WHOA That's Good Podcast - Single, Dating, Married — You Have Purpose in Every Moment | Sadie Robertson Huff & Tim Tebow

Episode Date: March 16, 2022

Tim Tebow is officially a relationship advice rock star. Whether you're single, dating, engaged, or married, you will find so much encouragement in Sadie and Tim's conversation about how to find purpo...se exactly where you are in exactly who God created you to be. Sadie and Tim each share their marriage mission statements and talk about what you need to know if you're longing for a relationship, how our emotions can trick us, and what it means to live a "mission possible" life in any season. “Mission Possible: Go Create a Life That Counts” by Tim Tebow is available now. - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You know that fresh produce is the best produce. That's why at Crogr, we invest in local farmers to bring you seasonal picks that taste fresh from the farm good, like sweet corn, refreshing watermelon, and juicy peaches. So whether you're a delivery lover, a picker-upper, or you shop in store, your local produce always tastes 100% fresh, or you get a 100% refund guaranteed. Kruger fresh for everyone.
Starting point is 00:00:29 What's up fam welcome back to the WoW That's Good Podcast. I'm so excited to have a special guest on the podcast. He's been on before with his wife, but now he's back with a new book We have Tim Tivo on the world. That's good podcast. Welcome Tim. Thank you so much, shady. It's such an honor You know, we're just so grateful for you me and Demi for your impact on the world your impact through passion through this podcast through your family through your through passion, through this podcast, through your family, through your willingness to stand up and share the good news of the gospel. You're such a role model to so many people.
Starting point is 00:01:10 And so, you know, if you ask, we always say yes because we're so grateful. And we're grateful over the years that we've been able to become better and better friends. And me and Christian can get some workouts together. That's right. By the way, he's probably working out right now. So definitely. Just so grateful for the impact that you've made. Not just for now, but for
Starting point is 00:01:30 eternity. And I can't wait to see all the lives that you've impacted. I know it's going to be great. Wow. Wow. Thank you so much. That truly means so much to me. And Christian and I are so grateful for y'all. We all influence us in so many ways more than y'all even know. I mean, we're grateful to be friends with y'all, but we also just learned so much from y'all. Y'all influenced us in so many ways, more than y'all even know. I mean, we're grateful to be friends with y'all, but we also just learned so much from y'all. I was actually at dinner with Louis and Shelley the other night and I was laughing at it. We were talking about how awesome y'all are
Starting point is 00:01:55 and just how we love all the stuff y'all are doing. And I said, you know, it's kind of funny because me and Christian called Tim and Demi the 2.0 version of us. We're like, they're kind of like us, they're just a little better. But I was like, but the best thing about that is they're just a little bit ahead of us
Starting point is 00:02:12 in so many things and we just learn a lot from y'all. That's the reality of it. And we're so grateful for that. And so, no, we love what y'all are doing. Everything is just so encouraging and making the world a better place. And Jimmy truly has become one of my dear friends and we just can relate on so many things. So love y'all and I'm so excited because you have a new book coming
Starting point is 00:02:32 out. And so we can talk about that. It's called a Mission Possible. Love it. Go create a life that counts. And I can't wait to talk to you about it because hey let's be real. We all love a little Tom Cruise mission impossible, right? But this is this is calling us to something better. And so what is this book about? What's the message about and and why why do you want to write it now? Well, it's something that has been in my heart honestly for several years and I just felt that prompting over and over again that this is the message that I need to encourage people with because it as believers, if this book was titled Mission Impossible, wouldn't that be super discouraging? We were telling all of these young people, hey, by the way, you go get Mission Impossible. That's not what we're telling them. And I don't believe
Starting point is 00:03:20 that's what the Bible is telling us. It. It's not mission impossible. It's mission possible because his mission he accomplished in its finish. And now we get to live a mission possible life. Mission meaning the definition, the dictionary definition is a task or a job. Someone is given to do and possible meaning to be able. Well, I believe that we have been given a task or a job or responsibility, but it's not impossible. We are able to do it. And I believe in the macro that is to love God and love people, but I believe in the micro. It's the unique gifts and collings and abilities and attributes that God has given
Starting point is 00:04:01 every single one of us. And your perfect example with everything that he's given you You've you've used it and you've enhanced it and you've shared it and you've cared for people and you've done so many amazing things and You know what someone might listen they say well what what if I don't have a platform like like Stady What can I do well guess what it's still a mission possible lights for you as well? It what mission is possible? It's not the mission that we can completely change the world. It's not the mission that we can take all of darkness to light. It's not the mission that we can radically transform our city. The mission is possible for our life to count. Maybe we could do some of those
Starting point is 00:04:41 things, but that's on God's timing, that's in God's choice, that's in God's hand. But what is in what But what is our choice? And my opinion, our choice is that we say yes and that we're willing to whatever he wants us to do. Like, I think it's really important that we understand what our job is and what is God's job. Yeah. And they're not the same.
Starting point is 00:05:01 God's job is to defeat sin. And by the way, he did it. And he's real good at doing his job. Yeah. Our job is to go love the world. Yeah. To go tell the world. It's to go help the world. It's the love who and what God loves. And I believe God loves people. He sent his son to die for people. We need to show that same love for people. And I believe show that same love for people. And I believe the greatest form of love is a choice. It's not a feeling, it's not an emotion.
Starting point is 00:05:30 It's a choice. And the greatest definition I've ever heard is to choose the best interests of another person and act on their behalf. And I believe why this book can be encouraging for people is our life can count for eternity. When we say, what we're gonna do with our time,
Starting point is 00:05:50 our talent, our treasure, our resources is choose other people's best interests in that they're at the top. Wow. Not always gonna be easy. It's not always gonna be fun. It's not always even gonna be fulfilling in every way. Yep.
Starting point is 00:06:03 But it's gonna be worth it. It's going to be worth it. It's going to be worth it because what God has given us, he's also made possible. I believe every single, and how do we know that in scripture? Well, we know that we're all fearfully and wonderfully made. We know that he has good works for us to do in Ephesians 210, and we know that we're called the love God, love people. And so I think when you look at all of these verses and scriptures, it's not, he didn't give us these assignments that are impossible for us. He gave us these assignments that are possible,
Starting point is 00:06:36 but then the things that we might look and say are impossible, that's what he accomplishes. And so we gotta remember, what is our job, what is God's job? Our job is to be faithful with the little things that he is, honestly, not even given us, but let us borrow for a time. Right. And we know he's gonna show up and do a perfect at his job. That's good.
Starting point is 00:06:56 Come on. How many people are listening that said, we just went to church, like seriously, I love how every time you talk, I mean, it is always just filled with so much passion and so much Just excitement and people want to get behind it But it's because it's true and I think that you know when you're confident and what you're saying You can say it confidently, right?
Starting point is 00:07:17 And so it's so cool to listen to you talk and get so excited about things and just for from someone who has been able to sit in other rooms with you, you know, like dinners or just hanging out or maybe it's, you know, even late night at that hotel when everyone else and just sleep and we're still talking like you're just as passionate and so I just wanted to say that because so many people might be listening and like, man, he's passionate about this book and you are, but you're also just passionate about the mission that you're on. And it's exciting to get behind that. I love everything that you just said. One thing I want to talk about is just that mission possible aspect and how there is a lot of things that our God's job to do. Obviously, and there's a lot of things that are our job to do. And you are someone that has had to work hard for a lot of things in life. And everybody has to work hard.
Starting point is 00:08:05 But I feel like you've really seen the benefit of hard work, whether that's through football and working out and, you know, accomplishing a tasker, going and playing baseball and working hard and accomplishing that, or maybe it's, you know, going out and doing all the things I do with your nonprofit, trying to in, you know, human trafficking and doing all these big things requires hard work.
Starting point is 00:08:25 And I think that there's almost this tendency in the Christian life to just be like, well, I'm just gonna pray about it. I'm just gonna see what God does or go to church on Sunday, the stagnant life. And not that praying about it isn't great. We need to pray about it. But how do you encourage someone to actually work hard
Starting point is 00:08:45 for a mission? Well, thank you for asking that question. And I agree is something that is a little bit of a frustration and I'm being honest because the church isn't a museum for good people. It's a hospital for the broken. And the church is not a building we go to on Sunday. It's a people that we get to go share the good news
Starting point is 00:09:10 of the gospel with and do life with every single day. And so I'm part of wanting to write this. And I do talk about work ethic in here. And it's not because work ethic, like so many people, they think of work ethic as this amazing thing. We want to teach our kids about work ethic. And it's not that work ethic is not a good thing, but we don't work hard so that we're known as hard workers.
Starting point is 00:09:34 We don't work hard so that we're known as, wow, you have an incredible work ethic. No, we work hard because the mission, the purpose, is that important. It's not about working hard is not the end goal. It's how important our lives are, how important will we, the chance we get to do. And it's more about having hard work so that we could fulfill the purpose that we have been given. And I believe every single person can do that. But I also agree with you that we have to take
Starting point is 00:10:02 the steps. And you know what's kind of interesting about that is in my life that almost every other person I'm close to. When God has shown up the biggest and changed their life in bold ways, is when they have stepped out and small little things. When my dad was called to be a missionary in Philippines, it's because he went on a short-term mission trip. When God radically impacted my life, it's because he went on a short-term mission trip. And God radically impacted my life. It was when I was on a mission trip. It was when you step out and you don't know
Starting point is 00:10:29 what's gonna happen. So when we step out to just help someone, show a little face, show a little courage, share the gospel for the first time. There's something about those actions that, I don't know why or how, but I just feel like so many times, God shows up in that.
Starting point is 00:10:45 And it doesn't mean that He necessarily continues to lead you on that path. But He does something in those moments to either tell you, hey, this is what I want you to do, or I want to tweak you into doing this. But I, you know, me and Demi will always share this. Is you know what God's going to do when you do nothing? Probably nothing. Yeah. But you know what, when you go step out in faith, man,
Starting point is 00:11:10 it's, he shows up. It's good. It shows up when, in the little things, he shows up when you're kind, he shows up when you help the person on the side of the street, he shows up and, and all these little things, and you know, it's something that people would ask me for a bunch of years now, is they say, hey, Tim know, something that people would ask me for a bunch of
Starting point is 00:11:25 years now is they say, hey, Timmy, like, how do I know what my calling and my purpose is? And I'll always say, well, first of all, I don't know. But I do think that if your eyes have ever been open to a need, to a problem, to a people group, to a hurting person, and your heart has been pricked, that you feel something and you wanna do something. Right. I believe he's probably saying, hey, that's what I'm asking you to do. That's your purpose right now.
Starting point is 00:11:54 Go meet that need, go do it. And then when you do it, there's something that happens in you. It's like, it's oh my goodness. This is what I'm supposed to do. Or this isn't exactly what I'm supposed to do, but I've kind of, I know I'm supposed to be let in this direction or in this direction.
Starting point is 00:12:11 And I tell you for me, that's been so many learning moments in my life is in that just stepping out with a little bit of courage and faith. And sometimes I'll tell you, it is so scary. The first year we hosted Night the Shine, I was so scared, like, oh my God. Oh my God. Is this going to be something that,
Starting point is 00:12:33 is this really something you want, you know? And we're like, man, we just hope 25 churches will say yes. And the first year, 43 churches say yes. Wow. And I'm nervous. I'm like, God, are we even doing the right thing, though? Is this really what you want me to do? And I'm doubting I'm like, God, are we even doing the right thing? Those are really what you want me to do. And I'm doubting it a lot.
Starting point is 00:12:47 And then I remember flying it to North Carolina and pulling up to the parking lot. And I can see the red carpet. And I'm watching from about 30 yards away. And I just want to see it before I walk up and I'm a part of it. And I'm watching it from afar. No one knows I'm there and I couldn't help but start crying because from 30 yards off I was so fulfilled again that it was like God's like yeah, I want you to do this And it was that moment. I was like yes, I think this I think this is something we're supposed to do and then you know
Starting point is 00:13:23 God does what he he wants to do. And then God does what He wants to do. And thankfully, He blessed it and went from 443 locations to the next year, 2.1 and now unfortunate that we're in over 40 countries. And it's still encouraging because when it started, it didn't start with this crazy conviction and knowledge that I knew everything that I was supposed to do like 10 years. It wasn't even my idea, Sadie.
Starting point is 00:13:49 Like our executive director came to me and it was before our fifth year anniversary of the foundation and we have a huge heart for people with special needs and he said, hey, we know two churches that have these things called Jesus Proms. Our friends with the pastor is like, what about for a celebration or a fifth year, we hosted a Jesus Proms and our friends with the pastor is like what about for a celebration or a fifth year we hosted a Jesus Prom and I was like that's a great
Starting point is 00:14:09 idea and he's like awesome. When you're doing to do it and I said I think we need to do it before Valentine's so we can show people real love and he's like okay cool where do you want to do it? I said honestly you're probably gonna hate me, but I think we need to do it everywhere in the world. Yes. And he was like, well, he didn't like me very much for a little while after that. And it was this tiny step that we're just trying to figure out
Starting point is 00:14:36 of just can we get the few churches involved. And we didn't know, I didn't know. Like, people were like, did you think about all these things? They were like, no, but God did. Totally. And for us, it was just about taking little steps and seeing what he was going to do with it.
Starting point is 00:14:48 And so it's just a cool story that you reminded me of it. And just thinking about that. OK, that is so cool. I love to hear that story because people look at you or someone like you and they think, oh, well, things just happened, right? Like that, that just happens. You have an idea, it just gets done.
Starting point is 00:15:05 And that's not true. Actually, sometimes you have this idea and, you know, with a team of people and hard work and a lot of prayer and a lot of fear and a lot of like, God, is this really what we're supposed to be? Like, it sometimes happens, you know, because God breathes on it. And that was like, that is such a powerful thing
Starting point is 00:15:25 And I've played the smallest part of night to shine literally. I've only done a video Which is so sad. I really want to come and should come But I'm only saying that to say I've literally had parents come up to me and say thank you so much for that video at night to shine Like like people have come up to me and thanked me for that small moment and I just can't even imagine how many people come up to me and thanked me for that small moment. And I just can't even imagine how many people come up to you and say just incredible stories of the impact that night to shine is made because it's so special. It is real love.
Starting point is 00:15:55 And it is real joy and celebration and acceptance and all the things. And so what a cool thing y'all have done. And I also love that that's kind of how you met Demi through a night to shine experience. And so many people are like, how do I find my spouse? And I think a big part of it is not trying to find your spouse. It's living your life and doing your thing on mission. And when someone else is on mission and they just come together, powerful things happen.
Starting point is 00:16:21 With that note of just meeting Demi and getting married, obviously she was Miss Universe. You are Tim Tibo doing all your things, y'all are both doing great things for the world and y'all came together. What has that been like with y'all coming together? How do you feel like the foundation has gone further, the things have maybe improved or things have grown? What has that been like as the two of you have become one? Well, I think the first thing came to my head, Sadie was just that, I think literally everything
Starting point is 00:16:52 just got better. That's awesome. I think literally everything in my life just got better. Yeah. I think in our relationship, the beginning was awesome. I get crazy. Our literally our first real date, we told each other like,
Starting point is 00:17:07 we're gonna get married. Like we were looking at a couple of weeks in. Oh my gosh. We were beginning, and even though the beginning was so awesome, it's only gotten better. Like dating was fun, engaged was better. Engage was awesome, marriage is better.
Starting point is 00:17:22 Your one was great, your two is better. Like it's just continued to get better. And I don't mean that in our personal relationship with each other, I mean that in our prayer life, I think in working on the foundation in the last four weeks and a couple of days that we were in Africa in five different countries. And right when we go into the the Tivo Caracenter at
Starting point is 00:17:47 Cures in Bobway Hospital and she she doesn't you know there's other people and doctors and she literally just grabs one of the books and walks to the corner and sits down and then starts reading to one of the boys who's about to get operated on and he can't really understand English, but he's following along with all the pictures and her voice, you know, soft and how sweet and just literally every piece has gotten better and it's just so fun when you're not only in a relationship with someone, but you feel like you're in purpose with someone that will get to do, who we get to serve, how we get to do that is together. It's just, it's incredible. Like, when we're in these countries and we get to do ministry together, go back to the
Starting point is 00:18:32 hotel, pray together about that day we just experienced and then do something again. The next, it's just, there's, honestly, there's nothing really like it. And to me, I just think that has been so special. And I think just to encourage the listeners, because so many people, I mean, you know this, Sadie, about people are so longing for the relationship of that person God has for them. And I would just encourage you, before you start thinking about the person
Starting point is 00:19:03 that God has for you, be the person that you want that person to marry. Be the person that, you know, let God start to work in your life so that you can be the person before you meet the person, you know, and be ready for when that person shows up. And I wish there were so many things in my life I did different so I could be more ready, but I'm thankful that God, you know, still brought us together. And, but I just encourage so many single people out there that they're looking and they're looking. There's not the wrong with that. But don't let the don't let the purpose stop in the waiting because I don't believe purpose ever stops. Right. And your purpose isn't about one day when you get married, because there's purpose right
Starting point is 00:19:46 now in your present, in your singleness, in your alone, in your quiet time, while you're waiting, and I get it, so many people are, I can't wait for one day when they get married, but that's going to be an awesome time, and hopefully it is, and hopefully it's even better. But God doesn't need to use you, and He's not waiting to use you until you have a husband or a wife. He has purpose and mission for you on this day, not just one day. And I also believe the same is true in, you know, so many times I think in the Christian
Starting point is 00:20:19 world, we think, oh, no, I can only be on mission if I'm on a mission trip to a third world country. Or I'm just going to prepare for that. Or if I'm on a mission trip to a third world country or I'm just going to prepare for that Or if I'm presenting to gospel or you know if one day I can have a platform and I'll use it like Sadie No, he's not waiting God doesn't need you to have a platform. He doesn't you need you to be on a third world country He doesn't need you to Have a significant other to be able to make an impact now He might use all of those things to do it
Starting point is 00:20:44 But he can use you exactly where you are with exactly what he's given you, with exactly who you created and be. God doesn't need you to have something else for him to use you. He is enough to use you. That's great. That is so good. Come on, I love that.
Starting point is 00:20:58 God doesn't need something else to use you. He is enough. That's great. I love how you actually wrote in the book. You may be in a role or situation that is not the entire expression of your purpose, but you are still meant to carry your purpose into those places. I thought that was such a good point, and I do think that so many people think that their purpose is like one specific thing, or one specific place, like you said, they might think it is a platform where it is a relationship or their purpose is to go into the stir world country or whatever.
Starting point is 00:21:28 But the problem is they're waiting until that moment to fulfill any type of purpose. And like you're saying, purpose is in every moment. Purpose can be in every moment because like you said earlier, purpose is loving God and loving people. Purpose is doing things to glorify God and you can do that in every season of your life. You have definitely lived so many seasons of life. You know, we as like the outsiders, we're all had literally gotten to see you do all these types of things. Whether it's football, baseball like I mentioned and now you have a foundation that's doing so many different things.
Starting point is 00:22:02 You've been sports broadcaster entrepreneur entrepreneur, like everything and everything. And you've been husband and dog father to the T-Bow Pack. You have all these great accomplishments, spoken at passion. But when you look at your life, you know, what is something that you've seen that's been true about God in every season of your life, whether it was all those moments I mentioned, or even living in the Philippines with your family, whenever you were younger, whatever it is. Is there like a thread you've seen about God that has just remained in each season you've stepped into? I know that's kind of a loaded question.
Starting point is 00:22:37 Yeah, I would say one of the things that popped in my brain is that God doesn't need human greatness to have God greatness, like to show up in great ways. Right. And I think sometimes I've fallen in that trap of man, I got, because I'm very driven and I want to do things and it's like I want to get to every country and I want to rest through all these babies that we can and all these throwaways and literally in a lot of places we've been there throwaways. And then, you know, God reminds me so many times, like, you do, tell me you don't think I love them more than you do. Like, and I have a, I have a purpose and a plan. And, and I think it's just reminding myself and having people
Starting point is 00:23:28 remind me in remembering that I have to be faithful in the little things, be faithful in walking that out and God doesn't need for us to always have a grand vision or a grand dream to do grand things. And I'm not saying if he's given you that, that's amazing. And I do want people to dream big and I want them to have big goals because we serve a big God. But even in the times where we didn't think it's possible, night to shine is the perfect example. We started, we had no idea. Like, yes, there was a thought. We had no idea all the things that God was going to do.
Starting point is 00:24:04 We had no idea all the different ways he was going to use it. We had no idea, like yes, there was a thought. We had no idea all the things that God was going to do. We had no idea all the different ways he was going to use it. We had a few thoughts, but there were so many more behind the scenes that we had no idea that he was going to use it in different areas, areas to change the narrative, areas where kids have been viewed as cursed, areas that they're viewed as throwaways. And now the government is like, hey, when you want to foundation, come in and do all these other things. We had no idea. There weren't thoughts in our head. And so I think it's just reminding me that, man,
Starting point is 00:24:32 it's just faithful in the little things of loving the least the last and last, being faithful in. It doesn't matter if we're in Uganda, or we're at the corner of our street in Jacksonville, Florida, right? Is remembering that the mission didn't stop when we left the Third World country. Okay? The mission doesn't change when you're on a mission trip versus when you're at home. It's the mission still the same, you know? And sure, it reminds me of a Steve Green song. The mission still the same. Live the truth alive in Jesus' name, you know? And I just would want to encourage people is you might think that you're not having a big
Starting point is 00:25:09 impact because right now you're stuck in traffic. Right now you're you're out of FedEx. Right now you're you know your job is it where you want it to be and I don't and it might not be where you want to be. but it doesn't mean it's not where God wants you to be, because you're there for a reason, and there's a reason you're there, you can do something. And while you're looking forward and dreaming about getting out, and that's okay,
Starting point is 00:25:34 there's nothing wrong with it, it doesn't mean that in the situation that you're in, that there's not a mission for you to accomplish, there's not purpose for you to be a part of, there's not significance for you to invest in. And I just wanna encourage people because I lose perspective on that all the time because it's all about, okay,
Starting point is 00:25:50 when are we gonna get back to Africa, when are we gonna get back to the Philippines, when are we gonna get back to Asia, how can we rescue more? And I think sometimes God's just like, no, I just want you to talk to the taxi driver on the way to the airport. Right?
Starting point is 00:26:03 You were so focused on every kid, and it's not a bad thing that when you're in Africa, but the driver that picked you up from the airport and the Uber, he's not worthy for you to talk to. There's been so many times like that that I've been convicted. I'm like, I just, because sometimes I'll have this feeling, like, oh, mission trip's done. Can't wait for the next one.
Starting point is 00:26:26 And it's not, it's not the case. And unfortunately, too many times, I've compartmentalized it, and our mission shouldn't be one we compartmentalize. It should be one that we express every day. That's good. Man, I felt the same conviction last year. I kind of had this like very honest moment
Starting point is 00:26:42 with my small group of girls. We meet on Saturday mornings. We did last year really consistently in this new year. We got to get back to it. But we were having this just really honest moment. And I said, you know, I really hate that. I feel like in my mind, my mission has kind of been like towards the next date that I'm speaking at.
Starting point is 00:27:01 Like I put all my energy and like, this day on the calendar when I'm sharing this message like I got to put everything into that and the Lord convinced me the same thing like you're missing the everyday moments and that every day people because you're so focused on you know March 28th or whatever it is instead of like the every single day 21st 7 mission that you're called to and so that's such a good reminder. I love how you always talk about your heart for kids and whether it's kids with special needs or kids in their real countries or just kids in general.
Starting point is 00:27:32 And in the book, you talk a lot about just their respect you have for your parents and the way that you were raised and the way that you were taught. And you also talk about mission statements. And one of the things that Christian and I kind of did in our marriage is we decided, we were gonna have a mission statement for our marriage. And I remember when we were talking to Louie
Starting point is 00:27:55 about doing our wedding, we told him our mission statement. And he thought it was so funny, and he's repeated that since today. He's like, I've never met a couple who came to me and said, here is our mission statement. This is, we are the huffs, and this is what we stand for. But for us, it just created such good vision of like, this is what our family stands for.
Starting point is 00:28:13 This is what we're going towards. This is who we want to be known as and all the things. And so I just wonder if you and Demi kind of had that mission or that value that you want for your family. If you do have kids one day, I don't know what y'all's plans are, but if y'all kind of have like, this that value that you want for your family if you do have kids one day I don't know what y'all's plans are But if y'all kind of have like this is the mission we stand for it This is what we want our kids to believe this is what we're going for in life
Starting point is 00:28:33 Do y'all kind of have that that mission? Actually, yes, we do I want to hear yours too But our mission statement is also the one that we have in the foundation And it's to bring faith hope and love to those needing a brighter day in their darkest hour of need and then off of that we have five non-negotiables because I believe what's important about a mission statement is you have something that you always get to go back and reference so you don't have mission drift and then off of that you have non-negotiables of things that you believe in that you're never willing to negotiate on and so number one for us of our non-negotiables is things that you believe in, that you're never willing to negotiate on. And so number one for us of our non-negotiables
Starting point is 00:29:07 is that we're believers. We're believers in a big God. We're believers in a sun Jesus on the cross. We're believers that we're here for a reason. And we're believers that we have purpose and we can't create change. Number two is that we're all image bears. Right?
Starting point is 00:29:20 And why we say we're all image bears is because when you understand you're all image bears You understand the worth and the value that every single person has and it's not our job to play God It's our job to serve God and if everyone is an image bear that everyone has the same value and work We don't get to choose based on color based on race based on ethnicity based on background even based on religion Everybody is an ethnicity, based on background, even based on religion. Everybody is an image bearer, and we got to serve them as such. And then number three is that we're on a rescue mission.
Starting point is 00:29:52 You see when you see other image bears hurting, well, when you really believe that, you can't help but be on a rescue mission for them. And while we say rescue, it's not just a mission, it's a rescue mission, because it puts an urgency, it puts a timeline. And we always say, we don't want to live on our timeline, we want to live on their timeline.
Starting point is 00:30:12 And I think too many times as believers, we live on our timeline, it's, well, I'm going to accomplish this, I'm going to graduate, I'm going to get a job, I'm going to do well at my job, I'm going to climb the ladder, then I'm going to retire, then I'm going to go on submission trips, then I'm going to have a fun that I'm going to do well at my job. I'm going to climb the ladder. Then I'm going to retire. Then I'm going to go on submission trips. Then I'm going to have a fun that I'm going to give out of. And while you're waiting for this, how many boys and girls have been throwing away?
Starting point is 00:30:31 How many have lost their lives? How many did not hear about the good news of the gospel? That's not what we don't want to save our best days till when we're our weakest. We want to live our fullest now. When we're our strongest, we want to go the fastest to further this. And so we want to live our fullest now when we're our strongest we would go the fastest to further You know and so we want to live on that that rescue mission and then When you do believe the image bears and you do believe you're on a rescue mission
Starting point is 00:30:52 Well, the next thing is is how can we bring as many people to the fight as possible? And that's where for us it comes in there's power when we come together We don't want to have the pride saying we do this alone We don't want to take the credit because, we do this alone. We don't want to take the credit, because it's not about credit, it's about mission. So there's power we come together. There's power when, you know, all of us were at passions, say, do you there's power when nonprofits,
Starting point is 00:31:14 when churches, when armies, when come together, there's power in that. I believe that it's biblical, and I believe we need to do it. And it's something that I would love the church to do, you know, is say, you know, it's not about our nonprofit, it's not about the name of the church to do, you know, is say, you know, it's not about our nonprofit.
Starting point is 00:31:26 It's not about the name of our church. It's about a name of our Savior, period. And it's about, he gets the credit and we're living out the mission. And then number five is that we can never forget. We can't forget because I think one of the easiest things to lose in life is perspective. And when we lose perspective, we lose sight of all four of those things. We lose sight on why it's so important to get to every single life. And so 22 times in Deuteronomy, we're reminded to either remember or do not forget. And if Moses is telling the Israelites 22 times right
Starting point is 00:32:07 after God rescued them, right after he parted the red sea, right after crazy miracle, you would think, if God parted a sea and I walked through it, I'm gonna forget that. Exactly. Hopefully a lot of people did because 22 times they had to be reminded. And you know what, it's probably worse for me. Like I've had to be reminded way more than 22 times and that's why we put, we can never forget. We always have to remember of what Jesus did on the cross of just how much every single life matters,
Starting point is 00:32:34 how valuable every single life. And so that's something that it's a foundation, mission statement and non-negotiable, but it's also really ours. And at the beginning of our relationship we talked about it. We decided these are things that we want to build up. And it's not that we're done too. As we've also continued to talk on if there's any more that we want to add to it,
Starting point is 00:32:54 that we feel like God gives us together. But those are something that not only I think exemplifies our mission, but helps us from mission drift as well. Yes, I love that mission drift. That's so good. And I love that just reminder to remember, because it's so true. Like I read those stories and I'm like,
Starting point is 00:33:12 how did you forget? And then I forget, you know, like I walk away, you know, you walk right outside of something like a passion moment or like an experience you had in a third world country where God just blows your mind. And then you get back home and you're like where are you God you know all the things and so it is so good to remember yeah Christian and I we have like a small mission statement and then we have you know other things and even with
Starting point is 00:33:37 L.O. that those kind of lines up. So our small one is just very simple and we say we're the huffs and we're too good for givers who build up upon love and that's just kind of like our reminder. And it comes from one of the things comes from this very smart talks about how knowledge puffs up a love builds out and like we never want to be a people that are like so puffed up that we're not pouring out like humblers self sol is the lowest point that all of our love is just pouring out to people around us from our house out. And we actually have this big sign in our house that says, this house will set the tone. And that's kind of even a mission statement in itself of saying, like, whatever happens
Starting point is 00:34:17 in this house is what's good to set the tone for how we live outside of this house to the world. And so this house needs to be known for its love. And this house needs to be covered in the spirit. And this house needs to be known for all those things because that's what's gotta pour out. And so yeah, it's cool to hear y'all's in love. Well, I think you're doing a pretty good job of that.
Starting point is 00:34:37 And that's awesome. Thank you. But it's cool even to hear y'all's like, your mission statement, it really does remind you of who you are to be. And it keeps you accountable. It who you are to be and it keeps you accountable it keeps you even convicted in the best way to live the life that you're called to. So when I hear your mission statement I'm like yep that's what y'all do and hopefully when you
Starting point is 00:34:55 hear our mission statement and even if I went on to say everything the L.O.s mission statement for it people would probably say man I almost could have even guessed that because that's how, you know, boldly you're living it. And so if you're listening today and you don't have a mission statement, you never even thought to have a mission statement. Maybe today's the day you sit down and really write that out because that's going to help you just really live out the purpose that God has you in every season of your life. That's going to keep you accountable to not forgetting to remembering daily to wake up with intention. And so I just love that. I know we talked about kids and family and I know you have another kids book coming out
Starting point is 00:35:34 and I'm so excited, honestly, because Honey loves a party to remember your first kids book and I sent you all that picture of Christian reading it to you the other day. It's awesome. I love this book. And I sent y'all that picture of Christian reading it to her the other day But it's not all that's good and that one's so good because like there's a lot of Get like good kids books, but most of them just don't have much meaning. It's like you know There's more like honey bunny funny bunny and it just you know, it's cute But it has no meaning but it's fun to read her books that actually have messages behind it Even though she's nine months old and she's not necessarily getting that yet, but she will one day.
Starting point is 00:36:06 And like, I just think it's so cool. So why do you keep writing children's books? Why are you excited about this next one coming out? Well, I'm so excited about this one because I remember how much children's books impacted me when I was young, and my mom would read them to me. And you would dream, and you would think about it. And you would get these little nuggets of truth that would impact you so much as a kid.
Starting point is 00:36:33 And that's really what I wanted to do with these children's books is the first one really share their value and their worth and encourage people. In the second one, even kids at young age, sometimes can sometimes be pretty mean to each other. And so this one is so based on helping, on loving, and it's always the right time to do the right thing. And the right thing for helping one another, caring for one another, and is really encouraging and hopefully challenging young
Starting point is 00:37:06 boys and girls that they can make a difference and they can help their their teammate their classmate their friend and they really can step out with action and and make someone else's life better. That's great. I love it. Well, if you haven't read the books, a party to remember with Bronco and friends in Mission Impossible coming out soon. Last thing thing I wanted to ask you, and this is more of a serious note, but I just, I didn't want this to end without asking you this question. It's a quote from your book, and you said, when emotions lead you to consider calling it quits, your convictions will remind you that you can push a little harder or grow a little further to reach your goal. And we've talked about so many things that you're doing that are big things.
Starting point is 00:37:46 And so many people are stepping into that right now or they're already doing that. And big things are hard to do. Scary things are actually hard to do. We're not just saying that it's not hard, we're not saying that it's not scary, but you're still saying to do it. And so can you recall a moment in your life
Starting point is 00:38:03 where you were like, I just actually want to quit, but you kept going or what do you do in those moments? Because there's probably been several moments that, you know, you've been at that, you know, time that everything might be getting too hard or too stressful or too overwhelming. And you just simply want to say, I quit and, you know, people looking at you might say, he never thinks that, but I know you're human and you do. And so he speak to those moments? I not only think that it's times where you want to quit. I also think it's times where you have too much shame or guilt or resentment for feeling unequipped or ill-equipped to be able to do something.
Starting point is 00:38:39 And I think it's all of those and I think those emotions, emotions can be good or bad. But I tell you what, they're usually really fickle. And they're good one day and they're gone the next or they're really bad and they're telling you lies and emotions trick us. And it's, sometimes it can be great. After a worship service, it can be amazing. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:39:02 These great emotions, but I can also have the same emotions that are going to say no, you've done enough, right? No, you don't need to go overseas. No, you just need to be comfortable. No, you don't need to set your alarm. You need to sleep in. Emotions can also lie to us and trick us. And so I love encouraging people that you can say yes to your convictions over your emotions. It's not everybody's convictions are always the same. We can be convicted by different things. Some people might be convicted that there are too much time on their social media,
Starting point is 00:39:33 too much time on Netflix, too much time on their phone, too much time doing who knows what, not enough time in the word, not enough time, encouraging friends. And those convictions can be a little bit different for everyone, but I want to encourage people say yes to your convictions because those aren't fickle. I, they're not going to be something
Starting point is 00:39:52 that goes with the ebbs and flows. And, you know, one thing that I write about in a mission possible is I flew to Texas to speak for this event, great event, and get to share Jesus, encourage people, popped about it. Well, before the event, they take me on a tour of the brand new, at the time, brand new Dallas Cowboys facility.
Starting point is 00:40:10 And I've been blessed to play a lot of cool facilities. I got to tell you, Sadie, it happened so fast where I started to get better. And I started, man, I gosh, God, why couldn't you let me play in a place like this? Like, why can't I be playing football now? Why can't I be doing this? This would be incredible.
Starting point is 00:40:28 Their way room for their fans is nicer than any way we've ever been in before. You know? Like, in all of a sudden, instead of being grateful for all the things that God has given me, I'm bitter, I'm a little bit envious, I'm a little bit jealous, and all of these emotions are creeping in, and it's just getting worse and worse and worse and worse. And honestly, it didn't change until my convictions kicked in when I was getting ready to go share with the group, literally about before, right before I was going to go walk on stage.
Starting point is 00:41:00 And it was because, for the first time in however many hours I started to view the group that I was talking to as image-bearers as loved and and that God had a message for them on that night and Thankfully that he could use me and instead of having to focus on me the focus was about other people And I usually think when we lose focus on me, the focus was about other people. And I usually think when we lose perspective and focus, it's because all we're doing is looking inward. All we're doing is saying, well, I didn't have this and I didn't have this and I didn't have this.
Starting point is 00:41:33 And there's also something really cool, a study that we talk about here from Miami. Listen, I know they're arrival, but I can least give them a little bit of credit, okay. But about how important gratitude is in our life and how much it actually affects our life. Literally day to day, chemically, it changes our mindset, our perspective, so much when we choose to be grateful. In that moment, you know what? I was not grateful for what I had. I was mad for what I did. Yeah. And I needed to say yes to my convictions,
Starting point is 00:42:08 not my emotions at that moment, say, God, my emotions are making me better and India's. I'm giving it to you because you're in control of all things. And if you wanted me to be here doing this, you would have let me be here. But I'm thankful and grateful for where you have me. Take away my envy, my bitterness. Let me focus on the mission you have for me.
Starting point is 00:42:26 And that's hard. You know what, there's still so many times that I have to go back and I have to give it to the Lord because if not, I know that I'm gonna get envious and bitter and get caught up in comparison and so many other things. And when I do that, there's no chance that I can be solely and wholeheartedly focused on living a mission possible life.
Starting point is 00:42:48 Because I'm looking at a mission, my life, and that's never a good life. Well, that's good. That's so good. It's so true about gratitude, too, because, look, I don't work out anything like you and Christian do, but I have been getting myself to the gym and I have committed to work out with a trainer. Two days a week at 7 a.m. okay, but I'm not a morning workout person so this has been a big deal for me. So you better believe when I get up at 6.15 I literally step on the floor and I say, God, thank you so much that my body is capable and able to go do this workout. And I'll have to like, seriously like speak gratitude over myself all the way until I get that blast worship music.
Starting point is 00:43:30 And I just thank God that's my prayer time. And it has honestly been so good for me. And so many ways, way more than just the workout aspect of it. Like the prayer that goes into it, the doing something hard, the not snoozing past the alarm, the waking up, like all of it has just made me like mentally and physically stronger.
Starting point is 00:43:48 And so I've actually just been able to see what you're saying in a really tangible way. I wanted to end by this quote, and you actually just mentioned it, but you said when you look outside of yourself, that's where true mission is found. And Tim, no one that I can think of lives as greater than you and Demi do.
Starting point is 00:44:05 You know, you both have every opportunity of the world to live for you, but you don't. You choose to live for God. And y'all live so outside of yourself and it's changing the world. And so thank you for setting that example. Thank you for not just setting that example, but writing a book so that other people can also walk in that direction and follow users in that mission possible way. So I'm so encouraged by this conversation. I know so many people are like we've mentioned. people can also walk in that direction and follow users in that mission possible way. So I'm so encouraged by this conversation.
Starting point is 00:44:27 I know so many people are like we've mentioned so many times Tim has a new book out called Mission Possible. Go create a life that counts. Go get it out today, I guess, whenever this will come out. So go get it today and start living a mission possible life. Thank you Tim for being on the podcast and we didn't even mention that you're in Africa. So thank you for taking time. It's all good.
Starting point is 00:44:48 Thank you so much, Shady. Please tell the whole family I said, hey, and thank you once again for being such an incredible light and encouragement to me and so many others. Thank you. Thank you so much. you

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