WHOA That's Good Podcast - My Miracle Moment

Episode Date: March 31, 2021

Sadie's conversation with Emma, 17, and Stella, 14, will give you chills in this powerful episode about choosing a relationship with Jesus and the radical transformations that happen when we open our ...hearts to the Gospel — whether or not we've ever stepped foot in a church building. Emma and Stella relive the dramatic change they experienced last Easter, and Sadie and Christian share the story of Jesus, how Jesus changed their lives, what baptism means, and why they wouldn't have the relationship they have without Jesus.   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All right, let's get it started. So I have two very special guests on the WoW That's Give Hot Cast today. Emma and Stella. Now, you might be wondering who these girls are and actually we've never met but we're meeting right now. And there's kind of a super cool story. I'm going to let them tell the story but the reason why we wanted to do this is because it is Easter. This is the Easter episode.
Starting point is 00:00:28 And last year, Easter, a really cool thing happened. The Emma and Stella are going to share in just a second. But why I wanted them to be honest, because I think that their story represents so many people's story last year, and also so many stories to come. And I'm so excited. Their life makes me excited.
Starting point is 00:00:46 You guys make me so stoked. And just reminds me what everything's all about, what podcaster, about what YouTube's about, what all this, what we can do with it, whenever we're just willing to go out and use it for a positive thing or preach the gospel. So with all that to say, Emma and Stella, I would love for you to just tell the listeners how you got on the podcast.
Starting point is 00:01:08 Tell us your story backing up to last Easter. Okay, so last Easter, the week of Good Friday, I remember just kind of feeling the presence of Jesus and like really wanting a relationship with him. Prior to that growing up, I went to church, but before high school, I stopped going. And so then this Easter on Saturday, I was scrolling through Instagram and I followed Sadie. And I saw her post and I was like, I had no idea what passion city church was. And I was like, okay, maybe I'll watch. And so then the next morning, I'm Easter Sunday,
Starting point is 00:01:51 I got up and I remember like, I got dressed for church, but I sat in my bed. It's awesome. And I like tuned in. And I just remember like just getting chills on my body and like when Pastor Louis was speaking and then you talking about how Jesus is the vaccine to like our pandemic and he really was.
Starting point is 00:02:11 He was the vaccine to like my pandemic and my life. And I remember when it was finally finished, when Tim led like the end of prayer, I like started just bawling like crying because I just was just felt Jesus so much, and I texted my friend. My best friend actually, and I said, Jesus has saved me. Wow.
Starting point is 00:02:35 We actually just looked at those texts the other day because they're like, this is so crazy. That's so cool. Yeah. That's incredible. Okay, so where does the story continue? How did you come to, you know, you've been hearing about what happened
Starting point is 00:02:51 in your sister's life? And maybe didn't you kind of find Jesus too? Yeah, so it's kind of crazy too, because right, like Emma came into my room like after she watched it, because she watched the morning version. And then I was already planning on watching the other one because I actually watched it when you're ticked talks.
Starting point is 00:03:09 And I was like, oh my gosh, like, I'm gonna watch this because Sadie's speaking there. And like, I started to watch it. And one of the like, the story that pointed like, that was really cool to me was like when you spoke at like the Juvee and like that girl that became saved. And I was like, this is possible for me too. Wow. And like it was all like crazy because we all became saved on like the same day. And you talked about how Jesus was coming into like everybody's homes.
Starting point is 00:03:33 And like just from death to life and all that. And like I was like, Oh my God, that's like possible for our family. Wow. And then yeah. And then like after that, me and my sister just like we're in each other's rooms. We were like, oh my gosh, let's get bibles. It's like starting like learning and it was so cool because like I'm no like all me and my sister and my brother like just all that day. We're like, we're going to have a relationship with Jesus. Wow. And your brother, that's so cool.
Starting point is 00:03:58 Go on. You know what I love about your story? Is that on this day, like y'all both took the gospel personally. And I think that's what we all have to do in our life. What I love about your story is that on this day, y'all both took the gospel personally. And I think that's what we ought to do in our life. I love how Emma used said, it became my vaccine for the pandemic, and you said, wow, this can happen for me.
Starting point is 00:04:14 And I think a lot of times, people see, people have these radical transformations with Jesus, and they think, oh, that's good for them, but that could never happen to me because, dot, dot, dot, or because I haven't dot dot dot or because I Haven't been in church or because I have gone too far because that's just not for me But when you open your heart to it, you see that the gospel is for everyone Jesus is for everyone And so I love that on that day
Starting point is 00:04:38 It was like something to spark in your family's life And I think it will be forever changed. Generations will be changed because of that. My grandpa, my dad's dad, he was like not a Christian owl. He was a wild man, okay? And you know, years went on and he was, you know, in the bar, he really had an alcohol problem. He was an angry man and just really not living a good life. And somebody came in, a preacher actually came in specifically to talk to him because his sister was worried about him. And that day my grandpa accepted Christ and had he not like my dad would not be the man that my dad is. My dad would not be a great Christian man. And then we wouldn't know God. Like you see
Starting point is 00:05:23 just a generational effect of one person taking Jesus personally into their hearts and so I know that's gonna be true for your family and I'm excited for that for y'all because we've seen the fruit of that. So what's life been like since the past year? I mean obviously things are so hard because just because you give God Jesus I mean everything gets better but what's it been like? For me, I honestly don't really like, I can't like wrap my head around like my life before Jesus, before like Jesus came into my life. It's like crazy. Like I can't really like, I lived without him. But I've kind of just been pushed to like, have relationships with people that also love God and like push myself to like influence other people. So I know me and my sister both started a Snapchat
Starting point is 00:06:14 story like a private one and so like more than 90 people joined from our school and we just like talk about God and you know share the Bible on there and it kind of like Gets people to talk to you and like people citing up that I have never talked to in my life so forming relationships with people That Jesus is kind of like I guess impacted my life because he's like put people Pushed people pushed push Me towards people. Yeah, oh, it's so cool. You know what I love about this? I just had to point out is that so many people want to harp on social media for being like Terrible and yes, it can be terrible, but like that's really our fault for making it so bad, you know
Starting point is 00:06:56 But look at this like first of all you see on Instagram that I'm gonna be speaking at passion You see on tiktok that I'm gonna be speaking at passion y'all watch probably on YouTube Passion and then y'all start a snapchat of Literally like helping people know Jesus. So I'm just saying like this just shows that There is a light that shines in the darkness and the darkness cannot a single star light whenever you shine it and Y'all are such an amazing testimony of that. Stella, what were you gonna say? I couldn't agree with my sister more
Starting point is 00:07:30 because I was about to say people are starting up on these stories and just like, I love like talking to people that also have relationship with God and they like always talk about how like recently they are focused more on their relationship with God. And I just think that's like, I also agree with the part think that's like, I also heard the part where she's like, you can't really imagine your life because like I don't
Starting point is 00:07:49 really know like what I thought about like what I was like almost my goal in life before that because now my goal is for eternal life with God in heaven and just like being there and like I don't really know what it was like before then. Especially with my Snapchat story, I think it's so cool when people side up and they're like, I'm growing my faith and this is so cool. And I'm just like, oh my gosh, I want to talk to you so much because I want to help you because I would have, like, we had a person from passion talk to us, Bray, and she was so helpful.
Starting point is 00:08:19 And we had so many questions. And that's just like what I want to do for other people because that helped me a lot when I was, because we were confused. Or at least I was. And I first got into it that's just like, what I wanna do for other people because that helped me a lot when I was, because we were confused, or at least I was, and I first got into it, because I was like, what am I getting into? Yeah, that's like my goal, kind of. You know, I love it because a lot of people think,
Starting point is 00:08:39 you know, when they give the idea to Jesus, they're like, now what? I think they get overwhelmed thinking, okay, well now I have to do something big. I have to go dramatically change everything, but I heard this said the other day that obedience is a natural response from the gospel. Whenever you really understand the gospel,
Starting point is 00:08:56 you hear the gospel of Jesus, like you just start to obey Him. And the thing is, you don't have to do anything crazy. You just use what you have. Like God always uses what people have, you know, and even just like when he met the woman at the well, Jesus talking to this woman at the well, and then she just goes back and just tells the story
Starting point is 00:09:12 that she has. That's essentially what y'all are doing. You're like, this is what God did. I have a Snapchat account. I am a follower of Jesus. I'm a Christian. I'm gonna use this what I have to bring glory to him. And I think that's incredible
Starting point is 00:09:25 You're just showing people that you can use whatever you have your story your voice your resources to get the word out there And it dramatically changes people's life. So I love how you brought up that Brit think it was Who said it was how you taught to her and actually I met her at passion this past year And she told me that she was can I do it? You all and I was like that's so cool because everybody at passion like loves y'all's story and so I've been excited to get to chat with y'all but tell me a little bit more about what that looks like because I think this is a key part that people miss whenever they first become a Christian they don't follow up with the conversation with somebody and then they're just like, either like,
Starting point is 00:10:05 I have no idea what I'm doing, and that's whenever people kind of just slide back side. But what did that look like for y'all? So like, it was like the texting where you like texted like, I don't know a number and like, Brit responded mine or like, it was after a little bit. But like, yeah, we like started talking and like, I had questions. We kind
Starting point is 00:10:25 of just introduced like a first call. And then like, I was talking about like my siblings. And then that's when Emma, we like both talked to her. And I think it was like, we had like, simple questions, but like, it was the fact that she was interested, really like, put it there. And do you remember any of the questions that you all had? Not to put you on the spot. Oh I remember I asked like how to read the Bible. Yeah, but it was like no question is a crazy question. Yeah and like that's why I loved she was so welcoming. The whole passion city church was so welcoming and I think that's where we felt so comfortable
Starting point is 00:11:05 and like safe, it was like safe environment. Like nobody's gonna say anything about. Yeah. I just kind of like two questions. So you like another one of ours was you're just wondering like, what do like the difference between like Catholic and like Lutheran and all that
Starting point is 00:11:19 because we didn't really know. Yeah. I mean, I didn't know. And also like I was never baptized. I was asking her, is that a problem? Is that something that I need to rush into? But what really helped me is she told me that you don't you find the right church, and you just find the right moment
Starting point is 00:11:36 that you want to get baptized. Because that was my biggest thing. I was like, oh my gosh, am I allowed to do this? Because I wasn't baptized. So I was like, oh no. Yeah, that's so real though. Those are real questions that I feel like a lot of people wrestle with, they're struggle with, but the difference between most people and what y'all did is you just asked. And you know, I think that if people would ask the question and also if Christians would
Starting point is 00:11:58 be more willing to listen and hear people out and speak to that, they would be, we'd see a huge change in a lot more people. There doesn't need to be any shame in asking those questions, you know? And so I love that. Actually, after you all get off, Christians get to come on and try to answer some of those questions for people
Starting point is 00:12:15 and help lead people to just understand the gospel if they never understood it before because Easter is the biggest representation of what we believe. I mean, you know, we believe that Jesus died. He was buried and he raised in the third day and Easter is at reminder to us. We have good Friday and then, you know, on Saturday, it's a little quiet and then boom, here comes Easter, the resurrection.
Starting point is 00:12:38 And you guys have experienced that in your life and it's incredible. Is there anything that you want to say to people who are listening who, you know, might have been where you were a year ago before you saw the passion message before you met Brit before you walked in, you know, I think there's a lot of teenagers and young adults and really of all ages who are sitting out there in the same position. Anything you want to encourage them with?
Starting point is 00:13:03 Yeah, I would just say just do it. Like, it's something that's always kind of been in the back of my mind, like wanting a relationship with Jesus. And it's always going to be in the back of your mind until you do something about it. So I would just say, just do it. And when Jesus saved me and my sister, my brother,
Starting point is 00:13:22 it's not only a promise of that day, but it's a promise of every single day that you have that you love you. That's right. Come on good words It's like Nike just do it Yeah, like I go to her and like one of my it's just like just talk to somebody because they're they'll give you a lot of clarity And just like kind of like help you God you way because it can be confusing and like again just do it like just like talk somebody and just like have your questions because that was probably a big part of like how we got into it was just because we had someone to talk to. It's so good. Come on,
Starting point is 00:13:56 Yelena Wells wisdom. How old are you by the way? Am I home? I'm 17. I'm 14. What in the world? Y'all are like so wise. But you know what? People say that to me sometimes they say that I'm wise beyond my ears, but I think that's what Jesus does. He's the Holy Spirit does. He just gives you wisdom and places and spaces that you wouldn't have it without him. He really is like your guide.
Starting point is 00:14:21 He's the lamp that lights your path. And so I'm so y'all, I'm so fired up. The story makes me so excited. Emma and Stella, you guys are incredible. Your family is gonna be so blessed from just the decisions that you're making. And I'm excited for your brother too. Thank y'all so much for coming on the podcast.
Starting point is 00:14:40 The day that you took the ACT, that still shocked me. What a day of pressure. I was in fill out pressure and y'all just feel so honestly proud of where y'all are at because I'm super proud for my sister from afar for you guys. And I'm excited to see where your life takes you. I'm just so excited. I said thanks so much for being on the podcast and it was so nice to meet you via our little FaceTime.
Starting point is 00:15:05 Yes, thank you for having us. Yeah, we all have a good one. Tell your family us that hi. Okay, bye, baby. Bye. I just think that their story is so amazing. Stella and Emma are just representing just anybody. Like anybody can have that miracle moment, that resurrection moment, we're all decided they take it personally and say, you know what, I'm like dead and I wanna be alive
Starting point is 00:15:33 and Jesus is the way to that. So I wanted everybody to have that experience. If you haven't ever accepted Jesus as your savior, if you don't even know what that's all about, if you see me talking about it, and you know me as the Christian girl on Instagram, which people have said about me. And you're like, what is she talking about?
Starting point is 00:15:54 We wanna give it a moment to just explain what we believe and what we have faith in in this life. And I couldn't think of a better person to explain it than my husband Christian hub. So I invited Christian on the podcast to share a little bit about our faith, what we believe based off of scriptures in the Bible that we really have taken to heart and put our faith in. Also, I just want to say that you know, you might have never stepped in a church building
Starting point is 00:16:21 before and that does not limit you from being able to have a relationship with Jesus. You know, just because you haven't been in church, you might have never heard the Bible. If today for the first time you hear it and something you encounter Jesus, something and you want to shift something and you want to change, then this message is for you. Your relationship with Jesus doesn't have to do with how many, you know, checks off the little boxes of Christianity you've done. Has to do with your heart wanting a savior and Jesus being that, that man. And so, Christian, take it away.
Starting point is 00:16:53 Yeah. Well, thank you, Sadie, my wife. That was such a sweet intro and super encouraging. But yeah, so this is the Bible. It is 66 chapters and really the whole common theme of this story is that God loves us and he is trying to reconcile us back to himself. And John, so John 14, 6, Jesus says that. Well, back up just for just one second for those who really have never heard of the Bible. There's an Old Testament and a New Testament. So the Old Testament, Jesus hasn't come yet, but clearly we need a Savior.
Starting point is 00:17:31 We need something to happen so we can get back to the relationship with God, our creator. So the gospel simply means the good news and that good news is the story of Jesus. Yeah, that's it. Yeah. And like she said, so in John, so there's Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, there's the four gospels that start the New Testament. And John 14, six, that Jesus speaking, he says, I am the way, the truth in the life, no one gets to the Father except through me. So that's what we believe. We believe that Jesus is the only way. And he's the best
Starting point is 00:17:58 way that that that that we can live our life for. And first Corinthians, this is written by a man, a Paul. You might have heard of him. He was once Saul. He was murdering. He was killing Christians. He had this radical life change. God blinded him. And then he just had this radical life change.
Starting point is 00:18:17 And he's writing this letter to the Church of Corinth. And he says this in 1 Corinthians 15 verses 1 through 4. He says, now brothers, I want to remind you of the gospel that I preached to you. So he's reminding that he's reminding them of something. He's reminding them of the gospel. And like Sadie said, the gospel translated simply means good news. He hasn't said what it is yet, but we know that he's reminded them of this before and we know that the gospel means the good news, which you received and on which you have taken your stand by this gospel, you are saved. If you hold firmly to the word that I preach to you, otherwise you have believed in vain.
Starting point is 00:18:57 So Paul is saying here that this gospel, this good news, this is what saves us. And he says that it saves you if you hold firmly to the word. For when I received, I passed on to you as a first importance. He was about explaining with the gospel is that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures that he was buried. And then on the third day, he was raised from the dead. So that's the gospel. The gospel translated means good news. And the good news said Jesus died. He was buried and he was raised. And it's good news because his death symbolizes the forgiveness of sins for us. And his resurrection means that if we put our faith in him,
Starting point is 00:19:34 if we believe in him, then we will be raised to live a new life with him. So in the Old Testament, we see a lot of sacrifice is being made. And essentially what was happening was God is such a good and holy God. And when people would send, like they couldn't go into the presence of God, back in the day, it was the temple. Now when Jesus came, he, now is the temple, he is the way to the Father, like Christian said.
Starting point is 00:19:58 But in order for them to get back to God and get in the relationship with God, a sacrifice had to be made. They'd have to kill an animal. That would be the sacrifice. And then they could go before the Father. But now Jesus is the ultimate sacrifice. So he sacrificed his life on behalf of Arsene
Starting point is 00:20:15 so that we could actually be in relationship with the Holy God. Even though we're not perfect, he is perfect. And Jesus makes a way for our sins to be cleansed so that we can be relationship with God. Yeah, that's so good. Yeah, and the gospel compels us, it compels us to want to live for more than just ourselves.
Starting point is 00:20:35 And it compels us to want to live for Jesus. And if you look in the book of Acts, this is a book, and it is written right after Jesus is since the heaven. So Jesus is crucified, he is raised from the dead and then in Acts 1 he is since to heaven, then Acts 2, a man named Peter, you might have heard of him, he was a disciple, he was one of the 12 disciples of Jesus and he stands up and he preaches the first sermon after the resurrection and he pretty much preaches the gospel. He
Starting point is 00:21:03 calls out the men of Israel who crucified Jesus. He says that They you put him to death, but God raised him from the dead and if any of us few verses down in verse 37 It says when the people heard this they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles brothers What shall we do? Peter replied repent and be baptized every one of you and the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. So there's that word forgiveness of sins. And we know that we have that because of what Jesus did on the cross for us. And Peter says that for the forgiveness of our sins, if we repent, repent means to change to turn.
Starting point is 00:21:38 It means I was living one way and I'm going to change from that and I'm going to diverge from that and I'm going to start living this other way. So that's like what's still in Emma said with their story They're like I don't even know what life was like with worse Jesus because it's changed so much and essentially They're saying it's I've changed so much. They repent to their sin They said I no longer want to live this lifestyle. I'm turning from my sinful ways and turning from my flesh to desires And I'm turning towards Jesus and I know that in that repentance, in that turn, he's forgiven me in my sins so that I can turn to the Father. Yeah. And then he says, he also says, be baptized
Starting point is 00:22:13 after he says repentance. And the word baptized just means to immerse and he's to dip underwater. But the symbolicness of baptism, Paul explains it in Romans six. Romans is another chapter in the Bible. Paul was writing a letter to the church of Rome. In a Roman 6, he says that by being baptized,
Starting point is 00:22:31 that's us reenacting Jesus, his death, his burial and his resurrection. So imagine, so for us getting dunked under the water, us being baptized, this is our old self. While I'm underneath the water, that's me being buried. And as I rise up out of the water That's me living a new life. That's my resurrection. So that's what Peter says right after Jesus to sin She says he calls the men and a visual out and he says repent and be baptized and so the amazing thing is is her
Starting point is 00:22:57 Question was do I have to be baptized and she's like do I have to you? Can I be a Christian or not and really just being a Christian a is like, do I have to? Can I be a Christian or not? And really just being a Christian, a response of being a Christian is the one to be baptized. You know, Peter encourages us. Jesus says, go baptized people in my name, preaching to everyone about the Father,
Starting point is 00:23:15 Son, Holy Spirit. So we know it's something that the Bible wants us to do. It orders us to do. And it's because it's this public declaration that I'm no longer who I used to be like, I am cruised to find the old stuff. I'm going down and I'm being washed to my sin and I'm coming back up a new creation. So we talk about that a lot. There's an old self and there's a new self. And I know I can date back and say, listen, I was baptized.
Starting point is 00:23:41 I was raised back to life. And so it's a public declaration. It's also for you to mark, it's a marker of your life to say, hey, I'm a different person. And for people around you to see, I'm gonna be a different person. And as that mean you're gonna be perfect. No, isn't mean you're gonna be perfect. But repentance is a constant thing. You don't just repent one time, get baptized and it's over.
Starting point is 00:24:02 I mean, there's a lot of times. It's a daily act. It's a daily add to today. God had turned to you, a turn away from, you know, what the world offers me to turn to you and walking that out with with Jesus. And the amazing thing is Christian talks about an ax. Jesus had ascended, but Jesus says something really interesting in the gospel. He says, you, you know, I know you all are sad that I'm leaving, but you should actually be glad that I'm leaving because who God is sending my father, sending you is better
Starting point is 00:24:30 that you're with that he's here than than me. And who he was sending is the Holy Spirit. And so the Holy Spirit is that presence of God that was with you as well as inside of you. And so whenever I might say I felt led by God, a lot of times it's me feeling led by the spirit of God who lives in wells inside of me. Yeah, that's so good. Yeah, and piggybacking off something you said earlier, there's a verse in 2 Corinthians that says, if we are in Christ, we are a new creation behold.
Starting point is 00:24:58 The old has gone behold the newest come. And that's our old life, that's our new life, that's us, you know, turning away from those old things. And then in Galatians 5, the talks about that idea of crucifying the sinful nature and the sinful nature are the things that you did before Christ. And for us to put to death, those things so that we may live a new life. And then, you know, with the Holy Spirit, with the forgiveness of sins, that that's where that fruit of the spirit comes in That's where that love joy peace patience Kindness and then we get that with the Holy Spirit. That's that's the fruit that comes out of my life
Starting point is 00:25:32 I don't ever heard what the fruit of the spirit is and the fruit of the spirit and that is that presence that got like a So that's in us the Bible talks about that being love joy joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, gentleness, self-control, what's a faithfulness. And so all of these things are the fruit of what happens in your life when the spirit is living within you. So people will say to me all the time, say, how are you so happy? How do you have peace? How are you, you know, how do you have self-control? How do you always things?
Starting point is 00:26:01 And the answer is because I have the spirit living in me and the spirit is that like the spirit is joy it is peace it is goodness it is faithless is self control it is all those things dwelling with me in me and so that's what comes out now before Christ whenever I was not inviting the spirit of God in me and I was inviting everything the world had to offer me the fruit of that was anger and jealousy and bitterness and all these different things. And so I no longer wanted to live like that. And I knew that Jesus as a good good Jesus and his father God as a good, good father loves me enough that he would die for me for giving them rest and then send the spirit that I
Starting point is 00:26:43 actually could have a life change. And so when people have a life change and they say that and they've been resurrected by Christ, this is what all of that means. That's what the baptism means, it's a repentant means, that's what the fruit of the spirit means, that's what it means to go to old self to a new self. And you just really heard that through Sella and Emma, but we wanted to break it down so that you're like, hold on, what is this? We just wanted to share with you what it is. Literally based off scripture, so that you have an understanding of what we are putting our faith in. And why some things about our life might not make sense, we hope that this helps it make a lot more sense. Yeah. And when I made that change in my life, you know, in Romans 10, it tells us to
Starting point is 00:27:25 confess Jesus is Lord, it says to believe it in your heart. So I think those are the steps, we're confessed that Jesus is Lord of your life. Repent for your sins, change, you know, change from what you're doing and start pursuing God. Believe that in your heart. Believe what I said about the gospel or not what I said, what Paul said, Paul said that this is good news, that this is the gospel, that this is a first importance. And that's that Jesus died and was buried and was raised. So believe that I encourage you to be baptized and just repent for the things that you've done wrong in your life and ask and invite the Holy Spirit in and you know, live a new life. And I tell you people, you know, look up to me in Christian a lot and they say, I want to really just like yours, you know, look up to me in Christian a lot. And they say, I want to really should just
Starting point is 00:28:05 like yours, you know, or I want to, I want to, I want to actually that model something like yours. It's so inspiring. You're like, so kind of one another. You have so much fun together. And I would just say you're looking at two people who had major life changes because of God, because we took on that gospel. And we believed it. And we turned and we repented. And we were bad sides in the Holy Spirit game before we ever met each other and had we not done that me and Christian would not have the relationship that we have today we
Starting point is 00:28:32 wouldn't have a relationship at all like because we were such different people and our old selves would have never made a relationship like this work but in our new self it is so powerful and it's a beautiful thing. And so I just say that to say, I think a lot of people have these questions for us on how we do certain things that we do or why we act certain ways that we act. And I mean, the only thing we can point you to is this. And it's literally what we believe in God and who he's been through us and to us. And you know, somebody said to me one time,
Starting point is 00:29:09 I was sharing at a JuVie Center and we have been talking for months. And I guess we did an eight week series. So at two months, and she said, you know what I say? This is all awesome. She says great. So here's the thing though,
Starting point is 00:29:22 I just cannot believe that God is real because I just can't see him. So that's it. Period. Like I'm just not going to believe him because I can't see him. Well, interestingly enough, the six weeks prior to this, she had been talking about how much she deals with fear and anxiety and all these things, which I can relate to because I also dealt with fear and anxiety and all those things. And I said, you know what? That's interesting that you said that you can't believe in God because you can't see him. And I said, but I have a question for you. Do you believe in fear? And she was like, what? What do you mean by that? And fear is believing that something has the potential to harm you. Literally, that's what fear is. Believing that something has the potential to harm you. Literally, that's what fear is. Believing that something has the potential to harm you.
Starting point is 00:30:05 And so I said, it's interesting because faith is the same way. You have to have faith that God is potentially there to be with you, to save you, to have heaven and an eternal life for you. And yeah, you can't see it, but that's what faith is that you believe it. Or you cannot have faith in that, and you can have faith in your other life in fear. And you can believe that something will harm you and that life is going to be hard and everything's going to be bad. And it's just never going to work out and you're going to live a life of anxiety living like that. And I said, so you really have to believe one thing or another and both of them you can't see. Both of them you can't really, you know, necessarily say why you believe however with faith
Starting point is 00:30:48 we have a whole book written by multiple people with a lot of evidence that this is real. But yes, you do have to have faith cause that is a part of it. And with fear, it's just living a lifestyle of believing something you can't see and it makes you miserable. And she was like, um, okay, wow.
Starting point is 00:31:08 And she was like, yeah, that does sound pretty miserable. She didn't give her life to Christ the next week and I ended up baptizing her and giving her my Bible. And I mean, just seeing her start a new life was incredible. And so I say that to say, you know, you might have built up things in your head as to why you don't believe in God, but you never even read the scripture. You never even thought about it. You never even open up your heart to it. And I would just say, if you're drowning in fear, if you're drowning in all of these things that are really hard and really sinful and really worldly, I would just say, hey, give Jesus a try because Jesus
Starting point is 00:31:42 might be your only option. He's your best option. And say it's not real, which I strongly believe it is. I mean, what are you gonna regret living your whole life believing that there's a place beyond this that's better and that you're forgiving your sins and you get to walk and love joy, peace, patience, kindness. And the number one command of Jesus is to love the Lord God with all your heart and love your neighbor
Starting point is 00:32:03 as yourself, but you're gonna live such a better life other principles of this book. So for me, I'm just like it's a no-brainer You know people are like you're crazy. I'm like how am I crazy like this is a no-brainer, you know? And so I have so much faith in God It's unshakeable at this point because you know once you believe in God and you start to see him in different ways People who say they can't see God, yeah, I can't see God, but I also can't unsee the things that I've seen and experience with God in my life. And that's enough evidence for me to hold onto this truth in this gospel and believe in and believe in it.
Starting point is 00:32:38 So how that helps you. I hope you feel encouraged today. And I hope you have an amazing Easter and just know that there's so much meaning behind this holiday that we celebrate. It's not just a day you should just show but church let this be a day that you actually encounter Jesus and get to know more about him and maybe it's a day that you go from dead to life. Maybe it's a day that you go from old self to new self but just like those girls did. They got plugged in at church. Go get plugged in with somebody. Talk to somebody. If you want to get baptized, go get baptized. Go start your new life today. You'll never, ever regret that it needed.
Starting point is 00:33:21 you

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