Who Knew It with Matt Stewart - 27 - Dave Warneke and Josh Earl

Episode Date: March 13, 2023

Who Knew It with Matt Stewart is a comedy game show podcast hosted by Australian comedian Matt Stewart. This episode features comedians Dave Warneke (Do Go On, Book Cheat) and Josh Earl (100% Hits Vol... Pod, Don't You Know Who I Am?)!Check out Matt's stand up special FREE on YouTube: https://youtu.be/cWStRpI-BhESupport the show via http://patreon.com/dogoonpod and you can submit questions for the show!See the podcast/Matt live: https://www.mattstewartcomedy.com/Check out Matt's podcast network: https://dogoonpod.com/Theme song by Evan Munro-Smith and Logo by @muzdoodles! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Oh my God, can you believe it? It's the year 2024. It's Melbourne Comedy Festival and we've just moved venues. We're at the Grace Darling now. We had a great run at the Chinese Museum, selling out shows by the end, but now we need you to come over to the Grace Darling and shows are at 7.15. It's going to be so much fun. Love to see you there. Let's have a beer. Use discount code do go on the show's called dry dry at the melbourne international comedy festival then we're going to sydney and brisbane tickets to all that stuff's on sale now and you can find those tickets and details at mattstuartcomedy.com welcome to who knew with matt stewart the show where the guests write the wrong answers. I'm the titular Matt Stewart and our first guest this week is host of the 100% Hits Volume Podcast. It's Josh Earle. Hello, listeners. I sound like the guy from Tile.
Starting point is 00:00:57 That's Frank Walker. Hello. Hello. Our second guest is host of the Book, Cheat and Do Go On podcast It's Dave Warnicky Hello, hello, Chris and Mari The Pine Farm Neighbours be gone
Starting point is 00:01:11 Thank you so much both of you for joining us Thank you, living my dream Dave, return guest Josh, it's your first time here I'm a debutante I've been on your other podcast, quiz podcast a few times It's so fun to switch things around and be the host to you. It's nice to be a guest.
Starting point is 00:01:29 I don't often get asked to be guests on shows. Dave asked me. Sam Peterson asked me. The Dumb Dumb Boys asked me. And that's about it. I mean, that's the big four. I'm bringing myself into the big four. I'm anthrax in the big four, you know.
Starting point is 00:01:41 Happy to get a mention. Yeah. All right. Well, the way the show works is I ask a relatively obscure trivia question and our contestants have to write a convincing fake answer. I then read their answers as well as the real one and I have to guess which one is correct. Okay.
Starting point is 00:01:55 Are we ready to play? Ready. Super ready. Here's question number one. This one comes from Bracken Markins from Philadelphia in the United States. And Bracken's question is, what does Grin-a-Gog mean? What does Grin-a-Gog mean? While they're writing their answers, I'll explain how the scoring works.
Starting point is 00:02:14 So you get one point if your fake answer is guessed by the other contestant and another point if you correctly guessed the answer. And by the way, I'm also playing as the house. I've put in two of my own fake answers for each question and I get a point for each one of those that our guests choose. Often my answers, the fake ones, have been written by the question writer as well. So I do very little work on this show, to be honest.
Starting point is 00:02:34 Do guests talk as they write? No. Okay. Not normally. I'm doing that, listeners, just so you know. I'm writing different words to what I'm saying right now. It's amazing how you're able to do that. You're not even taking your eyes off the phone.
Starting point is 00:02:46 What a brain this guy's got. It's just typing away. Yep. The man with two brains. Now, I'm a bit worried about coming up against you, Joe, because I know from your years as host of Don't You Know Who I Am, you are an incredible liar. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:02:59 Incredible. Next level. I'd say good at making stuff up, not lying. Sorry, yes. Okay. You want to spin it whichever way you like, my friend. But, yeah, you're very good at making stuff up, not lying. Yeah, sorry, yes. Okay. You want to spin it whichever way you like, my friend. But, yeah, you're very good at making stuff up, coming up with fake alternatives, which is what this game is,
Starting point is 00:03:13 and I feel like I've just stepped in to a class with the master. I think it's because I used to work in a school and I wasn't their actual teacher, and so the pressure wasn't on to have the right answer all the time. So I used to work in a school library. And so people would come up and ask questions of the librarian and I could just either make it up and tell them to go and find the book and just make it up.
Starting point is 00:03:37 It's somewhere over there. Because they kind of give up after five minutes and go, I'll just go to the internet. Yeah. I mean, why don't they do that in the first place? What are you talking to me for? Go ask that computer over there. It's the internet. Yeah. I mean, why don't they do that in the first place? What are you talking to me for? Go ask that computer over there. It's at google.com.
Starting point is 00:03:48 So each of us can score up to two points per round, Josh, which seems fair, but the probability actually favors me. The house. Boo. We boo the house. Boo. Well, only you boo the house. Am I the only boo?
Starting point is 00:03:58 No other guest has ever booed the house. Well, I went and saw The House Starring Will Ferrell and I booed it. It was not good. Anyway, our questions come from our great Patreon supporters. If you want to submit a question, sign up on any level via patreon.com slash do go on pod, which is linked in the show notes. All right, the answers are in. So let's go back to the first question.
Starting point is 00:04:17 What does Grinnegog mean? Pittsburgh slang for a spot in the woods used by teenagers to drink and make out? A type of liquor used mainly in festive drinks. A legendary creature of the American Midwest. A massive hairless bear-like creature with the head of a reindeer. Loves the taste of corn. There's more. Someone who grins all the time.
Starting point is 00:04:42 Or a medieval word for a dead end road or street. Greggengod. Is that what it was? Greggengod? Grengog. Grengog. Grengog. So this is a bear-like creature with no fur.
Starting point is 00:04:54 That's terrifying. That loves corn. Loves corn and has the head of a reindeer. What was it? Was it loves the taste of corn or loves corn? Loves the taste of corn. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 00:05:02 So it spits it out. So not the Jonathan Davis band. Yes. Yes, great. Well, it doesn't say he doesn't like. That's true. Yeah, actually, how does that animal sound like this? That's what he sounds like when he's eating corn.
Starting point is 00:05:18 Jonathan Davis, a big fan. A big fan. Okay, do you mind if we have it one more time really quickly? Sure. So you've got Pittsburgh slang for a spot in the woods used by teenagers to drink and make out. The Grin-a-Gog. Let's meet at the Grin-a-Gog. Yeah, okay, yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:31 You can get a feel for it. Hey, let's meet at the Grin-a-Gog. A type of liquor used mainly in festive drinks. Merry Christmas, it's Grin-a-Gog time. Can I get another shot of Grin-a-Gog in my eggnog? Oh, Grin-a-Gog nog. A legendary creature of the American Midwest, a massive hairless bear-like creature with the head of a reindeer,
Starting point is 00:05:50 loves the taste of corn. Someone who grins all the time. Oh, look at that Grin-a-Gog over there. I guess that's the example for the last two, whether it's the reindeer head or the grinning person. Yeah, look at that Grin-a-Gog. Or a medieval word for a dead-end road or street. A Grin-a-Gog. Turn left at the Grin-a-Gog. Or a medieval word for a dead-end road or street.
Starting point is 00:06:06 A Grin-a-Gog. Turn left at the Grin-a-Gog. No, you can't turn left. No, do not. Continue past the Grin-a-Gog. Do a U-turn at the Grin-a-Gog. Oh, Josh, thoughts, feelings? I think it's the medieval one,
Starting point is 00:06:17 but that's just because medieval sounds like a word that none of us three would come up with. Oh, boy, you know, Bracken could have come up with that. That's right. We don't know what Bracken's Brack story is. I wouldn't put it past Bracken. Gosh, I mean, I want it to be the bear with the reindeer, but there's just too much detail there, a little bit too much.
Starting point is 00:06:38 I feel like the grinning one, there's not enough detail. So I'm going to rule those two out. Festive drink? Festive. That could be festive drink. Oh, what was the first one again to remind me? Pittsburgh slang for a spot in the woods. So have you locked in the medieval one? Yeah, I'll lock in medieval. Great. A medieval dead end.
Starting point is 00:06:56 Well, I'm going to go with the Pittsburgh slang. I'm just feeling it, you know? Alright, Pittsburgh slang for Dave. Alright, here's who wrote the answers. Type of liquor used mainly in festive drinks. That was Josh Earle. Oh, I nearly went there. It was 50-50. Legendary creature of the American Midwest. That was the house.
Starting point is 00:07:16 Bracken in particular. Great way, Bracken. Thank you, Bracken. It was real storytelling. Then we had a medieval word for a dead end road or street Which Josh picked, that was Dave Warnke Oh, you did use medieval I am nerdy enough to use that word
Starting point is 00:07:31 Dave went for a Pittsburgh slang for a spot in the woods used by teenagers That was also written by Bracken, aka The House Love it Meaning the correct answer is someone who grins all the time No, for me I would have put that last A grin-a-gog Yeah, it sounds too obvious, right? They've just taken the first bit of that word answer is someone who grins all the time. No, for me, I would put that last. A grin-a-gog. Yeah, it sounds too obvious, right?
Starting point is 00:07:48 They've just taken the first bit of that word. Someone's panicked and gone, oh yeah, that sounds like grin. Yep. Wow. Okay. So that means one point for Dave and one point for the house. I got your point. Thank you so much.
Starting point is 00:08:00 Appreciate that. Keep them coming. Don't forget that, Dave. Okay. You help me out. I'll help you out later. Great. I promise the grunegog so that takes us to question number two this one comes from emmy white from albuquerque in new mexico and emmy's question is what is the name of track five on larry pierce's 1994 album nasty country songs now josh you got a bit of an advantage here. I love music.
Starting point is 00:08:26 Larry Pierce hasn't come across my record player ever. He's apparently big at truck stops in America. Okay. He got his start just sort of, he lost his job and he just, you know, in his spare time wrote a dirty country song and became an underground hit. It became viral before the internet got big. So, yeah, what was track five on his classic 94 album, Nasty Country Sogs?
Starting point is 00:08:52 Nasty Country Sogs. While you're writing your answers, here's some more from Grinagog. There's not a lot of information about it, to be honest. But on the website wordsandphrasesfromthepast.com, it says, a stupid grinning fellow, one who grins without reason or is always grinning. Now, I think if I use that full definition, Dave, you might not have written it off so quickly.
Starting point is 00:09:14 Right, because it felt like it was, you know. Have either of you bought a CD from a truck stop slash server, as we call them in this country? No, I don't think I have. I reckon back in the day my family would have bought a Craig David album. Whoa. Born to do it. For the trip.
Starting point is 00:09:31 What a debut. Has that got seven days on it? Yes, it's got seven days and Walking Away, two fantastic tracks. Yeah, my brother used to buy them. My brother had a lot of best beer drinking compilations. Oh, yeah. Wouldn't your podcast, which is all about the 100% hits
Starting point is 00:09:47 CDs, they would have been a big servo CD. I reckon they would be, yeah, that and Hit Machine. Yes, that's right. Two rivals which went into So Fresh. I'm sure younger listeners would have picked up a copy of So Fresh in their travels. Yeah, So Fresh. And they weren't
Starting point is 00:10:03 cheap either, were they? CDs, no, they weren't. Like, you know, $25 is a bargain. Yeah. Well, for maybe two songs you're really interested in. I just learned about chart hyping the other day. Do you know the term chart hyping? No. These do in the UK, which they just go into record stores
Starting point is 00:10:19 where you could return and they'd buy up every copy of the one single and the next day return it but that would go in the chart really and that's a sale and it's a sale and so record labels would go and chart hype or that just bribe the record store and say hey can you say you sold 5 000 copies of the single instead of 50 like yeah no kidding yeah wow so that time um what was that guy who lost his mind and wrote an album about his ex-wife and he sold like 47 copies? Oh, Robin Thicke. Robin Thicke, yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:50 Was that with Chart Hyper? No. When he sold 115 copies? No, it was, I learned about it through Tatjana, who's a Croatian, Swedish, I think, maybe German-Croatian, I don't know, model slash singer with her song, I can't remember, but Samantha Fox did a cover of it. Oh, right. And it was hyped.
Starting point is 00:11:11 It was hyped. Wow. Yeah, chart hyped. So it got strucken from the register. Oh, right. Oh, it was busted. Yeah, they busted it. It was Scott Aiken Waterman.
Starting point is 00:11:19 Oh, the Hit Factory. The Hit Factory wrote this song. No kidding. Yeah. Geez, they knew how to write a hit i did all right the answers are in for question number two what is the name of track five on larry pierce's 1994 album and nasty country songs dress me down and saddle me up boot scooting rat shooting son of a gun if you you mess with the balls, you get the horn. The balls?
Starting point is 00:11:46 Balls, yeah. If you want romance, just unzip my pants or threw my shirt in the fire, bracket, but I'll still wear it, bracket. What's the guy's name again? We all know, Larry Pierce. Larry Pierce. Sorry, just got to remember, like, just got to get into the vibe of Larry Pierce. I remember what his music was like.
Starting point is 00:12:05 The Nasty Album. Is that what it was called? Yeah. He's got way nastier songs than the one we've gone with here. Some ones that are just crook. No innuendo at all. It's just like. None of those sound that nasty, really.
Starting point is 00:12:18 No, he gets nasty. You've got to believe it. I mean, the balls, you get the horn. Yeah, okay. It's more cute. You're like, oh. Put it on a greeting card though? For the innuendo.
Starting point is 00:12:28 He needed songs for, you know, mainstream play as well. Yeah, the radio weren't going to play the dirty stuff. Yeah, I think I'll go with the balls and the horn. Okay, lock that in. If I had a dollar every time I said that. Can I have the first couple again? They've sort of dressed me down and saddled me up. I love that. Boot scooting the first couple again? Dress me down and saddle me up. I love that.
Starting point is 00:12:46 Boot scooting, rat shooting, son of a gun. Then you had the balls and horn. If you want romance, just unzip my pants or threw my shirt in the fire, but I'll still wear it. I think dress me down, saddle me up. That's a good one. I mean, if you had to get any of them tattooed on you, that's the one I'd pick just so you know.
Starting point is 00:13:04 What would be the next line? Dress me down and saddle me up? Saddle me up. Something about sit from my cup? Oh, okay, yeah. If you're feeling thirsty, you can sit from my cup. And that's also you. Oh, yeah, that's good.
Starting point is 00:13:19 We're the new Hit Factory. Well, let's show it Earl and Warnky. I think this could be big. That sounds good. We're the nasty hit factory. Stuart, Earl and Warnky. I think this could be big. That sounds good. We're the nasty country hit factory because Larry Pierce has passed on, so there's a slot opening up. So let's go through the answers. Threw my shirt in the fire, but I'll still wear it.
Starting point is 00:13:40 That was Dave Warnky. That's a good one. That is nasty. He's going to burn to death. Larry, just get a new shirt. Then we had Dress Me Down and Saddle Me Up. That was written by The House. Oh, you got me.
Starting point is 00:13:56 I do enjoy writing country song titles. Boot Scootin' Rat Shootin' Son of a Gun. That was Josh Earle. Fantastic stuff there. If You Mess With The Balls, You Get a gun. That was Josh Earle. Fantastic stuff there. If you mess with the balls, you get the horn. That was also the house. Double points for the house this time.
Starting point is 00:14:11 Wow. I mean, the correct answer is if you want romance, just unzip my pants. See, that one didn't seem like the meter fit. It doesn't. Yeah. If you want romance, just unzip my pants. If you want romance, just unzip my pants. If you want romance, just unzip my pants. I shouldn't really listen to it, but I just couldn't bring myself to.
Starting point is 00:14:29 He's on Spotify. That's the nastiest one there, I suppose. I would flip it and go, unzip my pants if you want romance. Yeah. That sounds better than the other way around. God, the hit factory is on fire. Yeah, but I, yeah. I might have to talk to the Larry Pierce estate and see if i can do a remix
Starting point is 00:14:45 yeah uh i'll tell you a bit more about uh the work of larry pierce in a second but in the meantime here is question number three this one comes from travis alexander from golf port in mississippi in the united states what bold but ultimately foolish prediction did english businessman sir alan sugar make in 2005? So I think he's sort of famous for being on... He's The Apprentice. The Apprentice. Oh, of course, that guy.
Starting point is 00:15:11 He's on The Australian Apprentice too, isn't he? Maybe. He's an English guy, but I think he's on the... Because Richard Branson, I think, is the English one. While you're writing your answers, here's more info about Larry Pierce. According to AllMusic, with song titles like This Girl Makes Me Horny, it is pretty easy to see which direction he is coming from his sexist crude humor is absolutely blatant there is no subtlety or clever jokes involved pierce started releasing music in the early 90s
Starting point is 00:15:35 spitting out album after album of sexually explicit country music pierce is known as the master of dirty country music and with songs like my pecker Started Talking Again, Let's Have a Threesome and Achy Breaky Fart. It's hard to argue with that moniker. So he's the Rodney Rood, Kevin Bloody Wilson of America. Yes. Yeah, every country's got one. So in the UK, they've got Roy Chubby Brown who does like bawdy kind of rugby songs. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:03 Yeah. So now Larry Pierce is the American one Yeah, I mean, look up some of his other songs But yeah, they're just, you know, they're single entendres Yes, was it Kevin? I can't remember because they meld into one One of them had a classic song, Santa Claus, Seabomb Yeah, that's
Starting point is 00:16:22 Where's My F-ing Bike That's Kevin Buddy Wilson, eh? Yeah, I've opened all this other stuff I remember that one from primary school Yeah, that's... Where's My F-ing Bike? That's Kevin Buddy Wilson, eh? I've opened all this other stuff. I remember that one from primary school. Yeah, that was big in our primary school as well. Did you mention I'm on Larry Pierce's Spotify now, one of his top played songs, Every Time I Shit? Do you reckon that's like a parody of Every Time I Cry?
Starting point is 00:16:40 Every time I cry. Oh, yeah, Human Nature. Yeah, I'm sure human nature would be one of his big influences. Every time I share. That's good stuff, Larry. Alright, the answers are in for question number three. What bold but ultimately foolish prediction
Starting point is 00:16:58 did English businessman Sir Alan Sugar make in 2005? Eating with small cutlery will guarantee weight loss? Next Christmas, the iPod will be dead. Finished. Gone. Kaput.
Starting point is 00:17:10 Razor scooting will be an Olympic sport by 2016. Color TV is a fad. Or I'm unbeatable as a freestyle rapper. I will take on anyone who challenges me today, and I will pay them a million pounds if successful. I'll have my checkbook ready, but just quietly. I'm not going to need it. He's a rapper.
Starting point is 00:17:29 Alan Sugar. Yeah. The Sugar Man. Sugar Man, yeah. MC Sugar Man. Wow. I mean, they're all predictions that have come true, obviously. Yeah, no, that's the thing, Dave.
Starting point is 00:17:45 You would think so, but these were all proven wrong in the end. Oh, I'm going to lock in the Razor scooter because I think in 2005, they were everywhere. I remember grown adults on Razor scooters and it was a real weird thing that people got offended by in 2005 and and it was adults on razor scooters and women going to work wearing just sneakers and not their dress shoes. Oh, really? People used to get really angry going, look at them.
Starting point is 00:18:14 Oh, just wear your actual normal shoes. It's like, no, it would hurt to wear heels or like tight shoes like that. So wear your normal shoes. And not together, not scooting with Reeboks on. That's not the problem. It's just going to work at the office. Going to work. So you're all dressed up in your work clothes,
Starting point is 00:18:30 but then you've got like some kicks on and people would actually get. When I started comedy around that time, people would use that as a very easy kind of let's get the audience on side. How fucking dumb are these people? Yeah. And I was like, they're just comfortable like it's fine it was a weird time because i also remember you um you you basically couldn't have a facial hair at a lot of workplaces yeah like now it just it seems so silly now like you could you
Starting point is 00:18:59 just do whatever you like having a two-day growth or whatever to a full beard or a weird moustache. Having a moustache was the weirdest thing to do in the 2000s. It was seen as being either you'd lost your mind or you were being very funny. Very funny. There was a singer called Har Mar Superstar. I don't know if you remember Har Mar Superstar. He looked a little bit like Ron Jeremy, the very bad man. Wait, has Ron been cancelled? Yeah, yeah, real bad.
Starting point is 00:19:27 He's in jail for life. Is he really? Real bad. No, Ron. What a way to find out. Harma's superstar was just, he had a great voice and put on a great show, but he was just somewhat of a rotund short man with a moustache and was like check out how crazy this guy looks. I'm like, I don't think, apart from the moustache, I think he just looks like a normal person in society. Oh, no, there is a paragraph on his page as well,
Starting point is 00:19:55 sexual assault allegations. Hama or Ron Jeremy? Oh, no. Oh, my God. All right, maybe. Maybe the moustache thing. That's not a good sign. Not a good sign.
Starting point is 00:20:05 Not a good sign. I'm thinking back to that era. I'm thinking iPods were pretty big still. Yeah. Still had a couple of years in them. I reckon he's going to say, I think it's the iPod that he's rallying against. Maybe sugar's back to the eye river or something. Yeah. The eye river.
Starting point is 00:20:21 That's a blast from the past. An MP3 player. All right, let's go through who wrote the answers. Eating with small cutlery will guarantee weight loss. That was written by Josh Hill. Did you know he actually said that? That is a real fact that he lost all his weight and he was on Graham Norton.
Starting point is 00:20:36 They asked, how did you do it? He goes, I ate with, because he said it takes longer. So by the time the food goes to your stomach, you're still eating, you're full, so you don't need to eat the rest of your plate. That is very funny. Right. And he was being serious?
Starting point is 00:20:48 He was being serious. How small are we talking about? Is it like a Barbie-sized cutlery? Like the size of pins and needles? Depends how committed you are to losing weight, Dave. That is amazing. You just get frustrated and give up. Then we had Coloured TV is a Fat.
Starting point is 00:21:02 That was written by Dave Warnke in 2005. That's the most ridiculous thing I could think of The one about being a freestyle rapper That was the house Razor scooting being an Olympic sport That was also the house The correct answer was next Christmas the iPod will be dead Finished, gone, kaput Well done
Starting point is 00:21:21 I think it was a couple of Christmases later So it trickled on a little bit longer than that So that's one point to Dave kaput. Well done. I think it was a couple of Christmases later, but you know. I made it. Yeah. So it trickled on a little bit longer than that. So that's one point to Dave and another point to the house. Quick score update. We've got Josh with the score. Dave Warnick on two points, but out in front of the house on four points. Still anyone's game.
Starting point is 00:21:38 That's good. Is that true? Yeah, of course. Okay, great. We're only up to question four. We haven't even hit the halfway mark yet. And don't forget, the final round is worth triple points. Oh, I love this. You'll come back. Basically meaning you're never out of the game. Yeah, I love having a final round.
Starting point is 00:21:53 It just means the other rounds don't mean anything. It's great. Yeah, okay. Just cruise. So question four comes from Tina Coleman from London in the United Kingdom. Which of these is a real species of beetle? Who's going to make up a beetle species? While you're writing your answers,
Starting point is 00:22:10 here is a little more info about the sugar and his bold prediction. I don't know why I called him the sugar, but I like it. In the end, he was proven wrong by a mere 16 years. The iPod was only discontinued in 2022, which surprised me. That's, yeah. I've been joking. I now do go on podcast. I often joke, people will be yelling at their iPods there.
Starting point is 00:22:32 And I thought it was a joke, but I'd get tweets occasionally like, no one uses iPods anymore. Like, oh, I was, I don't know. I mean, it's not a good joke, but I'm just saying a silly thing. And then I found out that it was discontinued. I honestly thought they'd been discontinued 10 years ago. But, you know, with the iPhone, I would have thought that kind of did you have an ipod i i think our family did okay the family can i use it tomorrow yeah so i had an ipod i love my ipod i grew up a long time ago the communal ipod we all sat around the
Starting point is 00:23:02 ipod of an evening i didn't have the first generation iPod, but I had the one which was like the swirly wheel, like you just touch wheel and it felt really good. I used to, I loved my iPod. That was the key to it, right? Yeah. That swirly wheel. And then it just stopped working in my left, the left channel.
Starting point is 00:23:19 And that was the end of me walking with, and then I got a phone. I went, oh, I can just store them on here. Yeah. Phones are a real game changer yeah watches were going for me i haven't worn a watch since phones since i started having a phone i only wear a watch because to count my daily steps oh yeah which i'm on how many on come on hit me not me not many it's 210 i'm on 3300 pitiful it is really bad it's really bad i only break because i mine are counted by my phone being in my pocket.
Starting point is 00:23:46 Yesterday, 17,000. Oh, that's good. The highlight of my year so far. That's a big day. Well, the highest step count is just not the highlight of my whole year. Monday, I got to 22,000. Wow, were you doing anything? I played basketball and wore it when I played basketball.
Starting point is 00:24:00 Yeah, great. Yeah, so. But I also did other stuff. It wasn't just 22,000 steps in a basketball game. So, yeah, it ended up selling 450 million units, so a little bit more successful than he thought. Also, I do like the fact that he was like, he would have been like 60 saying the iPod is a fad.
Starting point is 00:24:16 Yeah. And I know what's cool. Yeah. Yeah. Why would you put yourself on the line like that? And according to Travis, the question writer, another notable time when someone has been wrong about new inventions was in 1878 when Sir William Priest,
Starting point is 00:24:30 the chief engineer of the post office, said, the Americans have the need for the telephone, but we, the British, do not. We have plenty of messenger boys. We love our messenger boys. We just thought messenger boys would... I haven't been to England in a while. I don't know if he was right or not about that one.
Starting point is 00:24:45 I know a lot of people who don't like their phone now, don't want to be contacted by a phone. But they're happy to be contacted by a messenger boy? Well, by email and stuff. They're like, email to me, don't call me. I don't mind being called on the phone. I don't like talking on for too long. But I don't get anxiety if someone calls me out.
Starting point is 00:25:01 But I have heard of people getting real anxiety when they get interrupted by a phone call. Yeah. I feel like that, like I reckon you're on the cusp of Gen X and millennial, right? I'm millennial. So I'm 81. I'm the oldest you can be as a millennial. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:13 So I think you'd have some of those Gen X traits and that might be one of them. Well, because I grew up in Tassie as well and we were like three years behind everywhere else in Australia. So you're a Tassie Gen X. Yeah. All right. your answer in. Here's question number four. Which of these is a real species of beetle?
Starting point is 00:25:31 Paulus macartnius, the six-toed butler, jelly belly, treacle beetle, or the bug Lebowski? The bug Lebowski. I am wondering which it could be. Obviously, that's a question. But more than usual, because I remember I used to have one of those, one year for Christmas, I got one of those fact a day, Ripley's Believe It or Not calendars.
Starting point is 00:25:52 Yep. And one of them was there are over 450,000 species of beetle, which is ridiculous. But it's good for this show. I'm not going to run out of questions. But of those, I mean, could there be more than one? So you're saying it's harder for us to come up with a beetle that doesn't exist.
Starting point is 00:26:07 Exactly. Everything's been taken. Come and think about it. Because I'm thinking, I know it's a funny thing, Paulus McCartneyus, but they do name bugs after, I know Frank Zappa's got some animals named after him. Right. And yeah, so it wouldn't put it past me.
Starting point is 00:26:23 I've actually got a quoll named after me. No. Yeah. A quoll. I love quolls. Quolls are good. So there's a rescue centre. Oh, no, I've just looked up the quolls Wikipedia.
Starting point is 00:26:34 There's a paragraph called Assault Allegations. But there's like a rescue centre for quolls and other kind of wildlife. I think it's up in Healesville and they name all their quolls starting with SQ. And so one of them listened to my podcast and so they called the new quoll that came in Squash Earl. Squash? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:58 And so it was named after me, which was quite an honour. Oh, that's amazing. Have you had a photo with Squash? You met Squash? No, I didn't go and meet Squash. I should have driven up there. I've got friends who live there. But, yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:08 Squash Earl. See Squash Earl. I mean, that says something about you that's no big deal. Well, there's also a monkey named Josh Earl in a zoo in San Diego. And when I say zoo, that is a very loose term. Oh, American zoos can be all sorts of things. Just a weird. One cage on the side of the road.
Starting point is 00:27:24 And I was trying to investigate why it's called Josh Earl and they banned me from the Facebook page. You get it. That means you're onto something. Yeah, well, I asked all my followers to, hey, ask about Josh Earl and so many of them were getting banned and getting their stuff removed. Really? And then they came out and said, oh, we just like the name.
Starting point is 00:27:42 We thought it was a cute name. I'm like, it can't be that simple because why are you banning me from asking about. Yeah, we just like the name. We thought it was a cute name. I'm like, it can't be that simple. Because why are you banning me from asking about? Yeah, you are onto the truth. Yeah, I reckon that's the kind of thing that goes all the way to the top, I reckon. Oh, the president? Yeah, I think Biden might be.
Starting point is 00:27:56 Is there a chance that the qual people are listening to this podcast? I hope so. I'd love to put forward Squat Stuart. Squave Warnocky. Squave. Squat. Squat. It's a beautifulave Warnocky. Squave. Squat. That's a beautiful name for a poor girl. Not squat.
Starting point is 00:28:10 Squat. Not squat. Papa Squat. So you lean that way? I think Paulus McCartney is. I'm going to go Paulus McCartney. I think that's a good way to lean because, yeah, you're right, they do, especially with the scientific names.
Starting point is 00:28:22 It was probably called something else like the red, you know, tree beetle or something, but the technical name is the Paulus McCartney is because, you know,. They do, especially with the scientific names. It was probably called something else, like the red, you know, tree beetle or something. But the technical name is the Paulus meccaneus because, you know, scientists can have fun too. Yeah. But what were some of the other ones? Treacle. Six-toed butler.
Starting point is 00:28:34 Jelly belly. Treacle beetle. Buglebowski. Oh, this is so difficult. Let's go the treacle. Treacle beetle. Treacle beetle. All right.
Starting point is 00:28:41 Because it almost works. Another thing that science is famous for, nearly working. All right. Let's go through who wrote the answers. The six-toed butler. That was Dave Warnke. Yeah, the six-toed butler. That's good fun.
Starting point is 00:28:57 The bug Lebowski. That was the house. Treacle beetle. That was Josh Earls. Oh, well done. Well done. Earls on the board. He got me. He got me he got me paulus
Starting point is 00:29:06 mccartney us that was the house in particular tina the question writer came up with that one the correct answer was jelly belly jelly belly yeah nice jelly belly beetle yeah it's cute but it's also it's funny because it's a relatively recently discovered genus jelly spelt g e l a but they're all jelly puns so there's one called jelly fish one called jelly bean one called jelly roll one called jelly donut so there's a whole bunch of them but yeah jelly belly bit of fun they should call one jelly guy like the john lennon song jealous guy and have that beetle a bit jelly i was a bit jelly. I feel a bit jelly. I'm just a jelly guy.
Starting point is 00:29:47 I'm just a jelly guy. That is fun. It's like there's, like, what's that real estate agent? Jealous Craig. Jealous Craig is so funny. I know Jealous Craig because our house burnt down when we were renting with Jealous Craig. Oh, my gosh.
Starting point is 00:30:02 Not our fault. And we were on holiday and no one told us our house had burnt down. What? We came back on the 2nd of January and we got the red eye from Perth, landed and couldn't get in the house and then looked back because it was like 5 in the morning and, like, we just couldn't see properly and realised that the whole roof of the house was charred.
Starting point is 00:30:21 What? And so eventually went to my wife's sister's house and the next morning rang up the real estate and said oh we're on holidays and then we um we'll deal with it and i said do you have a house living like well we're kind of staying with friends oh great and then it was like and then the woman from jealous craig i remember her name kathy dangolf was her name great name always remember and we were out the front getting stuff out and just kind of tidying up and she drove past me in her car and I just heard her go, oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:30:53 And it was very funny. And then they wouldn't let us in the house because they said it wasn't safe. And then when we finally went in, all the meat in our freezer had gone rancid and it was the grossest thing I've ever done in my life. Oh, you would have hoped it would have been nicely cooked. Yeah. But did you lose all your stuff? Yeah, we did.
Starting point is 00:31:10 Oh, my gosh. How have I not heard about this? We lost, like, I lost a guitar. I didn't get there. Our fridge was fine. Not the mini-maiden. No, that's that. So I bought that.
Starting point is 00:31:21 So luckily we had insurance and so we got money back for it. And the fire officers must have been musicians because they put all my music gear, like pedals and stuff, in the middle of the room, put a blanket over it, and then just watered everything else. Oh, wow. Oh, they were like, save the pedals. We've got to save the big muff. We was.
Starting point is 00:31:41 Yeah, exactly. But the other thing was so the neighbour, so it happened during the day on New Year's Eve, like the wiring just blew up in the house and went all through the roof and so the roof was on fire and the rooms had a bit of damage, not too much. But it was, so this was 2008 and Melbourne was going through big water restrictions and our neighbour across the road
Starting point is 00:32:05 kept on yelling at them saying, stop using all that water. We're in a drought. You can't use all that water. Oh, my fuck. And apparently the fire officer was like, if we don't use water, your house is going up next. What do you want us to do? It's your choice.
Starting point is 00:32:16 That is bizarre. Isn't that wild? Yeah. I think that just sums up the Australian mentality so well. There's a rule at the moment. I don't care if people die. We will not break the rule. There's only 110 litres per person.
Starting point is 00:32:30 I think we've used it. Get your buckets out of your shower and help. That is amazing. Whoa. Yeah, you all survived. We all survived. Well, that is wild. I don't think we can top that with any of these uh silly questions
Starting point is 00:32:46 coming up but this one comes from eddie duffy from greenville in south carolina and suzanne rofe from perth western australia both asked the same question which is in star wars episode two attack of the clones obi-wan kenobi encounters a drug dealer in a bar what was their name they both come up with this question. Sorry, what? Yeah, they separately ask this question. Isn't that wild? That's amazing.
Starting point is 00:33:10 It's got to be a great name. Yeah. Out of all the Star Wars names, that's the one that stuck out to them. Yeah, it's just a tiny little role. Yeah, I think he had one line or whatever. So you've just got to come up with a fake name for the drug dealer in Star Wars. While you write your answers, we'll go for a quick break. All right, the answers are in.
Starting point is 00:33:36 So here's question number five. In Star Wars Episode II, Attack of the Clones, Obi-Wan Kenobi encounters a drug dealer in a bar. What was their name? Pony Dubious? Elon Sleazebagano? Tommy Weed? Chuffy Potconzo?
Starting point is 00:33:52 Or Sploot Magoot? One more time. One more time if you can get them out. Pony Dubious? Elon Sleazebagano, Tommy Weed, Chuffy Potconzo, or Sploot Magoots. Out of all those names, which is the one that multiple people go, I've got to put that into the show. I mean, for me, it's got to be Sploot Magoots.
Starting point is 00:34:23 That's such a great name. You're going, well, I'm pausing the DVD, I'm on whatever, streaming, and I'm writing that into the show right now. Is this when, who, I've just gone blank on the guy who wrote Star Wars. George Lucas. George Lucas. Is he still writing episode two? Yeah, I think he is.
Starting point is 00:34:40 He wrote one, two, three, four, five, six, right? And then J.J. Abrams took over. Yes. So he loved, so Jar Jar Binks is one of his characters. Yes. And I don't remember the scene where Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan is, you know, scoring. Obi-Wan and Sploots.
Starting point is 00:34:58 Do you know how they've done like the spin-off ones? So there's been a solo. I want Sploots. Sploots. Sploots. Sploots. Sploots. Sploots.
Starting point is 00:35:04 Sploots. Sploots. Sploots. Sploots. Sploots. Sploots. Sploots. Sploots. Sploots. Sploots. Sploots. Sploots. Sploots. Sploots. Sploots. Sploots. Sploots. Sploots. Sploots. Sploots. Sploots. Sploots. Sploots. Sploots. Sploots. Sploots. Sploots. Sploots. Sploots. Sploots. Sploots. Sploots. Sploots. Sploots. Sploots. Sploots. sploots just drug running yeah that'd be great sploot my goods i think apparently obi-wan used his mind trick to put him on the straight and narrow ah i will not i will stop dealing crystal yeah yeah but it didn't last and he ended up falling back in all those split because there would be there must be a book about it or something
Starting point is 00:35:25 Because I don't think all that happened in the movie I don't know I have seen it So you're going Sploot Magoots, Dave? Sploot Magoots, can't say no to that So I'm going to go Tommy Weed You think it's got to be something It's got to be something that punches you in the face
Starting point is 00:35:39 And you go, what the fuck? Also something that if it wasn't in the show Like it was just a side character. It's like, oh, who was that? I reckon the guy who played it's name was Tommy and he sold it. Like he's the weed seller. Oh, Tommy Weed. And then people just found it on IMDB and lost their minds later.
Starting point is 00:35:55 All right. Those answers are locked in. Here's who wrote the answers. Pony Dubious. That was written by the house. In particular, Suzanne. Chuffy Potconzo. That was also by the house, in particular, Suzanne. Chuffy Potconzo. That was also the house.
Starting point is 00:36:06 That's a Chuffy Potconzo. Tommy Weed, which Josh went for. That was Dave Ornicky. Point for Dave. And Sploot Magoots, Dave. That was Josh. Yes! It's so good.
Starting point is 00:36:17 It's got to be that. Pre-rec con. The real one is Elin Sleazebagano. Oh, okay. Honestly, I think- Not too much difference for Tommy Wade. Honestly, we're all better artists than George Lucas. We're all better.
Starting point is 00:36:32 So that means one point to Josh, one point to Dave. All right, so score update. After five rounds, we have Josh on two points. He's on a hot streak now. That's two in a row you've got to play. Can I be referred to as Sploot Magoots? Sploots on two. Tommy Weed is on three points.
Starting point is 00:36:53 Leaving Chuffy Potconzo out in the lead on five points. Oh, it's getting close. It is tight. So really anyone's game with two rounds to go. Question number six comes from Roger H. Flores III. Wow. From Austin, Texas. And Roger said, keep Austin weird, which is like the state slogan.
Starting point is 00:37:17 And I always forget what it is. So, I'll often say, I think he said it, so he's sort of correcting me. Because I always say, stay weird, Austin. And I imagine when I say that,in people probably yell at their ipods until 2022 that's right uh so question number six from roger is what happened in papsville illinois in july of 1832 some sort of historical event happened in papsville illinois in july 1832 while you're writing those answers let me tell you more about sleaze bagano from wikipedia always searching for credits sleaze bagano made his living selling death sticks to patrons of the outlander club and other hot spots in the under levels of coruscant targeting both desperate addicts and
Starting point is 00:38:03 unwise thrill seekers. But he was weak-minded, and Obi-Wan Kenobi performed a mind trick on him and convinced him to not sell death sticks to the Jedi Knight and to go home and rethink his life. According to Suzanne, the guy who portrayed him was Sydney actor Matt Doran, who spent several years on Home and Away and Water Rats before achieving his most high-profile roles in Star Wars 2 and The Matrix. Yeah, he's in The Matrix. I remember that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:28 Because it was that thing, The Matrix was filmed in Sydney. And so it was weird seeing like this kind of, it wasn't, was it Future? Or was it just a different? Yeah. But seeing Westpac's buildings and going, oh, that's Sydney. Yeah. And yeah, there was a few Home and Away stars. Because Matt Doran on Home and Away dated Selena,
Starting point is 00:38:46 the person who played Selena. They were a couple on the show. Right. It's not the same Matt Doran that's on Sunrise. It's not that. No, that's the guy who didn't listen to Adele's album and then went and interviewed her. And then they didn't release the footage because they were offended
Starting point is 00:39:01 that he didn't bother listening to the album. But he also made the news recently because he was like, can we, I'm over Harry Styles. He's too sexual. My wife wants to go. It's like, Matt, what are you doing? Yeah, there's a lot to unpack there, Matt. That's why.
Starting point is 00:39:19 Yeah, he goes, do we need all the hip thrusting? We don't need that, do we? How old's Matt Disco? In his mid-30ies, I'd say. He's not like 80 years old. Okay, I've just looked up Sleazebaggiest, the Matt Doran. Matt, have you seen a photo of what he looks like?
Starting point is 00:39:34 His hair looks like he's gelled up so it looks like he's some sort of bug man. Oh, yeah. Bit of a jelly belly. Oh, yeah. That's a split mcgirt. They'd be kicking themselves If George is listening Can he have Split Magoo For a future project?
Starting point is 00:39:50 So I got my Wires crossed about I think he Yes he was in the Matrix as well But I don't think he was With Selina
Starting point is 00:39:57 On Home and Away But I do know He lived with Pippa He was a foster kid Of Pippa Okay It's important that you get that Just in case
Starting point is 00:40:03 I just don't want The Matt Doran fans Coming for me I've dealt with just in case. I just don't want the Matt Doran fans coming for me. I've dealt with the Bayhive before. I don't want the Doran heads. All right. Answers are in for question number six. What happened in Pabstville, Illinois in July 1832? A comet hit a horse.
Starting point is 00:40:19 The first game of test cricket was played accidentally when a robber hit away rocks being thrown at him by police. Abraham Lincoln gave his first political speech. A fight broke out in the crowd and Lincoln reportedly threw a man 12 feet. A small child stole King William's top hat, leading to the boy's arrest and a life sentence in prison. Or a meteor landed on a Presbyterian church andabstville have never built another Presbyterian church. Wow, meteor and the comet. Ooh.
Starting point is 00:40:49 And only one of those lands on Earth. And I don't know if that's... The comet or the meteor? I don't know. I'm not sure, but I think one of them circles. There is one, yeah. And one of them... As soon as it enters the atmosphere, it becomes the other.
Starting point is 00:41:00 Is that right? I thought for a second there, if there was no follow-up questions, I would have been happy to answer that. Yeah, go, go, go. I think it's comet hits the northern hemisphere, meteor hits the south. Is that right? I thought for a second there, if there was no follow-up questions, I would have been happy. Yeah, go, go, go. Comet hits the Northern Hemisphere, meteor hits the South. That's what we call it down under. It's a hurricane
Starting point is 00:41:11 cyclone scenario. It's so weird down under. Fantastic. Throwing a person 12 foot. I know Abe Lincoln was a very tall man. He was a big man. And a wrestler, I think. Was he?. And a wrestler, I think. Was he? Yeah. Was he a wrestler?
Starting point is 00:41:26 I think so. I think he's in the Wrestling Hall of Fame. Along with Mankind and the Big Show. What year was this again? 1832. So that means Trump is the second president of America to be in the WWE Hall of Fame because Trump's in there. Really?
Starting point is 00:41:42 Yeah, because he used to do stuff with Vince McMahon. That's right. Because they started that football league do stuff with Vince McMahon. Oh, yeah, that's right. Because they started that football league together, the XFL. Oh, right. Yeah, I think Trump was involved. No kidding. That's awesome. And where did this take place?
Starting point is 00:41:53 I love American culture. Pattsville. Illinois. Illinois. So the King William. King William, yeah. Had his hat stolen. Yeah, so I guess he was, yeah, on a royal trip.
Starting point is 00:42:04 They're very close. Abe, known for his big hat. Someone got a hat style. Meteor, Comet. And what was the other one? When you hear 1832, I think bats and comets. The other one was the first game of Test cricket. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:42:22 Played in Pabstville, Illinois. Pabstville, Illinois. Pabstville. Famously American game. And I actually, I think there'd been cricket games before that. No? Probably, yeah. And also, why is it cricket and not basketball?
Starting point is 00:42:36 Well, the English. I just can't play cricket. The English were going over there. So the English, yeah. I don't think that the king had anything to do with England. No. With America by 1832. They were well gone by then. Though Abe, I reckon full school seven years ago.
Starting point is 00:42:52 That's what he said. Okay. Full school seven years ago. Yes. So he's about, what is that? 1850. So this is before that. I reckon.
Starting point is 00:43:01 Wow. I reckon. So it was before Abe. You're saying. I think it's before he was president. It doesn't say that he was president, does it? No. No. His. I reckon. It's always before Abe. I think it's before he was president. It doesn't say that he was president, does it? No, his first political speech. He would have been going around. This would have got him votes.
Starting point is 00:43:11 If you can throw a guy 12 feet. And also it's that thing of like, see, my dad likes to tell that he watched ACDC at the Bernie Civic Centre in 1976. And I remember as a kid he used to say, such and such saw ACDC. I didn't see it. But now in 2023, he was there in front row. Yeah. And I remember as a kid he used to say, such and such saw ACDC, I didn't see it. But now in 2023 he was there in front row. Yeah, that's right. Gotcha.
Starting point is 00:43:30 And just stories get bigger. So I think over the years Abe probably threw him like 12 inches. Like a throw for a full human. Yeah. And now it's gone up to 12. Yeah, I'm going to say Abe. Looking at Abe? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:42 I love that Dave knows what four score and whatever that thing means. That's his first big Gettysburg address, four score and seven years ago, which is 87 years ago. Yeah. Right. And what happened 87 years ago? I think they're talking about the- The person throwing.
Starting point is 00:43:57 Yeah, yeah. 87 years ago, I threw- No, I think they're talking about getting independence. So you know- Gettysburg address. When was know, you both know the independence date and what four score means. I'm just impressed by all that work you've done. Yeah, I think that the independence is late 1770s, 1780s. So he's president 80 years later. He's not doing speeches for
Starting point is 00:44:19 30 years because he died fairly young. I'm going to say the meteorite one. Presbyterian church? No. Or the horse? No, because I think you're right. The comet is when it's circling. Yeah. But did they know that in 1832?
Starting point is 00:44:34 You're right. You're right. All right. Let's go through who wrote the answers. The comet hit a horse. That was Dave Warnock. Yeah. As soon as I'm like, I normally shouldn't be pulling apart the logic of the guests.
Starting point is 00:44:47 But I've got to tell you. Forget it that instantly. The phrase a comet hit a horse is funnier than a meteor hit a horse. Yes. And I, it did make me laugh and I'm like, that wouldn't be funny if it really happened. But would they be talking about it like 200 years later? I would be.
Starting point is 00:45:04 Remember that time a comet hit a horse? The first game of test cricket was played accidentally. That was run by the house. I should say that I panicked because I'd forgotten to put in the house answers for this. So I wrote and I forgot that it was in America. And the other house one was a small child stole King William's top hat. That was written by me and Roger, the question writer. But he wrote it about his fake answer all about Lincoln.
Starting point is 00:45:33 And I changed it to King William, again, forgetting I was in America. So my two odds were instantly ruled out. Anyway, happy with that. Then we had a meteor landed in a Presbyterian church. That was written by Josh Earle. You gave me another point, Dave. Oh! We went with Comet and Horse. So it's Abraham Lincoln. So
Starting point is 00:45:51 Abraham Lincoln gave his first political speech. Two points for Josh Earle. Sorry, two points for Scoots Magoots. Ever since I've changed my name, life's been looking up. You are on fire. You're amazing. I tell the kids when I get home, hey guys, your surname's now Magoots. So it was his first ever political speech and it was years,
Starting point is 00:46:10 he didn't win that and it was just for a local election or something. He didn't win that election. Oh, gotcha. And then years later he ended up being the president. So he was quite young as well, I think early 20s. It was a weird time when, and it happens in political life today, that tall people seem to do better. People will look up to them both like metaphorically and physically going, oh, I do want to, like, Gough Whitlam was a tall man.
Starting point is 00:46:30 Right. I trust this big man. Yeah. Quick score update going into the final round. Dave on three points. Sorry. Tommy Weed. Tommy Weed on three points. Thank you. Chuff, chuff. Scoot Magoots on four points. but out in front still is Konzo.
Starting point is 00:46:47 Konzi on five points. So three, four, five, only two points separating everyone, and it's triple points in the final round. So genuinely. Anyone's game. Anyone's game. And the final question comes from Luke Pearlberg from New York, and Luke's question is, what is the synopsis for the 2019 film In Fabric?
Starting point is 00:47:03 What is the synopsis for the 2019 film In Fabric. What is the synopsis for the 2019 film In Fabric? While your answers are being written, here's some more info about Lincoln's strength. According to Roger, Abraham Lincoln was no stranger to fighting. When Lincoln was a teenager, he moved to New Salem, Illinois, where he bet a gang member named Jack Armstrong $10 that he could find someone that could beat him in a fight. When the day finally came, Lincoln didn't have anyone to fight Armstrong, so he decided to do it himself. Resident Daniel Green Berner described it like this, they went at it, and Lincoln just fooled with Armstrong until he had tied him completely out. Then he swung his long leg over Armstrong's neck and made Armstrong
Starting point is 00:47:38 run around holding him up in that position. Can't picture what that means. Jack finally begged off, admitting he was beaten and offered Lincoln the $10, which Lincoln refused to take. The two were ever afterwards warm friends. I read another version of the story where it was a draw, so very different results. According to Yahoo, Lincoln also got physical at his first political speech ever at Pabstville, which was what we're just talking about. A fight broke in the crowd and lincoln saw a friend about to get pummeled wrote historian david herbert donald quitting the platform he strode into the audience seized the accident by the neck and the seat of his trousers and as one witness remembered threw him 12 feet away at six
Starting point is 00:48:19 foot four inches and 214 pounds he was strong enough to intimidate any rival. Yeah. And that's a big man now. Back then that would have been like. Huge. Bending in every doorway. Yep. Couldn't find jeans that fit him.
Starting point is 00:48:35 Would have been a nightmare. Very hard to find jeans back in the 1920s. He had to shop where the big men buy. All right. Answers are in. Here's the final question. Anyone's game. It's all on the big men buy. All right. Answers are in. Here's the final question. Anyone's game. It's all on the line, Josh.
Starting point is 00:48:49 It's time to take it seriously, okay? Okay. I know I've been mucking around a bit. All right. Scoots ma goots. Game face on. So the question is, what is the synopsis for the 2019 film In Fabric? A group of ex-nudists struggle to re-enter clothed society.
Starting point is 00:49:04 How should they go about it? Just like everyone else, putting on their pants one leg at a time. A horror movie which follows the life of a cursed dress as it passes from person to person, with devastating consequences for those who wear it. Like the Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants. Except bad! It's a great film. A delicatessen manager loses their mind when his workers defy him and start to wear fabric aprons. He begins to take revenge, one worker and one meat grinder at a time.
Starting point is 00:49:35 A mummy comes to life and joins a high school lacrosse team. He learns that life at the top of the pyramid has its disadvantages. Or Rick Martin is a down- his luck fashion designer whose life gets turned upside down when a mysterious millionaire gives him everything he needs to make it in New York Fashion Week. Before he knows it, he's in, he's fab, he's Rick. That is great That is very funny stuff So we should have asked how
Starting point is 00:50:16 In Fabric is spelled for the actual Film, is it R-I-C-K? I think Americans can spell Because it's short for Richard. Yeah, you're right actually. Sometimes people go that Rick was just the C. The guy from the car, Rick Ossosek, I think. I don't know how to say Ossosek, but Rick is spelled R-I-C.
Starting point is 00:50:36 In the U.S.A. Yeah. R-I-C-K. No, that's a different thing. R-I-C-K. Stupid. R-I-C. In. R-I-C. In the year.
Starting point is 00:50:47 All right. So, just a quick recap. You had the ex-nudists, the cursed dress, delicatessen manager, mummy joining the high school lacrosse team, or he's in. He's fab. He's Rick. I mean, I want to back them all as a producer. They're all great.
Starting point is 00:51:04 Love them all. Great pictures. Fantastic're all great. Love them all. Great pictures. Fantastic. I'm leaning towards the dress. It's not mine. The horror film. Which doesn't make it exciting in the end. No, in fabric.
Starting point is 00:51:14 In fabric. If you go dress, I'm going to go he's rich, he's fab. He's rich, he's in fabric. I think I will go dress. Dress. You can go for the same one as well. No, that's not exciting. I'll go Fab, Rick, Rich.
Starting point is 00:51:35 All right. So Dave's locking in the cursed dress. It just feels like a horror movie to me. And Josh, locking it in? Yes, lock in Fab, Rick. All Alright, here's who wrote the answers. The group of ex-nudists struggling to re-enter Clothes Society. That was the house. A delicatessen manager losing their mind because of the fabric aprons and he kills them with the meat grinder.
Starting point is 00:52:00 That was Dave Warnicke. That's right. The twisted mind. Dave Warnicke. That's right. The twisted mind of Dave Warnicke. Dave Warnicke joined. The mummy joining the lacrosse team. That was Josh Earle. The top of the pyramid is so good. Life at the top of the pyramid has its disadvantages. That's so good. Leaving it down, there's two left here.
Starting point is 00:52:17 That's right. So one of you is correct. Fab or Rick. He's in. His fab is Rick. That was Luke. Okay, the house. Thank you, in. His fab is Rick. That was Luke. Okay, the house. Thank you, Luke.
Starting point is 00:52:27 You win, Luke. Yes, three points for Luke. Meaning the correct answer was what Dave went for, a horror movie which follows the secret curse laugh of the Travelling Pants. It really is the horror movie. Yeah. Just quickly, In Fabric was well received by critics, scoring 91% on Rotten Tomatoes.
Starting point is 00:52:45 Wow. Although the audience wasn't into it so much, only getting 52%. I talked about Rotten Tomatoes on my podcast the other day and there's a whole bunch that have only got 1%. One of them is Pauly Shaw's Biodome. Really? That's better than a 1%. Yeah, but another one, I can't remember what it's called,
Starting point is 00:53:02 but the tagline, I remember this, it just was, a gay ghost. And it's got 1%. 1%. Apparently it's a Nazi comes back and falls in love with the person living in the house. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:18 I'm in. The tagline is, a gay ghost. I'm in. I'm Rick. Writing for Roger Ebert, Simon Abrams gave the film three and a half out of four stars saying, Director Peter Strickland
Starting point is 00:53:31 frequently tests viewers' patience, but his off-putting sensibility is powerful enough to make In Fabric as mesmerising as its subject. Salesmanship as a sinister, inescapable form of hypnosis. This has got a beautiful message as well. Salesmanship.
Starting point is 00:53:46 All right. So the final scores are in. In third place on four points, it's Scoots Magoots. Top three. Moral victory. Moral victory. Yeah, that's right. Because if you. I would have went with the right answer.
Starting point is 00:53:57 And if you did that, you would have won. That's fine. That's fine. I'm happy just to play and have a new name. I was just quietly trying to nudge. Are you sure? You know. You can have the same one. You can also have the right answer. Yeah, that's fine i'm happy just to play and have a new name i'll just quietly trying to nudge are you sure you know you can have the same one you can also have the right answer it's not as exciting for the list the one that you're saying is right you should go for the one i then started thinking this is a double bluff this is a josh earl tactic this is his answer he's like i definitely would
Starting point is 00:54:19 have gone for that one too that would have been been incredible. I started overthinking. I should be on Survivor. Now Josh, you doing a show at upcoming festivals? If you're in Melbourne, I'm doing a kid show called Humankind and it's for kids aged between five and nine.
Starting point is 00:54:35 If you've got a kid who's four who's cool and you think they can sit still for 50 minutes, bring them along. That's fine. If you've got a kid who's 10
Starting point is 00:54:42 who also still likes Bluey, bring them along. They'll like it as well. But I just say five to nine to make it easier it's really nice show it's really sweet show it's um fun for both the adults in the room and the kids in the room um and yeah it's good to watch as a family don't just put your kid down the front and you sit the back and be on your phone not into that uh also i'm doing some podcasts live podcasts i have uh five uh don't you know who i am which is my old podcast, the quiz podcast, four of them at European Beer Cafe, which will be called Morris House Saturdays at 3 p.m.,
Starting point is 00:55:09 and then I've got one at the Festival Club Tuesday on April 18, plus I'm doing my other podcast, Hums and Hits Volume Pod. We're doing the best of the best of 97. Oh, good, yeah. Yeah, so that is a whole bunch of performers from the festival Doing the songs from the album So we've got people like Michelle Brazier, Gabby Bolt, Gillian Cosgriff, Geraldine Quinn It's going to be fun doing songs like Mbop by Hanson
Starting point is 00:55:35 Or Jewel, Save Your Soul Like, yeah, it's going to be lots and lots of fun That's going to be sick And that's at the Max Watts, April 4 So Tuesday night It's a late one, but it's festival So come lots and lots of fun. That's going to be sick. And that's at the... Max Watts, April 4. So Tuesday night. It's a late one, but it's festival. So come out and have some fun.
Starting point is 00:55:49 I'll be there for that for sure. So thanks so much for joining us. Thanks. Tickets are all at joshu.com.au. There you go. Sick. In second place on Six Points was Dave Warnick. You're doing your first solo festival show in years.
Starting point is 00:56:01 Many years. I'm back, baby. Please come and see me at the melbourne comedy festival my show is called even hotter in real life and it's at the campari house on hardware lane i'm doing the first two weeks so there's 14 shows at these very specific time of 6 35 p.m not a minute before not a minute after don't be late i think it's a shame that it's too late to rename it Tommy Weed. Tommy Weed in. Your podcast, Dave, Book Cheaters.
Starting point is 00:56:31 Still rocking, still rolling. If you want to get in touch with some classic books without having to bother reading it, there's about 86 episodes out now on things like Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, Shakespeare, Hemingway, stuff like that. And, yeah, me and a couple of guests, which both of you have been on multiple times, we riff about books and by the end of it you get the gist of what it's about. I did an episode, two episodes, about Wuthering Heights,
Starting point is 00:56:50 and it came in handy just recently. No. Because people were talking about Wuthering Heights, and I knew what they were talking about, not just because of the Kate Bush song. Oh, that's great. Yeah. And your podcast, of course, is still going strong. Yes, 100 Cent Hits Volume Pod.
Starting point is 00:57:02 So it's out every single Thursday wherever you get your podcasts from. Episode this week with Jess McGuire and I've had other previous guests like Will Anderson. Both you two have been on there. Who else has been on there? Bob Evans from the band Jebediah. Angie Hart from Frente. It's really
Starting point is 00:57:18 right in my wheelhouse. And it's just a fun journey through the years of music. Popular music in Australia. But, yeah, it's Australian compilations, but they've got, like, internationals on there. And that means, uncomfortably, out in front on eight points, it's The House. Well done.
Starting point is 00:57:38 Well done, House. A rare victory. And I'll be doing my show, Ding, at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival at the Chinese Museum at 6.30. I've just beaten Dave in there. Oh, no, you can't make both. Although, if you're running late for Matt's show, just go to Dave's show. Honestly, you can flash Matt's ticket at the door and I will let you in.
Starting point is 00:57:57 I'm also doing this show live, this podcast live, at the same venue as Josh is on the podcast there. What's it called there? It's called Morris House. Morris House, formerly the European Beer Cafe, on the 9th of April. I'm also doing it at the Brisbane Comedy Festival on May 14th. Grab tickets now by mattstuartcomedy.com. Thanks so much for joining us, both of you.
Starting point is 00:58:17 I think you'll both agree this was a fantastic episode. An amazing episode. Thank you so much. One for the ages. Cheers for tuning in to Who Knew With Matt Stewart. Now that you know it, I've been Matt Stewart. Goodbye. Do we know how Albanese is hot?
Starting point is 00:58:37 Not that big, but I think Albanese is a respite from the old one. We're like, oh, thank goodness it's not him. For those outside of Australia, our Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese, is a respite from the old one. We're like, oh, thank goodness it's not him. For those outside of Australia, our Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese, has the vibe of a dad standing in the doorway of a kid's slumber party just wanting to be involved, just going, what are you groovers up to in here? Groovers, yeah. What are you doing? Listen to your rap music?
Starting point is 00:58:59 That's Anthony Albanese. The first result here says he's 5'9". It's pretty slightly. That's tall. That's tall. That's a tall man. That's huge, right? That's tall.
Starting point is 00:59:11 Can confirm. What a big man. I'll look up to him. He wouldn't want to be any taller. It's just showing off. Yeah.

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