with E and he just has to go back and forth, he's terrible. So here's an example of what I call Dylan Off the cuff that we were all just like equal.
Starting point is 00:26:28 Like why can't we just like just not have a pride parade? And what I only want to bring up is that a pride parade is a reaction, right? You know, it's amazing how difficult it gets to talk all of a sudden when you don't have a script that you're reading from Tell me about it. I mean, I mean wait a minute. I mean, no, Kevin that's when that's when I'm gonna go to page 12 That's where you tell that joke I wrote. All right. Here we go. Okay. Oh Destro is gay too
Starting point is 00:27:03 That's right. I forgot about that. Okay, yeah. Um, alright, what else do I have here? I have a clip, this is from the very end of his show. If you love this show, tell all of your friends about it, and if you hated this show, maybe write to me and tell me why you hated it, and who knows, maybe you'll be a guest on the show. I have a better idea than writing to you. Why don't you create an entire podcast
Starting point is 00:27:30 about how the show sucks and then put that out and just talk about it behind your back. I think that's what you should do if you hate the show. They do another thing too when they're signing off when he's signing off with the guy. I have that as a clip too. Yeah, I think I grabbed the same clip here with us.
Starting point is 00:27:47 Yeah. I hope you have a great day and I'll see you on the internet, okay? Thank you, you too. It's been great. Thanks a lot for having me. Okay, thanks. I'll talk to you soon. That's a great day. Ah, you too.
Starting point is 00:28:00 Talk to you soon. I know, I wrote that down too. I just have talk to you soon. What are these wrote that I wrote that down to you. I just have talked to you soon What are these guys bodies? I wonder the pen pals what's going on? Why would they talk to each other again? Well, they bonded over the love of waiter jobs Hey, let me know how that job thing turns out. No gives a shit Do you touch you soon? I grabbed an ISO cabin that I probably should have been
Starting point is 00:28:27 peppering in earlier, but I thought this was appropriate for a way to describe Dylan. Super Snowflakey. Super Snowflakey. Super Snowflakey. All right, so I grabbed, I was watching another one of his videos and he has this video about, so he has a series on YouTube where he does unboxings, you know, unboxing videos are popular with electronics and things like that. You know, as you know, I have an HTC Vive virtual reality headset.
Starting point is 00:29:00 I had to watch a lot of these types of videos to figure out how to set it up and set up my room and all that kind of stuff So they're popular videos for that reason He does these parody versions of it where he unboxes Concepts like privilege. This is a oh, I don't know if it's white privilege male privilege cis privilege all those types of privileges Here's a clip from that video Check out white privilege if you want to go shopping without a security guard following you around.
Starting point is 00:29:28 And dig into straight privilege if you want to hold your partner's hand in public without being called a faggot. Okay, so again, it's this kind of cheeky, sarcastic, like, you know, you guys have it so great and, you know, it's terrible for everybody else. Later in this video, he's talking about examples of privilege.
Starting point is 00:29:47 And he talks about Trump being born into his dad was a millionaire and he was handing a lot of money to run his business. Okay, that makes sense to me. But then listen to the second example that he gives. Bashar al-Assad, Syria's elected president, who has been in power since 2000, know how he came to power? His dad, Havez Alassad, took over Syria in a military coup in 1970
Starting point is 00:30:11 and never gave up power until he died in 2000. Bashar Alassad was elected as his father-successor in an uncontested election, where it was actually illegal for anyone to run against him. I wonder how he won. where it was actually illegal for anyone to run against him. I wonder how he won. What the fuck? It was... It's like... Come on. Is he like comparing white privilege to a dictatorship in Syria?
Starting point is 00:30:34 You do, you know those are two very different things, right? Let me give you a couple examples of privilege. There's, you know, the fact that you don't have security guys following you around in the department store. Oh, and Saddam Hussein, like, wait, what? He turned into like gay Alex Jones. That's an amazing character. Gay Alex Jones. I'm writing that one down. That's that's a great idea. That'll be our next show Welcome back to gay Alex Jones. I was I so I got a call for Reporting reporting live from the gay pride parade everybody just want to say there's a
Starting point is 00:31:23 Overwhelming amount amount of straight people here and we know that the straight agenda is one that put on the the Gulf of Tonkin when that will happen. So I don't pretend to know what it's like to live my life as a gay man and I know that it's not as easy as it is for me being a heterosexual. But Dylan goes in and talks about how he's oppressed by society. Because the guy on the phone says,
Starting point is 00:31:55 you know, this whole thing you're acting like you don't have the same rights and you can't live your life freely is not really a problem in this country or in the West specifically. If you were in, say, a Muslim country, it not really a problem in this country or in the West specifically. If you were in, say, a Muslim country, it would be a problem. It's very difficult to live your life. So this is Dylan setting up the fact that he does have issues that he has to deal with.
Starting point is 00:32:17 It's just an ordinary day. Do you really feel that afraid to kiss your husband or 100% or 100 anything. Are they think bad if I should happen? Yes, okay? Is anything bad ever happened to you? He says yes 100% When I'm out with my husband bad things happen you ready for this Kevin here the bad things that have happened to Dylan What I always tell people is is we don't hold hands anymore because Because of all the like threats we get and it's lunging and it's, you know, lunging. Yeah, exactly. You say lunging. So if you hold hands with your husband, people are lunging at you, that's a made up thing. That doesn't even make sense. I've seen
Starting point is 00:33:01 plenty of gay people holding hands. I've never seen someone lunging at them. It makes sense. I've seen plenty of gay people holding hands. I've never seen someone lunging at them. Well, maybe where he's from, they lunged. I call that flexing. You know, somebody's like, you know, like flexing. Well, in his land, it's a lunging, I guess. I guess so.
Starting point is 00:33:19 I mean, I don't know that he's actually has all these people who are like, oh, stop on them queers over there. I think that people are just douchebags in general. Here's another example of what he talks about when he goes up to Canada. And also, when I was in your country in Montreal, this is the first trip that my husband and I ever took together. And we're talking like Montreal, like gay as fuck Montreal. And we were there for two nights,
Starting point is 00:33:46 twice, two different cars accelerated towards us as we were holding hands. Yes. Kevin, he's saying the cars accelerated. So these drivers wanted to murder them with their vehicle. Is that what he think is going on? Here's the problem, Kevin, and Barry with me. I know this is a tricky subject
Starting point is 00:34:09 that I'm getting into here, but people are assholes to me all the time. I have a neighbor, my next door neighbor. We brought him a care package when they moved in. The guy's just a douchebag. He's not pleasant to me at all. If I were a gay man or a black man, I would think that he was a homophobic or racist.
Starting point is 00:34:27 He's not. He just doesn't like me. He's just a douche. There are people who are just our pricks to people. It happens to me all the time. I don't automatically assume that I think this car was speeding up because we're gay. No, I highly doubt that. I highly doubt cars are accelerating towards you because you're fucking gay. That makes zero sense.
Starting point is 00:34:47 Well, yeah, you know, I don't know. This is a touchy subject because- I know. I understand. I understand. We, you know, we're two white heterosexual dudes. So it's hard for us to even understand I think, you know, what some of these things are. I mean, I know that if I, you know, as an overweight American, I would feel weird if I was in a restaurant, people were looking at me like, fuck, you know, why are you eating here?
Starting point is 00:35:15 You fat fuck or whatever, like if people were saying that shit to me, I would feel offended. Like that would be something that I would be like, well, I can't even eat in public anymore. But that doesn't exist, But that doesn't exist. That doesn't exist. That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:35:28 I know. Nobody goes, me fat fuck, what are you doing here? We don't want you here. That doesn't exist. And the same thing with being gay. That's not happening. People aren't driving their cars into gay people to murder them. That's just not a thing.
Starting point is 00:35:39 I don't know. You saw it. You're right. If somebody did say that to me at a restaurant, I would just be like, Bull, this guy's an asshole. He's just being a dickhead. I mean, they're probably thinking it, but they're not saying it to you out loud. That would just be rude.
Starting point is 00:35:56 They're definitely thinking it. But no one says they're like, all you're going to go back for another hamburger, tell me, okay, yeah, I'm not sure they're thinking it. Okay, speaking of comments and judging, we have a couple new reviews on our iTunes page for who are these podcasts. One came in on November 13th. It's a one-star review that's titled Worst.
Starting point is 00:36:26 And they just write judging podcasts because they can't make a good one. Okay, fair enough. All right, I'm triggered all over the place on that one, but that's definitely a host of a show that we reviewed. And then this one came in back on November 20th, so just a few days ago.
Starting point is 00:36:49 And it's titled Thank You. It has five stars. So I see them, oh, cool. All right, I start to read it. And I'm not sure that this is a positive review. It says, thank you for disdyssecting these podcasts. I love the Jocober vibe to this pod. Curls a douche and should be a punchline
Starting point is 00:37:08 to every joke on this podcast. I'll keep listening. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
Starting point is 00:37:18 oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh I mean, uh, I was thinking about that. It could show it would be way better if it was hosted by, I don't know, Kevin.
Starting point is 00:37:33 Yeah, fun stuff. Do you think that Dylan will find WATP at this episode and actually ask you on to discuss, because I mean, basically we're tearing apart one of his shows and his show is interviewing the people who tear apart one of his things. So do you think that, like, it's very meta, but do you think that he would contact you, reach out to you?
Starting point is 00:37:59 Honestly, I don't. I don't think most people find our show. And if they do, I think they try to just ignore it and let it go away because if you're upset that a show, you don't wanna give it more power, right? You don't wanna go out and rock. That's why we haven't had a lot of shows talk about our show.
Starting point is 00:38:15 And even when, for cast, I think, talked about us, they didn't even mention our name. They just talked, they're like, oh, some podcast talked about us, fuck those guys, you know, and then did their thing. So I don't think he would, although I guess his show is set up perfectly for it. You know what I'd love to do, though, Kevin? If he, if I did Skype with him, if I only used my soundboard to respond. Lick, lick, lick my balls! Ha ha ha ha! Yeah! Just, just whatever you ask me to. Dude, that's Christ. That's the only way I was.
Starting point is 00:38:45 Oh, yeah. Oh. So that would actually be fine. You'd be like, well, I would've like, I see that this isn't going to go anywhere. Oh, ring. No. All right.
Starting point is 00:39:03 So Kevin, I don't have anything else to talk about on this show. It was a list of suggestions. I'm glad we checked it out. Like I said, good premise. The guy makes provocative videos. He does a good job creating the videos. It's just odd that he's like,
Starting point is 00:39:20 bye, I did this thing that is provocative and people actually respond it to him. Well, yeah, I mean, thing that is provocative and people actually respond to it. Well, yeah, I mean, it's kind of how that works. Yeah, it's it's baiting. It's essentially what it is. You're looking to get negative shit so you could feed the show that you're doing. And whatever it is, as it's working for him, he's got however many episodes he's recorded
Starting point is 00:39:43 and whatever. I don't know. I don't know what to say about it, but I do know that I'm a fat American and I need to establish this. Yes. You made that very clear. We need to know. All right. Well, you know what that means, Kevin. The fact that we're all done talking about this podcast, conversations with people who hate me. You know what, we know a part of the show it is now, Kevin. Hmm, I think this is the Cobra Commander Hour. Oh, the Cobra Commander Hour. Yeah, is that part of the, oh no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:40:20 I'm so scared, she hated fantasy! Lies, lies, lies! Oh, I come a commander disagree with you there. Okay. Actually, Kevin, this is the part of the show known as The Truth. The Truth. The Truth.
Starting point is 00:40:39 The Truth. The Truth. The Truth. The Truth. The Truth. The Truth. I don't know if you remember this part, Kevin. You and I used to do the show together for a little while. Do you remember the part of the show that's the teaser?
Starting point is 00:40:55 It's rings a bell. Remind me. It sounds familiar. So what we do is we play a clip from the podcast we'll be reviewing on the show next week. Just one clip. And do you know why we do that? Like the tees, the episode? Yeah, no, that's exactly right.
Starting point is 00:41:19 Oh, okay, so you do remember, yeah, sorry. Yeah, what we do is we play a single clip from the podcast we're reviewing next week because I want people to get excited about it. I want them to think, you know, this was a waste of my time, but maybe next week's show will be a lot better because that podcast are gonna be reviewing,
Starting point is 00:41:36 won't be the social justice warrior who's complaining about people telling him to kill himself. And I want them to think, I shouldn't unsubscribe, but I'll actually listen, and I'll give it one more chance. So it's like the podcast equivalent of edging. Exactly right. It's exactly right. So that when you do finally blow your load, I want
Starting point is 00:41:58 to say hi to my mother-in-law who is the show. All right, so here's a, here's a clip from the podcast and we'll be reviewing next week. Exciting thing is that if you win a game, if you call in and you win a game, you win a custom magnet. Oh, Manolo, you have sound effects, you can make it exciting, right? Let's see here. Yeah, something. Let's see what I can. You can win custom magnets.
Starting point is 00:42:23 Anything. You can win custom magnets. All right. Anything. You can win custom magnets. Try it. This is a magnet. Magnet. That was okay. All right, Kevin.
Starting point is 00:42:34 This is a show that's called Dr. Game Show. Oh. It's on your wolf. Okay. That, wait a minute. This is on your wolf? This is on your wolf. Oh. That way, man, this is on your wolf? This is on your wolf. Oh. All right.
Starting point is 00:42:47 All right, we're gonna be listening to episode one. First is the worst from October 25th, 2017. This was a radio show. I believe it was on an FM station in some market somewhere. And your wolf picked it up and it is now a podcast on the very popular podcasting network. This was a listener suggestion from our loyal listener Karen, we appreciate this suggestion.
Starting point is 00:43:11 I'm looking forward to it. The premise is this. They do like game show style bits. But the rules of the game show are sent in by listeners. So the listener gets to create what the game show will be. And then they'll play the game either with guests that they have in the studio or people who call in. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:43:37 Okay. So sometimes, and I haven't listened to it yet, but sometimes the person comes up with a really interesting and fun game show and sometimes they're terrible, but either way person comes up with a really interesting and fun game show and sometimes they're terrible But either way they have to go through and actually execute playing the game So when does it start Steve Harvey hosting? I
Starting point is 00:43:57 Thought you were gonna say this so I mean what's the interesting part? But it's an interesting promise. I do like when they play games on radio shows It's one of the best things that Howard Stern still does when they play the Beatles juice game or the big-foot game That those are always fun, right? This is Steve Harvey. I just want to say I've started out a new show here on the Ear Wolf Network where the bunch of white people who are gonna take your questions
Starting point is 00:44:31 and do some bullshit with them and then we're gonna play a game, all right? Let's play the game. His GoPro commander's gonna rock it because Jack Off's breath is gonna shock ya and he's gonna make with the walk the walk It's Kevin's funny voices. It sounds like a gay porn out here. Hey Steve Harvey is pretty terrible.
Starting point is 00:44:53 Actually, I do the entire intro of Family Feud every time I watch it. Oh do you? It's pretty easy to do. Yeah, it's pretty easy because he he comes out and basically yes, introduced the two families who are all away from hot Atlanta, Georgia. It's the breed family. And then we're all all away there from Princeton, New Jersey. If that's a place, it's the sonopoli family. Sonopoli. Everybody everyone is here everybody's here to win them sale they sales a whole lot of cash and a chance to win a head turn in Ford Fusion
Starting point is 00:45:33 hybrid I had turning Ford Fusion does that exist? Turnin could you imagine if you actually at the street like holy shit afford No, it's turning her head for a Ford fusion Who's writing that copy One of these family gonna walk out of here the head turning fuel efficient Ford fusion hybrid, a blue car. I drive my fiance crazy doing Steve. I call it Steve Harvey. Steve Steve.
Starting point is 00:46:16 Steve Harvey. Why is it Steve Harvey? Is that how we pronounce it? Because I don't know. That's just how people, when they say his name, they say Steve. So yeah, this is Steve Harvey. And let's play a few folks. You cut this whole thing out. Do you ever do an impression of him writing
Starting point is 00:46:33 a passive aggressive memo to his staff about not bothering him? Oh yeah. If you see me in the hallway, make like your head turning Ford Fusion hybrid the other direction, all right. I fucking love that note that he wrote or it's like listen guys. Don't come in my dressing room. Don't try to make small talk with me. Don't make eye contact with me. It's like what a fucking asshole.
Starting point is 00:47:02 And God forbid you if you try to make any type of fish inside the microwave in the break room, alright? That's fucking great. Whoever's making popcorn at 10 a.m. you motherfucker You just smell butter and popcorn every morning at 10 a.m. All the way from hot land of Georgia is my fiest gourd up your ass hole. Oh, shit. So Kevin, it's been fun having you back on the show. We appreciate you coming out as a guest.
Starting point is 00:47:37 Thank you. It's been good to be back, but not great. Do you have anything to plug? No. Is that what people say? to be back, but not great. Do you have anything to plug? No. No. Is it that what people say on podcasts? You have anything to plug? I got nothing going on.
Starting point is 00:47:53 I'll be at work on Monday. I'd like to plug that. Yeah. You can't show your work. My coworkers will see me on Monday. I will be there. All right, so with that, I say please, join us again next week because it might be the episode where we find out once and for all. Who are these podcasts? Sleep well every pony. to my channel.
Starting point is 00:48:42 Be more funny! And the show has reached a new low. NOOOOO! You know, who are these? Podcasts. I don't know. I don't get it. Makes no sense. What is going on here?

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