WHOA That's Good Podcast - Our Most Embarrassing Moments

Episode Date: October 13, 2021

Sadie and Christian answer your DMs about how to deal with jealousy, being canceled, your truth vs. God’s truth, and getting through breakups. Christian has a quite terrifying bucket list item, and ...things get VERY personal when Sadie and Christian each tell the most embarrassing moment of their life. - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, well, that's good fam. Welcome back to the well, that's good podcast. Today, we actually, well, we'd say we don't have a guest, but I guess I do have it. Okay, no we're terrible. I guess I do have a guest. Me and Christian are going to be answering your DMs that you sent in. Every and then we'll do this on the podcast And it's always fun because you guys asked some really great questions and our DM box And so yeah, I'm gonna find a spontaneous we go through it and answer some and so today we're gonna do that a couple of shout outs Before we do my new devotional boat just came out live on purpose So if you want a little you know kickstart to your day
Starting point is 00:00:43 To live on purpose and a little encouragement from the word and just kind of a guided Devon prayer then live on purpose would be a great book for you to get so go check it out leave a review if you do And let us know what how it impacts your life also Christian I just started a vlog on our YouTube channel Christian I guess my YouTube channel is Sadie, but me and Koshin started a vlog together. We're co-vloggers. So fun.
Starting point is 00:01:08 And so go check that out as well. It's going up on Mondays and of course, but anyways. Every other Monday. Enough with announcements. Yeah, every other Monday. Yeah, every other Monday. Enough with announcements. Koshin, a lot of people always ask us what books we like, what books we're reading.
Starting point is 00:01:21 And so what's a book that has really impacted your life? Live on purpose has really impacted my life. Wow. Who's the author? Sadie Huh? Did you just doubt my last name? No, I just think of I should like do like the Robertson half or just Just that half is good. Yeah, no Not for real. What's a book that's impact you do life? It's a good question a book that I read this year that has impacted my life
Starting point is 00:01:45 was the Ragamuffin Gospel. It's good. Yep, your mom gave it to me. It's really powerful. It's really bad. Yeah, that's really good. It's awesome. What was it about?
Starting point is 00:01:55 It's just about, it's basically about the gospel, what the title is. But the author really like dissects to, just ways to share it, ways to explain it, and really just what our faith is all about. It's the nitty gritty of the gospel, and it's, yeah, it's just really powerful. It's awesome. I have really loved reading Jackie Hope Harry's books this year, and actually we're going
Starting point is 00:02:18 through holer than thou on Elisabeth Rapp right now in our book club, and so that's one that really impacted me. Now I'm going through it with several girls. So you can always join that too if you're looking for another place to read. They reading is sometimes becoming a lost art generation and it's so impactful. Words matter so much. They carry the power of life and death and good books can really make you a much wiser person. And so we highly recommend finding books that you love. Those are some great ones. A great place to start.
Starting point is 00:02:45 I also love Bob Goffs books. Everybody always was an incredible book. Love does as well, but yeah, I loved everybody always. All right, let's go to the next question. Are you ever afraid to be someone who speaks your troops so boldly, especially in a world where you can be canceled so quickly? P.S. thanks for sharing your faith boldly.
Starting point is 00:03:03 For me, I think there are certainly times where, you know, I'll think to myself what I'm about to say could definitely get me like canceled and this cancel culture, but it's also like I'm willing to say it because I believe in it so much. And there are things that I'm okay with being canceled for. Like, if it's Jesus, then it's okay. Like, because Jesus literally says in the Bible, like, if the world hates you, keep a mind hated me first. And so it should really come as no surprise if the world is offended by the gospel because that's how it was in Jesus' day. I believe that the gospel is love
Starting point is 00:03:38 itself. Like the gospel is like the best thing. It's the hope of the world. It's a promise that we have eternal life and so therefore like even if I'm canceled by the world I wouldn't hesitate to speak it because it's what I truly believe. It's like the hill I would would be willing to die on if you will. And so I don't really fear being canceled but because I have so like so much belief in what I'm what I'm preaching when I'm saying I would be fear I would I would fear more being canceled for something that people misunderstood about me like if they cancel me And that was like not my intention of something I said if people like you know turn something or made it sound like it was something I was saying, but if it was me preaching the truth of what I truly believe the gospel, then I would be okay with that.
Starting point is 00:04:27 Yeah. That's so good. I mean, there's so many things that you can get canceled for people getting canceled for people. Things are misconstrued, misrepresented in all those things. But I think it is comforting to know that, like you said, that Jesus said, if the world hit you, it hit me first. And Jesus was canceled. I think it is comforting to know that, like you said, that Jesus said if the world hit you, it hated me first.
Starting point is 00:04:45 And Jesus was canceled, I mean, point blank. I mean, he was, you know, cues of things and people, were paid money to make up lies about him. And I mean, he was ultimately brutally murdered on the cross. I think it is that comfort that, there's a chance that it might happen to us. It might not, but he did 2000 years ago.
Starting point is 00:05:09 And me, if it does happen, it's not the end of the world, but like you said, it is about our faith. And if that happens, then I would much rather be afraid of God cancelling me than the world cancelling me. Yeah, I think it comes down to who do you fear more, God or man. And we have to get to the point in our life where we fear the Lord more than we fear what man would say about us. And so therefore, we'll stand for Jesus even if it means the world cancelling us.
Starting point is 00:05:38 Because you know what, guys, the truth is, it could get a lot worse, or it gets better. Persecution could begin to happen. And so you really need to ask yourself, where is your faith, where is your hope, where do you put your salvation? And if you can answer that, the Lord Jesus Christ, I think you need to continue to just get bolder in that stance so that when the day does come
Starting point is 00:05:58 where it's maybe it's not just like cancellation online where maybe it's something worse, you wanna be able to know that you could stand for him in your faith. Yeah, well there's that verse that says if you denounce me before others, I'll denounce you before my father. And that's what I mean by hearing the Lord more than you fear man. It's not like you're afraid of Lord because he's mean or because he's, you know, harsh or anything like that. God is love. But at the same time like a good God has justice and all those things and wrath. And so when we, you know, stand before the throne one day, we're gonna be able to say, like, Lord,
Starting point is 00:06:29 we did everything we could. We stood for you, God. We loved you. We trusted you. And here we are before you. And to hear those words from the Lord say, well done, good and faithful servant, is like the thing that we should all be,
Starting point is 00:06:39 to run and towards. Okay, nice question. What is the worst piece of advice that you've ever been given? That's a great question. A little reverse on the podcast. What would you say? I would say going into college, it was that idea of like, it's the best four years of your life, live it up, do it whatever you want. I think the back half of that is the worst advice ever. whatever you want. I think the back half of that is the worst advice ever.
Starting point is 00:07:05 I think college is some of the best years of your life. Friendships, meeting new people, all those different things, but the doing whatever you want mantra, I'll live it up while you're young, while you can is awful. Terrible, so live. And I think the thing is college can be the best years
Starting point is 00:07:21 of your life if you make it that way, but any season of your life can be. Like I remember people saying, like that's the best years of your life if you make it that way but any season of your life can be you know like I remember people saying like that's the best years of your life and I wasn't going to college I was like oh no I'm gonna miss the best years of my life like I went on to how like the best years in my life and so you know whatever season of life that you're in it has potential to be the best it depends on how you live and how you choose to live through it and so you know don't freak out if college wasn't the best. There are more seasons of life to come.
Starting point is 00:07:47 Or if it was, hopefully it was the best for more reasons than... Wasting it. Memories that you don't even remember. What about you? I think the worst piece of advice ever, personally, is when people say like you to you or follow your heart, or even live your truth in the context of like just what you believe
Starting point is 00:08:09 because I think sometimes you're wrong like sometimes like you're wrong or your heart or your feelings like don't lead you in the right way and you shouldn't just do you because I think that God's plan is better than your plan you know God's will for your life is better than. And sometimes like your heart will want to take you one way that doesn't align with what God says is, you know, the path for your life. And we have such a narrow-minded perspective of like our future, right?
Starting point is 00:08:36 Because we can't see our future, but the Lord does. And I love in Proverbs how it talks about, um, what's the Proverbs? In all your ways, you know, what's the prayer verse? In all your ways, acknowledge him and he will keep your path straight. It's like in all your ways, acknowledge him and he will keep your path straight.
Starting point is 00:08:52 Not like in all your ways, follow your heart and like it'll lead you to the right place because it doesn't always. And so, you know, because I think that's my life and there are times in my life where I was just thinking stupidly, you know, it's just going off of emotion and going off of highs or going off of lows. And, you know, I was just going off of emotion and going off of highs or going off of lows. And you know, if that was leading and that was the driver, I would probably end up in some
Starting point is 00:09:10 not so great places. So I don't think that's like great advice always. And I think people mean like well when they say it, but I think if you really thought about it, I should really not get advice. Okay, best advice for someone who was healing from a breakup. How did you get through a tough breakup? Thanks for sending this in. We had two different girls send this specifically in that we saw. And I think the best piece of advice for a breakup is just to know, and I say this every time a friend goes through a breakup, break up, stink, but they get you where you're going.
Starting point is 00:09:42 And that's just the truth. Like, breakups can be so hard. And you know, it's obviously not something that you want to go through but at the same time, like they are necessary to get you where you're going. If I was still in the relationship, I was in when I met Christian, I wouldn't have been able to pursue a relationship with Christian because I would still be in that relationship. So yes, the break up stinks and it's sad and you know, it has all the emotions that goes along with it, but at the same time it frees you to be able to step into the relationship that is in one for you. And the truth is, like, you're going
Starting point is 00:10:13 to probably break up with a lot of people, but try to get them very one, you know. And so it's okay, it's natural to go through breakups, looking for, or I guess not even looking. I don't like to look for those, because I feel like you can't even, like you couldn't even find it if you tried. Like you're just waiting for that, you know? And like resting and knowing that like God has you right where you are for a reason, he has your person.
Starting point is 00:10:36 And whenever it's time for y'all to get together, like it's gonna happen and you just have to be like ready, you know, like yes, looking but not desperate, that makes sense. But yeah. and you just have to be like ready. You know, like, yes, looking, but not desperate. That makes sense. Yeah. But yeah. I have a fun question.
Starting point is 00:10:49 Okay. Who is older between you and me? Oh, you just love that question, don't you? I do. You know what? I'm older than Christian by a whole year. My birthday's June 11th. Nicely not a, it's like 363. Yeah. It's not a whole year. Well, my birthday's June 11th andta is June 11th. Nicey not a, it's like 363. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:05 It's not a whole year. Well, Maburta is June 11th and his is June 9th. Like I said, so it's your two days off. We're two days shy of each year. Yeah, she's a little older than me. I knew that. Why do you love that? Why do you?
Starting point is 00:11:19 I don't love that. I think it's. I remember one time I was like, I never thought that I would date someone younger than me and he said, whatever. I never thought I'd date someone older than me and I was like, I never thought that I would date someone younger than me and he said, what? I never thought I'd date someone older than me and I was like, too shy. Too cheap. Too cheap. That was pretty funny. All right, do you ever struggle with regret if so, how do you handle it?
Starting point is 00:11:39 I think, you know, it is easy to want to struggle with regret. I think as believers, we don't have to struggle with regret the way that the world does because God literally like with the gospel that was talking about earlier, the hill on my, the giant with that whole concept is like he literally makes you a new creation like Jesus. He was crucified and we've also been crucified by the Christ, buried, you know, and forgiven up for a sins. And then we come back to life, resurrected as a new creation. And so the gospel, if you're not removed, like God loved the world so much,
Starting point is 00:12:13 he sinned his one only son that if anyone believes in him, show not perish and have a human life, that one only son came to earth, died in the cross as a sacrificial limb for forgiveness of our sins. He was buried in the cross as a sacrificial limb for forgiveness of our sins. He was buried in the grave. I could dead man, but came back alive and witnessed a several people and give us hope for any turn of life. And so in that whole context as the gospel, we've been invited into that. That we get to die, you know, the death of sin.
Starting point is 00:12:39 That life is over. But it's a bury that and become a new resurrected creation. And so for me, me like I'm a new person in Christ Jesus the old me is gone it's it's done and so the things in my life that I might say like oh I regret that hey I made new and also I also know that like every part of my story had a purpose and getting me to where I am today and for you know days to come and so I don't regret it I think it's all part of it am I sad about about some of it? Yeah, I can look back and say like, dang, like, I wish I didn't happen or I could have handled that differently. But at the same
Starting point is 00:13:12 time, I don't sit in regret because I know that I'm forgiven and I know that it was on purpose. Yeah, that's so good. Yeah, I mean, yes, second credence does tell us that in Christ we're a new creation. And I do think that sometimes, you when you know you first kind of come to grips with that And you first really experienced that that life-change moment, you know It is easy to kind of think back at what is and regrets and kind of you know Decisions that maybe that you wish that you'd had and done or you wish that you could reverse but you know like you said That is part of your story. And there's things to where maybe if you hadn't
Starting point is 00:13:48 have gone through some of those things, then you wouldn't be living the new life that you're living now. But even now, I mean, like, we can be in an argument or something and I can say something, then like an hour later, I'm like, I regret saying that because that's always good. Yeah, you know, like, what are, or, like, like,
Starting point is 00:14:03 earlier this morning, like even like when you weren't you were my co-pilot and then you weren't really co-pilot. And then I was like, when am I supposed to go and then you're like, turn right here. And I was like, it's too late. Yeah, but you didn't say it like that. I said, okay. So like things like that, I regret saying that because then it was just awkward for. It was awkward because I was like, that was rude. So yeah, there have been little moves of regrets. So not thinking those moments, you have to just own it and say you're sorry.
Starting point is 00:14:30 Like let your pride fall and say you're sorry. Yeah. Which we're learning because did you say you're sorry for that ever? I didn't even know you regret it that much. I was waiting for here to say it. Oh yeah, okay. I'm really sorry.
Starting point is 00:14:42 Wow, thank you. I'm publicly appologized. I'm publicly app That is sweet. Publicly apology. This is how you hand over a grette. You apologize people and then you move on. You got to move on. Can't stay in the past. I forgive you. We actually did get that piece of advice one time that saying I forgive you is actually a really powerful thing to do a marriage. So you know when somebody says they're sorry say like I forgive you and I think that is really powerful. And our family statement is we are two new we're the ups and we are too good for you guys who build up upon love. And yeah that's what we're gonna do. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:15:18 All right do you sleep talk? Do we sleep talk? Do you do? I don't sleep talk. I sleep talk. Do we sleep talk? Do you do? No, I don't sleep talk. I sleep talk. You sleep mumble. Yeah, really? Yeah, I mean, not like co-hersive, co-hersive, whatever that word is. You know, they're not like, they're not like, I do regret trying to say that.
Starting point is 00:15:36 They don't make cognitive sense. They're like, oh my God, oh my God, yeah. Do I really? Sometimes you do, yeah. This is not just knee fabricating for the butt cast. This is just in, I sleep talk. You know, you sleep like murmur. Murmur.
Starting point is 00:15:53 Murmur mumble, it's like a mumble. That is crazy. You don't sleep talk, but you snore. I do sleep snore. You definitely. I kinda like a wake snore too. I have a TV and a septum, so I have a loud breathing. Half of our videos that I film
Starting point is 00:16:06 You can like hear me over the back then whatever sound being like forever watching our vlogging just here That is good I do apologize to all of your ears on the podcast No, no, no, I don't say I don't regret that But I don't sleep talk I sleep snore, you know Um, but I don't sleep talk. I sleep snore. You know, um, said this week, I just had to get put under to do a scope and y'all. I was absolutely crazy whenever I came to school. I don't remember it. Like, I don't know. Remember this. And I'm sure I'm worth thinking I'm not being funny right now. Why is he recording me? And it was hilarious. Yeah. One thing I said is I remember the lady was like,
Starting point is 00:16:46 she's drunk, like whenever she took me out because I had all the anesthesia and she was just like saying that as an expression. And I get in the car, I was like, I don't ever want to be drunk. This is horrible. It was really funny. She said it's gonna be funny.
Starting point is 00:17:00 And I was like, this is why you shouldn't drink and drive. I can't see the road, but I wasn't driving. So it's a really good perspective whenever I went under. Yeah. Anyways, okay, I struggle with jealousy, particularly with other girls and my friendships, any advice. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:17:15 Jealousy is really just hurting you, girl. I mean, yes, it might hurt your friends with, you know, out lashes. Does that something to say like the, how you lash out, I guess it's wasted. How you lash out. Yes, I could hurt your fans. It really is just hurting you.
Starting point is 00:17:31 I just had this podcast with DC, Donnery, Wilker Sanctuary, it's time to tell me how when you celebrate people, it opens you up to have a bigger and better life. But when you go and you're just jealous, it actually makes your world so small. Now it's so true and such good advice. I need the
Starting point is 00:17:45 best way to combat jealousy is to celebrate people well. If you're jealous of somebody and instead of being jealous you say, you know what God thank you that she is so beautiful and that she's doing so many great things. God I know just because she's beautiful doesn't mean that I'm not and I know you have a plan for me and just begin to pray that out and celebrate and you might think well say that just sounds so hypocritical with me. If I'm jealous of her, I can't just say I celebrate her and actually don't think it's hypocritical. I said this in the other podcast. I actually think it's you telling your heart and your spirit to align with God's word, you know, to celebrate your friends, to celebrate your sister's, to love one another, to be a part of the body
Starting point is 00:18:22 of Christ. And so, you know, I think the enemy would love to make you think you're a hypocrite for doing the right thing, but really, you're just leaning into your conviction and allowing God to get the victory over this. You know, your friend, she might be doing great in life and succeeding well, but that isn't take anything away from your life. And so see that for what it is. And just celebrate people well. Jealousy is the root of so much sin. It's not, it's not enjoyable. It does not create good company. And it's something that you really do have to pray through and get out of your heart
Starting point is 00:18:53 and not in real life. I think the Bible talks about how jealousy like it's like a cancer. It rots the bones. And I think that's so true. Anytime I've been jealous in my life, I have just seen it become like rotting, you know, and all consuming. And so pray through that. Get that out. It is not worth it, friend. And I hope that you can really, you know, see the victory over that. I will say I used to be a jealous person and I really am not anymore. And not much has changed on the outward, you know,
Starting point is 00:19:20 on my life as far as like, you know, you can look at my life and then be like, oh,, why would you be jealous? You were doing this isn't this? And maybe you can do that now too, but really the big difference is I've just anchored myself in Jesus and celebrated people more. And you have your baby. And I got my baby, you know, he gave me accountable and stuff. But yeah, anyways, well, y'all, it's in it. Well, wait. What? If your life was a movie, what would it be? What movie would I like to be? Yeah, I have no idea. Honestly, the first thing I thought of, that was the first thing I thought it was frozen.
Starting point is 00:19:58 And the reason why is because it's fun, and it's cute, like all the stuff and I like to kind of be more light-hearted and fun, but it also has like a really deep message attached to it and I love the let it go song about how like she's overcoming fear and she's busing out and you know, first she didn't really know how to use what she had in her hands and then she tamed it for good
Starting point is 00:20:19 and it was awesome and sometimes guy gives us something and we don't know how to use it and we don't know how to run with it and then all of a sudden we start using it for his glory, for his good, and we knock fear in the face and boom. And it hasn't happened. And then this two sisters supporting each other. Jessica, it's just all around a great movie.
Starting point is 00:20:36 Yeah, that was good. Do you like warm hugs? I love warm hugs, yeah. Do you wanna build a snowman? I can't hug. Yeah. Hey, you wanna build a snowman? I can't, what about you? So mine won't be near as articulate or as inspiring or deep thought out. My first thought was kicking you screaming.
Starting point is 00:20:57 What is that? Because... Yeah, why? Well, so Will Ferrell is the main character. He's just a common everyday dad like myself. And he takes it upon himself to coach his son soccer team, which I don't have a son, have a daughter, which I feel like if if something was needed, I would you know, I would fill that void. I would fill that role. And throughout the movie movie he becomes obsessed with winning. I'm obsessed with winning which is not near
Starting point is 00:21:29 That's not the best thing to be proud of But I do enjoy winning and throughout the movie he becomes obsessed with coffee. I do like coffee and in the end He realizes that he took it way too overboard and he Kind of comes out of that. And then his dad's a coach, the other team, and my dad loves to coach. So it would be like a little like, oh my god. It would be like a little like banter. But in the end, I think his team wins.
Starting point is 00:21:55 I like continue to talk because you're trying to think of an inspirational practice. No, I'm really thinking that this could be like my life. Why? I'm on the sidelines. There needs to be a coach. Here. I am my dad the coach of the other team They're the best team in the league Maybe this is just prophetic it might be and then throughout the whole thing We have some friends who play
Starting point is 00:22:20 Professional sports his his assistant coaches Mike Dicca who's a ex professional sports his his assistant coaches Mike Dicca who's a ex Chicago So I'm saying like that could actually possibly happen that could that might be perfect He really loved his his kid Wow, I love my daughter. So wow there we go That was that was inspirational. Thank you for sending in that question. I really got our wheels benefit. I'm telling you I like it babe. I like I like how you thought about that and I do see some similarities. I really got our wheels spinneth. I'm telling you. I like it babe. I like how you thought about that. And I do see some similarities. I really do. And honey kicks and screams. You guys wow. Bam. That's what we were missing. And it was right at PG. That's where I like that.
Starting point is 00:22:58 Yeah. That is pretty fun. You are a good, good, good, good, good, thank you. I'm good, clean fun. All right, Christian, what is your favorite place that we've ever traveled to and what's a place that you want to travel to in the future? Like favorite place that we've traveled to together. You can say before me. No, no, no, no. No. You're the might, you're favorite of what was there.
Starting point is 00:23:18 No, you said we've traveled to side. I was just making sure. Yeah. Probably our honeymoon. Cabo. Cabo. Yeah. Hence our dog named Cabo.
Starting point is 00:23:29 I think my favorite place we traveled to together was Paris. That was so fun. So Christian and I were in London. And I was speaking at this event in London. It was so cool. Love our kind of like London family over there. I guess if you will.
Starting point is 00:23:43 And then we took a train to Paris. and it was like the coolest thing ever. And we had dinner like right beside the Eiffel Tower. And it was just very romantic and very, very cool. That was before we got very, so we just got engaged. Yeah. So that was a whole lot of fun actually today, unlike my, you know, memory of the day picture.
Starting point is 00:24:02 It was us by the Eiffel Tower. Yeah. So it was really cool. That is, that wasn't really good to us. I'm like my, you know, a memory of the day picture. It was us by the half of the tower. Yeah. So it was really cool. That is, that wasn't really good to us. This is magical. And the Olympics is imperious next time. It was, it was true.
Starting point is 00:24:11 That is true, maybe we should have maybe we should have. We imagine honey and peri. And peri. And she starts talking and she's like, wee wee wee. With their little like, with that little cap. Oh my gosh. Shit.
Starting point is 00:24:22 It's so cute. I love bonnet. Favorite place you wanna travel cute. I love bunit. Favorite place you want to travel to? I mean, I shouldn't, that wouldn't be a favorite place. A place that I want to travel to. If it wasn't so far, I think traveling to like somewhere like Fiji or something would be so cool. You've been inspired by some of that.
Starting point is 00:24:38 You've been inspired by some of that. For a borough, yeah, I know. And you see like the glass huts and stuff, it would be amazing. Or like somewhere in, yeah, Greece, or maybe in the middle. Or somewhere honestly in like Asia, because I've never been to Asia like Taiwan or Rebecca's from Singapore.
Starting point is 00:24:54 Wasn't where I was going, but I liked that idea. Australia or South Africa, face diving. I think they said like everywhere. Cage diving with a great white shark is on my bucket. I would not be at that one. I'll be in Fiji in a glass.
Starting point is 00:25:10 No, we're gonna be together. You might as well be on the boat. I'll be in the water. I know the sharks are there, but I'm okay with not seeing them. That would be, you know that would be awesome. Like being in a cage that you are gonna not be hurtin'. So people have different definitions of awesome.
Starting point is 00:25:25 That would be legit. Awesome would be. That would be a good vlog. Talk about content. Look, we are vlogging, but we're not like vloggers. Like I'm not going to put myself in a cage for the camera, you know. What, why not?
Starting point is 00:25:39 Okay, can I say that? They won it, this is what they were. This is what they spoke of, so keep on looking. I'll say on the boat. I'll on watching. I'll say on the boat. I'll film you. You'll be on the shore. You won't be on the boat. Okay, leave in the comments what you're gonna do.
Starting point is 00:25:51 Are you in the cage? Are you on the shore? Drink it from a coconut. All right, who's with me up? Hands on them. Hands everywhere. Hands everywhere. Who's with the sharks?
Starting point is 00:26:02 Who's with the sharks? Who's with the coconut? Thank you. Good to see you.'s is with the coconut. Thank you. Good job. What is the most embarrassing moment of your whole life? I just like saw the embarrassment. No, what? Are you immediately-
Starting point is 00:26:16 Well, I know what it is, but I'm like, is that appropriate for the first? For the first? No, it was our spring break when I was with your parents. I was appropriate. But it's like super like vulnerable. Oh, you don't have to share if you don't want to. Um, can I share like, like loosely?
Starting point is 00:26:38 Yeah. Kind of about. Yeah. So we were on. There's vulnerability in those transparent, it just be transparent with this. Okay. We were, oh, this is the first trip I took with her family.
Starting point is 00:26:50 No second trip, but it was our spring break trip. We went on a ski trip. And I had to go to the bathroom, very bad. Number two. And the toilet like over, like, And the toilet, like over, like, the toilet got clogged. And then I try to like, plunge it out and then it flooded the whole room.
Starting point is 00:27:14 And then I try to like, I threw towels all over the floor, could like, clean it up. And then I rush the towels upstairs to throw them in the washing machine. Then I threw Zane's clothes who were apparently in the washing machine so then I threw his clothes out, put them in the dryer.
Starting point is 00:27:34 But they're still soaking wet. I didn't know that was not, I didn't know that was wrong. So let me take a break. So all this happening, okay? So he takes my little nephews clothes out of the wash while they were still soepy. I threw them in the dryer.
Starting point is 00:27:52 So my sister came up and his clothes were not ruined, but they were messed up. She was like, who did this? Who took Zayn's clothes out and put them in the dryer and put all these towels in the wash machine. Who would do that? She was like so mad and like nobody was confessing. She was like, I mean, someone did this. Like why would you not tell? And like, John Reiner Becca, we're so mad. They're like questioning everyone. No one was answering. So they asked me and like, I didn't do it. And like,
Starting point is 00:28:19 everyone said they didn't do it. So we really, this is really weird. Like there's somebody in this house that isn't being honest. So we get on the gauntlet, so you're on a ski trip. And Christian Littemey is like, I can't show you something. And I'm like, what? He's like, I have to tell you something. I can't tell you right now.
Starting point is 00:28:33 I was like, what? And he was like, it was me. I was like, what? He's like, it was me. Like, I did it. I did it. I took his call. I was like, why would you do that?
Starting point is 00:28:41 It was like a song story. It's a long story. And I was like, what? And he's like, I'll tell you later, he's like, we're on the gone delay, like every one of my family would get off. He's like, so I might have clogged the toilet and it had to clean it all up with towels.
Starting point is 00:28:54 And I had to put in the wash machine. So this is like, it's like, it's Christian to tell everyone on the channel. I was being good to me. I was unclogging it and it's summer. Somehow something happened to me. I was unclogging it and it was summer. Somehow something happened to where I messed up the unclogged situation. And then it slowly started rising.
Starting point is 00:29:14 And I was like crap, crap. No pun intended. Oh my God. No pun intended. That was not scripting. Oh my God. Yeah, so. This is not your typical one that's good podcast
Starting point is 00:29:27 This more of the role and well that was a question the someone I was just being faithful to no that It was a very similar ever that truly was the most you hit not I was in very same moment ever which that was that was worse the mind But mine was like a different type of embarrassment so yeah what about when you when you when you when you when you when you've peed your pants at the at the was my call that was embarrassing
Starting point is 00:29:56 I'm like plenty of embarrassing moments I'll talk about when you at the the the Hanah house thing when you were in yes I did pee my pants out of the Hana House and brought everyone. And yes, it was visibly pee. Okay, but that was not even the most embarrassing moment. Most embarrassing moment, my life is like eighth grade. I made the church team. I was super excited to make the church team.
Starting point is 00:30:16 Oh, yeah, this is pretty good. And I was like really proud to see my back hands freeing for the season. I was like, I really want to build a back hands freeing, which I was kind of like, I took some lessons, but not like most girls that take lessons, like, you know, I was kind of scrappy. I was like, I'm just going to go for it.
Starting point is 00:30:32 So I really was not as long as you're training. Do you regret that? Do I regret it? You know, no, because it's a pretty funny story. Good job. So I was like, okay, I'm going to throw my back hands freeing whenever they announce my name at the first football game. So I was like the first football game.
Starting point is 00:30:46 And they're like announcing all the cheerleaders and they're like eighth graders, Sadie Robertson and like you have to step out in front of everyone and you either do a toe touch by cancels and backflip whatever you can do. So I'm like, what are you doing? I'm gonna step out and go back to do my back hands for you in a students' at throwback.
Starting point is 00:31:03 The water boy walks right behind me and I land straight on out and we both Face plant and water goes everywhere And it was just so funny cuz there's moments that everybody's like say yours is like yeah, and then face plant Everybody's like oh like the whole crowd and it was just terribly embarrassing and that was definitely the most embarrassing that like that was the most embarrassing ever felt in my life like true feeling of embarrassment it wasn't your fault the water pushed you to an embedder he should look where you're going people look where you're going you

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