WHOA That's Good Podcast - Messy Breakups & Relationship Rebound Mistakes | Sadie Robertson Huff & Sazan Hendrix

Episode Date: June 1, 2022

Sazan Hendrix drops so many "WHOA!" moments in this conversation with Sadie about her journey from a hard breakup and rebound pitfalls to getting to know Jesus and becoming a wife, mom, content creato...r, influencer, and entrepreneur. Sazan drops some serious wisdom about the "you do you, boo" culture, how to navigate the chaos of social media, why being vulnerable and honest on Instagram is so vital, and how to press past fears about sharing your faith. She also shares advice on how to love where you are every day, finding the confidence only God can give you, and how to listen to what God wants you to hear. Friends, remember, living the good life doesn't mean you won't hit rough patches, but God is with you every step of the way. Listen to "The Good Life with Stevie & Sazan" anywhere you get podcasts. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up fam welcome back to the world that's good pie cast y'all we have a good conversation happening today. I wish we were already recording when I got sas on the phone because she is already dropping truth bombs. I have sas from the pie cast the good life man I'm so excited to have you on our podcast. Oh my gosh, baby, how are you? How's my baby, honey? Oh, your baby is so good. I'm just glad you haven't eaten her yet.
Starting point is 00:00:34 That's why I'm craving. Can't get too close. You named her honey. Do you understand? Like I literally think that she is just a glob of honey. I want to eat her sweetness. Just, oh, every time I see that baby, I'm like, give think that she is just a glob of honey. I want to eat her sweetness. Just, oh, every time I see that baby, I'm like, give me that baby.
Starting point is 00:00:49 She's the best. And your kids are the cutest. So you have plenty of sweetness up in your house, for sure. My hands are full, that's for sure. For sure. Well, Dad, we have a great conversation ahead of us, but before we get to all that, I have to ask you the question of the one that's for sure. For sure. Well, sad, we have a great conversation ahead of us. But before we get to all that, I have to ask you the question of the world. It's good podcast. So,
Starting point is 00:01:09 sad, what is the best piece of advice that you've ever been given? Oh my gosh. Oh, right there in the hot seat. I love this advice that I got right when I started creating this whole influencer career before influencer was even a thing I had started a beauty blog and I just remember I had seen it was online and it wasn't a specific famous figure person it might have even been a Facebook status.
Starting point is 00:01:38 But it said never compromise who you are for what you want to be. And I really like that because during that time, and in my life, I was just really trying to figure out, well, who am I, and what do I want to be? And so to know that you do not have to compromise who you are for your dreams and your goals and your aspirations, I just thought, do that's gonna stick with me forever?
Starting point is 00:01:58 And it really has. That is so cool, I love that. Okay, let's talk about this for a little bit because you said you started this whole thing before it was really a thing. Well, now it has become a thing and so many people listening are probably starting to start they're trying to start their Instagram
Starting point is 00:02:15 or their blog or their podcast or whatever account they're on their YouTube channel, their whatever. I mean, that is a thing. A lot of people want to be influencers and it's a great job to have, honestly. But it's a hard job. I think a lot of people think it's an easy thing. You know, you just get lucky. You just end up famous, you end up viral. And I don't know many people that that's the case for, honestly. Most people really work very hard to get to that point.
Starting point is 00:02:40 And so tell me about that journey for you. What does that look like? Starting it and where you're at now. Oh, thanks, sister. How much time we got? You guys got some coffee, some tea, some popcorn. OK, here we go. Once upon a time, there was a young girl who was about 19 years old. And I started really dreaming, sort of like, what is it that I want to want to do in my life?
Starting point is 00:03:03 I feel like that's around the age, right? We've graduated high school. We like in our early stages of college and figuring out what's the career path of our choice. And so I really started dreaming up of you know what was that career, what would that look like for me. So at the time I really loved storytelling. I loved how media and news gave us this ability to just connect with an audience and being from you know Texas I was going to go in a small town, Denton, Texas and I just remember feeling really inspired by just this ability of being able to connect. Now granted of time social meeting all of the stuff was there, it was slowly on the rise but it was not necessarily a thing like today where it's just a part of
Starting point is 00:03:42 everybody's life, everybody's business, et cetera, et cetera. So I remember in college when I was studying radio series so I thought, okay, I'm gonna do this. I'm gonna do journalism, I'm gonna study specifically television news, media, all of that. And then when I graduate, I'm going out to LA. I'm gonna just really give this thing my all. And while I was doing all of this at the same time,
Starting point is 00:04:02 personally, and behind the scenes, I was also learning and discovering who I was doing all of this at the same time, personally, and behind the scenes, I was also learning and discovering who I was. I was going through sort of like my early midlife crisis and identity crisis, if you will, and I was really lost. I was really confused. I was just trying to figure out my life on a personal and a professional level. And I felt a lot of weight, a lot of pressure, and like I needed to find answers now. And I think that's kind of what happens for me when I look
Starting point is 00:04:32 back, you know, obviously living a life at that time. I did not know God. I did not have a relationship with Jesus. I was all, it all came on me. It was all on my plate, my shoulders, everything, the strength that I had was coming from me, myself, and I, and I just burned out really quickly and, you know, went through a hard break up, and at that time, I thought, well, I can at least focus on my career, and let me just go really hard on my career. That's what I thought was the healing. It was like, okay, when you, when one thing doesn't work out, like this relationship had so much thought and energy into,
Starting point is 00:05:05 then I need to go to the other way. Like I wanna do TV news, broadcasting, let me just chase that 110%, and then I'll eventually forget about this mess. I didn't even understand where you begin when it comes to feeling and all of that. I was just like, let me go to the next thing. Let me just say busy, rebound, so speak.
Starting point is 00:05:24 And so I rebounded into the career mode, school mode, graduated, and I quickly felt like, you know, I'm not content. I feel like this isn't enough. I was always feeling like, okay, I need to chase the next thing. And so it was actually when I was backtracking a little bit, when I was in college, when I met my husband now, Stevie, and we were both studying radio TV film. And I was just so drawn to his ability to light up a room. I thought, oh, he's definitely going to be like famous on TV. He's probably like Ford, Broadcast.
Starting point is 00:05:55 I mean, he's just got the it factor. And I remember looking at this confidence, right, that this other person had my thoughts, I need that. I need that. And it's because I also thought I have to have that if I'm going to be Life camera action TV news reporting interviewing celebrities potentially. I thought I need to be more confident And I thought that it was something that I could easily just Watch somebody who had it and thought oh, I can try to learn how to be that or emulate that or figure out what's the tips and the tricks to be that.
Starting point is 00:06:31 But really it was an internal transformation that my body, my spirit, my soul needed to go through. And so it was in college when I found Jesus, I got radically saved in my dream. And I'm literally diving deep into this because it's a huge part of the career that I ended up choosing. And I just remembered, you know, praying and asking God, I had just really reached Brock Bottom
Starting point is 00:06:59 and then I saw Phoebe, who was just someone who's rooted in confidence. And I said, I want that. And the more that I got to know him, he was talking about this Jesus guy. And I thought, well, how can I get to know him? I want to sign up for that. And I was never afraid to ask those questions.
Starting point is 00:07:16 Sometimes as new or people who don't believe, right? And what you believe is like you get very hesitant, right? About even sharing what you believe, sharing the love of Christ. and I remember being hungry. Like I was so hungry for it and I would just ask you all these questions. And he just said to me, he said, you know, if you ask God to tell you who he says he is, he's going to tell you that. He will reveal himself to you. And that's all he told me and I said, okay, well, what do I got to lose at this point? So I went home that night and I prayed and I said,
Starting point is 00:07:49 hey God, I probably haven't come to you in a while and not in this way. But I just want to know if you've been here my whole life. Just wow. I heard some of my cries, my prayers. I was just like, is this even make sense? This is weird. I'm talking to myself in my room right now. And I was just like, is this even makes sense? This is weird. I'm talking to myself in my room right now.
Starting point is 00:08:07 And I just was like, just praying, right? For the first real time in my life, to God, right? Wow. And it was that night. That night, in my dreams, I was literally in a church, in my dreams, is like this big room, which was filled with people who were obviously believers and I was in the back of this room and kind of in the midst of a crowd with the people who had their hands up in the air and they were worshiping Jesus' name. And I remember in this
Starting point is 00:08:37 dream feeling like my spirit was coming to life for the first time. I woke up and it was no question about it. I instantly called Stevie. My good friend at the time, who's now my husband, and said, whoa, what did you do? I was like, what is it? Oh my gosh. And he said, okay, I did not realize God was going to show up that fast
Starting point is 00:08:59 is what he's thinking. Wow. But that was the beginning of a journey now that I was going on to get to know this this incredible Jesus right that we hear about in history. He's a figure. He's somebody that a lot of people followed and a lot of people hated and that at this time in my life I just wanted to get to know who the real Jesus was. I wanted him to come to me, you know, I wanted him to show me. And he was right there. He was right there. The second I opened my heart.
Starting point is 00:09:27 So I get radically saved. And then I started really rethinking some things in my life. Um, I started working on a lot of stuff internally that I was touching away. And then I realized I'm going to LA. I'm going to hold, I'm going to give it a shot. This whole TV thing. And I just was not breaking ground. I just was not, it was like I was definitely a small fish in a very big pond.
Starting point is 00:09:52 And I felt, and I was also a very, you know, new, I was a new believer in my faith. By, by no means felt like I was equipped spiritually to combat some of the lies and some of the things that were coming at me and God was literally there every step of the way and at times I literally came face to face with the father and I remember it was after six months of grinding it out in LA my bank account was literally down to zero pretty much my parents were helping me at that point, but they said, girl, this is it. You've got to come home, you're not breaking, you're just not, it's breaking through.
Starting point is 00:10:31 And I thought it'd be all easy, right? And I just remembered thinking, Sadie, I was like, I've kind of figured something out. And then I just remembered feeling like, I go to the bathroom and I had this moment in my small little bathroom in the apartment and I just the life were off and here I am just crying on the floor of my bathroom and came face to face with the father and God literally spoke to me and said, you're going
Starting point is 00:10:56 to do the one thing that you have in front of you that at the time I had but it wasn't anything serious, it was a flaw that I had had throughout college. And that's where it was this moment of like obedience. And I did not, the human in me, in my flesh, I did not want to do that. I knew that that path was gonna be a little bit longer. It was gonna require more effort, more work, more prayer, more trust.
Starting point is 00:11:24 And then there was a other path where I thought I could literally go to an audition and book a job require more effort, more work, more prayer, more trust. And then there was a other path where I thought, I could literally go to an audition and book a job and then have a great career ahead of me doing TV journalism and then accept, but God had different plans. And I had to surrender to that. And it was when I surrender when things in that space started to evolve.
Starting point is 00:11:42 And I felt like I was watering this thing that I didn't even know what it was going to become. And it just kept growing and growing and growing. But like you said, it was never an overnight viral thing, overnight success. It was just like, you're growing a flower and it's just bloomed. It's blossomed. There's been seasons where I've had to prune it back and you know start over and I just love that this path is not a path that I would have chose but I'm so glad that I ended up doing it because now it is just as you know it's an amazing opportunity and it's a blessing that we have the opportunities to step on these platforms and do these types of things like podcasting and getting to do it for a living it's just such a blessing and it's so cool.
Starting point is 00:12:26 So I'm like, thank God. Yeah, that is incredible. Like there's so many moments in your story that I want to stop them like shout out and be like, listen to that. Do you hear that people? Do you see that? Because it's just even from the beginning where you said, you know, I thought I was going to be the hero of the story and that it was all going to follow me and I had to do this
Starting point is 00:12:49 and I had to do that and I had to do this. And then you are looking around and you're like, okay, well maybe it's my career, maybe it's my personality or maybe it's my this and then it actually was just you had to come to the end of yourself and realize I can't do it. I can't muster up the confidence. I can't be creative it. I can't muster up the confidence. I can't be creative enough. I can't be this enough. And the thing is, I think many of us, you know, try to rely on ourselves to do all these things. And the world is promoting that message. Live your true. Do your thing. You do, you boo. All that stuff. The problem is, you do and you boo doesn't take you very far because you boo can't find the confidence the only guy can give you. And I love that moment
Starting point is 00:13:30 for you when you're looking at Stevie and you're like what does he have that I don't have. When they outside looking at you you're stunning. You have so much talent. You have so much creativity. Everybody else would say oh she can do it. She has the count. She has what it takes, but no one. It's only about the power of God that we actually have power that we have true confidence, true joy, true peace, true success. And so I just love that before you started a career
Starting point is 00:13:58 that is based off of you. I mean, it's fashion, it's being so like this. It's not rooted in you. You know, it's fashion, it's beautiful, it's not rooted in you. You know, it's rooted in Christ. And that's why it's successful. And it's just so cool. I love that, you know, you had to take the hard route too. That it was a blogging. You had to pour in an invest. And I read this quote from you and it says, when God gives you a vision, when he lays something on your heart, see it through. Sometimes following him looks really, really crazy to everyone else. But when you step out in faith, he will never
Starting point is 00:14:28 fail to meet you there. And I thought that was like such a good quote and I want to talk to you a little bit about one, the faith to start something because the faith to start something is hard. I mean starting anything new takes faith. I know y'all are starting a new product line as soon as that takes faith. But then there's this other side of things and it's actually the willingness to commit to something that also I think takes faith. It's one thing to start it, it's another thing to commit to sing it through. And I think a lot of people sometimes get past the initial faith to start, but then they
Starting point is 00:15:02 don't have the obedience if you will to see it through. So in your life, how have you married the two? When it came to start in the blog and seeing it through, like you mentioned, I've had rough patches of started over, I've done this, I've done that. How did you say like, this is what I'm going to continue to do, even though it looks hard, even though it doesn't look like it's working? In those rough moments, how did you decide to stick with what you were doing? So, so good.
Starting point is 00:15:28 And I think that's something that we can all relate to. Even in our personal lives, you know, you're talking about coming to the end of yourself. I feel like I go through that every day, you know, whether it's through motherhood, through my marriage, through this whole evolving online, media world and craze. I constantly feel like I'm having to stop and just first and foremost, like, get myself in check and know, the personalities that I've taken. I'm like, number one is always like the go-getter, the doer, the moniker-geller from friends who just like go-go-go.
Starting point is 00:16:13 And I think God has really taught me that this journey together, him and I, going on this path, and then it's a blessing that he's also brought Stevie into this. So it's like the three of us together. It's truthfully a covenant here in this, in our marriage, and also in this in this path. I think what God has shown me is like, he's not concerned about the perfection of my heart. And I should be either. Instead, he's looking at the direction. And if I can just focus my sights
Starting point is 00:16:41 and my compass, my internal compass on where he wants me to go. And I'm not going to end up in dead end alley. And so often I do end up in the dead end when I realize, uh oh, I just did what I just fell into the trap. I fall into these traps. And if I'm not checking myself and if I'm not checking in with God, right, I forget that. And so often I too forgive that God the Father, He is literally with me every single day
Starting point is 00:17:10 and everywhere I go. He's with me in the moments where I felt shame. He's actually with me in those moments when I feel gross or I've committed something that I may look at and say, oh gosh, I've this is so shameful. He's there in those moments and then he's there with me at the top of the mountain, right?
Starting point is 00:17:28 When we're celebrating our victories. And I think so often, we think like, okay, God is up there. And I'm down here, I need to do all of the things in which I feel like I need to do to be a good steward and a good daughter of Christ and all of these things. But God has really taught me in life and even in my business that you can do all of the things by the book, but dude, you've got to understand
Starting point is 00:17:52 like the relationship with God, it looks like a roller coaster sometimes. And that's okay. It does not have to be this perfect ride and this perfect journey, like I was saying with the whole striving for this perfection thing. And so God has just honestly, and this is a good example, is like God has just taught me to like follow him.
Starting point is 00:18:13 As much as I'm trying to go sometimes the other way, God is like, it's like a father, right? Literally I see Stevie with our daughter sometimes. And they'll try to like drag him to go in one direction and he's just kind of quietly just kind of like there, but they always end up turning around and going. Staying close to him right they trust his direction and I want to be that way with my father right in heaven and so an example of this was after I had my second daughter. I just felt like, man, I was in such a good groove. I was getting up in the morning before having a second baby. And I was just like really committed to getting up at 6 a.m. every day
Starting point is 00:18:53 and structuring out this time with God and getting in the word and having my quiet time. And I would do this all while having, you know, teeny, my other little one. And it worked out amazing. I said, oh my God, this is like the best season of life. Anytime I did that, I felt like giving God the first hour of my day, it just made the rest of the day
Starting point is 00:19:11 no matter how it went or winning day. He would just somehow provide me with the strength, the time, the grace. And I was like, oh, it's because I put in that hour with him. Right, right. But you know what God said to me when I had a Mari and I was struggling with getting into the world. I was like, well, I'm making time to get on Instagram.
Starting point is 00:19:27 I was like, I'm literally start picking myself apart. I'm like, I'm just the worst. I need to set time aside. I need to go read my word, all the stuff. And God literally said to me, he said, in this season of your life, I don't need you to sit with me. I'm trying to get you to walk with me. And that's what I
Starting point is 00:19:45 need to do obey. And I need to do obey that in my personal life as I was navigating motherhood. And also in in my professional life. And when I said, okay, I guess. And I would, you know, just follow where God was taking me. He shouldn't so much in that, in that obedience. And I sometimes feel like the internet world and social media in our careers, and you'll probably agree, it sometimes feels like that. It feels like you're navigating through this unknown terrain. We don't know where it's going to go. Some days we show up and we're like, God, what do you even want me to say today? How can I serve this community and do it well? How you would do it?
Starting point is 00:20:25 And sometimes he doesn't respond. And you're just like, uh, and you have to tune into all of those things and not just feel like you always have to focus on the perfection, on the structure. Yeah. It doesn't need to structure him into our lives. He needs to be at the core of our lives and come, like bring him along. Yeah. He's good, the bad, the shameful, all of it, you know.
Starting point is 00:20:47 Come on. It's so good. You're dropping someone, whoa, that's good, left and right. When you said, God's not looking at the perfection of heart with the direction of our heart. I was like, today, that's so true. I just want to stop for a minute because I love how you hear the voice of the Lord.
Starting point is 00:21:03 Like, you have these moments where the Lord said something to you and it's just been a pivotal moment in your life. And for those of you listening, if you're like, I've never taught to make ads and ever spoken to me, I wish God would taught to me like that. Going back to how you really should with God even started, it really started from sad asking the Lord, like God, have you heard me? Do you are you here with me? And the Lord responds when you begin to ask it. you know, for me, moments in my life, where I feel like the Lord has spoken to me, I haven't heard an audible voice, but it's kind of like what you said.
Starting point is 00:21:31 It's like, wait, what? It's like a, oh, I just heard you say it. Like, you know, it's not that you heard it, but you could not convince me that he didn't say it. You know what I'm saying? It's like, I heard enough to know that that is exactly what I needed to hear. That's exactly how I need to move. But there was no audible voice.
Starting point is 00:21:50 It was just directly to my heart and it was exactly what I needed to hear. And when it aligns with the word of God and it is spoken in such a way that your spirit leaps, like I think that's how the Lord speaks most of the time. So I just wanted to make that point to those who are listening or like, that's crazy. To God speak, that's God speak. He speaks in his own way when you ask him, when you sit with him, when you walk with him,
Starting point is 00:22:13 when you tune your ear to hear what he has to say. So cool, this is such a great talk. So I love how throughout your whole career, like you have grown to such a successful place, like you have over a million followers on Instagram, y'all have like over 20 million, however, and probably more than that now, downloads on your podcast.
Starting point is 00:22:33 I mean, you've succeeded in such a great way. And a lot of people, when they make it like this, I feel like they think, okay, well, now I cannot talk about God, because that is very unpopular, because I will get unfollowed. And we've talked about this before. We talked about this at a retreat we were on.
Starting point is 00:22:49 And we have so many of our friends who are struggling with this. We've struggled with it at times when it's like, you know, you're trying to stew or to follow in it you have. And you're scared that if you come out too strong with religion or with your faith or about Jesus, then people are going to be offended, or people are going to unfollow, or people are only going to give you a chance. And so how have you pressed past some of those fears when it comes to sharing your faith on social media
Starting point is 00:23:14 and being afraid that it might hurt your social media platform? For sure, Sadie, that's a really good question. And I think a lot of struggle with that. And I have definitely, um, I, I've had to pray about that. I'm like, God, I just feel like I am not, for example, I feel like I'm a, I'm a, if you think about somebody who bridges the gap, like bridge the gap, I'm like, I feel like seeding I are right in the middle of that gap. A huge part of our community is secular. It's people from all different beliefs and walks of life.
Starting point is 00:23:45 I don't wanna scare them away or make them feel like you're not welcome in my house or you can't sit at the table. And then the other side is like, yes, people who are of the same faith and that's great too. And I'm just like, God, how do I do it this? How do we usher this? How do we speak in a way that does give us
Starting point is 00:24:04 right that Christ like aroma, but also it's just from our heart and it's real and it's just kind of like you can talk about anything and everything because as humans we go through it all and you can relate on so many different levels and I just feel like for me what God has shown me is just the power of understanding like at the end of the day, I don't care how many followers you have, how many books you've written, how many collaborations you have in the making or how many brands are watching you. I just have come to a place finally where I know who my provider is and sometimes we put Instagram and we put all of these other platforms that provide for our families like these are the things that also help me feed my kids
Starting point is 00:24:49 We we get their fear. You literally feel this like circling fear that you're going to do something wrong or you're gonna portray God in a way that is just not real. You just just worried? You worry so much about the unknowns. And I'm just like, I can't do that. Like that God, if you're doing anything out of love, you can do no wrong. Love is ultimately what is going to cancel out fear and hate. And so if you step up, whether it's in your workplace,
Starting point is 00:25:21 in your home as an influencer, or even online as an influencer, you can really do know wrong if you are speaking from a place and a pinpoint that is coming from your heart and from love. And either way, as you know, say, these people are going to disagree with what you believe and you'll feel forums start to roll out in the comments section. And you just sometimes have to give that to God and just pray that Lord I can see that a lot of hearts are hurting out here and it's just too much for me to carry and so you know use my platform for good and help me
Starting point is 00:25:58 continue to do exactly what it is that you are calling me to do and it's a lot of just constant conversation I think with God for us and there's been a lot of times where we have felt that. We have felt cornered by something that we believe that is on our heart and that we feel like we know we need to share. Like you just like you were talking about when you hear from God, when you get those certain convictions and things that you're just like, I do feel like the word wants you to share this. I take a step back and I think, okay, God, well, how? You know, I'd like us to go to him with questions. So I'm like, if he's going to be the manager in my career, he's obviously led me to where I am today.
Starting point is 00:26:38 Well, then tell me, manager, I'm like, how should I do this? So it's like, sometimes you've got to sit with sit with, you gotta sit with this stuff and you just shouldn't rush it. And so that's kind of been my way of showing up on these platforms and just being myself and then letting God lead the way on some of the harder topic stuff that I know I should talk about and I'm just like, well, or show me how. Yeah. How do I do it?
Starting point is 00:27:04 That's so good. It's so intentional. And I love how you said. It's a lot of constant conversation with God. And a lot of times that I've noticed recently is I just got these questions like, you know, or even tell them about these fears that I have. Like God, okay, I want everyone to know that like,
Starting point is 00:27:19 I love them and that they are welcome here, even though we might disagree and even though I might be very strong in my convictions and all of those things. And I'm like, God, like, how do I manage that? And a lot of times I feel like, God will just say back to me, like, I know how you feel. And then I realize, oh, wow, you went through the same thing. And to think that like Jesus in the flesh, who was Jesus, so like fully God, fully human, fully loved, but also fully truth, he set with the sinners.
Starting point is 00:27:47 Like he invited the sinners in and not only did he invite them, but he went to their houses. And I'm like, well, teach me how to do that, you know? And I think sometimes like religion has painted this picture that, you know, if you are a follower of Christ, you are a holier than that. But that's not the picture Jesus painted.
Starting point is 00:28:05 The picture Jesus painted was going to the party and sitting with the sinner, you know? Yes, girl. But fully love and fully truth, you know? And so I wanna be like that where I'm not, I'm not throwing away my convictions, my convictions are still fully strong, but I'm also fully loving like Jesus.
Starting point is 00:28:22 And I'm definitely not holier than thou, I'm your friend because Jesus was your friend. And he wasn't the favorite of these friends. He was the center's friend. And I just, I love that. And so a lot of times the things that we struggle with and we ask God, how, or we ask God, why are we standard-free?
Starting point is 00:28:38 The Lord will quickly come back and say, I felt the same way. And then we get to learn from how he, you know, how he did it perfectly seamlessly. And that man, it wasn't always. It was powerful. Isn't that cool? I mean, it wasn't perfect.
Starting point is 00:28:51 And he was persecuted. We have to look at that side too. Not everyone's so behavior. Not everyone's at the table. Not everyone's stayed in the house. He had haters. Not everyone believed. And that's when Jesus said,
Starting point is 00:29:02 hey, at the world hates you, I hated me first. There's this empathy in that too. Man, such a good conversation, because I feel like social media is just so hard to navigate. In general, and there's not enough conversations about how to do it well. One thing I love about your social media is how funny you are. You and Stevie are hilarious.
Starting point is 00:29:22 Y'all are nuts. And I feel that. I feel that. I'm gonna go great hilarious. Y'all are nuts. And like I feel that. I know. That's a great word. Y'all are nuts. To clearly even look. I feel that way too. And sometimes I feel like it's hard to express
Starting point is 00:29:34 all your humor on social media, right? You have these little squares. And it's like how do I let people know who I am in this fullness because people want to pinpoint you to one thing. Like one time I was at this a side bowl shop and it was like Tampa, Florida or something. And this girl looks up from making my bowl. She goes, oh my gosh. Are you that religious girl on Instagram?
Starting point is 00:29:57 I was like, is this what I've known as? Is this who I am? You know, like, why did I get pinpointed as this? This is who I am. You know, like, what? Why did I get pinpointed as this? But it's just like so funny. Because it's like, people would just like, thank you for this one thing. And you're like, actually, I'm a whole human.
Starting point is 00:30:12 Well, y'all are like, y'all do such a good job at all the things. You know, y'all are hilarious, y'all are truthful, y'all are relatable. Is that, is y'all as humor on social media? Is that intentional? Or like, have you always, you know, portrayed your funny side on social media?
Starting point is 00:30:27 Or was that a shift at some point when you started being like, you know what, I'm gonna show more of like, the silly side of me and Stevie. Oh, we, I mean, girl, we, I mean, we fell in love in college. I mean, you look at him and I was just like cracking up. He's one of the funniest people I've ever met in my life.
Starting point is 00:30:43 And then I've always had this quirky goofy side, you know, and sometimes I've reserved it or I've held it back or I'm like, this is embarrassing, I shouldn't do this, you know, but we've always just been naturally goofy. And I think sometimes we notice that we can get a little heavy because you are like on this wave and you're just like, oh man, God is doing stuff. We gotta talk about this on the podcast.
Starting point is 00:31:05 And then we notice like, whoa, we're getting a little too heavy here. We need to relax and take a chill pill. And even when life gets hard, sometimes, and we literally have a funny story, there's times in our life where everything is going wrong. Like, there's times in the day where I'm like one thing after another.
Starting point is 00:31:24 It's just, you know, one of those days. And we literally have looked at each other at times and just busted out laughing in those moments. You know, when you're just so angry or you're just like, what else could possibly happen? We've literally busted out laughing. And I'm like, you know what? That's kind of what's a good life is. The good life is not a life where hard and difficult doesn't exist. You know, good in fact and hard can actually coexist. And I believe that that is part of living a good life. It's not a great life for a reason
Starting point is 00:31:57 because good can be great. And there are days where you just cannot see the good, right? It's like not every see the good, right? It's like not every day is good, but there is still good in every day. If we just look up and we look around and we choose to unwrap the gifts and the blessings that are literally right in front of us.
Starting point is 00:32:16 And that is something that CB and I constantly are checking ourselves with. And we're just like, okay, hold on. Life is, it's not that bad. Let's take a deep breath and let's laugh a little bit. And when we do these funny videos and stuff, it is just, it's our permission. Just like it is when you do your dance videos with Christian.
Starting point is 00:32:36 I mean, it is just your permission to show also the funny humor side to life. I mean, God is a God who's not just like, all right, I know everything and I'm perfect and I've got emotions as well. I mean, God has the sense of humor. It's so to be able to share these gifts and qualities that God actually put in us and has given us.
Starting point is 00:33:01 Why hold back? In fact, I think that sometimes can be the key the key right that invites people into your life in a way that feels very relaxed. I've always been somebody who does weird thing when I'm uncomfortable or awkward. I'll be the first person to like humiliate myself to break the ice in the room or to make somebody else feel comfortable. And so, Stevie and I can continue to do these videos. The ultimate purpose and the intention behind it is ultimately to invite people in and to come and sit, sit. Like, if our social media platforms are at home, let's invite people in virtually. And it's like, if we can do that
Starting point is 00:33:41 through the window of humor, I just feel like that's so relatable to realize when you meet people for the first time, you're not immediately getting into like the deep stuff. You're always relating on a very human common thread level about something, whether you're wearing something they like, or it's just a very simple thing. And then that kind of opens up the heart and you can let people in on a D for level and so you and Christian do such a great job at that too and when you said that you went to be a soluble place and are you that religious go hey I get at when I get stopped it's always like are you a girl that's not talking
Starting point is 00:34:18 about her mustache? I'm the Harry Middle Eastern girl. What's up, homie? Yes, I got five of a cockato. You know? We all have that stuff girl. Hey, it's just that Harry Middle Eastern girl and a religious girl doing a podcast together That's hilarious. I love it. That's so good. I love how you just give permission for good and bad to coexist because it's true when it has to. That's life, you know? Like there are good days that have bad things in them. There are bad days that have good moments in them. And it's just how it is.
Starting point is 00:34:55 And I remember when Christian and I did our first dance video, it's actually a bad day. And Christian came in and he said, like, what do you need babe? Like, what would make it better? And I said, I need a cookie And I want to dance that's literally what I said. I was like I need a cookie I want to dance and honestly is what the doctor ordered. I made some cookies and
Starting point is 00:35:17 Christian agreed to do a dance with me that I promised him I would not post and then after we did the dance He said that's hilarious. you have to post that. And you know what's funny is I had the same mindset about social media. I'm like, I speak a lot in public and a lot of times when I speak, it's on really heavy topics. And I don't want to always be the one talking
Starting point is 00:35:38 about the super serious stuff because again, that's not the only thing in life, you know? And I feel like when you just talk about the serious stuff, people don't have the ears to hear it. If they're like, are you even human? Do you even relate? And so I feel like the more I can be totally human and relatable and a friend to people on Instagram,
Starting point is 00:35:56 it opens the door for them to know, like I'm a friend, I'm family. So when I say something serious, it's from the point of you already knowing I love you. You already knowing what I look like in my good days in my bad days. You already knowing I'm fully flawed and fully human and I'm saying this seriously because I seriously believe it but that isn't mean that I'm perfect in doing it. And so I do think that Instagram is a way for people to truly know you and so that's what's so
Starting point is 00:36:20 important. You don't build your platform on someone that's not you. You know that you don't build a fake platform and you are always filtered or always perfect. You're always this, you're always that because when you get in person, when people see you in real life, you know, then they're like, oh, who is, who is that? And I think you're always hiding. I think, you know how you talked about that perfection thing. I think sometimes we put that perfection on ourselves and we're always comparing ourselves not to other people but to a version of ourselves that we can't reach.
Starting point is 00:36:48 And it's a horrible feeling to feel like you've created a fake version of yourself that you can never be enough as whenever God actually created you and his image and that's enough. So anyways, just such a good conversation. So we got to shout this out because you and CV just started SNS goods. Talk to me about that. Talk to me about where people can find it and really just like why you all wanted to start this.
Starting point is 00:37:12 Because you all do so many things and you do it all well. And so why this new project? Ah, I just love it. You're so sweet. It's on the outside. It made look like we're doing it well. But on the inside, we're just such a small team It's him and I pretty much trying to figure this thing out in a world where today's market is very heavily saturated
Starting point is 00:37:31 and you know when you feel like you're being called to do something It's like this next dimension calling. There's a lot of unknowns and you're just like What do we do and again? It's like, it's a space driven thing. You have everything is. You're just like, God, if we're gonna do this, you have to leave the way. And so for us, right before the pandemic, we, God, like once again, spoke to us
Starting point is 00:37:56 and both at different times, but literally the same week, it was crazy. But the Lord basically said, you need to sell your house in LA. And this is after just two years that we had been planted there. We had at the time, team was about a year. And I was just like, what? We're just now getting comfortable here.
Starting point is 00:38:13 And it was in 2019 when the Lord just kept speaking louder and louder you need to sell your house. And he wasn't telling us why. I was like, really? God, I mean, can I just get a clue? I mean, I'm about to pack up my whole life. My industry is technically here. It's like, what? So we finally said, all right, let's just put it up on the market and see what happened. It's sold in less than a week. And we thought, now what? So we ended up coming back to Texas,
Starting point is 00:38:40 which is where we're originally from just for the summer. We thought, if anything, he's gonna die, by the way. Stevie, his way of God speaking to him, was through a tampon box. No. It said, he said he was using the restroom, and my tampon box was on the toilet thing. And he said, when God told us to sell the house, I saw the word jumbo on the box.
Starting point is 00:39:04 And he said, I feel like word jumbo, the box. And he said, I feel like the Lord is telling us possibly. He's just going to give us a jumbo loan. And we're going to get this bigger house. No way. We can. He's like, let's just, I'm like, I cannot with you. You need to go, you need to go sit down. He was just really hungry and thirsty for, you know, when you're just like, maybe God
Starting point is 00:39:24 saying exactly. All we knew is we were tucking away going back to Texas for the summer while still keeping one eye on LA and seeing what was going to happen in the market. Doors were not opening. We were not seeing any possible opportunity to come back to LA. And that's when we decided, let's just go away for the rest of the summer after three months. We went to Europe in the fall for a month and God was speaking to us like crazy on this trip and in short it was through the number nine which we sound bizarre but we've been praying all summer for the Lord to give
Starting point is 00:39:58 us a sign where are we going and every single hotel that we stayed out across Europe, this was in very several so many different cities. Every single hotel room number was the number nine. So I looked up the number nine biblically, I said to Steve, I say, well, what if this is God speaking to us even number nine? And I'm like, what do we gotta lose? Let's look it up.
Starting point is 00:40:17 When we looked it up, it was one of those things, like you were saying, when the Lord speaks to you and something hits you, it hit me. And what I had read about the number nine was that it is the number of finality, the final judgment. It's right before completion, right? And so it just felt like in that moment, the Lord was saying, hang on. You're almost there, right? And that's when God spoke to us and we said, we're going to stick this thing out. We go back to Texas. And shortly after that, we,
Starting point is 00:40:44 we see we said, you just need to go back to LA. He said, we just go back to Texas and shortly after that, we, um, we, we said, you just need to go back to LA. We said, we just go back to LA and we need to be there on the grounds and really figure out what, what's happening here. And God, all of a sudden, I just started crying and I was like, what? Why am I crying? It was like Holy Spirit tears. I was like, what's going on?
Starting point is 00:41:01 And I said, I can't go back to LA. We have to stay here and it was in that moment where something hit me like you actually are going to be planted here and even though it is 100% right this is where we're going to be. And we ended up sticking around, we went and looked at one house, one night at nine o'clock at night. We looked at them, I'm like pushing the number nine thing, but we stood in this house and it was everything on our prayer list, right? We said, we'll let's go look at it and see what we have to do. We they didn't even argue with us. They said, oh, you get the house. And we're like, what? How? And it was just, you know, when when God, when God, so, you know, when God is waiting the way,
Starting point is 00:41:43 doors are gonna open quick and they're gonna close quick. And that door detects us open. And during that time, we did a lot of tucking away, deep into our hearts, into our spirit, asking the Lord, what is this next chapter of our life gonna look like? We have these platforms, we have this podcast, we have this amazing community, but what is the message that we truly need need to pour out and into these people's lives? And we took away, and
Starting point is 00:42:11 God was really sharing with us that the problem in the world for CEDY and I that we felt like we were going to be a part of solving is the problem of this content. It's something that him and I have also struggled with trying to chase the next best thing, wanting more, getting to the top of these mountain top milestone moments, millions of followers and success and then feeling like, whoa, now what? We've been there. And what God has shown us is that being happy and finding everyday joy,
Starting point is 00:42:41 you can find that in the ordinary and so often we forget that goodness is all around. We just have to stop. Love where we are right now with spicy daily challenges. And trust that God is going to take us exactly where we need to go. And that's where the whole stadium, Cezanne, SNS world came about. It is a world where it's our virtual home.
Starting point is 00:43:06 It's where we want to encourage people, we want to inspire people, we want to create the most premium content that is just that we're on fire for, that thought is putting on our hearts. And then we have this little tiny look of a gift shop on there. That's called SNS goods that we have dreams
Starting point is 00:43:21 to take to bigger places and bigger heights. But it's all through that line of like loving where you are right now. And I think that's such a powerful timely message today more than ever. It's like truly finding joy every day despite not being where you want to be or how you want to look. And that is where we want to help you fuel and inspire people and pray for people. And that's it. That's what we're doing. We're cultivating the good life one good day to time. And we're just so blessed that God has let us where we are right now. That we can do that authentically. So good. That is such good advice and so timely because I think social media kind of
Starting point is 00:44:05 exists on in our culture that there's always something more and there's always something better and there's always an opportunity around the corner and in theory that's not a bad thing to believe. I mean we serve a God who goes from glory to glory to glory. We serve a God who you know can do abundantly more than what you can think of as for dream of or imagine all these things. But I think we have this problem in our culture because of that there's always something where there's always something better that no one's content with where they're at. And they're not going to commit to where they're at. And a lot of times the good and the abundance comes from staying where
Starting point is 00:44:40 you're at and committing to something and seeing it through not from going here and going there because What you're looking for an abundance is not something that you're gonna ultimately find one day It's something that you can literally obtain right where you're at by who God is and the contentment of knowing you're right where he has you to be It's not like waiting in LA or necessarily Waiting in Texas or waiting in New York or what it's where God is So when you are where he is that's where the abundance is and so when you're following his lead and you're following his move and I love how he said one way you can know how God's really speaking and kind of spirit check if he's really speaking is if door Start flying open if opportunity start if it really just happens, you know,
Starting point is 00:45:25 and the Christian always pray that, we say, God, I feel like you're moving in this direction. We always say, hey, God, give us green lights all the way or give us red lights. We don't want the yellow. Like, I don't want the like, in between. I don't want like, is it this like, give me a green or give me a red?
Starting point is 00:45:41 If it's green, we're going. If it's red, we're stopping. And just that obedience and that moe, but I love what you're already doing. What I love about you all is, you know, this podcast got the good life. A lot of stuff what you'll talk about is the good life.
Starting point is 00:45:52 Your life looks like the good life, but you're not just saying, hey, look at me, live the good life. You're bringing people in and welcoming them in on this good life and not making it a perfect life where everything has to be good and great all the time but good existing with the reality of life and things that have been. And thank you for just creating that space to be human and to be real in a space where
Starting point is 00:46:16 you walk in your convictions but everyone's welcome to join in. And so, friend, you're awesome, you're a huge influence for me. I always feel like I get lost in our conversation. Like, I'm just talking to a friend, because I am. But truly, I'm like, wow, a lot of people are going to listen to this, but it feels like I'm just encouraged today. So thank you for being on the podcast.
Starting point is 00:46:36 Thanks for all that you do. Just cheering you and Stevie on in your sweet family all the way. I love you, Sadie, and everything that you do inspires me. You are beyond your years, and honestly, what you're doing for your generation and for so many young girls who step on these platforms day in and day out to be inspired.
Starting point is 00:46:54 You're not somebody who is just look at me, look at the things that I have. You just share, you are literally late, you lay down your life for Christ, and you've done it in a way that is so effortless. And I know it's not that easy, but like you do it in such an authentic way, in a cool way, and a very non-traditional sort of Christian box, boxing yourself into a Christian mold kind of a way.
Starting point is 00:47:20 You're just really amazing. And it's, it's just no coincidence why you are where you are today. You're a young mom, but you're a freaking hot, amazing, talented mom. And I've got to spend one on one time with you. And you're just the real deal. You not only talk to talks, but you walk the walk. So thank you for having me on this podcast. This has just been so fun.
Starting point is 00:47:41 And I want to come back next time I'll bring Stevie, if you the hit. Come back. Hey, I want to come back next time I'll bring Stevie, it's either hate. Come back! Hey, I think we laughed the whole time. But please come back. And thank you for what you said. That really means a world. I think we'll have to have you back because everyone's going to love this conversation so much. Well, love you friend.
Starting point is 00:47:56 Thank you. Thank you. you

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