WHOA That's Good Podcast - The Next Right Step

Episode Date: September 16, 2020

Lisa Harper, a hilarious storyteller and theological scholar, joins Sadie on this weeks episode. Their lighthearted yet meaningful conversation touches on Lisa's extraordinary story of adoption, perse...verance, and redemption. Lisa is the author of 13 books, including the recent children’s book, Who’s Your Daddy?l and 5 best-selling Bible study curriculums, including Job:A Story of Unlikely Joy.  You can learn more about Lisa Harper at https://lisaharper.net  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up fam, welcome back to the world, that's good pie cast y'all, I am so excited. We have a treat today. We have Lisa Harper and y'all, we're calling her in the middle of a busy day for her. She's actually literally in the airport on a layover and so we're getting her right in the midst of some craziness. There might be some sound in the background, but listen, if you can hold in on what she's saying, she has so much wisdom. If you don't know Lisa Harbor,
Starting point is 00:00:30 she is the funniest woman in the world, but she's also a theologian. Like she is the smartest woman in the world. She's actually a theological scholar. She's written over 10 books, well over 10 books. She's a mom to her sweet adopted daughter, Missy. She is just incredible. She's one of my favorite preachers and teachers.
Starting point is 00:00:49 So I cannot wait. I'm so glad she's given us some of her time in the middle of the airport. It's going to be a great conversation. So let's go ahead and call Lisa. We can just jump right in to the question of the world that's going to podcast. What is the best piece of advice that you've ever been given? Okay, I'm going to totally cheat because I couldn't decide between two. One is super easy and it is eat cake first.
Starting point is 00:01:19 And so that's my first answer. My second answer is from one of my favorite theologians. I usually love all the dead guys, but this guy is still alive. His name is Frederick Beakland, just an amazing writer and theologian. And he said, listen to your life. See it for the fabulous mystery it is in the boredom and pain of it. No less than in the excitement and gladness, touch, taste, smell, your way to the holy and hidden heart of it because
Starting point is 00:01:50 in the last analysis, all moments are key moments and life itself is grace. And so, if I had to hang on to just one statement of, apart from biblical wisdom, just one statement I've heard, it would probably be life itself is grace. Wow. I think sometimes we get so caught up in, you know, hoping for the huge breakthroughs or the massive shifts that we miss those little miracles that happen every year. Yesterday we were in New Hampshire and I was with my little girl. She's 11, of course pathologically biased, but I think she's the most amazing kid in the world.
Starting point is 00:02:31 And we found this like a little kind of spot where you could jump off Ross into this river. And it was maybe a 15 foot jump. And we had kind of faced that same exact type of jump in Montana with Levi and Gianluosco and their kids were on the float trip a few weeks ago. And this he was scared. She was really scared and we were with the less goes. And after a while with a kid, you're like, honey, it's a little bit
Starting point is 00:02:55 deal. You don't have to make this jump. Well, here it is, three or four weeks later, where New Hampshire's same thing, or maybe, I don't know, 15 feet above the water, plenty deep enough for a jump. She was really scared. And so it's like, baby, it's okay, you don't have to make this jump. I said, but if you want to, I'll hold her hand to go in with you. And I jumped several times. It took her like 30 minutes. And then she just, she could tell. She just decided, I am not going to let fear rule me. I'm kidding, Mama.
Starting point is 00:03:25 We made this jump into this freezing cold water and to watch my little girls face just illuminate with, oh, I did it. I thought that's enough miracle. They're just carrying me for the next week. And so I think that would be the best wisdom I've got. And at least from someone I don't know would be the life It's self-as-grace. Don't miss the small moon. It's finding for the big ones. That is beautiful. I love that so much
Starting point is 00:03:54 It's so true. You know, I really noticed that recently, especially in this quarantine Just the little moments that have become so big, you know, to me recently, even I told my husband as well as like the sun sets have just been getting me lately. And the sun rises. It's just that reminder that like a new day is starting. And yes, of course, like, you know, that that hits everybody. But for me, it's just been hitting me extra sweetly. And so that's so cool that you said that before we get into other people's questions, I
Starting point is 00:04:23 want to ask you my own question because you're honestly one of the most hilarious people ever. Like, I mean, I love listening to your stuff. I watch so many of your sermons, my friends know I send them to them as well. Oh wow. You have such a great balance of just being so funny like your first piece of advice, eat cake first, which is great. And then your second piece of advice, which is just so deep and beautifully spoken and said. And so how do you find that balance of not take yourself too seriously in life and not taking life too seriously? Yeah, oh gosh, that's a great question, Sadie.
Starting point is 00:04:58 You know, I think when I was your age, I was such a poser, I was really afraid to let kind of my crack show, you know, because I just swallowed the light that that perfection was a prerequisite to have a relationship with God. And so I thought, oh, geez, if I really, you know, if I show people my real self, either they'll be disappointed or we're still, they'll be disappointed in God. And thank God is less than perfect. Because yes, it's totally know, on his team.
Starting point is 00:05:25 And he just, he's so gracious to teach us. It took me a long time to really get the perfection or fained perfection is overrated. And I still remember, said he was part of a woman's convertible years ago and that head of the conference is wise older woman. She just said it, you know, sometimes people will like drop these wisdom bombs and you're like, dang, I need to like cross stitch that. That was amazing. Yes. But she said Lisa, she said, women are not impressed with what she got right. They're impressed with where you got it wrong
Starting point is 00:06:01 and got rescue G. And I remember I was probably, I don't know, maybe I was 30 and I thought, oh my goodness, Jesus needs to be the hero of every story. And so I think that kind of allows you to exhale and realize, hey, I don't need to, I don't need to present my best face to the world. I always say we don't have to wear spanks with other people, literally and spiritually, because of God's mercy. And so I always want him to be the hero of the story. And so, you know, if that was good, kind of laugh at myself, so be it, nobody deal. That is so good. Honestly, it's so funny. Like, you literally make me laugh like so hard that I'm crying, and then you turn it into I'm actually crying.
Starting point is 00:06:47 That's it, I always tell my friends about your speaking, it's so good, I love it. Well, we got some great questions in from people on- Oh cool. The LO sister app, we got questions in from Instagram. People are just really needing spiritual guidance, honestly, especially in today's day, not a lot of people have a good mentor or even mom
Starting point is 00:07:07 or older person in their life who can pour into them. So I'm super excited about this. The first question someone sent in is, how do you know when God is calling you to something or calling you somewhere? I don't wanna ever give a cross-sticks for really good questions like, oh, ABC, you're one, two, three, because I think that's almost disrespectful to the question,
Starting point is 00:07:29 because that's a profound question. I would say that when God is calling you this something, God doesn't try to trip us up. So he's not trying to punk you. He's not trying to go, hey, hey, you know, present this over here and see if they'll fall for it. God will corroborate where he's calling you. In my opinion, through three things, the first is his word. And so if you really in God's word, that's how we communicate with God.
Starting point is 00:07:55 And so it's not to strive, text book, it's not a collection of reality tales. This is God's living word. It's living conversation. And so if you if you have your nose and the promises of God, this love story, he left us, he'll confirm it through his word, he'll confirm it through his Holy Spirit. If you've given your heart, your life to Jesus Christ, then the Holy Spirit God says, quickens us. The Holy Spirit is that whisper in your mind of heart, that says, you have to write to call the King of all kings, Abba, dad. And so it's through his word, through his Holy Spirit. And then scripture says it's through the council of wisdom. So if you've got two or three friends, especially two or
Starting point is 00:08:39 three people who are little further along in their walk of faith, doesn't necessarily mean they're chronologically older, but just they've been walking with Jesus a little longer than you have. God will confirm his will through those three things. So if you've kind of got, you know, if you got powerball, all three bananas come up across the screen, you go, yeah, God's totally leaving me
Starting point is 00:08:58 in this area. And then I always think personally that God, if we're in motion, if you're taking steps, it's easier for God to direct us. Because I see some people who are like, okay, I'm just gonna sit here on the couch until basically like a plane flies overhead, pulling the banner, that tells me
Starting point is 00:09:17 what I'm supposed to do next. I'm like, well, maybe just take the next right step. Like, you don't have to feel the sea around the corner just if God is nudging you, take the next right step. Like you don't have to feel the sea around the corner just to have God is nudging you. Take the next right step and trust that he'll eliminate the ones to follow. That's so good. Oh, I love that. That's going to help so many people. I feel like in my own life, I've struggled with that too, especially before I really understood, you know, what the Holy Spirit's job was in life. And also that it's always going to confirm his word. Those really do exactly that. Really. I remember being a pivotal thing in my life.
Starting point is 00:09:49 I think that's so good. Yes. Like chips in case so those two go together. Oh, amen. Don't they? The best combo that's ready. So somebody said, how do I train my mind and actions to do what Christ wants me to do? And I think, I think it's such a beautiful question. Yeah, a beautiful question. It really goes back to that knowing the voice of God. My little girl is adopted.
Starting point is 00:10:12 I brought her home from Haiti six years ago. And when I brought Missy home from Haiti, she was four years old, didn't speak English. And so for the first couple of months, we did shirades because my creole was abysmal. She was learning English. And so she couldn't understand what I was asking her to do because she couldn't speak my language. The language of God is through spirit and work. And so if you want to be totally in sync with Jesus, how God's calling you to live, how
Starting point is 00:10:39 he's calling you to change the trajectory of your life, walk into more abundance to peace and joy, you have got to speak God's language, and so you've really got to get into his word. And I think one of the things that's broken my heart over the last, let's just say the last 10 years, is, you know, we've got so many amazing podcasts, so many amazing preachers, so many amazing books,
Starting point is 00:11:03 that I see people going, yeah, I don't really need to be in the Bible, because these people are really funny, and these people are really exciting, or they do like this awesome video stuff, and it explains the Bible to me. And I'm like, oh man, that's like not going to Hamilton and just reading the notes of Hamilton on your phone. You can't begin to understand how much God loves you
Starting point is 00:11:30 if you're taking somebody else's word for it. So really I'd say first and foremost, that I, even a God's word, certainly used, you know, helped, it'll help you understand his words. Some of the books can be hard to understand. So absolutely use commentaries, get preachers notes. And then I'd say really spend time and pray. You know, I do all different kinds of prayer. We live out in the venues on a hill. And so one of my favorite prayers is the gasp and pray. Because when I walk a pill, I'm in a fluffy season and it's kind of hard for me to get going to kill. But I walk and pray and say the more I really am in tune with the Lord through prayer,
Starting point is 00:12:11 that conversation with God, I start recognizing this voice. And you, the Bible says that. The Bible says, if you walk with Jesus, you'll begin to recognize this voice. It won't sound like anybody else's voice. So I go, sound like your's voice, your boyfriend's voice, your therapist voice, you'll go, Oh, that right there is my creator, redeemer. So that's been spent time in this love story and spend time in prayer. That's so cool. I love that. I love how you call it a love story too, because it is. I would just say that to everybody who even follows me and watches me, I know that a lot of you
Starting point is 00:12:41 are encouraged by things that I say. But again, what she's saying, this is like nothing compared to you yourself going and diving into the word of God and praying for yourself and starting that own relationship with God. And a lot of you actually ask questions about how do I have my own relationship with God. And I think she just answered that. So for those of you who sinned in that question, that was such a beautiful answer. And I love how you talk about your daughter, Missy. You guys are the cutest pair. Y'all are also like chips in case. So a great combo. They are so cute. I wanted to ask you the adoption process because my family's adopted and it's such a long process. I know you all had a very long process. And so any advice to people who maybe are walking out adoption for
Starting point is 00:13:25 themself in that long process or just anything where they're having to patiently wait on something to happen. Yeah. Well, I'd say first of all, we've got to go back to the basics and just remember, check your unscathleting that our God is a good God. Even when your future seems messy or seems really blurry. Our God is a redeemer, ultimately everything, every single thing will work out for our good and his glory. I had to keep reminding myself that, say to you, I lost two adoptions. One was at the 11th hour, four days,
Starting point is 00:14:00 before I was supposed to leave the baby home. Wow. I mean, it did, it's me. I felt like my heart had been run over by a mat track. And I really wasn't sure I'd be able to kind of peel myself up off the pavement. Plus I started really late. I was, I was just sick as a brick. And I don't mean that in like a hip kind of way.
Starting point is 00:14:20 When I was in my 20s and 30s, I was really broken, dated a lot of abusive men from just kind of got bent when I was young There was a lot of sexual molestation and so those were the guys I was drawn to in my 20s and 30s So God protected me from them and then the few good Godly guys like the older version of your husband of Christian that I dated God protected them for me because I was hot mess on a stick and that I dated, God protected them for me because I was hot mess on a stick. And so by the time he had pulled kind of the deepest toxic roots out of my heart, you know, I was in my early 40s. And I thought, oh, man, I'm not going to get to be a mom. Not that God is capricious, but, you know, there are consequences to bad behavior. And I thought, I'm not going to get to have my own kids because my ovaries are raisins at
Starting point is 00:15:05 this point. And too long a story to share, but just it really was a miracle that God was an adoption into my life. But after those two losses, I was just like, oh, God, these deepers, I'm not, I'm not sure I can kind of keep hope alive. You know, when you've been that devastated, sure I can kind of keep hope alive. You know, when you've been that devastated and it was just two weeks after I lost this baby, but a friend called and she said, least, you know, I know you're still really wrecked, but I just got home from Haiti. And while I was there, one of the young moms in the village, I was visiting dive roads. And she left behind a two-year-old who's really, really sick. She has HIV and color and tuberculosis. And she said the doctors have told us she'll die within a couple
Starting point is 00:15:50 of months if somebody really, anybody, doesn't step in the gap for her. And she said, you know, I don't know if you have the bandwidth to even make this decision. But would you consider praying about stepping in this process, you know, another, another adoption attempt?, you know, another, another adoption attempt. And you know, it was so much, my dear, so much scarier than the first two adoptions I had lost. But I said, no, I said, I'm not really to pray about it.
Starting point is 00:16:16 I said, I've been praying about this for 30 years. Michelle, sign me up and let's say any of your friends listening, think that I'm all that. I'm going to be real honest to tell you when I hung up the phone, I said a word that's not in the Bible because I thought, oh yeah, I don't want to do this. How do I adopt a child that's really sick from 80? I mean, I didn't know. Begin it. Kind of goes back to that question of how do we walk out that as well, one step at a time. Yeah, you just take the next step. I had no idea it would be this, you know, two year,
Starting point is 00:16:53 really tumultuous process that, let's see, we get really sick, that we'd be afraid. We'd lose her a few times, but I'm telling you, two years, almost to the day I started the process, I brought her home Easter week, 2014. And Jesus is my hope. But I'm telling you, Missy is this tangible miracles. Every time I look at my kids, she's healthy as a horse.
Starting point is 00:17:18 You know, I'm convinced we look alike, even though she's from Haiti, although I can promise you we don't dance alike. My kid has a lot more rhythm than me, but what God has for us is so worth staying the course for. And I'm sure in light of the last five months, you've got people listening to, you know, he just feel like I'm at the end of my road. And maybe even at this point,
Starting point is 00:17:41 or thinking God doesn't see me, or has forgotten about me and I've been there. But I can tell you as a 57 year old woman, I can look back over my life and say, I promised you there's not been one chapter that I can look back now on and say, God's absence that I experienced is absence. I've never experienced this absence. I've experienced doubt. And I've experienced my own frail faith, but God has always been kind. He's always redeemed. You know, the biggest messes in my life that I thought there's just no stinkin' way. This is too tangled or this is too painful. There's always been redemption on the other side. So I would just say, stay the course.
Starting point is 00:18:29 Just keep walking toward Jesus. That's beautiful. Thank you for sharing that. That's gonna, I feel like that's just gonna ruin true for so many people and so many people free in this moment. So if you're listening right now, take it personal.
Starting point is 00:18:43 Let the words that she's saying speak to you. You know, the reason I call these people who are friends of mine and have amazing wisdom is for you. It's for you to receive that advice. And oftentimes more than not, I'm actually hugely impacted by every word that you say as well. So take it personal. You kind of just talked about this, but I thought this question was really good and it came from such a role Place in someone's life, but they said how do I stop regretting things that happen in my past and just move on and begin to learn from those experiences? Well, I'm gonna borrow from the book of Christine Kane who is one of my best friends and I know you love Chris as well too Sadie. I remember gosh, I don't know, maybe 10 years ago,
Starting point is 00:19:25 Chris and I were to conference together and she stood up and she said, we have some similar past as far as molestation abuse and just some hard stuff. But she stood up and she just really simply said, I was sexually abused for 12 years and I'm now 52. So she said, I have not been being abused for 40 years. And she said, you know, whenever what God has done for you becomes bigger in your heart and mind, what was done to you, then you'll really start walking in peace and abundance. And you know, that doesn't mean we pretend things that didn't hurt, you know,
Starting point is 00:20:07 over and over and over again in the gospels. Jesus compelled people to admit they hurt. He compelled people to go, I can't make it by myself. So I think that confession of this hurts or I'm dying here, that is incumbent upon us as humans to go, gosh, I can't fix this in a hole in my heart. I can't heal this breeze. But when you confess that, trust that Jesus will redeem it. And ultimately, when you get to the other side of that sorrow, you'll go, wow, I've actually been walking in peace longer than I was walking in pain.
Starting point is 00:20:41 But again, there's so much to be said for just, you put your head down and you keep put one foot in front of the other and everything you do comes from that core belief that God is good. When one life is just gruddy, God is good. That's so good. Oh, that's so great. I love that. I actually just recently was talking to Lisa Terkers and she said the same thing. She was talking about how like you have to just have it as a banner that God is good. Like go into things with the idea that God is good. Come out of things with the idea that God is good even when life gets so bad. So that's so cool.
Starting point is 00:21:19 Sometimes I think it helps to even do things. Well things, I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed. And so sometimes you know, sometimes you have to remind your heart, I feel like my heart lags behind my head. I can read all this Greek and Hebrew, study, step in school and read these books with multistilopic theological terms. But it's like sometimes my heart needs to be reminded. And so I work with girls in Nashville who are in recovery from drug
Starting point is 00:21:46 and alcohol abuse, a lot of girls who are in addiction recovery. And I was with some girls recently and they were just, you know, talking about how hard their life has been. And you know, they're turning their lives around. They're like, Miss Lisa, do you know how little we make? Like we made a whole lot more hook in than we make, you know, work a minimum wage as a hotel, attend an arch-palter, and there's some real hard stuff. So I don't ever need to make light of people who walk through difficulties
Starting point is 00:22:13 and a ton of your friends do. But I said, y'all, we've got to remember that this world is in our home. And that God's life is bigger than any difficulty we face. So I said, here's what I want you all to start doing. Just between now and when I come back next week, I want you out when you get your laundry out of the dryer to start putting your laundry on your beds,
Starting point is 00:22:33 close the door when you have just a second to yourself leaning back into that warm laundry. And just imagine Jesus holding you. And they're like, oh, Miss Lisa, you ain't't right. That's just kind of what that sounds like. Just take me at my word. Just try it. You're all this dorm. They're like, people are going to think I'm a nut.
Starting point is 00:22:53 But they started doing it and they were like, oh, my goodness. Those five or six seconds, when I really let myself lean into that warmth and imagine Jesus embracing me, they said said it really began to change, kind of settle my spirit. My favorite verse, Sadie, probably in all of scripture, but certainly in the Old Testament, is this one simple verse in the song of Solomon. And most people think that's like this hyperlusty, you know, wild, ex-rated poetry in the Bible, but it's actually about the kind of intimacy we can have for Jesus. There is of course an application from marriage, but since I'm single in 57, I can't talk
Starting point is 00:23:34 about Gideon Jiggy when I should have talked about Jesus. You should have the bigger application is us and our divine husband, our divine bridegroom, but there's this scene in that story where God says to us, his bride, with one glance of your eyes, you captured my heart. So you stop and think of that when you looked at Christian and Yaw exchange in vows and it's probably the whole world could have disappeared and you would have felt absolutely secure in that moment because you're secure Sons love
Starting point is 00:24:10 That God is saying that's your only human context of that kind of love He said my love for you is even better than that and I think so many people even Christians Walk through this life assuming God is like a Unibrowed Librarian mad at them and in reality he's a bridegroom looking at us with such pure perfect love going if you can only get who you had me at hello and I think when we begin to model our lives after the affection of God, instead of thinking God has mad at us,
Starting point is 00:24:51 that kind of even changes the motives of our heart, definitely changes our security. It's great, oh, it's so good. Thank you for sharing that, that's beautiful. The last question that I'll ask, and I think this one is really good and clearly comes from a struggle that they're going through and actually so many people sit in this question. This is how do I deal with a family member who isn't a believer?
Starting point is 00:25:17 Been there, I was there for years and years, my stepfather was not only not a believer, he was a vehement agnostic. Wow. Really hated anything to do with God. I was a senior in high school. He threw my Bible out of the front door in a rainstorm. Wow. Because he said he didn't want that BS in his house anymore. And it was 11 a step back desperately wanted him to love me.
Starting point is 00:25:43 And so I know how incredibly painful that can be, especially if it's ongoing. What helped me, my stepdad came to Christ eight weeks before he died. It was just, I'm still convinced angels just fell out when dad walked in glory like, no, sneak in way. But in the beginning of Genesis, it says that every human being is made in God's image. The Latin concept is a mago day. That means anybody, even the coolest people we see, even people who don't acknowledge God, they still bear his thumbprint. And back in probably my 30s, I started asking God, help me see your reflection in my stepdad because he was, he loved me. Well, it was a, it was a difficult relationship.
Starting point is 00:26:36 And I thought if I'm basing my love on his deservingness or lack thereof, I'm just, I'm not going to love him well. I don't have that in me. But if I can begin to see God's thumbprint and I begin to see that this man is absolutely adored by the creator of the universe, the God that I bowed my knee before, then God will grow my respect. God will allow me to answer his unkind God will allow me to answer his unkind questions with kindness. And I, it changed the way, I'm not saying I did it well, goodness. Sometimes I was such a brat, but it changed the posture of my heart toward my dad. And I could begin to treat him with that he was a man who deserved respect and dignity and value because he bore my heaven with Father's
Starting point is 00:27:25 thumbprint. So I would say be careful if you're in a relationship with somebody who's physically abusive, emotionally abusive, back up so that God can guard your heart and your mind. But as best you can stay engaged by seeing that family member of that loved one as Imago Day, as someone who bears God's image. And then I'd also say, pray for them by name. Speak their name out loud. That's something that's really common in culture right now. And in the social justice movement is to speak the names of people we don't want to forget. Well, I would say don't let your heart forget or become numb to those people who are in your family
Starting point is 00:28:08 who are difficult to deal with. Don't get them. Jesus, speak their name out loud and prayer. And that'll keep them kind of on the forefront of your mind and heart. That's great. Oh, that's so good. I know that's going to help so many people listening.
Starting point is 00:28:22 I know so many names are coming to hearts all around. And so take a minute. Pause the podcast. Pray for those people that you're thinking of right now. By name. Lisa, you are just incredible. Thank you so much for all of your wisdom. I like to sometimes pull out one of the best pieces of advice that I've received from you. And there is a quote that made me laugh, but it was so great. It said, I'm so grateful for opportunities. God's given me, but don't forget. He often uses donkeys and rocks too. And I just love your time wisdom and humility and humor and all the things. And so thank you for who you are and for sharing so much advice with us today. I know so many people are so grateful.
Starting point is 00:29:06 Oh, thank you for having me. Sadie, Missy want to extend a special invitation. She loves you. I want to tell her I got to talk with Miss Sadie. She said, please tell her to come go for a motorcycle ride with us. Oh, that next time you're Nashville. And if your husband allows, Missy wants to take you for motorcycle ride at my paintings That would be my greatest joy and hey, he would not only allow it
Starting point is 00:29:30 He would ask if he could go on a ride soon Only I'm not gonna stand next to you and leather pants honey Well, I cannot wait for this day to come. You're awesome. Sit in by the wood that's good Instagram page. We are so pumped to read some of the things that you'll ask us. Also, I actually want to ask you one serious question first. I know this just sounds like I'm not being serious, but we just obviously had an interview with Lisa Harper and we had DM's in it. And somebody sent a DM that said, how do you crawl out of a pit of habitual sin?
Starting point is 00:30:25 Something that you just cannot knock. And that's a really serious question, but I feel like you would be a good one to answer that. Yeah, I think it kind of gets to the point where you're so fed up with it. And I really get to the point where like, you know, you know that this is something that, you know, only the Lord can deliver you from.
Starting point is 00:30:42 And it's nothing that you can kind of come out of in your own strength. And I know for me, there were stuff I was dealing with a few years ago and it, you know, you'd come out of it and you'd kind of get pulled back in. And it really, for me, was when I was like, okay, that's it, no matter what I had to do, eliminating this from my life. And it really happened when I was like, no matter what has to happen, I'm going to get through this, the Lord is going to deliver me. This is going to be part of my testimony, part of my story. Yes, I think getting to that point
Starting point is 00:31:09 where you're like enough's enough. I know that this is gonna be difficult and I'm gonna maybe still struggle with this but I'm not gonna live in that. Like he said, like the Lord is still delivering you from it. It's not gonna be in your own works, but the same time, you can definitely do things that, yeah, like it would say if you started
Starting point is 00:31:25 with porn, like don't get on the website, get the website that, you know, the canine brows or all the things that make your computer safe, or where you don't, like you can't physically click on those things. Delete and stream, delete Snapchat, delete YouTube. You so would drinking, you might not want to be going out to parties and stuff, or drinks are all around. Like there are actual things that you can do to to be going out to parties and stuff where drinks are all around. Like there are actual things that you can do to help yourself get out of that pit. If you struggle with doing things whenever you're alone, like try to have friends over,
Starting point is 00:31:54 try to have accountability, turn a worship music, you can do stuff to get really serious about not dealing with sin and your life anymore. Paul actually says it like this in one time. But there's a time in the Bible where there's a demon possessed woman and like she was driving Paul crazy to where Paul was just like be healed. Like he got so spiritually annoyed and just called it out of her and she was healed.
Starting point is 00:32:16 And so I think of that sometimes with sin, like sometimes we have to get so spiritually annoyed with something that we're like in Jesus name no more and keep speaking that out until that thing stops. So that was a serious start. That wasn't, uh, well, let's go with his bad, but that was a question sent into the DM's that that was worth noting. That's a great question. And you know, Jesus does have the profound line of saying, you know, if, if your eye caused you to send, gouge it out. And I think that just addresses the seriousness
Starting point is 00:32:41 of sin and how it can infest its way into your life. And he addresses it so seriously, we're saying deal with it, eliminate it, cut it out. Yeah, so good. All right, we're gonna go on to some not as serious things. And this says just make it to 2021, good or better rice. Well, I mean, 2020 has been a difficult year, but I do think that James you know, James, it
Starting point is 00:33:05 talks about, you know, going through trials and other Lord, you know, brings you out of those and, you know, kind of joy when you face those trials. I do think that this is a year of refinement and I think that the Lord's doing something that we would have never seen him doing. So I think that if we just wish for the next year or wish to be out of this trial, and I think we will lose some of the refinement aspect that he's wanting to sanctify us in. I agree. I don't think you just wish 2020 away.
Starting point is 00:33:30 I mean, it's here. It's clearly hard. It's definitely refining us. But thinking about this the other day, we can forever hold 2020 as like the worst year ever or we can hold it as the year that we really got to know God in a more personable way. And that's not dependent on the things
Starting point is 00:33:45 turn around. That's in the midst of the hard things in the midst of the trials. Like Christian said, we can enjoy because there's going to be perseverance that we gain in that. And so yeah, I don't know if we should wish it away or just make it to 2020. I hope that we can make it to 2021 because we're better for 2020 happening, even though it's hard. All right. Live from love, not for love.
Starting point is 00:34:09 That's good advice. Yeah. WTG, baby. Franny actually said that on the, I think that was a couple of weeks ago. It's podcast. Yeah, she just said that. Yeah. I remember her saying that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:17 And even just the idea of God is love. Yeah. We were talking earlier about the verse and John 15 where Jesus says that he's the Divine and we're the branches for apart from him. We can do nothing. It's that idea of if we're not connected to the source That we're not living we're not living in love. We're not living from love. Yeah, so good All right, lastly, I think this is so good true community shouldn't always be easy Hmm I'll see what I think it's good. Yeah, I think it's good because I think community shouldn't always be easy.
Starting point is 00:34:46 I'll see what I think it's good. I think it's good because I think- I think that's good too, but I was just trying to wrap my brand around. Yeah, I think in the sense of this, like you can have friends who it's like easy with, but you don't actually go deep or you don't actually share with them the hard things that you're going through in life.
Starting point is 00:35:00 And just to be honest, like life is hard. Like we're just stuck out. 2020 has been rough and like, if you don't have the friends who you can talk about those things and that it's messy, like it's not always going to be easy but true communities there for those times or even like, you have to call somebody out for something they're doing their life for sin that they have going on. You're like, hey, like, you're better than that. Like, that's not always easy but it's something you need to hear. And I think sometimes community is just easy. They just go to the flow but they don't college to
Starting point is 00:35:27 their to the best their potential. And they're also not there for each other. It's like hard times. Yeah, that was really good. debut.dg. So, it's a gg. Alright guys, thanks so much for sitting in. Good and better vibes to the world. It's good podcast. Instagram, don't forget. Keep sending it. We'll keep talking about it. We'll see y'all later next week and then podcast. Yep. We'll see you then. Adios Amigo! Bye, guys. Thank you so much for listening to the WoW That's Good Podcast. I have so much been doing this. I hope you'll have fun listening. And don't forget to follow me on Instagram
Starting point is 00:35:59 at legitsadyrob and follow the podcast at WoW That's Good Podcast. I don't know where know where to live original.com to see when I'm in a city near you or visit live original blog on our online store which carries my exclusive words by Sadie Rob line. Also be sure to subscribe to my podcast and leave comments so we can hear what you're loving. Also when you give a special shout out to my audio engineer Marcus DePolla, the whole team at United Talent Agency, and my live original team. You guys are awesome and hey, so we're all of you too. Thanks so much for you

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