WHOA That's Good Podcast - Wait for the Man Who Will Be INTENTIONAL in Pursuing You! | Sadie Rob Huff | Jason & Lauren Kennedy

Episode Date: January 25, 2023

Sadie loves her new friends Jason and Lauren Scruggs Kennedy, who are nothing if not REAL. As a couple, they are so much fun! Not only do they have a great story of how they started dating, but they k...eep each other laughing every day, through the good times and bad. Lauren opens up about the devastating accident where she lost her arm and eye and how God has redeemed, healed, and made beautiful what she was so scared to show the world. She shares a particularly vulnerable moment she had with Jason when they were dating, and, well, you'll need some tissues! Lauren and Sadie talk about facing their fears when it comes to outward beauty, encouraging us to live OUT those fears and then be amazed at how much more freedom you'll experience on the other side. Plus, Jason has the secret for not caring what other people think of you. And Lauren wants every girl to wait for a man who will intentionally pursue her — what a difference it makes! And they all agree: Do NOT rush the process!   - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You know that fresh produce is the best produce. That's why at Crogr, we invest in local farmers to bring you seasonal picks that taste fresh from the farm good, like sweet corn, refreshing watermelon, and juicy peaches. So whether you're a delivery lover, a picker-upper, or you shop in store, your local produce always tastes 100% fresh, or you get a 100% refund guaranteed. Crogr fresh for everyone.
Starting point is 00:00:38 What's up fam welcome back to wow that's good winzay i hope you're having a great week per usual it's about to get so much better because we have great guests on the podcast today. They are two people I wanted to be on the podcast for a long time because I look at them from afar and so I'm so grateful to have them on. We have Jason and Luke Kennedy and you guys are just so awesome.
Starting point is 00:01:01 So thanks for saying yes to be on the podcast. What's up, Sadie? We're so excited. Thanks for having us on. I'm pumped. Y'all are so fun and so cute and new parents. So it's getting a little update on what life is like with the 10 month old.
Starting point is 00:01:16 Give us a little, give us a little, you know, preview into your life right now. Can you hear him? Right now it's a little quiet, but he's definitely gonna to be making some noises. My mom's here. We're celebrating her 80th birthday. We've got a little birthday party going tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:01:31 So she's here helping out. So if you hear River in the background, that's just part of life. But yeah, we were just kind of chatting before. We were recording. And as you know, it's the greatest thing in the world. It's also very challenging. I think you learn a lot about yourself, about your marriage, about just kind of,
Starting point is 00:01:51 you start thinking about the future, and it's been, yeah, I think individually, it's been really incredible and challenging. Yep, he's like the happiest little guy though. I feel like, and just such a good baby. He's like slept well from the beginning like he's just very consistent Well, I think that's the best part of having a child. I mean, I'm 41. Low is younger. I'm married younger and She and I were just talking a lot of friends who have had kids before us and a lot of different
Starting point is 00:02:26 pieces of advice and wisdom on how to raise your children, how to sleep train, and we took all of it into consideration and the sleep training was huge. So, highly recommend it. Well, I need to like privately call you all after this and learn because whatever I did with honey did not work And that is why she was in our bed last night at 5 a.m And so we're you know, we're still working on her sleep training and hopefully it'll come at just right time before our next Baby we're gonna kick in but I clearly need some better tips He like loves his little schedule That's a little clock.
Starting point is 00:03:05 Yeah, we're newbies and we have, you know, we probably shouldn't be giving any advice because we've only been at this for 10 months, but we're happy to let you know what people told us. It's worked so hard. Gosh, I will take it. Well, this podcast is a lot about advice. I always ask my guest, you know, what's the best piece of advice you've ever been given, but I want to ask you all specifically about marriage advice because you all have such a fun, strong marriage, and obviously I don't know the ends and the outs of your marriage, but it's so fun to get to look up to such a godly couple from afar who have just been married and love each other so sweetly and now have a kid. And so give us some good marriage advice you'll got.
Starting point is 00:03:41 and now have a kid. And so give us some good marriage advice you'll get. Is this the time, is this the time in the podcast where we admit that for the past couple of months we've kind of been at each other in our little bit. You want honesty? I love it. You'll get it. We want all the honesty.
Starting point is 00:03:57 I don't think that's, yeah, I feel like, I was talking to a friend about that, even like times where you're adjusting and transitioning like to a new thing. I feel like it's not a bad thing. Like if I get always leads to like more depth and more understanding of each other. It's true. But I would say listen to understand and you're on the same team. Cause I feel like so often, usually I feel like when you're having, you know, disagreements or at each other,
Starting point is 00:04:31 it's like personal, and it's like taking out on the other person. Yeah. And so I think it's just a time to like look inward and, but then like you're alongside each other while you're doing that. It's good. So like that's so normal when you have a baby and everyone's going through different things and
Starting point is 00:04:48 yes. Yeah, learning each other in that time and learning yourself in that time and just becoming better together through it. Yes. I mean, it's true. It's the first time you've ever gone through this, both of y'all together, you know? And so that giving you to that grace to grow, I mean, I remember I learned so much about grace
Starting point is 00:05:08 when we became a parent because it's like, you know, you have to have grace for your child because it's the first time they've ever existed, you know? And then they have to have grace for you because it's the first time you've ever parented and then for each other as husband and wife for each other as you learned an advocate. and there's so many things that come up But you're so right. That's normal and I love that y'all said like can we be honest?
Starting point is 00:05:31 Because I mean the reality is that's everybody's relationship you have things and that is what makes your relationship strong That's what makes y'all different than everybody else in the world is that you choose to fight it out with each other and Christian I have been learning a lot about that same team this past year because we've always said it, like same team, same team. And in this year, we've been learning like, okay, what does that look like to actually be on the same team? Like, it's not just a saying, it's not just like, oh, we're the huffs. It's like, no, when you are on a team with someone, you strategize together.
Starting point is 00:06:01 You go through the hard times here, you could go through the winds, and the losses. And we went through something hard this year, and we noticed that we both handled it as like such individuals. Like he handled it his way, and I handled it my way. And we realized that you know when something hard happens to you, you either grow closer or you grow apart. And when you grow closer, it's when you truly have that same team mentality, but when you grow apart It's when you're like, I got to handle this on my own and so after that experience really hold up We need to like sync up We need a reminder ourselves that we are in the same team what that looks like so I love that advice. That's so good One thing about y'all's worship that particularly I love is how goofy YAH and silly.
Starting point is 00:06:45 And for instance, YAH's recent Instagram post about just getting it all out before you walk into where you're going. I'm not kidding, me and Krishna are done. So like that, we'll sit in the car and see who can make the weirdest noise. And it's like, we're so weird. And I see that in YAH and I'm like yes this is just so great but I want to ask how do you like Cultivate that goofiness and silliness in a relationship is it something you've always done Or was it something one of you all had to like break the ice for the other one in?
Starting point is 00:07:16 Was I goof here? Yeah, Jesus definitely I think he's brought that more out of me. I mean, I've always been kind of weird like in that way But I feel like it takes me a second to like break through I think he's brought that more out of me. I mean, I've always been kind of weird like in that way, but I feel like it takes me a second to like break through. Right. You, you always do the same. She is the same dance move. So when we started doing whatever it is that we were doing,
Starting point is 00:07:34 like, let's just be weird. She would do the same dance move over and over and over again. And I said, we got to find a new move. So I think she's, you know, her, her, your dance catalog is really, really expanded. I'm very impressed with it. But I think, you know, look, life is crazy, right? And life's hard and got really fast-paced individual jobs and LAs and interesting place and, you know,
Starting point is 00:07:59 coming home after being on TV every single day and you work so hard to. And we just kind of, I don't want to be super serious. I want to just have those moments to laugh with each other. My mom always said, I hope you marry someone that appreciates your personality and low, absolutely did. And I still say that line all the time as a joke. With the best audience.
Starting point is 00:08:22 Yeah, like if she had to hit G-Labs. My jokes can be so dumb and I feel like I'm graduating into dad jokes and some of my friends are like, bro, you used to be the wife of one here. But, you know, I'm embracing it and look. Oh yeah, remind me. It's a parent. It's a parent. Do you see ladies and gentlemen Lauren's growing up.
Starting point is 00:08:42 I'm not ready. I'm gonna bring that home to Christian. And if you listen to this bike, it's no no exactly where I got it. But I've been telling him, I'm like, your jokes have become so dad-like. And he's like, that was not a dad joke. And he literally said, someone was wearing camo pants.
Starting point is 00:08:57 And he's like, where's your pants? I can't see them. And I was like, oh my gosh, you did not. Just you did not just pull that. That is not the most adorable. I don't know. And he was was like that's not a dad joke. And I was like yes, that is like the definition of a dad. Yes.
Starting point is 00:09:11 Shopping these days can be underwhelming. But at QVC, we believe those who love to shop deserve a living breathing way to shop where product descriptions are alive with demos by creators chats with inventors and hosts who know the most from South care and kitchenware to fashion trends and forever faves at QVC. It's so funny. It's just inside you. There's something happens when you have a child. Where your jokes get slightly coignure and it could go one of two ways in mind, have leaned towards that.
Starting point is 00:09:50 But, yeah, we just, you know, we have a lot of serious, you know, great times in our marriage. But we also, I would say 75% of the time, we're just joking around. We just want to have friends over the house and just hang out and laugh and not take life too seriously. I think something happens after 30 years old from around like again, 41. Any year after 30, you realize that like life is really precious and you don't really care about what people think about you anymore. There are times of course where that comes into play in your life. But the older you get, I'm just like, I really don't care. If people think my jokes are funny anymore,
Starting point is 00:10:28 if they don't think that I'm funny anymore, I just, I want to make my wife laugh, my friends and family laugh, and that's kind of where we're at with it. I'm not talking about that last night, actually. We're like, who our friend was over in, and his mom really, I want to know in percentages like how much do you care what someone thinks of you And I mean more like you're silly nice. Yeah, like who you are
Starting point is 00:10:52 Because I was like I really just don't care. Yeah, like it's 31 Yeah, I really don't care. That's such a freeing place to be though. It's so true Yeah, I feel like I could say the same thing and I feel like you have to get to a place in your life where you just become so confident in who got created you to be, which comes a lot from being confident in who he is. And then it's like, you know what, this is who I am. And the more authentic I am, the happier I am, the better spouse I am, the better friend I am, the better I am as a leader. Like just realize like who you work for you to be is actually the best version of you and so you really don't care it's like if somebody doesn't like it's like well this is who I am this is yeah with it the best of me and I love that you said
Starting point is 00:11:37 your your mom always said that to you that she wanted you to marry someone who appreciated your personality because my mom would say the same things and I remember that was so huge for me and I didn't have that a lot in the other guys that I had dated but I remember when I met Christian on our first date and I don't even know how it led to this but somehow we were having like a dance off in a parking lot and I just remember being like this is so fun fun. Like I'm being so myself, he's being so himself. And this is what it's supposed to feel like to authentically be you in a relationship. And for that to be appreciated. And Christians not as crazy as me like he's not as silly.
Starting point is 00:12:18 He's actually become a lot more kind of like y'all. Christian will be the same dancer. He's expanded his as well. But he always appreciated that in me he didn't try to like make that you know we don't down or be like that's so embarrassing why are you doing this in public he would either join or laugh and that is such a gift in a relationship to not like you have to be less than who you are but to be all that you are and for them to bring that out of you. So I love that. So tell me how you all met. Bring us back to the beginning. That's a loaded question. It's one of my favorite questions and stories to tell.
Starting point is 00:12:56 Do you want me to tackle it? Yes. It all started. I love it. Story form. I love it, story form. So essentially, I was sitting at my cubicle. I just finished 16 years at E-News hosting the show. And I was sitting at my desk. It was a cubicle. And I was on the computer, and I saw this story, and it said, model and blogger hit by plane propeller like in critical
Starting point is 00:13:26 condition. Just crazy story on TMZ or something and I said wow that's really wild and I just started following the story after that we were covering it on our show wondering you know is she okay and there wasn't a lot coming out from that story just kind of went away, but still people were talking about it here and there. And I don't know, after a couple of months, I started pursuing like, how is Lauren doing? I'd love to do an interview and never got a response for anybody you weren't doing in interviews at the time. You were an actual recovery, and that was the last thing on your mind. And then, speeding it up another couple of months, my co-host at the time, Julie on Aransic,
Starting point is 00:14:10 I may have said something here and there I'll be really cool to meet, but she goes, hey, just so you know I'm interviewing Lauren Scruggs, I got the interview. And I'm like, what? Like, are you, that's amazing. I'm very happy for you. I didn't, I never heard back. Um, I didn't realize that you and, and Julianna had been, you know, 20 years ago. Oh.
Starting point is 00:14:33 She's like you. That would be you. That's why I love her, folks. Um, she was great. She, um, she had been, you guys have been talking, Juliana was going through breast cancer at the time, so you guys were bonding over just challenging times and had formed a little bit of friendship.
Starting point is 00:14:55 And you did that interview and she said, why don't you come back to the studio after and I just finished shooting the show and low as they were their mom. And I, you know, it was like, hey, it's so great to meet you. Welcome to LA from Dallas. And I wrote down three things that I thought it'd be fun for them to do. My favorite breakfast spot, her dad like watches,
Starting point is 00:15:15 she told me so I wrote down a watch place and a hiking spot. She's actually because 40 feet from us, we have that framed. This is the letter. This is the letter that I wrote. I know you probably would have read. Oh my soul funds on there but these were the fun spots that I wrote out for her and I said if you want to go on a fun hike with your mom, here's a great hike, Franklin Canyon in LA. And if you have any questions, here's myself.
Starting point is 00:15:53 And he said, he actually said, my friend and I are going tomorrow. So it's Friday. And we met my friend and I are going tomorrow. If you want to join us, just text me. And I am like super Southern. I don't know if you were this way, but I like never would really text guys that like, oh yeah, except for like my good friends, but like not, I don't know if you were this way, but I like never would really text guys that like oh, yeah except for like my good friends But like not I don't know so I was like should I text to my mom the next morning? Well, you text me that you text me later that the next morning. Yes. She did not text in the evening time She was very sweet nothing after six p.m. and
Starting point is 00:16:23 And yeah, she hit me up and I said, well, I'm actually, yeah, going hiking. We went hiking and it wasn't like this love at first sight story. I was finding out more about her and then chatting with her mom and after we came back to the house, they left and my buddy who was on the hike with me goes, I gotta be honest, man.
Starting point is 00:16:43 And then he starts tearing up, no joke, he starts tearing up and he goes, she seems perfect for you. Wow. Really? You're like feeling it like that and he goes absolutely. And we just sort of texting and face timing and I think I flew you out. Did it happen to be like on Valentine's Day weekend? Yeah, a couple of months had passed and I said, Hey, do you want to come out for Valentine's Day?
Starting point is 00:17:07 I'll put you up at a hotel. We'll just, you know, tour LA and just have a great time and um, I yeah, I well, so I had a big crush on this guy in Dallas when I came to LA like really big crush I was I like apologize to my mom as we were flying to LA. Like I'm so sorry if I'm in my own zone. Because I'm like, I don't know, I just really was like feeling this guy. So, like when I met him, I like, we didn't even think anything. Like I was like, my mind was elsewhere. So then we go on a hike and I just like loved our conversation. I was like, he is so sweet. And after like a couple of months of talking, I feel like he is, he was just like such an intentional like pursuer. And like never wondered, like, is this guy interested in me?
Starting point is 00:17:57 Is he not like he was just very like clear and like respectful and so many different things with their money? No, I'm just thinking about it. I think it's good. I don't want to interrupt, but I think it's cool to listen to the story back because it just reminds you of of how special it is and just it's you know brings connection again. Yeah, so I was like um G wait Oh yeah, no, sorry. I came out. Oh Sorry, a couple of months in after talking. I remember like calling my sister and I was like
Starting point is 00:18:26 I think I really like Jason like it like hit me one day Well, and then I remember you called me for the first time you're in New York and I was living with my best friend and we were in Dallas and I was like Jason is calling I was like freaking out. So I was like, I think I like this guy because that's awesome. I left out something. That's when you know. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. And I left out something in the story that I always kind of tend to forget, but it's important to mention. A few weeks before I knew anything about her coming to LA, I was watching. You decided to do just a select handful of interviews and you were on date line NBC LA, I was watching. You decided to do just a select handful of interviews
Starting point is 00:19:05 and you were on Dateline NBC. And I was watching it. It was like a Friday night, I'm at home, I did decided not to just hang with my friends or whatever. And your story came on and it just reminded me, wow, what an insane journey. Like you're lucky to be alive. I would love to marry a girl like that.
Starting point is 00:19:23 I remember saying that. And of course, a couple weeks later, boom, we were on a hike together. So just the turn of events was, it was quick. It made no sense at all for me because I was doing e-news in LA. I was doing the Today Show in New York. And I was like working so hard. I was almost getting sick because I just wasn't sleeping. So the idea of introducing Texas and making a triangle with my...
Starting point is 00:19:50 It just... it made no sense at all. But it just... it felt right, we took it slow, we didn't rush into it. It wasn't this crazy like romantic first couple of times hanging out. We just wanted to get to know, I think I was coming off of an interesting relationship before where I feel like she checked all the right boxes, but I'm like, I don't think I'm even in love with this girl. What am I wasting my time for the past year and a half? And then I met Lowe and she's like,
Starting point is 00:20:16 are you gonna hold my hand? No, but I'm the first time. As long as I can. Yeah. We've been talking for like a while, Nate. I like long distance for that reason, because you're really like actually getting to know each other. There's just no distraction of like friends or just like anything.
Starting point is 00:20:33 So I feel like we knew each other really well. And then my thought was this trip is really going to show me if he's like real. Like if this is like true. You know. show me if he's like real. Like if this is like true, you know, and I remember like going, well, you did today's show segment and so it was like fun seeing you and your element, but then you took the rest of the day off and we went to Point Doom and we went on this like little hike on this rock and you're up at the top. My attack dog. I mean, you're making my attack dog. Hey, that's good to have.
Starting point is 00:21:06 It's pretty scary. But we're at the top and there's literally like dolphins jumping and it's like, how is he like? I hire them. I literally, a special dolphins coming to the moment was brilliant. That's my past along the business cart. Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:21:22 And then I saw I'm like literally opening up church that they started in his house, but it was at the montage of this point and just really cool. Like I saw so much of his community. It was like, wow, he's like, this is crazy. Wow. This is so amazing. But that night I remember we were back in his house and there were like two couches in the living room and he's sitting on this couch and I'm sitting on this, like, I'm sitting on this couch and he goes and sits on that couch
Starting point is 00:21:48 to like watch something on TV and I was like, I just wanted to be respectful. Oh my gosh, it's so mean. That's great. That's what it is. That kind of stuff. Like when you have like the best intention doing that and then like the girls like, wait, does he even like me and you're like, I'm trying to do the right thing. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:06 I'm just being gentleman. That's so funny. That's all I'm doing. We don't have to do anything just like that. You don't have to be 40 feet apart, but you're allowed to sit near her. You watch her movie. Oh, I love you.
Starting point is 00:22:16 You're so sweet. Y'all's story is so sweet. And it's so cool, because I was going to ask you about Lundicence, but you all answered everything. I wanted to ask you about it. It's Christian and I. We're long distance, our whole relationship as well and it's true. It's so real. Like all you have is your communication with each other, you know, and your intentionality.
Starting point is 00:22:34 And I love how you said he was so good at pursuing you that you never question. And I feel like so many people that are younger right now, they just, you know, they treat it like a game. It's like, well, I'm not gonna reply because they just reply and that might be weird if I reply to you soon. I'm like, no, it's not weird. It's like having a conversation, you know? It's like, leave the weirdness, leave the confusion and just lead well.
Starting point is 00:22:57 And I love that. And it's really cool to you that Christian had a similar moment when he was in ninth grade. I was in ninth grade and Doug Dynasty had just started and his family was watching Doug Dynasty and he saw me on it. And then the next day, he told his baseball friends that he was gonna marry me one day.
Starting point is 00:23:15 And what's so crazy though is he never told me that until literally the week we were getting married. One of his friends texted him and said, dude, like, I just can't believe. Y'all are were getting married. One of his friends texted him and said, dude, like, I just can't believe you're actually getting married. I remember in ninth grade, when you told all of us, he were going to marry her. And then he told me that and I was like, how is this just not coming up? But I was glad it was just not coming up. And he didn't lead with that. Yeah. When we met, we just got to know each other. And we had two months before we even went on a first date that we just called He would set a time to call me. He'd be like, okay, can I call you Tuesday at seven?
Starting point is 00:23:51 And it was like so intentional and then he would and then I remember one night I was like to hang up and I was like okay, talk to you tomorrow and I was like or not I mean it doesn't matter like I got a awkward and he was like Of course I'll talk to you tomorrow and he was like, I don't know. Like, we don't have this hard tomorrow, whatever. He was like, of course I'll talk to you tomorrow. And he was just so affirming that whole time and we just became such good friends and then went on our first date. And after that, it was, you know,
Starting point is 00:24:13 shortly after where we were like, we knew we were gonna, this was serious. But it was just cool, because I think sometimes, you know, even if you know God has someone for you, don't rush the process. You know you don't have to lead with you're the girl I'm going to marry because like wait till God reveals that to her too.
Starting point is 00:24:30 Wait till you'll actually start a relationship and see if this actually is something that you're going to pursue. And so Y'all's story is awesome and y'all brought up so many things I want to talk to you about. He talked about you. Should I ask one question real quick? Please do ask me. How many guys came up to you who Nice graders and said the exact same thing?
Starting point is 00:24:48 I know. I really feel like God wants me to marry you. Oh my God. Be honest. I did. I will say that did happen and I hated that kind of stuff. And I was just like okay well God did not tell me that. So I don't know if I'm feeling it. And it was funny. I had, I did have a lot of parents, you know, tell me that they want their, you know, child to marry me or whatever after seeing me at Dezba Stars or whatnot. But it was actually cool because later on, again, when we were closer to actually getting engaged, his dad, who is like, not the dad that's like involved in like relationship stuff. His dad is like, he owns a construction company. He is like a business guy, but he's also so nice and so fun.
Starting point is 00:25:30 But he's just not that dad that would say anything like that. And he actually did tell Christian when I was on Dance with Stars. He was like, he's like, you and her would be so cute together. You should try to meet her. So it was funny. So people did say that, but this one was true. This one was the real one. And God told me that too.
Starting point is 00:25:50 That's the important thing. It has to go both ways. I think it's a great lesson, especially for Christians, because this is where sometimes we can pigeonhole ourselves and get a little weird. I can't remember. I mean, if I had a dollar every time someone said, hey, can you connect me with Tim T.
Starting point is 00:26:09 Well, my daughter, I feel like my daughter should marry him. I'm, I would be a billionaire. It was like my second job trying to put defense up and be like, you know, well, Tim, you know, I just, you know, it's just, you know, and it just got really crazy. I'm like, well, Tim didn't hear from you? Yeah. He didn't hear from God on this one.
Starting point is 00:26:28 So why don't we just chill out? It's so true. It is so true. Just let God do his thing. Like I always say, you know, you don't have to promote yourself. And I love the story of David because David ends up being king, right?
Starting point is 00:26:42 But he wasn't parading around the palace being like, I am the perfect person to be king next. No, like he was actually just doing a really good job in the field, shepherding the sheep, and practicing his music, and he got caught in the palace to then play for Saul, which then got him a little bit of an in there. But then it wasn't even that.
Starting point is 00:27:00 It was him being obedient in the faith that he had to be like, I'm gonna fight Goliath. And then that elevated him. So it's like you don't have to promote yourself. God will put you on the platform that he intends for you to have. God will put you in front of the people that he intends for you to be in relationship for.
Starting point is 00:27:18 And it's not to say that you don't work hard. I mean, David worked hard. He did what he was handed and he did it well. But there's a difference in working hard and doing your job well and striving and promoting and, you know, trying to push things that really only got can do. When it's a God story, it's so much better too. Like, when you didn't force it or manipulate it and it's just like, this is only God, the story is so much cooler. Like, God story, it's so cool because it's just such a God thing. So So I love it so much
Starting point is 00:27:46 I want to talk to you about a couple of things you mentioned one you mentioned the Bible study that you started and Your home and I know that's grown to be something just so cool probably bigger than what you'll expect it when you started a Bible study So Jason tell you about the Bible study you and you decided together right and yeah, how do you even decided to start that? It's so funny, because when I think about it, it feels like three years ago, but it's been, I think 11 years. Wow, I'm so used to saying, oh, just a couple of years ago,
Starting point is 00:28:17 and I have to stop myself, and go, no, it's been 11 plus years, but I had heard of Judah Smith through Rich Wilkerson. I went to high school with Rich Wilkerson, my best friend. I was in 12th grade, Rich was in 10th grade, we met in detention. I'm like, I love this kid. That is not a surprise to you. You're rich. Yeah, could I? It's awesome. And Rich, you know, he was out here in L.A. years later after detention. And he was like, have you heard of Judith Smith? I said nope I have no clue who that is. And he's like let's go on YouTube I'm going to show you some of his
Starting point is 00:28:49 stuff and I said wow this guy is just wildly talented. I remember I started following you to on Twitter shortly thereafter as father had passed away from cancer and I sent him at DM and I said hey man I'm praying for you I'm so deeply sorry about your father. Look forward to meeting you at some point let me know if you need anything. And he responded a couple weeks later. And that's how we connected. And ironically enough, I, I, and never, I don't know, I'm bearing this nostalgic. I went, I'm not a big Twitter guy, by the way. And I went on to Twitter recently. And I looked up old DMs of friends and how I met them and I found that DM from Judah. I have it, I swear. It was such a sweet, yeah, it was really sweet and it was a great
Starting point is 00:29:31 memory. And long story short, he came to LA and he goes, I just feel like once in a while I should come down here and just maybe we can be at your house and you're living your room and get some of your friends together. That was the agenda. There was no idea if it'd be coming to church is insane. That's I've no business starting a church. I'm just a TV guy and you know, you started coming once a month and we had 10 people. I came a couple months later. We had like 20. At some point after six or seven months, I had over 100 people in my living room And it was a well oiled machine by then. I was barring chairs from a Local church like you have Oasis if anybody's been to LA and Mosaic and
Starting point is 00:30:18 And then my friend owned the Chick-fil-A on Hollywood Boulevard so he was providing all the free chicken and owned the Chick-fil-A on Hollywood Boulevard so he was providing all the free chicken and and people were getting parking tickets and it was insane so I said all right let's try to find a hotel or a place that's bigger and it kept expanding we went to this hotel called the montage we outgrew that people were on the floor then we went to the ballroom of the montage and we went to the ballroom of the Beverly Willshire hotel Now we're in the Saban theater. And it was, yeah, it's now church home. I mean, it's the second campus of church home, which was born out of Judah's dad and mom's vision up in Seattle. And Judah is just one of the greatest men I've ever met in my entire life.
Starting point is 00:31:03 He has never done anything that I've ever seen where I go, oh, I don't know, man. Like, obviously he's not perfect not trying to say that at all, but you know, when you look up to someone and you're like, ah, man, I don't know. I feel like he's just one of those guys. He's just consistent. It lives above reproach.
Starting point is 00:31:20 And he's my brother and I will protect him forever. And I'm so thankful and once a month we we have church at the Saban Theater and I used to get up and talk in the beginning but I would get too emotional so I got fired and Chelsea gets up at the end. That's awesome that's so funny. I love that. I've gotten to go to church home a couple of times I went when it was at the Beverly Hills Hotel. And then I went since it's been a theater, I've been. And it's just so cool and just so awesome to know that it started from a Bible study.
Starting point is 00:31:56 And I love how you said, I'm just a TV guy, whatever I have to do, starting a church. And I think the reality is, is like most people listening to this podcast are not people who think of themselves as people who will start a church but as a disciple of Christ like we are called to go and make disciples and I love how it's like you can be the TV guy and still be the guy that was a part of starting the church
Starting point is 00:32:16 because you opened up the door so you're home and for a lot of people like the greatest ministry they will do which is such powerful ministry is to open up the doors to your home. You know, no matter what job you do, no matter what your job title is, to not think of ministry as just a pastor position, or I work at the church, but to think of ministry as loving, God, loving people,
Starting point is 00:32:38 right where you're at with what you have. And so I think your story's just so inspiring to people to know like, I can do this with my life. Like it might not lead to being church home, but what if it leads to 10 people and 10 of my closest friends, uh, desiring God more. Yeah, I mean, well, what a win, you know, um, I love my mom has this big sign in her bathroom. It's a mother Teresa quote and it says, you know, if you want to change the world, go home and love your family. And I think about that a lot and I think about, you know, people might look at my life and see me preaching at stuff like passion and say, wow, she's doing so much ministry, but I always want to
Starting point is 00:33:15 make sure that my ministry is not just a stage moment, but it's at my home whenever I'm with my family, with my friends, whenever I'm by them over, we have a Wednesday night group. Like that's so important. And so I love that you set the tone for that and look at what it led to. It's just awesome. And then it was easy, right? I mean, I felt like just telling a couple people
Starting point is 00:33:37 and then the word would spread. And people think, oh, LA, it's just such a dark city. And I'm like, actually, there's a lot of people here who moved from Oklahoma and Florida and Texas and all over the Bible belt per se, really all around the country. And yeah, they want to find just great community. And they don't want to be duped. And they just, they're just looking for people that they can trust and love on them and Have been hurt and in the church and and our whole goal is just to kind of maybe help you unlearn some things that
Starting point is 00:34:15 If you grew up going to a church that maybe hurt you or anything like that. We just said hey, we're gonna be your friend We're here for you and here's who God is We're gonna be your friend. We're here for you and here's who God is. Good, gosh, that will change, that will change a life right there. And it has to, to so many. And I love that you said that about LA because people said that to me even in my mom,
Starting point is 00:34:35 whenever they were gonna let me go and dance with the stars, they're like, I believe you're gonna let her do that. You know, it's such a dark place. And my mom's like, exactly, that's why she should do this because she's a light. Like, that's what we're called to be a lot of the world and so when we say things like oh don't go there I'm like that's where you should go like if that's where you think it's dark that's where you should go and be so
Starting point is 00:34:56 I love it y'all are such a light where y'all are and I know there's so many people around y'all that are the same way and so super encouraging uh Lowell, I wanna ask you, we brought up your accident and I pulled a quote that you said that I thought was just really, really cool that I wanted you to expand on it, said, my parents always taught me that beauty is internal, but I did not fully understand that until my accident happened.
Starting point is 00:35:19 And there's so many girls listening to this podcast who just struggle so much with getting so caught up in that outward beauty and outward appearance and what people think of them. And so what did that time of your life teach you and how did that start to reshape the way that you thought about that? Oh my gosh, so much saying. I broke you thinking that. She has this little ever since I met her.
Starting point is 00:35:42 We've named her Mona and it's kind of like, she can't burp, it's phenomenal. I mean, who can't burp? She can't. Epic gifts. Yeah. So Mona is in there and Mona makes little noises, and you're gonna be-
Starting point is 00:35:54 Always at the worst time. Yeah. So if you hear Mona, just bear with her. Well, hey, you're literally one month ago, I had someone on my podcast, and she was just talking, and she was in the middle of this deep story And all of a sudden like she just burps and I was just gonna like Just gonna let it go. She was in person too. I just gonna keep kind of keep going and she goes. Oh my gosh
Starting point is 00:36:17 I just burped what the heck She we laughed so hard. So you're not the only one Burped on the butt guess. Thank you. Now you guys are going to be listening for Mona during her story. But go ahead. So, but it's no. Well, I would say so at that time, I was reporting on fashion weeks
Starting point is 00:36:38 seasonally and was just like really entrenched in an environment that like really was focused on outward appearance and fashion and so many different things like that which is all like so great but um I feel like my focus was more on it I think than I realized and even like I don't know you you can start like I feel like when you go through something like physically changing, you really see your like idols right away because it's like the things that are really getting you to your core, core besides like the grief part of loss of something physical like my arm or eye, but you're literally like wait, am I going to still get like compliments? Our guys are going to still like think I'm attractive and it's kind of just shows you so much right in front of your face.
Starting point is 00:37:28 And this was something that I couldn't like reverse or get away from and I would look in the mirror and be like oh my gosh and I just remember even like half my head was shaved just from my my brain surgery and I had been dating this guy for a little while before and then we had broken up and I remember seeing him soon after and I was just like oh my gosh my hair is like growing back and if the wind comes it's going to like grow and like stick it's going to like stick up straight in the air because it's like the length of like my bangs right here. But I had like extensions where I'd wear like a hat or something, but I was just like It's just crazy how it was like all-consuming almost like just
Starting point is 00:38:12 processing like the physical difference and so I really had to like Look at that and be like wow. I really like identified Myself through that more than I thought because I never like spent that much time getting ready. So like in my mind I was thinking this just like a parents doesn't really matter to me but I think to every human and like men and women like it's just probably more of like a concern than we may realize sometimes and yeah I had all these thoughts and fears and they just all were proven wrong.
Starting point is 00:38:48 So I think that is what taught me so much about beauty because one of them was, is a guy ever gonna be attracted to me again and not that that being proven wrong is like, like I'm winning kind of thing. It's not like that. It's more just I feel like God was showing me in certain ways like I identify you like so much bigger than this and this is not like what makes you beautiful and yeah so I feel like I just saw that come to life and even Jace was oh my gosh I remember like six months into dating and I was still like really insecure about
Starting point is 00:39:27 showing my arm without my prosthesis or like without a long-sleeved t-shirt on and except around like my friends and family and I remember we were with my sister and her husband and my- We were in Mexico. Yeah, and Jason's like, this is like enough. Like, I- I had had enough. How did you see your arm? Yeah, and my sister was like, low seriously.
Starting point is 00:39:51 This is enough. And then I was like, oh my gosh, you guys are making me sweat. And I remember like, Jason's like, okay, we're gonna go into this room and I like basically want to meet your little arm. And I was like, so scared. Like, little arm and I was like so scared. Like I don't think I've ever been that scared ever. And I was like, can my sister come with me? And he was like, no, this is like between you and I.
Starting point is 00:40:13 That's so funny. Everybody, yes. I remember like taking off my arm and I like immediately like covered it with this hand and Jase like took my hand and like held my hand and he was like, he was like, we're just gonna sit here we're gonna like hang that's awesome to make you cry and I mean me for I like that's like the sweetest thing ever it was so sweet but he was just like he was like what is your fear like that I'm not gonna love you and I was like yes and he was like
Starting point is 00:40:41 he was like this like makes me love you even more. And I love this arm more than like your other arm. And it was just so sweet. And then there were just big milestone moments like that showing in my eye without my eye. Like just certain things like that that were just incredibly vulnerable for me. And I feel like he just helped me accept like my new physical self and has always just made me feel so loved and always like breaks the ice
Starting point is 00:41:14 with my little arm and my eye just with groups of people like makes it just like it's me it's like who I am and so it's just part of our life. But I feel like over time, it really has taken time to like realize what beauty really means because even what I was saying about, like I really just don't care anymore what people think. I think that also came out of we were in Idaho and we went to Dallas because my sister had her baby so we're there and I was like my like process just needs some work so I get it done in Dallas so I was like I'm just gonna take it with me and I'm gonna take my other arm too and just ship it an hour away and it'll be to me by the time I'm going back to Idaho like they're really quick with it
Starting point is 00:42:02 and stuff like that and I don't care if anyone in Dallas see it. Like I'm comfy with all those people. There's just like a couple years ago. And there was like this problem with like the male center. And like a FedEx was literally keeping my arm like wouldn't let it go. Like my two arms, two like my place that I get it like painted and stuff. and we were all trying to figure out where like this is the weirdest thing and this the lady that works at Tharn Place is like really small family thing. She was like calling the mail place like I'm gonna come pick up those arms like why are you guys keeping them and we never were getting an answer. So they were there for like three weeks in like the mail center and they weren't like releasing them. And I
Starting point is 00:42:47 remember thinking okay I'm going back to Idaho and I can either literally stay in my house and not leave and it's the summer and so no one like sees my arm or I have to make a decision and I can go have fun and just have my arm free. And I decided like the second and it was just like so different. Like it really like pushed me to do that but it was so different than I expected and so much bigger in my mind than like what it actually was. And I remember just new people like seeing it and being like, I just remember our friend being like, how do you like ski with your, I don't know, doing something like that and just people like treating it just like me or just not even noticing.
Starting point is 00:43:35 Yeah, most people, they don't even notice. I mean, we'll meet people and be like, wait, you don't have an arm, you don't have an eye. I mean, they don't even see your scar anymore. So I think obviously, yeah, but it was really important for you. And it was a massive challenge. And still to this day is something that you work through with your eye. The man who did that. But having said that, we'd love to introduce you to Lowe's little arm.
Starting point is 00:44:03 We call him, we call him Bior. B-I-O-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R- B-O-R. Uh, B-I-O-R. B-I-O-R. With a little thing over the eye, what do you call it? And ellipses. He always. He always. He always. He always thinks like, but I mean, I just introduced B-O-R.
Starting point is 00:44:17 Oh, sorry. Hey. B-O-R. Yes. This is awesome. I needed to be like, I feel like I learned so much from that. You have to truly just live out your fear and you'll just experience so much more freedom. I was like, wow, that took me a while to, I feel like accepting, like it really is a process of grief when you loot.
Starting point is 00:44:40 Like they say it's like losing a sibling. Sure. And it's like, I really went through that grief process and I know there's no timeline on that. So I really like let myself kind of do it in my own time. But I'm so glad I eventually like got pushed to kind of live through my fear. And yeah. Now it's just like like is so different.
Starting point is 00:45:00 Truly. Yeah. Like since then. But I've been that shows me what beauty really is also because I was like, wait, so I just want to look this certain way and that's what's going to define me or I want to just like be free and who I am. And like, I learned that is so much more beautiful than like looking so. Yep. Nice. Yeah. Yeah. Gosh, that's so powerful and that can speak to every single person listening I was thinking about the verse whenever you talked about showing him your arm and obviously this is different
Starting point is 00:45:35 Context for this but when Adam and Eve are in the garden and it says they were naked and they felt no shame and I think that you know We can look at that Obviously, they actually were naked in Fountain of Shame. But there's a lot of things in life that make us feel naked, that make us feel so vulnerable and exposed. And when you share that with someone who loves you and sees you and you get to experience a moment of such vulnerability without feeling shame, it is one of the most powerful gifts
Starting point is 00:46:00 of connection that God allows us to feel in relationship. But that's what he designed relationship for. And that's why it's like so important. You experience those moments with the person who is committed to loving you, you know, is and truly loves you and truly sees you and it breaks off that shame that you carried by yourself. And so when you're able to have those moments with your spouse or your family members and ones that are committed to love you forever. It's so powerful. I think that a
Starting point is 00:46:28 lot of us, you know, not everybody's gonna walk through an accident like that, but all of us can work on intentionally stripping back those idols in our life. I remember one time I realized how much of an idol appearance was for me, and so I just was like, you know what, the next couple of days, and I was at a conference. I was like, I'm the next couple days and I was at a conference I was like I'm not gonna wear makeup and to me and I don't sound silly but it was a big deal to me I was like this is like really like yeah I don't feel pretty you know and I'm walking in front of tons of people who I know are looking at me or whatever and I don't feel like puts it together and But I just remember like it's stripping it away
Starting point is 00:47:06 and it helped me just get outside of my head and help me to stop thinking so much about what I like so that I could see the people around me. You know, and there's other things in life that I've had to do that to you. Even talked about before we got on the podcast, how I'm taking some time off social media and I have a team who's helping me
Starting point is 00:47:22 and posting the things that need to be posted. But even in the few weeks that I've been off of it, I would think that social media is not an idol to me because I'm like, I don't really care that much. I'm like, I'll go a week without posting, I don't know a lot of people will post every day, or it's not that big of a deal to me that I wouldn't think it would be that big of a deal.
Starting point is 00:47:45 But even the past year, I've been seeing how many things have come up in my mind that I'm like, why did I think that? Am I going to be a relevant one that I come back or am I going to lose followers or are people that have asked me to speak their conference going to be disappointed because I'm not using my big platform to promote their conference. All these things, and I'm like like that's not what my worth sin Like that's not what defines me. That's not what people invite me to show up because of my following I mean hopefully it's more than that hopefully it's because of who I am
Starting point is 00:48:14 But even just weeding those lies out And so anything that's an idol to you anything that you think like your worth is in whether it's um compliments or social media or your following or your saddest, your job title. It's important to take the steps that you can to strip those back and just lay it at the feet of the Lord and let him redeem those things over you and let him say who you really are. And so, y'all, this has been so good. I've personally learned so much from y'all in this short time of talking to y'all. It's honestly been, I know we've had to stop a few times to do different things. It's been one of my favorite podcasts because of just how real you both came and how the
Starting point is 00:48:55 stories that y'all shared are so fun, but also so down to earth and don't shout away from the hard stuff. And so I'm just thoroughly enjoyed this conversation. And I hope we get to do this again but thank you all so much for being on the Well, that's good podcast. Say you're an expert communicator and a gem of a human and we look forward to getting to know you more. We're honored to be on your podcast. We hope we see you when you come to Malibu if not. We know we're gonna run into you at some point but keep doing this and you're just yeah
Starting point is 00:49:25 you're a very impressive person. Thank you. That's amazing. Yeah, awesome. you

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