WHOA That's Good Podcast - Fear, You Don't Own Me

Episode Date: February 27, 2019

Sadie welcomes artist Francesca Battistelli to the podcast. Francesca shares advice she received from her mom, on being willing to try new things while being afraid. She shares stories about the insec...urities and fear she felt early on in her career as a guitar player and how she was able to overcome them. Her latest project is called Own it.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So I don't know if everyone's heard something that the Leverageantal team is so excited about right now. We started last year, the LO box. And you may be thinking, what in the world is in an LO box? Well, the LO box is just the Leverageant on Bible Study box. And it has everything that you need to equip you to lead a Bible study right where you're at in your own home. We have everything from the actual Bible study itself that I wrote on both confidence to recipes
Starting point is 00:00:28 for what to cook for your girls. We also have fun activities and so many more things that partners have sent in. And so if you are interested at all and being a leader, go to liverjohn.com and look into the LO box. Oh, no, no, no. Hey, fam, welcome back to the world, that's good podcast. Okay, this is the first time things are a little different because I'm not in Nashville
Starting point is 00:00:50 right now. I'm actually back in Louisiana, so I'm going to do a phone call with this person, but y'all really even know how excited I am. I am so excited to get to talk to your friends, Jessica Batticelli on the phone. Little does she know, I have pretty much been her friend and flash fans since middle school, more so on the fan side, but today she will be a friend and I am so excited for all of the advice
Starting point is 00:01:14 we're gonna receive from her. So let's dive right into the conversation. Okay, so I really am so excited that you're on this podcast and really, this is really cool for me because you like don't even know how much you actually represent everything that we want to do with this podcast, so welcome to what I'm good. Thank you. You're welcome. I mean that, Julie, because literally why we started the podcast, like the intent behind it was to get people who have influenced me, and maybe they don't even know if you influenced
Starting point is 00:01:56 me, or maybe giving me advice from either a song or maybe it was a poster, maybe it was for meeting them, and I've kind of taken it to heart and then going back and asking them what's the best season of Vice-day been given. And it's funny because I'm not kidding. I told you this through insidians, I've always been nervous to come say hi to you. And it's because, oh my god. It's literally like, middle school high school, we don't even know. Like I actually did a devotional on like your song of like on your song free to be me and I had a couple of them and there are a couple of
Starting point is 00:02:33 riffs in my team and so I had like so many of your songs like actually like I took the heart and so many of the words that you sang over everybody at that time that really, over me in a way, like it really, uplifting me and brought so much to advice in my life. And so thank you for all that you do, and that you pour out. It matters. It matters to me in little school high school
Starting point is 00:02:58 and today, even with your new album. And so I'm so excited to end return. You know, ask me the question. Yeah, well thank you so sweet. I just mean so much to hear that. Thanks for telling me. Oh yes, girl, I think it's so cool whenever I'm like, I don't know, you just meet the people that I've inspired you and becomes friends, so this is a cool moment. But yeah, so the one that's good question is what is the best key to advice
Starting point is 00:03:26 that anyone's ever giving you? Oh my gosh. I don't want to give a big one. Right answer. I'm like non-so-lontly throw it out, but it's like it's a hot one. Yeah. No, but it's so good.
Starting point is 00:03:40 I love it so much. Well, yeah, first of all, we just just say I'm such a big fan of you and all that you do to inspire the next generation. And I just think you're amazing. And thank you for always sending for Jesus and being the best. OK, here we go. The best piece of advice, I mean,
Starting point is 00:04:02 I've gotten a lot of great advice in my life, but the one that first popped into my head, which is usually, you know, the one you should go with Something my mom has always told me Since I was a little girl which was to just do it afraid and I know that kind of sounds countered to it I feel like the break of saw like fear doesn't own me but that it kind of goes hand in hand because The break of saw, like, fear doesn't own me, but that kind of goes hand in hand because are we still going to feel feelings of fear from time to time in our life? Like, yes, that's just going to happen. But the idea that we can let it own us and stop us and keep us from doing whatever it
Starting point is 00:04:38 is that God is asking us to do, or that we can choose to do it anyway. And so, you know, when I was a little girl and it was like, I want to audition for the Nutcracker, but I'm scared and she would just say, well, I'm going to do it. You're going to be like, do it anyway. And yeah, I've just really come to realize in my life that not all things, but most things that scare us, that we're like, I don't know if I can do that, I'm too scared. They typically are only really scary that first time. You know, I remember.
Starting point is 00:05:12 Yeah, I was in high school and I went to this independent musicians' conference and I was the youngest person there and I'd only been playing guitar for a little while. I just had zero confidence in my guitar playing, and we had this opportunity. I knew that I had written a song, I felt good about the song, I felt good about my voice, and I was terrified to play in front of all these like season music. But we had this opportunity to play for each other
Starting point is 00:05:38 and to sort of let everyone at the conference critique us, which does sound so funny. Oh my goodness. But I knew like, if I go home from this and I didn't do it, I'm going to be so disappointed. And I was, I mean, the whole week like I want to do it but I can't. I can't. I'm too scared of too scared. And finally, my parents and some other people there were just like you can do this. Just go up there there hands shaking like
Starting point is 00:06:11 Be scared but do it anyway, and I did and I was so scared and I was so nervous But man the like confidence I felt after that the amazing sense of I just sort of looked here in the face and told it to Go away I mean, it's not that I didn't feel those things, but I conquered it and I did it. And the next time I got up to play guitar in front of our own full of people, it was like, oh, this isn't so bad. And then the next time it was better, you know. So, yeah, do it afraid. Okay, that's so funny because my mom says that to me too. And it's actually, I remember the first time she said it to me and it was right before I was going to speak for the first time on winter jam and I was terrified. And so I was literally not going to do it because I was so afraid.
Starting point is 00:06:54 And I was just like, I don't know, I just don't even know why I would think I could speak in front of that when people just doesn't even logically make sense. Like, you know, going through every reason why not and just fear and my mom was like, say, here's the thing, you're doing it and you're gonna have to do it afraid. And just kind of like you said, it kind of stopped here. Like, is that okay? Because I think that a lot of times people think like, oh, fear means like, okay, if I have fear, then it's gonna excuse it all to do it. And my mom told me that you can have a million excuses to why not to do something, but fear will not be one that can stop you from doing it. It's so powerful to me because it's like, oh, wait, I can't do it. And you're right, you do it one, and then the confidence begins to build.
Starting point is 00:07:40 And it's so awesome. And speaking of the breakup song, I love the first line of that song, and it says, it's big and hard to be and big and hard. And I think that for me, I remember there's this scripture and the Bible, and it's actually not related to fear, but Paul was going around doing policy. And somebody was walking around,
Starting point is 00:08:03 and I'm pretty sure she was right. She was doing some kind of weird thing and Paul basically just became spiritually annoyed at says. And he said, and then Ava Jesus, that command just stopped. And whenever I heard that first line of your song, I kind of thought of that like spiritual annoyance. It's kind of like, okay, I'm actually done with this. So like, in the end you use just, you've got to stop. And I love that song that you kind of give people
Starting point is 00:08:30 the language to say it. And so, what was kind of like your writing process behind wanting to write that song? Because I mean, you laid it out there so beautifully. Oh, thank you. So sweet. I mean, yeah, I think the way you said that, like, giving people the language, that was totally the idea behind it, because I think sometimes we make everything so, I don't even know the word, but like, it can sound so formal and overwhelming, like, if I don't say it exactly right, then you know what I mean? It's not, yeah. It's like God has given us all power and authority like the same
Starting point is 00:09:07 power that raised Jesus from the dead lives in us and Jesus didn't always do things the exact same way. You know? So we just wanted to write a song that really gave people that language and it has. I mean I've had so many different people come up to me and tell me stories. One mom who told me that her little girl just struggled with fear and anxiety and just worrying about things. And she said, even the music she listened to, she couldn't listen to a lot of songs, even Christians aren't just because the music itself would be slow and sad. And it would just be very sensitive. And something about this song just gave her that like, confidence to say, I don't know, she could just get a little bit incredible. And that was that.
Starting point is 00:09:53 That was a lot of fun. You know? Yeah, because we do have, you know, we come from a place sometimes of like, oh, weakness or like we're the victim, but actually, we're the victors. Like we're the ones who land. We just have to walk in that and believe it. And so I mean, I still need to be reminded of that every single day, but just that idea that we can be more than conquerors. Yeah, that's so good. Actually, I love that you said that because I was actually on a road trip yesterday, so I listened to that whole owner album.
Starting point is 00:10:27 And I want to feel like I was on top of the world. I'm like, nothing can happen. And it's true, you know, I think all of the people, if we would speak the word over our songs, that is exactly how we would feel. And your songs are so good about just seeing life and truth over yourself. And it's definitely a good fun, but it's just a truth to all of the stuff. Every girl in the world, go listen to the songs. I'm telling you, if you need to pick me up,
Starting point is 00:10:55 your girlfriend, Jessica has got you. But it was so good. Um, okay, so we're talking about a mom. Oh yeah, absolutely. We're talking about a mom, you know, talking about a mom. Oh, yeah, absolutely. We're talking about a mom talking about her daughter. And I was wondering because I know you have four kids, which is awesome. I think that that is so much fun.
Starting point is 00:11:15 Because our family were family at six, and I love other siblings. It's so much fun. But how has it happened? Maybe so fun. How has that maybe inspired? You're writing. Do you feel like it kind of makes you write from a different place knowing that you're
Starting point is 00:11:32 literally raising up kind of generation? Totally. And especially it's funny to say that about this record because I was coming at a lot of these songs from that place. I was like, okay, I have four or three boys and one girl and she's six and a half and you know, she's still little but they go so fast and she's getting bigger every day and just that idea of like, what do I want her singing over herself? Like, what are the words and the songs that I want her to speak out over her life and declare as true? So when we were choosing signs for the record and when we were writing,
Starting point is 00:12:09 it was just like, I had her in my mind. My voice too, of course, but definitely like that identity deal. Especially I think for girls who can be so hijacked so early on. I mean, I've seen it already. She is loved and adored by everyone. And yet the enemy already tries to say things, all here her safe stuff, like, oh, that's my fault. Oh, I'm just much wrong with me today, or things. And I'm like, what? What?
Starting point is 00:12:39 You cannot say that. Like you are the perfect. You are beautiful. You're strong. He just tries so early to get in and and and get these lies in our head that we're not good enough or where whatever it is you know I wanted the striker to be you know something that was empowering for for everyone but you know for women especially to be able to like you said know the truth and walk in that truth and let it set them free because we are
Starting point is 00:13:09 we are amazing because we're children of God and because of anything we've done but because of who we are if we could just like really walk in the truth of that it would be I don't know, pretty awesome. That's not so good. I love how you lay it out. It's beautiful. Okay, so another one of the on the album that I love is you and Stephanie, and Defender. Oh my God. That was incredible. I'm really glad that I'm saying that song because that song has come into play with some of the different seasons of my life and hearing you and Stephanie do it,
Starting point is 00:13:46 which is really cool. And I'm like huge on like sisterhood, friendship, weekend, life, just for the beauty of relationship. And I think that even just by your Instagram, you can tell that you have some really solid friendships. And I know I'm like being at the public eye for a long time, you know, sometimes that can maybe feel isolating out, I don't know what your experience is then so. Well, I want to say it has been
Starting point is 00:14:11 isolating for you, but how has it been important to make sure you have those like solid friendships and like sisters in your life? Yeah, it's, you know, I've gone through so many different seasons of what that looks like, and I think for a long time I lived pretty isolated and didn't even realize it. I'm an only child and I'm a teacher. So I'm pretty content to be on my own. Yeah. And then having a husband, you know, it's like he and I are both just like, cool, let's stay home. Watch them. We all have to. We're not super excited. And then with the kids, it's just like, keep you busy.
Starting point is 00:14:50 So you don't even necessarily always realize that you're lacking in that department. And the Lord has just been peeling back layers of that in my life the last few years. Just getting involved in this small group with a couple of other couples. None of us even go to the same church, but we all have just become super close. And then about a year and a half ago, I started this journey with wellness and young living, like the whole community online of women that I never would have known,
Starting point is 00:15:21 if someone would refer like all that, And some of the best friendships that have come from just that. And so I really feel like, yeah, I feel like I'm at a place where I finally understand what that means, like sisterhood and community. And friendship and having those friends that you can go to and just say, I am struggling today, like what? Tell me the truth. You know, and the voice message me. And it would be like, no, listen. Jesus said, you, I love you. Although the spray feel on the phone. So it's been a really cool couple of years
Starting point is 00:15:58 of just sort of growing in that. And I'm so thankful. Yeah. I didn't even know I was missing it until I had it. And it's such a good. So that's beautiful. And so glad that you said that, because I'm so thankful because I didn't even know I was missing it until I had it. It's such a good idea. That's beautiful. I'm so glad that you said that because I'm sure a lot of people listening and I know some people listening just from DMs we get and letters and stuff like struggle with, maybe not having a good support system in their friendship or sisterhood or whatever.
Starting point is 00:16:22 It's really cool to hear you say that that's something that you know, you actually found contentment and just being by yourself and being with your husband and being with your kids. And then it began to come in different places in areas that you weren't even expecting it. And I think that that's a word of encouragement for a lot of people who are probably listening.
Starting point is 00:16:41 And so if you don't have that sisterhood, if you don't have that center right now, like find that contentment with where God has you and look for other places don't drive that it'll come to you and so that's super encouraging. Well I'll just ask you a few more questions. I'm like fully picky if they know the phone or if you're asking questions. It's fully picky if they don't change on the phone if you're asking questions. So I'm just going to do the Nutcracker, which is awesome. So you've been kind of like singing all your life. Well, my parents come from like a Broadway background. They were both in the theater worlds before they had me. And so when I was really young, I danced ballet for about 10 years and really wanted to do that.
Starting point is 00:17:30 Then I discovered theater and that I kept singing and really, really loved that. So I was homeschooled for a lot of my life in Orlando. And so there were a lot of opportunities for me to do some professional theater and just kind of grow in that, you know, being on stage and what that looks like. And then it was probably, it was high school that I decided to start writing songs. I just was like, I think I can do this. The funny story is that it was kind of like a glee type of like performing group like we just sang and sang and more covered by. With Mandy Moore and one year she just yeah I ran over a couple years and one year she
Starting point is 00:18:15 just sort of like moved to LA and nobody knew what was going on and the next thing we do she was like you know top star and had this album. So I've another round and listening to her songs and feeling I could do that I could write a song like I'm gonna try that I know it's so silly like the reading but I just started Kind of safe it was something that I liked because I was always a writer and English major in college so I always loved writing stories, but I'd never tried to write a song. I was 15 or 2 songs in one day and they were both terribly cheesy, but I loved it.
Starting point is 00:18:53 I was like, well, I need to play an instrument now because that would be so much easier. So I started playing guitar and the Lord just totally, like, you know know his ways are so much better than art so I never really expected this I think my parents yeah see it like they they remember the day I came home after writing for you to be me and they were like you this is something you know um yeah but he he's his ways are just so amazing I I moved to Nashville after college not really knowing what to expect and Made my first album that year, you know now it's been yeah, I love in years Wow, that's so cool. That's so good in the process and Again, like I know that's encouraging to a lot of people. I know people in my age and
Starting point is 00:19:41 I've been encouraging to a lot of people. I know people of my age and younger age always, like the thing that we stress about is like, what are we gonna do in life? Like what's our purpose and all these things? And I always tell people, like I would have never guessed that I'm doing now. I thank God like his ways were harder than my own because I mean, you never would have accepted this.
Starting point is 00:20:02 But whenever he puts something in your heart and this is like what your story represents beautifully, it's like just go step by step by step by step and one thing leads to another and eventually you're like, wow, and it's the whole thing. You're in this posture of worship. Then you're free of that stress and worry of where you're going. You know, and I think that's super cool to hear the process of from Vintan Al and where it took you and you didn't even have to be overwhelmed because you're really mad at it, like how cool is God. So that's really awesome. So cool.
Starting point is 00:20:35 And I forgot to say this and I was telling you another reason why, you have inspired me so much is actually, and I told you, I think I told you this in our whenever we're deunder, whenever I site does, I can't remember, but that year version of Holy Spirit, I literally play at every single venue where I speak at me and my team every time they say, Holy Spirit's not, as they say, good for anyone. And so you're like a professional. And we literally, everything you ever go in. We turn it on. And we walk through venue.
Starting point is 00:21:10 And we just declare it over. And so I just think that it's so powerful to like know the you behind all your songs. And I know people are going to be so encouraged in this podcast and all your advice. One more thing before we end it, I know you're going on tour soon. So anything you want to miss about your tour
Starting point is 00:21:30 and your excitement for it? Absolutely. And things are telling me that about Holy Spirit. I feel like so honored. And I want to tell them to actually be in the room sometime when that happens. So I'm like, oh my gosh, you're on your knees. It goes down.
Starting point is 00:21:43 It is for long prayer. Do it. That was the awesome. Awesome. Yes, let's do it. But you know how we are launching the own tour. March and April will be all over the country a lot out west, which I haven't been to in a while. So I'm so excited for them.
Starting point is 00:21:59 See my friends out west. And it's going to be me. Starts going down. And Ellie Lyme Ellie line bears new artist she's so so she's like really so much cooler than me and does worship and her head out like the cutest so yeah we you know have some fun and play some old songs and play a lot of songs of the new record and then second half of the night it's like mostly worship and just so amazing what God just shows up and we get to you know be together and worship him all all together very beautiful self yeah it's so cool
Starting point is 00:22:38 oh girl you can go I'll be there I'm not kidding I'm gonna look up today it's like I'll be there. I'm not in today. I'm on my way to the date. It's like, you're on a vacation. But I'm so excited for you and for the tour. And just seriously, thank you so much for being so intentional and like pouring out so much advice for so many people. And I kept saying girls, but really guys, anger, everybody needs to get your truth over their life.
Starting point is 00:23:00 And so thank you so so much. It was a good, good talk to you. So thank you. It was so thank you so so much. It was very good for your birthday. So thank you. It was so fun talking to you too. And I hope we do get to see each other soon. All right, we'll have a great day. We'll talk to you soon. Bye.
Starting point is 00:23:14 Bye. Hi. All right, y'all. You know what time it is. Time to call Mama. So we're going to call Mama with our best piece of advice and our worst piece of advice. Let's see what she has to say.
Starting point is 00:23:28 Hey baby girl. Hey Mama. All right. Are you ready for the world that's good? Well that's bad. I'm ready. Brought to you by World of the Good Podcasts and all the followers.
Starting point is 00:23:39 Not an ad. That was just me being weird. Okay. I always say you had a radio voice. I'm ready. I'm ready. I'm ready. I'm ready. Brought to you by World of Good Podcasts and all the followers. Not an ad. That was just me being weird. I always say you had a radio voice.
Starting point is 00:23:50 And did you really? No, but you could have- I was like, I've never heard you say that. No, I was actually- No, I was actually doing. You can do anything, girlie. Let me just say the first episode of Dark Dynasty that I was on.
Starting point is 00:24:03 Do you remember I hid under the table? I was like that is not my voice. Oh, it's the worst. It's the worst. Actually watch myself on like I don't know when this talk shows the day somehow popped up in my like Google dirt and I was like My voice is terrible. It was still there. It's so bad news. Oh No, the worst was duck commander remember Remember, and I said, when I was little, you were like nine. You were like nine. You were like nine.
Starting point is 00:24:29 I used to be so scared of my pep off feelings. Oh. Oh, man. I'm so hilarious. All right, let's get right to it. Here it is. Sunscreen is a scam. What?
Starting point is 00:24:41 No. I knew you were going to light up on that one. Sunscreen is important. Good night. Good cancer. Come on, skin cancer and wrinkles. And wrinkles. You know what's so funny is I've always thought, you know sunscreen, I mean because you would
Starting point is 00:24:58 lather us up. We were white on the beach. I thought sunscreen was absolutely 100% necessary. And Lady, if everybody doesn't know, Lady's one of my best friends. And she legitimately does not use sunscreen ever. She thinks I'm weird using it. I know, so people actually hold to this advice,
Starting point is 00:25:19 but it is bad. No, wait, what's bad? Sunscreen is good. No, like sunscreen. Sunscreen is a scam, that's bad. Sun wait what's bad sunscreen is good. No like sunscreen is a scam. That's right. Sunscreen is good. That's bad. That's right. Yeah because you know you could just tell guys when me and Lina go to the beach I'm sleeping in peace and she can't move without cracking. Oh my goodness. Well that was whenever I was a kid like we did use sunscreen when I was a kid and I was never forget like
Starting point is 00:25:44 coming home from the beach trips and being like, don't touch me in the car, like sitting beside the brother's sister and being like, don't touch me, say touch me because you're suddenly being a sunburned. Whenever we'd stop at like water burger and the back of my sunburned legs would stick to the like bitch. And so yeah, I don't think it's being sunburned
Starting point is 00:26:02 is a good thing. Yep, no sunscreen. I mean, I like't think it's being sunburned is a good thing. Yep, no sunscreen. I don't think so. I mean, I like to get a tan, but you know, you can do that. Everything in moderation. That is so true. Everything in moderation, even in that as well. But for real sunscreen on your face every day, that is important. Yep, this is why you want to have ankles.
Starting point is 00:26:21 I have ants, but also have, you know, I have a, yet that had a big skin cancer that had to be cut off our face. Like, it's a thing, it's real. It's true, it is real. Everybody wear your sunscreen, leather up. Okay, actually this advice I think was honestly yours. Ha ha ha. But it says, it's okay to not be okay,
Starting point is 00:26:42 but it's not okay to stay that way. Okay, I don't know that I said it like that, but I think it's great I think it's very good advice like I always say like it's okay to like being a fun Just don't live in the funk. Yeah, so like it's okay to To go through like of course we all good each have sounds We all have times when we just like don't feel good like we don't feel like Doing it, you know like there's sounds when you're like, I'm just gonna stay in the house all day. And that's okay. I think it's okay to like be there, but it's not okay to stay there.
Starting point is 00:27:14 Because like as you do stay there, it's just, it's not healthy for us and it's not good for anybody else, not good for the people around us. And I think we do also, we have responsibility for our family and our friends, the people that are around us to, you know, like take care of these things within ourselves so that we can help to give to others because we can't give to others when we stay in a bad place. Yeah. And this is something that you actually really do hold true as a mom to us and hate to throw a Bella under the bus.
Starting point is 00:27:49 But the other day we were all together, Bella, which we've all been there. I've been there a million times. It's just happened to be the last one. When Bella was like in a bad mood and you were like, girl, you are going to have to bring a dog. Because you were bringing bringing my mood down. It's true. It's like to your family.
Starting point is 00:28:08 We have to, like, it's important that you're aware that your mood can and will bring down everybody else's mood. And so, if you're in a bad place, that's a cake is maybe something happen, but like, get out of it. And if you're getting out of it, it's talking to people around you because, hey, the thing is you're saying a lot without saying anything, you know, so your mind is always so. Yeah, that is so true.
Starting point is 00:28:31 Our new negativity effects of the people and our happiness, I've read this somewhere and there's a book about happiness and it talked about how like our happiness is a gift to others. Like, so it's a responsibility for us too, to like, like to take care of ourselves and do the things that we need to do because when we are happy
Starting point is 00:28:49 and the way we portray that to others, that's a gift that we're actually offering other people. Yes, so we're good. Everybody go share your happiness with the world. Love you, mama. Love you. Love you, girl. Who else has tried FabFitFun? If you don't already know about it, it's a seasonal box with full size beauty fitness
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Starting point is 00:29:40 Again, that's FadfitFun.com and use the code WoTon. You deserve to treat your soul. Thanks so much for listening to the WoT, that's good podcast. We got a lot of good nuggets today. Don't forget to follow me on all the social media platforms online. Instagram, I'm at Legit City Rob, Twitter, Sadie Rob, and follow our live original Instagram. Also, I'm Sadie Robertson on Facebook. Head over to liveoriginal.com and subscribe to this podcast.
Starting point is 00:30:10 And while you're there, you can see the tour dates that I'm coming to a city near you. Don't forget, please leave comments in the I-Tune section and leave reviews. This podcast is produced by Steve Strauss and Peter Hartzell, so a huge shout out to them and a thank you to my LO team. You guys are the best. We love y'all and we appreciate you listening. I'll see y'all soon! you

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