WHOA That's Good Podcast - A Messy Conversation About Disney & Target | Sadie Robertson Huff & Korie Robertson

Episode Date: October 2, 2023

Sadie and Korie agree: Social media is hard! It's frustrating! And it's not always fun! But in this episode they're discussing ALL sides of our culture's eagerness to unfollow, deride and condemn. Sad...ie was just "canceled" twice: Once for photos from LO Conference and the other for when she posted a family pic from Disney World and she has some thoughts! Sadie and Korie discuss the danger of criticism, how Christians can be in the world but not OF the world, how Jesus was "canceled" by both sides and what IS too far when it comes to posting? And is it even possible for believers to "please" both the world and fellow Christians? There's a lot to unpack but ultimately, why do any of us think we truly know someone just because we follow them on social media? One picture + one caption does not ever tell the whole story of that person.  https://drinkag1.com/whoa — Get a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D & 5 FREE travel packs with your first purchase! For a limited time, new customers can get 18 free meals from Home Chef. Just go to http://www.homechef.com/whoa https://www.samaritanministries.org/WHOA — Become part of this community TODAY! Join 80,000 Christian households across the nation sharing $30 million in medical needs every month. - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:45 in investor satisfaction among self-directed brokerage firms by JD Power. Visit Disney.com. Certain conditions apply. For JD Power 2023 Award information, visit JDpower.com slash awards. What's up sisters and friends, happy Monday everybody, y'all as promised, we are here in this same outfit talking about a messy conversation about cancel culture and this kind of comes from if you didn't listen to the last pie gas. So we had our L.O.S.S.S.E.R. conference. It was amazing, got moved in crazy ways. We were able to see over 300 girls,
Starting point is 00:01:31 bad ties and lives changed and restored and redeeming, it was just beautiful. So I post all that on my Instagram, and I'm posting all about the badtisms and how awesome it was. And of course, I get unfollowed by people because I'm sitting here posting about Jesus and baptisms and just like the gospel and people are like, you know, no too much Too much way too much. We're gonna unfollow. We don't need to see all this so totally fine
Starting point is 00:01:55 You know not not your style so unfollow. That's fine Well then at the end of the week I posted about going to Disney World because right after your conference Christian I have been feeling like we need to just do something special for honey and we could have done something special for honey anywhere but she loves Disney princesses right now. Like loves princesses, loves pink castles, loves the magic. And Rapunzel and Moana.
Starting point is 00:02:19 And I actually had just preached on the story of Moana at conference and honey and I talk about this, you know, I watched the movies with her. I come up with these analogies on how I see God in it. And so she loves it. And we're like, okay, we are going to take her to Disney World. It would be so special. And it's just the four of us. We'd never done a trip with just like our little family because we're always traveling with our big family, which is so fun. But we just want to like some special time with her because I went from maternity leave, so life just changed for her crazy because we had Haven to going back to work full speed ahead because I had a conference with our book coming out like everything was crazy.
Starting point is 00:02:57 So we're going to get away to Disney and just have a special time. Where we did, we had the best time ever. But then I posted about it and I just said you know this quality time where we did. We had the best time ever, but then I posted about it. And I just said, you know, this quality time has been amazing. It was us in front of the castle. And oh my gosh. Whoo! Talk about getting them followed for something completely
Starting point is 00:03:14 different. Now I'm getting them followed because I'm too woke. I've gone crazy. People literally said, you're not even a Christian. How could you be a Christian leader? How could you call yourself Christian? How could you bring your family to such a horrible place? And then people said, I have to unfollow,
Starting point is 00:03:30 I have to unfollow, I have to unfollow, I saw these people that they have to unfollow me because I chose to bring my family to Disney World, which is so crazy that I would do that. And it's so woke and I'm no longer a Christian. So at the beginning of the week, I'm unfollowed for being too Christian at the end of the week, I'm unfollowed for being too woke.
Starting point is 00:03:44 And I just was like, you know, there is just something in this that we need to talk about because this cancel culture is honestly just so extreme and what's really sad to me is people were going on my comments who like aren't necessarily Christians and they were like comedy like this is crazy like these comments are crazy like why can't she just have a sweet time with her family? Like, they don't understand why you would be so aggressive to say like, you're not a Christian, you're terrible, I have to unfollow you because you would dare go to Disney World
Starting point is 00:04:17 because Disney is so corrupt. Which of course, Disney is corrupt and Disney does stand for things that I don't agree with and so we're gonna talk about an unpack You know, how can you be in this world and not of the world and how can you Be someone who might be in spaces and places but not be so critical of other people for where they're at and not define a person By where they're at rather than who they are. And so we just want to unpack this. We've been reading in some scripture and feel like we have some pretty cool points as to maybe how Jesus would respond in this time. And something that's
Starting point is 00:04:55 really cool is that I'm reading this book right now and it says Jesus is not just our Lord and Savior, but he's our model. And I thought that was a really cool point because one, like he is Lord of words, King of Kings. Absolutely, he is God. But he also was our model on how to be fully human because he came to earth as a full human and like denied his deity, you know, to be human and to suffer and endure across. And like he could have just been like,
Starting point is 00:05:25 I'm God, forget this, but like he modeled himself as human, tapping into like being with the father as a human and getting through hard things. And so what does it look like for Jesus to be our model in this? Is kind of what I want to look at and think about. And it's really good. Yeah, I think this could be a cool conversation. A long time ago, there was a long time ago,
Starting point is 00:05:44 I don't know how long. I don't know if y'all, do you remember the WWE JD? What would Jesus do? Like that was the whole thing for a little while. The righteousness of what would Jesus do. And it kind of got like cheesy and corny or whatever. But I think it's really true and accurate. Like we should look to what Jesus did and what his time on this earth
Starting point is 00:06:00 and the example that he was because it is a model for us to be able to say, like, okay, like how do we, how should we act on this earth and the example that he was because it is a model for us to be able to say like, okay, how do we, how should we act on this earth and how do we, because he was, you know, in the world, but not of the world clearly. And so how can we do that in the ways that he walked and how do, how can we like model that? Also, I think about this a lot, like, you know, Jesus was basically canceled about both sides as well. You know, if you look at Jesus,
Starting point is 00:06:28 he talked about that kind of whiplash from like one side being like, oh, you're too Christian than other side being like, oh, you're too in the world. And really that is exactly what happened to Jesus, the religious people, the Pharisees, the people who, you know, were seen as being like the most Christian Christian, which of the time period were
Starting point is 00:06:48 the ones who ultimately called to kill Jesus. Like they didn't understand him. They couldn't he was saying things that were so counter to what they thought they knew about what being religious looked like. That they were trying to trap him. They just, they thought he didn't look like what they expected. Gee, God, God's son, who the Messiah to look like. And so they canceled him. And then the world didn't understand him either. They were just like, you look at Pontius Pilate
Starting point is 00:07:21 and the end, he was like, I don't really know what this is. I'm gonna wash my hands of it. I feel like there's something, there's something special about him, but I don't really understand it either. And so both sides looked at Jesus and were like, oh, because he came, he came with a message that was so counter to what the whole religious thought
Starting point is 00:07:43 was of the time. And so, yeah, a lot of times when you're in that space where you're kind of in the middle, I kind of think about that with Jesus and like, you know. You're in good company. You're might be in good company because that's really kind of where he found himself. Yeah, that's so true. That is so good.
Starting point is 00:07:59 So on that note, there's a story in Mark and it's enchattered to you two and Jesus is hanging out with the sinners and the Pharisees are not liking it. So I'm just going to read it because it's pretty cool. It's Mark 2, verse 13, it says, he went out again beside the seat and all the crowd was coming after him and he was teaching. And as he passed by, he saw Levi sitting at the tax booth and he said to him, follow me. and so he rose and followed him. Then in verse 15 it says, and as he reclined at the table in his house,
Starting point is 00:08:29 many tax collectors and sinners were reclining with Jesus and his disciples for there were many who followed him. And the scribes of the Pharisees when they saw that he was eating with sinners and tax collectors said to the disciples, why does he eat with tax clusters and sinners? And when Jesus heard it, he said, those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick,
Starting point is 00:08:48 I came not to call the righteous, but the sinners. And I mean, that's just like, it is what it is. But I know like a lot of people when they are doing something maybe they're not supposed to do, or they're involved with sin. They're like, oh, well, Jesus reclined a table of sinners. And we're not saying like,, this isn't excuse to go sin
Starting point is 00:09:06 because Jesus didn't sin when he said the table with sinners. Like, Jesus did not become less holy when he said the table with sinners. He was always holy, but he was still in the presence with sinners. And the whole problem here that the Pharisees had was they were like, you can't be holy and be around such unclean. Because to them, the Pharisees literally means to be set apart.
Starting point is 00:09:32 And so they were like set apart from anything that was unholy. Anything that was ungodly. So in their mind, to be holy is to be set apart from all things that are unholy. And so here Jesus is, and he's sitting with such unholy people and then unholy place. And they're like, you can't be holy if you're there. How could you be with them?
Starting point is 00:09:53 How could you recline at the table with them and then say that you're God? But the thing that Jesus, you know, pre-tion lived is like, he is holy. And he is always holy, no matter where he is. So whether he's in the temple or reclining the table with sinners, he is holy not because of where he is
Starting point is 00:10:13 but because of who he is. And that's for us too. Like I'm not holy because of where I am. I'm holy because of who Christ is in me. I can't obtain holiness without the holiness of God being in my heart, which actually is song for Miller worship. The holy in the heavens be holy in my heart.
Starting point is 00:10:33 We sing that all, like we sing that the whole conference and then I go to Disney World. Well, does that mean I'm less holy because I'm in a place like Disney World? No, because my holiness isn't defined by where I'm at. It's defined by who is in me. And so I'm not all the sudden, because this is what people say on Instagram,
Starting point is 00:10:54 oh, if I'm in Disney World, that means I stand for everything Disney stands for. That means that I agree with everything that Disney says. That means no, did Jesus do everything at the center's dead at the table? No, did he agree with the way that they live? No, he was reclining with them, but he wasn't living like them.
Starting point is 00:11:10 He didn't agree with them. He was perfectly in truth, perfectly in holiness, perfectly being God. And so for me, like as a Christian, as that as my model, if I go to a place that might have centers around, that doesn't mean I all to say, and become a center. But as you know, all that's been become and take on everything that that that place stands for, that that doesn't change who I am and what's inside of me.
Starting point is 00:11:38 And I think that sometimes like, it's true for the other way around too, just because you're in church and just because you're in a holy place, doesn't mean you're holy. You know, you could be looking holy, appearing holy, being around holy people, being around the best of the best. But yeah, if your heart is not pure, if your heart is not clean, if you are actually a sinner, living in unrighteousness, living in a whole, then then you're not holy because you're in a church because you're in a holy place. Yeah. Just let you're not unholy because you're in an unholy place. Right. It's not where you're not holy because you're in a church. Because you're in a holy place. Just let you're not unholy because you're in an unholy place. It's not where you're at. It's about who's in you.
Starting point is 00:12:10 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I love whenever a first step is an easy step. Sometimes it is hard to take a first step, especially whenever it feels daunting or feels intimidating, but it is the best when you're taking a step. It's an easy step in a good direction.
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Starting point is 00:14:22 that where Jesus is like talking to the Christians the Pharisees And he's like you're so concerned about making sure your plate looks clean or whatever But it's actually what's on the inside. I think I yes I think I'm marked it because I was gonna read it. Yeah, so he Yeah, Jesus is it's actually Matthew 23 the whole like title of that chapter is Jesus criticized as a religious later But that's where he talks about he says It's actually Matthew 23, the whole title of that chapter is Jesus criticizes religious leaders. But that's where he talks about he says, you strain water so you won't accidentally swallow a net, but you swallow a camel.
Starting point is 00:14:53 It's like you're worried about these little bitty things, but you're actually not even worried about the big thing. It says, what sorrow awaits you teachers of religious law and eferacies hypocrites. For you are so careful to claim the outside of the cup and the dish, but inside you are filthy full of greed and self-indulgence. Woo. First watch the inside of the cup and the dish and then the
Starting point is 00:15:14 outside will become clean too. So yeah, I think Jesus just consistently takes it back to the heart, takes it back to the inside and it's the whole like transfer of what, like the religious people had thought it was like oh you have to go to the Holy Temple the Holy of Holy You have to be clean to go in there. There's this place where God resides Where Jesus like no no no God doesn't reside here in this temple God resides inside of you the spirit of God can live actually live in you Your body is the temple and it's what's inside that it matters, and not what appears on the outside to be clean, but what is when you're clean on the inside, you can only be done by the watching of
Starting point is 00:15:56 the blood of Jesus. Which is really amazing when you think about the Pharisees sitting here saying, like, this is an unholy place, but yet like the temple was the holy place, well the only reason that the temple was holy is because God's presence was there, but Jesus was there with the center, so this now it became a holy place because Jesus is so holy, they're in the presence of his holiness, and so I just think that that's so cool, like they're sitting here being like this is not the place because they're looking at the outside, they're not looking at the inside, and they're sitting here being like, this is not the place because they're looking at the outside. They're not looking at the inside. And Jesus, like the whole purpose of being here
Starting point is 00:16:28 is not for the righteous. It's for the sinners. Like I'm coming here for the sinners. And I think that sometimes like we say, oh, well, this place is too corrupt. This place is too badly. No Christian go there. No Christian do that.
Starting point is 00:16:40 And then it's like, well, then it's just dark, you know? And it's actually really cool. Like whenever I went to Disney World this week, like we had no bad experience. Like we didn't see anything inappropriate. That doesn't mean it's not going on behind the scenes. I'm not saying it's not corrupt, but I'm just saying the guy that I had was just so awesome.
Starting point is 00:16:58 And she was like, did you just have like a baptism event? I saw, and she told me about her son getting baptized. And we had this like awesome talk. And I'm like, how cool is it her son getting bad dyes and we had this awesome talk. And I'm like, how cool is it that you work at Disney? You know, that you are like bad times in your kids, love the Lord, and you work here, because we need people like you who work here, who are a light and who do love the Lord
Starting point is 00:17:20 and who are bringing goodness in. So if we all were like, we're out, just like, hey, that's not what we're here. Like a physician, those who are well and have no need of a physician, but those who are sick, you know? And I think about that, like, we were talking about this and I know we might could get to this later,
Starting point is 00:17:36 but just go ahead and say it because I think this is just a good point. Like whenever Jesus died on the cross and, you know, the Romans are are killing him and he doesn't condemn them in that moment. He doesn't say to God, like, you know, they need to go to hell. Like I condemn them to hell. This is terrible.
Starting point is 00:17:55 They do all this stuff. He literally said, Father, forgive them for they don't know what they're doing. And his compassion for them. It wasn't cancel culture. It was compassion. It wasn't like I cancel you. It was like I have compassion for them. It wasn't cancel culture, it was compassion. It wasn't like I cancel you, it was like I have compassion for you. I'm not like you're out or going to hell because you're doing something wrong.
Starting point is 00:18:10 It's like God forgive them, they don't know what they're doing. And I think that like our response as the church doesn't need to be like I cancel you because you're so off it should be like God forgive them. They don't know what they're doing. God help them to turn, give let me be a witness to them, let me lead them to the way they're doing. They think they know what they're doing. They think they're doing the right thing, but they don't. They actually thought by killing Jesus was the right thing to do. It was so wrong. It was so off. They're killing the
Starting point is 00:18:39 Messiah, but they thought that's what they need to do, because he's bringing corruption to the like he's bringing a rebellion. They thought they were doing the need to do because he's bringing corruption to that like he's he's Bringing over Belle and like they thought they were doing the right thing and he's like forgive them They don't know what they're doing so like when you see these places that are like so off It's it is not and it is horrible and you're like this is so wrong But like God forgive them They don't know what they're doing and then if you see a Christian going to space don't condemn them Oh, you're out now because you associate yourself with that, which means you agree with all that,
Starting point is 00:19:07 which means you support that. It's like, no, like, God give them the strength to be such a light that maybe they could have the influence that turns, you know, like, yeah. Why are we just like, cancelling? It's like, actually seeing what God can do. You're good. And I think it's the same for the Pharisees too, though.
Starting point is 00:19:23 Forgive them for they don't know. They did think like the temples holy. They're going. And I think it's the same for the Pharisees too though. Forgive them for they don't know. They did think like the temples holy. They're going off of what had been this whole time. They just didn't yet know that Jesus was the Messiah. So it's like just having that compassion in your heart to be like, look, they don't know that they have it. Has it been revealed to them yet? Like God give them the eyes to see this.
Starting point is 00:19:42 God show them what your heart is in this, help them to get rid of the old and understand the new that you've come, that you've made the law perfect now and all these things. And so I just think that like we're so quick to cancel in both ways. It would be easy for me to even look at those comments
Starting point is 00:19:58 and be like, cancel Christianity! All these religious people, it's so rude, yeah? But it's like, no, they're trying to help. You know, they're trying to help me understand. Yeah. And let's just break it down a bit more because it's not just, oh, you go to Disney and your woke. It's like, no, I'm going to Disney from my family
Starting point is 00:20:15 because my daughter who's two loves princesses and we're spending quite a time with her. That's, I mean, I agree with everything. And it also doesn't make me become them because I went there. I mean, I agree with everything. And it also doesn't make me become them because I went there. Right.
Starting point is 00:20:24 I don't know about you, mom is out there, but I am the cook in our household. Christian is amazing at a million things, but cooking is not one of them. But as a mom, you're so busy and it's hard to get everything together and get the groceries and get the meal going. And so that is why I love home chef.
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Starting point is 00:21:48 They offer 7 meatless options for a vegetarian option and really just whatever your dietary needs are, home chef has got you covered. Home chef has a new family menu that can feed your family every night of the week starting at just 377 per meal, which is so affordable. Each four serving recipe has family-friendly flavors that everyone around your table will love. I love the idea of having time each night with my family and getting to catch up on a day,
Starting point is 00:22:13 even though honey is just two, and she's just talking, but her stories are hilarious, and I cannot wait till my girls get enough to just hear all of Haven's stories too. Home Chef has been awesome for our family. We love getting a box at our door, having a meal that we're gonna cook, having the groceries and the ingredients are already there,
Starting point is 00:22:30 and it's easy to follow recipe. That is my kind of cooking y'all. We love it so much. We've had great meals from Home Chef. And for a limited time, new customers can go to homechef.com slash woe for 18 free meals. Again, that's homechef.com slash woe for 18 free meals. Don't miss that.
Starting point is 00:22:46 That's huge. That's WHO, homestead.com slash woe to get 18 free meals. Good, that's good. And I think that like, you know, we all use discernment and think about like what's right for our family or what's not right for our family. And I do think their scripture that addresses that too. If you look at Romans, and that's really where it talks
Starting point is 00:23:11 about that, kind of like how to one person, it might be against your conscience to another person that's not, and that we have to respect one another's discernment in that and wisdom in that, and what the spirit is saying to them. And if it is against your conscience, if you do feel like, okay, I don't that and wisdom in that and what the spirit is saying to them. And if it is against your conscience, if you do feel like, okay, I don't need to be in that space because I feel convicted of that in some way or I need to make a statement or a stand or something in that way, then that is for you and within your own conscience.
Starting point is 00:23:40 But like to condemn someone else or to judge someone else for that, actually think that that is what Romans is addressing and saying, like, don't do that. Like, don't do that. Primus 14 is where it does that. And actually that was titled in this version, the danger of criticism. And it says, except other believers who are weak and faith and don't argue with them about what they think
Starting point is 00:24:03 is right or wrong. For instance, one person believes it's right to eat anything, but another believer with a sensitive conscious will only eat vegetables. Those who feel free to eat anything must not look down on those who don't, and those who don't eat certain foods must not condemn those who do. For God has accepted them. Who are you to condemn someone else's servants? Their own master will judge whether they stand or fall, and with the Lord's help they will stand and receive his approval. In the same way, some think one day is more holy than another, while others think every day is a lie.
Starting point is 00:24:30 You should each be fully convinced that whichever day you choose is acceptable. Those who worship in the Lord on a special day do it to honor him, those who eat any kind of food do so to honor the Lord. Since they give thanks to God before eating, and those who refuse to eat certain foods also want to please the Lord and give thanks to God. For we don't live for ourselves or die for ourselves. So I think that what the scripture is kind of telling us is like, we don't need to judge people who make it a determination to not go to Disney, but also the people who made that
Starting point is 00:24:59 determination not to go to Disney don't need to judge the decision that you made to go. And Disney is one example. And of course, there's a gazillion, you know. Once you start going on the next day, which you're talking about, Kristen said, okay, if you're gonna be telling me not to get this anywhere, please tell me you're not typing this on your iPhone.
Starting point is 00:25:18 Because if you're typing on your iPhone, then you have now bought something with a company that you totally disagree with as well. You're not wearing Nike shoes, you're not watching Netflix, you're not buying things off Amazon, you're not, I mean, because if you're going down that road, you're gonna go down the road.
Starting point is 00:25:31 All the way. Which is fine, if that's what you feel convicted to do and that to you, it's like I cannot associate with or give money to anything that I completely disagree with. And to you, that's what you, that's your conscious, and that's great. Obey the Holy Spirit's conviction in your life to do that. But if it's not somebody else's,
Starting point is 00:25:53 then don't judge them to say, oh, it's terrible, because it's not written in red letters, do not give money to Disney world. It's not like we're sinning to go and experience a time with our family. Right. And this is more one of those that you have to judge. You have to, you know, obey what you feel and what you feel convicted by. And there are some things like we talked about Target, you know, recently had the big
Starting point is 00:26:21 thing where a lot of people didn't go. And we also didn't go for a little while because we did feel right about making a stand for something that we felt went too far from the boundary of what we felt like was okay. You know, when there is satanic stuff going on and then artists and all that kind of stuff was like, okay, that's too far. You know, we're going to make a stand. We're not going to support that or put our money to that right now because we want to say that was too far.
Starting point is 00:26:48 And then, months later, what I thought was kind of crazy is, Christian, I had a new book coming out, how to put love first. It's coming out in October and Target picked up our book, which I thought that's pretty crazy and amazing because I know they don't agree with what's in this book. When I tell you it is like scripture, when you read the book, it is straight scripture. It is straight like, I mean, no-hidness. It's about the love of God and targets carrying our book. So I thought, you know, well, they don't agree with everything.
Starting point is 00:27:16 I'm putting out, but they're supporting it. They're, you know, partnering with it, which is awesome, you know. And so what a gift that we can be a light in that dark place. And so, and that's what I think a lot about, like things like when we did the television show with Hollywood, you know, people were like, oh, you're doing something with Hollywood, it's corrupt or whatever, or are things in the government or whatever.
Starting point is 00:27:35 Yes, like this world is corrupt. Like this world is fallen. Like every single piece of everything single thing that you interact with in this world, there's going to be levels of corruption, of deceit, and sin, and all that because we're in this world. But like if we like you said, if we retreat from those spaces, if all of the light, all of what is good, all of what is got, all the fruits of the spirit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, that are in us as believers because we have the spirit in us. If we retreat from these spaces then what
Starting point is 00:28:08 do we leave these spaces? Only darkness. And I just believe that we are called to be light in these spaces. We're not supposed to be hidden. You know, it talks about we're a city on a hill, lamp with a shake covering. We've seen that song song this a lot of time. Like, how did an artificial no? Like, and so like, we should not be retreating from these spaces. We should be going into these spaces and being lights in these spaces. That's the only way that changes made. That's the only way changes made. I think about the story of Esther, you know, and how like, okay,
Starting point is 00:28:42 so in that scenario, Esther could have said, like, no, no, no, I'm not going to the King's Court. That's, that's corrupt. That's bad. Like, I'm not a part of that. But instead, she was positioned in that place so that she could actually save her people. Yeah. Like, God positioned her in that place so that she could save her people. And her courage in that space, you know, you look at Daniel, you know, and Shadarach and Meeshak and Bennega, like they were in these spaces that were corrupt. They still lived wholly and they still made the choices that they needed to make to live under God and the plan that he had for them, but they were in the spaces and had they not
Starting point is 00:29:23 been in the spaces, they would not have had the impact on the king, on the king. And so I do believe that, you know, yes, there are things that we disagree with that are in everything because that's the world. And there are things that you might feel specifically convicted to, to draw the line on and say, okay, I'm not going to support that or whatever, but I do think, you know, we really have to, if we want to be honest with ourselves, like the further you go down that road, it's like, we're going to be making our own soap. We're going to be like, you know, we're going to be making it all. We're going to be doing it all the way to Walmart because you think that's better, like, the products in Walmart, are you gonna go down the line of,
Starting point is 00:30:06 what does this product is? This person's stand for. And who is that supporting if I pay my money to that? You know, and maybe that's where you make the determination to go, you know, and maybe 10 years from now we'll be like, we're with you. And we're doing that.
Starting point is 00:30:22 And we're on so good. We're doing it too, you know? I don't really know, but I just know that like we cannot Convict or condemn our judge each other where we are in this because I do think there's direct scripture that says that there's also in Matthew Matthew 11 Jesus says this, and so he says, to what can I compare this generation? It's like children playing a game in the public square.
Starting point is 00:30:51 They can play into their friends. We played wedding songs and you didn't dance. So we played funeral songs and you didn't mourn. I feel like that's like, we cannot win. We're doing this and you aren't with us. We're doing this and you're not with us. But then it says, for John, didn't spend his time eating and drinking, and you say he's possessed by a demon.
Starting point is 00:31:08 The son of man, on the other hand, feasts and drinks, and you say he's a glutton and a drunkard and a friend of tax collectors and other sinners, but wisdom is shown to be right by its results. That's good. I think that's so powerful because, yes, he's saying basically, kind of what just happened to you. It's like, he's like, John the the Baptist is like so holy that you're like, oh too much too far. Yeah he's
Starting point is 00:31:31 weird. And then Jesus is sitting with his flesh and sinners and you're like, oh he's a good man. He must be a good man. He's a drunkard you know. So there is a place where we're not trying to please man. Yeah. we are trying to please God And that's who we're living for and so we each have to yeah, but call that into account for ourselves So many of you have heard me talk about honey had a scare last October It was super scary she actually had to be air-flighted and Everything ended up being okay But it was such a scary time and the last thing you want to be thinking
Starting point is 00:32:07 about during that time are the medical bills that are going to pop up. But yeah, you're dealing with your child, you're dealing with the actual emergency and then later you get hit with the medical bill and when a situation like that comes up it can be so frightening and that's when you need your people around you, that's when you need to be lifted by the Lord not worrying about how you're going to pay for it all and that's exactly what Samaritan Ministries is all about. I'm so excited to tell you guys about this. Samaritan Ministries is a community of 80,000 Christian households from across the nation
Starting point is 00:32:35 helping each other with medical bills and offering prayer and comfort to each other when it's most needed. It's actually not insurance, it's assurance that you're part of a community where members care for each other spiritually and financially, which is such a beautiful thing. As wise as the mother's, we know just how quickly a medical bill can rise up, whether it's a broken bone, pregnancy or an unexpected diagnosis or an unexpected accident. So don't wait to join Samaritan Ministries, you can actually join today, and here's how it works.
Starting point is 00:33:02 You choose the doctors, hospitals, and treatments that are right for you and your family without any network restrictions. Your medical bills are sent to Samaritan Ministries who then notify fellow members that you need prayer and assistance. Members can send money directly to you for your bills and you get the treatment that you need. Your medical bills get paid and you get lifted up in prayer by other members. And when other members are in need, you have the opportunity to do the same thing for them. So it's a win-win for everybody involved. Absolutely love that Samaritan Ministries is a biblical solution to healthcare when we can bury each other's burdens like Jesus calls us to do. And since the focus is on ministry and not on
Starting point is 00:33:37 profit, it's really affordable. So prayer, encouragement, and financial support from fellow believers. This is what biblical healthcare sharing looks like and it can be more affordable than what you're paying now. Visit Samaritanministries.org slash wo to learn more that Samaritanministries.org.org slash wo WHOA to join today. What is a really good point to make for the individual person who's listening like if you make your decision off of the opinion of man, you are going to be tossed to the waves of the ocean.
Starting point is 00:34:12 I mean, you are just going to never be on solid ground. And you know, because you'll go too far this way and you'll be too weird, because you're too, Christian, and you'll go this way, and then you're so terrible because how could you, because you're supposed to be a Christian, and then you'll go this way and then you're so terrible because how could you because you're supposed to be a Christian and then you'll go back and I see a lot of celebrities like kind of fall when they get in that that dance because they're like trying to please the world and they're trying to please the church And it's like you really can't please both and you really can't please either anyway
Starting point is 00:34:39 And so like I'm not responding to this and I'm not responding to that like God I'm responding to you And so like and because I'm not responding to this and I'm not responding to that. Like, God, I'm responding to you. And so like, and because I'm responding to you, I can stand on solid groundly. I can confidently make my steps, like the godly walk with integrity. I can walk forward in integrity knowing this is why I do what I do.
Starting point is 00:34:55 It's not because I'm being careless and unthoughtful and I'm just walking and I'm just going to do this. Yeah. I know I think about these things, but I know with the clean heart and a clean conscious, like I'm doing this for my family, I'm doing this for the right reasons, I'm not doing this because I agree with everything, I'm not teaching honey what the back ends of Disney are and saying that we support that know, like we're going, because we're going to meet Rapunzel, okay?
Starting point is 00:35:17 We're gonna go home, we're gonna talk about the fireworks and all these different things. And so I think, you know, when you're right with God think when you're right with God, you can walk before man. It not really be as torn down whenever people disagree with you. And I think there are some into being called out for things. And I think calling someone out in cancel quarter are two different things. And I do love, there was a comment on my post that I thought was really good. It was kind of like, hey, I was this mom and grandma and she said, you know, Disney's not what it was,
Starting point is 00:35:50 25, 30 years ago and she said, I understand wanting to create traditions for your kids, like you experience and you want to give them that. She said, but for our family, like we, it's different now, we're not going to continue on that legacy for our kids because we just don't agree with what Disney's putting out
Starting point is 00:36:05 and we don't want to be part of that. And I was like, man, I respect that. Like, I get that. That's an honest point that, you know, I had loved Disney World as a kid and it was so great. And it isn't what it is anymore. And so maybe we don't have to carry on that tradition for our kids, you know.
Starting point is 00:36:20 But for us, right now, we don't really feel that way. I mean, we're putting on frozen and tangled and moana and these things that Honey loves and we're actually getting spiritual things out of them and able to share with Honey just things that we see God and even the little mermaid, you know? And so, I'm like, we don't feel that way right now, but maybe we will later, you know,
Starting point is 00:36:40 maybe if we keep going on this road and things start to change and movies are putting out completely false messages That I do not want honey to see we're not gonna let her watch that like we're drawing the line of course, you know And so I think that there's healthy There's some health and having the conversation of what is too far and what has changed and how do we be in the world and not of the world You know how how do we do this in a right way? That there's the difference in that. And then saying, you're not a Christian.
Starting point is 00:37:06 I had some follow-up. I'm so disappointed. You agree with everything. I can't believe you stand with Disney. So you support this and this and this and this. No. You know, like no. And I think that I just love going back to the story
Starting point is 00:37:19 about Jesus going to the center's house. Like the Pharisees thought because you were physically in a place in holiness. You were unholy, but Jesus saying no, I am holy no matter where I am. And just love that thought of like God, you're in me, you're holiness is in me. So I can step into these places and be that light of the world that you've called me to be. And I think also like to the point of Disney and what they're putting out, like, if they put out movies that I have heard, have false messaging or messaging that's against the gospel, of course, like, I do not support that. I do not pay money to the theater to see that.
Starting point is 00:37:56 I do not watch that at my house. We're not supporting all things that Disney put out because we went to Disney World. There are definitely things that I think are too far that I will not let my kids watch. But if I have watched the movie and Mike frozen and it's a beautiful movie about sisterhood and I literally get to tell honey that Haven is the Elsa to her, the honor to her Elsa and she loves that, like that's different, you know. And so I think there is something to do that we get to make our decisions for our life. And just because we do one thing doesn't mean we're all in and I think there is something to do like we get to make our decisions for our life. And just because we do one thing doesn't mean we're all in and I think some people,
Starting point is 00:38:28 like that's even self-conjural to say, I'm gonna have like, I'm gonna watch this, but we're not gonna watch this, you know, we're gonna be part of this. But that doesn't mean we have to accept all of it. And for some reason it's like with social media, it's like if you do one thing, you're supporting a whole movement
Starting point is 00:38:43 or you're a part of this whole thing. And it's almost like we've lost the gift of just being able to be our individual selves, which is so crazy because we all have these individual profiles. And we get to be ourselves. It says, like, city, Robertson, that's me. There's my icon. There's my name. But then all of a sudden, it's like, I can't be my person.
Starting point is 00:39:00 I can't be who I am. Because unless I have to be with this group or that group or this you know, whatever it is, part of your, this religion or this that, it's like no, I'm me. I'm not this group or that group, I'm me and I have the Holy Spirit in me who's leading me and who's guiding me to be fully the original person that guy could and me to be to do what I'm called to do. And so what we have to let people be their individual selves, you know, we can't just let one individual's decisions be grouped with a whole entire group of people. And I think that that's not really fair.
Starting point is 00:39:35 And that's what we're doing. Well, I think that's good that you're saying that because, you know, when you went to Disney, I was like, oh, you know, when you post this, like, you're going to get it, you know, you're going to hear it because, you know, of course, I know people have strong opinions about it. And so, but it is that idea that like, you know, if I'm representing who I am in this space, you know, on Instagram or whatever, I want to be true and fair for who I am and not censor myself based on the response that I might
Starting point is 00:40:06 think I might get from like this audience or that audience or this audience and that can go both ways. Like we can so censor ourselves and say like, I'm only going to put out what I know my audience wants to hear. And like the world is doing that. Most people are too. Most of my friends are like, you're crazy, why would you post that?
Starting point is 00:40:27 Just don't say it. You know? But also the world is doing that too. They're going down this road of saying, like, okay, what do people want here? What are they gonna like? How do I get into my audience, my niche audience, and speak to them,
Starting point is 00:40:43 and just only say the things that they want, because I can build that up and I can grow audience, and speak to them and just like only say the things that they want because I can build that up and I can grow that and I can do all that. But instead, let me say like, no, like, I'm gonna be honest and authentic to who I am and what I believe and where I am in life right now. And also like, it's okay if you disagree. It's not, that's okay, you know, like,
Starting point is 00:41:02 and in humility, like, I could be wrong. Maybe, like I said, 10 years from now, we'll be like, oh, you know, maybe not. You know, that was going in a different direction than, or whatever, and we couldn't be the impact that we thought we could. And I think that's the thing. It's like, is there spaces that we can actually,
Starting point is 00:41:18 like, still be in and make impact in and be lights in? Or do we just retreat? and I just don't think that that's where God calls us to retreat you know and so I think that but like I said I do believe that like we are trying to be our authentic self in this space on social media whether it's going to be something that we know our like, fame base is gonna like, are not like, and I think that's great that you went ahead and shared that that's what you did, that's what your family did. It's so true.
Starting point is 00:41:52 And so, God you said that. So, money is a thing, but it's not everything. I think you really look at the importance of what are you doing with your time. The conversations that we've had with our financial advisor is very much building what that framework looks like that helps support those important things. The place is where you're investing your time and your resources, your family clearly, and those closest to you.
Starting point is 00:42:16 Edward Jones, we do money differently. Visit EdwardJones.ca slash different. Because we have people who are friends with that, like come to our stuff that are like Christian things and they have big volumes and like, oh, we're not gonna share it though, just because like my following doesn't really like Christian stuff and so wouldn't be like good for my following.
Starting point is 00:42:35 Yeah. Like I'm like, that's fine, that's your call, that's your following. But it makes me sad because like, but you love it. Like you agree with it, but you're all in for it, but it's like, I can't post it because I know I'll be unfollowed. And like, I just don't, I can't do that with my page.
Starting point is 00:42:49 And I think, but do I pay the consequences? Yes, you're getting followed, yes, so I get hate in the comments, yes. But I'm like, but that's who I am. I'm not gonna hide that or like manipulate my page to look a certain way because I know this group of people agrees with it. And I think that that's why do you have such a a broad following of like, even people that came to conference are like some are just
Starting point is 00:43:10 like not Christians at all, don't know Jesus, but they, you know, like my Instagram or whatever, and then some are like, love Jesus because they list them a podcast and they, you know, have followed along for years and all these things. And I love that there's like a lot of different types of people coming in, because it's not like we all just think the same, or like it's beautiful that we're all diverse, and that we have different thoughts, and maybe we can come together and see new sides
Starting point is 00:43:33 of the attributes of who got it. Like if we're all meant to image, and there's a lot of diversity here, like tell me a side of God that I haven't seen, you know? That, but it's all gonna line up with scripture, of course, but I just think that is really cool, because I had people even whenever we had a Moana birthday party for honey like are you really gonna do Moana birthday that you're gonna get so much hate and I'm like yes because she loves Moana
Starting point is 00:43:53 like that's the thing and then it's like what I'm supposed about it because you're gonna get hate and then finally like it's really funny aren't any probably listening to this way she she said that people say to her like oh say she knows she's gonna get hate and she doesn't care and it's probably gonna listen to this, but she said that people will say to her like, oh, it's her, he says she knows she's gonna get it, hey, and she doesn't care. And it's not that I don't care. I mean, yeah, it seems to get hate, but it's just like I am not gonna not be honest
Starting point is 00:44:15 with where I'm at and what I think, because I think that you're not gonna agree with me. I would rather do it and then have a conversation like this where we really like back it up with all the things that we Think and you know where we find the basis of our truth and on the word of God and how Jesus lived And that's why podcasting is my favorite thing that we get to do and I'm kind of like over Instagram Maybe then I'm gonna keep doing it because you're just gonna be misunderstood when you have one picture in a caption But it's so great to like back it up and have a full conversation because just because
Starting point is 00:44:47 you follow somebody doesn't mean you know somebody like you might see their pictures, you might see their posts and you think you know them. But if you saw my post about Disney World ad betcha a million dollars, you didn't know there are 45 minutes behind that story that we're sitting here telling you know the back context and that people said you know people aren't't gonna like that and that I knew. You might let people thought, people were saying the comments, she probably doesn't even know that Disney's corrupt
Starting point is 00:45:11 and she probably just, they were defending me, which is really nice. I'm like, no, I do know. I'm not just living life like, you know, just trying to see what Rose-colored glass is, but like, I actually have a truth underneath this that's guiding the decisions that I'm making. And when I'm doing the decisions I'm making, I'm not doing them loosely because I don't
Starting point is 00:45:33 want to be influenced by the world. I don't actually want to go to a place that I think is going to influence my family in a negative way. But because I know I'm the most influential person in honey's life more than even Disney world, maybe I can go and guide her through this with the lens of truth with an anchor to Jesus. How to live in the world. How to live in the world. I will take my family to places and spaces that might not look like a church, you know,
Starting point is 00:45:58 but I'm going to show them how Jesus is even here because Jesus is in you. And so I don't feel bad about taking her to those spaces because I'm teaching her in those spaces. Just like when we watch Moana, then I'm preaching on Moana. Maybe that's showing honey, how can I see God and everything that I do? Which is what two Mama taught us to do.
Starting point is 00:46:17 She would take us to the movie and she'd say, how'd you see God in that? And so I mean, I'm so glad we had this conversation because Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, gotten that, you know? And so, I mean, I'm so glad we had this conversation because, you know, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, I don't even know what the new Twitter's called. X, X, TikTok, you know, it's a place to be who you are and to be followed by people all these things. Which, if you even take it back, okay, people commenting on Instagram. I mean, we had a show
Starting point is 00:46:43 on Facebook, for a little while, Facebook watch show, and people would comment on Instagram and say, oh, I can't believe you're doing a show with Facebook. And they're commenting on Instagram saying, I can't believe you're doing the show with Facebook, which is all people. It's all people saying people. So you're just like, they're so corrupt, Facebook's awful,
Starting point is 00:46:59 but you're on Instagram. And like, you're on Instagram making a comment about, I can't believe you're in a space like Disney World where you're in a space of Instagram that has a ton of corrosion is it? So many things we've been, we've been a posted one time about abortion and Instagram shut me down and she cut down our whole thing you know there's, we've, but we're still in that space because we believe that we can be a light in that space and I think because we believe that we can be a light in that space. And I think perhaps we, you know, with having Doug Donnasty,
Starting point is 00:47:27 we kind of got this like front row seat to that, like immediate, like, oh, Christians are gonna hate you for this and the world's gonna hate you for that. And like if you, like you said, just that toss and turn, if you're gonna try to please either side, you're gonna get toss and turn. But if you just like look to God and say, like, I'm gonna, I wanna follow you, I wanna place you.
Starting point is 00:47:46 The work is not for the work, it's for you. Yeah. Then, you know, he's gonna guide you and he's gonna mold you into that and kind of like give you discernment in each base and where you are. I think, you know, ultimately that's such a good point. You're commenting on Instagram about algebra, Facebook is their own other same people. And it's like, I would never have Facebook,
Starting point is 00:48:07 but you have Instagram also about the same people who agree with all of the same things. But so I think ultimately it's like, stop worrying so much about where you're at or about what app you have or what product you're buying. And like worry about who you are. Like what is your purpose in being there? What, who is in you?
Starting point is 00:48:24 Because it's not these things that are making me who I am. Christ has made me who I am. I'm not influenced by, the word I'm influenced by Christ and I wanna be an influence in the world. To be honest, truly, and I mean this with all sincerity. If I did not see purpose in having social media, I would delete it all today. Because it's hard and frustrating.
Starting point is 00:48:45 We talk about it, me and my sister cried and my mom about how hard it is sometimes to live your life in front of so many people. And you don't want to post. It's not just like, honestly, it's not fun. It's not fun to like put yourself out there and post something just to get half the people to just agreeing with whatever you did. But I'm like for the sake of being the light of the world, I want to, you know,
Starting point is 00:49:09 I want to stay in there, even though it's hard, even though, you know, obviously the agenda is against what I'm putting out there as a Christian, but like I need to be in those spaces. So I think, like, if you can stop looking at where you're at and what you're doing and look at who you are. That will anchor you, that will guide you. You can walk into places and spaces and be confident in your footing. And I think that that's something that we all struggle with. It's like, oh, what if I post this and I get unfollowed?
Starting point is 00:49:36 What if I do this and I get, it's like, hey, I actually know when I post this, I'm gonna get unfollowed. I actually know what I post this I'm gonna get so much hate. But I'm doing that not because I don't care. Not because it doesn't upset me. I'm doing it because it's what I was just going to get so much hate, but I'm doing that not because I don't care, not because it doesn't upset me. I'm doing it because it's what I believe in. Maybe I can make an impact on someone's life
Starting point is 00:49:52 who hasn't thought about this yet, who hasn't opened the word and been like, wait, what does Mark two, 15 say? What did that mean when he recondent, say, well, why did the Pharisees get so mad and what was there understanding? When he said, Father, forgive them, what was he talking about? When we're talking about the
Starting point is 00:50:06 criticism of the world and how like, you know, like, what if what if these people haven't dove into the word yet and we can help them anchor themselves on truth so that you're not just going back and forth to and fro. You're not just so confused and scared to pose this and scared to do that and trying to stay in this land and trying to beat the algorithm and hack the algorithm and make everyone like you. It's like, actually, that is too hard of a battle to fight. I'm just angry with myself in Christ.
Starting point is 00:50:29 He already fought the battle. He already won the battle. I'm tagging along with that victory. I'm walking in that freedom. I'm walking with that tree, like that too. I am walking with that too. I'm living for it. I'm bringing everyone around me wherever I go to that,
Starting point is 00:50:43 the way that you live. And so that's what we're trying to do here. There you go, that's it. I was thinking, I didn't like the scripture out before, but as we were talking about, I was thinking about that scripture that talks about how to the measure that you judge others, you will also be judged.
Starting point is 00:50:58 Now I mean, that's directly to us as believers, because like, yeah, we can really sit in this place and be like, oh, you did this or you shouldn't have done that or whatever, but Jesus just points it right back. He's like, nope, like the measure that you're actually just in others, what standard you hold them to, you're gonna be held to and that's a scary proposition. If you start thinking about it, you know,
Starting point is 00:51:19 so you better like, we better like, for me, I'm like, all right, back it up, like in the spec of, you look at the spec of the sawdust in your brothers eyes when you have the plank in your own eye. You know, all those scriptures that says, oh, actually, you need to look inside. You need to look at your own heart. And so, that speaks to me and I hope that speaks to people who are listening to this and everything.
Starting point is 00:51:42 And we're not saying that to say, oh, all of you people are awful who made these comments. Like, we're not saying that at all. We're just saying that, be mindful and thoughtful about that. Whenever you look to judge someone else or make a determination about whether or not they're a Christian, it's one thing to say, like, hey, God's put this on me. I just want to share it with you
Starting point is 00:52:02 because I feel like maybe you need to think about this. But then another thing to say like, oh, you're actually canceled. That whole cancel culture. I have to follow you now. I don't follow you. My daughters cannot follow you anymore because of this. That cancellation and just that idea that to the measure that you're judging others, you also will be judging. Yes, and remembering that you're actually influencing people. You're a believer and your ultimate goal, hopefully, as a believer, is to bring people to the Lord to tell people about Jesus' supreme power to heaven. And while you're commenting that, you're influencing my 5 million followers who see my
Starting point is 00:52:43 post and see those comments and you have the badge of Christian on you and so like just think about that you know like it's not just me as a Christian that's influencing people on my post you drew influencing people too with your comments and that's what people come on my post and they go this is terrible like what is the church like what is Christianity that's they're so mean they're so judgmental and it's because of that. Now again, that's not to say you can't speak up and say, hey, I wish you weren't a gun Disney. These are what, this is how we feel.
Starting point is 00:53:12 This is what we think. Maybe you can have a heart change on that, whatever, with compassion and love, trying to encourage me in that. That's great. But to say something so rude and so hateful and so spiteful and so unfollowed that to me is just so not the heart of Christ you know and so you are being influenced too when
Starting point is 00:53:30 you comment on people's stuff and I love what it said in Matthew 23 when Jesus is like saying like you care so much about the show on the outside but like think about what's on the inside and even that is kind of like ironic in that scenario because you are putting it out there on the outside And it's like that matters too. Your words are influential and it does matter It matters how you comment and matters how you how you write and I love people just encouraging me throughout the comments Because they're like hey like we just want to say like I love that you took your daughters there And I know they we disagree with it, but I like quality time like they're just like trying to be like hey Like let's like cheer on. Let's believe the best. Let's actually encourage her and her family And I'm like that's awesome
Starting point is 00:54:11 So some of you guys are doing that and some of you if you listen to this and you want to ask people that comment again No, hey no shame Hopefully this just opens it to a conversation that maybe you haven't thought of the other side of before and maybe today We've all grown and we've all learned To be more like Jesus as our model. He's our learn savior. He's our model and he was one that no matter where he went He was holy because that's who he is and because his spirit dwells in us We're not holy because of where we are We're not holy because of what we buy or what we put on ourselves
Starting point is 00:54:44 We're holy because of who is inside us because the spirit of living God is inside of us. And so let that transform you today. Let that be what defines you today. Let that be what you anchor in your base or decisions I'll put today. So great conversation about the messiness of cancel culture and thanks for diving in.
Starting point is 00:55:04 Always. about the messiness of cancel culture. And thanks for diving in, always. you

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