WHOA That's Good Podcast - How I Changed the Way I Think About My Body

Episode Date: May 26, 2021

Sadie and "Dancing with the Stars" cast member Lindsay Arnold get candid about relationships, how to approach struggles with body image when your body is changing, the best way to handle the weight o...f comparison, and how to find confidence in the place where your confidence was shaken most. They also talk about the difference between being liked and being loved, long-distance dating, how you can be a good sister and friend, how to overcome jealousy, motherhood, Lindsay's YouTube channel, and why Sadie can't wait to try Lindsay's workout. Lindsay's unguarded advice will lift your heart and inspire you no matter what season you're in. Then, Sadie and Christian offer a listener in Northern Ireland advice on dealing with loneliness and how to dive into the opportunities it can present.   - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, well that's good fam. Y'all, it is the month of May and I have been anticipating this month for a long time. It gives hopefully that time you're listening to this. I will have a little baby girl in my arms at my home. And so the month of May is pre-recorded with moms that inspire me. Today we actually have Lindsey Arnold on the podcast and I'm so pumped because she was one of my good friends whenever I was out. I'm dancing with the stars. She is a professional dancer. She's a YouTuber, Instagram influencer. She's a wife. She's a mom. She's so much
Starting point is 00:00:35 fun and I can't wait to get her advice because she just had a newborn named Sage and they are so cute on their Instagram. I've been DMing her advice. And I was like, you know what? I need to have you in the podcast. So I'm looking forward to this conversation and I hope that we both can learn a lot from her. All right, Lindsay, welcome to the WoW. That's good podcast. I am so thrilled that you said yes to being on.
Starting point is 00:01:00 Oh my gosh, I'll say yes a million times. I've been so excited about this to chat with you and just reconnect. It's been so long, but I'm so grateful that like, we have been able to stay connected over this. It's a really cool way. I know.
Starting point is 00:01:13 Yes. It's like so fun. Every now and then we'll slide up and say, hey girl, I hope you're doing good. I know, I love it. And it'll be very happy, but also hopefully, we can like actually connect in person. No, we need to. I know with our daughters, which is crazy. Oh my gosh. Seriously, time has flown. Last time we were together was dance with the stars. And I mean, I was in
Starting point is 00:01:34 high school. You and your boyfriend at the time had just started dating. I hadn't even met Christian yet. Now we're both married where you have a daughter. I'm about to have a daughter. I mean, what is life? I literally, where you have a daughter. I'm about to have a daughter. I mean, what is life? I literally get chills just thinking about that. I know. It's so crazy, because yeah, you think back to that time someone would have told us, like, this is where you're going to be in six years.
Starting point is 00:01:55 I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. There's no way. I know. I know. I know. I know.
Starting point is 00:02:01 I know. I know. I know. Exactly. It's so cool. and so crazy how time literally flies by it just goes so fast but so great that for so many awesome things can happen in between all that craziness oh so grateful well for those of you who don't know Lindsey Lindsey is you do a lot of things but you're professional on dance with the stars professional dancer and you are so much
Starting point is 00:02:23 fun I can't even lie whenever I was on the show, I used to think you and Whitney were the coolest people ever. And I was like, they're my friends, you know? I was like, totally loved y'all, and was so thankful for y'all, y'all made me feel at home. So your dancer, you and your sisters have a YouTube channel together, the Arnold sisters, your Instagram, your mom, your wife, you have a lot going on.
Starting point is 00:02:44 So you definitely are an inspiration to a lot of people, but what is the best piece of advice that someone's ever given you? Okay, so this is definitely a very loaded question, because I feel like I could go on and on and on and on, and I have to break it up into two parts, so I'm sorry, because I love that. There's so many aspects of life. So I would say the best piece of advice I got as far as life and career. This actually happened. So group in Utah, kind of a small town, not totally small, but definitely smaller than LA. And when I joined, so you think you can dance, that was the first dance show I went on. It was a big like eye opener for me of the real world and what goes on and the different kind of people
Starting point is 00:03:27 that are out there in the different situations you'll be put into. And I remember my parents before heading out to LA, they just reminded me, stay true to who you are and remember who you are. Because you're going to be tested in so many ways, you're going to experience new things, you're gonna be presented opportunities that you've never been presented before and through all of that try to make remain true to who you are
Starting point is 00:03:48 And of course that when they said it to me was like a okay, that's just my parents trying to keep me out of try Like that's all that does but it evolved into this Thing that really I think projected my career because had I not been true to myself authentic genuine I don't think that opportunities would have come for me. If I had spent my time trying to be something I wasn't or trying to fit this mold that I thought was necessary to do what I do, I wouldn't be where I am today. So I think that has really translated really well and I'm just so grateful for my parents for instilling that into me because I think that's such a good thing. And then the other piece piece advice, I have no idea who gave this to me, so I'm sorry. But this is a relationship piece of the guy. So I think like in the first like year of
Starting point is 00:04:32 marriage, I don't know how long have you and Christian been married now? A year and a half. Okay. So for me and Sam, we dated for a really long time. But I feel like in the dating stage, like everyone's kind of like, I don't want to say on their best behavior, but like really there to please. Like you're there to please each other and you want to prove how like you are the right person for each other and you get married and you have the honeymoon phase and then things get comfortable and it's easy to kind of forget that like phase of just doing things for each other. Right. And I remember it caused contention. It would cause these things of do you not love me anymore because we're not doing
Starting point is 00:05:06 these same things? And I genuinely don't remember who said it to be, but someone said, Lindsay, in a relationship, assume the best out of your partner. Assume that they are always there to support you. Assume that the things they're doing aren't intentional to hurt your feelings. I love that.
Starting point is 00:05:21 And then go about conversations in that way. So if you have an issue or something comes up, go to them in a sense of not, you're doing this and it's making me feel this way more of a sense of, this is how I'm feeling. You may not be aware that you're making me feel this way, but let's figure out so that we don't have to have this anymore. So I feel like that's been really, and then that has translated over into work. I mean, on dancing with the stars, you work with partners and it's kind of like a relationship. Oh, for sure.
Starting point is 00:05:45 Yes, you have to have those skills. Like, you have to know how to work with different personalities. And I think it's so important to remember that like not everybody functions the same way that you do. So you have to sort of be able to adapt and assume that they are trying their best and then go from there and work on things from there. That's such great advice. And honestly, good advice for just our world. I feel like, yes, you know, if we would just assume the best out of people and that their intentions are
Starting point is 00:06:12 actually kind or good or not what we might perceive in a moment, like we would be much more pleasant people and get along a whole lot better. And it's interesting that you said that about just that putting on your best self because Christian, I talk about this a lot. I've even shared a message on this. It's like there's such a huge difference from being liked and being loved. And I think because our social media culture trains us for what it looks like to be liked, it's like, well, if I want to be liked, then I have to be presentable. And I have to look perfect.
Starting point is 00:06:40 Then I have to be on my best game. But being loved is very different. Being loved is about being known for who you are. And it's like, you know, you can be loved by someone and maybe not even be liked in a moment. You know, you might be like, to be totally not likeable today, but your husband still loves you.
Starting point is 00:06:57 Yes, and that's like that assuming the best. Like, you know, I love you not because you're perfect, not because you're presentable, but because I know you. And that's such a freeing thing. And so in our world, if we could just cut that whole like business out and actually get to know each other, hear each other out, we'd be a lot more pleasant people. So I love these of them. I think it's so like you would want people to do that for you. For your worst days, when you say something that maybe you didn't mean or
Starting point is 00:07:23 you step out of line and you know that you were wrong You would hope that people would assume that you didn't have bad intentions so that you didn't Mean to hurt somebody's feelings like you would hope for people to assume that so yeah Why not do that for others and give other people's that grace that you would want to get as well Yeah, that's so good. Nobody actually likes cancel culture You know, but we all kind of can feed into it. And so the more we can assume the best, the more we can listen, hear people out, get people the benefit of the doubt, the better. I love that. That's so good. So you mentioned that you were on, so you think you can dance.
Starting point is 00:07:55 And your life has been crazy because it weren't you one of the youngest to ever be a pro and dance with the stars. Besides like Julian. Julianne Huff was the only other one that was doing with me. Wow. So. So looking back at, I would say, your younger years, but your younger years were also dance with stars. Did you ever think your life would actually pan out the way that it did?
Starting point is 00:08:19 And how did you go from being in Utah to seeing the dance to danceismissar's professional? So absolutely did not think my life was going to pan out the way that it did. I was in my final year of high school. I had been accepted to a college. I was already in rolling in classes, fully prepared to go to college in the fall.
Starting point is 00:08:40 I was going to study physical therapy, wanted to be a sports therapist. That was my thing like I was like Dance is done. I've done what you do with dance and that's that's it Wow, and it was actually my mom who Literally dragged me to the so you think you can dance on it. I was just like no like I'm not gonna go I'm not gonna make it like I even hate like I'm like Lindsay. What were you thinking? Oh, she dragged me to this and I got on that show first and then it's interesting because even after that show
Starting point is 00:09:08 I still didn't like foresee everything else. I was like, okay, I'm gonna do this show I'll say it'll be done in August. I'll come home and then I'll go and I'll go back to college and then Things just started happening. I went on so you think you can dance then they had a tour and then right after the tour Dancing with the stars called Wow, and then I started that and I think after my first season on dancing with the stars I started to realize like okay, I think this is actually yeah the direction. I'm going now But it's funny. Nothing back that while I was in it. I didn't even register what was happening because it was just happening Yeah, and yeah, it was really were you intimidated by that like getting asked me to as a startup scary?
Starting point is 00:09:46 Oh Terrified me because I first of all Just graduated high school had never lived outside of my house like it's not like I like had lived on my own I was used to living with my parents right moving out to LA and then the most intimidating Intimidating part was that I was asked to be a pro my first season. So you know how there's pro in this group. Most people are true for a few years. Yeah. So they can like get some practice under the belt. Right. And then they go pro. Well,
Starting point is 00:10:14 they asked me to be a pro the first season. I mean, I'm 18 years old. I've never choreographed a dance before. Oh my gosh. I mean, I maybe had taught like little kids right I never taught like another adult So that was gosh, it was so intimidating, but it was crazy because like when you're in it You don't have time to like yeah, no, you just go cuz the money is are coming. Yeah, yeah It's like there's nothing you get it's like if you're not ready. It doesn't matter. It's still going down Still live yeah, so it was very intimidating and then I actually, I was a pro that very first season. And then they bumped me down to troop for five seasons after that.
Starting point is 00:10:52 And that was where I had defined my personal growth, my confidence. Because that was just a huge, I mean, to start out at the top, get bumps down. Not that true. It was about it. Anyway, I mean, that's an incredible job. I'm so grateful for it. But that was where it kind of like,
Starting point is 00:11:08 that's where the intimidation came into effect a little bit more, because I started to think maybe I wasn't good enough. Right. And that's where I was like, I've got to prove myself constantly. And I think that's sort of, that was more of like the, that was more of the struggle for me, honestly. I feel like our stories are similar in different ways, because you know, people asked
Starting point is 00:11:25 like when I started speaking and it was the same way. It was like, I didn't even like, say I wanted to be a speaker, think I was going to be a speaker, like nothing. And then all I said in like, I'm just like on stage speaking and people are watching on YouTube and it's like happening and it's the same thing as they didn't register yet. Like it took me like a year of doing it before I was like, oh okay, this is what I'm doing, you know? It's crazy. I think I think God goes so far before you and you know, purpose, people wanna find their purpose
Starting point is 00:11:55 and your purpose is kind of a journey. Like you can have your purpose in every season of life but it's gonna continue to unfold. It's not like you're gonna wake up one day and be 25 and be like, I figured it out like here it is like it's a It will so for you, I mean comparison is obviously like a huge struggle for girls and our generation and probably every generation as a dancer do you feel Was it hard for you not to compare yourself to the people at the left in the left and the right because I feel like even when I was on this with stars, it's so hard
Starting point is 00:12:29 not to compare yourself because you're literally competing against everybody. And you're being compared to everybody. So how have you wrestled through that on the show and kind of in life? That has honestly been a valid thing in my life since I can even remember. Because growing up, I mean, starting at eight years old, I started competing in ball and competitions, jazz competitions, and it never stopped. I mean, I just was every weekend pretty much. I was at a ball and competition or a jazz competition and at these competitions, you're
Starting point is 00:13:00 directly competing against other people that are your age that are doing the same things as you, and you're being compared, and you're sometimes you do better than someone, sometimes you don't do as well. And I actually think that that helped me later on in life, because I was so used to that format of this is what you do. You work hard, you put time in, you do the best that you can, and at the end of the day, people are going to have their opinions. But if you put in the work, if you do everything you can then that's that's really it's out of your hands at that point It's true, but that's not to say that going out to LA and being in that world and now it's my career and my profession and the way that I make money Like that then changes the game. It's no longer just like fun and games anymore. It's my livelihood. So It definitely is a constant. I don't want to say struggle,
Starting point is 00:13:46 but it's definitely something that I have to constantly work on. Like I have to be aware of it, and I have to check in with myself. Social media is a huge thing. It's every day. It's direct comparison of your life to somebody else's life. It's seen exactly what maybe you wish you had more of, or maybe, oh, that that's like it's just this constant comparison and I really do have to make sure I check in with myself and my favorite way to combat comparison is to focus on gratitude and the things that I do have and the things that I do enjoy and that I grow and I think that's kind of the biggest way that I can sort of navigate that in this day and day right now. I love that. I think gratitude is like the biggest secret weapon of all time.
Starting point is 00:14:29 Like, it is like- That really is. And the most underrated weapon that we have because- Yes. Like, in any season of life, whether it's comparing yourself to others, whether it's going through something hard, going through- Even the ups and downs of pregnancy, but when you have gratitude, it's like it shifts your perspective every time to the good. But I think that even with comparison, your parents' advice going back is so good about
Starting point is 00:14:54 knowing who you are and our whole tagline is literally behind me, live original. It's like, live fully who you are. And when you're confident in who you are, like you said, like when you went out there and you know, it probably saved you from so much stuff, just knowing that that's who you are and when you're confident in who you are, like you said, like when you went out there and You know, it probably saved you from so much stuff. Just knowing that that's who you are So you can say I didn't they I did all that I could I did the best that I could and they have a different opinion And that's okay because I know who I am and I'm walking away proud So it's a disaster I want to talk to you about so when I was on dance with the stars
Starting point is 00:15:23 I did was like not prepare for help physically demanding and crazy it is Oh my goodness, like how oh my gosh it is so hard I would people say was it fun? I'm like oh it's the most fun thing ever But it is also the hardest thing ever and so y'all really go through it But obviously like on the show you get in really good shape really fast like I've never had a six pack probably never will get in my life maybe but hey I was rocking it on national TV and that's great But it was such a fast like body change and then after the show it's like oh well now I don't dance all the time so my body changed then and now being pregnant
Starting point is 00:16:03 experience another really fast body change. For you, have body image ever been a thing for you that you've struggled with? And like, what would you say to girls who are in a season where maybe it's like not the time they can work out all the time? Because I see I see your stories now like you put out so many great workout videos to help moms get back into shape and kind of, you know, become healthy with their body. But also, I'm sure it was hard going from like, dancing all the time to like, totally not being able to do all that
Starting point is 00:16:30 and pregnancy, which I've kind of faced in a, in a different way. So you have any advice for that with body image? Yes, so I would say, one of the biggest things that's always kind of like, stress me out or made me feel a little bit negative about myself is when I feel like my body can't do the things that it normally is supposed to do.
Starting point is 00:16:50 As far as image like the way my body looks, I feel like my parents really, really ingrained in me to not focus on that and focus more on what our bodies can do. That's great. So it kind of shifted in a different direction though, because then there are times, I mean, when I got pregnant it was hard because I could not physically do the things I used to love to do. Yeah. I couldn't go on these long hikes with my husband without my back filling like it was going to actually break in half.
Starting point is 00:17:15 Yes. Or my pelvis feeling like it was going to fall out during my legs. Yes. It's interesting because that was the first time where I mean growing up dance has always been my physical activity. As I've gone older I've realized like in order to stay in my best shape and what makes me feel the best I needed to incorporate some other styles of movement, some more workouts, and then I got pregnant. I don't like it. Can't really dance, can't really do the workouts I'm used to doing. And that's actually when I started my workout program, move with lens, because in my mind,
Starting point is 00:17:50 I went, there are probably so many women, people out there who maybe don't feel like, because here's the thing, I feel like there's so many workout programs or workout people that we aspire to be like, and it's very intimidating because it's this like perfect image of this is what you need to be to be physically Perfect. Yeah, and that's just not attainable for all all seasons of life. It just isn't so I created this workout program because I wanted to Give something that allows people to focus more on how they feel and how their bodies feel and how their bodies are Doing the things that they can do in the moment that they're in. And that means that it's 25% capacity of what you're used to be able to do. That's okay because you're still doing something.
Starting point is 00:18:35 So I think that was a huge hurdle for me in pregnancy just really realizing that I may not be able to do all the things I used to be able to do. But my body is creating life. Yes. I am bringing a new human into this world. Yep. And I'm also still able to get up every morning and walk around and be with my family, spend time with my husband. I'm able to pick up my baby. Like my body is fully different now than it was before. And I don't think it'll ever be the same.
Starting point is 00:19:03 And I am okay with that because of what it means. Because of what that changed body brought for me and what it brought into my life and the joy and happiness. So I think it's like I think just focusing more on what our bodies can do instead of what they maybe should do or what they should look like. It's so good. I love that. That is such good advice. I think that's going to so many people We're doing a workshop right now on our app elisister and it's called the powerful workshop And it's all about body image and we're talking about that idea that like your body is powerful Like it's not just about what you look like it. It's about like what it can do and so I love what you're saying I love that you started that workout program
Starting point is 00:19:45 because I honestly can't wait to start it. I'm gonna do it right after. I have this baby, it's like, I was excited for you. Because it's true, it's intimidating to look at something and they can feel discouraging when you don't look like something, but it's encouraging and empowering. And it's like, it's not about the way you look,
Starting point is 00:20:00 it's about the way you feel, it's about what you're able to do, what you're bringing into the world, whether it's a baby in life or bringing in just like healthy bones to be able to, you know, carry people when they're hurting or walk to people whenever they need a hug, like those things are really powerful, so I love that. I wanna ask you about, so dance for the stars,
Starting point is 00:20:19 you know, every Monday, it's live, it's crazy, things are wild, and then also on top of that, every season, you have a new partner. So you have to roll with the punches a lot. Do you feel like that has helped you in life? Just being more of a flexible person? Absolutely. Like, I genuinely believe that my time on Dancing with the Stars has made me a better wife, sister, hopefully a better mother.
Starting point is 00:20:45 Like it has taught me so much about adaptability. And I think that is so key in our lives. And in everything that we do is being the kind of person that can adapt to the group of people you're working with or adapt to the situation you're in and be flexible and understanding. That doesn't mean you have to change, though. That's the interesting thing is I feel like there's part of me that thought that with each scenario,
Starting point is 00:21:10 I had to change who I was to fit into that scenario. But you don't. That's good. It's just about having this respect and understanding and really just understanding that people are not the same. And then you would never go about every situation in the same way So take the time to learn and listen and be there for other people in the way that they need not in the way that maybe you would think you need Yeah, I love that my grandpa always says like you know the golden rules
Starting point is 00:21:37 I joined others as you would have them doing to you and he says but also doing the others as they would have Them do unto themselves because he says that but also doing the others as they would have them do unto themselves. Because he says that sometimes he was like, he's like, sometimes the way that I love Moby-Comag grandma, two mama and two papa. I don't know, two mama was out there with me and dance with stars. She would always bring her way chookful way. But she... Sweetest. Sweetest person ever, but they're so different. And he always says, if I love two mama, the way I needed to be loved, it might not be the way that she always needs to be loved.
Starting point is 00:22:06 And so you have to get to know how they receive and it's gonna be different. It's so good. It's so true. I don't know if you, I mean, I've actually never read the book, the five love languages, but I've kind of read up on the different things
Starting point is 00:22:19 and I always looked at that is like that's just for like marriage and relationships. But no, that's all aspects of time. All marriage and relationships. But no, that that's all aspects of time. Oh, it's a relationship. Yes, it's any person that you come in contact with. I think the biggest form of like love and respect is knowing how other people's need your love. How they need your support, how they need your love, how they communicate. And it's kind of counterintuitive, but I think once you can figure that out, it then allows you to receive love the way you want it as well.
Starting point is 00:22:47 Because you feel like you were actually able to help somebody and that in turn really does give you good feelings. Because that's true love. It's selfless and love should be that way. I love that. So I would dating question because I think that a lot of people, you know, might think because of the job they have, maybe the school that they are overwhelmed with or whatever, they believe this lie that like, oh, well, how could I meet my husband if I take this job or
Starting point is 00:23:14 if I'm too busy or I'm in this position? Did you ever think like when you moved to LA and you're a pro-NASA star, did you ever like fear that you would like never meet your spouse? Was that ever? What? So what's interesting is Sam and I had met in high school and so we were already dating by the time we moved out to LA. So I wasn't worried that I wasn't going to meet him but there's this thought process of like, can I do what I want to do?
Starting point is 00:23:39 And still have that. And still like does long distance work? Can you still have your separate passions but still have respect and love like does long distance work. Can you still have your separate passions, but still have respect and love for each other? Where that I think is such like this, because so many people were so confused why I was still dating this kid that was back in Utah while I was in LA.
Starting point is 00:23:57 Like in their minds, they're telling you like that will never work. That's not you guys have to be on the same path. You have to be doing the same things. And I just, I think it's so Important and my biggest like I would say the biggest advice that me and Sam found was do you like live your life to the fullest and Things will fall into place the way they are supposed to don't Center your life chasing after this thing that you think you need because sometimes the things that happen to us and the things that are best for us are
Starting point is 00:24:27 not necessarily the things that we thought of. So it's like normally it's not. Yeah normally it's not and I love that and I think that's like I think it's so easy for us to think that it's up to us to like determine our entire destiny which yeah I don't believe that it is. I believe that if we strive to live our best lives, be the people that we are, chase after our dreams, pursue our passions, that life is going to fall into the place that it's supposed to be for you.
Starting point is 00:24:54 Yeah, I agree. I mean, honestly, with Christian and I, I wouldn't have thought. I would have never put that together because I was living in Nashville. He was living in Auburn. I was like full on going for like this ministry. He was in school. He was in a fraternity. Like, he was, you know, fully in college. Like, but he, I mean, was such a great, amazing guy.
Starting point is 00:25:18 And it wasn't that we were doing the same thing in any sense, but we were going at the same things in life and the same things were important to us. And it worked, you know, it was, oh, it's my end of that being what we both needed. And so that's such a good point. It's like, you know, sometimes we think, oh, well, it can't work out because that, that that, and we actually are excusing ourself from potentially love itself, potentially the best thing for us. So that's really cool.
Starting point is 00:25:45 Absolutely. And I love that you said that because yeah, it's true. It's like you maybe weren't doing the same things in life, but your values were in line with each other, your values and the things you were passionate about, not in maybe a career sense, but in a life sense. Exactly. And in a family, that's where things fall into place.
Starting point is 00:26:03 And that's what matters. And success is bonus, but the families, and my family, that's where things fall into place. And then that's what matters. Success is bonus, but the families, like all of that is the key to, I believe having things happen the way that they're supposed to. I agree, because just like you said, you're like, I didn't even know I was gonna be a pro.
Starting point is 00:26:18 I didn't even know this was happening at Austin. It happens like, career has changed. Yes, like you hope that you do the thing that you're doing for a long time, but it's also temporary things, but family, like those are the things that last forever. Like who the person genuinely is, that's the thing that lasts forever.
Starting point is 00:26:35 And so it's good. I wanna talk to you about your all-in-one YouTube channel, the Arnold sisters. I think you and your sisters are the cutest people ever. Me and Bella and my mom always like talk about your family because we just think y'all are so sweet and like cute together. You know literally talk about you guys. No, no, like we really do. That is hilarious. Y'all are just so beautiful and so fun and I just love y'all's dynamic and my sisters are really close to my mom so I just feel like a
Starting point is 00:27:04 mutual thing there. But for L.O. Liberage and like everything we do, as we always say, we want to be a good sister and a friend. And like you are such a good sister and a friend to your sisters, to your friends. And like you can see that through your Instagram, through your YouTube. Do you have any advice for how to be a good sister and a friend?
Starting point is 00:27:23 Which I know is kind of a funny question because those are the things we don't even think about. Like, I don't know how I'm a good sister and a friend, which I know is kind of a funny question because those are the things we don't even think about. I don't know how I'm a good sister. I'm just a sister, you know? But is there anything you can think of that your sister's, yeah, I know that your sisters do that. It's like maybe unique to y'all. So I would say that my biggest advice to be a good sister
Starting point is 00:27:42 and a good friend is to be the biggest cheerleader for your friends and for your sisters. Yes, that's great. And to have the understanding that there is room for success for everyone. Yes. That is not a limited amount of success or happiness in the world. So lift each other up and I promise that success with your loved ones is infinite times better than success on your own. And I
Starting point is 00:28:06 think that like in the, I mean, I don't know if you felt this at all, but I feel like in Hollywood in the entertainment industry, there's very much this like one track mindset of, I'm here for myself. I'm here for me. If anybody else is succeeding, that means I'm not succeeding and I absolutely hate that mentality I think that if you go about life lifting those around you up all of you together are going to rise instead of one person rising A little bit you can all rise together in an infinite way So that's kind of and I'm so grateful that I have siblings a mom Friends around me who have that same mindset. We can cheer each other on and also still pursue our own things.
Starting point is 00:28:49 And it's not a competition, it's all love. It's all like, let's do this together. Let's live life to the fullest together. Yes. Dang, I could not agree more. That's literally like everything we preach, everything we stand for. I'm like, can we use that on all of our social media?
Starting point is 00:29:05 Like you just saying that because that's what I'm like. You can use anything. No, absolutely. I mean, that's it. Like girls think that if one rises and then they all fall, but it's like no, like you can all rise together and champion in each other, not compete with each other. Like it actually can happen.
Starting point is 00:29:23 It actually does happen. and when you do it It's the most beautiful thing ever. It takes away the jealous It takes away that you would think about champion other people you'd be more jealous people would rise more but you're not You're actually genuinely excited for people because you love them. So that's so good. It's key like I This is very key because in order to do that, you have to have people around you that have the same mentality. And I have to be honest there.
Starting point is 00:29:50 There are some people that I maybe have stepped away from a little bit because I didn't feel like they had that mentality. And that can really affect you. Surround yourself with people who are on the same track as you and decide as friends, as sisters, as partners that you are going to make that your mission and your main goal and everything that's going to fall into place.
Starting point is 00:30:10 That is great. I love it. So good. Well, we're nearing the end, but I do want to talk to you about this because I think you're one of the funniest people. And naturally, you're just fun and funny and goofy. And if you watch the show, people know that. You laugh at yourself a lot, and so obviously on live TV, funny things can happen or embarrassing things. Like for me, when I was on the show, I remember I got so over, I guess I just haven't worked out that much.
Starting point is 00:30:37 I was nervous and I threw up. And they literally put it on the show. It was in the commercials. And you're like, great, thanks. But you have to just learn to laugh. I know funny things have happened to you. And in a culture that wants to be liked, wants to be praised, wants to be admired, like, how do you learn to just laugh at yourself and funny things like that happen? So I think this started from a very young age. My dad made it his mission to tease us about something at least once a day.
Starting point is 00:31:08 Not like the mean tease, but just a jockey tease. And really, as we started to get into those teenage years where we started to be a little bit more self-conscious, he really would just kind of try to level us out and remind us that like, you're amazing. You're going to do these things. You're going to have mistakes. You're gonna have to sit on your face're going to have mistakes. You're gonna have
Starting point is 00:31:25 it on your face every once in a while. It's normal. It's human, live with it, love it. And then I feel like I kind of had a moment of, so going back to the very beginning, I've talked about how I was on a pro, my very first season on Dancing with the Stars, and then I got bumped down to troop. That was a huge confidence, like dagger for me. That was just a really low point of like, wow, I'm not good enough. Like what am I even doing? Like I can't, I'm not good enough. Okay, and then I spent a full season
Starting point is 00:31:51 trying to like fit this mold, trying to be this person, trying to like, okay, I'm gonna do everything I can to be exactly what I think I need to be. And it didn't change anything. I was on troop for four more seasons after that. And I finally just clicked in my brain, like, you know what? I'm going to be me because I'm happier as me.
Starting point is 00:32:09 My friends love me as me. My family loves me as me. So I'm going to do that. And if that's not enough for this job, then this job isn't for me. And that's where I kind of just started to let go. And I think that's where I gained my confidence because I realized that
Starting point is 00:32:25 it didn't necessarily like change anything but I was a happier person and I felt like I was living a fuller life. So I feel like it started stemmed from there and then yeah lots of things have happened for me on national television that we're just extremely embarrassing and I just had to learn to roll with the punches and I I love it. Now I can look back and be like, I'm really glad that I didn't let that like affect me or embarrass me or anything like that. Yes, that's so good. And it's so cool that you said, that's where I found my confidence. Like in the place where your confidence was shaken the most is where you actually
Starting point is 00:32:56 found your confidence. Because when we realize our confidence isn't in our perfection, but it's in genuinely who we are. And what we actually just naturally have to offer the world, the talents that God's put in you, the purpose he's put in you, like that's when you get to live in true freedom. And so, so cool that you learn that.
Starting point is 00:33:14 And then you went on to be a pro again, I know. You won Dance of the Stars, which is awesome. Such a good season too. It was with Jordan, right? Yep, yeah. That's awesome. So fun, I know people love that. that well the last thing I want to ask you because it is the month of May Which is our mom month since I'll be on maternity leave since hopefully that times is out. I'll have a baby
Starting point is 00:33:35 Which is awesome. I know crazy, but what is your mom advice for me? Oh? My goodness, okay Here's the thing. I want, my mom advice to you is just to go into this knowing that you have everything in you that you need to take care of your daughter. Everything's so good. There's not one thing that is missing from you.
Starting point is 00:34:00 God has given you all of the things that you need to care for and love your daughter and just trust in that, believe in that and know that. And you're going to literally blow yourself away with the way that you're just naturally going to be able to nurture and love your baby girl. Like it's the most, I mean, I literally have so much to do. That's so easy. That's so easy. It's just, I think you, it's so hard going into the motherhood.
Starting point is 00:34:22 We just have this mentality of like everything has to be perfect. We have to have a plan. We have to have this that and the biggest piece of advice is just know that you can do this. You have everything you need. Just trust yourself. You and Christian are a partnership. Your team like you guys will be able to do anything with your beautiful baby girl. And I am so excited.
Starting point is 00:34:43 Thank you. I'm so excited. I'm feeling the feels for you. I'm so happy. I'm feeling the feels and I am so excited. Thank you so much. Feeling the feels for you. I'm so happy for you. I'm feeling the feels. I'm so excited. No, thank you. That means a lot.
Starting point is 00:34:51 I bring so much peace because you're right. I mean, honestly, the internet will tell you you have to do this and this and this and this and this. And yeah, it's all probably a good thing to do. But at the end of the day, like, that just means so much that we already had it all in a set. That's who we were built to be and said thank you I appreciate that you and your daughter had make me a Christian so giddy about having a baby all your maris selfies
Starting point is 00:35:11 I'm like I can't wait. Oh, I love it. I love it And I can't wait to do your workout program and all the things. I'm so excited all the things Well, you're awesome. I really do hope that we can get together in person one day Thanks. Well you're awesome. I really do hope that we can get together in person one day. Shortly with our little girls and just to hang out because it's been way too long. But thank you Lindsay. You're such an inspiration and just so much fun to talk to you.
Starting point is 00:35:32 You're so sweet. It was so good to chat with you and good luck with everything. Thank you. And if you ever have any questions or need any, like please always reach out. I'm always here. Oh no, I honestly will. Thank you. I appreciate it Um Grace how's your day going. I guess it's nice
Starting point is 00:36:01 Good thanks for saying up So where are you from? I'm from Northern Ireland. That is so cool. Yeah, accent is so cool. Alright, so what's the question that you sent in to the world? That's good podcast. And what is your advice for lonely seasons with friendships? What is our advice for lonely seasons with friendships? So this is a hard one because lonely seasons with friendships,
Starting point is 00:36:30 it's hard and obviously like the year that we've had, I think a lot of people have experiences due to COVID and the pandemic and lockdowns and different things where it can just feel really lonely at times, but even before then, like I can remember a pretty lonely season of my life where I didn't have a lot of friends and it was really hard, but it's in those times
Starting point is 00:36:53 that I look back that I see that that was really the time that God really taught me about who I am. And I really learned what my relationship with the Lord looks like, just me and him. And it was a really cool time to cultivate that relationship with him and figure out who I am. And that's like, you know, easier hindsight, 2020 to say. It's easier to look back and be like, man, that was such a special time in my life because I got to know who I am and I got to become so close to God. But I also know that in the midst of it, it can feel really hard. So my advice, you would just be like, dive into it instead of trying to just get past it.
Starting point is 00:37:29 Like instead of being like, oh, I'm so lonely. I hate this. I need friends. I need that. Like just sit and where God has you because the more you know about yourself and the more you know about God, ultimately, that's going to lead you to the type of friends that you want to have. And I think taking the time to become who I am at that time really helped me form the friendships
Starting point is 00:37:50 that I formed in the years to come. Even though it feels like a throwaway season, it's actually a really pivotal time in your life. I would just encourage you to dive in. Don't think that anything is wrong with you because you don't have friends right now or you're lonely. Don't think that it's your fault or it's because of who you are. Maybe it's just the time where God's just wanting to remind you and make you who you are. Yeah, that's so good. Yeah, I know. I can think about, for me, there's been really two seasons that I can really remember where
Starting point is 00:38:22 I was coming out of old friendships and trying of, you know, trying to find new friendships. And I know that kind of at that time, you know, those were some lonely times where I was transitioning a group of friends and trying to really figure out who I was as a person. And those are really such just key moments and key times in my life where I feel like my relationship with Jesus really deepened. And it was because I was able to focus less on my friends and and and spending out with them and doing different things with them. And I was really able to read more to pray more to be by myself more and really, you know, be okay with myself. I'm an introvert.
Starting point is 00:38:58 So I know that it is easier for me to kind of, you know, be lonely, I guess in a sense. But for me, I really, you know, used that time to really deepen my relationship with the Lord and really read more and pray more and really enjoy that because I knew that sometime I would come out of that and sometime I would find friends that I would really be close to. So I just encourage you kind of like what Sadie said, just,
Starting point is 00:39:23 you know, enjoy it, be in it, soak it in and don't,, you know, wish it away, and don't wish for the next one to come, but enjoy your app because you're there for a reason. Yeah. Well, hope that helps you, and I hope that encourages you in your time. Thanks for asking us such a vulnerable question. Yes, thank you see what's from. Yeah, so it was so nice to talk to you. Thanks for calling Hey, bye So sweet and what a cool accent all the way from Ireland northern Ireland Northern Ireland You all I love how the podcast reaches so many different people so many different places It doesn't matter where you are. We hope that you're so encouraged by the advice that we're able to give and get from so many other people. Don't forget to keep asking your questions to the way that's good podcast Instagram and we would love
Starting point is 00:40:12 to give you a call. You know it's cool that you're under there, I'm in the tube. What? You can swipe up from that far away. What the heck? What what why? Swipe up people. There's no cypher.

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