Who Are These Podcasts? - Ep89 - The Flat Earth Conspiracy

Episode Date: January 8, 2018

This was a fun week. Doug from Who's Right joins us to discuss a group of people who think the Earth is flat and stationary.  It turns out these dummies are very bad at reasoning. Also, these dummie...s are dumb. Surprising.    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's show time. Just a handful that don't suck That's where we come in Our destiny is like a global commander Dog W-A-T-P W-A-T-P Who are these podcasts? Double you age to be. Who likes these podcasts?
Starting point is 00:00:51 Not WWE TV. Who makes these podcasts? That one's beyond me. Who are these podcasts? Double you age to be. W-A-T-P W-A-T-P Hello and welcome to another episode of Who Are These Podcasts. The only show that analyzes every single Trump tweet.
Starting point is 00:01:18 I'm your host, Carl. With me, as always, is Doug from the Who's Right Podcasts. Are you doing today, sir? I am excellent. Thanks for joining us, Doug. I'd like to remind you of the listeners that you can visit us at whoarethese.com, our Facebook page, or on Twitter at whoarethese.com.
Starting point is 00:01:31 Email the show, w-atpshowatgmail.com. We're always looking for new podcast suggestions. Also, if you like what you hear, don't forget to give us a positive five-star review on iTunes. We've gotten a lot of negative reviews lately. Apparently our take on, the vanish vanished was not all that well received. I'll be getting into that later.
Starting point is 00:01:46 So the people who actually do like us, please help us out with some five star reviews. Today we'll be reviewing a podcast called the flat earth conspiracy. This was a suggestion from a listener named Andrew. Doug and I have both listened to the show separately. We have not discussed it with each other beforehand. So let's get into it. Doug, we have a lot to unpack. This was a three hour long podcast and there are multiple hosts. We had Laurie Freri, who was the main host. She was the driver of the show. It
Starting point is 00:02:19 seemed like her and Thomas Thompson were the main people from this Flat Earth conspiracy group. And then we had Lawrence Wright, who sounded like a British gentleman. And finally, Jake Gibson joined the show and he's also known as the Flat Earth asshole. Yeah, so I got the first thing I wanna say is Andrew, you can go fuck yourself.
Starting point is 00:02:40 I have a feeling that your fans are just fucking with you now, because they're boring. I think so too. Here's a three hour log podcast. Enjoy that. Like, fuck. That when you sent me the note that we're going to be doing when the flat or conspiracy, I was all excited. And he said, I apologize. It's a three hour episode. I'm like, what a douchebag, man. Seriously, we don't ever do these long a podcast. And there's a reason why it's brutal. I apologize, man. This is this was a rough one. I was doing it at 1.5 times speed and it still took seven and a half hours to get through I don't even know that's possible. So I'm familiar with how you do this and you guys go back and forth but
Starting point is 00:03:18 So going to what you just said you talked about the 27 hosts that they had on there Yeah If you could play the clip that I have marked as 1A, that's the intro to the show and then I have a follow-up. Hi everybody, it's Lori and Lawrence and Thomas and Jake will be here in just a minute. This is a Flat Earth conspiracy channel. Thank you for joining us and hello to everybody
Starting point is 00:03:44 in the chat. We are live streaming. So when I heard that, I got super excited because it took me right back to my childhood. I don't know if you're familiar with Ropper Room at all. I'm not. Are you familiar with that show? No.
Starting point is 00:03:56 All right, so it was a kid's show where the host would hold up this circle. And she would start telling names of everybody that she could see through the circle. So if you play 1B, you could see why it would take me back. i he just in and Megan and Courtney and brick and mark and Rachel and she and Caroline are all having special days and Sicily and Ashley and Matthew and
Starting point is 00:04:16 Joe say and Anthony and Joe had been one long call out that's all it was this is just a shout out to every single fucking person. Yeah, they had way too many people involved in the show. And what it was was a Google Hangout. So there's a video of this and Doug, and you'd sent me a message like,
Starting point is 00:04:34 you gotta watch the YouTube video. So of course I did. It's just a Google Hangout with these people rambling on for three hours and then they put it out as a podcast. And I'm not, I watched it, I'd say one and a half times. Okay. Over the course, over the course of two weeks, I think. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:51 I could only take 15, 20 minutes segments, but I'm not entirely sure what they were even talking about. All right. So let's get into what they were talking about because I found this fascinating. The last couple of days you couldn't shut me up about this. I've never delved into the flat earth conspiracy. I don't know anything about it. I didn't know anything about it.
Starting point is 00:05:09 And now I'm an expert. I know it all. But let me start off by playing you what every flat earther, or they call them, FEs, what every FE believes. There are some agreeable opinions that nearly every flat earther has. And that is the earther has.
Starting point is 00:05:25 And that is the earth is flat, it's stationary, and it's a pretty good chance it is an intelligent design. All right. So you got that Doug, so we can all agree. The earth is not moving. It's just flat. Everything's revolving around it. And God created it the way that it is.
Starting point is 00:05:43 All right. This is what we all agree on. Now, the premise of this show is all about, there's other flat earthers who believe that the North Pole is at the middle of the flat earth and that everything else stretches out across. And then when you get to the edge, there's an ice wall. And that's the edge of the earth is this huge ice wall that wraps around for, you know, hundreds of thousands of miles.
Starting point is 00:06:08 And that's why nobody goes to Antarctica because it doesn't exist. You've hit an ice wall and that's the edge of the earth. So these guys, their whole premise is the fact that that's crazy. They're like, well, because obviously, the earth and the clouds are 80 years. Yeah, those fucking people are nuts.
Starting point is 00:06:24 I mean, we all know there's flat, but to think that the North Pole's in the middle, that's just ludicrous. And what are they thinking? So, like, you have, go ahead. How did you stay on task? I mean, or did you stay on task? Did you only worry about the flat earth conspiracy group?
Starting point is 00:06:41 Or did you get into the other groups and start doing other reading? Cause I did. I started doing some other reading. Yeah, how about you? Well, same thing. I wanted to read up on what they were referencing all the time. And it sounds like there's rival gangs within the Flat Earth group. And she's got her opinion that the Flat Earth Society, which is the, I guess, the main group of idiots, they're, they're sent by the government.
Starting point is 00:07:06 It's a sci-op operation. They're there to discredit the real truth. They don't want it to come out. The CIA is involved with the NSA. Yeah, exactly. This thing, it gets down to rabbit holes so fucking quick. Gravity times two, you're just flying down this rabbit hole. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:07:24 I mean, I don't know how you get to this place in your life. I assume you have daddy issues, but this is beyond anything I could have gotten. You're either gonna become a flat earther or get into porn, one of the two, that's where you end up. You're either on the pole or you think the earth is flat. So I wanna play this clip.
Starting point is 00:07:43 You and I both have way too many clips. This is going to be, there's no game shows going on today. We got too much to cover with this three hour long podcast. I want to start off with this clip, and this is describing, this could pretty much sum up the show for me. This is describing the fact that the sun rises in the east, sets in the west, and then comes back up on the east again, and they're trying to explain this phenomenon
Starting point is 00:08:08 because like how would that possibly happen? So this is just mind-boggling. When they dreamed it up, okay, they know the sun comes in over here and goes out over there and mysteriously comes back over here again. Globe idea didn't even exist then. When they realized, how's that happening? So they depicted it in drawings of the goddess Nutt
Starting point is 00:08:38 and UT bent over the flat earth and the sun went in the vagina and came out the mouth. She has a way of talking. It makes me drone out like it's my eighth grade typing teacher. And if you watch her on the YouTube channel, her eyeballs are just darting back and forth like a fucking crazy person. I don't know what she's concentrated on, but she seems mentally disturbed. Yeah, I don't know that you needed to add like a crazy person, I think. She thinks that it's what. And I'm explaining she's a crazy person.
Starting point is 00:09:14 I do have this clip that I sew just because I was feeling I'll be playing it quite a bit today. You people are idiots. All right, so I want to get into the Pac-Man theory. All right, did you did you get to this part of the show? I must not have because it's not ringing a like I said. I'd go now Okay, this is awesome. All right. This is the Pac-Man theory described and Hopefully I'm not spoiling this clip, but basically they're trying to explain that phenomenon I was just talking about where the sun comes up in the east,
Starting point is 00:09:46 sets in the west. So how is it come back up in the east again? And this is the explanation from the flat earthers. We're didn't dream it up, and we didn't even come up with the term for Pac-Man. It's just a descriptive thing that everybody in our modern age can understand when Pac-Man goes off one side of the screen, it immediately comes back in on the other.
Starting point is 00:10:12 That's where it came from. There's nothing goofy about it. It's just a way to describe a phenomenon that we don't understand. Science doesn't understand. Science doesn't understand why the sun comes off. So it's the Pac-Man theory. It just, when it goes off one way, it automatically warps to the other side of the world and comes
Starting point is 00:10:33 back up again. And they don't have any way to explain it. I mean, science doesn't even understand it. So I pulled, like you said, I pulled a shit ton of clips myself. And I think now would be a good time. She is a great speaker. You know, she can convince anybody to do anything. Okay. Um, so if I'm pretty sure it's true, let's, let's just say pick one at random. Let's go with, um, number 18. All right. Number 18. Dic up as many comparable comparable photo images. You know, all right. She's a terrible broadcaster.
Starting point is 00:11:10 And it's really funny because typically I would get way into all the mouth noises she makes. There's a lot of lip smacking and just a lot of nonsense. But I stayed away from that because she's talking about the earth's flat. So I thought that was more interesting. However, I did pull this clip that is also just another example of terrible broadcasting I call it Lori fucking sucks
Starting point is 00:11:33 Yeah, well, I mean, okay, and then let's put them in I in you know White goddess dresses and what's his name? Gosh, oh, wow. I mean, there's just too much content. This is another show that every single part I could have clipped. And it's three hours long.
Starting point is 00:11:57 There wasn't a part that wouldn't be interesting to listen to it and analyze. You know, and listen into your show, I've heard you guys say that, you know, there's too much to clip, whatever. And this is exactly what I think you guys go through is you could have just put the whole three hour shit show that they put together, put it out as your show, and just said, okay, this is a fucked up show is horrible. You know, honestly, what we could have done in Kevin and I experimented with this very early on, we could have done like an MST3K thing, just let this run in the background
Starting point is 00:12:28 and make comments as it goes. Because, but the problem is that it's just such a fucking boring conversation, they overexplained like the most basic things, but honestly, every single part is ridiculous. Everything you can make a comment on. So I was having a hard time focusing on the pull flat earth parts. Sure. I was more focused on the show itself.
Starting point is 00:12:51 Okay. And so that's where a lot of my clips come from. Like number 17, I think if this was to sum up my view of the show, it's number 17. it's number 17. Um, Paul Kofo has taken beautiful star trail of photography and videography from, um, dang it. So you're, you're, you're, you're way more focused on the fact that this is just a terribly produced show. And I'm more focused on the fact that these people think the earth is fucking flat. So I think this is going to be a good yin and yang that we have going today. I do want to play a clip where this guy, the guy that they have on here who's a gas
Starting point is 00:13:37 that they're very excited about Jake. He goes on and explains that this show might be better if they decide to like, I don't know edit it I would just one recommendation you guys do these long hangouts tour then it's three four hours People automatically go nope not gonna watch and then you're or your information is spread out throughout this long long long video So I would recommend even going back and taking the clips of you got your best stuff and then compiling it together. Don't shit Sherlock! Don't shit!
Starting point is 00:14:11 Don't shit Sherlock! Don't fucking shit Sherlock! That was the don't shit Sherlock. Drop of the day, brought you by Casper, that mattress. Yeah, Doug, I mean, this stuff that you're playing is so easily editable. We just take that shit out. You're putting out a podcast. I've got some, I mean, this is something you're playing is so easily editable. We just take that shit out. You're putting on a podcast. I've got a great font all up to what you just played.
Starting point is 00:14:31 If you play my 14, it's perfect. It goes with it. Um, I would be happy to compensate anyone who, there you go, Jake, you'd be perfect. To take these videos, these two, three years of videos with some really awesome information, download them, edit them for content, make little short clips out of them, and send me the clips,
Starting point is 00:15:03 or let me tell you what to title them and blah blah. So I get some quick math. That's 468 hours worth of video to go through for her. What do you think she pays for that? Do you think it's like a 20 spot or something that I can make if I were to do that for her? I promise you it's not enough Holy shit this woman and she explains that yeah, you know, I don't think would be a good idea
Starting point is 00:15:31 I just don't have the time. You know, I have a full-time job like who the fuck is employing this lunatic? Yeah, I Can if you go to my number 20 all right? All right. Well, it's not about easy. It's about time I don't have any time. So I'm going to have to pay for somebody's time. Really? Yeah, it comes down to time. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:50 You got time to sit me on the mic for three fucking hours. I know. I know. However, there are times that go by. So you got these other, uh, these other jokers. So Thomas Thompson is this guy who looks like one of those dudes. You'd see him that conspiracy documentaries. Like he's got the long white beard
Starting point is 00:16:05 and probably doesn't groom himself all that much or shower. He, there's like an hour that goes by and he doesn't even say anything. He's just hanging out there. Like these people have nothing going out of their lives. Go to, at number four, I think that's the guy that you're talking about.
Starting point is 00:16:23 He sounds like he's calling from the space station. I was the same when it wasn't. Yeah, when I was a kid, I was telling Laurie earlier, my dad was a 30 second degree Mason and a Schreiner. They had to really spend the savings and all the gold instruments. We went to Washington. Yeah, so they spend a lot of time talking about the Shriners and the Masons. I thought the Shriners were the people that rode around at the praids on the little motorcycles. I think they are. So I have a question I want to pose to you because she asks this and I don't know the answer.
Starting point is 00:17:01 This whole everything's free Mason thing. How many free masons do you think actually run the world? Seven? Seven. That was my answer. That was the seven. All right. All right. So the seven free masons running the world now we know. Very good. So there's a good chunk of this three hours that they spend going to masons and shills and all that shit. Yeah. And then they put a talk. Yeah. Then they put their disclaimer in there. Number five, you won't play that.
Starting point is 00:17:28 So, yeah, so when we speak on mason dream, we are not in any way insinuating as a common lodge mason is, anyway involved in it. Yeah, we know. No one thinks that you're involved in any other organization. We're pretty sure that you're not speaking
Starting point is 00:17:44 up behalf of anyone else. We get it. And then, and then this guy, my clip three, this guy jumps in every once in a while. And I'm trying to give everybody an idea of what it is that we listen to. So if you play number three, I used to go in the free, free mason's when I was a kid from asking for a penny for the guy, you know, about guy for tonight it's not used to go with, I'm used to wait outside the bingo all next door to it. If anybody had a good win on the bingo,
Starting point is 00:18:10 they'd give us some money for penny for the guy when I'm about eight years old. It's shut the fuck up, I don't know what you're saying. Well, he's an expert on free masons because when he was a kid, he would hang out outside of where they got together and we're playing bingo. So he knows everything about the fucking illuminati because he was hanging out, okay, whatever.
Starting point is 00:18:30 Yeah, they have nothing to say and all day to say it. Some people have gotten to the point of, you know, Yon, Snor, can't you guys talk about something else? Yep, that's the point I've gotten to. I nailed it. Here's a clip that I labeled, this is correct. Can't you guys talk about something else? Yep, that's the point I've gotten to. Nailed it. Here's a clip that I labeled, this is correct. And this is actually the smartest thing that's said during the entire show. You all are just in a cult. And you know, you just, it's an echo chamber and you all just repeat it.
Starting point is 00:19:00 After each other, none of you people have actually done any personal research. You just repeat, repeat the same brainwashed thing. You're just brainwashed again. after each other, none of you people have actually done any personal research. You just repeat, repeat the same brainwashed thing. You're just brainwashed again. Check out the big brain on Brad. It was hard motherfucker, that's right. I guess she was big sarcastic, but she actually nailed it for a second there.
Starting point is 00:19:20 Doug, I wanna get into one of the first things that they talk about on the show is how high is the sun? Now this is a conversation I've never had in my life. I don't think the sun is green. And they were gonna describe it. They were gonna describe it without using math if I remember correctly. So this is so amazing.
Starting point is 00:19:43 This guy comes out, this is the British guy, Lawrence. And he says, all right, I have figured out, I have a Facebook video, I'm going to play it for you guys. I've figured out how high the sun is. And so here's the introduction to that. Okay, so I'll read it out. How high is the sun? I think I know I have the most reliable answer to this question. Alright, so how high is the sun? Here is the answer that he comes up with. You know, the distance from C to B, which is A, and the answer is 1998.142 miles. So, call it 2,000 miles.
Starting point is 00:20:23 And that's been on the Facebook page a couple of days and I've always been able to find any fault with that train of thought. You people are idiots! Isn't that like, Florida, the California problem? Yes, yes, that's exactly right. What is it? I mean, that sounds fair.
Starting point is 00:20:45 So according to their math, I'm pretty sure that commercial airlines, every now and then, hit the sun by mistake. It's like, I'm shit, it was just coming up. And I didn't realize it was right there. The way that they came up with this is he's trying to use the Pythagorean theorem, which is a square plus b squared equals c squared, which is how you figure out the length of the size of a triangle, a right triangle. So he's saying that if the sun is directly overhead during the summer solstice and you measure the length from that area, whatever that's called, to the North Pole, then you
Starting point is 00:21:20 will create a right angle and you can calculate the whole thing and This is just mind-boggling because later in the show the other dummy confirms that this is perfectly solid math Your math is absolutely right on this. There's no question about it Your math is absolutely correct according to a square equals b square equals or a square plus b square equals c square We know that the numbers are correct You are stupid so I don't want to get into a whole fucking math class right now are a square plus b square equals c square. We know that the numbers are correct. You are stupid. So I don't want to get into a whole fucking math class right now, Doug, but they don't have two of the sides.
Starting point is 00:21:53 They don't know. They know the difference. The distance from one spot to the north pole. And that's the only thing they know. And yet they're able to calculate out that it's 2,000 miles in the sky as where the sun is. and they're all like, math checks out, can't argue with that. I mean, what the fuck? It's obviously 2000 miles. And then this guy, after explaining the height of the sun,
Starting point is 00:22:14 decides to fuck it double down and talk about how high the moon is. And the same exercise could be done to determine the height of the moon. You just got to gather the data. I had time to look at that yet. But I would estimate that the moon is 50 to 100 miles beneath the height of the sun. Uh-oh, Ray Tart Alert! Ray Tart Alert Class! So according to this guy,
Starting point is 00:22:39 the sun of the moon are 50 miles apart. Do you know? Do you know how the sun is? Do you know how is that fucking possible? The moon. All right. I don't know that to explain. I don't know if they ever heard it.
Starting point is 00:22:53 Did they ever get into anything about how hot they think the sun is or? It's like when you leave a flashlight on for an hour. That's how hot the sun is. I don't know what the fuck they think is going on here. This is actually where the guy, what's great is that they have no self-awareness. So they talk about the people who believe in flatter
Starting point is 00:23:13 differently than they do, and they're like, these people are fucking lunatics. And there's just a lot of this, like I can't believe these guys don't get it. Here's an example of this guy, Jake, talking about how it's not so crazy when you already know that the sun is flying across the sky. Is he enough that every day that the sun is up there,
Starting point is 00:23:35 stays up there and goes across the sky? Like, isn't that crazy enough? So then when you say, oh, it doesn't go in a circle and then somehow it starts over again. Whoa, that's too crazy. It's not crazy that there's something up there. Sorry, so listen, dummy, the sun is not up there. It's not flying across the sky.
Starting point is 00:23:56 I mean, it's already mind-boggling. This thing's flying across the sky. It's not how that works at all. You made that up. I think that might have been during the discussion when they would go back and forth talking about the flat earth society. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:10 If you play clip eight, they talk a little bit about what flat earth society is trying to do to them to shut them down because they're the truthers. Right, okay. So they click on flat earth society, which we all agree that it is controlled opposition. Right. Right. Yep.
Starting point is 00:24:28 And she's fully aware that everybody that listens to her show is fucking stupid because anytime she uses a word, she explains it. So if you click number nine, meaning opposition research means whatever you believe, go look at what the other people who don't believe what you believe are saying about what you believe. Right. We get it. We get what the research part of that is. Oh boy.
Starting point is 00:24:53 And then she follows it up again with my number 10 when she's explained into our audience what word or to mean. When you are trying to do consensus building, consensus means we all agree on something. This show could be way shorter if he didn't explain what words matter. I feel like we could have gotten through this in like an hour and a half maybe we could just phone right through. Holy shit Doug you're on a roll let's keep going what else you got? We'll go to one of the things I and I went back like three times. There was a conversation going on between her and one of her 15 guests and one of them
Starting point is 00:25:35 got on a roll about something and then she jumps in with number six just to stop the conversation. Okay. Hold on. Hold on. Just one second. Okay. Just for everybody. Hold on. Hold on just one second. Please. For everybody and hang out are in the chat waiting for, we're waiting for Jake to join. He's having some difficulties getting the link to work. So we're working on it.
Starting point is 00:25:58 He'll, he'll be with us shortly. Hopefully our headlines. I, I, I want to, it's funny when she interrupts these people because you can tell them and do in the so long. They're like, okay, yeah, we get it. You're going to go through your fucking map thing again. Okay, shut up, shut up, stop it. Because the one guy just, the British guy just loves showing maps and talking about maps
Starting point is 00:26:18 and this airplane, it's so funny. Like, if the flat earth were true, the way that the flat earthers think that the North poles in the middle, and you were flying from one to the Sydney, you would fly over the North Pole because that's a more direct flight. But that's not how they do it. They fly through Dubai, which proves that the flat earthers who think that the fucking earth is flat with the North Pole in the middle are wrong. It's like, well, yeah. It also supports the fact that it's a globe. And that's the way that's the quick and everything that they were
Starting point is 00:26:49 disproving with the other flat earthers also supports the fact that we're on a fucking spinning ball. Anyway, her her her explanation of that. You were talking about the maps, a map number seven of mine kind of of gets into that. Okay. A couple of years ago when we started this, there were a handful of people who knew that the AE map was wrong.
Starting point is 00:27:12 Now there are probably tens of thousands of flat-earthers, maybe more, who fully know that the AE has problems. Well, it's more than just problems, but let's just go with it has problems. She's an idiot. And let's just throw in there. It's the best we've got. Okay, that by the way, what we just played there and I apologize, we're 28 minutes into our show, we finally played that. This is the whole premise of this entire show is the fact that this map has problems and the name of the episode is like 33 reasons why it's incorrect or something like that. Everything they talk about is why that
Starting point is 00:27:58 map is wrong, which is obviously very easy to come up with because it is wrong. That's not how the earth is. If I'm not mistaken, the AE map is the globe projected onto a flat map. Is that correct? Exactly. Coming from the top down, from the North Pole, and then wrapping everything out. Yep. Okay. Yeah, so it's like I said, you know, that I never was fully aware of what was going on for this whole three hours. I know there was somebody that was supposed to come on that I don't think he ever did. I, it's titled 33 things that are wrong with A-Map, and I don't know that they ever said one.
Starting point is 00:28:37 I mean, I know there was no list. No, it was just three hours of that. It's not really a list. We just wanted to use the number 33. So the free maces would freak out. Yeah, right, right. I mean, honestly, Doug, if we tried to really figure out what was going on here, our show would be eight hours long. So we just got to keep plowing through.
Starting point is 00:28:58 You were talking about how this guy Jake was having technical issues. Again, if you're going to make a show and you're going to do a show and you're going to do a podcast, there are a lot of things that you can leave out that the listeners don't care about. This is this woman, Laurie, explaining the technical issues that Jake is having. And I apologize in advance for the length of this. Um, it's trying to get in here. I've sent him multiple invitations both through here and to his phone, to his email, and
Starting point is 00:29:30 His app is pouring. Keeps telling him get started and when he tries to click through, he's downloaded the app for hangouts again and He says it won't click through because it says that this is offline or his phone is offline. I'm not exactly sure which is the problem. That's fascinating. Please go on. Why the fuck does she decide she has to explain everything I think it's going on. Yeah, Jake's still having issues getting on the show. So anyway, just keep it moving. She has no idea how to keep anything moving. In fact, this is an example. I'm not exaggerating.
Starting point is 00:30:12 I think three hours of, so this is a three hour show. And there's probably a good 40 minutes of her constantly trying to connect with this character because it doesn't exist. Jake joins the show at the 38 and a half minute mark. And this is an example of the awesome podcasting because she's the host, she's the one that's keeping things moving.
Starting point is 00:30:28 Here's how she does that. So that's you guys carry on. Talk about whatever you want. Jake sent me four messages. I'm gonna see what's going on. She's got too much going on to fucking handle, talking on the show and reading messages from Jake. Even though these other guys go on for seven minutes
Starting point is 00:30:45 at a time about fucking maps and about the Pythagorean theorem and whatever the fuck else they're talking about, she's like, oh, she's all flustered. All right guys, just talk about whatever you want. I gotta get back to this text I just got. Oh, that's nice. I really enjoy when she starts trying to convince you that the earth is flat or whatever.
Starting point is 00:31:04 And like I said earlier, she has such a way with words. I mean, it's magical. If you play my number 16, there's a good example of her starting one thought, and you can tell halfway through it. It's like she starts getting 15 second spaces between her words, and then she just takes a hard left and runs off the fucking cliff. So Thomas, when you, and I'm gonna ask all three, you guys, this, when you recently saw the, I think there was a BBC
Starting point is 00:31:38 and an NBC or ABC local affiliate at the conference. Oh, man. That's so difficult to listen to. But that actually brings out something that I wanted to talk about. They talk about this BBC special about flat earthers and they are not happy about it. This is their response to how that documentary,
Starting point is 00:32:03 or whatever it was was made them look. Edited that up like you said they went they found that guy named Happy. Happy the clown. Happy the happy traveler. Zoom in on his shoes. A zoom in on his shoes. A zoom in on the fact that he's living out of his car. Right.
Starting point is 00:32:19 And then they pair that up with Mark Sargent, who of course has the AE map and says, we know it could be this dimension for all we know you know what I mean so and then he says he escaped from a mental asylum so I love that they have this guy happy the clown he's a flat-hurt there they zoom in on his clown shoes that's fucking amazing I'm gonna go watch this documentary but not to be missed Laurie hears this and she's like, wow, let's not start mother fucking happy the clown. So she comes to his defense.
Starting point is 00:32:50 Well, in defense of happy, he is a real guy. This is the way he chooses to dress. He did go to the conference. He does probably, you know, either live in his car or has a lot of his belongings in his car. It had these defense. He's a homeless clown. You know, I mean, it was so wrong with that. He probably lives in a van down by the river. I know. What's over there? We can start
Starting point is 00:33:17 piloting out this poor guy who dresses like a clown and his homeless. What's so crazy about that? I mean, he was without sin cast the first star. What are we talking about? So as a Podcast or and I'm sure you had to have picked up on this this number 15 is when I lost my shit. Okay We have over two million listens and downloads on hip-cast and iTunes of our shows. The example, and they're not even seeing anything,
Starting point is 00:33:52 it's just an MP3 or whatever. And. That's crazy, get that many on there. Oh, shit. So, Doug, I have to play this clip, because this was the thing that pissed me off. I'm not gonna admonish you for your language, but we try to keep language to a bad language,
Starting point is 00:34:14 to a minimum, because this goes out to millions of people that listen on podcasting, and it's a little more grating on their ears than it is when you're watching it live. So just throwing that out there. Um, I can't believe these people think millions of people are listening to this show. I can't believe that she thinks the word fuck is more grating on my ears and her nonsense. Well, so she, she mentions that because Jake the new guy doesn't know that you can't swear. And then this happens a little bit later. Yeah, and then Matt labeled me Jake the fake. And so since it rhymes and people don't have anything,
Starting point is 00:34:50 they go, Jake the fake, I'm like, dude, I'm the most real mother fucker. Hey! Hey! Hey! Sorry. She's like, we're gonna lose people if we start saying mother fucker,
Starting point is 00:35:02 not that we're talking about the earth is flat. My clip 13 is her talking about what all the flat earthers need to do to work together. Okay, yeah. I'm calling for a common ground that if we were to, you know, boycotts a big word, ignore, not use, pass on, putting up maps and models in our talks, videos, hangouts, websites, blogs, interviews with media, then no one would have any problems. No division would occur that I can see, because that's where it's all focused on. So, I am an advocate of men and women being equal and all that, and I am not for people of men and women being equal and all that. Right.
Starting point is 00:36:03 And I am not for people hitting women with her being the exception. Why were you okay? Where is this going? I have a clip that I think goes along with this. It's hard to say because I have so many goddamn clips and no one writes so many notes. But this is going along that route again
Starting point is 00:36:21 because they are trying to bring everybody together. Like there's flat others who are lying about shit. You got to stop lying about stuff. It's all come together. And you start talking to people about, you know, they say, well, what keeps the water from flowing off the edge? Ha, ha. Best question always ever.
Starting point is 00:36:39 You really don't need to say anything other than there is no edge or I don't know. Okay, now let's try to get an answer from someone who's not a complete retort. It doesn't make any sense to me that these guys are so gung-ho they've got it all figured out. And let's talk about why flatter, there's our flatter if there's Doug, because this is some of the research I've been doing and I understand this better than I ever have before. The problem they have. Yeah, the problem they have with the science as it's been explained to them is that the earth is traveling like 11,000 miles per hour through space and at the same time is rotating. And they say, I don't feel it rotating. It doesn't seem like we're going 11,000 miles per hour.
Starting point is 00:37:26 It feels like we're not moving at all. So that must be bullshit. So they have decided that the earth is just a flat, still god-created structure. They also think that it's lunacy to think that there's a building in Manhattan and then another building in Hong Kong both sticking straight up but sticking out opposite directions of this ball. They even make this point they're like if you're an ant crawling on a basketball and you're on the bottom you know you're on the bottom but for some reason on earth you always feel like you're on the top. That can't be holy shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:05 Because I know you guys think they don't think gravity is a thing. No, they don't. They don't believe in gravity. I don't think mass has anything to do with gravity. So go back to your original question. So what I'm curious about it. And this is a real question. Okay. What? Let's just say we take them everything what they say is as truth or gospel, whatever. But what's the end game? So you have the biggest conspiracy ever. Every pilot, anybody that's ever been on a plane astronauts, the government, all governments, it's the only thing that all governments across the world can agree on is we're going to keep
Starting point is 00:38:43 the truth from the people. That's exactly what they think. That's exactly what they think. And this is great because, again, this Thomas Thompson, whose name sounds like it's straight out of the Simpsons, Thomas Thompson says this at the end, which I thought was just perfect. Because here's the thing,
Starting point is 00:38:59 a flat earth is a way for us to break this system and start a whole new world. So we're going to break the system, man. They're not going to keep us down anymore with this bullshit. Yeah, that's what's the most insane part about it is that this conspiracy runs so deep that China's in on it, Russia's in on it, the US is in on it. Every single government who don't get along in any other way are all in on this crazy notion that our planet is exactly like every
Starting point is 00:39:30 other planet and is around ball. And I'm assuming you've flown before, right? Of course. Uh, when you're up there, you can, can't you see the curvature of the earth? Because I swear I've seen it. They say over and over again that there's no curvature of the earth and when you look out the plane window, if you do see a little curvature, they actually have created the window to morph the view.
Starting point is 00:39:55 And I swear to God, there was something that I was reading was an FAQ on one of these websites that said that they did that from the very beginning of commercial flights in order to drum up business to get more people to fly. It's like, really? That's, anyway. All right, so this was, I thought, this was very interesting. Lori throws out something that she's,
Starting point is 00:40:18 after all this crazy shit that's being said, she's not sure whether she should say this or not. You know what I was thinking about something really strange yesterday. I don't even know if I should even say it, but I'm going to. All right. So Doug, can you guess we've been talking about the flat earth and the fact that the sun is 2,000 miles of the sky and rotates around us. Can you guess what is so crazy?
Starting point is 00:40:44 She's not even sure if she should say it. I'm going to assume that she banged Michael Jackson. Close. Are there any blind flat authors? Whoa. She just came up with that like, whoa, mine blown. Is there a blind flat author? Here is the follow up to that thought
Starting point is 00:41:05 because this conversation goes on for a while. You know, the spinning and the vortexing and the flying and all that stuff. Okay. But if you're blind, go outside and you go, hmm, I don't have heightened senses. I don't feel any spinning. I don't feel a wind, the air moving. Okay. I don't feel any spinning. I mean, feel the wind, the air moving. Okay. I don't feel it in my body. I don't feel anything. I feel when I'm moving, when I'm on a ship,
Starting point is 00:41:34 I feel when I'm moving, when I'm sitting in a car. This is literally how these people think. They're saying that the blind, we could get on board with this right away because they'll totally get it. Like, could you imagine if we're going 11,000 miles per hour right now, there's no way in the white people be like, well, yeah, you're right. Cause I understand my sense is better than you do. And there's a dog. All right, going back to flying again. You've flown in airplanes, right?
Starting point is 00:41:59 You know, you're going 500 miles per hour, correct? Yeah, cause you can feel it. Does it feel like you're going, is your face like melting back, is you're going 500 miles per hour? If you're on a motorcycle going 500 miles per hour, it'd be a little bit different, right? So if you're like, what's your thing, and you're sitting there,
Starting point is 00:42:17 you don't really feel like you're going 500 miles per hour. Imagine if you're on a giant planet, and you're tripping. Maybe we should have started this show out a little differently because I sure in the fuck don't hope that you feel that you have to explain this to me. Good point. I guess I was explaining it to our listeners
Starting point is 00:42:34 who might be going, wait a second, these guys have a lot of good points. I'm gonna stop listening to WTPS. I listen to these flat earthers. These guys are smart. Again, this is just a clip of their lack of self-awareness. The point is, is that it takes courage to speak out. Now, if you speak out just to say some stupid thing, okay,
Starting point is 00:42:59 then that's not really courage, except in your little micro world. Hello, exactly. Are they serious? Are they fucking throwing us? They must be, right? This can't be real that they're talking about. Some people are just making up nonsense and then going out and putting it on shows. But I don't like those people.
Starting point is 00:43:19 Like, what? Really? One of the things that she said that I could really really connect with and this was probably About hour two Was my number eleven Lawrence and I and Thomas and people like us are not going to go away We're not going to stop stop talking about it. Unfortunately. I think I know They don't on and on and on and they're not even going away at this episode.
Starting point is 00:43:45 They're going to continue to talk about it, but they never discussed anything. No. I mean, there was no point to walk away from there thinking, you know, this is something that I can grasp onto. It was a bunch of fucking crazy people talking for three hours about nonsense. There was a 20 minute conversation around the company that created the map they were looking at. And the fact that this other company put their name on a map that was created by another company,
Starting point is 00:44:12 I'm like, is this even here there who gives a shit? This guy was going on and on about it. He's supposed to spend weeks researching this. That the crazy host had a way about her voice that it just drove me nuts. My number two is it's like a ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba And picture her eyes darting back and forth as she's doing this. The number 33 is always associated with the free mason's and it's like if you say the word 33 you're a show and it's gotten to the point of being kind of crazy dogma because not everybody's a
Starting point is 00:44:55 free mason, not everybody's a show. Yeah, that was the clip that we played last week to tease this one. And that's right off the bat. She starts doing the sing song. He's saying about free mazes and shale's like, oh boy, we're in for it. It's gonna be a good one. Here's a clip that I call awesome back and forth. And this is just you can tell how well equated these people are with each other. Okay, Lawrence. Yeah, I just go. I want to ask you, okay, I wanted to ask you the same question before we moved on. Um, yeah, I mean, I got high.
Starting point is 00:45:33 Okay, go ahead, Lawrence, do your thing. Which one is it going to be? Answer the question. Let me just tell you about what I thought about it. Yeah, well, it was deliberate. And this is not their first episode. They have done a lot of these. They talk a lot about the AE map.
Starting point is 00:45:56 And yeah, they have very little chemistry, I think you could say. As I said earlier, they have 468 hours of experience broadcasting. No shit. You think they'd be a little bit better at it by now, but. So and just in case you decide to take it out of post, I, I would like to go back and tell your listener that suggested this to go fuck himself. Is this sucked? Yeah, I mean, honestly, I haven't had this much fun with show content in quite
Starting point is 00:46:23 some time. And we've gotten beat up in the past People commenting like you're not even making fun of the podcast. You're making fun of the content of the podcast Well, it's like well, yeah, isn't that what the podcast is all about the content of it I think it's ridiculous that you would do a three-hour show about how some flat-earthers are dumber than other flat-earthers Sorry, I think that's ridiculous. Speaking of flat earthers, you know there's celebrity flat earthers
Starting point is 00:46:49 that are out there? I have heard, but I don't know any off hand. All right, so this is a clip from a whole other show. This is our buddy, Shaqil O'Neal. What did you make of the Kyrie stuff? I don't, it's true. The earth is flat. Shaq, what are you talking about? The earth is flat. No, it's true. What the earth is flat Shack what are you talking about the earth is flat? No, it's not yet is
Starting point is 00:47:10 No, yes, it is No, listen, it's not there's three ways to manipulate the mind Which you read what you see and what you hear I drive from coast to coast and this flat to me. I'm just saying. Okay, that's the dumbest thing you've ever said. I drive for the dumbest thing you've ever said. I drive for Florida, California, all the time. I need to.
Starting point is 00:47:34 I need to. I need to podcast. That's the dumbest thing you've ever said. That's a high bar to get over. I do not go up and down in a 360 degree angle. All that stuff about gravity. Have you looked outside of Atlanta? Let me see in all these buildings. So you mean to tell me that a China is under us?
Starting point is 00:47:50 He is not joking. This is literally how flat Earthers think. They're like, how could you possibly think the world is round? I drove like 200 miles and it was flat the entire time. Holy shit. You know, I was turned on to another podcast and I thought about pulling the clips for this show and I just didn't know if that was within scope or not. But there's no.
Starting point is 00:48:12 I'll see your dog. Well, there's another show out there called the Thomas Steve Shore. Are you familiar with that show? Oh, yeah, yeah. Thomas, I haven't listened to it, but I am familiar. So like three episodes back, Tom came out as a flat-erther. No shit. And yeah, the last half hour of the show
Starting point is 00:48:30 is probably the best half-hour podcast you will ever hear in your life, because it's like inside the mind of a madman. His co-host ends up leaving and just has throws it, hasn't, has enough, but. Do you think it's legit, or do you think it's a gag they're doing? No, no, no, it is legit. Yeah, he is fucking nuts.
Starting point is 00:48:50 Really? All right, well that could be a suggestion for a future episode. Yeah, but it's gotta be that episode if you're gonna do it. So I just wanted to point this out. They talk a lot about how they get a lot of people calling them names because they're flat earthers and they're so out there. So here talk a lot about how they get a lot of people calling them names because they're flat earthers and they're so out there.
Starting point is 00:49:07 So here's a clip about that. And you know, they've called me a tranny, they've called Lawrence Cross Tracer. I mean, the whole, the whole nine yards. What does that have to do with flat earth or what we're saying? I just want to say, Doug, that I'm not going to call her a tranny, I'm not going to call them cross-dressers, I'm just going to call them cross-dressers, I'm just going to call them idiots. You know, let's just keep it to what we could honestly say
Starting point is 00:49:30 is very true. Yeah, so it's funny, because if somebody walks up to me and says, hey, I'm just letting you know that I'm transitioning from a man to a woman. Yeah. Fair enough, you live your life the way you want to. If somebody comes up and says, hey, I'm a flat-earther, I'm going to say, you stay the fuck away from my kid, you live your life the way you want to. Sure. If somebody comes up and says, hey, I'm a flat-earth, or I'm gonna say, you stay the fuck away from my kids,
Starting point is 00:49:46 you freak. I'm not kidding. I feel like this is the worst parent teacher conference I've ever had. I want you out of my life. Yeah, that's a lot scarier than someone who's decided that they don't feel comfortable in their own body. And when you say, oh, by the way, also,
Starting point is 00:50:03 I'm a lunatic who thinks crazy thoughts. Oh Oh, okay, well, that's going to be a problem. We're going to get you some help. It's okay. All right, Doug, let's say you got a couple more clips here. We are running way over. So, yeah. So, I think the only one I want to play is number 19. And I don't know how to crowbar this into the conversation. I just thought it was funny. I Would love to talk to you more about that because you you know how to do that I think Okay, so I I don't know if you remember if you ever had a speaking smell as a kid. Yeah, I Probably a little bit too old for the speaking spell, but I do remember this So play that, play that. Yeah, the Google Hangouts definitely turned that due to do a speak and spell for a little
Starting point is 00:50:58 bit. That's a good observation. Yeah, between the romper room reference and speak and spell, I was back to my childhood and I just want to thank her for this. I pulled this one ISO that I think is important to play. This is a very serious show. All right, let's keep that in mind guys. We're not here to have fun. This is a very serious show. You people are idiots!
Starting point is 00:51:20 Well, Doug, I appreciate it. I know that was not an easy task to go through and listen to that whole show and pull clips from it. It was fun content, but goddamn it. That was like 45 minutes that would have been a lot easier to get through. So, I appreciate you joining us. I want to take some time to read some recent customer reviews as they call them on our iTunes page
Starting point is 00:51:46 We've been getting a lot of reviews lately and I think it has to do with the Vanished podcast we did last week. That's a very popular show and so people are finding us because they're looking for the Vanished podcast and lo and behold they're not huge fans of what we're doing When making fun of this show that they like. The first one is from January 6, 2018 from Dumbo Circus and the title is Harsh Critiques coming from a bad place one star and I don't know how this happens but this I've already read this one on the show even though it's brand new. I don't know if this person submitted it again or if iTunes had like a Y2K glitch or what's going on, but this is a whole thing about how we're Dix and we're obviously
Starting point is 00:52:33 bad people, so I don't need to get into that. The next one is from January 2nd, unbelievably disappointing one-star. Alright, it's sad you can't find anything else to discuss than bashing other podcasts. Let me stop right there. Did I not talk about the worst fan hell and song? Come on. Alright, getting back to it. The world is full of topics yet you are unable to create your own content and resort to undermining and attacking other shows. If you hate so many podcasts, why subject yourself to listening? That's actually a great question. I should ask myself that same question because I will never get back the time I waste to listen
Starting point is 00:53:09 to the show. By the way, making fun of missing persons and their families is absolutely deplorable. Who does that? Obviously you do. So definitely someone who listened to our version of Vanishing. We're not thrilled with that. There was a couple cringy moments on there if I'm being honest, fair enough. All right, so we'll listen, we're not for everyone. That's for sure, we're not everyone's company. This next one's also from January 2nd.
Starting point is 00:53:40 It is called Disgusting, one star. And then they say, they suggested that most missing girls are probably prostitutes. I don't think I ever suggested that. I don't think Andy did either but whatever. They said that a missing girl's mental illness would have made her attractive as if she wasn't so fat. Alright, guilty of that. They called her family members boring depressed assholes. They complained that missing person cases were not entertaining enough. They assumed that if a podcaster is a woman that she must be a bored housewife,
Starting point is 00:54:12 this show is vial and disgusting. I want to put that on a t-shirt. That's amazing. That is our new show description. I'm curious. I'm curious about that. So you guys did say all those things. So when somebody has a child that's missing,
Starting point is 00:54:26 and you sent your board, and you expect them to be on their front porch like juggling and shit while they're talking to the reporter. That's a good point. I guess I haven't thought it all the way through. It's a really good point. So wait, you're telling me that these are real people and not just a made up thing that's on a show, huh?
Starting point is 00:54:41 Okay. You've opened my eyes, Doug. All right, this is next one. It's from January 1st. Concept up for grabs one star. If someone could take this concept and make a good podcast with it, I'd listen. But the show picks low-hanging fruit as far as comedy goes. It's not smart or quick. They reuse the same jokes. So I have to assume they simply don't have anything better to offer. After you listen to two episodes, you could pretty much predict where they're going to go next and it makes it decidedly not entertaining It's sloppy and they take big swings and miss more often than it. I like that. We take big swings and miss more often Rosting is supposed to be fun and this is not if you like your comedy boring and repetitive
Starting point is 00:55:23 This is your show. That's another line I'm definitely taking for our show. If you like your comedy boring and repetitive, WATP. If you are clever and funny and looking for a podcast idea, take this one and I'll be your first subscriber. Alright, so, hey, at least I got one thing going for me today. I came up with a good concept. So I don't know if you've paid attention to our show on Twitter at all, but we used one of the phrases from your show when you reviewed our show.
Starting point is 00:55:49 And that's become the motto of our show now, the Dry Prison Handjob podcast. Beautiful. Yeah, I mean, this is a great place to, I can say a lot about W-H-T-P and how vioan disgusting we are, but it's coming from me, so it doesn't mean anything. But if it's coming from a third party, that's validation. This next one is just called vial. This is from January 1st, that kittycat mat says vial one star, and then the whole description is just the word gross. And then the next one is from December 31st, bad strategy one star. And this person says,
Starting point is 00:56:26 good luck trashing the very community you're trying to attract, quite the exercise in dumb. And I just want to point out real quick, I'm not trying to attract other podcasts to like our podcast. Obviously, there's no way other podcasts will be like, all right, look at these guys, they're trashing all of us. This is awesome.
Starting point is 00:56:44 I expect most other podcasts to hate us. So that's not my strategy and it would be a bad strategy. I'm with you on that. After that, we have from December 31st, a much needed contrarian voice in an era of too much content from Do The Bit five stars. So thank you Do The Bit. We did more of these these five star reviews.
Starting point is 00:57:06 And while I'm talking about reviews, Doug, bear with me. I want to go to our email. I just got something that came in right before we started the show. Like 20 minutes before we started the show, I got a new email that came in that says, your show is the subject line. And it says, you may think you're funny. You may think bashing other shows, talking about what you don't like, make a good podcast. I don't. But that's your perspective.
Starting point is 00:57:34 However, calling women drunken whores and mocking people with autism, mocking families of missing persons, attacking women's appearance makes you a misogynist. One of you mentioned your wife, I feel very bad for her. You've crossed lines that decent human beings don't cross, discussing content, you don't enjoy one thing, you've taken your show, wait, you've taken your show at a racist, intolerant and disturbing level, I guess that should say, to a racist, intolerant, disturbing level. That word racist gets thrown around a lot, huh?
Starting point is 00:58:07 Holy shit. I think every gay racist now. I know. I don't know what that is to do with anything. I mean, yeah, there's a lot of reasons to hate us for the Vanish podcast, but racism, I guess, wouldn't be one that I would put on there. We did get an email that came in
Starting point is 00:58:23 where somebody said, just listen to your episode on the vanished, hilarious and well done, unlike most, you guys still retain us as a humor in these ridiculously, politically correct times. Keep up the great work. So, uh, thanks, Tony. I do appreciate that feedback because yeah, it does seem like, uh, most people really dislike us quite a bit. So I've got, I've got a couple of questions I wanted to ask you and I don't know if you've got time to answer, but of course, I'm going up. So have you ever went back and listened to shows that you've bashed and then turns out that you enjoy them?
Starting point is 00:58:53 Yeah, oh, that's a good question. A show that I've bashed and now I enjoy. I will say that the higher side chats is a show that I go back and listen to. I don't know that we bashed it too much, although the one that we listened to was pretty ridiculous. So that would be an example of one that I still subscribe to and listen to from time to time, but for the most part, the shows that I bashed I pretty much never gone back to listen to. All right, I was just curious. Are you
Starting point is 00:59:23 asked if I'm still listening to Who's Right? Is that the question? No, I picked up pretty early on that that you weren't a fan. I'm okay with that. Guys, everybody, check out Who's Right. Actually, before we lose all of our listeners, because nobody cares about next week's teaser, do you want to talk about where they can find your show? Yeah, just go to Who's Right podcast.com.
Starting point is 00:59:44 I got me and my buddy Anthony will do our best to entertain you. I'm worried about Anthony and his health. What's going on with that guy? I mean, every time he laughs, he sounds like he's coughing up along. Is he a heavy smoker? What's the deal? Oh, he's never smoked a cigarette. He's got bad asthma.
Starting point is 01:00:01 And it seems to kick, it kicks in when he starts laughing. Yeah. And as you're aware, I am very funny and I make him. You make a level lot. And it is a lot of coughing that's going on. If he had a cough button, it would just always be on. Oh, yeah. So yeah, that's a whole different fucking conversation. But, um, okay, fair enough.
Starting point is 01:00:25 Yeah. Go. All right. So let's talk about this now Doug. We've reviewed the flat earth conspiracy pretty thoroughly. I think we played like 80 clips from that. We talked about recent negative reviews on iTunes. There were a bunch of those.
Starting point is 01:00:41 We even did a plug for who's right, the podcast that you co-host with Anthony. So you know what that means. It means that it's time for... Long chance. Long chance. Long chance. Long chance. That's really easy.
Starting point is 01:00:55 You're familiar with this part of the show, Doug? I think this is the part of the show with endless possibilities. Yes. Oh my God. Finally, someone who gets it. You've listened to this show and you're thinking like, I agree with you. I'm a fan. Well, yeah, I love that because you listen to our show and you agree with the people on iTunes. You're like, these people are racist assholes. Why would I ever want to listen to another show? And then you hear this part
Starting point is 01:01:20 and you go, whoa, this next episode might actually be good. And that's why we do this. So I'll be honest with you. I really had no interest in co-hosting this episode with you. Okay. But this was the only way I knew how to be the first person to see who was going to be on the teaser for next week. Very good, then. Wow.
Starting point is 01:01:39 Well, that was a lot of work in order to figure out. So this is your favorite part of the show. Yes, absolutely. I knew it. This is everyone's favorite part of the show. It's all I see on Twitter is everyone going, oh my god, just get to the teaser, get to the teaser. That's the best part. Because just like you said, anything can happen. We don't know what we're about to play. We don't know what we're about to hear. It could be the most amazing thing to ever happen. Unlikely, but possible. So here is a clip from the podcast that we'll be
Starting point is 01:02:05 reviewing next week. We've just finished shooting I should say let me correct myself a bit movie that we've been so diligently working on the grumpyest old men grumpyest old man yeah the the it's it's kind of a soft reboot of the grumpy men saga it's a mumble core aesthetic and it's got a kind of a mumble core aesthetic. And it's got a kind of a mumble core docu-drama aesthetic. It's been going great. We shot, we finished production. We had Bill Macy and Bill Hader in. They were doing a great job.
Starting point is 01:02:35 We screened it for some test audiences. And Santa Monica. And Santa Monica, that's right, at the old pentages in Santa Monica. And I got to tell you, it wasn't great. All right, this is a show called Just a Bill. The Just a Bill podcast, the episode we'll be listening to is from December 4, 2017, entitled Bill Bellachuk.
Starting point is 01:02:59 And let me read you the note that we got suggesting that we do this show from Tim. Tim says, Hey, my improv teacher and drinking buddy, David Howe, does a comedy podcast with another teacher down at the new movement theater in Austin, Texas. The premise is that both of the hosts are named Bill and they only interview celebrities name Bill. It's actually pretty funny and presides production value. I'd like to see how you dump on it.
Starting point is 01:03:23 Love WATP, thanks. So right there, and I haven't listened to the show yet, but right there, it scares me. As soon as you tell me that there's improv, first off, if you're an improv comic, boo. But if you're an improv teacher, holy shit, I could really do without you. I fucking hate improv comedy.
Starting point is 01:03:43 It's the lowest form of comedy, possibly available. Yes, and it's funny because I said fire station. And then now the seat is in a fire station. Is it, is that why it's funny? Fucking garbage. So I could tell right off the bat, the way these guys are talking about their movie that they just produced and how it got negative reviews. It's just going to be one of these snorfs about their movie that they just produced and how it got negative reviews. It's just going to be one of these snorfs where they're trying to crack each other up. So yeah, it should be a lot of fun.
Starting point is 01:04:11 I'm not selling this while I'm, I'm already out. You're like, all right. Flare it. Let's probably the last one. That's the shitty part about the teaser is you sit there, wait for it and you wait for it and then it's like, God, damn it. Yeah, you know, endless possibilities. And a lot of times that possibility is garbage. Uh, well, Doug, I want to thank you very much for joining us on the show. I had a blast.
Starting point is 01:04:37 And, uh, hopefully we can do this again sometime. Yeah, I would like that. Uh, not if it's a three hour fucking show. Oh, my God. Never again. Never again with a three hour show. Yeah, I would like that. Uh, not if it's a three hour fucking show. Oh my god. Never again. Never again with a three hour show. So I wanted to make one point real quick. So again, this is to the damn listener. You're as this suggested this Andrew. Um, Andrew from mr Andrew. Andrew from Michigan. Go fuck yourself. The, uh, it's a three hour show. We each pulled over 20 clips and not once did we step on each other with them Can you believe it you're exactly right? That's never happened before Who you think about the content that was going on to with all the nonsense they were babbling you would think we would have all the exact same clips right
Starting point is 01:05:17 All right, look at that dog Not bad for first time. Yeah All right, so with that I want to thank you for listening and ask you to please join us again next week because it might be the episode where you find out once and for all who are these podcasts? Sleep well every pony. Now to show these clothes we're down. I'm gonna go for it. I'm gonna go for it. I'm gonna go for it.
Starting point is 01:06:15 I'm gonna go for it. I'm gonna go for it. I'm gonna go for it. I don't know.

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