WHOA That's Good Podcast - Crazy Love Stories + Seeing Signs from God | Sadie Robertson Huff | Sisters & Friends

Episode Date: July 25, 2022

Elyse Albritton, Sadie’s first new friend after moving back from Nashville, speaks into our lives about dating, relationships, and what to do when you're in a season of unknowns. Elyse tells Sadie a...ll the details of her mind-blowing pregnancy story, and they talk about what to do when you're waiting on God, what you might miss if you rush or listen to naysayers, and how you can choose joy and hope over darkness and sorrow, knowing that the Lord always has a plan. Friends, God is intentional ALL the time. - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up sisters and friends welcome back to the Sisters and Friends podcast happy Monday everybody hope your week is starting off so good it's about to get better because I have one of my close friends on the pie gas. Her name is Elise. She is a gym. She is an angel. Y'all, this girl's awesome. And she has a story to tell. We're going to be talking a lot about what it looks like to wait on God. What it looks like for God to be faithful, even when you can't see it. All the things, and I know so many of you in your life right now are waiting on something. Maybe you're praying for something and you
Starting point is 00:00:42 are not seeing the thing that you're praying for. God's not doing what you expect him to do. Man, this conversation is for you. So go ahead, text it to all your sisters and friends and we'll go ahead and get started. But at least I'm so excited that you're willing to share your story with everybody because I've gotten to have a front row seat for the past what two years. And it has been like a joy as a friend to get to see you walk this out. It's been hard in certain times. It's been a time of rejoicing at other times, but I'm so thankful you get to tell your story.
Starting point is 00:01:15 It's awesome. I'm so excited to be here. Yeah, you've been through the highs and the lows, the good and the bad. One of my hardest waiting seasons, but for sure. I'm very excited that we get to do this now and share. It's gonna be awesome.
Starting point is 00:01:26 So for a little bit of context, and we'll get to this part later. But at least and I became friends whenever I moved back from Nashville. And we were kind of really looking for friends. Y'all were so sweet to us. And really our first friends we made here, Christian and Luke are like, bro. So they work out together every Saturday. Me and Elise don't make it to the workout train, but we've become sweet friends,
Starting point is 00:01:47 and you join a Bible study that I was doing at the time, and you really open up to us about what you were waiting on, which we'll get to later. But the waiting season of your life, it hasn't just been a season, it seems to be like multiple times in your life. And so let's just talk about that, because so many people are waiting on the Lord,
Starting point is 00:02:03 and I've had so many people ask me questions Say, what do you do while you're waiting and no one better to answer this than you who has been so open about Talking about that with people so let's go all the way back when did you first discover that you were in a waiting season with the Lord? Absolutely gosh, I feel like it's been throughout my whole life, but Gosh, I feel like it's been throughout my whole life, but my first wedding season was in junior high, I would say. And that is a wedding season that I would say I'm still in. I think that there's a lot of wedding seasons that are,
Starting point is 00:02:34 you know, resolved and answered and that the prayers get answered. And then there's some that you're still waiting on. But I will say that just because they don't get answered, the way that you want doesn't mean God's not answering them. That's something that I've learned. And so it kind of goes back and forth. Some that were answered, some that were not. My first one is one I'm still in with my mom. My mom is my best friend and she says she is awesome. And I remember when I was probably 14, we were at my nanny's house, which is my mom's mom and I overheard them talking and She said
Starting point is 00:03:08 We could just get you a wig if your hair falls out and I had no clue anything that my mom was even sick that anything was wrong But that's when I figured out that she was sick and I entered into this season of Waiting because when I didn't want to say anything, I didn't want her to know that I had heard it. And two, I didn't really know what was going on. I was waiting to see like, is she sick? Is she dying? Is it cancer?
Starting point is 00:03:33 What? So that was the first time that I entered a season of the unknowns. And I bring that up because that's one that's so kind of going on. We ended up finding out she has lupus and she has this autoimmune disorder. Wow. And so just walking through that with someone who is your best friend and the person you can find in, it's really scary, but I've seen God's faithfulness through that so many times.
Starting point is 00:03:58 Something that I've seen through God, or through the waiting season is Godwinks. And one of the Godwinks that I had actually, came years and years later, whenever I found this out, I was 14, like I said. And she's had her highs, her lows, her ups, her downs. There was times where the thought she wasn't even gonna make it. But then I guess it was a couple of years ago,
Starting point is 00:04:20 we went to this church event together. And so this is my first Godwink. I'll tell lots of them, I'll talk about Godwinks. I love the Godwinks. I love God a lot of them. I talk about God-wing. I love the God-wing. I love God-wings for people who aren't in church. God-wing to little things that you know are from the Lord. And they can be all different types of things.
Starting point is 00:04:33 And you start, I love your God-wings, and so you're gonna get to really see what this is. And if you've never had a God-wing before, just hold out, pray for that, seek that. And gosh, when you have the eyes to see, you'll see it. Absolutely. I didn't know they were God-winks until a long time later, so I call that now. But before I just thought about it, it was a crazy moment. But we were at an event, and one day we were worshiping, and my mom was at the event.
Starting point is 00:04:58 And I just felt this urge to pray super strongly, like, God, just really my mom of her pain. She has pain every single day of her life. And I was just praying so boldly, I was like, you know what, I'm not just gonna ask, I'm gonna say, like God, I know you will do this. And so we are singing in the song ends, and all of a sudden I see my mom walk to the front, which she is not a person that goes
Starting point is 00:05:19 and talks to the front of people. And she asks for the microphone, and I'm like, what is going on? And she gets the microphone, she says, I just have to share this, this is crazy. She said, for the first time in year, she said, I don't have any pain in my body. And she said, her hands, usually she can't close them
Starting point is 00:05:38 all the way just because her joints have problems too. And she can open and close them. That morning she could even open her water bottle, I had to help her and then all of a sudden she could like open and close them like that morning she couldn't even open her water bottle I had to help her and then all of a sudden she could do all the things. And it was so cool. It was for the whole entire day. But then the next day she did go back to feeling how she did. But instead of me being like, man, God, you know, why didn't you answer that? Like I thought you were going to take the pain away. I was able to see
Starting point is 00:06:04 like, God was just showing me like, I can you were gonna take the pain away. Yeah, I was able to see like that was just showing me like I can And I had the ability to do that, but it's just not the time But he gave me that hope and he gave me that glimpse of like I'm there So this is like one of the first times I was like man just because God isn't answering the prayer Like maybe he didn't take it all away from her Maybe she isn't just miraculously healed He did give me the sign that he's there and then he's working and moving and when he wants to do it he can. That's awesome. It is really cool too because for those who don't know you like,
Starting point is 00:06:30 you don't go to a super charismatic church. So that's not like a thing. People aren't like, and there's healing in here and here. So for God to do that and I just want to make that point because I think a lot of people think well well, like God only heals in those certain situations or certain areas, but God is the healer. So wherever he is, healing can happen. But even if he doesn't heal, that doesn't mean that he's not a healer. And I was just listening to Bill Johnson's wife just passed away from cancer. And he preached two days later. And it's the most incredible sermon. And he said, just because God didn't heal my wife Who am I to question him as a healer? And I was like that is so good like just because he doesn't do it in the way
Starting point is 00:07:11 That you think doesn't mean it takes away the nature of who he is and he showed all the glimpse of like I can do this Yeah, like shy right me check in a bin noko. They're they're faithless so awesome like you can do this You're able to do this, but even if you don't, you're still God. Yeah, and I love that. You can see your faith in that so clearly. It's awesome. That's something I'm learning so much, because even still, I think a lot of times people
Starting point is 00:07:34 are going to ask, well, why do bad things happen? Why does God let these things happen? And I always go back to Exodus, and I go back to Moses, and that is your life, it's in Pharaoh, and so many times with the plagues, there's all these plagues that were happening, and these are terrible things, and people are dying, and that just seems harsh, because you're like, God, couldn't you just take that away? Couldn't you just let the people go? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:57 But what I love about that part is that it keeps repeating over and over, and failure is hard, it was hard, and, but it's so said that God could be glorified and his wonders could be made known. And so sometimes God's just setting us up for a moment to be able to show his wonder in his future. You know, like show what he's done to this season. Maybe if you didn't go through this season, you wouldn't have the story to tell about how good God is
Starting point is 00:08:17 and his character and his intentionality. It's good. So I've just learned like, sometimes these things happen, we have to get it to a point in our life where like is it about me or is it about making God known? Yeah, and if it's about making God known then it's okay like bring it on. That's so good. That's so good. But that was probably that's probably been the hardest waiting season that's continual. Yeah. Throughout life I've had tons of waiting seasons, friends, high school was hard.
Starting point is 00:08:45 You know and I think anybody can relate to this absolutely fun and friends is hard It's hard. There's a girl and I think that's good to say because I just did something with Jenny Allen recently And she was asking me about friendship So I was like, yeah, it's actually been really hard and this was when I first made her It's been really hard to make friends so I started this by was like she's like wait, it's hard for you to make friends I'm like yeah like to me. I'm like wow, would's not really hard to make friends. So I started this by, I was like, wait, it's hard for you to make friends. I'm like, yeah, like to me, I'm like, wow, would that be a shock to you, isn't it? Hard for everybody.
Starting point is 00:09:09 But people really do think certain people, it's not hard for them to make friends. And people will look at you. I mean, it would be easy for me to look at you. I'm like, oh, you, it wouldn't be hard for you to make friends. You're so beautiful. You were a cheerleader.
Starting point is 00:09:21 Like, you just think certain people will have it easy, but it's hard for everybody to make friends. And so I know you went through that struggle to in high school And then I know the waiting on a boyfriend or a husband you went through that which don't we all? What was that? What was that season like that was that's a hard one That's one that I think everybody wants to rush because yeah You just want to feel loved and you want to have that desire and that person, that person that you get to go through and do life with. And even sometimes you just want to have that person that can pour into you. I know for for times maybe not even the right ways when I say that I mean, I wanted somebody to tell me I'm beautiful
Starting point is 00:09:57 and I wanted somebody that I could post and I could have this, you know, relationship that I could show off and make it look like maybe I have things together when I really didn't. And so it was easy to rush into just these different relationships. Some that led to really bad endings and some that just led to even things that were said that I just couldn't believe. I had someone that told me when we were ending,
Starting point is 00:10:23 they're like, you're never gonna find someone that doesn't go out, that doesn't party, that doesn't do these things. Like they straight up told me that to my face. Basically saying to you, like, what you're waiting on is not gonna happen. Yes. Yeah, which can cause so much fear.
Starting point is 00:10:35 And we've talked about this before that I had someone say something very similar that you're never gonna find someone that could treat you the way I do, even though the way he treated me was not good. You're never gonna find someone who can put out with your lifestyle as what they said. My lifestyle is in the lifestyle.
Starting point is 00:10:49 I didn't choose what was given to me as having a platform. And like those words spoken, if someone's ever spoken where do you think you have so much fear, because you're already scared of the waiting, you're already scared of the unknown. And then when someone directly speaks to that, and I think like, then it may knows what you're afraid of and I believe like Know exactly what you would need to hear that would just cripple you and fear and it's those moments
Starting point is 00:11:11 that you have to choose to either take the enemies word or take the Lord's word and You obviously didn't take the enemies word you kept moving on and you have to share about how Luke your husband now It was kind of like your dream guy. Like literally. Because I just love this, I just love this story. Yes, I, um, obviously, I kind of just thought that, you know, there's no need to start over, I'm never gonna be able to find my dream guy.
Starting point is 00:11:35 That's what I was told. So I'm like, okay, that's true. But there was this one guy that I thought was the most beautiful thing in the world. Like my whole life. I had always seen him and he either had a girlfriend or he was, I just didn't think I could have him. But I was like, that's the kind of guy I want.
Starting point is 00:11:53 He would, you know, post-boggle versus I'm not saying that. He means anything but like I was really- He really was living in hell. He went to the school I went to and he was a few years older than me and like everyone knew him as like the Christian guy But like who truly lived it. Yeah, so you're right about that I was like this is what I wish I could have like oh just that's what I would dream of having and um so one day I was at my house and
Starting point is 00:12:19 I was back when I had Twitter. I was on Twitter, and I was just actually creeping his profile at the time. That's awesome. And also, I get a text message, and it is, it just says, hey, is this Elise? And I was like, yes, who is this? And he said, Luke Auburn. And I literally remembered running around the house, like screaming. I don't know, that's so real.
Starting point is 00:12:39 Is this real? And I mean, it was. And he is everything that I hoped he would be but more like the things that I never thought I could have in a guy that I could have missed just by settling I got in Luke and he was my answer prayer he was at things that I wanted he's not perfect but he's he's a man living for God and he strives to lead me to the Lord every single day. But the thing is I could have missed that. If I would have rushed into something,
Starting point is 00:13:08 or if I would have settled and stayed in the relationship and I was in, it was telling me I couldn't have these things, I never would have got to get to this point where I got to what God hadn't stored for me. That's right. And that's such a good point because sometimes you literally have to, because you could have had a different relationship
Starting point is 00:13:22 and you could have had the person that you post with and you could have had the person, but post with and you could have had the person, but like you knew that wasn't the best, that wasn't God's best for you. You know, not that guy, he can go on and get God's best for him, but like that was not God's best for you. And you had to intentionally step away from something that was known to a place that was unknown.
Starting point is 00:13:39 And so sometimes that waiting time and that unknown is literally necessary to get to you to where you're going. Yeah. So it's not always a bad thing. It's actually not a bad thing. It's a necessary thing. Yes. I think a lot of people, it's like you so don't want the waiting that you avoid the waiting,
Starting point is 00:13:55 but the waiting is necessary to get you where you're going. Absolutely. It's like even if you're going to the doctor, like you got to wait in the waiting room to get to the doctor, but if you don't go to the waiting room, then you never get healed. Right. So it's like you have to, that is a necessary part of the healing process or of the journey of life. Absolutely. And what I love about your story, and we're all good to this in a second with something that you were just waiting on. Obviously, we can see the Lord has answered. We'll get to that for those who are listening. At least is pregnant and she has the cutest pregnant person. Hop on over to YouTube to see her cuteness.
Starting point is 00:14:27 But, but before you even go there, one thing I want to point out that is so cool about you and you're going to talk about this in your story, but your mom isn't totally healed yet. But yet you're still like praising the Lord and you're still talking about his goodness. And even to go through the Bible and be like, hey, here's these plagues and they're horrible and they're awful, but look at the glory of God like even to find Revelation in the word about the situation you're going to like the waiting is not worthless
Starting point is 00:14:55 Like I think so many people just skip through the waiting and they're like, oh, I'm pregnant I had the husband or who and like this podcast isn't about you rejoicing over God answering the things Yes, that is a part of it and that is incredible but it's also about you learning to trust God in the waiting and you allowing God to be God and so I just want to quit that out because I think that is what I've seen is the most amazing thing about one of the most amazing things about you because I got to walk through this next season awaiting with you and even though you were sad and even though
Starting point is 00:15:26 you were so desiring this child, you still praise the Lord. You still led worship at church. You led worship at conferences. You prayed over other people who were pregnant. You were rejoiced for them, even though it's hard. Like I'm not saying it wasn't hard, but like you praise guy through the whole thing. And I think that's a testament and that's something that I would challenge the listener to it's like don't just wait till you get it you know to praise god and praise him through
Starting point is 00:15:52 the valleys because like I've seen you get to know God in a whole new way and maybe you would have never before had you not gone through this time I just think that's really cool okay so let's go into the pregnancy so let's go all the way back to when you open up to us about it at Bible study. So at that point, you know, you were like, this is really hard. Yeah, can y'all pray for me?
Starting point is 00:16:13 And what did just that journey kind of look like as y'all were waiting for a baby? Yeah, absolutely. It was a different kind of weight that I'd been through because I've always known I wanted to be a mom. And I think that's like something that a lot of people, we had that desire, God built us with that desire. And so when we eased into it,
Starting point is 00:16:33 and we started off, I was like, I know that this could be a possibility. It's possible that we won't get pregnant easily. But it really is so hard because that's something your heart desires and you're created to desire. And I had to learn early on. I was like, okay, I'm in this waiting season, how am I going to wait? We get the choice, like, how we're going to wait. And that sounds silly, but we
Starting point is 00:16:55 do. We get to choose. Are we going to wait with hope? Or are we going to wait with self-pity and drown ourselves in the sorrow and not letting anything happen from it. Because you can either use it to glorify God and to praise Him and to see Him in a whole new light, or you can slip into this darkness. But like you said earlier, that's what the devil wants, as first to slip into the darkness. So early on I chose that I was going to just rejoice and praise God through each moment, knowing that he had a plan that he was leading to. It wasn't always easy and there was definitely times that I did not do a good job of this. But I'm so glad that I made the choice early on because I got to see God in a whole new light.
Starting point is 00:17:34 So, and that's something even I had to change my prayers. Like when I was praying at first I was like God, I want this baby like I want this now. This is when I want this is my timeline. This is how things need to happen. And then I got to thinking and I'm like, okay, I want this now. This is when I want this is my timeline. This is how things need to happen. And then I got to thinking and I'm like, okay, I want this baby, but do I want this baby more than I want God? And I had to start changing my prayers to be, God, I want this baby. Give me this baby to God, I want you. Wow. And when my prayers changed and I started praying that, even though it was hard, now I was scared to pray that because I'm like I still want this baby. Yeah, but when I started praying that my whole Spirit and everything about me just changed and I started seeing a good not just the bad. Yeah
Starting point is 00:18:13 I remember even when I was dating Christian and there was a time in our relationship where we were six months in Already said we love each other already did love each other and I was like He said we love each other, already did love each other and I was like nervous that like is he really the one and I pray that's prayer and I was like God like I love this person But I love you more and like and if you say this is not a person I will surrender this but even in St. That was like, I mean I really would like this to be true But but truly like truly believing the words I was saying if it's not right I'd rather your plan, you know and like it's really hard and was saying, if it's not right, I'd rather your plan. And it's really hard and it hits different
Starting point is 00:18:48 when it's something before you that you want so badly. You know, like you really wanted this baby. I really wanted him be my husband. But more than that, I wanted God's will for my life. Because I trust and know God's will is perfect for my life, and it's so good for my life. It's not like I'm like, oh, I'm saying this because I have to because God is supposed to be number one. It's because when God is number one, my life is good.
Starting point is 00:19:13 Like when you see that equation in your life, always add up. Like when God is my priority, life is good. And that doesn't mean that things are going good all the time. That doesn't mean that the baby is always going to come or the husband is always going to come or whatever. But it does mean that God's faithfulness is there, which means his peace is there, which means his love is there and his joy is there. And that's what I desire over all things. Because you can essentially have the things that life has to give and be missing the true things that matter. It's like love, joy, peace, like the nature of who God is.
Starting point is 00:19:44 But when you have him and you have that, that's when life is full. Absolutely. missing the true things that matter. I love Joy-P's, like the nature of who God is, but when you have him and you have that, that's when life is full. Absolutely. So as you're getting to the end of the waiting period, you'll have a lot of Godwanks. So you just gotta start, you can start anywhere, but I love the one.
Starting point is 00:20:00 Obviously we can go to the Ladybug. Yes. We gotta go to Ladybug. And then you have to go to you and Luke praying and worshiping. Yes, that is so cool. But the ladybug is so cool. So I'll just set this up for my perspective. Like I said, we had been, she had been waiting for a while.
Starting point is 00:20:14 We were talking about it a lot. It was like always kind of a point of conversation for us. And we had another friend who was actually also waiting for a baby in our Bible study who did get pregnant eventually. And she gave at least some advice like, hey, right before I got pregnant, God was giving me these like red birds. Wasn't it red birds? And she was like, and every time I see a red bird, I was just reminded that like, God is thinking about me, like God's doing something, God's in this. And so at least just tell me about this and then you got to tell the rest of the story. Yeah, it was crazy because when she told me this I was like, that is so cool.
Starting point is 00:20:47 And like I know that this is the same God now as he was, you know, in all the Bible stories and everything. So I know he can do those things and I know he gives me God wings. But I was like, that is awesome. I'm so glad she got red birds, but like, I probably won't. I don't know. Maybe I will. Like that'd be cool. And I remember it was the end of November of last year
Starting point is 00:21:06 and we were looking out outside decorating for Christmas and all of a sudden a ladybug flew up and landed on my arm and I've seen ladybugs my whole life, but in that moment I was just like, God, sent me that. Wow. And it was kind of weird and I was like, I mean, I think, but it wasn't even, I knew I was like, that was from the Lord. And so I was like, I mean, I think, but like, it wasn't even, it just, I knew I was like, that was from the Lord.
Starting point is 00:21:26 And so I was like, there it is, that's my ladybug. And so from then on, I started seeing them everywhere every single day. I would see them at school, I would wear a teach, I'm a teacher, so I'd see them at classroom, never seen them there. I'd see them at friends' houses that I'd go to, we were at a camp, a deer camp. And I've been out there plenty of times, never seen Ladybugs, and I had just told Sadie about this. I just for some reason opened up, turned, told her, I've never seen Ladybugs.
Starting point is 00:21:51 The first time she was like, Morgan told me about C.R.R.B.E.R. and all of a sudden Ladybugs were showing up, I just feel like God's in it. I was like, wow, that's crazy, that's so cool. And then literally we moved from the couch to go eat dinner and something like flew and hit me in the face. That was weird.
Starting point is 00:22:04 And we sat down, and then I see, we see Ladybugs on a table, and I was like, oh, that must something like flew and hit me in the face and it was all weird. And we sat down and then I see, we see Ladybug on a table and I was like, oh, that must have been what just hit me, that's crazy, we just talked about Ladybugs. And we looked up and on the ceiling, no lie, there was like 15 Ladybugs. I have a big drivet. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:17 We were screaming, we were like, oh my gosh, you guys like y'all go to the camp all the time, there's not Ladybugs out there. And right after she told me, the Lord is sitting Ladybugs, I just feel like something's happening. Like something is shifting. There's 15 ladybugs above our head. Yes. So that happens and then a month later a month goes by from the moment that you told me that we see ladybugs at the camp and then
Starting point is 00:22:39 you're this was now Christmas. Okay so start with Christmas. Yes. So right then, I kind of got curious and I decided to look at what Ladybug's mean because I thought maybe there's some kind of significance here. So that's when I saw that it means bringer gifts. That was one of the definitions. Wow. And I was like, this is crazy. That's crazy. So they get okay, Ladybug bringer gifts, it's making sense.
Starting point is 00:23:02 But we get close to Christmas and Christmas Day is actually the earliest day that I could test to see if I was pregnant. And I've tested me times and got many negatives. And part of me was like, should I test on Christmas? Like, I don't wanna be down on Christmas Day. But then I got to thinking I was like, you know what? If I test negative, I still have the greatest gift of all. Like Jesus, on Christmas, I get to rejoice
Starting point is 00:23:25 in this baby being brought down to earth. It's gonna save us, you know, that's going to change the world. So whether I have a baby in my belly or whether I have the baby Jesus, like it's gonna be a good day. So I was like, I'm just gonna go for it. That's also an issue. And so that was just like the hope that was already something like I know God's with me in this.
Starting point is 00:23:43 And then Christmas evening, my sister-in-law came over and brought me a gift. I hadn't seen a ladybug yet on this day, so I'm like, wait for my ladybug every day, like, where are you gonna be? And I opened it and it was a stuffed animal ladybug. And I was just like emotional because I'm like, wow, like, that's cool, like this is tangible.
Starting point is 00:23:59 I can hold onto this ladybug and give it to whoever my future child may be. So the next morning I wake up at 4am, I sneak out of bed so Luke will not hear me. I had a test hiding in the bathroom and I went and I took it and immediately it popped up positive. Cursey. And I just was like, those ladybugs really were.
Starting point is 00:24:18 Oh my gosh. Like the same. Yeah. That is crazy. And then Luke woke up and didn't you put it in like the gift where like a watch was supposed to be. Yeah. It was like the previous video.
Starting point is 00:24:30 He just starts like bawling. Yeah. We're like, y'all walked it out together. Yeah. It was so beautiful. It was so crazy. So that happened. She found that she's putting it on Christmas y'all.
Starting point is 00:24:39 Yeah. Like, this is how intentional. You did not make that up. And we always said the whole time, we're like, it is going to're not making that up. And we always said the whole time, we were like, it is gonna be God's perfect timing because that's who God is. He's a God of timing, like he's so intentional to timing and for you to wait, wait, wait, wait,
Starting point is 00:24:55 see the ladybugs all month. Tell me about it, we see these 15 month goes by, your sister-in-law gives you the ladybug the night before you wake up the next morning, before I am boom. Positive. Like it was insane. And then we got to see you shortly after. And she was like, I gotta get for you.
Starting point is 00:25:11 And I was like, oh shoot, I should have got to get for you. I'm sorry. I'm like, thank you. And we're back at the camp. And like I was like, because I knew at this point, you wouldn't be the start of your period or you were pregnant. But like whenever you're walking through that
Starting point is 00:25:23 with a friend, like you never wanna ask ask, like, it's hard to ask because one, if I ask you if you're pregnant, maybe you want to tell me a specific way. Two of us, if you start your period, it could be really sad. But I was like, I'm just going to go for it. So it's like, hey, did you ever, like, sorry, she's like, I know I'm supposed to start Tuesday. But it was Tuesday.
Starting point is 00:25:41 And she was like, I was like, you go, wait, it's today, Tuesday, I was like, was like you go wait is today Tuesday? I was like yeah, and then you're like oh And then you were like change the subject. I got you a gift and I'm like oh wow That's so sweet. Sorry and open this gift and it's the lady bug that her sister-in-law just got her with the positive I said I Lips out I was like no no, we did. Wait, it was just amazing. That's just like so fun because you really did walk it out with the Lord the whole time. And you brought people in.
Starting point is 00:26:13 And that was really cool because when you brought people in, all your people got to rejoice with you. And we all got to see God be God. And so, man, like, there is a temptation when you're in the waiting season to not let anybody see it, not let anybody in because it's hard It's because you don't want that to be happening But when you let your people in, one, people can pray with you, people can believe with you, all that kind of stuff People can be there when it is hard, people can be there with you, you know, when it's good But the rejoicing that was around you all was new, so cool Like seeing all of your friends reactions,
Starting point is 00:26:45 it was really, really neat. And it was so sweet you got to tell your parents on Christmas day. We did with the lady way. You got to tell them about your mom, too. I do. I have to tell them about the mom's gift. And then my favorite part of all comes after like three months later. Wow.
Starting point is 00:26:59 So that day we went to my parents and I was like, I just got to tell them like it's Christmas. I have to. And so I used the ladybug, but before I opened my gift, we opened presents in random order. So it wasn't like we planned out when to open what, and I opened the gift that my mom got me, and I hadn't received my ladybug in my belly,
Starting point is 00:27:18 obviously my baby, but I hadn't received, I've seen a ladybug that day, and I opened it, and it was an ornament with a ladybug that said 2022. Oh my god. So I started sobbing and my mom's like, wow, she really likes this ornament. And she didn't realize that she's about to find out that it was true, like I got my ladybug. So that was such a special moment and she ended up opening the gift that told her next was crazy.
Starting point is 00:27:40 Wow. So that was such an awesome moment. But my favorite is three months later. I don't even know if you knew this part. I don't know if I do. Okay, this is the best part of the whole story I feel like. My mom, I went over to my mom's house and she had been in the attic. And she comes down.
Starting point is 00:27:56 You did, too. Okay, yeah. This is like my favorite. And she said, hey, I was looking for baby stuff and I came across something that was yours when you were a baby, like born. And I was like, okay, like cool. What was it? I came across something that was yours when you're a baby like born And I was like, okay, like cool. What was it? I didn't know if it was just like clothes. Yeah, and she pulls out a ladybug piggy bank and It's just insane to me because in that moment I was like God knew from the moment that I was born when I was a baby
Starting point is 00:28:22 That he was one day gonna use Ladybugs to bring me my baby. And when I think about that, I'm like, how silly is it that all that time, I could have questioned God and said, God, you're not here, you're not answering my prayer, you're not doing these things, like why aren't you, why are you making me wait?
Starting point is 00:28:38 Like some of you people don't have to wait, but the whole entire time, he was being that intentional that he was gonna choose to use a ladybug Like he picked a ladybug specifically that was why when I was a child and just to see that he really was intentional The whole entire time like he did care But he knew that I would see him so much more through this and that I would be able to glorify his name because of this and You know it just it makes makes emotional sometimes because I think
Starting point is 00:29:06 we can question God and wonder, are you there God? Are you even listening? Are you caring? And he is, but he has something something so much better. Yeah, so much better. And so now I get to have that piggy bank in her room. And it's just it's the coolest thing ever. That is the coolest thing ever. That makes me emotional. I have like chills. Like, it's just the Lord is all over that. And you could have missed it though. Like, if you didn't seek the Lord in it, I don't think you would have seen like how intentional God was being this whole time.
Starting point is 00:29:35 Like you said, you had to have a shift about a year before that went from, I want my baby. I want my baby to God. I want you. And then you did get the baby, but you got so much of him, so much of him. And it's so cool, I injured my wife. This is before I formed you, I knew you.
Starting point is 00:29:52 And so to think about like, before your baby was formed, God knows your baby, but he also knows you, and knew you before you reformed. And he had this intentional gift for you that was gonna be a generational thing like it's just it's it's It's wild like when you open your eyes to see God for God. He will blow you away One thing I love about your story too is that it continues. I mean here you are. You're what eight months pregnant That's awesome. It's just so easy. I'm really down there
Starting point is 00:30:23 But what's so cool about it too is that a lot of people I think when they get the thing, then it's like the God's where it stops. But the God's where it for you continues. And I just love that you have walked out this pregnancy with just so much goodness of the Lord and sharing that and being faithful to even your Instagram posts are their day about what you put over Everly's crib. It's just so sweet. Sorry, I just said the baby's name. It's okay, I'm like,
Starting point is 00:30:49 I'm like, I'm so excited. I love you. I'm really, I love you. She's so beautiful. I love her name so much. I love that from the minute you told us her name, like we call her by name. She's there, you know?
Starting point is 00:30:59 But over Everly's crib, like you've been so intentional. Tell us about that, like what you put over her crib and why that was important to you. Yeah. I think it's easy and I try to be so careful with this. Now that I got the answer to the prayer, it doesn't mean that my communication with God needs to stop
Starting point is 00:31:15 and I don't have to be that deep in prayer and I don't have to have these. I mean, I can still continue to get these moments from the Lord and give him the glory. And one of my biggest things that I do, the way I express myself is writing. And so when I write, the whole time that I was struggling to get pregnant or any wedding season, I have so many journals and I have prayer journal, and so I just write down my prayers. And so I've been able to go back through all the prayers that I've prayed for her over the whole entire process. And as I was doing that, I was like, man,
Starting point is 00:31:43 I just want something to have significance in her nursery. Like, I'm just a sentimental person. Like, I'm cheesy about everything. I make all these long posts. Like, that's just who I am. I love it. And I got to think. And I was like, what better thing? Like, I've seen guidance for so many prayers. What better thing than to have hanging over her every single day than the prayers are praying over her life. And so we have two big gold frames and I wrote a prayer and then my husband Luke wrote a prayer. And then we blew him up into poster size
Starting point is 00:32:13 and they're hanging over her crib. Because now I've seen guardians for so many prayers, maybe in ways that I expected, maybe in ways I didn't, but he always answers them. And now I'll get to look at that every single day and pray them over her and watch them be in the church. So it actually grows. So I just never want to forget that God is the reason
Starting point is 00:32:33 for all of this. And to continue to pray to him and continue to give him glory. And to let her know that. Like she'll get to see that and be like, whoa, I was so cared for before I was even born. Like I've been so prayed for in My whole life has been established on this. And inspired me, Christian, I wrote prayers for honey when we were on our baby moon.
Starting point is 00:32:52 And we both wrote it out. And I'm like, man, I want to print that out. Just have that. And so she can see that. Because it's already crazy. Before we knew honey, we just knew she was in my belly. And we were writing out these prayers, like we were getting pretty specific
Starting point is 00:33:06 with her characteristics of who she would be. And it wasn't like, oh, this is who we want you to be. It was like, this is who we know you are. It was so weird. And now, even seeing those prayers, it is Honey James. That is her. Like, it is crazy. And so the things that we were prophesying over her
Starting point is 00:33:22 are those who she is. And maybe it was God just letting us know that. You just know your baby in a way that he can't really explain. But I'm like I want to do that. I want to print that out because it was just so cool and that was just such a good thing. Lastly, I just want to talk to you about because there was a moment I remember it briefly where there was like a worship moment between you and Lou and I want to talk about that
Starting point is 00:33:42 because there are her moments of it. You know, like there are moments where you get frustrated and there are moments where the waiting you're like, okay, for real. Like what's gonna happen? Yeah. And this is just such a beautiful moment of you two coming together because, you know, like I said, the temptation is to do it alone, but what does it look like when you come together and the power of that? So can you push on that story? Absolutely. I'm so grateful for this moment. So definitely we're some hard times and this may seem like what I'm talking about seems like all good but I had some low points and there was this one night where I was just down in my feelings and I was kind of taking down Luke.
Starting point is 00:34:17 I wasn't being very nice and I was just letting the self-pity take over. I was laying in bed and I decided of all things to get on social media, which you know. It can be great, but it can also make things worse. For comparison, when you're in that moment, where you're like, you think you're just gonna numb, but actually the numbing, I talked about this recently, the numbing is not resting, like the numbing does not make you forward you.
Starting point is 00:34:39 You know, a lot of times it brings you down even further. Right, right. And so that's kind of where I got. I started just getting lower and lower. And I knew that I wasn't being how I should to look. He didn't do anything wrong. He just was kind of taking the backlash of it. And so he just kind of removes himself from the room.
Starting point is 00:34:56 And he goes to his little hunting room, which is also where he does his Bible study. So I'm laying in bed, and I'm just scrolling social media. And I hear worship music turn on and I'm like, okay He's back there doing his bobble study and so I'm being bitter and I'm like knowing that's what I should be doing right now too But I kind of just wanted to soak and so I kept hearing the music and then I felt like God started speaking to me and he was like go pray with him and I was like
Starting point is 00:35:24 Good, but he was like I clearly knew that's what God was telling me was, go pray with him. And I was like, no. Good. But I was like, I clearly knew that's what God was telling me was just to go pray with him. And I was even thinking, looks not gonna wanna pray with me right now. Like I was just rooting for no reason. But finally after, I mean, it took me probably at least five minutes.
Starting point is 00:35:38 And then I finally got up. I was like, okay, so I slowly walk across the house and I opened the door. And I didn't really know what to say at first because I still feel bad. And he has his music on shuffle, his worship music. And I remember talking to Jesus was on. And so all I knew to say was I was like,
Starting point is 00:35:56 do you wanna talk to Jesus together? I was like, this is so cute. He looks at me and he could have easily just said, like no, like we need to just take time. Like I need to just do this on my own But he said yes and so he like Looks at me and I said and I normally don't say this but I was like do you want to kneel by the bed and pray together?
Starting point is 00:36:14 And so once again he says yes and I remember this so vividly because one of my our favorite songs are one of the songs that like when it came on We always just like saying you know super loud and just declared of is I'm gonna wait on you Maverick City and that's our song and so we got up and we were walking over to the bed and one song ended and this is like hundreds of song on shuffle and As soon as our knees hit the ground, I'm gonna wait on you started playing as soon as our knees hit the ground, I'm gonna wait on you, start of playing. And we both just started bawling
Starting point is 00:36:46 because we were like, well, there's God right there, like again, I could have missed that. I could have kept scrolling on my phone and like, and there's nights that I did do that. I'm not saying, there's definitely nights that I did not do what I should have done. But in that moment, God wanted to show me like,
Starting point is 00:37:00 I'm still right here, and I'm still walking with you, and it's gonna be okay. And I will fulfill my promises in the way I see best fit yeah but we got to experience that together and so then we were praying we had that in the background and we knew like God you're faithful you're gonna answer these prayers it was just a powerful moment yeah I love it there's just so much to be said about everything you just shared but I think one thing that sticks out the most is just your eyes to see him, you know, your eyes to see Jesus
Starting point is 00:37:29 and your heart to seek him, seeing him and seeking him, like they could hand in hand. And man, it made the story so much different. Your story could have been marked by the length of time you didn't get pregnant, you know, your story could have been marked by your mom not getting healed, your story could have been marked by your mom not getting healed. Your story could have been marked by a bad relationship, but your story is marked by the
Starting point is 00:37:49 goodness of God. And that is incredible. And so y'all, I know y'all learned so much today from this podcast. Gosh, I just encourage you right now, before you move on to your next thing, whether you're walking on the treadmill or riding in your car, sitting in your dorm, or wherever you are, and wherever you're listening to this. Maybe you're sitting with your husband. Maybe you're listening to this together. Just take a minute and pass your heart towards the Lord. One thing at least said the whole time
Starting point is 00:38:14 was she journaled her prayers. And it has been so cool as a friend to get to see her look back from start to finish and see the hard moments and see the good moments. See the moments that she was waiting and see the moments of the Lord responded to. The specific prayer she prayed and the specific things that the Lord did in response.
Starting point is 00:38:29 So I just encourage you to get with the Lord. Maybe write out your prayers. Maybe it's your first time to do that. Maybe just pray out loud and let God hear the things that you're saying. Maybe it's your moment to say, you know, I've been praying this way, but God now I just want you.
Starting point is 00:38:42 Just let yourself go there and have this moment. If this encourages you or you know a friend going through it, send it along to your friends in the link. It's always good to pass on good news and we're just so thankful for all of our sisters and friends listening and hope that in the waiting you can just see God's goodness and praise Him no matter if you have the answer or not and then when you get it to continue walking out that faithfulness to Him. Love you guys hope you have a great rest of your week, and thanks for listening.
Starting point is 00:39:17 you

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