WHOA That's Good Podcast - Awake My Soul

Episode Date: November 27, 2019

Brooke Ligertwood of Hillsong Worship joins Sadie Robertson to discuss her new album, Awake. Listen in as they discuss the power of prayer & hearing the voice of God, with a few laughs along the way.�...� Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey fam what's up welcome back to the world that's good podcast it's Sadie Rob here and today we have a very special guest this girl I've actually looked up to from afar for a really long time so it's really gonna be awesome to sit across a table from her and interview her it's Brooke Ligerwood from Hillsong Worship she is so amazing written so many songs that you probably all love. And they actually have a new album out called A Wake. So if you haven't heard A Wake by Hillsong worship, go check it out and let's dive right into this interview. I don't want you to miss a single word that she has to say. What's up fam? I am so excited for today because Brooke Lidgerwood from Hillsong worship
Starting point is 00:00:49 is here with us and I gotta say she has been a friend from afar for a long time. She knows us, but now we're real friends, but I've looked up to her in so many ways on social media and just the woman that she is. And so Brooke, thank you for being here. I'm so glad to be real friends now. This is exciting. This is really exciting. And I know like I just said, I'm not kidding. Like I've looked up to you in a lot of ways. And it's cool because we have so many of the same friends. Yes we do. It's crazy. You and Brooke are so much like, it's really kind of funny because the reason they say that is because they're like, you're both like, do really funny embarrassing things. And then just like dilaphing it or something like.
Starting point is 00:01:26 That's the greatest connection ever. Somebody who just gets them over. We don't take ourselves too seriously. Yes, and we enjoy accidents. We enjoy accidents. We welcome them. But they bring joy to our life. But I'm excited to finally meet you.
Starting point is 00:01:40 And so the question on the podcast that I ask everybody, the daunting question, what's your best piece of advice you've ever been given? And so look, I know it's daunting, but the whole point is that you give so much good advice. Like we get to receive advice from you on Instagram through the talks that you give, through the Q&A, they're singing, but like, who gave you advice that you were like, well, that was really good. Yeah. I was thinking about this and trying to write through all these decades of memories and so much wise input that I've been blessed to have. And I think one of the single most things
Starting point is 00:02:11 that has helped me actually pieces of advice is something that my pastor Bobby Houston says all the time, which is let prayer do the heavy lifting. So if you're listening to this and you're not, I believe, a don't switch off because I reckon there's going to be a point in our conversation that this applies to you, but you'll let pray it.
Starting point is 00:02:27 Do the heavy lifting. So great. Oh my gosh. That's good advice for anybody. Like whether you're a Christian or not, like she said, don't click off because there's something to that. So I just want to kind of dive into that a little bit deeper, like for you because abnormally, the best piece of advice that we've been given, the reason why it sticks out
Starting point is 00:02:44 is good advice is because it influenced our life and like really heavy moments or exciting moments or big moments and so how have you seen that advice kind of take root in your life and then help you through certain things? Yeah, absolutely. One of the things that I think everyone can relate to is that life is life can be really complex, you know, and navigating the world as a human being comes with challenges that were unforeseen or maybe challenging circumstances that you were born into. And I guess the great news is God is real. And the great news is that God is real.
Starting point is 00:03:14 He loves you and he wants to walk with you that you don't have to do it alone. And so one of the ways that he's given us to connect with him is prayer. Oh my gosh, I sound so New Zealand then. So in my life, I guess I've always wanted to see the God story unfold. I've always wanted to live in a miracle zone. And what that means is that you find yourself in situations that you actually can't handle on your own and you actually
Starting point is 00:03:38 don't have it within yourself, with your gifts and your talents and your strength, to do it. You have to lean on God. That's a terrifying place to be. It's easy to say it back when you're actually in that place and your only option is to lean on God. Then that's where prayer comes into being. But also I think the challenge then is when things are going great and when it would be easy to coast and on the outward, no one else would know the difference. But you know inside that you're trying to lean on your own gifts and your own challenge.
Starting point is 00:04:05 Like you can make it look like anything from the outside, but you know yourself what's actually going on. So I think the challenge is then to in those seasons, when you can do it in your own strength, to continue to choose not to. You can continue to press into praying. Oh God, I need you. I want to help you. One of the things I love in the Bible when I read about the life of King David, who was
Starting point is 00:04:23 an amazing leader, a military commander, a poet, a songwriter, an amazing person with a heart after God, is that all through the Bible whenever you read about David, it constantly says that he inquired of God and he did that in situations where he actually probably, in his strength and his gifts and his talents, he didn't need to.
Starting point is 00:04:41 He knew what to do. He had been in this situation times when we were all about it, constantly says David inquired of the Lord Lord, Lord what should I do? And so that's something that I always come back to on my own life. I know how to put together a song list for a worship. I don't know how to do all of these things, but what's going to make the difference in people's lives actually is if I stop and I inquire of the Lord. Because often if I do that, I'll suddenly go, I'll actually know this isn't the right thing to do.
Starting point is 00:05:02 I need to switch this and switch this and the switch this or even and parenting like I have two little girls now. I think it's a constantly inquire of the Lord and he corrects me and helps me to see, oh, actually, we need to work on Dylan's confidence like here in some ways. We can do that. So yeah, to constantly inquire of the Lord to constantly ask God for help, you find that he does help you and that the outcome is so much more amazing than it would have been if you just relied on your own self.
Starting point is 00:05:28 Oh my gosh, that's so good. I want to unpack all of that and also relisten to this myself to just know really so come that because I can attest to that in my own life. I mean, for me, things that I do now, and I talk about this sometimes about being fearless, about being confident. And for people who listen to me
Starting point is 00:05:45 all the time, talk about those things, just backing out to square one, that comes from me being with the Lord. It's confidence in who he is not in my own ability. I can't speak. I can't write. I can't do all these things unless it's Jesus. And she's saying the same thing for her life. And what I love about it is you put this time with the Lord in the way that you pair and the way that you lead worship and the way that you choose your worship list and the way that you write.
Starting point is 00:06:06 And it's in every aspect of your life. And I think sometimes we think, oh, well, like you said, when I need you, God, or in this aspect, but this is a 21st, seven. God, we need you. You're the power in all of this. You were literally the breath in our lungs. And so that's so powerful. I want to ask you about those times that you sit down and you are going to write
Starting point is 00:06:26 or you're going to make the list or whatever. You said there are times, I'm like, oh, I need to switch this, I need to switch this. And I know you're kind of getting that hearing from God. I know you've talked about this some. And so kind of touch on that because maybe my listeners have never heard, what is it, how do you hear from the Lord in those moments?
Starting point is 00:06:41 How do you know I need to switch this or I need to say this or sing this in this moment when you break off into those kind of spiritual moments? I think it's like with anything that's new to you, you need to practice. So whatever that is in life, I definitely don't feel like I'm qualified to speak about like hearing from God. I'm definitely not the authority on it. There are people who are way more studied and learned and experienced than me, so let me then make that exclaim first, that I don't have it all together, that I'm a regular girl who just asks Jesus to help me every day. But I think the thing is that God will speak to you.
Starting point is 00:07:12 He'll never, we're speaking from a Christian will view here. So he'll never say anything that's contrary to his word, the Bible. So I think the thing is, if you think you hear something, always, always check it against actually what the Bible says. If God says, go date that woman's husband, that's not God. That is incorrect. But I think it's good. Sometimes it's a little unctioned. Like I remember when I was, I just became a Christian. I'd maybe been a Christian
Starting point is 00:07:34 for a few months. I was 15 or maybe just 16. And I remember, I was on vacation with my family who aren't Christians actually. And we were walking through a mall in Auckland, New Zealand. And we walked past this little jewelry shop. And I happened to glance in and I made eye contact with the girl behind the counter, and this is one of the first times that I think I can ever remember hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit, and I felt like the Lord said, go and tell her that I like her. Wow. And I remember the words were so specific, that wasn't just that I love her, it was that I
Starting point is 00:08:01 like her, and I was like, that is crazy. I just made that up, that was just in my her. And I was like, that is crazy. I just made that up. That was just in my head. That was like, you crazy brook. So I just kept walking. I was like, trying to put it out of my mind. And after about 20 minutes, I couldn't shake it that I actually was supposed to go and say this to the school.
Starting point is 00:08:15 So you have to get your brave on, and be willing to kind of look. You have to be willing to look a bit stupid. You have to realize that it's not about you. And if you're doing it in love, if you're motive love, like it's hard to go wrong. You still can. That's good. So I went back into the store, I was like, hi, look, you don't know me, and I hope this comes across the right way, but I was walking past, I saw you, and I just really felt like, God wanted me to come in here and just tell you that he likes you. He loves you, but he also
Starting point is 00:08:42 really likes you. And her eyes filled with tears. And I can't actually remember what happened after that other than I felt like a confirmation my highlight. That was the right thing to do. But then I think the thing is you can go through seasons of life when you don't listen and you start to hear them less. So that's the other thing is that you have to stew it that well. And it's okay if you don't, we're all human, we all make mistakes. But if you're going through a time where you feel like you don't hear God anymore Well, what was the last thing he told you to do go and do that? And then as he speaks to you again like go and do it
Starting point is 00:09:12 But the other thing to do is very practically like what does the word of God say? What does the Bible say? Like love your neighbor bless those You know if you're wanting to hear the voice of God like look first to the Bible as well But it's a fun adventure. I mean, we did a South America tour in August this year. Well, we were in Costa Rica, I believe. It was crazy. We did this whole tour night in Spanish.
Starting point is 00:09:34 So we all learned, we did 22 songs, 16 were completely in Spanish. And the other six were like partially in Spanish. So it was like, oh my gosh, they have minds we're just going. And then we're fortunate, I'm from Hillsong Church, Hillsong Way. And we had our Hillsong Buenos Aires pastor come and kind of preach a little message in the middle and speak to the people in Spanish. So he did a little message. He invited people to
Starting point is 00:09:56 receive Christ. Loads of people responded. It was amazing. We went on with the night. And during the middle of that first song we did, after he'd already invited people to receive Christ, I actually really felt like the Lord said, get him back up and get him to do the altar call in English because there are people here who don't speak Spanish, whether they're tourists or something, but there's somebody here that only speaks English and you need to, and they need to hear the gospel. And so I ran off stage in the middle of the set. I went up to our pastor, I said, I feel like the Lord saying that there's people here who don't speak Spanish and we need to have the Old School in English.
Starting point is 00:10:29 So he came back on. He explained to the people what was happening so that they would kind of be supportive. He gave the Old School in English and like a ton more people responded. So there were people there who were like, it was amazing to have the God. Like God sees you that specifically,
Starting point is 00:10:45 that like we don't know, I mean, we had met some people in our hotel who worked for like British airways and they were there, you know, on their break, but for they got on the next like long flight and we invited them, we don't know if they came or not. But like maybe it was there, maybe it was like tourists who had heard of Hillsong was like, what's this about?
Starting point is 00:10:59 But they didn't speak Spanish. But like God loves every single person so much, that he'll interrupt a song and he'll interrupt tonight, like just for you so that you can hear what he needs to do to hear. Well, that's so good. And honestly, probably some of you are listening to this in your car right now and you're like,
Starting point is 00:11:12 wait, maybe God's interrupting my day just for me. And maybe this is that moment. Yeah. And if that is you, I mean, she's given some really practical things. You go to the word. Like if you want to hear his voice, go to the word, those are the words that he's already breathed life into. But this is so powerful. I love.
Starting point is 00:11:27 I just want to echo something that you said at the beginning that you like to live around the miraculous things. And I think that hearing what you're saying now, that you're constantly listening to God and you're seeing miracles happen. And so I just want to encourage you, if you're like, have this desire to be around miracles, listen to God. Because when you speak what the Lord's putting on your heart, that's when things get miraculous. When it becomes, oh wait, I don't know why I have this thought. This is so crazy about like, we're, but I'm going to say it because the Lord prounts me to, that's when you get to witness
Starting point is 00:11:56 the miracles, it's when you get to witness God. So something you said is so powerful that you go on all these tours around the world, right? You've seen all these people. But to me, you know, I've've just I've never even seen you perform live But I listen to you all the time we have you in our house all the time literally Hillsman worship is always going but the cool thing is Christian and I are about to get married and And we have this time of communion that set aside in the wedding part and we're singing what a beautiful name
Starting point is 00:12:24 And that's the song we chose to worship to because that song has just been so powerful I'm a communion that set aside in the wedding part. And we're singing what a beautiful name. And that's the song we chose to worship too, because that song has just been so powerful. I'll never forget the first time I heard it. I just like wept because it just magnifies the beauty of who God is. And then my friend who just got married during their communion, sang new wine.
Starting point is 00:12:39 And I think about these two songs that have come from you sitting and writing. And I can't help but think, like, these are the times that you've set and you've prayed and you've listened. And so I just kind of want to ask you, like, from the time that you write those songs to the time that goes out, because I know for me,
Starting point is 00:12:55 like, when I write a book, Laura's doing something in my heart. And the Lord is teaching me those lessons for you to feel the same way that's like, when you're going to bring something to the church, is it sometimes something that you need to hear first to? Yeah, I guess what's strange about being a songwriter is that you applied in different ways. So for my context at the moment, for Hillsong worship, you know, we're bringing songs for our church.
Starting point is 00:13:16 Festival for Hillsong Church was so we're asking ourselves what is our congregation? What's God doing in our community? What are the themes that our pastors and our leadership are talking about that we could get behind with the song? So there's that aspect of it. But then there's also the aspect that has nothing to do with other people, the aspect of just being a worship and a song coming up that maybe is just for you and God. And so it's the same thing, but it's a different thing. And so,
Starting point is 00:13:38 you know, with what a beautiful name that I was my friend been building, that was very much a, how can we write a song that takes people in a journey how can we write a song that takes people in a journey of the name of Jesus and brings it so close, but then also magnifies it and kind of declares how powerful and how majestic it is and take people in that journey. So that was kind of that song, but then new wine was just a prayer. I was in a space in my life where that was literally just what I was praying. And I remember being in my car and that's me just kind of singing that out, praying that
Starting point is 00:14:07 to God. And then there's a huge feeling of vulnerability then when you bring that. And that was actually the same. We have a new album called Awake. And the first song on that is called Awake My Soul. And that was the same thing. So even now, actually, I just let it for the first time last week at our Creative Conference. And I had that same almost vulnerability hangover.
Starting point is 00:14:24 Like after it, because this was just between me and God and now it's in front of all these people. So you have to kind of do the internal navigation of first, you know, bringing it to God as your prayer, but then releasing it for the service of people. That's kind of a journey that you have to go on internally, which is kind of interesting. Yeah. Well, I think it's amazing that you do that. And like on behalf of the whole world, thank you for doing that. Because I know for me, like, I can relate to that feeling little when I put something out. And it's like, man, like at first this was totally just me and Lord, but I know that God
Starting point is 00:14:56 is going to use it. And I know that people are going to relate to it. And so you end up sharing it and the hope is and what happens every time because it is him as he gets the glory for it. And so thank you for doing that because it's literally changed the culture that we live in. Thank you for doing that.
Starting point is 00:15:10 It's just a joke. Thank you. But I love how you do that. And I know that like a part of that comes with that humility to say. And you've kind of touched on humility a lot without even saying humility about being okay, feeling stupid.
Starting point is 00:15:23 Feeling okay. You know, having to laugh at yourself, being okay, like putting stuff out there that doesn't make you look great, but it makes you just look amazing. And so I just kind of want to write that, right? It's like, I kind of look at mess, but God, you look awesome. So it's okay, it's all you. But I want to ask you about humility because at a touch time, people always say we're like because sometimes I do embarrassing things and sometimes I laugh at everything that happens to me, even if I face flam in front of a lot of people. But that also guns with God like a humbling you, you know?
Starting point is 00:15:52 And so when did you, it was there a moment in life that you're like, I'm gonna start laughing at myself, or were you always just kind of like, carefree? I think I've always been pretty carefree, but I don't know, my family actually, my dad was a famous athlete in our country and so people always assume people are from... This is the vlog represented by two separate kids. Oh, I'm just going to learn.
Starting point is 00:16:14 I just came on. I thought it was like an emergency announcement. I thought it was like an emergency announcement. I was like, what? Speaking of crazy things happening. We're in the miracle zone. We're in the miracle zone. Look, we're at...
Starting point is 00:16:32 It was a long way. We're at the nippy lifting here. We go. Nellips practice everything we just breached. It was so great. We're bluffing on ourselves. I just have to keep this on the byguise. I know.
Starting point is 00:16:44 I'm really worst sitting here doing the bias. We're talking about what weird things happen. Like we'll jump in and we're like okay. And we're on a tour bus and like one order just turns on the TV. That was off by itself. But you know what? It's cool. We're gonna keep cruising. That was so great. I actually just wanted to ask one more thing. I wanted to actually just share this because a lot of times when I have people on the pie cast, you know, I tell them at the beginning, your advice is why I asked you to be on the pie cast
Starting point is 00:17:14 because you said something that spoke to me and I was like, I want to know what spoke to you. And there's something that you said that I heard one time and I was like, that is really good advice. And you said, I'm just an ordinary person with an extraordinary friend and you're talking about Jesus And I think that that really just what is it? Tisable wraps the book put the cherry on the cake It does for this whole thing because that's what you're saying like you're just a normal
Starting point is 00:17:39 Amazing by the way person who has this gift but the point is you have an extraordinary friend in Jesus and you lean on him and you depend on him and the cool thing is guys I know if y'all are like me or sent your car like she's amazing just so much wisdom and all these things but y'all y'all can so see in every word she says that it comes from her relationship with the Lord and that's available to every single one of you and so like she said if you're that person today don't just turn turn the pod guys off, go to the next, like actually think about that Maybe you're sending the car. God, how can I hear you? Maybe today's the first day, but broke like I said You inspire us all in so many ways through your worship through the ways you speak through your mirrors your mom life And so thanks for just being you. You're awesome. Right back at you
Starting point is 00:18:20 Right, pick a jump. Hmm. I'm on the line. I'm on the line. I'm on the line. I'm on the line. I'm on the line. I'm on the line. Guess what everybody?
Starting point is 00:18:28 What? That was good. Mom's in the house. Here we go. Normally I call mom, but mom happens to be with me right now because we in the house. That's right. And so mom, I want to go over some good and bad advice. So let's see, let's pass the woe that's good to us.
Starting point is 00:18:49 All right. Never get in a car with a stranger. Of course, that's good advice. Never sleep in a stranger's house. Good advice. These are like duh. I mean, really? What about password on your phone?
Starting point is 00:19:04 Should you have one? Oh, yeah, okay, you know is hilarious Advice is outdated because Uber Airbnb and we pretty much sell our pictures to every single out we download Is that hilarious? That's so true like getting cars is stranger. We say in strangers houses. Yes, but there are some April rolls You need to make sure they have the little That's right and make sure they say your name I read the very first and wait till they say your name. Don't say your name when you're actually just read a article about that That's really dangerous. Yeah, make them say your name. Okay, that's good advice. Now I'm gonna say
Starting point is 00:19:40 I'll be in you Airbnb Okay, and nobody reads the documents do we? I'm gonna say we're gonna be in the end to you. Every in the end, it's so scary. It's sketchy. Okay, and nobody reads the documents, do we? When every time, it was like, can we allow all your pictures and it's a boom, boom, boom, boom. And you're like, oh, yeah. I like, oh, oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:55 It's because I want to make myself look old. Yeah, I'm gonna be all my pictures too. It's a good trade off. Like, I'll give you all my pictures, if you just made it. It is that, if you let me see what I'll look like when I'm old. We all accidentally saw our pictures to see we look like an old age. To the Russians.
Starting point is 00:20:10 We impatient people, we. Oh my goodness, that is so funny. Who knew advice can be outdated? My gosh. All right, let me ask you. We'll more so talk about this. And this is more of a serious one, but we both
Starting point is 00:20:25 heard this in a church service today. And they were talking about the difference between the difference between patriotism and nationalism. So like, yes, we want to be patriotic. Of course, we love our country. I love America. I'm proud to be in America. That's right. But there's a difference from being patriotic and being a nationalist. A nationalist is whenever you believe that your country is better than other countries. Are that you're better because you're an American than somebody else? Are you more value because you were born in a certain country than someone else? So at the root of nationalism is a really scary thing because it's saying that it's a divide
Starting point is 00:21:08 in classes or it can be a divide in ethnicity or a divide in anything because it's saying that like, I'm better than you simply because I was born in a certain country. I have more value. I deserve more. I deserve something different than you deserve because of that. And it really is the same thing if you look at it as racism in a way, and it's really a scary thing. And that is nationalism is something that led to really dangerous things in our world,
Starting point is 00:21:34 the Holocaust and all that. So not only is it bad, it's actually dangerous. And we were told that today in a seriousness, and the pastor just brought up such a great point and saying that. And I wanted to share that with you all because I don't know that we always recognize the difference in ourselves, but we need to check our hearts and recognize the difference because we're all equal in the eyes of God, especially the church.
Starting point is 00:21:56 If we believe that we're all equal in God's eyes and that God made us all in his image and God and Jesus as much as all about unity and we're all one in Christ Jesus. Then we need to know the difference between this two because that can go into a total. Yeah. And we talked about that in reference to the verse where it says in Christ, there's neither male nor female slave nor free. Great nor Jews. So in Jesus Christ, we are all one. We are all made in the image of God. And I
Starting point is 00:22:25 thought we should talk about a little bit like how that plays itself out because here's how I see it sometimes. So perhaps I've been to another country and I post that we do work in a sad Dominican Republic or in Africa or wherever. And sometimes I'll get comments on my post that are like, why don't you take care of Americans first? And one thing that assumes that we don't, and so one thing that we do, we do support ministries in America, and we support ministries in African, and public, and all over the world. So you shouldn't assume that we don't support ministries in America and do work here as well.
Starting point is 00:22:57 But even beyond that, it's saying that like, because we're Americans, because you should take care of us first. I think that's really a dangerous road to go down, because yes, we are all made in the image of God. And whenever we start saying somebody is more important than another simply because perhaps their race or their ethnicity or where they were born or whether they're male or female, it can be really dangerous. Yeah, so good. I think that's such an important message for us to get. And and just look at the world as a whole
Starting point is 00:23:27 You know outside of ourselves because there's a big world out there and God made it all he created it all That's what we believe and so we believe we're supposed to love it right in the same way And so I love when a boy that's good turns into some deep thoughts It's always a good thing to have a little fun But also it takes seriously the problems that are going on in the world. We can't be naive to the fact that there are certainly things that we can be better at and a lot of different areas. And so I thank you mom for that. Oh, you're welcome.
Starting point is 00:23:55 Whoa, that's good. Thank you so much for listening to the WoW That's Good Podcast. I have so much been doing this, I hope you'll have fun listening. And don't forget to follow me on Instagram at legitsadyrob and follow the podcast at WoW That's Good Podcast. I don't know where to live original.com to see when I'm in a city near you or visit live original blog on our online store which carries my exclusive Words by City Rob line. Also be sure to subscribe to my podcast and leave comments so we can hear what you're loving.
Starting point is 00:24:31 Also when you give a special shout out to my audio engineer Marcus DePelate, the whole team at United Talent Agency and my live original team. You guys are awesome and hey so we're all of you too. Thanks so much for listening. you

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