WHOA That's Good Podcast - Our COVID-19 Story

Episode Date: October 28, 2020

Sadie invites her Mom, Korie Robertson and sister, Bella Robertson to discuss their health journey with COIVD-19. Listen in as they share how it impacted them physically and mentally and advice on how... to support friends and family who may be wrestling with this illness. Also, be sure to tune in to our next episode, November 11 with Lysa TerKeurst, where she shares her best piece of advice and talks about her upcoming book, Forgiving What You Can't Forget: Discover How to Move On, Make Peace with Painful Memories, and Create a Life That's Beautiful Again.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All right, welcome back to the WoW.com podcast fam. Literally have my fam in the house today. We have Bella Robb and Cory Robb in the house. Hey, hey. We are fresh out of COVID-19. So if I sound different, it's due to all the craziness of COVID. You're the freshest out.
Starting point is 00:00:29 I'm the freshest. Yes. And I haven't felt fresh in a while. So I'll take that compliment. But yeah, we just want to do a podcast and talk about COVID, the effects that it's had on us, and try to give some advice and just honestly our heart to people who are also suffering from COVID or people who have other people experiencing COVID and
Starting point is 00:00:51 don't really know how to love them at the moment. I don't know what to say or how to help because it is a crazy virus. We don't know all the answers. We are not medical professionals clearly, but we are three people who genuinely did experience a positive COVID test and we all three did have symptoms. And so we just wanted to share our story and the hopes that it would help some people. First we'll just kind of start with how we got it. So who wants to start with that?
Starting point is 00:01:23 Well Bella, you should probably start since that? Well, Bella. You should probably start since you were the first one. Yeah, so I think I brought it to the fam. So me and my boyfriend got it about a month and a half ago. I don't really know who got it first. Probably him. We're not really sure. But he got it.
Starting point is 00:01:40 I got it. And we didn't know for the first couple of days, actually. I just was like, tell mom I have a sore throat or whatever, but I didn't really know. And I was like, oh, mom, do you think it might be? And mom was like, I feel like it's just time to do weather change and everything. So I was like, oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:01:59 And then a few days later, my boyfriend called me and he was like, Bella, I don't think I can smell or taste anything. And I was like, no. And so we rushed to the doctor. So that we got the kicker. So the doctor. Well, you had already had an appointment for that day.
Starting point is 00:02:15 Schedule. You had told me like two days before that you had a sore throat and I was honestly, I have to be honest, I was just like, you know, I'm sure. I think we've all like lived with COVID for so long now that we're kind of like, well, maybe it's just allergies, maybe it's not and we've made it, you know, we're about 10 months into this and we're like, we haven't had it yet. So I was like, I don't think you have it. I think it's that, but you should probably test just to be safe, you know. So I had booked an appointment. Test that day at 12.45 and Jacob had called me like an hour before that. And so we were both like, oh my goodness. So we both went to the doctor and we were tested. But by that afternoon, I was running fever.
Starting point is 00:02:57 So we kind of were pretty sure we had it. So we both quarantined and then two days later, we got our test back. And they were positive. Yeah. Once we heard that he had no t-shirt smell, we kind of went into lockdown mode for everybody else. We all started quarantining because we knew we had been around them. We live like all in the same neighborhood. So we do live together and so we have kind of quarantined and kind of done our safety measures together as a family and so as soon as we knew he lost his baby's smell, not even before we got the positive, we all kind of like went into quarantine mode.
Starting point is 00:03:34 Yep, and then the next person to get it was mom. Mom then comes down with it. She had some hilarious early symptoms. She was like ravenous. You were like pregnant. You were eating like so much and then you were like, I think my body is storing up food for hibernation because you knew you were about to get it over. That was like an early symptom. I didn't even know if that's a symptom of COVID, but what were your like actual symptoms? So I knew that had been exposed to Bella, of course.
Starting point is 00:04:05 And then once she did get sick, I was really careful and wearing a mask and whenever I had, you know, took her food and that kind of thing. But of course, still, you know, had to take care of my baby a little bit, taking her the medicine that she needed and things like that. So I knew that I had been exposed before that point. But yeah, I had this like starving.
Starting point is 00:04:23 I forgot about that part. I was like starving. I was like starving all of a sudden. I was like, why am I so hungry? Maybe my body is like knowing that I'm about to get sick and I need anyone to need the extra fuel or something, I don't know. But yeah, I kind of did the same thing. Bella did started, not really as orthodox as much as
Starting point is 00:04:38 like just stopped up and just like flew it on my ears and kind of felt stopped up and I actually went in and tested negative the first time. I did a rapid test which we understand are not quite as accurate as maybe some of the other ones that take a little bit longer. But we did a rapid test. I actually went in with you into the rapid test and we both came back negative. We came back negative.
Starting point is 00:04:59 We sort of started to quarantine. Right. Because we had been exposed. And then I also went with you to the other tests with new tested positive and I tested negative. Yes, so we were living in the same house, so you know, like we were at the expo at the same time and everything and so I tested negative on like a Sunday and then on Monday actually that my first kind of weird symptoms beside just
Starting point is 00:05:24 like the sinuses was I had this real tightness in my back. It was a weird, not kind of a normal back pain. I had that too. I did. Yeah, I had that with the body aches and chest tightness. And the chest tightness, though, for me was different because I felt it only when I coughed.
Starting point is 00:05:43 It was like a cough, and I would feel it tight chest but I wasn't like a steady chest pain. Yeah, I'm just like a weird like tightening in my back but it was like my middle back and like kind of like where your lungs are but in your back. And since then I've heard a lot of people say everybody that we know of have actually had that same kind of feeling. And then on Tuesday, two days later, us started, I think maybe I started running fever and that's when I went back to test again because I was like, I know, I have it.
Starting point is 00:06:11 And that's how my test had positive. Which me, Sadie and Mom, we all had symptoms, but Jacob had no symptoms, but the taste and smell. Some people don't have any. Christian had fever, but wasn't feeling that. So really two days and didn't feel bad at all really honestly he was great. So you had it. Then Christian came down with fever. Well dad
Starting point is 00:06:35 got it. But dad got it there too. Oh, I forgot. Yeah. Christian got it. And dad did the same thing. He had three days of fever. He lost his taste and smell. He was just kind of like tired for about three days. And then he was fine. He like worked in the yard and acted like he was totally fine, but still had some fatigue and had lost his taste and smell.
Starting point is 00:06:54 He was so quick. He was so quick. And of course he quarantined. He worked in the yard by himself, yes. But the losing of taste and smell will have to talk about that one too, because that's a weird symptom. That is a weird symptom. So they all got it. And I was clear at this point,
Starting point is 00:07:07 I actually had been quarantining at this point, which would have been a good amount of time to where I could have left the house if I wanted to, but I went and decided, let me just test again, make sure I don't have it before I go on because I had some work things to do. And I actually tested negative, but I still didn't feel good about it
Starting point is 00:07:31 because I was just like, how would I not have it? I've been around all these people all this up, but maybe I don't, some people just don't get it, you know? And then Christian got a fever and I was like, okay, oh no, here it comes. And sure enough, two days later, I was full on COVID. And mine started really with a really bad headache,
Starting point is 00:07:50 like a different kind of headache that I've ever had. That was like a migrant behind my eye. And I've heard a lot of people say and they had the same thing, like a headache in their eyes. It's like, feels so weird. Then I got the cough, my throat was like so red and non-fire. And yeah, we had a throat pain. Our throat pain was the worst.
Starting point is 00:08:11 The throat pain was the worst. So bad. It was like strep throat. This past summer, I had hand foot mouth, which was horrible. Which was horrible and terrible and awful. But the throat from COVID rivaled hand foot mouth. It was terrible.
Starting point is 00:08:24 It was terrible. And then like, I slept on the couch him for now. It was. It was. It was. It was. It was. It was. It was. It was. It was.
Starting point is 00:08:32 It was. It was. It was. It was. It was. It was. It was. It was.
Starting point is 00:08:40 It was. It was. It was. It was. It was. It was. It was. It was. It was. I was sleep. I was sleep was so bad. We could have sleep. I was so crazy. Me and Jacob both had it. And Jacob slept like one night from like 9 p.m. to 1 p.m. when I was saying he slept so long he was so tired.
Starting point is 00:08:54 And I literally was up, I like 4 a.m. I mean, I could sleep. I could sleep. And like one night I was up at 2, 3, 4, 5. But you're tired, but you can't sleep. I was tired, so I would go to bed early, but then I would be up like at like four, five a.m. I would go to bed at like nine,
Starting point is 00:09:12 and then I would be up at like four, five a.m. and I would be like wired. But at nighttime I would have been so tired. Yeah, that's crazy. And I think to a lot of like the lack of sleep was like my throat hurt so bad it's hurting to sleep. Yeah, I would wake up and I would be like I need to get up and make my throat stop hurting.
Starting point is 00:09:31 And then the body aches. So the body aches so much. This is the weirdest symptom for me I think. Even I mean there's a lot of weird symptoms. I feel like this is such a weird disease and it does affect everyone so differently. But it was like my bones ate. It wasn't like, it's not your muscle, it's not your muscle.
Starting point is 00:09:50 It's your good growing pain. Yeah, it's like your bones ate and mine felt like hot. I'm like, I gotta be too dramatic to be like, my bones were on fire, but it was like, it was like a lisp. It felt like they were, it was probably like a match. Yeah, it was like a match was lit on my bands
Starting point is 00:10:06 or something that's hot. I think I had more of the weakness than like the body aches. Like I could barely walk, I had to hold on to the wall, I walked like the walking like I would walk to the bathroom. I would come back and I would be like, and just like lay on the bed like I just ran a marathon. If I even like talk to somebody, I'd have to take a nap.
Starting point is 00:10:25 I'm not seriously. I'm so tired. But yeah, the body aches. The body aches. And that's why I couldn't sleep because like my bones which is aches so bad at night. And then also the body temperature changes. Oh, it would be so hot. And then so cold.
Starting point is 00:10:42 So cold. Then hot, then cold. Yeah. For me, a nighttime was definitely the worst because your body aches really bad. be so hot and then so cold, then cold, then hot, then cold. For me, a nighttime was definitely the worst because your body aches really bad. And then I was like scared of my dreams because my dreams were so vivid and intense. And then my throat hurts so bad.
Starting point is 00:10:57 So I just like dread the nighttime. I was like, no, I don't want to do it again. And then like, if you were running fever, you would sweat somewhere. Yeah. The fever. It's a lot. Yeah, it was crazy.
Starting point is 00:11:09 So these are also like, I ran fever. I think for like 12 days straight. I actually, say to you never. Only ran fever the day that I had to go to the hospital. And the reason I had to go to the hospital and they did it is because since I'm pregnant, I also have morning sickness still. And so I've been like throwing up a lot and with COVID being so weak and so sick
Starting point is 00:11:36 and throwing up as much as I was, I got very dehydrated. And at this point, when I was dehydrated, my chest pain had gotten really bad. And at this point when I was dehydrated and my chest pain had gotten really bad, so I could barely talk. And mom felt like she came over to check on me, which luckily they both have the antibodies now, so they were able to help me a little bit. So that was really, I was really thankful for that,
Starting point is 00:11:57 but she came over and was like, you need to go to the hospital. Yeah. But that was the worst day. I felt so bad for you. And Christian was taking care of you, but he was sick as well at that time. I still had it as well.
Starting point is 00:12:10 And so I came out there, because I was bringing you food and all that. And I came out there and I just remember you just looked so pitiful. And your voice was so weak. I couldn't get hardly to talk, which Bella had done. She was, she was so weak. I couldn't get hardly to talk, which Bella had done. She was, she was very weak too.
Starting point is 00:12:27 I remember feeling so bad for her. She was so weak and I felt it myself. And so I knew kind of what it felt like, but imagining you pregnant with it too was so bad. I mean, I will not even say though, like I didn't even include that in my Instagram caption that I'm pregnant too, because COVID is bad alone. I mean, like, pregnancy does add to it as far as the dehydration and the throwing up, but
Starting point is 00:12:52 COVID is so bad standalone that you don't need to add anything into the mix to make it worse. But also some of the symptoms that we wanted to share too that we felt like I hadn't heard anybody publicly talk about, but like a lot of our friends that experience this is just the sadness. It's really weird. Like the sickness is one thing, but then I think just all the physical pain also on top of that feeling, just the loneliness of it and the isolation of it makes you feel this like depression that is something I've never experienced before to be honest and I mean I'm not gonna cry a lot. I don't cry a lot. I'm not a cryer. I don't know
Starting point is 00:13:33 mom experiences the same thing. Bella we hadn't talked about that but I mean so many tears. That's something that I don't think people I really like to talk about. I don't know if it's because they're afraid to or I don't know but that was really hard talk about. I don't know if it's because they're afraid to, I don't know, but that was really hard. And since we have shared that with friends, they've been like, we experience the same thing. Oh, cried so much. Or I always wanted to cry or whatever. It's really a dark sickness. It really is really hard.
Starting point is 00:13:58 Also, there are things like your brain is really foggy. And so we struggled even trying to read. I thought, oh, wow. it's okay. I mean, I'm definitely wanted to think on the right side of things. So I was like, oh, so much I'm to read my Bible, so much time to like study stuff that I wanted to study lately and watch sermons and stuff, but your brain is literally so foggy and tired that you cannot even read. Like, it's so weird. Yeah. Which feels weird to say, but you're both experienced that.
Starting point is 00:14:26 Oh, yeah. That is such a work because they talk about brain fog, but it is such a thing because like I love to read and like, of course, I'm in bed and down and don't, you know, I'll like I would be reading. There I went like a full week with like, I didn't even read it all and I'm like, what did I just do that week? It's like your brain, that fog is a real thing. And the depression too, like, I don't know, we haven't really talked about that much
Starting point is 00:14:48 spell of, but I think there's a part of it that it's so isolating because you do have to be about yourself. You don't want to give it to anybody else. You do have to be about yourself, and you have to be, say, protected. And so there's part of it that I'm sure would contribute to the depression. But I think there's also something in there about just the emotional rollercoaster your body goes through that really brings you down. And I remember feeling like, okay, I had tears right there on the verge at all times. And I'm like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:15:15 I think the biggest where I would say for it was like, I would feel so bummed when like, I would be so good. And then like 10 minutes later, like, I would feel gray. I would like, oh, I'm feeling gray. Like, I'm gonna do this. And then like 10 minutes later, like I would feel great. I would like, oh, I'm feeling great. Like I'm gonna do this and then like 10 minutes later, I would feel so poor. Why couldn't even stand up and then I would just be so bummed.
Starting point is 00:15:31 Like, oh, like I just felt so good. Like why is it back? You know, it's like you think you're over and you're gone. And it was just like bumming and then like too when I lost my taste and smell, it's like, I would be like so hungry and I would be like, oh I'm so hungry. I'm having no day and then I would like eat something and I would be like, I can't taste and smell. It's like, I would be like so hungry and I'd be like, oh, I'm so hungry. I'm eating all day and then I would like eat something
Starting point is 00:15:46 and I'd be like, I can't taste it. It was just like so bumming. Just like, even that enjoyment of life of like smelling and eating good food, you lose your life even though enjoyment. Oh, this is funny. So my mother-in-law, she's the sweetest person. She sent me flowers and like all these gifts
Starting point is 00:16:04 and there's a candle in there and I smelled it and I was like oh this smells so good I'm gonna try to take a bath tomorrow I'm light the candle so there I go get the bad voter like the candle I could no longer smell the candle and I was like no not the candle I have a horrible experience like like that. Me and Jacob, I was like, Jake, I was like, I want chicken strips so bad. Like, I need chicken strips right now. Like, then he was like, okay, we can give you some, got chicken strips from so excited, and I took one bite,
Starting point is 00:16:34 and I was like, those are so good. Oh my gosh. And Jacob was like, you can taste them. And I was like, wait, and like, took another bite. I was like, no, like my brain failed. That tasted them like, I just like, wait, and I like took another guy. I was like, no, like my brain filled that taste to them. I just like, no, I'm not so believe that, Jason. That's how I was. And then like I took another guy and I was like, so sad.
Starting point is 00:16:54 That was though, like one of the points for I was like, on the verge of tears, I was like, this is horrible. No, no, nothing is really. That was like, yeah, I think it's like, it's lost your taste and smell like another time when you don't feel bad everywhere else. It wouldn't be like, into the world, but it's like, yeah, I was like, yeah. And I think it's like, it lost your taste and smell like another time when you don't feel bad everywhere else. It wouldn't be like into the world, but it's like, you've been alone,
Starting point is 00:17:10 you feel your body aches, your throat hurts, everything's a little bagging then to add down on top of it. It's like, in the brain fogginess, like I remember, I'm in college, and I do online school anyways, and where I was quarantined at first I didn't have any wifi so I was like oh like what I'm gonna do like I can't do any math school So like email my teachers and I was like hey like I have COVID and like I'm so sick and I don't have wifi
Starting point is 00:17:38 And they were like oh it's okay like COVID is a ultimate excuse They're like just do it when you can and I I was like, oh, thank you so much. And then I ended up moving to quarantine somewhere else that did have I was like, oh my gosh, perfect. I'm going to get all my school work done. I'm like, seriously, I'm going to get all my school work done for the next few weeks. I got to have so much time.
Starting point is 00:17:59 And then like, I would start to get my workout, be like, I can't do this. Like my brain, too. Like I had like three papers to write. my my seizures I'm like I'm sorry I still can't do it I'll do it when I get them oh yeah I like to read books set up by one at the time I think I read romance like 8 9 10 oh yeah I could it like I was just like slowly progressing I was like I'm gonna read acts like oh'm like, oops, or Acts, like, so not. Yeah, that's all.
Starting point is 00:18:26 Oh yeah. Oh man, it's funny. I mean, it's not funny at all, but it's funny now, just being like, that was crazy. But, We'll be back to the taste and smell. So I actually never lost my taste, not to brag. It was like, things tasted weird, but I didn't totally
Starting point is 00:18:41 use it, but smell was like gone. I could not smell anything, something I'm like sniffing things. And then also, it's kind of funny because you don't feel like taking a shower, but you can't smell yourself. So you're like, oh, you're not sure. You have no clue if you, I still don't have my smell. Very vulnerable. So if anyone wants to let me know.
Starting point is 00:18:58 Yeah, you don't know if you smell bad. If you're probably need a shower, or if I can smell it, but luckily, Willie can smell either. So if you have that move, or like, did I can smell it, but luckily, Willie can smell either. So, if you have that mood, we're like, did I put on a dinner today? Like, just put on a dinner. Yeah, I can.
Starting point is 00:19:09 Cause you're never gonna know. You don't know. Now that I don't have COVID, and I still don't know my smell, like I put on a dinner at like six times a day, and I'm like, I really have no clue. Like, did I do that? Was that today?
Starting point is 00:19:19 Was that yesterday? I'm like, so I like have no clue how to make sure. Okay, one more more time every day. One more super weird symptom that I had never heard. Anybody talk about that I had was this like burning in my eyes. I don't know if either of y'all had that. I had that headache in my eyes. Yes, in my eyes, like just burnt so bad like at night,
Starting point is 00:19:38 I couldn't even watch TV because like the light from the TV made my eyes just like water. And I never heard anybody say it, so I looked it up, like burning eyes, and it's apparently like a very common symptom. It was common as loss of taste or smell, and I had not heard anybody say it. I would say it worked like a fan,
Starting point is 00:19:54 if like a fan would be on my eyes, it would just like pull people up. Oh, it's so weird. One thing that I learned from this, and I would say it would just be my piece of advice to people. If you hear of somebody who has COVID, just be empathetic to each person individually because different people experience different things. Like we three happen to experience very similar things. I don't know
Starting point is 00:20:16 that's because we're in the same family and we have the same genetics, genetics, but yeah, my dad, even though he didn't experience it as bad as us, he also has the brain fog and experience the sadness and the loss of taste and smell. So we had really similar things going on, but I have so many friends who, you know, had it and didn't even know they had it or had it, just lost your taste and smell or whatever. And so it's easy for people sometimes they would be like, oh, my friend had it, just lost your taste and smell or whatever. And so it's easy for people sometimes they would be like, oh, my friend had it. You know, go do this, this, this, this, like pick up these hobbies
Starting point is 00:20:51 or whatever. But like, I think when they've first got it, a lot of people, because people have now, you know, a lot of people have had it and they've heard of people they've had it and it was like nothing. It was just like lost taste smell. They're like, okay, I see you in two weeks.
Starting point is 00:21:03 As if it was just nothing, but was not nothing and trust me to I think trust me so we can be so quick to like here someone who has to Been and be like oh well what about well that I saw them the other day and like the first thing you think about is like Oh, well, I saw them the other day. Oh, I think they were there. Oh, what if this happens or not or what if we have to cancel this but like Well like at the end of the day like it really is hard and it really is hard on the people so like, they really is like, it really matters. That was really hard because people would be like, oh shoot, you got it. Finally caught ya, you know, see in two weeks or it'll be like, oh, like the funny stuff or people will be like,
Starting point is 00:21:44 oh, you shouldn't have done this or you shouldn't have done that or whatever. And it's like in that moment when the person has it, like, all they need is just empathy. Like because it is really hard. And like we are facing a global pandemic as a world, and especially as a nation getting hit really hard. And so there's a lot of people who are struggling with this. There's a lot of people who are in the midst of it. And there's a lot of people who are struggling with this. There's a lot of people who are in the midst of it.
Starting point is 00:22:06 And there's a lot of people who aren't even telling people they have it because they're so either embarrassed by it or shame by it. And that's even harder because the isolation, like we said, leads to so much sadness. And so just be empathetic. Check in on your people. Make sure your people are good. And then I know mom had a good piece of advice too and it came to COVID. I told Sadie, I think one of the things that did help us through it is that we did know some people who had it and had it really bad. And we're kind of like a support system for them. Like we were like, we're praying for you, checked in and with them of course did not see them, but checked in from a distance.
Starting point is 00:22:40 And they had it bad. So they were able to kind of walk us through it and say like, yes, like the brain fog is everything. Yes, the depression. Yes, some of these things, the weird dreams, like some of those weirder symptoms that I don't think you hear about, they were able to kind of like confirm it. And it is helpful. And someone can say, like, yes, I was there. And I got over it. And you're going to get over this too. And you're going to be okay. Because when you're in it, it does, it takes a long time to get well. It takes a long time. And it's not like, you know, some other sicknesses that like, if you have strap, you go getting
Starting point is 00:23:10 an antibiotic and you're better the next day, you know. So I think that was really helpful just like having somebody said that is one of the reasons we did decide to do this because we were like, it was helpful that we had heard of some other people who had it and kind of knew what to expect, you know, like kind of what might happen. And the thing I want to say too is that we're so thankful that no one else in the family outside of who was in the house here got it.
Starting point is 00:23:33 Like John Lake, America, I haven't gotten it. Rebecca and John Reed haven't. My parents, my grandmother, who lives in the neighborhood. We were very careful to keep it contained and quarantined. So we're really thankful for that, that they none of them got it. And I think that's a really important thing to note. And so I thought we definitely should talk about that, you know, like how to protect other people, how to keep other people safe. Because
Starting point is 00:23:56 we have been in this like for what, non-muts now. So it's easy to kind of get a lax and be like, oh, well, whatever, we're all going to probably get it or whatever. And you know, one of the reasons we did this is because we want to say like, now this isn't something like you want to do. You do want to get it. Are you going to take lightly? No.
Starting point is 00:24:15 When I had to drop Sadie off at the hospital by herself, that was like one of the sadst day. I didn't even tell you, but like when I dropped you off, I like bald crying when I left you. Yes. I was like barely holding it together but you got out on the door. That's true.
Starting point is 00:24:27 You were being so brave. And so I think we should talk about this because like Sadie is like one to, she doesn't really like to be alone. Like she wants to be with somebody, a friend of her husband of course, or her mom, or somebody she does not want to be alone. And so whenever they said she needs to go to the hospital
Starting point is 00:24:47 and we found out that no one could go with her, I literally thought she would just refuse. I thought she would be like, never mind, I'm not going. So it was actually really funny, because I was laying there like, I could hardly talk or breathe. I was just like, so dehydrated and I hadn't like said anything and you were like on the phone with the doctor and the doctor like I heard her say like she needs to be a minute,
Starting point is 00:25:12 she used to come in and then she was like, but she's gonna have to be alone and then you said, oh actually I don't think she's good and I was like, I'm doing it. Yeah. She did. I was like, that's when I knew she was a mom. I was like, because the only reason she would go to the hospital about herself is because she has a baby to think about and she is not just thinking about herself. And so like, she, you know, being pregnant of course, you concerned about your baby, you want to make sure everything is good with that. And I was like, nope, she's not going. She's not going to go by herself.
Starting point is 00:25:42 What's her other options? Like, what else can we do? And said, he's like, I'll go. And I was like, I'm she's not going, she's not going to go by herself. Let's see her other options. Like what else can we do? And said he's like, I'll go. I was like, I'm gonna see the baby. And I'm like trying to hold it together and not cry before I dropped her off at the hospital. And I said, is she walked, she goes, Christians six, still, she got out and walked in.
Starting point is 00:25:57 And I was just like, bold crying in my car. I was so sad. Not so sad. What was like the coolest thing ever? Because, okay, I like never read this my in-eagram thought of the day. And because like, I love the in-eagram and I get in-eagram institute emails every day.
Starting point is 00:26:14 I never read them honestly, but that day, like, because I was up at like five in the morning, I like read my in-eagram thought of the day. And it was like, autumn is here, leaves have the shed, what do you have to shed to become new? And then the last thing was, like go of your fear being alone today.
Starting point is 00:26:31 That was my literal advice from integrator, don't be afraid to be alone today. And so in Monteno, the doctor said that and I was like, I wanna go because I wanna check on the baby. And I was like, and I'm not gonna be afraid to be alone today. It was really cool.
Starting point is 00:26:46 But that was really scary to get a hospital alone. So my heart results, everybody who has to be at our room is doing that currently. Listening to this in the hospital room has a very scary thing. And I will say as a mom with Bella too, like that's my baby girl. She was sick.
Starting point is 00:27:03 And normally, you know, if like one of our kids is sick, we are sitting with them. You're there with them and everything to not be able to, because at that point, I didn't know that I was sick yet and wasn't. So I was still, of course, trying not to get it. So having to wear a mask and just drop her food off to her at her door, not get to just be in there with her. Is there really a really hard thing? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:25 So with all this protecting yourself is really important and protecting others is really important. So first of all, we would definitely advise everybody where a mask is like where the mask is like the easiest thing you can do to protect yourself and to protect other people. Yeah. You got to protect other people? Yeah, you got to protect other people because even if you're not afraid to get it, which I will just say, I'm a very healthy person. I exercise a lot, I eat pretty good,
Starting point is 00:27:57 I take care of myself, I honestly thought, if I got COVID, it would not be that bad. I thought I might lose my taste and smell or I might be asymptomatic. But no, I had it horribly. Bella, who's 18 years old, had it really bad. My mom had it really bad and where if you had to consider herself a bad cough, a lot of tests, we both, we all did.
Starting point is 00:28:19 And we consider some pretty healthy people. And so don't think that you're know, you're just going to be fine or it's okay to get it or whatever. And I know that the, you know, death rate is like 98% like you won't pass away and some, and that's amazing. I'm glad that that's true. But it is a really tough sickness that you don't want to get. And there are vulnerable people who have passed away with it. And that is, it's so sad to see those numbers rising as well. And it does still happen. You don't want to get numb to that.
Starting point is 00:28:48 That that really is sad. Even though the death percentage isn't as high as maybe it could be, it's still 300,000 people over that have passed away and that's really sad. And a lot of people are experiencing a death of a failing member right now. And so even if that would be empathetic, be sympathetic, reach out to people, you know, don't come with all your facts and everything you think you know or you read or you saw because there's a lot of this that we just don't know. Yeah, it was really eye-opening too, because once we knew that we had it, we had thought back to the past week
Starting point is 00:29:25 and realized we had been around his grandmother, which was so scary and she did end up catching it, which she made it through, which was awesome. And, but it was scary to think like. And she got pneumonia and it was very sick. And she was really sick and it was really scary. And a lot of people were praying for him, she ended up being okay,
Starting point is 00:29:41 but it was really scary to think that we had been around her and we gave it to her, not knowing that we had it obviously at the time, we didn't know that we had it, but we could have been more careful. I think that's something that I've learned in this and noticing because whenever his fellow told me she had a sore throat, I was like, oh, it's probably just allergies, but I think that would be the advice that I would give to people is just like, if you think that like, oh, it's probably just allergies, but I think that would be the advice that I would give to people is just like, if you think that like, even if you're just like, oh, it might just be allergies,
Starting point is 00:30:09 or if you have any symptoms, just stay home, just like, wait it out, you know, or go ahead and get tested, don't be like, I have the sniffles or my back hurts or I have a headache or I have something, but just keep going about your life. Like, if you have even the slightest symptom, it's just not worth it to be out and about. And I think that's something I learned. While we've worn masks the whole time, we are careful when we're out in public, we wear
Starting point is 00:30:35 masks. When we go into church, we wear masks. We are careful about the way we live. It's not like we've been just going to like, oh, willy-nilly, we don't care about this. We have been very cautious and we do believe in wear and mask and think that it's a really good way of protecting people and keeping us safe. Also very respectful to people. It's a wear and mask because that's what people in a hard position if they are more susceptible to getting this or at a higher risk. It's embarrassing to, you know, wear a mask if nobody else is doing it or they might feel left out,
Starting point is 00:31:07 but like just wear a mask because, like we said, it's not just old people who are at risk, which yes, they obviously are the most at risk, but also like pregnant people are doubly at risk because you don't know how nauseous people are feeling or how much they're throwing up, which leads to dehydration. And that can be really scary for the baby. And then also people in my brother who
Starting point is 00:31:28 has asthma like we were really worried he was going to get it or a lot of underlying factors can play into how bad it is. And even on top of that here's three people who just had it really bad who would just not wish us upon anyway. So just take care of yourself. And also like I know one topic we want to talk about was just the sympathy which we've talked about a lot. Even posting on Instagram, we have so many people reach out and say they're praying and they're with us and truly that means so much and we felt that. But we've also had some rude comments We've also had some rude comments, opinionated comments.
Starting point is 00:32:06 And again, that just goes back to that empathy. Like, you really don't know how people got things, what happened, what the story is. And at the end of the day, even though we will stress to you where mass protect people, we also have chosen to live our life in a sense where we are around our family. And we are around some friends and we aren't going to live in fear, but at the same time,
Starting point is 00:32:32 even though we're not living in fear, we also have to live responsibly and respectfully to people around us and protect them. And so these are just some of our two cents we've gathered from COVID. Do I have anything else to add? I was gonna say, we've heard it a lot, but we've seen it very evidently in our family, how contagious it really is. Because like I said, we have been cautious,
Starting point is 00:32:54 we've tried to protect ourselves and try to do the things, but once one person gets it, it is so highly contagious. And even though Bella got it, then we were like, okay, we're gonna mask, we're gonna be careful. We're not gonna be around her, but we were hit already, been exposed, you know? And so like, it is just so highly contagious, like from one person to another person to another person, another person. And we're so thankful that now we've like, stopped the spread within our family. But it just goes to show how truly contagious it is. And so like, one person can make a big difference.
Starting point is 00:33:27 If you're the one who's like, okay, like I feel like maybe I might be sick, go get tested. Go quarantine until you know for sure that you don't have it. But before that, be mindful and thoughtful. Wear your mask and to protect other people. And I think to another scary thing is like, it doesn't just affect you right then,
Starting point is 00:33:48 it can take a week or so for it to come into your sleep. Like, you really might have it and you not even know. And like, even how she said, like, it is so contagious. And as it is so contagious, like, this has been now six weeks, a pass of like people getting it wasn't like, we all three got it in the same two weeks, I got it for two getting it wasn't like we all through God in the same two weeks. I got it for two weeks and then mom got it for two weeks and then sitting
Starting point is 00:34:09 cushion got it for two weeks. So it's been very like a long journey of so many people having it because it can take a long time. Yeah, that's another I think a really good point is like if you know that you have been exposed to somebody, I've heard people doing this are like, oh, I've been exposed doing this, they're like, oh, I've been exposed, so I went in and tested two days later, I don't have it, so I'm fine. No, that's not true. I had two negative tests.
Starting point is 00:34:31 Per the CDC guidelines, if you have been exposed, you have to quarantine for 14 days. And so like, if you've been exposed to somebody, you know that you've been around somebody, don't just like two days later go do a rap contest and be like, okay, I don't have it because you could still have it, it's just not showing up yet. Yeah, lots of things that go with COVID. But if anything, what we wanted to do, and why I want to do this is because like we even said earlier, one of our things that helped us
Starting point is 00:35:01 the most was having somebody to relate to. And for me, like my mom had a lot of friends who had had COVID and had similar symptoms, she was able to reach out to me. I was able to reach out to mom and Bella. And honestly, like there were times where I would be so upset. And I would just have to call mom and be like, I just need to talk you through my symptoms right now because I'm feeling really, like I'm feeling anxiety about them or I'm feeling nervous about it or I'm just feeling like I'm crazy. And it would really help.
Starting point is 00:35:27 And so we wanted to help be that person for some people who you might not have somebody in your circle, you might not have somebody in your life who can relate to you. Here's us throwing out all of our symptoms at you. And maybe you've been that person who's kinda just been hard-headed about it and just been, you know, all the facts and no empathy.
Starting point is 00:35:49 And that is just not the way that Jesus tells us to live and honestly just not helpful. Yeah. And so just be kind, be empathetic to people. And also at the end of the day, I would also say too, if you don't know Jesus, and these times were the never, I would encourage you to get to know Jesus. It's so nice to have a savior and a point of hope in the midst of a really trying time and someone who says, even when you walk through
Starting point is 00:36:16 the valley of the sun of death, if you're not evil for I am with you, those things are actually really comforting when you do feel very alone, or you feel very sick, or you're in the hospital by by yourself and so maybe you've never turned to the Bible you never turned to Jesus. I would encourage you to do that now and you might say say how to do that well if you're holding a phone down with the Bible app go to YouTube look up some people you can look up Louie gig, you can look up my messages. There's so many amazing speakers that you can listen to. And also the Bible app will give you encouraging devotionals. And so those are some of our encouragement to you.
Starting point is 00:36:54 Our heart goes out to you. And we hope that you learned a little from this and that you feel a lot of love from this. Three girls from COVID, we out. Coronavirus crew. Love y'all. Bye. Thank you so much for listening to the WoW That's Good Podcast. I have so much been doing this. I hope you'll have fun listening.
Starting point is 00:37:18 And don't forget to follow me on Instagram at legitsadyrob and follow the podcast at whoa, that's good podcast. I don't know where it's a live original dot com to see when I'm in a city near you or visit live original blog on our online store which carries my exclusive words by city rob line. Also, be sure to subscribe to my podcast and leave comments so we can hear what you're loving. Also, when you give a special shout out to my audio engineer Marcus DePullet, the whole team at United Talent Agency and and my live original team.
Starting point is 00:37:47 You guys are awesome and hey, so are all of you too. Thanks so much for listening. you

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